TN03102022 An1
TN03102022 An1
TN03102022 An1
Government of India
Central Public Works Department
Table of Content
S.N. Description Page
1 Notice Inviting e- tender 3
5 List of documents to be scanned and uploaded within the period of Bid 16-17
6 NIT Form CPWD-6 18-27
8 Section-I: Brief Particulars of the work 29
9 Special conditions pertaining to site facilities/ restrictions 30
10 Section- II: Information and instructions for bidders 32
11 Annexure 1: Criteria for evaluation of the performance of contractor 38
for Pre-Eligibility
12 Section- III: Annexure 2: Letter of Transmittal 39
13 Form ‘A’ to ‘F’ 41-53
14 Annexure 3: Affidavit for non-execution of works on back-to-back 54
15 Annexure 4: (Guarantee offered by Bank to CPWD in connection 55
with the execution of contracts) Form of Bank Guarantee for
PerformanceGuarantee/Security Deposit/Mobilization Advance
16 Annexure 5: Proforma for receipt of deposition of EMD 57
26 List of approved materials & specialized agencies (For Civil Works) 199
39 Inventory 329-331
It is certified that this document contains five parts i.e. Part A, Part B, Part C, Part D &
Part E containing Page nos. 01 to 1232.
The Executive Engineer & Senior Manager-II, O/o CE cum ED, Mumbai, CPWD, 7th floor, CGO
Complex, CBD Belapur Navi Mumbai-400614, on behalf of the President of India invites
online percentage rate composite bid from eligible firms / contractors in two bid
system for the following work: -
NAME OF WORK: Construction of 354 nos. staff Quarters Hostel Building Academic Block,
for Reserve Bank of India at Plot No. 1, Sector 7, CBD Belapur (Kharghar), Navi Mumbai.
Package 1:- C/o 1 No Grade D tower(19 quarters, G+10), 4 nos Grade B/C tower (quarters
159 G+10) 4 nos Grade A tower(176 quarters,G+11), ZTC Hostel Building(82Rooms,G+8),
Academic Block (G+2), Club House With Swimming Pool, Caretaker, Security And
commercial building Including Internal Water Supply and Sanitary Installations, Drainage,
Internal Electrical Installations, Lifts, Fire-Fighting and Fire-Fighting Alarms, D.G Sets, STP,
Substation and Pump House, Rainwater Harvesting System, and development work for
Reserve Bank of India at Plot No. 1, Sector 7, CBD Belapur (Kharghar), Navi Mumbai.
The bid forms and other details can be obtained from the website The notice inviting e tender is also available on
The Executive Engineer & Senior Manager II (EE & SM II), O/o CE cum ED Mumbai, CPWD, 7th
floor, CGO Complex, CBD Belapur Navi Mumbai - 400614, (Telephone No. 022-27561058, email: and on behalf of the President of India
invites online percentage rate bids from CPWD enlisted contractor of appropriate class in
composite category and firms/contractors of repute in two bid system for the following:
07/10/2022 at 11:00 AM at 7th floor, Confernce Room, O/o. CE cum ED, Mumbai, CGO Date and time of Prebid
Period of Completion
opening of Technical
Last Date & time of
submission of bid,
specified in NIT
Earnest Money
Name of Work & location
No. No.
Construction of 354 nos. staff
Quarters Hostel Building
Academic Block, for Reserve
Bank of India at Plot No. 1,
Sector 7, CBD Belapur
(Kharghar), Navi Mumbai.
Rs. 3696367987/- (Civil Rs. 3091188314/- and E&M Rs. 605179673/-)
Installations, Drainage,
Internal Electrical
Installations, Lifts, Fire-
Fighting and Fire- Fighting
Alarms, D.G Sets, STP,
Substation and Pump House,
Rainwater Harvesting System,
26 Months
1. Contractors who fulfill the following requirements shall be eligible to apply. Joint
ventures are not accepted. (1 (a), 1(b), 1(c) 1(d) are not applicable for CPWD enlisted
contractors of appropriate class but 1(e) is applicable for CPWD enlisted contractor also.
Similar work means: - “Construction of R.C.C. framed structure having minimum one
building of eight stories including finishing Work, Plumbing Work, Internal Electrical
Installation, Firefighting & fire alarm, lifts, HVAC (Central AC/ VRF with ducting),
substation and DG set (any 3 of E&M services out of 5 excluding IEI) all executed under
one agreement”.
Completing balance Construction work of one building. (i/c structural work) minimum
up to eight stories including finishing Work, Plumbing Work, Internal Electrical
Installation, Firefighting & fire alarm, lifts, HVAC (Central AC/ VRF with ducting),
substation and DG set (any 3 of E&M services out of 5 excluding IEI) all executed under
one agreement.
Note: -
1. Machine room and Mumty shall not be counted as a storey.
2. Basement, Stilt Constructed in the building shall be considered as a storeys.
3. Only works executed in India shall considered for similar work
4. Qualified similar works shall be physically inspected by the CPWD engineers to ascertain
the completion, performance on quality of works for finalizing the technicalbids
5. The value of executed works shall be brought to current costing level by enhancing the
actual value of work at simple rate of 7% per annum (without compounding); calculated
from the date of completion to previous day of last date of submission of tenders.
6. If Private work shown in support of eligibility criteria, certified copy of Tax deducted at
source (TDS) certificate (Form 16A and 26A) shall be submitted along with the
experience certificate and TDS amount shall tally with the actual amount of work done.
Otherwise, the amount that tally with TDS shall only be considered for eligibility.
c) Profit/Loss: -
Should not have incurred any loss (profit after tax should be positive) in more than two
years during the last five consecutive years ending 31st March, 2022, duly certified and
audited by the chartered accountant. (The balance sheet in case of Pvt./ Public Ltd.
Company means its standalone finance statement and consolidated financial statement
quality shall be given based on this inspection if inspection is carried out. Scoring
method of evaluation: - The scoring for evaluation mentioned in these columns shall be
done as given in Proforma given (as per FORM-D1) elsewhere in the agreement.
g) The bidder should not have been barred/blacklisted by the Central Government/State
Government, or any entity controlled by it, from participating in any tender, and the bar
subsists as on the Bid Due Date, such bidder would not be eligible to submit the BID. The
Bidder should upload affidavit for NON – BLACK LISTING in Form F.
h) At the time of uploading of bid, the bidder shall have also to upload Scanned copy of an
affidavit on Non-Judicial Stamp paper of Rs.10/- as under:
“I/We undertake and confirm that eligible similar works(s) has/have not been got
executed through another contractor on back-to-back basis. Further that, if such a
violation comes to the notice of Department, then I/we shall be debarred for
bidding in CPWD in future forever. Also, if such a violation comes to the notice of
Department before date of start of work, the Engineer in-Charge shall be free to
forfeit the entire amount of Earnest Money Deposit/Performance Guarantee.”
2. The intending bidder must read the terms and conditions of CPWD-6 carefully. He
should only submit his bid if he considers himself eligible and he is in possession of all
the documents required.
3. Information and Instructions for bidders posted on website shall form part of bid
5. But the bid can only be submitted after deposition of original EMD either in the office of
Executive Engineer inviting bids or division office of any Executive Engineer, CPWD
within the period of bid submission and uploading the mandatory scanned documents
such as insurance surety bonds, Account payee Demand Draft or Bankers cheque or
Fixed Deposit receipt (FDR) or / and bank guarantee or e-bank guarantee ( for balance
amount as prescribed) from any of commercial bank towards EMD in favor of
for deposition of original EMD to division office of any Executive Engineer (including NIT
issuing EE/AE), CPWD and other Documents as Specified.
6. Those contractors who are not registered or have not updated their profile on the
website mentioned above, are required to get registered / update their profile
beforehand. The necessary training materials including the videos with step-to-step
process are available on download section of
7. The e tendring bidder must have valid Class-lll digital signature certificate with
encryption key (combo type) to perform any operations / transactions on the e-
tendering portal / website and the bidder should download and install the eMsigner on
their system as per instructions available on download section of
8. On opening date, the contractor can login and see the bid opening process. After opening
of bids, he will receive the competitor bid sheets.
9. Contractor can upload documents in the form of JPG format and PDF format.
10. Certificate of Financial Turn over: At the time of submission of bid, contractor has to
upload Affidavit/Certificate from CA mentioning Financial Turnover of last 7 years and
further details if required may be asked from the contractor after opening of eligibility
bids. There is no need to upload entire voluminous balance sheet.
11. Contractor must ensure to quote percentage rate against estimated cost put to tender.
The column meant for quoting rates in figures appears in yellow colour and the moment
rate is entered, it turns sky blue.
In addition to this, while selecting the cells a warning appears that if the cell is left blank
the sameshall be treated as "0". Therefore, if the cell is left blank and no rate is quoted by
the bidder, rate shall be treated as "0" (ZERO).
However, if tenderer doesn’t quote any percentage above or below on the total amount of
the tender or any section / subhead in percentage rate tender, the tender shall be
treated as invalid and will not be consider as lowest tenderer.
12. The Technical cum Eligibility bid shall be opened first on due date and time as
mentioned above. The time and date of opening of financial bid of contractors qualifying
the eligibility bid shall be communicated to them at a later date.
Pre-Bid conference shall be held in the O/o CE CUM ED, Mumbai, 7th floor CGO Complex,
Belapur, Mumbai at 11:00 AM on 07/10/2022 to clear the doubts of intending bidders, if
any. Tenderers should send by email all their queries, before pre-bid conference, latest
by 15.00 hrs on 06/10/2022 to the office of Executive Engineer & Senior Manager II, O/o
CE cum ED Mumbai, CPWD, 7th Floor, CGO Complex, CBD Belapur, Navi Mumbai-
400614. (Emailid: As a result of pre-bid conference,
certain modifications may be uploaded on the website, if felt necessary by the
13. The department reserves the right to reject any prospective application without
assigning any reason and to restrict the list of qualified contractors to any number
deemed suitable by it, if too many bids are received satisfying the laid down criterion.
14. The building is targeted for minimum 5 Star GRIHA rating from TERI. The bidders shall
provide all necessary support and required facilities in order to secure this rating.
Nothing extra on this account shall be payable.
15. This work requires engaging more than 20 nos. of labours / workers and therefore all
necessary licenses such as labour license, EPFO and ESI, BOCW welfare registration etc.,
shall be taken by contractor within the time limits as prescribed under clause 1 of
schedule ‘F’.
16. During the Pandemic Covid-19, the guidelines/ SOPs/protocols issued by Govt. of India/
Govt. of Maharashtra are to be followed at the place of work/ Site from time to time. The
agency should adhere to these guidelines/ SOPs/protocols strictly and no hindrance &
nothing extra shall be payable on account of this.
17. The bidder, both CPWD & Non-CPWD contractors shall associate specialized agency for
specialized work. For specialized components of Civil & E&M works, the eligibility
criteria for specialized agency to be associated by the main contractor will be as detailed
SL. Estimated
Component of
cost Eligibility
No. Works Rs.(Lakhs)
The contractor shall associate specialized agency as
mentioned in the approved list of specialized
agencies mentioned elsewhere in the agreement or
1 Anti-termite 26.74 shall associate specialized agency having successfully
completed works, as mentioned under during last 7
years ending last date of the month previous to the
one in which tenders are invited.
Waterproofing (i) Three similar works each of value not less than
2 756.44
Works 40% of Estimated Cost
3 90.32 OR
(ii) Two similar works each of value not less than
60% of Estimated Cost
(iii) One similar work each of value not less than 80%
of Estimated Cost.
(b) He directly procures the equipment of approved
make from manufacturer and gets it installed from
authorized agency/ service provider of the
manufacturer/ specialized agency, all as per the
eligibility criteria mentioned as above.
18. The bidder should either himself meet the eligibility conditions for the respective Civil &
E&M packages or otherwise he will have to associate an agency meeting the eligibility
requirements. The proposal for associate agency for all packages of Civil & E&M shall be
submitted within one month from the date of award for verification and approval of the
Department. Consent letter of such proposed agencies for association along with
verifiable completion certificates of the work/ registration/approval documents as the
case may be, duly attested by the applicant, valid Electrical Contractor's license, duly
attested by the applicant, self-attested GST registration documents and TDS certificate for
private works in respect of the associated agencies shall also be submitted along with the
CPWD-6 for e- tendering
1. Online percentage rate bids are invited on behalf of President of India in two bid system
(Technical cum Eligibility and Financial Bid) from CPWD enlisted contractor of
appropriate class in composite category and firms/contractor of repute fulfing eligibility
criteria laid down in NIT, for the work of “Construction of 354 nos. staff Quarters Hostel
Building Academic Block, for Reserve Bank of India at Plot No. 1, Sector 7, CBD Belapur
(Kharghar), Navi Mumbai.
Package 1:- C/o 1 No Grade D tower(19 quarters, G+10), 4 Nos Grade B/C tower (quarters
159 G+10) 4 Nos Grade A tower(176 quarters,G+11), ZTC Hostel Building(82Rooms,G+8),
Academic Block (G+2), Club House With Swimming Pool, Caretaker, Security And
commercial building Including Internal Water Supply and Sanitary Installations, Drainage,
Internal Electrical Installations, Lifts, Fire-Fighting and Fire-Fighting Alarms, D.G Sets,
STP, Substation and Pump House, Rainwater Harvesting System, and development work for
Reserve Bank of India at Plot No. 1, Sector 7, CBD Belapur (Kharghar), Navi Mumbai.”
The enlistment of the contractors should be valid on the last date of submission of bids.
In case the last date of submission of bid is extended, the enlistment of contractor should be
valid on the original date of submission of bids.
1.1. The work is estimated to cost Rs. 3696367987/- (Civil Rs. 3091188314/- and E&M Rs.
605179673/-). This estimate, however, is given merely as a rough guide.
1.1.1. The authority competent to approve NIT for the combined cost and belonging to the
major discipline will consolidate NITs for calling the bids. He will also nominate
Division which will deal with all matters relating to the invitation of bids. For
composite bid, besides indicating the combined estimated cost put to bid, should
clearly indicates the estimated cost of each component separately. The eligibility of
bidders will correspond to the combined estimated cost of different components put
to bid.
1.2. Intending bidders is eligible to submit the bid provided he has definite proof from the
appropriate authority, which shall be to the satisfaction of the competent authority, of
having satisfactorily completed similar works of magnitude specified below: -
1.2.1 Conditions for NON CPWD registered contractors only (This is not applicable for
CPWD enlisted Contractors of appropriate class in composite category).
Joint ventures/Consortium and special purpose vehicles are not accepted.
(i) Three similar works each costing not less than that Rs. 147.85 Cr.
Two similar works each costing not less than that Rs. 221.78 Cr.
One similar work costing not less than that Rs. 295.71 Cr.
(ii) Should have completed at least one work of RCC frame structure using
monolithic aluminium formwork shuttering which may or may not be part of
similar work.
Similar work means: - “Construction of R.C.C. framed structure having minimum one building
of eight stories including finishing Work, Plumbing Work, Internal Electrical Installation,
Firefighting & fire alarm, lifts, HVAC (Central AC/ VRF with ducting), substation and DG set
(any 3 of E&M services out of 5 excluding IEI) all executed under one agreement”.
Completing balance Construction work of one building. (i/c structural work) minimum up to
eight stories including finishing Work, Plumbing Work, Internal Electrical Installation,
Firefighting & fire alarm, lifts, HVAC (Central AC/ VRF with ducting), substation and DG set
(any 3 of E&M services out of 5 excluding IEI) all executed under one agreement.
Note: -
1. Machine room and Mumty shall not be counted as a storey.
2. Basement, Stilt Constructed in the building shall be considered as a storey.
3. Only works executed in India shall considered for similar work
4. Qualified similar works shall be physically inspected by the CPWD engineers to
ascertain the completion, performance on quality of works for finalizing the
technical bids
5. The value of executed works shall be brought to current costing level by enhancing
the actual value of work at simple rate of 7% per annum (without compounding);
calculated from the date of completion to previous day of last date of submission of
If Private work shown in support of eligibility criteria, certified copy of Tax
deducted at source (TDS) certificate (Form 16A and 26A) shall be submitted along
with the experience certificate and TDS amount shall tally with the actual amount
of work done. Otherwise, the amount that tally with TDS shall only be considered
for eligibility.
current value by enhancing the actual turnover figures at simple rate of 7% per annum. Year
in which no turnover is known would also be considered for working out the average.
c) Profit/Loss: -
Should not have incurred any loss (profit after tax should be positive) in more than two years
during the last five consecutive years ending 31st March, 2022, duly certified and audited by
the chartered accountant. (The balance sheet in case of Pvt./ Public Ltd. Company means its
standalone finance statement and consolidated financial statement both).
g) The bidder should not have been barred/blacklisted by the Central Government/State
Government, or any entity controlled by it, from participating in any tender, and the bar
subsists as on the Bid Due Date, such bidder would not be eligible to submit the BID.
The Bidder should upload affidavit for NON – BLACK LISTING in Form F.
At the time of uploading of bid, the bidder shall have also to upload Scanned copy of an
affidavit on Non-Judicial Stamp paper of Rs.10/- as under:
“I/We undertake and confirm that eligible similar works(s) has/have not been got
executed through another contractor on back-to-back basis. Further that, if such a
violation comes to the notice of Department, then I/we shall be debarred for
bidding in CPWD in future forever. Also, if such a violation comes to the notice of
Department before date of start of work, the Engineer in-Charge shall be free to
forfeit the entire amount of Earnest Money Deposit/Performance Guarantee.”
h) At the time of uploading of bid, the bidder shall have also to upload Scanned copy of an
affidavit on Non-Judicial Stamp paper of Rs.10/- as under:
“I/We undertake and confirm that eligible similar works(s) has/have not been got
executed through another contractor on back-to-back basis. Further that, if such a
violation comes to the notice of Department, then I/we shall be debarred for
bidding in CPWD in future forever. Also, if such a violation comes to the notice of
Department before date of start of work, the Engineer in-Charge shall be free to
forfeit the entire amount of Earnest Money Deposit/Performance Guarantee.”
2. Agreement shall be drawn with the successful bidders on prescribed Form No. CPWD – 7
(or other Standard Form as mentioned) which is available as a Govt. of India Publication
and also available on website Bidders shall quote his rates as per
various terms and conditions of the said form which will form part of the agreement.
3. The time allowed for carrying out the work will be 26 Months from the date of start as
defined in schedule ‘F’ or from the first date of handing over of the site, whichever is
later, in accordance with the phasing, if any, indicated in the tender documents.
5. The architectural and structural drawings for the work are available, but final working
drawings shall be issued after the award of work at appropriate stage, as per demanded
by the agency. The architectural and structural drawings shall be made available in
phased manner, as per requirement of the same as per approved programme of
completion submitted by the contractor after award of work.The bid document
consisting of plans, specifications, the schedule of quantities of various types of items
to be executed and the set of terms and conditions of the contract to be complied with
and other necessary documents except Standard General Conditions of Contract Form
can be seen on website or free of
6. After submission of the bid the contractor can re-submit revised bid any number of times
but before last time and date of submission of bid as notified.
7. While submitting the revised bid, contractor can revise the rate of one or more item(s)
any number of times (he need not re-enter rate of all the items) but before last time and
date of submission of bid as notified.
8. When bids are invited in 3 stage system and if it is desired to submit revised financial bid
then it shall be mandatory to submit revised financial bid. If not submiited then the bid
submitted earlier shall become invalid.
9. Earnest Money of Rs. 37963680/- (drawn in favor of Executive Engineer, NISM Project
Division – II, CPWD, Navi Mumbai) in the form of Bankers cheque of commercial bank
or Account payee Demand Draft of commercial bank or Fixed Deposit receipt (FDR) of
commercial bank or insurance surety bonds or/ and Bank guarantee or e-bank guarantee
of commercial bank (for balance amount as prescribed) shall be scanned and uploaded to
the e-tendering website within the period of bid submission. The original EMD should
be deposited either in the office of Executive Engineer & Senior Manager II, O/o CE
cum ED Mumbai, CPWD, Navi Mumbai or division office of any Executive Engineer,
CPWD within the period of bid submission. The EMD receiving Executive Engineer
(including NIT issuing EE/AE) shall issue a receipt of deposition of earnest money
deposit to the bidder in a prescribed format (enclosed) uploaded by tender inviting
EE in the NIT.
A part of earnest money is acceptable in the form of bank guarantee or e-bank guarantee
from commercial bank. In such case, minimum 50% of earnest money or Rs. 20 lakh,
whichever is less, shall have to be deposited in shape prescribed above, and balance may
be deposited in shape of Bank Guarantee or e-bank guarantee of any commercial bank
having validity for 180 days or more from the last date of submission of the tender
which is to be scanned and uploaded by the intending bidders.
The earnest money given by all the tenderers except the lowest tenderer shall be refunded
immediately after the expiry of stipulated bid validity period or immediately after acceptance
of the successful bidder, whichever is earlier. However, in case of two/three bid system
earnest money deposit of the bidders unsuccessful during technical bid evaluation etc. shall
be returned within 30 days of declaration of result of technical bid evaluation.
Copy of Enlistment Order and certificate of work experience and other documents as specified
in the notice intivting E tender shall be scanned and uploaded to the e-Tendering website
within the period of bid submission. However, certified copy of all the scanned and uploaded
documents as specified in e-tender notice shall have to be submitted by the lowest bidder only
within a week physically in the office of tender opening authority. Online bid documents
submitted by intending bidders shall be opened only of those bidders, whose original EMD
deposited with any division office of CPWD and other documents scanned and uploaded are
found in order.
The bid submitted shall be opened at 15:30 hrs on 31/10/2022.
The bid submitted shall become invalid and e-tender processing fee shall not be refunded if:
b. The bidder does not upload scanned copy of all the documents stipulated in bid
d. If a tenderer quotes nil rate against each item in item rate tender or does not quote any
percentage above/below on the total amount of the tender or any section/sub head in
percentage rate tender, the tender shall be treated as invalid and will not be considered
as lowest tender.
10. The contractor whose bid is accepted, will be required to furnish performance guarantee
of 3% (Three Percent) of the bid amount within the period specified in Schedule F. This
guarantee shall be in the form of Fixed Deposit receipt (FDR), insurance surety bonds,
Account payee demand draft or bank guarantee or e-bank guarantee of commercial bank
any of commercial bank in accordance with the prescribed form. In case the contractor
fails to deposit the said performance guarantee within the period as indicated in
Schedule ‘F’, including the extended period if any, the Earnest Money deposited by the
contractor shall be forfeited automatically without any notice to the contractor. The
Earnest Money deposited along with the tender shall be returned after receiving the
aforesaid performance guarantee. The contractor whose bid is accepted will also be
required to furnish either copy of applicable licenses/registrations or proof of applying
for obtaining labour licenses, registration with EPFO, ESIC, and BOCW Welfare Board
including Provident Fund Code No. if applicable and also ensure the compliance of
aforesaid provisions by the sub -contractors, if any engaged by the contractor for the said
work with in the period specified in Schedule-F.
Fire- Fighting Alarms, D.G Sets, STP, Substation and Pump House, Rainwater Harvesting
System, and development work for Reserve Bank of India at Plot No. 1, Sector 7, CBD
Belapur (Kharghar), Navi Mumbai.
Intending Bidders are advised to inspect and examine the site and its
surroundings and satisfy themselves before submitting their bids as to the nature of the
ground and sub-soil (so far as is practicable), the form and nature of the site, the means
of access to the site, the accommodation they may require and in general shall
themselves obtain all necessary information as to risks, contingencies and other
circumstances which may influence or affect their bid. A bidders shall be deemed to have
full knowledge of the site whether he inspects it or not and no extra charge consequent
on any misunderstanding or otherwise shall be allowed. The bidders shall be
responsible for arranging and maintaining at his own cost all materials, tools & plants,
water, electricity access, facilities for workers and all other services required for
executing the work unless otherwise specifically provided for in the contract documents.
Submission of a bid by a bidder implies that he has read this notice and all other contract
documents and has made himself aware of the scope and specifications of the work to be
done and of conditions and rates at which stores, tools and plant, etc. will be issued to
him by the Government and local conditions and other factors having a bearing on the
execution of the work.
12. The competent authority on behalf of the President of India does not bind itself to accept
the lowest or any other bid and reserves to itself the authority to reject any or all the bids
received without the assignment of any reason. All bids in which any of the prescribed
condition is not fulfilled or any condition including that of conditional rebate is put forth
by the bidders shall be summarily rejected.
14. The competent authority on behalf of President of India reserves to himself the right of
accepting the whole or any part of the bid and the bidders shall be bound to perform the
same at the rate quoted.
15. The contractor shall not be permitted to bid for works in the CPWD Circle (Division in
case of contractors of Horticulture/Nursery category) responsible for award and
execution of contracts, in which his near relative is posted a Divisional Accountant or as
an officer in any capacity between the grades of Superintending Engineer and Junior
Engineer (both inclusive). He shall also intimate the names of persons who are working
with him in any capacity or are subsequently employed by him and who are near
relatives to any gazette officer in the Central Public Works Department or in the Ministry
of Urban Development. Any breach of this condition by the contractor would render him
liable to be removed from the approved list of contractorsof this Department.
17. The bid for the works shall remain open for acceptance for a period of seventy-five
(75) days from the date of opening of technical cum eligibility bid. Further
(i) If any tenderer withdraws his tender or makes and modification in the terms &
conditions of the tender which is not acceptable to the department within 7 days
after last date of submission of bids, then the Government shall without prejudice
to any other right or remedy, be at liberty to forfeit 50% of the earnest money
absolutely irrespective of letter of acceptance for the work is issued or not.
(ii) If any tenderer withdraws his tender or makes any modifications in the terms &
conditions of the tender which is not acceptable to the department after expiry of
7 days after last date of submission of bids, then the Government shall without
prejudice to any other right or remedy, be at liberty to forfeit 100% of the earnest
money absolutely irrespective of letter of acceptance for the work is issued or not.
(iii) In case of forfeiture of earnest money as prescribed in Para (i) and (ii) above,
the bidders shall not be allowed to participate in the rebidding process of the same
18. This notice inviting Bid shall form a part of the contract document. The successful
bidders/contractor, on acceptance of his bid by the Accepting Authority shall within 15
days from the stipulated date of start of the work, sign the contract consisting of: -
a) The Notice Inviting Bid, all the documents including additional conditions,
specifications and drawings, if any, forming part of the bid as uploaded at the time
of invitation of bid and the rates quoted online at the time of submission of bid and
acceptance thereof together with any correspondence leading thereto.
Part A: - CPWD-6, CPWD-7/8 including schedule A to F for the major component of the
work, Standard General Conditions of Contract for CPWD 2020 as amended /
modified upto lat date of submission of tender.
Part C: - Schedule A to F for minor component of the work (competent authority under
clause 2 and clause 5 shall be same authority as mentioned in schedule A to F for
major components), General/specific conditions, specifications and schedule of
quantities applicable to minor component(s) of the work.
19.6 Entire work under the scope of composite bid including major and all minor
components shall be executed under one agreement.
19.7 Security Deposit will be worked out separately for each component corresponding
to the estimated cost of the respective component of works.
19.8 The main contractor has to associate agency(s) for specialized component(s)
conforming to eligibility criteria as defined in the bid document and has to submit
detail of such agency(s) to Engineer-in-charge of relevant component(s) within
prescribed time. Name of the agency(s) to be associated shall be approved by
Engineer-in-charge of relevant component(s).
19.9 In case the main contractor intends to change any of the above agency/agencies
during the operation of the contract, he shall obtain prior approval of Engineer-in-
charge of relevant specialized component(s). The new agency/agencies shall also
have to satisfy the laid down eligibility criteria. In case Engineer-in-charge is not
satisfied with the performance of any agency, he can direct the contractor to
change the agency executing such items of work and this shall be binding on the
19.10 The main contractor has to enter into MoU with agency(s) associated by him. Copy
of such MoU shall be submitted to EE/ DDH in charge of each relevant component
as well as to EE in charge of major component. In case of change of associate
contractor, the main agency(s) has to enter into MoU/agreement with the new
contractor associated by him.
19.11 Running payment for the major component shall be made by EE of major discipline
to the main contractor. Running payment for minor components shall be made by
the Engineer- in-charge of the discipline of minor component directly to the main
19.12 The composite work shall be treated as complete when all the components of the
work are complete. The completion certificate of the composite work shall be
recorded by Engineer-in-charge of major component after record of completion
certificate of all other components.
19.13 Final bill of whole work shall be finalized and paid by the EE of major component.
Engineer(s) in charge of minor component(s) will prepare and pass the final bill
for their component of work and pass on the same to the EE of major component
for including in the final bill for composite contract.
20. Integrity Pact: The contractor shall download the Integrity Pact, which is a part
of tender documents, affix his signature in the presence of a witness, and upload the
same while submitting online bids for all works of estimated cost put to tender
equal or more than the threshold value given in Schedule-F. In the event of his
failure to sign and upload the Integrity Pact along with other bid documents, his bid
shall be rejected.
21. The intending bidders are required to update their profiles in CPWD e -tender portal
and to upload their bids well in Advance of last date of submission of tender. Any
issues related to updating profile/ uploading tender can be resolved through the
concerned Executive Engineer/ Assistant Engineer (Phone no. 022- 2756 1058, e-
mail Id: / or ERF help
line no. 18001803286 or e-mail ld The e-
tendering bidders are also advised not to wait to raise any issues till the last date of
submission of bid in their own interest.
Brief Particulars of the Work
Salient details of the work for which bids are invited are as under:
The prestigious Reserve Bank of India site is situated in Kharghar/Belapur, Navi Mumbai. The
campus is part functional with high security data center building in the campus. Following is the
brief detail of work under present tender. However, this scope is indicative only and not
1) Name of work Estimated cost Period of
1 Construction of 354 nos. staff Quarters Rs. 26Months
Hostel Building Academic Block, for 3696367987/-
Reserve Bank of India at Plot No. 1, Sector
7, CBD Belapur (Kharghar), Navi Mumbai. (Civil
Package 1:- C/o 1 No Grade D tower(19 3091188314/-
quarters, G+10), 4 Nos Grade B/C tower
(quarters 159 G+10) 4 Nos Grade A E&M
tower(176 quarters,G+11), ZTC Hostel Rs. 605179673/-
Building(82Rooms,G+8), Academic Block )
(G+2), Club House With Swimming Pool,
Caretaker, Security And commercial
building Including Internal Water Supply
and Sanitary Installations, Drainage,
Internal Electrical Installations, Lifts, Fire-
Fighting and Fire- Fighting Alarms, D.G
Sets, STP, Substation and Pump House,
Rainwater Harvesting System, and
development work for Reserve Bank of
India at Plot No. 1, Sector 7, CBD Belapur
(Kharghar), NaviMumbai
2) The work is situated at: Plot No. 1, Sector 7, CBD Belapur (Kharghar), Navi Mumbai.
(Location of RBI Data Centre)
3) General Features and major components of the work are as under
i. The Total proposed Built up area of all building is 75000 sqm (approx.)
ii. The building is designed to achieve a GRIHA rating of minimum 5 star. The
construction philosophy is based on norms stipulated by GRIHA. Accessibility to the
building is proposed considering the differently abled.
iii. Total 9 residential towers i.e., 1 no Grade D (19quaters, G+10), 4 Nos. Grade B/C (156
quarters, G+10) and 4 Nos Grade A tower (176 quarters, G+11) are to be constructed
with monolithic aluminum form work technology.
iv. Remaining blocks i.e., ZTC Hostel Building (82 Rooms, G+8), Academic Block (G+2),
Club House with Swimming Pool, UGWT, STP, Retention rainwater tank, Caretaker
block, Security cabin, boundary wall, rain water harvesting pit is to be constructed
with conventional shuttering.
v. The central podium connecting 8 towers (B/C and A) and 1 separate podium for grade
D tower is designed and intended for landscaping and vehicular movement shall be
constructed with conventional shuttering.
vi. The terrace rain water is to be used for filling rain water retention tank through
underground NP2 pipes.
vii. The sewer water is treated and is to be reused for flushing and gardening.
viii. Terrace floor comprises of Overhead tanks for fire/ flushing and domestic water
supply and lift machine rooms.
ix. External development works including, road, sewer line, Storm water line and drain
x. Internal electrification of the building i/c Distribution cable, Panels, DBs etc.
xi. Power distribution system with Rising Main and DBs.
xii. Firefighting system, Sprinkler system, Public Address System and Fire alarm system as
per fire NOC.
xiii. Installation of lifts
xiv. DG SET
xv. Substation
xvi. VRF system for hostel, academic, club house buildings
xvii. Liasioning for Statutory approvals such as Chief Fire Officer NOC, Occupation
Certificate, plinth approval from Local bodies.
4) The work shall be executed according to General condition of contract for Central P.W.D
available separately at printer’s outlets. The bidder may obtain the address of outlets from
Executive Engineer.
ii. As the availability of space is limited, the bidders are required to visit the site and
check the feasibility of space required for steel yards, stores, site laboratory etc. and
installation of various tools and plants such as tower crane, builder & passenger hoists,
DG sets etc. The contractor shall make his own arrangement for establishment of the
above-mentioned facilities and for which nothing extra shall be paid. The Engineer-in-
Charge shall in no way be responsible for any delay on this account and no claim,
whatsoever, on this account shall be entertained.
iii. The site has scarcity of space, hence space for establishment of labour hutment shall
only be provided only if available. The contractor shall make his own arrangement for
erection of labour hutment and for which nothing extra shall be paid. The Engineer-in-
Charge shall in no way be responsible for any delay on this account and no claim,
whatsoever, on this account shall be entertained.
iv. The contractor shall make its own arrangement for tapping of electricity from an
already existing connection provided by RBI, for which necessary prevailing charges
shall be paid by the contractor to the RBI/ electricity statutory body or shall obtain
separate independent connection for electricity. Before tendering, the bidders shall
visit the site and assess the manner in which he/she is able to arrange the above
facilities. The Engineer-in-Charge shall in no way be responsible for any delay on this
account and no claim, whatsoever, on this account shall be entertained.
vi. The Contractor shall abide by the rules/ bye laws applicable in respect of water/
electricity connection and he shall be solely responsible for any penalty on account of
violation of any of the rules / bye laws in this regard. The Contractor shall indemnify
the Department/ RBI against any claim arising out of pilferage, theft, damage, penalty,
non-settlement of bills etc. whatsoever on this account.
vii. Space for site office and site store yard shall be provided in the vicinity of site as far as
possible depending upon availability. The Engineer-in-Charge shall in no way be
responsible for any delay on this account and no claim, whatsoever, on this account
shall be entertained. The agency shall be required to establish all such facilities and for
which nothing extra shall be paid. It shall be responsibility of agency to transport the
material from material stacking yard to site and for which nothing extra shall be paid.
In case any building or infrastructure work is required to be executed on the land
occupied by the site office/site store/workers rest room/ labour camp, agency shall
relocate these shelters for which nothing extra shall be paid.
viii. The agency shall be required to strictly follow security norms and procedure in terms
of entry/ exit passes to all the vehicles/ persons/ materials, issue/ reissue/ surrender
of labour passes and other rules and regulations that will be brought in force from time
to time by RBI. Any penalty imposed by RBI Bombay for violating security norms will
be immediately paid by the agency for which nothing extra shall be paid.
ix. The liasioning for obtaining any local body approvals, CFO NOC, plinth level approval,
Occupancy Certificate/ Part Occupancy Certificate shall be in scope of the contractor.
x. The agency shall be required to fix/install the dense safety net all around the
periphery of the building as per progress of work, in order to ensure safety and
prevent the damage to the materials & manpower working below:
xi. There are HT lines passing near to the campus. The agency shall make aware
himself/herself of it.
xii. The liasioning with Maharashtra pest control office shall be in scope of the contractor.
1.1. Letter of transmittal and forms for deciding eligibility are given in Section III.
1.2. All information called for in the enclosed forms should be furnished against the relevant
columns in the forms. If for any reason, information is furnished on a separate sheet, this
fact should be mentioned against the relevant column. Even if no information is to be
provided ina column, a “nil” or “no such case” entry should be made in that column. If any
particulars/query is not applicable in case of the bidder, it should be stated as “not
applicable”. The bidders are cautioned that not giving complete information called for in
the application forms or not giving it in clear terms or making any change in the
prescribed forms or deliberately suppressing the information may result in the bid being
summarilydisqualified. Bids made by telegram or telex and those received late will not be
1.3. References, information and certificates from the respective clients certifying suitability,
technical knowledge or capability of the bidder should be signed by an officer not below
the rank of Executive Engineer or equivalent.
1.4. The bidder may furnish any additional information, which he thinks is necessary to
establish his capabilities to successfully complete the envisaged work. He is, however,
advised not to furnish superfluous information. No information shall be entertained after
submission of pre- qualification document unless it is called for by the Employer.
2.1 In this document the following words and expressions have the meaning hereby assigned
to them.
2.2 EMPLOYER: Means the President of India, acting through the Executive Engineer &
Senior Manager II, O/o CE cum ED Mumbai, CPWD, Navi Mumbai.
2.3 BIDDER: Means the individual, proprietary firm, firm in partnership, limited company
private or public or corporation.
3.1 If the bidder is an individual, the application shall be signed by him above his full
typewritten name and current address.
3.2 If the bidder is a proprietary firm, the application shall be signed by the proprietor above
his full typewritten name and the full name of his firm with its current address.
3.3 If the bidder is a firm in partnership, the application shall be signed by all the partners of
the firm above their full typewritten names and current addresses or alternatively by a
partner holding power of attorney for the firm. In the latter case, a certified copy of the
power of attorney should accompany the application. In both cases a certified copy of the
partnership deed and current address of all the partners of the firm should accompany the
3.4 If the bidder is a limited company or a corporation, the application shall be signed by a
duly authorized person holding power of attorney for signing the application
accompanied by a copy of the power of attorney. The bidder should also furnish a copy of
this memorandum of Articles of Association duly attested by a public Notary.
The particulars of the work given in Section-I are provisional. They are liable to change
andmust be considered only as advance information to assist the bidder.
The bidder is advised to visit the site of work, at his own cost, and examine it and its
surroundings to himself collect all information that he considers necessary for proper
assessment of the prospective assignment.
enlisted contractors of appropriate class in composite category)
7.1. The bidder should have satisfactorily completed the works during the last Seven years
ending last date of the month previous to the one in which tenders are invited. For this
purpose, cost of work shall mean gross value of the completed work including cost of
material supplied by the Government/client but excluding those supplied free of cost.
This should be certified by an officer not below the rank of Executive Engineer/Project
Manager or equivalent.
i) Three similar works each costing not less than that Rs. 147.85 Cr.
Two similar works each costing not less than that Rs. 221.78 Cr.
One similar work costing not less than that Rs. 295.71 Cr.
ii) Should have completed at least one work of RCC frame structure using
monolithic Aluminium formwork shuttering which may or may not be part of
similar work.
Similar work means: - “Construction of R.C.C. framed structure having minimum one building
of eight stories including finishing Work, Plumbing Work, Internal Electrical Installation,
Firefighting & fire alarm, lifts, HVAC (Central AC/ VRF with ducting), substation and DG set
(any 3 of E&M services out of 5 excluding IEI) all executed under one agreement”.
Completing balance Construction work of one building. (i/c structural work) minimum up to
eight stories including finishing Work, Plumbing Work, Internal Electrical Installation,
Firefighting & fire alarm, lifts, HVAC (Central AC/ VRF with ducting), substation and DG set
(any 3 of E&M services out of 5 excluding IEI) all executed under one agreement.
Note: -
1. Machine room and Mumty shall not be counted as a storey.
2. Basement, Stilt Constructed in the building shall be considered as a storey.
3. Only works executed in India shall considered for similar work
4. Qualified similar works shall be physically inspected by the CPWD engineers to
ascertain the completion, performance on quality of works for finalizing the
technical bids
5. The value of executed works shall be brought to current costing level by enhancing
the actual value of work at simple rate of 7% per annum (without compounding);
calculated from the date of completion to previous day of last date of submission of
6. If Private work shown in support of eligibility criteria, certified copy of Tax
deducted at source (TDS) certificate (Form 16A and 26A) shall be submitted along
with the experience certificate and TDS amount shall tally with the actual amount
of work done. Otherwise, the amount that tally with TDS shall only be considered
for eligibility.
c) Profit/Loss: -
Should not have incurred any loss (profit after tax should be positive) in more than two years
during the last five consecutive years ending 31st March, 2022, duly certified and audited by
the chartered accountant. (The balance sheet in case of Pvt./ Public Ltd. Company means its
standalone finance statement and consolidated financial statement both).
A= Maximum turnover in construction works executed in any one year during the last seven
years taking into account the completed as well as works in progress. The value of
completed worksshall be brought to current costing level by enhancing at a simple rate of 7%
per annum.
N= Number of years prescribed for completion of work for which bids has been invited.
B= Value of existing commitments and ongoing works to be completed during the period of
completion of work for which bids have been invited.
Note: The bidder should submit bidding capacity as per FORM C3.
Evaluation Creteria: Evaluation of the performance of contractors for eligibility shall bedone
by NIT approving authority or Committee constituted by him. All the eligible similar works
executed and submitted by the bidders in support of eligibility and any one of the ongoing
works, may be got inspected by committee which may consist of client or any other authority
as decided by NIT approving authority. The marks for the quality shall be given based on this
inspection, if inspection is carried out. Scoring method of evaluation: - The scoring for
evaluation mentioned in these columns shall be done as given in Proforma given (as per
FORM-D1) elsewhere in the agreement.
f) The bidder should not have been barred/blacklisted by the Central Government/State
Government, or any entity controlled by it, from participating in any tender, and the bar
subsists as on the Bid Due Date, such bidder would not be eligible to submit the BID. The
Bidder should upload affidavit for NON – BLACK LISTING in Form F.
At the time of uploading of bid, the bidder shall have also to upload Scanned copy of an
affidavit on Non-Judicial Stamp paper of Rs.10/- as under:
“I/We undertake and confirm that eligible similar works(s) has/have not been got
executed through another contractor on back to back basis. Further that, if such a
violation comes to the notice of Department, then I/we shall be debarred for
bidding in CPWD in future forever. Also, if such a violation comes to the notice of
Department before date of start of work, the Engineer in-Charge shall be free to
forfeit the entire amount of Earnest Money Deposit/Performance Guarantee.”
g) The bidder should sufficient no. of Technical & Administrative employees for proper
execution of contract. The bidder shall have to submit a list of these employees stating
clearly how these would be involved in this work within 15 days of award of work.
8.1 The detailed submitted by the bidders will be evaluated in the following manner: -
8.1.1 The initial criteria prescribed in Para 7.0 above in respect of experience of eligible
similar works completed, loss, solvency, financial turn over and bidding capacity etc.
will first be scrutinized and the bidder’s eligibility for the work will be determined.
8.1.2 The bidders qualifying the initial criteria, as set out in Para 7.0 above, will be
evaluated for following criteria by scoring method on the basis of details furnished by
To become eligible for short listing the bidder must secure at least fifty percent marks in
each(section a, b, c and d) and sixty percent marks in aggregate.
The department, however, reserves the right to restrict the list of such qualified
contractors toany number deemed suitable by it.
The average value of performance of works for time overrun and quality shall be taken
on thebasis of performance report of the eligible similar works.
8.1.3 The committee or local unit of CPWD shall inspect the performance of completed as
well ason-going works.
Bidders should furnish the Annual financial statement for the last five years (in Form “A”)
andBank Solvency Certificate (In Form “B”) OR Net Worth Certificate (In Form “B1”).
Bidder should furnish the following:
(a) List of eligible similar nature of work successfully completed during the last seven years
(In Form “C”) and ongoing works as well (Form ‘C1”).
From: -
Executive Engineer & Senior Manager II,
O/o CE cum ED Mumbai,
Navi Mumbai.
Sub: Submission of bids for the works of “Construction of 354 nos. staff Quarters Hostel
Building Academic Block, for Reserve Bank of India at Plot No. 1, Sector 7, CBD Belapur
(Kharghar), Navi Mumbai.
Package 1:- C/o 1 No Grade D tower(19 quarters, G+10), 4 Nos Grade B/C tower (quarters
159 G+10) 4 Nos Grade A tower(176 quarters,G+11), ZTC Hostel Building(82Rooms,G+8),
Academic Block (G+2), Club House With Swimming Pool, Caretaker, Security And
commercial building Including Internal Water Supply and Sanitary Installations, Drainage,
Internal Electrical Installations, Lifts, Fire-Fighting and Fire-Fighting Alarms, D.G Sets, STP,
Substation and Pump House, Rainwater Harvesting System, and development work for
Reserve Bank of India at Plot No. 1, Sector 7, CBD Belapur (Kharghar), Navi Mumbai.
Having examined the details given in the bid document for the above work, I/we
herebysubmit the relevant information.
1. I/We hereby certify that all the statements made and information supplied in the
enclosed Forms from FORM- A, to E, and accompanying statement are true and
2. I/We have furnished all information and details necessary for eligibility and have no
furtherpertinent information to supply.
3. I/We, submit the requisite certified bank solvency/ net worth certificate and
authorize the Executive Engineer & Senior Manager II, O/o CE cum ED Mumbai,
CPWD, Navi Mumbai to approach the Bank issuing the bank solvency/net worth
certificate to confirm the correctness thereof. I/We, also authorize Engineer & Senior
Manager II, O/o CE cum ED Mumbai, CPWD, Navi Mumbai to approach individuals,
employers, firms and corporation to verify our competence and general reputation.
It is certified that the information given in the enclosed eligibility bid are correct. It is
also certified that I / We shall be liable to be debarred, disqualified / cancellation of
enlistment in case any information furnished by me / us is found to be incorrect.
Seal of bidder
Date of submission:
Signature(s) of Bidder(s).
“To Whomsoever It May Concern”
This is to certify that to the best of our knowledge and information that M/s. /
having marginally noted address, a customer of our bank are/is respectable and can be
This certificate is issued without any guarantee or responsibility on the bank or any of the
1) In case of partnership firm, certificate should include names of all partners
as recorded withthe Bank.
2) Bank Certificates should be on letter head of the bank, addressed to tendering
“It is to certify that as per audited balance sheet and profit & loss account during the
after considering all liabilities. It is further certified that the net worth of the company
has not eroded by more than 30% in the last three years ending on (the relevant date).”
Sl. Name Owner or Cost of Date of Stipulated Actual Litigation Name Whethe
No. of sponsoring work commenceme date of dateof / and rthe
work / Organizati in nt as per completio completio arbitratio address/ work
Project on crores contract n n ncases telephon was
and of pending / eno of done
Locatio rupees in officer to on
n progress whom back-to-
with referenc back
details* e may be basis
made Yes/
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
FORM ‘C-1’
S.No. Details
1. Name of work / project and location
2. Owner or sponsoring organization
3. Cost of work in Crores of Rupees
4. Date of commencement as per contract
5. Stipulated date of completion
6. Up to date percentage progress of work
7. Slow progress if any and reasons thereof
8. Name and Address (Postal Address & E-mail)/
telephone number/Mobile number of officers to whom
reference may be made.
9. Remarks
FORM 'C'-2
Sr Name Owner Cost Date of Stipu Actu Type of Litigation/ Name and Whethe
n of or of commen lated al structura arbitratio Address rthe
o work / spons work cement date date l system n cases (Postal was
project oring Crores as per of of technolo pending/ Address & done
and organi of contract comp com gy used. in E-mail) / on backto
locatio zation Rupee letion pleti progress telephone back basis
n s on with number/M Yes/ No
details obile
number of
officer to
may be
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Signature of bidder
Form C-3
Form for Bidder’s Bidding Capacity
NAME OF WORK: Construction of 354 nos. staff Quarters Hostel Building Academic Block, for
Reserve Bank of India at Plot No. 1, Sector 7, CBD Belapur (Kharghar), Navi Mumbai.
Package 1:- C/o 1 No Grade D tower(19 quarters, G+10), 4 Nos Grade B/C tower (quarters 159
G+10) 4 Nos Grade A tower(176 quarters,G+11), ZTC Hostel Building(82Rooms,G+8), Academic
Block (G+2), Club House With Swimming Pool, Caretaker, Security And commercial building
Including Internal Water Supply and Sanitary Installations, Drainage, Internal Electrical
Installations, Lifts, Fire-Fighting and Fire-Fighting Alarms, D.G Sets, STP, Substation and Pump
House, Rainwater Harvesting System, and development work for Reserve Bank of India at Plot No.
1, Sector 7, CBD Belapur (Kharghar), Navi Mumbai.
Stipulated date of completion
/telephoneNumber of
Existing commitment
Owner or sponsoring
Column 4 X Column
Remaining work in
may be made
Sr no
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Total (B) =
1. Name of Work / Project and Location:
2. Agreement No.
3. Estimated Cost:
4. Tendered Cost:
5. Date of start:
6. Date of completion
(a) Stipulated date of completion:
(b) Actual date of completion:
7. Total cost of completed as per Final Bill (Rs.):
8. Amount of compensation levied for delayed Completion, if any
a) Whether case of levy of compensation
for delay has been decided or not? : Yes /No
b) If decided, amount of compensation
leviedfor delayed completion, if any.
9. Amount of reduced rate items, if any:
10. Performance Report :
(i) Quality of Work : Outstanding/ Very Good/ Good / Poor
FORM ‘D-1’
(Format of Performance report in which local unit of CPWD shall submit the report)
Name of work: -
Date of Inspection: -
Date of submission of report: -
A. General Observation & Operational Aspects Yes/No
1 Availability of approval from local bodies in case of construction of
2 Availability of approved structural drawings.
3 Observation on seepage/ leakage in the building
4 Whether line and level maintained
5 In case of basement, observation on seepage, if any.
6 Any structural defects/ distress observed. If yes give details
7 Whether safety measures adopted at site as per CPWD safety code
and or govt. guidelines are adequate or not.
8 Whether the welfare facilities provided to labour as per cause 19H of
GCC for CPWD works/ and or govt. guidelines are adequate or not.
9 Whether AHU getting automatically switched off and fire damps closed
in case of fire signal
10 Whether thimbles used for termination of wires in DBs, EBDs and
B Quality of Work
1 Quality of plaster/finishing
2 Quality of RCC/CC work
3 Quality of flooring
4 Quality of wood work
5 Quality of steel work / aluminium work
6 Quality of plumbing and sanitary installation
7 Quality of workmanship
8 Quality of water proofing
9 If cladding done, observation on efficiency/ quality of cladding / brick
10 Quality of internal electrification work
11 Quality of DBs, EBDs and panels?
12 Quality of E&M equipment’s, panels and feeder pillar.
13 Quality of fire alarm system/ fire-fighting system
14 Quality of Air conditioning work.
15 Quality of Sub-Station based on complete live diagram, capacitor panel,
powerfactor, insulating mat, cleanliness, cable termination, earthing
pits, earthing of transformer /DG sets.
16 Any other aspect (To be elaborated)
Average Marks (To be awarded out of 100 Marks based on average of marks assessed
on eachattribute mentioned at B above).
1 All the above parameters may be considered for assessing the overall quality of work
executed by the contractor.
2 In case, any attribute is not applicable, the same may not be included in assessment
and mentioned are not applicable (N/A).
3 The works as assessed above shall be converted on a scale of 25/15 marks for
completed/ongoing works respectively.
4 In case of eligible completed works as well as ongoing works being more than one the
maximum marks assigned for completed works and ongoing works will be equally
distributed among the works.
FORM 'D-2'
1. Name of work/project and location
2. Owner or sponsoring organization
3. Cost of work in crores of rupees
4. Date of commencement as per contract
5. Stipulated date of completion
6. Actual date of completion
7. Type of structural system Technology used
8. Litigation/arbitration cases Pending/in progress with details
9. Name and address/telephone number of officers to whom reference may be made
10. Whether the work was done on back-to-back basis (yes / no)
Certified that M/s .................................. has completed the above work with the structural
system technology as per details mentioned above.
Sponsoring organization
1. Name & Address of the bidder
2. Telephone No. / Email id /Mobile No./Fax No.
3. Legal status of the bidder
(Attach copies of original document defining the legal status).
a) An Individual
b) A proprietary firm
c) A firm in partnership
d) A limited company or Corporation
I/we undertake and confirm that our firm/partnership firm has not been blacklisted by
any state/Central Departments/PSUs/Autonomous bodies during the last 7 years of its
operations. Further that, if such information comes to the notice of the department, then I/we
shall be debarred for bidding in CPWD in future forever. Also, if such information comes to the
notice of department on any day before date of start of work, the Engineer-in charge shall be free
to cancel the agreement and to forfeit the entire amount of Earnest Money Deposit/Performance
Guarantee (Scanned copy of this notarized affidavit to be uploaded at the time of submission of
Signature of Bidder(s) or an
authorizedOfficer of the firm
Signature of Notary with stamp
with seal
NAME OF WORK: Construction of 354 nos. staff Quarters Hostel Building Academic Block,
forReserve Bank of India at Plot No. 1, Sector 7, CBD Belapur (Kharghar), Navi Mumbai.
Package 1:- C/o 1 No Grade D tower(19 quarters, G+10), 4 Nos Grade B/C tower
(quarters 159 G+10) 4 Nos Grade A tower(176 quarters,G+11), ZTC Hostel
Building(82Rooms,G+8), Academic Block (G+2), Club House With Swimming Pool,
Caretaker, Security And commercial building Including Internal Water Supply and Sanitary
Installations, Drainage, Internal Electrical Installations, Lifts, Fire-Fighting and Fire-
Fighting Alarms,
D.G Sets, STP, Substation and Pump House, Rainwater Harvesting System, and
development work for Reserve Bank of India at Plot No. 1, Sector 7, CBD Belapur
(Kharghar), Navi Mumbai.
I/We undertake and confirm that eligible similar work(s) has / have not been got executed
through another contractor on back to back basis. Further that, if such a violation comes to
the notice of Department, then I/we shall be debarred for bidding in CPWD in or if it is
found that any information has been concealed, then I / we shall be debarred for tendering
in CPWD in future forever. Also, if such a violation comes to the notice of Department
before date of start of work, the Engineer-in- Charge shall be free to forfeit the entire
amount of Earnest Money Deposit/Performance Guarantee.
(Guarantee offered by Bank to CPWD in connection with the execution of contracts)
Form of Bank Guarantee for Earnest Money Deposit /Performance Guarantee/Security
Whereas the Executive Engineer ………………………. (name of division) ...., CPWD on behalf
of the President of India (hereinafter called "The Government”) has entered into an
agreement bearing
number…………………………..….with............................................................................................(name and
address of the contractor) ………………………………………………………………………………
(hereinafter called "the Contractor”) for execution of
work......................................................................................(name of
…….…. The Government has further agreed to accept an irrevocable Bank Guarantee for
Rs.………………………................................... (Rupees …………………………………………………………….……..
only) validup to ........ (date) as Performance Guarantee/security Deposit/Mobilization
Advance from the said Contractor for compliance of his obligations in accordance with the
terms and conditions of the agreement.
2. We, .................................. (indicate the name of the bank) (herein after referred to as “the Bank”),
Hereby undertake to pay to the Government an amount not exceeding Rs… (Rupees
………………………......... only) on demand by the Government within 10 days of the demand.
3. We, ........................... (indicate the name of the Bank) do here by undertake to pay the amount
due and payable under this guarantee without any demur, merely on a demand from the
Government stating that the amount claimed is required to meet the recoveries due or
likely to be due from the said contractor. Any such demand made on the Bank shall be
conclusive as regards the amount due and payable by the Bank under this Guarantee.
However, our liability under this guarantee shall be restricted to an amount not exceeding
Rs. ……………………........ (Rupees only).
4. We, .................. (indicate the name of the Bank) ............ , further undertake to pay the
Government any money so demanded notwithstanding any dispute or disputes raised by
the contractor in any suit or proceeding pending before any court or Tribunal, our
liability under this Bank Guarantee being absolute and unequivocal. The payment so
made by us under this Bank Guarantee shall be a valid discharge of our liability for payment
there under and the contractor shall have no claim against us for making such payment.
5. We, ........................ (indicate the name of the Bank) further agree that the Government shall
have the fullest liberty without our consent and without affecting in any manner our
obligation here under to vary any of the terms and conditions of the said agreement or to
extend time of performance by the said contractor from time to time or to postpone for any
time or from time to time any of the powers exercisable by the Government against the said
contractor and to forbear or enforce any of the terms and conditions rerating to the said
agreement and we shall not be relieved from our liability by reason of any such variation or
extension being granted to the said contractor or for any forbearance, act of omission on
the part of the Government or any indulgence by the Government to the said contractor or
by any such matter or thing whatsoever which under the law relating to sureties would, but
for this provision, have effect of so relieving us.
6. We, .....................(indicate the name of the Bank) further agree that the Government at its
option shall be entitled to enforce this Guarantee against the Bank as a principal debtor at
the first instance without proceeding against the contractor and notwithstanding any
security or other guarantee the Government may have in relation to the Contractor's
7. This guarantee will not be discharged due to the change in the constitution of the Bank or
the contractor.
8. We, .........................(indicate the name of the Bank) undertake not to revoke this guarantee
except with the consent of the Government in writing.
Date ……………………………….
1. Signature……………………
Name & Address
2. Signature……………………
Name & Address
Annexure- 5
Receipt for deposition of Original EMD
(Receipt No…………………………………. / Date… ..)
NAME OF WORK: Construction of 354 nos. staff Quarters Hostel Building Academic Block, for
Reserve Bank of India at Plot No. 1, Sector 7, CBD Belapur (Kharghar), Navi Mumbai.
Package 1:- C/o 1 No Grade D tower(19 quarters, G+10), 4 Nos Grade B/C tower (quarters 159
G+10) 4 Nos Grade A tower(176 quarters,G+11), ZTC Hostel Building(82Rooms,G+8), Academic
Block (G+2), Club House With Swimming Pool, Caretaker, Security And commercial building
Including Internal Water Supply and Sanitary Installations, Drainage, Internal Electrical
Installations, Lifts, Fire-Fighting and Fire-Fighting Alarms, D.G Sets, STP, Substation and Pump
House, Rainwater Harvesting System, and development work for Reserve Bank of India at Plot No.
1, Sector 7, CBD Belapur (Kharghar), Navi Mumbai.
Office Stamp
Note: EMD shall be in favour of Executive Engineer NISM Project Division-II, CPWD,
Annexure 6
INTEGRITY PACT (Integrity Pact is applicable for all works of estimated cost put to tender
equal to or more than the threshold value given in Schedule-F)
This Integrity Pact is made at ................ on this ............ day of ............ 20 ....
WHEREAS the Principal has floated the tender (NIT No….…………) (Herein after referred to
as the Tender) and intends to award, under laid down organizational procedure, contractt
for ................................ .................. (Name of work) ................................................................... hereinafter
referred to as the Contract.
AND WHEREAS the Principal values full compliance with all relevant laws of the land, rules,
regulations, economic use of resources and of fairness/transparency in its relation with its
Bidder(s) and Contractor(s).
AND WHEREAS to meet the purpose aforesaid both the parties have agreed to enter into
this Integrity Agreement (hereinafter referred to as Integrity Pact), the terms and conditions
of which shall also be read as integral part and parcel of the Tender/Bid documents and
Contract between the parties.
In order to achieve these goals, the principal will appoint Independent External Monitors
(IEMs) who will monitor the tender process and the execution of the contract for
compliance with the principles mentioned hereunder.
NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of mutual covenants contained in this Pact, the parties
hereby agree as follows and this Integrity Pact witnesses as under:
(1) The principal commits itself to take all measures necessary to prevent corruption and to
observe the following principles:
(a) No employee of the principal, personally or through any of his/her family members,
will in connection with the Tender, or the execution of the Contract, demand, take a
promise for or accept, for self or third person, any material or immaterial benefit
which the person is not legally entitled to.
(b) The Principal will, during the Tender process, treat all Bidder(s) with equity and
reason. The Principal will, in particular, before and during the Tender process,
provide to all Bidder(s) the same information and will not provide to any Bidder(s)
confidential/ additional information through which the Bidder(s) could obtain an
advantage in relation to the Tender process or the Contract execution.
(c) The Principal shall endeavour to exclude from the Tender process any person,
whose conduct in the past has been of biased nature.
(2) If the Principal obtains information on the conduct of any of its employees which is a
criminal offence under the Indian Penal code (IPC)/Prevention of Corruption Act, 1988
(PC Act) or is in violation of the principles herein mentioned or if there be a substantive
suspicion in this regard, the Principal will inform the Chief Vigilance Officer and in
addition can also initiate disciplinary actions as per its internal laid down policies and
(a) The Bidder(s)/Contractor(s) will not, directly or through any other person or
firm, offer, promise or give to any of the Principal employees involved in the
Tender process or execution of the Contract or to any third person any material
or other benefit which he/she is not legally entitled to, in order to obtain in
exchange any advantage of any kind whatsoever during the Tender process or
during the execution of the Contract.
(b) The Bidder(s)/Contractor(s) will not enter with other Bidder(s) into any
undisclosed agreement or understanding, whether formal or informal. This
applies in particular to prices, specifications, certifications, subsidiary contracts,
submission or non-submission of bids or any other actions to restrict
competitiveness or to cartelize in the bidding process.
(c) The Bidder(s)/Contractor(s) will not commit any offence under the relevant
IPC/PC Act. Further the Bidder(s)/ Contract(s) will not use improperly, (for the
purpose of competition or personal gain), or pass on to others, any information
or documents provided by the Principal/Owner as part of the business
relationship, regarding plans, technical proposals and business details, including
(d) The Bidder(s)/Contractor(s) of foreign origin shall disclose the names and
addresses of agents/ representatives in India, if any. Similarly,
Bidder(s)/Contractor(s) of Indian nationality shall disclose names and
addresses of foreign agents/representatives, if any. Either the Indian agent on
behalf of the foreign principal or the foreign principal directly could bid in a
tender but not both. Further, in cases where an agent participates in a tender on
behalf of one manufacturer, he shall not be allowed to quote on behalf of
another manufacturer along with the first manufacturer in a
subsequent/parallel tender for the same item.
(e) The Bidder(s)/Contractor(s) will, when presenting his bid, disclose any and all
payments he has made, is committed to or intends to make to agents, brokers or
any other intermediaries in connection with the award of the Contract.
(f) Bidder(s) / Contractor(s) who have signed the Integrity Pact shall not approach
the courts while representing the matter to IEMs and shall wait for their
decision in the matter.
Without prejudice to any rights that may be available to the Principal under law or the
contract or its established policies and laid down procedures, the Principal shall have the
following rights in case of breach of this Integrity Pact by the Bidder(s)/Contractor(s) and
the Bidder/ Contractor accepts and undertakes to respect and uphold the Principal absolute
1. The Bidder declares that no previous transgressions occurred in the last 3 years with
any other Company in any country confirming to the anticorruption approach or with
Central Government or State Government or any other Central/State Public Sector
Enterprises in India that could justify his exclusion from the tender process.
2. If the Bidder makes incorrect statement on this subject, he can be disqualified from the
tender process or action can be taken for banning of business dealings/holiday listing of
the Bidder/Contractor as deemed fit by the principal.
3. If the Bidder/Contractor can prove that he has resorted/recouped the damage caused
by him and has installed a suitable corruption prevention system, the Principal may, at
its own discretion, revoke the exclusion prematurely.
2. The Principal will enter into pacts on identical terms as this one with all Bidders and
3. The Principal will disqualify Bidders who do not submit the duly signed Integrity Pact
between the Principal and the Bidder along with the Tender or violate its provisions at
any stage of the Tender process.
This Integrity Pact begins when both the parties have legally signed it. It expires for the
Contractor 12 months after the completion of work under the contract or expiry of defect
liability period or last payment made under the contract, whichever is later and for all
other bidders, 6 months after the Contract has been awarded.
If any claim is made/lodged during this time, the same shall be binding and continue to be
valid despite the lapse of this Integrity Pact as specified above, unless it is
discharged/determined by the ADG/SDG, CPWD concerned.
1. This Integrity Pact is subject to Indian Law, place of performance and jurisdiction is the
Headquarters of the Division of the Principal, who has floated the tender.
3. If the Contractor is a partnership or a consortium, this Integrity Pact must be signed by all
the partners or by one or more partner holding power of attorney signed by all partners
and consortium members. In case of a Company, the Integrity Pact must be signed by a
representative duly authorized by board resolution.
4. Should one or several provisions of this Integrity Pact turn out to be invalid; the
remainder of this Pact remains valid. In this case, the parties will strive to come to an
agreement to their original intensions.
6. It is agreed term and condition that any dispute or difference arising between the parties
with regard to the terms of this Integrity Pact, any action taken by the Principal in
accordance with this Integrity Pact or interpretation thereof shall not be subject to
7. In view of the nature of integrity pact, the Integrity Pact is irrevocable and shall remain
valid even if the main tender/contract is terminated till the currency of the integrity pact.
(1) The Principal appoints competent and credible Independent External Monitor for this Pact
after approval by Central Vigilance Commission (Names and address of IEMs are as
mentioned in Schedule-F). The task of the Monitor is to review independently and
objectively, whether and to what extent the parties comply with the obligations under this
(2) The Monitor is not subject to instructions by the representatives of the parties and
performs his/her functions neutrally and independently. The Monitor would have access to
all contract documents, whenever required. It will be obligatory for him/her to treat the
information and documents of the Bidders / Contractors as confidential.
(3) The Bidder(s)/Contractor(s) accepts that the IEM has the right to access without
restriction to all project documentation of the Principal including that provided by the
Contractor, The Contractor will also grant the IEM, upon his/her request and demonstration
of a valid interest, unrestricted and unconditional access to their project documentation. The
same is applicable to subcontractors.
(4) The IEM is under contractual obligation to treat the information and documents of the
Bidder{s}/Contractor(s)/ Sub-contractor(s) with confidentiality. The IEM has also signed
‘Non- DiscIosure of Confidential Information’ and ‘Absence of Conflict of Interest’. In case if
any conflict of interest arising at a later date, the IEM shall inform the Engineer-in-Charge
and recuse himself / herself from that case.
(5) As soon as the IEM notices, or believes to notice, a violation of this agreement, he/she will
so inform the Management of the Principal and request the Management to discontinue or
take corrective action, or to take other relevant action. The IEM can in this regard submit
non-binding recommendations. Beyond this, the IEM has no right to demand from the parties
that they act in a specific manner, refrain from action or tolerate action.
(6) The IEM will submit a written report to the SDG/ADG concerned within 8 to 10 weeks
from the date of reference or intimation to him by the Principal and, should the occasion
arise, submit proposals for correcting problematic situations.
(7) If the IEM has reported to the ADG/SDG concerned, a substantiated suspicion of an
offence under relevant IPC/ PC Act, and the ADG/SDG concerned has, within a reasonable
time, not taken visible action to proceed against such offence or reported it to the Chief
Vigilance Officer, the IEM may also transmit this information directly to the Central Vigilance
(8) The Principal will provide to the IEM sufficient information about all meetings among the
parties related to the project provided such meetings could have impact on contractual
relations between the Principal and the contractor. The parties will offer to the IEM the
option to participate in such meetings.
(9) The word IEM or monitor would include both singular and plural.
All rights and remedies of the parties hereto shall be in addition to all the other legal rights
and remedies belonging to such parties under the Contract and/or law and the same shall be
deemed to be cumulative and not alternative to such legal rights and remedies aforesaid. For
the sake of brevity, both the Parties agree that this Integrity Pact will have precedence over
the Tender/Contact documents with regard to any of the provisions covered under this
Integrity Pact.
IN WITNESS WHERE OF the parties have signed and executed this Integrity Pact at the place
and date first above mentioned in the presence of following witnesses:
1 ............................................
(signature, name and address)
2 ............................................
Note: To be signed by the Bidder and the Engineer-in-Charge. Provision of IEMs IEMs
(Independent External Monitors) have been appointed to monitor IP (Integrity pact) for
works having estimated cost as mentioned in Schedule F. Details (names, address, number
etc.) of IEMs are available in the Schedule F.
Part III
Tender for the work of: - Construction of 354 nos. staff Quarters Hostel Building Academic Block,
for Reserve Bank of India at Plot No. 1, Sector 7, CBD Belapur (Kharghar), Navi Mumbai.
Package 1:- C/o 1 No Grade D tower(19 quarters, G+10), 4 Nos Grade B/C tower (quarters 159
G+10) 4 Nos Grade A tower(176 quarters,G+11), ZTC Hostel Building(82Rooms,G+8), Academic
Block (G+2), Club House With Swimming Pool, Caretaker, Security And commercial building
Including Internal Water Supply and Sanitary Installations, Drainage, Internal Electrical
Installations, Lifts, Fire-Fighting and Fire-Fighting Alarms, D.G Sets, STP, Substation and Pump
House, Rainwater Harvesting System, and development work for Reserve Bank of India at Plot No.
1, Sector 7, CBD Belapur (Kharghar), Navi Mumbai.
I/We have read and examined the notice inviting tender, schedule, A, B, C, D, E & F
Specifications applicable, Drawings & Designs, General Rules and Directions, Conditions of
Contract, clauses of contract, Special conditions, Schedule of Rate & other documents and
Rules referred to in the conditions of contract and all other contents in the tender
document for the work “Construction of 354 nos. staff Quarters (19 Grade D, 159
Grade B/C and 176 Grade A) and ZTC Hostel Building (82 Rooms) and Academic Block,
Club House With Swimming Pool, Caretaker, Security and Commercial Building And
commercial building Including Internal Water Supply and Sanitary Installations, Drainage,
Internal Electrical Installations, Lifts, Fire- Fighting and Fire-Fighting Alarms, D.G Sets,
STP, OWC, Substation and Pump House, Rainwater Harvesting System, Internal Roads
With Street Lighting, Signage’s, Compound Wall and Horticulture Works for Reserve
Bank of India at Plot No. 1, Sector 7, CBD Belapur (Kharghar), Navi Mumbai.”
I/We hereby tender for the execution of the work specified for the President of India
within the time specified in Schedule ‘F’ viz., schedule of quantities and in accordance
in all respect with the specifications, designs, drawing and instructions in writing
referred to in Rule-1 of General Rules and Directions and in Clause 11 of the
Conditions of contract and with such materials as are provided for, by, and in respect
of accordance with, suchconditions so far as applicable.
I/We agree to keep the tender open for Seventy-Five (75) days from the date of opening of
technical bid and not to make any modification in its terms and conditions.
I/We undertake and confirm that eligible similar work(s) has/have not been got
executed through another contractor on back-to-back basis. Further that, if such a
violation comes to the notice of Department, then I/We shall be debarred for tendering in
CPWD in future forever. Also, if such a violation comes to the notice of Department before
date of start of work, the Engineer-in-Charge shall be free to forfeit the entire amount of
Earnest Money Deposit/Performance Guarantee.
I/We hereby declare that I/We shall treat the tender documents drawings and other
records connected with the work as secret/confidential documents and shall not
communicate information/derived there from to any person other than a person to
whom I/We am/are authorized to communicate the same or use the information in any
manner prejudicial to the safety of the State.
Witness: ……………..
The above tender (as modified by you as provided in the letters mentioned hereunder) is
accepted by me for and on behalf of the President of India for a sum of Rs.
.................................................................................................................................................. )
Signatures ............................
Designation ...........................
Civil Component
Schedule of quantities as attached in part D
Extra schedule for specific requirements/document for the work, if any: NIL
Reference to General Conditions of General Condition of Contract 2020 with up to
contract: - date correction slips
Officer inviting tender The Executive Engineer & Senior Manager- II,
O/o CE cum ED Mumbai, CPWD, CBD
Belapur, Navi Mumbai
Maximum percentage for quantity See Below
of items of work to be executed
beyond which rates are to be
determined in accordance with
clauses 12.2 &12.3
2(v) Engineer-in-charge The Executive Engineer & Senior Manager- II,
O/o CE cum ED Mumbai, CPWD, CBD
Belapur, Navi Mumbai or successor thereof.
2(viii) Accepting Authority: CE cum ED, CPWD, Mumbai.
2(x) Percentage on cost of materials 15%
and labour to cover all overheads and
2(xi) Standard Schedule of Rates D.S.R. 2021 with up-to-date correction slips.
2(xii) Department C.P.W.D.
9(ii) Standard CPWD Contract Form GCC 2020 for construction works with up-to-date
correction slips
Clause 1
i) Time allowed for submission of
Performance Guarantee Programme Chart
(Time and Progress) and applicable labour
licenses, registration with EPFO, ESIC and • 10 days
BOCW Welfare Board or proof of applying
thereof from the date of issue of letter of
ii) Maximum allowable extension beyond • 5 days with late fee @ 0.1% per day of
the period provided in (i) above the Performance Guarantee amount.
Clause 2
Authority for fixing Compensation CE cum ED, CPWD, Mumbai or successor
underclause 2 thereof
Clause 5
Number of days from the date of issue of
letter of acceptance for reckoning date of 10 days
Schedule Rate of recovery for delay in Rs. 5000/-
submission in time and progress chart and
progress report and delay in submission of
modified program chart
Clause 7
Gross work to be done together with net Rs. 5 Cr. ( However bill of lesser may be
Payment / adjustment of advances for Material paid as per discretion of ENIC )
collected, if any, since the last Such payment
being eligible to Interim payment. (As per
discretion of E-I-C)
Clause 7A Yes
Whether clause 7A is applicable
Clause 8A
Authority to be decide compensation on Engineer in Charge
account, if contractor fails to submit the
completion plan
Clause 10A
List of testing equipments to be provided by the As per [TABLE-1] attached below (This list
Contractor at site lab. is only indicative and not exhaustive. The
bidders shall berequired to provide any such
testing equipments as required as per CPWD
specification/ item nomenclature.)
Clause 10CC
Clause 10CC to be applicable in contract with stipulated period of completion 12 Months
exceeding the period shown in next column. (Applicable)
Schedule of component of other materials, Labour, POL etc. for price escalation: -
Component of civil materials (Except materials covered under clause 10CA) 40%
Component of labour expressed as percent of total value of work. 25%
Component of P.O.L. expressed as percent of total value of work. NIL
Clause 11
Specifications to be followed for execution of CPWD Specifications 2019 Vol. 1 and Vol. 2
work with up to date correction slips (Hereinafter
called CPWD specifications also).
`Clause 12
Maximum percentage for quantity of items of work to be executed 100% (One Hundred Percent)
beyondwhich rates are to be determined in accordance with Clauses
Clause 16
Competent Authority for deciding reduced rates CE cum ED, CPWD, Mumbai or successor
Clause 18
List of mandatory machinery, tools & plants to As per [TABLE-2] attached below (This list is
bedeployed by the contractor at site only indicative and not exhaustive. The
bidders shall be required to provide any such
testing equipments asrequired as per CPWD
specification/ item
Clause 19
Authority to decide for each default Engineer In Charge
Clause 19C Rs. 1,000/- each default
Clause 19D Rs. 1,000/- each default
Clause 19G Rs. 1,000/- per day for each default (subjected
to a maximum of 5% of the estimated cost put
to tender)
Clause 19K Rs. 1,000/- per tradesman per day
Clause 25
Clause 32
Requirement of Technical Representative(s) and recovery Rate: -
Sl. No. Requirement of Technical Minimum Designation of Rate at which recovery shall
cost staff experience(Years) Technicalstaff be made from the contractor
of in theevent of not fulfilling
work provision of Clause 36(i)
(Rs. Qualification Number Figures Words
in (ofMajor +
Crore Minor
) Component)
More Graduate 1 20 (and having Project Engineer with Rs. 60,000/- Rs. Sixty
than 100 Engineer experience of one degree in major per month Thousand per
(Major discipline
Component) similar nature of of Engineering month
Graduate 2+1 12 (and having Deputy Project Manager Rs. 40,000/- Rs. Forty
experience of one per month Thousand per
similar nature of per person month per
Graduate 4+2 5 Or 10 Project / Site Manager Rs. 25,000/- Rs. Twenty
Engineer Five
Respectively per month Thousand per
Or per person month per
Diploma person
Graduate 1+1 8 Quality Engineer Rs. 25,000/- Rs. Twenty
Engineer per month Thousand per
per person month per
Diploma 1 8 Surveyor Rs. 15,000/- Rs. Fifteen
Engineer per month Thousand per
per person month per
Graduate 1+1 6 Project Planning/ Billing Rs. 20,000/- Rs. Twenty
Engineer per month Thousand per
per person month per
Saftety 1 5 Safety Engineer Rs. 20,000/- Rs. Twenty
Engineer per month` Thousand per
Month per
Note:- Assistant Engineers retired from Government services who are holding Diploma will be
treated at par with Graduate Engineers. Diploma holder with minimum 10-year relevant
experience with a reputed company can be treated at par with Graduate Engineers for the purpose
of such deployment subject to the condition that such diploma holders should not exceed 50% of
requirement of degree engineers.
Clause 38
(i) (a) Schedule/statement for determining DSR 2021 with up-to-date
theoretical quantity of cement & correction slips
bitumenon the basis of Delhi Schedule
of rates
(a) Cement
For works with estimated cost put 2% (Two percent) Plus /minus
totender more than Rs. 5 lakh.
Equipment for testing of materials & concrete at site laboratory
1. Balances
i) 7 to 10 kg capacity, semi self-indicating type-Accuracy 10 gms.
ii) 500 gm. Capacity, semi self-indicating-Accuracy 1gm.
iii) Pan Balance 5kg capacity- Accuracy 10gms.
iv) Weighing scale platform type 100 kg capacity.
2. Oven- electrically operated thermostatically controlled upto 110 deg Celsius
Sensitivity 1 deg Celsius. -1 no
3. Sieves as IS 460-1962
i) IS Sieves-450mm internal dia. of size 100 mm, 80mm, 50mm, 40mm, 25mm, 20mm,
12.5mm, 10mm, 6.3mm, 4.75mm, complete with lid & pan
ii) IS Sieves-200mm internal diameter (brass frame) consisting of 2.36mm, 1.18mm, 600
micron, 425 micron, 300 microns, 212 microns, 150 microns, 90 microns, 75 microns
with lid & pan
4. Sieve shaker capable of 200mm and 450mm dia. sieves, manually operated with timing
5. Equipment for slump test- Slump Cone, steel plate, tamping rod, scale & scoop
6. Dial Gauge 25mm travel-0.01mm/division least count – 2nos.
7. 100 Tonnes compression testing machine, Electrically Operated. - 1 no
8. Cube Molds 150x150x150 mm - 60 Nos.
9. Cube Molds 75x75x75 mm - 12 Nos.
10. Graduated measuring cylinders 250ml – 2 nos,500 ml capacity -3nos, 1000 ml- 1 No.
11. Aggregate impact test apparatus as per IS 2386 -Part IV-1963.
12. Modified proctor compaction apparatus – 1 no.
13. Sand pouring cylinder with control funnel and tube complete as per IS 2720- Part
XXVIII- 1974.
14. Sampling tins with rods 100 mm dia. x 50 mm height, 0.5 Kg capacity and
miscellaneous items like moisture tins etc.
15. Constant temperature bath for accommodating test specimen, electrically
operated andthermostatically controlled.
16. Penetrometer with automatic time controller and with adjustable weight
accessories and needles asper IS 1203- 1958.
17. Distant reading thermometers.
18. Moisture metre.
19. Enamel tray
20. Pumps and pressure gauges for hydraulic testing of pipes. – 1 no.
21. Ultrasonic pulse test equipment (for concrete NDT test) – 1 no – Minimum 5 %
concrete RCC members shall be tested.
Table- 2
List of mandatory machinery, tools & plants to be deployed by the
contractor at site
1. The above list is only indicative and not exhaustive. The contractor may require
to deploy more T & asper requirement.
2. The above T & P shall be available at appropriate stage. However, the decision of
Engineer in charge inthis regard shall final and binding.
Table- 3
A) Physical Milestone as per Table Given Below
non-achievement of milestone (% of
2 residential towers of grade A
Next 2 Residential Towers of
DG Platform
Sr. No.
Activity for completion of
Activity Time Allowed in Months (From Date of Start)
1 Completion of excavation 2 2 2 5 5 2 12 5 15.5
and PCC in respective
towers and submission of
shop drawings for
monolithic Aluminium
formwork for all
residential towers.
2 Completion of 1st floor 5 5 5 8 8 5 18 8 NA
level slab respective
tower, completion of
procurement at site
complete Aluminium
formwork (Minimum
12895 sqm) and
completion of one sample
As Indicated Below
quarter of grade D (BOQ
item no 145)
3 Completion of 2nd floor 6.5 6.5 6.5 12 12 6.5 NA 12 NA
slab (setting slab terrace
Aluminium form work slab
shuttering for respective
towers A, B/C, & D,
conventional slab for
other buildings)
4 Completion of 6th floor 8 8 8 13.5 13.5 10.5 NA NA NA
slab of respective block &
completion of one sample
flat of Grade A, B/C, & D
residential tower
&sample room in Hostel
5 Completion of Masonry, 10.5 10.5 10.5 15.5 15.5 15.5 NA 15.5 18
internal plaster upto 5th terrace
floor level & completion slab
of Terrace Slab.
6 Completion of Masonry & 15.5 15.5 15.5 18 18 18 21 18 NA
1. The contractor has to first register himself through a registration form, available on CPWD
website under “Contractors Login” tab. After registration, user id & password will be
automatically generated and sent on his registered mobile and email id. Using this user id
and password he can access the module and view all the works which are being carried
out by him in CPWD and he can register the hindrance against the particular work. After
recording the hindrance by the contractor, it will be visible to all concerned officers (JE
and above) of that work. An alert through text message and email will be sent to EE.
2. Executive Engineer will first assign the work to JEs/AEs who will give their comments on
the hindrance within 2 days. After that, Executive Engineer of the work will have to take
appropriate action on the hindrance within next two days. The comments of JEs/ AEs will
not be visible to the contractor, only the decision of Executive Engineer on the hindrance
will be visible to contractor under “Decision of the Engineer in Charge”.
1.1. The Contractors are advised to inspect and examine the site and its surroundings and
satisfy themselves with the nature of site, the means of access to the site, constraints put
by local regulations, if any, weather conditions at site, general ground / subsoil conditions
etc. or any other circumstances which may affect or influence their tenders. The
Contractor shall carry out survey of the work area, at his own cost, setting out the layout
and fixing of alignment of the building as per architectural and Structural drawings in
consultation with the Engineer-in- Charge. Any discrepancy between the architectural
drawings and actual layout at site shall be brought to the notice of the Engineer-in-charge.
It shall be responsibility of the Contractor to ensure correct setting of alignment. Nothing
extra shall be payable on this account. No claims, whatsoever, shall be entertained at a
later date for any errors found, on plea that the information supplied by the Department in
the tender is insufficient or is at variance with the actual site conditions.
1.2. The Contractor shall, if required by him, before submission of the tender, inspect the
drawings in the Office of the Executive Engineer, O/o CE cum ED, Mumbai, CPWD, 7th
Floor, CGO Complex, CBD Belapur Navi Mumbai - 400614. The Department shall not bear
any responsibility for the lack of knowledge and also the consequences, thereof to the
Contractor. The information and data shown in the drawings and mentioned in the tender
documents have been furnished, in good faith, for general information and guidance only.
The Engineer- in-Charge, in no case, shall be held responsible for the accuracy thereof
and/or interpretations or conclusions drawn there from by the Contractor and all
consequences shall be borne by the Contractor. No claim, whatsoever, shall be entertained
from the Contractor, if the data or information furnished in tender document is different
or in-correct otherwise or actual working drawings are at variance with the drawings
available for inspection or attached to the tender documents. .
1.3. It is presumed that the Contractor shall satisfy himself for all possible contingencies,
incidental charges, wastages, bottlenecks etc. likely during execution of work and acts of
coordination, which may be required between different agencies. Nothing extra shall be
payable on this account.
1.4. Sub-soil investigation report of work site is available in the office of the Executive
Engineer, O/o CE cum ED, Mumbai, CPWD, Navi Mumbai. Interested bidders can go
through the report if required for their guidance. However, the Bidder is advised to obtain
requisite details directly as may be considered necessary by him before quoting rates in
the tender. No claim whatsoever on account of any discrepancy between the sub-surface
strata conditions that maybe actually encountered at the time of execution of the work and
those available in the report shall be entertained under any circumstances. The ground
water table is a variable condition and the information given in the report is only
indicative and it may vary from time to time.
1.5. The nomenclature of the item given in the schedule of quantities gives in general the work
content but is not exhaustive i.e. does not mention all the incidental works required to be
carried out for complete execution of the item of work. The work shall be carried out, all in
accordance with true intent and meaning of the specifications and the drawings taken
together, regardless of whether the same may or may not be particularly shown on the
drawings and/or described in the specifications, provided that the same can be reasonably
inferred. There may be several incidental works, which are not mentioned in the
nomenclature of each item but will be necessary to complete the item in all respects.
All these incidental
works / costs which are not mentioned in item nomenclature but are necessary to
complete the item shall be deemed to have been included in the rates quoted by the
contractor for various items in the schedule of quantities. No adjustment of rates shall be
made for any variation in quantum of incidental works due to variation / change in actual
working drawings. Also, no adjustment of rates shall be made due to any change in
incidental works or any other deviation in such element of work (which is incidental to the
items of work and are necessary to complete such items in all respects) on account of the
directions of Engineer-in-Charge. Nothing extra shall be payable on this account.
1.6. The contractor(s) shall give to the local body, police and other authorities all necessary
notices etc. that may be required by law and obtain all requisite licenses for temporary
obstructions, enclosures etc. and pay all fee, taxes and charges which may be leviable on
account of these operations in executing the contract. He shall make good any damage to
the adjoining property whether public or private and shall supply and maintain lights
either for illumination or for cautioning the public at night.
1.7. The Contractor(s) shall take all precautions to avoid accidents by exhibiting necessary
caution boards day and night. In case of any accident of labours/ contractual staff the
entire responsibility will rest on the part of the contractor and any compensation under
such circumstances, if becomes payable, shall be entirely borne by the contractor.
1.8. The work shall generally be carried out in accordance with the “CPWD Specifications 2021
Vol. I & II” with up-to-date correction slips, additional/Particular Specifications,
architectural/Structural drawings and as per instructions of Engineer-in-Charge. Any additional
item of the work, if taken up subsequently, shall also confirm to the CPWD/other relevant
specifications asmentioned above.
1.9. Several documents forming the tender are to be taken as mutually complementary to one
another. Detailed drawings shall be followed in preference to small scale drawings and
figured dimensions in preference to scale dimensions.
1.10. There be any difference or discrepancy between the description of items as given in the
schedule of quantities, particular specifications for individual items of work (including
special conditions) and I.S. Codes etc., the following order of preference shall be observed.
1.11. The works to be governed by this contract shall cover delivery and transportation up to
destination, safe custody at site, insurance, erection, testing and commissioning of the
entire works.
1.12. The works to be undertaken by the contractor shall inter-alia include the following:
(i) Preparation of detailed SHOP drawings for any item, if demanded by Engineer in
chargeand AS BUILT drawings wherever applicable.
(ii) If contractor does not submit the shop drawing within 7 days of intimation, then
penalty of Rs 1000/- per day shall be imposed.
(iii) Obtaining of Statutory permissions where-ever applicable and required.
(iv) Pre-commissioning tests as per relevant standard specifications, code of practice,
Acts and Rules wherever required.
(v) Warranty obligation for the equipments and / or fittings/fixtures supplied by the
contractor. Contractor shall provide all the shop drawings or layout drawings for all
the co-ordinate services before starting any work or placing any order of any of the
services etc. These shop drawings/layout drawings shall be got approved from
Engineer-in- charge before implementation and this shall be binding on the
contractor. The contractor shall submit material submittals along with material
sample for approval of Engineer-in-Charge prior to delivery of material at site.
1.13. The work shall be carried out in accordance with the approved architectural drawings,
structural drawings, services drawings to be issued from time to time, by the Engineer-in-
Charge. Before commencement of any item of work the contractor shall correlate all the
relevant architectural and structural drawings, nomenclature of items and specifications
etc. issued for the work and satisfy himself that the information available from there is
complete and unambiguous. The figure and written dimension of the drawings shall be
superseding the measurement by scale. The discrepancy, if any, shall be brought to the
notice of the Engineer- in- charge before execution of the work. The contractor alone shall
be responsible for any loss or damage occurring by the commencement of work on the
basis of any erroneous and or incomplete information and no claim whatsoever shall be
entertained by the department on this account.
1.14. The Contractor(s) shall take instructions from the Engineer-in-Charge regarding collection
and stacking of materials at any place. No excavated earth or building rubbish shall be
stacked on areas where other buildings, roads, services and compound walls are to be
constructed. The stacking shall take place as per stacking plan however, if any change is
required, the same shallbe done with the approval of Engineer-in-Charge.
1.15. The Contractor shall bear all incidental charges for cartage, storage and safe custody of
materials, if any, issued by department as well as to those materials also arranged by the
1.16. Any cement slurry added over base surface (or) for continuation of concreting for better
bond is deemed to have been built in the items and nothing extra shall be payable or extra
cement considered in consumption on this account.
1.17. The contractor shall give performance test of the entire installation(s) as per the
specifications in the presence of the Engineer-in-charge or his authorized representative
before the work is finally accepted and nothing extra what-so-ever shall be payable to the
contractor for such test.
The contractor shall take all necessary precautions to prevent any nuisance or
inconvenience to the owners, tenants or occupiers of adjacent properties and to the public
in general and to prevent any damage to such properties from pollutants like smoke, dust,
noise. The contractor shall use such methodology and equipment so as to cause minimum
environmental pollution of any kind and minimum hindrance to road users and to
occupants of the adjacent properties or other services running adjacent/near vicinity. The
contractor shall make good at his cost and to the satisfaction of the Engineer-in-Charge,
any damage to roads, paths, cross drainage works or public or private property
whatsoever caused due to the execution of the work or by traffic brought thereon by the
contractor. All waste or superfluous materials shall be carried away by the contractor,
without any reservation, entirely to the satisfaction of the Engineer-in-Charge.
In the event of any restrictions being imposed by the Security agency, CPWD, Traffic or
any other authority having jurisdiction in the area on the working or movement of
/Material, the contractor shall strictly follow such restrictions and nothing extra shall be
payable to the contractor on such accounts. The loss of time on these accounts, if any, shall
have to be made up by augmenting additional resources whatever required.
1.20. No payment shall be made for any damage caused by rain, snowfall, flood or any other
natural calamity, whatsoever during the execution of the work. The contractor shall be
fully responsible for any damage to the govt. property and the work for which payment
has been advanced to him under the contract and he shall make good the same at his risk
and cost. The contractor shall be fully responsible for safety and security of his material,
T&P/Machinery brought to the site by him.
1.21. The contractor shall construct suitable godowns, yard at the site of work for storing all
other materials so as to be safe against damage by sun, rain, damages, fire, theft etc. at his
own cost and also employ necessary watch and ward establishment for the purpose at his
1.22. All materials obtained from contractor shall be got checked by the representative of
Engineer- in-Charge on receipt of the same at site before use.
1.23. The contractor shall be responsible for the watch and ward/guard of the buildings, safety
of all fittings and fixtures including all equipments, services provided by him against
pilferage and breakage during the period of Installations and thereafter till the building is
physically handed over to the IITB, the Client Department. No extra payment shall be
made on this account and no claim shall be admissible on this account.
1.24. The Contractor shall keep himself fully informed of all acts and laws of the Central & State
Governments, all orders, decrees of statutory bodies, tribunals having any jurisdiction or
authority, which in any manner may affect those engaged or employed and anything
related to carrying out the work. All the rules & regulations and bye-laws laid down by
AUTHORITY and any other statutory bodies shall be adhered to, by the contractor, during
the execution of work. The Contractor shall also adhere to all traffic restrictions notified
by the local authorities. The water charges (for municipal water connection as well as
tanker water) shall be borne by the contractor. Also, if the contractor obtains water
connection for the drinking purposes from the municipal authorities or any other
statutory body, the consequent sewerage charges shall be borne by the contractor. All
statutory taxes, levies, charges (including water and sewerage charges, charges for temporary
service connections and / or any other charges) payable tosuch authorities for carrying out the
work, shall be borne by the Contractor. The Contractor shall arrange to give all notices as
required by any statutory / regulatory authority and shallpay to such authority all the fees that is
required to be paid for the execution of work. He shall protect and indemnify the Department and
its officials & employees against any claim and /or liability arising out of violations of any such
laws, ordinances, orders, decrees, by himself or by his employees or his authorized
representatives. Nothing extra shall be payable on these accounts. The fee payable to statutory
authorities for obtaining the various permanent service connections and Occupancy Certificate for
the building shall be borne by the Department.
1.25. For works below ground level the contractor shall keep that area free from water. If de-
watering or bailing out of water is required the contractor shall do the same at his own
cost and nothing extra shall be paid.
1.26. The Contractor shall make all necessary arrangements for protecting from rains, fog or
likewise extreme weather conditions, the work already executed and for carrying out
further work, during monsoon including providing and fixing temporary shelters,
protections etc. Nothing extra shall be payable on this account and also no claims for
hindrance shall be entertained on this account.
1.27. In case of flooding of site on account of rain or any other cause and any consequent
damage, whatsoever, no claim financially or otherwise shall be entertained
notwithstanding any other provisions elsewhere in the contract agreement. Also, the
Contractor shall make good, at his own cost, the damages caused, if any. Further, no claims
for hindrance shall be entertained on this account.
1.28. The contractor will take reasonable precautions to prevent his workman and employees
from removing and damaging any flora (tree/plant/vegetation) from the project area.
1.29.1. The Contractor shall carry out survey of the work area, at his own cost, setting out the
layout of buildings/ roads/ services in consultation with the Engineer -in-Charge &
proceed further. Any discrepancy between architectural drawings and actual layout at
site shall be brought to the notice of the Engineer -in-charge. It shall be responsibility
of the Contractor to ensure correct setting out of alignment. Total station survey
instruments only shall be used for layout, fixing boundaries, and centre lines, etc., Nothing
extra shall be payable on this account.
1.29.2. The Contractor shall establish, maintain and assume responsibility for grades, lines, levels
and benchmarks. He shall report any errors or inconsistencies regarding grades, lines,
levels, dimensions etc. to the Engineer -in-Charge before commencing work.
Commencement of work shall be regarded as the Contractor’s acceptance of such grades,
lines, levels, and dimensions and no claim shall be entertained at a later date for any errors
1.29.3. If at any time, any error appears due to grades, lines, levels and benchmarks during the
progress of the work, the Contractor shall, at his own expense rectify such error, if so
required, to the satisfaction of the Engineer -in-Charge. Nothing extra shall be payable
on this account.
1.29.4. The Contractor shall protect and maintain temporary/ permanent benchmarks at the site
of work throughout the execution of work. These benchmarks shall be got checked by the
Engineer-in-Charge or his authorized representatives. The work at different stages shall
be checked with reference to bench marks maintained for the said purpose. Nothing
extra shall be payable on this account.
1.29.5. The approval by the Engineer-in-Charge, of the setting out by the Contractor, shall not
relieve the Contractor of any of his responsibilities and obligation to rectify the errors/
defects, if any, which may be found at any stage during the progress of the work or after
the completion ofthe work.
1.29.6. The Contractor shall be entirely and exclusively responsible for the horizontal, vertical
and other alignments, the level and correctness of every part of the work and shall rectify
effectively any errors or imperfections therein. Such rectifications shall be carried out by
the Contractor at his own cost to the entire satisfaction of the Engineer - in-Charge.
1.29.7. The rates quoted by the Contractor are deemed to be inclusive of site clearance,
setting out work (including marking of reference points, center lines of buildings),
construction and maintenance of reference bench mark(s), taking spot levels,
construction of all safety and protection devices, barriers, barricading, signage, labour
safety, labour welfare and labour training measures, preparatory works, working during
monsoon, working at all depths, height and location etc. and any other incidental works
required to complete this work. Nothing extra shall be payable on this account.
1.30. A site laboratory with the minimum equipments as specified in CPWD specifications/in
this agreement shall be established, made functional and maintained within one month
from the award of work as per clause 10A of schedule A to F without any extra cost to
the department. In case of non compliance / delay in compliance ( To be set up within
maximum 2 months from date of start) in this, a recovery @ Rs. 500/- per day will
be imposed which will be recovered from the immediate next R/A Bill of the
The bidder should have own constructions equipment required for the proper and timely
execution of the work. Nothing extra shall be paid on this account.
No tools and plants including any special T&P etc. shall be supplied by the Department
and the Contractor shall have to make his own arrangements at his own cost. No claim of
hindrance (or any other claim) shall be entertained on this account.
Wherever required for the execution of work, all the scaffolding shall be provided and
suitably fixed, by the Contractor. It shall be provided strictly with steel double scaffolding
system, suitably braced for stability, with all the accessories, gangways, etc. with
adjustable suitable working platforms to access the areas with ease for working and
inspection. It shall be designed to take all incidental loads. It should cater to the safety
features for workmen. Nothing extra shall be payable on this account. It shall be ensured
that no damage is causedto any structure due to the scaffolding.
1.33. The Contractor shall do proper sequencing of the various activities by suitably staggering
the activities within various pockets in the plot so as to achieve early completion. The
agency to deploy adequate equipment, machinery and labour as required for the
completion of the entire work within the stipulated period specified. Also, ancillary
facilities shall be provided by contractor commensurate with requirement to complete the
entire work within the stipulated period. Nothing extra shall be payable on this account.
Adequate number/sets of equipment in working condition, along with adequate stand-by
arrangements, shall be deployed during entire construction period. It shall be ensured by
the Contractor that all the equipment, Tools & Plants, machineries etc. provided by him
are maintained in proper working conditions at all times during the progress of the work
and till the completion of the work. Further, all the constructional tools, plants, equipment
and machineries provided by the Contractor, on site ofwork or his workshop for this work,
shall be exclusively used in the construction of this work and they shall not be shifted/
removed from site without the permission of the Engineer-in- Charge.
1.34. The Contractor shall maintain all the work in good condition till the completion of entire
work. The Contractor shall be responsible for and shall make good, all damages and
repairs, rendered necessary due to fire, rain, traffic, floods or any other causes. The
Engineer-in- Charge shall not be responsible for any claims for injuries to
person/workmen or for structural damage to property happening from any neglect,
default, want of proper care or misconduct on the part of the Contractor or of any other of
his representatives, in his employment during the execution of the work. The
compensation, if any, shall be paid directly to the Department / authority / persons
concerned, by the Contractor at his own cost.
Royalty at the prevalent rates shall be paid by the Contractor or the RMC supplier as per
the terms of supply between them, on all materials such as boulders, metals, all sizes stone
aggregates, brick aggregates, coarse and fine sand, moorum, earth, river sand, gravels and
bajri etc. collected by him for the execution of the work, directly to the revenue authority
of the state government concerned. Further, contractor needs to submit proof of
submission of full royalty to the state government or local authority. Nothing extra shall be
payable on this account.
1.36.1. Existing drains, pipes, cables, over-head wires, sewer lines, water lines and similar
services, if any, encountered in the course of the execution of work shall be protected
against the damage by the contractor at his own expense. In case the same are to be
removed and diverted, expenditure incurred in doing so shall be payable to the contractor.
The contractor shall work out the cost, get the same approved by Engineer-in-Charge
before taking up actual execution. The contractor shall not store materials or otherwise
occupy any part of the site ina manner likely to hinder the operation of such services.
1.36.2. All fossils, coins, articles of value of antiquity, structures and other remains or things of
geological or archaeological interest discovered on project location during
excavation/construction shall be the property of the Government, and shall be dealt with
as per provisions of the relevant legislation. The contractor will take reasonable
precaution to prevent his work men or any other persons from removing and damaging
any such article or thing. He will, immediately upon discovery thereof and before removal
acquaint the Engineer- in-charge of such discovery and carry out the official instructions
of Engineer-in- charge for dealing with the same, till then all work shall be carried out in a
way so as not to disturb/damage such article or thing.
1.37.1. He shall protect and indemnify the Department (RBI/ CPWD) and its officials & employees
against any claim and /or liability arising out of violations of any such laws, ordinances,
orders, decrees, by himself or by his employees or his authorized representatives. Nothing
extra shall be payable on these accounts.
1.37.2. The Contractor shall assume all liability, financial or otherwise in connection with this
contract and shall protect and indemnify the Department from any and all damages and
claims that may arise on any account. The Contractor shall indemnify the Department
against all claims in respect of patent rights, royalties, design, trademarks- of name or
other protected rights, damages to adjacent buildings, roads or members of public, in
course of execution of work or any other reasons whatsoever, and shall himself defend all
actions arising from such claims and shall indemnify the Department in all respect from
such actions, costs and expenses. Nothing extra shall be payable on this account.
1.37.3. The entire work up to the plinth level, as required for obtaining approval of the plinth
from the local authority, shall be completed by the Contractor at the same time. Work
above plinth shall be allowed to be carried out only after obtaining plinth approval from
the local body. The contractor shall submit the application to local body and shall carry
laisioning work with local body at his cost. No delay shall be allowed on this ground and
also no claim whatsoever on account of any delay in approval at plinth level by the local
body shall be entertained from the Contractor. Nothing extra shall be payable on this
account. However statutory charges, if payable shall be paid by department.
1.37.4. On completion of work, the contractor shall submit required sets of “as built” drawings to
the Engineer-In-Charge furnishing requisite information for obtaining various service
1.38.1. The Contractor shall take all precautions to abide by the environmental related
restrictions imposed by any statutory body having jurisdiction in the area as well as
prevent any pollution of streams, ravines, river bed and waterways. All waste or
superfluous materials shall be transported by the Contractor, entirely to the satisfaction of
the Engineer- in-Charge and disposed at designated places only. No claim what so ever on
account of site constraints mentioned above or any other site constraints, lack of public
transport, inadequate availability of skilled, semi-skilled or unskilled workers in the near
vicinity, non-availability of construction machinery spare parts and any other constraints
not specifically stated here, shall be entertained from the Contractor. Therefore, the
Tenderers are advised to visit site and get first-hand information of site constraints.
Accordingly, they should quote their tenders. Nothing extra shall be payable on this
1.38.2. The Contractor shall cooperate with and provide the facilities to the associate Contractors
and other agencies working at site for smooth execution of the work. The contractor shall
indemnify the Department (CPWD) against any claim(s) arising out of such disputes. The
Contractor shall:
1.38.3. The work should be planned in a systematic manner so as to ensure proper co-ordination
of various disciplines viz. sanitary & water supply, drainage, rain water harvesting,
electrical, fire fighting & fire alarm system, information technology, communication &
electronics and any other services.
The Contractor shall depute Site Engineer & skilled workers as required for the work. He
shall submit organization chart along with details of Engineers and supervisory staff. It
shall be ensured that all decision-making powers shall be available to the representatives
of the Contractor at Mumbai itself to avoid any likely delays on this account. The
Contractor shall also furnish list of persons for specialized works to be executed for
various items of work. The Contractor shall identify and deploy key persons having
qualifications and experience in the similar and other major works, as per the field of their
expertise. If during the course of execution of work, the Engineer-in-Charge is of the
opinion that the deployed staff is not sufficient or not well experienced, the Contractor
shall deploy more staff or better- experienced staff at site to complete the work with
quality and in stipulated time limit. Principle Technical representative of the Contractor
having minimum fifteen years of experience in similar nature of work as mentioned in
the clause 36 of the General Conditionsof the Contract, shall always be available at the site
during the actual execution of the work.
(i) The contractor has to engage one of the approved agencies as mentioned in the list
of specialized work. The main contractor shall not change the specialized agency.
However, if the change is warranted, he may do so, with permission of Engineer-in-
charge. Nothing extra shall be payable on this account.
(ii) It shall be the responsibility of main contractor to sort out any dispute / litigation
with the Specialized Agencies without any time & cost overrun to the
Department. The main contractor shall be solely responsible for settling any
dispute / litigation arising out of his agreement with the Specialized Agencies. The
contractor shall ensure that the work shall not suffer on account of litigation/
dispute between him and the specialized agencies. No claim of hindrance in the
work shall be entertained from the Contractor on this account. No extension of
time shall be granted and no claim what so ever, of any kind, shall be entertained
from the Contractor on account of delay attributable to the selection/rejection of
the Specialized Agencies or any dispute amongst them.
ii. The Contractor shall make available, on request from the Department, the copies of
challan, cash memos, receipts and other certificates, if any, vouchers towards the
quantity and quality of various materials procured for the work and the same shall
be kept in record. The Contractor shall also provide information and necessary
documentation on the name of the manufacturer, manufacturer’s product
identification, manufacturer’s instructions, warning, date of manufacturing and test
certificates (from manufacturers for the product for each consignment delivered at
site), shelf life, if any etc., for the department to ensure that the material have been
procured from the approved source and is of the approved quality, as directed by
the Engineer-in-Charge. Wherever specified, day-to-day account of receipt of such
material shall be maintained at site of work and shall be regulated by the
iii. The contractor has to establish field laboratory at site including all necessary
equipment for field tests as given in Schedule ‘F’. All the relevant and applicable
standards and specifications shall be made available by the contractor at his cost in
the field laboratory. The contractor shall designate one of his technical
representatives as Quality Assurance Engineer, who shall be responsible for
carrying out all mandatory filed/ laboratory tests. The contractor shall also
provide adequate supporting staff at his cost for carrying out field tests, packaging
& forwarding of samples for outside laboratory tests and for maintaining test
records. All the registers of tests carried out at site or in outside laboratories shall
be maintained by the contractor. The test register shall be issued to the contractor
by the Engineer-in-charge. All the entries in the test register will be made by the
designated engineer of the contractor and same shall be regularly reviewed by the
Engineer-in-charge or his authorized representatives at site.
iv. The Contractor shall submit, immediately after the award of work, a detailed and
complete ‘Method Statement’ for the execution, testing and Quality Assurance, of
such items of works, as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge. All the materials to be
used in the work shall comply with the requirements of the specifications and shall
pass all the tests required as per specifications as applicable or such specifications
/ standards as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge.
v. The Contractor shall procure and provide all the materials from the manufacturers
/ suppliers as per the list attached with the tender documents, as per the item
description and particular specifications for the work. The equivalent brand for
any item shall be permitted to be used in the work, only when the specified make is
not available. This is, however, subject to documentary evidence produced by the
contactor regarding non availability of the specified brand and also subject to
independent verification by the Engineer-in-Charge. In exceptional cases, where
such approval is required, the decision of Engineer-in-Charge as regards equivalent
make of the material shall be final and binding on the Contractor. No claim,
whatsoever, of any kind shall be entertained from the Contractor on this account.
Nothing extra shall be payable on this account. Also, the material shall be procured
only after written approval of the Engineer-in-Charge.
vi. All materials whether obtained from Govt. stores or otherwise shall be got checked
by the Engineer-in-Charge or his authorized supervisory staff on receipt of the
same at sitebefore use.
viii. All the hidden items such as water supply lines, drainage pipes, conduits, sewers
etc. are to be properly tested as per the design conditions before covering.
ix. Water tanks, taps, sanitary, water supply and drainage pipes, fittings and
accessories should conform to byelaws and municipal body / corporation where
CPWD Specifications are not available. The contractor should engage licensed
plumbers for the work and get the materials (fixtures/fittings) tested by the
Municipal Body/Corporation authorities wherever required at his own cost.
x. The frequency of testing shall be carried out as per CPWD specification. The testing
charges shall be borne by the Contractor. In case test is not mentioned in
mandatory test in CPWD specification and Engineer in charge directs to carry out
the test, in order to satisfy himself for quality of item used, then also the testing
charges shall be borne by the Contractor.
The Contractor shall prepare an integrated program chart within fifteen days of issue of
award letter including civil as well as E & M activities for the execution of work, showing
clearly all activities from the start of work to completion, with details of manpower,
equipment and machinery required for the fulfillment of the program within the
stipulated period and submit the same for approval of the Engineer-In-Charge. These
shall be submitted by the contractor through electronic media besides forwarding hard
copies of the same. The integrated program chart so submitted should not have any
discrepancy with the physical milestones attached in the contract agreement. The
program chart should include the following: -
(iv) Program for arranging and deployment of manpower both skilled and unskilled
so as to achieve targeted progress.
(vii) In case of non compliance/delay in compliance in this, a penalty @ Rs. 500/- per
day will be imposed which will be recovered from the immediate next R/A Bill of
the Contractor.
(viii) If at any time, it appears to the Engineer-In-Charge that the actual progress of
work does not conform to the approved program referred above, the contractor
shall produce a revised program showing the modifications to the approved
program by additional inputs to ensure completion of the work within the
stipulated time.
(ix) The submission for approval by the Engineer-In-Charge of such program or the
furnishing of such particulars shall not relieve the contractor of any of his duties
or responsibilities under the contract. This is without prejudice to the right of
Engineer- In-Charge to take action against the contractor as per terms and
conditions of the agreement.
(x) Apart from the above integrated program chart, the contractor shall be required to
submit fortnightly progress report of the work in a computerized form on 1st and
16th of every month. The progress report shall contain the following, apart from
whatever else may be required as specified above:
(a) Construction schedule of the various components of the work through a bar
chart for the next two fortnights (or as may be specified), showing the
micro- milestone/milestones, targeted tasks (including material and labour
requirement) and up to date progress. At least 10 digital photographs
showing all the parts of construction site in soft copy has to be submitted in
every fortnightly progress report.
(b) Progress chart of the various components of the work that are planned
and achieved, for the fortnight as well as cumulative up to the fortnight
under reckoning, with reason for deviations, if any in a tabular format.
(c) Plant and machinery statement, indicating those deployed in the work
(xii) The Department shall in no way be responsible for either any delay in getting electric
and/or water and/or telephone connections for carrying out the work or not getting
connections at all. No claim of delay or any other kind, whatsoever, on this account shall be
entertained from the Contractor. Also, contingency arrangement of stand-by water &
electric supply shall be made by the Contractor for commencement and smooth progress of
the work so that work does not suffer on account of power failure or disconnection or not
getting connection at all. No claim of any kind whatsoever shall be entertained on this
account from the Contractor. Nothing extra shall be payable onthis account.
i) The Contractor shall not stack building material/malba/muck on the land or road
of the institute or on the land owned by the others, as the case may be. So the muck,
rubbish etc. shall be removed periodically as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge,
from the site of work to the approved dumping grounds as per the local bye laws
and regulations of the concerned authorities and all necessary permissions in this
regard from the local bodies shall be obtained by the Contractor. Nothing extra
shall be payable on this account. In case, the Contractor is found stacking the
building material/malba as stated above, the Contractor shall be liable to pay the
stacking charges/penalty as may be levied by the local body or any other authority
and also to face penal action as per the rules, regulations and bye-laws of such body
or authority. The Engineer –in-Charge shall be at liberty to recover, such sums due
but not paid to the concerned authorities on the above accounts, from any sums
due to the Contractor including amount of the Security Deposit and performance
guarantee in respect of this contract agreement.
ii) The contractor shall take instructions from the Engineer-In-Charge regarding
collection and stacking of materials at any place. No excavated earth or building
rubbish shall be stacked on areas where other buildings, roads, services and
compound walls are to be constructed.
iii) The Contractor shall take all care to prevent any water- logging at site. The waste
water, slush etc. shall not be allowed to be collected at site. For discharge into
public drainage system, necessary permission shall be obtained from relevant
authoritiesafter paying the necessary charges, if any, directly to the authorities. The
work shall be carried out in such a way that the area is kept clean and tidy. All
the fees/charges inthis regard shall be borne by the Contractor. Nothing extra shall
be payable on this account.
i) Officers of CPWD, Central Ministry / Department, & RBI shall be inspecting the on-
going work at site at any time with or without prior intimation. The contractor shall,
therefore,keep updated the following requirements and detailing.
a) Display Board showing detail of work, weekly progress achieved with respect to
targets, reason of shortfall, status of manpower, wages being paid for different
categories of workers.
b) Entrance and area surrounding to be kept cleaned.
c) Display layout plan key plan, building drawings including plans, elevations and
d) Upto date displays of Bar chart, CPM and PERT etc.
e) Keep details of quantities executed, balance quantities, deviations, possible
Extra item, substituted Item etc.
f) Keep plastic / cloth mounted one sets of building drawings.
g) Set of Helmets and safety shoes for exclusive use for officers/dignitaries visiting
at site.
The clause 17 of the General Conditions of Contract CPWD works shall be applied.
The defect liability / maintenance period shall start after the date of issue of completion
certificate. Besides observing other formalities prescribed in the General Conditions of the
Contract, for release of security deposit, the contractor shall have to produce a certificate
stating that no defects are pending for rectification from the competent authority of RBI.
i) The Contractors shall quote same rates for the identical items which may
inadvertently appear in more than one place. If different rates are quoted by the
tenderers for such identical items, the same shall be rationalized by considering the
lowest quoted rate forsuch items, for evaluation and acceptance of tender.
ii) Wherever any reference to any Indian Standards occurs in the documents relating
to this contract, the same shall be inclusive of all amendments issued thereto or
revisions thereof, if any, up to the date of receipt of tenders.
iii) Unless otherwise specified in the schedule of quantities, the rates for all items of
work shall be considered, as inclusive of pumping out or bailing out water, if
required throughout the construction period for which no extra payment shall be
made. This shall also include water encountered from any sources such as rains,
floods, sub soil water table being high and/or due to any other cause whatsoever.
iv) The rates for all items of work, shall unless clearly specified otherwise, include
cost of all operations and all inputs of labour, material, T & P, scaffolding, wastages,
watch and ward, other inputs, all incidental charges, all taxes, cess, VAT, duties,
levies etc. required for execution of the work.
v) Unless otherwise provided in the Schedule of Quantities, the rates quoted by the
Contractor for the various items shall be inclusive of carrying out the works at and
/ or up to all heights, lifts, leads and depths.
vi) Unless otherwise specified in the Schedule of Quantities, the rates quoted by the
Contractor for the various items shall be inclusive of carrying out the work in
curvilinear portions of the building in plan and elevation as per the architectural
drawings. Nothing extra shall be payable on this account.
(ii) The Contractor shall, from time to time, provide documentary evidence as regards
payment of premium for all the Insurance Policies for keeping them valid till the
completion of the work. The Contractor shall ensure that Insurance Policies are
also taken for the workers of his Sub-Contractors / specialized agencies also.
Without prejudice to any of its obligations and responsibilities specified above, the
Contractor shall within 10 days from the date of letter of acceptance of the tender
and thereafter at the end of each quarter submit a report to the Department giving
details of the Insurance Policies along with Certificate of these insurance policies
being valid, along with documentary evidences as required by the Engineer-in-
Charge. No work shall be commenced by the Contractor unless he obtains the
Insurance Policies as mentioned above. Also, no payment shall be made to the
Contractor on expiry of insurance policies unless renewed by the Contractor.
Nothing extra shall be payable on this account. No claim of hindrance (or any other
claim) shall be entertained from the contractor on these accounts.
1.49. The Contractor shall at all reasonable times provide access to the Engineer-in-Charge or
his authorized representative to the workshops, factories or other places where materials
are stored, for inspection and/or collection of samples. Nothing extra shall be payable on
this account.
i) The contractor shall prepare & display mock-ups in actual position of each and every
item and obtain approval of Engineer-in-charge before execution en masse. The mockup
shall be preserved for the purpose of reference till completion of the item represented by
the mockup. Similarly, the contractor shall prepare two sample toilet blocks for each
building comprising of all finishes and fittings included in the scope of this contract.
Approval of Engineer-in-charge shall be obtained before taking up finishing works in
mass. The work executed in approved mock ups / sample units in actual position forming
part of the main work shall be measured and paid to the contractor under the respective
items of the contract. However, any mockup/sample not approved shall not be measured
and paid. Also, the contractor shall have to dismantle and remove the same from the site of
work at his cost. However, those mockup/ samples not prepared in actual position and not
forming the part of main work shall not be paid.
(iv) Minimum 10% test should be conducted in outside approved lab as directed by
Engineer-in- Charge. Nothing extra will be paid on this account.
(v) All the entries in the registers will be made by the designated Engineering Staff
of the contractor and same should be regularly reviewed by JE/AE/AEE/EE.
(vi) Contractor shall be responsible for safe custody of all the test registers.
(vii) Submission of statement of all test conducted at site/lab, material at Site Register
along with each Running Account Bill and Final Bill shall be mandatory.
no further payment shall be made. if work is stopped due to non- rectification of defects
and delay occurs on this account, no relief in completion of mile stone by way of grant of
eot or any other relaxation be given.
2. TPQA will conduct the quality control test as per tpqa cpwd circular listed in handbook on
total quality management 2019 and carry out tests on input materials and construction
activity as per guidelines on quality control systems for building code and cpwd
specification. random sampling of materials for testing will be done by tpq agency in such
a way that a minimum of 10% of all mandatory test recommended as per cpwd
specifications/ contracts specifications are covered and it represents the whole work. the
samples shall be collected in presence of representatives of construction agency.
3. The TPQA shall be engaged by the department and consultation fess shall be paid by the
department to tpqa directly.
certificates (building use permission) for the various works (covered under the scope
of this tender) required for obtaining completion certificate (building use permission).
4. However, only Three (3) month after the date of completion shall be allowed for
obtaining various NOCs and completion certificate (building use permission). An
amount of 0.25% of work done shall be withheld from each RA bills of the Contractor
towards the same. The contractor may however submit an irrevocable Bank Guarantee
or e-bank guarantee in favour of Engineer-in-charge towards the same, to avoid
withholding of amount of RA bills. A portion of this amount withheld shall be forfeited
for non-performance, for every month delay in obtaining various NOCs and building
use permission submitting the same to the Engineer- in-charge, in a manner as given
a. No amount shall be forfeited if the NOCs and completion certificate (building use
permission) are obtained and submitted within three (3) months after date of
completion of the work.
b. If NOCs and level completion certificate (building use permission) are submitted
after three (3) months of the date of completion of work, the amount forfeited
shall be 10% of the withheld amount. The amount to be forfeited shall be
calculated on daily basis.
c. If NOCs and completion certificate (building use permission) are submitted after
four (4) months of the date of completion of work, the amount forfeited shall be
30% of the withheld amount (i.e., 10% for one month and 20% for second
month delay).
d. If NOCs and completion certificate (building use permission) are submitted after
Five (5) of the date of completion of work, the amount forfeited shall be 60%
of the withheld amount. (i.e., 10% for one month and 20% for second month
delay and 30% for the 3rd month delay).
e. If NOCs and completion certificate (building use permission) are submitted after
six (6) months of the date of completion of work, the amount forfeited shall be
100% of the withheld amount. ((i.e. 10% for one month and 20% for second
month delay,30% for the 3rd month delay and 40% for the fourth month delay).
f. The contractor shall submit all the NOCs and completion certificate (building
use permission) simultaneously and no consideration shall be given for
obtaining and submitting some (and not all) NOCs and completion certificate
(building use permission) while forfeiting the amounts as mentioned above.
g. If the contractor fails to obtain the NOCs and completion certificate (building use
permission) up to six months from the date of completion of the work, the defect
liability period shall get extended by the same period as delay (in obtaining
NOCs and completion certificate (building use permission)) beyond the six (6)
months after the date of the completion of the work. No claim of any kind shall
be entertained from the contractor on these accounts.
the Department with adequate electric light fittings, A.C., fans, electric/ power
points, switches etc. for use of the Engineer-in-Charge and his authorized
representatives. Area of such office shall be approximately 160 sqm and 1
conference room (shall be aesthetically pleasing) for 25 persons along with
conference table, executive table, main chairs and visitors’ chairs shall be provided
with suitable partitions, doors, windows, locking arrangement etc. all as per the
architectural drawings to be approved by E IN C, for exclusive use of the Department.
Adequate toilet facilities for exclusively for the use by the Department (2 no. W.C
,4nos. urinals, wash basin) connected to a temporary septic tank / soak pit, drinking
water purifier and water cooler shall also be provided exclusively for the use by the
Department. All the water and electricity charges (for running these fittings and
equipment’s as per the requirement including for the equipment’s provided by the
Department), shall be borne by the contractor. The entire site office and its
surroundings shall be maintained in a neat and clean condition by the Contractor for
the entire duration of the construction. The premises / facilities provided by the
contractor shall be owned and thus demolished / dismantled / disconnected and
material carted away by him at its own cost after the completion of work or as
directed by Engineer-in-Charge. The rates quoted by the Contractor shall be inclusive
of providing and maintaining such facilities and nothing extra shall be payable on
this account.
The contractor shall make arrangement for Helmets and safety shoes (meant of
construction work at sites) for all field staff of the department during the entire
period of construction for safety reasons. One helmet and two pairs of shoes per staff
member (maximum ten members) of the departments per year shall be arranged by
the contractor. The Contractor shall arrange for 6 number computers (4 computors
plus 2 laptops with latest configuration) along with printer, necessary peripherals
and including broadband connection with two number computer operator at the
disposal of Engineer-in-charge. The computer shall be provided with MS- project &
the computer operator shall be fully conversant with MS-word, Excel, Power- point,
Auto CAD & MS-Project. Nothing extra shall be paid on this account. The Contractor
shall give the Engineer-in-charge on the 4th day of each month, a progress report
along with pictorial photographs (softcopies) of the work done during the previous
month. The progress of work will be reviewed periodically by the Engineer-in charge
with the contractor and short falls, if any, sorted out. The contractor shall there upon
take such action as may be necessary to bring back his work to schedule without
additional cost to the department.
Note 1: The special conditions detailed above are in addition to general/ other/
additional conditions as specified elsewhere in tender document.
Note 2: Nothing extra shall be paid on the account of these special conditions.
i) Excellent ductility, bend ability and elongation of finished product due to possible
refining technology.
ii) Consumption of steel should be accurate as per design.
iii) Steel should have no brittleness problem in finished product.
iv) Steel should carry the quality of corrosion and earthquake resistance.
v) Quality steel with achievement of proper level of Sulphur and phosphorus as per IS:
DRI-EAF-> Direct Reduce Iron-Electric ARC Furnace
BF-BOF-> Blast Furnace-Basic Oxygen Furnace
COREX BOF-> COREX Furnace-Basic Oxygen Furnace.
The Chief Engineer, CSQ (Civil) unit, Directorate of CPWD shall approve
the steel manufacturers.
1.4. The contractor shall have to obtain and furnish test certificates to the Engineer-in-
charge in respect of all supplies of steel brought by him to the site of work.
1.5. Samples shall also be taken and got tested by the Engineer-in-charge as per the
provisions in this regard in relevant BIS codes. In case the test results indicate that
the steel arranged by the contractor does not conform to the specifications, the
same shall stand rejected, and it shall be removed from the site of work by the
contractor at his cost within a week time on written orders from the Engineer-in-
charge to do so.
1.6. The steel reinforcement bars shall be brought to the site in bulk supply of 10
tonnes or more, as decided by the Engineer-in-charge.
1.7. The steel reinforcement bars shall be stored by the contractor at site of work in
such a way as to prevent their distortion and corrosion, and nothing extra shall be
paid on this account. Bars of different sizes and lengths shall be stored separately to
facilitate easy counting and checking.
1.8. For checking nominal mass, tensile strength, bend test, re-bend test etc. specimens
of sufficient length shall be cut from each size of the bar at random, ant at frequency
not less than that specified below:
Size of bar For consignment For consignment
below 100 tonnes above 100 tonnes
1.9. The contractor shall supply free of charge the steel required for testing including its
transportation to testing laboratories. The cost of tests shall be borne by the
1.10. The actual issue and consumption of steel on work shall be regulated and proper
accounts maintained as provided in clause 10 of the contract. The theoretical
consumption of steel shall be worked out as per procedure prescribed in clause 42
of the contract and shall be governed by conditions laid therein. In case the
consumption is less than theoretical consumption including permissible variations
recovery at the rate so prescribed shall be made. In case of excess consumption, no
adjustment needs to be made.
1.11. The steel brought to site and the steel remaining unused shall not be removed from
site without the written permission of the Engineer-in-charge.
1.12. For the purpose of payment, the actual weight of reinforcement steel shall be
worked out as below:
1.13. To arrive at unit weight for the purpose of payment three random samples each of 1
meter length shall be collected for each diameter of re-bar from every consignment
received at site. Actual weight of three specimens for each diameter shall be taken
and average weight calculated and recorded. The average weight so arrived at shall
be compared with the theoretical weight of that particular diameter of rebar. Actual
or theoretical weight whichever is less shall be considered for making payment for
that consignment. However final payment shall be made on the basis of weighted
average of all theconsignment. The decision of the Engineer-in-charge as regards the
random samples and average weight shall be final and binding on the contractor and
no claim of any kind shall be entertained in this regard.
2.1. The contractor shall procure 43/ 53 grade ordinary Portland cement conforming
to IS 8112/Portland Pozzolana Cement conforming to IS: 1489 (Part-I) as required
in the work, from reputed manufacturers of cement such as ACC, Ultratech, Vikram,
Shree Cement, Ambuja, Jaypee Cement, Century Cement & J.K. Cement or from any
other reputed cement Manufacturer having a production capacity not less
than one million tonnes per annumas approved by ADG for that sub region.
2.2. The cement shall be brought at site in bulk supply of approximately 50 tonnes or as
decided by the Engineer- in- charge.The cement godown of the capacity to store a
minimum of 2000 bags of cement or as decided by the Engineer- in- charge shall be
constructed by the contractor at site of work for which no extra payment shall be
2.3. Double lock provision shall be made to the door of the cement godown. The keys of
one lock shall remain with the Engineer-in-Charge or his authorized representative
and the keys of the other lock shall remain with the contractor. The contractor shall
be responsible for the watch and ward and safety of the cement godown. The
contractor shall facilitate the inspection of the cement godown by the Engineer-in-
Charge at any time.
2.4. The cement shall be got tested by the Engineer-in-charge and shall be used on the
work only after satisfactory test results have been received. The contractor shall
supply free of charge the cement required for testing including its transportation
cost to testing laboratories. The cost of tests shall be borne by the contractor in the
manner indicated below:
2.5. The actual issue and consumption of cement on work shall be regulated and
proper accounts maintained as provided in clause 10 of the contract. The
theoretical consumption of cement shall be worked out as per procedure
prescribed in clause 42 of the contract and shall be governed by conditions laid
therein. In case the cement consumption is less than the theoretical requirement
including permissible variation, recovery at the rate prescribed in Schedule F shall
be made. In case of excess consumption, no adjustment shall be made.
2.6. Cement brought to site and cement remaining unused after completion of work
shall not be removed from site without written permission of the Engineer-in-
2.7. Damaged cement, noticed if any shall be removed from the site immediately by the
contractor on receipt of a notice from the Engineer-in Charge. In the absence of
compliance within 3 days of receipt of such notice, the Engineer- in-charge shall be
at liberty to get the same removed from the site at the costof the contractor.
1. It is envisaged to obtain 5-star GRIHA rating from TERI for building to be constructed under
this contract. The contractor shall strictly adhere to the following conditions as part of his
contractual obligation. Rate quoted by the agency deemed to be inclusive of expenditure on
this account and nothing extra shall be paid for this compliance.
2. The contractor is to go through all conditions of the GRIHA rating stipulations. Failure to
adhere to any of the above-mentioned items, without approval of the Engineer in Charge, shall
be deemed as a violation of contract and the contractor shall be held liable for penalty as per
terms of the agreement.
3. In case any penalty is imposed by any Hon’ble Court, NGT or any other authority due to non-
compliance of any statutory order, or law or guidelines or pollution control or environmental
norms, the same will be borne by the contractor.
4. All paper works, compliance, photography etc. with reference to the 5-star GRIHA rating
from TERI for building shall be maintained/borne by the Contractor.
become a source of fugitive dust and also to prevent of seepage of pollutant laden water into
the ground aquifers. When cleaning up the spill, ensure that the clean-up process does not
generate additional dust. Similarly, spilled concrete slurries or liquid wastes should be
contained / leaned up immediately before they can infiltrate into the soil / ground or runoff
in nearby areas.
5.8. The contractor shall ensure that no construction leachate (e.g. cement slurry etc.), is allowed
to percolate into the ground. Adequate precautions are to be taken to safeguard against this
including, reduction of wasteful curing processes, collection, basic filtering and reuse. The
contractor shall follow requisite measures for collecting drainage water run-off from
construction areas and material storage sites and diverting water flow away from such
polluted areas. Temporary drainage channels, perimeter dike/swale, etc. shall be
constructed to carry the pollutant-laden water directly to the treatment device or facility
(municipal sewer line).
5.9. The contractor shall ensure that fine aggregate, excavated earth and any other construction
material with tendency to get airborne are covered or sprinklered regularly with non
potable STP water.
5.10. Cover dusty load on vehicles by impervious sheeting before they leave the site. Contractor
shall reduce pollution and land development impacts from automobiles use during
5.11. All the building material responsible for pollution shall be brought at site from sources
covered by tarpaulin and shall take all precautionary measure to ensure that no dust
particles are permitted to pollute the air quality, failure of which Agency shall be liable to
pay damages as decided by Engineer-in-Charge to minimum of Rs 1000/truck. The decision
of Engineer-in-Charge shall be final & binding.
5.12. Agency/contractor shall not dump the construction material on the metal road and shall
keep the construction material on the physically demarcated space by the Engineer-in-
Charge and shall cover with traupalin.
5.13. The contractor shall ensure sprinkling of water on unpaved pathways on the site with non
potable water in order to mitigate air pollution.
5.15. The contractor shall identify roads on-site that would be used for vehicular traffic. Upgrade
vehicular roads (if these are unpaved) by increasing the surface strength by improving
particle size, shape and mineral types that make up the surface and base. Add surface gravel
to reduce source of dust emission. Limit amount of fine particles (smaller than 0.075mm) to
5.16. The contractor shall water spray, through a simple hose for small projects, to keep dust
under control. Fine mists should be used to control fine particulate. However, this should be
done with care so as not to waste water. Heavy watering can also create mud, which when
tracked onto paved public roadways, must be promptly removed. Also, there must be an
adequate supply of clean water nearby to ensure that spray nozzles don’t get plugged.
5.17. The contractor shall ensure that the speed of vehicles within the site is limited to10km/hr.
The contractor shall display necessary display boards at various locations.
5.18. The contractor shall ensure that adequate measures are taken for the prevention of erosion
of the top soil during the construction phase. The contractor shall submit the Erosion and
Sedimentation Control Plan (ESCP) for approval of engineer in charge. The contractor shall
obtain the Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plan (ESCP) Guidelines from the Engineer in
Charge and then prepare working plan for the following month activities as a CAD drawing
showing the construction management, staging & ESCP. At no time soil should be allowed to
erode away from the site and sediments should be trapped where necessary. The contractor
shall ensure that the soil erosion channels are constructed and they are connected to a
sedimentation tank in order to reduce movement of soil outside the site throughout the
construction phase of project. (As per GRIHA criteria 4.1.2)
5.19. Sedimentation & erosion control system shall be provided by Construction of temporary
sedimentation tank at the lowest level of site. (Dimensions- 2m X 2m X 0.6m or as per
calculation) along with wire mesh filter at the outlet. The contractor shall submit calculations
indicating that the sedimentation tank is of sufficient capacity to manage storm water runoff
for demonstrating compliance. Once the sediments in Water settle down, the water can be
pumped into the city storm-water drains. Nothing extra shall be paid on this account.
5.20. The contractor shall not change the natural gradient of the ground unless specifically
instructed by the Engineer-in-Charge. This shall cover all-natural features like water bodies,
drainage gullies, slopes, mounds, depressions, etc. Existing drainage patterns through or into
any preservation area shall not be modified unless specifically directed by the Engineer-in-
5.21. Submit a short video (duration of at least 2 minutes) indicating the functioning of soil
erosion channels and sedimentation tank during the monsoon period every year,
demonstratingcompliance with GRIHA criteria.
5.22. The contractor shall submit various photographs, documents as required to achieve GRIHA
compliance and having carried out the above activities.
6. Topsoil preservation (Criterion 5 of GRIHA)
6.1. The contractor shall submit the site plan (.dwg format) highlighting the areas of
excavation and preservation of top soil.
6.2. The contractor shall ensure that 90% of fertile topsoil from disturbed area (including
building footprint vehicular pathways and material storage areas) is preserved.
Additionally, maintain its fertility, stabilize it, and make it fit for use at landscaping
activity post construction.
6.3. The contractor shall carry out Soil fertility test of top soil by any ICAR accrediated
laboratory and submit the report. Nothing shall be paid extra for testing.
6.4. The contractor shall ensure that all the top soil excavated during construction works is
neatly stacked and is not mixed with other excavated earth. The contractors shall take the
clearance of the Engineer- in-Charge before any excavation. Top soil should be stripped to a
depth of 20 cm from the areas to be disturbed, for example proposed area for buildings,
roads, paved areas, external services and area required for construction activities etc. It
shall be stacked only to a maximum height of 40 cm at designated areas, covered or
stabilized with temporary seeding for erosion prevention and shall be reapplied to site
during plantation, landscaping etc. of the proposed vegetation. Top soil shall be separated
from subsoil, debris and stones larger than 50 mm diameter. The stored top soil may be
used as finished grade for planting areas.
6.5. The contractor shall submit various photographs, documents as required to achieve
GRIHA compliance and having carried out the above activities
7.1. The contractor shall adopt construction management practices and ensure safe disposal of
waste generated during construction.
7.2. The Contractor shall submit site management plan (.dwg format) highlighting the location of
storage areas for various construction materials such as steel, building blocks, or stone, and
for waste generated such as empty cement bags, packaging waste, or
construction/demolition debris to demonstrate compliance of above point.
7.3. The contractor shall submit copies of log sheets, challans for the total quantity of waste
generated, reused and/or sold to recyclers on site, demonstrating compliance in following
S. NSso.S. Types of Waste Quanity of Quantity of Recycle/
SNoSS generated waste generated waste sold Reuse/
1 Steel
2 Stone
3 Wood
4 C&D waste
5 Packaging waste
6 Empty cement bags
7 Drums
8 Paint buckets
9 Pipes
10 Others
7.4. The contractor shall minimize water consumption during the construction phase by
7.4.1. Contractor should spray curing water on concrete structure and shall not allow free flow of
water. Concrete structures should be kept covered with thick cloth/gunny bags and water
should be sprayed on them. Contractor shall do water ponding on all sunken slabs using
cement and sand mortar bunds.
7.4.2. The contractor shall use treated wastewater and/or captured storm water during
7.4.4. The contractor shall maintain a daily log for source of water used in construction activities
and submit to the Engineer –in-charge as per format given below.
7.4.5. The contractor shall provide the meter and monitor the consumption of water used. The
contractor shall install meter on all sources of water such as tube well, municipal supply
and /or any other source to monitor the consumption of water.
7.4.6. The contractor shall ensure that the water and electricity is not wasted during construction.
The Engineer in Charge can bring to the attention any such wastage and the contractor will
have to ensure that such bad practices are corrected.
7.4.7. The contractor shall install necessary meters and measuring devices to record the
consumption of water, electricity and diesel on a monthly basis for the entire tenure of the
7.4.8. Contractor shall also submit the various stratergies adopted to reduce the water
Sources of Water
1 Tanker (Fill in Logbook 1)
2 Borewell (Fill in Logbook 2)
3 If any other, please specify
Logbook 1
S. No. Date Quantity of Water
Logbook 2
Energy Consumed in Capacity of Water Duration of Yield of Total Water
21 Months Pumps Operation Borewell Consumed
A B C=A÷B D D × C ÷ 1000
8.1. All interior wall, ceiling finishes such as primers, paints putty etc shall have low VOC content
and shall be lead free.
8.3. The sealeants and adhesive used any where in the work shall have low VOC content as
specified below. Further all interior composite wood product shall not have urea–
formaldhyde as a bonding agent.
8.4. The contractor shall maintain all records and documentation for said purpose.
9.1. All Santitary and Water supply fixture shall be as per GRIHA confirming compliance and
shall reduce the water reduction from GRIHA base case by more than 20%, so that target of
2 points is achieved for GRIHA criterion 13.1.
9.2. The contractor shall submit design calculation of reduction in water demand by use of such
sanitary and water supply fixtures. Nothing shall be paid extra for this.
10.2. The contractor shall ensure that 5% replacement of natural aggregate with RCA/RA by
weight of that category in structural concrete / design mix concrete ((As per GRIHA
criterion 19.1.2).
10.3. The Ready-Mix plaster shall have minimum 30% replacement of OPC with BIS
recommended waste by weight of cement. The agency shall submit the third-party test
report for the same. (As per GRIHA criterion 19.1.4).
12.4. Provide minimum level of sanitation/safety facilities for construction workers: The agency
shall ensure compliance with the NBC (latest revision) safety norms for providing the
necessary safety equipment and measures for construction workers. Provisions for drinking
water, healthy and clean-living conditions and sanitation facilities shall be provided for the
workers. Nothing extra shall be paid on this account.
12.5. The contractor shall provide creche facility for children of construction workers in case the
families are allowed to work / live at construction site.
12.6. The contractor shall provide a grocery store/canteen within site premises.
12.7. The contractor shall arrange at least two events during the entire construction phase to
create environmental awareness among the construction workers.
12.8. The contractor shall comply with the safety procedures, norms and guidelines (as
applicable) as outlined in the document Part 7, Constructional practices and safety, National
Building code of India 2016 Vol-2, Bureau of Indian Standards. A copy of all pertinent
regulations and notices concerning accidents, injury and first-aid shall be prominently
exhibited at the work site. Depending upon the scope & nature of work, a person qualified in
first-aid shall be available at work site to render and direct first- aid to causalities. A
telephone may be provided to first-aid assistant with telephone numbers of the hospitals
displayed. Complete reports of all accidents and action taken thereon shall be forwarded to
the competent authorities.
12.9. All workers of contractor and associate agencies, invariably and at all the times, must follow
all safety norms, adopt safe construction practices and use all required safety gadgets in
their working throughout the project duration.
12.10. The contractor shall issue Photo Identity Cards with unique numbers containing salient
information of workers. Further the contractor shall establish a Office at the entry to
demarcated area of site. The Office shall maintain a computerized/biometric record of all
the workers allowed entry / working inside the demarcated area. This shall enable to
exactly keep a record of persons at site at a given point of time. The fortnightly labour
report submitted as per 19D of general condition of contractor shall be based on
biometric attendeance.
12.11. Formation of Safety Monitoring Committee: The contractor within 15 days of start of work
shall submit the names of Safety Engineer/Safety Manager and Safety Supervisors to the
CPWD, who shall notify a monitoring committee consisting of authorized representatives of
the main working mandate of this monitoring committee will be to monitor and achieve the
objectives of construction safety continuously, progressively and through affirmative action
and to inculcate the safety culture among all stake holders. This committee will oversee
implementation of safety program over the entire construction period.
12.12. The contractor shall be providing all documents, photographs and records as specified in
GRIHA manual for confirmance of above criterion
13. Training and Awareness:
Training: The training shall be in two phases – first induction training and then periodic
training / refresher workshop.
(i) Induction Training: All the workers shall have to undergo a training program of 16 hrs. (8
hrs. for 2 days) and to be declared satisfactorily trained by the Safety Manager before
they are allowed to work onsite.
(ii) Orientation Program: An orientation program shall be arranged for all people (other than
workers) who normally work at or visit the site.
(iii) Workshops: Refresher workshops shall be arranged in every three months for all the
workers onsite.
(iv) Advance Training: For workers involved in high-risk activities (to be identified by the
Safety Monitoring Committee) an intensive training shall be kept once in a month.
The training modules shall be designed by the Safety Manager and approved by the Safety
monitoring committee.
Training Methodology: The training methodology shall include both classroom and practical
demonstration with audio-visual techniques. For greater impact, demonstration with dummies
will be done to highlight hazards of not following safe practices. The training shall be imparted
in vernacular language and may include means such as songs, theatre, puppetry etc. for better
appreciation and assimilation by workers.
(I) The basic responsibility of implementation of safe practices shall be that of the safety
manager and safety supervisors of the contractor at the first level and project team
CPWD on second level. The basic approach of implementation should be towards
voluntary acceptability of safe practices by all stakeholders.
(II) The safety arrangement made by the contractor shall be open to inspection by the
safety officer or any other representative appointed by the CPWD and the observation
made by him shall be complied by the contractor.
All workmen are checked for their suitability before development by the respective Safety
Manager and each Safety Supervisor. Workers physical fitness knowledge about the activity
and his previous experience are checked before deployed. Workmen involved in physical
activity (such as driver, operators, Height workers, Food handlers at Canteen and Pantries,
welders) shall be subjected to pre-employment medical check-up; those who do not clear the
medical examination shall not be employed.
Adequate number of safeties equipments and personals protective equipments (PPE) as per
Indian Standards will be planned and procured. Recommendations as per following
table/Matrix should be followed:
General – Entry into All Employees Safety Helmet, Safety
work premises Shoes& Reflective Jacket
Signaling Security / marshal Reflective Jacket
Working at Height – All Full body harness Double
More than 1.8 meters lanyard
Involved with cement All Gum Boots & Rubber Hand
&Concrete Handling Gloves
Breaking of ceramics & Chippers Eye protection – Clear Goggles
Agglomerate materials
Welding & Gas Cutting Welders & Cutters Leather gloves, Safety shoe,
Welding Shield with proper
Working with slush Un skilled & Excavation Gum boots
Forming and Carpenters and Wood Face shield & Nose Mask
Making workers
shuttering materials
Rebar’s handling & Bar benders Cotton hand Gloves
Scaffolding Scaffolders Cotton hand gloves
Painting Painters Clear, Goggles, Nose mask
DG Operators & Other Operators Ear Muff, Rubber Hand
Noise prone areas Gloves (Electrical Grade)
Electrical Maintenance Electricians HV Rubber hand gloves
Concrete Batching Plant Operators & Loaders Nose Mask
Color Coding of Helmets:
Grey All Staff of Contractor/other Respective Person
Green Safety Inspectors
Red Electricians & Signal men
Blue Supervisors
Yellow Workmen
The safety team of the contractor and project team of CPWD are entrusted with enforcement of
safe practices. If safety program is not followed (as assessed by either CPWD) then recovery as
below shall be made:
(I) If the contractor does not employ and / or submit the names of Safety Manager and
Safety Supervisors of specified numbers with appropriate qualification and or
experience then a recovery of Rs. 2000 per day and Rs. 1000 per day shall be
affected for Safety Manager and Safety Supervisor respectively.
(II) Contractor will ensure that no person shall be allowed to enter the demarcated area
without adequate safety gadgets (as per occupation / purpose of visit).
(III) Inside the work area it is the responsibility of the contractor to make sure all people
will follow the safety instructions as per agreement.
(IV) In case of default from workers their employer (hiring agency) will have to pay a penalty
of Rs100 per offense.
(V) These fines will be collected into workers welfare fund. Money thus collected will be
utilized for supporting welfare programs for workers and their families.
(VI) In case the contractor / subcontractor do not impart training the same shall be
provided by CPWD through an accredited agency. Thrice the amount of fee for such
training shall be deducted from the contractor.
(VII) A display board shall be kept at site which would list the names of workers / teams and
agencies following safety program in the best manner. This would be updated weekly.
(VIII) During training and workshops, the names of persons / teams / agencies that are best
following safety program shall be announced and they shall be felicitated.
(IX) On completion of the work, shields for best person / team / agencies following safety
program in different categories shall be awarded.
(X) A biometric system/record of attendance will be put in place by the Contractor as per
the direction of Engineer- in-Charge and the Safety Manager and all the Safety
Supervisors will record their presence in the system. Recovery as suggested will be
made for failure to record such presence / non availability of safety personals.
The contractor shall ensure the following activities for construction workers safety, among other
(i) Precautionary signs for working on machinery.
(ii) Maintaining hoists and lifts, lifting machines, chains, ropes, and other lifting tackles
ingood condition.
(iii) Durable and reusable formwork system store place timber formwork and ensure
that formwork where used is properly maintained.
(iv) Ensuring that walking surfaces or boards at height are of sound construction and
are provided with safety rails or belts.
(v) Provide protective equipment; helmets etc.
(vi) Provide measures to prevent fires. Fire extinguishers and buckets of sand to
be provided in the fire-prone area and elsewhere.
(vii) Provide sufficient and suitable light for working during nighttime.
i. The contractor shall adopt one measaure on site to create the environmental awareness
amongst site staff, workers, users and visitors.
ii. The contractor adopts one measure on site to create environmental awareness among the
the general masses.
iii. The contractor to ensure that tobacco smoking is prohibited on site during entire
construction phase. Necessary signages to be installed in the project building at various
places/common areas. Penalty clause to be included in the signages. The contractor shall
submit necessary documents and photographs for confirmation of same.
a) The contractor shall, during the entire tenure of the construction phase, submit the
following records to the Engineer-in-Charge on a monthly basis:
i) Water consumption in liters.
ii) Electricity consumption in kwh units
iii) Diesel consumption in litersQuantum of waste (volumetric/weight basis)
generated at site and the segregated waste types divided into inert, chemical
and hazardous wastes.
iv) Digital photo documentation to demonstrate compliance of safety guidelines.
b) The contractor shall, during the entire tenure of the construction phase, submit the
following records to the Engineer-in-Charge on daily basis:
i) Quantities of material brought into the site, including the material issued to
the contractor by the Engineer-in-Charge.
ii) FIND Inventories of materials used in the work i/e. fly-ash, fly-ash bricks, AAC
Block etc.
iii) Quantities of construction debris (if at all) taken out of the site
iv) Digital photographs of the works at site, the workers facilities, the waste and
other material storage yards, pre-fabrication and block making works, etc. has
guided by the Engineer-in-Charge.
v) No. of different categories of labors deployed at site for work (shift wise).
c) The contractor shall submit a document after construction of the buildings, a brief
description along with photographic records to show that other areas have not
been disturbed during construction. The document should also include brief
explanation and photographic records to show erosion and sedimentation control
measures adopted. (Document CAD drawing showing site plan details of existing
vegetation, existing buildings, existing slopes and site drainage pattern, staging and
spill prevention measures, erosion and sedimentation control measures and
measures adopted for top soil preservation during construction.
d) The contractor shall submit to the Engineer-in-Charge after construction of the
buildings, a detailed as built quantification of the following:
i) Total materials used,
ii) Total top soil stacked and total reused,
iii) Total earth excavated
iv) Total waste generated,
v) Total waste reused,
vi) Total water used,
vii) Total electricity, and
viii) Total diesel consumed.
e) The contractor shall submit to the Engineer in Charge, before the start of
construction, a site plan along with a narrative to demarcate areas on site from
which top soil has to be gathered, designate area where it will be stored, measures
adopted for top soil preservation and indicate areas where it will be reapplied after
construction is complete.
f) The contractor shall submit to the Engineer in Charge, a detailed narrative (not
more than250 words) on provision for safe drinking water and sanitation facility
for construction workers and site personnel.
g) Provide supporting document from the manufacturer of the cement specifying the
fly ash content in PPC used in reinforced concrete.
vii) Submit environmental and pollution clearance certificates for all diesel
generators installed as part of this project. Provide total support to Engineer in
Charge and Green Building Consultants appointed for the work in completing
all Green Building Rating related formalities, including signing of forms,
providing signed letters in the contractor’s letterhead whenever required.
i. To ensure energy efficiency during construction all pumps, motors and engines used
during construction or installed, shall be subject to approval of the Engineer- in-Charge.
ii. All lighting installed by the contractor around the site and at the labor quarters during
construction shall be LED bulbs of the appropriate illumination levels. This conditions a
must, unless specifically prescribed.
e. Arrangement shall be made that waste water and storm water do not get mixed.
g. The ground water level and its quality should be monitored regularly consultation
with Ground Water Authority.
i. Fixtures for showers, toilet flushing and drinking should be of low flow either by
use of aerators or pressure reducing devices or sensor-based control.
l. Additional soil for levelling of the proposed site shall be generated within the sites
(to the extent possible) so that natural drainage system of the area is protected
and improved.
m. Soil and ground water samples will be tested to ascertain that there is no threat to
ground water quality by leaching of heavy metals and other toxic contaminants.
o. The diesel generator sets to be used during construction phase should be low
Sulphur diesel type and should conform to Environments (Protection) Rules
prescribed for air and noise emission standards.
q. Vehicles hired for transportation of Raw material shall strictly comply the
emission norms prescribed by Ministry of Road Transport & Highways
Department. The vehicle shall be adequately covered to avoid spillage/leakages.
r. Ambient noise levels should conform to residential standards both during day and
night. Incremental pollution loads on the ambient air and noise quality should be
closely monitored during construction phase. Adequate measures should be made
to reduce ambient air and noise level during construction phase, so as to conform
to the stipulated standards by CPCB/MPCB.
s. Diesel power generating sets proposed as source of backup power for elevators
t. Regular supervision of the above and other measures for monitoring should be in
place all through the construction phase, so as to avoid disturbance to the
surroundings by a separate environment cell /designated person.
1.1. Earthwork in excavation, in general, shall be carried out as per the CPWD
1.2. The excavation shall be carried out at the site, where there existed the buildings,
which were demolished. The excavation shall in this subhead shall be inclusive of
malba or demolished remaining’s of the structure and nothing shall be paid extra for
1.3. The earthwork in excavation, wherever required, shall be carried out in slushy
position. Rates for earthwork shall include cost of the element for working in or under
water / liquid mud including pumping of water / liquid mud. Nothing extra shall be
payable on this account. Therefore, the Contractor shall quote his rates after studying
the site conditions.
1.4. De-watering shall be carried out by suitable means with adequate stand-by
arrangements of pumps etc. And it shall be ensured that its disposal is carried out as
per the regulations of the local bodies. The agencies are, therefore, advised to inspect
and acquaint themselves of the site and location of disposal point(s) of water / slush
and satisfy themselves as regards method of pumping and disposal required to be
adopted. Any default or failure on the part of the Contractor to acquaint him with the
aforesaid aspect of work shall not absolve him from his responsibility for the
execution / performance of this contract. Also, all permissions in this regard, to be
taken from local authorities, shall be obtained by the Contractor. Nothing extra shall
be payable on these accounts.
1.5. In trenches where surface water is likely to get into cut / trench during monsoons, a
ring bund of puddle clay or by any other means shall be formed outside, to the
required height, and maintained by the Contractor. Also, suitable steps shall be taken
by the Contractor to prevent back flow of pumped water into the trench. Nothing
extra shall be payable on this account.
1.6. The cost of de watering or working under water and / or liquid mud for execution of
all the items for the work is deemed to be included in quoted rates of the respective
items and shall not be measured separately for payment. Nothing extra shall be
payable for de watering in this work, irrespective of whether specified or not, in the
item descriptions or in the specifications / conditions in this contract agreement.
1.7. This shall also include water encountered from any sources such as rains, floods, sub
soil water table being high and/or due to any other cause whatsoever.
2.2. The work under this sub-head in general shall be carried out as per the CPWD
specifications, as per the manufacturer’s specifications, as per architectural drawings
and as per directions of Engineer-in-Charge.
2.3. Ten years guarantee in prescribed proforma attached shall be given by the contractor
for the Anti termite treatment. In addition, 10% (ten percent) of the cost of these
items of anti-termite shall be retained as guarantee amount to watch the
performance of the work executed. However, half of this amount (withheld) would be
released after five years from the date of completion of the work, if the performance
of the anti-termite work is satisfactory. The remaining withheld amount shall be
released after completion of ten years from the date of completion of work, if the
performance of the work is satisfactory. If any defect is noticed during the guarantee
period, it should be rectified by the contractor within seven days of issuing of notice
by the Engineer-in-Charge / RBI and, if not attended to, the same shall be got done by
Engineer-in-Charge / RBI through other agency at the risk and cost of the contractor
and recovery shall be affected from the amount retained towards guarantee. The
guarantee amount can be released in full, if bank guarantee or e-bank guarantee of
equivalent amount, valid for the duration of guarantee period, is produced and
deposited with the Department.
2.4. A guarantee bond on appropriate stamp paper (shall be duly signed in triparty,
contractor, specialized agency/manufacturer of chemicals) shall be given by the
contractor to the client in the manner form prescribed in Annexure A, below.
2.6.2. Health and safety precautions recommended by the manufacturer shall be strictly
followed during application.
2.6.3. Soil treatment should not be carried out when it is raining or when the soil is wet with
2.6.4. In the event of water logging, application shall be done only after pumping out the
water or allowing sufficient time for the water level to subside.
2.6.5. Surfaces not intended to have the treatment shall be protected well.
2.6.6. Graduated containers shall be used during the preparation as well as application of
2.6.7. Pressure pump of adequate capacity along with hand / power operated compressed
air sprayer shall be used for application.
2.6.8. Chemical shall be directed towards the surface during the application.
2.6.9. Treated soil barriers should not be disturbed. If by chance treated soil barriers are
disturbed, steps shall be taken to restore the continuity or completeness of the barrier
2.6.10. Applications shall be done uniformly at the prescribed rate in all stages of treatment.
The material brought at site shall be entered in MAS register and shall be issued by
department as and when required by the contractor. The theoretical consumption of
chemical shall not be in any case less than the actual requirement as per item
2.7.1. Treatment shall start at a depth of 500 mm below the ground level. If the ground level
is raised or lowered either by filling or cutting after the foundations have been cast,
then the above-mentioned depth of 500 mm shall be determined from the new soil
level resulting from the filling or cutting. Dosage for treatment shall be at the rate of
7.5 litres per sq. Metre.
2.8.1. Treatment top surface of the consolidated earth fill within plinth walls shall be
treated by surface application with chemical emulsion at the rate of 5 litres per Sqm
of the surface before laying the sub grade.
2.8.2. In case of very well compacted filled earth, where surface does not permit the
emulsion to seep through, then holes with 12 mm die mild steel rod with depth
varying from 50 to 75 mm shall be made at 150 mm centres both ways for dosing the
chemical thereby ensuring better saturation. The horizontal distance between hole
and the wall shall be as minimum as possible. After application, holes shall be filled
with soil once again.
2.9.1. Special care shall be taken to establish continuity of the vertical chemical barrier on
inner wall surfaces from ground level (where it had stopped with the treatment
described in “Treatment to Vertical Backfilled Soil along Masonry
Foundation/Retaining Wall”) up to the level of the filled earth surface.
2.9.2. To achieve this, a channel of size 30mm (wide) x 30 mm (deep) shall be made at all
the junctions of walls/columns with the floor (before laying the subgrade). Channel
shall be parallel to wall/column and the horizontal gap between channel and wall
shall be as minimum as possible. Rod holes shall be made in the channel at 150mm.
Centres and the iron rod moved backward and forward to break up the earth. Depth
of Rodding shall be in such a manner that the continuity of the chemical barrier below
is maintained.
2.9.3. The chemical shall be poured into the channel at the rate of 7.5 litres per sq. of the
vertical surface and allowed to soak through the holes fully so that the soil is in
contact with the chemical. The channel and Rod holes shall be back filled with soil
once again and compacted well after completing the operation.
2.10.1. After the building is completely constructed, the earth along the external perimeter of
the building should be rodded at intervals of 150 mm (parallel to the wall) and to a
depth of 300 mm. The horizontal distance between the hole and the wall shall be as
minimum as possible. The depth of 300 mm mentioned shall be increased if required
so that the continuity of the chemical barrier created below is maintained.
2.10.2. Chemical shall be poured on the holes at the rate of 7.5 litres per square metre of
vertical surface and rodding shall be done simultaneously (on the holes) by moving
the rod backward and forward.
2.10.3. After the treatment, rod holes shall be back filled with soil once again and compacted
2.10.4. When the earth outside the building is graded on completion of the building, this
treatment should be carried out on completion of such grading.
b) At the point of entry of the basement wall, diameter of loosening shall be outer
diameter of pipe plus 300mm on both sides. Depth of loosening in this case shall also
be 75mm (min).
c) Dosage shall be 7.5 litres per square metres of the developed surface of the loosened
3. For pipes, wastes, conduits which does not enter the building and which runs parallel
to the building (without entering) at a clear distance of 75mm (min) or more, this
treatment shall be excluded only after getting approval from Engineer in charge.
4.1. General:
i. The work in general shall be carried out as per the CPWD specifications.
ii. All nominal concrete used at site shall be machine mixed at site.
iii. Design mix concrete from fully automatic computerised concrete batching and mixing
iv. The Concrete and design mix concrete used at site shall have minimum replacement
of OPC with BIS recommended waste material (such as Flyash, Slag etc) of more than
30% by weight of cement. (As per GRIHA criterion 19.1.1)
v. The contractor shall ensure that 5% replacement of natural aggregate with RCA/RA
by weight of that category in structural concrete / design mix concrete ((As per
GRIHA criterion 19.1.2)
4.3.2. The compartments of storage bins for aggregates shall be approximately of equal size.
The cement compartment shall be centrally located in the batching plant. It shall be
watertight and provided with necessary air vent, aeration fittings for proper flow of
cement & emergency cement cut off gate. The aggregate and sand shall be charged by
power operated centrally revolving chute. The entire plant from mixer floor upward
shall be enclosed and insulated. The batch bins shall be constructed so as to by self-
cleansing during drawdown. The batch bins shall in general conform to therequirements of IS:
4.3.3. WATER: a) Water to be used in manufacturing and curing of Concrete shall be tested
before use. All such tests shall be submitted to the Engineer in charge for his approval
before water is used in work.
4.3.4. Contractor shall identify the location of source of water intended to be used. Each
such source of water shall be separately tested. In the event of a change in source of
water all tests specified herein shall have to be repeated.
4.3.5. In the event of water is drawn from tube wells or open wells, water samples shall be
for seasonal fluctuations in water table or at intervals to be directed by the Engineer
in charge.
Water samples from each source shall be tested as under:
Test Number of tests for each source
Acidity 3
Alkalinity 3
Presence of Solids 3
4.3.6. Mean values of the above tests shall be taken as the representative value and the
acceptance criteria shall be based on these test results. All testing procedure and
computation of test results shall conform to IS: 3025.
4.3.7. Approved quality water shall be collected and stored in the Under Ground
sumps/elevated tanks for the day-to-day requirement of work and same shall be used
for all cement works and also for curing. Due care shall be taken in this regard.
4.3.8. If Government source of supply is nearby and made available to the contractor; the
contractor may use that water and accordingly, charges of metered water
consumption at the rate decided by the Engineer-in-Charge will be deducted from the
bills payable to him. However, testing procedure & frequency & storage modalities
will remain same. Whatever may be the source of water, adequate capacity for storage
shall be made. If required, RO PLANTS of sufficient capacity shall be established at his
own cost.
4.3.9. The batching equipment shall be capable of determining and controlling the
4.8.3. The concrete mix design with and without admixture will be carried out by the
contractor through the laboratory to be approved by the Engineer-in- Charge.
4.8.4. The various ingredients for mix design/ laboratory tests shall be sent to the lab/test
houses through the Engineer-in-Charge and the samples of such ingredients sent shall
be preserved at site till completion of work or change in Design Mix whichever is
earlier. The sample shall be taken from the approved materials, which are proposed
to be used in the work.
4.8.5. The contractor shall submit the mix design report from approved laboratories or
government engineering college for approval of Engineer-in-charge within 30 days
from the date of issue of letter of acceptance of the tender. No concreting shall be
done until the mix design is approved.
4.8.6. The contractor shall make cubes of trial mixes as per approved mix design at site
laboratory for all grades of concrete in presence of the Engineer-in-charge using same
ingredients as adopted for design mix, prior to commencement of concreting and get
them tested in presence of Engineer- in – Charge for 7 days and 28 days. For each
design mix, a set of six cubes shall be prepared from each of the three consecutive
batches. Three cubes from each set shall be tested at the age of 7 days and three cubes
at the age of 28 days. The cubes shall be made, cured, transported and tested strictly
in accordance with CPWD specification. The average strength of nine cubes at the age
of 28 days shall exceed the specified target mean strength for which design mix has
been approved. Tests shall be done at the laboratory as approved by the Engineer-in-
4.8.7. For each change of source or quality / characteristic properties of the ingredients
during the work, from that approved & used in the concrete mix a fresh mix design
shall be got done by the contractor. Revised trial mix test shall be conducted and shall
be submitted by the contractor as per the direction of the Engineer-in-charge.
4.8.8. The cost of packaging, scaling, transportation, loading, unloading cost of samples and
the testing charges for mix design in all cases shall be borne by the contractor.
4.8.9. The mix design shall be done considering the degree of quality control as ‘very good’
in all cases.
4.8.10. The rate quoted by the agency for the mix design items shall be net & nothing extra
shall be payable on account of change in quantities of concrete ingredients like sand,
aggregates and admixtures etc. As per the approved mix design until unless specified
elsewhere in the Notice Inviting Tender Documents.
4.9.2. Dust from cement, sand and aggregate is a pollutant. Fine dust particles can enter
neighbouring premises and adversely affect amenity. Dust must be controlled so there
are no significant emissions from the plant.
The following are some of the prevention measures to be taken by the Contractor
during the operation to reduce concrete batching plant pollution so the people living
around the batching plant areas are not affected by any negligence that might turn to
be environmental hazard. The following guidelines must be adhered by the
contractor for which nothing shall be paid extra.
blown away by wind. Use the enclosed batch mixer feed as dust prevention and
visible emissions. Use the spray device to prevent dust emissions. Conduct all the
mixing operations from an enclosed building to help prevent emission of dust.
4.9.5. Conveyors:
To prevent dust emissions, the belt conveyors should be enclosed with metal board
on top and on the two sides.
Fitting the flexible seals to prevent dust should enclose all conveyor transfer points.
The turning point of all the conveyors should be provided with scrappers to prevent
dust collection on the surface belt.
5.1. The AAC blocks and concrete blocks used at site shall have minimum 40% fly ash content
by weight ((As per GRIHA criterion 19.1.3)
5.2. The work in general shall be carried out as per the CPWD specifications.
5.3. The AAC blocks shall conform to Grade I of IS: 2185 (Part 3)–1984 and shall be procured
from the approved manufactures only.
5.4. The material received at site shall be fully cured and shall have attained the required
strength before delivery to the site. The material shall be free of cracks.
5.5. The AAC blocks shall be supplied in the required sizes as approved by the Engineer-in-
5.6. The samples of AAC blocks (each sample consisting of 6 specimen) shall be collected
randomly from the lot procured and tested for various parameters specified below. One
sample shall be tested for every 100 cum or part thereof. However, minimum one sample
shall be tested from each lot received at site if the quantity procured in the lot is less than
100 cum. If required, Engineer-in-Charge or his authorized representative shall inspect the
factory during production of the material for this work and also collect samples (of
materials used for making AAC blocks) from the factory itself.
5.7. AAC blocks shall be got tested for following parameters from any accredited laboratory
approved by the Engineer-in-Charge:
5.7.1. Compressive strength.
5.7.2. Oven Dry Density.
5.7.3. Thermal conductivity.
5.7.4. Drying shrinkage.
5.7.5. Dimensional Tolerances
5.8. The AAC blocks shall meet following parameters:
5.8.1. Compressive strength shall not be less than 4 N/sq. Mm.
5.8.2. Oven Dry Density shall not be more than 650 kg/cum.
5.8.3. Thermal conductivity shall not be more than 0.24 W / m.k
5.8.4. Drying shrinkage shall not be more than 0.05%
5.8.5. Dimensional Tolerances in the size shall not be more than ± 5mm for length
and ± 3mm for height and width.
5.9. AAC masonry work shall be executed as per the specifications and instructions of the
5.10. The scope of work also includes chasing the AAC block masonry work for embedding pipes,
laying conduits etc. And also making good the same by filling cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement:
4 coarse sand) for which nothing extra shall be payable. The chasing shall, however, be
carried out using machine cutters in a workman like manner, so as not to disturb the joints
in the masonry and without any cracks being developed in the AAC blocks and the masonry.
Such defective work shall be replaced free of cost by the contractor.
5.11. Mode of measurement shall be same as of brick masonry work of CPWD Specifications.
6.1.6. The glue / wooden adhesive to be used for this sub-head shall be pvac based
adhesive, of approved make (Fevicol of Pidilite Industries Ltd. Or Korlok of
6.2.1. The work shall be carried out as per the CPWD specifications.
6.2.2. The laminate/venner fixing on door shall be done at the factory with pressing machine.
In no case laminate of doors shall be manually fixed.
6.3.1. The work in general shall be carried out as per CPWD specifications.
6.3.2. The contractor shall procure and submit to the Engineer-in-Charge, samples of
laminate for approval. After approval of the samples, the contractor shall prepare a
mock up for approval. The material shall be procured and the mass work taken up only
after the approval of the mock up by the Engineer-in-Charge.
6.3.3. Each type of laminate shall be obtained from only one of the approved manufacturers
as specified and in one lot. Adequate spare quantity shall be ordered to cover for any
damaged sheet and for replacement by the Contractor till the completion of the work.
6.3.4. The Contractor shall ensure that the edges of the laminates do not come out or chip /
peel off during cutting and fixing of the laminates. Defective work on this account shall
not be accepted and shall be redone by the contractor at his own cost.
6.4.1. The fire-resistant flush doors along with the frames shall be procured as a set from one
of the approved manufacturers and shall be as per the specifications, as per description
of the item and the approval of the Engineer-in-Charge. The door shutters shall be
entirely symmetrical on both faces. The complete door assembly shall have the
required stability and shall satisfy performance required for integrity & insulation as
per BS 476: Part 20 & 22 applicable for 2 hours fire rating. Besides, it shall conform to
all the requirements for Flush door shutters as per the relevant IS codes and CPWD
6.4.2. The gap between the shutter and frame, between shutters in case of double leaf shutter
should not be more than 2mm. Similar care shall be taken for making rebates for fixing
hinges and other hard wares. The workmanship required is of superior class for achieving the
desired results.
6.4.3. Graphite based Intumescent strip seal of required size as per manufacturer’s
specifications shall be provided and fixed in the grooves on the door shutters all
around the periphery except on the bottom to prevent penetration of smoke and fire.
The shutters shall not be worked upon at site to prevent damage to the intumescent
strip. In case of double leaf shutters, Intumescent strips, of required size as per
manufacturer’s specifications shall be fixed in the rebate portion of meeting styles of
each leaf of the shutter.
6.4.4. All the FRD shutters shall be provided with 2nd class teak wood external lipping all
around the shutter as per manufacturer’s specifications. The grooves of required size
and shape shall be made in the external wooden lipping for fixing intumescent seal. All
the external visible surfaces of lipping will be finished with 3 coats of melamine polish.
6.4.5. The hinges to be used for fixing the door shutters shall be fire rated stainless steel ball
bearing hinges of grade 304 fixed with stain steel screws of grade 304. While testing
for fire resistance, the whole assembly shall be tested along with the door shutter, door
frame, beadings, hinges, etc.
6.4.6. All the shutters shall be treated for anti-termite treatment, against woodborer, fungus,
pests etc. Therefore, it shall be provided with the preservative treatment based on
Boron & Fluoride and as per CPWD Specifications. Nothing extra shall be payable on
this account.
6.4.7. The calcium silicate boards to be used for manufacturing fire rated door shutters shall
be from one of the approved brands. It shall be non-combustible and shall conform to
BS 476 part 4 and to class 1 of BS476 part 7 for surface spread of flame.
6.4.8. The contractor shall submit manufacturer’s test certificate for specified fire rating for
integrity and insulation criteria, required as per the item nomenclature and the
specifications. The Contractor shall also co-ordinate and facilitate with the office of the
Fire Officer for obtaining clearance for the FRD shutters along with frames including
getting the required site visits conducted by such authorities with a view to obtain Fire
NOC. The Contractor shall also be responsible for liaising work required, if any, in this
regard. Statutory charges / fees etc. Required to be paid to the concerned authorities in
this connection shall only be paid by the Department or shall be reimbursable to the
Contractor on production of proof of actual payment by him.
6.4.9. Destructive Testing for fire resistance of the door shutter along with door frame shall
be done in a laboratory approved by Engineer-in-Charge. The complete door assembly
should be able to resist thermal stresses and should not fail on account of shrinkage,
cracking or distortion or any other reason, during testing for the duration for which it is fire
rated. The cost of sample of door shutter along with the frame (including cost of laminates,
beadings, intumescent strips, hinges, screws etc. But excluding painting, polishing etc.),
packaging, sealing and transportation of sample to the approved laboratory etc., shall be borne
by the Contractor. At least one finished sample (door shutter fixed to the door frame with
hinges etc.) For two-hour fire rating shall be tested.
6.4.10. The sample shall be randomly chosen by the Engineer-in-Charge, from the lot (of
shutter along with frame) procured and brought to the site of work for fixing. If the
shutter fails to satisfy the test requirements, the entire lot shall be rejected and
replaced by the Contractor at his own cost. Nothing extra shall be payable on this
account and no delay shall be accepted on this account.
6.4.12. Measurement - For the purpose of payment, the area shall be measured from outer
frame to outer frame above the finished floor level excluding the portion embedded
inside floors, wall cladding. The door frame shall not be measured separately for
payment. No deduction shall be made for making vision panel, if any.
7.1. The fire-resistant metal flush doors along with the frames shall be procured as a set
from one of the approved manufacturers and shall be as per the specifications, as per
description of the item and the approval of the Engineer-in-Charge. The metal door
shutters shall be entirely symmetrical on both faces. The complete door assembly shall
have the required stability and shall satisfy performance required for both stability &
integrity as per BS 476: Part 20 & 22 and IS 3614 Part -2 applicable for 2 hours fire
rating. Besides, it shall conform to all the requirements of fire rated flush door shutters
as per the relevant IS codes and CPWD Specifications.
7.2. The gap between the shutter and frame, between shutters in case of double leaf
shutter should not be more than 3mm. Similar care shall be taken for making rebates
for fixing hinges and other hard wares. The workmanship required is of superior class
for achieving the desired results.
7.3. The hinges to be used for fixing the door shutters shall be fire rated stainless steel ball
bearing hinges of grade 304 fixed with stain steel screws. While testing for fire
resistance, the whole assembly shall be tested along with the door shutter, door frame,
beadings, hinges, vision panels etc.
7.4. Honey comb paper or fire metal ceramic wool of 96 kg/M3 should be used for
manufacturing the metal fire doors. The wool or honey comb paper shall be snugly fit
in the internal frame work of the door shutter.
7.5. The contractor shall submit through the proposed manufacturer prior test certificates
for the specified 2 hours fire rating for stability and integrity criteria for both single
leaf and double leaf doors required as per the item nomenclature and the
specifications. The test certificates shall clearly show that doors have been tested with
vision panels and approved hardware to establish the technical credentials of the
proposed manufacturer. The Contractor shall also co-ordinate and facilitate with the
office of the Fire Officer for obtaining clearance for the FRD shutters along with frames
including getting the required site visits conducted by such authorities with a view to
obtain Fire NOC. The Contractor shall also be responsible for liaising work required, if
any, in this regard. Statutory charges / fees etc. required to be paid to the concerned
authorities in this connection shall only be paid by the Department or shall be
reimbursable to the Contractor on production of proof of actual payment by him.
7.6. Destructive Testing for fire resistance of the door shutter along with door frame shall
be done in a laboratory approved by Engineer-in-Charge. The complete door assembly
should be able to resist thermal stresses and should not fail on account of shrinkage,
cracking or distortion or any other reason, during testing for the duration for which it
is fire rated. The cost of sample of door shutter along with the frame (including cost of
intumescent strips, hinges, screws etc. but excluding painting, polishing etc.),
packaging, sealing and transportation of sample to the approved laboratory etc., shall
be borne by the Contractor. At least one finished sample (door shutter fixed to the door
frame with hinges etc.) for two-hour fire rating shall be tested.
7.7. The sample shall be randomly chosen by the Engineer-in-Charge, from the lot (of
shutter along with frame, vision panels and the proposed hardware) procured and
brought to the site of work for fixing. If the shutter fails to satisfy the test requirements,
the entire lot shall be rejected and replaced by the Contractor at his own cost. Nothing
extra shall be payable on this account and no delay shall be accepted on this account.
7.8. Testing charges shall be borne by the Department provided that the door assembly
fulfills the requirements of relevant specifications. If the door assembly fails to fulfill
the requirements, testing charges shall be borne by the Contractor.
7.9. Measurement - For the purpose of payment, the area shall be measured from outer
frame to outer frame above the finished floor level excluding the portion embedded
inside floors, wall cladding. The door frame shall not be measured separately for
payment. No deduction shall be made for making vision panel, if any.
8.1. General
8.1.1. The contractor shall procure and submit samples of various hardware’s and fittings for
approval, of the Engineer-in-Charge. The material shall be procured and the mass work
shall be taken up only after the approval of the samples by the Engineer-in-Charge.
8.1.2. All the hardware and fittings shall be supplied with the required spindles, pivots, stud,
connecting bolts, screws, grub screws, nuts, bolts, connecting pin / bolt (including
stainless steel washers / shims, PVC washers, PVC buffers etc.) And of the material as
per the manufacturer’s specifications. Their cost is deemed to be included in the cost of
the hardware and fittings to be supplied and these accessories shall not be measured
separately for payment. If any of the accessories get damaged during fixing of the
hardware and fittings, additional numbers as required shall be supplied by the
Contractor at his own cost.
8.1.3. The size for the hardware and fittings shall be as specified in the item description in
the schedule of quantities and the particular specifications. Wherever the size is not
mentioned in the item nomenclature and particular specifications, it shall be as per the
manufacturer’s specifications or as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge. The shape has
been specified as per the model number mentioned in the manufacturer’s product
catalogue / information.
8.1.4. If the model number for an item is changed or modified or the item itself is changed /
modified, during execution and / or during the defect liability period /
guaranteeperiod, the decision of the Engineer-in-Charge as to the equivalence of the item
provided in the schedule of quantities shall be final and binding on the Contractor and no claim
of any kind shall be entertained from the Contractor on this account. Nothing extra shall be
payable on this account.
8.1.5. The Contractor shall be permitted to supply items superior than the item in the
schedule of quantities, but only with specific written approval of the Engineer-in-
Charge , provided they are aesthetically similar and nothing extra shall be payable on
this account. That the product proposed to be supplied by the Contractor is superior
than that provided in the schedule of quantities / product supplied, shall be the sole
discretion of the Engineer-in-Charge and his decision shall be final and binding on the
Contractor and no claim of any kind shall be entertained from the Contractor on this
8.1.6. The entire supply for each type of hardware and fittings shall be made, preferably, in
one lot to keep variations in finishes to the minimum.
8.1.7. Three samples from each lot of each hardware shall be tested for conformity to the
required grade. Samples shall be supplied by the agency free of cost. Testing charges
shall be borne by the contractor.
8.2. Handles
8.2.1. All the Door handles shall be of the same type (model and finish) and make unless
specifically permitted in writing by the Engineer-in-Charge.
8.2.2. The handles shall be of stainless-steel grade as specified under item description.
8.2.3. The handles shall be supplied in required finish as directed by Engineer-in-Charge for
which nothing extra shall be paid.
8.3. Mortise latch, mortise dead bolt, mortise latch cum lock, lock with keys,
8.3.1. The mortise latch, mortise dead bolt, mortise latch cum lock, lock with keys and
escutcheon shall be of approved same make.
8.3.2. The locks and accessories shall be supplied as per item description.
8.3.3. The strike plate and for end plate shall be brush finish stainless steel of grade SS 304.
Nothing extra shall be payable for supplying stainless steel grade SS 316 instead of SS
304 specified.
8.3.4. The cylinder escutcheons (key hole covers) shall be of stainless steel grade SS 304.
These shall be supplied along with the key cylinder lock and shall not be measured
separately for payment. Nothing extra shall be payable for supplying stainless steel
grade SS 316 instead of SS 304 specified.
8.3.5. The inner part of the lock shall be made up of brass and not of zinic.
8.4. Floor spring: The floor spring of approved make shall conform to the following
8.5. Surface door closer : The surface door closer of approved make shall conform to the
following parameters:
9. Modular cubicles
9.1. The contractor shall procure the modular cubicles from one of the approved
manufacturers / authorized dealers as mentioned in the list of approved makes for
9.2. Samples of the modular cubicles, along with two sample toilets, shall be prepared
comprising of partitions with intermediate panels, pilaster, door, all accessories and
hardware as specified below, for the approval of the Engineer-in-charge before taking
up mass work.
9.3.1. Size of cubicle -As per specified by Engineer-in-charge. The overall height of the cubicle
shall vary depending upon the site condition and as directed by Engineer-in-charge.
9.3.2. Door size – suitable (width) x height to suit the overall height of the cubicle.
9.3.3. All the partition of cubicle toilet such as intermediate panel, pilaster and door shall be
made minimum 12mm thick solid compact laminate (Phenolic Core Board) of specified
thickness by Engineer-in-charge conforming to IS: 2046 with chamfered edges. Top
surface on both sides shall be Melamine coated.
9.4.1. SS 304 grade “U” Channel for fixing intermediate panels with wall.
9.4.3. SS 316 grade adjustable foot at bottom. The height and number of adjustable foot shall
be as per manufacturer’s specifications and as per the directions of Engineer-in-
9.4.6. 3 no. (min.) SS 304 Gravity hinges with cover plate for each shutter. Size of hinges to be
as per manufacturer’s specifications.
9.4.8. SS 304 grade Door Knobs of required size and numbers as manufacturer specifications.
9.4.9. S. S. Screws of grade 304 & P.V.C Wall Plugs, as per requirement of the work and as per
manufacturer’s specifications.
9.4.10. Any other accessories to complete the work in all respects as per manufacturer’s
9.5. The Contractor shall obtain and submit to the Department the manufacturer’s test
certificate for compliance of various parameters for the material as per the
manufacturer’s specifications, with each lot of material received at site.
9.6. For the purpose of measurement, number of modular cubicles of specified dimensions
shall be enumerated.
10.1.1. The work under this sub-head in general shall be carried out as per the CPWD
10.1.2. The scope of the work includes preparation of the shop drawings (based on the
architectural drawings), fabrication, supply, installation and protection of the stainless
steel work till completion and handing over of the work.
10.1.3. The stainless-steel pipes (minimum thickness 1.2 mm), channels, plates etc. Shall be of
grade 304 and procured from the manufacturers per list of preferred makes given in
this tender document. It shall be pre straightened without any dents, waviness,
scratches, stains etc. And shall confirm the relevant clauses associated with this grade
of steel.
10.1.4. Based on the samples approved by the Engineer-in-Charge, the contractor shall
prepare mock up (one no.) At site of work, for approval of quality of workmanship. If
the quality of the workmanship and the material is as per the required standards and
approved by the Engineer-in- Charge, the mock up shall be allowed as part of the work
and measured for payment. Otherwise, it shall be dismantled by the contractor and
taken away from the site of the work at his own cost. The mock up(s) so made shall be
kept till completion of respective works for reference. Nothing extra shall be payable
on this account.
10.1.5. One test (three specimens) for each lot shall be conducted for the stainless steel sheet
in the approved laboratory. Therefore, the material shall preferably be procured in one
lot from one manufacturer. If the test fails, the entire lot of material shall be rejected
and shall be replaced by the Contractor at his own cost. The cost of the sample shall be
borne by the Contractor.
10.1.6. The finished surface shall be free of any defects like dents, waviness, scratches, stains
etc. And shall have uniform finish as directed by Engineer-in-Charge. Any defective
work shall be rejected and redone by the contractor at his own cost. The finished
surface shall therefore be protected using protective tape which shall be removed at
the time of completion of the work. The surface shall then be suitably cleaned using
non-abrasive approved cleaner for the material. Nothing extra shall be payable on this
11.1. General (applicable for all kinds of flooring and dado / cladding works under this sub-
11.1.1. The work under this sub-head in general shall be carried out as per the CPWD
Specifications, as per the architectural drawings and as per the direction of Engineer-
11.1.2. The Engineer-in-Charge or his representative may, if required, visit the source of
supply of the various stones to assess the quality as well as availability of the material
in the required quantities. The Department shall bear the cost of such visits of the
officers of the Department.
11.1.3. Based on the samples approved by the Engineer-in-Charge for various flooring and
dado / cladding materials as specified hereinafter, the contractor shall prepare mock
up(s) at site of work as specified under relevant flooring and dado / cladding items, for
approval of quality of workmanship and material specified. If the quality of the
workmanship and the material is as per the required standards and approved by the
Engineer-in- Charge, the mock up shall be allowed as part of the work and measured
for payment. Otherwise, it shall be dismantled by the contractor as directed by the
Engineer-in-Charge and taken away from the site of the work at his own cost. The mock
up(s) so made shall be kept till completion of respective works for reference. Nothing
extra shall be payable on this account.
11.1.4. The stones / tiles shall be transported to site well packed in boxes or otherwise. These
shall be handled carefully to prevent any damage. The various types of stones and tiles,
procured shall be free of any surface defect or any edge damage. The damaged stones
and tiles shall not be allowed to be used in the work. So, the contactor shall procure
additional quantity of the stone and tiles to cover such contingencies. However,
nothing extra shall be payable on this account.
11.1.5. For the enclosures with circular or curved profile, only the actual area of the flooring
shall be measured for payment and nothing extra shall be payable for labour, material,
wastages and any other incidental charges.
11.1.6. For the skirting in the enclosures with curvilinear profiles, the tiles / stones shall be
cut to the required size and the shape to match the profile and/ or the joints as per the
architectural drawings. Similarly, the skirting shall be fixed in a manner as to flush or
project from the finished face of the wall as per the architectural drawings and as
directed by the Engineer – in – Charge. Any chasing of the C.C masonry blocks required
for such fixing is deemed to be included in the cost of masonry. Nothing extra shall be
payable on this account.
11.1.7. For flooring work, the joints between the different types of flooring shall be located as
per the architectural drawings and the measurement shall be done as per item
description. Also, the Contractor shall maintain the uniform level of the finished
11.1.8. All the flooring works specified under this sub-head shall be adequately protected by a
layer of plaster of is which shall be laid over a 400 micron PVC film. The protective
layer shall be maintained throughout the execution of works and removed just before
handing over of the site for which nothing extra shall be payable.
11.1.9. At the time of handing over, flooring & dado / cladding shall be free of any scratches,
stains etc. The flooring & dado / cladding shall be properly cleaned before handing
over. However, abrasive cleaners shall not be used to clean the marks and other
11.2.1. The Contractor shall procure and submit the samples of the kota stone for flooring as
well as risers and treads in the staircase, for the approval of the Engineer-in-charge
prior to the execution of the item.
11.2.2. Mock up (one no.) Shall be prepared for staircase (tread as well as riser).
11.2.3. All the Kota stones shall have uniform colour and shade. So, the entire quantity shall be
obtained, preferably, in one lot from one location (in one quarry) to keep variation to
the minimum. The Contractor shall also sort, segregate and use the stone slabs,
according to colour, shade, etc. At any one location to keep variation in the colour,
shade etc. In stones used to the minimum. Any stone slab with a variation, not
acceptable to the Engineer-in-Charge, shall not be used in the work and shall be
removed and replaced by the Contractor at his own cost. Nothing extra shall be payable
on these accounts. Also, no claim of any kind shall be entertained from the Contractor
on this account.
11.2.4. The exposed cut edges of the Kota Stone slab in risers and treads along its width (sides
of the risers and treads of the steps i.e. Along the shorter dimensions of the kota stone
slab for the risers and treads) shall be polished in a workmanlike manner. The top
exposed edge of the kota stone skirting shall also be polished in a workmanlike
manner. Nothing extra shall be payable on this account.
11.2.5. Nosing / edge moulding shall be provided to the front edge of the Kota stone slab
treads along its length i.e. Along the longer dimensions of the kota stone slab, as per the
architectural drawings. The payment of the same shall be made separately under
relevant item.
11.3.1. The Contractor shall procure and submit the samples of different types of granite
stones, for the approval of the Engineer-in-charge prior to the execution of the item.
11.3.2. The mock up (one each) shall be prepared in staircase, amphitheatre, stilt of academic
block, dining area, etc.
11.3.3. The entire supply for each type of granite stone slab shall be procured from one
location (in one quarry), and supplied preferably, in one lot to keep variations to the
minimum. The Contractor shall also segregate and sort the slabs according to colour,
shade, texture and size of grains etc. To keep variation(s) in stones used at any one
location to the minimum. Any slab with variation in the colour, shade, texture and size
of grains etc., not acceptable to the Engineer-in-Charge, shall not be used in the work
and shall be removed and replaced by the Contractor. Nothing extra shall be payable
on these accounts. Also, no claim of any kind shall be entertained from the Contractor
on this account.
11.3.4. Granite stone slabs shall be pre polished (mirror polished) or given any other surface
treatment as specified in the item nomenclature, as per the Architectural drawings and
as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge.
11.3.5. Machine polishing and cutting to required size shall be done with water (as lubricant)
only. Sawing shall also be done preferably with water as lubricant but as a special case,
the Engineer-in-Charge may permit, at his discretion, oil or kerosene as lubricant
subject to all kerosene or oil in the body and surface of tiles / slabs being thoroughly
dried in ovens. Tiles / slabs with stains or patches due to the use of oil or otherwise,
either before or after installation, shall be rejected and shall be replaced by the
Contractor at his own cost. Nothing extra shall be payable on this account.
11.3.6. The stone work may be required to be carried out in patterns, design and / or in
combination with granite stones of different colour and shade with or without borders
and in combination of different stone slabs / tiles for which nothing extra shall be
payable. The stones shall be provided in sizes and shapes as per the architectural
drawings and wastages and incidental costs, if any, shall be deemed to be covered in
the cost of the relevant items. Nothing extra shall be payable on this account.
11.3.7. For the flooring portions curved in plan, the stone slabs (at the edge) shall be cut to the
required profile and shape as per the architectural drawings. Nothing extra shall be
payable on this account and any consequent wastages and incidental charges on such
accounts shall be deemed to be included in the cost of such items. For the purpose of
payment, the actual area of granite stone shall be measured separately as specified
under the relevant items.
11.3.8. The granite slabs used for providing and fixing in the sills, soffits and jambs of doors,
windows, ventilators and similar locations shall be in single piece unless otherwise
directed by the Engineer-in-Charge. Wherever stone slab other than in single piece is
allowed to be fixed, the joints shall be provided as per the architectural drawings and
as per the directions of the Engineer-in-Charge. In the cabin areas, the joints in sills
shall preferably be provided in line with the partition wall. Depending on the number
of joints, as far as possible, the stone slabs shall be procured and fixed in slabs of equal
lengths as per the architectural drawings and as directed by Engineer-in-Charge.
11.3.9. The specifications for dressing, laying, curing, finishing, measurements, rate etc. For
the granite stone flooring shall be same as that of works for the Marble flooring,
skirting and risers of steps under Flooring Sub Head of the CPWD Specifications. The
wall lining / veneer work with granite stone shall be as per the CPWD Specifications
for Marble work Sub Head.
11.4.1. The contractor shall procure and submit the samples of approved make, shade and
thickness of different types of vitrified and ceramic tiles, for the approval of the
Engineer-in-charge prior to the execution of the item.
11.4.2. The mock up (one each) shall be prepared for flooring and dado, for vitrified tiles etc.
11.4.3. The entire supply for each type of tiles shall be procured from one manufacturer /
authorized dealer, preferably, in one lot to keep variations to the minimum.
11.4.4. The tiling work may be required to be carried out in patterns, design and / or in
combination with tiles of different colour and shade and in combination of different
stone slabs / tiles for which nothing extra shall be payable. The tiles shall be provided
as per the architectural drawings and wastages and incidental costs, if any, shall be
deemed to be covered in the cost of the relevant items. Nothing extra shall be payable
on this account.
11.4.5. For the flooring portions curved in plan, the tiles (at the edge) shall be cut to the
required profile and shape as per the architectural drawings. Nothing extra shall be
payable on this account and any consequent wastages and incidental charges on such
accounts shall be deemed to be included in the cost of such items.
11.4.6. The Contractor shall obtain and submit to the Department the manufacturer’s test
certificate for compliance of various parameters for the material as per the
manufacturer’s specifications, with each lot of material received at site.
11.4.7. The flooring and dado / cladding should be set out such that the perimeter/ corner
tiles are in excess of half a tile so that the edge panels on both the sides are of equal
sizes, as far as possible. The tiles shall be cut to required size and shape in a workman
like manner but with all precautions, as per the manufacturer’s specifications.
11.4.8. For dado / cladding / skirting work, the tiles shall be chamfered at the meeting edges
on the corners in a manner that butt edges are not visible. It shall be ensured that the
edges shall be ground / filed to chamfer the edges so that the glazing layer at the edges
of the tiles is not chipped off otherwise the work shall be rejected and redone by the
Contractor at his own cost.
11.5.1. The Contractor shall procure and submit the samples of approved make, shade and
thickness of PVC sports flooring material along with accessories and adhesives
proposed to be used as per the manufacturer’s recommendations, for the approval of
the Engineer-in-charge prior to execution of the item.
11.5.2. Once the material is approved, the entire material for PVC sports flooring shall be
procured from one of the approved manufacturers / authorized dealers preferably, in
one lot to keep variations to the minimum. The contractor shall also procure various
accessories and adhesive required for satisfactory installation of PVC sports flooring.
11.5.3. The work shall be carried out as per the architectural drawings, as per site conditions
and as per the directions of the Engineer-in- Charge. The work shall be carried out in
design and pattern including in combination with PVC sheets / tiles of different colours
and shade in linear as well as curvilinear portions of the building, as per the
architectural drawings. The joints shall be kept as minimum as possible.
11.5.4. The work shall be carried out as per the manufacturer’s specifications. The work shall
be got executed through an experienced agency executing similar works.
11.5.5. Before fixing the PVC sports flooring, it shall be ensured that the sub floor on which the
PVC sports flooring is being laid is smooth, flat, hard & free from moisture, grease, etc.
In case of uneven sub floor, the same shall be levelled by self-levelling compound at no
extra cost to the Department. The PVC sports flooring shall have perfect level after
laying and no undulations from the sub-base shall be visible (reflected) on the surface.
Also, there shall not be any air bubbles or de-lamination of the flooring, otherwise the
work shall be rejected and redone by the Contractor at his own cost.
11.5.6. Care shall also be taken to ensure that sub floor is dry at the time of installation.
11.5.7. The composite thickness of the PVC flooring sheet shall be as per item description.
11.5.8. All the joints shall be sealed by hot welding as recommended by the manufacturer to
make the floor seamless and safe.
11.5.9. The Contractor shall obtain and submit to the Department the manufacturer’s test
certificate for compliance of various parameters for the material as per relevant EN
standards, with each lot of material received at site.
11.5.10. For the purpose of measurement, the actual area of PVC sports flooring including
skirting provided and fixed in position shall be considered.
11.6.2. The mock up (one each) shall be prepared for swimming pool and water body.
11.6.3. The entire supply for each type of glass mosaic tiles shall be procured from one
manufacturer / authorized dealer, preferably, in one lot to keep variations to the
11.6.4. The work shall be carried out in patterns and designs in combination of tiles of
different colours and shades, fixed in linear as well as curvilinear profile, as per the
architectural drawings, as per the site conditions and as per the directions of Engineer–
11.6.5. Before fixing the glass mosaic tiles on the surface, the surface shall be cleaned
properly. Thereafter, the glass mosaic tiles shall be fixed with adhesive of approved
make as per manufacturer’s specifications including grouting the joints with adhesive
of required colour and shade. The tiles in the required pattern shall be laid with
random mix of tiles of approved make and series, as per the architectural drawings and
as per the directions of Engineer-in-charge.
11.6.6. The work shall be carried out as per the manufacturer’s specifications. The work shall
be got executed through an experienced agency executing similar works.
11.6.7. The Contractor shall obtain and submit to the Department the manufacturer’s test
certificate for compliance of various parameters for the material as per the
manufacturer’s specifications, with each lot of material received at site.
11.6.8. For the purpose of payment, actual area of the glass mosaic tiles work shall be
measured in sqm correct to two decimal places. No deduction shall be made for joint
width between the adjacent tiles.
11.7.1. The materials to be used shall be broken glazed ceramic tile pieces. These shall be
obtained from broken glazed tiles of uniform thickness and of approved shade and
manufacture and conforming to I.S. 13753. The tile pieces shall be hard, sound, dense
and glossy in texture. These shall be of required colour and shade and free from stains,
cracks, decay and weathering.
11.7.2. The work shall be carried out as per the architectural drawings in design (geometric,
abstract etc.) And in linear and / or curvilinear pattern and in combination with tile
pieces of different colour and shade
11.7.3. Before laying tile flooring on RCC slabs / PCC base, the laitance shall be removed and
the surface shall be roughened. A coat of cement slurry @ 2.2 kg of cement per sqm
shall be applied over the base surface for bonding between RCC slab / PCC and mortar
bedding of tile flooring. Nothing extra shall be payable on this account.
11.7.4. Pieces of ceramic glazed shall be brought to required size & shape to achieve the
required design/ pattern. The shade of the tiles shall also be selected depending upon
the pattern/ design. Tiles shall be thoroughly cleaned and soaked in water before
fixing. Cement grout of desired consistency admixed with approved water-proofing
compound and synthetic polyester fibre shall be spread over the mortar bedding when
the mortar is still plastic. Pieces of glazed tile shall be pressed piece by piece in the
required pattern in the cement float. The fixing shall be done by keeping the joints
between the pieces as thin as possible but not exceeding 5mm. The work shall be
carried out to correct level and slopes and compacted by striking the surface with hand
thappies and straight screed tamper. The grout shall cream up to the surface. The
junctions of the flooring and the parapet wall shall be rounded and the flooring shall be
extended upto the wall for 15cm or as specified. After the flooring has been laid or the
day’s fixing work is completed, surplus cement grout that may have come out of the
joints on compacting shall be cleaned off. The flooring laid shall be kept moist and
allowed to mature undisturbed for 10 days to allow the bedding and flooring to set
11.7.5. Once the floor has set, it shall be carefully washed clean and dried. When dry, the floor
shall be covered with oil free dry saw dust which shall be removed only after the
construction work is completed.
11.7.6. The Contractor shall ensure that the China Mosaic work provides waterproofing
treatment and shall not allow penetration of water. The guarantee for the water
proofing work at the terrace shall also include restoration of the China Mosaic work
after rectification, if any to the integral cement based waterproofing treatment to the
terrace. Nothing extra shall be payable on this account.
11.7.7. For the purpose of payment, actual area of the China Mosaic tile work shall be
measured in sqm correct to two decimal places. No deduction shall be made for joint
width between the adjacent tile pieces.
11.8.1. The Contractor shall procure and submit samples of approved make, shade and
thickness of composite marble slab, for the approval of the Engineer-in-charge prior to
the execution of the work.
11.8.2. The mock up (one each) shall be prepared for flooring and dado / cladding work
11.8.3. The entire supply of composite marble shall be procured from one supplier/
manufacturer only, preferably, in one lot to keep variations to the minimum.
11.8.4. The size of the stones shall be as per the architectural drawings.
11.8.5. The composite marble used in the sills, soffits and jambs of doors, windows, ventilators
and similar locations shall be in single piece unless otherwise directed by the Engineer-
in-Charge. Wherever slab other than in single piece is allowed to be fixed, the joints
shall be provided as per the architectural drawings and as per the directions of the
Engineer-in-Charge. Depending on the number of joints, as far as possible, the slabs
shall be procured and fixed in slabs of equal lengths as per the architectural drawings
and as directed by Engineer-in-Charge.
11.8.6. One sample shall be tested for every 500 sqm or part thereof. However, minimum one
sample shall be tested from each lot received at site even if the quantity procured in
the lot is less than 500 sqm. If required, the Engineer-in-Charge or his authorized
representative shall inspect the factory during production and also collect samples
from the factory itself. The contractor shall consider this contingency while placing the
order with one of the approved firms. Nothing extra shall be paid on this account
11.8.7. The Contractor shall obtain and submit to the Department the manufacturer’s test
certificate for compliance of various parameters for the material as per the
manufacturer’s specifications, with each lot of material received at site.
11.8.8. In addition, the samples of composite marble slabs shall be collected randomly from
the lot procured and tested for various parameters specified below from any
accredited laboratory as approved by the Engineer-in-charge. The composite marble
shall conform to the technical specifications given below:
List of Tests
S. No. Test Standard of Standard of Passing
Test Measurement Criteria
4.8.1. Water Absorption EN99 % Less than 0.3
4.8.2. Surface Hardness EN 101 Mohs Scale 3-4
4.8.3. Density ASTM C 97 Kg/Cum >2200
4.8.4. Compressive Strength ASTM C 170 Mpa >100
4.8.5. Flexural Strength/ EN100 Kg/cm² >250
Modulus of Rupture
11.8.9. The work shall generally conform to relevant CPWD specifications. Following
additional precautions shall be taken during execution of work for composite marble
flooring/ platforms / dado / cladding etc.
11.8.10. A gap of 8-10mm shall be left between masonry wall & stone slab in flooring below
skirting to take care of thermal expansion.
11.8.11. Only epoxy mixed with matching pigment shall be used for filling of joints of slabs in
flooring / platforms / dado / cladding and other locations.
11.8.12. The final surface shall be polished to give uniform joint free mirror finish.
11.8.13. All the joints shall be protected with masking tape & left open for a period of 7-10 days
for evaporation of excess moisture. The joints shall be properly cleaned before filling
with epoxy grout.
11.8.14. For the purpose of measurement, CPWD Specifications shall be referred for respective
items of marble work.
11.9.1. The Contractor shall procure and submit the samples of approved make, shade and
thickness of laminate wooden flooring along with accessories, for the approval of the
Engineer-in-charge prior to the execution of the item.
11.9.2. The flooring material shall be of class 23 / 32 HPL laminate flooring, intended for
general commercial use. The composition of laminate wooden flooring shall be as
• Surface layer – high pressure laminate (HPL)
• Core material – high density fibre board (HDF)
11.9.3. The mock up (one no.) Shall be prepared for flooring in the academic block.
11.9.4. The entire supply for laminate wooden flooring shall be procured from one
manufacturer / authorized dealer, preferably, in one lot to keep variations to the
minimum. The contractor shall also procure various fittings and accessories like
beading, flat profile, skirting, end profile, transition profile, reducer profile, stair
nosing, T profile etc. All complete required for satisfactory installation of the wooden
laminate flooring.
11.9.5. The Contractor shall obtain and submit to the Department the manufacturer’s test
certificate for compliance of various parameters for the material as per the
manufacturer’s specifications, with each lot of material received at site. The laminate
wooden flooring material shall meet the following parameters:
11.9.6. The work shall be carried out in patterns and designs in combination of different
colours and shades, fixed in linear as well as curvilinear profile, as per the architectural
drawings, as per the site conditions and as per the directions of Engineer – in – Charge.
11.9.7. The work shall be carried out as per the manufacturer’s specifications. The work shall
be got executed through an experienced agency executing similar works.
11.9.8. Before fixing the laminate wooden flooring, it shall be ensured that the sub floor on
which the laminate wooden flooring is being laid is smooth, flat, hard & free from
moisture, grease, etc. In case of uneven sub floor, the same shall be leveled by self-
leveling compound at no extra cost to the Department. The laminate wooden flooring
shall have perfect level after laying and no undulations from the sub-base shall be
visible (reflected) on the surface. Also, there shall not be any air bubbles or
delamination of the flooring, otherwise the work shall be rejected and redone by the
Contractor at his own cost.
11.9.9. Care shall also be taken to ensure that sub floor is dry at the time of installation.
11.9.10. For the purpose of measurement, the actual area of laminate wooden flooring including
skirting provided and fixed in position shall be considered.
11.10.2. Bevel is installed at the perimeter of the installation running from the thickness of the
surface down to the base. The outside line of the bevel must be clear and follow the
designed edge of the installation.
The stainless-steel pipes (minimum thickness 1.2 mm), channels, plates etc. Shall be of
grade 304 and procured from the manufacturers per list of preferred makes given in
this tender document. It shall be pre straightened without any dents, waviness,
scratches, stains etc. And shall confirm the relevant clauses associated with this grade
of steel.
12.3. Factory made Stainless Steel (grade 304) Knock Down railing system comprising
Handrail containing high-grade Stainless-Steel Bushings at every Bend Joint of Railing
to provide extra strength fixed by T- Bracket AISI 304 grade Stainless Steel Round
baluster with the help of Handrail Clamping Screws. The baluster should be concealed
by glossy finished cover cap Round Baluster with casted Base Plate Secured by Anchor
Fasteners on Concrete Surface Floor and concealed with AISI 304 grade cover Gap.
Hand rail, baluster and in-fill members should be of Satin/Matt finish of 320 grit done
with minimum 3 time finishing process in automatic polishing machine to achieve
smooth and long-lasting hairline finish. If any welding must be done at factory by
automatic welding machine in MIG or any approved process welding process with
accurate precision so as no welding marks burrs are visible on products. Wall thickness
of all pipes shall be taken as 1.2 mm.
12.4. The Contractor shall prepare the mock-up at site for approval of material and quality of
workmanship by the Engineer-in-Charge. Only after the approval of Mock-up, the
Contractor shall start the mass work. If the quality of the workmanship and the
material is as per the required standards and approved by the Engineer-in- Charge, the
mock up shall be allowed as part of the work. Otherwise, it shall be dismantled by the
contractor and taken away from the site of the work at his own cost.
12.5. Any incidental additional requirements for execution of this item to the satisfaction of
Engineer-in-Charge shall also be deemed to be included in the item and shown in
attached drawing and nothing extra will be paid for such extra work.
13.2. The Contractor shall submit the good for construction drawing and MEP drawing to the
manufacturer. The contractor /manufacturer shall then prepare the shop drawing
based on architectural and MEP drawing for approval of Engineer in charge. The
contractor /manufacturer shall also submit the method statement for carrying out the
work in concurrence with the milestones defined in the agreement. Based on the
approval contractor shall immediately procure minimum quantity of shuttering given
elsewhere in the NIT. The minimum quantity (i.e12895) given is indicative as a
guideline, contractor if desired may procure additional shuttering material for
completing the project on time, for which nothing shall be paid extra.
13.3. The Agency/manufacturer of aluminium form work shall submit 3d modelling and
virtual reality model of one sample flat, if demanded by E IN C.
13.4. The contractor in coordination with the aluminium form work shuttering
manufacturer shall submit the method statement for safety work working at higher
floors for approval of Engineer in charge.
13.5. The contractor shall provide vertical dense safety net and horizontal safety net with
necessary bracing and framework to support the safety net.
13.6. The aluminium form work shall confirm to IS:14687-1999 and execution shall be as
per CPWD specification.
13.7. Material
13.7.1. Aluminium panel sheet shall be minimum 4mm thick using grade of 5052.
13.7.2. Aluminium for extrusion section shall be of grade 6061 (type 6).
13.8. Contractors must order sufficient quantity of form work, its accessories, hardware and
related items as mentioned in NIT to complete the project in time. It is advisable to
order extra accessories and hardware to avoid site delays.A mock-up of Aluminium
form work shall be examined by the Engineer-in-charge at the factory location, if
required. Contractor in coordination with manufacturer shall provide assistance for
13.9. Lubricants for the form work shall be got approved from E IN C and must be applied as
per manufacturer guidelines.
13.10. De-shuttering and stocking for form work must be done as per manufacturer
13.12. Since the finishing of concrete has the biggest role in the final finished product, it is
mandatory to achieve the finish up to the satisfaction of the Architect/ Engineer-in-
13.13. For core cutting /sealing of joint/the gap left out between pipes, conduits and concrete
surface shall be filled with approved material (non-shrink grout) for taking out of
sanitary/ water supply/ firefighting cables, pipes etc. If any nothing extra shall be paid.
13.15. Manufacturer of Aluminium formwork will submit certificate in every six months
through contractor to Engineer-in-charge ensuring that formwork is fit for achieving
good quality concrete work in all respect. Agency has to remove defective aluminium
formwork from site promptly.
13.16. Holes made for fixing arrangement of formwork shall, brackets shall be sealed with
non-shrink grout of approved make by contractor without any additional cost.
13.17. Tolerance: - Tolerance in finished panel shall be (- 1 mm).
13.18. The undulation at joints of panels in the finished surface of concrete shall be grinded to
the flush with adjacent panel, before finishing is taken up. Nothing Shall be paid extra
on account of same.
13.19. The safety precaution required at periphery of the building and brackets to used at the
periphery of the building for working at periphery should be sturdy and is included in
the cost of the aluminium shuttering work. Nothing shall be paid to the contractor on
this account.
The work shall in general be carried out as per the CPWD specifications and the
manufacturer’s specifications (where CPWD specifications are not available).
The theoretical consumptions of the various materials like plaster, primer, paint, etc.
Shall be as per the CPWD specifications and the various coefficients specified herein.
Wherever coefficients are not mentioned in CPWD specifications, the same shall be as
specified under relevant items. Nothing extra shall be payable on account of actual
consumption exceeding the theoretical consumption. However, in exceptional cases, if
the actual consumption is lesser than the theoretical consumption, cost adjustment
shall be made for lesser consumption of material at the prevailing market rate.
14.2. The concrete surface on which ready mix plaster, gypsum, putty, texture plaster is to
be applied shall be properly hacked or the bonding coat of approved make shall be
applied to the concrete surface for which nothing shall be paid extra.
14.3.1. General
a. The Ready-Mix plaster shall have minimum 30% replacement of OPC with BIS
recommended waste by weight of cement. The agency shall submit the third-party test
report for the same. (As per GRIHA criterion 19.1.4).
b. The quantity of plaster required as per the theoretical consumption including wastages, if
any, shall be procured from one of the approved manufacturers or his authorized dealers.
c. The plaster shall be obtained in packing (40 Kg or 50 Kg, as per manufacturer) as far as
mixing instructions, warnings and instructions for handling and application, date of
manufacturing and shelf life shall be clearly and legibly mentioned on the labels of each
bag. These details shall be kept in record. The material shall be consumed in the order of
material brought to site, first come first consume basis. The Contractor shall obtain and
submit to the Department the manufacturer’s test certificate for compliance of various
parameters for the material as per the manufacturer’s specifications, with each lot of
material received at site.
e. The method of storage of material shall be same as applicable for cement specifications.
The material older than 6 months from the date of manufacturing shall not be allowed to
be used in the work.
14.3.2. Surface preparation- The base surface shall be cured properly prior to the application
of plaster. It shall be cleaned thoroughly, with no loose particles or dust. The surface
shall be structurally sound, clean and free from dirt, oil, grease, efflorescence or any
other contaminant that could impair the natural bond. Surface defects such as cracks,
holes or voids shall be repaired prior to application. The base surface shall also be in-
line & leveled before the application of plaster.
14.3.3. Pre-wetting of the substrate- The surface shall be wet properly before application of
14.3.4. Mixing:
i. Plaster shall be thoroughly mixed with water before use in a mechanical stirrer for
uniform and through mixing to ensure proper workability
ii. Mixing ratio of clean potable water to the weight of the powder shall be as per
manufacturer’s specifications, depending upon the thickness of the plaster to be
iii. The entire plaster proposed to be used in specific work shall be mixed thoroughly and
uniformly with water. No plaster shall be left unmixed in the container.
iv. In exceptional cases, manual mixing shall be allowed with prior approval of Engineer –
in-Charge. However, it shall be ensured that the plaster is mixed uniformly during
manual mixing.
v. All arrangements for measuring, dosing etc. At site shall be made by the Contractor.
14.3.5. Application:
specifications before applying second coat. The surface after second coat shall be
allowed to dry completely and same process shall be followed for subsequent coats.
v. The curing shall be done as per manufacturer’s specifications.
vi. The entire quantity of plaster shall be used within 2 to 3 hours or as per
manufacturer’s specifications, after mixing with water. No extra water shall be added
in the mixture made.
vii. For application in exterior surfaces, necessary measures like covering the surface with
net and water curing as per manufacturer’s specification shall be undertaken.
14.3.6. Coverage:
i. The coverage for 12 mm thick plaster shall be 29 Kg per sqm or as per manufacturers
ii. The coverage for 6 mm thick plaster shall be 14.5Kg per sqm or as per manufacturers
iii. The coverage for 18 mm thick plaster shall be 43.5 Kg per sqm. or as per manufacturers
iv. The coverage for 15 mm thick plaster shall be 36.25 Kg per sqm. or as per manufacturers
The contractor shall maintain proper records for receipt and consumption of the
plaster for verification of Engineer-in – Charge.
14.3.7. Measurement- The mode of measurement shall be as per cement plaster items of
respective thicknesses as per CPWD specifications 2021.
14.4.1. All interior wall, ceiling finishes such as primers, paints putty etc shall have low VOC
content and shall be lead free (GRIHA criterion 12.1.4)
14.4.2. All paints used shall satisfy below mentioned VOC limits
Paint Application Type of Finish VOC Limit (g/L)
Interior coatings Flat < 50
Non-flat < 150
Exterior coatings Flat < 200
Non-flat < 100
Anti-corrosive Gloss/semi- < 250
14.5.1. The Contractor shall procure and submit the samples of approved make and shade
along with catalogue, for the approval of the Engineer-in-charge prior to execution of
the item.
14.5.2. Based on the samples approved by the Engineer-in-Charge, the contractor shall
prepare the mock-up at site for approval of material and quality of workmanship by
the Engineer-in-Charge. Only after the approval of mock-up, the contractor shall start
the mass work. The mock-up shall not form part of the work. The mock up(s) so made
shall be kept till completion of respective works for reference. Nothing extra shall be
payable on this account.
14.5.3. Once the material and mock up are approved, the entire quantity of various materials
shall be procured from the approved manufacturer or its authorized dealer, preferably,
in one lot to keep variations to the minimum.
14.5.4. The work shall be carried out as per the manufacturer’s specifications.
The contractor shall obtain and submit to the Department the manufacturer’s test
certificate / report for compliance of the material to the relevant standards alongwith
each lot of material supplied for the work.
14.5.5. The material shall consist of two parts: Scratch-plaster and Terra-coat.
i. Scratch-plaster - It shall have two components which comes in liquid & powder form.
These shall be mixed at site before application in the ratio 25kg. Powder in 1.0 litre of
liquid. Powder shall be made-up of Acrylic powder polymer , inert filler material in
powder form, finally graded silica (450 micron to 1.00mm graded) particles, Anti-
fungal agents, Emulsifying agent (Extender) to prevent lumping of powder during
mixing, Titanium di-oxide pigments for making it water-proof from exterior while
allowing trapped water vapour breathability & Thixotropic agent for maintaining
consistency of mix. & to prevent flowing of mix during application. The surface to be
covered shall be pre-cured & shall be applied with surface stabilization primer before
application of Scratch-plaster.
ii. Terra-coat - It shall be made-up of Acrylic Co-polymer emulsion, crushed & precisely
graded silica particles ( 500 micron & down size), high quality rutile (Purest form)
grade Titanium di-oxide, fungicide, plasticizers & anti-corrosive agent This shall be
applied over scratch-plaster in two or more coats to get approved shade & pattern.
15.2.1. The Paver block shall contain minimum 10% C& D waste content by weight of block.
The agency shall submit relevant documents as per GRIHA confirming the compliance. (As per
GRIHA criterion 21.1.1).
15.2.2. Kerb stone used at site shall have concrete used with minimum 30% fly ash content by
weight of total cementitious material. The agency shall submit relevant documents as per
GRIHA confirming the compliance (As per GRIHA criterion 21.1.2).
15.2.3. The work under this sub-head in general shall be carried out as per the CPWD
specifications, as per the manufacturer’s specifications, as per architectural drawings
and as per directions of Engineer-in-Charge.
15.2.4. The Contractor shall procure and submit the samples of approved make, shade and
thickness of various materials (tiles and paver blocks etc.) Along with catalogue, for the
approval of the Engineer-in-charge prior to execution of the item.
15.2.5. Based on the samples approved by the Engineer-in-Charge for various tiles and paver
blocks etc. the contractor shall prepare the mock-up at site for approval of material and
quality of workmanship by the Engineer-in-Charge. Only after the approval of mock-up,
the contractor shall start the mass work. If the quality of the workmanship and the
material is as per the required standards and approved by the Engineer-in- Charge, the
mock up shall be allowed as part of the work and measured for payment. Otherwise, it
shall be dismantled by the contractor as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge and taken
away from the site of the work at his own cost. The mock up(s) so made shall be kept
till completion of respective works for reference. Nothing extra shall be payable on this
15.2.6. Once the material and mock up are approved, the entire quantity of various materials
shall be procured from the approved manufacturer or its authorized dealer, preferably,
in one lot to keep variations to the minimum.
15.2.7. The material (tile and paver blocks etc.) Shall be supplied at site only after attainment
of required strength at the factory itself.
15.2.8. The Engineer-in-Charge or his representative may, if required, shall inspect the factory
during production of various tiles to assess the quality of the material and also collect
samples from the factory itself. The Department shall bear the cost of such visits of the
officers of the Department.
15.2.9. The material shall be transported to site well packed. These shall be handled carefully
to prevent any damages. The material procured shall be free of any surface defect, edge
damage and any other such defects. The defective / damaged material shall not be
allowed to be used in the work. So, the contactor shall procure additional quantity of
material to cover such contingencies. However, nothing extra shall be payable on this
15.2.10. Adequate care for various materials shall be taken before fixing as well as afterwards
till completion of the work. It shall be protected from rains, excessive humidity,
chemical fumes, vibrations, dust etc. The contractor shall ensure careful handling and
storage and prevent any rough handling, to prevent any edge damage or breakage. Any
material (tiles and paver blocks etc.) With edge damaged or crack etc. Shall not be
allowed to be used in the work and shall be replaced by the contractor at his own cost.
Similarly, adequate care shall be taken by the contractor while placing or removing and
handling the material so as not to cause any damage. The finished work shall be
cleaned as per manufacturer’s specifications. Abrasive cleaners shall not be used to
clean the marks.
15.2.11. The work shall be carried out as per the manufacturer’s specifications.
The tiles and paver blocks shall be fixed in required pattern and design in combination
with tiles / paver blocks of different colours and shades in linear or curvilinear pattern
as per the architectural drawings and the site conditions.
i. The contractor shall obtain and submit to the Department the manufacturer’s test
certificate / report for compliance of the material to the relevant standards alongwith
each lot of material supplied for the work.
ii. For the enclosures with circular or curved profile, only the actual area of the respective
works shall be measured under relevant sub-heads for payment and nothing extra
shall be payable for labour, material, wastages and any other incidental charges.
iii. For tiling and paver work, the joints between the different types of tiles and pavers
shall be located as per the architectural drawings and the measurement shall be done
as per item description.
iv. The Contractor shall maintain the uniform level of the finished flooring of the different
types unless specifically mentioned on the architectural drawings.
v. At the time of handing over, the finished areas (tiles and paver blocks etc.) shall be free
of any scratches, stains etc. These areas shall be properly cleaned before handing over.
However, abrasive cleaners shall not be used to clean the marks and other scratches.
16. Particular specifications for sanitary installations, water supply & drainage
i. The work under this sub-head in general shall be carried out as per the CPWD
specifications, as per architectural drawings and as per directions of Engineer-in-
ii. All Santitary and Water supply fixture shall be as per GRIHA confirming compliance
and shall reduce the water reduction from GRIHA base case by more than 20%, so that
target of 2 points is achieved for GRIHA criterion 13.1. In doing so contractor may
require to provide same model with added feature of GRIHA, in which model no may
change post suffix of G, GA, GB, GC, GD, GE etc. for which nothing shall be paid
iii. The contractor shall submit design calculation of reduction in water demand by use of
all such sanitary and water supply fixtures by more than 20% from GRIHA base case.
The final procurement shall be done only after the confirmation that the products are
reducing the water demand by more than 20% from GRIHA base case. Nothing shall be
paid extra for this.
iv. Before taking up the work, the contractor shall prepare integrated shop drawings
showing details of various pipe lines running horizontally and vertically and obtain
approval of Engineer-in-Charge. Integrated services drawings shall conform to local
byelaws. The work shall be carried out as per approved integrated shop drawings for
sanitary installations, water supply, rain water and drainage pipes.
v. Samples of all the pipes, fittings, fixtures etc., of make as per the list of approved
materials shall be brought to site, well in advance, prior to start of any of the works and
got approved by the Engineer-in-charge.
vi. Two sample toilets with all the pipelines, fittings and fixtures shall be prepared and
tested for proper functioning of the system and got approved from the Engineer-in-
charge before taking up mass work. The sample toilet(s) shall form part of the main
work if the performance is found satisfactory; otherwise, the same shall be dismantled
and redone by the contractor at his cost.
vii. The chasing, cutting and making holes in the masonry and / or cement concrete and /
or RCC works shall be done carefully without causing any damage to the structure. As
far as possible, mechanical cutters & core cutting machines shall be used in a workman
like manner, for concealing the pipelines and fittings. The chases / holes, so made,
shall be made good with non-shrink grout after testing of the pipe lines for leakage.
The cost of cutting cores in RCC, cutting holes in masonry & making good the same
shall be inclusive in the respective item of drainage/water supply lines.
viii. All vertical sanitary & GI pipes shall be fixed to hot dipped galvanized M.S supporting
frame with “U” shaped G.I bolts, threaded at both ends, as specified, with GI nuts, GI
washers, GI cleats etc. As approved by the Engineer-in-charge. Supporting frame shall
be fixed with approved anchor fasteners as directed by the Engineer-in-charge. In all
cases, pipelines shall be fixed, minimum 50 mm away from the finished wall face and
shall not be fixed directly to the walls. The cost of providing and fixing GI supporting
frame shall be paid for separately under relevant items.
ix. All horizontal pipes shall be fixed to the soffit of beams / slabs etc. With G.I. hanger
rods & G.I. frame work as per the approved shop drawings and as directed by the
Engineer-in-charge. The pipelines shall be clamped to the structural steel frame work
with “U” bolts and nuts, washers, cleats etc., of length and diameter as required and as
specified. The G.I. frame work shall be paid for separately under relevant items.
x. The contractor shall sequence the activities for external drainage and other pipe lines
work in such a way that no hindrance is caused to other activities like laying of external
electrical cable, development, landscape and road work etc.
i. The material for the work shall be procured from the approved manufacturer as per
the list attached with the tender documents. The Contractor shall procure and submit
samples of various materials to be used in the work for the approval of Engineer-in-
Charge and no work shall commence before such samples are approved. Samples of un-
anodized as well as anodized aluminium sections, neoprene gaskets, glass, stainless
steel screws, anchor fasteners, hardware and any other material or components requiring
approval of samples, in opinion of Engineer-in-Charge, shall be submitted for the approval as
mentioned above. The above samples shall be retained as standards of materials and
ii. The Contractor shall prepare the shop drawings for the aluminium windows giving
details of the various aluminium sections, neoprene gaskets, cleats, anchor fasteners,
hardware, sealants, glass etc. And submit the same for the approval of Engineer-in-
iii. Only after the approval of the samples and the shop drawings by the Engineer-in-
Charge, the Contractor shall procure the material for the work. All materials brought
to the site by the Contractor, for use in the work, as well as fabricated components shall
be subject to inspection and approval by Engineer-in-Charge. The Contractor shall
produce manufacturer’s test certificates for any material or particular batch of
materials supplied by him.
iv. The Contractor shall prepare a finished sample of the aluminium window along with
glazing panel and fittings etc. For approval of workmanship and material. Nothing
extra shall be payable on this account.
v. Aluminium sections to be used for various works shall be appropriate to meet
technical, structural, functional and aesthetic considerations. The anodizing shall be
carried out in an approved factory / workshop as specified in the tender documents.
17.1. Fabrication
17.1.1. All joints shall be accurately fabricated and be hairline in appearance. The finished
surface shall be free from visible defects.
17.1.2. All hardware used shall conform to the relevant specifications and as per samples
approved by the Engineer-in-Charge. Design, quality, type, number and fixing of
hardware shall be generally in accordance with architectural drawings and as
approved by the Engineer-in-Charge before use.
17.1.3. All doors, windows, ventilators and glazing etc. Shall be made water tight with
neoprene gaskets and weather silicone sealants to the satisfaction of the Engineer-in-
Charge, for which nothing extra shall be payable.
17.1.4. The frames shall be strictly as per Architectural drawings, the corners of the frame
being fabricated to the true right angles. Both the fixed frames and openable shutter
frames shall be fabricated out of sections cut to required length, metered and
mechanically jointed for satisfactory performance. All members shall be accurately
machine milled and fitted to form hairline joints. The jointing accessories such as
aluminium cleats, stainless steel screws etc. Shall not to cause any bi-metallic reaction
by providing separators, wherever required.
17.1.5. Vertical members of the aluminium frame work shall be embedded in the floors,
wherever required, by cutting and making good of the floor.
17.2.1. The anchor fastener/dash fastener and Screws used for fixing fixed aluminium frames
of the aluminium windows to masonry walls / RCC members and aluminium members
to other aluminium members respectively shall be of stainless steel of approved make
and quality and of stainless-steel grade 304. Threads of machine screws used shall
conform to requirement of I.S. 4218.
17.2.2. For the aluminium windows, the gap between the aluminium frames and the R.C.C /
Masonry and also any gaps in the various sections shall be filled with weather silicone
sealant DC 795 of Dow Corning or equivalent in the required bite size, to ensure water
tightness including providing and fixing backer rod, wherever required. The weather
silicone sealant shall be of such approved colour and composition that it would not
stain or streak the masonry / R.C.C. work. It should not sag or flow and shall not set
hard or dry out under any conditions of weather and shall be tooled properly. The
weather silicone sealant shall be used as per the manufacturer’s specifications and
shall be of approved colour and shade. Any excess sealant shall be removed / cleared.
Nothing extra shall be payable for the above.
17.2.3. Fixing of glass panes shall be designed in such a way that replacing damaged / broken
glass panes is easily possible without having to remove or damage any members or
interior finishing materials.
17.3.1. Aluminium sections shall be anodized as per I.S. 7088 – 1973. Anodizing to be as per
grade AC 20 and not less than 20 microns thick when measured as per I.S. 6012, in
colour and shade as approved by the Engineer-in-charge.
17.3.2. The anodic coating shall be properly sealed by steam or dipping in de-ionized water as
per I.S. 1868-1982 and / or I.S. 6057. Sealing quality shall be tested in accordance with
the relevant standards. Nothing extra shall be payable on this account.
17.3.3. The Contractor shall satisfy himself by checking in the factory that the thickness of the
anodic coating is found to be minimum 20 microns and sealing quality is appropriate
everywhere. The testing shall be done in an approved laboratory by EDDY CURRENT
METHOD as per I.S. 6012 for thickness. For testing the thickness of anodic coating of
the anodized aluminium sections, the calibration shall be done on bare (un-anodized)
aluminium sections of same type. If any material is found sub-standard, it shall be
17.3.4. All anodized aluminium works shall conform to relevant I.S. Codes relating to
materials, workmanship, fabrications, finishing, erection, installations etc. In this
connection I.S. Codes including I.S. 1868 – 1982, I.S. 733 – 1983, I.S. 1948-1961, I.S.
7088-1973, I.S. 6012-1970, I.S. 1285 – 1975, I.S. 740-1975 are considered relevant and
17.3.5. The exposed surface of the aluminium sections shall be protected against surface
damage, dents, scratches etc. It shall, therefore, be provided with protective tape. After
fixing and assuring of proper functioning of doors, windows, frame work for partitions
/ false ceiling etc. Such protective tape shall be cleaned out / removed as per the
directions of Engineer-in-Charge. Nothing extra shall be payable for above.
17.4. Glazing
17.4.1. All glass panes shall be retained within aluminium framing by use of exterior grade
neoprene gaskets. Use of glazing or caulking compounds around the perimeter of glass
will not be permitted. There shall be no whistling or rattling. Before installation of
glass, Contractor shall ensure the following:
17.4.2. All glazing rebates shall be square, to plumb, true to plane, dry and free from dust.
17.4.3. Glass edge shall be clean and cut to exact size and grounded
17.4.4. Annealed float glass in doors, windows, ventilators and fixed glazing etc. Shall be of
approved make and standard quality conforming to C.P.W.D. Specifications.
17.4.5. 4 mm thick glass panes shall be provided for openings not exceeding 0.5 sqm. For
openings exceeding 0.5 sqm in area, 5.0 mm thick glass panes shall be provided unless
specified otherwise.
17.5.1. All glass panes shall be retained within aluminium framing by use of exterior grade
neoprene gaskets. Use of glazing or caulking compounds around the perimeter of glass
will not be permitted. There shall be no whistling or rattling. Before installation of
glass, Contractor shall ensure the following:
17.5.2. All glazing rebates shall be square, to plumb, true to plane, dry and free from dust.
17.5.3. Glass edge shall be clean and cut to exact size and grounded
17.5.4. Annealed float glass in doors, windows, ventilators and fixed glazing etc. Shall be of
approved make and standard quality conforming to C.P.W.D. Specifications.
17.5.5. 4 mm thick glass panes shall be provided for openings not exceeding 0.5 sqm. For
openings exceeding 0.5 sqm in area, 5.0 mm thick glass panes shall be provided unless
specified otherwise.
17.6.8. The item for the aluminium frame work includes cost of making provision for fixing
fittings, wherever required, as per the item description (The cost for providing fitting
(handle, lock and buffer) shall be paid for separately).
18.1. All the water proofing treatment shall be got executed through one of the specialized
agencies as per the list of approved agencies attached with the tender. The water
proofing agency shall carry out water proofing work with one of the approved water
proofing compounds mentioned in the tender. If so specifically requested by the
contractor, he will be allowed to use other water proofing compound meeting various
technical parameters, subject to prior approval of Engineer-in-Charge.
18.2. The work under this sub-head in general shall be carried out as per the CPWD
specifications, as per the manufacturer’s specifications, as per architectural drawings
and as per directions of Engineer-in-Charge.
18.3. Ten years guarantee in prescribed proforma attached shall be given by the contractor
for the water proofing treatment. In addition, 10% (ten percent) of the cost of these
items of water proofing under this sub head shall be retained as guarantee amount to
watch the performance of the work executed. However, half of this amount (withheld)
would be released after five years from the date of completion of the work, if the
performance of the waterproofing works is satisfactory. The remaining withheld
amount shall be released after completion of ten years from the date of completion of
work, if the performance of the waterproofing work is satisfactory. If any defect is
noticed during the guarantee period, it should be rectified by the contractor within
seven days of issuing of notice by the Engineer-in-Charge / RBI and, if not attended to,
the same shall be got done by Engineer-in-Charge / RBI through other agency at the
risk and cost of the contractor and recovery shall be effected from the amount retained
towards guarantee. The guarantee amount can be released in full, if bank guarantee or
e-bank guarantee of equivalent amount, valid for the duration of guarantee period, is
produced and deposited with the Department.
18.4. Waterproofing Treatment for PODIUM for grade A,B/C and Grade D towers
1) Careful surface preparation is essential for optimum finish and durability. The surface
needs to be made clean, dry and sound, free of any contamination by wire brushing,
which may harmfully affect the adhesion of the membrane. Maximum moisture content
should not exceed 8%. Substrate compressive strength should be at least 25 Mpa,
cohesive bond strength at least 1.5 MPa.
2) New concrete structures need to dry for at least 28 days. Possible surface irregularities
need to be smoothened. Any loose surface pieces and grinding dust need to be
thoroughly removed. All potholes shall be repaired with Polymer modified mortar
made by adding Dr. Fixit URP @ 10% or Equivalent in BASF/Fosroc/Tikadine by
weight of cement.
3) Cleaning of wall and floor junctions with compressed air and make angle fillet / watta
of 50mm X 50mm with PMM made by adding Dr. Fixit URP @ 10% or Equivalent in
BASF/Fosroc/Tikadine by weight of cement at the junction of wall and floor, followed
by laying of 40 GSM geo textile sandwiched with Hybrid polyurea / Polyurethan
waterproof coating.
18.4.4. Protection & Slope over the waterproof membrane (Horizontal Areas):
Lay minimum 100 GSM geotextile membranes over the waterproofing membrane to
create a separation layer as well a protection layer from concrete screed. The
geotextile layer shall have 100 mm overlap and spot bonded and shall be extended at
the wall up to 100mm above the slab floor. b) Lay Concrete screed of M20 grade
concrete (RMC) (to be paid as separately under relevant items) over the geotextile
membrane admixed with polypropylene fibre at 0.9Kg/cum in site mix to minimize
shrinkage cracks in the screed and to provide slope of 1:100. towards the drain outlets
for effective and efficient draining of water, including making of angle fillet along with
concrete screed and within 24-36 hours of screed laying, saw-cutting panels of 3m x
4m (approx. 6mmWx 10mm D) and filling the grooves with PU/PS Sealant of Dr. Fixit
or Equivalent in BASF/Fosroc/Tikadine.
II. Sprinkle sand over the primed surface at 2 – 3Kg/sqm when the bonding agent is wet.
Allow it to dry to form firm key for the plaster.
III. Lay 15mm thick plaster in two coats over the prepared surface of cement sand mortar
admixed with integral waterproof compound conforming to IS 2645-2003, Dr. Fixit
Pidiproof LW+. or Equivalent in BASF/Fosroc/Tikadine (to be paid as separately under
relevant items)
IV. The surface brooming, curing of the surface by water sprinkling shall be done for 7
V. The Rolled matrix Drainage layer with filter medium as specified by Landscape
architect / engineer shall be laid over the protection screed before soil filling. For
Planter Boxes: Separate Anti-Root Treatment above the Screed (Trees above 2MTR
Height (to be paid as separately under relevant items, if required):
VI. Prime the surface with solvent based bituminous primer. (To be paid as separately
under relevant items, if required)
VII. Stick peel and Lay SBS modified cold applied preformed Anti-root membrane SAM AR
over the primer. The overlaps shall be minimum 50mm selvedge and self-sticking. (To
be paid as separately under relevant items, if required)
VIII. The Rolled matrix Drainage layer with filter medium as specified by Landscape
architect / engineer shall be laid over the protection screed before soil filling (To be
paid as separately under relevant items, if required).
3. All Pipe inserts Treatment: Wrap the PVC pipes with non-reinforced twin-sided self-
adhesive bituminous membrane Dr. Fixit Bath Seal Tape or Equivalent in
BASF/Fosroc/Tikadine. and then fill the gaps around pipes with cementitious free flow
expanding grouts Dr. Fixit Pidigrout 10 M or Equivalent in BASF/Fosroc/Tikadine. All
concealed plumbing ducts must be sealed with Dr. Fixit URP modified Polymer
modified mortar or Equivalent in BASF/Fosroc/Tikadine.
5. Apply coating in SSD condition. All surface excess water shall be removed to achieve
fully saturated substrate with dry surface condition.
6. It is mandatory that all works of plumbing and sanitation must be complete before
taking up application of Dr. Fixit Fastflex or Equivalent in BASF/Fosroc/Tikadine.
2. Surfaces containing large blow holes cracks and surface defects must be repaired with
polymer modified mortar (PMM), mix in the proportion of (1: 5:15) Dr. Fixit Pidicrete
URP (or Equivalent in BASF/Fosroc/Tikadine): Cement: Fine Sand: by weight. The
surface must be kept moist followed by application of 1 bond coat of Dr. Fixit Pidicrete
URP or Equivalent in BASF/Fosroc/Tikadine.
ii. Allow the mixed slurry to stand for 2-3 minutes for releasing entrapped air during.
iii. The surface of application must be pre-wetted thoroughly with water & brought to a
touch dry state. Take up the first coat application of Dr. Fixit Fastflex or Equivalent in
BASF/Fosroc/Tikadine with a stiff nylon brush. Work well into the substrate, to ensure
that all small undulations are completely filled with the coating.
iv. Provide and lay 45 gsm glass fibre mesh over the angle fillet when the first coat in still
wet. After completion of first coat, take up second coat application in a direction
perpendicular to the first coverage at the rate 0.42 - 0.50 M2 / Kg / 2 coats or as per
manufacturer specification in a span of 4-6 hours with a roller / brush on the prepared
concrete substrate.
v. Coating should be extended to 1 m height to all walls and width of wall area, including
shower area, splash zone to ensure complete waterproofing.
vi. For vertical surface sprinkle fine sand / silica sand over the second coat of Dr. Fixit
Fastflex or Equivalent in BASF/Fosroc/Tikadine when it is wet stage and allow it to dry
to form firm key to the plaster.
19.1.2. The work under this sub head includes cost of all inputs of labour, materials including
wastages, T &P, equipment’s , other enabling temporary structures and services and all
other incidental charges, if any, not specifically mentioned here, but as required for
complete design, engineering, fabrication, assembling, delivery, anchorage, installation,
protection of curtain glazing, And making the system water tight (wherever specified),
all complete, all in accordance with the true intent and meaning of the specifications
and the drawings taken together, regardless of whether the same may or may not be
particularly shown on the drawings and / or described in the specifications , provided
that the same can be reasonably inferred there from. The curtain glazing shall have
framing which shall be structurally and mechanically designed to achieve the
19.1.3. The curtain glazing work shall include but will not necessarily be limited to the
following: Frames, fixed glazed / vision panels, spandrels, hard wares, open able
panels, as in the drawings inclusive of all accessories and fittings. Glass
wool Insulation panel (shadow box), fire stop(barrier) - cum - smoke
seals, splice plates, connectors, sleeves, anti- buckling clips etc. Structural, weather and other silicone sealants within and all-round the
perimeter of all the work under this sub head for fabricating igus,holding
the glass to the aluminium & glass to glass and to provide water tightness
to the curtain glazing. EPDM / silicone gaskets, trims, shims, setting blocks, double sided spacer
tape, spacer blocks, weathering strips etc All sealing and flashings including sealing at junctions with the building
members. All brackets, anchor fasteners, screws, inserts, nuts, bolts & washers, and
attachments required for complete installation and fixing to the RCC,
masonry and / or the structural steel members of the building. All accessories, fasteners, screws, nuts and bolts, toggles, rivets etc. And
other items implied in the drawings and the specifications though are not
specifically indicated or mentioned here. Isolation of all dissimilar metal surfaces as well as moving surfaces by use
of TEFLON (PTFE) separators. Shop drawings, engineering data and structural calculations (analysis &
design) of all systems including aluminium structural framing, fasteners,
sealants etc.
19.2.3. Protection during storage and construction until handing over the building for
occupation etc.
19.2.4. All final exterior and interior cleaning of the curtain glazing, before handing over the
building for occupation.
19.2.5. Hoisting, staging, scaffolding and temporary enabling structural work/ services, cranes
and cradles etc.
19.2.8. Construction monitoring for regular quality control and technical inspection to ensure
the work conforms to the approved shop drawings and details (including any
modifications made after field testing) and acceptable standards of quality including
monitoring the progress of the work.
19.3. Standards
In general, the Contractor shall follow either of the latest Indian/ International
Standards as applicable for this sub head.
2) The contractor shall be solely and fully responsible for proper structural analysis and
design for various load cases and their combination. This shall include designing and
proper sizing of all sections meeting structural and architectural requirements. The
anchor assemblies shall meet the performance and design requirements including
installation of all inserts, fasteners, clips, bracing and framework as required for the
proper anchorage to the structure, unless otherwise specified.
3) Design of the curtain glazing system shall comply with all Government codes and
regulations. The Contractor shall design the entire curtain glazing system for dead
loads, wind loads, seismic loads, storm, air pollution, thermal stresses, building
movements and consequent deflections without compromising the performance
characteristic. Further, the individual members of the structural framing shall not
deflect beyond permissible limits as specified. The design shall comply with the
requirements of the relevant National Building Code and Indian Standard Code/
International Standards, unless specified otherwise.
4) The curtain glazing system and its elements shall not sustain permanent deformation
or failure under loading equivalent to 1.5 times the design wind pressure.
5) The specified deflections must be reduced if they are in any way detrimental to curtain
glazing system and building.
6) The approval of the structural design and shop drawings by the Engineer-in-Charge
shall not relieve the contractor from his responsibility for the structural design.
7) The Contractor shall ensure that the elevations are strictly as per the architectural
drawings and that the intent of the architectural design is retained. Visual appearance
shall be a key consideration for acceptance of work.
1.1. The review of the shop drawings by the Engineer-in-Charge shall be limited to their
conformity to the architectural and structural design concept & specifications.
However, the approval of the shop drawings by the Engineer-in-Charge shall not
relieve the contractor from any of his responsibilities and requirements as specified
1.2. No fabrication shall be taken up until the shop drawings and all other related
submittals, documentation, certification, samples and the mock-up for that work have
been reviewed and approved by the Engineer-in-charge.
1.3. After approval by the Engineer-in-Charge, the Contractor shall submit 6 sets of the
approved shop drawings to the Engineer-in-Charge within three weeks. After the
completion of work, two (2) sets and two (2) CD’s each of the final approved shop
drawings incorporating all the approved modifications, if any as per the site
requirements, shall be submitted to the Engineer-in-Charge within two months failing
which the final payment shall not be released to the contractor.
2.1. Shop drawings shall incorporate scaled and dimensioned plans, elevations, sections
and complete size details for all the works.
2.2. The shop drawings shall indicate the required dimensional profiles and modules,
function, design and performance standards and in general cover all dimensions and
details required to fabricate and install the curtain glazing system.
2.3. The contractor shall verify and co-ordinate the shop drawings with all applicable and
inter- related trades, drawings and specifications.
2.4. All dimensions / modules, etc., shall be field checked and the drawings shall be
modified, if required, based on actual measurements at site.
2.5. Details shall show and specify all metal sections, types of finishes, areas to be sealed
and sealant materials, gaskets, applicable construction materials including fasteners
and welds, all anchorage assemblies and components, fabrication and erection
tolerances for the work.
2.6. All details shall be subject to the approval of the Engineer-in-Charge, after
incorporating all the modifications suggested by the Engineer-in-Charge.
3. Section profiles
3.1. Profile adjustments, if required as per the site conditions may be allowed by the
Engineer-in- Charge subject to meeting the architectural / performance requirements.
However, this shall be carried out only with the written approval of the Engineer-in-
charge provided that the general design and intent of the drawings and specifications
are also maintained. Also, if any new / non-standard aluminium extruded section is
required as per the site requirement and / or the architectural drawings for functional
and / or aesthetic reasons, the contractor shall procure the same from the approved
manufacturers for the aluminium sections, even if it entails preparing new die, etc.
Nothing extra shall be payable to the contractor on this account.
5.2. Tests shall be carried out for glass, including properties after processing, for each lot
supplied, by the glass manufacturer / processor in his factory / laboratory or any other
accredited laboratory and the copies of the test results shall be obtained by the
contractor and submitted to the Engineer-in-Charge for the record.
6. Sealant Documentation
6.1. All sealant applications must be clearly designated on shop drawings.
7.2. The Engineer-in-Charge or his authorized representatives may visit the plant /
workshop / factory to inspect material, fabrication and quality assurance procedures.
Gaskets, separators, glass Each section or unit, backer rods, 300mm long or
setting blocks / spacer unit
tape, etc
Bracket, fasteners and Each type and size
Connecting devices
Finish samples After approval of the final finish coating, the
Engineer-in-Charge shall be provided with three
(3) approved samples.
9. Mock-up at site
9.1. Before the fabrication and site installation is taken up and after the approval of shop
10.2. The Contractor shall submit a detailed method statement for the protection of the
surface of the curtain glazing, aluminium composite panel cladding and aluminium
work (PVDF coated), etc during delivery and erection, with description as to when the
protection can be removed. The protection paper shall be kept for a period as
recommended by Engineer-in-Charge and shall be replaced with the fresh protection
paper, if so required. Further, it shall not have acid content, which in any manner may
affect the substrate.
10.3. Delivery and Storage of Materials: All materials delivered to site shall be stored in
allocated spaces where the stored materials shall not get exposed to rainwater,
moisture or damage, and shall permit easy access to and handling of the materials.
Materials shall be stored neatly and properly stacked.
10.4. Factory made glazing units and/or their components shall be transported, handled and
stored in a manner to preclude damage of any nature.
10.5. Accessory materials, required for erection at the site shall be delivered in labeled
containers by the manufacturer / supplier.
10.6. All units or components, which are cracked, bent, chipped, scratched or otherwise
defective and unsuitable for installation shall be removed and replaced by the
contractor. Nothing extra shall be payable on this account.
affect the integrity and safety of curtain glazing system and vice versa.
13.2. No holes shall be burned, filed or drilled in any structural steel/ RCC members unless
expressly approved by the Engineer – in – Charge.
13.3. Member shapes and/or profiles if schematically shown on the Architectural drawings
are not necessarily the exact shapes required or best suited for the particular
conditions. Final shapes and locations shall be as designed by the contractor and are
subject to the review and approval of the Engineer – in – Charge.
13.4. All framing members shall be shop fabricated and finished as specified.
15. Fire stops (barriers)-cum-smoke seal and interface with building (No separate
item is payable, cost is deemed to be included in the various item of glazing)
15.1. Gaps between the building face and the curtain glazing system at soffit level between
the successive floors shall be closed as specified with fire-stops (barriers)-cum-smoke
seal. It shall have the required fire resistance to be approved by Fire Officer, of local
body. Suitable gap for accommodating deflections of the aluminium framing of curtain
glazing system as per the approved shop drawings shall be maintained between the
fire-stops (barriers)-cum-smoke seal and the curtain glazing system. This smoke seal
shall however be provided using backer rod and weather silicone sealant as specified
and as approved by the Engineer-in-Charge.
15.2. The fire-stops (barriers)-cum-smoke seal shall consist of 1 mm thick plain G.I. sheet
tray with 100 mm thick layer of non-inflammable heat insulating material, rock wool,
having density of minimum 64 Kg. Per Cum. Of the make as approved by the Engineer-
in-Charge. The rock wool layer shall be attached to G.I sheet using stainless steel
rivets/ nuts, bolts and washers. The tray shall be fixed to the RCC / Masonry surface by
using stainless steel screws dipped in weather silicone sealant as per the
approvedshop drawings. Screws with plastic sleeves shall not be allowed to be used for the
above fixing.
15.3. The contractor shall provide an aluminium flashing of 1.0 mm thick transparent
anodized (10-micron thickness) solid aluminium sheet of the approved design and
profile at the window sill level and also fill the gap between the aluminium flashing and
the curtain glazing using weather silicone sealant as specified and as approved by the
Engineer-in-Charge. Also, the fasteners/ screws to be used for fixing flashing shall be
dipped in weather silicone sealant before using.
16. Acoustics
16.1. Gaps between the mullions and the partitions of the cabins shall be suitably closed by
double skin partition as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge including allowing for
permissible deflections of mullions as per design requirements but without affecting
the partitions and the curtain glazing system. The payment for this partition work shall
be made under relevant item.
16.2. Provisions shall also be made to prevent metal to metal rubbing, any rattling, noise due
to thermal changes and wind pressure by using Teflon separators and shims.
18.2. All materials shall be free from any defects that may impair the strength, functioning/
performance or appearance of the curtain wall or adjacent construction.
19. Fasteners
19.1. The type, size, alloy, quantity and spacing of all anchor fasteners and/or anchorage
devices shall be as required for the specified performance standards.
19.2. Bolts, anchors and other fastening devices like screws, nuts, washers etc. Shall be of
approved types as required for the strength of the connections, shall be self- locking,
unless otherwise specified. These shall be of austenitic stainless steel of specified grade
and shall be torque tightened, wherever required, to achieve the maximum torque
tension relationship in the fasteners. Washers, nuts and all accessory items shall be of
the same material as fasteners. The rivets/ nuts, bolts and washers for fixing insulation
layer to the shadow box or with fire-stops (barriers)-cum-smoke seal shall be stainless
steel of approved grade.
The anchor fasteners shall not be provided using PVC sleeves. Only expandable type
self-locking fasteners shall be provided.
20.2. All extruded aluminum sections shall be anodized in approved colour to a minimum
thickness of 20 microns. The colour and the finish shall be uniform and free of streaks.
The aluminium sections, before coating, shall be suitably cleaned, rinsed, buffed
properly and sealed and protected after anodizing, till the completion of the work.
20.3. All surfaces of the aluminium sections designed to receive the sealants shall be finished
properly to match the finish of the parent section as used for initial testing of sealant
and aluminium surface adhesion. Further, it shall be ensured that the entire aluminium
surface has adequate sealant contact and adhesion.
20.4. Sill sheets, plates and extrusions shall be visually flat under all lighting conditions.
20.5. The members of aluminium extruded sections for mullions, transoms, members of sub
frames & sash frames shall be in single piece and not be splice jointed in the panel
length and height.
22. Brackets
22.1. The brackets shall be fixed with high degree of accuracy to achieve the elevation as per
the architectural drawing. The brackets shall have suitable lengths and sections to
align curtain glazing in one face, as required as per the architectural drawings. Nothing
extra shall be payable on this account. The brackets shall be fabricated from M.S rolled
sections / plates to have the design strength. The quality of the weld shall also be
ensured as per the standards. These shall be provided corrosion protection treatment
by Hot Dipped Galvanizing. The mass of the zinc coating to be not less than 610 gm. Per
sqm of steel area to be galvanized. Slots of elliptical or circular shape in the brackets
shall be pre-drilled / machine punched and not flame-cut and it shall be done before
galvanizing. The surface of the brackets shall be serrated for additional grip before
galvanizing. Washers made of serrated plates of the corresponding material shall also
be provided for additional grip. The directions of the serration and the slot shall be
such that they allow movements as per the design requirement and at the same time
prevent any movement in the other direction. Each bracket shall be fixed to the R.C.C
using anchor fasteners of suitable capacities and in numbers as required as per the
design requirements. The brackets shall be fixed to the structural steel members of the
building using stainless steel bolts & nuts / fasteners of required capacity and in
numbers as per the design requirement. The holes of the required sizes shall be pre-
drilled in RCC/ structural steel for fixing anchor fasteners/ bolts etc. Nothing extra
shall be payable on this account.
23. Fittings
23.1. All hardware and fittings such as patch fittings, handles, locks, stay-arms, floor springs,
friction stays etc. For doors, windows and open able panels shall be heavy duty and of
approved make as specified.
23.2. Hinges for open able panels shall be heavy duty top hung stainless steel friction hinges
selected for specified wind load and dead loads.
23.4. Each open able panel of the Curtain glazing shall be provided with the fittings as
specified in item nomenclature.
ii. Sealants must not degrade and / or fail under any or all design conditions including
wind, thermal and seismic movements, exposure to water and humidity, ultraviolet
exposure and / or other adverse environmental conditions.
iii. The designations of sealant types specified herein are intended for general design
guidance only. The contractor shall however use sealant equivalent to or superior than
that specified herein. Nothing extra shall be payable on this account.
iv. Final selection by the contractor for the sealant types shall be based on their
conformity with the Performance Requirements specified herein and as per the
recommendations of the sealant manufacturer. The contractor may use sealant of
equivalent grade and characteristics, manufactured by the manufacturer other than
those specified herein, based on recommendations of those sealant manufacturers for
specified use but with the prior approval of the Engineer-in-Charge. The contractor
shall submit the documentary evidence in this regard.
v. All precautions shall be taken during design of structural silicone bite and also during
fabrication of the curtain glazing system to prevent failure of sealant during the
guarantee period of 10 years after the date of completion of work and even beyond,
upto the expected service life of the curtain wall. Sealants and gaskets shall not leach,
discolour, stain or dry.
ii. The structural silicone sealant bite as designed by the sealant manufacturer and as
per the approved shop drawings shall be provided. If the contractor provides larger
bite than that specified, nothing extra shall be payable.
iii. The Structural sealant shall be two-part pump-filled Silicone sealant DC 983 of Dow
Corning or equivalent recommended by manufacturer and approved by the Engineer-
in-Charge. The weather silicone sealant shall be one-part Silicone sealant DC 795 of
Dow Corning or equivalent of other approved brand as per the list of approved
iv. The structural sealant to be used as specified for all exposed and concealed metal to
metal (including tight or butt type metal to metal assembly prior to assembly) or
glass to glass shall be 2-part silicone sealant, conforming to the manufacturer’s
recommendations for the specific uses and performance criteria. The sealant shall be
applied using two-part pump for the same. All the sealing shall be done in a clean and
controlled environment as specified by the silicone sealant manufacturer.
vi. The contractor of the curtain glazing system may at their own cost provide
structural silicone sealant – DC 995 / DC 983 of Dow Corning or equivalent as
weather silicone sealant as well for water tightness also, apart for structural
requirements, instead of weather sealant - 795 of Dow Corning or equivalent as
required and as specified. However, nothing extra shall be payable on this account.
24.4. Compatibility
All sealants must be non-staining and compatible with adjoining sealants, backup
materials, substrate materials and their respective finishes and/or applied colour
coatings. Care shall be taken to ensure that two different types of sealant should not
come in contact with each other unless compatibility is satisfied as per manufacturer’s
24.6. Gaskets
Gaskets and seals shall be of approved quality compatible with substrates, finishes and
other components they are in contact with. All gaskets exposed directly on the exterior
face shall be silicon gaskets, which are UV resistant. They shall not degenerate,
discolour or leach on exposure to solar radiations/ rains/ pollutants etc.
Manufacturers’ test Certificate shall be submitted as specified.
25. Glass
25.1. General
i. All glass and glazing materials shall be as specified.
ii. Vision and spandrel glass shall have characteristics as specified. THE PERFORMANCE
CHARACTERISTICS OF GLASS PANELS, have to be ensured by the contractor within the
constraints of aesthetic requirements like colour, shade, reflectivity etc. And
performance requirements like light transmission, U value, shading coefficient, relative
heat gain etc. As specified. Minor variations in the characteristics of glass on superior
side may be allowed, if required by the contractor with the approval of Engineer-in-
Charge, but without any extra cost to the Department on this account.
25.2. Installation
i. The Contractor shall procure and install glass panels and carry out glazing work as
indicated on the drawings and as specified herein.
iii. All glass panels shall have clear undamaged edges and surfaces, which are not
iv. Any glass panel that does not fit in the curtain glazing system shall be rejected and
replaced by the Contractor at his own cost. Therefore, all care and precautions shall be
taken by the contractor while procuring the glass panels from the manufacturer /
vi. EPDM gaskets of the quality as specified and of required size and thickness shall be
provided at all required locations to prevent ingress of water or moisture. The same
shall be indicated on the shop drawings also.
vii. Aluminum sheet flashing using 1.0mm thick transparent anodized (10 microns)
aluminium sheet wherever required shall be provided including sealing the gap
between the flashing and the other material like RCC, masonry, aluminum etc. By using
weather silicone sealant as specified.
25.14. Mullions and transoms
i. The sections of mullions and transoms shall be designed to restrict deflection under
dead loads, wind load, seismic loads etc. As specified and shall be rigid and stable
enough to support and retain the in-fill panels in position under all conditions. The
mullions and transoms shall
ii. Also be designed for additional horizontal loads from the cleaning equipment and
process besides horizontal live loads as specified.
25.15. Spandrel units
i. Spandrel shall be of glass having same colour matching with vision areas after using a
shadow box as specified.
ii. Structural spandrel wall, fins, slab or beam, aluminium frame work, anchor fasteners,
brackets, shadow boxes, fire stop(barrier)-cum-smoke seals and other construction
shall not be visible through the glass in the spandrel portion of the curtain glazing from
the exterior and shall be fully concealed behind the shadow box.
iii. A shadow box shall be provided at a distance of minimum 50 mm behind the spandrel
glass panel to ensure that the insulation panel material does not come in contact with
the soft coating of the spandrel glass to prevent any damage to the coating on account
of any chemical reaction or otherwise. It shall consist of an approved black fibre glass
non-woven tissue stuck on surface #1of 50 mm thick semi-rigid fibre glass wool
insulation panel of minimum density of 48 kg per cum., and 1.5 mm thick transparent
anodized (10 microns) solid aluminum sheet tray, on surface #2 by using suitable
stainless steel rivets/ nuts, bolts and washers to hold the insulation panel in position.
The periphery shall be properly sealed. Surface #1 shall be adequately protected
against damage until spandrel glazing is done. Further, care shall be taken that the
aluminum sheet backing of the shadow box does not heave or warp due to thermal
stresses and/or its self-weight. Proper gaps at the edges of the tray shall be provided to
accommodate movements on account of thermal stresses besides making elliptical
slots if required to facilitate movements. The shadow box shall be fixed to the
structural framing of the curtain glazing by using stainless steel screws. The fixing
arrangement shall be as per the approved shop drawings.
25.16. Ventilators, open able windows and doors
i. Ventilators, open able windows and doors shall be provided at positions as shown on
the architectural drawings. The open able panels when in closed position shall remain
watertight under all weather conditions and pass the water tightness tests as specified.
Besides, the open able panels shall appear similar to the fixed ones from outside.
ii. All hardware and accessories shall be provided and fixed by the contractor and shall be
as specified.
1. General
All assemblies shall be fabricated and assembled in accordance with the architectural/
approved shop drawings and as specified. Deviations of any nature shall not be
permitted, without the approval of the Engineer-in-Charge.
2. Workmanship
i. All work shall be performed by skilled workmen, specially trained and experienced
in the applicable trades and in full conformity with the specifications and approved
shop drawings.
ii. All work shall be carefully fabricated and assembled with proper and approved
provisions for thermal expansion and contraction, other building movements,
fabrication and installation tolerances and design criteria etc.
iii. All forming and welding operations shall be done prior to finishing, unless
otherwise noted.
iv. All work shall be true to detail with sharp, clean profiles, straight and free from
defects, dents, marks, waves or flaws of any nature impairing strength or
appearance; fitted with proper joints and intersections and with specified finishes.
3. Shop assembly
i. As far as practicable, all fitting and fabrication work shall be done in the factory/
ii. Work that cannot be factory/ workshop assembled shall be temporarily assembled
in the factory/ workshop and marked for convenience of assembly at site. The
units shall then be disassembled and assembled properly later in the building.
iii. All glazing shall be done in the factory/ workshop.
iv. Gaskets shall be pre-positioned in the factory/ workshop as far as possible.
v. Site work shall be kept to a minimum required.
4. Sleeves
i. Unless otherwise specified, all aluminium sleeves shall be extruded sections
minimum 1.5 mm thick transparent anodized (10 microns) 200 mm long and
width compatible with the section. It shall be provided on the junction of mullion
and transoms and designed to accurately interlock with adjacent sections and
incorporate serrated surfaces for the secure bedding of sealant between the parent
metal and the sleeve wherever required as per the approved shop drawings.
5. Anchor fasteners
i. All anchor fasteners shall be of stainless steel ( grade 316) with self locking
devices, unless otherwise specified, and of sufficient size and strength to withstand
the applicable design loads/ forces with factor of safety as specified for the various
materials and of approved make as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge. The
spacing and quantities of fasteners shall be as required as per the approved shop
drawings to secure or support the framing. Washers and/ or other accessory items
shall be of the same material as the fasteners. All assembly fasteners shall be
torque tightened to achieve the maximum torque tension in the fasteners.
ii. All fasteners shall be concealed unless otherwise shown or approved. Exposed
fasteners shall be finished to match surrounding metal finish.
iii. All fasteners including washers and accessory items shall be scheduled and
designated on the shop drawings showing designation, type, size including
diameter and length, material, numbers and spacing etc.
6. Protection of metals
i. Protection against bimetallic corrosion shall be provided wherever dissimilar metals
are in contact by using PTFE (Teflon) separators 0.80 mm thick.
ii. Extruded aluminium section of the structural framing of the curtain glazing system
which is to be in contact with concrete, masonry, mortar or plaster shall have the
contact surfaces protected by use of suitable separators wherever crevices between
the contact surfaces may entrap moisture and corrosive elements. All metals, except
stainless steel and aluminium, which are to be in contact with concrete, masonry,
mortar or plaster, shall have the contact surfaces protected with epoxy paint.
iii. The Contractor shall furnish a schedule of all protective coatings and related items
along with the shop drawings, including the designation of area and/or specific
locations, materials used, special instruction, specification data sheets, etc.
7. Welding
i. All welding in mild steel work shall be done by the inert gas shielded arc or fluxless
resistant techniques and with electrodes and/ or by methods recommended by the
suppliers of the metals being welded. Type, size and spacing of welds, shall be as
shown on approved shop drawings.
ii. Welds behind finished mild steel surfaces shall be so done as to eliminate distortion
and/ or discoloration on the finished side. Weld spatter and welding oxides on finished
surfaces shall be removed by descaling and/ or grinding. Low heat filled welds using
chill bar on finished side shall be used to eliminate dimpling, distortion and/ or
discoloration on the finished or exposed surface. Plug, puddle or spot welding shall not
be permitted. If weld beads are visible on exposed finished surfaces, the surfaces shall
be ground and polished to match and blend with finish on adjacent parent metal.
iii. Structural welds shall be made by certified welders and shall conform to the general
recommendations and regulations of AWS Specification D1.0-46.
iv. Dirt grease, lubricant, or other organic material shall be removed by vapour degreasing
or suitable solvent.
v. Joints rejected because of welding defects may be repaired only by re welding.
Defective welds shall be removed by chipping or machining. Flame cutting shall not be
vi. Where ever welding is done in proximity to glass or finished surfaces, such surfaces
shall be protected from damage due to weld sparks, spatter or tramp metal.
vii. All welds shall be scheduled and designated on the approved shop drawings showing
designation, type, size, spacing etc.
8. Soldering
i. Soldering and/or brazing, wherever required shall be done as recommended by the
suppliers of the metals involved.
9. Execution
i. The architectural drawings supplied by the Engineer-in-Charge shall be considered
essentially schematic, except for profiles of exposed surfaces which shall be as
indicated. If in exceptional cases, in the opinion of the contractor, a change of
architectural profile is required in order to meet the specifications/ structural design
requirement of the curtain wall, he shall submit a proposal for change with specific
reasons for consideration and approval of the Engineer – in – Charge. No deviations
from the architectural profiles of the building shall be permitted without prior
approval by the Engineer – in – Charge. Nothing extra shall be payable on this account.
ii. The method of assembling, reinforcing and anchorage of the aluminium structural
framing of the curtain glazing system, wherever indicated is schematic. Location and
method of providing the same shall be responsibility of the Contractor, who shall
design, assemble, reinforce and anchor to suit each specified condition in an acceptable
manner, suiting main building structure.
iii. All parts shall be secured by concealed means. Screws/ fasteners exposed to view shall
in general not be allowed unless otherwise approved on the shop drawings.
iv. All components shall be assembled, secured, anchored, reinforced, sealed and made
weather tight in the manner as specified and as per the approved shop drawings. The
structural framing shall not restrict movements within the curtain glazing system and
also relative to building. The design should be such that it is able to absorb such
movements without compromising the performance requirements of the curtain
glazing system. Wherever possible, sealants shall be concealed.
v. Free and noiseless movement of all components of the curtain glazing system due to
thermal, structural, seismic loads, wind load, or dead loads etc. Shall be achieved
without strain to glass, without buckling of any components and without excessive
stress to any members or assemblies.
vi. The entire curtain glazing system shall be assembled and installed so that there is no
leakage into the building. All leakage, penetration of moisture into the system, and
condensation shall be drained and discharged to the exterior face of the curtain glazing
system. For this, effective air pressure equalization shall have to be designed and
ensured while executing the curtain wall system.
vii. Movement of water within and on exposed surfaces shall be controlled to ensure that
water is not retained and that elements will not be damaged or corroded by water and
to minimize the potential for algae and fungal growth as a result of standing or
trapping water.
10. Dimensions
i. The dimensions given on Architectural drawings are indicative to enable the contractor
for preparing his shop drawings. However, these drawings may require modifications
based actual measurements on site. The contractor shall revise the drawings
accordingly and submit the same for approval of the Engineer – in – Charge in case of
any discrepancy between measurements on site and in drawings. Nothing extra shall
be payable on this account.
11. Performance testing
i. General: The contractor shall obtain and submit to the Department the manufacturer’s
test certificate for various materials for compliance as per the manufacturer’s
12. Site tests
i. The Contractor shall carry out site tests at his own cost to determine resistance to
water leakage as per recommendations given in AAMA 501 for “Field Check of Metal
Storefronts, Curtain Walls and Sloped Glazing Systems for Water Leakage.”
ii. The test areas shall be selected by the Engineer – in - Charge at random in typical and
non- typical locations, one for every 500 sqm. Approx. Of installed curtain glazing. In
case of any test failing, more tests shall be conducted by the contractor at his own cost
as per the directions of the Engineer – in - Charge. The work carried out under the test
area which fails in site testing, shall be rejected and redone or remedial action shall be
taken by the contractor to rectify the defects, whatever the case may be at his own cost,
to the entire satisfaction of the Engineer- in-Charge.
iii. Each test area shall be approx. 25 sq.m. Or less depending upon the size of the glazing
panels provided in the building for which test is being conducted. The test area shall
include vision (fixed and open able) and spandrel panels.
13. Installation
i. Workmanship: All work shall be performed by skilled workmen, especially trained and
experienced in the applicable trades employed and in full conformity with
specifications and approved shop drawings to execute the work in workman like
14. Setting out
i. Bench marks for elevations and building line offset marks for alignment shall be
established on each floor level by the contractor. Should any error be found in the
alignment, the Contractor shall notify the Engineer – in - Charge in writing and
installation work shall not proceed in the affected area until the errors have been
15. Prior inspection of the structure
i. After the setting out has been established and before beginning installation in any area,
the Contractor shall examine all parts of the structure on which the curtain glazing
system is to be placed. Should any conditions be found which, in his opinion, will
prevent the proper execution of his work or endanger its permanency, he shall report
such conditions in writing to the Engineer – in - Charge. Installation work shall not
proceed in that area until such conditions are corrected or adjusted to the satisfaction
of the Engineer – in - Charge. Nothing extra shall be payable in this account.
16. Workmanship
i. All parts of the curtain glazing system shall be erected true to plumb and in proper
alignment and relation to established setting out, as shown on approved shop
i. The Contractor shall adequately protect all aluminium sections, glazing, cladding
sheets, components and accessories from damage during shipment, storage, erection
and till the date of completion of the work and handing over the building to the
Department by use of protective coverings of approved non-staining quality.
ii. At such time as may be directed by the Engineer – in - Charge, the Contractor shall
remove all protective coverings and clean the surfaces. All cleaning agents to be used
shall not cause any damage to the aluminium, glass, aluminum composite panel and
coatings etc. Any defective material shall be replaced by the contractor at his own cost.
23. Performance guarantee
i. The contractor shall be solely responsible for the design including shop drawings and
performance of the installed curtain glazing, aluminium composite panel cladding and
aluminium work (PVDF coated), etc. The installations shall be guaranteed by the
contractor during the guarantee period, against defective materials, workmanship,
water tightness (wherever specified), structural design, performance requirements
and other requirements as given in the specifications. The contractor shall submit in
the enclosed format a written guarantee for the same for a period of 10 years after the
date of completion of the work.
ii. The Contractor shall indemnify the Department against all claims of whatsoever nature
due to defective designing or non-performance during the 10 years Guarantee period.
The provisions of this clause shall not in any way limit the rights of the Engineer-in-
Charge to take action under other clauses of the contract agreement.
iii. 1% (one percent) of the cost of the items under this sub-head shall be withheld from
the bills towards guarantee as specified above. However, half of this amount (withheld)
would be released after five years after the date of completion of the work, if the
performance is satisfactory. The remaining withheld amount shall be released after 10
years after the date of completion of work, if the performance is satisfactory. If any
defect is noticed during the guarantee period, it shall be rectified by the contractor
within seven days of notice to the contractor, at least temporarily to the satisfaction of
the Engineer-in-Charge / authorized representative of RBI, till the permanent
rectification of the defects / replacement of defective materials are carried out by the
contractor in maximum period of four months. If not attended to, the same shall be got
done by the Engineer-in-Charge / authorized representative of RBI through other
agency at the risk and cost of the contractor. However, the amount withheld as
guarantee can be released in full, if irrevocable bank guarantee or e-bank guarantee
from Schedule / Nationalised Banks, of same amount, for ten years is submitted by the
contractor to the Engineer-in-Charge. The defects, if any, shall be rectified in a
workmanlike manner, retaining the same aesthetics and other functional parameters of
the original work.
1) The contractor shall obtain prior approval from the Engineer-in-Charge before placing
order for any specific material or engaging any of the specialized agencies. The
contractor shall make a detailed submittal with catalogues and highlighted proposed
specifications, as well as full details of the works executed by the specialized agency, as
2) Wherever applicable, the Engineer-in-Charge may approve any material equivalent to
that specified in the tender subject to proof being offered by the contractor for
equivalence to his satisfaction.
3) Unless otherwise specified, the brand / make of the material as specified in the item
nomenclature, in the particular specifications and in the list of preferred materials
attached in the tender, shall be used in the work.
4) In case the make of any material is not mentioned in this list, the decision of Engineer-in
-charge shall be final and binding.
5) In case of non-availability of the brand specified in the contract the contractor shall be
allowed to use alternate equivalent brand of the material subject to submission of
documentary evidence of non availability of the specified brand.
6) Sample of all the materials will be used only after approval of the Engineer- in-charge.
3 Batch Mix plant not installed at site) GODREJ, JSW, NUVOCO (LAFARGE)
AND WHEREAS THE GUARANTOR agreed to give a guarantee to the effect that the said
structures will remain water and leak proof for ten years from the date of completion of
the work.
NOW THE GUARANTOR hereby guarantees that water proofing treatment given by him
will render the structures completely leak proof and the minimum life of such water
proofing treatment shall be ten years to be reckoned from the date of completion of the
work as a whole.
Provided that the GUARANTOR will not be responsible for leakage caused by earthquake
or structural defects or misuse of roof or alteration and for such purpose.
(a) Misuse of roof shall mean any operation which will damage water proofing treatment, like
chopping of firewood and things of the same nature which might cause damage to the
(b) Alteration shall mean construction of an additional storey or a part of the roof or
construction adjoining to existing roof whereby water proofing treatment is removed in
(c) The decision of the Engineer – in - Charge with regard to cause of leakage shall be final.
During this period of guarantee, the GUARANTOR shall make good all defects and
in case of any defects being found, render the building water-proof at his cost to the
satisfaction of the Engineer – in – Charge / authorized representative of RBI, and shall
commence the work for such rectification within seven days from the date of issue of the
notice from Engineer – in – Charge / authorized representative of RBI calling upon him to
rectify the defects, failing which the work shall be got done by Department / RBI through
some other Contractor at the GUARANTOR’S cost and risk. The decision of the Engineer –
in – Charge / authorized representative of RBI as to the cost, payable by the Guarantor
shall be final and binding.
incurred by the Government / RBI, the decision of the Engineer – in – Charge / RBI will be
final and binding on the parties.
AND WHEREAS THE GUARANTOR agreed to give a guarantee (for all works as stated above)
for the following:
1. System
1.1 Structural design has been carried out for design loads, as specified, thermal
stresses, building movements and the consequent deflections without
compromising the performance characteristics.
1.2 That deflections in the framing members shall be within permissible limits as
1.3 Structural stability, safety, integrity and required performances of the work for all
design works and building movements as specified.
2. Material
2.1 Glass (single, laminated or DGUs) – Substrate, coatings, lamination of laminated
glass, insulation of DGUs
2.2 Sealant – Material used, performance of sealant used, usage as per the requirement
of structural design and functional requirement, compatibility with different
substance and sealants, bite size, quality assurance during sealing of DGUs and
fixing glass to glass and glass to the aluminium frame, etc.
2.3 EPDM / Silicone gaskets – for ozone resistance and other properties as specified
2.4 Aluminium – material quality, tempering requirement, suitability of aluminium
grade and anodizing etc.
2.5 Anchor fasteners – suitability and strength requirements as per manufacturers’
specifications etc.
3. Performance
3.1 Water tightness, wherever specified in the Contract.
3.2 Workmanship
3.3 Integrity of system during movements within and relative to the building structure.
3.4 Indemnify the Department against all claims of whatsoever nature due to defective
designing by the contractor, material & workmanship etc. and /or non-
performance of the work during the guarantee period.
NOW THE GUARANTOR hereby guarantees that the work executed by him shall perform to
the specified standards of quality and workmanship during the guarantee period of ten years
to be reckoned from the date of completion of work.
During this period of guarantee, the guarantor shall make good all defects and if any defect is
noticed during the guarantee period, it shall be rectified by the contractor within seven days
of issue of notice to the contractor, at least temporarily, to the satisfaction of the Engineer-in-
Charge, till the permanent rectification of the defects / replacement of defective materials is
carried out by the contractor, in maximum four months period, retaining same aesthetic and
other functional parameters of the original work. If not attended to, the same shall be got
done by the Department / RBI through other agency at the risk and cost of the contractor
which shall be final and binding on the contractor.
That if the Guarantor fails to execute the necessary rectification or commits breach there
under, then the Guarantor will indemnify RBI and his successors against all loss, damage,
cost expense or otherwise which may be incurred by him by reasons of any default on the
part of GUARANTOR in performance and observance of this supplementary agreement. As to
the amount of loss and / or damage and / or cost incurred by the Government, the decision of
the Engineer-in-Charge will be final and binding on the parties.
We hereby certify that the foundation(s) and Structure(s) of the premises of the
....................................... Described in the schedule below, have been pre-treated by us against
subterranean termite infestation in accordance with our procedure for pre- treatment set
out in our letter(s) dated ......... And in accordance with the terms and conditions under
which the said work has been awarded to us.
We hereby guarantee that the foundation(s) and structure(s) of the said premises of the
.............................................. Shall be safe against subterranean termite attack or infestation
for a period of TEN YEARS from ………............................................. To. .....................................
In the event of the said structure(s) and foundation(s) of the premises of the.
............................................... Being or becoming subject to subterranean termite attack or
infestation at any time during the guaranteed period of Ten years, we agree to carry out as
often as it becomes necessary, at our cost and expense, all and every treatment that may
be necessary to render the said foundations and structures free from such subterranean
termite attack or infestation.
The question whether the foundation(s) and structure(s) of the premises are or become
subject to subterranean termite attack or infestation and whether any anti- termite
treatment is or has become necessary shall be decided by the ......................................... and we
agree that their decision in this regard shall be final and binding on us.
Yours faithfully
Part- C
Minor Component
(E & M Works)
Schedule of material to be issued to As per Part ‘A’ of NIT
the agency.
Tools and Plants to be hired to the As per Part ‘A’ of NIT
Clause 1
Clause 2
Clause 5
Portion without
Total As per Part ‘A’ of NIT
any Hindrance
Schedule of rate of recovery for delay in submission of As per Part ‘A’ of NIT
the modified program in terms of delay days
Time allowed for execution of work from date of As per Part ‘A’ of NIT
Authority to decide:
(iii) Shifting of date of start in case of delay in handing As per Part ‘A’ of NIT
over of site
Clause 7
Clause 7A
Whether Clause 7A shall be applicable (No RA bill shall Applicable
be paid till submission of EPFO, ESIC and BOCW Welfare
Clause 8 A
Authority to decide compensation on account if As per Part ‘A’ of NIT
contractor fails to submit completion plans.
Clause 12
Type of work Original Work
Deviation limit beyond which clauses 12.2 & 100 % (Hundred percent)
Table 1
to be withheld for
tendered amount
completion from
achievement of
date of start in
% of accepted
mile stone.
Period for
S. No. Description of milestone (s) to be achieved
Group A - Residential towers Grade D, 2 towers of Grade B/C, 2 towers of Grade A & Hostel
Group B- Next 2 Residential towers of Grade B/C and Next 2 Residential Towers of Grade A
Group C - Club house, Academic block, Caretaker block, substation building
Submission of Programme chart in Primavera software for the
1 execution of E&M works, clearly showing all activities from the 1 Month 0.10%
start of work to completion.
Approval of associate agencies for all specialized works of E&M
2 2 Months 0.20%
component as per the eligibility criteria.
a) Submission of Electrical shop drawings for Group A & Group B
buildings with all required conduit layout including, IEI, fire alarm, 0.10%
LAN/Wi-fi, PA, Telephone, TV, Firefighting etc. for approval.
b) Submission of General Arrangement drawings of Group A &
3 Group B buildings for all E&M Services except DG Set, Substation, 3 Months 0.10%
HT/LT panel & STP for approval.
c) Approval of conduits, wiring, switches and other concealed E&M
items etc. for all Group A, B & C buildings. 0.10%
Sr.No Time Allowed in days (From Date of Financial Progress Amount to be withheld in
start) case of non-achievement
of Financial Milestone (%
of Tendered Amount of
Civil Work)
1. 1/2th of time period (13 month) 1/8th of the tendered 0.25%
2. 8/13th of time period (17 month) 3/8th of the tendered 0.25%
3. 11/13th of time period (21 month) 3/4th of the tendered 0.25%
4. Full time period (26 months) Full 0.25%
5 star
1. If the main contractor does not fulfil the minimum eligibility criteria, the main
contractor has to enter into MoU with agencies contractor(s) associated by him who is
found eligible as per the eligibility criteria. Copy of such MoU shall be submitted to
EE& SM (E) in charge of each relevant component as well as to EE& SM (C)-I in charge
of major component. In case of change of associate contractor, the main contractor
has to enter into agreement with the new contractor associated by him.
2. In case the main contractor intends to change any of the above agency/agencies
during the operation of the contract, he shall obtain prior approval of Engineer-in-
charge of relevant specialized component(s). The new agency/agencies shall also
have to satisfy the laid down eligibility criteria. In case Engineer-in-charge is not
satisfied with the performance of any agency, he can direct the contractor to change
the agency executing such items of work and this shall be binding on the contractor.
3. The department reserves the right to allow the main firm to submit additional
Documents/additional names of the associates in case of the deficiencies in
documents or in case of no associate getting qualified in respect of certain subheads.
The same will have to be complied with the main contractor within the time allowed.
The decision of the department shall be firm & binding on the intending bidders.
4. The main firm should submit the willingness from eligible electrical/specialized
contractors to get associated with them for execution of the electrical component of
works in wholesome manner and as per the conditions set out in the MOU to be
entered into, between the one who is awarded the work and the associated eligible
electrical contractor.
5. In support of the eligibility conditions of the proposed associated electrical Agencies,
copy of their registration documents, Electrical Contractor’s License, GST documents,
eligibility documents, Experience Certificate by competent authority, shall have to be
submitted. Such associate electrical Agencies will certify that they are not debarred as
on the day of application by Central Govt /State Govt. Dept., Central/State Govt. PSU/
Autonomous Bodies.
6. In event of the concerned E&M agency not performing satisfactorily or failure of
associate/sub-contractor to complete the E&M work, the main contractor on the
written direction of the department, shall remove the Associate/sub-contractor
deployed on the work and shall submit name of new associate who fulfils the
conditions mentioned in NIT to execute the leftover work without any loss of time or
variation in cost to the department in this regard. Such associates shall also enter into
Agreement with the main tenderer and shall meet all the guarantee for the equipment
already supplied for which payment has been released by the department in part. If
any equipment supplied for the work, during the currency of the earlier
Associate/sub-contractor and paid partly by the department, becomes redundant
/not in a position to be installed and commissioned and put to beneficial use due to
change in agency for execution of E&M work, the main contractor shall be liable for
replacement of the equipment(S) at no cost to Department, No change of Electrical
Contractor will be allowed without prior approval of the PM/Engineer in Charge
7. Executive Engineer& Senior Manager (E) shall be the Engineer-in-charge for all E&M
8. The main contractor shall be responsible and liable for proper and complete
execution of all E&M Services, and ensure coordination and completion of both civil
and electrical works.
9. The main contractor has to enter into agreement with contractor(s) associated by him
for execution of E&M subheads. Copy of such agreement shall be submitted to EE& SM
(E) in charge of work as well as to EE& SM(C)-I. In case of change of associate
contractor, the main contractor has to enter into agreement with the new contractor
associated by him.
10. The associate or sub-contractor shall attend the inspection of the work by the
Engineer-in- charge of E&M works as and when required. The agencies executing the
electrical work should have valid license for LT/HT as applicable and as described in
eligibility criteria.
11. Verifiable completion certificates of the work eligibility documents as the case may
be, duly attested by the applicant shall be submitted. Valid Electrical Contractor’
license, as the case may be, duly countersigned by the applicant as well as signed by
the associate contractors shall also be submitted. Self-attested GST documents in
respect of the associated agencies as well as signed by associate firms shall be
submitted after the award of work.
12. For components of E&M works, the eligibility criteria for specialized agencies to be
associated by the main contractor after award of work will be as detailed below.
13. Class 1 Maharashtra Govt. Issued Electrical license is required to execute any HT
work. Class 2 Maharashtra Govt. Issued Electrical license is required to execute any LT
work. Main contractor/associate contractor shall submit the eligibility documents
14. For the different E&M subheads, the main contractor will have to engage the associate
electrical contractor/specialized agency in the field after award of work as per
following: -
(a) The main firm should either himself meet the eligibility conditions for the respective
E&M packages or otherwise he will have to associate an agency meeting the eligibility
requirements given below. They will have to submit willingness certificate for each of
the component of the Electrical work for Associate agencies by clearly indicating the
applicable component of the work.
(b) The firm should have successfully completed similar works during the last 7 years
ending up to previous day of last date of submission of tender for each sub heads:
The value of executed works shall be brought to current costing level by enhancing
the actual value of work at simple rate of 7% per annum, calculated from the date of
completion to the last date of submission of bid.
General Conditions
1. The contractor has to submit MOU with associated contractor having valid electrical license
and as per the eligibility criteria (in case electrical contractor is associated), engineers name
credential email address & mobile no before start of work.
2. The contractor shall therefore employ Supervisory staff as per NIT provision who will be
constantly in touch with the department and will sign site order book.
3. All the material to be used on this work by the contractor shall be got approved from the
Engineer-in-Charge in advance before procurement of material.
4. Sound Engineering practice as approved by the Engineer – in – charge. Any additional item
of work, if taken up subsequently, shall also confirm to the relevant specifications
mentioned above.
5. All the equipments shall be delivered with (i) Manufacturer´s test certificate,
(ii)Manufacturer´s technical catalogues and Installation / Instruction (O&M) manuals and
shall be supplied only from the authorized vendors of OEM.
6. The work shall be carried out according to approved drawing/details which shall be
subsequently issued to the successfully qualified bided tenderer for execution, in stages as
per instruction of the Engineer-in-Charge who will have the right to change the layout as
per requirement of client or at site and the contractor shall not have any claim due to
change in layout.
7. All damages done to the building during the execution of electrical work shall be the
responsibility of the contractor and the same will be made good immediately at his own cost
to the satisfaction of the Engineer-in-Charge. In case, the repair is not satisfactory, the
department will get it rectified &any expenditure incurred by the department in this
connection shall be recovered from the contractor and decision of the Engineer-in-charge
about recovery shall be final & binding on the contractor.
8. The bad workmanship will not be accepted and defects shall be rectified at contractor’s cost
to the satisfaction of the Engineer-in-Charge. The program of electrical works shall be
coordinated in accordance with the building work.
9. All the debris of the electrical works should be removed and the site should be cleared by
the contractor immediately after the accruing of debris daily. Similarly rejected material if
any should be immediately cleared off from the site by the contractor.
10. Cement/mortar for this benefited work is to be arranged and used by the contractor himself
and nothing extra will be paid on this account.
11. The contractor or his engineer is bound to sign the site order book as and when required by
the Engineer-in-Charge and to comply with the remarks therein.
12. The size of MS conduit and wiring shall be in line with CPWD specifications and shall got
approved from the Engineer-in-Charge before the start of work.
13. The contractor shall make his own arrangement at his own cost for Electrical supply/ water
supply/ testing equipment / General tools and plants required for the work. In case, proper
tools are not available, the department will purchase the tools for Bonafede use of work at
the risk & cost of the contractor.
14. The contractor has to make his own arrangements for storage, watch and ward and no extra
claim for this will be entertained. Department shall not take any responsibility of associated
materials before the handing over of complete work.
15. The contractor shall make his own arrangements for electrical power supply and water
supply for the construction activities. All applicable water charges & electrical power supply
required for the execution of work and testing, commissioning purposes shall be arranged
by the contractor at prevailing charges payable to the local authorities including the cable
laying and terminations from the tap off point as provided by MSEB/local authorities. No
extra payments will be made for the same.
16. The wiring and conduit route shall be marked by the contractor in the drawing first, and
shall be got approved from the Engineer-in-charge.
17. Distribution boards and LT Panels: - The work shall be carried out according to the
drawing/details as approved by the Engineer-in-Charge. The contractor shall have to get
the sample approved by Engineer In charge before the whole lot is brought to site. The
main board, distribution board shall be properly labelled with metal sticker embossed with
18. All DBs, all the LT panels shall be provided with properly laminated and suitable size Single
Line Diagram stick to the panels.
19. No tax shall be separately paid by the department separately on any accounts. The rates
tendered should be inclusive all taxes and duties. Statutory deductions at source shall be
made while releasing payment through running/final bills as applicable. A certificate
specifying the rate and amount of deduction shall however be issued by the department.
The entire installation shall be at the risk and responsibility of the contractor until these are
tested and handed over to the department. The watch & ward is the responsibility of the
contractor till handing over.
20. All items of interrelated works considered necessary to make the scope complete and
operative are deemed to be included, shall be provided by the contractor at no extra cost.
21. The connection inter connection, earthing and inter earthing shall be done by the contractor
wherever required as per the CPWD specifications subjecting to approval of Engineer In
Charge and nothing extra shall be paid on this account.
22. Nothing extra shall be paid for inter connections with thimbles/Wires/Tapes strips etc.
used on the work.
23. The contractor shall on demand by the Engineer-in-charge, furnish the proof to the
satisfaction of Engineer-in-charge regarding purchase of Wires, Modular switches &
accessories, MCBs MCBDB fan & fixture and accessories and other items, from the
manufactures authorized outlets.
24. All MS/PVC conduits accessories shall be of the same make as conduits and shall be ISI
marked. The conduits shall be terminated as switch boxes/metallic junction boxes with
suitable glands/check nuts.
25. Cutting of brick walls shall be done with due care. All repairs and patch works shall be
neatly carried out to match the original finish and to the entire satisfaction of the Engineer
in Charge. If the structures are monolithic, the MS (mild steel) conduit shall be casted in the
walls and ceilings as per approved layout drawings and points shall be provided in
accordance of the same.
26. All the sub main and circuits wiring includes loose wire for connections inside switch boxes
and MCB DBs. No payment for these loose wires shall be made.
27. To facilitate drawing of wires, 18 SWG GI fish wire shall be provided along with laying of
recessed conduit for which no extra payment shall be made. Conduits laid for other services,
like Fire alarm system, PA, etc., where wiring is not done along with IEI work, fish wire shall
be invariably drawn.
28. The connection between incoming switch/isolator and bus bar shall be made with suitable
size of thimble and cable at no extra cost.
29. Copper conductor of insulated cables of size 1.5 and above shall be stranded and
terminals provided with crimped lugs.
30. All hardware items such as screws, thimbles, GI wire etc. which are essentially required for
completing an item as per specification will be deemed to be included in the item even
when the same have not been specifically mentioned.
31. All hardware items such as nuts/bolts/screws/washers etc. to be used in work shall be
zinc/cadmium plated iron.
32. While laying conduit, suitable size junction boxes shall be provided for pulling the wire as
per the decision of the E-in-C.
33. Materials to be used in work are to be ISI marked. The make of the materials have been
indicated in the list of preferred makes. No other makes will be acceptable without the prior
approval from the competent authority. The materials to be used in the work shall be got
approved by the Engineer in Charge/his representative before its use at site. The E-in-C
shall reserve the right to instruct the contractor to remove the material which, in his
opinion, is not acceptable.
34. All the individual power points 5 Amps and 16 Amps shall have separate circuit wiring with
4.0 sqmm wire subjecting to CPWD specifications.
35. Switches with indicator for geyser point shall be provided outside the toilet & socket inside
the toilet near geyser location both shall be of minimum 25 Amps rating.
36. 1 nos. call bell point shall be provided in all specially-abled toilets.
37. All the meters required for billing purposes shall be provided with RS 485/RS 232/NO
NC/Potential free contact complied with the requirements of MESB. The metering
arrangement shall be suitable for providing Energy Management System in later stages.
38. HT Panel/RMU and HT & LT metering panels shall be as per MESB requirement and from
OEM only.
39. The materials used in the work shall be of make as per List of preferred makes and shall be
approved by E-In-charge before execution.
40. The contractor shall have to work as per the convenience of the concerned Department.
41. The firm should submit the warranty on the name of client against any defect for a period of
5 years from the date of completion of work for LED fittings and products from the
42. The buildings shall be provided with LED type aviation obstructing light fixture having a
total lumen output of not less than 3000 lumen with step-up transformer including suitable
mounts, brackets, extension rod, hardware etc. The light shall be installed at the highest
point of the building and point wiring for the same shall be taken care of.
43. In the preferred makes of fitting model No. of one of the preferred makes has been
mentioned for guidance. However, the contractor is free to supply any of the makes with
prior approval, provided the parameters of the fittings match with the fitting model No.
mentioned in NIT. The decision of Engineer-in-charge shall be final in this regard.
44. The design, supply, installation, testing and commissioning of lightning protection of each
building is in the scope of contractor. The design shall be done as per NBC-2016, by
rolling sphere method and CPWD specifications.
45. LED fittings as a whole including driver shall be guaranteed for 5 years. All the LED fittings
shall be suitably engraved/ stickered inside, with for date of handing over.
46. The guarantee for LED fittings shall be submitted from the manufacturer in addition to the
guarantee from the contractor. The manufacturer shall give undertaking that in case of
discontinuation of model and non-availability of spares, they have to replace the fittings
with equivalent/ high end model in case of manufacturing defect during the warranty
period of 5 years.
47. The agency shall stand guarantee for at least 5 years of all the LED fittings and
provide certificate from the manufacturer to attend the complaints for repairing /
replacement directly from RBI office of all LED fittings on the basis of complaints of
defective LED fittings.
48. Defect Liability Period: All the installations other than LED fittings shall be guaranteed for
a period of 12 months from the date of completion unless specified separately. LED fittings
shall be guaranteed for at least 5 years. Warranty on BLDC fan shall be minimum of 5
years. Any defective materials and equipment shall be replaced free of cost at the
direction of the Engineer-in-Charge.
49. Before completion of defect liability period of one year, the main contractor has to
submit security deposit (in addition to 2.5%) of 5% of 80% of the price of LED fittings
(based on invoices) for the remaining 4 years warranty period for LED fittings in
acceptable form i.e. FDR/ Bank guarantee, to concerned Executive Engineer & Senior
Manager (E). The Security Deposit deducted from the bills of contractor shall be refunded
to the main contractor only after submission of above security deposit for LED fittings by
main contractor, failing which this LED security deposit shall be deducted from Security
Deposit deducted for total work and balance amount only will be refunded after completion
of defect liability period. The LED Security Deposit will be released after completion of
warranty period of 5 years to the main contractor.
50. Agency shall submit the DIALUX analysis of complete site before the submission of data
sheets of LED fittings.
All the items of internal electrical installations switches, modular plates, LED
fittings shall be provided with 5% of total quantity (i.e., not less than 1 No) as
spares shall be supplied at site as a part of inventory and handing over.
51. The powder coating provided for LT panels/HT panel/ feeder pillars shall be guaranteed for
minimum 5 years from the date of handing over.
52. All materials proposed by the agency shall have valid ROHS compliance, wherever
53. All DOL and Star Delta starters must be proposed as per the Type 2 coordination chart as
per the applicable rating and contactors should be of utilization category 3E complied.
Technical specifications
1. Wiring for all E & M services shall be done in MS conduit or done by PVC insulated
armoured FRLS cable based on requirement.
2. Control wiring in all electrical panels shall be done with minimum 2.5 sq mm
FRLS copper conductor cables.
3. Wiring for Intercom / Telephone shall be terminated in suitable size of G.I. Junction
box and RJ-11 socket (for analogue phone) & RJ45 socket (for IP phone). All the other
end of wiring shall be terminated in krone box at each floor and in the EPABX room.
The wiring shall be suitably tagged/marked mentioning the location of each point.
Wiring for both analogue & IP phone shall be done with cat-6A armoured UTP 4 pair
4. All switches, sockets, Telephone socket, Data sockets, stepped type electronic fan
regulators, bell push and accessories along with matching mounting boxes shall be
of modular type and same shall be of one make.
5. There shall be separate shafts for Electrical works, LV (CCTV, LAN, TV, Telephone, Fire
alarm, PA etc), Chilled water shaft in AHUs, Firefighting works etc.
6. Required illumination level for general lighting shall be achieved as per CPWD
General specification for Electrical part-I -2013/NBC-2016/IS guidelines. Wherever
range of illumination for space is mentioned, higher side of Lux level shall be taken for
design purpose and decision of Engineer-in-Charge is final in that regard
7. Lighting inside the building shall be arranged in such a way that the required average
illumination level is available in each of the areas as given in the relevant sections of
National Building Code – 2016 (NBC)
8. For all the works mentioned in the chapter, the Agency shall also follow the provisions
as per NBC 2016 and provisions which are more stringent shall be followed for Design
9. The minimum scale of amenities/inventory (electrical) to be provided in each of the
buildings shall be as given below. These are only indicative, minimum and not
exhaustive. It is the responsibility of the Contractor to provide the required number of
fixtures, fittings and equipment to cater to the intended requirement of a particular
building and as per direction of Engineer-in-charge (E-in-C).
10. Agency shall interconnect all the vertical shafts at each floor slab using 32 mm dia MS
11. Each Call bell Push button shall be provided with indicator.
2. All materials used in the work as far as applicable shall comply with the relevant
Indian Standard specifications with all its up-to-date amendments. These
materials having ISI mark shall have precedence over the ones conforming to ISI
specifications. Details of applicable standard are given in APPENDIX-E of CPWD
General Specification for Electrical Works PART-V ( Wet Riser & Sprinkler
3. The contractor shall make his own arrangement for storage and watch and ward
of materials whether the same brought by him or supplied by the department. He
shall remain responsible for watch and ward of installation and other fittings till
these are commissioned and handed over to the department.
4. All metallic parts carrying current must be properly bonded to the earth. Earthing
lugs shall be provided to all copper earth wires and shall be fixed whenever
required by means of anodised bolts and nuts.
5. Any damage made to wall ceiling etc. of the building made by the contractor shall
have to be made good up to the original finish as per requirement within the
tendered amount. Nothing extra will be paid on this account.
6. The detailed working drawing shall be prepared by the contractor approved from
8. All the items to be used in the work should be new and of good quality and will be
got approved from the Engineer-in-Charge before usage in work. The sample of
the item shall have to be submitted in advance for this purpose.
9. The contractor shall make his own arrangement for the safety of his workman.
Department shall not be responsible in case of any accident taking place during
the work.
10. The entire installation shall be in accordance with the requirements and
stipulations of the National Building Code, Provincial Fire NOC (Annexure-1) &
CPWD specifications.
11. Contractor has to make his own arrangement for power supply for execution of
work i/c welding works and testing of the fire fighting system. However the
power supply will be provided by the department for final testing of equipments.
12. Associate specialized agency shall be engaged for execution of minor component.
(fire fighting and wet riser Works)
13. All DOL and Star Delta starters must be proposed as per the Type 2 coordination
chart as per the applicable rating and contactors should be of utilization category
3E complied.
14. Acquiring of fire NOC from CFO/State Fire Department/ Local Body shall be
included in the scope of contractor. All activities like liaising, follow up,
getting the NOC after incorporating all corrections etc. with concerned
officials shall be included in quoted rates.
1. The work shall be executed as per the provisions given in NBC- 2016 & local
byelaws whichever is stringent.
2. The selection, installation and maintenance of Fire extinguishers shall be as per IS
2169:2010 up to the recent revisions/amendments if any. fire sand buckets shall
also be provided as per NBC 2016.
3. The Fire-extinguisher for substation shall be of ABC and CO2 type of required
capacity shall be provided with MS powder coated trolley.
4. K type fire extinguishers shall be provided in all the canteen and kitchen areas.
The work shall be executed as per CPWD General Specifications for Electrical Works Part
– I (Internal) 2013, Part – II (External) 1994, EN-54 or NFPA-72 or BS 5839-
6:2019+A1:2020 for domestic buildings and BS 5839-1:2017 for non-domestic premises
as amended up to date relevant I.E. Rules. BIS / IEC and NBC and as per directions of
Engineer-in-Charge. These additional specifications are to be read in conjunction with
above and in case of variations; specifications given in these Additional conditions shall
apply. However, nothing extra shall be paid on account of these additional specifications
& conditions as the same are to be read along with schedule of quantities for the work.
1.1 These specifications shall cover the Supply, Erection, Testing, and
Commissioning of Intelligent Addressable Fire Alarm System.
1.2 Complete set of architectural and other Services drawings showing the general
character of Building construction and drawings showing the areas to be covered
by the Fire Alarm System with location of detectors and other components will
be submitted by Agency for the approval of the same.
1.3 The drawings indicate only the general scheme of requirement and the extent of
work covered in this contract. The equipment and their associated works such as
Cabling, etc. may be re-arranged in the space allotted subject to the approval of
Engineer-in-charge. It is the Contractor’s responsibility to ensure that his work is
coordinated with the work of other agencies/client.
2.1 Tenderers are advised that the location of detectors and other accessories etc. as
given in these drawings and specifications are indicative and for tenderers
2.2 It is the intent of these specifications to define a state-of-art Fire Alarm System
integrated with PA system, repeater panel, BMS compatibility (using RS485, BAC
net card, MODBUS) inclusive of media/port convertors as required, which is user
friendly, modular, flexible, and expandable. The system is to be designed,
installed, customized, tested, commissioned, and supported by a local office or
agent of the manufacturer by Engineers skilled in providing functional and
efficient solutions to the needs of the Engineer in charge. For easy maintenance
of the system makes of all the components shall be preferably same.
2.3 The contractor or the manufacturer of major components shall have an in-place
support facility in Mumbai equipped with Competent Support Staff, Spare Parts
Inventory and all the necessary Test and Diagnostic Equipment to provide
support within 24 hours of any breakdowns.
2.4 The entire installation shall be in accordance with the requirements and
stipulations of the National Building Code, Provincial Fire NOC (Annexure-1) &
CPWD specifications. The drawing proposed by the contractor shall be as per the
requirements of NBC 2016 & CPWD specifications, even if the drawings are
approved by Engineer in charge it will be subjected to comments in provincial
Fire NOC.
2.5 All system components and sub-systems are to be fault tolerant and provide
satisfactory operation without damage at +/- 10% of the rated voltage and at +/-
3 Hz variation in line frequency.
2.6 Acquiring of fire NOC from CFO/State Fire Department/ Local Body shall be
included in the scope of contractor. All activities like Liaising, follow up etc.
with concerned officials shall be included in quoted rates.
3.1 The Tenderer shall submit comprehensive technical information for all the
equipment and material.
3.2 Technical catalogues and performance Tables/ Curves of all equipment and
machines must be submitted with the offer.
4.1 The Contractor shall execute the work on the basis of indicative designs hereby
given and accepted by Him with or without modifications or new designs
submitted by him at the tender stage and accepted by Engineer in charge, as the
case may be. All Variations, i.e. additions, omissions or substitutions necessitated
at any time for any reason whatsoever, shall be deemed to have been accepted by
the Contractor as not vitiating the performance based nature of this contract. If
any such variations, irrespective of whether such variations are intended to be
executed by other agencies employed by the Engineer-in-charge, have any bearing
on the performance of this Contract, the same shall immediately be brought to the
notice of Engineer-in-charge by the Contractor in writing. In any case the
Contractor shall have to guarantee for due and proper performance of the works
agreed to be so erected.
4.2 The Fire Detection installation shall be designed and guaranteed to perform as
indicted in other parts of these specifications and drawings read in conjunction
with statutory requirements.
4.3 All equipment shall be tested at manufacturer's Works as per latest relevant
specifications or in the absence of specification approved testing methods shall
be followed and Test Certificates/Reports submitted to the Engineer-in-charge.
4.4 In addition to the above, all equipment and systems shall be tested after
installation as required by Various statutory authorities, certifying agencies and as
required by various sections of these specifications.
4.5 The Contractor shall take full responsibility for proper operation of the entire
system including debugging and proper calibration of each component and sub-
4.6 The Contractor shall leave necessary provisions required for fixing instruments,
gauges, meters, etc. for testing the installation even if these are not shown on the
drawings. All such instruments, services etc. needed for the tests shall be arranged
by the Contractor at his own cost.
4.7 It is the sole responsibility of Contractor to obtain all the necessary approvals
from the statutory authorities, either prior to, during or after installation as
required. All tests specified herein-after and witnessed/ approved by Engineer-in-
charge, may be deemed to be invalid at the option of Engineer-in-charge, if the
requisite, final and unconditional approvals from the concerned statutory
authorities are not obtained by the Contractor.
4.9 On completion of erection, the contractor shall thoroughly clean all the equipment,
inspect and check the entire installation for correctness and completeness and
furnish a detailed report on all components of the installation to Engineer-in-
4.10 The Contractor shall intimate in writing to Engineer-in-charge, the proposed date
of initial start-up.
4.12 Based on preliminary observations during the initial operation described above,
necessary modifications/repairs/ replacements/ etc. if any shall be carried out by
the Contractor to the entire satisfaction of Engineering- charge. On successful
completion of initial operation, the Contractor shall proceed with trial runs.
4.14 All equipment shall be capable of performing the duties specified in these
specifications without damage, distortion or failure of any component.
4.15 The performance of various equipment individually shall not be less than quoted
ratings and consumption of power shall not exceed the ratings quoted by the
tendered, when tested in normal operating condition. Otherwise the equipment /
material are liable for rejection.
4.16 All test instruments shall be calibrated for accuracy prior to taking the
performance tests.
5.2 In general the system and all major components shall have EN/UL or VDS
Approval as mentioned against respective items in the BOQ.
6.1 Installation shall be in accordance with the local and state codes, as shown on the
drawings, and as recommended by the equipment manufacturer.
6.2 All fire detection and alarm system devices, control panels and remote
annunciators shall be flush mounted or surface mounted as per instructions of the
6.3 Manual call boxes shall be suitable for surface mounting or semi-flush mounting
and shall be installed at a height of not less than 1,000 mm, or more than 1200 mm
above the finished floor level.
7.1 The Contractor shall completely check out, calibrate and test all connected
hardware and software to ensure that the system performs in accordance with the
approved specifications and sequences of operations submitted.
a) Display and demonstrate each type of data entry to show site specific
customizing capability.
b) Demonstrate parameter changes.
c) Demonstrate scan, update and alarm responsiveness.
The following manuals shall be provided at the time of Handing over:
8.1 An Operator’s Manual shall contain graphic explanations of keyboard use for all operator
functions specified under Operator Training.
8.2 Computerized printouts of all data file layouts including all point processing programming
details, flowcharts, etc.
8.3 On completion of works "As Built" drawings for completed installation shall be prepared
by the Contractor and 5 (Five) copies of the same will be supplied to the Engineer-in-
Charge. In addition, 5 (Five) sets of all Operation Manuals, Technical Literature for the
various components of equipment, Controls and Accessories installed, Recommended
Spares and Services Manuals will be supplied by the Contractor to the Engineer-in-charge.
10.1 The contractor shall guarantee the entire Intelligent Addressable Fire Alarm system
installation as per specifications both for components and for system as a whole. All
equipment shall be guaranteed for One year from the date of handing over to the
Department against unsatisfactory performance or breakdown due to defective design,
manufacture and/or installation. The installation shall be covered by the conditions that
the whole installation or any part thereof found defective within one years from the date
of completion shall be replaced or repaired by the contractor free of charge as decided by
the Engineer-in-Charge.
10.2 The guarantee shall cover the following: -
a) Quality, strength and performance of materials used.
b) Safe mechanical and electrical stress on all parts under all specified conditions of
c) Satisfactory operation during the guarantee period.
d) Performance figures and other particulars as specified by the tenderer.
10.3 Labour to trouble shoot, repair, reprogram or replace system components shall be
furnished by the contractor at no charge to the Engineer-in-charge during the guarantee
10.4 All corrective software modifications made during guarantee period shall be updated on
all user documentation.
11.1 The onus of incorporating the statutory requirements as per local rules and obtaining
necessary approval for the fire alarm systems shall rest fully with the Contractor.
11.2 The installation shall be carried out using new Equipment/ Materials complying with
applicable standards in a workmanship like manner. Engineer-in-charge reserves the
right to reject any part of installation having poor workmanship.
The work shall comprise entire labour including supervision and all materials necessary
to make a complete installation to the entire satisfaction of the department. The term
complete installation shall mean, not only major items of equipment covered by these
specifications, but also incidental sundry components necessary for complete execution
and satisfactory performance of the installation, with all labour charges, whether or not
these have been mentioned in detail in the schedule of quantity. The work shall include
data entry, programming, start-up test and demonstration, training of personnel for
maintenance and operation, submission of construction and installation drawings and
wiring diagrams, as built documents and system guarantee.
12.1.1 The Contractor’s scope of work will include all items of work as per these
specifications, drawings, terms and conditions of contract etc. and briefly described
in schedule of quantities.
12.2.1 The detectors shall be Addressable Intelligent optical/ Thermal / multi sensor
type as specified in the BOQ.
12.2.2 The number of detectors and location shall confirm to relevant standards.
Addressable intelligent multi-sensor(optical cum thermal) detectors shall be used
12.2.3 Addressable Control Modules shall be provided in suitable location for the
purpose of shutting off Fire Dampers/ AC indoor units on detection of smoke within
its zone and for switching-on exhaust / ventilation fans in the event of fire. The
design shall be done considering maximum 20 devices.
12.2.4 Monitoring modules shall be provided to monitor and address contact-type input
devices like flow switch.
12.2.5 The fire alarm panel shall operate on 240V+ 10% 50Hz. The FAS shall also be
provided with a dedicated stand by power supply system (battery and charger)
capable of maintaining the system for a period of not less than 24 hours after failure
of ac power supply after which sufficient battery shall remain to provide full load
operation for at least 30 minutes in line with IS 2189. Components like speaker,
hooter, strobe etc. shall be backed with the power supply given to the FACP.
12.2.6 The system should be able to detect any type of smoke, fire and heat in the
respective site area.
BASIS OF DESIGN: The Fire Alarm System shall have the following features Fire
Alarm System designed for this Building is “2-Wire Analog Addressable” type.
All types of detectors offered will be of restorable type i.e. suitable for operating
afresh after each actuation on alarm without replacement or adjustment.
The sensitivity of each sensor shall be individually adjusted from the FACP to suit
the conditions of each location. Each detector shall have self-test facility, which is
monitored in the FACP. Each detector shall have drift compensation.
The FACP shall also check each sensor for contamination of dust/dirt and give
signal for “Service” in case of accumulation of dust/dirt reaches a pre-set limit.
The fire alarm system shall work without any problem both in networked mode
and in standalone mode.
The electronic circuit shall be of solid state and of failsafe design and virtually
hermetically sealed to have resistance to humidity and corrosion and to prevent
its operation from being impaired by dust and dirt.
12.3.1 An Intelligent Modular/ Expandable Fire Alarm System (IFAS) shall be provided to
effect total control over the life safety services required in the building.
12.3.2 The addressable and intelligent system shall be such that smoke sensors, thermal
sensors, manual call points, etc., can be identified with point address.
12.3.3 The FAS shall be able to recognize normal and alarm conditions, below normal
sensor values that reveal trouble condition, and above normal values that
indicate either an alarm condition or the need of maintenance.
12.3.4 Read-out or address an actual detector location. The operator shall also be able to
adjust alarm and alarm thresholds and other parameters for the smoke sensors.
12.3.6 Provide alarm verification of individual smoke sensors. Systems that perform
alarm verification on a zone basis shall not be acceptable. Alarm verification shall
be printable on the printer to enhance system maintenance and identify possible
problem areas.
12.3.7 Provide local alpha-numeric point address of device and current condition of the
12.3.8 Each detector shall use state-of-the-art Microprocessor Circuitry with error,
detector self-diagnostics and supervision programs.
12.3.9 Provide outputs that are addressable, i.e. outputs shall have point address. The
operator shall be able to command such points manually or assign the points to
Logical Point Groups (Software Zones) for pre-programmed operation.
12.3.10 In the event of a fire alarm, but not in a fault condition, the following action shall
be performed automatically.
a. The System Alarm LED on the main fire alarm control panel shall flash.
b. A local sounder shall be sounded.
c. The LCD display on the main fire alarm control panel shall indicate all
information associated with Fire Alarm condition including the type of alarm
point and its location within the premises.
d. History storage equipment shall log the information associated with the Fire
Alarm Control Panel condition, along with the time and date of occurrence.
e. All system output programs assigned via control-by-event programs that are
to be activated by a particular point in alarm shall be executed, and the
associated system outputs (alarm notification appliances and/or relays) shall
be activated.
The Fire Alarm control panel shall have the following features: -
FACP shall have its own microprocessor, software and memory. The FACP shall
have a processor which shall be of at-least 32 bit, which shall be designed to
accept all the inputs and process the outputs within the time stipulated by the
In case of a Loop Card Failure, the FACP shall allow to replace the Loop card
without switching off the panel and reprogramming.
Each loop shall accommodate maximum 254 detectors and devices in any
combination with a loop length capable up to 1.5 kms with 2C x 1.5 sq mm cable.
Each FACP shall have inbuilt minimum 8 Inch LCD/LED colour touch screen
(320*240 pixels) to clearly indicate the location of fire, type of device activated
other indications like service requirement of a component, etc.
All the fire alarm modules (loop cards, networking cards, and communication card.
Etc.) should be hot pluggable and hot swappable to facilitate easy replacement of
faulty modules. All the electronic components shall be compatible to non-air-
conditioned environment for working satisfactorily.
12.4.1 The panel should be modular microprocessor based in nature and shall be of
loops as per BOQ.
12.4.2 FACP shall supervise detection circuits and shall generate an alarm in case of
abnormal conditions.
12.4.3 FACP shall provide general purpose inputs for monitoring such functions as low
battery or
AC power failure. FACP shall provide tamper protection and commendable
outputs, which can operate relays or logic level devices.
12.4.4 Smoke/ Heat detectors shall be powered using the FACP-based smoke/Heat
detection circuits. FACPs Shall provide for resetting smoke/heat detectors, fault-
isolation and sensor loop operation. It shall be possible to mix different fire
devices within the same FACP to optimize field wiring.
12.4.5 It shall be possible for the panel to have a loop length with different modules
offering 1500 mtr. Loop length of devices from the panel
12.4.6 FACPs shall provide monitoring and control of one floor or area or for multiple
floors or areas.
12.4.7 FACPs shall meet the following requirements to assure the integrity and reliability
of thE system :
The FACP shall be UL/FM /VdS listed independently as a fire alarm control panel.
a. The FACP should have integrated power distribution module and fixed cabling done
internally to guarantee a clear and tidy cable feed.
b. The panel should have a minimum 80 character display with white background lighting
and keypad. The display should enable a flexible design of the operating menu with
variable keys and message windows.
d. All materials and components used in the panel are specified as per UL / VDS/FM or
e. The panel should have a 230V AC power supply unit in plug-in design with rack and panel
connector and a 24VDC/6A output power supply. The module should be protected against
overvoltage and reverse polarity. The output voltage is monitored and regulated
f. LED display at the FACP shall be provided to indicate point in alarm or trouble. In such
systems, means for manually scanning the points in trouble shall be provided and a
trouble and alarm LED shall be used to indicate that there are points in alarm/trouble.
The alarm/trouble LED shall only extinguish when all alarm/troubles are cleared from the
g. It shall be possible to command test, reset and alarm silence from the FACP. FACP should
have freely configurable detector zone displays.
12.4.8 FACP switches shall allow authorized personnel to accomplish the following:
a) Acknowledge a general alarm condition.
b) Silence the local audible alarm.
c) It shall be possible to Silence the alarm indicating devices (hooters).
d) Reset all zones (Logical Point Group) / points, after all initiating devices have
returned to normal.
e) Perform a complete operational test of the memory with a visual indication.
f) Test all panel LEDs for proper operation without causing a change in the
condition of any zone (Logical Point Group)
g) Walk Test
12.4.9 The FACP shall have Drift Compensation facility to compensate for environment.
12.4.10 FACP shall be backed up with its built-in UPS power.
12.4.12 The display on FACP shall provide indication for AC Power, System Alarm, System
Trouble/Security Alarm, Display Trouble and Signal Silence. This would mean that in the
event of change of any logic, detector /zone sequence alteration, the operator can initiate
these by use of the LCD touch pad & alpha-numeric keys on the FACP panel to
reconfigure the above parameters.
b) Maintenance: All detectors shall be fitted either with plug-in system or bayonet
type connections only, from the maintenance and compatibility point of view.
c) Call Station should be with minimum 7-inch Multilanguage LCD display, gooseneck
microphone with supervised electrets microphone, pop shield and permanent monitoring,
integrated loudspeaker for system sounds. Five menu/function keys, 15 customizable
function and speed dial buttons. Possible to use keys (push buttons) for Zone select,
source select, level control, emergency on/off, message on/off, failure acknowledge/reset,
Switching output trigger on/off or 0 to 10V, select scheduled events, scheduled event
on/off. Call Station is completely supervised by system controller. Call station should
have provision of programming it as a Numeric Keypad.
a) It shall display the alarm status of the detectors, manual call points
b) It shall check, display and log the health of different components in the system.
c) It shall be able to generate and print alarm status reports, fault status reports.
d) It shall have facility for alarm acknowledgement, reset and test functions.
e) It shall facilitate the programming of the fire detection and alarm panel and other
f) It shall be possible to program and display different messages of normal, fault and
alarm conditions.
g) A back up pen drive with the FACP software and all the data in the system as per
final configuration/programming of the FACP panel and all system components
shall be provided to the department at the time of handing over.
12.6 Installation
• Installation shall be in accordance with the EN-54 / NFPA-72/ BS 5839-
6:2019+A1:2020 for domestic buildings and BS 5839-1:2017 for non-domestic
premises as amended up to date and IS guidelines, local and state codes, and as
recommended by the major equipment manufacturer.
• All fire detection and alarm system devices, control panels and remote
annunciators shall be flush mounted or surface mounted as per direction given by
• Manual fire alarm boxes shall be suitable for surface mounting or semi-flush
• Commissioning Procedure shall be carried out in a methodical sequence as follows
Start-up, Configuration, Operability adjustment, Stable operation, Final adjustment
• The Contractor shall finalize captured FDAS data to be recorded and the manner in
which the data is to be taken in association with CPWD.
12.7 Training
a) Training shall be provided as required for operating the system. Hands-on
demonstrations of the operation of all system components and the entire system
including program changes and functions shall be provided.
13.2 The successful contractor shall prepare a list of equipment and materials selected
from the approved list, proposed to be used by him for execution of the contract.
Before placing orders on suppliers or delivering the equipment and materials to
site, the Contractor shall obtain approval from Engineer-in-charge, whose
decision shall be final and binding on the Contractor.
13.3 Any equipment of material not specified under here but required for execution of
the work shall be as per Technical Specification, of best quality, preferably with
ISI approval and from a reputed manufacturer for which the prior approval of the
Engineer-in-Charge is required.
Annexure –I
The Main Scope of work to be carried out under this contract shall comprise
design, engineering, supply, construction, fabrication, installation, testing and
commissioning of 660 KLD STP Sewage treatment plant based on Moving Bed Bio-
reactor Technology (MBBR) for RBI Campus at Kharghar
2.2 The Scope of work includes all other ancillary services required to obtain
approvals from concerned authorities if any required for the job. The system
installed at the site shall be capable of producing the treated water used for
gardening as per output water quality required norms. The detailed scope of work
is as follows.
i. Supply, design, Testing, Erection, Pre-Commissioning & commissioning of all
STP equipment.
ii. Submission of process design, design calculations, Process flow diagram,
Process & Instrumentation diagram, Plant layout & hydraulic flow
iii. Preparation & submission of detailed technical specifications for civil,
mechanical & electrical works, necessary drawings, backup calculations
iv. Mobilization of all equipment and machineries
v. Installation of all electromechanical items / machineries including all
cabling/ wiring (inside) etc
vi. All machineries, manpower, tools & tackles, consumables required for
successful completion of project.
vii. Satisfactory completion of the contract & handing over of the STP.
viii. The supply of material at site of all main equipment and items associated
with Sewage Treatment Plant system detailed under these technical
2.3 To execute all incidental work at site including all material supply at site required
in the technical specifications. All electrical work connected with STP such as
cables, control panel, electric panels etc., erection at site for all manufactured
items at works and also items fabricated at site.
2.5.1 Performance testing at the site of complete STP system as per various technical
2.6 In case the load of sewage is not ready by the time of complete execution, the test
run of STP using artificial cake shall be included in the scope of agency and
nothing extra shall be paid in these regards.
In STP for the proposed buildings following design parameters have been assumed:
b) Treated water characteristics required (Filter water quality after softening and Ultra
i. pH : 6.5 – 7.5
ii. BOD : < 5 mg/lit.
iii. COD : < 20 mg/lit.
iv. T.S.S. : < 5 mg/lit.
v. Oil and Grease : < 1 mg/lit.
1. STP shall be Activated Sludge Type Sewage Treatment Plant incorporating MBBR /
INDION FMR media. This design of Sewage Treatment Plant shall be economical
and easy to maintain type.
4. Activated sludge process through fine bubble Aeration & MBBR media.
5. Secondary Settling Tank with lamella plate settler sludge recycle (if
required) back to Aeration Tank & Anoxic tank.
6. Coagulation and Chlorination of supernatant clear water.
7. Settling Tank to remove all the suspended solids as far as possible.
8. Tertiary treatment through graded quartz Pressure Sand Filter and activated
carbon filter.
9. Collecting the excess sludge in a sludge pit for further disposal once in a
while or sludge thickening using centrifuge.
All equipment shall be selected as per 660 KLD STP Plant. Minimum requirement
of equipment are mentioned in technical specification and BOQ. Successful bidder
will submit a fresh technical submittal all equipment’s required to achieve final
out put water quality.
3.2 Provision of main 3 Ph. 50 Hz, 415 VOLTS, 4 wire A.C. main electric supply cables of
required size up to the STP room main panel.
3.3 Except for the works mentioned above which are in the scope of the CPWD, rest of all
works directly or indirectly associated with completion of STP are within the scope of
STP contractor and shall be assumed to have been included by STP contractor in his
3.4 In view of the above, STP contractor will not be allowed to put forth any claims for extra
charges after award of the contract over and above the total value of the contract. This
aspect should be kept in mind by the tenderer while submitting their rates.
3.5 After award of contract, STP contractor shall be solely responsible to provide all items at
site without any extra cost implication to the Department, as required to complete the
erection and commissioning of STP for safe, smooth and trouble free operation and fool
proof performance.
The plant as a whole system shall be tested for output quality for treated water as
per NIT .
The CPWD shall have the right to operate all equipments in any operating
condition, whether or not such equipments have been accepted as complete and
satisfactory. Repairs and alterations shall be made at such times and as directed
by the Department.
During erection, the contractor shall at all times keep the working and storage
areas free from waste or rubbish. On completion of erection, he shall remove all
temporary structures, debris and leave the premises clean to the full satisfaction
of the Department.
which creates a scrubbing effect to prevent clogging. Combination of fine & coarse
bubbles may be provided to provide oxygen as per detailing."
6. "From the MBBR tank mixed liquor shall flow by gravity into the secondary
settling tank. The solids will settle in the tank. The sludge that settles down shall
be transferred to sludge holding tank via sludge loading pumps, with provision of
sludge return to the bioreactor if necessary."
7. From the settling tank, treated wastewater will flow into clarified water tank.
8. Treated water after CWT shall be clear, odourless, low BOD, low suspended
solids. Disinfection is done in this tank using oxyline system.
9. The treated water from Clarified water tank is fed by means of filter feed pump
sets to pass through dual media filters, activated carbon filters and stored in the
treated water tanks. The activated carbon filters shall ensure removal of all
coloration and odours present in the treated effluent. Backwash of Filters and
shall be done intermittently as per requirements.
10. The treated water from Activated carbon filter will pass through ultrafiltration
system to achieve the parameters BOD & TSS Less than 5 mg/ L and COD less
than 30 mg/ L.
11. The filtered, clean and odourless water from treated water tank will be
discharged to municipal nallah towards city side of airport through suitable pipe.
12. Excess sludge from the settling tank will be taken periodically into sludge holding
tank/ launder. In sludge tank, sludge will be aerated for self-stabilization. Air will
be shut off periodically and superannuate water will be transferred to the
aeration tank creating stabilized sludge. The final sludge shall be de-watered
through a Filter Press mechanism.
UF Feed Pump
Capacity - 33 m3/hr @ 35 M head
1 Type - Horizontal Monobloc Centrifugal Pump 2 No
Operating Condition - (1W+1S)
Pump MOC: CI
Micron Filter
2 Housing MOC: Polyamide reinforced with fibre glass 1 No
Element: PP Element disc,100 Micron
UF Membrane,
Membrane type: Hollow Fibre
Mode of Operation - Outside -In
3 1 Lot
Pore Size - 0.02 Micron
Membrane area - 55.7 m2
Membrane Recovery: 90%
Qnty:1 Lot
Capacity : 20 M³/Hr, Head - 30 m, Type -
5 2 No
Horizontal , Centrifugal , Monoblock Centrifugal pump,
Backwash Pump
Horizontal Monobloc Centrifugal Pump
12 Capacity: 60 m3/hr @ 30 mtr head 2 No
Pump MOC: Cast Iron
ACF ( Grad
Activa e
ted Filter
Sludge Holding Tank n
SUB-HEAD 6 Substation
Technical Specifications for Component of Substation
1.1. The work shall be carried out as per CPWD General Specifications for Electrical
Works Part IV Substation 2013 and as amended upto date.
1.2. The work shall be executed as per Schedule of Quantities, approved design and
drawings, particular specifications of each Sub Head, CPWD specifications,
special conditions, Specifications of Bureau of Indian Standards and
Specifications of International Bodies in that order. Where any of the aforesaid
provisions and conditions are silent, relevant specialized literature and
manufacturers specification shall be followed for execution of work. Where there
is ambiguity amongst the above referred documents / sources, the decision of the
Engineer-in-charge is final and binding.
1.3. The powder coating provided for LT panels/HT panel/ feeder pillars shall be
guaranteed for minimum 5 years from the date of handing over.
HT Panel:
This specification covers the requirements of supply, installation, testing,
commissioning of HT indoor metal clad cubicle switch gear having 11 kV Vacuum
Circuit Breakers. These are general requirements of switchgear panel.
The panel board shall be compact integrated indoor, metal clad, floor mounted,
draw out, free standing, sheet steel enclosed as per specifications. The panel board
shall have compartmentalized design having separate compartment for Breaker,
Busbar, Cable & CT, Instrument & relay. Self-threading screws shall not be used in
the construction of switchboard.
The panel board shall be of totally enclosed design, dust tight and vermin proof
and extensible type. The degree of Protection shall be minimum IP42 as per IEC-
60529 or as specified in BOQ. If necessary, openings for natural ventilation
louvered with wire mesh shall be provided. For bus bar compartment wire mesh
shall be such as to protect against object of 1.0 mm size and above. Entire panel
should be suitable for extension on both side to connect additional VCB panel in
future. The equipment when assembled shall form a neat and compact unit and
shall be complete with all supporting frame work, mounting channels, foundation
bolts etc. and shall be designed so as to ensure complete inter-changeability of
components from one panel to another. (THE PANEL BOARD HAS TO BE
Also the panel board shall be:
a) Provided with a metal steel frame made of structural steel channel section
properly drilled for mounting the switch gear along with necessary mounting
hardware (hardware shall be zinc plated and passivated ).
b) Provided with gaskets all round the perimeter of removable covers and
c) Provided with Copper busbar of adequate rating.
d) Provided with Base Channel of ISMC- 100
e) Provided with minimum Four Lifting Lugs for each shipping section.
The panel board shall be painted with epoxy powder coated, of shade approved by
Engineer in Charge as per IS: 5 on interior and exterior side.
A nameplate with the switchgear designation at the top of the central panel and
separate nameplate giving feeder details shall be provided at front and rear side
of each panel. Name plates shall be provided for each equipment (Lamps, PBs,
Switches, Relays, Auxiliary contactors etc.) mounted on the switchboard. Special
warning plates shall be provided on all removable covers or doors giving access
to high voltage cables, busbars. Special warning label shall be provided inside the
switchboard also, wherever considered necessary. Identification tags shall be
provided inside the panels matching with those shown on the circuit diagram.
Engraved nameplates shall preferably be of 3-ply (Red-white- red or Black white-
Black limacodid sheets or anodized aluminium or back engraved Perspex sheet
nameplates shall be provided. Engraving shall be done with square groove
cutters. Hard paper nameplates will not be acceptable. Name plates shall be
fastened by Screws and not by adhesive.
Each vertical cubical shall be provided with space heater to prevent moisture
condensation and maintain required temperature. The space heaters shall be
located at the bottom of the switchboard and shall be controlled through a
thermostat with an adjustable setting with single pole MCB with overload and
short circuit release in the phase, link in the neutral. The thermostat shall
preferably be located in the metering/ relay chamber. Space heater shall be of
strip type rated for operation on a 230 V, single phase, 50 Hz., A.C. supply system.
a) The Vacuum circuit breaker shall be mounted on a separate carriage arranged for
horizontal isolation and horizontal withdrawal having SERVICE, TEST and
DISCONNECTED positions with positive indication for each position.
b) Circuit breaker shall have motor wound spring charged trip free mechanism with
antipumping-feature and shunt trip. In addition, facility for manual charging of
spring shall be provided. The spring charging handle shall be an integral part of
the Circuit Breaker.
c) For motor wound mechanism, spring charging shall take place automatically after
each breaker closing operation. One open-close-open operation of the circuit
breaker shall be possible after failure of power supply to the motor. Mechanical
safety interlock shall be provided to prevent:
i. The circuit breaker from being racked in or out of the service
position when the breaker is closed.
ii. Racking in the circuit breaker unless the control plug is fully
d) Automatic safety shutters shall be provided to fully cover the female primary
disconnects when the breaker is withdrawn.
e) Each breaker shall be provided with an emergency manual trip, mechanical ON-
OFF indication, an operation counter and mechanism charge/discharge indicator.
The breaker shall also be provided with Mechanical anti-pumping feature.
f) The circuit breaker shall be provided with the necessary auxiliary contacts for
indication, control, and interlocking or other purposes. Excluding the contacts
already used for the circuits, four spare sets of contacts with three ‘NO’ and three
‘NC’ shall be left free in each unit. The Panel should have type test certificate to
withstand arc fault equal to VCB short circuit capacity as per IEC62271-200.
g) Spring charging motor shall be universal type.
a) Current transformers shall generally conform to IS: 2705. and of cast resin
type dual core dual ratio and shall be mounted on the switchgear stationary
part. The C.T. ratings shall be as shown in the Technical Data Sheet or
SLD/BOQ. For general guidance, the protective current transformers shall
have an accuracy class `5P' and an accuracy limit factor greater than `10'. Low
reactance C.T.s shall be used for protection.
b) All current transformers shall be earthed through a separate earth link.
c) The design and construction of CT shall be robust to withstand thermal and
dynamic stresses during short circuits.
a) Voltage Transformer (VT) shall be cast resin, draw out type and shall have
an accuracy class of 0.2.Voltage transformer shall be withdrawable type
mounted in a separate compartment below the circuit breaker in the same
panel. The VT shall be mounted on the separate trolley and not on the
breaker trolley. Voltage transformer shall be accessible from front of panel
& shall be independent of breaker position/ operation. However, due to
design constraints if Line PT & Bus PT cannot be offered in separate
compartment in same panel, then separate Line PT & Bus PT panel shall be
offered by bidder.
b) High voltage windings of voltage transformer shall be protected by current
limiting fuses. The voltage transformer and fuses shall be completely
c) Low voltage winding of voltage transformer shall have MCB, installed in all
ungrounded secondary leads. MCBs shall be suitably located to permit easy
replacement while the switchgear is energized.
The Numerical Relays in general shall comply with the following requirements:
electrical parameters. Event record – The relay shall have the facility to
store at least 75 sequence of event records with 1ms resolution.
ii.Disturbance records – The relay shall have capacity to store at least 5
disturbance record waveforms with at least 3s duration each.
p) The offered relays shall have a battery backed real time clock for providing
accurate time reference.
q) The relay settings shall be provided with adequate password protection.
r) The relay shall have comprehensive self-diagnostic feature. This feature shall
continuously monitor the healthiness of all the hardware and software elements
of the relay. Any failure detected shall be annunciated through a output watchdog
contact. The fault diagnosis information shall be displayed on the LCD and also
through the communication port.
s) The Numerical Relays shall be provided with 1 Set of common support software
compatible with latest operating system which will allow easy settings of relays
in addition to uploading of event, fault, disturbance records and measurements.
The relay settings shall also be changed from local or remote using the same
Breaker tripping and closing devices shall be operated on D.C. supply. The rated
D.C. voltage shall be as specified in the Technical Data Sheet. The supply for
breaker opening, closing and indication devices shall be provided as under:
a) One D.C. feeder shall be provided for each bus section. The Bus coupler
panel may be fed from any of the two supplies.
b) One separate 240 V AC supply shall be provided for space heater etc.
Mechanical indication for breaker positions such as ON, OFF, spring charged, test
position/Service position shall be provided. Various Electrical indications with
colours are indicated below shall be provided.
Suitable size indoor type Heat Shrinkable Kit shall be used for 11 KV HT termination.
All wiring shall be done with 600/1100 V Grade single core, FRLS/HFFR insulated,
multi stranded copper conductor wires. Minimum size of conductor for power
circuits is 2.5 sq. mm. Not more than two connections shall be made on any one
terminal. The connections shall be properly crimped and shall have identification
labels at the ends.
a. Panel board shall be provided with a suitable size copper earth bus running
along the entire length of the board. At either end of the earth bus, one clamp
type terminal with nuts, bolts and washers shall be provided for bolting the
earthing conductor.
1.21 TESTS
1.21.1 Type test Certificates for following tests shall be submitted for the Circuit breakers
a) Power Frequency voltage withstand test
b) Partial Discharge Test
c) Power frequency withstand test on auxiliary and control circuit
1.21.2 Panel shall be subjected to following tests at the manufacturer’s Works as per
relevant standards:
The manufacturer shall develop his own general arrangement and schematic
drawing adding necessary auxiliary devices, accessories, components particular to
supplied equipment’s etc. which are required for safe, convenient, efficient and
proper operation of the HT switchgear. Manufacturer shall submit the single line
diagrams, general arrangement drawings, control wiring, flooring and mounting
detail drawings and schematic diagrams for approval of Engineer in Charge in
quadruplicate prior to fabrication. The Engineer-in-Charge will return two sets of
approved drawings to the contractor. Full set of test results shall be provided to
the Engineer-in-Charge in quadruplicate prior to dispatch. The switchboard shall
be dispatched to project site after receiving written approval from the Engineer-in-
a. 24 V Maintenance Free (Sealed)Tubular type Lead Acid Battery Set of 180AH
capacity (12 nos 2 Volts 180 AH ) with 1 x 100% combined float cum boost
charger unit shall be provided.
b. The System D.C Voltage shall be 24 V DC.
c. Switched Mode Power Supply based battery chargers shall be provided for
both boost and float chargers.
d. The Battery Charging Equipment should be a Self-Contained Panel duly
painted with anti-rust primer and suitable for accommodating the Batteries
in the bottom compartment of the Charger Panel and shall comprise of a Float
cum Boost Charger, housed in a Sheet Steel cubicle, and constructed out of
suitable angle Iron structure and Sheet Steel of 2 mm thickness for the front
Panel and 1.6 mm thickness for all other panels. The cabinet shall have IP-42
degree of protection. The Cabinet shall be treated by adopting 7 tank Process
and shall be painted with colour and shade as approved by Engineer-in-
Charge by adopting Powder coating process.
e. The Battery Charging Equipment shall be suitable for a Single Phase AC Input
Supply of 230 V +10%, 50Hz.
During boost charging, voltage across the battery terminal will go higher at the
order of about 32 volts for which suitable Automatic solid state transistorized
dropping device shall be provided (maintain 24 Volts +2/- 0V volts across the load
The Float cum Boost Charger shall be of DC rating and shall have Constant Voltage
Operation for Floating the Batteries and also for Boost Charging the Batteries. The
Float cum Boost Charger shall comprise of AC Input and DC Output, Miniature
Circuit Breakers (MCBs), DC Contactor, Main Transformer, SMPS ,Electronic
Controller for Constant Voltage operation in both Float and Boost modes,
Auto/Manual Switch, Auxiliary Contactor for Automatic Changeover between Float
and Boost modes with facility to override the Auto changeover, Front Panel
Potentiometers, DC Digital Ammeter and Digital Voltmeter of 72, Load DC
under voltage and Overvoltage Relays, Audio Visual Alarm Annunciation Circuit for
the above stated Fault Conditions and other Components as required.
V. 1 Set : Switch Mode Power Supply vi) 1 Set : Smoothing (filter) circuit comprising
of smoothing choke, and filter condenser to reduce ripple content in the DC output
of the Battery charger to less than 5% RMS.
VI. 1 Set : Electronic Controller to stabilize the DC output voltage within + 3% in Float
mode and Boost mode for AC input voltage fluctuation of + 10% from 230 V,
frequency variation of + 10 % from 50 Hz and simultaneous DC load variation
from 0 to 100%, with load limiting circuit and soft start feature.
VII. 1 Set : Manual firing facility to operate the Float cum Boost Charger in the Manual
mode, In case Auto firing fails.
VIII. 1 No : Auto/Manual Selector Switch for selecting mode of operation of the
IX. 1 No. :Auxiliary Contactor / Relay for Automatic selection of Float or Boost
X. 1 No. : Single Pole Selector Switch to over ride Automatic Selection of Float/Boost
XI. 3 Nos. : Potentiometers for Auto setting of values in
a. Float mode
b. Boost mode
c. Manual mode
XII. 1 No. : DC Digital Ammeter of 96 mm to read Charger output current.
XIII. 1 No. : DC Digital Voltmeter of 96 mm to read the DC output voltage of the Charger
and load.
XIV. 1 No. : AC Digital Voltmeter of 96 mm to read the Incoming Supply voltage.
XV. 1 No. : DC Digital Ammeter of 96 mm to read discharge/charge currents of Battery.
XVI. 1 No. : Pilot Lamp (LED) to indicate Charger DC On Condition.
XVII. 1 No : Solid State Sensing type Charge DC under voltage relay.
XVIII. 1 NO : Silicon Blocking Diode to prevent Battery Back feed for proper operation of
the above relay.
XIX. 1 No. : Double pole On/Off MCB for DC Output.
XX. 1 No : Solid-state current sensing relay with Milli Volt Amplifier to sense the
trickle charging current and to enable Automatic cutting-in of the Charger in Boost
mode and also to sense the falling of Charging Current in Boost mode. Through the
battery and to enable Automatic change-over of the Charger to Float mode Back.
xxii) 1 No. : Solid State Sensing type Load (Battery) DC Under voltage Relay.
XXI. 1 No : Solid State Sensing type Load DC Over voltage Relay.
XXII. 1 No: Auxiliary Contactor / Relay for AC Main failure Annunciation.
Indicating Lamp and common audible alarm with ACCEPT/TEST/RESET push
bush buttons and with repetitive alarm feature in respect of following fault
a. AC Mains failure
b. Charger DC Under Voltage
1.6 The bus bar shall be of constant size, staggering of bus bars is not acceptable in
any kind of LT panel.
2.0 General
2.1 The switchboards and the associated equipment including switchgear, control
gear, Busbar supports, Busbar orientation, Busbar links etc. shall be identical in
construction to the assembly which has undergone the type test. The drawings
of the type-tested assemblies shall be made available for inspection.
2.2 The designs of the switchboards shall be with switchgear manufacturer, and all
the mechanical drawings shall be available in the factory beforehand.
2.3 Switchboards shall have a short circuit level withstand as per Schedule of
Quantities and drawings .
2.4 The enclosures shall be designed to take care of normal stress as well as
abnormal electro-mechanical stress due to short circuit conditions. All covers
and doors provided shall offer adequate safety to operating persons and provide
ingress protection of IP 42 for indoor and IP 54 for outdoor unless otherwise
stated. Ventilating openings and vent outlets, if provided, shall be arranged such
that same ingress protection is retained. Suitable pressure relief devices shall be
provided to minimize danger to operator during internal fault conditions for all
panel boards with busbar rating of 800 Amps and above.
2.5 LT Panel shall be ready with Ethernet (TCP/IP) communication i.e. Switchgears
(ACB & MCCB) status (On/Off & Trip) and Multi-function meters (MFM)
parameters shall be available on Ethernet communication inside the LT Panel)
ready monitoring at BMS/EMS level.
2.6 Panel builder shall include all necessary hardware in their scope to make LT
panel ethernet ready and submit communication test report during panel testing
at shop floor. Communication hardware shall be plug & play, non PLC type, with
no programming requirement, with built-in web pages, EMC/EMI certified to be
installed in electrical panels.
2.7 The switchboard along with ACBs and connections shall have a type tested
design at CPRI / equivalent international laboratories for short circuit,
temperature rise, protective earth short circuit test and dielectric tests of the
ratings required.
2.8 Panel shall be rated for Impulse withstand capability equal to or greater than the
switchgears inside the panel.
2.9 For operator safety IP2X (touch proof) protection to be available even after
opening the feeder compartment door. The compartmentalization to be achieved
by using metal separators, use of PVC sheet / phenolic laminated sheets shall not
be allowed.
2.10 Main switchboard shall be form 4B, the separation which shall be with metallic
covers. Phenolic laminated sheet / PVC sheets shall not be used. The remaining
panels shall be conform to a minimum of form 3B design.
307 Some switchboards may be required to be installed against the wall, for such
application-documented designs shall be available. Switchboard panels and cubicles shall be fabricated with CRCA Sheet Steel of
thickness not less than 2.0 mm and shall be folded and braced as necessary to
provide a rigid support for all components. The doors and covers shall be
fabricated from CRCA sheet steel of thickness not less than 2 mm. Joints of any
kind in sheet metal shall be seam welded and all welding slag ground off and
welding pits wiped smooth with plumber metal. The thickness may also vary as
per the OEM design and in those cases the design shall be validated. All panels and covers shall be properly fitted and square with the frame. The
holes in the panel shall be correctly positioned. Switchboard shall be provided with “Danger Notice Plate” conforming to relevant
Indian Standards.
1.2.5. Switchboard Dimensional Limitations The overall height of the switchboard shall be limited to 2400 mm for all the
Busbar ratings and type of switchboards excluding the base frame. The height of the operating handle, push buttons etc. shall be restricted between
300 mm and 1800 mm from finished floor level. Other dimensional limits if any shall be as per the Schedule of Quantities.
1.2.6. Switchboard Compartmentalization For compartmentalized switchboards, separate totally enclosed compartments
shall be provided for horizontal busbars, vertical busbars, ACBs, MCCBs, and
cable alleys. All ACBs and MCCB above 500 Amps shall be provided with LED lamp indicators
for ON/OFF and TRIP indications. All the ACBs and MCCB above 500 Amps shall be BMS ready as per the BOQ,
including all necessary hardware, media convertors, potential free contacts as
required. Earthed metal or insulated shutters shall be provided between drawout and fixed
portion of the switchgear such that no lives parts are accessible with equipment
drawn out. Degree of protection within compartments shall be at least IP 2X. Sheet steel hinged lockable doors for each separate compartment shall be
provided and duly interlocked with the breaker in "ON" and "OFF" position. For all Circuit Breakers separate and adequate compartments shall be provided
for accommodating instruments, indicating lamps, control contactors and control
MCB etc. These shall be accessible for testing and maintenance without any
danger of accidental contact with live parts of the circuit breaker, busbars and
309 Each switchgear cubicles shall be fitted with aluminium plate embossed labels in
front and back identifying the circuit, switchgear type, rating and duty and details
of incoming or outgoing cable / bus trunking including size, length, from feeder /
to source etc.. All operating devices shall be located in front of switchgear only. A horizontal wire way with screwed cover shall be provided at the top to take
interconnecting control wiring between vertical sections. Separate cable compartments running the height of the switchboard in the case
of front access boards shall be provided for incoming and outgoing cables. Cable compartments shall be of adequate size for easy termination of all
incoming and outgoing cables entering from bottom or top. All cable
terminations shall be through gland plates. There shall be separate gland plate
for each cable entry so that there will not be dislocation of already wired circuits
when new feeders are added. Cable entry plates shall therefore be sectionalized.
The construction shall include necessary cable supports for clamping the cable in
the cable alley or rear cable chamber.
1.2.7. Switchboard Bus Bars Busbars shall be made of high conductivity, 99.9% purity, high strength Copper
of ETP grade Busbars shall be of rectangular cross sections as per OEM design.
The neutral shall be the same size as the phase bus bar, i.e., 100% neutral shall be
provided. The busbar shall be rated for full load current for phase bus bars and
for neutral bus bar as stipulated in schedule of quantities. Busbar shall be
suitable to withstand the stresses of fault level as specified in schedule of
quantities. Main Horizontal busbar and Neutral shall be in same compartment. The bus bar system may comprise of a system of main horizontal bus bars and
auxiliary vertical bus bars run in bus bar alloy on either side in which the circuit
could be arranged with front access for cable entrances The bus bars shall be supported on non-breakable, non-hygroscopic epoxy resin
or glass fibre reinforced polymer insulated supports at regular intervals and shall
be able to withstand operating temperature of 110 Deg C and withstand the
forces arising from a fault level as stipulated in schedule of quantities. The
material and the spacing of the Busbar supports shall be same as per the type
tested assembly Auxiliary buses for control power supply, space heater power supply or any
other specified service shall be provided. These buses shall be insulated,
adequately supported and sized to suit specific requirement. The material for
auxiliary supply bus will be insulated electrolytic copper wires. Clearances between phases shall be in line with BIS IEC standards.
identification. The minimum size of copper conductor control wires shall be 2.5
sq. mm. Runs of wires shall be neatly bunched and suitably supported and
clamped. Means shall be provided for easy identification of wires. Identification
ferrules shall used at both end of wires. All control wires meant for external
connections shall be brought out on a terminal board. The cables and control
wires shall be suitable for withstanding 105 deg C.
1.2.11. Space Heaters
Anti- condensation heaters shall be fitted in each cubicle together with an
ON/OFF isolating switch suitable for electrical operation at 230 volts A.C 50 Hz
single phase of sufficient capacity to raise the internal ambient temperature by
5O C. The electrical apparatus so protected shall be designed so that the
maximum permitted rise in temperature is not exceeded if the heaters are
energized while the switchboard is in operation. As a general rule, the heaters
shall be placed at the bottom of the cubicle.
1.2.12. Ventilation Fans
The Switchboard shall be provided with panel mounting type ventilation fans in
each panel if so required as per the Schedule of Quantities. The fan shall be
interlocked with switchgear operation. The degree of enclosure protection shall
be maintained even with the fans.
1.2.13. Earthing
Continuous earth bus sized for prospective fault current shall be provided with
arrangement for connecting to station earth from at least two points. Hinged
doors / frames shall be connected to earth through adequately sized flexible
1.2.14. Sheet Steel Treatment And Painting
Sheet steel used in the fabrication of switchboards shall undergo a rigorous
cleaning and surface treatment seven tank process comprising of alkaline
degreasing, descaling in dilute sulphuric acid and a phosphating process after
which a coat of primer paint compactively with the final paint shall be applied
over the treated surface. Final paint coat of oven baked powder coating, of
minimum 60 micron thickness, of sheet approved by Engineer-in-Charge shall
then be provided. The final shade shall got approved from the Engineer-in-charge
1.2.15. Name Plates And Labels
Suitable engraved white on black name plates and identification labels of metal
for all Switchboards and Circuits shall be provided. For incoming the label shall
indicate the source, bur trunking / cable length and size. For outgoing feeders,
these shall indicate the feeder number, feeder designation, bus trunking / cable
size, length and the load.
APFC Panels:
All APFC panels shall be tested in accordance with IEC 61921 up to the latest
amendments and compliance of the same shall be submitted for approval from the
Engineer-In-charge along with the technical data sheets of the item.
1.1. The work shall be carried out as per CPWD General Specifications for Electrical
Works Part IV Substation 2013 and as amended upto date.
1.2. The work shall be executed as per Schedule of Quantities, approved design and
drawings, particular specifications of each Sub Head, CPWD specifications, special
conditions, Specifications of Bureau of Indian Standards and Specifications of
International Bodies in that order. Where any of the aforesaid provisions and
conditions are silent, relevant specialized literature and manufacturers specification
shall be followed for execution of work. Where there is ambiguity amongst the above
referred documents / sources, the decision of the Engineer-in-charge is final and
1.3. The DG set and associated components shall be provided with foundation, the quoted
rates shall be inclusive of foundation cost what so ever, designed as per the
recommendations of OEM.
1.4. The Essential Panel and AMF Panel shall be as per Clause 5.3 (TTA Panels)
The work shall be executed as per CPWD General Specifications for Electrical Works Part
– I (Internal) 2013, Part – II (External) 1994. BIS / IEC and NBC and as per directions of
Engineer-in-Charge. These additional specifications are to be read in conjunction with
above and in case of variations; specifications given in these Additional conditions shall
apply. However, nothing extra shall be paid on account of these additional specifications
& conditions as the same are to be read along with schedule of quantities for the work.
1.1 These specifications shall cover the Design, Supply, Erection, Testing, and
Commissioning of VRF System.
1.2 Complete set of architectural and other Services drawings showing the general
character of
Building construction and drawings showing the areas to be covered by the HVAC
System with location of Indoor VRF Unit like cassette, AHU and other components
will be submitted by Agency for the approval of the same.
1.3 The drawings indicate only the general scheme of requirement and the extent of
work covered in this contract. The equipment and their associated works such as
Cabling, ducting, piping etc. may be re-arranged in the space allotted subject to the
approval of Engineer-in-charge. It is the Contractor’s responsibility to ensure that
his work is coordinated with the work of other agencies/client.
1.4 Agency shall submit the Heat load calculation of complete site before the
submission of data
sheets of VRF System.
2.1 Tenderers are advised that the location of detectors and other accessories etc. as
given in these drawings and specifications are indicative and for tenderers
2.2 It is the intent of these specifications to define a state-of-art HVAC, which is user
friendly, modular, flexible and expandable. The system is to be designed, installed,
customized, tested, commissioned, and supported by a local office or authorized
engineer of the manufacturer skilled in providing functional and efficient solutions
to the needs of the Engineer in charge. The work shall be carried out by the
associated agency which is authorized by the OEM of equipments.
2.3 The contractor or the manufacturer of major components shall have an in-place
support facility in Mumbai equipped with Competent Support Staff, Spare Parts
Inventory and all the necessary Test and Diagnostic Equipment to provide support
within 24 hours of any breakdowns.
2.4 The entire installation shall be in accordance with the requirements and
stipulations of the National Building Code & CPWD specifications.
2.5 All system components and sub-systems are to be fault tolerant and provide
satisfactory operation without damage at +/- 10% of the rated voltage and at +/- 3
Hz variation in line frequency.
3.1 The Tenderer shall submit comprehensive technical information for all the
equipment and material.
3.2 Technical catalogues and performance Tables/ Curves of all equipment and
machines must be submitted with the offer.
4.1 The Contractor shall execute the work on the basis of indicative designs hereby
given and accepted by Him with or without modifications or new designs
submitted by him at the tender stage and accepted by Engineer in charge, as the
case may be. All Variations, i.e. additions, omissions or substitutions necessitated
at any time for any reason whatsoever, shall be deemed to have been accepted by
the Contractor as not vitiating the performance based nature of this contract. If
any such variations, irrespective of whether such variations are intended to be
executed by other agencies employed by the Engineer-in-charge, have any bearing
on the performance of this Contract, the same shall immediately be brought to the
notice of Engineer-in-charge by the Contractor in writing. In any case the
Contractor shall have to guarantee for due and proper performance of the works
agreed to be so erected.
4.2 The HVAC installation shall be designed and guaranteed to perform as indicted in
other parts of these specifications and drawings read in conjunction with statutory
4.3 All equipment shall be tested at manufacturer's Works as per latest relevant
specifications or in the absence of specification approved testing methods shall
be followed and Test Certificates/Reports submitted to the Engineer-in-charge.
4.4 In addition to the above, all equipment and systems shall be tested after
installation as required by various statutory authorities, certifying agencies and as
required by various sections of these specifications.
4.5 The Contractor shall take full responsibility for proper operation of the entire
system including debugging and proper calibration of each component and sub-
4.6 The Contractor shall leave necessary provisions required for fixing instruments,
gauges, meters, etc. for testing the installation even if these are not shown on the
drawings. All such instruments, services etc. needed for the tests shall be arranged
by the Contractor at his own cost.
4.7 It is the sole responsibility of Contractor to obtain all the necessary approvals
from the statutory authorities, either prior to, during or after installation as
required. All tests specified herein-after and witnessed/ approved by Engineer-in-
charge, may be deemed to be invalid at the option of Engineer-in-charge, if the
requisite, final and unconditional approvals from the concerned statutory
authorities are not obtained by the Contractor.
4.9 On completion of erection, the contractor shall thoroughly clean all the equipment,
inspect and check the entire installation for correctness and completeness and
furnish a detailed report on all components of the installation to Engineer-in-
4.10 The Contractor shall intimate in writing to Engineer-in-charge, the proposed date
of initial start-up.
4.12 Based on preliminary observations during the initial operation described above,
necessary modifications/repairs/ replacements/ etc. if any shall be carried out by
the Contractor to the entire satisfaction of Engineering- charge. On successful
completion of initial operation, the Contractor shall proceed with trial runs.
4.14 All equipment shall be capable of performing the duties specified in these
specifications without damage, distortion or failure of any component.
4.15 The performance of various equipment individually shall not be less than quoted
ratings and consumption of power shall not exceed the ratings quoted by the
tendered, when tested in normal operating condition. Otherwise the equipment /
material are liable for rejection.
4.16 All test instruments shall be calibrated for accuracy prior to taking the
performance tests.
5.1 The HVAC system shall comply with latest requirements of National building code
CPWD Specification 2017.
5.2 In general the system and all major components shall have as per CPWD
6.1 Installation shall be in accordance with the local and state codes, as shown on the
drawings, and as recommended by the equipment manufacturer.
6.2 All HVAC equipment shall be flush mounted or surface mounted as per
instructions of the Engineer-in-charge.
7.1 The Contractor shall completely check out, calibrate and test all connected
hardware and software to ensure that the system performs in accordance with
the approved specifications and sequences of operations.
The following manuals shall be provided at the time of Handing over:
8.2 On completion of works "As Built" drawings for completed installation shall be
prepared by the Contractor and 5 (Five) copies of the same will be supplied to
the Engineer-in-Charge. In addition, 5 (Five) sets of all Operation Manuals,
Technical Literature for the various components of equipment, Controls and
Accessories installed, Recommended Spares and Services Manuals will be
supplied by the Contractor to the Engineer-in-charge.
10.1 The contractor shall guarantee the entire HVAC system installation as per
specifications both for components and for system as a whole. All equipment shall
be guaranteed for One year from the date of handing over to the Department
against unsatisfactory performance or breakdown due to defective design,
manufacture and/or installation. The installation shall be covered by the
conditions that the whole installation or any part thereof found defective within
one years from the date of completion shall be replaced or repaired by the
contractor free of charge as decided by the Engineer-in-Charge.
10.2 The guarantee shall cover the following:-
a) Quality, strength and performance of materials used.
b) Safe mechanical and electrical stress on all parts under all specified conditions of
c) Satisfactory operation during the guarantee period.
d) Performance figures and other particulars as specified by the tenderer.
10.3 Labour to trouble shoot, repair, reprogram or replace system components shall
be furnished by the contractor at no charge to the Engineer-in-charge during the
guarantee period.
10.4 All corrective software modifications made during guarantee period shall be
updated on all user documentation.
11.1 The onus of incorporating the statutory requirements as per local rules
and obtaining necessary approval for the HVAC systems shall rest
fully with the Contractor.
11.2 The installation shall be carried out using new Equipment/ Materials
complying with applicable standards in a workmanship like manner.
Engineer-in-charge reserves the right to reject any part of installation having
poor workmanship.
The tentative inventories required for E&M equipment is as follows:
1 Electrical Inventory
2. DB Details
Part- D
NAME OF WORK:-Construction of 354 nos. staff Quarters Hostel Building Academic Block, for Reserve Bank of India at Plot No. 1, Sector 7,
CBD Belapur (Kharghar), Navi Mumbai.
Package 1:- C/o 1 No Grade D tower(19 quarters, G+10), 4 Nos Grade B/C tower (quarters 159 G+10) 4 Nos Grade A tower(176 quarters,
G+11), ZTC Hostel Building(82Rooms,G+8), Academic Block (G+2), Club House With Swimming Pool, Caretaker, Security And commercial
building and Sanitary Installations, Drainage, Internal Electrical Installations, Lifts, Fire-Fighting and Fire-Fighting Alarms, D.G Sets, STP,
Substation and Pump House, Rainwater Harvesting System, and development work for Reserve Bank of India at Plot No. 1, Sector 7, CBD
Belapur (Kharghar), Navi Mumbai.
1.6 Extra for excavating trenches for pipes, cables etc. in all
kinds of soil for depth exceeding 1.5 m, but not exceeding 3
m. (Rate is over corresponding basic item for depth upto 1.5
metre) 790.00 Metre 151.75 119882.50
Item Description
Total Quantity Unit Rate Amount
1.7 Extra for excavating trenches for pipes, cables, etc, in all
kinds of soil for depth exceeding 3 m in depth, but not
exceeding 4.5 m. (Rate is over corresponding basic item for
depth upto 1.5 metre.) 395.00 Metre 376.35 148658.25
Item Description
Total Quantity Unit Rate Amount
a) Treatment of soil coming in contact with RCC foundation
(coulumns and shear walls etc) shall be treated at the rate
of 7.5 liter per sq m of the vertical surface of foundation
upto 500 mm depth from original ground level.
b) Treatment of soil along external perimeter of building -
After the building is complete, the earth along the external
perimeter of the building shall be rodded at intervals of 150
mm and to a depth of 300 mm. The rods should be moved
backw and forward, parallel to the wall to break up the
earth and emulsion poured along the wall at the rate of 7.5
liter per square meter of vertical surfaces.
c) Top surface of the plinth filling at the rate of 5 liter/sqm
of internal plinth area( As per IS:6313 Part II-2013), For
any area without basement, treatment shall be done as per
IS 6313 Part-11-2013.
Item Description
Total Quantity Unit Rate Amount
2.6 Providing and laying foam/ light weight concrete of density
1000-1100kg/m³ under podium fire tender road for filling
layer as required as per detail drawing upto the filling level
or subgrade bottom level over exisiting screed as per
direction of engineer in charge.
1016.68 Cu.m 10626.25 10803495.85
Total for concrete work 71960206.08
Item Description
Total Quantity Unit Rate Amount
3.8 Add for plaster drip course/ groove in plastered surface or
moulding to R.C.C. projections.
6545.55 Meter 77.30 505971.02
3.10 Extra for R.C.C./ B.M.C/ R.M.C. work above floor V level for
each four floors or part thereof. 37222.43 Cu.m 335.75 12497430.87
3.11.1 Coupler for 16mm diameter reinforcement bar 24755.00 Each 122.55 3033725.25
3.11.2 Coupler for 20mm diameter reinforcement bar 25165.00 Each 170.85 4299440.25
3.11.3 Coupler for 25mm diameter reinforcement bar
17465.00 Each 244.90 4277178.50
3.11.4 Coupler for 32mm diameter reinforcement bar 570.00 Each 345.10 196707.00
Item Description
Total Quantity Unit Rate Amount
3.12 Extra for providing self compacting concrete at all floor
levels over main item of ready mixed cement concrete in all
grades. 34051.14 Cu.m 284.55 9689251.89
4.2 Brick work with non modular fly ash bricks conforming to
IS:12894, class designation 10 average compressive
strength in upto plinth and super structure up to floor V
level in : Approved makes of : CONWOOD, GURJARI,
4.2.1 Cement mortar 1:4(1 cement : 4 Coarse sand) 1185.14 Cu.m 9407.95 11149729.96
Item Description
Total Quantity Unit Rate Amount
Note: 1)Stones shall be free from cracks, lines, stains,
white spots of efflorescence and even in shade for all
kind of stone work.
2) Stones shall be selected and sorted for uniform
colour, figure and thickness and approved by Engineer
in charge prior to procurement.
3) Stone shall be from same lot and/ or source (stone
quarry) for same kind of work and as approved by
Engineer in charge. 4)
All adhesives and sealants shall be with low VOC and
lead free with acceptable VOC content as per Green
Building requirements.
5) Stone work shall be carried out for all floor, all level,
all height, all places including loading, unloading,
stacking, transporting, hoisting, erecting by any means
(mechanical or manual).
5.2 Extra for fixing marble /granite stone, over and above
corresponding basic item, in facia and drops of width upto
150 mm with epoxy resin based adhesive, including
cleaning etc. complete. 1764.74 Metre 568.25 1002813.51
5.3 Extra for providing opening of required size & shape for
wash basin/ kitchen sink in kitchen platform, vanity
counter and similar location in marble/ Granite/ stone
work, including necessary holes for pillar taps etc. including
moulding, rubbing and polishing of cut edges etc. complete.
178.00 Each 965.70 171894.60
5.4 Providing and fixing Ist quality ceramic glazed wall tiles
conforming to IS: 15622 (thickness to be specified by the
manufacturer), of approved make, in all colours, shades
except burgundy, bottle green, black of any size as approved
by Engineer-in-Charge, in skirting, risers of steps and dados,
over 12 mm thick bed of cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement : 3
coarse sand) and jointing with grey cement slurry @ 3.3kg
per sqm, including pointing in white cement mixed with
pigment of matching shade complete.
Approved makes : Kajaria/ Johnson/ Somany/ Nitco/
Asian/ Orient bell.
Item Description
Total Quantity Unit Rate Amount
5.5 Providing and fixing Granite stone 18 mm thick gang saw
cut, mirror polished, premoulded and prepolished, machine
cut for vanity counters and similar locations of required
size, approve shade, colour and texture laid over 12 mm
thick fiber cement board with epoxy mortar or latex
modified mortar minimum 12 mm thick, joints treated with
white cement, mixed with matching pigment, epoxy touch
ups, including providing and fixing of 12 mm thick fiber
cement board over and including G.I frames as per
architectural drawing fixing with necessary fastners as
required, rubbing, moulding and polishing to edges to give
high gloss finish etc. as per architectural details and
drawings complete at all levels.
Approved makes of epoxy motar- Roff by pidellite/
ardex endura/ keOrientbelloll/ laticerte
Item Description
Total Quantity Unit Rate Amount
5.8 Providing and fixing rectified ceramic glazed wall tiles
conforming to IS: 15622 (thickness to be specified by the
manufacturer), of approved make, in all colours & shades of
size 300X600mm as approved by Engineer-in-Charge, in
skirting, risers of steps and dados, over 6mm thick cement
based high polymer modified quick set tile adhesive (water
based) conforming to IS: 15477, including pointing in white
cement mixed with pigment of matching shade etc.
complete as per the direction of Engineer in charge.
Approved makes : Kajaria/ Johnson/ somany/ nitco/
asian/Orient bell
Approved makes of adhesive Roff by pidellite/ ardex
endura/ keOrientbelloll/ laticerte
5.9 Note : The work under this subhead will be carried out
through one of the following approved agencies:
M. S. Engineers, Shenisha Corporation, GRC India Co.,
Mahesh GRC, GRC panels manufactured by "Birla White –
GRC" a unit of ULTRA TECH CEMENT Ltd. and installed by
one of the approved installer of the company or any other
agencies proposed by the main contractor who has
executed work of similar nature and quantum.
Item Description
Total Quantity Unit Rate Amount
The ratio of white cement and sand will be 1:1 (1 part white
cement and 1 part sand of approved source). The content of
glass fibre shall be 3.5% to 5% (by weight of GFRC panel as
a whole) and length of glass fibre to be used for casting
these panels shall be 25mm (min.) and uniformly blended
with other constituents. All the six sides of finished GFRC
panel shall be applied hydrophobic (water repellent )
coating by dipping the GFRC panels into a mix of sealant of
approved make to fill the pores to withstand atmospheric
conditions. The GFRC panel shall be fixed with brackets and
structural steel frame of required sizes, shapes, sections,
profiles etc. to accommodate required movement for
achieving perfect verticality and fixing GFRC panels rigidly
to the RCC / masonry / structural steel framework of
building structure using stainless steel anchor fasteners/
bolts, nylon separator to prevent bi-metallic contacts with
nuts and washers etc. of stainless steel grade 316, of the
required capacity and in required numbers.
6.7 Providing and fixing Fire rated panic bar / latch (Double
point) fitted with a single body, Trim Latch & Lock on back
side of the Panic Latch of reputed brand and manufacture to
be approved by the Engineer- in- charge, all complete.
Approved makes- Ozone/ Geze/ Dorma, Assa abloy/
235.00 Each 8538.90 2006641.50
Item Description
Total Quantity Unit Rate Amount
6.11 Providing and fixing Dead bolt Lock shall be of Stainless
Steel 304 Along with 60mm (tolerence +/- 3mm) Cylinder
made of brass material finished with nickel (One Side Key
only) without handle of approved brand and maunfacturer
with complete set including back set, cylinder, escutcheons
and all necessary SS screws, fittings etc. complete in all
respects as per the directed by Engineer-in-charge
Approved makes- Ozone/ Geze/ Dorma, Assa abloy/
203.00 Each 1387.60 281682.80
6.14 Providing and fixing Stainless Steel 304 Grade Tower bolt
250 MM of approved brand and manufacturer includsing
all necessary ss screws in all respects as per manufacturers'
specificatios & as directed by Engineer-in-charge.
Approved makes- Ozone/ Geze/ Dorma, Assa abloy/
3724.00 Each 505.95 1884157.80
6.16 Providing and fixing stainless steel SS 304 safety chain 250
to 300mm of approved brand and manufacturer in main
entry door of dwelling unit including all necessary screw,
fixtures etc. all complete as per the directed by Engineer-in-
Approved makes- Ozone/ Geze/ Dorma, Assa abloy/
Hafele 465.00 Each 373.35 173607.75
Item Description
Total Quantity Unit Rate Amount
6.17 Providing and fixing door/ windows concealed handle of
size 250mm (+/-50mm), handle should be flush type with
lock without key system of approved brand for aluminium
sliding shutter, in required colour or shade, ISI marked with
necessary screws etc. complete.
Approved makes Ozone/ Geze/ Starlock/ Alualpha
5979.00 Each 375.95 2247805.05
6.19 Wooden Fire Rate Door for 60Min (1 Hours) Fire Rating
for stability integrity and insulation.
a) Providing and fixing in position second class Teak Wood
Door Frame Sectionwith members of size 230 mm x 75 mm
( Double Rebated ) / 100mm x 75mm (Single Rebated)
including making necessary grooves in the frame for
providing and fixing intumescent strips of size 20 x 4mm as
per the manufacturer's specifications, including making
required rebates, chamfering and rounding edges, making
grooves or any other feature etc., as per the Architectural
drawings and as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge. The
visible external surfaces of the door frame, will be finished
with 3 coats of melamine polish.
b) Providing and fixing asbestos free frame work of treated
hard wood of selected species for stiles and rails and the
core made of minimum 24 mm thick ceramic fiber blankets
infill of density 96 kg per cum;
Item Description
Total Quantity Unit Rate Amount
c) Providing and fixing of minimum 55 mm thick wooden
door shutter with face panel of 12 mm thick calcium silicate
boards of required density, well matched commercial 3 ply
eneering withvertical grains or cross bands on both faces of
shutters, with intumecent fire seal strips of size 20 x 4
mm all around the 4 sides of shutters size as per the
manufacturer's specifications fixed in grooves in the
external lipping of the door shutter all around both the
leaves of the shutters. The second class teak wood external
lipping would be of required size minimum twohour fire
rated stainless steel ball bearing hinges 100 mm x 75mm x
3mm (4 hinges per leaf of shutter). including 4mm
decorative veneer in combination and / or pattern on each
face shall be provided . The cost includes providing opening
for vision panel of required size in shutters (cost of glass
excluded) and fixing vision panels of specified size with
complete fire rated gasket channel & moulding beading and
filling the gap between moulding /beading and glass with
suitable sealant. The visible external surfaces of the second
class teak wood lipping and beading shall be finished with 3
coats of melamine polish. The work will be carried out as
per the manufacturer's specifications and pre - tested CBRI
not older than 5 years Certificates for both Single Leaf and
Double Leaf doors shall be submitted to the Engineer - in -
Charge for the approval of the specialized agency.
Item Description
Total Quantity Unit Rate Amount
6.20 Providing and fixing Door frame and Shutter made of 46mm
thick steel fire check door of 120 minutes fire rating
confirming to BS: 476 Part 22/20 and IS: 3614 Part Il for
stability and integrity and insulation of 30 minutes,
fabricated with 2 nos. 22 gauge thick galvanized steel sheet
with infill of fire rated Acrylic Sealant and non-combustible
core bonded [ honey comb /rockwood ] to both faces of
sheet with lock seam joints, at stile edges and internal
reinforcement at top, bottom and stile edges for Fire Rating.
The door frames are manufactured from 18 gauge thick
galvanized steel sheet pressed from to double rebate profile
of size 125mm x 60 mm. The frames shall be fixed using
hilti/Worth/ficher required microns to give good durability
anchor bolts of size 10mm dia x 100mm long. The door
frames and door shutters are finished with powder coating
paint. The cost includes providing and fixing of minimum
two-hour fire rated stainless steel ball bearing hinges 100
mm x 75mm x 3mm (4 hinges per leaf of shutter). The
cost includes providing opening for visison panel of
required size in shutters (cost of glasses excluded) and
fixing vision panels of specified size with complete fire
rated gasket channel & moulding beading and filling the gap
between moulding /beading and glass with suitable sealent.
Approved makes:- Shakti Horman, Sukriti, Bhawani fire
protection pvt ltd
Item Description
Total Quantity Unit Rate Amount
c) Providing and fixing of minimum 55 mm thick wooden
door shutter with face panel of 12 mm thick calcium silicate
boards of required density, well matched commercial 3 ply
eneering withvertical grains or cross bands on both faces of
shutters, with intumecent fire seal strips of size 20 x 4
mm all around the 4 sides of shutters size as per the
manufacturer's specifications fixed in grooves in the
external lipping of the door shutter all around both the
leaves of the shutters. The second class teak wood external
lipping would be of required size minimum twohour fire
rated stainless steel ball bearing hinges 100 mm x 75mm x
3mm (4 hinges per leaf of shutter). including laminate in
combination and / or pattern on each face.will be provided
(The cost of providing and fixing laminate shall be paid
separately under relevant item.) The cost includes
providing opening for vision panel of required size in
shutters (cost of glass excluded) and fixing vision panels of
specified size with complete fire rated gasket channel &
moulding beading and filling the gap between moulding
/beading and glass with suitable sealant. The visible
external surfaces of the second class teak wood lipping and
beading shall be finished with 3 coats of melamine polish.
The work will be carried out as per the manufacturer's
specifications and pre - tested CBRI not older than 5 years
Certificates for both Single Leaf and Double Leaf doors shall
be submitted to the Engineer - in - Charge for the approval
of the specialized agency.
6.22 Providing and fixing Surface fire rated Door Closer with
external palmet arm with SS finishing (to be integrated in
the door leaf and / or frame), conforming to EN 1154, with
rapidly decreasing opening torque/force, with adjustable
Closing strength, adjustable independent closing & latching
speeds, Non-handed, with back check / cushioned limit stay
but without hold open function, suitable for internal doors
with sizes and with weights upto 80 kg and 5 lac cycle
tested as specified, etc all as per the specifications, along
with required stainless steel screws, templates etc., with
guarantee etc all complete as specified, as per the
manufacturer's specifications and as directed by the
Approved makes Ozone/ Geze/ Dorma/ Assa abloy//
6.24 Providing and fixing fire rated Stainless steel D-type handle
of size 300X19mm of approved brand and manufacturer
including all necessary screws, bolt etc. All complete as per
direction of engineer in charge.
Approved makes Ozone/ Geze/ Dorma/ Assa abloy//
285.00 Each 728.80 207708.00
7.1.1 Using M.S. angels 40x40x6 mm for diagonal braces 12.50 Sq.m 5713.15 71414.38
7.2.1 80x1.20 mm M.S. laths with 1.20 mm thick top cover. 172.79 Sq.m 3427.45 592229.09
7.3 Providing and fixing ball bearing for rolling shutters 46.00 Each 506.90 23317.40
7.6 Providing and fixing T-iron frames for doors, windows and
ventilators of mild steel Tee-sections, joints mitred and
welded, including fixing of necessary butt hinges and
screws and applying a priming coat of approved steel
7.6.1 Fixing with 15x3 mm lugs 10 cm long embedded in cement
concrete block 15x10x10 cm of C.C. 1:3:6 (1 Cement : 3
coarse sand : 6 graded stone aggregate 20 mm nominal
size). 96.00 Kg 137.00 13152.00
Item Description
Total Quantity Unit Rate Amount
7.14 Fabrication, supply and fixing of modular factory made
floor/ side mounted stainless steel (Grade 304) railing,
made of Hollow tubes, channels,bars, plates, all acessories
such as u channel, modular SS glass holder etc. and
paneling with 10mm thick toughened glass as per
architectural drawing or as per selection by E INC , railing
should be well buffed, polished and fixed with stainless
steel fasteners etc. complete as per drawing and design
under the guidense of Engineer in charge, (for payment
purpose only weight of stainless steel members and
acessories shall be considered excluding the cost of 10mm
thick thougened glass it should be paid seperately.). No
welding shall be allowed at site expect slight, which may
require at site. The agency shall submit the shop drawing
for approval and provide mockup. The work shall be
executed only through specialized agency approved by
manufacturer or having credentials.
Approved makes- Ozone/ Kich/steel arts/ Geze/ Dorma
7.16 Providing and fixing Stainless steel (Grade 304) Grab bar fo
size 300mm for handicapped people toilets use, Grab bars
are made of seamless bacteria resistant grade polyamide,
diameter 30 mm x 3.2 mm with wall fixing rose made of anti-
corrosive steel rose diameter 80 mm, polyamide cap to
conceal fixing with all necessary screws, etc complete
Approved makes- Approved makes Ozone/ Geze/
Dorma/ Assa abloy/ hafele/ Merino.
Item Description
Total Quantity Unit Rate Amount
7.19 Designing, fabricating, installing and fixing in position
Curtain Wall/canopy structure with 6 mm high pressure
laminate (HPL) of approved make, with open grooves for
linear as well as curvilinear portions of the building, , for all
heights and all levels etc. including:
a) Design and preparation of shop drawings for pressure
equalisation or rain screen principle as required, proper
drainage of water to make it watertight including checking
of all the structural and functional design.
b)Providing, fabricating and supplying and fixing panels of
high pressure laminate, including fixing base frame of
aluminium (rate is included in this item) as per approved
shop drawing over MS structural frame (MS Structural
frame is to be measured in seprate item) with screws, nuts,
bolts, washers, cleats and filling the joint with weather
silicone sealant, etc . all complete Approved makes of High
pressure laminate- Aludecor/ Alstrong, Greelam,
Century, Merino, EUROBOND Note :- for the purpose of
payment, only the actual area on the external face of the
curtain wall with Aluminum Composite Panel Cladding
(including width of groove) shall be measured in sqm. up to
two decimal places.
Item Description
Total Quantity Unit Rate Amount
7.21 Providing and erecting 3.00 metre high temporary
barricading at site; each panel of size 2.50mx2.00m made of
40x40x6mm angle iron or 50x50x3mm hollow tube
posts/horizontal members/bracings covered with 1.63mm
thick MS Blue colour Sheet sheet. The sheet shall be fixed
with 30x5mm MS flat by suitable welding/riveting. The
panels shall be made so that gap of 50cm above the ground
is available making overall height as 2.5m. MS channel ISLC
75 @ 5.70 kg/m, 50cm long shall be provided at the bottom
having oval shaped holes of size 50x25mm at both ends
with 50cm long MS angle 40x40x6mm bracing. Suitable
arrangement shall be made to fix the barricading to avoid
from overturning by providing 250mm long expansion
fasteners at both ends. The work shall be executed as per
drawing/ direction of Engineer-in-Charge which includes
writing and painting, arrangement for traffic diversion such
as traffic signals during construction at site for day and
night, glow lamps, reflective signs, marking, flags, caution
tape as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge. The barricading
provided shall be retained in position at site continuously
i/c shifting of barricading from one location to another
location as many times as required during the execution of
the entire work till its completion. Rate include its
maintenance for damages, painting, all incidentals, labour
materials, equipments and works required to execute the
job. The barricading shall not be removed without prior
approval of Engineer-in-Charge.
(Note :- One time payment shall be made for providing
barricading from start of work till completion of work i/c
shifting. The barricading provided shall remain to be the
property of the contractor on completion of the work).
Item Description
Total Quantity Unit Rate Amount
8.2.1 Dark shade pigment using ordinary cement 9075.78 Sq.m 1175.75 10670847.04
Item Description
Total Quantity Unit Rate Amount
8.11 Providing and laying 50 mm thick Turf paver(Turfpave XD)
made up of recycle PP having size 500x500 or as per
manufactures specification having compresive strength of
200 ton/ m2 on 150 mm thick sub grade of compacted bed
of 20 mm thick nominal size stone aggregate and base
course and filling with 150 mm thick jamuna sand,followed
by 200 GSM geotextile between turf paver and subgrade,
including spreading, well ramming, consolidating and
finishing smooth etc. and all complete as per direction of
Aprroved makes : Baijnath/ Ecorain/ JKD
8.16.1 Polished Granite stone slab Jet Black, Cherry Red, Elite
Brown, Cat Eye or equivalent. 8609.42 Sq.m 4670.75 40212467.33
8.17 Extra for making 50mm wide flamed finish strip in tread of
steps of Granite stone. 1769.00 Metre 47.25 83585.25
8.20.1 Polished Granite stone slab Jet Black, Cherry Red, Elite
Brown, Cat Eye or equivalent. 983.77 Sq.m 4830.25 4751861.85
8.25 Providing and laying full body vitrified tiles for external
pathways of size 600x600mm with minimum 15.0 mm
thickness with water absorption less than 0.08% and
conforming to IS: 15622, of approved make, in all colours
and shades, laid on 20mm thick cement mortar 1:4 (1
cement : 4 coarse sand), jointing with grey cement slurry @
3.3 kg/ sqm including grouting the joints with white cement
and matching pigments etc., complete.
Approved makes: Kajaria/ Johnson/ Somany/ Nitco/
Asian/ORient Bell.
Item Description
Total Quantity Unit Rate Amount
8.27 Providing and laying 6.5mm thick (thickness excluding
epoxy) hetrogenous vinyl flooring inlcuding skirting in
required colour, profile, pattern in required size etc. all
complete, Flooring to be fixed and jointed by approved
adhesive as per manufacturer specification, all visible joints
in flooring shall be sealed as per manufactureres
specification to floor shall be seamless joints.
The floor shall be laid over epoxy screed of 3 to 4mm thick
over existing 40mm cement concrete floor and nothing shall
be-paid extra
Approved make : Starkett/ Gerfloor/ Ebco/ Amstrong/
Responsive/ Mondo
9.2.1 With Type SE - Self Extinguishing type 50 mm thick 5212.31 Sq.m 366.00 1907705.53
Item Description
Total Quantity Unit Rate Amount
9.3 Providing and fixing false ceiling at all height including
providing and fixing of frame work made of special sections,
power pressed from M.S. sheets and galvanized with zinc
coating of 120 gms/sqm (both side inclusive) as per IS : 277
and consisting of angle cleats of size 25 mm wide x 1.6 mm
thick with flanges of 27 mm and 37mm, at 1200 mm centre
to centre, one flange fixed to the ceiling with dash fastener
12.5 mm dia x 50mm long with 6mm dia bolts, other flange
of cleat fixed to the angle hangers of 25x10x0.50 mm of
required length with nuts & bolts of required size and other
end of angle hanger fixed with intermediate G.I. channels
45x15x0.9 mm running at the spacing of 1200 mm centre to
centre, to which the ceiling section 0.5 mm thick bottom
wedge of 80 mm with tapered flanges of 26 mm each having
lips of 10.5 mm, at 450 mm centre to centre shall be fixed in
a direction erpendicular to G.I. intermediate channel with
connecting clips made out of 2.64 mm dia x 230 mm long
G.I. wire at every junction including fixing
Item Description
Total Quantity Unit Rate Amount
9.4 Providing and fixing tiled false ceiling of specified materials
of size 595x595 mm in true horizontal level, suspended on
inter locking metal grid of hot dipped galvanized steel
sections ( galvanized @ 120 grams/ sqm, both side
inclusive) consisting of main "T" runner with suitably
spaced joints to get required length and of size 24x38 mm
made from 0.30 mm thick (minimum) sheet, spaced at 1200
mm center to center and cross "T" of size 24x25 mm made
of 0.30 mm thick (minimum) sheet, 1200 mm long spaced
between main "T" at 600 mm center to center to form a grid
of 1200x600 mm and secondary cross "T" of length 600 mm
and size 24x25 mm made of 0.30 mm thick (minimum)
sheet to be interlocked at middle of the 1200x600 mm
panel to form grids of 600x600 mm and wall angle of size
24x24x0.3 mm and laying false ceiling tiles of approved
texture in the grid including, required cutting/making,
opening for services like diffusers, grills, light fittings,
fixtures, smoke detectors etc. Main "T" runners to be
suspended from ceiling using GI slotted cleats of size 27 x
37 x 25 x1.6 mm fixed to ceiling with 12.5 mm dia and 50
mm long dash fasteners, 4 mm GI adjustable rods with
galvanised butterfly level clips of size 85 x 30 x 0.8 mm
spaced at 1200 mm center to center along main T, bottom
exposed width of 24 mm of all T-sections shall be pre-
painted with polyester paint, all complete for all heights as
per specifications, drawings and as directed by Engineer-in-
charge. Approved make- amstrong,anutone, hunter
doughlas or equivalent
Item Description
Total Quantity Unit Rate Amount
9.5.1 Soundscapes Acoustical Clouds Rectangle shape 30mm
thick fibre glass made false ceiling tiles of Armstrong or
equivalen, tile size 1800mm X 1200 mm and having various
characterstics and performance parameters as per the
manufacturer's specifications.
10.7.1 New work (Two or more coats applied @ 1.43 ltr/10 sqm
over and including priming coat of exterior primer applied
@ 2.20 kg/10 sqm) 135344.79 Sq.m 194.00 26256889.44
10.10.1 Two or more coats on new work 194921.62 Sq.m 145.25 28312365.11
Item Description
Total Quantity Unit Rate Amount
4. On this, 1st coat of melamine polish is applied with spray
gun using melamine clear polish and melamine thinner in
required proportion. This 1st coat is allowed to dry for 24
hrs then this dry surface is again fine wet rubbed smooth,
which is further allowed to dry for 12 hrs. The final
melamine polish is applied with compressor pressure spray
gun using melamine clear polish and melamine thinner
mixed in required proportion complete as per direction of
Engineer-in-Charge. (Final coat to be done in 1 or 2 layers
without gap of time.)
10.14 Providing and fixing 200mm wide, Glass fiber mesh, size of
mesh 5mm and 50 GSM lathing to wood or metal studding,
all along RCC & AAC block/ Brick joints etc. including laps,
cutting and waste etc all complet as per direction of
engineer in charge. 15232.77 Meter 51.55 785249.24
Item Description
Total Quantity Unit Rate Amount
11.1 Dismantling and demolishing of existing construction
building below ground level (footing and column) made of
RCC, lean concrete etc. of all size, thickness & height
including demolition of raft foundation, plinth beam, stub
coulmn, and sub base of the structure up to all depths as per
direction of the Engineer in charge (Blasting prohibited). All
serviceable & non-serviceable materials, obtained from the
demolition shall be property of the contractor and he shall
be responsible for the carriage and disposal of same
(Material will not be allowed to dumped within the premise
of work). Contractor will demolish the wall in safest manner
and he will take all precautions to prevent the surrounding
structures/ services from any damage. Rate is inclusive of
all cost incurred in the demolishing work, T&Ps, manpower,
segregation of serviceable/ non-serviceable materials,
disposal of same with all lead and lifts etc. and credit to the
Department for the value of serviceable materials all
complete. The volume of RCC recovered below ground level
shall be measured in cum (Note:- No payment shall be
made for carriage of serviceable or non-serviceable material
including recycling charges of waste recycler units.) (Note :
Credit to be given to the department by the agency)
12.2 Providing and applying tack coat using hot straight run
bitumen of grade VG - 10, including heating the bitumen,
spraying the bitumen with mechanically operated spray
unit fitted on bitumen boiler, cleaning and preparing the
existing road surface as per specifications :
Item Description
Total Quantity Unit Rate Amount
12.7 Providing and applying 2.5 mm thick road marking strips
(retroreflective) of specified shade/ colour using hot
thermoplastic material by fully/ semi automatic
thermoplastic paint applicator machine fitted with profile
shoe, glass beads dispenser, propane tank heater and
profile shoe heater, driven by experienced operator on road
surface including cost of material, labour, T&P, cleaning the
road surface of all dirt, seals, oil, grease and foreign material
etc. complete as per direction of Engineer-in-charge and
accordance with applicable specifications.
281.50 sqm 745.45 209844.18
12.9 Providing and fixing G.I. chain link fabric fencing of required
width in mesh size 50x50 mm including strengthening with
2 mm dia wire or nuts, bolts and washers as required
complete as per the direction of Engineer-in-charge.
12.9.1 Made of G.I. wire of dia. 4 mm, PVC coated to achieve outer
dia not less than 5 mm in required colour and shade
825.92 Sqm 1077.40 889846.21
12.10 Providing and laying C.C. pavement of mix M-25 with ready
mixed concrete from batching plant. The ready mixed
concrete shall be laid and finished with screed board
vibrator , vacuum dewatering process and finally finished
by floating, brooming with wire brush etc. complete as per
specifications and directions of Engineer-incharge. (The
panel shuttering work shall be paid for separately).
Item Description
Total Quantity Unit Rate Amount
12.12 Providing, laying, spreading and compacting graded stone
aggregate (size range 53 mm to 0.075 mm ) to wet mix
macadam (WMM) specification including premixing the
material with water at OMC in for all leads & lifts, laying n
uniform layers with mechanical paverfinisher in sub- base /
base course on well prepared surface and compacting with
vibratory roller of 8 to 10 tonne capacity to achievethe
desired density, complete as per specifications and
directions of Engineer-in-Charge.
1684.40 Cum 3350.20 5643076.88
12.13.1 With granite stone of colour black, cherry red, elite brown, ,
cat eye ,ruby red of area. 450.61 Sq.m 5086.05 2291824.99
12.14 Providing and laying tactile tile (for vision impaired persons
as per standards) of size 300x300x15mm having water
absorption less than 0.5% and conforming to IS:15622 of
approved make in all colours and shades in outdoor floors
such as footpath, court yard, multi modals location etc., laid
on 20mm thick base of cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement : 4
coarse sand) in all shapes & patterns including grouting the
joints with white cement mixed with matching pigments etc.
complete as per direction of Engineer-in-Charge.
Approved makes: Kajaria/ Johnson endura/ Somany/
Nitco/ Pavit/ Orientbell
Item Description
Total Quantity Unit Rate Amount
12.17 Providing and fixing PE (Polyethylene) speed bump with
50mm bump size and 365mm (+-3) in width with high
resistent interlocking pre-colored UV stabilizer, studded
with reflectors on either side, they are clearly visible to
motorists during night hours of approved brand and
manufacturer, including making hole, cleaning of surface,
grouting holes with apprpriate epoxy and fixing with 6 nos
of nail per bump etc. all complete.
283.50 Metre 2161.00 612643.50
12.18 Providing and fixing rubber column guard for height 1000
mm and 8mm thick with yellow reflective tape of approved
brand and manufacturer, including necessary drilling, SS
screw, etc all complete 984.00 Each 883.20 869068.80
Total for Road work 59872581.71
13.1 Providing and fixing Stainless Steel A ISI 304 (18/8) kitchen
sink as per IS:13983 with C.I. brackets and stainless steel
plug 40 mm, including painting of fittings and brackets,
cutting and making good the walls wherever required :
13.6.1 100x100x75 mm Sand cast iron S&S as per IS - 3989 1878.00 each 1113.80 2091716.40
Item Description
Total Quantity Unit Rate Amount
13.7 Providing and fixing terminal guard :
13.7.1 100 mm Hubless centrifugally cast (spun) iron epoxy coated inside &
outside as per IS:15905 562.00 each 477.45 268326.90
13.15.1 White Vitreous China wash basin 498.00 Each 9163.65 4563497.70
Item Description
Total Quantity Unit Rate Amount
13.17 Providing and fixing wall hung wash basin with MS angle
support CP brass waste assembly, CP cast brass bottle trap
with extension piece, wall flanges and rubber adapters for
waste connection complete , nuts, washers, cutting and
making good the walls floors wherever required
(Economical range). JAQUAR -CMS -
BOTTLE TRAP ALE-CHR-773ML 190x125 or equivalent in
hindware MARIO 10087-SW,waste coupling-
F850002CP,Bottle trap- F850072CP,,kolher, Cera,
Parryware, Cera, Parryware
13.22 Providing & fixing of C.P. brass coat hooks with C.P. brass
wall brackets with necessari fittings and screws etc.
complete as per the direction of Engineer-in-charge.
(JAQUAR ACN-1161N, CODE RA816070121 or equivalent
in hindwareF880004, ,kolher, Cera, Parryware, Cera,
1127.00 Each 561.10 632359.70
13.23 Providing & fixing of approved soap dish holder with C.P.
brass wall brackets with necessary fittings & screws etc.
complete as per the direction of Engineer-in-charge.
(JAQUAR ACN-CHR-1131N, CODE 816070132 or
equivalent in hindwareF880011CP, ,kolher, Cera,
Parryware, Cera, Parryware
1342.00 Each 796.55 1068970.10
13.24 Providing & fixing of approved C.P. brass fix cloth line for
drying with C.P. brass wall brackets withe necessary fittings
& screws etc. complete as per the direction of Engineer-in-
(JAQUAR AHS-CHR-1565 or equivalent in hindware
F850027, ,kolher, Cera, Parryware, Cera, Parryware 359.00 Each 1085.35 389640.65
Item Description
Total Quantity Unit Rate Amount
13.25 Providing & fixing Stainless Steel Paper Towel Dispenser of
0.80mm type 304 stainless steel with 4 satin finish, fitted
with tumbler lock of multi fold paper towels. Jaquar
hindware, ,kolher, Cera, Parryware, Cera, Parryware.
42.00 Each 8265.70 347159.40
13.26 Providing and fixing at all floors Type B - SWR PVC pipes
including all fittings such as plain and door bends, tees,
elbows, equal and unequal junctions, , collars etc.( except
floor traps/P traps) confirming to IS13592, IS 14735,
including jointing with solvent and providing necessary
supports, clamps/MS brackets at specified intervals. The
joints of pipe and fittings shall be pasted type (solvent ) for
all locations all complete and as per directions of Engineer -
in - charge.
MS brackets shall be paid separately.
13.27 Providing and fixing uPVC multi trap 100mm height of self
cleansing design and 50mm water seal with out top tile and
stainer complete, including cost of cutting and making
good the walls and floors :-
13.27.1 75/63/50mm inlet with 110mm out let. 1660.00 Each 1434.35 2381021.00
13.29 Providing and fixing uPVC floor trap 100 height of self
cleansing design & 50 mm water seal complete including
the cost of making good walls & floors as directed ENC .
13.30 Providing and fixing S.S 304 anti COCKROACH heavy duty
self cleansing grating with frame of approved design
including Setting in floor with cement motor to match with
floor finish as per architect requirement and as per the
direction of Engineer-in-charge. Approved Make: kich,
13.30.1 Size 150 mm x 150 mm. 4199.00 Each 717.70 3013622.30
Total for Sanitary Installation 97256033.71
Item Description
Total Quantity Unit Rate Amount
14.1 Providing and fixing Chlorinated Polyvinyl Chloride (CPVC)
pipes, having thermal stability for hot & cold water supply,
including all CPVC plain & brass threaded fittings, including
fixing the pipe with clamps at 1.00 m spacing. This includes
jointing of pipes & fittings with one step CPVC solvent
cement and testing of joints complete as per direction of
Engineer in Charge. Internal work - Exposed on wall
14.3 Providing and fixing G.I. pipes complete with G.I. fittings and
clamps, i/c cutting and making good the walls etc. Internal
work - Exposed on wall
14.3.1 15 mm dia nominal bore 32.50 metre 363.45 11812.13
14.3.2 20 mm dia nominal bore 51.00 metre 446.10 22751.10
14.3.3 25 mm dia nominal bore 63.50 metre 586.95 37271.33
14.3.4 32 mm dia nominal bore 613.50 metre 673.45 413161.58
14.3.5 40 mm dia nominal bore 575.00 metre 866.50 498237.50
14.3.6 50 mm dia nominal bore 1500.00 metre 1067.35 1601025.00
14.3.7 65 mm dia nominal bore 895.00 Metre 1646.60 1473707.00
14.3.8 80 mm dia nominal bore 672.00 Metre 1940.90 1304284.80
14.3.9 100 mm dia nominal bore 823.50 Metre 2685.90 2211838.65
14.4 Providing and fixing G.I. pipes complete with G.I. fittings
including trenching and refilling etc. External work
14.6 Providing and fixing gun metal gate valve with C.I. wheel of
approved quality (screwed end) :
14.6.1 65 mm nominal bore 36.00 each 1781.30 64126.80
14.6.2 80 mm nominal bore 14.00 each 2661.85 37265.90
14.10.1 With flyash bricks class designation 10 1.00 each 11436.40 11436.40
14.11.1 With flyash bricks class designation 10 2.00 each 19945.05 39890.10
Item Description
Total Quantity Unit Rate Amount
14.12 Providing and fixing G.I. Union in G.I. pipe including cutting
and threading the pipe and making long screws etc.
complete (New work) :
14.12.1 15 mm nominal bore 8.00 each 313.40 2507.20
14.12.2 20 mm nominal bore 12.00 each 345.40 4144.80
14.12.3 25 mm nominal bore 14.00 each 441.40 6179.60
14.12.4 32 mm nominal bore 116.00 each 489.30 56758.80
14.12.5 40 mm nominal bore 111.00 each 625.15 69391.65
14.12.6 50 mm nominal bore 282.00 each 844.45 238134.90
14.12.7 65 mm nominal bore 168.00 each 1188.20 199617.60
14.12.8 80 mm nominal bore 116.00 each 1268.15 147105.40
14.12.9 100 mm dia nominal bore 152.00 Each 1718.65 261234.80
14.13 Providing and fixing enclosed type water meter (bulk type)
conforming to IS : 2373 and tested by Municipal Board
complete with bolts, nuts, rubber insertions etc. (The tail
pieces if required will be paid separately) :
14.14 Providing and fixing C.I. dirt box strainer for bulk type
water meter with nuts, bolts, rubber insertions etc.
complete conforming to IS : 2373 :
14.14.1 80 mm dia 1.00 each 4941.95 4941.95
14.17 Providing and fixing C.P. brass angle valve for basin mixer
and geyser points of approved quality conforming to
IS:8931 a) 15 mm nominal bore ( Premium AND MID
equivalent of Hindware ANGULAR STOP COCK WITH WALL
FLANGE F340006CP equivalent in , kolher, Cera, Parryware,
Cera, Parryware. 5436.00 Each 1114.70 6059509.20
14.18 Providing and fixing C.P. brass angle valve for basin mixer
and geyser points of approved quality conforming to
IS:8931 a) 15 mm nominal bore( FOR ECONOMICAL
F480006CP equivalent in , kolher, Cera, Parryware
964.00 Each 733.45 707047.13
Item Description
Total Quantity Unit Rate Amount
14.20 Providing and Fixing of CP brass in conformation with
green building norms health faucet with 1.0 m long flexible
tube (Mid range)(15 mm nominal bore.).
M HOSE PIPE & HOOK F160110CP equivalent in , kolher,
Cera, Parryware
Item Description
Total Quantity Unit Rate Amount
15.1 Providing and laying cement concrete 1:5:10 (1 cement : 5
coarse sand : 10 graded stone aggregate 40 mm nominal
size) up to haunches of S.W. /RCC pipes including bed
concrete as per standard design :
15.1.1 150 mm diameter S.W. /RCC pipe 426.75 metre 824.20 351727.35
15.1.2 250 mm diameter S.W. /RCC pipe 2129.48 metre 1127.90 2401834.85
15.1.3 300 mm diameter S.W. /RCC pipe 513.38 metre 1301.45 668131.89
15.2 Providing and fixing square-mouth S.W. gully trap class SP-
1 complete with C.I. grating brick masonry chamber with
water tight C.I. cover with frame of 300 x300 mm size
(inside) the weight of cover to be not less than 4.50 kg and
frame to be not less than 2.70 kg as per standard design:
15.3 Deduct for C.I cover and Providing and fixing square- FRP
medium duty cover with frame of 300 x300 mm size in-
stead of C.I cover and frame as per basic corrosponding
item. Approved makes of FRP covers and frame-
Rawji,Fibst, KK -FRP and Kconcrete pvt ltd
120.00 Each 1743.10 209172.00 With flyash bricks class designation 10 158.00 Each 13042.00 2060635.26
Item Description
Total Quantity Unit Rate Amount
15.7 Constructing brick masonry manhole in cement mortar 1:4
( 1 cement : 4 coarse sand ) with R.C.C. top slab with 1:1.5:3
mix (1 cement : 1.5 coarse sand (zone-III) : 3 graded stone
aggregate 20 mm nominal size), foundation concrete 1:4:8
mix (1 cement : 4 coarse sand (zone-III) : 8 graded stone
aggregate 40 mm nominal size), inside plastering 12 mm
thick with ready mix cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement : 4
coarse sand) finished with floating coat of neat cement and
making channels in cement concrete 1:2:4 (1 cement : 2
coarse sand : 4 graded stone aggregate 20 mm nominal
size) finished with a floating coat of neat cement complete
as per standard design :
15.8.1 With flyash bricks class designation 10 5.00 Each 22410.30 112051.52
15.9 Providing and fixing FRP cover heavy duty (20 tonne
capacity) with frame of 530- 560mm size (inside) in-stead
of C.I cover and frame as per basic corrosponding item.
Approved makes of FRP covers and frame- Rawji,Fibst, KK -
FRP and Kconcrete pvt ltd
5.00 Each 2831.20 14156.00
15.11.1 0.91 m deep with S.F.R.C. cover and frame (heavy duty, HD-
20 grade designation) 560 mm internal diameter con-
forming to I.S. 12592, total weight of cover and frame to be
not less than 182 kg., fixed in cement concrete 1:2:4 (1
cement : 2 coarse sand : 4 graded stone aggregate 20 mm
nominal size) including centering, shuttering all complete.
(Excavation, foot rests and 12mm thick cement plaster at
the external surface shall be paid for separately) : With flyash bricks class designation 10 78.00 Each 13842.35 1079703.30
15.12 Extra depth for circular type manhole 0.91m internal dia (at
bottom) beyond 0.91 m to 1.67 m
15.12.1 With flyash bricks class designation 10 383 5.00 Metre 7057.45 35287.25
Item Description
Total Quantity Unit Rate Amount
15.13 Constructing brick masonry circular manhole 1.22 m
internal dia at bottom and 0.56 m dia at top in cement
mortar 1:4 (1 cement :4 coarse sand) inside cement plaster
12 mm thick with ready mix cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement :
4 coarse sand) finished with a floating coat of neat cement
foundation concrete 1:3:6 (1 cement : 3 coarse sand : 6
graded stone aggregate 40 mm nominal size) and making
necessary channel in cement concrete 1:2:4 (1 cement : 2
coarse sand : 4 graded stone aggregate 20 mm nominal
size) finished with a floating coat of neat cement, all
complete as per standard design :
15.13.1 1.68 m deep with SFRC Cover and frame (heavy duty HD- 20
grade designation) 560 mm internal diameter conform- ing
to I.S. 12592, total weight of cover and frame to be not less
than 182 kg. fixed in cement concrete 1:2:4 (1 ce- ment : 2
coarse sand : 4 graded stone aggregate 20 mm nominal
size) including centering, shuttering all complete.
(Excavation, foot rests and 12 mm thick cement plaster at
the external surface shall be paid for separately) : With flyash bricks class designation 10 15.00 Each 26582.85 398742.75
15.14 Extra depth for circular type manhole 1.22 m internal dia
(at bottom) beyond 1.68 m to 2.29 m :
15.14.1 With flyash bricks class designation 10 2.00 Metre 10018.20 20036.40
15.15.1 2.30 m deep with SFRC Cover and frame (heavy duty HD- 20
grade designation) 560 mm internal diameter conform- ing
to I.S. 12592, total weight of cover and frame to be not less
than 182 kg. fixed in cement concrete 1:2:4 (1 ce- ment : 2
coarse sand : 4 graded stone aggregate 20 mm nominal
size) including centering, shuttering all complete.
(Excavation, foot rests and 12 mm thick cement plaster at
the external surface shall be paid for separately) : With flyash bricks class designation 10 10.00 Each 53784.30 537843.00
15.16 Providing & fixing heavy duty 20 tonne FRP cover with
frame of 530-560 mm size (inside) in-stead of S.F.R.C. cover
and frame (heavy duty, HD-20 grade designation) as per
basic corrosponding items NS- 123.1, NS- 125-1, NS- 127.1 .
Approved makes of FRP covers and frame- Rawji,Fibst, KK -
FRP and Kconcrete pvt ltd
103.00 Each 6127.20 631101.30
Item Description
Total Quantity Unit Rate Amount
15.17 Extra depth for circular type manhole 1.52 m internal dia
(at bottom) beyond 2.30 m :
15.17.1 With flyash bricks class designation 10 1.00 Metre 22987.50 22987.50
15.19 Providing and fixing in Position pre cast RCC manhole cover
and frameof required shape and approved Quatity.
15.19.1 Circular shape 560mm internal diametre 39.00 Each 1785.45 69632.55
15.20.1 150 mm dia sand cast iron drop connection 2.00 each 16477.85 32955.70
15.21.1 With flyash bricks class designation 10 143.00 Each 6782.70 969926.10
15.25.1 For pipes 350 to 450mm diameter 2.00 Each 1355.80 2711.60
Total for Drainage 24600395.85
Item Description
Total Quantity Unit Rate Amount
Item Description
Total Quantity Unit Rate Amount
16.3 Providing and fixing glazing in aluminium door, window,
ventilator shutters and partitions etc. with EPDM rubber /
neoprene gasket etc. complete as per the architectural
drawings and the directions of engineer-in-charge . (Cost of
aluminium snap beading shall be paid in basic item):
16.5.1 With 6mm thick low E-Glass, VLT-50 to 100% (Visible light
transmission), SHGC- 0.4 to 0.5 (Solar heat gain coefficient),
U-value of 4 to 5 W/m2k of Saint-Gobain/ Modiguard or
any other approved brand and manufacturer.
9811.13 Sq.m 2441.65 23955353.38
16.5.2 With 10mm thick clear toughened glass of any approved
brand and manufacturer. 250.01 Sq.m 2420.65 605186.71
16.10 Providing and fixing stainless steel corner patch lock for
frameless toughened glass door with strike plate and key of
approved quality & make with necessary screws etc. all
Approved make- Ozone/ Geze/ Dorma/ Assa abloy/ hafele
d) Use a hog ring tool and hog rings will disperse tension
when installing the net. This will allow the net to take shape
of the cable perimeter and structure.
e) after the net has been attached to the cable, clean up the
netting and trim excess net. Approved makes- Garware
or equivalent 1425.52 Sq.m 355.65 506985.73
Item Description
Total Quantity Unit Rate Amount
16.13 Providing and fixing laminated glass panel in two layer
8mm thick each glass panel and interlayer with SGP (Sentry
Glass Plus) to increase strength and security, overall
thickness is 17.52mm (8.0+1.52+8.0mm) in existing metal
frame with approve sealant (Atructural silicone selant)
glass panel should be low E-Glass, VLT-50 to 100% (Visible
light transmission), SHGC- 0.4 to 0.5 (Solar heat gain
coefficient), U-value of 4 to 5 W/m2k of approved brand
and manufacturer. etc. all complete as per direction of
engineer in charge.
Item Description
Total Quantity Unit Rate Amount
The system should include: 1. cleaning the surface,
removing the laitance, and Small cracks upto 5mm needs to
be repaired with crack filling material Crack X. 2. Angle fillet
of 20X20mm need to prepare with Polymer modified
mortar. 3. Pipe penetration upto 100mm need to treat with
1.5 mm thick two-sided non-reinforced polymerized
bituminous self- adhesive Tape to seal the joint between
pipes/inserts and the core cuts, followed by grouting the
gaps around the pipe / inserts with a non-shrink
cementitious waterproof grout, Pidigrout 10M or
equivalent in other other makes below shall conform to
ASTM C 109 - 1999 18, ASTM C 1107, Grade C as per
manufacturers' specification, etc, complete.
Approved makes waterproofing material- Pidelite/ Fosroc/
BASF/ Tikidan
Item Description
Total Quantity Unit Rate Amount
Waterproofing Membrane: Providing & appyling moisture
in-senstive epoxy based primer of Tikidan / FOSROC / BASF
/ PIDILITE @ coverage of 4 - 6 sqm / Kg, on the horizontal
surface & on verticals /side walls / upstands upto 300mm
height above the Finish Floor Level (F.F.L), allowing the
primer to dry for 6 - 8 Hrs to become tacky, thereafter,
providing & applying 100% Solid content, VOC Free, liquid
applied elastomeric seamless 2 component hybrid polyurea
based Membrane, of Tikidan / FOSROC / BASF / PIDILITE,
to be applied by dual component 1 : 1 by volume spray @
1.7 Kg / sqm (1.5 Litre / sqm) to form DFT of 1.5mm
thickness (without priming coat / scratch coat conforming
to ASTM C 898) with a composite warranty from the
manufacturer & the Autorised applicator by Tri-partite
agreement. The 2 component hybrid polyurea based
membrane shall be applied on horizontal surfaces and on
verticals /side walls / upstands upto 300mm height above
the Finish Floor Level (F.F.L), allow self curing for 2 days,
thereafter carrying out pond test with water for 48 Hrs to
test the water tightness, etc, complete.
Item Description
Total Quantity Unit Rate Amount
17.8 Providing and laying woven polypropylene multiflament
Geotextile UV treated 200 GSM of approved brand and
manufacture over podium roof slab as per detail drawing,
thickness as per manufacture specification bonded to the
membrane with intermittent touch be heating the menrane
by butane torch as per, manufactures recommendation.
Item Description
Total Quantity Unit Rate Amount
Fabricating and supplying serrated M.S. hot dip galvanised /
Aluminium alloy of 6005 T5 brackets of required sizes,
sections and profiles etc. to accommodate 3 Dimentional
movement for achieving perfect verticality and fixing
structural glazing system rigidly to the RCC/
masonry/structural steel framework of building structure
using stainless steel anchor fasteners/ bolts, nylon
seperator to prevent bimetallic contacts with nuts and
washers etc. of stainless steel grade 316, of the required
capacity and in required numbers.
The item includes the cost of getting all the structural and
functional design including shop drawings checked by a
structural designer, dully approved by Engineer-in-charge.
The item also includes the cost of all mock ups at site, cost
of all samples of the individual components for testing in an
approved laboratory, field tests on the assembled working
structural glazing as specified, cleaning and protection till
the handing over of the building for occupation. In the end,
the Contractor shall provide a water tight structural glazing
having all the performance characteristics etc. all complete
as required, as per the Architectural drawings, as per item
description, as specified, as per the approved shop drawings
and as directed by the Engineer- in-Charge.
Item Description
Total Quantity Unit Rate Amount
Note:-2. The following performance test are to be conducted
on structural glazing system if area of structural glazing
exceeds 2500 Sqm from the certified laboratories
accreditated by NABL(National Accreditation Board for
Testing and Calibration Laboratories), Department of
Science & Technologies, India. Cost of testing is payable
Item Description
Total Quantity Unit Rate Amount
(i)Coloured tinted float glass 6mm thick substrate with
reflective soft coating on face # 2, + 12mm Airgap + 6mm
Heat Strengthened clear Glass of approved make having
properties as visible Light transmittance (VLT) of 25 to 35
%, Light reflection internal 10 to 15%, light reflection
external 10 to 20 %, shading coefficient (0.25- 0.28) and U
value of 3.0 to 3.3 W/ m2 degree K etc. The properties of
performance glass shall be decided by technical sanctioning
authority as per the site requirement.
80.00 Sq.m 4035.90 322872.00
18.4 Extra for openable side / top hung vision glass panels
(IGUs) including providing and supplying at site all
accessories and hardwares for the openable panels as
specified and of the approved make such as heavy duty
stainless steel friction hinges, min 4 -point cremone locking
sets with stainless steel plates, handles, buffers etc.
including necessary stainless steel screws/ fasteners, nuts,
bolts, washers etc. all complete as per the Architectural
drawings, as per the approved shop drawings, as specified
and as directed by the Engineer- in-
Item Description
Total Quantity Unit Rate Amount
For payment, only the actual area of glass on face # 1 of the
glass panels (but excluding the area of grooves and weather
silicone sealant) provided and fixed in position, shall be
measured in sqm. (Payment for fixing of Spandrel Glass
Panels in the curtain glazing is included in cost of relevent
Item*).“(i) Coloured tinted float glass 6mm thick substrate
with reflective soft coating on face # 2, having properties as
visible Light transmittance (VLT) of 25 to 35 %, Light
reflection internal 10 to 15%, light reflection external 10 to
20 %, shading coefficient (0.25- 0.28) and U value of 3.0 to
3.3 W/m2 K etc. . The properties of performance glass shall
be decided by technical sanctioning authority as per the site
Item Description
Total Quantity Unit Rate Amount
Item Description
Total Quantity Unit Rate Amount
centre to centre on external wall face just the level below on
which to lay M.S. square tube panels (Challis) and guard
railing supports to form working platform and 40mm dia G.I
telescopic adjustable props to support deck formwork and
beam soffit panels including de-shuttering the formwork
from odd/even level to be shifted /lifted to next alternate
odd/even level before which the pins and shuttering surface
to be thoroughly cleaned, pins greasing and shuttering
surface oiling properly before fixing all complete including
sealing of gap between kicker plates of wall panel and floors
(if any) as per design of formwork as provided by
shuttering supplier and as per direction of the Engineer in -
charge including filling and finishing the holes of varied
sizes and shapes (left by keys/pins of aluminium form work
shuttering while de-shuttering) with GP-2 cementeous
polymer compound mixed with water in ratio prescribed by
manufacturer to form consistent workable dough for
pushing it in the holes upto full depth of wall using
appropriate tools and finishing smooth all complete as per
directions of the Engineer-in-Charge.
Approved make: MFS,Mivan,Kumkang,Knest, sharp, S
form or equivalent.
[Minimum 12895 Sqm./ OR 50% of Aluminium
shuttering required for completion of 1 slab of all
residential tower/ buildings to be procured by the
agency. Failing which recovery at rate of Rs. 7500/Sqm
shall be made.
Item Description
Total Quantity Unit Rate Amount
19.4 Providing and fixing factory made single extruded WPC
(Wood Polymer Composite) solid decorative type flush door
shutter of required size comprising of virgin polymer of K
value 58-60 (Suspension Grade), calcium carbonate and
natural fibers (wood powder/ rice husk/wheat husk) and
non toxic additives (maximum toxicity index of 12 for 100
gms) having minimum density of 650 kg/ cum and screw
withdrawal strength of 1800 N (Face) & 900 N (Edge),
minimum compressive strength 50 N/mm2, modulus of
elasticity 850 N/mm2 and resistance to spread of flame of
Class A category with property of being termite/borer
proof, water/moisture proof and fire retardant. WPC to be
laminated with PVC foil of minimum 14 microns thick of
approved design pasted with hot melt adhesive on both
faces of shutter and fixing with stainless steel butt hinges of
required size with necessary full body threaded star headed
counter sunk S.S screws, all as per direction of Engineer-In-
Charge. (Note: stainless steel butt hinges and necessary S.S
screws shall be paid separately). Approved makes:
Name of Work: Construction of 354 nos. staff Quarters Hostel Building Academic Block, for Reserve Bank of India at Plot No. 1, Sector 7, CBD
Belapur (Kharghar), Navi Mumbai. Package 1:- C/o 1 No Grade D tower(19 quarters, G+10), 4 Nos Grade B/C tower (quarters 159 G+10) 4 Nos Grade
A tower(176 quarters,G+11), ZTC Hostel Building (82Rooms,G+8), Academic Block (G+2), Club House With Swimming Pool, Caretaker, Security
Including Internal Water Supply and Sanitary Installations, Drainage, Internal Electrical Installations, Lifts, Fire-Fighting and Fire-Fighting Alarms, D.G
Sets, STP, Substation and Pump House, Rainwater Harvesting System, and development work for Reserve Bank of India at Plot No. 1, Sector 7, CBD
Belapur (Kharghar), Navi Mumbai.
RATE (incl.
1.0633 MF
GST on
Wiring for light point/ fan point/ exhaust fan point/ call bell point with 1.5
FRLS PVC insulated copper conductor single core cable in surface / recessed steel
1.1 conduit, with modular switch, modular plate, suitable GI box and earthing the point
with 1.5 FRLS PVC insulated copper conductor single core cable etc. as
1.1.1 Group A 6400 Each 1323 84 67 200
1.1.2 Group B 8314 Each 1582 1 31 52 748
1.1.3 Group C 1804 Each 1962 35 39 448
Wiring for twin control light point with 1.5 FRLS PVC insulated copper
conductor single core cable in surface / recessed steel conduit, 2 way modular switch,
1.2 modular plate, suitable GI box and earthing the point with 1.5 FRLS PVC 826 Each 2106 17 39 556
insulated copper conductor single core cable etc. as required.
Wiring for group controlled (looped) light point/fan point/exhaust fan point/ call bell
point (without independent switch etc.) with 1.5 sq. mm FRLS PVC insulated copper
1.3 conductor single core cable in surface/ recessed steel conduit, and earthing the point
with 1.5 sq. mm FRLS PVC insulated copper conductor single core cable etc. as
1.3.1 Group A 2210 Each 826 18 25 460
Group B
1.3.2 2288 Each 998 22 83 424
RATE (incl.
1.0633 MF
GST on
1.7.5 4×16 sq mm + 2×10sq mm earth wire 160 Metre 1749 2 79 840
Supplying and drawing following sizes of FRLS PVC insulated copper conductor, single
1.8 core cable in the existing surface/ recessed medium class steel/ PVC conduit as
Supply and fixing suitable size GI box with modular plate and cover on surface or in
recess, including providing and fixing 5 no. 3 pin 5/6 amps modular socket outlet &
1.11 1266 Each 1396 17 67 336
16 amps modular switch etc. as required.
Supply and fixing suitable size GI box with modular plate and cover on surface or in
1.12 recess, including providing and fixing 2 no. 3 pin 5/6 amps modular socket outlet & 30 Each 853 25 590
16 amps modular switch etc. as required.
Supply and fixing suitable size GI box with modular plate and cover on surface or in
1.13 recess, including providing and fixing 6 pin 15/16 amps modular socket outlet & 3393 Each 623 21 13 839
15/16 amps modular switch etc. as required.
Supplying & fixing suitable size GI box wih modular plate and cover in front on surface
or in recess including providing and fixing 25 A modular socket outlet and 25 A
1.14 modular SP MCB, "C" curve including connections, painting etc. as required. (For AC & 2920 Each 773 22 57 160
Supplying & fixing call bell suitable for single phase, 230 V, complete as required.
1.15 108 Each 105 11 340
Supplying and fixing bell push on the existing modular plate & switch box including
1.16 108 Each 149 16 092
connections but excluding plate etc. as required.
Supply & fixing of daily and weekly modular time switch with option to select day
blocks, day blocks should be individually set or selected from the blocks Mon–Sun,
1.17 Mon–Fri or Sat–Sun Programming with precision to the second Switch times visible in 240 Each 5520 13 24 800
weekly overview on display similar to Legrand 4126 31 AlphaRex D21, 1 channel.
RATE (incl.
1.0633 MF
GST on
1.18 Main Distribution- (I,II,III,IV,V,VI,VII,VIII,IX,X,XI&XII)
Fabrication, supply, Insallation testing & commissioning of Electrical LT panel of
cubical construction, floor mounted type, fabricated out of 2mm thick CRCA sheet,
compartmentalised with hinged lockable doors, dust and vermin proof, powder
coated of approved shade after 7 tank treatment process, cable alley, inter-
connection with suitable size copper conductor cable/solid copper strip, having
switchgears and accessories, mountings and internal wiring, earth terminals,
numbering etc. complete in all respect, suitable for main fire pump, pressurisation
pump & diesel pump set complete as per CPWD specification with following in
coming and Outgoings, suitable for operation on 415V, 3 phase, 50Hz Ac Supply with
enclosure protection class IP 42 as required:as per SLD attached and as per IS:8623
(Part 1)1993.
1) All ACBs shall have release with following functions: Protection for O/C, S/C, E/F
and Metering for RMS values of current, voltage, Power - kW,kVA,kVAR, Power
factor, Demand current- Ph & Neutral. All release data should be available over
2) All the outgoing ACB / MCCBs should have inbuilt communication port provided
with BMS compatibility (including all hardware & software required ) and On / Off /
Trip LED Cluster Indicating lamps with 2 Amp control MCB and CTs of suitable rating.
3) All the incoming ACB / MCCBs and outgoing above 200 Amps shall be provided
with Multifunction meter with communication port (RS 485/NO NC/ potention free
contacts etc)
4) All incomer and specified outgoing MCCBs shall be motorised with Microprocessor
release with following functions : Protection for O/C, S/C, E/F. All release and
metering data should be available over Ethernet.
5) The communication terminal shall be in a separate compartment in the respective
Panel and shall not contain any 230 / 415 Volts component / equipment in it.
6) There shall be minimum 2 (two) vertical switchgear bays in the LT Panel
BLOCK PANEL NO.1 FOR TOWER I As per relevant SLD in Drawing No.
400 Amp FP, 35/36 KA Microprocessor release MCCB ( Ics=Icu=100%) with
spreader link for connection and suitable rotary handel.
1 No. Digital Voltmeter with inbuilt selector switch
1 No. Digital Ammeter with inbuilt selector switch 1 No.
1.18.1 Multifunction meter with communication port (RS 485/NO NC/ potention free 1 Set 240213 2 40 213
contacts etc)
Indicator Lamps With protection MCB's(R,Y,B)
Bus Bar
1 No. 500 amp TPN copper Bus bar of suitable length with 100% neutral
Outgoing- Each MCCB outgoing feeder shall be provided with ON OFF indication
lamp with ammeter.
3 No. 200 amp FP,25KA thermal release MCCB ( Ics=Icu=100%) with spreader link for
connection and suitable rotary handel.
RATE (incl.
1.0633 MF
GST on
As per relevant SLD in Drawing No. CPWD/RBI/2021/EL/3/104,
CPWD/RBI/2021/EL/3/105 & CPWD/RBI/2021/EL/3/106
630 Amp FP,35/36 KA Microprocessor release MCCB ( Ics=Icu=100%) with spreader
link for connection and suitable rotary handel.
1 No. Digital Voltmeter with inbuilt selector switch.
1 No. Digital Ammeter with inbuilt selector switch 1 No.
Multifunction meter with communication port (RS 485/NO NC/ potention free
1.18.2 contacts etc) 8 Set 364231.00 29 13 848
Indicator Lamps With protection MCB's(R,Y,B)
Bus Bar
1 No. 800 amp TPN copper Bus bar of suitable length with 100% neutral
Each MCCB outgoing feeder shall be provided with ON OFF indication lamp with
3 No. 320 amp FP,35/36 KA Microprocessor release MCCB ( Ics=Icu=100%) with
spreader link for connection and suitable rotary handel.
RATE (incl.
1.0633 MF
GST on
As per relevant SLD in Drawing No. CPWD/RBI/2021/EL/3/108
630 Amp TP MCCB of 36 KA service breaking capacity
1 No. Digital Voltmeter with VSS
1 No. Digital Ammeter with ASS
Indicator Lamps With protection MCB's(R,Y,B)
Bus Bar
1 No. 800 amp TPN Copper Bus bar of suitable length with 100% neutral
1.18.4 Outgoing 1 Set 340676 3 40 676
Each MCCB outgoing feeder shall be provided with ON OFFindication lamp with
1 No. 320 amp TP MCCB of 36 KA service breaking capacity and Trip setting as
2 No. 125 amp TP MCCB of 36 KA service breaking capacity and Trip setting as
3 No. 100 amp TP MCCB of 36 KA service breaking capacity and Trip setting as
RATE (incl.
1.0633 MF
GST on
Design, manufacture, supply, delivery including supervision during installation, testing
& commissioning of floor mounted IP 42 cubical type compartmentalized meter
board fabricated out 2 mm CRCA sheet as per CPWD specification duly powder
coated, intergrated loose wire box, complete with incomer MCCB,Busbar chamber
with insulated copper busbars and each meter compartment having space for TPN
MCB,and meter, wiring with 10 Sqmm copper flexible wire from busbar to MCB and
MCB to 3 phase energy meter in suitable size medium class PVC conduit/DLP
trunking of reputed make locking/ sealing arrangement for each compartment and
shall be provided with toughened glass sleeve of suitable size for visibility of meter
with provision of earthing with 25 x 5 mm copper strip of full length of the panel to
connect all earth wire coming from residential quarters and connection earth strip
coming from earth pits etc. complete as required.
1) All the incoming ACB / MCCBs and outgoing above 200 Amps shall be provided
with Multifunction meter with communication port (RS 485/NO NC/ potention free
contacts etc)
RATE (incl.
1.0633 MF
GST on
As per relevant SLD in Drawing No. CPWD/RBI/2021/EL/3/104,
CPWD/RBI/2021/EL/3/ 105 & CPWD/RBI/2021/EL/3/106.
315 Amp FP,35/36 KA Thermal release MCCB ( Ics=Icu=100%) with spreader link for
connection and suitable rotary handel.
1.19.3 1 No. 400 amp TPN Copper Bus bar of suitable length with 100% neutral 8 NO 444706 35 57 648
22 Nos. 63A TPN MCB's of 10 KA service breaking capacity with space provision of 22
nos. three Phase Electronic kWH Meters of sutable rating (Approved by MSEB)
including interconnection between Bus bar and kWH meter and MCB's .
Meter Board described as above.
RATE (incl.
1.0633 MF
GST on
As per relevant SLD in Drawing No. CPWD/RBI/2021/EL/3/103,
CPWD/RBI/2021/EL/3/105, CPWD/RBI/2021/EL/3/106
200 Amp FP,35/36 KA Microprocessor release MCCB ( Ics=Icu=100%) with spreader
link for connection and suitable rotary handel.
1 No. Digital Voltmeter with inbuilt selector switch
1 No. Digital Ammeter with inbuilt selector switch
Indicator Lamps With protection MCB's (R,Y,B)
1.20.1 1 No. 300 Amp TPN copper Bus bar of suitable length with 100% neutral 8 Set 556583.00 44 52 664
Each MCCB outgoing feeder shall be provided with ON OFFindication lamp with
125 amp FP,25KA thermal release MCCB ( Ics=Icu=100%) with spreader link for
connection and suitable rotary handel.- 1 No.
63 amp FP,25KA thermal release MCCB ( Ics=Icu=100%) with spreader link for
connection and suitable rotary handel. 1 No.
32 amp FP MCB of 10 KA service breaking capacity - 2 Nos.
40A FP MCB 10 KA -6 nos.
As per SLD in Drawing No. CPWD/RBI/2021/EL/3/104.
200 FP,35/36 KA Microprocessor release MCCB ( Ics=Icu=100%) with spreader link
for connection and suitable rotary handel.
1 No. Digital Voltmeter with inbuilt selector switch.
1 No. Digital Ammeter with inbuilt selector switch
Indicator Lamps With protection MCB's (R,Y,B)
1.20.2 1 No. 300 Amp TPN copper Bus bar of suitable length with 100% neutral 1 set 451338.00 4 51 338
Each MCCB outgoing feeder shall be provided with ON OFFindication lamp with
1 No. 125 amp FP,25 KA thermal release MCCB ( Ics=Icu=100%) with spreader link for
connection and suitable rotary handel.
1 No. 63 amp FP MCB of 10 KA service breaking capacity
3 No. 32 amp FP MCB of 10 KA service breaking capacity
40A FP MCB 10 KA-6 nos.
16 A FP MCB 10 KA- 6 NOS.(SPARE)
RATE (incl.
1.0633 MF
GST on
As per relevant SLD in Drawing No. CPWD/RBI/2021/EL/3/108.
125 Amp FP,35/36 KA Microprocessor release MCCB ( Ics=Icu=100%) with spreader
link for connection and suitable rotary handel.
1 No. Digital Voltmeter with inbuilt selector switch
1.20.3 1 No. Digital Ammeter with inbuilt selector switch 1 set 172402.00 1 72 402
Indicator Lamps With protection MCB's(R,Y,B)
Bus Bar
1 NO. 200 AMP TPN copper Bus bar of suitable length with 100% neutral
4 Nos. 63 amp FP MCB of 10 KA service breaking capacity
1 NO. 32 amp FP MCB of 10 KA service breaking capacity
RATE (incl.
1.0633 MF
GST on
As per relevant SLD in Drawing No. CPWD/RBI/2021/EL/3/110
100 Amp FP,35/36 KA Microprocessor release MCCB ( Ics=Icu=100%) with spreader
link for connection and suitable rotary handel.
1 No. Digital Voltmeter with inbuilt selector switch
1.20.6 1 No. Digital Ammeter with inbuilt selector switch 1 SET 167581 1 67 581
Indicator Lamps With protection MCB's(R,Y,B)
Bus Bar
1 No. 200 amp TPN Copper Bus Bar of suitable length with 100% neutral
4 Nos. 32 amp FP MCB of 10 kA service breaking capacity
3 Nos. 32 amp DP MCB of 10 kA service breaking capacity
As per relevant SLD in Drawing No. CPWD/RBI/2021/EL/3/100
63 Amp FP,35/36 KA Microprocessor release MCCB ( Ics=Icu=100%) with spreader
link for connection and suitable rotary handel.
1 No. Digital Voltmeter with inbuilt selector switch
1.20.7 1 No. Digital Ammeter with inbuilt selector switch 1 SET 163095 1 63 095
Indicator Lamps With protection MCB's(R,Y,B)
Bus Bar
1 No. 100 amp TPN Copper Bus Bar of suitable length with 100% neutral
6 Nos. 32 amp SPN MCB of 10 kA service breaking capacity.
RATE (incl.
1.0633 MF
GST on
As per relevant SLD in Drawing No. CPWD/RBI/2021/EL/3/103,
CPWD/RBI/2021/EL/3/104, CPWD/RBI/2021/EL/3/105 & CPWD/RBI/2021/EL/3/106.
125 A TPN MCCB 25 KA (with locking arrangement)
1 No. Digital Voltmeter with VSS
1 No. Digital Ammeter with ASS
1.21.1 Indicator Lamps With protection MCB's(R,Y,B) 9 Set 490863 44 17 767
200 A TPN Copper Busbar of suitable length with 100% neutral
63A FP MCCB 25 KA - 4 nos.
32A DP MCB 10KA - 3 nos.
Lift panel as described above.
RATE (incl.
1.0633 MF
GST on
As per relevant SLD in Drawing No. CPWD/RBI/2021/EL/3/109
125 A TPN MCCB 25 KA (with locking arrangement)
1 No. Digital Voltmeter with VSS
1 No. Digital Ammeter with ASS
Indicator Lamps With protection MCB's (R,Y,B)
1.21.4 Busbar 1 SET 393011 3 93 011
200 A TPN Copper Busbar of suitable length with 100% neutral
63A FP MCCB 25 KA - 4 nos.
32A DP MCB 10 KA-3 nos.
Auxiliary contactor, Relay, MCB, ON/OFF LED light for indication.
Lift panel as described above.
Supplying and fixing following way, single pole and neutral, medium class sheet steel,
MCB distribution board, 240 V, on surface/ recess, complete with tinned copper bus
bar, neutral bus bar, earth bar, din bar, interconnections, powder painted including
earthing etc. as required. (But without MCB/RCCB/Isolator)
RATE (incl.
1.0633 MF
GST on
Supplying and fixing 5A to 32A rating, 240/415 V, 10 kA, "C" curve, MCB suitable for
1.27 inductive load of following poles in the existing MCB DB complete with connections,
testing and commisioning etc as required.
Supply and fixing following size/modules, GI box alongwith modular base & cover
1.31 plate for modular switches in recess etc. as required.
1.31.1 1 or 2 module (75mmX75mm) - For TV, data & Telephone outlet socket 3628 Each 317 11 50 076
Supplying and fixing following modular switch/ socket on existing modular plate and
1.32 switch box including connectionet. As required.
1.32.1 Telephone socket outlet 1402 Each 157 2 20 114
1.32.2 T V antenna socket outlet 1371 Each 157 2 15 247
1.32.3 RJ-45 DATA socket outlet 855 Each 415 3 54 825
Supplying and drawing co-axial TV cable RG-6 grade, 0.7 mm solid copper conductor
PE insulated, shielded with fine tinned copper braid and protected with PVC sheath in
1.33 the existing surface/ recessed steel/ PVC conduit as required. 13710 Metre 50 6 85 500
Supplying and drawing following pair 0.5 mm dia FRLS PVC insulated annealed copper
1.34 conductor, unarmored telephone cable in the existing surface/ recessed steel/ PVC
conduit as required.
1.34.1 2 pair 14020 Metre 40 5 60 800
Supplying and drawing following pair 0.5 mm dia FRLS PVC insulated annealed copper
1.35 conductor, armored, jellyfilled, telephone cable in the existing surface/ recessed
steel/ PVC conduit as required.
1.35.1 20 pair 500 Metre 402 2 01 000
1.35.2 50 pair 700 Metre 829 5 80 300
Supplying and drawing of UTP 4 pair CAT 6A LAN Cable in the existing surface/
1.36 recessed Steel/ PVC conduit as required.
1.37.1 3.5×300 sqmm Al. cond. Cable 9140 Metre 2136 1 95 23 040
RATE (incl.
1.0633 MF
GST on
1.37.2 3.5 x 240 Aluminium Cable 3985 Metre 1756 69 97 660
1.37.3 3.5× 185 sqmm Al. cond. Cable 1380 Metre 1379 19 03 020
1.37.4 3.5×150 sqmm Al. cond. Cable 230 Metre 1090 2 50 700
1.37.5 3.5 x 95 Aluminium Cable 140 Metre 752 1 05 280
1.37.6 3.5 x 70 Aluminium Cable 1660 Metre 602 9 99 320
1.37.7 3.5× 50 sqmm Al. cond. Cable 20 Metre 448 8 960
1.37.8 3.5× 35 sqmm Al. cond. Cable 765 Metre 338 2 58 570
1.37.9 4x25 sqmm Al. cond. Cable 590 Metre 292 1 72 280
1.37.10 4 x 16 Al. cond. Cable 1800 Metre 224 4 03 200
1.37.11 4 x 16 Copper Cable 825 Metre 992 8 18 400
1.37.12 4x10 sqmm Cu. cond. Cable 12130 Metre 677 82 12 010
1.37.13 3x6 sqmm Cu. cond. Cable 1920 Metre 333 6 39 360
1.37.14 2 x 10 sq. mm. aluminium conductor cable 9500 Metre 147 13 96 500
1.37.15 2 x 6 sq. mm. copper conductor cable 1000 Metre 248 2 48 000
Laying and fixing of one number PVC insulated and PVC sheathed / XLPE power cable
of 1.1 kV grade of following size on cable tray as required.
1.38.1 Upto 35 sq. mm (clamped with 1mm thick saddle) 13530 Metre 48 6 49 440
1.38.2 Above 35 sqmm and upto 95 sq mm 380 Metre 98 37 240
1.38.3 Above 95 sqmm & upto 185 sqmm 410 Metre 122 50 020
1.38.4 Above 185 sqmm and upto 400 (clamped with 40*3mm MS flat clamp) 4355 Metre 197 8 57 935
Supplying and making end termination with brass compression gland and aluminium
1.39 lugs for following size of PVC insulated and PVC sheathed/ XLPE aluminium cable of
1.1 KV grade as req.
Supplying and installing following size of perforated Hot dipped Galvanised iron cable
tray (Galvanisation thickness not less than 50 microns) with perforation not more
1.40 than 17.5%, in convenient sections, joined with connectors, suspended from the
ceiling with G.I. suspenders including G.I. bolts & nuts, painting suspenders etc as
1.40.1 100 mm wide, 50 mm Depth (1.6 mm thick) 470 Metre 711 3 34 170
1.40.2 150 mm wide, 50 mm Depth (1.6 mm thick) 720 Metre 761 5 47 920
1.40.3 225 mm wide, 50 mm Depth (1.6 mm thick) 270 Metre 952 2 57 040
1.40.4 300 mm wide, 62.5 mm Depth (2 mm thick) 360 Metre 1265 4 55 400
1.40.5 450 mm wide, 62.5 mm Depth (2 mm thick) 400 Metre 1674 6 69 600
1.40.6 600 mm wide, 75 mm Depth (2 mm thick) 110 Metre 2079 2 28 690
1.40.7 750 mm wide, 75 mm Depth (2 mm thick) 15 Metre 2414 36 210
1.40.8 900 mm wide, 75 mm Depth (2 mm thick) 340 Metre 2777 9 44 180
1.40.9 600 mm width X 50 mm depth X 2 mm thickness 20 Metre 1903 38 060
1.40.10 1000 mm width X 62.5 mm depth X 2.0 mm thickness 240 Metre 3352 8 04 480
1.40.11 1200 mm wide, 75 mm Depth (2 mm thick) 110 Metre 4158 4 57 380
1.40.12 1500 mm wide, 75mm Depth (2 mm thick) 85 Metre 4827 4 10 295
RATE (incl.
1.0633 MF
GST on
Supply, installation testing & commissioning of direct driven Axial flow fan. Fan shall
be complete with casing made from mild steel duly enamel painted, adjustable pitch
die cast aluminium impeller (HUB & BLADES), mounting clips, structural frame with
1.41 blank-off sheet, anchor fastner with vibration isolation pad, and rated Motor with
class-F insulation. Motor shall be suitable for 415+10% volts, 50 cycles , 3 phase AC
supply, IE3 rated.
LED bulkhead type fixture with a nominal system lumen output of 1000 lumens and
system lumen efficacy should not less than 100 lumen/watt having housing of
CRCA/extruded pressure die cast aluminium Housing with IP 65 rating . The luminaire
should have a color temperature between 5700 to 6500 K . The luminaire PF should
not be less than 0.9 with optic diffuse type .The driver efficiency should not be less
1.42.1 707 Each 1062 7 50 834
than 85% with surge protection 2.5 KV. The operating voltage range should be 140-
270V AC, complete i/c connection, earthing from the existing light points etc as
required. (equivalant to trilux optima IND G3 1000-857 ET01)
LED 2 feet surface/wall Mounted fixture with a nominal system lumen minimum
output of 1000 lumens and system lumen efficacy should not less than 120
lumen/watt having housing of CRCA/extruded pressure die cast aluminium with IP
20 rating . The luminaire should have a color temperature between 5700 to 6500 K .
1.42.2 The luminaire PF should not be less than 0.9 with optic diffuse type .The driver 1482 Each 579 8 58 078
efficiency should not be less than 85% with surge protection 2.5 KV. The operating
voltage range should be 140-270V AC, complete i/c connection, earthing from the
existing light points etc as required.
LED surface Mounted circular Downlighter with a nominal system lumen minimum
output of 1500 lumens and system lumen efficacy should not less than 120
lumen/watt having housing of CRCA/extruded pressure die cast aluminium with IP
20 rating . The luminaire should have a color temperature between 5700 to 6500 K .
The luminaire PF should not be less than 0.9 with opal diffuser .The driver efficiency
1.42.3 4895 Each 1881 92 07 495
should not be less than 85%with surge protection 2.5 KV. The operating voltage range
should be 140-270V AC, complete i/c connection, earthing from the existing light
points etc as required. (equivalant to trilux ambiella D plus IND G4 LED 1650-857 ET)
RATE (incl.
1.0633 MF
GST on
LED recess Mounted circular Downlighter with a nominal system lumen minimum
output of 1500 lumens and system lumen efficacy should not less than 120
lumen/watt having housing of CRCA/extruded pressure die cast aluminium with IP
20 rating . The luminaire should have a color temperature between 5700 to 6500 K .
The luminaire PF should not be less than 0.9 with opal diffuser .The driver efficiency
1.42.4 452 Each 1053 4 75 956
should not be less than 85%with surge protection 2.5 KV. The operating voltage range
should be 140-270V AC, complete i/c connection, earthing from the existing light
points etc as required. (equivalant to Trilux Ambiella Classic IND LED1760-857 ET
LED surface/wall Mounted 4 feet batten with a nominal system lumen minimum
output of 2000 lumens and system lumen efficacy should not less than 120
lumen/watt having housing of CRCA/extruded pressure die cast aluminium with IP
20 rating . The luminaire should have a color temperature between 5700 to 6500 K .
1.42.5 The luminaire PF should not be less than 0.9 with minimum 35000 burning hours.The 3287 Each 1585 52 09 895
driver efficiency should not be less than 85%. The operating voltage range should be
140-270V AC, complete i/c connection, earthing from the existing light points etc as
LED surface/wall Mounted 4 feet batten with a nominal system lumen minimum
output of 3200 lumens and system lumen efficasy should not less than 120
lumen/watt having housing of CRCA/extruded pressure die cast aluminium with IP
20 rating . The luminaire should have a color temperature between 5700 to 6500 K .
1.42.6 The luminaire PF should not be less than 0.9 with minimum 35000 burning hours.The 505 Each 1131 5 71 155
driver efficiency should not be less than 85%. The operating voltage range should be
140-270V AC, complete i/c connection, earthing from the existing light points etc as
required. (equivalant to Trilux TSmart Linea G3 4000-865 ET)
LED Decorative wall light fixture with metallic housing CCT 3000 K to 3500 K with a
1.42.7 nominal system lumen minimum output mimimum 1000 lumens (equivalent to 4917 Each 1305 64 16 685
Philips Stylo Wall Light )
Linear Suspended / recessed direct-indirect LED luminar 1200 mm long with suitable
GI suspended kit having a nominal system lumen output should not be less than
3300 lumens and & THD should be less than 10 % having Aluminum extruded power
coated housing with translucent satin finish / PMMA diffuser with IP 20 rating . The
1.42.8 luminaire should have a color temperature 4000 K . The luminaire PF should not be 30 Each 3403 1 02 090
less than 0.9 with 50000 burning hours.The driver efficiency should not be less than
85% with surge prtotection 2.5 KV.. The operating voltage range should be 140-270V
AC, complete i/c connection, earthing etc as required.
LED recess Mounted 600 mm x 600 mm Downlighter with a nominal system lumen
minimum output of 2400 lumens and system lumen efficacy should not less than 120
lumen/watt having housing of CRCA/extruded pressure die cast aluminium with IP 20
rating . The luminaire should have a color temperature between 5700 to 6500 K .
The luminaire PF should not be less than 0.9 with opal diffuser .The driver efficiency
1.42.9 should not be less than 85%with surge ptotection 2.5 KV. The operating voltage range 211 Each 5588 11 79 068
should be 140-270V AC, complete i/c connection, earthing from the existing light
points etc as required. (equivalant toTrilux ArimoS IND M73 MRX LED2800-840 ET
RATE (incl.
1.0633 MF
GST on
LED recess Mounted 600 mm x 600 mm Downlighter (with inbuilt occupany and
presence sensor) with a nominal system lumen minimum output of 2400 lumens and
system lumen efficacy should not less than 100 lumen/watt having housing of
CRCA/extruded pressure die cast aluminium with IP 20 rating . The luminaire should
have a color temperature between 5700 to 6500 K . The luminaire PF should not be
1.42.10 less than 0.9 with opal diffuser .The driver efficiency should not be less than 70 Each 3934 2 75 380
85%with surge ptotection 2.5 KV. The operating voltage range should be 140-270V
AC, complete i/c connection, earthing from the existing light points etc as required.
(equivalant toTrilux Slim IND M73 OA LED3960-865 ET )
LED recess Mounted 600 mm x 600 mm Downlighter with a nominal system lumen
minimum output of 3600 lumens and system lumen efficacy should not less than 100
lumen/watt having housing of CRCA/extruded pressure die cast aluminium with IP 20
rating . The luminaire should have a color temperature between 5700 to 6500 K .
The luminaire PF should not be less than 0.9 with opal diffuser .The driver efficiency
1.42.11 should not be less than 85%with surge ptotection 2.5 KV. The operating voltage range 12 Each 3064 36 768
should be 140-270V AC, complete i/c connection, earthing from the existing light
points etc as required. (equivalant toTrilux ArimoS IND M73 MRX LED2800-840 ET
LED Flood Light (low bay) with a nominal system lumen minimum output of 3000
lumens and system lumen efficacy should not less than 100 lumen/watt having
housing of CRCA/extruded pressure die cast aluminium with IP 20 rating . The
luminaire should have a color temperature between 5700 to 6500 K . The luminaire
PF should not be less than 0.9 with opal diffuser .The driver efficiency should not be
1.42.12 8 Each 5066 40 528
less than 85%with surge protection 2.5 KV. The operating voltage range should be
140-270V AC, complete i/c connection, earthing from the existing light points etc as
required. (equivalant to trilux 60W LFL G2 IND 7200 - 840 ET)
Supply installation testing & commissioning of Skirting light in existing point including
1.42.13 all wiring and accessories complete as required . (equivalent to legrand myrius ) 1000 Each 756 7 56 000
Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of 1200 mm sweep, BEE 5 star rated,
ceiling fan with Brush Less Direct Current (BLOC) Motor, class of insulation: B, 3 nos.
blades, 30 cm long down rod, 2 nos. canopies, shackle kit, safety rope, copper
winding, Power Factor not less than 0.9, Service Value (CM/M/W) minimum 6.00, Air
delivery minimum 210 Cum/Min , 350 RPM (tolerance as per IS : 374-2019), THD less
1.43 than 10%, remote or electronic regulator unit for speed control and all remaining 3709 Each 2903 1 07 67 227
accessories including safety pin, nut bolts, washers, temperature rise=75 degree C
(max.), insulation resistance more than 2 mega ohm, suitable for 230 V, 50 Hz, single
phase AC Supply, earthing etc. complete as required.
Supply of energy efficient ceiling fan of sweep 24 '' (600 mm) with suitable length
1.44 heavy guage down rod, complete with all accessories as reqd. 108 Each 2391 2 58 228
1.45 Supplying of 450 mm dia BLDC wall bracket fan complete with all accessories 413 Each 2884 11 91 092
including connections etc. as required.
RATE (incl.
1.0633 MF
GST on
Supplying of Fresh air cum BLDC Exhaust Fan of light duty 250V A.C 50 cycles 225 mm
1.46 1400 RPM Plastic body, plastic blades, wire mesh, duly erected in an approved 1420 Each 1785 25 34 700
manner and marking Sr. No. and date of erection.
Supplying Fresh air cum Exhaust Fan of light duty 250V A.C 50 cycles 300 mm 1400
1.47 RPM Metallic body, Metallic blades, wire mesh, duly erected in an approved manner 16 Each 1772 28 352
and marking Sr. No. and date of erection.
Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of 48 Port UTP, Category 6A, loaded
patch panel to accommodate Cat 6A UTP information outlet (RJ 45) for data points
1.50 including termination of cables, including all interconnections complete as required. 12 Nos 12 230 1 46 760
Supplying and fixing of FR grade, PVC unarmoured SINGLE mode optical fibre cable
with 2 fibres, core dia 09/125 Lm on wall/ ceiling / Cable tray / existing conduit /
1.54 trench etc as reqd inclusive of splicing of cables and end terminations. (For each 17 700 Mts 55 9 73 500
Supplying and fixing of FR grade, PVC armoured multimode optical fibre cable with 6
1.55 fibres, core dia 50/125 Lm (OM3) on wall/ ceiling / Cable tray / pipe / trench /conduit 1 000 Mts 159 1 59 000
as reqd.
Supplying and fixing of FR grade, PVC armoured SINGLE mode optical fibre cable with
6 fibres, core dia 09/125 Lm on wall/ ceiling / Cable tray / pipe / trench/conduit etc
1.56 inclusive of splicing of cables and end terminations as required. 6 000 Mts 134 8 04 000
RATE (incl.
1.0633 MF
GST on
Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning 6 Port Rack mount Sliding Fibre optic
1.57 LIU (fully loaded) To be supplied with 6 port LC Duplex Adapter & 6 nos Pigtail 1M Nos 9 248 9 61 792
LSZH complete with cable laying and terminations.
Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of following sizes wall / Floor Mount
Network Rack Side Integrated with Front Glass Door, Rear Mesh Door, Castors,
2 Fans, PDU 6 Soc 5 Amps, Tray , Cable Manager, Mounting Hardware etc as
1.58.1 9U Rack. 1 No 11 806 11 806
1.58.2 15U Rack. 19 No 14 059 2 67 121
1.58.3 42U Rack. 10 No 54 626 5 46 260
Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of splicing kit as per given Specification
1.59 972 No. 704 6 84 288
etc. all complete as required.
Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of Media converter complete as
1.60 required. 60 No. 11,621 6 97 260
Supply, Installation, testing & commissioning of 1.6 mm MS floor Raceways and 1.2
1.61 mm MS raceway cover in running mtr as per actual.
Supply , Installation , Testing and comissioning of loaded 24 port CAT6 jack panel for
1.62 CAT6 cable termination including all interconnections complete as required. 3 No. 7,381 22 143
Supply , Installation , Testing and comissioning of 2 port face plate white for I/O fixing
1.63 at user side including all interconnections complete as required. 200 No. 211 42 200
Supply , Installation , Testing and comissioning of CAT 6 UTP cable for data and voice
1.64 both in solid copper conductors including all interconnections complete as required. 390 metre 68 26 520
Supply, Installation, testing & commissioning of 25mm medium class PVC Conduit
1.65 along with accessaries in surface/recess including cutting the wall and making good 260 metre 272 70 720
the same in case of recessed conduit as required.
TOTAL 62 77 244
Providing, laying, testing & commissioning of 'C' class heavy duty G.I. pipe conforming
to IS 1239 including welding, fittings like elbows, tees, flanges, tapers, nuts, bolts,
gaskets etc. and fixing the pipe on the wall/ceiling with suitable clamp/support frame
and painting with two or more coats of synthetic enamel paint of required shade
complete as required :( Above Ground)
RATE (incl.
1.0633 MF
GST on
Providing, laying, testing & commissioning of 'C' class heavy duty G.I. pipe conforming
to IS 1239 including welding, fittings like elbows, tees, flanges, tapers, nuts, bolts,
2.2 gaskets etc. with suitable clamp/support frame and painting with two or more coats
of synthetic enamel paint of required shade and wraping complete as required :
(Below Ground)
2.2.1 80 mm dia 175 Metre 2454 4 29 450
2.2.2 150 mm dia 3685 Metre 4866 1 79 31 210
Supplying and fixing 63 mm dia, 15 mtr. Long RRL hose pipe with 63 mm dia Male and
2.3 Female couplings duly bound with GI wire, rivets etc. conforming to IS 636 (type-A) as
2.3.1 Stainless Steel (Grade 304) 338 Nos. 4730 15 98 740
Supplying & fixing 63 mm dia gun metal short branch pipe with 20 mm nominal
internal diameter size nozzle conforming to IS 903 suitable for instantaneous
connection to interconnect hose pipe coupling as required :
Providing and fixing of Fire Hose Cabinet Door of size 2100 mm (Height) X 1200 mm
(Width) approx including door frame. The door shall have angle frame (35x35x5mm)
made of 1 mm swg MS CRCA Sheet including necessary locking arrangement with
2.7 137 Each 10033 13 74 521
chest handle 5mm glass approx 1.5 sqm or as required including painting (powder
coated with nine tank pre tretment process) with "FIRE SHAFT " legend.
Providing and fixing standard firemans axe with heavy rubber handle for internal
2.8 hydrant shaft. 137 Each 610 83 570
Providing, fixing, testing & commissioning of dial type (100 mm dia) pressure gauge
with isolation ball valve suitable for working pressure of 250 PSI with no Syphon.
2.9 Cost shall be inclusive of providing any short pieces, nipples, elbows etc as required. 150 Each 5545 8 31 750
Supplying and fixing orifice plate made of 6 mm thick stainless steel (Grade 304) with
orifice of required size to be fitted between flange and landing valve of external and
2.1 internal hydrant to reduce pressure at the outlet to the level of 3.5 kg/cm2 complete 134 Each 1405 1 88 270
as required.
Supplying, fixing, testing and commissioning of butterfly valve PN 1.6 rating with
Gunmetal/bronze seat duly ISI marked complete with Nuts, Bolts, washers, gaskets
conforming to IS 13095 of following sizes as required:
RATE (incl.
1.0633 MF
GST on
2.11.1 40 mm dia 94 Each 3818 3 58 892
2.11.2 50 mm dia 21 Each 4024 84 504
2.11.3 80 mm dia 1 Each 5297 5 297
2.11.4 100 mm dia 1 Each 7089 7 089
2.11.5 150 mm dia 26 Each 9527 2 47 702
2.11.3 200 mm dia 6 Each 16170 97 020
Providing, fixing, testing & commisioning of 15 mm dia quartzoid bulb type sprinklers
2.12 of rating 68 degree Centigrade with required accessories : Pendant sprinkler 1900 Nos 555 10 54 500
Supplying, installation, testing & commissioning of sprinkler flexible pipe (UL Listed)
of stainless steel complete with 15 NPT on reducer thread with maximum working
pressure of 175 PSI test pressure of 875 PSI (Burst) with branch line (Inlet) 25mm NPT
2.13 male thread to sprinkler head (Outlet) 15mm NPT
female thread with reducer, nipple, 2 side brackets, center bracket, stockbar of
following sizes complete as required.
Providing & fixing flow switch in following sizes G.I. pipe including connection etc as
2.14.1 40 mm dia 94 Each 10878 10 22 532
2.14.2 50 mm dia 18 Each 10878 1 95 804
2.14.3 100 mm dia 8 Each 7990 63 920
Providing & fixing of pressure switch in M.S. pipe line including connection etc. as
2.15 8 Each 1644 13 152
Supplying and fixing air vessel made of 250 mm dia, 8 mm thick MS sheet, 1200 mm
in height with air release valve on top and flanged connection to riser, drain
2.16 arrangement with 25 mm dia gun metal wheel valve with required accessories, 12 Each 19399 2 32 788
pressure gauge and paintingwith synthetic enamel paint of approved shade as
Providing, fixing, testing & commissioning of following sizes full way lever operated
forged brass ball valve of brass body with forged brass hard chrome-plated steel ball
2.17 tested to a pressure not less than 10 Kg / with threaded / flanged joints
complete with nuts, bolts, gaskets, washers etc.
RATE (incl.
1.0633 MF
GST on
Providing, fixing, testing and commissioning one set of 4 way fire brigade connection
of CI body with 4 Nos. 63 mm dia Stainless Steel male instantaneous inlet couplings,
2.2 complete with cap and chain as reqd., suitable for connecting to 150 mm dia pipe
header conforming to IS 904 complete as required.
Providing, fixing, testing and commissioning one set of 4 way fire brigade connection
of CI body with 4 Nos. 63 mm dia Stainless Steel male instantaneous inlet couplings,
2.21 complete with cap and chain as reqd., suitable for connecting to 150 mm dia pipe
header conforming to IS 904 complete as required.
Supplying Installation, testing and Commissioning of electric driven main fire pump
2.33 suitable for automatic operation and consisting of following Complete in all respect
as required.
Horizontal type, multistage, centrifugal, split casing pump of cast iron body and
bronze impeller with stainless steel shaft, mechanical seal to ensure a minimum
pressure of 3.5 kg/ at highest and farthest outlet at specified flow 2850 lpm
@120m head conforming to IS 1520. (The pump should be capable of delivering 150
% rated discharge at a head not less than 65% of the rated head)
Suitable HP SQ cage induction motor, TEFC, synchronous speed 1470 RPM, suitable
for operation on 415 volts, 3 phase 50 Hz. AC with IP 55 protection for enclosure,
horizontal foot mounted type with Class-'F' insulation, conforming to IS-325
M.S. fabricated Common base plate, coupling, coupling guard, foundation bolts etc.
as required.
RATE (incl.
1.0633 MF
GST on
Horizontal type, multistage, centrifugal, split casing pump of cast iron body and
bronze impeller with stainless steel shaft, mechanical seal to ensure a minimum
pressure of 3.5 kg/ at highest and farthest outlet at specified flow as per 2850
a) lpm@ 120 m head conforming to IS 1520. (The pump should be capable of delivering
150 % rated discharge at a head not less than 65% of the rated head)
Suitable HP SQ cage induction motor, TEFC, synchronous speed 1470 RPM, suitable
for operation on 415 volts, 3 phase 50 Hz. AC with IP 55 protection for enclosure,
b) horizontal foot mounted type with Class-'F' insulation, conforming to IS-325
M.S. fabricated Common base plate, coupling, coupling guard, foundation bolts etc.
as required.
Supplying, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of diesel engine driven main fire
2.35 pump suitable for automatic as well as manual operation and consisting of following :
complete in all respect as required.
Horizontal type, multistage, centrifugal, split casing pump( heat Exchanger Cooled
Diesel Driven Standby Fire Pump) of cast iron body and bronze impeller with stainless
steel shaft, mechanical seal to ensure a minimum pressure of 3.5 kg/ at highest
and farthest outlet at specified flow 2850 lpm@ 120 m head conforming to IS 1520.
(The pump should be capable of delivering 150 % rated discharge at a head not less
than 65% of the rated head) b) Suitable HP 1500 RPM diesel engine conforming to BS
:649/IS:1601/IS:10002 all amended upto date, continuous duty, multi cylinders
vertical 4 stroke cycle water cooled, developing suitable BHP at operating speed
specified to drive the fire pump capable of driving continuous non-stop operation for
8 hours having 10% overload capacity for one hour in a period of 12 hours continuous
run, capacity to accept full load within 15 seconds from the receipt of signal to start
and complete with following accessories:
RATE (incl.
1.0633 MF
GST on
Required length of exhaust piping as per the norms duly insulated with 50 mm thick
glass wool with 1.0 mm thick aluminium sheet cladding
(xiv) Painted in post office red colour
Common bed plate fabricated out of MS channel of suitable size for assembling the
a) Pump and the Engine, flexible coupling and with coupling guard for protection/safety.
Vertical inline type, multistage, centrifugal, split casing pump of cast iron body and
bronze impeller with stainless steel shaft, mechanical seal to ensure a minimum
pressure of 3.5 kg/ at highest and farthest outlet at specified flow 180 lpm @
a) 120 m head conforming to IS 1520. (The pump should be capable of delivering 150 %
rated discharge at a head not less than 65% of the rated head)
Suitable HP SQ cage induction motor, TEFC, synchronous speed 2900 RPM, suitable
for operation on 415 volts, 3 phase 50 Hz. AC with IP 55 protection for enclosure,
b) horizontal foot mounted type with Class-'F' insulation, conforming to IS-325
M.S. fabricated Common base plate, coupling, coupling guard, foundation bolts etc.
as required.
Vertical inline type, multistage, centrifugal, split casing pump of cast iron body and
bronze impeller with stainless steel shaft, mechanical seal to ensure a minimum
pressure of 3.5 kg/ at highest and farthest outlet at specified flow 900 lpm @
a) 35 m head conforming to IS 1520. (The pump should be capable of delivering 150 %
rated discharge at a head not less than 65% of the rated head)
RATE (incl.
1.0633 MF
GST on
Suitable HP SQ cage induction motor, TEFC, synchronous speed 2900 RPM, suitable
for operation on 415 volts, 3 phase 50 Hz. AC with IP 55 protection for enclosure,
b) horizontal foot mounted type with Class-'F' insulation, conforming to IS-325
M.S. fabricated Common base plate, coupling, coupling guard, foundation bolts etc.
as required.
2) All the outgoing ACB / MCCBs should have energy meter with communication
capability and BMS compatibility and On / Off / Trip LED Cluster Indicating lamps with
2 Amp control MCB and CTs of suitable rating. This metering units can be integrated
or seperate 3) All incomer and specified
outgoing MCCBs shall be motorised with Microprocessor release with following
functions : Protection for O/C, S/C, E/F. All release and metering data should be
available over Ethernet.
4) The communication terminal shall be in a separate compartment in the respective
Panel and shall not contain any 230 / 415 Volts component / equipment in it.
5) There shall be minimum 2 (two) vertical switchgear bays in the LT Panel
630A, 50kA 4 Pole MCCB, Ics=100% Icu rating Digital
Voltmeter 0-500V with selector switch Digital
Ammeter (0-250 A) with selector swtich & CTs etc.
LED type RYB phase indicating lamps, ON, OFF, trip indicating lamps
Bus bar
RATE (incl.
1.0633 MF
GST on
1000 A TPN fully taped copper bus -bar in separate bus-bar chamber with 100%
( Note : All outgoing feeders for pumps should have digital Ammeter with selector
switches, and LED type ON, OFF, trip indicating lamps)
a) TWO TP, 315A MCCB (36 KA) for main fire pump of suitable rating.
b) One TP, 315A MCCB (36 KA) for Sprinkler pump of suitable rating.
c) Three 32 A TP, MPCB rating for jockey pumps.
d) One TP, 100A MCCB (36 KA) - spare
Two fully Automatic DOL starter with push buttons and ON/OFF/TRIP indicating light
for main fire pump (127 H P).
One fully Automatic DOL starter with push buttons and ON/OFF/TRIP indicating light
for Sprinkler pump (127 H P).
Three 'DOL' starter with push buttons and ON/OFF/TRIP indicating light for jockey
pump (8 HP).
h) Two rotary heavy duty auto/manual selector switches for main fire pump.
i) One rotary heavy duty auto/manual selector switches for Sprinkler pump.
j) Three rotary type auto/manual off selector switches for jockey pump.
k) Two panel type ampere meter with CT'S 150/5A (10 V) for main fire pump.
l) One panel type ampere meter with CT'S 150/5A (10 V) for Sprinkler pump.
Three 0 - 32 A panel type ampere meter with CT'S 32/5A (10 V) for jockey fire pump.
n) 06Nos. Single phase preventors.
Colour coded internal wiring from incoming main to bus-bar switchgear, starters,
meters indicating lamps complete in all respects.
Engraved anodized Aluminium name plate for each starter/switch/lights and Danger
plate etc.
The rating of all switch gear must match the HP of all pumps quoted. Single line
diagram and fabrication drawing of panel must be got approved by Consultant/Client
before fabrication is undertaken.
Providing and fixing dust and vermin proof cubical type motor control centre
fabricated from 2mm thick CRCA sheet duly powder coated in approved shade.
Electrical control panel should be suitable for Operation of 1 Nos Hydrant Pump + 1
Nos Sprinkler Pump + 1 Nos Jockey Pump as described above.
RATE (incl.
1.0633 MF
GST on
160 Amp FP MCCB,25 KA, (Ics= 100% Icu) with Microprocessor based releases - 01
Metering :Inbuilt BMS Compatible Multi Function Meter with display parameter of
Voltage ,Ampre,KW,KWH,KVA,Frequency,PF, phase angle and LED Cluster Indicating
lamps, ELR WITH CBCT per incomer and control MCBs- 3 Nos and 160/5 CTs - 3nos -
01 Set
Busbar : 200 A,TPN tinned Copper Basbar , suitable for 25 KA
63 Amp TP MCCB, 25 KA, (Ics= 100% Icu) with Thermal Magnetic Release MCCB -
06 Nos ( 6 Nos booster Pump)
DOL Starter For 12.5 HP Pump Sets including Over load Relay ,Single Phase
preventer,on/off push Button,control MCB of 2 Amp and supply and fixing of
Suitable rating Digital amp meter and volt meter etc -- 6 Sets.
40 Amp FP MCCB, 25 KA, (Ics= 100% Icu) with Thermal Magnetic Release MCCB -
2 Set 210945 4 21 890
01Sets ( For Spare)
ISI marked (IS: 15683) ABC dry powder fire extinguisher (Capacity : 6 kg) conforming
to IS:4308 , stored pressure type fire extinguishers (Mono ammonium phosphate
confirming to IS 14609) minimum 85% effective discharge, with EPDM Rubber Hose,
2.40.1 finished externally with red enamel paint minimum thickness 80 microns and fixed to 249 Each 3477 8 65 773
wall with brackets, complete, with internal charge. (For Each Floor)
ISI marked (IS:15683) portable chemical fire extinguisher, water (gas pressure) type
capacity 9 litres with gun metal cap and nozzle and complete in all respects including
2.40.2 initial fill finished externally with red enamel paint minimum thickness 80 microns, 5 Each 4379 21 895
with EPDM Rubber Hose, and wall suspension brackets as required as per
specifications. (For Each Floor)
ISI marked IS:2190 (2010) CO2 type fire extinguisher (Capacity : 6 kg) conforming to
IS:15683, stored pressure type fire extinguishers (Mono ammonium phosphate
confirming to IS 14609) minimum 85% effective discharge, Valve Confirm to IS 3224,
2.40.3 249 Each 5892 14 67 108
with EPDM Rubber Hose, finished externally with red enamel paint minimum
thickness 80 microns and fixed to wall with brackets, complete, with internal charge.
(For Each Floor)
Total 6 56 38 665
Supplying, installation, testing & commissioning of intelligent addressable thermal
3.1 Multi detector with rate of rise cum fixed tempreature thermistor complete with 617 Each 3681 22 71 177
base as required.
RATE (incl.
1.0633 MF
GST on
Supplying, installation, testing & commissioning of addressable horn cum strobe
3.4 142 Each 3728 5 29 376
complete as required.
Supplying, installation, testing & commissioning of fire fighter phone jack complete as
3.8 234 Each 1701 3 98 034
Supplying, installation, testing & commissioning of 6 zone, voice alarm controller with
USB, MP3 player (including 6 zone button paging station) with seamless integration
3.12 13 Each 134413 17 47 369
facility with main fire alarm panel for voice evacuation complete as required.
Call Station should be with minimum 7-inch Multilanguage LCD display, gooseneck
microphone with supervised electrets microphone, pop shield and permanent
monitoring, integrated loudspeaker for system sounds. Five menu/function keys, 15
customizable function and speed dial buttons. Possible to use keys (push buttons) for
3.13 Zone select, source select, level control, emergency on/off, message on/off, failure 1 Each 108812 1 08 812
acknowledge/reset, Switching output trigger on/off or 0 to 10V, select scheduled
events, scheduled event on/off. Call Station is completely supervised by system
controller. Call station should have provision of programming it as a Numeric Keypad
RATE (incl.
1.0633 MF
GST on
Supplying, installation, testing & commissioning of 2 x 500W (or 4 x 250W) Class D,
high efficiency amplifier. 70/100V loudspeaker output voltages, galvanically
separated, 4 automatic selectable audio inputs on RJ45, local input. THD ≤1%.
Frequency response, ref. 1 kHz, rated load, -3 dB : 50 Hz to 25 kHz. Signal-to-noise
3.14 ratio (A-weighted) > 104 dB, Output noise (A-weighted) < -62 dB, Crosstalk, ref. 1 kHz 12 Each 145345 17 44 140
< -85 dB. Audio input level limiter, RMS output power limiter, high temperature, DC,
short circuit, mains under voltage protection, DC supply under voltage protection,
inrush current limiter, ground fault.
Supplying & laying of 2x1.5 sqmm fire survival cable, 600/1000V rated with annealed
copper conductor having glass mica fire barrier tape covered by an extruded layer of
3.15 Cross Linkable Ethylene Propylene Rubber (EPR) insulation and LSZH inner bedding, 22100 metre 382 84 42 200
steel wire armouring & LSZH outer sheath complete as required.
Supplying and drawing of cable Fire Retardant PVC insulated copper conductor cable
in the existing surface / recessed steel conduit of following pairs, cores and size
including connections and interconnections etc. as required.
3.16.1 speaker cable Two pair, 2-core, 1.5 sqmm 2650 metre 95 2 51 750
TOTAL 2 38 74 737
Supplying, installation, testing and commissioning of 16 passenger (1088 kg) lifts
(machine room less) having stainless steel enclosure of SS 304 with Hairline finish,
4.1 2 Each 3472078 69 44 156
contract speed of 1.5 mps to serve S + 10 ( 11 floors) as per detailed specifications
mentioned below:-
Location of Lifts : Tower I (Grade D) RBI Staff Quarters, Belapur, Navi Mumbai
RATE (incl.
1.0633 MF
GST on
Fire resistance rating : Fire rating of Lift Doors should not be
less than 2 Hr.
Lift Car
a) Inside car size :Depth should of car should be capable to accommodate a
b) Interior finish :
i) Panel : Rear panel shall be of glass and side panels shall be Stainless Steel of SS
304 with Hairline finish
ii) Floor: not less than 18 mm thick granite flooring
iii)Ceiling Finish: Shall be Stainless Steel of SS 304 with Mirror finish.
iv) Lighting : Shall be recessed type ‘LED’ lights
v) Ventilation : Shall be cross flow blower fan with louver with at
least 2 Nos. fans
vi) Control Panel : Shall be on both sides of the opening door of the car with braille
finish on LED buttons
vii) LED display : Suitable size LED display on left side panel.
Type of signal system
i) Digital floor position indicator in the car and at all landings LED type.
ii) Detailed Travel direction indicator in the car and at all landings (to be provided
above the car /landing Doors)
iii) Gongs with visual indication on all landing for the arrival of the car
iv) Overload Warning audio and Visual Indicator inside the car (lift should not start
on overload)
v) Battery operated alarm bell and Emergency light
vi) Car operating panel with Luminous buttons in car and with intercom
vii) Luminous hall Buttons at all landings and inside car with Braille language signage.
RATE (incl.
1.0633 MF
GST on
ii) An automatic rescue device in case of mains failure shall be provided.
Door Close Safety : Full height Infrared light curtain door safety.
COP: Suitable for physically challenge person with braille encrypt car button. - 2 nos.
in either side with SS 304 Hairline finish, Vandal proof.
Fireman lift
i. All the lifts shall be used as fire lifts.
ii. Fireman switch for both the fire lift shall be provided at ground floor to enable
the fire service personnel to ground the lift in case of emergency .
iii. The word ‘fire lift’ shall be Conspicuously displayed in fluorescent paint on all the
fire lifts landing doors at ground floor .
Intercom: The intercom system provided in the lift car has to be hands free and with
lifting cradle in the machine room and Control room with telephone /intercom
wiring shall be provided.
Automatic rescue device
a) ARD should monitor the normal power supply in the main controller and shall
activate rescue operations within ten seconds of normal power supply failure. It
should bring the elevator to the nearest floor at a slower speed than the normal run.
While proceeding to the nearest floor the elevator will detect the zone and stop.
After the elevator has stopped, it automatically opens the doors and parks with door
open. After the operation is completed by the ARD the elevator is automatically
switched over to normal operation as soon as normal power supply resumes.
b) In case the normal supply resumes during ARD in operation the elevator will
continue to run in ARD mode until it reaches the nearest landing and the doors are
fully opened. If normal power supply resumes when the elevator is at the landing it
will automatically be switched to normal power operation.
c) All the lift safeties shall remain active during the ARD mode of operation.
d) The battery capacity should be adequate so as to operate the ARD at least Seven
times a day. Provided the duration between usages is at least 30 minutes.
Voice announcement system in the car to announce the position of the elevator as
the car stops at a floor served by the elevator
Hand rail:- At 900 mm above floor level on all sides adjacent COP
Machine: Permanent magnet gearless motor with regenerative drive
Provision of mirror shall be made inside the car on rear side.
Transmission : Steel ropes/belts
Hall Fixture: LED position indicators with physically challenge person friendly
Direction & position indicator : large display LED car position indicator in top of the
lift door
Standard features: Anti- nuisance car call protection, independent service, overload
device, Nudging, Emergency firemen’s service , Emergency car light unit, infrared
curtain door protection, door time protection, emergency alarm button, extra door
time of lobby and parking, door open/close button, manual rescue operation, auto
fan cut off shall be Provided.
RATE (incl.
1.0633 MF
GST on
Specifications of Lifts for Tower II to IX
vi) Control Panel : Shall be on both sides of the opening door B33 with braille finish
on LED buttons
vii) LED display : Suitable size LED display on left side panel.
Type of signal system
i) Digital floor position indicator in the car and at all landings LED type.
ii) Detailed Travel direction indicator in the car and at all landings (to be provided
above the car /landing Doors)
iii) Gongs with visual indication on all landing for the arrival of the car
iv) Overload Warning audio and Visual Indicator inside the car (lift should not start
on overload)
v) Battery operated alarm bell and Emergency light
vi) Car operating panel with Luminous buttons in car and with intercom
vii) Luminous hall Buttons at all landings and inside car with Braille language signage.
RATE (incl.
1.0633 MF
GST on
xii) Power supply : 400/415 V, 3 phase AC, 50 Hz,4 wire System.
xiii) Auxiliary power Supply :230 V, +5% to -10% , 50 Hz AC supply
xiv) The entire lift equipment should be suitable for operation at +5% to -10% of the
rated supply voltage
Door Close Safety : Full height Infrared light curtain door safety.
Call button Panel: Suitable for physically challenge person with braille encrypt car
button. - 2 nos. in either side with SS 304 Honey comb finish, Vandal proof.
Fireman lift
i. All the lifts shall be used as fire lifts.
ii. Fireman switch for both the fire lift shall be provided at ground floor to enable
the fire service personnel to ground the lift in case of emergency .
iii. The word ‘fire lift’ shall be Conspicuously displayed in fluorescent paint on all the
fire lifts landing doors at ground floor .
Intercom: The intercom system provided in the lift car has to be hands free and with
lifting cradle in the machine room and Control room with telephone /intercom
wiring shall be provided.
Automatic rescue device
a) ARD should monitor the normal power supply in the main controller and shall
activate rescue operations within ten seconds of normal power supply failure. It
should bring the elevator to the nearest floor at a slower speed than the normal run.
While proceeding to the nearest floor the elevator will detect the zone and stop.
After the elevator has stopped, it automatically opens the doors and parks with door
open. After the operation is completed by the ARD the elevator is automatically
switched over to normal operation as soon as normal power supply resumes.
b) In case the normal supply resumes during ARD in operation the elevator will
continue to run in ARD mode until it reaches the nearest landing and the doors are
fully opened. If normal power supply resumes when the elevator is at the landing it
will automatically be switched to normal power operation.
c) All the lift safeties shall remain active during the ARD mode of operation.
d) The battery capacity should be adequate so as to operate the ARD at least Seven
times a day. Provided the duration between usages is at least 30 minutes.
Voice announcement system in the car to announce the position of the elevator as
the car stops at a floor served by the elevator
RATE (incl.
1.0633 MF
GST on
Hand rail:- At 900 mm above floor level on all sides adjacent COP
Machine: Permanent magnet gearless motor with regenerative drive
Provision of mirror shall be made inside the car on rear side.
Transmission : Steel ropes/belts
Hall Fixture: LED position indicators with physically challenge person friendly
Direction & position indicator : large display LED car position indicator in top of the
lift door
Standard features: Anti- nuisance car call protection, independent service, overload
device, Nudging, Emergency firemen’s service , Emergency car light unit, infrared
curtain door protection, door time protection, emergency alarm button, extra door
time of lobby and parking, door open/close button, manual rescue operation, auto
fan cut off shall be Provided.
Supplying, installation, testing and commissioning of 16 passenger (1088 kg) lifts
(machine room less) having stainless steel enclosure of SS 304, contract speed of 1.5
4.2.1 2 Each 3472078 69 44 156
mps to serve S + 10 ( 11 floors) as per detailed specifications mentioned below:-
Location of Lifts : Tower II (Grade C/B) RBI Staff Quarters, Belapur, Navi Mumbai
Location of Lifts : Tower III (Grade C/B) RBI Staff Quarters, Belapur, Navi Mumbai
Location of Lifts : Tower IV (Grade C/B) RBI Staff Quarters, Belapur, Navi Mumbai
RATE (incl.
1.0633 MF
GST on
a) Inside car size : Suitable to be fit a stretcher subjecting to accessible
India Norms.
Location of Lifts : Tower V (Grade C/B) RBI Staff Quarters, Belapur, Navi Mumbai
Location of Lifts : Tower VI (Grade A) RBI Staff Quarters, Belapur, Navi Mumbai
Location of Lifts : Tower VII (Grade A) RBI Staff Quarters, Belapur, Navi Mumbai
RATE (incl.
1.0633 MF
GST on
Supplying, installation, testing and commissioning of 16 passenger (1088 kg) lifts
(machine room less) having stainless steel enclosure of SS 304, contract speed of 1.5
4.2.7 2 Each 3543914 70 87 828
mps to serve S + 11 ( 12 floors) as per detailed specifications mentioned below:-
Location of Lifts : Tower VIII (Grade A) RBI Staff Quarters, Belapur, Navi Mumbai
vi) LED display : Suitable size LED display on left side panel.
RATE (incl.
1.0633 MF
GST on
Machine: : Permanent magnet gearless motor with
regenerative braking drive
BMS Compatibility: - Potential free contacts/ RS 485/Modbus card in the controller
shall be provided for monitoring position, up and down movement of the lift etc
which can be used for building automation system at later stage.
vi) Control Panel : Shall be on both sides of the opening door of the car with braille
finish on LED buttons
vii) LED display : Suitable size LED display on left side panel.
Type of signal system
i) Digital floor position indicator in the car and at all landings LED type.
ii) Detailed Travel direction indicator in the car and at all landings (to be provided
above the car /landing Doors)
iii) Gongs with visual indication on all landing for the arrival of the car
iv) Overload Warning audio and Visual Indicator inside the car (lift should not start
on overload)
v) Battery operated alarm bell and Emergency light
vi) Car operating panel with Luminous buttons in car and with intercom
vii) Luminous hall Buttons at all landings and inside car with Braille language signage.
RATE (incl.
1.0633 MF
GST on
xiv) The entire lift equipment should be suitable for operation at +5% to -10% of the
rated supply voltage
Door Close Safety : Full height Infrared light curtain door safety.
COP: Suitable for physically challenge person with braille encrypt car button. - 2 nos.
in either side with SS 304 Hairline finish, Vandal proof.
Fireman lift
i. All the lifts shall be used as fire lifts.
ii. Fireman switch for both the fire lift shall be provided at ground floor to enable
the fire service personnel to ground the lift in case of emergency .
iii. The word ‘fire lift’ shall be Conspicuously displayed in fluorescent paint on all the
fire lifts landing doors at ground floor .
Intercom: The intercom system provided in the lift car has to be hands free and with
lifting cradle in the machine room and Control room with telephone /intercom
wiring shall be provided.
Automatic rescue device
a) ARD should monitor the normal power supply in the main controller and shall
activate rescue operations within ten seconds of normal power supply failure. It
should bring the elevator to the nearest floor at a slower speed than the normal run.
While proceeding to the nearest floor the elevator will detect the zone and stop.
After the elevator has stopped, it automatically opens the doors and parks with door
open. After the operation is completed by the ARD the elevator is automatically
switched over to normal operation as soon as normal power supply resumes.
b) In case the normal supply resumes during ARD in operation the elevator will
continue to run in ARD mode until it reaches the nearest landing and the doors are
fully opened. If normal power supply resumes when the elevator is at the landing it
will automatically be switched to normal power operation.
c) All the lift safeties shall remain active during the ARD mode of operation.
d) The battery capacity should be adequate so as to operate the ARD at least Seven
times a day. Provided the duration between usages is at least 30 minutes.
Voice announcement system in the car to announce the position of the elevator as
the car stops at a floor served by the elevator
Hand rail:- At 900 mm above floor level on all sides adjacent COP
Machine: Permanent magnet gearless motor with regenerative drive
Provision of mirror shall be made inside the car on rear side.
Transmission : Steel ropes/belts
RATE (incl.
1.0633 MF
GST on
Hall Fixture: LED position indicators with physically challenge person friendly
Direction & position indicator : large display LED car position indicator in top of the
lift door
Standard features: Anti- nuisance car call protection, independent service, overload
device, Nudging, Emergency firemen’s service , Emergency car light unit, infrared
curtain door protection, door time protection, emergency alarm button, extra door
time of lobby and parking, door open/close button, manual rescue operation, auto
fan cut off shall be Provided.
RATE (incl.
1.0633 MF
GST on
Travel in metre (Approx) : 3.6 mtr.
Number of Floor served : 2 floors ( G +1)
Inside size of the lift well : 2550 mm (W) x1950 mm (D)
PIT Depth : 1800 mm
Overhead : 5700 mm
Lift Car
a) Inside car size : 2000mm x 1300 mm x 2300 mm
Location of Lifts : Tower X (Hostel) RBI Staff Quarters, Belapur, Navi Mumbai
Type of lift : Dumbwaiter
Number of person & load : 100 kg
Contract Speed : 0.3 to 0.5 mtr per sec
Travel in metre (Approx) : 4.65 mtr
Number of Floor served : 2 floors ( G +1)
Inside size of the lift well : 1200 mm (W) x1000 mm (D)
Overhead : 4190 mm
Position of the machinary : Directly above the lift shaft.
Type of Controller : Microprosseror based AC VVVF
Machine: : Permanent magnet gearless motor
Type of signal system
i) Power supply : 400/415 V, 3 phase AC, 50 Hz,4 wire System.
ii) Auxiliary power Supply :230 V, +5% to -10% , 50 Hz AC supply
iii) The entire lift equipment should be suitable for operation at +5% to -10% of the
rated supply voltage
RATE (incl.
1.0633 MF
GST on
pH - 6.5 – 7.5
BOD5 - Less than 5 Mg/L
S. Solids - Less than 5 Mg/L
COD - Less than 20 Mg/L
Oil & Grease - Less than 1 mg/l
There will no deviation in TDS as there is no unit to reduce TDS
RATE (incl.
1.0633 MF
GST on
5.4.1 SITC of Centrifugal type multistage split case Non clog type pumps for plant room
complete with pressure gauge, NRV and control valve driven by 1 no. squirrel cage
induction motor, TEFC type, 2900 RPM, IE3 rated, continuous duty, designed for operation
on 415 volts, 3 phase AC supply, having Suitable HP to drive the pump for given duty.
Quantity: 2Nos (1W+1S)
Flow Rate - 30 m3/hr
Head -10 mtr head
MOC - Stainless steel
The pump shall be suitable for Handling 10 -12 mm Solid
Cost shall be inclusive of PVC Flexible hose pipe (for piping submeged in effluent) with
1 Set 128454 1 28 454
M.S epoxy piping (for piping non submerged in effluent)
RATE (incl.
1.0633 MF
GST on
Flow - 33 m3/hour
Filtration rate - approx. 15 m3/hr/m2
Filter dia (approx.) - 1700 mm
Height of Shell - 1800 mm
Shell Thickness - 6 mm
Dish Thickness - 8 mm
Working pressure - 3.5 Kg/
Test pressure - 5.5 Kg/
RATE (incl.
1.0633 MF
GST on
5.16 Sludge Dewatering System
5.16.1 Sludge Feed Pump 2 No 101517 2 03 034 Supply, installation, testing & commissioning of Screw Type pump to feed slurry to
Filter press
Capacity - 3 m3/ Hr @ 40 m Head
Qnty: 1W+1S Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of Filter Press of suitable capacity
with MS Frame, PP Plates with filter cloth all fittings & accessories.
1 No 701391 7 01 391
Operation - Hydraulic
5.19.2 Providing & fixing CI butterfly valve including rubber gasket, 2 nos. table-E
flanges, nuts, bolts, washers & painting complete as required. 150mm 4 Nos. 15050 60 200 100mm 18 Nos. 11288 2 03 184 80mm 16 Nos. 8466 1 35 456 50mm 8 Nos. 7525 60 200 40mm 30 Nos. 6584 1 97 520
5.19.3 Providing & fixing dual plate CI wafer type check valve tested to a pressure of
10 Kg/sqcm. Including rubber gasket, 2 nos. table-E flanges, union, nuts, bolts,
washers & painting complete as required. 150mm 2 Nos. 22575 45 150 80mm 14 Nos. 15238 2 13 332 50mm 8 Nos. 11288 90 304
5.19.4 Providing & fixing uPVC SCH40 Process piping including union, elbow, Tee, support
etc. complete as required. 100mm 80 mtr 6020 4 81 600
RATE (incl.
1.0633 MF
GST on
DSR) 80mm 40 mtr 5268 2 10 720 65mm 25 mtr 4891 1 22 275 50mm 80 mtr 4609 3 68 720 40mm 60 mtr 4139 2 48 340 25mm 150 mtr 3763 5 64 450
5.20.3 SITC of Electro magnetic Flow meter suitable for providing required technical
parameters of treated water, to be installed in main discharge pipe inclusive of
2 No 84657 1 69 314
complete wiring, convertors required for transferring the data through BMS, all
required hardwares etc.
5.22 Cables
Supplying & laying of following 1100 volt grade XLPE insulated FRLS PVC
sheathed copper conductor armoured cables as per specification in existing
trenches, cable trays, ducts, clamped to wall with suitable clamps including
providing and fixing of all fixing accessories, connecting, testing and commissioning.
RATE (incl.
1.0633 MF
GST on
5.24.1 Supply Installation Testing and commissioning of ultrafiltration system with all
accessories & backwash arrangement etc., including UF feed pump, micron filter, UF
membrance , SS SKID for UF membrance , UF CI Pump, Pressure gauge, level switch
1 Set 3702516 37 02 516
and all the required accessories.
Capacity - 33 m3/ Hr. The ultrafiltration shall be composed of the followings
minimum requirements.
1 UF Feed Pump
Capacity - 33 m3/hr @ 35 M head
Type - Horizontal Monobloc Centrifugal Pump
2 No
Operating Condition - (1W+1S)
Pump MOC: CI
2 Micron Filter
Housing MOC:Polyamide reinforced with fiber glass
1 No
Element:PP Element disc,100 Micron
3 UF Membrane,
Membrane type: Hollow Fiber
Mode of Operation - Outside -In
Pore Size - 0.02 Micron 1 Lot
Membrane area - 55.7 m2
Membrane Recovery: 90%
Qnty:1 Lot
9 Level Switch
Type - Floaty 1 Lot
Location - Feed & Permeate Tank
10 Motorized Valve for Auto Operation of UF system.
1 Lot
11 CIP System for UF System
Capacity - 0-20 lph
Type - Electronic Metering Pump 3 Set
CIP Tank
Capacity - 200 ltr
RATE (incl.
1.0633 MF
GST on
12 Backwash Pump
Horizontal Monobloc Centrifugal Pump
Capacity: 60 m3/hr @ 30 mtr head 2 No
Pump MOC: Cast Iron
Total 1 64 59 549
HT Panel board & Transformer
SUBHEAD 6 - SITC of 11 KV 4800 KVA electrical substation & HT/LT Cables
Supplying, installation, testing and commissioning of IP54 mounting type safe ring
compact switchgear, extensible RMU for 11KV, 630A, 20KA/3 sec, 3ph, 50 Hz,
motorized (2 LBS + 1 CB) type RRL, with 3 nos. copper busbars 400sqmm 630A rating,
manually operated SF6 or Air insulated stainless steel tank consisting of 2 Nos. 12KV
60A 3P Off load break isolators for incoming & outgoing supply and 1 no. VCB with 3
6.1 O/C +1 E/F 11KV 50Hz 3 Pole 200A 400 MVA, 20KA/3 sec Micro processor protection 1 Set 802761 8 02 761
powder coated RAL 7032, provision for boxes suitable upto 3Cx240 sqmm cable,
inclusive of suitable capacity (not less than 15VA) CTs - 3 nos. for circuit breaker,
copper earth bus with operating handle, cable boot, Battery & charger, MS pedestal
to mount unit, complete as per MSEDCL requirement and technical specifications
RATE (incl.
1.0633 MF
GST on
Supplying, installation, testing & commissioning of indoor type floor mounted metal
clad, 11 KV VCB panel 2mm thick CRCA sheet powder coated after 7 tank process
with 4 Nos. VCBs, totally enclosed & fully interlocked, horizontal drawout, horizontal
isolation type breaker as per IEC 62271 , as amended up to date and additional
specifications, having capacities as mentioned below, single break, trip free
mechanism, manually and motorized charged and auto/manually closing breaker
suitable for use on 11 KV, 3 Phase, 50 Hz A.C. supply with short circuit fault level of 26
KA, complete with self contained. All live parts shall be as per IEC 62271-200. The
6.3 panel shall be fully interlocked, rack in and rack out mechanism, air insulated but 1 Set 1945378 19 45 378
encapsulated copper bus bars (with 100% neutral) of 630 Amps capacity, breaker
featured with ON/OFF/TRIP LED indicator with hand trip device, spring release coil,
shunt trip coil and auxiliary switch of 4NO + 4 NC and equipped with following
switchgears and accessories i/c connections suitable for 3x 300 sq. mm. XLPE 11 KV
cable (cable entry from bottom/ back openable ), outdoor end termination with heat
shrinkable jointing material etc. as required. (Note- Cost of end termination not
included in this item).
Panel shall have microprocessor based numerical relay with O/L, S/C, E/F for each
section, HT panel shall have relay to take trip input from REF relay including cabling,
with internal arc protection of 26KA for 1 sec. The HT panel shall be compatible for
SCADA/ BMS applications and shall be complete with compatible feild devices. And all
meters should be provided with RS 485 port with modbus. 2 runs of copper Earth Bus
of not less than 50 mmx6 mm along the full lengh of panel. (Panel should be made by
approved OEM at his premises)
a) 11 KV 630 Amps., 26 kA Electrical operated draw out type Vacuum circuit breaker
(VCB) complete with trip free spring charged closing mechanism, necessary auxiliary
relays, control switches, emergency hand trip devices and mechanical ON / OFF
indicator, emergency trip push buttons etc. - No.-1
b) 11 KV / 110 Volts 3 PTs Class 0.2 accuracy and 100 VA burden for metering and 3P
class 100VA for protection with 1 No. Voltmeter (0-24KV), digital type, three way
selector switches for voltmeter and protection MCB for HT metering upto 24 KV on
incomer. Set-1
c) Set of dual core dual ratio 3 CTs 200/100/5/5 A of 15 VA burden and accuracy Class
– 0.2S for metering and class 5P10, 10VA for protection. Set-1
d) Dual scale Ammeter(0-300A) Digital Type with three way ON/OFF selector switch
with CT's for metering (of suitable range 200/5, CL-5P10, 10VA). Set-1
e) Microprocessor based numerical relay with O/L, E/F,S/C including Master trip,
Over volatge relay, under voltage realy, Trip circuit supervision realy, Auxiliary relay,
Anti pumping realy, Instantaneous overcurrent relay (50), Neutral Instantaneous
overcurrent relay (50N), Neutral time overcurrent (51N), Tripping or trip free features
(94) , Surge arrester , IDMT relay with thermostat. Set-1
11KV, 630 Amp. With 11 kV heat shrinkable sleeved TP Copper Busbar of 26 KA for 3
Sec fault rating.
RATE (incl.
1.0633 MF
GST on
Separate earth busbar of 50 x 6 mm Copper shall be provided on the rear bottom of
the panel.
a) 11 KV 630Amps, 26 kA Electrical operated draw out type Vacuum circuit circuit
breaker complete with trip free spring charged closing mechanism, necessary
auxiliary relays, (T-P-N) control switches, emergency hand trip devices and
mechanical ON / OFF indicator etc.-3 no.
b) 11 KV / 110 Volts PT Class 0.2 accuracy and 100 VA burder for metering and 3P
class 100VA for protection with 1 No. Voltmeter (0-12KV), digital type, three way
selector switches for voltmeter and protection MCB for HT metering upto 24 KV on
incomer. 3 sets
c) Set of dual core dual ratio 3 CTs 100/50/5/5 A of 15 VA burden and accuracy Class
– 0.2S for metering and class 5P10, 10VA for protection. 3 sets
d) Dual scale Ammeter (0-100 A) Digital Type with three way ON/OFF selector switch
with CT's for metering (of suitable range 100/5, CL-5P10, 10VA). 3 set
e) Microprocessor based numerical relay with O/L, E/F,S/C including Master trip,
Over volatge relay, under voltage realy, Trip circuit supervision realy, Auxiliary relay,
Anti pumping realy, Instantaneous overcurrent relay (50), Neutral Instantaneous
overcurrent relay (50N),Neutral time overcurrent (51N), Tripping or trip free features
(94) Surge arrester , IDMT relay with thermostat - 3 set
Alarm annunciation panel with audio visual indication, all control wiring with
protection and test terminal block as required for all outgoing HT VCB with with ACK,
rest, test push button for transformer faults and electrical faults. Set-1
RATE (incl.
1.0633 MF
GST on
Supply , installation,testing & commissioning of Automatic battery charger panel
comprising of Self contained Switched-Mode Power Supply (SMPS) controlled Float
cum boost charger rated at 24 V DC with 100 AH capacity suitable for 24 V 100 AH
Sealed Maintenance Free battery system (12 Nos. 2 V battery), intended to operate
on 230 V Single Phase AC supply capable of operating in float and boost mode
including 24 V 100 AH SMF batteries in the bottom compartment of the Panel. The
panel shall be of suitable size fabricated from cold rolled sheet steel of 2 mm thick
enclosure and 1.6 mm thick for doors with stiffners wherever required. The panel
shall be free standing, floor mounted, vermin proof and dust proof with IP 42 degree
6.4 of protection.The cabinet shall be provided with louvers for ventilation and shall be 1 set 411342 4 11 342
painted with approved shade and colour through powder coating after two coats of
anti rust primer. The panel shall be provided with metering to measure output
current & battery charging/discharging current with RYB indication (mains on R,Y,B,
Charger on, float & boost mode),alarm for battery Earth leakage & battery
overvoltage, autochangeover from Float to boost & vice versa with timer, selector
switch to operate float cum boost charger in Boost mode complete including suitable
rating incomer and outgoings (MCBs) as per the requirement. -
6.8.1 11 KV, 3 x 300 Sq. mm XLPE aluminium cable indoor type termination. 6 Nos 17278 1 03 668
6.8.2 11 KV, 3 x 300 Sq. mm XLPE aluminium cable Outdoor type termination. 2 Nos 24238 48 476
Supply, Installation, testing and commissioning of 100 AH capacity, 24V DC lead acid
Batteries in fully charged condition, including painted MS stand & spill proof plastic
6.9 1 Set 7691 7 691
trays, hydro meter etc.complete as required as per specifications.
Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of Battery Charger Unit with provisions
of "Boost Charging" and "Float Charging", suitable for 240V, single phase, AC, 50Hz
6.10 supply system & 24V DC including providing required MCB for DC supply distribution 1 No 35890 35 890
to HT panel and Main LT panel complete as required.(Included above)
RATE (incl.
1.0633 MF
GST on
Providing and fixing of danger notice plate of following type, made of mild steel, at
6.11 least 2 mm thick, and vitreous enameled white on both sides, and with inscription in
single red colour on front side as required.
6.11.1 11000V (250mm X 200mm) 5 Nos 310 1 550
6.11.2 440V (200mm X 150mm) 2 Nos 286 572
Providing of set of 4 nos 9.5 litre capacity GI Bucket painted in post office red color
with prior coat of red oxide paint and written with white paint 'Fire' and mounted on
6.12 2 Set 2408 4 816
MS angle iron frame with bracket of appropriate size and capacity inclusive of filling
sand etc.
Providing First aid box as approved by St.John Ambulance brigade / Indian red cross
6.13 2 Nos 1806 3 612
conforming to IS : 2217-1963.
Supply & fixing Shock treatment chart duly mounted on a wooden frame with 5mm
6.14 2 Nos 1445 2 890
thick glass as required. (Approximate front glass area 1.20 Sqm)
Providing of Rubber mat 1 mtr wide and suitablly thick to withstand 22 KV dielectric
6.15 10 Mtr 1686 16 860
strength as per IS 5424 - 1969.
Providing of Rubber mat 1 mtr wide and suitably thick to withstand 1.1 KV dielectric
6.16 20 Mtr 1686 33 720
strength as per IS 5424 - 1969.
6.17 Providing of Rubber gloves of 22 KV grade as per IS 4770-68. 3 Pairs 931 2 793
RATE (incl.
1.0633 MF
GST on
Supply, installation, testing and commissioning FACTORY FABRICATED MV
compartmentalized, completely bolted system, totally type tested, glass front as per
IEC 61439-1 & 2 and internal arc tests as per IEC 61641 V2, 50kA at HBB,VBB and
cable chamber. modular design electrical panel, suitable for 415 V, 3 phase, 50 Hz, 4
wire system with following ratings copper bus bars, free standing, totally enclosed,
suitable for 3 phase and neutral of same size, with following incoming and outgoing
switches, meters, inter connections with suitable size copper / aluminium cables /
6.20 bars, complete with terminating arrangements with lugs, including gas based fire 1 SET 10644089 1 06 44 089
supression system for each compartment with suitable capacity cylinder (UL rated)
mount on panel and tubing (UL rated) for all compartments , powder coating of the
panel, earthing with cable chamber suitable for incoming bus trunking / cable
termination, copper busbar chamber etc., generally conforming to IEC 61439-1
amended up to date and as per relevant SLD in Drawing No.
NOTE - All the outgoing should have Metering Inbuilt BMS Compatible Multi Function
Meter with display parameter of Voltage ,Ampre,KW,KWH,KVA,Frequency,PF, phase
angle and LED Cluster Indicating lamps, and 2 Amp control MCB and CTs of suitable
2500Amp FP ACB 65 KA (Ics= 100% Icu= Icw) with standing Capacity of EDO type and
with Microprocessor based releases (with Over current / Earth fault/ Short circuit /
shunt trip coil with under voltage releases ), including all BMS compatible hardware
and software like RS 485/potential free contacts /Modbus/Bacnet card and control
MCB- etc as reqd) and shall be provided with additional 5 Nos CTs (each bay) for
Restricted earth fault protection. Set-3 nos.
Metering :Inbuilt BMS Compatible Multi Function Meter with display parameter of
Voltage ,Ampre,KW,KWH,KVA,Frequency,PF, % THD, phase angle and LED Cluster
Indicating lamps(2 nos. for each incomer), and 2 Amp control MCB -3 Nos and
2000/5 CTs -3nos
BUSBAR :3000A,TPN Copper Busbar with 100% neutral suitable for 65 KA with 11kv
rated, heat shrinkable coloured sleeves i/c SMC/DMC bus bar supports.
2500Amp FP ACB 65 KA (Ics= 100% Icu= Icw), EDO type and with Microprocessor
based releases (with Over current / Earth fault/ Short circuit / shunt trip coil with
under voltage releases) 2 no.
LED Cluster Indicating lamps for ON/OFF/TRIP and 2 Amp control MCB- 02 Sets
1000 Amp FP ACB, 50 KA. EDO TYPE (Ics= 100% Icu= Icw) with Microprocessor
based releasesincluding all BMS compatible hardware and software like RS
485/potential free contacts - 3 no.
800 Amp FP ACB, 50 KA. EDO TYPE (Ics= 100% Icu= Icw) with Microprocessor
based releases including all BMS compatible hardware and software like RS
485/potential free contacts - 6 no.
630 Amp FP MCCB,36 KA. (Ics= 100% Icu) with Microprocessor based releases - 8
RATE (incl.
1.0633 MF
GST on
400 Amp FP MCCB,36 KA. (Ics= 100% Icu) with Microprocessor based releases - 1
200A, 36 KA, FP, MCCB (Ics= 100% Icu) with Microprocessor based releases - 4 no.
Electromechanical/Electrical Interlocking between 3 incomers and 2 bus couplers to
ensure only one supply is available in one section at a time.
The Main LT Panel described above complete with wiring, line diagram, specifications
and approvals, painting and as per direction and final approval of Engineer in Charge.
1) Switchboards shall comply to Form 4B / 3B for Main compartmentalized boards as
per IEC 61439-1&2
2) LT panel boards shall be assembled only by an OEM or their authorized system
3) The drawings shall be signed by the representatives of the OEM, Authorised
System Integrator apart from the Contractor(s).
Supply, installlation including suspension, testing and commissioning of following
capacity Sandwich bus trunking with copper bus bar with class 'F' insulation between
the bus bars and sizes as per type test report in compliance with IEC 61439 in 1.6 mm
thick IP 54 sheet steel enclousure in convenient section for use on 415V, 3 phase, 4
6.21 wire, 50 HZ AC supply including jointing of sections, flexible joints, expansion joints,
bends, flange end, adapter box and earthing with 2 runs of copper earth of size 25
mm x 5 mm strips, suspenders/ hangers, angle iron bracket, steel fasteners,
connecting to earthing system etc. as required.
1000 Amp TP ACB, 50 KA. EDO TYPE (Ics= 100% Icu= Icw) with Microprocessor
based releases - 1 no.
3 nos 1000/5A Class-1.0, 15 VA Burden CT's for metering .
96 sq mm flush mounting 0-600 amp Ammeter with selector switch.
R,Y&B indicating lamps with MCB as backup protection.
Indicating lamp in each capacitor chamber unit to indicate "ON"/"OFF" status of
capacitor unit.
RATE (incl.
1.0633 MF
GST on
Stepped relay(APFCR) with 12 steps for automatic power factor correction.
100 kVAR Bank - 3 Set each comprising of following:
250 Amps TP MCCB - 1 Set
Capacitor Duty Contactors AC-6b type, 100 kvar,- 1 Set
“ON” /”OFF” push buttons and indicating lamps. - 1 Set
35.6 kVAR x 4 nos, 525 volts, 50Hz, capacitor unit as specified - 1 Set
100 Kvar, 440V, 50Hz, 14% detuned reactor,single layer, 200% linearity - Set
50 kVAR Bank - 2 Set each comprising of following:
125 Amps TP MCCB - 1 Set
Capacitor Duty Contactors AC-6b type, 50 kvar,- 1 Set
“ON” /”OFF” push buttons and indicating lamps. - 1 Set
35.6 kVAR x 2 nos, 525 volts, 50Hz, capacitor unit as specified - 1 Set
50 Kvar, 440V, 50Hz, 14% detuned reactor,single layer, 200% linearity - Set
25 kVAR Bank - 3 Set each comprising of following:
63 Amps TP MCB - 1 Set
Capacitor Duty Contactors AC-6b type, 25 kvar,- 1 Set
“ON” /”OFF” push buttons and indicating lamps. - 1 Set
35.6 kVAR, 525 volts, 50Hz, capacitor unit as specified - 1 Set
25 Kvar, 440V, 50Hz, 14% detuned reactor,single layer, 200% linearity - Set
10 kVAR Bank - 2 Set each comprising of following:
32 Amps TP, 10KA, MCB - 1 Set
Capacitor Duty Contactors AC-6b type, 10 kvar,- 1 Set
“ON” /”OFF” push buttons and indicating lamps. - 1 Set
14.2 kVAR, 525 volts, 50Hz, capacitor unit as specified - 1 Set
10 Kvar, 440V, 50Hz, 14% detuned reactor,single layer, 200% linearity - Set
5 kVAR Bank - 1 Set each comprising of following:
16 Amps TP,10KA, MCB - 1 Set
Capacitor Duty Contactors AC-6b type, 5 kvar,- 1 Set
“ON” /”OFF” push buttons and indicating lamps. - 1 Set
7.1 kVAR, 525 volts, 50Hz, capacitor unit as specified - 1 Set
5 Kvar, 440V, 50Hz, 14% detuned reactor,single layer, 200% linearity - Set
1200 Amps TPN copper Bus Bars of suitable length with 100% neutral. Bus bars
shall be colour coded and insulated by heat shrinkable sleeves & clip on shrouds for
1) Switchboards shall comply to Form 4B / 3B for Main compartmentalized boards as
per IEC 61439-1&2
2) Capacitor panel boards shall be assembled only by an OEM or their authorized
system integrator.
3) The drawings shall be signed by the representatives of the OEM, Authorised
System Integrator apart from the Contractor(s).
RATE (incl.
1.0633 MF
GST on
Supply, installation, testing and commissioning FACTORY FABRICATED MV
compartmentalized, completely bolted system, totally type tested, glass front as per
IEC 61439-1 & 2 and internal arc tests as per IEC 61641 V2, 50kA at HBB,VBB and
cable chamber. modular design electrical panel, suitable for 415 V, 3 phase, 50 Hz, 4
wire system with following ratings copper bus bars, free standing, totally enclosed,
suitable for 3 phase and neutral, with following incoming and outgoing switches,
meters, inter connections with suitable size copper / aluminium cables / bars,
complete with terminating arrangements with lugs, provision for tubing for panel
6.23 mount gas based fire fighting system, powder coating the panel, earthing, with cable 1 SET 2556851 25 56 851
chamber suitable for incoming bus trunking / cable termination, copper busbar
chamber etc., generally conforming to IEC 61439-1 amended up to date and as per
relevant SLD in Drawing No. CPWD/RBI/2021/EL/3/102.
NOTE - All the outgoing should have Metering Inbuilt BMS Compatible Multi Function
Meter with display parameter of Voltage ,Ampre,KW,KWH,KVA,Frequency,PF, phase
angle and LED Cluster Indicating lamps, and 2 Amp control MCB and CTs of suitable
Auto load synchronizing and load management controller (similar to Make - DEIF,
model AGC 150) functions as mentioned in CPWD Specifications
Incomings from 3 No. DGs (500 KVA). Each incomer shall consist of following:
800A, 50 kA, 3-pole EDO type ACB having Microprocessor release with following
functions : Protection for O/C, S/C, E/F including communication capability - 1 no.
Multifunction meter with RS 485 communication port with required set of suitable
CT's - 1 no
Indicating lamps(LED type) for each DG incomer - 1 Set
CONTROLS (for each DG Set)
Auto/ Manual/ Test/ Off Selector Switch - 1 no
Suitably rated current transformers (epoxy resin) 15 P 10 accuracy for protection and
15 VA class -I for metering : 1 set
Multi Function Meter with display parameter of Voltage, Ampere, kW, kWH, kVA,
Frequency, pf, phase angle and LED Cluster Indicating lamps - 1 Set
Indicating lamps for Load on Mains and Load on DG set & indication lamps for battery
charge ON - 1 Set
Set of fuses for instruments - 1 Set
Battery charger, complete with transformer/ rectifier, D.C. Voltmeter and Ammeter,
Selector Switch for trickle, off and boost and current adjustment - 1 Set
RATE (incl.
1.0633 MF
GST on
(v) Full load/maximum load warning
Bus Bars
1000A,TPN Copper Busbar with 100% neutral suitable for 65 KA with 11kv rated, heat
shrinkable coloured sleeves i/c SMC/DMC bus bar supports.
1) All outgoing switchgear shall be microproccesor based with communication
2) All outgoings shall be provided with Energy meter with communication capability.
3) The Outgoings shall be provided in various sections as per the SLD
800A, 50 kA, 3-pole EDO type ACB having Microprocessor release with following
functions : Protection for O/C, S/C, E/F including communication capability - 1 no.
Multifunction meter with RS 485 communication port with required set of suitable
CT's - 1 no
Indicating lamps(LED type) for each DG incomer - 1 Set
1) Switchboards shall comply to Form 4B / 3B for Main compartmentalized boards as
per IEC 61439-1&2
2) DG LT panel boards shall be assembled only by an OEM or their authorized system
3) The drawings shall be signed by the representatives of the OEM, Authorised
System Integrator apart from the Contractor(s).
Multifunction meter with RS 485 communication port with required set of suitable
CT's - 1 no
RATE (incl.
1.0633 MF
GST on
Indicating lamps(LED type) for each DG incomer - 1 Set
Bus coupler
2 No. 800 Amp drawout type electrically operated three Pole ACB (EDO)
Micrprocessor release suitable for Bus Bar connections, ON/OFF indication lights with
necessary auxiliary changeover contactor.Required interlocking to be provided.
Note: The Bus couplers shall be electrically interlocked with all incoming breakers as
per the logic / SLD
Bus Bars
800A,TPN Copper Busbar with 100% neutral suitable for 65 KA with 11kv rated, heat
shrinkable coloured sleeves i/c SMC/DMC bus bar supports.
1) All outgoing switchgear shall be microproccesor based with communication
2) All outgoings shall be provided with Energy meter with communication capability.
3) The Outgoings shall be provided in various sections as per the SLD
630 Amp TP MCCB,36 KA. (Ics= 100% Icu) with Microprocessor based releases - 5
400 Amp TP MCCB,36 KA. (Ics= 100% Icu) with Microprocessor based releases - 2
315 Amp TP MCCB,36 KA. (Ics= 100% Icu) with Microprocessor based releases - 2
250 Amp TP MCCB,36 KA. (Ics= 100% Icu) with Microprocessor based releases - 1
160 Amp TP MCCB, 25 KA. (Ics= 100% Icu) with Thermal Magnetic based releases -
4 no.
100 Amp TP MCCB, 25 KA. (Ics= 100% Icu) with Thermal magnetic based releases -
3 no.
1) Switchboards shall comply to Form 4B / 3B for Main compartmentalized boards as
per IEC 61439-1&2
2) DG LT panel boards shall be assembled only by an OEM or their authorized system
3) The drawings shall be signed by the representatives of the OEM, Authorised
System Integrator apart from the Contractor(s).
Laying of one number PVC insulated and PVC sheathed / XLPE power cable of 1.1 KV
6.25 grade of following size in the existing RCC/ HUME/ METAL pipe as required.
RATE (incl.
1.0633 MF
GST on
6.26.4 Above 185 sq. mm and upto 400 sq. mm 2445 mtr 122 2 98 290
Providing and fixing 50mm x 5mm copper strip on surface or in recess including
6.27 laying in pipes /cable tray/open trench for connections including interconnection and 125 mtr 2247 2 80 875
terminations etc. as required
Providing and fixing 50mm x 5mm Copper strip in 80 mm dia G.I. pipe from earth
6.28 electrode including connection with brass nut, bolt, spring, washer excavation and re- 60 mtr 3370 2 02 200
filling etc. as required.
Providing and fixing 50mm x 5mm GI strip on surface or in recess including laying in
6.29 pipes /cable tray/open trench for connections including interconnection and 80 mtr 356 28 480
terminations as required GI nut bolt etc as required.
Providing and fixing 50mm x 5mm GI strip in 80 mm dia G.I. pipe from earth electrode
6.30 including connection with brass nut, bolt, spring, washer on surface or in recess for 160 mtr 1574 2 51 840
connection etc. as required.
6.31 Providing and fixing 6SWG GI wire on surface or in loop earthing. 400 mtr 74 29 600
Providing, laying and fixing following dia RCC pipe NP2 class (light duty) in ground
6.32 complete with RCC collars, jointing with cement mortar 1:2 (1 cement : 2 fine sand)
including trenching (75 cm deep) and refilling etc as required.
6.32.1 100 mm dia. Hume Pipe 150 mtr 704 1 05 600
6.32.2 150 mm dia 410 mtr 770 3 15 700
6.32.3 300 mm dia 2150 mtr 1212 26 05 800
Supplying and laying of following size DWC HDPE pipe ISI marked along with all
accessories like socket, bend, couplers etc. conforming to IS 14930, Part II complete
with fitting and cutting, jointing in ground (75 cm below ground level)
including excavation and refilling the trench but excluding sand cushioning and
protective covering not less then SN-8 category etc., complete as required. (For LV
6.33.1 120 mm dia (OD - 120 mm & ID - 103 mm nominal) 750 mtr 391 2 93 250
6.33.2 200 mm dia (OD - 200 mm & ID - 175 mm nominal) 600 mtr 710 4 26 000
Supply, installation, testing & commissioning of Outdoor type, Double door panel
fabricated with minimum 2mm thick CRCA sheet, 3mm for detachable gland plate
including cleaning & finishing complete with 7 tank process for powder coating in
approved shade, with IP-54 enclosure protection, conforming to relevant IS
Specifications, IS-2137(Revised), floor mounting, free standing on a suitable masonry
6.34 pedestal panel and provided with hinged detachable and lockable outer doors with
the following incoming/ outgoing MCCB/ MCBs mounted therein including making
connections/ interconnections, earthing studs, canopy arrangement on the top,
painting etc. complete with switchgear, metering etc. for the various Feeder Pillars as
detailed below
1) The fault withstanding capacity shall be 36 KA for one sec.
2) Earth bus shall be part of the panel.
3) Every outgoing shall be provided with a energy meter with communication
capability and suitable CTs
4) All the outgoing ACB / MCCBs on or above 400 Amps should have communication
capability and including all hardware and software required BMS compatibility and
On / Off / Trip LED Cluster Indicating lamps with 2 Amp control MCB and CTs of
suitable rating.
RATE (incl.
1.0633 MF
GST on
630 A FP ,Microprocesor based MCCB,36 KA breaking capacity with heavy duty solid
neutral link along with Earth fault relay, o/c relay and s/c relay with communication
capability - 1 No.
Bus Bars
800 Amps TPN COPPER Bus Bars of suitable length with 100% neutral. Bus bars shall
be colour coded and insulated by heat shrinkable sleeves & clip on shrouds for joints.
500 amp FP,Microprocesor based, MCCB of 36 KA service breaking capacity - 1 No
200 amp FP,Microprocesor based, MCCB of 36 KA service breaking capacity - 5 Nos.
1 SET 278447 2 78 447
400 A FP ,Microprocesor based MCCB,36 KA breaking capacity with heavy duty solid
neutral link along with Earth fault relay , o/c relay and s/c relay with communication
capability - 1 No.
Bus Bars
500 Amps TPN copper Bus Bars of suitable length with 100% neutral. Bus bars shall be
colour coded and insulated by heat shrinkable sleeves & clip on shrouds for joints.
200 amp FP, Microprocesor based, MCCB of 36 KA service breaking capacity - 5 Nos.
160 A TP ,Microprocesor based MCCB,25 KA breaking capacity with heavy duty solid
neutral link along with Earth fault relay and CBCT.with communication capability - 1
Bus Bars
200 Amps TPN copper Bus Bars of suitable length with 100% neutral. Bus bars shall be
colour coded and insulated by heat shrinkable sleeves & clip on shrouds for joints.
RATE (incl.
1.0633 MF
GST on
125 amp FP,Microprocesor based, MCCB of 25 KA service breaking capacity - 1 No.
(Note : The fault withstanding capacity shall be 25 KA for one sec. Earth bus shall be
part of the panel.
3 no 100 A FP MCB,10 KA breaking capacity
1 no 40 A FP MCB,10 KA breaking capacity
4 no 32 A SPN MCB,10 KA breaking capacity
2 no. 63 A FP contactor with 4 sets of NO contacts and ON delay electronic timer.
2 no 40 A SPN MCB,10 KA breaking capacity
4 no 40 A FP MCB,10 KA breaking capacity
4 no 32 A SPN MCB,10 KA breaking capacity
1 no. 40 A FP contactor with 4 sets of NO contacts and ON delay electronic timer.
RATE (incl.
1.0633 MF
GST on
The incoming shall comprise the following :-
1 No 100 A FP MCB,10 KA breaking capacity with heavy duty solid neutral link along
with Earth fault relay and CBCT.
Bus Bars
120 Amps TPN Copper Bus Bars of suitable length with 100% neutral. Bus bars shall
be colour coded and insulated by heat shrinkable sleeves & clip on shrouds for joints.
2 no 40 A SPN MCB,10 KA breaking capacity
2 no 40 A FP MCB,10 KA breaking capacity
5 no 32 A SPN MCB,10 KA breaking capacity
1 no. 40 A FP contactor with 4 sets of NO contacts and ON delay electronic timer.
Laying of one number PVC insulated and PVC sheathed / XLPE power cable of 1.1 KV
6.36 grade of following size direct in ground including excavation, sand cushioning,
protective covering and refilling the trench etc as required.
6.36.1 Upto 3.5 x 35 sq. mm. cable 12700 mtr 411 52 19 700
Supplying and making end termination with brass compression gland and aluminium
6.37 lugs for following size of PVC insulated and PVC sheathed / XLPE aluminium
conductor cable of 1.1 KV grade as required.
6.37.1 3.5 x 35 sq. mm. aluminium conductor 4 Nos 392 1 568
6.37.2 4 x 16 sq. mm. aluminium conductor 120 Nos 329 39 480
6.37.3 2 x 10 sq. mm. aluminium conductor 1084 Nos 256 2 77 504
6.37.4 2 x 6 sq. mm. copper conductor 120 Nos 255 30 600
Earthing with G.I. earth pipe 4.5 metre long, 40 mm dia including accessories, and
providing masonry enclosure with cover plate having locking arrangement and
6.38 31 Nos 7289 2 25 959
watering pipe etc. with charcoal/ coke and salt as required.
Providing and laying earth connection from earth electrodes with 6 SWG GI wire in 15
6.39 mm dia GI pipe from earth electrodes including connection with G.I. thimbles, 155 mtr 305 47 275
excavation & refilling as required.
Providing and fixing 6 SWG GI wire on surface or in recess for loop earthing along
6.40 400 mtr 74 29 600
with existing cable as req.
Supply & installation of 12 meter long coated with zinc rich primer and finished using
environmentally stable polyurethane based paint / Pure polyester powder coated
octagonal pole made of minimum 4 mm thick MS sheet 400mm x 400 mm base
plate, with 4 nos. (75 mm x 75mm) stiffners complete with M20 x 500mm long
foundation bolt with nuts on cement reinforced concrete foundation of minimum
6.41 600 x 600 x 1500 mm3 in the ratio of 1: 3 : 6 (1 cement : 3 course sand : 6 graded 34 Nos 69002 23 46 068
stone aggregate 40mm nominal size) complete with 2 nos suitable size 40 mm dia
DWC Pipe with 1.5 Mtr long arm including fixing arrangement including excavation &
refilling of earth, wiring with 2x2.5 sqmm PVC copper conductor wire including
terminations in 5 Amps MCBs from junction box to light fittings along with fixing
complete as required.
RATE (incl.
1.0633 MF
GST on
Supply & installation of 7.5 meter long coated with zinc rich primer and finished using
environmentally stable polyurethane based paint / Pure polyester powder coated
octagonal pole made of minimum 4 mm thick MS sheet 300mm x 300 mm base
plate, with 4 nos. (75 mm x 75mm) stiffners complete with M20 x 500mm long
foundation bolt with nuts on cement concrete foundation of minimum 600 x 600 x
6.42 1200 mm3 in the ratio of 1: 3 : 6 (1 cement : 3 course sand : 6 graded stone 33 Nos 44287 14 61 471
aggregate 40mm nominal size) complete with 2 nos suitable size 40 mm dia DWC
Pipe with 1 Mtr long arm including fixing arrangement including excavation &
refilling of earth, wiring with 2x2.5 sqmm PVC copper conductor wire including
terminations in 5 Amps MCBs from junction box to light fittings along with fixing
complete as required.
Supply & installation of 6 meter long coated with zinc rich primer and finished using
environmentally stable polyurethane based paint / Pure polyester powder coated
octagonal pole made of minimum 4 mm thick MS sheet 250mm x 250 mm base
plate, with 4 nos. (75 mm x 75mm) stiffners complete with M16 x 500mm long
foundation bolt with nuts on cement concrete foundation of minimum 600 x 600 x
6.43 1200 mm3 in the ratio of 1: 3 : 6 (1 cement : 3 course sand : 6 graded stone 4 Nos 32262 1 29 048
aggregate 40mm nominal size) complete with 2 nos suitable size 40 mm dia DWC
Pipe with 1 Mtr long arm including fixing arrangement including excavation &
refilling of earth, wiring with 2x2.5 sqmm PVC copper conductor wire including
terminations in 5 Amps MCBs from junction box to light fittings along with fixing
complete as required.
Supply & installation of 3 meter long coated with zinc rich primer and finished using
environmentally stable polyurethane based paint / Pure polyester powder coated
garden type pole made of minimum 4 mm thick MS sheet 250mm x 250 mm base
plate, with 4 nos. (75 mm x 75mm) stiffners complete with M16 x 500mm long
foundation bolt with nuts on cement concrete foundation of minimum 450 x 450 x
6.44 800 mm3 in the ratio of 1: 3 : 6 (1 cement : 3 course sand : 6 graded stone aggregate 87 Nos 15229 13 24 923
40mm nominal size) complete with 2 nos suitable size 40 mm dia DWC Pipe including
fixing arrangement including excavation & refilling of earth, wiring with 2x2.5 sqmm
PVC copper conductor wire including terminations in 5 Amps MCBs from junction box
to light fittings along with fixing complete as required.
Design, manufacture, supply, installation, testing and commissioning of following MV
switchgear panels suitable for 415 V, 3 phase, 4 wire, 50 Hz power distribution
system. The panel shall be Indoor, wall mounting, sheet metal clad, cubicle, dead
front, dust and vermin proof type compartmentalised design fabricated out of 14
SWG sheet steel, complete with copper bus bars, separate earth bus bar to be
provided through out the length of the panel. The incoming and outgoing feeders
shall be accommodated in a modular multitier arrangement, adequate size cable
alley, painting, earthing, numbering, danger plate etc as required.
1) The fault withstanding capacity shall be 36 KA for one sec.
2) Earth bus shall be part of the panel.
3) Every outgoing shall be provided with a energy meter with communication
capability and suitable CTs
RATE (incl.
1.0633 MF
GST on
4) All the outgoing ACB / MCCBs on or above 400 Amps should have communication
capability and including all hardware and software required BMS compatibility and
On / Off / Trip LED Cluster Indicating lamps with 2 Amp control MCB and CTs of
suitable rating.
As per relevant SLD in Drawing No. CPWD/RBI/2021/EL/3/101
500 A TP MCCB 36 KA (with locking arrangement)
1 No. Digital Voltmeter with VSS
6.45 1 No. Digital Ammeter with ASS 4 each 323741 12 94 964
Indicator Lamps With protection MCB's(R,Y,B)
700 A TPN Copper Busbar of suitable length with 100% neutral
125A TP MCCB 36 KA - 10 nos.
EV Charging panel as described above.
Supplying and fixing of following ways surface/ recess mounting, vertical type, 415 V,
TPN MCB distribution board of sheet steel, dust protected, duly powder painted,
inclusive of 200 A tinned copper bus bar, common neutral link, earth bar, din bar for
mounting MCBs (but without MCBs and incomer ) as required . (Note : Vertical type
MCB TPDB is normally used where 3 phase outlets are required.)
Providing and fixing following rating and breaking capacity and pole MCCB with
thermomagnetic release and terminal spreaders in existing cubicle panel board
including drilling holes in cubicle panel, making connections, etc. as required.
RATE (incl.
1.0633 MF
GST on
xi)Frequency Variation.
Alternator :
Synchronous alternator rated at 500 KVA, 415 volts at 1500 RPM, 3 phase 50 Hz, AC
supply with 0.8 lagging power factor at 40 Degree C, 50% RH & at 1000 meter MSL.
The alternator shall be having SPDP enclosure, brushless, continuous duty,
separately excited and self-regulated through AVR conforming to IS 133664/IEC
:60034-1 suitable for tropical conditions and with class - F insulation.
Fuel Tank :
Fuel tank shall be inbuilt as per manufacturers design with a minimum capacity of 900
Exhaust system :
Dry exhaust manifold with residential exhaust silencer and catalytic convertor
DG set controller with GSM/SMS based device for alert & compatible with BMS
Starting System
12/ 24 V starting system comprising of starter motors, voltage regulator and
arrangement for initial excitation complete with suitable nos. of batteries ( 180Amp.
Hour capacity lead acid type/ As per OEM standard ) as required as per specifications.
Acoustic and weather proof enclosure with arrangement for fresh air intake for
cooling of the engine & alternator, extraction, discharging hot air in to the 3 SET 3823371 1 14 70 113
atmosphere as per specifications complete etc. as required
Supply & installation of suitable size exhaust pipe of MS ERW 'B' class with Al.
7.2.1 6" Class B Pipe 18 meters 8156 1 46 808
7.2.2 6" Bend 6 nos. 8156 48 936
7.2.3 insulation and 24 guage aluminium cladding for above exhaust pipe 18 meters 2951 53 118
7.2.4 10" class B pipe 110 meters 10409 11 44 990
7.2.5 10" Bend 6 nos. 10409 62 454
7.2.6 insulation and 24 guage aluminium cladding for above exhaust pipe 110 meters 3514 3 86 540
7.2.7 insulation and 24 guage aluminium cladding for silencer 6 nos. 17009 1 02 054
RATE (incl.
1.0633 MF
GST on
Subhead - 8 (VRV/ VRF SYSTEM)
8.1 Outdoor Units of VRF System
Supply Installation, Testing & Commissioning of modular type Variable Refrigerant
Flow/Variable Refrigerant Volume air cooled Outdoor units suitable for cooling ,
having all hermetically sealed inverter type Scroll Compressor(s), minimum two
compressors for above 14 HP modules, microprocessor based Controller, top
discharge type condensing unit(s), with R 410 A Refrigerant, vibration isolators,
including suitable foundation etc. as specified by OEM, complete as required. The
unit shall deliver the rated capacity at AHRI Conditions and work even at 50°C
ambient temperature without tripping. The unit shall be suitable to work on 400V +/-
10%, 3 Phase, 50Hz AC power supply. The unit shall be filled with first charge of the
refrigerant and ready for use as required. The COP at AHRI conditions shall not be less
than 3.1 and IEER not less than 6.5 . refrigerant gas.
8.2.1 2.0 TR Four Way Cassette type AC Unit 22 Nos 32751 7 20 522
8.2.2 2.8 TR Four Way Cassette type AC Unit 36 Nos 34042 12 25 512
8.2.3 3.6 TR Four Way Cassette type AC Unit 14 Nos 35311 4 94 354
8.3 High Wall type VRF Indoor Units
Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of High Wall type AC Unit of following
capacity VRV/VRF High wall type Indoor unit equipped with washable synthetic media
pre-filter, fan section with low noise fan/dynamically balanced blower, multispeed
motor, coil section with DX copper coil, electronic expansion valve, outer cabinet,
cord less remote control, drain pan, necessary accessories etc., suitable for operation
on 230 V ± 10%, 50 Hz, single phase AC supply, complete as required. The unit shall
have automatic force shut down provision in case of fire on receiving signal from BMS
System. The cooling capacity of indoor unit will be at air inlet conditions of 27 Degree
C DB and 19 Degree C WB temperature.
RATE (incl.
1.0633 MF
GST on
8.4 Ductable type VRF Indoor Units_ Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of
following capacity Ductable type AC Unit capacity and external static pressure
VRF/VRV ceiling mounted ductable type Indoor unit equipped with washable
synthetic media pre-filter, fan section with low noise fan/dynamically balanced
blower, multispeed motor, coil section with DX copper coil, electronic expansion
valve, corded remote control, outer cabinet, vibration isolators, drain pan, other
necessary supports etc., suitable for operation on single phase AC supply 230 V ±
10%, 50 Hz complete as required. The unit shall have automatic force shut down
provision in case of fire on receiveing signal from BMS System. The cooling capacity
of indoor unit will be at air inlet conditions of 27 Degree C DB and 19 Degree C WB
RATE (incl.
1.0633 MF
GST on
8.8.1 6.4 mm dia (OD) (soft drawn) with tube thickness 1.2 mm with 19mm thick insulation
1200 Mts 261 3 13 200
8.8.2 9.5 mm dia with tube thickness 1.2 mm with 19 mm thick Insulation 1100 Mts 352 3 87 200
8.8.3 12.7 mm dia with tube thickness 1.2 mm with 19 mm thick Insulation 1100 Mts 495 5 44 500
8.8.4 15.86 mm dia with tube thickness 1.2 mm with 19 mm thick Insulation 1050 Mts 625 6 56 250
8.8.8 19 mm dia with tube thickness 1.2 mm with 19 mm thick Insulation 1000 Mts 752 7 52 000
8.8.6 22.2 mm dia with tube thickness 1.2 mm with 19 mm thick Insulation 1050 Mts 920 9 66 000
8.8.7 25.4 mm dia (OD) (Hard drawn) with tube thickness 1.2 mm with 19mm thick
100 Mts 1087 1 08 700
8.8.8 28.58 mm dia with tube thickness 1.2 mm with 19 mm thick Insulation 400 Mts 1178 4 71 200
8.8.9 31.8 mm dia (OD) (Hard drawn) with tube thickness 1.2 mm with 19mm thick
250 Mts 1244 3 11 000
8.8.10 34.9 mm dia with tube thickness 1.62 mm with 19 mm thick Insulation 200 Mts 1308 2 61 600
8.8.11 38.1 mm dia (OD) (Hard drawn) with tube thickness 1.2 mm with 19mm thick
190 Mts 1345 2 55 550
8.8.12 41.27 mm dia with tube thickness 1.62 mm with 19 mm thick Insulation 200 Mts 1392 2 78 400
8.9 Communication Cabling For VRF System
Providing and fixing of Control Cabling between the indoor units & outdoor units. 4C 6000 Mts 265 15 90 000
x 2.5 , PVC insulated, FRLSH FLEXIBLE copper cables.
8.10 Supplying and installing following size of perforated Hot
Dipped Galvanised Iron cable tray (Galvanisation thickness not less than 50 microns)
with perforation not more than 17.5%, in convenient sections, joined with
connectors, suspended from the ceiling with G.I. suspenders including G.I. bolts &
nuts, etc. as required.
8.10.1 150 mm width X 50 mm depth X 1.6 mm thickness 2000 Mts 761 15 22 000
8.10.2 300 mm width X 50 mm depth X 1.6 mm thickness 2000 Mts 1024 20 48 000
8.11 Sheet Metal Work
Supply, installation, balancing and commissioning of factory/Site fabricated GSS sheet
metal rectangular/round ducting complete with neoprene rubber gaskets, elbows,
splitter dampers, vanes, hangers, supports etc. as per approved drawings and
specifications of following sheet thickness complete as required
Duct Damper
Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of GI volume control duct damper
8.17 25 SqM 7 492 1 87 300
complete with neoprene rubber gaskets, nuts, bolts, screws linkages, flanges etc, as
per specifications.
RATE (incl.
1.0633 MF
GST on
Duct Thermal Insulation - Supplying and fixing of 19mm thickness duly laminated
aluminum foil of mat finish closed cell Nitrile rubber (Class "O") insulation on existing
8.18 duct after applying suitable adhesive for Nitrile rubber. The joints shall be sealed with 1 275 SqM 802 10 22 550
50 mm wide and 3 mm thick self adhesive nitrile rubber tape insulation complete as
per specifications and as required.
Duct Accoustic Insulation - Supply and fixing of 15 mm thick acoustic lining inside
sheet metal ducts with arma sound elastrometric nitrile rubber of density
8.19 550 SqM 1 414 7 77 700
150Kg/ and thermal conductivity of 0.036 W/m k -
Supply & Fixing of acoustic lining on wall and ceiling of AHU room with 50 mm thick
density of 32 Kg/cu resin bonded glass fiber insulation friction fixed in 610 mm x 610
8.20 mm frame work made of 25X50X50X50X25mm made out of 0.6 mm thick GI sheet U 200 SqM 1 307 2 61 400
shaped chaneel and covered with reinforced fiber glass tisue and fiished with 0.8 mm
perforated aluminium sheet.
PVC Drain - SITC of PVC Drain Piping Duly Insulated with 9 mm Nitrile Rubber And
BOPP Tape Of Following Size Dia.
8.21.1 25 MM 1 200 Mts 169 2 02 800
8.21.2 32 MM 200 Mts 200 40 000
8.21.3 40 MM 150 Mts 249 37 350
8.22 Mechanical Ventilation - Centrifugal Fresh Air Fans- SITC of Cabinet (Square) Type
Inline Centrifugal Fresh Air Fan AMCA Certified (For Air and Sound Performance)
suitable for installing in any position in vertical or horizontal ducts. The casing shall be
double skin, internally acoustically lined and constructed of galvanised steel. The
inline fan shall be with Forward curve up to 1500 CFM & above shall be backward
curve centrifugal impeller fitted with maintenance free external rotor motor, flexible
connections at the outlet & inlet. The motor shall be suitable for 220/415±10% volt
single/three phase 50 Hz AC supply. The fan shall have low sound level exceeding not
more than 65 DBA at 3 meter distance & Fan should have Pre / fine filter.
List of Drawings
Tender Drawings
Soil Testing Report
List of Drawings
S. No. Drawing Title Drawing No.
15 CPWD/RBI/2021/AR/3/PS/II-IX/900
16 CPWD/RBI/2021/AR/3/PS/II-IX/901
17 CPWD/RBI/2021/AR/3/PS/II-IX/902
18 CPWD/RBI/2021/AR/3/PS/II-IX/903
21 CPWD/RBI/2021/AR/3/RLD/I-IX/901
27 MATERIAL PLAN 1 CPWD/RBI/2021/L/3/300
3 TOWER I - 2ND, 4TH, 6TH & 8TH FLOOR PLAN CPWD/RBI/2021/AR/3/I/202
12 TOWER I - SECTION 1 CPWD/RBI/2021/AR/3/I/301
13 TOWER I - SECTION 2 CPWD/RBI/2021/AR/3/I/302
14 TOWER I - SECTION 3 CPWD/RBI/2021/AR/3/I/303
15 TOWER I - PLAN - TOILET 1 & 2 CPWD/RBI/2021/AR/3/I/TD/901
18 TOWER I - PLAN - TOILET 3 & 4 CPWD/RBI/2021/AR/3/I/TD/904
21 & CORRIDOR CPWD/RBI/2021/AR/3/I/FP/901
22 DU CPWD/RBI/2021/AR/3/I/FP/903
27 1 CPWD/RBI/2021/AR/3/I/SWD/901
28 2 CPWD/RBI/2021/AR/3/I/SWD/902
45 LEVEL CPWD/RBI/2021/ST/3/XI/203
50 LEVEL CPWD/RBI/2021/ST/3/XI/202A
51 LEVEL CPWD/RBI/2021/ST/3/XI/202B
52 LEVEL CPWD/RBI/2021/ST/3/XI/203A
53 LEVEL CPWD/RBI/2021/ST/3/XI/203B
55 FLOOR CPWD/RBI/2021/EL/3/XI/201
56 FLOOR CPWD/RBI/2021/EL/3/XI/202
57 TERRACE CPWD/RBI/2021/EL/3/XI/203
63 PLAN CPWD/RBI/2021/PL/3/XI/200
64 PLAN CPWD/RBI/2021/PL/3/XI/201
67 PLAN CPWD/RBI/2021/PL/3/XI/204