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Work Immersion Portfolio: (Based On Deped Order No. 30 S. 2017)

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Benigno Ninoy S.

Aquino High School

(based on DepEd Order No. 30 s. 2017)

This belongs to:

Capareño, Rafael Matthew P.

Name of Student-Trainee

Academic/ STEM/ 12-DEL MUNDO

Track / Strand / Section

The Mind Museum

Agency / Company / Cooperative

School Year


This Work Immersion Portfolio will serve as a workbook for the students who will take
up the on
based course/subject Work Immersion in Senior High School. The framework is
DepEd Order No. 30 s. 2017, entitled Guidelines for Work Immersion.

This workbook will essentially foster in-depth learning of the world of work and

assessment of student’s performance during work immersion.

Furthermore, the purpose of this portfolio includes but is not limited to the following:

For Student-Trainees:
 The portfolio will be used as a source of motivation and guide for work immersion.
 This will serve as a documentation and approval of lessons learned.
 This will provide feedback of their performance level.
 This will pave the way in preparation for real job application.


This contains regulations and conditions regarding contract between school and student.
 This is an information about curriculum and record of lessons learned.
 This is a record of student-trainees performance for assessment.

Agency / Company:
 This contains introduction of company in general.
 This enumerates training rules and regulations for training inside the agency/company.
 This provides feedback to and from student-trainees.

Grade: 12 No. of Hours: 80 hours

Pre-requisite: Should have taken at least 4 Specialized Subjects

Course Description:
Work Immersion is one of the course requirements for graduation. A Senior High School
student has to undergo Work Immersion in an industry that directly relates to the student’s
postsecondary goal. Through Work Immersion, the students are exposed to and become
familiar with work-related environment related to their field of specialization to enhance their
competence. Specifically, the students are able to: (i) gain relevant and practical industrial
skills under the guidance of industry experts and workers; (ii) appreciate the importance and
application of the principles and theories taught in school; (iii) enhance their technical
knowledge and skills; (iv) enrich their skills in communications and human relations; (v)
develop good working habits, attitudes, appreciation, and respect for work. These prepare
them to meet the needs and challenges of employment or higher education after graduation:
Duties and Responsibilities of the Learner
In this course, the learners are expected to:
1. Attend Pre and Post Immersion Activities;
2. Report to the Work Immersion Partner Institution Supervisor during actual
3. Perform the duties and tasks as indicated in the prescribed template for work
immersion list of tasks/activities; and
4. Prepare the documentations and reports required in the curriculum and by the
Partner Institution.

The Work Immersion Teacher and the Work Immersion Partner Institution Supervisor
will jointly assess the learner’s performance following the DepEd Order No. 8, s. 2015 Policy
Guidelines on Classroom Assessment for the K to 12 Basic Education Program.

Name : William Paul Cananua

Date of Birth : November 09 2000
Place of Birth : Quezon City
Parent’s / Guardian’s Name : Cecile C. Cananua
Postal Address : Block 128 lot 14 31st ave East rembo Taguig city
E-mail Address : cwilliampaul70@gmail.com
Cellphone Number : 09982602143
Religion : Catholic
Health Issues / Allergies : None
Hobbies / Past Time Activities : Working out
Skills / Talents : Writing poetry
Extra-curricular Activities in School : English Club
Support group / home companions : None
List your favourites : Favorite Flavor: Vanilla, Favorite Animal: Cat, Favorite insect scorpion
One word or object that describes yourself : Patient
How do you feel about school? : Learning is fun
What are your most memorable subject / class? Why? : Gen Math in Grade 11. Because of the variety and skill
of the teacher we had
What are your plans after Senior High School? : Going to college and study nursing
What is your career path? : Nurse
What is your philosophy in life? : Romans 8:31
Do you have plans to go abroad? If yes, where and why? : Because the salary is much bigger. to help my family
What are your dreams and ambitions? : To let my sisters graduate and my family financially free
How do you plan to achieve your ambitions and goals in life? : Study hard and Train hard
What are your expectations and apprehensions for work immersion? :

My expectations for work immersion are to gain hands-on experience and practical skills
relevant to my field of study, fostering a deeper understanding of professional practices.
However, I also harbor apprehensions about adjusting to new environments, potential
challenges, and meeting the expectations of employers.

SHS Work Immersion Portfolio Page 4

e i

Republic of the Philippines

Region X – Northern Mindanao



Sir / Madame:

This is to request permission from your good office to please allow _________________________________,
a Senior High School - Grade 12 student, to undergo a 80 hours of WORK IMMERSION in your
company/agency to acquire industrial ORIENTATION. The training period will start immediately upon
your acceptance of the bearer under the terms and conditions as stipulated in the duly accomplished
memorandum of agreement hereto attached for your confirmation.

Moreover, a student evaluation is provided where a student is to be assessed on his/her

performance, attitude and behaviour to be attested by the supervisor. The Immersion Teacher and
Trainer handling each field of specialization from our school will visit your establishment from time to
time to find out how the student perform in the working area.
Thank you very much for your usual cooperation and assistance extended to the school.

Sir / Madame:

This is to introduce, _________________________________, who is a grade 12 Senior High School student

enrolled in our school under the K to 12 program with Strand in _______________________________, and to
further endorse (his/her) application with your company to undergo WORK IMMERSION for 80 hours
as a requirement of the curriculum for graduation. We believe that schools must link up with industry
in order to update, upgrade and make the education of our youth more relevant to the actual needs of
the industry. It is in this regard that we request you to give such opportunities to our students by
allowing them to do part time work with your company. Together with this letter is an Acceptance
We request that said form be accomplished and returned to this office upon acceptance of our
student in your company. We are confident that given the opportunity, our student will be an asset to
your company.

Thank you for the favourable action and we look forward to a more fruitful linkage with you.

Very Truly Yours,

Work Immersion Teacher
School Head
SHS Work Immersion Portfolio
Page 5

Before we immerse into the workplace we will first understand the immersion process, proper
work ethics, workplace safety, confidentiality, and effective conflict resolution and teamwork skills, as
agreed in the DepEd Order No. 30 s. 2017. Also, we need to hone our skills in writing a resume, filling of
application forms, and complying requirements.
Learner’s Activity

1. Attends the pre-immersion orientation

2. As one to join the workforce in the future, you will need to do, prepare and secure the
 Resume
 Essay on how to conduct oneself inside the company establishment during the immersion
 Application letter
 Clearance documents such as
o Medical certificate
o Barangay Clearance
o Police Clearance
o Mayor’s Clearance
 Certificates for required trainings and seminars
 Job Interview Skills Training

You will also prepare and accomplish own portfolio and update it from time to time because at
the end of the work immersion you will need to present this portfolio. Make sure to attach needed
documents, answer reflection leaf and paste pictures. Happy working !

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ACTIVITY 1 | The Worker

Work is on your way. Are you prepared to work? Do you have the potential, character, talents,
and skills to take up the vigour of being a worker? What should you possess to become a good worker?
How will you prepare for work immersion?

Preparation for work involves a multifaceted approach, encompassing both tangible skills and intangible qualities. A
good worker is characterized not only by their technical proficiency but also by their resilience, initiative, and ability to
collaborate effectively within a team. Cultivating a strong work ethic and a positive attitude towards challenges are
fundamental attributes that contribute to success in any professional setting. Additionally, possessing a willingness to
learn and adapt to new situations fosters continuous growth and development as a worker.
To thrive in work immersion, individuals should focus on enhancing their skills, knowledge, and understanding of their
chosen field. This can be achieved through proactive engagement in relevant coursework, internships, and
extracurricular activities that offer hands-on experience and exposure to real-world scenarios. Seeking mentorship from
experienced professionals can provide invaluable insights and guidance, helping to navigate the complexities of the
workplace and refine essential skills.
Furthermore, preparation for work immersion involves self-reflection and introspection to identify areas for
improvement and personal growth. Developing effective communication skills, time management techniques, and
problem-solving abilities are crucial aspects of readiness for the challenges of the workforce. By approaching work
immersion with a proactive mindset, a commitment to continuous learning, and a willingness to embrace new
opportunities, individuals can maximize their potential as workers and lay the groundwork for a successful career

After the pre-immersion orientation, list

the Do’s and Don’ts employed in the workplace you are assigned.


1. Do you agree to the company’s policy guidelines, rules and agreement? Support your answer.

___ ___ ___ __ ___ __ ___ ___ __ ___ ___ __ ___ __ ___ ___ __ ___ __ ___ ___ ___ __ ___ __ ___ ___ __ ___ ___ __ ___ __ ___ ___ __ ___ __
___ ___ ___ __ ___ __ ___ ___ __ ___ ___ __ ___ __ ___ ___ __ ___ __ ___ ___ ___ __ ___ __ ___ ___ __ ___ ___ __ ___ __ ___ ___ __ ___ __

2. Was there a rule that you think is not acceptable to you? Why?

___ ___ ___ __ ___ __ ___ ___ __ ___ ___ __ ___ __ ___ ___ __ ___ __ ___ ___ ___ __ ___ __ ___ ___ __ ___ ___ __ ___ __ ___ ___ __ ___ __

SHS Work Immersion Portfolio Page 8

ACTIVITY 3 | Situational Analysis

Suppose you work in a police station or a law firm and signed a confidentiality agreement
regarding all their cases at hand, suddenly your friend who was a suspect to a crime asked you for some
documents that are in your office’s possession that may help him in his case. How would you deal with
the situation?

As someone bound by a confidentiality agreement,

it's imperative to uphold the trust placed in you by
your employer or organization. In this scenario, I
would explain to my friend that I'm unable to share
any information or documents related to ongoing
cases due to my commitment to confidentiality. I
would offer support in other ways, such as
recommending legal counsel or providing moral
support, while ensuring I don't breach the agreement
or compromise the integrity of the legal process.


SHS Work Immersion Portfolio Page 9

ACTIVITY 4 | Conflict Resolution

Did you ever experience disagreement and conflict with co-workers? How did you handle the
situation? How would you rate your skills in handling differences of opinion? Please give an example
that illustrates that skill.

y e s , O n c e a w o r k e r a s k e d i f I
c a n h e l p w i t h a s s o r t i n g w i t h t h e
d o c u m e n t s i n t h e i r o f f i c e b u t I
w a s h a n d l i n g i m p o r t a n t
d o c u m e n t s t h a t m u s t b e g i v e n t o
t h e d i r e c t o r a n d o t h e r
i m p o r t a n t o f f i c e s a s s o o n a s
p o s s i b l e . A s t o n o t b e r u d e I
w e n t a n d e x p l a i n t h e s i t u a t i o n
c l e a r l y a n d g a v e f u l l d i s c l o s u r e
a b o u t m y t a s k t o t h e m a n d
s h o w e d t h e d o c u m e n t s t h a t I w a s
h a n d l i n g o u t . A f t e r t h a t t h e y
s a i d t h e y u n d e r s t o o d a n d I l e f t .
i n s t e a d o f b e i n g f r u s t r a t e d I
d i s p l a y e d m y s p e e c h s k i l l s b y
h a n d l i n g i t i n a w a y t h a t
d o e s n ' t h u r t o r d i s r e s p e c t
a n y o n e i n t h e w o r k p l a c e .

SHS Work Immersion Portfolio Page 10


Please attach your resume here.

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Page 11

Place your application letter here

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Give the process and fees required for a BARANGAY CLEARANCE. Attach also your BARANGAY CLEARANCE.

I. Steps in securing barangay clearance

1. ________________________________________________________________
2. ________________________________________________________________
3. ________________________________________________________________
4. ________________________________________________________________
5. ________________________________________________________________

II. Attach Barangay Clearance


SHS Work Immersion Portfolio Page 13


Give the process and fees required for a MEDICAL CERTIFICATE. Attach also your MEDICAL CERTIFICATE.

I. Steps in securing Medical Certificate

1. _________________________________________________________________
2. _________________________________________________________________
3. _________________________________________________________________
4. _________________________________________________________________
5. _________________________________________________________________

Please attach your MEDICAL CERTIFICATE here.

Page 14

A job interview is an interview consisting of a conversation between a job applicant and

a representative of an employer which is conducted to assess whether the applicant should be
hired. How you answer questions during job interview can have a big impact on you being
hired or accepted as a work immerse. Jot down questions that you have come across during
your first dialogue with the partner-industry work supervisor or head of office you will be

In my recent job interview, I encountered a diverse range of questions that

provided insights into both my professional background and personal
characteristics. The interviewer delved into my previous work experiences,
asking about specific projects I had undertaken and the outcomes achieved.
They were particularly interested in hearing about my areas of expertise and
how they aligned with the requirements of the position. Additionally, I was
asked to discuss my strengths and weaknesses, as well as instances where I had
demonstrated effective teamwork or leadership skills. Behavioral interview
questions prompted me to recount past situations and how I had navigated
challenges or resolved conflicts. Moreover, the interviewer inquired about my
motivations for pursuing the role and my career aspirations, aiming to
understand my fit within the company's culture and long-term objectives.
Overall, the interview provided a comprehensive assessment of my
qualifications and suitability for the role, while also offering insights into the
organization's values and expectations.
Interpersonal Skills
1. What are your strengths? What are your weaknesses?
2. What do you do when you know you are right and your boss disagrees with you? Give me an
3. If your colleagues had an opportunity to tell us your primary strength what would that be? And,
your primary weakness-what would that be?
4. As a component of this position, you may have to work on a team on certain projects. Describe
when you’ve worked on a team before and what, in your opinion, constitutes an effective team?
What do you expect from others on the team and what do you need from others on the team?
5. What do you do when others resist of reject your ideas or actions?

1. Suppose you are in a situation where deadlines and priorities change frequently and rapidly.
How would you handle it?
2. How do you know when you are stressed? What do you do to de-stress?
3. Tell me about a time when you were a part of a great team. What was your part in making the
team effective?
4. Suppose your supervisor asked you to get information for them that you know is confidential
and he/she should not have access to. What would you do?
5. Describe a time when you performed a task outside your perceived responsibilities. What was
the task? Why did you perceive it to be outside your responsibilities? What was the outcome

Creative Thinking
1. What’s the best book you’ve read in the last year? Please take a minute and tell us what you
liked about it.
2. What was the most creative thing you did in your last job?
3. What is your interpretation of “success?”
4. Describe an ideal work environment or “the perfect job.”
5. In what way(s) do you express your personality in the workplace?

1. How would you describe an ideal supervisor?
2. What strengths did you rely on in your last position to make you successful in your work?
3. As a supervisor, it is essential to motivate employees in your area. Sometimes this must be done
using non-monetary means. Please describe some creative ways you have motivated and
recognized employees in the past non-monetarily.
4. Explain, step by step, how you have coached an employee who had performance problems.
5. If you had to describe your own leadership style as directive, delegating, or coaching, which
would you choose? Please explain why giving examples.

Optional Situational Questions: Please explain how you would handle the following situations:
1. You observe two of your employees arguing in a central location in the office.
2. One of your employees comes to you complaining about another employee and insisting they
should no longer work together.
3. One of your employees comes to you to complain that he/she has a more demanding work load
than another employee and wants the workload to be shifted.

ACTIVITY 12 | Mock Job Interview

During the conduct of the mock job interview, do you think you did well?

Yes, I think did well and think I answered most of the answers confidently
and with precision with minimal stuttering and complete information. Also
with every questions about the recollection of my past experiences like
work and situation I've been in I have gave clear and concise answers that
perfectly surmises all my thoughts and opinions on that particular situation.

What are the areas that you think you are good at and areas that needed to be improved?

Yes, I think did well and think I answered most of the answers confidently
and with precision with minimal stuttering and complete information. Also
with every questions about the recollection of my past experiences like
work and situation I've been in I have gave clear and concise answers that
perfectly surmises all my thoughts and opinions on that particular situation.

Are you more confident now to answer during job interview?

Yes, since I now learned some of my lacking points such as lack of straight
thought and voice articulation. The way I present and speak is trembling
that gives off a vibe of unpreparedness. I seek to improve upon this point to
improve my next job interview

SHS Work Immersion Portfolio Page 20


ensure tDheaat ry sotuu hdaevnet yao suig anreed n poawre nnet’asr pinegr myoitu arn imd kminerdsly io ant tparcohp er. Before the immer

ACTIVITY 13 | Attach Insurance Policy here


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Page 21
ACTIVITY 14 | Parents’ Consent Form

A parent’s consent form is a document signed by parents or legal guardians that grants

permission for a student to undergo Work Immersion.

Consent Form
Name of School
Date of Birth

Name of Parent/Guardian
Contact Number

Does your child suffer from any medical conditions/allergies?
(please check appropriate box)

□ Yes No Please provide□details of medication that must be

administered, if any:

a) I agree to my son/daughter taking part in the Work Immersion as a key feature of the
Senior High School Curriculum, which involves hands-on experience or work simulation
in which learners can apply their competencies and acquired knowledge relevant to
their track;
b) I understand that an insurance for learners in DepEd schools shall be procured by their
respective schools, hence, I hereby release the school, its teachers and personnel from
any and all liability, claims, demands, and causes of action whatsoever arising out of or
related to any loss, damage or injury that may be sustained by my son/daughter during
the Work Immersion:

c) I confirm to the best of my knowledge that my son/daughter does not suffer from any
medical condition other than those listed above;
d) That I have read and fully understood the statements above including the implications

Date: _______________________________________________
Signature Over Printed Name of Parent/Guardian

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