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IIM Sirmaur Project, Sirmaur

NIT No. : 03/SE cumPD Sirmour/2019-20

NAMEOFWORK : Development of Permanent Campus of IIM

Sirmaur at Dhaula Kuan, District Sirmaur,
Himachal Pradesh. SH: C/o Student Hostel-Type
A, B, C, Married Hostel, Connecting Corridor
Hostels, Student Mess, Student Activity Center,
Virtual Learning Center, Director Residence,
Professor Residence-Type VI, Associate
Professor Residence -Type V & Assistant
Professor Residence Type IV Special, Staff
Residence Type-1 to 4 (1, 2, 3 & 4), Community
Center, Class Room Complex- 01 & 02, Faculty
Building, MDP Class Room Complex, Library
cum Computer Center, Auditorium and
Incubation Center, Administrative Block, Guest
House & MDP Accommodation, Meditation
Center, ESS-1, 2 & 3, AC Plant Room, Bus Stop &
Gate Way Complex i/c all Internal and External
Civil, MEP, Hard Landscape, irrigation work etc.
ESTIMATEDCOST : Rs.295,07,59,038/-{Civil Rs. 224,49,77,869/- +
E&M: Rs. 70,57,81,169 /-}
EARNEST MONEY : Rs. 3,05,07,590/- (to be refunded after receiving
the Performance Guarantee)
TIMEALLOWED : 22 (Twenty Two)Months for construction + 2
years for comprehensive maintenance of E&M
DATE OFOPENING : 03:30 PM on15.02.2020

Name of work: Development of Permanent Campus of IIM Sirmaur at Dhaula Kuan,
District Sirmaur, Himachal Pradesh. SH: C/o Student Hostel-Type A, B,
C, Married Hostel, Connecting Corridor Hostels, Student Mess,
Student Activity Center, Virtual Learning Center, Director Residence,
Professor Residence-Type VI, Associate Professor Residence -Type V
& Assistant Professor Residence Type IV Special, Staff Residence
Type-1 to 4 (1, 2, 3 & 4), Community Center, Class Room Complex- 01
& 02, Faculty Building, MDP Class Room Complex, Library cum
Computer Center, Auditorium and Incubation Center, Administrative
Block, Guest House & MDP Accommodation, Meditation Center, ESS-
1, 2 & 3, AC Plant Room, Bus Stop & Gate Way Complex i/c all Internal
and External Civil, MEP, Hard Landscape, irrigation work etc.

NIT No. : 03/SE cumPD Sirmour/2019-20



1. INDEX 2-4


3.4 FORM CPWD 6 19-26

3.8 FORM CPWD 7 48-50




6.0 BOQ Of CIVIL AND E&M WORKS 555-631

12.0 DRAWINGS LIST 79 sheets
14.0 Part – D : FINANCIAL BID

NIT for above work amounting to Rs. 295,07,59,038/-(Rs. Two Hundred Ninety Five
Crores Seven Lakh Fifty Nine Thousand Thirty Eight Only) having pages as per
Index is hereby approved.

Consultant : M/s Design Associates INC, Noida

AE IIM Sirmour, AE IIM Sirmour,

CPWD, Sirmour CPWD, Sirmour

EE & SM(C) Sirmour-I, EE & SM(C) Sirmour-II, EE & SM(E) Sirmour,

CPWD, Sirmour CPWD, Sirmour CPWD, Sirmour

SE Cum PD,
IIM Sirmour,
CPWD, Sirmour





















The Executive Engineer and Senior Manager (C) Sirmour-I, CPWD, Dhaula Kuan, IIM Sirmaur
(H.P.). Email: amrit.garg@gov.in,Mobile: 9646053793) on behalf of the President of India invites
online percentage rate composite bids in EPC (Mode 3) basis from approved and eligible
contractors of CPWD registered in appropriate class in composite category and eligible
firms/bidders of repute in two bid system(Technical cum Eligibility bid and Finanacial bid) for the

Name of Work: Development of Permanent Campus of IIM Sirmaur at Dhaula Kuan, District
Sirmaur, Himachal Pradesh. SH: C/o Student Hostel-Type A, B, C, Married
Hostel, Connecting Corridor Hostels, Student Mess, Student Activity Center,
Virtual Learning Center, Director Residence, Professor Residence-Type VI,
Associate Professor Residence -Type V & Assistant Professor Residence
Type IV Special, Staff Residence Type-1 to 4 (1, 2, 3 & 4), Community Center,
Class Room Complex- 01 & 02, Faculty Building, MDP Class Room Complex,
Library cum Computer Center, Auditorium and Incubation Center,
Administrative Block, Guest House & MDP Accommodation, Meditation
Center, ESS-1, 2 & 3, AC Plant Room, Bus Stop & Gate Way Complex i/c all
Internal and External Civil, MEP, Hard Landscape, irrigation work etc.

NIT No.: 03/SE cum PD Sirmour/2019-20

Estimated Cost put to Tender Rs. 295,07,59,038/- {Civil Rs. 224,49,77,869/- +

E&M: Rs. 70,57,81,169 /-}
Earnest Money Rs. 3,05,07,590/- (to be refunded after receiving the
Performance Guarantee)
Period of Completion 22 (Twenty Two)Months for construction + 2 years for
comprehensive maintenance of E&M component.
Last date & Time of submission of 03:00 PM on 15.02.2020
Online Bid

Pre-bid conference shall be held with the intending bidders in the office of SE cum PD Sirmour,
Camp Office: 3rd Floor, CPWD, Kendriya Sadan, Sector 9 A, Chandigarh on 10.02.2020 at 11:30

The tender forms and other details can be obtained from the website www.tenderwizard.com/cpwd.
Press notice is also available on www.eprocure.gov.in

EE&SM (C) Sirmour-I,

CPWD, Dhaula Kuan,
Distt. Sirmour (H.P.)


The Executive Engineer and Senior Manager (C) Sirmour-I, CPWD, Dhaula Kuan, IIM Sirmaur
(H.P.). Email: amrit.garg@gov.in,Mobile: 9646053793) on behalf of the President of India invites
online percentage rate composite bids in EPC (Mode 3) basis from approved and eligible
contractors of CPWD registered in appropriate class in composite category and eligible
firms/bidders of repute in two bid system(Technical cum Eligibility bid and Finanacial bid) for the

NIT No. : 03/SE cum PD Sirmour/2019-20

Name of Work : Development of Permanent Campus of IIM

Sirmaur at Dhaula Kuan, District Sirmaur,
Himachal Pradesh. SH: C/o Student Hostel-Type
A, B, C, Married Hostel, Connecting Corridor
Hostels, Student Mess, Student Activity Center,
Virtual Learning Center, Director Residence,
Professor Residence-Type VI, Associate
Professor Residence -Type V & Assistant
Professor Residence Type IV Special, Staff
Residence Type-1 to 4 (1, 2, 3 & 4), Community
Center, Class Room Complex- 01 & 02, Faculty
Building, MDP Class Room Complex, Library
cum Computer Center, Auditorium and
Incubation Center, Administrative Block, Guest
House & MDP Accommodation, Meditation
Center, ESS-1, 2 & 3, AC Plant Room, Bus Stop
& Gate Way Complex i/c all Internal and External
Civil, MEP, Hard Landscape, irrigation work etc.

Location : IIM Sirmaur, Dhaula Kuan, Distt. Sirmaur (H.P.)

Estimated cost put to bid : Rs. 295,07,59,038/- {Civil Rs. 224,49,77,869/- +
E&M: Rs. 70,57,81,169 /-}
Earnest Money : Rs. Rs. 3,05,07,590/- (to be refunded after receiving
the Performance Guarantee)
Period of Completion : 22 (Twenty Two)Months for construction + 2
years for comprehensive maintenance of E&M
Last time & date of submission of : 03:00 PM on 15.02.2020
Online bid, Copyof original EMD,
Copy of receipt for deposition of
Original EMD and other
documents as specifiedin
Notice Inviting e-Tender.
Time and date of opening of : 03:30 PM on 15.02.2020
eligibility bid

Pre-Bid Conference : Pre-bid conference shall be held with the eligible and
intending bidders in the office of SE cum PD
Sirmour, Camp Office: 3rd Floor, CPWD, Kendriya
Sadan, Sector 9 A, Chandigarh on 10.02.2020 at
11:30 AM

1. The contractor submitting the tender should read the schedule of quantities, additional
conditions, additional specifications, particular specifications, CPWD- 6 and other terms and
conditions given in the NIT and drawings. The bidder should also read the General
Conditions of Contract for CPWD Works 2019 for EPC works with up to date correction slips,
which is available as Government of India Publications; however, provisions included in the
tender document shall prevail over the provisions contained in the standard form. The set of
drawings and NIT shall be available in the office of Executive Engineer and Senior
Manager (C) Sirmour-I, CPWD, Dhaula Kuan, IIM Sirmaur (H.P.) Camp Office: 3rd Floor,
CPWD, Kendriya Sadan, Sector 9 A, Chandigarh.The contractor should also visit the site
of work and acquaint himself with the site conditions before tendering. He should only submit
his tender if he considers himself eligible and he is in possession of all the required
documents. The following conditions, which already form part of the tender conditions, are
specially brought to his notice for compliance while submitting the tender online. They are
requested to comply following instructions.
(a) Tenders with any condition including that of conditional rebates shall be rejected
(b) The successful bidder shall be required to submit a Performance Guarantee of 5% (Five
Percent) of the tendered amount within 7 days of issue of letter of intent. This period can
be further extended by Engineer-in-Charge up to a maximum period of 3 days on the
written request of the contractor and with late fee as defined in Schedule F.
(c) GST, Work Contract Tax
(d) Labour-Cess etc. as applicable shall be borne by the contractor himself. The contractor
shall quote his rates considering all such taxes and hence their quoted rates should be
inclusive of all the tax components.
(e) It will be obligatory on part of the Contractor/ Bidder to tender for and sign the tender
documents for all the component parts. The department reserves right to accept tender
in full or in part without assigning any reasons.
1.2 Criteria for Eligibility
The Contractors, who fulfill the following requirements, shall be eligible to apply. Joint
Ventures are not accepted

1.2.1 Criteria for eligibility for approved and eligible CPWD contractors

(i) The enlistment of the CPWD contractors in appropriate class in composite category
should be valid on the last date of submission of bids.
(ii) In case the last date of submission of bid is extended, the enlistment of contractor
should be valid on the original date of submission of bids.

1.2.2 Criteria for eligibility for Non CPWD Contractors

(i) Should have satisfactorily completed the works as mentioned below during the last
Seven years ending previous day of last day of submission of Bids:

Three similar works of each costing of not less than Rs. 118.03 crore
Two similar works of each costing of not less than Rs. 177.05 crore
One similar works of each costing of not less than Rs.236.06 crore
One work of minimum five storeyed RCC framed structure having completion cost at
current costing level not less than Rs. 25.00 Crore

“Similar work” shall mean “Construction of a building(s) with RCC framed structure or
load bearing structure or completing balance construction work of building(s) with
RCC framed structure or load bearing structure including internal and external water
supply works, sanitary works, roads and Internal EI works,DG set, HVAC, CCTV under
singleagreement in India.”

Note: 1. Mumty and machine room shall not be considered in storey.
2. Each basement, stilt constructed in the building shall be considered as a storey.
3. E&M services etc. if executed under a separate contract may also be considered
for the purpose of assessing the technical competence only without adding its
monetary value for determining the eligibiglitycritera.
The bidder shall submit abstract of cost of completed similar work(s) along with supporting
documents and certificate issued by the experience issuing authority in support of this.

The value of all above executed works shall be brought to current costing level by enhancing
the actual value of work at simple rate of 7% per annum calculated from the date of
completion to last date of receipt of bids.

Bidders are required to submit TDS Certificates in Form 16-A, in case the similar works are
executed for a private body, which shall form basis for establishing the completion cost of
similar work executed by the bidder. The bidder’s performance for qualifying works
completed in the last Seven years should be certified by an officer not below the rank of
Executive Engineer or equivalent.

b. Bidders should have bidding capacity equal to or more than the estimated cost of the
work put to tender. The bidding capacity shall be worked out by the following formula:
Bidding Capacity = {[AxNx2]-B}
A= Maximum turnover in construction works executed in any one year during the last
five years taking into account the completed as well as works in progress. The value of
completed works shall be brought to current costing level by enhancing at a simple rate
of 7% per annum.
N = Number of years prescribed for completion of work for which bids have been
B = Value of existing commitments and ongoing works to be completed during the
period of completion of work for which bids have been invited.
c. Bidders should have had average Annual Financial Turn Over (gross) of Rs. 147.54
Cr. on construction works during the last three consecutive years ending 31 March
2019 in balance sheets duly audited by Chartered accountant. Year in which no
turnover is shown would also be considered for working out the average. (Scanned
copy of certificate from CA to beuploaded)
d. Bidders should not have incurred any loss (profit after tax should be positive) in more
than two years during available last five consecutive balance sheets ending 31st March
2019, duly certified and audited by chartered accountant. (The balance sheet in case
of Pvt./ Public Ltd. company means its standlone finance statement and
consolidated financial statement both. Scanned copy of certificate from CA to

e. Bidders Should have Networth certificate of minimum Rs. 44.26 Crore issued by
certified Chartered Accountant on the format prescribed in Form B-1. (Scanned copy of
Original Networth certificate to beuploaded)

1.2.3. To become eligible for issue of bid, the bidders shall have to furnish an affidavit

I/We undertake and confirm that eligible similar works(s) has/have not been got executed
through another contractor on back to back basis. Further that, if such a violation comes to
the notice of Department, then I/we shall be debarred for bidding in CPWD in future forever.
Also, if such a violation comes to the notice of Department before date of start of work, the
Engineer-in-Charge shall be free to forfeit the entire amount of Earnest Money
Deposit/Performance Guarantee. (Scanned copy of this undertaking to be uploaded by
bidder(s) at the time of submission of bid).

2. The intending bidder must read the terms and conditions of CPWD-6 carefully. He should
only submit his bid if he considers himself eligible and he is in possession of all the

3. This information and instructions for bidders posted on website shall form part of bid
4. The bid document consisting of Plans, Specifications, Schedule of quantities of various
types of items to be executed and the set of terms & conditions of the contract to be
complied with and other necessary documents can be seen and downloaded from website
www.tenderwizard.com/CPWD or www.cpwd.gov.in free of cost. Soft copy in PDF
format of detailed working drawings can be collected by bidder from the office of EE
& SM (C) Sirmour-I, CPWD, Dhaula Kuan, Sirmaur(H.P.).
5. But the bid can only be submitted after deposition of original EMD either in the office of
Executive Engineer and Senior Manager inviting bids or division office of any Executive
Engineer / Executive Engineer and Senior Manager, CPWD withinthe period of bid
submission and uploading the mandatory scanned documents such as Demand Draft or Pay
Order or Banker’s Cheque or Deposit at Call Receipt or Fixed Deposit Receipts and Bank
Guarantee of any scheduled bank towards EMD in favour of Executive Engineer as
mentioned in NIT, receipt for deposition of original EMD to division office of any Executive
Engineer / Executive Engineer and Senior Manager (including NIT issuing Executive
Engineer and Senior Manager), CPWD and other documents as specified.
6. Those contractors not registered on the website mentioned above, are required to get
registered beforehand. If needed they can be imparted training on online bidding process as
per details available on thewebsite.
7. The intending bidder must have valid class-III digital signature to submit thebid.
8. On opening date, the contractor can login and see the bid opening process. After opening of
bids, he will receive the competitor bidsheets.
9. Contractor can upload documents in the form of JPG format and PDFformat.
10. The time period of 24 Months has been considered keeping in view the remoteness of the
site, inclement weather, less availability of materials and labour at site etc. No hindrance on
account of the above factors shall be allowed.
11. Certificate of Financial Turnover: At the time of submission of bid, contractor may upload
Affidavit / Certificate from CA mentioning Financial Turn Over of last 5 years financial period
ending March 2019 or for the period as specified in the bid document and further details if
required may be asked from the bidder after opening of technical bids. There is no need to
upload entire voluminous balancesheet.
12. Contractor must ensure to quote rate of each item. The column meant for quoting rate in
figures appears in pink colour and the moment rate is entered, it turns sky blue. In addition to
this, while selecting any of the cells a warning appears that if any cell is left blank the same
shall be treated as “0”. Therefore, if any cell is left blank and no rate is quoted by the bidder,
rate of such item shall be treated as “0”(Zero).
However, if a tenderer quotes nil rates against each item in item rate tender or does not
quote any percentage above/below on the total amount of the tender or any section/sub
head in percentage rate tender, the tender shall be treated as invalid and will not be
considered as lowest tenderer.
13. The Technical cum Elegibility bid shall be opened first on due date and time as mentioned
above. The time and date of opening of financial bid of contractors qualifying the technical
bid shall be communicated to them at a laterdate.

14. Pre-bid conference shall be held in the office of SE cum PD Sirmour, Camp Office: 3 rd Floor,
CPWD, Kendriya Sadan, Sector 9 A, Chandigarh on 10.02.2020 at 11:30 AM to clear the
doubt of intending bidders, if any. As a result of pre-bid conference, certain modifications
etc. may be required. All modifications/ addendums / corrigendum issued regarding this
bidding process, shall be uploaded on website only and shall not be published in any
15. The department reserves the right to reject any prospective application without assigning
any reason and to restrict the list of qualified contractors to any number deemed suitable by
it, if too many bids are received satisfying the laid downcriterion.
16. Specialized Agencies: The tenderer must associate himself with agencies of the

appropriate eligibility for each of specialized nature of items / work listed below individually.
Such works shall be got executed only through associated agencies specialized in these
fields. The tenderer whose tender is accepted shall indicate the name(s) of his associated
specialized agencies those fulfilling the eligibility criteria laid down below after award of work
and at least 30 days before commencement of such items / work but within 90 days of
award of work whichever is earlier for the approval of the Engineer-in-Charge of that
component, whose decision shall be final and binding. If the tenderer, having valid electrical
license if applicable for E.I. works, himself fulfils the eligibility criteria laid down below for
associated specialized agencies, then the tenderer shall not require to associate with
himself the associated specialized agency.
It shall be the responsibility of main contractor to sort out any dispute / litigation with the
Specialized Agencies without any time & cost overrun to the Department. The main
contractor shall be solely responsible for settling any dispute / litigation arising out of his
agreement with the Specialized Agencies. The contractor shall ensure that the work shall
not suffer on account of litigation/ dispute between him and the specialized agencies / sub-
contractor(s). No claim of hindrance in the work shall be entertained from the Contractor on
this account. No extension of time shall be granted and no claim what so ever, of any kind,
shall be entertained from the Contractor on account of delay attributable to the
selection/rejection of the SpecializedAgencies.

List of Specialized Works/ Items of Works (Civil)

Sl. Specialized Value of Eligibility Criteria of Associated
No. work(s) / item of Specialized Agencies
work(s) Component
(the cost is only
indicative and shall
not be used for any
other purpose)
A. Major work (Civil) Rs
1 Water Proofing 700.00 Lakh The tenderer shall associate specialized
Treatment Work agencies, who have satisfactorily
three specialized works of similar nature of
each costing not less than amount equal to
40% of value of corresponding specialized
2 STP 65.00 Lakh two specialized works of similar nature each
costing not less than amount equal to 60%
of value of corresponding specialized itemor
one similar work costing not less than
amount equal to 80% of value of
corresponding specialized item.


The composite category contractor shall have to associate other agency (s) for execution of each of
the work(s), which fulfills the eligibility criteria as defined after taking prior approval. The Composite
Contractor and the associated specialized agencies shall give required affidavit to confirm their
association. Tender accepting authority may approve change of sub agency in case it is required
during the currency of contract. However, the composite category contractor shall also be eligible to
carry out himself any or all these works without associating any specialized agency provided:-

He fulfills the prescribed eligibility criteria respectively for these work(s).

He directly procures the requirement of approved make from manufacturer and gets it installed from
authorized agency service provider of the manufacturer or specialized agency as per criteria
Sr. Component Estimated Eligibility
No. E&M works Cost in
Experience of having successfully completed works during last seven years ending previous day
of last date of submission of application.
1 Sub Station 600 Lakhs i) Three Similar completed works each of value not
Equipments& less than 40% of estimated cost.
External OR
Service ii) Two Similar completed works each of value not
Connection less than 60% of estimated cost.
iii) One Similar completed work of value not less
than 80% of estimated cost.

Similar work shall mean “SITC of Substation

Equipments with capacity of individual transformer
not less than 800 KVA.
2 DG Sets 84 Lakhs i) Three Similar completed works each of value not
less 40% of estimated cost.
ii) Two Similar completed works each of value not less
than 60% of estimated cost.
iii) One Similar completed work of value not less than
80% of estimated cost.

Similar work shall mean “SITC of DG Set with

capacity of individual DG Set not less than 315
3 Fire 500 Lakhs i) Three Similar completed works each of value not
Fighting less 40% of estimated cost.
System & OR
Fire ii) Two Similar completed works each of value not less
Extinguisher than 60% of estimated cost.
s OR
iii) One Similar completed work of value not less
than 80% of estimated cost.

Similar work shall mean “SITC of Fire fighting


4 Automatic 500 Lakhs i) Three Similar completed works each of value not
Fire Alarm less than 40% of estimated cost.
ii) Two Similar completed works each of value not
less 60% of estimated cost.

iii) One Similar completed work of value not less than
80% of estimated cost.

Similar work shall means “SITC of Automatic Fire

Alarm System”
5 Ventilation &Air 1337.499 i) Three Similar completed works each of value not
conditioning Lakhs less than 40% of estimated cost.
System OR
ii)Three Similar completed works each of value not
less than 60% of estimated cost.
iii) Three Similar completed works each of value
not less than 80% of estimated cost.
Similar work shall means “SITC of HVAC System
with capacity of individual chiller not less than
200 TR.
6 LIFT 432 Lakhs OEM of lifts having experience of

i) Three Similar completed works each of value not less

than 40% of estimated cost.

ii) Two Similar completed works each of value not
less 60% of estimated cost.

iii) One Similar completed work of value not less than
80% of estimated cost.

Similar work shall means “SITC of Lift”

7 LAN, Wi-Fi 200 Lakhs i) Three Similar completed works each of value not
Networking less 40% of estimated cost.
System ii) Two Similar completed works each of value not
less 60% of estimated cost.

iii) One Similar completed work of value not less than
80% of estimated cost.

Similar work shall means “SITC of LAN, Wi-Fi,

EPABX System”

8 Solar 130 Lakhs i) Three Similar completed works each of value not
Power less than 40% of estimated cost.
Plant OR
ii) Two Similar completed works each of value not less
than 60% of estimated cost.
iii) One Similar completed work of value not less than
80% of estimated cost.
Similar work shall mean “SITC of
Solar Power Plant”

17. List of documents to be scanned and uploaded within the period of bid submission:
(a) For Non-CPWD Contractors
(i) Treasury Challan/ Demand Draft / Pay Order or Banker’s Cheque / Fixed Deposit Receipts/ Deposit
at Call Receipt / Bank Guarantee of any scheduled bank against EMD.
(ii) Copy of receipt for deposition of original EMD to division office of any Executive Engineer,
[including NIT issuing EE],CPWD.
(iii) Letter of Transmittal
(iv) Financial Information Form-‘A’ (Required for Non CPWD contractors) (Scanned copy of certificate
from CA to be uploaded)
(v) Net Worth certificate – Form-‘B-1’. (Required for Non CPWD contractors) (Scanned copy of
original to be uploaded)
(vi) Details of eligible similar nature works successfuly completed during the last Seven years ending
previous day of last day of submission of Bid- Form- ‘C’ (Required for Non CPWD contractors).
(vii) List of Projects under execution- Form ’C-1’. (Required for Non CPWD contractors)
(viii) Performance report of works referred to in form “C”- Form “D”. (Required for Non CPWD
(ix) Structure and organization- Form ’E’. (Required for Non CPWD contractors)
(x) Affidavit as per clause 1.2.2A of CPWD 6
"I/We undertake and confirm that eligible similar works(s) has/have not been got executed through
another contractor on back to back basis. Further that, if such a violation comes to the notice of
Department, then I/we shall be debarred for bidding in CPWD in future forever. Also, if such a
violation comes to the notice of Department before date of start of work, the Engineer-in-Charge
shall be free to forfeit the entire amount of Earnest Money Deposit/Performance Guarantee.
(Scanned copy of this undertaking to be uploaded by bidder(s) at the time of submission of bid)".
(Required for Non CPWD contractors)
(xi) EPFO, ESIC, BOCW Welfare Board, Labour License if available otherwise the letter of award shall
be issued to lowest bidder only on receipt of copy of Labour License, Registration with EPFO,
ESIC, BOCW Welfare Board or submitting the proof of applying for these thereof along with PG.
(xii) GST registration Certificate of the state in which the work is to be taken up, if already
obtained by the bidder. If the bidder has not obtained GST registration in the state in which the
work is to be taken up,or as required by GST authorities, then in such a case the bidder shall
scan and upload following under taking along with other bid documents. “ If work is awarded to
me, I/We shall obtain GST registration certificate of the state, in which work is to be taken up,
within one month from the date of receipt of award letter or before release of any payment by the
CPWD, whichever is earlier, failing which I/We shall be responsible for any delay in
payments which will be due towards me/us on a/c of the work executed and/or for any action
taken by CPWD or GST department in this regard.
(xiii) Any other document as specified in the NIT.
(xiv) Copy of valid enlistment of approved and eligible Composite category contractors of CPWD.
(b) For CPWD Contractors
(i) Treasury Challan/ Demand Draft / Pay Order or Banker’s Cheque / Fixed Deposit Receipts/ Deposit
at Call Receipt / Bank Guarantee of any scheduled bank against EMD.
(ii) Copy of receipt for deposition of original EMD to division office of any Executive Engineer,
[including NIT issuing EE],CPWD.
(iii) Letter of Transmittal
(iv) EPFO, ESIC, BOCW Welfare Board, Labour License if available otherwise the letter of award shall
be issued to lowest bidder only on receipt of copy of Labour License, Registration with EPFO,
ESIC, BOCW Welfare Board or submitting the proof of applying for these thereof along with PG.

(v) GST registration Certificate of the state in which the work is to be taken up, if already
obtained by the bidder. If the bidder has not obtained GST registration in the state in which the
work is to be taken up,or as required by GST authorities, then in such a case the bidder shall
scan and upload following under taking along with other bid documents. “ If work is awarded to
me, I/We shall obtain GST registration certificate of the state, in which work is to be taken up,
within one month from the date of receipt of award letter or before release of any payment by the
CPWD, whichever is earlier, failing which I/We shall be responsible for any delay in
payments which will be due towards me/us on a/c of the work executed and/or for any action
taken by CPWD or GST department in this regard.
(vi) Any other document as specified in the NIT.
(vii) Copy of valid enlistment of approved and eligible Composite category contractors of CPWD.

EE & SM (C) Sirmour-I,

CPWD, Dhaula Kuan,
(For and on behalf of President of India)


(Receipt No. ……….date….)

1. Name of Work: Development of Permanent Campus of IIM Sirmaur at

Dhaula Kuan, District Sirmaur, Himachal Pradesh. SH: C/o
Student Hostel-Type A, B, C, Married Hostel, Connecting
Corridor Hostels, Student Mess, Student Activity Center,
Virtual Learning Center, Director Residence, Professor
Residence-Type VI, Associate Professor Residence -Type V
& Assistant Professor Residence Type IV Special, Staff
Residence Type-1 to 4 (1, 2, 3 & 4), Community Center,
Class Room Complex- 01 & 02, Faculty Building, MDP Class
Room Complex, Library cum Computer Center, Auditorium
and Incubation Center, Administrative Block, Guest House
& MDP Accommodation, Meditation Center, ESS-1, 2 & 3,
AC Plant Room, Bus Stop & Gate Way Complex i/c all
Internal and External Civil, MEP, Hard Landscape, irrigation
work etc.

2. NITNo.: 03/SE cumPD Sirmour/2019-20

3. EstimatedCost: Rs. 295,07,59,038/- {Civil Rs. 224,49,77,869/- + E&M: Rs.
70,57,81,169 /-}
4. Amount of EarnestMoneyDeposit: Rs. 3,05,07,590/-
5. Last date of submissionofbid: 03:00 PM on15.02.2020

1. Name ofthecontractor ………………………………………………

2. FormofEMD ………………………………………………
3. Amount of Earnest MoneyDeposit ………………………………………..…….
4. Date of submission ofEMD ..………………………………………….…

Signature Name and Designation ofEMD Receiving officer (EE/AE/DOH/ADH/AAO) along with

Name of Division, Address and telephone no., Receiving Original EMD : ……………………….


The EE & SM (C) Sirmour-I,
CPWD, Dhaula Kuan,

Subject: Development of Permanent Campus of IIM Sirmaur at Dhaula Kuan, District Sirmaur,
Himachal Pradesh. SH: C/o Student Hostel-Type A, B, C, Married Hostel, Connecting
Corridor Hostels, Student Mess, Student Activity Center, Virtual Learning Center,
Director Residence, Professor Residence-Type VI, Associate Professor Residence -
Type V & Assistant Professor Residence Type IV Special, Staff Residence Type-1 to 4
(1, 2, 3 & 4), Community Center, Class Room Complex- 01 & 02, Faculty Building, MDP
Class Room Complex, Library cum Computer Center, Auditorium and Incubation
Center, Administrative Block, Guest House & MDP Accommodation, Meditation
Center, ESS-1, 2 & 3, AC Plant Room, Bus Stop & Gate Way Complex i/c all Internal
and External Civil, MEP, Hard Landscape, irrigation work etc.

Having examined the details given in tender notice and bid document for the above work,
I/we hereby submit the following:

“I / We hereby certify that I / we will either obtain valid electrical license at the time of
execution of electrical work or associate Contractor having valid electrical license of eligible class”.

Seal of bidder

Date of submission

Signature(s) of Bidder(s)




The Executive Engineer and Senior Manager (C) Sirmour-I, CPWD, Dhaula Kuan, IIM Sirmaur
(H.P.). Email: amrit.garg@gov.in, Mobile: 9646053793) on behalf of the President of India invites
online percentage rate composite bids in EPC (Mode 3) basis from approved and eligible
contractors of CPWD registered in appropriate class in composite category and eligible
firms/bidders of repute in two bid system(Technical cum Eligibility bid and Finanacial bid) for the

“Development of Permanent Campus of IIM Sirmaur at Dhaula Kuan, District Sirmaur,

Himachal Pradesh. SH: C/o Student Hostel-Type A, B, C, Married Hostel, Connecting
Corridor Hostels, Student Mess, Student Activity Center, Virtual Learning Center,
Director Residence, Professor Residence-Type VI, Associate Professor Residence -
Type V & Assistant Professor Residence Type IV Special, Staff Residence Type-1 to 4
(1, 2, 3 & 4), Community Center, Class Room Complex- 01 & 02, Faculty Building, MDP
Class Room Complex, Library cum Computer Center, Auditorium and Incubation
Center, Administrative Block, Guest House & MDP Accommodation, Meditation
Center, ESS-1, 2 & 3, AC Plant Room, Bus Stop & Gate Way Complex i/c all Internal
and External Civil, MEP, Hard Landscape, irrigation work etc..”

The work is estimated to cost Rs. 295,07,59,038/- {Civil Rs. 224,49,77,869/- + E&M:
Rs. 70,57,81,169 /-}. This estimated cost, however, is given merely as a rough guide.

1.1.1 The authority competent to approve NIT for the combined cost and belonging to the major
discipline will consolidate NITs for calling the bids. He will also nominate Division which will
deal with all matters relating to the invitation of bids.

The eligibility of bidders will correspond to the combined estimated cost of different
components put to bid.

Intending bidders are eligible to submit the bid provided he has definite proof from the
appropriate authority, which shall be to the satisfaction of the competent authority, of having
satisfactorily completed similar works of magnitude specifiedbelow:

Criteria of eligibility for submission of bid documents :

The Contractors, who fulfill the following requirements, shall be eligible to apply. Joint
Ventures are not accepted

1.2.1 Criteria for eligibility for approved and eligible CPWD contractors

(i) The enlistment of the CPWD contractors in appropriate class in composite category
should be valid on the last date of submission of bids.
(ii) In case the last date of submission of bid is extended, the enlistment of contractor
should be valid on the original date of submission of bids.

1.2.2 Criteria for eligibility for Non CPWD Contractors

(i) Should have satisfactorily completed the works as mentioned below during the last
Seven years ending previous day of last day of submission of Bids:

Three similar works of each costing of not less than Rs. 118.03 crore
Two similar works of each costing of not less than Rs. 177.05 crore
One similar works of each costing of not less than Rs.236.06 crore
One work of minimum five storeyed RCC framed structure having completion cost at
current costing level not less than Rs. 25.00 Crore

“Similar work” shall mean “Construction of a building(s) with RCC framed structure or
load bearing structure or completing balance construction work of building(s) with
RCC framed structure or load bearing structure including internal and external water
supply works, sanitary works, roads and Internal EI works,DG set, HVAC, CCTV under
singleagreement in India.”

Note: 1. Mumty and machine room shall not be considered in storey.

2. Each basement, stilt constructed in the building shall be considered as a storey.
3. E&M services etc. if executed under a separate contract may also be considered
for the purpose of assessing the technical competence only without adding its
monetary value for determining the eligibilitycritera. The bidder shall submit abstract of
cost of completed similar work(s) along with supporting documents and certificate issued by
the experience issuing authority in support of this.

The value of all above executed works shall be brought to current costing level by enhancing
the actual value of work at simple rate of 7% per annum calculated from the date of
completion to last date of receipt of applications for bids.

Bidders are required to submit TDS Certificates in Form 16-A, in case the similar works are
executed for a private body, which shall form basis for establishing the completion cost of
similar work executed by the bidder. The bidder’s performance for qualifying works
completed in the last Seven years should be certified by an officer not below the rank of
Executive Engineer or equivalent.

b. Bidders Should have bidding capacity equal to or more than the estimated cost of the
work put to tender. The bidding capacity shall be worked out by the following formula:
Bidding Capacity = {[AxNx2]-B}
A= Maximum turnover in construction works executed in any one year during the last
five years taking into account the completed as well as works in progress. The value of
completed works shall be brought to current costing level by enhancing at a simple rate
of 7% per annum .
N = Number of years prescribed for completion of work for which bids have been
B = Value of existing commitments and ongoing works to be completed during the
period of completion of work for which bids have been invited.
c. Bidders Should have had average Annual Financial Turn Over (gross) of Rs. 147.54
Cr. on construction works during the last three consecutive years ending 31 March
2019 in balance sheets duly audited by Chartered accountant. Year in which no
turnover is shown would also be considered for working out the average. (Scanned
copy of certificate from CA to beuploaded)
d. Bidders Should not have incurred any loss (profit after tax should be positive) in
more than two years during available last five consecutive balance sheets ending
31stMarch 2019, duly certified and audited by chartered accountant. (The balance
sheet in case of Pvt./ Public Ltd. company means its standlone finance
statement of consolidated financial statement both. Scanned copy of certificate
from CA to beuploaded).

e. Bidders Should have Networth certificate of minimum Rs. 44.26 Crore issued by
certified Chartered Accountant. (Scanned copy of Original Networth certificate to
1.2.3 To become eligible for issue of bid, the bidders shall have to furnish an affidavit
I/We undertake and confirm that eligible similar works(s) has/have not been got executed
through another contractor on back to back basis. Further that, if such a violation comes to
the notice of Department, then I/we shall be debarred for bidding in CPWD in future forever.
Also, if such a violation comes to the notice of Department before date of start of work, the
Engineer-in-Charge shall be free to forfeit the entire amount of Earnest Money
Deposit/Performance Guarantee. (Scanned copy of this undertaking to be uploaded by
bidder(s) at the time of submission of bid).

2 Agreement shall be drawn with the successful bidders on prescribed Form No. CPWD 7
which is available as a Govt. of India Publication and also available on website
www.cpwd.gov.in. Bidders shall quote his rates as per various terms and conditions of the
said form which will form part of theagreement.

3 The time allowed for carrying out the work will be 22 months from the date of start as
defined in Schedule ‘F’ or from the first date of handing over of the site, whichever is later, in
accordance with the phasing, if any, indicating in the biddocuments.

4 The time period of 22 Months has been considered keeping in view the remoteness of the
site, inclement weather, less availability of materials and labour at site etc. No hindrance on
account of the above factors shall be allowed.

5 The site for the work shall be made available in phased manner.

6 The bid document consisting of plans, specifications, the schedule of quantities of various
types of items to be executed and the set of terms and conditions of the contract to be
complied with and other necessary documents except Standard General Conditions of
Contract Form can be seen on website www.tenderwizard.com/cpwd
orwww.eprocure.gov.in free of cost. Soft copy in PDF format of detailed working
drawings can be collected by bidder from the office of EE & SM (C) Sirmour-I, CPWD,
Dhaula Kuan, Sirmaur(H.P.).
7 Any other drawing required by contractor during the execution of work, shall be issued to
him in phased manner as per approved programme for completion of work submitted by the
contractor after award ofwork.
8 After submission of the bid the contractor can re-submit revised bid any number of times but
before last time and date of submission of bid asnotified.
9 While submitting the revised bid, contractor can revise the rate of one or more item(s) any
number of times (he need not re-enter rate of all the items) but before last time and date of
submission of bid asnotified.
10 Earnest Money in the form of Treasury Challan or Demand Draft or Pay order or Banker’s
Cheque or Deposit at Call Receipt or Fixed Deposit Receipt (drawn in favour of Executive
Engineer, Chandigarh Central Division-II, CPWD, Sector 7 B, Chandigarh) shall be
scanned and uploaded to the e- tendering website within the period of bid submission. The
original EMD should be deposited either in the office of Executive Engineer and Senior
Manager inviting bids or division office of any Executive Engineer / Executive Engineer and
Senior Manager, CPWD within the period of bid submission. The EMD receiving Executive
Engineer / Executive Engineer and Senior Manager (including NIT issuing Executive
Engineer and Senior Manager) shall issue a receipt of deposition of earnest money deposit
to the bidder in a prescribed format (enclosed) uploaded by tender inviting EE in theNIT.

A part of earnest money is acceptable in the form of bank guarantee also. In such case,
minimum 50% of earnest money or Rs. 20 lakh whichever is less, shall have to bedeposited
in shape prescribed above, and balance may be deposited in shape of Bank Guarantee of
any scheduled bank having validity for six months or more from the last date of receipt of
bids which is to be scanned and uploaded by the intending bidders.

Copy of Enlistment Order and certificate of work experience and other documents as
specified in the bid shall be scanned and uploaded to the e-tendering website within the
period of bid submission. However, certified copy of all the scanned and uploaded
documents as specified in bid document shall have to be submitted by the lowest bidder
only along with scanned copy of EMD uploaded within a week physically in the office of
tender opening authority. Online bid documents submitted by intending bidders shall be
opened only of those bidders, whose original EMD deposited with any division of CPWD and
other documents scanned and uploaded are found in order.

11 The contractors registered prior to 01.04.2015 on e-tendering portal of CPWD shall have to
deposit tender process fee at existing rates, or they have option to switch over to the new
registration system without tender process feeanytime.

The bid submitted shall be opened at 03:30 PM on15.02.2020.

12. The bid submitted shall become invalid and e-Tender processing fee shall not be refundedif:

(i) The bidder is foundineligible.

(ii) The bidder does not deposit original EMD with division office of any Executive Engineer,
(iii) The bidder does not upload scanned copies of all the documents stipulated in the bid
(iv) If any discrepancy is noticed between the documents as uploaded at the time of
submission of bid and hard copies as submitted physically by the lowest bidder in the
office of bid openingauthority.
(v) If a tenderer quotes nil rates against each item in item rate tender or does not quote any
percentage above / below on the total amount of the tender or any section / subhead in
percentage rate tender, the tender shall be treated as invalid and will not be considered
as lowesttenderer.

13. The contractor, whose bid is accepted, will be required to furnish Performance Guarantee of
5% (Five Percent) of the bid amount within the period specified in Schedule F. This
guarantee shall be in the form of cash (in case guarantee amount is less than Rs. 10,000/-)
or Deposit at Call receiptof any scheduled bank/Banker’s cheque of any scheduled
bank/Demand Draft of any scheduled bank/Pay order of any Scheduled Bank (in case
guarantee amount is less than Rs. 1,00,000/-) or Government Securities or Fixed Deposit
Receipts or Guarantee Bonds of any Scheduled Bank or the State Bank of India in
accordance with the prescribed form. In case the contractor fails to deposit the said
performance guarantee within the period as indicated in Schedule ‘F’ including the extended
period if any, the Earnest Money deposited by the contractor shall be forfeited automatically
without any notice to the contractor. The earnest money deposited along with bid shall be
returned after receiving the aforesaid performance guarantee.
The contractor whose bid is accepted will also be required to furnish either copy of
applicable licenses/ registrations or proof of applying for obtaining labour licenses,
registration with EPFO, ESIC and BOCW Welfare Board including Provident Fund Code
No. if applicable and also ensure the compliance of aforesaid provisions by the sub-
contractors, if any engaged by the contractor for the said work and Programme Chart
(Time and Progress) within the period specified in ScheduleF.

14. The description of the work is asfollows:

“Development of Permanent Campus of IIM Sirmaur at Dhaula Kuan, District Sirmaur,

Himachal Pradesh. SH: C/o Student Hostel-Type A, B, C, Married Hostel, Connecting
Corridor Hostels, Student Mess, Student Activity Center, Virtual Learning Center,
Director Residence, Professor Residence-Type VI, Associate Professor Residence -
Type V & Assistant Professor Residence Type IV Special, Staff Residence Type-1 to 4
(1, 2, 3 & 4), Community Center, Class Room Complex- 01 & 02, Faculty Building, MDP
Class Room Complex, Library cum Computer Center, Auditorium and Incubation
Center, Administrative Block, Guest House & MDP Accommodation, Meditation
Center, ESS-1, 2 & 3, AC Plant Room, Bus Stop & Gate Way Complex i/c all Internal
and External Civil, MEP, Hard Landscape, irrigation work etc.”
Intending Bidders are advised to inspect and examine the site and its surroundings and
satisfy themselves before submitting their bids as to the nature of the ground and sub- soil
(so far as is practicable), the form and nature of the site, the means of access to the site, the
accommodation they may require and in general shall themselves obtain all necessary
information as to risks, contingencies and other circumstances which may influence or affect
their bid. A bidder shall be deemed to have full knowledge of the site whether he inspects it
or not and no extra charge consequent on any misunderstanding or otherwise shall be
allowed. The bidders shall be responsible for arranging and maintaining at his own cost all
materials, tools & plants, water, electricity access, facilities for workers and all other services
required for executing the work unless otherwise specifically provided for in the contract
documents. Submission of a bid by a
bidderimpliesthathehasreadthisnoticeandallothercontractdocumentsandhasmade himself
aware of the scope and specifications of the work to be done and of conditions and rates at
which stores, tools and plant etc. will be issued to him by theGovernment and local
conditions and other factors having a bearing on the execution of the work.

15. The competent authority on behalf of the President of India does not bind itself to accept the
lowest or any other bid and reserves to itself the authority to reject any or all the bids
received without the assignment of any reason. All bids in which any of the prescribed
condition is not fulfilled or any condition including that of conditional rebate is put forth by the
bidders shall be summarilyrejected.

16. Canvassing whether directly or indirectly, in connection with bidders is strictly prohibited and
the bids submitted by the contractors who resort to canvassing will be liable torejection.

17. The competent authority on behalf of President of India reserves to himself the right of
accepting the whole or any part of the bid and the bidders shall be bound to perform the
same at the ratequoted.

18. GST or any other tax applicable in respect of inputs procured by the contractor for this
contract shall be payable by the Contractor and Government will not entertain any claim
whatsoever in respect of the same. However, component of GST at time of supply of service
(as provided in CGST Act 2017) provided by the contract shall be varied if different from that
applicable on the last date of receipt of tender including extension if any.

19. The contractor shall not be permitted to bid for works in the CPWD Circle (Division in case of
contractors of Horticulture/Nursery category) responsible for award and execution of
contracts, in which his near relative is posted a Divisional Accountant or as an officer in any
capacity between the grades of Superintending Engineer and Junior Engineer (both
inclusive). He shall also intimate the names of persons who are working with him in any
capacity or are subsequently employed by him and who are near relatives to any Gazetted
Officer in the Central Public Works Department or in the Ministry of Urban Development. Any
breach of this condition by the contractor would render him liable to be removed from the
approved list of contractors of this Department.

20. No Engineer of Gazetted rank or other Gazetted Officer employed in Engineering or

Administrative duties in an Engineering Department of the Government of India is allowed to
work as a contractor for a period of one year after his retirement from Government service,
without the previous permission of the Government of India in writing. This contract is liable
to be cancelled if either the contractor or any of his employees is found any time to be such
a person who had not obtained the permission of the Government of India as aforesaid
before submission of the bid or engagement in the contractor’sservice.
21. The bid for the works shall remain open for acceptance for a period of Seventy Five(75)
days from the date of opening of Technical bid. If any bidder withdraw his bid before the
said period or issue of letter of acceptance, whichever is earlier, or makes any modifications
in the terms and conditions of the bid which are not acceptable to the department, then the
Government shall, without prejudice to any other right or remedy, be at liberty to forfeit 50%
of the said earnest money as aforesaid. Further the bidders shall not be allowed to
participate in the rebidding process of thework.
22. This notice inviting bid shall form a part of the contract document. The successful
bidders/contractor, on acceptance of his bid by the Accepting Authority shall within 15 days
from the stipulated date of start of the work, sign the contract consistingof:
a) The Notice Inviting Bid, all the documents including additional conditions,
specifications and drawings, if any, forming part of the bid as uploaded at the time of
invitation of bid and the rates quoted online at the time of submission of bid and
acceptance thereof together with any correspondence leadingthereto.
b) Standard C.P.W.D. Form -7 or other Standard C.P.W.D. Form asapplicable.

23. For CompositeBids:

The Executive Engineer and Senior Manager in charge of the major component will call bids
for the composite work. The cost of bid document and Earnest Money will be fixed with
respect to the combined estimated cost put to tender for the composite bid.

The bid document will include following threecomponents:

Part A. CPWD-6, CPWD-7 including Schedule A to F for the work, General Conditions of
Contract 2019 for EPC Projects asas amended/ modified upto last date of submission of
Part B. General / specific conditions, Specifications etc.applicable to major component of
Part C. Scope and specification of E & M Works.General/ specific conditions, specifications
etc applicable to minor component of work.

Part D. Particular instruction and procedure for Project Execution under EPC(Mode 3),
Stage payment and Financial Quote and schedule of quantities.
The bidder must associate himself with agencies as per NITconditions.
The eligible bidders shall quote rates for all items of major component as well as for all items
of minor components ofwork.
After acceptance of the bid by competent authority, the EE in charge of major component
(Civil Work) of the work shall issue letter of award on behalf of the President of India. After
the work is awarded, the main contractor will have to enter into one agreement with EE in
charge of major component and has also to sign two or more copies of agreement
depending upon number of Executive Engineer and Senior Manager(s) in charge of minor
components. One such signed set of agreement shall be handed over to Engineer- in-
Charge of electrical component. EE of major component shall operate Part A, Part B & Part
D of agreement, EE in charge of minor component i.e. E&M works shall operate Part C
along with part A & D ofagreement.

Entire work under the scope of composite bid including major and all minor components
shall be executed under oneagreement.

Security Deposit will be worked out separately for each component corresponding to the
estimated cost of the respective component ofworks.

The main contractor has to associate agencies for specialized component(s) conforming to
eligibility criteria as defined in the bid document and has to submit detail of such agency(s)
to Engineer-in-Charge of relevant component(s) within prescribed time. Name of the
agency(s) to be associated shall be approved by Engineer-in-Charge of relevant

In case the main contractor intends to change any of the above agency/agencies during the
operation of the contract, he shall obtain prior approval of Engineer-in- Charge of relevant
specialized component.

The new agency/agencies shall also have to satisfy the laid down eligibility criteria. In case
Engineer-in-Charge is not satisfied with the performance of any agency, he can direct the
contractor to change the agency executing such items of work and this shall be binding on
the contractor.
The main contractor has to enter into MOU with agencies contractor(s) associated by him.
Copy of such MOU shall be submitted to Executive Engineer and Senior Manager in charge
of each relevant component as well as to Executive Engineer and Senior Manager in charge
of major component. In case of change of associate contractor, the main contractor has to
enter into agreement with the new contractor associated byhim.

Running payment for the major component shall be made by Executive Engineer and Senior
Manager of major discipline to the main contractor. Running payment for minor components
shall be made by the Engineer-in-Charge of the discipline of minor component directly to the

The composite work shall be treated as complete when all the components of the work are
complete. The completion certificate of the composite work shall be recorded by Engineer-
in- Charge of major component after record of completion certificate of all other components.

Final bill of whole work shall be finalized and paid by the Executive Engineer and Senior
Manager of major component. Engineer(s)-in-Charge of minor component(s) will prepare
and pass the final bill for their component of work and pass on the same to the EE of major
component for including in the final bill for composite contract.

24. In case of reduction in scope of work no claim on account of reduction in value of work, loss
of expected profit, consequential overheads etc. shall beentertained.

25. In case of closure or change of any post or staff designation mentioned in the contract
agreement, the new post/designation/officer created / appointed w.r.t this work by DG,
CPWD or his authorized representative shall be considered applicable for this contract
agreement and final and binding on thecontractor.

26. List of documents to be scanned and uploaded within the period of bid submission:
(a) For Non-CPWD Contractors
(i) Treasury Challan/ Demand Draft / Pay Order or Banker’s Cheque / Fixed Deposit Receipts/ Deposit
at Call Receipt / Bank Guarantee of any scheduled bank against EMD.
(ii) Copy of receipt for deposition of original EMD to division office of any Executive Engineer,
[including NIT issuing EE],CPWD.
(iii) Letter of Transmittal
(iv) Financial Information Form-‘A’ (Required for Non CPWD contractors) (Scanned copy of certificate
from CA to be uploaded)
(v) Net Worth certificate – Form-‘B-1’. (Required for Non CPWD contractors) (Scanned copy of
original to be uploaded)
(vi) Details of eligible similar nature works successfuly completed during the last Seven years ending
previous day of last day of submission of Bid- Form- ‘C’ (Required for Non CPWD contractors).
(vii) List of Projects under execution- Form ’C-1’. (Required for Non CPWD contractors)
(viii) Performance report of works referred to in form “C”- Form “D”. (Required for Non CPWD
(ix) Structure and organization- Form ’E’. (Required for Non CPWD contractors)
(x) Affidavit as per clause 1.2.2A of CPWD 6
"I/We undertake and confirm that eligible similar works(s) has/have not been got executed through
another contractor on back to back basis. Further that, if such a violation comes to the notice of
Department, then I/we shall be debarred for bidding in CPWD in future forever. Also, if such a
violation comes to the notice of Department before date of start of work, the Engineer-in-Charge
shall be free to forfeit the entire amount of Earnest Money Deposit/Performance Guarantee.
(Scanned copy of this undertaking to be uploaded by bidder(s) at the time of submission of bid)".
(Required for Non CPWD contractors)
(xi) EPFO, ESIC, BOCW Welfare Board, Labour License if available otherwise the letter of award shall
be issued to lowest bidder only on receipt of copy of Labour License, Registration with EPFO,
ESIC, BOCW Welfare Board or submitting the proof of applying for these thereof along with PG.
(xii) GST registration Certificate of the state in which the work is to be taken up, if already
obtained by the bidder. If the bidder has not obtained GST registration in the state in which the

work is to be taken up,or as required by GST authorities, then in such a case the bidder shall
scan and upload following under taking along with other bid documents. “ If work is awarded to
me, I/We shall obtain GST registration certificate of the state, in which work is to be taken up,
within one month from the date of receipt of award letter or before release of any payment by the
CPWD, whichever is earlier, failing which I/We shall be responsible for any delay in
payments which will be due towards me/us on a/c of the work executed and/or for any action
taken by CPWD or GST department in this regard.
(xiii) Any other document as specified in the NIT.
(xiv) Copy of valid enlistment of approved and eligible Composite category contractors of CPWD.

(b) For CPWD Contractors

(i) Treasury Challan/ Demand Draft / Pay Order or Banker’s Cheque / Fixed Deposit Receipts/ Deposit
at Call Receipt / Bank Guarantee of any scheduled bank against EMD.
(ii) Copy of receipt for deposition of original EMD to division office of any Executive Engineer,
[including NIT issuing EE],CPWD.
(iii) Letter of Transmittal
(iv) EPFO, ESIC, BOCW Welfare Board, Labour License if available otherwise the letter of award shall
be issued to lowest bidder only on receipt of copy of Labour License, Registration with EPFO,
ESIC, BOCW Welfare Board or submitting the proof of applying for these thereof along with PG.
(v) GST registration Certificate of the state in which the work is to be taken up, if already
obtained by the bidder. If the bidder has not obtained GST registration in the state in which the
work is to be taken up,or as required by GST authorities, then in such a case the bidder shall
scan and upload following under taking along with other bid documents. “ If work is awarded to
me, I/We shall obtain GST registration certificate of the state, in which work is to be taken up,
within one month from the date of receipt of award letter or before release of any payment by the
CPWD, whichever is earlier, failing which I/We shall be responsible for any delay in
payments which will be due towards me/us on a/c of the work executed and/or for any action
taken by CPWD or GST department in this regard.
(vi) Any other document as specified in the NIT.
(vii) Copy of valid enlistment of approved and eligible Composite category contractors of CPWD.

EE & SM (C) Sirmour-I,

CPWD, Dhaula Kuan,
(For and on behalf of President of India)

Section I
Brief Particulars and
Scope of Work


1. The proposed work includes Development of Permanent Campus Phase-1 of IIM Sirmaur at
Dhaula Kuan, District Sirmaur, Himachal Pradesh Including Construction work for various
Academic, Residential and Services Buildings as per Table-1 below; Site Development
Bridge i/c all civil, MEP.
2. The project site is a gentle sloping site, located directly off the NH-7 at Dhaula Kuan, approx.
18 km from Paonta Sahib and approx. 66 km from Dehradun Railway Station.
3. The work is to be executed on Engineering, Procurement and Construction (EPC): Mode -3
basis. In EPC Mode -3, the architectural and engineering design and drawings for the work
shall be prepared by consultant appointed by the Institute and CPWD shall appoint the EPC
contractor and shall be responsible for execution of work.
4. The total plot area is 210 acres. The campus in the present phase shall be developed as per
the approved Master Plan for Phase-1. Contractor shall be required to execute all Civil, Site
development & MEP works for external development i/c Main Access Road, Gate and Bus
Stop Structures, Bridge, Secondary Roads, Fire Paths, (i/c footpaths, cycle track, parking
areas, Table Top Crossings, Street Furniture), Hard Landscape Areas, Amphitheatre,
Connecting Corridors and Pavilion’s, Landscape features, Water features, Landscape
furniture. External Services including water supply lines, sewers lines, storm water drains,
Swales, Water retention Ponds, U.G water tanks and various Pump rooms with pumps/
Sumps, Borewells, STPs, street lighting, Landscape Lighting and Façade Lighting, Three
nos. Substations building and their all equipment’s, fire fighting lines and system, cable and
cable laying in underground Pipe/conduits/ducts including feeder pillars & related items, D.G
sets, Central Air conditioning plants (HVAC) plant building and equipment’s, CCTV and Wi-Fi
in designated areas, Laying and Installation of Telephone cable, optical fibre cable, all other
civil, MEP and incidental development works as per tender drawings and also detailed
working drawings, if any as per requirement of work, issued by Engineer-in-charge during
execution of work and also as per detailed items, specifications and other details elaborated
in this bid document.
5. The scope of work under this contract shall also include construction of;
A. Residential Buildings, G to G+3 Floors in Confined Brick Masonry Using Red Clay Bricks
as defined in Table -1
B. Academic and Educational, Public Utility, Services Buildings G to Stilt+ G+4 having RCC
framed structure
C. Student Activity Centre, Auditorium and Meditation Centre having Composite Structural
System with RCC Frame and Fabricated Truss Steel Roof G to G+2
Detailed design and drawings for Buildings w.r.t architectural, civil, structural works, and
MEP works i.e. Internal EI with wiring, fan–fittings, lift, HVAC, Firefighting and Alarm, CCTV,
EPABX (Conducting work as shown in drawing), Data and LAN, UPS, Solar PV power
generation, plumbing, sanitary and all other Civil and Electrical services in the building, hard
landscaping works, all finishing details, Built In furniture details etc. as per tender drawings
and also detailed working drawings, if any as per requirement of work, issued by Engineer-
in-charge during execution of work and also as per detailed items and specifications
elaborated in this bid document. Contractor shall be required to complete these buildings in
all respects and hand over to Engineer- in-charge.
6. The working drawings i.e. Architectural, Structural, Services, E &M Drawings and Master
Plan for development of the Campus has been prepared by a design consultant appointed
by IIM Sirmaur. The execution shall be done by the contractor based on the approved
working drawings which are part of tender document.
7. Electrical & Mechanical Works: Details of E&M works are given in Part C of the tender
document. Samples of the materials of approved make or otherwise shall be got approved
from the Engineer-in-Charge before use in the work.
8. Contractor shall take all necessary measures required to be taken to remove any dead
service lines running through the plot area etc, without any extra cost. After completion of
the work and commissioning of building(s) along with services, he shall assist as required
for all statutory inspections and approvals, The Contractor shall seek and provide statutory
approvals for all Electrical and Lift Installations. The Contractor shall be bound to abide by
all the clauses of all statutory and other approvals.
9. Topographic Survey: Contractor is advised to conduct topographical survey of the entire
land area where phase 1 buildings and all other services like roads, paths, cycle track,
drains, and water bodies are located / passes out. However topographical survey of the
concerned areas where phase 1 buildings and roads and other development features/items
are to be located is attached with bidding documents for pre knowledge of topography of the
site. Contractor has to verify authenticity of attached topographical survey himself. No claim
for extra /additional payments owing to/ about the change in site condition shall be
entertained in future.
10. Soil Test Report: Soil investigation report provided in bid document is for understanding the
soil profile at site. Contractor has to verify authenticity of attached Soil investigation. No
claim for extra /additional payments owing to/ about the change in site condition shall be
entertained in future.
11. Other Works: Apart from above mentioned works following works are also under the scope
of tender:-
i. Contractor shall prepare design and submit, shop drawings of Structural Glazing,
Tensile Fabric Structure, Metal Frame Sky Light, Internal partitioning system and STP
as per the detail /typical detail provided, detailed layout drawings for all related civil
and electrical services, duly supported with design and also shop drawings for
structural steel work as required by engineer in charge.
ii. Contractor shall submit item wise detailed measurements, for record and other
purposes following CPWD specifications and method of measurement.
iii. After completion of the work contractor shall submit as built drawings of all civil,
electrical and mechanical services in Auto CAD including five sets of coloured
drawings on A0/ A1 size. AUTOCAD Drawings will be provided to contractor for
preparation of as built drawing by Consultant. These drawing will solely for the purpose
of as Built drawings.
12. Scope of work as mentioned above is provisional and can be increased/ Decreased at the
stage of award of tender or during execution period without assigning any reason. Nothing
extra shall be payable on this a/c.
Contractor shall mandatorily prepare and seek approval from the Engineer-in-charge of the
following mock ups prior to execution of the same :-
1. Tandoor stone laid with 6mm joint using combination of finishes as per schedule of
2. Vinyl Flooring/ Sports Flooring/ Carpet/ Engineered Wood Flooring/ Laminated
Flooring/ Granite/Tile/SS Tactile marker as per detail pattern provided in drawing
sample should be minimum 3 Sqm.
3. Two sets on tread and Riser as specified in finishing Schedule and drawing sample
should be minimum 3 Sqm.
4. Minimum 3 Sqm Sample of Coursed Rubble Masonry as per drawing detailed in
5. Sample of 3 Sqm RR Masonry Toe wall in Landscape including detail in corner
6. Sample of land scape furniture as per design
7. Sample of metal works for the following
• Staircase Railing
• Ramp Railing
• Projection and Metal grill at top floor and Mumty minimum three Panels in straight
length and one turning around corner
8. Paint
• Texture Paint (Granule Finish)
• Texture Paint (Fine Flakes)
• Texture Paint (Exposed Concrete Finnish)
• Texture Paint (Epoxy primer based PU Coating
9. Typical Door Window Assembly for the following:
• Class room block
• Administrative Building
• Student activity center
10. Corner window on staircase
11. Flush Door sample as per specification

12. Fire Door Sample as per detail and specification
13. All Door/ Window Hardware (SS and Aluminium) as per specification and detail
14. Mock Up Samples of All Plumbing and electrical fixtures, Grill Samples in HVAC
Nothing extra shall be payable on this a/c.
13. Plinth Area Calculation: The plinth area calculations shall be based on the following
criteria, CPWD PAR 2019 and relevant IS codes if not specified in PAR 2019:-
i. The total plinth area of a building shall be sum of plinth area at every floor including stilt,
if any.
ii. The plinth area of the ground floor shall be calculated up to the internal face of the
cladding at the plinth level excluding the plinth off-sets provided such plinth off-sets are
not more than 60mm. In cases where the building consists of – columns projecting
beyond wall face, the plinth area shall be taken up to the internal face of the cladding.
iii. In case of open verandah with parapets:
• 100% areas for the portion protected by the projections above
iv. Shafts for sanitary, water supply installations, garbage chute, telecommunication,
electrical, firefighting, air conditioning and lifts etc. less than 2.00 sqm. in area shall be
included in plinth area whereas the said opening with more than 2.00 sqm. in area
shall be excluded from the plinth area. However, the shafts/lift wells opening more
than 2.00 sqm covered at top shall be counted at one floor level only.
v. The plinth area of first and higher floors shall be calculated at the relevant floor levels.
Architectural bands, cornice, etc. shall not be included in the plinth area even though
they may occur at the floor level, vertical sun breakers or box louvers projecting out
also shall not be include in plinth area.
vi. Elements for providing Himachali Architectural Feature at Top Floor and Mumpty Level
Projections Including MS Structures, MS Screens, RCC Ledges, RCC Roof
Projections etc. shall not be included in plinth areas. 175mm Thick Cladding in
Coursed Rubble Masonry shall not be included in Plinth Areas.
vii. 100% area of the balcony protected by projection above .
viii. The following shall not be included in the plinth area:
• Area of loft
• Area of architectural band, cornices etc.
• Area of vertical sun breaker or box louver projecting out and other architectural
• Open Platform
• Terrace
• Open spiral / service stair case and
• Area of mumty, machine room, water tank, towers, turrets, domes projecting
above terrace level.
• Areas covered by temporary structures like Polycarbonate sheet, Tensile Fabric
Structures etc.
ix. Payment for pergolas, approach ramps, pitched roof Slab, Pitched Roofs over Flat
Slabs/ Attic spaces and space frames, Tensile Fabric Structures Skylights etc. shall
not be made separately and to be considered in the rate of the building.
x. If a Barsatiisprovided jointly with mumty then the area of the Barsati excluding mumty
at the terrace level shall be included in the plinth area.
xi. For porticos 50% of the plinth area shall be considered.
xii. The area of gallery i.e. upper floor of seats in an assembly hall, auditorium, theatres
etc. shall not be considered separately and the cost of which is included in the plinth
14. Tender Drawings: Following detailed drawings of the work under this contract are part of this
bid document. Contractor shall execute and complete all works as per these drawings and
details given elsewhere in this bid document:
List of all Architectural, Structural, Services, E&M drawings: Refer Annexure (…….) of this bid




1.0 General : Information and Instructions forbidders

a. Letter of transmittal and forms for deciding eligibility are given in Section–III.

b. All information called for in the enclosed forms should be furnished against the relevant
columns in the forms. If for any reason, information is furnished on a separate sheet,
this fact should be mentioned against the relevant column. Even if no information is to
be provided in a column, a “nil” or “no such case” entry should be made in that column.
If any particulars / query are not applicable in case of the bidder, it should be stated as
“not applicable”. Th bidders are cautioned that not giving complete information called
for in the application forms or not giving it in clear terms or making any change in the
prescribed forms or deliberately suppressing the information may result in the bid being
summarily disqualified. Bids made by telegram or telex and those received late will not
be entertained.

c. References, information and certificates from the respective clients certifying suitability,
technical knowledge or capability of the bidder should be signed by an officer not below
the rank of Executive Engineer orequivalent.

d. The bidder may furnish any additional information which he thinks is necessary to
establish his capabilities to successfully complete the envisaged work. He is, however,
advised not to furnish superfluous information. No information shall be entertained after
submission of eligibility criteria document unless it is called for by the Engineer-in-

2.0 Definitions

a. In this document the following words and expressions have the meaning hereby
assigned tothem.

b. Employer: Means the President of India, acting through the EE & SM (C) Sirmour-I,
CPWD, Dhaula Kuan, Sirmaur(H.P.).
c. Contractor/Bidder /Agency/Firm/Applicant/Tenderer: Means the individual, proprietary
firm, firm in partnership, limited company private or public orcorporation.

d. “Year” means “Financial Year” unless statedotherwise.

3.0 Method ofApplication

If the bidder is an individual, the application shall be signed by him above his full type written
name and currentaddress.

If the bidder is a proprietary firm, the application shall be signed by the proprietor above his
full typewritten name and the full name of his firm with its currentaddress.

If the bidder is a firm in partnership, the application shall be signed by all the partners of the
firm above their full typewritten names and current addresses, or, alternatively, by a partner
holding power of attorney for the firm. In the later case a certified copy of the power of
attorney should accompany the application. In both cases a certified copy of the partnership
deed and current address of all the partners of the firm should accompany theapplication.

If the bidder is a limited company or a corporation, the application shall be signed by a duly
authorized person holding power of attorney for signing the application accompanied by a
copy of the power of attorney. The bidder should also furnish a copy ofthe
MemorandumofArticles ofAssociationdulyattestedbyaPublicNotary.

4.0 Final Decision MakingAuthority

The Employer reserves the right to accept or reject any bid and to annul the process and
reject all bids at any time, without assigning any reason or incurring any liability to the

5.0 Particularsprovisional

The particulars of the work given in Section-I are provisional. They are liable to change and
must be considered only as advance information to assist the bidder. Scope of work as
mentioned under Section-I is provisional and can be increased/ Decreased at the stage of
award of tender or during execution period without assigning any reason. Nothing extra shall
be payable on this a/c.

6.0 Site Visit

The bidder is advised to visit the site of work, at his own cost, and examine it and its
surroundings to himself collect all information that he considers necessary for proper
assessment of the prospective assignment.

7.0 Initial criteria foreligibility

7.1.1 The Contractors, who fulfill the following requirements, shall be eligible to apply. Joint
Ventures are not accepted

7.2.1 Criteria for eligibility for approved and eligible CPWD contractors

(i) The enlistment of the CPWD contractors in appropriate class in composite category
should be valid on the last date of submission of bids.
(ii) In case the last date of submission of bid is extended, the enlistment of contractor
should be valid on the original date of submission of bids.

7.2.2 Criteria for eligibility for Non CPWD Contractors

(i) Should have satisfactorily completed the works as mentioned below during the last
Seven years ending previous day of last day of submission of Bids:

Three similar works of each costing of not less than Rs. 118.03 crore
Two similar works of each costing of not less than Rs. 177.05 crore
One similar works of each costing of not less than Rs.236.06 crore
One work of minimum five storeyed RCC framed structure having completion cost at
current costing level not less than Rs. 25.00 Crore

“Similar work” shall mean “Construction of a building(s) with RCC framed structure or
load bearing structure or completing balance construction work of building(s) with
RCC framed structure or load bearing structure including internal and external water
supply works, sanitary works, roads and Internal EI works,DG set, HVAC, CCTV under
singleagreement in India.”

Note: 1. Mumty and machine room shall not be considered in storey.

2. Each basement, stilt constructed in the building shall be considered as a storey.
3. E&M services etc. if executed under a separate contract may also be
considered for the purpose of assessing the technical competence only
without adding its monetary value for determining the eligibilitycritera.

The bidder shall submit abstract of cost of completed similar work(s) along with supporting
documents and certificate issued by the experience issuing authority in support of this.

The value of all above executed works shall be brought to current costing level by enhancing
the actual value of work at simple rate of 7% per annum calculated from the date of
completion to last date of receipt of applications for bids.

Bidders are required to submit TDS Certificates in Form 16-A, in case the similar works are
executed for a private body, which shall form basis for establishing the completion cost of
similar work executed by the bidder. The bidder’s performance for qualifying works
completed in the last Seven years should be certified by an officer not below the rank of
Executive Engineer or equivalent.

a. Bidders Should have bidding capacity equal to or more than the estimated cost of the
work put to tender. The bidding capacity shall be worked out by the following formula:
Bidding Capacity = {[AxNx2]-B}
A= Maximum turnover in construction works executed in any one year during the last
five years taking into account the completed as well as works in progress. The value of
completed works shall be brought to current costing level by enhancing at a simple rate
of 7% per annum .
N = Number of years prescribed for completion of work for which bids have been
B = Value of existing commitments and ongoing works to be completed during the
period of completion of work for which bids have been invited.
b. Bidders Should have had average Annual Financial Turn Over (gross) of Rs. 147.54
Cr. on construction works during the last three consecutive years ending 31 March
2019 in balance sheets duly audited by Chartered accountant. Year in which no
turnover is shown would also be considered for working out the average. (Scanned
copy of certificate from CA to beuploaded)
c. Bidders Should not have incurred any loss (profit after tax should be positive) in
more than two years during available last five consecutive balance sheets ending
31stMarch 2019, duly certified and audited by chartered accountant. (The balance
sheet in case of Pvt./ Public Ltd. company means its standlone finance
statement of consolidated financial statement both. Scanned copy of certificate
from CA to beuploaded).

d. Bidders Should have Networth certificate of minimum Rs. 44.26 Crore issued by
certified Chartered Accountant. (Scanned copy of Original Networth certificate to

7.2.3 To become eligible for issue of bid, the bidders shall have to furnish an affidavit

I/We undertake and confirm that eligible similar works(s) has/have not been got executed
through another contractor on back to back basis. Further that, if such a violation comes to
the notice of Department, then I/we shall be debarred for bidding in CPWD in future forever.
Also, if such a violation comes to the notice of Department before date of start of work, the
Engineer-in-Charge shall be free to forfeit the entire amount of Earnest Money
Deposit/Performance Guarantee. (Scanned copy of this undertaking to be uploaded by
bidder(s) at the time of submission of bid).

8. The bidder should have sufficient number of Technical and Administrative employees for the
proper execution of the contract. The bidder shall have to submit a list of these employees
stating clearly how these would be involved in this work within 15 days of award ofwork.

9. Evaluation ofCriteria:
The details submitted by the bidders will be evaluated in the followingmanner:
The initial criteria prescribed above in respect of experience of eligible similar works
completed, loss, Networth Certificate and financial turn over and bidding capacity etc. will
first be scrutinized and the bidder’s eligibility for the work bedetermined.


(a) Financial strength (Form ‘A’ & ‘B 1’) : Maximum 20 marks

(b) Experience in eligible similar nature of work during last : Maximum 20 marks
seven years (Form ‘C’)
(c) Performance on works (Form ‘D’) – Time over run : Maximum 20 marks
(d) Performance on works as per assessment in (‘D -1’) : Maximum 40 marks
– Completed works (25 Marks) and ongoing works (15
Total 100 marks

To become eligible for short listing the bidder must secure at least fifty (50%) percent marks
in each (section a, b, c and d) and sixty percent marks in aggregate.

The department, however, reserves the right to restrict the list of such qualified contractors
to any number deemed suitable by it.

Note: 1. The average value of performance of works for time over run and quality for completed
works in Form D1 shall be taken on the basis of performance report of the eligible
2. Performance of works for ongoing works shall be taken by selecting not more than any
two ongoing works from the list given.

10. Evaluation of the performance of contractors for eligibility shall be done by the NIT
approving authority i.e. SE cum PD Sirmour, CPWD, Dhaula Kuan, Sirmaur on the basis of
documents submitted or a committee constituted by him. All the eligible similar works
executed and submitted by the bidders and ongoing works as well for the works with
estimated cost put to tender more than 30 crore (thirty crore) may be got inspected by a
committee which may consist of client or any other authority as decided by NIT approving
authority. The marks for the quality shall be given based on this inspection,if inspection is
carried out and performance of works as assessed bycommittee.

Scoring method of evaluation: The scoring for evaluation mentioned in these columns shall
be done as given in Form D-1.

11. FinancialInformation
Bidder should furnish the Annual financial statement for the last five year in (Form ‘A’) and
Networth Certificate in (Form ‘B-1’).

12. Experience of similarworks

Bidder should furnish the List of eligible similar nature of works successfully completed
during the last seven years in (Form ‘C’) and ongoing works as well in (Form C-1).

13. OrganizationInformation
Bidder is required to submit information in respect of his organization in Form ‘E’.

14. Letter ofTransmittal

The bidder should submit the letter of Transmittal attached with the document.

15. Opening of Pricebid

After evaluation of applications, a list of shortlisted agencies will be prepared. Thereafter the
financial bids of only the qualified and technically acceptable bidders shall be opened at
notified time, date and place in the presence of qualified bidders or their representatives.

16. AwardCriteria
a. TheEmployerreservestheright,withoutbeingliablefor anydamagesorobligationto inform the
i.Amend the scope of work and value ofcontract.
ii.Reject any or all the applications without assigning anyreason.

Any effort on the part of the bidder or his agent to exercise influence or to pressurize the employer
would result in rejection of his bid. Canvassing of any kind isprohibited.


Sl. No. Attributes Max. Marks Evaluation criteria

(A) Bidding Capacity Should a. The bidding capacity shall be worked out
have by the following formula:
bidding Bidding Capacity = {[AxNx2]-B}
equal to Where,
or more A= Maximum turnover in construction
than the works executed in any one year during the
estimated last five years taking into account the
cost of the completed as well as works in progress.
work put The value of completed works shall be
to tender. brought to current costing level by
enhancing at a simple rate of 7% per
N = Number of years prescribed for
completion of work for which bids have
been invited.
B = Value of existing commitments and
ongoing works to be completed during the
period of completion of work for which bids
have been invited.
(B) Financial strength (20) (i) 60% marks for minimum eligibility
(i) Average annual turnover 16 (ii) 100% marks for twice the minimum
(ii) Networth Certificate 4 eligibility criteria ormore
In between (i) & (ii) – on pro-ratabasis
(C) Experience in similar class (20) (i) 60% marks for minimum eligibility
of works criteria
(ii) 100% marks for twice the minimum
eligibility criteria ormore
(iii) in between (i) & (ii) – on pro-rata basis

I Performance on works (20) [TOR = AT/ST, where AT = Actual

(time overrun) Time; ST=Stipulated Time in the Agreement
plus (+) Justified Period of Extension of

Note: Marks for value in between the

stages indicated above is tobe
determined by straight line variation basis.
If TOR = 1.0 2.00 3.0 > 3.50
0 0
(i) Without levy of compensation 20 15 10 10
(ii) With levy of compensation 20 5 0 -5
(iii) Levy of compensation not 20 10 0 0
(D) Performance of (40)
works(Quality) as per (Total marks assessed in Form D-1)
assessment in form D-1
(i) Completed works 25
(ii) Ongoing works 15



EE & SM (C) Sirmour-I,
CPWD, Dhaula Kuan,

Subject: Submission of bids for the work of “Development of Permanent Campus of IIM Sirmaur
at Dhaula Kuan, District Sirmaur, Himachal Pradesh. SH: C/o Student Hostel-Type A,
B, C, Married Hostel, Connecting Corridor Hostels, Student Mess, Student Activity
Center, Virtual Learning Center, Director Residence, Professor Residence-Type VI,
Associate Professor Residence -Type V & Assistant Professor Residence Type IV
Special, Staff Residence Type-1 to 4 (1, 2, 3 & 4), Community Center, Class Room
Complex- 01 & 02, Faculty Building, MDP Class Room Complex, Library cum
Computer Center, Auditorium and Incubation Center, Administrative Block, Guest
House & MDP Accommodation, Meditation Center, ESS-1, 2 & 3, AC Plant Room, Bus
Stop & Gate Way Complex i/c all Internal and External Civil, MEP, Hard Landscape,
irrigation work etc.”
Having examined the details given in the bid document for the above work, I/we hereby
submit the relevant information.
1. I/weherebycertifythatallthestatementmadeandinformationsuppliedintheenclosedforms “A” to
“E” (except form D1) and accompanying statement are true andcorrect.
2. I/we have furnished all information and details necessary for eligibility and have no further
pertinent information tosupply.
3. I/we submit the requisite certified Networth Certificate. I/we also authorize EE & SM (C)
Sirmour-I, CPWD, Dhaula Kuan, Sirmaur(H.P.) to approach individuals, employers, firms
and corporation to verify our competence and general reputation.
4 I/we submit the following certificates in support of our suitability, technical knowledge and
capability for having successfully completed the following eligible similar works:

Name of Certificate from


Certificate: It is certified that the information given in the enclosed eligibility bid are
correct. It is also certified that I/we shall be liable to be debarred,
disqualified/cancellation of enlistment if enlisted with CPWD in case any
information furnished by me/us is found to be incorrect.

Enclosures: Seal ofbidder

Dateofsubmission: Signature(s) ofbidder(s).



I. Financial Analysis – Details to be furnished duly supported by figures in balance sheet/ profit
& loss account for the last five financial years duly certified by the Chartered Accountant, as
submitted by the applicant to the Income Tax Department (Copies to be attached).

Sl. Description Financial Years

2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19
(i) Gross Annual turnover
on construction works
(ii) Profit / Loss (After tax)

II. Financial arrangements for carrying out the proposedwork.

Signature of Chartered AccountantwithSeal Signature ofbidder(s)

FORM ‘B-1’


It is to certify that as per the audited balance sheet and profit and loss account during

the financial year 2018-19, the Networth of M/s _________________ (Name & Registered Address

of individual/ Firm/ company), as on ______________ (the relevant date) is Rs. _____________

after considering all liabilities. It is further certified that the Networth of the company has not eroded

by more than 30% in the last three years ending on (the relevant date).”

Signature of Chartered Accountant


Name of Chartered Accountant


Membership No. of ICAI

Date and Seal


Sl. Name of Owner or Cost of Date of Stipulated Actual Litigation/ Name Whether
No. work/ sponsoring work in commen- date of date of arbitration and the work
project organiza- crores cement completion comple- cases address / was done
and tion of as per tion pending/ in telephone on back
location rupees contract progress number of to back
with officer to basis
details* whom
may be

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

* Indicate gross amount claimed and amount awarded by the Arbitrator.

Signature of Bidder(s)

FORM ‘C-1’

Sl. Name of Owner or Cost of Date of Stipulated Upto date Slow Name Remarks
No. work/ sponsoring work in commen date of percentag progress if and
project organization crores -cement as completio e progress any and address /
and of per n of works reasons telephone
location rupees contract thereof number of
officer to
may be

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Signature of Bidder(s)


1. Name of work/project&location :

2. Agreementno. :

3. Estimatedcost :

4. Tenderedcost :

5. Date ofstart :

6. Date ofcompletion

(i) Stipulated dateofcompletion :

(ii) Actual dateofcompletion :

7. Amount of compensation levied

fordelayed Completion, ifany
(a) Whether case of levy ofcompensation
for delay has been decidedornot? : Yes /No
(b) If decided, amount of compensationlevied
for delayed completion,ifany. :
8. Amount of reduced rate items,if any:
9. PerformanceReport :

(1) Quality ofwork : Outstanding/VeryGood/Good/Poor

(2) Financialsoundness : Outstanding/VeryGood/Good/Poor

(3) TechnicalProficiency : Outstanding/VeryGood/Good/Poor

(4) Resourcefulness : Outstanding/VeryGood/Good/Poor

(5) GeneralBehavior : Outstanding/VeryGood/Good/Poor

Dated: Executive Engineer orEquivalent

FORM ‘D-1’
Assessment of Quality for Completed as well as ongoing Works

Name of work:
Date of inspection:
Date of submission of report:
A. General Observation & Operational Yes/ No
1. Availability of approval from local bodies in case of Construction of
private buildings.
2. Availability of approved structural drawing
3. Observation on seepage/ leakage in the building
4. Whether line & level maintained
5. In case of basement, observation on seepage, if any
6. Any structural defects/ distress observed. If yes give details
7. Whether safety measures adopted at site as per CPWD Safety Code
and or govt. guidelines are adequate or not
8. Whether the welfare facilities provided to labour as per clause 19 H of
GCC for CPWD works/ and or govt. guidelines are adequate or not.
9. Whether AHU getting automatically switched off and fire damps closed in
case of fire signal
10. Whether thimbles used for termination of wires in DBs, EBDs & panels?
B. Quality of work Marks
1. Quality of plaster/ finishing
2. Quality of RCC/ CC work
3. Quality of flooring
4. Quality of wood work
5. Quality of steel work/ aluminum work
6. Quality of plumbing and sanitary installation
7. Quality of Workmanship
8. Quality of waterproofing
9. If cladding done, observation on efficiency/ quality of cladding/ brick work
10. Quality of internal electrification work
11. Quality of DBs, EBDs & panels?
12. Quality of E&M equipments, panels & feeder pillar
13. Quality of fire alarm system/ firefighting system
14. Quality of Air Conditioning work
15. Quality of Sub-station based on complete live diagram, capacitor panel,
power factor, insulating Mat, cleanliness, cable termination, earthing
pits, earthing of transformer / DG sets
16. Any other aspects (To be elaborated)

Average marks (To be awarded out of 100 marks based on average of marks assessed on
each attribute to experience in similar class of works).
1. All the above parameters may be considered for assessing the overall quality of work
executed by thecontractor.
2. In case, any attribute is not applicable, the same may not be included in assessment
and mentioned are not applicable(N/A).
3. The works as assessed above shall be converted on a scale of 25/15 marks for
completed/ongoing worksrespectively.
4. In case of eligible completed works as well as ongoing works being more than one the
maximum marks assigned for completed works and ongoing works will be equally
distributed among the works.


1. Name & Address of thebidder

2. Telephone No./Telex No./Fax No./Email id:
3. Legal status of the bidder (Scan & upload copies of original document
defining the legal status)
a. AnIndividual
b. A proprietaryfirm
c. A firm inpartnership
d. A limited company orcorporation
4. Particulars of registration with various Government Bodies (Scan &
upload attested photocopy)

Organization/PlaceofRegistration RegistrationNo.

5. NamesandtitlesofDirectors& Officerswithdesignationtobeconcernedwiththiswork.
6. Designation of individuals authorized to act for theorganization.
7. Has the bidder, or any constituent partner in case of partnership firm/Limited Company/Joint
Venture, ever been convicted by the court of law? If so, givedetails
8. In which field of Civil Engineering construction, the bidder has specialization andinterest?
9. Any other information considered necessary but not included above

Signature of Bidder(s)



I/we undertake and confirm that our firm/partnership firm has not been blacklisted by any
state/Central Departments/PSUs/Autonomous bodies during the last 7 years of its
operations. Further that, if such information comes to the notice of the department then I/we
shall be debarred for bidding in CPWD in future forever. Also, if such an information comes
to the notice of department on any day before date of start of work, the Engineer-in-charge
shall be free to cancel the agreement and to forfeit the entire amount of Earnest Money
Deposit/Performance Guarantee (Scanned copy of this notarized affidavit to be uploaded at
the time of submission ofbid)

NOTE: Affidavit to be furnished on a ‘Non-Judicial’ stamp paper worth Rs.100/-

Signature of Bidder(s) or an authorized

Officer of the firm with stamp

Signature of Notary with seal


State: Himachal Pradesh Circle: SE cum PD Sirmour, Sirmour

Branch:B& R Division: EE & SM (C) Sirmour-I, Sirmour


Percentage Rate Tender for the work of: Development of Permanent Campus of IIM Sirmaur at
Dhaula Kuan, District Sirmaur, Himachal Pradesh. SH: C/o Student Hostel-Type A, B, C,
Married Hostel, Connecting Corridor Hostels, Student Mess, Student Activity Center, Virtual
Learning Center, Director Residence, Professor Residence-Type VI, Associate Professor
Residence -Type V & Assistant Professor Residence Type IV Special, Staff Residence Type-1
to 4 (1, 2, 3 & 4), Community Center, Class Room Complex- 01 & 02, Faculty Building, MDP
Class Room Complex, Library cum Computer Center, Auditorium and Incubation Center,
Administrative Block, Guest House & MDP Accommodation, Meditation Center, ESS-1, 2 &
3, AC Plant Room, Bus Stop & Gate Way Complex i/c all Internal and External Civil, MEP,
Hard Landscape, irrigation work etc.

(i) To be uploaded upto03:00 PM on 15.02.2020 at www.tenderwizard.com/cpwd.

Technical Bid cum Eligibility bid will be opened in presence of tenderer who may be present at
03:30 PM on 15.02.2020 in the office of The Executive Engineer and Senior Manager (C) Sirmour-I,
CPWD, Dhaula Kuan, IIM Sirmaur (H.P.). Camp Office: 3 rd Floor, CPWD, Kendriya Sadan, Sector 9
A, Chandigarh on 15.02.2020 at 03:30 PM


I/We have read and examined the notice inviting tender, schedule, A, B, C, D, E & F, Specifications
applicable, Drawings & Designs, General Rules and Directions, Conditions of Contract, clauses of
contract, Special conditions, Schedule of Rate & other documents and Rules referred to in the
conditions of contract and all other contents in the tender document for thework.

I/WeherebytenderfortheexecutionoftheworkspecifiedforthePresidentofIndiawithinthe time specified in

Schedule ‘F’, viz., schedule of quantities and in accordance in all respects with the specifications,
designs, drawings and instructions in writing referred to in Rule-1 of General Rules and Directions
and in clause 11 of the Conditions of contract and with such materials as are provided for, by, and in
respects in accordance with, such conditions so far as applicable.

We agree to keep the tender open for Seventy Five (75) days from the date of opening of technical
bid and not to make any modification in terms & conditions. validity

A sum of Rs. 3,05,07,590/- is hereby forwarded in Cash/ Receipt Treasury Challan / Deposit at
call Receipt of a Scheduled Bank / fixed Deposit receipt of scheduled Bank/ Demand draft of a
scheduled Bank / Bank guarantee issued by a scheduled bank as earnestmoney.

A copy of earnest money in receipt treasury challan/deposit at call receipt of a scheduled bank/fixed
deposit receipt of scheduled bank/demand draft of a scheduled bank/bank guarantee issued by a
scheduled bank is scanned and uploaded. If I/We, fail to furnish the prescribed performance
guarantee within prescribed period, I/We agree that the said President of India or his successors, in

office shall without prejudice to any other right or remedy, be at liberty to forfeit the said earnest
money absolutely. Further, if I/We fail to commence work as specified, I/We agree that President of
India or the successors in office shall without prejudice to any other right or remedy available in law,
be at liberty to forfeit the said performance guarantee absolutely. The said Performance Guarantee
shall be a guarantee to execute all the works referred to in the tender documents upon the terms
and conditions contained or referred to those in excess of that limit at the rates to be determined in
accordance with the provision contained in the tenderform.

Further, I/We agree that in case of forfeiture of earnest money or performance guarantee as
aforesaid I/We shall be debarred for participation in the retendering process of the work.

I/We undertake and confirm that eligible similar work(s) has/have not been got executed through
another contractor on back to back basis. Further that, if such a violation comes to the notice of
Department, then I/We shall be debarred for tendering in CPWD in future forever. Also, if such a
violation comes to the notice of Department before start of work, the Engineer- in- Charge shall be
free to forfeit entire amount of Earnest money Deposited/ Performance Guarantee.

I/We hereby declare that I/We shall treat the tender documents drawings and other records
connected with the work as secret/confidential documents and shall not communicate information/
derived there from to any person other than a person to whom I/We, am/are authorized to
communicate the same or use the information in any manner prejudicial to the safety of the state.

Dated…………………** Signature of theContractor

Witness:------------------------------** PostalAddress ---------------------- **

Address: E-MAIL

Occupation: FAX

Telephone No **

** To be filled by contractor/witness.


The above tender (as modified by you as provided in the letters mentioned hereunder) is accepted
by me for and on behalf of the of the President of India for a sum of Rs. --------------
(Rs. ).

The letters referred to below shall form part of this contract agreement: a)…………….
b) …………….
c) …………….

For & on behalf of the

President ofIndia





Schedule ofWork: As perIndex

Extra schedule for specific As per Index
requirements/ document for the work, if
SCHEDULE 'E' General Conditions of Contract 2019 for EPC Projects
Reference to General Conditions of with uptodate correction slips.
Name of Work Development of Permanent Campus of IIM Sirmaur at
Dhaula Kuan, District Sirmaur, Himachal Pradesh.
SH: C/o Student Hostel-Type A, B, C, Married Hostel,
Connecting Corridor Hostels, Student Mess, Student
Activity Center, Virtual Learning Center, Director
Residence, Professor Residence-Type VI, Associate
Professor Residence -Type V & Assistant Professor
Residence Type IV Special, Staff Residence Type-1
to 4 (1, 2, 3 & 4), Community Center, Class Room
Complex- 01 & 02, Faculty Building, MDP Class
Room Complex, Library cum Computer Center,
Auditorium and Incubation Center, Administrative
Block, Guest House & MDP Accommodation,
Meditation Center, ESS-1, 2 & 3, AC Plant Room, Bus
Stop & Gate Way Complex i/c all Internal and
External Civil, MEP, Hard Landscape, irrigation work

Estimated cost of work Rs. 295,07,59,038/- {Civil Rs. 224,49,77,869/- +

E&M: Rs. 70,57,81,169 /-}
Earnest money Rs. 3,05,07,590/- (to be returned after receiving
Performance Guarantee)
Performance guarantee 5% of Tendered Value
Security deposit 2.5% of Tendered Value + 50% of PG for contracts
involving maintenance after construction of same
Officer inviting tender: EE & SM (C) Sirmour-I, CPWD, Dhaula Kuan,
Sirmaur(H.P.) or his successor.
Engineer-in-Charge 1. EE & SM (C) Sirmour-I, CPWD, Dhaula Kuan,
Sirmaur(H.P.). (Major Component:- Civil) or his
2. Executive Engineer and Senior Manager (E) CPWD,
Dhaula Kuan, Sirmour (H.P.).(Minor Component :-
E&M Work) or his successor.
Accepting Authority
SE cum PD Sirmour, CPWD, Dhaula Kuan, Sirmour (H.P.)
or his successor.
Percentage on cost of materials and 15%
labour to cover all overheads and
Standard Schedule of Rates 1. Plinth Area Rate 2019.
2. DSR 2018 (Civil works) plus cost index with correction
slip(s) /amendments issued upto last date of receipt of
3. DSR 2018 (E&M) with correctionslip(s) upto last date of
receipt of bid.
/amendments issued upto last date of receipt of bid.
4. DSR (Wet Riser and Sprinkler System) 2019 with
correction slip(s) /amendments issued upto last date of
receipt of bid..
5. Market Rates for Non DSRItems.
Department Central Public Works Department.

Standard CPWD Contract Form General Conditions of Contract 2019 for EPC Projects as
uploaded with tender with uptodate correction slips.

Clause 1
(i)Time allowed for submission of
Performance Guarantee, Programme
chart (time and progress) and applicable
labour licenses, registration with EPFO,
ESIC and BOCW Welfare Board or proof 7 days
of applying thereof from the date of issue
of letter ofacceptance.

(ii) Maximum allowable extension with late

fee at 0.1% per day of performance 3 days
guarantee amount beyond the period
provided in (i) above

Clause 2
Authority for fixing compensation under SE cum PD Sirmour, CPWD, Dhaula Kuan,
clause 2 Sirmour(H.P.) or his successor.
Clause 5
Number of days from the date of issue of
letter of acceptance for reckoning date of 10 days
Schedule of Handing over of site
Part Portion of Description Time period for handing over
site reckoned from date of issue of
letter of intent
Part A 80% of - On the day of issue of letter of
complete site commencement of work by the
Part B 20% of - Within three months of issue of
complete site letter of commencement of work by

Schedule of issue of Designs/Drawings

Part Portion of Description Time Period for Issue of

Design design reckoned from
date of acceptance
Part Detailed Drawings w.r.t Architectural,
A Working Civil Structural, E&M, Services Not Applicable
Drawings and External Development
attached with works
Part B Misc Drawings Any other Drawing required by 1 months from date of
contractor in writing toEngineer- receipt of request letter
in- Charge. from contractor

Mile stone(s): As per table ‘AA’below

Mile Stone (Table ‘AA’)

Mile stone(s) for Work shall be as per table given below :-

Project Mile stones 1

Sl. Description of Milestone(Physical) Time allowed % age amount to be

No. 1. Hostel for 400 Students including married in with-held in case of
Hostel accommodation Months(from non-achievement of
2. Connecting Corridor date of start) milestone
3. Student Mess
4. Admin Block Part-B (Library and Computer
5. Class Room and faculty Block-1
6. Virtual Leaning Center
7. Student Activity Center
8. Complete external Development which
a) ESS-1 &3
b) AC Plant Room
c) UGT – 1 (1Nos.)
d) STP – 1 200 KLD (1Nos.)
e) Main access Road, Bridge, Footpath
f) External Services in respective Area
1. RCC Work in foundation up to plinth level for required
3 Months 0.50 % age of
buildings 100% of foundation area.
tendered in
2. Completion of RCC work in Superstructure in 100% Part-Of
of plinth area and One Sample room and toilet in 0.50 Financial
each Building. 7 Months Bid for
50% supplying of major E & M equipment’s failure of

3. Completion of all brick work, flooring and finishing each
work in all building and except final coat of painting. milestone;
subject to
100% Supplying Installation & Testing of all MEP 12 Months 0.75 maximum
Equipment and services
5% of the
of financial
4. Commissioning of all civil, Plumbing, electrical, bid.
mechanical and horticulture services work complete in 0.75
all aspect 13 Months

Project Mile stones 2

Sl. Description of Milestone(Physical) Time allowed % age amount to be

No. 1. Admin Block Part –A in with-held in case of
2. MDC Class Room Months(from non-achievement of
3. Class Room Block -2 date of start) milestone
4. Remaining part of Hostel including
Connecting Corridor
5. Staff Hosing Type-1,2,3, and 4
6. Faculty Housing – Type 4 (Special),
Type5 &Type6
7. Guest House & MDP Hostel including
Connecting Corridor
8. Director residence
9. Auditorium & Incubation center
10. Gate Complex
11. Bus Stop
12. Meditation Center
13. Community Center
14. Complete external Development which
a) ESS-2
b) UGT-2 (1No.)
c) STP- 30 KLD (1No.)
d) Peripheral Road, Footpath in
respective Area
1. RCC Work in foundation up to plinth level for required
8 Months 0.50 % age of
buildings 100% of foundation area.
2. Completion of RCC work in Superstructure in 100% of tendered in
plinth area and One Sample room and toilet inthe 0.50 Part-Of
each Building. 16 Months Financial
50% supplying of major E & M equipment’s Bid for
failure of
3. Completion of all brick work, flooring and finishing each
work in all building and except final coat of painting.

100% Supplying Installation & Testing of all MEP 0.75 subject to
Equipment and services 20 Months maximum
5% of the
4. Commissioning of all civil, Plumbing, electrical, of financial
mechanical and horticulture services work complete in bid.
all aspect. 21 Months 0.75

Note: (1) Mile stones shall be applicable both for major component (Civil
work) as well as for minor component (E&M work) of thework.

(3) Percentage of work completion shall mean quantum/scope of various

items in a unit i.e. toilets, door-windows etc. It shall not mean number of

Schedule of rate of recovery for delay in

Rs. 5,000/- per day
submission of the modified program in terms
of delay days

Time allowed for execution of work from 22 months

date of start

Authority to decide:
(i) Extension oftime EE & SM (C) Sirmour-I, CPWD, Dhaula Kuan,
Sirmour(H.P.) with prior approval of SE cum PD
Sirmour, CPWD, Dhaula Kuan, Sirmour(H.P.) or his
(ii) Rescheduling of milestones SE cum PD Sirmour, CPWD, Dhaula Kuan,
Sirmaur(H.P.) or his successor.

(iii) Shifting of date of start in case of delay SE cum PD Sirmour, CPWD, Dhaula Kuan,
inhanding over ofsite Sirmaur(H.P.) or his successor.

Clause applicable 6 Yes

Clause 7
Gross work to be done together with net Rs. 10.18 crore for Civil work and Rs 3.21 crore for
payment / adjustment of advances for material E&M works
collected, if any, since the last such payment
for being eligible to interim payment
Clause 7A
Whether Clause 7A shall be applicable (No Yes Applicable
RA bill shall be paid till submission of EPFO,
ESIC and BOCW Welfare Board)
Clause 8 A
Authority to decide compensation on SE cum PD Sirmour, CPWD, Dhaula Kuan,
account if contractor fails to submit Sirmaur(H.P.) or his successor.
Recovery rate for not submission of
completion plans by thecontractor 0.1% of tendered value of all Components

Clause 10B (ii) Yes
Whether Clause 10B (ii) shall be applicable
Each Installment of mobilization advance shall
be not more than @ 2.5% of tendered amount.
Clause 10B (iii)
Whether Clause 10 B (iii) shall be applicable No
Clause 10C Not Applicable
Clause 10CA Applicable
Sl. Materials covered under this Nearest materials (other Base Price and its corresponding
No. clause than cement, steel period of all the materials covered
reinforcement bars and under clause 10CA(Rate given
structural steel) for which below areas notified for the month
All India Wholesale Price DECEMBER 2019
Index to be followed Base price per MT
1 Cement *
(i) Pozzolana Portland - Rs.4688/-**
Cement (PPC)
2 (a) Reinforcement Bars TMT- - Rs.38875/-**
500D or more
3 Structural Steel - Rs. 38933/-**
* Including cement component used in BMC produced at site or RMC brought at site from outside
approved RMC plants, if any.
** The rates are ex-stockyard excluding the taxes .

Clause 10CC Applicable

Schedule of component of other Materials, Labour etc. for price

escalation for Civil Works
Component of civil (Except materials covered under clause 10 CA)
construction materials expressed as percent of total value of civil 40%
Component of labour expressed as percent of total value of civil 25%

Schedule of component of other Materials, Labour etc. for price

escalation for Electrical & Mechanical (E&M) Works
Component of E &M construction materials expressed as percent of total
value of E &M works. 85%
Component of labour expressed as percent of total value of E &M works. 15%

Clause 11
Specifications to be followed for execution of work

Civil Works : Electrical work:
1. CPWD General Specification for Electrical
1) CPWD Specifications 2009, Works Part I Internal –2013.
Volume- I and II andDPAR-2019 2. General Specification for Electrical Works
2) CPWD Handbook on Safety, (Part III Lifts & Escalators)-2003
Health andEnvironment 3. CPWD General Specification for Electrical
3) CPWD Manual on Accessible Works Part IVSubstation-2013
Built Environment2019. 4. General Specification for Electrical Works (Part
V Wet Riser & SprinklerSystem)-2006
5. General Specification for Electrical Works (Part
VI Fire Detection & AlarmSystem)-2018.
6. CPWD General Specification for Electrical
Works Part VII DG Sets–2013
7. CPWD General Specification for Electrical Works
Part VIII Gas Based Fire Extinguishing System –
8. General Specification for Heating Ventilation &Air-
Conditioning-2017 and amended uptodate.
Note : All above Specifications & other specification, codes & standards mentioned
elsewhere in the bid document shall be applicable with upto last date of receipt of bid.

Clause 16
Competent authority for deciding reduced rates. SE cum PD Sirmour, CPWD, Dhaula Kuan,
Sirmaur(H.P.) or his successor.
Clause 17
Contractor liable for damages, defects during Defect liability period shall be 36 months after
defect liability period completion of the whole work
Clause 19
Authority to decide for each default EE & SM (C) Sirmour-I, CPWD, Dhaula
Kuan, Sirmour(H.P.).
Clause 19 C EE & SM (C) Sirmour-I, CPWD, Dhaula
Kuan, Sirmour(H.P.).
Clause 19 D EE & SM (C) Sirmour-I, CPWD, Dhaula
Kuan, Sirmour(H.P.).
EE & SM (C) Sirmour-I, CPWD, Dhaula
Clause 19 G Kuan, Sirmour(H.P.).
Clause 19 K EE & SM (C) Sirmour-I, CPWD, Dhaula
Kuan, Sirmour(H.P.).

Clause-25: Constitution of Dispute Redressal Committee (DRC)

Chairman Member Secretary Member Presenting Officer

CE cum ED SE(P) (C) SE cum PD EE&SM,
IIT Project Ropar O/o CA(P&D), Project Nahan in charge of the
Region Chandigarh work

Note: Competent authority for reconstitution/modification of Dispute Redressal Committee (DRC)

- Special Director General (Project Region Chandigarh), CPWD, Chandigarh or successor thereof.

Place of arbitration: Chandigarh

Clause- 32: Requirement of Technical Representative(s) and Recovery Rates

SI. Minimum Number (of Minimum Designation Rate at which recovery shall
No. Qualification of major + Minor Experience (Technical be made from contractor in
Technical component) (Years) Staff) the event of non- deployment.
Representative Figures Words
1. Graduate Engineer 1 Project
(major component) 20 (and having Manager
` 60000/- Rs. Sixty
experience of with degree
per month Thousand only
one similar in major
per month.
nature of work) discipline of
2. Graduate Engineer 2+1 12 (and having Deputy `40000/- Rs. Forty
experience of Project per month Thousand only
one similar Manager per month.
nature of work) having
on in
3. Graduate Engineer 4+2 5 or 10 Project / `25000/- Rs. Twenty Five
or Diploma respectively Site per month Thousand only
Engineer Engineer per month.
4. 1+1 8 Quality `25000/- Rs. Twenty Five
Graduate Engineer Engineer per month Thousand only
per month.
5. 1 8 Surveyor `15000/- Rs. Fifteen
Diploma Engineer per month Thousand only
per month.
6. 1+1 6 Project `20000/- Rs. Twenty
Graduate Engineer Planning/ per month Thousand only
Billing per month.

Assistant Engineers retired from Government services that are holding Diploma will be treated at
par with Graduate Engineers.

Diploma holder with minimum 10 years relevant experience with a reputed construction company
can be treated at par with Graduate Engineers for the purpose of such deployment subject to the
condition that such diploma holders should not exceed 50% of requirement of degree engineers.

Degree of deployed Engineer should be corresponding to his discipline of work involved.

Clause 38
(i) (a) Schedule/statement for determining theoretical quantity of cement
&bitumen on the basis of “Delhi Schedule of Rates 2018 correction slips
upto last date of receipt of bid.
(ii) Variations permissible on theoretical quantities:
(a) Cement for works with estimated cost put to
2% plus / Minus
tender more than Rs.25 lakh.
(b) Bitumen all works 2.5% plus only and nil on
minus side
(c) Steel reinforcement and structural steel sections 2% plus/ minus
for each diameter, section and category
(d) All other materials. Nil



ADDRESSED TO: EE & SM(C) Sirmour-I, CPWD, Dhaula Kuan, Sirmaur (H.P.)
BENEFICIARY: Executive Engineer, Chandigarh Central Division-II, CPWD, Chandigarh.

In consideration of the President of India (hereinafter called “The Government”) having offered to
accept the terms and conditions of the proposed agreement between _________________
(hereinafter called “the said contractor(s)” for the work ___________________________(hereinafter
called “The said agreement”) having agreed to production of an irrevocable Bank Guarantee for
Rs.______________ (Rupees __________________________________ only) as security/
guarantee from the contractor(s) for compliance of his obligations in accordance with the terms and
conditions in the said agreement.
1. We _________________________________ (hereinafter referred to as “the Bank) hereby
undertake to
(indicate the name of the bank)
pay to the Government an amount not exceeding Rs.___________ (Rupees
____________________ only) on demand by the Government.

2. We _____________________________ do hereby undertake to pay the amounts due and

(indicate the name of the bank)
under this Guarantee without any demure, merely on a demand from the Government stating
that the amount claimed is required to meet the recoveries due or likely to be due from the
said contractor(s). Any such demand made on the Bank shall be conclusive as regards the
amount due and payable by the bank under this Guarantee. However, our liability under this
guarantee shall be restricted to an amount not exceeding Rs.__________ (Rupees
___________________ only).

3. We, the said bank further undertake to pay to the Government any money so demanded
notwithstanding any dispute or disputes raised by the contractor(s) in any suit or proceeding
pending before any court or Tribunal relating thereto, our liability under this present being
absolute and unequivocal.

The payment so made by us under this bond shall be a valid discharge of our liability for
payment there under and the contractor(s) shall have no claim against us for making such

4. We _________________________________ further agree that the guarantee herein

contained shall
(indicate the name of the Bank)
remain in full force and effect during the period that would be taken for the performance of
the said agreement and that it shall continue to be enforceable till all the dues of the
Government under or by virtue of the said agreement have been fully paid and its claims
satisfied or discharged or till Engineer-in-Charge on behalf of the Government certified that
the terms and conditions of the said agreement have been fully and properly carried out by
the said contractor (s) and accordingly discharges this guarantee.

1. We __________________________________ further agree with the Government that the

(indicate name of the bank)
shall have the fullest liberty without our consent and without effecting in any manner our
obligations hereunder to vary any of the terms and conditions of the said agreement or to
extend time of performance by the said contractor(s) form time to time or to postpone for any
time or from time to time any of the powers exercisable by the Government against the said
contractor(s) and to forbear or enforce any of the terms and conditions relating to the said

agreement and we shall not be relieved from our liability by reason of any such variation, or
extension being granted to the said contractor(s) or for any forbearance, act of omission on
the part of the Government or any indulgence by the Government to the said contractor(s) or
by any such matter or thing whatsoever which under the law relating to sureties would, but
for this provision, have effect of so relieving us.

6. This guarantee will not be discharged due to the change in the constitution of the Bank or
the contractor(s).

7. We _____________________________________ lastly undertake not to revoke this

guarantee except (indicate the name of Bank)
with the previous consent of the Government in writing.

8. This guarantee shall be valid upto ____________________ unless extended on demand by

Government. Notwithstanding anything mentioned above, our liability against this guarantee
is restricted to Rs.___________________ (Rupees ___________________ only) and
unless a claim in writing is lodged with us within six months of the date of expiry or the
extended date of expiry of this guarantee all our liabilities under this guarantee shall stand

Dated the ____________________ day of_____________________ for________________

(indicate the name of Bank)

Form of Earnest Money Deposit
Bank Guarantee Bond

WHEREAS, contractor.................. (Name of contractor) (hereinafter called "the contractor") has

submitted his tender dated ............. (date) for the construction of ..............................................
(name of work) (hereinafter called "the Tender")

KNOW ALL PEOPLE by these presents that we ......................................... registered office at

................................... (hereinafter called "the Bank") are bound unto Executive Engineer,
Chandigarh Central Division-II, CPWD, Sector 7 B, Chandigarh the sum of Rs. .........................
(Rs. in words .................................................) for which payment well and truly to be made to the
said Executive Engineer, Chandigarh Central Division-II, CPWD, Sector 7 B, Chandigarh the
Bank binds itself, his successors and assigns by these presents.

SEALED with the Common Seal of the said Bank this ................. day of ................. 20.... THE
CONDITIONS of this obligation are:

(1) If after Eligibility Bid opening of tender; the Contractor withdraws, his tender during the period of
validity of tender (including extended validity of tender) specified in the Form of Tender;

(2) If the contractor having been notified of the acceptance of his tender by the EE & SM(C)
Sirmour-I,CPWD, Sirmour.
(a) fails or refuses to execute the Form of Agreement in accordance with the Instructions to
contractor, if required;
(b) fails or refuses to furnish the Performance Guarantee, in accordance with the provisions of
tender document and Instructions to contractor,
(c) fails or refuses to start the work, in accordance with the provisions of the contract and
Instructions to contractor,
(d) fails or refuses to submit fresh Bank Guarantee of an equal amount of this Bank Guarantee,
against Security Deposit after award of contract.

We undertake to pay to the Executive Engineer, Chandigarh Central Division-II, CPWD, Sector
7 B, Chandigarh either up to the above amount or part thereof upon receipt of his first written
demand, without the Executive Engineer, Chandigarh Central Division-II, CPWD, Sector 7 B,
Chandigarh having to substantiates his demand, provided that in his demand the Executive
Engineer, Chandigarh Central Division-II, CPWD, Sector 7 B, Chandigarh will note that the
amount claimed by him is due to him owing to the occurrence of one or any of the above conditions,
specifying the occurred condition or conditions.

This Guarantee will remain in force up to and including the date* ............. after the deadline for
submission of tender as such deadline is stated in the Instructions to contractor or as it may be
extended by the Executive Engineer, Chandigarh Central Division-II, CPWD, Sector 7 B,
Chandigarh notice of which extension(s) to the Bank is hereby waived. Any demand in respect of
this Guarantee should reach the Bank not later than the above date.


WITNESS .................. SEAL


*Date to be worked out on the basis of validity period of 6 months from last date of receipt of tender.

(All Water Proofing Items)
Nameofwork: Development of Permanent Campus of IIM Sirmaur at Dhaula Kuan, District
Sirmaur, Himachal Pradesh. SH: C/o Student Hostel-Type A, B, C, Married
Hostel, Connecting Corridor Hostels, Student Mess, Student Activity Center,
Virtual Learning Center, Director Residence, Professor Residence-Type VI,
Associate Professor Residence -Type V & Assistant Professor Residence Type
IV Special, Staff Residence Type-1 to 4 (1, 2, 3 & 4), Community Center, Class
Room Complex- 01 & 02, Faculty Building, MDP Class Room Complex, Library
cum Computer Center, Auditorium and Incubation Center, Administrative
Block, Guest House & MDP Accommodation, Meditation Center, ESS-1, 2 & 3,
AC Plant Room, Bus Stop & Gate Way Complex i/c all Internal and External
Civil, MEP, Hard Landscape, irrigation work etc.
ADDRESSED TO: EE & SM(C) Sirmour-I, CPWD, Dhaula Kuan, Sirmaur (H.P.)
BENEFICIARY: Executive Engineer, Chandigarh Central Division-II, CPWD, Chandigarh.

The agreement made this.................... day of ................. (Two Thousand ………only) between.........
....................................S/o .....................................................(hereinafter called the GUARANTOR of
the one part) and the PRESIDENT OF INDIA (hereinafter called the Government of the other part).
WHEREASTHISagreement issupplementarytoacontract(HereinaftercalledtheContract)agreement
no:……………..dated ....................... AndmadebetweentheGUARANTOROFTHEONEPARTANDthe
Government of the other part whereby the contractor inter alia undertook to render the building and
structures in the said contract recited completely water and leak- proof.

AND WHEREAS THE GUARANTOR agreed to give a guarantee to the affect that the said work will
remain water and leak proof, for ten years from the date of completion of the work.
NOW THE GUARANTOR hereby guarantee that work executed by him will render the structures
completely leak proof and the minimum life of such water proofing treatment shall be ten
years to be reckoned from the date of completion of the work.
The decision of the Engineer-in-Charge with regard to nature and cause of defect shall be final and
binding on Guarantor.
During this period of guarantee, the guarantor shall make good all defects in water proofing in
building to the satisfaction of the Engineer-in-Charge calling upon him to rectify the defects failing
which the work shall be got done by the Department by some other contractor at the Guarantor’s
cost and risk. The decision of the Engineer-in-Charge as to the cost payable by the Guarantor shall
be final and binding.
That if the guarantor fails to execute the water proofing and fails to control all kinds of leakage and
seepage or commits breach there under, then the guarantor will indemnify the principal and his
successor against all loss, damage, cost expense or otherwise which may be incurred by him by
reason of any default on the part of the GUARANTOR in performance and observance of this
supplementary agreement. As to the amount of loss and/or damage and / or cost incurred by the
Government, the decision of the Engineer-in-Charge will be final and binding on both the parties.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF these presents have been executed by the
........................................by ................................................ for and on behalf of the PRESIDENTOF
INDIA on the day, month and year first above written.

SIGNED, sealed and delivered by OBLIGATOR in the presenceof:


Sewerage Treatment Plant

ADDRESSED TO: EE & SM(C) Sirmour-I, CPWD, Dhaula Kuan, Sirmaur (H.P.)
BENEFICIARY: Executive Engineer, Chandigarh Central Division-II, CPWD, Chandigarh.
Theagreement madethis...................day of. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (TwoThousand…………
only) between....................................S/o………………….. (hereinafter called the GUARANTOR of
the one part) and the PRESIDENT OF INDIA (hereinafter called the Government of the otherpart)

WHEREAS THIS agreement is supplementary to a contract (Hereinafter called the Contract)

agreement no:………………. dated ………and made between the GUARANTOR OF THE ONE
PART AND the Government of the other part whereby the contractor inter alia undertook to render
the work under said contract structurally stable to fulfill its intended purpose, sound, free from
workmanship defects and use of only specified, certified material.

AND WHEREAS THE GUARANTOR agreed to give a guarantee to the affect that the said work will
remain structurally stable to fulfill its intended purpose, sound, and guarantee for quality
workmanship, material and finishing for ten years from the date of completion of thework.
NOW THE GUARANTOR hereby guarantee that work executed by him will remain structurally
stable to fulfill its intended purpose, sound, and guarantee for quality workmanship, material
and finishing for ten years to be reckoned from the date of completion of thework.
The decision of the Engineer-in-Charge with regard to nature and cause of defect shall be final and
binding on Guarantor.

During this period of guarantee, the guarantor shall make good all defects to the satisfaction of the
Engineer-in-Charge calling upon him to rectify the defects failing which the work shall be got done
by the Department by some other contractor at the Guarantor’s cost and risk. The decision of the
Engineer-in-Charge as to the cost payable by the Guarantor shall be final and binding.

That if the guarantor fails to rectify the defects and commits breach there under, then the guarantor
will indemnify the principal and his successor against all loss, damage, cost expense or otherwise
which may be incurred by him by reason of any default on the part of the GUARANTOR in
performance and observance of this supplementary agreement. As to the amount of loss and/or
damage and / or cost incurred by the Government, the decision of the Engineer-in-Charge will be
final and binding on both the parties.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF these presents have been executed by the obligator…………… and
........................................ by for and on behalf of the PRESIDENT OF INDIA on the day, month and
year firstabove written.
SIGNED, sealed and delivered by OBLIGATOR in the presence of:





Sub: NIT No. 03/SE cum PD, Sirmour/2019-20 for the work “Development of Permanent
Campus of IIM Sirmaur at Dhaula Kuan, District Sirmaur, Himachal Pradesh. SH: C/o
Student Hostel-Type A, B, C, Married Hostel, Connecting Corridor Hostels, Student
Mess, Student Activity Center, Virtual Learning Center, Director Residence,
Professor Residence-Type VI, Associate Professor Residence -Type V & Assistant
Professor Residence Type IV Special, Staff Residence Type-1 to 4 (1, 2, 3 & 4),
Community Center, Class Room Complex- 01 & 02, Faculty Building, MDP Class
Room Complex, Library cum Computer Center, Auditorium and Incubation Center,
Administrative Block, Guest House & MDP Accommodation, Meditation Center,
ESS-1, 2 & 3, AC Plant Room, Bus Stop & Gate Way Complex i/c all Internal and
External Civil, MEP, Hard Landscape, irrigation work etc. ”

Dear Sir,
It is here by declared that CPWD is committed to follow the principle of transparency, equity
and competitiveness in public procurement. The subject Notice Inviting Tender (NIT) is an invitation
to offer made on the condition that the Bidder will sign the integrity Agreement, which is an integral
part of tender/bid documents, failing which the tenderer/bidder will stand disqualified from the
tendering process and the bid of the bidder would be summarily rejected.

This declaration shall form part and parcel of the Integrity Agreement and signing of the
same shall be deemed as acceptance and signing of the Integrity Agreement on behalf of the

Yours faithfully

Executive Engineer


EE & SM (C) Sirmour-I,
CPWD, Sirmour (H.P.)

Sub: Submission of Tender for the work of“Development of Permanent Campus of IIM
Sirmaur at Dhaula Kuan, District Sirmaur, Himachal Pradesh. SH: C/o Student
Hostel-Type A, B, C, Married Hostel, Connecting Corridor Hostels, Student
Mess, Student Activity Center, Virtual Learning Center, Director Residence,
Professor Residence-Type VI, Associate Professor Residence -Type V &
Assistant Professor Residence Type IV Special, Staff Residence Type-1 to 4
(1, 2, 3 & 4), Community Center, Class Room Complex- 01 & 02, Faculty
Building, MDP Class Room Complex, Library cum Computer Center,
Auditorium and Incubation Center, Administrative Block, Guest House &
MDP Accommodation, Meditation Center, ESS-1, 2 & 3, AC Plant Room, Bus
Stop & Gate Way Complex i/c all Internal and External Civil, MEP, Hard
Landscape, irrigation work etc.”.

Dear Sir,

I/We acknowledge that CPWD is committed to follow the principles thereof as enumerated in
the Integrity Agreement enclosed with the tender/bid document.

I/We agree that the Notice Inviting Tender (NIT) is an invitation to offer made on the
condition that I/We will sign the enclosed integrity Agreement, which is an integral part of tender
documents, failing which I/We will stand disqualified from the tendering process. I/We acknowledge
ABSOLUTE ACCEPTANCE of this condition of the NIT No. 03 /SE cum PD, Sirmour/2019-20

I/We confirm acceptance and compliance with the Integrity Agreement in letter and spirit and
further agree that execution of the said Integrity Agreement shall be separate and distinct from the
main contract, which will come into existence when tender/bid is finally accepted by CPWD. I/We
acknowledge and accept the duration of the Integrity Agreement, which shall be in the line with
Article 1 of the enclosed Integrity Agreement.

I/We acknowledge that in the event of my/our failure to sign and accept the Integrity
Agreement, while submitting the tender/bid, CPWD shall have unqualified, absolute and unfettered
right to disqualify the tenderer/bidder and reject the tender/bid is accordance with terms and
conditions of the tender/bid.

Yours faithfully

(Duly authorized signatory of the Bidder)

To be signed by the bidder and same signatory competent / authorized to sign the relevant
contract on behalf of CPWD.

This Integrity Agreement is made at ............... on this ........... day of ........... 20......


President of India represented through Executive Engineer, .................................,

(Name of Division)
CPWD, ......................................................................., (Hereinafter referred as the
(Address of Division)

‘Principal/Owner’, which expression shall unless repugnant to the meaning or context hereof
include its successors and permitted assigns)

(Name and Address of the Individual/firm/Company)
through .................................................................... (Hereinafter referred to as the

(Details of duly authorized signatory)

“Bidder/Contractor” and which expression shall unless repugnant to the meaning or context hereof
include its successors and permitted assigns)

WHEREAS the Principal / Owner has floated the Tender (NIT No.................................) (hereinafter
referred to as “Tender/Bid”) and intends to award, under laid down organizational procedure,
contract for ............................. .............................................hereinafter referred to as the “Contract”.
(Name of work)
AND WHEREAS the Principal/Owner values full compliance with all relevant laws of the land, rules,
regulations, economic use of resources and of fairness/transparency in its relation with its Bidder(s)
and Contractor(s). AND WHEREAS to meet the purpose aforesaid both the parties have agreed to
enter into this Integrity Agreement (hereinafter referred to as “Integrity Pact” or “Pact”), the terms
and conditions of which shall also be read as integral part and parcel of the Tender/Bid documents
and Contract between the parties.

NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of mutual covenants contained in this Pact, the parties hereby
agree as follows and this Pact witnesses as under:

Article 1: Commitment of the Principal/Owner

1) The Principal/Owner commits itself to take all measures necessary to prevent corruption and
to observe the following principles:
(a) No employee of the Principal/Owner, personally or through any of his/her family
members, will in connection with the Tender, or the execution of the Contract, demand, take
a promise for or accept, for self or third person, any material or immaterial benefit which the
person is not legally entitled to.
(b) The Principal/Owner will, during the Tender process, treat all Bidder(s) with equity and
reason. The Principal/Owner will, in particular, before and during the Tender process,
provide to all Bidder(s) the same information and will not provide to any Bidder(s)
confidential / additional information through which the Bidder(s) could obtain an advantage in
relation to the Tender process or the Contract execution.
(c) The Principal/Owner shall endeavor to exclude from the Tender process any person,
whose conduct in the past has been of biased nature.
2) If the Principal/Owner obtains information on the conduct of any of its employees which is a
criminal offence under the Indian Penal code (IPC)/Prevention of Corruption Act, 1988 (PC
Act) or is in violation of the principles herein mentioned or if there be a substantive suspicion
in this regard, the Principal/Owner will inform the Chief Vigilance Officer and in addition can
also initiate disciplinary actions as per its internal laid down policies and procedures.

Article 2: Commitment of the Bidder(s)/Contractor(s)
1) It is required that each Bidder/Contractor (including their respective officers, employees and
agents) adhere to the highest ethical standards, and report to the Government / Department
all suspected acts of fraud or corruption or Coercion or Collusion of which it has
knowledge or becomes aware, during the tendering process and throughout the negotiation
or award of a contract.
2) The Bidder(s)/Contractor(s) commits himself to take all measures necessary to prevent
corruption. He commits himself to observe the following principles during his participation in
the Tender process and during the Contract execution:
a) The Bidder(s)/Contractor(s) will not, directly or through any other person or firm, offer,
promise or give to any of the Principal/Owner’s employees involved in the Tender
process or execution of the Contract or to any third person any material or other benefit
which he/she is not legally entitled to, in order to obtain in exchange any advantage of
any kind whatsoever during the Tender process or during the execution of the
b) The Bidder(s)/Contractor(s) will not enter with other Bidder(s) into any undisclosed
agreement or understanding, whether formal or informal. This applies in particular to
prices, specifications, certifications, subsidiary contracts, submission or non-
submission of bids or any other actions to restrict competitiveness or to cartelize in the
bidding process.
c) The Bidder(s)/Contractor(s) will not commit any offence under the relevant IPC/PC Act.
Further the Bidder(s)/Contract(s) will not use improperly, (for the purpose of
competition or personal gain), or pass on to others, any information or documents
provided by the Principal/Owner as part of the business relationship, regarding plans,
technical proposals and business details, including information contained or
transmitted electronically.
d) The Bidder(s)/Contractor(s) of foreign origin shall disclose the names and addresses of
agents/ representatives in India, if any. Similarly, Bidder(s)/Contractor(s) of Indian
Nationality shall disclose names and addresses of foreign agents/representatives, if
any. Either the Indian agent on behalf of the foreign principal or the foreign principal
directly could bid in a tender but not both. Further, in cases where an agent participate
in a tender on behalf of one manufacturer, he shall not be allowed to quote on behalf of
another manufacturer along with the first manufacturer in a subsequent/parallel tender
for the same item.
e) The Bidder(s)/Contractor(s) will, when presenting his bid, disclose any and all
payments he has made, is committed to or intends to make to agents, brokers or any
other intermediaries in connection with the award of the Contract.
3) The Bidder(s)/Contractor(s) will not instigate third persons to commit offences outlined
above or be an accessory to such offences.
4) The Bidder(s)/Contractor(s) will not, directly or through any other person or firm indulge
in fraudulent practice means a willful misrepresentation or omission of facts or
submission of fake/forged documents in order to induce public official to act in
reliance thereof, with the purpose of obtaining unjust advantage by or causing
damage to justified interest of others and/or to influence the procurement process
to the detriment of the Government interests.
5) The Bidder(s)/Contractor(s) will not, directly or through any other person or firm use
Coercive Practices (means the act of obtaining something, compelling an action or
influencing a decision through intimidation, threat or the use of force directly or indirectly,
where potential or actual injury may befall upon a person, his/ her reputation or property
to influence their participation in the tendering process).

Article 3: Consequences of Breach

Without prejudice to any rights that may be available to the Principal/Owner under law or the
Contract or its established policies and laid down procedures, the Principal/Owner shall have
the following rights in case of breach of this Integrity Pact by the Bidder(s)/Contractor(s) and
the Bidder/ Contractor accepts and undertakes to respect and uphold the Principal/Owner’s
absolute right:

1) If the Bidder(s)/Contractor(s), either before award or during execution of Contract has
committed a transgression through a violation of Article 2 above or in any other form,
such as to put his reliability or credibility in question, the Principal/Owner after giving 14
days notice to the contractor shall have powers to disqualify the Bidder(s)/Contractor(s)
from the Tender process or terminate/determine the Contract, if already executed or
exclude the Bidder/Contractor from future contract award processes. The imposition and
duration of the exclusion will be determined by the severity of transgression and
determined by the Principal/Owner. Such exclusion may be forever or for a limited
period as decided by the Principal/Owner.
2) Forfeiture of EMD/ Performance Guarantee/Security Deposit: If the Principal/Owner
has disqualified the Bidder(s) from the Tender process prior to the award of the Contract
or terminated/determined the Contract or has accrued the right to terminate/determine
the Contract according to Article 3(1), the Principal/Owner apart from exercising any
legal rights that may have accrued to the Principal/Owner, may in its considered opinion
forfeit the entire amount of Earnest Money Deposit, Performance Guarantee and
Security Deposit of the Bidder/Contractor.
3) Criminal Liability: If the Principal/Owner obtains knowledge of conduct of a Bidder or
Contractor, or of an employee or a representative or an associate of a Bidder or
Contractor which constitutes corruption within the meaning of IPC Act, or if the
Principal/Owner has substantive suspicion in this regard, the Principal/Owner will inform
the same to law enforcing agencies for further investigation.

Article 4: Previous Transgression

1) The Bidder declares that no previous transgressions occurred in the last 5 years with any
other Company in any country confirming to the anticorruption approach or with Central
Government or State Government or any other Central/State Public Sector Enterprises in
India that could justify his exclusion from the Tender process.
2) If the Bidder makes incorrect statement on this subject, he can be disqualified from the
Tender process or action can be taken for banning of business dealings/ holiday listing of
the Bidder/Contractor as deemed fit by the Principal/ Owner.
3) If the Bidder/Contractor can prove that he has resorted / recouped the damage caused
by him and has installed a suitable corruption prevention system, the Principal/Owner
may, at its own discretion, revoke the exclusion prematurely.

Article 5: Equal Treatment of all Bidders/Contractors/Subcontractors

1) The Bidder(s)/Contractor(s) undertake(s) to demand from all subcontractors a
commitment in conformity with this Integrity Pact. The Bidder/Contractor shall be
responsible for any violation(s) of the principles laid down in this agreement/Pact by any
of its Subcontractors/ sub-vendors.
2) The Principal/Owner will enter into Pacts on identical terms as this one with all Bidders
and Contractors.
3) The Principal/Owner will disqualify Bidders, who do not submit, the duly signed Pact
between the Principal/Owner and the bidder, along with the Tender or violate its
provisions at any stage of the Tender process, from the Tender process.

Article 6- Duration of the Pact

This Pact begins when both the parties have legally signed it. It expires for the
Contractor/Vendor 12 months after the completion of work under the contract or till the
continuation of defect liability period, whichever is more and for all other bidders, till the
Contract has been awarded. If any claim is made/lodged during the time, the same shall be
binding and continue to be valid despite the lapse of this Pacts as specified above, unless it
is discharged/determined by the Competent Authority, CPWD.

Article 7- Other Provisions

1) This Pact is subject to Indian Law, place of performance and jurisdiction is the Head
quarters of the Division of the Principal/Owner, who has floated the Tender.
2) Changes and supplements need to be made in writing. Side agreements have not been
3) If the Contractor is a partnership or a consortium, this Pact must be signed by all the
partners or by one or more partner holding power of attorney signed by all partners and
consortium members. In case of a Company, the Pact must be signed by a
representative duly authorized by board resolution.
4) Should one or several provisions of this Pact turn out to be invalid; the remainder of this
Pact remains valid. In this case, the parties will strive to come to an agreement to their
original intensions.
5) It is agreed term and condition that any dispute or difference arising between the parties
with regard to the terms of this Integrity Agreement / Pact, any action taken by the
Owner/Principal in accordance with this Integrity Agreement/ Pact or interpretation
thereof shall not be subject to arbitration.


All rights and remedies of the parties hereto shall be in addition to all the other legal rights
and remedies belonging to such parties under the Contract and/or law and the same shall be
deemed to be cumulative and not alternative to such legal rights and remedies aforesaid.
For the sake of brevity, both the Parties agree that this Integrity Pact will have precedence
over the Tender/Contact documents with regard any of the provisions covered under this
Integrity Pact. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties have signed and executed this Integrity
Pact at the place and date first above mentioned in the presence of following witnesses:

(For and on behalf of Principal/Owner)
(For and on behalf of Bidder/Contractor)

1. ..............................................
(signature, name and address)

2. ...............................................
(signature, name and address)
Dated :



The work shall be carried out in the manner complying in all respects with the requirements
of relevant bye-laws of the local body under the jurisdiction of which the work is to be
executed or as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge and nothing extra shall be paid on this
account. The contractor shall give due notices to the Municipality, Gram Panchayat, Police
and /or other authorities as may be required under the law / rules under force and obtain all
requisite licenses / permissions to carry out the work and pay all charges which may be
levied on account of his execution of the work under the agreement. Nothing extra shall be
payable on thisaccount.

In the event of any restrictions being imposed by security and traffic agencies or any other
authority having jurisdiction in the area on the working or movement of labour / material, the
contractor shall strictly follow such restrictions and nothing extra shall be payable to the
contractor on this account. The loss of time on this account, if any, shall have to be made up
by generating additional resourcesetc.



The contractor shall protect existing drains, pipes, cables, overhead wires, sewer lines,
water lines and other services encountered in the course of execution of the work, and shall
repair any damage caused by him at his own expense. The contractor shall not store
materials or otherwise occupy any part of the site in a manner likely to hinder the operation
of such services.

The contractor shall carry out his work so as not to interfere with or hinder the progress or
completion of the work being performed by other contractor (s) or by the Engineer-in-
Charge and shall as far as possible arrange his work and shall place and dispose of the
materials being used or removed, so as not to interfere with the operations of other
contractors. He shall arrange his work with that of the others in an acceptable and
coordinated manner and shall perform it in proper sequence to the complete satisfaction of


The contractor shall leave such recesses, holes, openings, etc. as may be required for the
electric, air-conditioning and other related works for which inserts, sleeves, brackets,
conduits, base plates, clamps etc. shall fix the same at the time of casting of concrete, stone
work and masonry work or at any similar location if required, and nothing extra shall be
payable on this account. Alternatively, he will cut recesses in RCC/ Masonry with specialised
cutting tools as per requirement of work. All Recesses, holes and openings shall be
sealed with appropriate epoxy chemicals after or during installation of inserts in the
same. Nothing extra shall be payable for these operations to the contractor.



The contractor shall make his own arrangements for temporary electric and telephone
connection, if required and make necessary payment including all initial cost, security money
and electric / telephone charges for its use direct to the authority concerned. The Engineer-
in-Charge will provide all possible assistance by way of reasonable recommendation for
obtaining electricity connection to the concerned authorities but bears no responsibility for
the same.

Courts at Sirmauralone shall have the jurisdictionto decide any dispute arising out of or in
respect of thiscontract.


Tendered drawings are uploaded with tender document and also available in soft copy and
hard copy with the EE & SM (C) Sirmour-I, CPWD, Dhaula Kuan, Sirmaur(H.P.). The
Contractor may, if required by him, before submission of the tender, ask for soft copy
drawings from EE & SM (C) Sirmour-I, CPWD, Dhaula Kuan, Sirmaur(H.P.). and/or take
photocopy of hard copy of drawings at his own cost. The Department shall not bear any
responsibility for the lack of knowledge and also the consequences, thereof to the
Contractor. The information and data shown in the drawings and mentioned in the tender
documents have beenfurnished, in good faith, for general information and guidance only.
The Engineer-in-Charge, in no case, shall be responsible for the accuracy thereof and/or
interpretations or conclusions drawn there from by the Contractor and all consequences
shall be borne by the Contractor. No claim, whatsoever, shall be entertained from the
Contractor, if the data or information furnished in tender document is different or in-correct
otherwise or actual working drawings are at variance with the drawings available for
inspection or attached to the tender documents. It is presumed that the contractor shall
satisfy himself for all possible contingencies, incidental charges, wastages, bottlenecks etc.
likely during execution of work and acts of coordination, which may be required between
different agencies. Nothing extra shall be payable on this account.


Should there be any difference or discrepancy between the description of items as given in
the item wise requirement and detailed schedule of item, tender drawings, particular
specifications for individual items of work, additional conditions, CPWD specifications and
I.S. Codes etc., the following order of preference shall be observed.

1. BOQItem
2. Detailed Schedule ofItem
3. Item wise requirements ofwork
4. TenderedDrawings
5. Particularspecifications
6. Additional & SpecialConditions
7. Working drawings issued during execution ofwork
8. CPWD Specifications including upto last date of receipt of bid.
9. General Conditions of Contracts – 2019 for EPCcontracts upto last date of
receipt of bid.
10. National Building Code 2016 / BIS Codes applicable upto last date of receipt of bid..
11. ASTM, BS, or other foreign origin code mentioned in tenderdocument.
12. Manufacturer’s specifications and as decided by theEngineer-in-Charge.
13. Sound Engineering practices or well established local constructionpractices.


Unless otherwise specified in tender document, the rates tendered by the contractor shall be
all inclusive and shall apply to all heights, lifts, leads and depths of the building and nothing
extra shall be payable to him on this account.


The Contractor(s) shall take instructions from the Engineer-in-Charge regarding collection
and stacking of materials at any place. No excavated earth or building rubbish shall be
stacked on areas where other buildings, roads, services and compound walls are to be
constructed. The stacking shall take place as per stacking plan however, if any change is

required, the same shall be done with the approval of Engineer-in-Charge.


The contractor shall take all necessary precautions to prevent any nuisance or
inconvenience to the owners, tenants or occupiers of adjacent properties and to the public in
general and to prevent any damage to such properties from pollutants like smoke, dust,
noise. The contractor shall use such methodology and equipment so as to cause minimum
environmental pollution of any kind during and minimum hindrance to road users and to
occupants of the adjacent properties or other services running adjacent/near vicinity. The
contractor shall make good at his cost and to the satisfaction of the Engineer-in-Charge, any
damage to roads, paths, cross drainage works or public or private property whatsoever
caused due to the execution of the work or by traffic brought thereon by the contractor. All
waste or superfluous materials shall be carried away by the contractor, without any
reservation, entirely to the satisfaction of the Engineer-in-Charge.



No payment shall be made for any damage caused by rain, snowfall, flood or any other
natural calamity, whatsoever during the execution of the work. The contractor shall be fully
responsible for any damage to the government property and the work for which payment
has been advanced to him under the contract and he shall make good the same at his risk
and cost. The contractor shall be fully responsible for safety and security of his material,
T&P/Machinery brought to the site byhim.


The contractor shall be responsible for the watch and ward/guard of the buildings, safety of
all fittings and fixtures including all equipment, services provided by him against pilferage
and breakage during the period of Installations and thereafter till the buildings are physically
handed over to the IIM Sirmaur or one year after physical date of completion whichever is
earlier. No extra payment shall be made on this account and no claim shall be admissible on
this account for this period.


The contractor will take reasonable precautions to prevent his workman and employees from
removing and damaging any flora (plant/vegetation) from the project area.


(i) It shall be responsibility of the contractor to ensure correct setting out of alignment.
Real Time Kinematics / Total Station survey instruments only shall be used for
layout, fixing boundaries, and centre lines, etc., Nothing extra shall be payable on
(ii) Though the site levels are indicated in the drawings the contractor shall ascertain
and confirm the site levels with respect to benchmark from the concerned
authorities. The contractor shall protect and maintain temporary/ permanent
benchmarks at the site of work throughout the execution of work. These
benchmarks shall be got checked by the Engineer-in-Charge or his authorized
representatives. The work at different stages shall be checked with referenceto
bench marks maintained for the said purpose. Nothing extra shall be payable on this
(iii) The contractor shall be entirely and exclusively responsible for the horizontal,
vertical and other alignments, the level and correctness of every part of the work
and shall rectify effectively any errors or imperfections therein. Such rectifications
shall be carried out by the Contractor at his own cost to the entire satisfaction of the


Wherever required for the execution of work, all the scaffolding shall be provided and
suitably fixed, by the Contractor. It shall be provided strictly with lock and cup steel double
scaffolding system, suitably braced for stability, with all the accessories, gangways, etc. with
adjustable suitable working platforms to access the areas with ease for working and
inspection. It shall be designed to take all incidental loads. It should cater to the safety
features for workmen. Nothing extra shall be payable on this account. It shall be ensured
that no damage is caused to any structure due to the scaffolding.

At the request of contractor, the use of Marine Ply shuttering for beams and columns may be
permitted by Engineer-in-Charge. Nothing extra shall be paid on this account. Foam Sheet/
Jointing tape shall be used in the joints of shuttering to ensure no leakage of cement slurry.
Nothing extra shall be paid on thisaccount.


(i) The Contractor shall take all precautions to abide by the environmental related
restrictions imposed by any statutory body having jurisdiction in the State as well as
prevent any pollution of streams, ravines, river bed and waterways. All waste or
superfluous materials shall be transported by the Contractor, entirely to the
satisfaction of the Engineer-in-Charge and disposed at designated places only.
Utmost care shall be taken to keep the noise level to the barest minimum so that no
disturbance as far as possible is caused to the occupants / users of adjoining
buildings. No claim what so ever on account of site constraints mentioned above or
any other site constraints, lack of public transport, inadequate availability of skilled,
semi-skilled or unskilledworkers in the near vicinity, non-availability of construction
machinery spare parts and any other constraints not specifically stated here, shall be
entertained from the Contractor. Therefore, the Tenderers are advised to visit site
and get first-hand information of site constraints. Accordingly, they should quote their
tenders. Nothing extra shall be payable on this account.
(ii) The Contractor shall cooperate with and provide the facilities to the sub-Contractors
and other agencies working at site for smooth execution of the work. The
a. Allow use of scaffolding, toilets, shedsetc.
b. Properly co-ordinate their work with the work of otherContractors.
c. Provide control lines and benchmarks to his Sub-Contractors and the other
d. Provide electricity and water at mutually agreedrates.
e. Provide hoist and crane facilities for lifting material at mutually agreedrates.
f. Co-ordinate with other Contractors for leaving inserts, making chases,
alignment of services etc. atsite.
g. Adjust work schedule and site activities in consultation with the Engineer-in-
Charge and other Contractors to suit the overall schedulecompletion.
h. Resolve the disputes with other Contractors/ sub-contractors amicably and the
Engineer-in-Charge shall not be made intermediary orarbitrator.

(iii) Other agencies will also simultaneously execute and install the works of substation /
generating sets, air-conditioning, lifts, etc. for the work and the contractor shall afford
necessary facilities for thesame.
(iv) The contractor shall conduct his work, so as not to interfere with or hinder the
progress or completion of the work being performed by other contractor(s) or by the
Engineer-in- Charge and shall as far as possible arrange his work and shall place
and dispose off the materials being used or removed so as not to interfere with the
operations of other
contractororheshallarrangehisworkwiththatoftheothersinanacceptableandina proper
co –ordination manner and shall perform it in proper sequence to the complete
satisfaction of others.

(v) For completing the work in time, the Contractor might be required to work in two or
more shifts (including night shifts). No claim whatsoever shall be entertained on this
account, not with-standing the fact that the contractor may have to pay extra
amounts for any reason, to the labourers and other staff engaged directly or
indirectly on the work according to the provisions of the labour and other statutory
bodies regulations and the agreement entered upon by the Contractor withthem.

(vi) All material shall only be brought at site as per program finalized with the Engineer-
in- Charge. Any pre-delivery of the material not required for immediate consumption
shall not be accepted and thus not paidfor.


(i) Necessary protective and safety equipment shall be provided to the Site Engineer,
Supervisory staff, labour and technical staff of the contractor by the Contractor at his
own cost and to be used atsite.

(ii) No inflammable materials including P.O.L shall be allowed to be stored in huge

quantity at site. Only limited quantity of P.O.L may be allowed to be stored at site
subject to the compliance of all rules / instructions issued by the relevant authorities
and as per the direction of Engineer-in-Charge in this regard. Also all precautions
and safety measures shall be taken by the Contractor for safe handling of the P.O.L
products stored at site. All consequences on account of unsafe handling of P.O.L
shall be borne by the Contractor.

(iii) In addition to the supervision of work by CPWD engineers, the Consultants/safety

teams deployed by the client (IIM Sirmaur) shall also be carrying out regular and
periodic inspection of the ongoing activities in the work and deficiencies,
shortcomings, inferior workmanship pointed out by them shall be communicated by
CPWD engineers to the contractor. Upon receipt of instructions from Engineer-in-
Charge these are also to be made good by necessary improvement, rectification,
replacement upto complete satisfaction of the client.
(iv) All the hidden items such as water supply lines, drainage pipes, conduits, sewers
etc. are to be properly tested as per the design conditions before covering and their
record measurements in computerized measurement book duly checked shall be
deposited with Engineer-in-Charge or his authorized representative, prior to hiding
(v) The contractor shall follow “Safety, Health and Environment Handbook 2019” issued
by CPWD in2019.


(i) The Contractor shall display all permissions, licenses, registration certificates, bar
charts, other statements etc under various labour laws and other regulations
applicable to the works, at his site office. He should also keep at site at least one set
of relevant BIS Codes and other relevant codes at site and produce the same if
asked for by Engineer-in- Charge. In case of non-compliance, these codes will be
purchased from the market and actual cost of purchase will be recovered from the
next RA Bill of theContractor.

(ii) The Contractor shall make available four (04) sets of completed Building Drawings
and services drawings like drainage, sewerage, water supply, road and electrical
installations, “As Built Drawings” along with literatures, manuals, warranty certificates
etc. of various installed fittings, fixtures and equipment for the completed projects.
This shall be the prerequisite for payment of finalbill.


The Contractor shall prepare an integrated programme chart within fifteen days of issue of
award letter including civil as well as E & M activities for the execution of work, showing
clearly all activities from the start of work to completion, with details of manpower, equipment
and machinery required for the fulfilment of the program within the stipulated period and
submit the same for approval of the Engineer-in-Charge. These shall be submitted by the
contractor through electronic media besides forwarding hard copies of the same. The
integrated programme chart so submitted should not have any discrepancy with the physical
milestones attached in the contract agreement. The programme chart should include the

(i) Descriptive note explaining sequence of variousactivities.

(ii) Construction Programme prepared on PRIMAVERA or MS Project Software, which will
indicate resources in financial terms, manpower and specialized equipment for every
(iii) Programme for procurement of materials by thecontractor.
(iv) Programme for arranging and deployment of manpower both skilled and unskilled so
as to achieve targetedprogress.
(v) Programme of procurement of machinery/equipment having adequate capacity,
commensurate with the quantum of work to be done within the stipulated period, by
(vi) Programme for achieving fortnightly micro milestones and periodicmilestones.
(vii) In case of noncompliance/delay in compliance in this, a recovery @ Rs. 2,000/- per
day will be imposed which will be recovered from the immediate next R/A Bill of
(viii) If at any time, it appears to the Engineer-in-Charge that the actual progress of work
does not conform to the approved programme referred above, the contractor shall
produce a revised program within seven days showing the modifications to the
approved program by additional inputs to ensure completion of the work within the
stipulated time. A recovery of Rs. 2,000/- shall be made on per day basis in case of
delay in submission of the modifiedprogramme.
(ix) The submission for approval by the Engineer-in-Charge of such programme or the
furnishing of such particulars shall not relieve the contractor of any of his duties or
responsibilities under the contract. This is without prejudice to the right of Engineer-in-
Charge to take action against the contractor as per terms and conditions of
(x) The contractor shall also be required to submit 2 sets of monthly progress report of the
work in a computerized form, every month. The Monthly progress report shall
contain the following:
a. Construction schedule of the various components of the work through a bar chart
for the next month (or as may be specified), showing targeted tasks (including
material and labour requirement) and up to dateprogress.
b. Progress chart of the various components of the work that were planned and
achieved, for the month as well as cumulative up to the month under reckoning,
with reason for deviations, if any in a tabularformat
c. Plant and machinery statement, indicating those deployed in thework.
d. Man-power statementindicating:
e. Individually the names of all the staff deployed on the work, along with
f. No. of skilled workers (trade wise) and total no. of unskilled workers deployed on
the work and their location of deployment i.e.blocks.
g. Financial statement, indicating the broad details of all the running account
payment received up to date, such as gross value of work done, advances taken,
recoveries effected, amount withheld, net payments details of cheque payment
received, extra/substituted/deviation items if any,etc.
h. Few photos of the monthsactivities.


(i) The contractor shall construct storage space for Chemicals materials to ensure that
the storage conditions are as recommended by themanufactures.
(ii) All the materials shall be procured and delivered in sealed containers with labels
legible andintact.
(iii) All the chemicals {polymers, epoxy, water proofing compound, plasticizer,
Polysulphide, SBR based elastomeric, APP (Atactic Polypropylene Polymer), all
exterior and interior paints, polish etc.) shall be procured in convenient packs say 20
litres/kg} capacity packing only or as approved by the Engineer-in-Charge, and not in
bigger capacity containers, say 200 litre (kg) drums unless otherwise specifically
permitted by the Engineer-in-Charge. One sample from each lot of the chemical
procured by the contractor shall be tested in a laboratory as approved by the
(iv) All material required for the execution of the work shall be got approved, procured
and deposited with the Departmental supervisory staff. The materials shall be kept in
joint custody of the contractor and the Department. The watch and ward of such
material shall, however, remain to be the responsibility of the contractor and no claim,
whatsoever, on this account shall be entertained. Different containers of each
chemical shall be serially numbered on packing and also consumed in that order.
Day-to-day account of receipt, issue and balance shall be regulated by the
Department and proper account shall be maintained at site of work in the prescribed
form as per the standardpractice.
(v) All the chemicals shall be procured by the contractor directly from the manufacturer.
In exceptional circumstances, the contractor may be allowed to procure the materials
from the authorized dealers of the manufacturers, if specifically permitted by
(vi) The original copies of challan /cash memos towards the quantity of various chemicals
procured shall be made available by the contractor at the request from the Engineer-
in-Charge and a copy of the same shall be kept inrecord.
(vii) The Name of manufacturers, manufacturer’s product identification, manufacturer’s
mixing instructions, warning for handling and toxicity and date of manufacturing and
shelf life shall be clearly and legibly mentioned on the labelsof eachcontainer.
(viii) The contractor shall submit for the chemicals procured, manufacturer’s and / or
authorized dealer’s certificate regarding supplying and verifying conformance to the
material specifications, asspecified.
(ix) All filled containers shall be handled in safe manner and in a way to avoid breaking
(x) Empty containers of the chemicals should not be removed from site till the completion
of work and shall be removed only with the written approval of the Engineer-in-
(xi) All arrangements for measuring, dosing and mixing of material / chemicals at site have
to be made by thecontractor.
(xii) Contractor shall suitably advise his site Engineer and all the workers as regards safe
handling of chemicals. Necessary protective and safety equipmentsin form of hand
gloves, goggles etc. shall be provided by the contractor and be also used at site.
(xiii) All incidental charges of any kind including cartage, storage and wastage and safe
custody of material etc. shall be borne by the contractor and no claim, whatsoever,
shall be entertained on thisaccount.
(xiv) The chemicals shall be tested in an independent laboratory as approved by the
Engineer-in-Charge at the frequency as specified. If required, more samples may have
to be tested as per the directions of the Engineer-in-Charge. Nothing extra shall be
payable on this account. However, testing charges shall be borne by the department
for the samples satisfying the requirements specified in thetender.


(i) De-watering required, if any, shall be done conforming to BIS Code IS: 9759 (guide
lines for de-watering during construction) and / or as per the specifications approved
by the Engineer-in-Charge. Design of an appropriate and suitable dewatering system
shall be the Contractor’s responsibility.
(ii) Such scheme shall be modified / augmented as the work proceeds based on fresh
information discovered during the progress of work, at no extra cost. At all times during
the construction work, efficient drainage of the site shall be carried out by the
Contractor and especially during the laying of plain cement concrete, taking levels etc.
The Contractor shall also ensure that there is no danger to the nearby properties and
installations on account of such lowering of water table. If needed, suitable
precautionary measures shall be taken by the Contractor. Alsothe scheme of
dewatering adopted shall have adequate built in arrangement to serve as stand- bye to
attend to repair of pumps etc. and disruption of power / fuel supply. Nothing extra shall
be payable on thisaccount.
(iii) In trenches where surface water is likely to get into cut / trench during monsoons, a
ring bund of puddle clay or by any other means shall be formed outside, to the
required height, and maintained by the Contractor. Also, suitable steps shall be taken
by the Contractor to prevent back flow of pumped water into the trench. Nothing extra
shall be payable on thisaccount.
(iv) For works below ground level the contractor shall keep that area free from water. If
dewatering or bailing out of the water is required, the contractor shall do the same at
his own cost and nothing extra shall be paid. Nothing extra shall be paid for execution
of work in or under water and / or liquid mud including pumping out of water

The contractor shall prepare one sample room alongwith toilet of each building within
the time period as defined in Milestone. One sample corridor of minimum 10m length.
Samples shall be prepared by the contractor well in advance before taking up the mass
execution at the appropriate time as per Mile Stones for plan of execution of work.

The contractor shall invariably prepare the samples of finishing items i.e. flooring of different
types, external & internal finishing i/c colour scheme of paint, tiles in dado, flooring in
platforms & staircase, water supply & sanitary fittings and any other item as per direction of
Engineer-in-charge. The contractor shall proceed with further finishing items only after
getting the samples of these items approved in writing from Engineer- in-charge.


In order to ensure smooth, timely and proper management of work by department’s project
team under the Engineer-in-charge, the contractor shall provide following arrangements at
project site, for the entire duration of the contract agreement i/c extension, if any. Nothing
extra shall be paid to the contractor for providing these arrangements at site :

a. For site related works by the Engineer-in-charge and his project team, Contractor shall
provide (built up) site office of minimum 200 sqm area, with furniture, all civil & electrical
fittings & fixtures i/c AC in all rooms. The site office shall have engineers room, support
staff office rooms, meeting room, toilet, pantry, sample room, store room, record room
etc. The furniture shall consist of one 30 seat conference table with chairs, 4 full size
cupboards for records and 6 sets of executive tables each set having 1 table, 1
executive chair and 3 visitor chairs and 10 sets of office tables with chairs. Theelectricity
and day to day maintenance i/c cleaning, sweeping, security etc shall be within the
scope of the Contractor.
b. The contractor shall provide clean and safe drinking water for the workers, technical
staffs, site staff and other persons associated with project either employed/hired by
contractor or department orclient.
c. The contractor shall provide 5 nos. Computers/laptops having latest generation
processor with MS Windows-10, one A-3 Coloured Inkjet, Two A-4 Laserjet Printers,
One Laserjet printer cum scanners, Internet connection & UPS with all computers etc. in
office ofEngineer-in-Charge.
d. The contractor shall provide and maintain One photostat machine of latest version i/c its
A.M.C. except paper forphotostat.
e. The contractor shall also provide three inspection vehicles (Swift Desire / Amaze/ ETIOS
or equivalent) for CPWD during the currency of work i.e. from date of start to completion
of entire work, at disposal of Engineer-in-Charge. Vehicles are to be provided to facilitate
work inspection, quality control, coordination with multiple agencies and better liasioning.
The average mileage of each inspection vehicle may be approx. 2500 km per month.
The inspection vehicle should be in good condition and should not be more than 3 years
old at the start of work. Agency will provide inspection vehicle for all the times (including
night hours during work at site) as and when required at site/office work as per direction
of Engineer-in-Charge. The inspection vehicle shall make available for 12 hours per day
on daily basis i/c holidays as per direction of the Engineer-in-Charge. The running cost of
inspection vehiclesalongwithallincidentalchargesi.e.costoffuels,lubricant,services
/maintenance of vehicles, Salary of driver etc. will be borne by the agency and nothing
will be paid by the department on this account. Recovery @ Rs.2,000/- per day per
inspection vehicle shall be made if contractor fails to provide above inspection vehicles
within 15 days after award of work. Recovery @ Rs.2,000/- per day per inspection
vehicle shall be made in case of occurrence of a default i.e. non- availability, breakdown
of vehicle etc. Nothing extra shall be paid on this account.
f. Above facility has to be made functional within 30 days after award of work. Nothing
extra shall be payable to contractor for providing these facilities and resources.
g. Services of inspection vehicles, MTC, electricity connection and water supply provision
in site office shall be terminated by contractor on completion of work including extended
period ifany.

In order to achieve high standards of materials, workmanship and overall quality of the
execution, an agency shall be engaged by Engineer-in-charge or client to carry out Third
Party Inspections as part of ‘Third Party Quality Assurance’. (If independent 3rd Party Quality
Assurance agency is not engaged, the quality assurance shall be got done by the team of
CPWD of concerned ADG /SDG, CPWD office.) This agency will carry out the checks of the
quality assurance procedures followed at site, take samples of the materials for independent
testing and check the workmanship of the works carried out. The contractor shall extend full
cooperation to the TPQA agency in facilitating the inspections and collection of samples and
regulate the execution stages with regards to the hold and witness points which shall be
strictly adhered to by the contractor. The next stage work shall not be undertaken at the hold
point stage and work shall be done in presence of the TPQA representative at the witness
stage. The contractor shall be required to co-operate with agency in carrying out various
activities including documentation at no extra time and cost to the owner. In case of any
adverse findings by the TPQA agency, the contractor shall do the needful rectifications to
the entire satisfaction of the TPQA agency and IIM Sirmaur and Engineer-in-Charge. If
contractor fails to rectify the defects of the serious nature within a reasonable time frame no
further payment shall be made. If work is stopped due to non- rectification of defects and
delay occurs on this account, no relief in completion of mile stone by way of grant of EOT or
any other relaxation begiven.

TPQA will conduct the Quality Control Test as per TPQA CPWD circular listed in Handbook
on Total Quality Management 2019 and carry out tests on input material and construction
activity as per guidelines on Quality Control Systems for Building Code and CPWD
specification. Random Sampling of materials for testing will be done by TPQA agency in
such a way that a minimum of 10 % of all mandatory test recommended as per CPWD

specifications/ contracts specifications are covered and it represents the whole work or at
any frequency determined by the TPQA appointed by the IIM Sirmaur. The samples shall be
collected in presence of representatives of construction agency andclients, if present.


All the vehicles leaving the site shall be loaded in such a manner that the excavated
materials, mud or debris will not be deposited on roads. All such loads shall be covered or
protected to prevent dust being emitted. The wheels of all vehicles shall be washed properly
before leaving the site to avoid the deposition of mud and debris on the roads. The
contractor shall provide a wash pit and a wheel washing facility with high pressure water jets
for this purpose. Also, the contractor shall make necessary arrangements for sweeping and
removal of mud from roads if it is deposited even after washing of wheels of vehicles leaving
site. A penalty of Rs 2000 per day for violation of such measures shall be levied. Nothing
extra shall be paid for providing and maintaining thisfacility.


The contractor shall comply the directives of Hon’ble National Green Tribunal dated
04.12.2014 & 10.04.2015 and EIA Guidance Manual issued in February 2010 and
Construction & Demolition Waste Management Rules, 2016 or any subsequent guidelines
issued in this regard. The compliance of the contractor shall not be limited to the following:

(i) The contractor shall not store/dump construction material or debris on metalled road.
(ii) The contractor shall get prior approval from Engineer-in-Charge for the area where the
construction material or debris can be stored beyond the metalled road. This area shall
not cause any obstruction to the free flow oftraffic/inconvenience to the pedestrians. It
should be ensured by the contractor that no accidents occur on account of such
permissible storage.

(iii) The contractor shall ensure that all the trucks or vehicles of any kind which are used
for construction purposes/or are carrying construction material like cement, sand and
other allied material are fully covered. The contractor shall take every necessary
precaution that the vehicle are properly cleaned and dust free to ensure that enroute
their destination, the dust, sand or any other particles are not released in
(iv) The contractor shall provide mask to every worker working on the construction site and
involved in loading, unloading and carriage of construction material and construction
debris to prevent inhalation of dustparticles.
(v) The contractor shall provide all medical help, investigation and treatment to the
workers involved in the construction of building and carry of construction material and
debris relatable to dustemission.
(vi) The contractor shall ensure that C&D waste is transported to the approved C&D waste
site of local authority only as per Construction & Demolition Waste Management Rules,
2016 and due record shall be maintained by thecontractor.
(vii) The contractor shall compulsorily use jet in grinding and stonecutting.

(viii) The contractor shall comply all the preventive and protective environmental steps as
stated in the MoEF Guidelines,2010.
(ix) The contractor shall carry out on-road-inspection for black smoke generating
machinery. The contractor shall use cleanerfuel.
(x) The contractor shall ensure that the DG sets comply emission norms notified by MoEF.
(xi) The contractor shall use vehicles having pollution under control certificate. The
emissions can be reduced by a large extent by reducing the speed of a vehicle to 20
kmph. Speed bumps shall be used to ensure speed reduction. In cases where speed
reduction cannot effectively reduce fugitive dust, the contractor shall divert traffic to

nearby pavedareas.
(xii) The contractor shall ensure that the construction material is covered by tarpaulin. The
contractor shall take all other precaution to ensure that no dust particles are permitted
to pollute air quality as a result of suchstorage.
(xiii) No extra payment will be made for operation/activity mentioned at Sl. No. ito xii above.

Following guidelines to be followed where height of casting of concrete is higherthan3.5 m or

where higher loading are coming during casting of concrete or large span structure more
than 5 meter long or some special structure like domes, vaults, steel structure etc.

I. Centering/scaffolding/staging for casting of these structures should be properly

designed by a qualified and experienced person/agency having past experience in
design of false work (centering) for concrete structures and should be proof checked
by similar experienced person/agency and it should be approved by Engineer-in-
Charge. The provisions of clause 7 of IS: 14687 may be referred for design of false
II. A method statement for erection and dismantling of the centering/scaffolding/staging
and process of concreting & process of anchor of steel structure shall be prepared by
contractor and submitted to Engineer-in- Charge for approval and the work shall be
commenced only after approval of method statement by Engineer-in-Charge. The
provisions of clause 9 of IS: 14687 may be referred for erection of false work
(centering), safety precautions and other site operations, pertaining to false
III. Engineering form watcher shall be engaged during erection, concreting and
dismantling for early detection of any movement or instability in thesystem.
IV. A detailed programmeof field safety inspection of centering/scaffolding/form work of
such structures during different stages should be chalked out and strictly followed.
V. Inspection approval of Engineer in charge, the prime responsibility of safety of false
work shall remain with contractor for concrete and steelwork.
VI. Provision of safety net, fall arresting system including other safety gears, for workers,
working over these structures shall be made in contract and should be followedstrictly.

28. Maintenance of Register: Site Order Book shall be kept at site. All test registers, and MAS
registers issued by the Engineer-in-Charge shall be maintained bythe contractor or his
authorised engineer, which will be reviewed by the officers of CPWD at regular intervals.

Maintenance of Register of Tests –

(i) All the registers of tests carried out at Construction Site or in outside laboratories shall
be maintained by the contractor which shall be issued to the contractor by Engineer-in-

(ii) All Samples of materials including Cement Concrete Cubes shall be taken jointly with
Contractor by JE/AE and out of this at least 50% samples shall be taken in presence of
AE in charge. If there is no JE, all Samples of materials including Cement Concrete
Cubes shall be taken by AE jointly with Contractor. All the necessary assistance shall be
provided by the contractor. Cost of sample materials is to be borne by the contractor
and he shall be responsible for safe custody of samples to be tested atsite.

(iii) All the test in field lab setup at Construction Site shall be carried out by the Engineering
Staff deployed by the contractor which shall be 100% witnessed by JE/AE. At least 10%
of the tests are to be witnessed by the Executive Engineer / Executive Engineer and

(iv) Minimum 10% test should be conducted in outside approved lab as directed by

(v) All the entries in the registers will be made by the designated Engineering Staff of the
contractor and same should be regularly reviewed byJE/AE/AEE/EE.

(vi) Contractor shall be responsible for safe custody of all the testregisters.

(vii) Submission of statement of all test conducted at site/lab, material at Site Register along
with each alternate Running Account Bill and Final Bill shall bemandatory.

Maintenance of Material at Site (MAS) Register –

(i) All the MAS Registers including Cement and Steel Registers shall be maintained by
Contractor which shall be issued to the contractor by Engineer-in-Charge in the
samemannerasbeingissuedtoCPWDfieldstaff.Authenticatedcopiesofbills/vouchers of
materials which has to be entered in the MAS register are to be submitted by the
contractor to CPWD before making payments.
(ii) Each of the entry of receipt of material at site shall be 100% test checked by JE or by
AE/AEE if there is noJE.
(iii) Each MAS Register shall be checked at least once a week by JE and periodically
reviewed by AE/AEE & EE. If there is no JE then MAS registers will be checked byAE.
(iv) Cement Register shall be reviewed by EE at least once in amonth.
(v) It will be deemed that work so measured, checked and paid is of the required quality
and standard, both in respect of ingredients as well as the intended functions it is
supposed to perform. In other words, the work would not only meet the required
specifications but also the workmanship as per sound engineering practices.
(vi) The SE cum PD shall also have to check and sign these reports at suitable intervals in
token of his ensuring compliance of the ‘Quality Assurance Plan’ for thework.
(vii) Copies of bills: Agency will provide authenticated copies of itemize bills of materials
which has to be entered in the MAS Register viz steel, cement, bitumen, paint, water
proofing or any other item suggested by theEngineer-in-Charge.


a. Quality of work is of paramount importance. Contractor will be required to engage

well-experienced supervisors, engineers, skilled labour and deploy modern T&P and
other equipments to execute the work in a time boundmanner.

b. Many items like exposed finish form work, specialized flooring work, factory made
door- window shutters, proper slope maintaining in toilet units, sanitary- water supply
installation, textured finishing, aluminium and glass work and water proofing
treatment will specially require engagement of skilled workers having experience
particularly in execution of suchitems.

c. The contractor shall ensure quality construction in a planned and time bound
manner. Any sub-standard material / work beyond set out tolerance limit shall be
summarily rejected by the Engineer-in-Charge & contractor shall be bound to replace
/ remove such sub-standard / defective work immediately. If any material, even
though approved by Engineer-in-Charge is found defective or not conforming to
specifications shall be replaced / removed by the contractor at his own risk & cost.

d. In addition to the supervision of work by CPWD engineers, the Consultants / third

party quality assurance representatives / Quality Assurance of CPWD and IIM
Sirmaur representatives shall also be carrying out regular and periodic inspections of
the on-going activities in the work and deficiencies, shortcomings, inferior
workmanship pointed out by them shall be communicated by CPWD engineers to the
contractor. Upon receipt of instructions from Engineer-in-Charge these are also to be
made good by necessary improvement, rectification, replacement upto his complete

e. Special attention shall be paid towards line and level of internal and external
plastering, exposed smooth surface of RCC members by providing fresh shuttering
plates, rubberized linings to all the shuttering joints, accurate joinery work in wooden
doors and windows, thinnest joints in stone/ tiling / cladding work, non- hollowness in
floor and dado tiles work, protection of scratches over flooring by impounding layer of
Plaster of Paris, water tight pipe linings, absence of hollow vertical joints in brick
masonry, proper compaction of filled up earth and up keeping of quality assurance
shall be of paramountimportance.

f. Method Statement: The Contractor shall submit within 15 (fifteen) days after the
date of award of work, a detailed and complete method statement for the execution,
testing and Quality Assurance. All the materials to be used in the work to give the
finished work complete in all respects, shall comply with the requirements of the
specifications and shall pass all the tests required as per specifications as applicable
or such specifications / standards as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge. However,
keeping the Quality Assurance in mind, the Contractor shall submit, on request from
the Engineer-in- Charge, his own Quality Assurance procedures for basic materials
and such items, to be followed during the execution of the work,for approval of the

g. Checklist :As and when any important item is taken up for execution, the Contractor
shall invariably make a checklist. This checklist should be got approved from the
Engineer-in-charge and should be shown to the inspecting officers. The important
items inter-alia include foundation work, including reinforcement and shuttering,
structural steel work, masonry work, doors & windows, plumbing, including water
supply, sanitary and sewer pipe lines, roof treatment, earth filling, false ceiling etc.
which are a few illustrative items for checklistpurpose.

Sample checklists for items of concrete for foundation, columns/beams/slabs, water

supply lines, masonry work and plastering are given in CPWD Specification 2009
with revisions/amendments / correction slip upto last date of submission of bid. In
addition to this all other important items such as flooring, door windows, sanitary,
painting etc. shall be made on these guidelines in consultation with Engineer-in-

h. The tests, as necessary, shall be conducted in the laboratory approved by the

Engineer–in-Charge. The samples shall be taken for carrying out all or any of the
tests stipulated in the particular specifications and as directed by the Engineer-in-
Charge or his authorizedrepresentative.

i. All the registers of tests carried out at Construction Site or in outside laboratories and
all material at site (MAS) registers including cement register shall be maintained by
the contractor which shall be issued to the contractor by Engineer- in-Charge. All the
entries in the relevant registers will be made by the designated Engineering Staff of
the contractor and same should be regularly reviewed by JE/AE/AEE/ EE&SM / SE
cum PD of CPWD. Contractor shall be responsible for safe custody of all

j. The Contractor shall at his own risk and cost make all arrangements and shall
provide free of cost all such facilities including material and labour, the Engineer- in-
Charge may require for collecting, preparing, forwarding the required number of
samples for testing as per the frequency of test stipulated in the contract
specifications or as considered necessary by the Engineer-in-Charge, atsuch time
and to such places, as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge. Nothing extra shall be
payable for the above.

k. The Contractor or his authorized representative shall associate in collection,

preparation, forwarding and testing of such samples. In case he or his authorized
representative is not present or does not associate him, the result of such tests and
consequences thereon shall be binding on the Contractor. The Contractor or his
authorized representative shall remain in contact with the Engineer-in–Charge or his

authorized representative associated for all such operations. No claim of payment or
claim of any other kind, whatsoever, shall be entertained on this account.


a. Regarding testing of civil & electrical materials, which cannot be tested in site
laboratory and/or to be tested at an independent laboratory, the testing of materials
shall be conducted in Govt. Laboratory/ Govt. colleges/ IITs/NITs or from the
laboratory approved by Engineer-in-charge. The charges of testing of materials in
approved laboratory shall be borne as below:
1. By the contractor, if the results show that the material does not conform to
contract provisions, relevant specifications and BIS codes or any other relevant
code for which confirmatory test is carriedout.
2. By the department except steel reinforcement, if the results show that the
material conforms to contract provisions, relevant specifications and BIS codes or
any other relevant code for which confirmatory test is carriedout.
b. The samples for testing shall be supplied free of cost by the contractor. The
contractor shall also make all arrangements for transportation and delivery of
samples of materials to the testing laboratory and nothing extra shall be payable for
the same.
c. Samples of all materials required for testing is included in the cost of work.
Frequency of testing of material will be as per frequency laid down in CPWD
Specification or otherwise specified. No reimbursement of testing charges shall be
d. Ifany load testing or special testing is to be done for any sample whose strength is
doubtful, the cost of the same shall also be borne by the contractor. All the hidden
items such as water supply lines, drainage pipes, conduits, sewers etc. are to be
properly tested as per the design conditions beforecovering.
e. Water tanks, taps, sanitary, water supply and drainage pipes, fittings and
accessories should confirm to bylaws and municipal body / corporation where CPWD
Specifications are not available. The contractor should engage licensed plumbers for
the work and get the materials (fixtures/fittings) tested by the Municipal
Body/Corporation authorities, wherever required, at his own cost. The contractor
shall give performance test of the entire installation(s) as per the standing
specifications before the work is finally accepted and nothing extra whatsoever shall
be payable to the contractor for thetest.
f. The Contractor shall arrange electricity at his own cost for testing of the various
electrical installations as directed by Engineer-in-Charge and for the consumption by
the contractor for executing thework.
g. Also, all the water required for testing various electrical installations, fire pumps, wet
riser / fire fightingequipments, fire sprinklers etc. and also testing water supply,
sanitary and drainage lines, water proofing of underground sump, overhead tanks,
water proofing treatment etc. shall be arranged by the contractor at his own cost.

a. The Contractor shall keep himself fully informed of all relevant acts and laws of
theCentral&StateGovernments,orders,decreesofstatutorybodies,tribunals having any
jurisdiction or authority, which in any manner may affect those engaged or employed
and anything related to carrying out the work. All the rules & regulations and bye-
laws laid down by District Collector / Municipal Corporation / Urban Development
Authority and any other statutory bodies shall be adhered to, by the contractor,
during the execution ofwork.
b. The Contractor shall also adhere to all traffic restrictions notified by the local
c. The water charges (for municipal water connection as well as tanker water) shall be
borne by the contractor. Also, if the contractor obtains water connection for the
drinking purposes from the municipal authorities or any other statutory body, the
consequent sewerage charges shall be borne by thecontractor.
d. All statutory taxes, levies, charges (including water and sewerage charges, charges
for temporary service connections and / or any other charges) payable to such
authorities for carrying out the work, shall be borne by the Contractor. The Contractor
shall arrange to give all notices as required by any statutory / regulatory authority
and shall pay to such authority all the fees that is required to be paid for the
execution ofwork.
e. He shall protect and indemnify the Department/ client and its officials & employees
against any claim and /or liability arising out of violations of any such laws,
ordinances, orders, decrees, by himself or by his employees or his authorized
representatives. Nothing extra shall be payable on theseaccounts.
f. The fee payable to statutory authorities for obtaining the various permanent service
connections and Building Use Certificate for the building shall be borne by the
g. The contractor shall assume all liability, financial or otherwise in connection with this
contract and shall protect and indemnify the Department from any and all damages
and claims that may arise on any account. The Contractor shall indemnify the
Department against all claims in respect of patent rights, royalties, design,
trademarks of name or other protected rights, damages to adjacent buildings, roads
or members of public, in course of execution of work or any other reasons
whatsoever, and shall himself defend all actions arisingfrom such claims and shall
indemnify the Department in all respect from such actions, costs and expenses.
Nothing extra shall be payable on this account.
h. No residential accommodation shall be provided to any of the staff engaged by the
contractor. The contractor shall also not be allowed to erect any temporary set up for
his staff in the campus. Howeverlabour camps shall be constructed at site as per
General conditions of contract, with prior approval ofEngineer-in-charge.
i. No claim of the labourers shall be entertained including that of providing
employment, regularization of servicesetc.
j. Site Engineer/Supervisor shall carry mobile telephone(s) to enable the Engineer-in-
Charge or his authorized representatives to have easy and quick communication.
Nothing extra shall be paid to the contractor on this account and his quoted rates for
various items under this contract will be inclusive of this obligation.
k. The staff employed by the contractor should be well behaved and any complaint of
misbehavior shall be taken very seriously and such staff will have to be removed by
the contractor immediately from thesite.


a. All Foundations/Footings shall be rested on firm strata. However, minimum depth of

footing shall be as shown in structural drawings.
b. The work shall be carried out in accordance with the tendered drawings and detailed
drawings including revised drawings, if any, issued during execution of work by
c. Before commencement of any item of work the contractor shall correlate all the
relevant architectural, structural and MEP drawings, nomenclature of items and
specifications etc. issued for the work and satisfy himself that the information
available there from is complete and unambiguous. The figure and written dimension
of the drawings shall be superseding the measurement by scale. The discrepancy, if
any, shall be brought to the notice of the Engineer-in-charge before execution of the
work. The contractor alone shall be responsible for any loss or damage occurring by
the commencement and execution of work based onany erroneous and or
incomplete information and no claim whatsoever shall be entertained on this
d. The execution of items shall be carried out in accordance to relevant CPWD
specifications (amended upto date of receipt of tenders). For the items which are not
covered under CPWD Specifications, the Particular Specifications / B.I.S.
Specifications shall have to be followed. The decision of Engineer-in-Charge shall be
final in thisregard.
e. Wherever any reference is made to any Indian Standard, it shall be taken as
reference to the latest edition with all amendments / revision issued thereto upto the
last date of receipt oftenders.
f. The contractor is required to deploy resources as per availability of site. Howeverno
claim will be entertained for idle labour, idle machinery, idle technical/no- technical
staff, idle T&Petc.

g. The Contractor shall procure the required materials in advance so that there is
sufficient time to testing of the materials and clearance of the same before use in the
work. The Contractor shall provide at his own cost suitable weighing and measuring
arrangements at site for checking the weight / dimensions as may be necessary for
execution ofwork.

h. Escalation under clause 10 CA shall not be payable on cement consumed in Fly Ash
Bricks, AAC blocks, Interlocking CC Paver blocks and factory made CC kerb stone,
Factory made coverblocks.
i. The work of services will be executed simultaneously. The Contractor shall minimize
the scope of making recesses, holes, opening etc. as the same shall be planned in
advance and necessary grooves/niches shall be provided in shuttering of RCC.

j. The Contractor shall conduct his work, so as not to interfere with or hinder the
progress or completion of the work being performed by other Contractor(s) or by the
Engineer-in-Charge and shall as far as possible arrange his work and shall place and
dispose of the materials being used or removed, so as not to interfere with the
operations of other Contractor simultaneously working or he shall arrange hiswork
with that of the others in an acceptable and coordinated manner and shall perform it
in proper sequence to the complete satisfaction of others.
k. Laminates on flush doors shall be machine pressed, preferably in factory. The design
and pattern of laminates shall be as per the approval of engineer incharge.
l. The furniture, Aluminium door-windows-framework, Lamination and Lipping on flush
doors shall be factorymade.
m. Wherever mild steel / galvanized iron sections and pipes are provided in the work,
priming coat of approved steel primer shall be done after removing rust from section
if any and finally finished with low VOC synthetic enamel paint or as mentioned
specifically in specification.
n. Monkey ladder shall be provided wherever specified for over headwater tanks,
mumty and lift machine room doors with frame and steps of 40x40x6 mm angle
o. MS Structural steel support framing for stone cladding / GRC Screen works with
priming coat of zinc primer and painted with two or more coats of epoxy paint as per
drawing, specifications and direction byEngineer-in-Charge.
p. Wall mounted door stoppers shall be provided to protect the wall where the door
handle would run intoit.
q. For avoiding of scratch marks or damage to the vitrified / ceramic floor tile, the
necessary arrangement of hessian cloth with a coat of plaster of paris over it shall be
provided. Nothing shall be paid extra on thisaccount.
r. The work may be executed in the vicinity of occupied buildings. Protection of existing
buildings in the vicinity of working area and valuables shall be responsibility of
s. Fall nets and scaffolding nets for protection from debris / dusts and noise etc. are to
be provided during the construction period. Nothing extra shall be paid on this
t. Coping on Parapets at terraces shall be in RCC M25 grade design mix as per
architectural design. However, coping in parapets of corridors/balconies/ varandah
shall be in stone as per details givenelsewhere.
u. All flooring at Ground floor level shall have 150 mm thick fine sand over compacted
Earth and 75/100 mm thick of PCC of M10Grade as per drawings.


a. The rates quoted by the contractor are deemed to be inclusive of site clearance,
setting out work, profile, setting lay out on ground, establishment of reference bench
mark(s), installing various signage, taking spot levels, survey with total station,
construction of all safety and protection devices, compulsory use of helmet and
safety shoes, and other appropriate safety gadgets by workers, imparting continuous
training for all the workers, barriers, preparatory works, construction of clean,
hygienic and well ventilated workers housings in sufficient numbers as per drawing
supplied by Engineer in charge, working during monsoon or odd season, working
beyond normal hours, working at all depths, height, lead, lift, levels and location etc.
and any other unforeseen but essential incidental works required to complete this
work. Nothing extra shall be payable on this account and no extension of time for
completion of work shall be granted on theseaccounts.
b. The rates quoted by the tenderer shall be firm and inclusive of all taxes, royalty
charges and levies including GST. Taxes shall be deducted at source as per
statutory orders and Govt. rules and regulation, from bill payments to the contractor
c. No foreign exchange shall be made available by the Department for importing
(purchase) of equipment, plants, machinery, materials of any kind or any other items
required to be carried out during execution of the work. No delay and no claim of any
kind shall be entertained from the Contractor, on account of variation in the foreign
d. All ancillary and incidental facilities required for execution of work like labour camp,
stores, fabrication yard, offices for Contractor, watch and ward, temporary ramp
required to be made for working at the basement level, temporary structure for plants
and machineries, water storage tanks, installation and consumption charges of
temporary electricity, telephone, water etc. required for execution ofthe work, liaison
and pursuing for obtaining various No Objection Certificates, completion certificates
from local bodies etc., protection works, testing facilities / laboratory at site of work,
facilities for all field tests and for taking samples etc. during execution or any other
activity which is necessary (for execution of work and as directed by Engineer-in-
Charge), shall be deemed to be included in rates quoted by the Contractor, for
various items in the schedule of quantities. Nothing extra shall be payable on these
accounts. Before start of the work, the Contractor shall submit to the Engineer-in-
Charge, a site / construction yard layout, specifying areas for construction, site office,
positioning of machinery, material yard, cement and other storage, steel fabrication
yard, site laboratory, water tank, etc.
e. For completing the work in time, the contractor might be requiredto work in two or
more shifts (including night shifts). No claim whatsoever shall be entertained on this
account, not with-standing the fact that the contractor may have to pay extra amounts
for any reason, to the labourers and other staff engaged directly or indirectly on the
work according to the provisions of the labour and other statutory bodies regulations
and the agreement entered upon by the contractor withthem.
f. All material shall only be brought at site as per program finalized with the Engineer-
in-Charge. Any pre-delivery of the material not required for immediate consumption
shall not be accepted and thus not paidfor.
g. Nothing extra shall be payable to the contractor for compliance of various additional
conditions, special conditions, general terms & conditions, additional /general
specifications, etc. as prescribed in bid document except specifically stated therein,
on and above the quoted rate(s) of various items of schedule of quantites (civil as
well as electrical work) of the biddocument.
h. The full nomenclature of the items shall be adopted in preparing abstract of final bill in
the measurement book and also in the bill form for finalbill.
i. In the case of items of which abbreviated nomenclature is not available in the above
cited publication and also in case of extra and substituted items of works for which
abbreviated nomenclature is not provided in the agreement, the full nomenclature of
items shall be reproduced in the measurements books and bill forms for running
j. Contractor should hand over the warranty of all the specialized items and non
specialized items, if any such warranty provided by manufacturer, which have been
installed in the constructed building to thedepartment.
k. Contractor shall give performance test of the water supply, sanitary, sewer and
electrical installation(s) as per the specifications in the presence of the Engineer-in-
charge or his authorized representative before the work is finally accepted and
nothing extra what-so-ever shall be payable to the Contractor for thetest.
l. Contractor shall not divert any RA bill payments and advance payments or part
thereof for any work other than that needed for completion of the contracted work. All
advance payments received as per terms of the contract (i.e. mobilisation advance,
secured advance against materials brought at site etc) are required to be re-invested
in the contracted work to ensure advance availability of resources in terms of
materials, labour, plant & machinery needed for required pace of progress for timely
completion ofwork.
m. The temporary huts for labour can be erected at the site of work by the contractors at
location approved by the Engineer In-charge. He is required to construct/arrange
labour accommodation and nothing extra shall be paid by CPWD on this account. He
shall also do installation of fully automatic concrete batch plant, yard for keeping
various materials, cement/ steel store within IIM Sirmaur campus at location
approved by the Engineer In-charge. He will also provide temporary/semi permanent
structure samples room, toilets for labour etc., working yard and other essential
requirements inside the campus at location approved by the Engineer In- charge. All
labour and staff of contractor shall possess valid identity cards. Before tendering, he
shall visit the site and assess the manner in which he is able to arrange the above
facilities. The Engineer-in-Charge shall in no way be responsible for any delay on
these accounts and no claim, whatsoever, on these accounts shall be entertained.
n. The contractor has to builthis site office for housing their staff and engineers, sample
rooms, testing laboratories, conference hall etc. with proper furniture arrangement,
electricity, electrical fittings, AC and any other arrangement as required by him after
approval from the EngineerIn-charge.
o. The original copies of challan/cash memos towards the quantity of various materials
procured shall be made available by the contractor at the request from the Engineer-
in-Charge and a copy of the same shall be kept in record. Warranty / Guarantees
cards of various materials shall also be submitted by the contactor during handing
over of the buildings to theclient.

The project is proposed for obtaining at least 3 starGriha Rating. All the buildings and
allied development works in IIM Sirmaur campus are to be rated by authorisedGriha
Committee Council. The Project has to be registered online for the rating. Necessary
documentation has to be done either online or physical form in the manner required as per
Griha Norms. The committee will be visiting the site as per requirements from time to time.
The rating will be awarded once the building is complete, occupied and operational. Final
rating shall be awarded within three months of the occupancy. Approvals from local bodies
like Municipal Corporation, Fire and Environment or as applicable is the pre requisite for
award of Green rating. The contractor shall strictly adhere to the following conditions as part
of his contractual obligations.
34.1 Appointment of Green Building Consultant.

IIM Sirmaur or Architect planner appointed by IIMS shall appoint a Green building
Consultant for all guidance, advice, assistance and ensuring compliance by different
stakeholders in the work to obtain 3 starGriha rating for Academic cum admin building and
allied external development works of IIM Sirmaur campus. Contractor has to coordinate with
Green building Consultant, so appointed, and to provide all assistance for getting the GRIHA
Scope of Work for the Green Building Consultant

A) General

i. Standard provision for 3-star Griha rating has been incorporated in the
design and drawings for these works. The Green Building Consultant shall
be required to simulate all the provisions already taken in design and
drawings of this work, document the same and submit to accreditation body
to enable 3 starGriha rating.

ii. He will provide all the relevant input along with all details on green building
aspects to the Engineer-in-charge for needful further updationin design and
drawings of work without modifying the scope of tendered workand without
significant change in tendered drawings.

iii. During the whole process i.e. from award of this work to the completion of
work at site the green building consultant shall monitor the GRIHA norms.
The green building consultant shall be responsible for getting GRIHA rating
certification such as energy audit & valuation by BEE (Bureau of Energy
Efficiency) and preparing & submission of all the necessary documents
during different stages of planning, execution and after physical completion
of the project to get the building rated for GRIHA certification. The consultant
shall also be responsible for obtaining the final rating certificate from GRIHA.

iv. The Green Building Consultant shall faithfully and honestly perform the
services pertaining to the green building aspects of the assigned
building/project. The Green building Consultant, in general, will be required
to report and liaison with theEngineer-in-charge.

v. The Green building consultant will also have to attend the meetings and
make presentation to the Engineer-in-charge/other concerned
representatives of the Engineer-in-charge, as and when required and
nothing extra shall be paid on this account. The green building consultant
has to fully cooperate with Engineer-in- charge and all the representatives
appointed by Engineer-in-charge for getting incorporated various green
building aspects/features in theproject.

vi. The Engineer-in-charge reserves the right to take independent opinion of

any other agency expert in the field of green building designing for
suggesting any left out or for modification of any technologies/parameters.
The Green building consultant shall be responsible to simulate/analyze
these features and give his detailed comments for incorporation in the
design/drawing, if considered necessary by theEngineer-in-charge.

vii. The Green Building consultant shall also follow the guidelines and
thestandards/ guidelines as required by the GRIHA &/or CPWD. The
consultant shall submit additional calculations and documents

viii. No change is to be made by the Consultant in the approved drawings and

specifications without the prior written consent of theEngineer-in-charge.

(B) Construction Stage:

i. During construction of work, green building consultant shall visit the site
regularly, and shall satisfy himself that construction is being carried out as per
the scheme designed, and suitable suggestions shall be given to the
Engineer-in- charge, if necessary for the corrective measures to be taken for
achieving the desired energy efficientstandards.

ii. The green building consultant shall ensure that field units of Engineer-in-
charge and contractor(s) of the construction work carry out all mandatory &
necessary documentation / test reports of materials & construction work at
every stage of work. The green building consultant shall provide all list of
documents form & formality to be prepared during construction stage which
are essential for obtaining Griha 3 Star Rating. It shall be responsibility of
green building consultant to audit these records time to time during
construction stage to ensure all relevant documents necessary for 3 Star
Griharating are made ready and there is no back log or missing documents
which cause hindrance in getting Griha 3 StarRating.

iii. For changes proposed during construction, the Green Building consultant
shall evaluate the changes on the building performance by proper computer
simulations and adviseaccordingly.

(C) Completionstage:

i. After completion of work, consultant has to coordinate, prepare and submit

full documents for facilitation by GRIHA.
ii. 10% (Ten percent) of the total Security deposit of the work shall be kept
withheld by Engineer-in-charge till 3 starGriha certificate is issued by
accreditation body for this work. This withheld amount of security deposit
shall be released to the contractor after completion of work or payment of
final bill or issue of 3 starGriha certificate for this work by accreditation body,
whichever islater.

(D). GRIHA CertificationFacilitation:

The Green Building Consultant shall work with the Contractor and Engineer-in-
charge for achieving the GRIHA certification felicitation. This will include following
action to be taken up by the Green Building Consultant:
i. To co-ordinate with the GRIHA, Contractor, Engineer-in-charge and/or client
for obtaining the GRIHA Registration certificate.
ii. The Green Building consultant shall prepare all the documents along with
analysis and computer simulation as required by GRIHA and submit the
complete case to GRIHA for intermediateCertification.
iii. Provide inputs to contractor and engineer-in-charge on services support to
remedy any outstanding problems related to Grihaparameters.
iv. The Green building consultant shall also give presentation to the GRIHA, if
required, focusing on the Green building features covered in the
planning/designing and for execution of the building, thus claiming as desired
rated energy efficient GreenBuilding.
v. The Green building consultant shall also be responsible for all co-ordination
and communication with GRIHA under intimation to the Engineer-in-charge
for any queries related to theproject.

vi. The Green Building consultant shall prepare final case in complete shape
along with all the documents, analysis and computer simulation as required
by GRIHA and submit the same to GRIHA for Final Certification after physical
completion ofwork.
vii. The consultant shall also respond to all the queries and give suitable replies
to the GRIHA, along with any other step, which is considered necessary, in
co- ordination with theEngineer-in-charge.
viii. The responsibility to obtain the final felicitation certificate from GRIHA also
lies on Green Building Consultant and theContractor.
ix. This will also include thefollowings:

a) Overall facilitation to obtain GRIHAcertification.

b) Awareness on Green Building concepts and GRIHA rating system forthe project team of
the Engineer-in-charge/client.
c) Facilitate the Contractor and Engineer-in-charge in identifying vendors for
materials/equipments to meet GRIHArequirement.
d) Prepare and provide all necessary templates for the design team/Engineer-in- charge,
so as to meet GRIHArequirement.
e) All the necessary documents for GRIHA submission shall be prepare by the consultant.
While doing so, consultant shall filter, cross validate, verify consistency, add value and
consolidate to make the document suitable for submission toGRIHA.
f) Any fee payable for Griha Registration including charges for site inspection, shall be
borne by the department /Engineer-in-charge.

34.2 General Green Compliances :

1. The contractor shall ensure that adequate measures are taken for the prevention of
erosion of the top soil during the constructionphase.
2. The contractor shall ensure that all the top soil excavated during construction works
is neatly stacked and is not mixed with other excavated earth. The contractors shall
take the clearance of the Engineer-in-Charge before any excavation. Top soil should
be stripped to a depth of 20 cm from the areas to be disturbed, for example proposed
area for buildings, roads, paved areas, external services and area required for
construction activities etc. It shall be stacked only to a maximum height of 40 cm at
designated areas, covered or stabilized with temporary seeding for erosion
prevention and shall be reapplied to site during plantation, landscaping etc. of the
proposed vegetation. Top soil shall be separated from subsoil, debris and stones
larger than 50 mm diameter. The stored top soil may be used as finished grade for
3. The Contractor should follow the construction plan as proposed by the Architect /
Engineer-in-Charge to minimize the site disturbance such as soil pollution due to
spilling. Use staging and spill prevention and control plan to restrict the spilling of the
contaminating material on site. Protect top soil from erosion by collection storage and
reapplication of top soil, constructing sediment basin, contour trenching, mulchingetc.
4. No excavated earth shall be removed from the campus unless suggested otherwise
by Engineer-in-Charge. All subsoil shall be reused in backfilling/landscape, etc as per
the instructions of the Engineer-in-Charge. The surplus excavated earth if any shall
be disposed of by the contractor at his own cost for reuse after approval from
Engineer-in-Charge. A certificate of reuse as required by the Engineer-in-Charge
shall be submitted by thecontractor.
5. The contractor shall not change the natural gradient of the ground unless specifically
instructed by the Engineer-in-Charge. This shall cover all natural features like water
bodies, drainage gullies, slopes, mounds, depressions, etc. Existing drainage
patterns through or into any preservation area shall not be modified unless
specifically directed by theEngineer-in-Charge.
6. The contractor shall not carry out any work which results in the blockage of natural

7. The contractor shall ensure that existing grades of soil shall be maintainedaround
existing vegetation and lowering or raising the levels around the vegetation is not
allowed unless specifically directed by the Engineer-in-Charge.
8. Contractor shall reduce pollution and land development impacts from automobiles
use duringconstruction.
9. Overloading of trucks is unlawful and creates the erosion and sedimentation
problems, especially when loose materials like stone dust, excavated earth, sand
etc. are moved. Proper covering must take place. No overloading shall be permitted.
10. The dismantle material / building rubbish received from dismantling/demolishing shall
be dumped to the dumping ground in properly covered truck with precaution. The
properly covered truck disposing the dismantled material/building rubbish. Failure of
which shall be sternly dealt and a penalty @Rs.500/- per trip of truck shall be levied
and the decision of Engineer-in-Charge shall be final andbinding.
11. Agency/contractor shall not dump the construction material on the metalled road and
shall keep the construction material on the physically demarcated space by the
12. All the building material responsible for pollution shall be brought at site from sources
covered by tarpaulin and shall take all precautionary measure to ensure that no dust
particles are permitted to pollute the air quality, failure of which Agency shall be liable
to pay damages as decided by Engineer-in-Charge. The decision of Engineer-in-
Charge shall be final &binding.
13. There shall be no burning of leaves, plastic etc. at constructionsite.
14. The contractor shall provide for adequate number of garbage bins around the
construction site and the workers facilities and will be responsible for the proper
utilisationof these bins for any solid waste generated during the construction. The
contractor shall ensure that the site and the workers facilities are kept litter free.
Separate bins should be provided for plastic, glass, metal, biological and paper waste
and labelled in both Hindi and English with suitablesymbols.
15. Thecontractorshallprepareandsubmitspillpreventionandcontrolplansbefore the start of
construction, clearly stating measures to stop the source of the spill, to contain the
spill, to dispose the contaminated material and hazardous wastes, and stating
designation of personnel trained to prevent and control spills. Hazardous wastes
include pesticides, paints, cleaners, and petroleum products.
16. Contractor shall collect & submit the relevant material certificates for materials with
high recycled (both post-industrial and post-consumer) content, including materials
like RMC mix with fly-ash, glass with recycled content, calcium silicate boards etc.
17. Contractor shall collect the relevant material certificates for rapidly renewable
materials such as bamboo, wool, cotton insulation, agrifiber, linoleum, wheat board,
strawboard and corketc.
18. Where possible, the contractor shall select materials/vendors, harvested and
19. Contractor shall adopt an IAQ (Indoor Air Quality) management plan to protect the
HVAC system during construction, control pollutant sources, and interrupt pathways
for contamination. He shall sequence installation of materials to avoid contamination
of absorptive materials such as insulation, carpeting, ceiling tile, and gypsum
wallboard. He shall also protect stored on-site or installed absorptive materials from
20. The contractor shall ensure that a flush out of all internal spaces is conducted prior to
handover. This shall comprise an opening of all doors and windows for 14 days to
vent out any toxic fumes due to paints, varnishes, polishes,etc.
21. Contractor shall make efforts to reduce the quantity of indoor air contaminants that
are odorous or potentially irritating harmful to the comfort and well-being of installer
and building occupants. Contractor shall ensure to use low VOC (Volatile Organic
Compounds) materials like paints, primers, coatings, adhesives., not exceeding the
green building parameters/norms.
22. Water Use during Construction: Contractor should spray curing water on concrete
structure and shall not allow free flow of water. Contractor shall make his own
arrangement of water for construction purpose as well as drinkingwater for worker

and staff. Concrete structures should be kept covered with thick cloth/gunny bags
and water should be sprayed on them. Contractor shall do water ponding on all
sunken slabs using cement and sand mortarbund.
23. The Contractor shall remove from site all rubbish and debris generated by the Works
and keep Works clean and tidy throughout the Contract Period. All the serviceable
and non-serviceable (malba) material shall be segregated and stored separately. The
mallba obtained during construction shall be collected in well- formed heaps at
properly selected places, keeping in a view safe condition for workmen in the area.
Materials which are likely to cause dust nuisance or undue environmental pollution in
any other way, shall be removed from the site at the earliest and till then they shall
be suitable covered. Glass &steel should be dumped or buried separately to prevent
injury. The work of removal of debris should be carried out during day. In case of
poor visibility artificial light may beprovided.
24. The contractor shall actively contribute to estimating the nature and volume of waste
generated at site. Contractor has to provide facilities for providing segregation
facilities for C&D waste, wet waste and drywaste.
25. The storage of material shall be as per standard good practices as specified in Part
7,Section 2. Storage, stacking and Handling practices, NBC 2016 and shall be to the
satisfaction of the Engineer in Charge to ensure minimum wastage and to prevent
any misuse, damage, inconvenience or accident. Watch and ward of the Contractors
materials shall be his own responsibility. There should be a proper planning of the
layout for stacking and storage of different materials, components and equipments
with proper access and proper maneuverability of the vehicles carrying the materials.
While planning the layout, the requirements of various materials, components and
equipments at different stages of construction shall be considered.


The contractor shall specify and limit construction activity in pre-planned/ designated areas
and shall start construction work after securing the approval for the same from the Engineer-
in-Charge. This shall include areas of construction, storage of materials, and material and
personnel movement.


The contractor shall ensure that no trees, existing or otherwise, shall be harmed and
damage to roots should be prevented during trenching, placing backfill, driving or parking
heavy equipment, dumping of trash, oil, paint and other materials detrimental to plant health.
These activities should be restricted to the areas outside of the canopy of the tree or from a
safe distance from the tree/plant by means of barricading. Trees will not be used for support;
their trunks shall not be damaged by cutting and carving or by nailing posters,
advertisements or other material. Lighting of fires or carrying out heat or gas emitting
construction activity within the ground, covered by canopy of the tree is not to bepermitted.

The contractor shall take steps to protect trees or saplings identified for preservation within
the construction site using tree guards of approved specification.

34.5 Contractor should limit all construction activity within the specified area as per the
Construction Management Plan (CMP) approved byEngineer-in-Charge.

34.6 The contractor shall avoid cut and fill in the root zones, through delineating and fencing the
drip line (the spread limit of a canopy projected on the ground) of all the trees or group of
trees. Separate the zones of movement of heavy equipment, parking, or excessive foot
traffic from the fenced plant protectionzones.

34.7 Contractor shall collect all construction waste generated on site. Segregate these wastes
based on their utility and examine means of sending such waste to manufacturing units
which use them as raw material or other site which require it for specific purpose. Typical
construction debris could be broken bricks, steel bars, broken tiles, spilled concrete and

34.8 The contractor shall provide potable water for all workers. Adequate measures for welfare of
workers, staff and their children are to be taken. At camp /labour hut site, shelters/crutches
shall be made with adequate facilities light, drinking water, teaching facilities for children.
Adequate shelters for labour shall be also constructed at site of work as per direction
34.9 The contractor shall provide the minimum level of sanitation and safety facilities for the
workers at their camp/labour site and at work sites. The contractor shall ensure cleanliness
of workplace with regard to the disposal of waste and effluent, provide clean drinking water,
water closets and urinals as per applicable standard. Adequate toilet facilities with
signages shall be provided for the workmen within easy access of their place of work. The
total numbers to be provided shall not be less than 1 per 30 employees in any one shift.
Separate toilet facilities for ladies (staff and workers) are to be provided. Toilet
connected with Septic tank facilities shall be provided from the start of building operations.
Connection to a sewer line shall be made as soon as practicable. Every toilet shall be so
constructed that the occupant is sheltered from view and protected from the weather and
falling objects. Toilet facilities shall be maintained in a sanitary condition. A sufficient quantity
of disinfectant shall be provided. Natural or artificial illumination shall be provided.

34.10 The contractor shall ensure that air pollution due to dust/generators is kept to a minimum,
preventing any adverse effects on the workers and other people in and around the site. The
contractor shall ensure proper screening, covering stockpiles, covering brick and loads of
dusty materials, wheel-washing facility, gravel pit, and water spraying. Contractor shall
ensure the following activities to prevent air pollution duringconstruction:
(i) Clear vegetation only from areas where work will start rightaway.
(ii) Vegetate / mulch areas where vehicles do notply.
(iii) Apply gravel / landscaping rock to the areas where mulching / paving is impractical.
(iv) Identify roads on-site that would be used for vehicular traffic. Upgrade vehicular
roads (if these are unpaved) by increasing the surface strength by improving particle
size, shape and mineral types that make up the surface and base. Add surface
gravel to reduce source of dust emission. Limit amount of fine particles (smaller than
0.075mm) to 10 –20%.
(v) Water spray, through a simple hose for small projects, to keep dust under control.
Fine mists should be used to control fine particulate. However, this should be done
with care so as not to waste water. Heavy watering canalso create mud, which when
tracked onto paved public roadways, must be promptly removed. Also, there must be
an adequate supply of clean water nearby to ensure that spray nozzles don’t
(vi) Water spraying shall be doneon:

(a) Any dusty materials before transferring, loading andunloading

(b) Area where demolition work is being carriedout
(c) Any un-pavedroad
(d) Areas where excavation or earth moving activities are to be carriedout

(vii) The contractor shall ensure that the speed of vehicles within the site is limited
(viii) All material storages should be adequately covered and contained so that they are
not exposed to situations where winds on site could lead to dust / particulate
(ix) Spills of dirt or dusty materials will be cleaned up promptly so the spilled material
does not become a source of fugitive dust and also to prevent of seepage of
pollutant laden water into the ground aquifers. When cleaning up the spill, ensure
that the clean-up process does not generate additional dust. Similarly, spilled
concrete slurries or liquid wastes should be contained / leaned up immediately before
they can infiltrate into the soil / ground or runoff in nearbyareas
(x) Provide barricading of height 3.0 meter or more high barricading with new blue
colourdurashine or its equivalent corrugated metal sheets around or
construction site for safety and security keeping in view good aesthetic of
campus / site. All structures shall be duly covered with green clothes for safety
and security as per direction of Engineer- in-Charge. Barricading of appropriate
height shall also be provided around batching plant or other public area and as per
local body norms.
(xi) Provide dust screens, sheeting or netting to scaffold along the perimeter of the
(xii) Cover stockpiles of dusty material with impervioussheeting
(xiii) Cover dusty load on vehicles by impervious sheeting before they leave thesite
(xiv) Contractor should use equipment/techniques to avoid generation of C&D waste
work.Contractorshouldusesmallequipmentstomakechasesandavoid breakage by
levelling or making arrangement for no cuttings for water supply lines in the
walls/electrical conduits. Also contractor shall use small equipment to drill holes and
avoid levelling/hammering in walls to take out services.
34.11 Contractor shall be required to provide an easily accessible area that serves the entire
building and is dedicated to the separation, collection and storage of materials for recycling
including (at a minimum) paper, corrugated cardboard, glass, plastics, and metals. He shall
coordinate the size and functionality of the recycling areas with the anticipated collections
services for glass, plastic, office paper, newspaper, cardboard, and organic wastes to
maximize the effectiveness of the dedicated areas. Consider employing cardboard balers,
aluminum can crushers, recycling chutes, and collection bins at individual workstations to
further enhance the recycling program.

34.12 The contractor shall ensure that no construction leachate (e.g. cement slurry etc.), is allowed
to percolate into the ground. Adequate precautions are to be taken to safeguard against this
including, reduction of wasteful curing processes, collection, basic filtering and reuse. The
contractor shall follow requisite measures for collecting drainage water run-off from
construction areas and material storage sites and diverting water flow away from such
polluted areas. Temporary drainage channels, perimeter dike/swale, etc. shall be
constructed to carry the pollutant-laden water directly to the treatment device or facility
(municipal sewerline).

34.13 Staging (dividing a construction area into two or more areas to minimize the area of soil that
will be exposed at any given time) should be done to separate undisturbed land from land
disturbed by construction activity and materialstorage.

34.14 The contractor shall comply with the safety procedures, norms and guidelines (as
applicable) as outlined in the document Part 7, Constructional practices and safety, National
Building code of India 2016 Vol-2, Bureau of Indian Standards. A copy of all pertinent
regulations and notices concerning accidents, injury and first-aid shall be prominently
exhibited at the work site. Depending upon the scope & nature of work, a person qualified in
first-aid shall be available at work site to render and direct first-aid to causalities. A
telephone may be provided to first-aid assistant with telephone numbers of the hospitals
displayed. Complete reports of all accidents and action taken thereon shall be forwarded to
the competentauthorities.

34.15 All workers of contractor and associate agencies, invariably and at all the times, must follow
all safety norms, adopt safe construction practices and use all required safety gadgets in
their working throughout the projectduration.

34.16 The contractor shall issue Photo Identity Cards with unique numbers containing salient
information of workers. Further the contractor shall establish a Time Office at the entry to
demarcated area of site. The Time Office shall maintain a computerized record of all the
workers allowed entry / working inside the demarcatedarea

34.17 Formation of Safety Monitoring Committee: The contractor within 15 days of start of work
shall submit the names of Safety In-charge and Safety Supervisors to the CPWD, who shall
be monitoring committee. The main working mandate of this monitoring committee will be to
monitor and achieve the objectives of construction safety continuously, progressively and
through affirmative action and to inculcate the safety culture among all stake holders. This
committee will oversee implementation of safety aspects over the entire constructionperiod.
35. Workers Safety Training andAwareness

Training: The training shall be in two phases – first induction training and then periodic
training / refresher workshop.
(i) Induction Training: All the workers shall have to undergo a training program of 16 hrs
(8 hrs for 2 days) and to be declared satisfactorily trained by the Safety Manager
before they are allowed to work onsite.
(ii) Orientation Program: An orientation program shall be arranged for all people (other
than workers) who normally work at or visit thesite.
(iii) Workshops: Refresher workshops shall be arranged in every six months for all the
workers onsite.
The training modules shall be designed by the Safety Manager and approved by the Safety
monitoring committee.
Adequate number of safetyequipments and personals protective equipments (PPE) as per
Indian Standards will be planned and procured.Recommendations as per following
table/Matrix should be followed:


General – Entry into work All Employees Safety Helmet, Safety Shoes &
premises Reflective Jacket
Signalling Security / marshal Reflective Jacket
Working at Height – More All Full body harness Double lanyard
than 1.8 metres
Involved with cement & All Gum Boots & Rubber Hand Gloves
Concrete Handling
Breaking of ceramics & Chippers Eye protection – Clear Goggles
Agglomerate materials
Welding & Gas Cutting Welders & Cutters Leather gloves, Safety shoe,
Welding Shield with proper number
Working with slush Un skilled & Excavation Gum boots
Forming and Making Carpenters and Wood Face shield & Nose Mask
shuttering materials workers
Rebar’s handling & Bar benders Cotton hand Gloves
Scaffolding Scaffolders Cotton hand gloves
Painting Painters Clear, Goggles, Nose mask
DG Operators & Other Operators Ear Muff, Rubber Hand Gloves
Noise (Electrical Grade)
prone areas
Electrical Maintenance & Electricians HV Rubber hand gloves
Concrete Batching Plant Operators & Loaders Nose Mask

Color Coding of Helmets:

White All Staff of Contractor/other Respective Person
Green Safety Inspectors
Red Electricians & Signal men
Blue Supervisors
Yellow Workmen
Orange New Workmen (for one month)
Purple Visitor
Grey Client

36. Enforcement of SafetyAspects:

The safety team of the contractor and project team of CPWD are entrusted with enforcement
of safe practices. If safety program is not followed (as assessed by either CPWD or client)
then recovery as below shall be made:
A) If the contractor does not employ and / or submit the names of Safety Manager and or
Safety Supervisors of specified numbers with appropriate qualification and or experience
then a recovery of Rs. 2000 per day and Rs. 1000 per day shall be affected for Safety
Manager and each Safety Supervisorrespectively.
B) No person shall be allowed to enter the demarcated area without adequate safety
gadgets (as per occupation / purpose of visit). Failure on this count will result into paying
a fine of Rs. 100 by defaulter.
C) In case of default from workers their Engineer-in-charge (hiring agency) will also have to
pay a matchingfine.
D) In case the contractor / subcontractor donot impart training the same shall be provided
by CPWD through an accredited agency. Thrice the amount of fee for such training shall
be deducted from the contractor /subcontractor.
E) In case of an accident resulting in death / permanent disability of a worker, a recovery of
Rs. 10 Lakh per death / permanent disability will be made for the contract values more
than Rs. 20 crore. The recovery for the contracts less thanRs.20 crore shall be @ 0.5%
of the contract amount per death / permanent disability. The money so recovered will be
kept in the “Workers Welfare Fund” and will be at the sole discretion of the client/CPWD
for utilizing to support the welfare programs of theworkers.
i. This recovery shall be in addition to recovery (recoveries) or compensation under
any other Statute / Act / Provision of Contract. However the total recovery on this
account shall not exceed 2% of the contractvalue.
The contractor shall ensure the following activities for construction workers safety, among

F) Guarding all parts of dangerousmachinery

G) Precautionary signs for working onmachinery.

H) Maintaining hoists and lifts, lifting machines, chains, ropes, and other lifting tackles in
good condition.
I) Durable and reusable formwork systems to replace timber formwork and ensure that
formwork where used is properlymaintained.
J) Ensuring that walking surfaces or boards at height are of sound construction and are
provided with safety rails orbelts
K) Provide protective equipment; helmetsetc.
L) Provide measures to prevent fires. Fire extinguishers and buckets of sand tobe
provided in the fire-prone area and elsewhere.

M) Provide sufficient and suitable light for working during nighttime.


(a) Unless otherwise stated cement used shall be PPC (Portland Puzzolana Cement). The
PPC must meet the requirements of IS 1489 (Part I) as regards to fly ash content
(b) Contractor will produce, wherever feasible certificate regarding distance of the source of
the relevantmaterial.
(c) The contractor has to comply as per MoEF issued notification 8.0.763I dated
14thSept.1999 & latest notification of Jan. 2016 containing directive for greater fly
(d) The contractor shall ensure that all paints, polishes, adhesives and sealants used both
internally and externally, on any surface, shall be Low VOC products. The contractor
shall get prior approval from the Engineer-in-Charge before the application of any
(e) All plumbing and sanitary fixtures installed shall be as per the direction of the
Engineering Charge and shall adhere to the minimum LPM (litres per minute) and LPF
(litres per flush) mentioned. The contractor shall employ 100% zero ODP (ozone
depletion potential) insulation; HCFC (hydro-chlorofluorocarbon)/ and CFC
(chlorofluorocarbon)free HVAC and refrigeration equipments and/halon-free fire
suppression and fire extinguishingsystems.
i. The contractor shall ensure that the water and electricity is not wasted during
construction. The Engineer in Charge can bring to the attention any such wastage
and the contractor will have to ensure that such bad practices are corrected.
ii. The contractor shall install necessary meters and measuring devices to record the
consumption of water, electricity and diesel on a monthly basis for the entire tenure
of theproject.
iii. The contractor shall ensure that all run-off water from the site, during construction is
collected and reused to themaximum.
iv. The contractor shall use treated recycled water of appropriate quality standards for
construction, if available for watering, mixing with earth for compaction,
sprinkling etc. If it is used for any work related to cement work/curing etc.,
prior approval of Engineer-in-Charge has to betaken.
39 Documentation for GrihaCertification

a) The contractor shall, during the entire tenure of the construction phase,
submit the following records to the Engineer-in-Charge on a monthlybasis:
i) Water consumption inlitres
ii) Electricity consumption in kwhunits
iii) Diesel consumption inlitres
iv) Quantum of waste (volumetric/weight basis) generated at site and the segregated
waste types divided into inert, chemical and hazardouswastes.
v) Digital photo documentation to demonstrate compliance of safetyguidelines.

b) The contractor shall, during the entire tenure of the construction phase, submit the
following records to the Engineer in Charge on dailybasis:
i) Quantities of material brought into the site, including the material issued to the
contractor by theEngineer-in-Charge.
ii) Inventories of materials used in the work i/c. flyash, flyash bricks blocksetc.

iii) Quantities of construction debris (if at all) taken out of thesite

iv) Digital photographs of the works at site, the workers facilities, the waste and
other material storage yards, pre-fabrication and block making works, etc as
guided by theEngineer-in-Charge.

c) The contractor shall submit to the Engineer-in-Charge after construction of the

buildings, a detailed as built quantification of thefollowing:
i) Total materialsused,
ii) Total top soil stacked and totalreused,
iii) Total earthexcavated
iv) Total wastegenerated,
v) Total wastereused,
vi) Total waterused,
vii) Total electricity,and
viii) Total dieselconsumed.
d) Provide supporting document from the manufacturer of the cement specifying the fly
ash content in PPC used in reinforcedconcrete.
e) The contractor shall submit the following information to the Engineer-in-Charge at the
end of construction, for all material brought to site for construction purposes,
including manufacturer’s certifications, verifying information, and test data, where
Specifications sections require data relating to environmental issues including but not
f) Source of products: Supplier details and location of thesupplier.
g) Provide total support to Engineer in Charge and Green Building Consultants in
completing all Green Building Rating related formalities, providing dates and
documents w.r.t work and material, including signing of forms, providing signed
letters in the contractor’s letterhead wheneverrequired.
h) To ensure energy efficiency during and post construction all pumps, motors and
engines used during construction or installed, shall be subject to approval of the
i) All lighting installed by the contractor around the site and at the labour quarters
during construction shall be LED bulbs of the appropriate illumination levels. This
conditions a must, unless specificallyprescribed.
The contractor is expected to go through all other conditions of the LEED & GRIHA
rating stipulations. Failure to adhere to any of the above mentioned items, without
approval of the Engineer in Charge, shall be deemed as a violation of contract and
the contractor shall be held liable for penalty as per terms of the agreement.
In case any penalty is imposed by any Hon’ble Court, NGT or any other authority due
to non-compliance of any statutory order, or law or guidelines or pollution control or
environmental norms, the same will be borne by the contractor.

a. The water for construction work shall be arranged by contractor. In case, contractor
takes water from government source free of cost then recovery of water charges
shall be made as per relevant Clauses. The contractor shall get the water tested with
regard to its suitability of use in the works and get written approval from the
Engineer-in-charge before he proceeds with the use of same of execution of works.
If the tubewell water is not suitable, the contractor shall arrange Municipal water or
from any other sources at his own cost and nothing extra shall be paid to the
contractor on this account. The water shall be got tested at frequency specified in
CPWD specifications/BIS code. Contractor, may be required to install industrial RO
plant at site at his own cost, for treating water for constructionpurpose.
b. Stone for concrete work, stone masonry, stone aggregates and stone ballast shall be
of hard stone variety, mined from Govt. approved mines. The contractor shall submit
source(s) of material along with samples of material from that source. Based on
stipulated specifications, source and sample shall be approved by the Engineer-in-
c. Coarse and fine aggregates to be used for concrete work, mortar for masonry,
plaster etc shall be sourced from Govt. approved mines or manufacturer(s) as
approved by Engineer-in-charge. The contractor shall submit source(s) of material
along with samples of material from that source. Based on stipulated specifications,
source and sample shall be approved by the Engineer- in-Charge.
d. In schedule of quantity, wherever provision for coarse sand and fine sand is specified
in any item, use of crushed stone sand or manufactured sand shall also be
permissible as per codal provisions. Nothing extra shall be payableor recoverable on
this account, over & above the tendered rates of the contractor. However decision of
the Engineer-in-charge w.r.t. selection of material i.e. natural sand, crushed stone
sand, manufactured sand etc. shall be final and binding on contractor.
41 Preferred Make & Approval ofMaterials:

Contractor shall adopt materials in work as per preferred make of materials annexed in this
contract document. Contractor shall submit samples of materials he propose to use for this
work for approval of engineer-in-charge. The approved samples shall be preserved at work
site in safe custody till completion of whole work. In case any sample submitted by
contractor is not approved by Engineer-in- charge, contractor shall arrange and submit
alternate samples for approval of engineer-in-charge. The Contractor should also consider
the availability of spares parts/components for maintenance purposes while proposing
Wherever work is specified to be done or material procured through specialized agencies,
their names shall be got approved well in advance from Engineer-in-charge. Failure to do so
shall not justify delay in execution of work. It is suggested that immediately after award of
work, contractor should negotiate with concerned specialist agencies and send their names
for approval to Engineer-in-charge. Any material procured without prior approval of
Engineer-in-charge in writing is liable to be rejected. Engineer-in-charge reserves right to get
the materials tested in laboratories of his choice before final acceptance. Non standard
materials shall not beaccepted.

Various factory made materials shall be procured from reputed and approved manufacturers
or their authorized dealers and the material shall conform to the make as specified in this
contract agreement. However for the items not appearing in the list, preference shall be
given to those articles which bear ISI certification marks. In case articles bearing ISI
certification marks are not available or where BIS certification system is available for a
particular material/product but not even a single producer has so far approached BIS for
certification, the material can be used subject to the condition that in such case written
approval of Engineer-in-charge be obtainedbefore use of such material in the work.

All materials and articles brought by the contractor to the site for use shall conform to the
samples approved, which shall be preserved till the completion of the work. However, such
articles which bear ISI mark but stand banned by CPWD will not be used.
In the schedule of quantities / nomenclature of some items, the make(s) of product / material
has been mentioned. The contractor is required to provide the same make(s) as mentioned
in the item. If the same are not available in the market or the suppliers adopts monopolistic
practice then the approval of other equivalent brand / make, matching with BOQ items and
specification, can be taken from Engineer-in-charge. The contractor will submit such a case
at least three months before the materials is required at site. If the rate of other equivalent
brand / make are less than the brand / make mentioned in the BOQ item, than necessary
cost adjustment will be made for difference inrates.
During actual execution of item(s) at site, due to change/updationof product specification(s)
by manufacturers, there may be minor variation in manufacturer's specifications viz-a-viz
specification mentioned in item(s) in Schedule of items (civil, furniture well as electrical
work). Such variations shall be allowed with prior permission of Engineer-in-charge for
execution of work at site and nothing extra shall be payable to the contractor on this
account. The decision of Engineer-in-charge in this matter shall be final and binding
For items / materials not appearing in the list of preferred makeof materials, decision of
Engineer-in-charge shall be final andbinding.

Sanitary and water supply items shall be as per make specified in BOQ item(s) and if no
make is mentioned in BOQ item, same shall as per "Normal Range" in preferred make list
Sample of building materials, fittings and other articles required for execution of work shall be
got approved from the Engineer-in-Charge before use in the work. The quality of samples
brought by the Contractor shall be judged by standards laid down in the tendered drawings, bid
document and relevant CPWD/ BIS specifications. In case, samples provided by Contractor are
not approved, Contractor shall submit new samples of the materials and other articles for
approval of Engineer-in-charge. Decision of Engineer-in-charge w.r.t. approval of samples of
materials shall be final and binding on the contractor. All materials and articles brought by the
Contractor to the site for use shall conform to the samples approved by the Engineer-in-Charge
which shall be preserved till the completion of the work.
BIS marked materials except otherwise specified shall be subjected to quality test at the
discretion of the Engineer-in-Charge besides testing of other materials as per the specifications
described for the item/material. Wherever BIS marked materials are brought to the site of work,
the Contractor shall, if required, by the Engineer-in- Charge, furnish manufacturer’s test
certificate or test certificate from approved testing laboratory to establish that the material
procured by the Contractor for incorporation in the work satisfies the provisions of contract
agreement, specifications / BIS codes relevant to the material and / or the work done.

42 In addition to above mentioned conditions the following Special Condition shall also
be scope of work
a) Structural Drawings vetted from IIT shall be issued prior to execution. In case of any
change from tender stage drawings, clauses 12.1 & 12.2 shall become applicable.
b) Harmonised Guidelines- impact in selection of material and execution has to be
considered by contractor and no consideration of deduction of excess will be available to
c) Any facilities may undergo shifting within building envelope without change in any area
and nothing extra will be paid on this account.
d) Any functional requirement as per NBC 2016 required for smooth functioning of desired
facility has to be executed without any extra cost implication.
e) EIA mandatory guidelines applicability due to clause as mentioned in the EIA Notification
9th June’ 2015 to be implemented at site and to be considered in quoting and to be
f) As Built Drawings: Contractor has to prepare As Built Drawings and submit the same to
Engineer-in-charge and CPWD Engineers for cross verification based on the drawings
issued for execution.
g) Commissioning and handing over of building for functional point of view from statutory
bodies to be taken by contractor.
h) After award of work, if any approval is pending from IIM, necessary support for liasianing
to get the same from authorities is in scope of contractor. No time extension except for
genuine reason in opinion of Engineer-in-charge /IIM will only be considered.
i) All those finishing items available in CPWD specification and DSR will be dealt for
execution as per nomenclature.
j) Technical Specification is given only for Non- Scheduled Items and it will be dealt as per
list of makes attached and in case item description/ specification is of any specific brand
it has to be read as equivalent.
k) Confined Brick masonry in Housing shall be executed as per drawing and direction of
Engineer-In-Charge. Nothing extra shall be paid for confined brick masonry.
l) Use of Clay Brick is subjected to statutory compliance, if during the period/execution of
project, Government of India, Honorable Supreme Court, State or any governing body
impose any prohibition on use of clay bricks, alternative solutions to be used by
contractor this shall have no cost implication, nothing extra will be paid.
m) Selection of all finishing material shall be as per approval of the architect and as per list
of preferred makes.
n) If case of any discrepancy in finishing schedule, Item wise requirement, door window
hardware schedule and detail schedule of item etc. decision of the Architect and
Engineer-In-Charge shall be final and binding on the contractor. Nothing extra will be
paid in this account.
o) Bidders are advised that the proposed academic building shall need to comply with
applicable ECBC 2017 norms for Himachal Pradesh and the ECBC Compliance report.
Achieving ECBC compliance is mandatory requirement and any measure required to
achieve the same is within the scope of the tenderer/ Bidder and no additional cost shall
be entertained towards the same.
p) The contractor has to make arrangement of Medical room alongwith 24x7 Ambulance at
site with trained nursing staff during entire execution period of contract including
extended period if any and cost shall be deemed to be included in the scope of work.
Nothing extra to be paid on this a/c.




AgencyshallprocurePPCconformingtoIS:1489(Part I) as required in the work from cement

manufacturers mentioned in the list of Preferred makes for civil works or from any other
reputed cement manufacturer having a production capacity not less than 1 million tons per
annum as approved by competent authority of CPWD.

The supply of cement shall be taken in 50 kg. bags bearing manufacturer's name and ISI
marking. Samples of cement arranged by the Contractor shall be taken by the Engineer- in-
charge and got tested in accordance with provisions of relevant BIS codes. In case the test
results indicate that the cement arranged by the Contractor does not conform to the relevant
BIS codes, the same shall stand rejected, and it shall be removed from the site by the
Contractor at his own cost within a week's time of written order from the Engineer- in-charge
to do so. Supply of cement shall be taken in 50-kg bags bearing manufacturer’s name, or his
registered trademarks if any and grade and type of cement as well as ISI marking. The
packing of the cement bags shall be as per CPWD specifications2009.

The cement shall be brought at site in bulk supply of approximately 50 tons or more as
decided by the Engineer-in-charge. The cement godown of Minimum 5000 bags capacity or
as decided by Engineer-in-Charge to store the cement shall be constructed by the
Contractor at site of work for which no extra payment shall bemade.

Double lock provision shall be made to the door of the cement godowns. The keys of one
lock shall remain with the Engineer-in-Charge or his authorised representative and the keys
of other lock shall remain with the contractor. The contractor shall be responsible for the
watch and ward and safety of cement godown. The contractor shall facilitate the inspection
of cement godown by the Engineer-in-charge at anytime.

The cement shall be got tested by the Engineer-in-charge and shall be used on the work
only after satisfactory test results have been received. The Contractor shall supply freeof
charge the cement required for testing including its transportation cost to testing laboratories.
The cost of tests shall be borne by the contractor/Department in the manner indicated below:
(a) By the contractor, if the results show that the cement does not conform to relevant BIS
codes. (b) By the Department, if the results show that the cement conforms to relevant BIS

The actual issue and consumption of cement on work shall be regulated and proper
accounts maintained as provided in relevant clause of the contract. The theoretical
consumption of cement shall be worked out as per procedure general condition of contract
for EPC contract and shall be governed by conditions laid therein. In case the cement
consumption is less than theoretical consumption including permissible variation, recovery at
the rate so prescribed shall be made. In case of excess consumption, no cost adjustment
shall bemade.

The cement brought to the site and the cement remaining unused after completion of the
work shall not be removed from site without the written permission of the Engineer-in-

The damaged cement shall be removed from the site immediately by the Contractor on
receipt of a notice in writing from the Engineer-in-charge. If he does not do so within 3 days
of receipt of such notice, the Engineer-in-charge shall get it removed at the cost of the

SE cum PD Sirmour may change the brand of Cement depending upon availability in local
market but conforming to grade mentioned in the NIT and only with ISI mark, if warranted.
The name of manufacturers should be finalized after taking into consideration the availability

and cost factor.

Conditions for cement proposed to be procured in silos may be approved by the NIT
approving authority alongwith mode of storage, measurement, testing and grade

2.0 Steel ReinforcementBars

The CPWD/Contractor shall/procure IS marked TMT bars of various grades from the Steel
Manufacturers mentioned in preferred make list for civil works or their authorized dealers/
authorized distributors/channelpartners.

Other than steel manufacturers mentioned in preferred make list, only ISI marked TMT Bars
of various grades shall be procured from Steel manufacture as per the followingguidelines:
1. The Special Director General of Chandigarh region (Projects) of CPWD shall
approve the steel manufactures subject to the guidelines for eligibility criteria and
other technical parameters given below:
Credentials for eligibility criteria & other technical parameters for steel
The manufacturer should meet the following eligibility criteria:
a) The Steel manufacture should have following documentaryevidence:
i. Certificate ofincorporation
ii. Memorandum of articles ofAssociation
iii. Credit rating of the company from CARE/CRISIL/ICRA (the grading should
not be C/D grade for minimum last 3years)
b) The Steel manufacturer must have following licenses andcertificates:
i. ISI certificate for billets (IS2830:2012)
ii. ISI certificate for TMT Bars (IS 1786:2008 (Amendment -1 November 2012)
c) The Steel manufacturer should also preferably have the following licenses: i.
i. ISO 14001:2015
ii. OHSAS 18001:2007
d) The steel manufacturer should be using iron ore as the basic raw material. The
entire gamut of iron and steel production is owned by the same company or oits
subsidiary company (ies) and the iron making capacity is sufficient matching the
steel making capacity, adopting any of the refining technologies for
manufacturing steel & TMT Bars as given under areeligible:
i. BF-BOFroute
ii. COREX-BOFRoute
iii. DRI-EAF Route (Each Electric Arc Furnace should be 100 MT ormore)
e) Billets produced must be ISI marked (IS2830:2012)
f) The TMT bars produced must be ISI marked (IS1786:2008)
g) The steel manufacturer should have the following in house testing facilities
(NABL Accredited):
i. Computerized Universal TestingMachine
ii. Spectrometer
iii. Bend Re-bend facility as per IS : 1786:2008 (Amendment-1
iv. Raw material laboratory: Arrangement for testing Carbon, Sulphur &
v. Other testing facilities as specified in IS : 1786:2008 & IS :2830:2012
Steel can also be procured from any particular steel manufacturer who has been suo motto
approved by the Special Director General of Chandigarh region (Projects), CPWD.

The contractor shall have to obtain and furnish test certificates to the Engineer-in-
Charge in respect of all supplies of steel brought by him to the site of work.

Samples shall also be taken and got tested by the Engineer-in-Charge as per the provisions
in this regard in relevant BIS codes. In case the test results indicate that the
steelarrangedbythecontractordoesnotconformtothespecifications,thesameshall be stand
rejected, and it shall be removed from the site of work by the contractor at his cost within a
week time or written orders from the Engineer-in-Charge to doso.

The steel reinforcement bars shall be brought to the site in bulk supply of 10 tonnes or more,
or as decided by theEngineer-in-charge.
The steel reinforcement bars shall be stored by the contractor at site of work in such a way
as to prevent their distortion and corrosion, and nothing extra shall be paid on this account.
Bars of different sizes and lengths shall be stored separately to facilitate easy counting
For checking nominal mass, tensile strength, bend test, re-bend test etc. specimens of
sufficient length shall be cut from each size of the bar at random, and at frequency not less
than that specifiedbelow:
Size of bar For consignment below For consignment above
100ton 100ton
Under 10 mm dia One sample for each 25 One sample for each 40
bars tonnes or part there of tonnes or part there of

10 mm to One sample for each 35 One sample for each 45

16mm diabars tonnes or part there of tonnes or part there of

Over 16mm dia One sample for each 45 One sample for each 50
bars tonnes or part there of tonnes or part there of

The contractor shall supply free of charge the steel required for testing including its
transportation to testing laboratories. The cost of testing of steel reinforcement shall be
borne by thecontractor.
The actual issue and consumption of steel on work shall be regulated and proper accounts
maintained as provided in relevant clause of the contract. The theoretical consumption of
steel shall be worked out as per procedure prescribed in the General conditions of contract
and shall be governed by conditions laid therein. In case the consumption is less than
theoretical consumption including permissible variations, recovery at the rate so prescribed
shall be made. In case of excess consumptionno adjustment need to bemade.
The Steel brought to site and remaining unused shall not be removed from site without the
written permission ofEngineer-in-Charge.
The standard sectional weights referred to shall be as given in Table 5.4 inpara 5.3.4 in
CPWD Specification 2009 Vol.-I and will be considered for conversion of length of various
sizes of TMT Bars in to standard weight. Record of actual sectional weights shall also be
kept dia. and lot wise. The average sectional weight for each diameter shall be arrived at
from samples from each lot of steel received at site. The decision of the Engineer-in-Charge
shall be final for the procedure to be followed for determining the average sectional weight of
each lot. Quantity of each diameter of steel received at site of work each day will
constitute one single lot for the purpose. The weight of steel by conversion of length of
various sizes of bars based on the actual weighted average sectional weight shall be terms
as Derived ActualWeight.
a) If the derived weight is less than the standard weight, then the Derived Actual Weight
shall be accepted if it is within the following tolerances specified in IS:1786- 2008,
otherwise whole lot will be rejected. However, deductions shall be made for the
difference in derived actual weight and standard weight at the rate mentioned in
clause 10CA for TMT-500D reinforcementbars.

Tolerances on Nominal Mass

Nominal Sizein mm Tolerance on Nominal massPercent

Batch Individual Individual sample
Sample* forcoil**
a) Upto and including10 +7 -8 +8
b) Over 10 upto and i/c 16 +5 -6 +6

c) Over 16 +3 -4 +4

* For individual sample plus tolerance is not specified.

**For coils batch tolerance is not specified.

b) If the derived actual weight is found more than the standard weight, then nothing shall
be paid extra for the difference in derived actual weight and standardweight.
The contractor shall submit original vouchers from the manufacturer for the total quantity
of steel supplied under each consignment to be used in the work. All consignment
received at the work site shall be inspected by the Site staff along with the relevant
documents before
furnish the same to the Engineer-in-Charge in respect of all the lots of steel brought by
him from approved supplier to the site of work. The original vouchers and copy of test
certificates shall be defaced by the Site staff and kept on record in the site office
The reinforcing steel brought to site of work shall be stored on brick / timber platform of
30/40-cm height, nothing extra shall be paid on thisaccount.


Earth work shall be executed as per CPWD specifications 2009, Volume-I with upto date
correction slips. In addition to that following specifications shall also be followed:


Excavation shall be undertaken to the width of the Basement/Retaining wall footing including
necessary margins for construction operation as per drawing or directed otherwise. Where
the nature of soil or the depth of the trench and season of the year, do not permit vertical
sides, the contractor at his own expense shall put up the necessary shoring, strutting and
planking or cut slopes with or without steps, to a safer angle or both with due regard to the
safety of personnel and works and to the satisfaction of the Engineer. Measurement of plan
area of excavation for payment shall be permitted only.
All the major excavation shall be carried out by mechanical excavator. No extra payment
shall be made for that.

The contractor shall make at his own cost all necessary arrangements for maintaining water
level, in the area where works are under execution low enough so as not to cause any harm
to the work shall be considered as inclusive of pumping out or bailing out water, if required,
for which no extra payment shall be made. This will include water coming from any source,
such as rains, accumulated rain water, floods, leakages from sewer and water mains subsoil
water table being high or due to any other cause whatsoever. The contractor shall make
necessary provision of pumping, dredging bailing out water coming from all above sources
and excavation and other works shall be kept free of water by providing suitable system
approved by the Engineer-in-charge. In order to avoid possibility of basement floor of main
building being getting uplifted/damaged due to water pressure, the contractor shall lower the
ground water table below the proposed foundation level by boring tube wells all around the
proposed building using well point sinking method or any suitable method as approved by
Engineer-in-charge. Sub soil water table shall be maintained at least 50 cm. below the
P.C.C. level during laying of P.C.C. water proofing treatment, laying of basement raft and
beams including filling of earth/sand under the basement floor. The water table shall not be
allowed to rise above base of raft level until completion of outer retaining walls including
water proofing of vertical surface of walls and back filling along the walls upto ground level
and until the structure attains such height to counter balance the uplift pressure. However,
the contractor should inspect the site and make his own assessment about sub-soil water
level likely to be encountered at the time of execution and quote his rates accordingly. Rate
of all items are inclusive of pumping out or bailing out water, if required. Nothing extra on this
account whatsoever shall be paid to him. The sequence of construction shall be got
approved by the Engineer-in-charge.

The contractor shall take all necessary measures for the safety of traffic during construction
and provide, erect and maintain such barricades including signs, markings, flags, lights and
flagman, as necessary at either end of the excavation/embankment and at such intermediate
points as directed by the Engineer-in-charge for the proper identification of construction
area. He shall be responsible for all damages and accidents caused due to negligence on
his part.

The contractor shall provide suitable barricading with suitably painted single row of G.I.
Sheets about 3’- 0” wide (90 cms) nailed or bolted with wooden poles spaced 2 to 3 metre
apart and each pole 1.6 m to 2 m long 8 cm. to 10 cm. dia. The poles will be embedded in
mobile iron pedestal rings suitably framed for giving stable support as per direction of the
Engineer-in-charge. All management (including watch and ward) of barricades shall be the
full responsibility of the contractor. The barricades shall be removed only after completion of
the work or part of the work. The contractor’s rate shall include all above items of work and
nothing extra shall be paid to the contractor over and above his quoted rates.

4.0 R.C.C. WORK: - The contractor shall use Design Mix Concrete for all RCC/ CC works
prepared from fully automatic Batch MixPlant at site.

The Contractor shall install fully automatic Batch Mix Plant at site or in nearby area
wherever permissible. Under special circumstances, Contractor will arrange concrete from
RMC (Ready Mix Concrete) producing plants (located within 25 km distance from the site of
work) with prior approval from Engineer-in-charge. Nothing extra shall be payable for
sourcing concrete from RMCplant.
The RCC/CC work shall be done with Design Mix Concrete. Wherever letter M has been
indicated, the same shall imply for the Design Mix Concrete. The Design Mix Concrete will
be designated based on the principles given in IS: 456, 10262 & SP 23. The Conditions &
Specifications stated herein shall have precedence over all conditions & specifications stated
in relevant I.S. Codes/C.P.W.D. Specifications. The concrete mix shall be designed for the
specified target mean compressive strength in order to ensure that work test result do not fall
below the acceptance criteria specified for the concrete mix. The Contractor shall design
mixes for each class of concrete indicating that the concrete ingredients and proportions will
result in concrete mix meeting the requirements specified.
(a) The contractor has to submit design mix without use of admixtures.
(b) Admixture may be added (by maintaining the minimum cement content as given under
para- 2.1.3) in case of specific technical requirement so as to meet the workability /
slump requirement or for any other reason but nothing extra is to be paid to contractor on
account of adding admixtures.

The sources of coarse aggregate, fine aggregate, water, admixture & cement to be used in
concrete work shall be identified by the contractor & he will satisfy himself regarding their
conforming to the relevant specifications & their availability before getting the same
approved from the Engineer-In-Charge.

(a) Coarse Aggregate:- As per CPWD Specifications
(b) Fine Aggregate:- As per CPWD Specifications
(c) Water:- It shall conform to requirements laid down in IS:456-
2000 / Para 3.1.1 of CPWD Specifications. If on testing,
water from the source is not found fit for construction,
the necessary arrangement for treatment of water shall
have to be made by the contractor at the site and
nothing extra shall be payable for the same.
(d) Cement:- Portland Pozzolona Cement (Fly ash based), required
in the work from reputed manufacturers of cement as
per the approved make in 50 kg bags bearing
manufacturer’s name and ISI marking, along with
manufacturers test certificate for each lot. Portland
Pozzolona Cement to be used for Design Mix Concrete
shall conform to IS: 1489-Part-I.
(e) Admixture/ Plasticizer:- The admixture shall conform to IS: 9103. Whenever
required, the admixture of approved quality & approved
make only shall be used to attain the required
workability. Nothing extra on account of use of
Admixture / Plasticizer shall be payable.

Water Cement Ratio and Slump :-

In proportioning a particular mix, the manufacturer/producer/contractor shall give due

consideration to the moisture content in the aggregates, and the mix shall be so designed as
to restrict the maximum free water cement ratio to less the 0.5.

Due consideration shall be given to the workability of the concrete thus produced. Slump
shall be controlled on the basis of placement in different situations. For normal methods of
placing concrete, maximum slump shall be restricted to 100mm when measured in
accordance with IS:1199.

The minimum cement content, maximum free water-cement ratio and minimum grade of
concrete are individually related to exposure as per Table 5 of IS: 456, 2000 and As per
CPWD Specifications (Vol-I) 2009 with upto date correction slips.

Grade of Concrete: - The compressive strength of various grades of concrete with various
parameters shall be as follows: -


min. 7 DAYS STRENGTH AT (Kg. Per RATIO (mm)
(N/mm2) 28 DAYS (N/mm2) Cub. Mtr.)
(i) M-10 As per Design 10 250 0.50 25-75
(ii) M-25 As per Design 25 380 0.50 25-75
(iii) M-30 As per Design 30 400 0.45 25-75
(iv) M-35 As per Design 35 420 0.45 25-75
(v) M-40 As per Design 40 440 0.45 25-75

(i) In the designation of a Concrete mix letter M refers to the mix and the number of the
specified characteristic compressive strength of 15 cm - Cube at 28 days expressed
in N/mm2.
(ii) It is specifically highlighted that in addition to the above requirements, the maximum
cement content for any grade shall be limited to 530 kg. / cubic metre.

(iii) Nothing extra shall be paid for the higher cement content in design mix as
prescribed above.

Characteristic Compressive Strength compliance Requirement

Specified Grade Mean of the Group of 4 Non-overlapping Individual Test Results in

consecutive test results in N/mm2 (Min) N/mm2 (Min)
(1) (2) (3)
M15 ≥Fck + 0.825 x established standard deviation ≥Fck – 3 N/mm2
Or (rounded off to nearest 0.5 N/mm 2)
Above Or
Fck +3N/mm2, whichever is greater where fck
is characteristic compressive strength of CC
cube at 28 days.
Note : (i) In the absence of established value of standard deviation, the values given in Table
as mentioned below may be assumed, and attempt should be made to obtain results
of 30 samples as early as possible to establish the value of standard deviation.
(ii) For concrete of quantity up to 30 m3 (where the number of samples to be taken is
less than four as per frequency of sampling given in para 2.4, the mean of test results
of all such samples shall be fck + 4 N/mm2, minimum and requirement of minimum
individual test result shall be fck - 2 N/mm2, minimum. However, when the number of
samples is only as per prescribed herein, the requirement shall be f ck+ 4 N/mm2,

The Contractor shall engage one of the following approved laboratories / test house for
designing the concrete mix in accordance with relevant IS Code and to conduct laboratory
tests to ensure the target strength & workability criteria for a given grade of concrete: -

i) Punjab Engineering College, Chandigarh

ii) IIT Delhi/ Roorkee/ Kanpur
iii) Chandigarh Engineering College, Sector-26, Chandigarh.
iv) NIT, Kurkshetra (Hry)
v) National Institute of Technical Teacher Training & Research (NITTTR), Sector-26,

The various ingredients for mix design / laboratory tests shall be sent to the lab / test houses
through the Engineer-in-charge and the samples of such aggregates sent shall be preserved
at site by the department.
In the event if all the above laboratories are unable to carry out the requisite design / testing,
the contractor may have it done from any other laboratory with prior approval of the SE cum
PD, CPWD, sirmour.
The contractor shall submit the report on design mix from any of above approved
laboratories for approval of Engineer in Charge within 30 days from the date of issue of letter
of acceptance of the tender. No concreting shall be done until the design mix is approved. In
case of White Portland Cement and the likely use of admixtures in concrete with ordinary
Portland/White Portland Cement, the contractor shall design and test the concrete mix by
using trial mixes with white cement and / or admixtures also, for which nothing extra shall be
In case of change of source or characteristic properties of the ingredients used in the
concrete mix during the work, the contractor as per the directions of the Engineer-in-charge
shall submit a revised laboratory mix design report conducted at laboratory established at
All cost of mix designing and testing, connected therewith, including charges payable to the
laboratory shall be borne by the Contractor including redesigning of the concrete mix
whenever required & as directed by Engineer-In-Charge.
The mix design for a specified grade of concrete shall be done for a target mean
compressive strength Tck = Fck + 1.65s

Where Fck = Characteristic compressive strength at 28 days.

s = Standard deviation which depends on degree of
quality control.

The assumed values of standard deviation for different grades of concrete shall be as
follows: -


M-10 4.0
M-20 4.0
M-25 4.0
M-30 5.0
M-35 5.0
M-40 5.0

Note: The above values correspond to the site control having proper storage of cement; weight
batching of all materials; controlled addition of water; regular checking of all materials,
aggregate gradings and moisture content; and periodical checking of workability and
strength. Where there is deviation from the above the values given in the above table shall
be increased by 1 N/mm 2.


(a) The designed mix proportions shall be checked for target mean compressive strength
by means of trial batches.
(b) Minimum three sets of separate preliminary tests shall be carried out for each trial
batch of concrete mix. Each test shall comprise of six specimens and only one test-
set of six specimens shall be made on any particular day.
(c) The quantities of materials for each trial mix shall be sufficient for at least six
specimens (cubes) and the concrete required for carrying out workability tests.
(d) The workability of trial mix No.1 shall be measured and mix shall be carefully
observed for freedom from segregation, bleeding and its finishing characteristics. The
water content, if required, shall be adjusted corresponding to the required changes in
the workability.
(e) With the modified Water Content, the mix proportions shall be recalculated by
keeping with water cement ratio unchanged. The mix proportion, as modified, shall
form the Trial Mix No.2 and tested for the specified strength and workability.
(f) In addition, trial mix No.3 and 4 shall be designed by keeping water contents same
as that determined for trial mix 2 but varying the water cement ratio by + 10 percent
of the specified value and tested for their design characteristics.
(g) Out of the six specimen of each set, three shall be tested at seven days and
remaining three at 28 days. The preliminary tests at seven days are intended only to
indicate the strength to be attained at 28 days, while the design mix shall be
approved only on the basis of test strength at 28 days.


The design mix shall be considered satisfactory and approved if at least three preliminary
test-sets individually satisfy the following strength and workability criteria:

(a) The average strength of each test-set is not less than the specified target mean
compressive strength (Tck).
(b) The strength of any specimen cube is not less than 0.85 Tck.
(c) The concrete mix is of required degree of workability and acceptable concrete finish.

General Requirement of Batch Mix Concrete:-

(a) The contractor shall have to use BATCH MIX CONCRETE. The contractor shall ensure
that transit mixtures shall transport the concrete to site. All the precautions shall be taken
during the transportation and handling of concrete to achieve the desired strength,
durability, etc. as envisaged in the Mix Design.
(c) All measuring equipment shall be maintained in a clean and serviceable condition and
their accuracy shall be checked at least once a month.
(d) Only single sized good quality stone aggregate shall be brought to site of work from the
approved source. The grading of the stone aggregate shall be controlled by blending the
aggregate of different sizes in the required proportions at site of work.
The aggregate of different sizes shall be stock-piled separately, preferably a day before
The grading of coarse and fine aggregates shall be checked as frequently as possible
and as directed by the Engineer-In-Charge to ensure that the specified grading and
quality of aggregate is maintained.
(e) It is important to maintain the Water Cement Ratio constant at its specified or approved
value by making adjustment for the moisture contents of both fine and coarse

The moisture contents in the aggregate shall be determined as frequently as possible in

keeping with the weather conditions and as per the provisions of IS: 2386 (Part-III).

All other operations in concreting work like mixing, slump, laying, placing of concrete,
compaction, curing etc. not mentioned in this particular specifications for Batch Mix of
Concrete shall be as per CPWD Specifications.
General :
Samples from fresh concrete shall be taken as per IS 1199 and cubes shall be made, cured
and tested at 28 days in accordance with IS 516. 15.1.1 In order to get a relatively quicker
idea of the quality of concrete, optional tests on beams for modulus of rupture at 72 + 2 h or
at 7 days, or compressive strength tests at 7 days may be carried out in addition to 28 days
compressive strength test. For this purpose the values should be arrived at based on actual
testing. In all cases, the 28 days compressive strength specified in Table 2 of code of
practice, IS:456 2000 shall alone be the criterion for acceptance or rejection of the concrete.


(i) A random sampling procedure shall be adopted to ensure that the sampling is
spread over the entire period of concreting and cover all mixing units. The
concrete work shall be notionally divided into lots as under for the purpose of
sampling conditions.
-- Footings, rafts etc.
-- Columns and walls at all levels.
-- Beams at all levels.
-- Slabs at all levels.

(ii) At least one test sample shall be taken for each lot of concrete work.
(iii) Each grade of concrete shall form different lot for testing.
(iv) The minimum frequency of sampling of concrete of each grade shall be in
accordance with CPWD specification 2009, Vol I with upto date correction
(v) The concrete work shall be assessed on day to day basis & samples shall be
taken as specified.
(vi) Work strength test shall be conducted in accordance with IS: 516 on random

However, the minimum frequency of sampling of concrete of each grade shall be in

accordance with the following:
Quantity of Concrete in the work m3 Number of Samples
I-5 1
6 - 15 2
6 - 30 3
31- 50 4
51 and above 4 plus one additional sample for each
Additional 50 cum or part thereof.
NOTE- Where concrete is produced at continuous production unit, frequency of’ sampling may be
decided by Engineer-in-charge in such a manner so as to ensure that each concrete batch
shall have a reasonable chance of being tested.

Test Specimen
Three test specimens shall be made for each sample for testing at 28 days. Additional
samples may be required for various purposes such as to determine the strength of concrete
at 7 days or at the time of striking the formwork, or to determine the duration of curing, or to
check the testing error. Additional samples may also be required for testing samples cured
by accelerated methods as described in IS 9103. The specimen shall be tested as described
in IS 516.


The test results of the sample shall be the average of the strength of three specimens. The
individual variation shall not be more than + 15% percent of the average. If variation is more,
the test results shall be treated as invalid. 90% of the total tests shall be done at the
laboratory established at site by the contractor and remaining 10% in any other laboratory as
directed by the Engineer-in-Charge.


Compressive Strength
The concrete shall be deemed to comply with the strength requirements when both the
following conditions are met:
a) The mean strength determined from any group of four consecutive test results compiles
with the appropriate limits in col 2 of Table given above.
b) Any individual test result complies with the appropriate limits in col 3 of Table given

Quantity of Concrete Represented by Strength Test Results

The quantity of concrete represented by a group of four consecutive test-results shall include
the batches from which the first and last samples were taken together with all intervening
Where the mean rate of sampling is not specified the maximum quantity of concrete that four
consecutive test results represent shall be limited to 60 m3.

Concrete of each grade shall be assessed separately.

Concrete is liable to be rejected if it is porous or honey-combed, its placing has been

interrupted without providing a proper construction joint, the reinforcement has been
displaced beyond the tolerances specified, or construction tolerances have not been met.
However, the hardened concrete may be accepted after carrying out suitable remedial
measures to the satisfaction of the Engineer-in-Charge.

TOLERANCES - As per CPWD Specifications.

Unacceptable Compressive Strength: -

In case of rejection of concrete on account of unacceptable compressive strength, governed
by para “Standard of Acceptance” as above, the work for which samples have failed shall be
redone at the cost of contractor. However, the Engineer-in-charge may order for additional
tests (like cutting cores, ultrasonic pulse velocity test, load test on structure or part of
structure, etc) to be carried out at the cost of contractor to ascertain if the portion of structure
wherein concrete represented by the sample has been used, can be retained on the basis of
results of individual or combination of these tests. The Contractor shall take remedial
measures necessary to retain the structure as approved by the Engineer-in-charge without
any extra cost.


The work shall be done in accordance with CPWD Specifications (Vol-I) 2009 with upto date
correction slips.
Water Cement ratio for Ordinary RCC work shall not be more than 0.5. Contractor shall use
concrete mixture of proper design having arrangement for measuring water for mixing of


The work shall be done in general as per CPWD Specifications (Vol-I) 2009 with upto date
correction slips.
Only M.S. centering / shuttering and scaffolding material unless & otherwise specified shall
be used for all R.C.C. work to give an even finish of concrete surface. However, marine-ply
shuttering in exceptional cases as per site requirement may be used on specific request
from contractor to be approved by the Engineer-in-Charge. But nothing extra shall be paid
on this a/c.
Nothing extra shall be paid for the centering and shuttering, circular in shape
Nothing extra shall be paid for grid beams and the corresponding slabs having clear span
more than 1.20 metres.
In order to keep the floor finish as per architectural drawings and to provide required
thickness of the flooring as per specifications, the level of top surface of R.C.C. shall be
accordingly adjusted at the time of its centering, shuttering and casting for which nothing
extra shall be paid to the contractor except the places where different type of flooring is
provided in the same room.

As per general engineering practice, level of floors in toilet / bath, balconies, shall be kept 12
to 20mm or as required, lower than general floors shuttering should be adjusted accordingly.
Nothing extra is payable on this account.

Steel shuttering as approved by the Engineer-in-Charge shall be used by the contractor.

Minimum size of shuttering plates shall be 600mm x 900mm except for the case when
closing pieces are required to complete the shuttering panels.
Dented, broken, cracked, twisted or rusted shuttering plates shall not be allowed to be used
on the work. The shuttering plates shall be cleaned properly with electrically driven sanders
to remove any cement slurry or cement mortar or rust. Proper shuttering oil or de-bonding
compound shall be applied on the surface of the shuttering plates in the requisite quantity
before assembly of steel reinforcement.
a) The shuttering plates shall be cleaned properly with electrically driven sanders to remove
any cement slurry or cement mortar or rust. Proper shuttering oil or de- bonding
compound shall be applied on the surface of the shuttering plates in the requisite quantity
before assembly ofsteelreinforcement.
b) For the execution of centering and shuttering, the contractor shall use propriety Reebole
Chemical Mould release agent of FOSROC or equivalent as shuttering oil as approved by
Engineer-in-Charge and nothing extra shall be paid on this account.
c) Concretingofupperfloorshallnotbedoneuntilconcreteoflowerfloorhassetat least for 10 days
but form work and reinforcement can be taken up after the concrete has set at least
d) All existing formwork that fail to meet the specifications mentioned above or do not qualify
to meet the minimum standards in the view of Engineer-in-Charge shall have to removed


The reinforcement shall be done as per CPWD Specifications 2009, Volume-I & II with upto
date revisions/ amendments/correction slips.
The scope of work of reinforcement of RCC work includes all operations including
straightening, cutting, bending, welding, binding with annealed steel wire or welding and
placing in position at all the floors with all leads and lift complete as per CPWD

The contractor shall provide approved type of support for maintaining the bars in position
and ensuring required spacing and correct cover of concrete to reinforcement as called for in
the drawings, spacer blocks of required shape and size. Chairs and spacer bars shall be
used in order to ensure accurate positioning of reinforcement. Spacer blocks shall be
casted well in advance with approved proprietary pre-packed free flowing mortars
(Conbextra as manufactured by M/s Fosroc Chemicals India Ltd. or of approved
equivalent) of high early strength and same colour as of surrounding concrete. However,
Cover Guard Bars shall also be used to maintain proper cover of RCC Columns in addition
to spacer blocks as mentioned above. Pre-cast cement mortar/concrete blocks/blocks of
polymer shall not be used as spacer blocks unless specially approved by the Engineer-in-
charge, The scope of work of RCC items is inclusive of cost of such cover blocks & Cover
Guard Bars.
a) Reinforcement TMT bars of grade Fe 500D or more to be used in thiswork.

b) Bar Bending Schedule : The agency shall prepare bar bending schedule drawings as per
approved structural drawings and submit to Engineer-in-Charge in
advanceforapproval.Thebar bendingscheduleshallconformtoIndianStandard IS 2502-
Code of Practice for Bending and Fixing of bars for Concrete Reinforcement. Before
execution of work, two copies of these drawings each including for revision will be
submitted to Engineer-in-Charge for approval. Keeping in view the quantum of the work,
the BBS shall preferably be prepared with software and one person acquainted with
preparing BBS with software shall be deputed at site to speed up thework..


The work shall be done in accordance with CPWD Specifications 2009, Volume-I & II with
upto date revisions/ amendments/correction slips
Pre-cast reinforced concrete units shall be of grade or mix as specified. Provision shall be
made in the mould to accommodate fixing devices such as hooks etc. and forming of
notches and holes. Each unit shall be cast in one operation. A sample of the unit shall be got
approved from Engineer-in-charge before taking up the work.
Pre-cast units shall be clearly marked to indicate the top of member and its location.
Pre-cast units shall be stored, transported and placed in position in such a manner that
these are not damaged.
The compaction of the concrete shall be done by vibrating, table or external vibrator, as
approved by Engineer-in-charge. The rate quoted for the item shall include the element for
framework and mechanical vibration.
The scope of work for item includes cost of all materials. labour, and all operations involved.
Cost of M.S. frames, lugs including their welding, lifting hooks is also included.
In the item of providing and fixing precast reinforced cement concrete in shelves the cost of
cutting chases and making good the same shall be inclusive in the item and nothing extra
shall be paid on this account.


The brickwork shall be carried out with good quality well burnt FPS bricks of class
designation 7.5 (AWAL) as per CPWD Specifications 2009, Volume-I & II with upto date
revisions/ amendments/correction slips.
The scope of work shall also include for leaving chases / notches for dowels / cramps for all
kinds of cladding to come over brick work.
Brick work provided around shaft or lift walls or around slab cutouts shall be measured in the
brick for corresponding floor level. That is included in the scope of work.
M.S. Strip/ Bar provided at every third course of half brick masonry shall be in single piece. If
required, welding joint can be used without overlaps. Welding and overlaps are part of scope
of work.
Chicken mesh 85 gsm or fibre mesh of good quality to be provided in plaster at the junction
of Masonry and RCC or CC Member/band.
In confined brick masonry all the foundation work and half brick work in foundation and
superstructure shall be done with good quality well burnt FPS bricks of class designation 7.5
(AWAL) with cement mortar 1:4 (1 Cement: 4 Coarse sand) and full brick wall in
superstructure shall be done with good quality well burnt FPS bricks of class designation 7.5
(AWAL) with cement mortar 1:6 (1 Cement: 6 Coarse sand).

Toothing in confined brick masonry shall be recessed as per structural drawings in brick
work and shall be filled with during casting of RCC columns with same material as that of
RCC column and also providing appropriate form work. This all includes in the scope of the


General: - The execution of stones work shall be in general as per CPWD Specifications
2009, Volume-I & II with upto date revisions/ amendments/correction slips.
The granite/ marble/Tandoor stone/Hard stone etc work shall, in general, be carried out as
per the CPWD Specifications. The specifications for dressing, laying, curing, finishing,
measurements etc. for the granite/ marble stone flooring shall be same as that of works for
the Marble flooring, skirting and risers of steps under CPWD Specifications. The wall lining /
veneer work with granite/ marble stone etc shall be as per the CPWD Specifications.

The decision of the Engineer-in-Charge as regards the approval of the samples for the
various types of the the granite/ marble/Tandoor stones/Hard stone etc shall be final and
binding on the Contractor. No claim of any kind whatsoever shall be entertained from the
Contractor on this account. The Contractor shall then procure and get the mock up prepared
at site of work for approval of quality of workmanship and the granite/ marble/Tandoor
stones/Hard stone etc as specified. The mock up shall be prepared in lift lobby, toilet etc. on
one of the floors. The size of the stones shall be as per the architectural drawings. If the
quality of the workmanship and the material is as per the required standards, the mock up
shall be allowed as part of the scope of work and shall not be dismantled. Otherwise, it shall
be dismantled by the contractor as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge and taken away from
the site of the work at his own cost. Nothing extra shall be payable on this account.

That the curvilinear profile of the entrance steps for the building shall be negotiated in
segmental manner (using trapezoidal shaped granite stone pieces with straight edges for
treads and rectangular stone pieces for the risers) and not in curved profiles as specified
earlier. However, the granite/ marble/Tandoor stone slabs shall be cut to required sizes and
shapes, as per the architectural drawings, to negotiate the curved steps in segmented
manner. The risers shall also be cut to required sizes and shapes and the edges chamfered
at the joints, all as per the architectural drawings. However, the Contractor shall prepare the
detailed shop drawings for the same and commence work only after the approval by the
Engineer-in-Charge. The scope of work shall also include any consequent wastage,
incidental charges involved in this work. Nothing extra shall be payable on this account.

For the steps (risers and treads) in the linear profile, the granite/ marble/Tandoor stone shall
be provided in single pieces as per the architectural drawings, unless otherwise specifically
permitted by the Engineer-in-Charge. Wherever grooves are required to be provided the
same is to be done as per architectural drawings and as directed by the Engineer-in-charge.
Wherever required, the joints shall be provided as per the architectural drawings. Nothing
extra shall be payable on these accounts.

Granite/ marble/Tandoor stones/Hard stone etc slabs used for providing and fixing in the
steps, risers of staircase, sills, soffits and jambs of doors, windows, ventilators and similar
locations shall be in single piece unless otherwise directed by the Engineer-in-Charge.
Wherever stone slab other than in single piece is allowed to be fixed, the joints shall be
provided as per the architectural drawings and as per the directions of the Engineer-in-
Charge. In the cabin areas, the joints in sills shall preferably be provided in line with the
partition wall. Depending on the number of joints, as far as possible, the stone slabs shall be
procured and fixed in slabs of equal lengths as per the architectural drawings and as
directed by Engineer-in-Charge.

While fixing the granite/ marble/Tandoor stones/Hard stone etc in sills, soffits and jambs of
doors, windows, ventilators etc., rebates shall be made by overlapping the stones at the
required places for fixing shutters for doors, windows and ventilators etc. as shown in the
architectural drawings and as per the directions of the Engineer-in-Charge. Epoxy based
adhesives shall be used for fixing the granite/ marble/Tandoor stones/Hard stone etc to each
other, or wherever required. The authorized overlap as per the architectural drawings or as
directed by the Engineer-in-Charge shall be under the scope of work. However, any extra
mortar thickness required due to the overlap arrangement shall be deemed to have been
included in the scope of work of this item. Nothing extra shall be payable on this account.
The granite/ marble/Tandoor stones/Hard stone etc slab shall be fixed over low level storage
cabinets using necessary adhesive as per the manufacturer’s specification. The stone shall
have uniform thickness and shall be provided in sizes as per the architectural drawings. The
stone slab shall have uniformly leveled surface after fixing. All the joints shall be finished
smoothly in a workmanlike manner.

The granite/ marble/Tandoor stones/Hard stone etc work shall be adequately protected by a
layer of Plaster of Paris, which shall be maintained throughout and removed just before
handing over of the works for which nothing extra shall be payable.


Samples of each item of stone work either individually or in combination shall be prepared
for approval of Engineer-in-charge before commencement of work.
Specifications of Building Stones
Fine, medium and coarse igneous rock, composed of quartz, feldspar and mica with
accessory minerals. Colours range from pinks, reds, greys, blues, greens, tans,
browns, blacks and every colour and shades between. Granite Dimension Stone
shall conform to the physical requirements indicated in the following table:

Fine to medium grained sedimentary rock having a minimum of 60% free silica.
Colours range from light grey to yellow and brown. Common commercial varieties
Quartzite: Highly indurated, typically metamorphosed sandstone
containing at least 95% free silica.
Quartzite Sandstone: which contains at least 90% free silica

Sandstone Dimension Stone shall conform to the physical requirements
indicated in the following table:

Sedimentary rock predominantly composed of classic sand-sized grains of calcite,
fossils or shell fragments.
Oolitic limestone: composed largely of spherical particles called oolites.
Dolomitic lime stone: sedimentary carbonate rock consisting largely of the
mineral dolomite. Colours range from light grey, tan to light brown.
Limestone Dimension Stone shall conform to the physical requirements indicated in
the following table:

Fine grained rock which splits easily along its cleavage. Colours are grey, black, purple,


For Masonry Works (River stones) For Flooring And Dado Works
Sedimentary Metamorphic stones Metamorphic stones * Igneous Stones
Hammer Finished Natural cleft Gang Saw Cut
Antique/ Flamed with Honed
diamond brush finish
Polished Polished

*Slate and quartzite cannot be polished and may be sanded, honedor natural cleft.
Cobble finishes are described separately in the specifications.

Description of Finishes
Honed shall be a flat to low / dull sheen gloss finish making surface of the stone non-
reflective. Honed finish is produced by grinding surface with high grit material to a uniform
specification; generally, a grit of 200 is sufficient to produce a honed finish, however the
details shall be as per the approved sample only. A smooth finish with a slight sheen is
produced by suing a polishing head.
Antique/ Flamed with Brush finish:
Flamed Finish shall be produced by application of high-temperature flame to the surface,
which burst the stone crystals when the stone is heated. The operation shall be carried out
by the series of flaming torch, flaming by single flaming torch shall not be permitted since
large surface may have shadow lines caused by overlapping of the torch. This finish will vary
in texture and depth between different types of granite, as the finish is largely dependent
upon the granite structure of the stone. After flaming the surface is diamond brushed in
multiple passes to remove the flakes and achieve a glossy, antique finish with richer colour.
Hammer Dressed:
Hammer dressed finish shall be produced by dressing rough stone on the face, the sides
and the bed using an Iron hammer to remove the top layer of stone Hammer such that the
face shall not project more than 40 mm on exposed faces and 10 mm on faces to be
The finish is mirror gloss, with sharp reflections. Polished granite to achieve gloss
meter reading above 90+.

Flatness Tolerances:
For stone slabs Variation from true plane, or flat surfaces, shall be determined by a 1000
mm dimension in any direction on the surface. Such variations on polish, honed, and fine
rubbed surfaces shall not exceed tolerances listed below. On surfaces having other finishes,
the maximum variation from true plane shall not exceed the tolerance listed below.

S.no. Finish For Limestone For Granite

1 Polished, honed or fine rubbed 1.2 mm. 0.6mm
2 Thermal or flamed and antique finishes* Upto 2mm. 0.6mm


All stone shall be of standard architectural grade, free of cracks, seams, or starts, which may
impair its structural integrity or function. Colour or other visual characteristics indigenous to
the particular material and adequately demonstrated in the sampling or mock-up phases will
be accepted provided they do not compromise the structural or durability capabilities of the
material. Texture and finish shall be within the range of samples approved by the Architect.


Sedimentary Metamorphic stones Metamorphic stones * Igneous Stones
Hammer Finished Natural cleft
Gang Saw Cut

Antique/Flamed with diamond Honed
brush finish
Polished Polished

*Slate and quartzite cannot be polished and may be sanded, honed or natural cleft.
Cobble finishes are described separately in the specifications.

Acceptance Criteria
Before starting the work, the contractor shall get the samples of slabs approved by the
Architect/ Engineer-In-Charge of the work. The physical properties of the River stoneStones
shall be same within the range as mentioned above.

Description of finish:
Hammer Dressed: Hammer dressed finish shall be produced by dressing rough
stone on the face, the sides and the bed using an Iron hammer to remove the top
layer of stone Hammer such that the face shall not project more than 40 mm on
exposed faces and 10 mm on faces to be plastered.

All stone shall be of standard architectural grade, free of cracks, seams, or starts, which may
impair its structural integrity or function. Colour or other visual characteristics indigenous to
the particular material and adequately demonstrated in the sampling or mock-up phases will
be accepted provided they do not compromise the structural or durability capabilities of the
material. Texture and finish shall be within the range of samples approved by the Architect.
Single Source Responsibility for Stone: Obtain each stone from a single source with
resources to provide materials of consistent quality in appearance and physical properties,
including the capacity to cut and finish material without delaying the progress of the Work.

Single Source Responsibility for Stone: Obtain each stone from a single source with
resources to provide materials of consistent quality in appearance and physical properties,
including the capacity to cut and finish material without delaying the progress of the Work.

Sufficient samples shall be submitted to the Architect through the General Contractor.

Each sample set shall include three samples of 300x300 mm.

Sample set shall show anticipated range of colour, natural variations of grain structure,
inclusions and any other visual characteristics to be expected in the final installation.
The approved sample set shall establish the standard by which stonework will be judged.
All samples are to be labelled as follows
Stone Variety, including location & Mine/Quarry.
Location (use or application on the building).
Nominal Thickness: (identify the nominal thickness of each application in mm.)
Transportation & Handling Slabs
Special care is needed in handling and storing stone slabs to prevent bowing, cracking,
chipping, and staining. The stones shall be inspected prior to loading and all such stones
shall be removed immediately.

Unloading of trucks or containers at the job site shoed also be done carefully to avoid

Double handling, moving stone at the job site, will greatly increase the possibility of
breakage of chipping.
Site Storage
The storage areas should be adequate, accessible, and the moving of materials of other
trades should be limited.
If unbundled and if the stones are raw, the stone shall be stacked on timber or platforms at
least 100mm above the ground, and the utmost care shall be taken to prevent staining or
impact damage of the granite/sandstone.
If storage is to be prolonged, polythene or other suitable, non-staining film shall be placed
between any wood and finished surface of the granite. Polythene or other suitable non-
staining film may also be required as protective covering.
Salt/Acids shall not be used for any purpose involving its contact with the stone.

Defective Materials (pre-installation)

Any piece of stone showing flaws upon receipt at the storage yard or building site shall be
referred to the EIC for determination as to whether it shall be rejected, patched or redressed
for use.

Quality Assurance

Material Test Reports

Visual and Physical and other site inspection to determine the integrity of stone

Additional tests are to be carried out by the contractor as per instructions of the EIC, tests
may be random samples or from particular lot/s of material, any material not found
confirming to the sample material shall be rejected by the EIC/Architect.

The sampling criteria shall be as per the discretion of the PMC and shall be
adequate to ensure the quality of the stone.
The Contractor shall deploy Site Engineer with adequate experience for stone work in
similar work.
Proceed with the installation of the stonework in accordance with Drawings and using skilled
masons capable of proper handling of the setting of the stone and able to field cut where
necessary with sharp and true edges.
The stonework includes, but is not necessarily limited to, the following:
Set stone with joints uniform in appearance and stone edges and faces aligned to tolerances
All preparation for stonework, including but not limited to, submittals, site erection, and
sample installations as specified herein.
Masonry, Cladding, Interior direct cladding to architectural work and partitions, interior stone
flooring, stone thresholds, and countertops.
All anchors, supports, inserts and fasteners for the above, fabrication and installation of
Provide expansion, control, and pressure-relieving joints of widths and at locations as
Clean surfaces that are dirty or stained. Scrub with fiber brushes, and then rinse with clear
Sample approval shall Include:
Include Maximum & Minimum Dimensions of stones for Rubble Masonry Work.
bedding, bonding, jointing details.
Coursing levels/dimensions in Coursed Rubble Masonry Work.
details of weep holes.
Bonding Stone for Adhered Stone Masonry/Composite Masonry i.e. 3 No /sq. mtr. minimum.
Show widths of expansion.

Build mockups to demonstrate aesthetic effects and to set quality standards for all materials
and execution.
Random Rubble & Coursed Rubble Masonry
Size of Stones
Normally stones used should be small enough to be lifted and placed by hand.
Unless otherwise indicated, the length of stones for stone masonry shall not exceed three
times the height and the breadth or base shall not be greater than three-fourth the thickness
of wall, or not less than 15 cm. The height of stone should be up to 30 cm.

Categories of Random Rubble Masonry

Un-coursed random rubble masonry: Un-coursed random rubble masonry shall be
constructed with stones of sizes (as referred to in para above) and shapes picked up random
from the stones brought from the approved quarry. Stones having sharp corners or round
surfaces shall, however, normally not be used.

Random Rubble Masonry brought to course: Random rubble masonry brought to the course
is similar to un-coursed random rubble masonry except that the courses are roughly leveled
at intervals varying from 30 cm to 90 cm in height according to the size of stones used.

Categories of Coursed Rubble Masonry

Coursed Rubble Masonry is to be of First Sort

Dressing for Coursed Rubble Masonry First Sort

Face stones shall be hammer dressed on all beds and joints to give them approximately
rectangular block shape. These shall be squared on all joints and beds. The bed joint shall
be rough chisel dressed for at least 8 cm back from the face, and side joints for at least 4 cm
such that no portion of the dressed surface is more than 6 mm from a straight edge placed
on it. The bushing on the face shall not project more than 4 cm as an exposed face and one
cm on a face to be plastered. The hammer dressed stone shall also have a rough tooling for
minimum width of 2.5 cm along the four edges of the face of the stone, when stonework is
The mortar for jointing shall be specified and shall conform to IS 2250 and CPWD

Laying of Coursed Rubble Masonry First Sort

The walls shall be carried up truly plumb or to specified batter. All courses shall be laid truly
horizontal and all vertical joints shall be truly vertical. The height of each course shall not be
less than 15 cm nor more than 30 cm.

Face stones shall be laid with alternate headers and stretchers. No pinning shall be allowed
on the face. No face stone shall be less in breadth than its height and at least one-third of
the stones shall tail into the work for length not less than twice their height.

The hearting or the interior filling of the wall shall consist of stones carefully laid on their
proper beds in mortar (50 mm thick mortar bed, ratio 1:4 (1 Cement: 4 Coarse sand)
ensuring that no hollow spaces are left anywhere in the masonry. The chips shall not be
used below the hearting stone to bring these up to the level of face stones. The use of chips
shall be restricted to the filling of interstices between the adjacent stones in hearting and
these shall not exceed 10% of the quantity of stone masonry.
The masonry in a structure shall be carried up uniformly but where breaks are unavoidable,
the joints shall be raked back at an angle not steeper than 45°.Toothing shall not be allowed.
Coursed rubble masonry shall be supported with Galvanized iron bars of 10mm diameter
provided 9 Nos. in every 1 Square meter. Through GI bars shall be provided in Z shape from
internal brick work up to 50mm behind stone masonry faceor as directed by Engineer-in-
RCC Band face shall be smooth finish face and should be provided in interval as shown in
drawing in coursed rubble masonry.
Bond or through stones running right through the thickness of walls, shall be provided in
walls up to 450 cm thick and in case of walls above 60 cm thickness, a set of two or more
bond stones overlapping each other by at least 15 cm shall be provided in a line from face of
the wall to the back.
Bond Stones: Coursed Rubble Masonry
A set of bond stones shall be inserted 1.5 to 1.8 meters apart, in every course. Bond stone
should be 3 Numbers minimum in 1 square meter.

Quoin and Jamb Stones: Random Rubble Masonry

The quoin and jamb stones shall be of selected stones neatly dressed with hammer or chisel
to form the required angle. Quoin stones shall not be less than 0.01 cum. in volume. Height
of quoins and jamb stones shall not be less than 15 cm. Quoins shall be laid header and
stretcher alternately.
Quoins: Coursed Rubble Masonry
The quoins shall be of the same height as the course in which these occur. These shall be at
least 45 cm long and shall be laid as stretchers and headers alternately. These shall be laid
square on the beds, which shall be rough chisel dressed to a depth of at least 10 cm. In case
of exposed work, these stones shall have a minimum of 2.5 cm wide chisel drafts at four
edges, all the edges being in the same plane.

Joints: Random Rubble Masonry

Stones shall be so laid that all joints are fully packed with mortar and chips. Face joints shall
not be more than 20 mm thick.
The joints shall be struck flush and finished at the time of laying, when plastering or pointing
is not to be done. For the surfaces to be plastered or pointed, the joints shall be raked to a
minimum depth of 20 mm when the mortar is still green.
Joints: Coursed Rubble Masonry First Sort

All bed joints shall be horizontal and all side joints vertical. All joints shall be fully packed with
mortar. Face joints shall not be more than one cm thick.
When plastering or pointing is not required to be done, the joints shall be struck flush and
finished at the time of laying. Otherwise, joints shall be raked to a minimum depth of 20 mm
by raking tool during the progress of work, when the mortar is still green.
Single scaffolding having one set of vertical support shall be allowed. The supports shall be
sound and strong, tied together by horizontal and inclined bracing, pieces, over which the
scaffolding planks shall be fixed. The inner end of the horizontal scaffolding member may
rest in a hole provided in the masonry. Such holes, however, shall not be allowed in pillars
under one meter in width. The holes left in masonry work for supporting scaffolding shall be
filled and made good with cement concrete 1:3:6 (1 Cement: 3 coarse sand: 6 stone
aggregate 20 mm nominal size).
Masonry work in cement or composite mortar shall be kept constantly moist on all faces for a
minimum period of seven days.
Green work shall be protected from rain by suitable covering. The work shall also be suitably
protected from damage, mortar dropping and rain during construction.
Excess materials and waste
Excess Stone: Stack excess stone where directed by Owner for Owner's use.
Disposal as Fill Material: Dispose of clean masonry waste, including mortar and excess or
soil- contaminated sand, by crushing and mixing with fill material as fill is placed.
Crush masonry waste to less than 100 mm in greatest dimension.
Mix masonry waste with at least 2 parts of specified fill material for each part of masonry
Excess Masonry Waste: Remove excess clean masonry waste that cannot be used as fill, as
described above, and other waste, and legally dispose of off Owner's property.
Cleaning and Protection
Masonry cleaners: Manufacturer's standard-strength cleaner designed for removing
mortar and grout stains, efflorescence, and other new construction stains from
stone/masonry surfaces without discoloring or damaging masonry surfaces;
expressly approved for intended use by cleaner manufacturer and stone producer.

Protection of Stone Masonry:
During construction, cover tops of walls, projections, and sills with water proof
sheeting at end of each day's work. Cover partially completed stone masonry when
construction is not in progress.
Extend cover a minimum of 1200 mm down both sides, and hold cover securely in

Protection of Finished Work

After the stonework is Complete, the stone shall be properly and adequately protected from
Boxing or other suitable protection shall be provided wherever required, but no lumber which
may stain or deface the stone shall be used. All nails used shall be non-corrosive and shall
be removed after completion of masonry work.
Stain Prevention

Immediately remove mortar and soil to prevent them from staining stone masonry face.
Protect base of walls from rain-splashed mud and mortar splatter, using coverings spread on
the ground and over the wall surface.
Protect sills, ledges, and projections from mortar droppings.
Protect surfaces of window and door frames, as well as similar products with painted and
integral finishes, from mortar droppings.
Scope of Work
The scope of work shall be all inclusive for the item and shall include the cost of materials
and labour required for all the operations described above and shall include the following.
Raking out joints for plastering or pointing or finishing flush; Preparing tops and sides of
existing wall for raising and extending; Rough cutting and waste for forming gables, cores,
skew backs or spandrels of arches, splays at eaves and all rough cutting in the body of
walling; Bond stones or cement concrete bond blocks making holes for pipes etc.; Bedding
and pointing wall plates, lintels, sills, etc., in or on walls, Building in ends of joists, beams,
lintels, etc.


The wood work in general shall be carried out as per CPWD Specifications 2009, Volume-I &
II with upto date revisions/ amendments/correction slips.
The factory shall be got approved from the Engineer-in-charge before commencement of
work for factory made wood work. The sample of timber to be used shall be deposited by the
contractor with Engineer-in-charge before commencement of work.
The shape and size of beading shall be as per drawings. The joints of beading shall be
Timber shall be of specified species, good quality and well-seasoned. It shall have uniform
colour, reasonably straight grains and shall be free from knots, cracks, shakes and sapwood.
It shall be close grained. The contractor shall deposit the samples of species of timber to be
used with the Engineer-in-Charge for testing before commencement of the work.
Wood work shall not be painted, oiled or otherwise treated before it has been approved by
the Engineer-in-charge. All portion of timber including architrave abutting against masonry,
concrete, stone or embedded in ground shall be painted with approved wood preservative or
with boiling coal tar.
The contractor(s) shall produce cash voucher and certificates from approved Kiln Seasoning
Plants about the timber used on the work having been kiln seasoned and chemically treated
by them, falling which it would not be so accepted as kiln seasoned and/or chemically

Factory made wooden flush door shutters shall be carried out as per CPWD Specifications
2009, Volume-I & II with upto date revisions/ amendments/correction slips. The factory shall
be got approved from the Engineer-in-charge before commencement of work for factory
made wooden flush door shutters. Flush door shutters shall have a solid core and of the
non-decorative type as per IS 2202 (Part I). Nominal thickness of shutters should be 35 mm
excluding thickness of laminates. Factory pressed laminates of specified shade and
thickness shall be provided on both side of the shutter. Panel door shall be as shown in arch
drawing of door & window schedule.
Width and height of the shutters shall be as shown in the drawings or as indicated by the
Engineer-in- Charge. All four edges of the shutters shall be square. The shutter shall be free
from twist or warp in its plane. The moisture content in timbers used in the manufacture of
flush door shutters shall be not more than 12 per cent when tested according to IS 1708.

Lipping, shall be provided internally on all edges of the shutters. Lipping shall be done with
battens of Second-class teak wood or as specified of depth not less than 10 mm with
melamine matching polish. Joints shall not be permitted in the lipping.

Tolerance on width and height shall be + 3 mm and tolerance on nominal thickness shall be
± 1.2 mm. The thickness of the door shutter shall be uniform throughout with a permissible
variation of not more than 0.8 mm when measured at any two points.
Samples of flush door shutters shall be subjected to the following tests:
(a) End Immersion Test
(b) Knife Test
(c) Glue Adhesion Test
One end of each sample shutter shall be tested for End Immersion Test. Two
specimens of 150 x 150 mm size shall be cut from the two corners at the other end of each
sample shutter for carrying out Glue Adhesion Test. Knife Test shall be done on the
remaining portion of each sample shutter.

The work shall be executed through approved agencies to be approved by the Engineer in
The contractor shall propose well in advance to Engineer-in-Charge, the names and address
of the factory where from the contractor intends to get the shutters manufactured along with
the credential of the firm. The contractor shall place the order for manufacturing of shutters
only after obtaining approval of the Engineer in Charge whose decision in this case shall be
final & binding. In case the firm is not found suitable he shall propose another factory. The
factory may also be inspected by a group of officers before granting approval; shutters shall
however he accepted only if these meet the specified test.
Contractor will arrange stage wise inspection of the shutters at factory by the Engineer-in-
Charge or his authorized representative. The contractor will have no claim if the shutters
brought at site in part or full lot are rejected by the Engineer-in-Charge due to bad
workmanship / quality. The contractor shall remove the same from the site of work within 7
days after the written instruction in this regard are issued by the Engineer-in-Charge.
The shutters should be brought at site without primer / painting.
All portion of timber including architrave abutting against masonry concrete stone or
embedded in ground shall be painted with approved wood preservative or with boiling coal
tar as peritem.
All fittings and fixtures shall be got approved from the Engineer-in-Charge before
procurement well in advance and the approved samples shall be kept at site till completion
of thework.

Wooden Panelling Veneer
Providing and fixing 4mm thick Veneer on both side pasted and pressed with adhesive to
give a uniform and smooth finish, all sides of veneer panels with wooden member surround,
top mouldings / margins, melamine polish etc. to finish the thickness. All members / ply etc.
shall be treated with anti-termite solution as per norms.
Wooden Panelling Laminated
Providing and fixing 1 mm thick Laminate on both side pasted and pressed with adhesive to
give a uniform and smooth finish, including top mouldings / margins, melamine polish etc. to
finish the thickness. All members / ply etc. shall be treated with anti-termite solution as per
Door Hardware
Door Hardware Fitting shall be of Stainless Steel 304 Grade, or aluminum or as specified as
per Door hardware Schedule provided in Arch drawings etc. These shall be well made,
reasonably smooth, and free from sharp edges and corners, flaws and other defects. Screw
holes shall be counter sunk to suit the head of specified wood screws. All fittings and fixtures
shall be got approved from the Architect/Engineer-in Charge before procurement well in
advance and the approved samples shall be kept at site till completion of the work.
Door/ Window Fittings/ Hardware shall be fixed in proper position as shown in the drawings
or as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge. These shall be truly vertical or horizontal as the
case may be. Stainless Screws of approved make shall be driven home with screw driver
and not hammered in. Recesses shall be cut to the exact size and depth for the counter
sunking of hinges.
Final Hardware Schedule:
Hardware schedule shall be submitted contractor to Engineer-In-Charge for approval before
fabrication or delivery of hardware to Site.
Hinges shall be in 5 Knuckled satin stainless-steel finish as Approved by Engineer-in-charge
/ Architect. Hinges shall be suitable for the location and the intended function of the doors,
including size and weight of the door, door swings and wind pressure, in accordance with the
product information and relevant standards. Selection of hinges to conform to EN 1935.
Hinges shall of a suitable type to match other items on the door. In Fire Check doors, all
hinges shall be of 120 minutes fire rated, durability tested for 2 lakh cycles.
Door Hardware (Hs Code-8302) ,BsEn (1906:2012)
This section includes all items known commercially as finish or door hardware that are
required for swing, sliding and folding doors, except special unique hardware specified in
same section as doors and frames on which they are installed IS or other codes.
Door Closers
Door closers and controllers shall be approved types, suitable for the location the intended
function of the doors, including size and weight of the door, door swings and wind pressure,
in accordance with the product information and relevant standards. All door closers to
comply with EN 1154 or equivalent standard.
Rack and pinion door closer conforming to EN 2-5, EN 5 – 7 or equivalent standard. as per
width and weight parameters of the door. Closing speed and latching speed shall be
controlled by separate concealed key operated valves. External doors facing high wind
conditions and internal doors likely to be opened with high forces shall be having back check
to protect the door and adjacent wall damage. Door closers to be CE marked.
Where practicable, surface mounted closers shall be concealed from view by mounting
inside rooms and stairwells. Do not fix closer to the visible side of public corridors, foyers or
the like. In case it is desirable door closer not to be seen from both sides, concealed type
door closer to be used which is installed inside the cut out on frame or door and the closer is
not visible from both sides of the door.
Floor Closers

For corridor doors and doors for external areas, where applicable, Floor closers and
controllers shall be approved types, suitable for the location and the intended function of the
doors, including size and weight of the door, door swings and wind pressure, in accordance
with the product information and relevant standards. Floor closers to conform to EN 1154or
equivalent standard. Submit product information, and Controlled Samples if required.
Where specified use floor spring conforming to DIN EN1154or equivalent standard., non-
handed unit suitable for Single and Double doors up to door leaf weight 120kg. Adjustable
spring strength size EN 1-4or equivalent standard., closing speed. Hydraulically fully
controlled closing cycle and back-check. The cement box included with the floor spring. With
optional hold open feature for non-fire rated doors at 90 and 105 degrees fixed.
For heavy doors where specified use universal floor spring conforming to DIN/ EN1154, non-
handed unit suitable for Single and Double doors up to door leaf weight 300kg, external
doors, or doors with high traffic. Adjustable closing speed, hydraulically fully controlled
closing cycle and back-check. Integrated pressure compensation feature for temperature-
independent hold-open between 75-175 degrees, removable. Mechanical hold open feature
not allowed on fire rated doors. Delayed action feature adjustable by value, selectable
alternative to the hold-open feature.
The cover plate to be stainless steel, suitable for both left and right-handed doors. Single
action doors to have spindle with 3 degrees offset for securely closing the door in windy
Lever Handle Sets
Lever handles shall be approved types, suitable for the location and the intended function of
the doors.
Lever handle to be with rose /escutcheon as specified. WC escutcheon for water closet
doors shall be with indicator. Sets to conform to EN 1906 category 4 for high level of usage
in public area. The lever handle, roses and escutcheons to be in satin stainless-steel finish.
Lever handles to be with spindle, secured by non-reversible spring clips into serrations
located on spindle. The back plates to be of steel base and have extended depth, strong
enough to transmit forces to the door leaf, and have a compensating collar with spring clip
for easy but secure snap in installation. Fixing bolts to be back-to-back fixing, M5 bolts, with
steel support lugs for precise retention of the assembly position and slip-free fitting of the
furniture set to the door leaf.
For narrow stile doors narrow profile rose, escutcheons and cranked level handle to be used.

Pull Handles
Pull handles shall be approved types, suitable for the location and the intended function of
the doors.
Submit product information, and Controlled Samples if required.
Pull handles to be with single side and back to back fixing as specified.

Mortise Locks
Locks and latches shall be approved types, suitable for the location and the intended
function in accordance with the relevant standards.
Locks and latches to conform to EN 12209. Submit product information, and Control
Samples as directed.
Where the Fire rated doors, mortice lock sets should be 120 minutes fire rated and have
durability as per 2 lakh cycles.
Unless otherwise indicated, locksets and latch-sets shall be mortise type. Use only
proprietary strike plates nominated for the required locks or latches.
All Euro profile cylinders and locksets shall be from one manufacturer, unless otherwise
Lock case to be sealed and zinc plated. Nickel Plated Latch and/or bolt. Bolt projection to be
double throw, 20mm, with 8mm square steel follower mounted in drawn steel bushes.
Springs and other moving parts not fabricated from brass shall be corrosion-resistant steel
alloy or stainless steel. Fore ends to be 24mm width, square edges, of stainless steel
material in satin finish. Locks to be for euro profile cylinders with 55mm back set. For narrow
stile doors the lock back set to be less than or equal to 35mm. Latch should be steel material
for Fire rated doors.
High frequency doors should have special bronze-bushed self-adjusting clamp follower for
Rattle-free lever handles and maintenance free, lubricated silent pattern latch.
Key And Cylinders
Cylinders shall be approved types, suitable for the location and the intended function in
accordance with the relevant standards. Cylinders to conform to EN 1303.Submit product
information, and Control Samples if directed.
Cylinders to be Euro-Profile keyed under a master key system, each cylinder to have 3
change keys and master key in public buildings (Academic and Hostels). The cylinders
should have protection against picking, scanning, and manipulation. The cylinder should
have a solid steel cam and special keyway.
Master keying to be done in factory and records maintained. Access to additional keys to be
through authorized representative of owner only. The master key system should have 3 keys
per cylinder and master keys based on key schedule approved by the consultant.
Where specified cylinders to have thumb-turn on one side. Exit devices which have a trim,
should have single cylinder.
Cylinders and keys shall be code stamped with an identification number in an approved
location. Verify identification numbers with the Principal before stamping.
Mop Plates, Kick Plates And Push Plates
Door protection plates shall be approved proprietary types, suitable for the location and the
intended function, in accordance with the Product Information. Submit product information,
and Control Samples if directed. Applied facings to doors and kick plates shall be approved
types to match control samples. Verify edge details on shop drawings before commencing.
Applied facings shall be factory bonded where practicable. Fully faced doors shall be factory
matched with door frames to minimize requirement for site adjustment.
Use water-resistant adhesive or other suitable concealed methods. No mechanical fixings
shall be visible in the completed work. Finish exposed edges with smooth edges.
Unless otherwise indicated, width of applied facings shall be full width of door. Width may be
reduced to clear doorstops, if approved before commencing.
Kick plates shall be round edge satin stainless steel, 178 mm to 406 mm height as specified
with specified thickness.
Armor Plates shall be satin stainless steel, 940 mm to 1220 mm height as specified.
Mop Plates shall be satin stainless steel, 150 mm height. For Double egress doors the Mob
plate height to be equal to the Kick plate.

Door Stops
Door stops to be floor mounting or wall mounting type.
Door stops shall be approved proprietary types, suitable for the location and the intended
function, in accordance with the Product Information. Submit product information, and
Control Samples if directed.
Provide door stops to limit door swing where indicated or required to prevent damage to
adjacent work by uncontrolled door opening.
Verify floor or wall mounting locations before installation where not indicated. Do not mount
door stops to un-reinforced lightweight walls.
Where stops for non-fire rated doors are not practicable, provide overhead stays to control
door swing.
Weather stripping And Seals
General: Provide continuous weather stripping on exterior doors and smoke, light, or sound
seals on interior doors where indicated or scheduled. Provide noncorrosive fasteners for
exterior applications and elsewhere as indicated.
Replaceable Seal Strips: Provide only those units where resilient or flexible seal strip is
easily replaceable and readily available from stocks maintained by manufacturer.

Weather stripping at Jambs and Heads: Provide bumper type resilient insert and metal
retainer strips, surface applied unless indicated as mortised or semi mortised.
Weather-stripping at Door Bottoms: Provide threshold consisting of confect-type resilient
insert and metal housing of design and size indicated.

Hardware Finishes
Match items to the manufacturer's standard colour and texture finish for the latch and lock
sets. Provide finishes that match those established by employer
Mount hardware units at heights as indicated, except as specifically indicated or required to
comply with governing regulations and except as otherwise directed by Architect.
Install each hardware item in compliance with manufacturer’s instructions and
recommendations. Where cutting and fitting is required to install hardware onto or into
surfaces that are later to be painted or finished in another way, coordinate removal, storage,
and reinstallation or application of surface protection with finishing work. Do not install
surface mounted items until finishes have been completed on substrates involved.
Set units’ level, plumb, and true to line and location. Adjust and reinforce attachment
substrate as necessary for proper installation and operation.
Drill and countersink units that are not factory prepared for anchorage fasteners. Space
fasteners and anchors in accordance with Industry standards.
Weather stripping and Seals:
Comply with manufacturer’s instructions and recommendations to extent Installation
requirements are not otherwise indicated.
Set interior of thresholds in full bed of sealant and secure with brass screws in expansion
shields spaced not over 3O4mm on centers Extend thresholds full width of opening and
notch at door stops.
Attach weather strips to head and jambs of hollow metal door frames with oval-head
stainless steel, bronze or brass sheet metal screws spaced not over 39mm on centers Miter
weather stripping at comers.
Attach rain-drip to head of hollow mewl door frames with oval-head stainless steel, bronze or
brass sheet metal screws spaced not over 152mm on centers. Extend rain drip full width of
Install automatic door bottoms to mortised (surface at fire rated doors) sill of doors.
Install adjustable door stops to head and jambs of door frame with self- tapping screws
spaced at 304mm on center. Adjust neoprene confect strip to provide uniform seal with door.

Fire rated Wooden Door-120-minute fire rated

Wooden fire rated doors as per BS:476 Part- 20 & 22 & IS 3614 part-1 & part-2 for stability,
integrity and thermal insulation and confirming to IS 277 & NBC:2016 with following
specification. Recommended fire door shall have doors tested at CBRI for maximum rating
of 2hrs tested with vision panel having area not less than 0.1Sqm and with 6mm fire rated
glass. Individual Test certificates should be used in vision lites confirming the required fire
ratings. Any deviation in specification other available for glass than what is mentioned in the
test certificates are not allowed. Proper label confirming the type of door and the hourly
rating is mandatory. Approved manufacturer subject to architect’s/ Engineer-In-Charge

Fire Check Door Shutter shall be of minimum 52mm thick fully flush door with vision lite as
specified in drawing with minimum 2hr fire rating. 50mm thick shutter, comprising of 75mm x
44mm hardwood internal timber frame work, with infill of 48 kg/m3, ceramic fiber blankets,
coated with intumescent coating on both sides for insulation. The coated insulation shall be
sandwiched between maximum 12mm thick Calcium Silicate Boards on both sides (edge to
edge on internal Hardwood frame) having a maximum density of 900 Kgs/ Cum, cladded
with 3mm ply commercial ply on both faces. The same shall be pasted with 1mm thick
laminate as per approved shade on both sides of the shutter, with 50mm x 10mm hard wood
lipping all-round the shutter. The rebate shall be of 20mm x 54mm in the Door Frame to
accommodate the shutter. Both frame and shutter shall be fitted with intumescent Fire seal
strips. The shutter fitted with 20x4mm Fire seal and Frame with 2 no. Fire seal of size
10x4mm on all the three sides of the except bottom. The pasting of the laminate should be
done using automatic machine and should be free from any nails or perforations. All the
hardware necessary for Fire Check door shall be with minimum 2hr fire rating. The frame
and shutter shall be considered one unit of minimum 2hr fire rating and have uniform finish.

Glazed Fire Rated Door and Fixed Glass Partitions - 120 Minutes Fire Rated
Glazed Fire Rated Door and Fixed Glass Partitions - 120 Minutes Fire Rated shall be
provided at the specified locations shown in drawings. Glazed fire rated doors tested as per
IS 3614 Part -2 & BS 476 part-20 & part-22 for stability and integrity. The framing is made
out of Pressed Galvanized steel confirming to IS 277 with the following specification.
Recommended fire door shall have doors tested earlier at CBRI against Test Schedule
FR/0253 in accordance with NBC 2016 for maximum rating of 2hrs tested with 11 mm thick
Fire rated Glass Panels. Doors should be finished in Thermosetting Powder Coating desired
RAL Shades. Manufacturer test certificate shall cover doors both single & double leaf doors
and Hardware’s should be as per approved make of fire rated hardware. Any deviation in
specification and sheet thickness other than what is mentioned in the test certificates are not
Permissible. Proper label confirming the type of door and the hourly rating is mandatory. The
installation shall be done as per directions of Engineer-In-Charge including 120 Minutes fire
rated patch fittings/ spiders, powered coated aluminium sections, steel sections etc.

Fire Rated Glass for Parations-120 min rated
120 minutes’ fire rated - integrity and radiation control and partial insulation (EW120) - fully
glazed non-load bearing fixed partition system. The glass should be 11-12 mm thick clear
120 min fire rated for both integrity& radiation control and partially insulated (EW120 EI15),
Non-Wired, Toughened, inter-layered glass having a sound reduction of >37dB, LT of 86%
and compliant to class 2(B)2 category of Impact Resistance as per EN 12600. The glass
should be manufactured in UL & TUV audited Facility and including UL-EU Certification. The
system is tested as per EN 1364-1 or equivalent in Effects Nederland BV or any other
reputed laboratory. The profiles are manufactured from 1.6-1.7 mm galvanized steel sheet
pressed formed to a profile of the dimension of 60 x 70 (overall dimension in mm) as per test
evidence. The profile has to be fixed to the supporting construction by means of M10 or
bigger steel bolts at every 150 mm from the edges and every 500 mm (approx.) c/c. The
glass should be held in its place with the help of minimum 1.6-1.7 mm GI beading which can
be clamped or bolted to the steel screws at every 250 m c/c and a ceramic tape of the cross
section as per the test evidence. The glass should be installed using a ceramic tape. The
glass panes are to be supported on non-combustible 5 mm Calcium Silicate setting blocks.


Panic hardware shall be approved types, suitable for the location and the intended function
in accordance with the relevant standards. Panic hardware to conform to EN 1125. CE
marked Panic hardware sets should be 120 minutes’ fire rated and have durability as per
lakh cycles.
Panic Hardware consisting of Main Panic Latch component, End Component, push bar,
Striker Kit, end caps should be in as per approved finish. Complete set with screws & fixing
Use 1& 2 Point Locking Panic Bolt Set for Double Leaf Rebated Door consisting of 1 Point
locking Panic Latch set for Active Leaf & 2 Point Locking Panic Bolt set on Inactive Leaf in
Silver finish.
Provide External Trim Lever Type Finish: Silver. Complete set including Spindle
Double Skinned Door Shutter
Pure Polyester (UV Resistant Grade) steel door shutter of minimum 45mm thick with double
skinned with 0.8-1.0 mm galvanized steel sheets (bending radius 1.2) mm spangle free of
size to fit the frame, stressed-skin design, (no visible joint on faces), lock seam joint (without
any visible weld joints on the vertical edges also) and flush top with inverted channel; and
with paper honey-comb infill bonded to the skin with PU/Co-polymer resins, pre-punched
/pre-drilled to receive ironmongery as per the manufacturer specification. Suitable
reinforcement is to be provided in the door shutter to receive the hardware. The doors with
double shutters are to be provided with astragals on both sides & astragals to be fitted to the
door without any fasteners. The shutter to be fixed with SS hinges 304 grades (size
100x75x3mm). This also includes the door frame (section size 100x57) made from 1.2mm
thick GI steel /GP steel pressed to single rebate profile for better structural strength. Frames
are to be fixed with fasteners.


All steel work shall be carried out as per CPWD Specifications. (Volume 1) 2009 with up-to-
date correction slips.

Structural Steel Work:

The scope of work for the contractor in respect of structural steel work shall cover, but shall
not be limited to thefollowing:

i) Structural steel work/structure shall cover all composite structure works consisting of
structural steel and RCC in combination. It shall also cover steel trusses and misc
structural steelframeworks.
ii) Preparation and submission of complete detailed shop fabricationdrawings
based on the architectural and structural design and drawings including revision in
same as per directions of Engineer-in-charge.
iii) Submission of revised structural design, with calculations and detailed fabrication
drawings, in case any substitution is required in the designed sections with prior
approval of Engineer incharge.
iv) Submission of detailed erection plan/methodology for all structural members of
structural steel structure, compatible with the details of fabrication. Also complete
drawings & phase wise instructions for all the activities required to erect steel
structure in final position, shall besubmitted.
v) Submission of shuttering, staging and scaffolding details for casting of deck slab
over the erected “Steel PlateGirders”
vi) Submission of details of specialized agency for steel fabrication in workshop and
erection at site of structural steel work, which the contractor propose to associate for
structural steel work. The agency for fabrication of steel members in workshop and
agency for erection of these steel members at site should preferably be same. The
specialized agency should satisfy the experience requirements as stipulated in bid
document elsewhere. Details should include experience of specialized agency in
similar structural steel works, financial capabilities. location of workshop, fabrication
facilities available in fabrication workshopetc.
vii) Procurement and testing of all raw structural steel materials in lots for fabrication
taking into account wastage margin etc., including storage and upkeep of
viii) Providing all materials, labour, tools & plant and equipments and all types of
consumables required for fabrication using Gas Metal Arc welding (MIG welding) or
Submerged arc welding including all necessary bolts, nuts, washers with
ix) Fabrication of the steel works in accordance with the approved fabrication drawings,
including all shop assembling, matching and marking. Design, manufacture/
fabrication and provision of all jigs, fixings, manipulators etc. required for
x) Suitably marking, bundling and packing for transport of all fabricated materials.
xi) Preparing and furnishing detailed bill of materials, drawing Office dispatch lists, Bolts
Lists and any other lists of bought out items required in connection with the
fabrication of the structuralsteelwork.
xii) Loading and transporting all fabricated steelwork and field connection materials
including site unloading and erection of structure in final position with all bolts, nuts,
insert plateetc.
xiii) The contractor shall provide general assistance during complete erection for solving
any problem related to fabrication or site assembling of the structural steelwork. The
contractor shall ensure the presence of the qualified and experienced Erection
Engineer during complete erection work atsite.
xiv) All major/ minor modifications of the fabricated steel structures, as directed by the
Engineer-in-charge, including but not limited to thefollowing:
a. Removal of bends, kinks, twists etc. for parts damaged during transportation
b. Cutting, chipping, filling, grinding etc. if required or preparation and finishing
of siteconnections.
c. Reaming of holes for use of higher size bolt if required.

d. Re-fabrication of parts damaged beyond repair during transport and handling

or re-fabrication of parts which are incorrectlyfabricated.
e. Fabrication of parts omitted during fabrications by error, or subsequently
f. Drilling of hole, with prior approval of Engineer-in-charge, which are either not
drilled at all or are drilled in incorrect location during fabrication. Drilling of
holes for connections of all structural members shall otherwise be done in
fabrication workshoponly.
xv) Carry out tests in accordance with the related Specification which will be inspected
xvi) Details of erection equipment machinery including capacity &specifications, tools,
tackles etc. to be used for erection purpose.

xvii) Necessary formwork & staging required for erection of structural members including
design of formwork for all the anticipatedloads.
xviii) All procedures and tests on welds as per specifications and welded parts to ensure
the strength requirements ofjoints.
Submittals :On commencement of the work pertaining to steel structure, the Contractor
shall submit the following in twosets:
a. Detailed baseline program, material procurement schedule, shop/working drawings,
submission of samples, process/methodology of fabrication & delivery to site storage
yard and erection at site for the approval of the Engineer-in-charge.
b. Complete fabrication drawings, schedule of quantity, cutting lists, bolt lists,

c. Results of any tests, as and when conducted and as required by theEngineer-in-

d. Manufacturers mill test reports/certificates in respect of steel materials, bolts, nuts
and electrodes etc. as may beapplicable.
e. A detailed list of all Plant & Equipment such as cranes, derricks, winches, welding
sets, all consumables, grinding and hole drilling machine etc. their make, model,
present condition and location, available to the contractor and the ones he will
employ on the job to maintain the progress of work in accordance with thecontract.
f. The total number of experienced personnel of each category like fitters, welders,
riggers etc., which he intends to deploy on the project.

The Engineer-in-charge reserves the right to make changes in the design drawings even
after release for preparation of shop drawings to reflect addition, omission & modifications in
data/details and requirements. Contractor shall consider such changes as part of these
Specifications and the contract and no extra claims shall be entertained on thisaccount.

Design and drawings will show as appropriate the salient dimensions of structural members.
Design loads, if needed shall be made available. Any other relevant information required for
the preparation of fabrication drawings, designs and erection details shall be provided to
contractor byEngineer-in-charge.
It shall be clearly understood that the drawings submitted to the contractor will be design
drawings. The typical details of connection, cuts, gusset plate shapes notches, bends, etc.
wherever shown in the design drawings are only for general guidance of the contractor. The
contractor shall develop all such details based on the design drawings.

In case of variations in design drawings and specifications, the decision of the Engineer-in-
charge shall be final. Should the contractor, find any discrepancy in the information furnished
to him, same shall be immediately brought to the notice of Engineer-in-charge for resolution.
The contractor shall obtain clarifications on discrepancies from Engineer-in-charge before
proceeding with thework.

No detailed shop drawings will be accepted for examination by the Engineer-in-charge

unless these have first been completely checked by the contractor's qualified structural
engineer. The contractor shall check and ensure that detailing of connections is carefully
planned to obtain ease in erection of structures, including field bolting or field connection of
temporary structure to permanent structure. Any temporary structure which is used for
erection or launching purpose and required to be welded to permanent structural works shall
be accounted for in fabrication drawings. Permission shall be obtained before welding or
holing is done in permanent structures other than as shown in design drawings or approved
fabrication drawings. In case of field bolted connection between temporary structure and
permanent structural works, all necessary holes provision shall be left during fabrication

No fabrication work shall be started by the contractor without approval of Engineer-in-

charge on the relevant drawings. Approval by the Engineer-in-charge of any of the drawings
shall not relieve the contractor of his responsibility of workmanship, fit of parts, details,
materials and errors or omissions of anywork.

The contractor shall furnish three sets of prints of shop drawings as advance drawing (for
approval) and four set of prints of all approved final shop drawings along withsoft copy in
CD/pendrive for field use and record purpose.

The Contractor shall specify the name of workshop where he intends to get the fabrication
work carried out. The fabrication shop should have facility for at least sub- merged arc/metal
arc welding machine, shearing machine, CNC plasma machine, pug mill, edge beveling
machine, flame cutting machine, grinders, sand blasting equipments, facilities for lifting and
handling of large span and heavy structural membersetc.

The drawings prepared by the Contractor and all subsequent revisions thereof shall be at
the cost of the Contractor and no separate payments shall be made for the same. Revisions
shall incorporate all modifications, field changes, substitutions etc.effected.

The Contractor shall give due consideration to the need of trial assemblage at shop, weight
and size limitation of elements for transportation from shop to site storage yard/Erection site,
temperature variation of 25 degree centigrade between the fabrication shop and site, site
measurements of as-built dimensions and position of pockets etc. for bolts and avoidance of
site welding except forfixtures.
All the drawings shall be prepared in metric units. The drawings should preferably be of A-2
or A-1 standard size, and the details shown therein shall be clear and legible. These
drawings shall include but shall not be limited to thefollowing:

a. Assembly drawings, giving exact sizes of the sections to be used and identification
marks of the various sectionsmembers.
b. Dimensional drawings of base plans, anchorage detail of bearing bolts locationetc.
c. Complete quantity schedule of materials and detailed drawings of allsections.
d. Detailed shop drawings for proper co-ordination with the concrete components to which
the steel members shall be connected, asrequired.
e. Any other drawings or calculations that may be required for proper completion of the
works and clarification of the works or substituted partsthereof.
f. All 'as-built' drawings in 4 prints and 1 plot on Garware film or equivalent and on CD.

Applicable Codes ofPractice

a. The following specifications, standards and codes of practice are included as part of this
Specification. All Standards, specifications, codes of practice including all correction
slips/ amendments uptolast date of submission of tender for this work shall beapplicable.

1. IS:226 Structural Steel (StandardQuality)

2. IS: 800 (1984) Code of Practice for General Construction inSteel.

3. IS: 808 (1989) Dimensions for Hot Rolled Steel Beam, Column,
Channel and Angle Sections.

4. IS:813 Scheme of Symbols forWelding

5. IS: 814 (1991) Covered Electrodes for Manual Metal Arc Welding
of Carbon & Carbon -ManganeseSteel.

6. IS:815 Classification Coding of Covered Electrodes for

Metal Arc Welding of StructuralSteel

7. IS: 816 (1969) Code of Practice for Use of Metal Arc Welding for
General Construction in MildSteel.

8. IS: 817 (1969) Code of Practice for Training and Testing of Metal ArcWelders.

9. IS:822 Inspection of WeldedConnection

10. IS:823 Specification for Workmanship of SteelStructure

11. IS:919(1993) ISO System of Limits & Fits (Part 1 & Part2)

12. IS:961 Structural Steel (HighTensile)

13. IS:1024 Code of Practice for use of Welding in Bridgesand

Structures subject to Dynamic Loading

14. IS:1148(1982) Hot Rolled Rivet Bars (upto 40mm) forStructural

15. IS:1161 Steel Tubes for StructuralPurposes

16. IS:1182(1983) Recommended Practice for Radio Graphic Examinationof
Fusion Welded Butt Joints in Steel Plates.

17. IS:1363(1992 Hexagon Head Bolts, Screws and Nuts of Productgrade

C (Part 1 to Part 3)

18. IS:1364(1992) Hexagon Head Bolts, Screws and Nuts ofProduct

Grades A &B (Part 1 to 5)

19. IS:1367(1991) Technical Supply Conditions for Threaded

Steel Fasteners.

20. IS:1852(1985) Rolling & Cutting Tolerances for Hot-RolledSteel Product.

21. IS:1977(1975) Structural Steel (OrdinaryQuality).

22. IS:2016(1967) PlainWashers.

23. IS: 2062(1992) Steel for General StructuralPurposes.

24. IS:2595(1978) Code of Practice for Radio GraphicTesting.

25. IS:3600(1985) Methods of Testing Fusion Welded Joints (Part 1 to Part9)

26. IS:3613(1974) Acceptance Tests for Wire Flux Combinationsfor

Submerged Arc Welding.

27. IS: 3658(1981) Code of Practice for Liquid Penetrant FlowDetection.

28. IS: 3757(1985) High Strength Friction GripBolts

29. IS:4000(1992) High Strength Friction Grip Bolts in SteelStructures-

Code of Practice
30. IS:4353(1967) Recommendations for Submerged Arc Welding ofMild Steel
and Low Alloy Steel.
31. IS:4923 Hollow Steel Sections for StructuralUse

32. IS:4943(1968) Assessment of Butt and Fillet Fusion Welds inSteel

Sheet, Plate and Pipe.
33. IS:5334(1981) Code of Practice for Magnetic Particle Flow Detectionof
34. IS: 5369,5370 General Requirements for Plain Washers andLock
Washers (1975)
35. IS:5372(1975) Taper Washers forChannels

36. IS:6610 Heavy Washers for SteelStructures

37. IS:5374(1975) Taper Washers for IBeams.

38. IS:6227 Code of Practice for Use of Metal Arc Welding in


39. IS:6623(1985) Specification for High Strength Structuralnuts

40. IS:6649 (1985) Specifications for hardening and tempering
washers for high strength structuralnuts

41. IS:6755(1980) Double Coil Helical SpringWashers.

42. IS:7215(1974) Tolerances for Fabrication of SteelStructure.

43. IS:7205,7273, Safety Requirements for SteelConstruction

44. IS: 7269,7293 Handling of materials &Equipments for SafeWorking

45. IS: 7307(Part I) Destructive & Non-Destructive Test ofWelds

41. IS: 7318 (1974)(PartI) Approval Tests for Welders WhenWelding Procedure
Approval is not required -fusion Welding of Steel.
46. IS:8500(1991) Structural steel -Micro alloyed (Medium andHigh
Strength Qualities) .

47. IS:8613 Wise Flux Combinations for WeldedJoints

48. IS:8910(1978) General requirements of Supply of WeldableStructural

44. IS:9595(1980) Recommendations for Metal Arc Welding of Carbon&
49. IS:12843 Tolerances for Erection of Structural SteelWorks
50. IRC:24: Section V Standard Specifications and code of Practice
for Road Bridges: Steel RoadBridges
51. IRC:22-1986 Standard specification for road bridges Section VI
– Compositeconstruction


a. All materials to be supplied by the Contractor shall conform to relevant Indian

Standards as approved by theEngineer-in-charge.
b. Steel materials required for the work shall be free from imperfections, mill scales,
slag intrusions, laminations, pittings, rusts etc. that may impair strength, durability
and appearance. All materials shall be of tested quality only. Test Certificates in
respect of each consignment shall be submitted to Engineer-in-charge before use in
work. Whenever the materials are permitted for procurement from identified stocks,
a random sample shall be tested at an approved laboratory, as directed by the

Structural steel conforming to IS: 2062: E-250 Grade BR (yield strength=250 MPa)
shall be used for main members of girder structures, cross girder members,
bracings, gussets plates etc unless specifically provided in the drawings otherwise.
Bolts andNuts
Unless otherwise specified all anchor bolts shall be of property class of 8.8 (and size
M40) and shall conform to IS: 1363 (1992), IS:1364 (1992) and IS:1367, as
applicable, and unless specified otherwise, head shall be hexagonal. All nuts shall
conform to property class compatible with the property class of the bolt used.


Unless otherwise specified on drawings washer for HSFG/High Strength bolts shall
be conforming to IS:6649 (1985). Also plain washers shall be conforming to IS:5369
( 1975), unless otherwise specified. One washer shall be supplied with each bolt
and, in case of special types of bolts, more than one washer as needed for the
purpose shall be supplied.

a. All materials shall be so stored as to prevent deterioration, and to ensure the
preservation of their quality and fitness for the work. If required by the Engineer- in-
charge, the materials shall be stored under cover and suitably painted for the
protection against weather condition. Any material, which has deteriorated or has
been damaged shall be removed from site and replaced by new members, as
directed by the Engineer-in-charge at no extra cost andtime.

b. The steel to be used in fabrication shall be stored in a separate stack clear of the
ground section wise andlengthwise.

c. The storage area shall be kept clean and properly drained. Structural steel shall be
so stored and handled in such a manner that members are not subjected to
excessive stresses and damage. Girders and beams shall be placed in upright
position. Long members shall be supported on closely spaced skids to avoid
unacceptable deflection.

d. The Contractor shall have a suitable shop storage yard at his own premises for
storing the fabricated steel structures and other materials. The yard shall have
properfacilitiessuchasdrainageandlightingincludingaccessforcranes,trailers and other
heavy equipments.

e. All Shop / field connection materials, shop paints etc. shall be stored on racks and
patforms, off the ground in a properly covered building by thecontractor.

f. The contractor shall make proper arrangement for sand blasting of steel sections so
that these sand blasted materials may be used for fabrication whereverrequired.


a. This Specification covers the supply, fabrication transportation and erection at Site of
welded structural steelwork, including the supply of approved consumables, electrodes,
wires and other materials required for fabrication and field connections of all structural
steelwork covered under the scope of the Specification. The shear connectors studs as
specified in the drawing shall also be welded in theshop.

b. Execution : Workmanship : General : All workmanship shall be in accordance with the

best practices in modern structural shops. Greatest accuracy shall be maintained in the
manufacture of every part of the work and similar parts shall be strictly interchangeable.
The contractor shall not proceed with any welding until the Engineer-in-charge has
approved his welding plan, which shallinclude.

All information’s on welding procedures, equipment, additives and preheating during welding
operation :
Details of non-destructive testing methods
- Precautions with regard to weldingshrinkage
- Possible treatment of completed welds bygrinding
- Procedure and programme of weldingsequence

c. Templates : Templates used throughout the work shall be of steel. In cases where actual
materials have been used as templates for drilling similar pieces, the Engineer-in-charge
shall decide whether such materials are fit to be used as parts of the finishedstructure.

d. Straightening : All materials shall be straight and free from twists, and if necessary,
before being worked, shall be straightened and/or flattened by pressure,unless required
to be of curvilinear form.
e. Clearance : The clearance between fraying surface of bolted connections shall not be
greater than 1mm at each end. If separation is between 1 to 3mm, the surface should be
tapered to eliminate the separation. Separation of 3mm or more shall be filled with filler
plates / washers. Such situations may be avoided and if situations are more, the
correction may be carried out by the contractor as per the direction of the Engineer-in-

f. Shearing, Cutting and Planning : Cutting shall be done automatically. Cutting by

shearing machine may be used for plates not exceeding 10 mm in thickness provided
that the plate edges be fully enclosed in a weld. For Plates above 10mm, CNC plasma
cutting shall be used provided a smooth and regular surface free from cracks and
notches issecured.
Chipping of edges of plates, wherever necessary, shall be done without damaging the
parent metal. Chipped edges shall be ground to a neat finish and sharp corners and
hammered rough faces shall be rounded off.
The edges and ends of all cut/sheared plates shall be plained/ground. Edge preparation
for welding may be done by machine controlled flame cutting, with edges free from burrs
should be clean and straight.
The butting surfaces at all joints of girders shall be planed so as to butt in close contact
throughout the finished joint.
g. Assembly: All parts assembled for welding shall be in as close contact as practicable
over the wholesurface.
The component parts shall be so assembled that they are neither twisted nor otherwise
damaged. Specified cambers, if any, shall be provided.
All parts of bolted and welded members shall be held firmly in position by means of jigs
or clamps while bolting or welding. No drifting of holes shall be permitted, except to draw
the parts together and no drift used shall be larger than the nominal diameter of the bolt.
Drifting done during assembling shall not distort the metal or enlarge theholes.
Trial assemblies shall be carried out at the fabrication stage to ensure trial assemblies,
accuracy of workmanship. These checks shall be witnessed by the Engineer-in-charge
and such trial assemblies shall be at the cost of the Contractor.
Nothing extra is to be paid for

h. Welding : The welding shall conform to code, IS: 816 (1969) and IS: 9595 (1980) and
other applicable codes and standards, unless otherwise specified. As much work as
possible shall be welded in shops and the layout and sequence of operations shall be so
arranged as to eliminate distortion and shrinkagestresses.

i. Electrodes/Wires / Flux : All electrodes/ wires / flux shall be kept under dry conditions.
Any electrode / wires /flux damaged by moisture shall not be used unless it is guaranteed
by the manufacturer that, when it is properly dried, there will be no detrimental effect.
Any electrode, which has part of its flux coating broken away or is otherwise damaged,
shall be rejected. Any electrode /wires/ flux older than six (6) months from the date of
manufacture shall not be used. Batch certificates for electrodes/ wires /flux shall be
submitted by theContractor.

j. Preparation of Joints : The edges shall be prepared, with an automatically controlled

flame cutting torch, correctly to the shape, size and dimensions of the groove,
prescribed in the design and fabrication drawings. In case of U-groove joints, the edges
shall be prepared with an automatic false cutting torch in two phases, following a bevel
out with a gouging pass or bymachining.

The welding surfaces shall be smooth, uniform and free from fins, tears, notches
or any other defects, which may adversely affect welding, and shall be free of
loose scale, slag, rust, grease, paint, moisture or any other foreign material.

k. Welding Procedure : All welding procedures shall be submitted to the Engineer-in-

charge for approval, well before starting fabrication. The welding procedures shall be
arranged by the Contractor to suit the details of the joints, as indicated in the drawings,
and the position at which welding has to be carried out. Welding procedure shall cover

i. Type and size ofelectrodes

ii. Current and (for automatic submerged arc welding) arcvoltage
iii. Length of run per electrode; or (for automatic welding) speed oftravel
iv. Number and arrangement of runs in multi runwelds
v. Position ofwelding
vi. Preparation and set-up ofparts
vii. Weldingsequence
viii. Pre or postheating
ix. Any other relevantinformation.
x. Welding of 20 mm and more thick plates shall be done by beveling of edge to
The welding procedures shall be so arranged that distortion and shrinkage stresses
are reduced to the minimum. Any weld found defective shall be removed, by using
either chipping hammer or gouging torch, in such a manner that parent material is not
injured in any way. Welding shall not be carried out when temperature is below 10
degrees Celsius or surface is wet or during periods of strong winds unless the work
and the welder is adequately protected.

l. Fusion Faces and Surrounding Surfaces : Fusion faces and the surrounding surfaces
within 50mm of the welds shall be free from all mill scale and free from oil, paint or any
substance which might affect the quality of the welds or impede the quality/progress of
welding. These shall be free from irregularities, which would interfere with the
deposition of the specified size of weld or be the cause ofdefects.

All mill scale within 50mm of welds shall be removed prior to welding, either by
pickling followed by thorough power wire brushing, or by other approved
methods. If preparation or cutting of the fusion faces is necessary, the same
shall be carried out by shearing, chipping, gas cutting or flame gouging. Where
hand gas cutting or hand gouging is employed, the blowpipe or gouging
blowpipe shall be properly guided.

m. Assembly for Welding : Parts to be welded shall be properly assembled and held firmly
in position by means of jigs and clamps prior to and during welding.

n. Plate Construction : Automatic metal arc welding or sub merged arc welding shall be
employed for fabrication of all members. Metal Inert gas welding may be done for short
length where access to the location of the weld does not permit metal arc welding
subject to approval ofEngineer-in-charge.

o. Accuracy of Fit-Up : Parts to be fillet welded shall be brought into as close contact as
practicable, and the gap due to faulty workmanship or incorrect fit-up shall not exceed
1.5mm. If greater separation occurs at any position, the size of fillet weld shall be
increased at such positions by the amount of thegap.

p. Jigs and Manipulators : Jigs and manipulators shall be used, where practicable, and
shall be designed to facilitate welding and to ensure that all welds are easily
accessible to theoperators.
q. Ends of Butt Welded Joints : The ends of butt joints shall be welded so as to provide
full throat thickness. This may be done by the use of extension pieces, cross-runs or
other approvedmeans.
r. Weld Face and Reinforcement of Butt welds : The weld face shall, at all places, be
deposited projecting the surface of the parent metal. Where a flush surface is required,
the surplus metal shall be dressedoff.
s. Testing of Butt Welds : Butt-welded joints are to be radio graphically tested (or Phased
Array ultrasonic Testing) by the Contractor at his own cost in the presence of the
engineer in charge or his authorized representative, if desired by the engineer in
charge. If such tests indicate the joints to be defective, the cost of rectification of
defective welds shall also be borne by the Contractor. The agency for testing of welds
shall be specified for approval byengineer-in-charge.

t. Minimum Leg Length & Throat Thickness in Fillet Welds : The minimum leg length of a
fillet weld as deposited shall be not less than the specified size as per codal provisions.
In no case shall a concave weld be deposited, unless specifically permitted. Where
permitted, the leg length shall be increased above that specified length, so that the
resultant throat thickness is as great as would have been obtained by the deposition of
a flat-faced weld of the specified leglength.

u. Dislodging : After making each run of welding, all slag shall be thoroughly removed and
the surfacecleaned.

v. Quality of Welds : The weld metal, as deposited (including tack welds), shall be free
from-cracks, slag inclusions, porosity, cavities and other deposition faults. The weld
metal shall be properly fused with the parent metal without under cuttingor overlapping
at the toes of the weld. The surface of the weld shall have a uniform consistent contour
and regular appearance.

w. Weather Conditions : Welding shall not be done under weather conditions, which might
adversely affect the efficiency ofwelding.

x. Qualification and Testing of Welders : The Contractor shall satisfy the Engineer- in-
charge that the welders are suitable for the work for which they will be employed, and
shall produce evidence to the effect that welders, have satisfactorily completed
appropriate tests, as described in IS:817 Part I (1992). The Engineer-in- charge may, at
his own discretion, order periodic tests of the welders and/or of the welds produced by
them. Such tests shall be at the expense of theContractor.

y. Supervision : The Contractor shall employ competent welding supervisors to ensure

that the standard of workmanship and the quality of the materials comply with the
requirements laid down in thisdocument.

z. Machining of Butts and Bases : Splices and butt joints of compression members,
depending on contact for stress transmission, shall be accurately machined over the
whole section. In column bases, the ends of shafts together with the attached gussets,
angles, channels etc., after bolting and/or welding together as the case may be, shall
be accurately machined so that the parts connected butt over the entire surface of
contact. Care shall be taken that connecting angles or channels are fixed with such
accuracy that they are not reduced in thickness by machining by more than0.8mm.

Requirement of Welded Joints : Apart from the requirements of welding specified under
the above sub clauses, sections above, the Contractor shall ensure the following
requirements in the weldedjoints.

i) Strength-quality with parent metal.

ii) Absence ofdefects

iii) Corrosion resistance of the weld shall not be less than that of parent material in
an aggressiveenvironment.

Studs : Studs shall be used at interface of in-situ deck slab and plate girderto transfer the
longitudinal shear. Unless otherwise specified the material used shall have characteristic
yield strength of 385 MPa, minimum elongation of 18% and characteristic tensile strength of
495 Mpa.

Welding of stud shear connectors : Unless otherwise provided the stud shear connectors
shall be fusion welded to the plate girder using stud welding machine as per the
manufacturer's instructions. No other type of welding shall bepermitted.
The stud and the surface to which studs are welded shall be free from scale, moisture, rust
and other foreign material. The stud base shall not be painted, galvanised or cadmium
plated prior to welding.
Welding shall not be carried out when temperature is below 10 degrees Celsius or surface is
wet or during periods of strong winds unless the work and the welder is adequately
The welds shall be visually free from cracks and shall be capable of developing at least the
nominal ultimate strength of studs.
The procedural trial for welding the stud shall be carried out when specified by the Engineer-
Shop Assembly: The steelwork shall be temporarily shop assembled, as necessary, so that
the accuracy of fit may be checked before dispatch. The parts shall be shop assembled with
a sufficient number of parallel drifts to bring and keep the parts in place. Since parts drilled
or punched, with templates having steel bushes shall be similar and, as such,
interchangeable, such steelwork may be shop erected in part only, as agreed by

Erection Marking : Each fabricated member, whether assembled prior to dispatch or not so
assembled, shall bear an erection mark, which will help to identify the member and its
position in respect of the whole structure, to facilitate re-erection at site. These erection
marks shall be suitably incorporated in the shop detail and erectiondrawings.

FIELD INSPECTIONS :Field inspections shall be done as per clause 1905.7 ofMORTH


a. The scope of work of these specifications is to establish the norms for ensuring the
required Quality Control through established testing norms of the welded structural
steelwork by Engineer-in-charge.

c. The materials shall be tested in accordance with relevant IS specifications and necessary
test certificates shall be furnished. The cost of these tests shall be borne by the
contractor. Additional tests if required by the engineer in charge shall be got carried out
from the approved testing laboratory. The cost of such additional tests shall be borne by
the contractor if the test indicates failure and shall be borne by the department if the test
indicates all satisfactoryresults.

d. The contractor shall himself inspect all materials and shop work to satisfy the specified
tolerance limits and Quality norms before the same are inspected by Engineer-in-charge
or his authorized representative.

e. All materials, equipment and work of erection shall be subject to the inspection of the
Engineer in charge who shall be provided with all facilities including labour and tools
required at all reasonable times. Any work found defective is liable to berejected.

f. No protective treatment shall be applied to the work until the appropriate inspection and
testing has been carried out. The stage inspection shall be carried out for all operations
so as to ensure the correctness of fabrication and good quality. Plate Girder dimensions
and camber, if any, shall not be finally checked until all welding and heating operations
are completed and the member has cooled to a uniformtemperature.

Testing of material : Structural steel shall be tested for mechanical and chemical properties
as per various IS codes as may be applicable and shall conform to requirements specified in
IS:226, IS:2062, IS:11587, IS:1977, IS:8500 and IS:961 etc.
Rivets, bolts, nuts, washers, welding consumables, steel forging, casting and stainless steel
shall be tested for mechanical and chemical properties in the appropriate IS Code.
Rolling and cutting tolerance shall be as per IS: 1852. The thickness check measurements
for the plate and rolled sections shall be taken at not less than 15 mm from edge. For plates
thicker than 25mm, Check for laminations in plates shall be carried out by ultra-sonic testing
or any other specifiedmethods.
Steelwork shall be inspected for surface defects and exposed edge laminations during
fabrication and blast cleaning. Significant edge laminations found shall be reported to the
Engineer in charge for his decision.
Chipping, grinding, machining or ultrasonic testing shall be used to determine depth
Bolted connections: Bolts and bolted connection joints with high strength bolts shall be
inspected and tested according to IS:4000. The alignment of plates at all bolted splice joints
and welded butt joints shall be checked for compliance with codalrequirements.

Welding and welding consumables: Welding procedure, welded connection and testing shall
be in compliance with codal requirements. All facilities necessary for stage inspection during
welding and on completion shall be provided to the Engineer in Charge or his authorized
representatives. Adequate means of identification either by identification mark or other
record shall be provided to enable each weld to be traced to the welder(s) by whom it was

The contractor shall through appropriate planning and continuous measurements in the
workshop and the erection at site, ensure that the tolerance specified below are strictly
adhered to. Tolerances in dimensions of components of fabricated structural steel work
shall be specified on the drawings and shall be subject to the approval of the Engineer
before fabrication. Unless specified, all parts of an assembly shall fit together accurately
within tolerances specified in Table 1900-2 of MORT&H specifications. A machined bearing
surface, where specified by the Engineer, shall be machined within a deviation of 0.25 mm
for surfaces that can be inscribed within a square of side 0.5m.

Tolerances of Individual Components:

1. Length
± 1mm
(a) Member with both ends finished for contact bearings
(b) Individual components ofmemberswithend plate connection + 0mm
-2 mm

(c) Other members ± 2 mm

(i) Upto and including 12M ± 3.5 mm
(ii) Over 12M
2. Width
± 3 mm
(a) Width of built-up girders

+ 0 mm
(b) Deviation in the width of members required to be inserted in
other members -3 mm

3. Depth +3 mm

Deviation in the depths of solid Web and -2 mm

open web girders
4. Straightness L/3000 subject
+5 mm
(a) Deviation from straightness of columnsIn elevation
-0 mm
L/1000 subject
(ii) In plan

5. Deviation of centre line of web from centre line of flange in 3 mm

built-up member at contact surface
6. Deviation from flatness of plate of web of built- up members 0.005 d to a
in a length equal to the depth of the member maximum of 2 mm
where d is depth of
7. Tilt of flange of plate girders
a) At splices andstiffenersat support, at the top flanges of plate 0.005 b to a
girders and atbearings minimum of 2 mm
where b is width of
the member
b) at other places 0.015 b to a
maximum of 4 mm
where b is width of
the member
8. Deviation from squareness of flange to web of columns and L/1000, where L is
Box girders nominal length of
the diagonal
9. Deviation from squareness of fixed base plate (not machined) D/500, where D is
to axis of column. This dimension shall be measured parallel to the distance from
the longitudinal axis of the column at points where the outer the column axis to
surfaces of the column sections make contact with the baseplate the point under
consideration on
the baseplate

10. Deviation from squareness of machined ends to axes of D/1000, where D is

columns as defined in 9
11. Deviation from squareness of machined ends to axes of D/1000, where D is
beams or girder as defined in 9
12. Ends of members abutting at joints through cleats or end 1/600 of depth of
plates, permissible deviation from squareness of ends member subject to
a maximum of 1.5

Dimensional & Weight Tolerance : The dimensional and weight tolerance for rolled
shapes shall be in accordance with IS: 1852, 808 etc. The acceptable limits of
straightness for rolled or fabricated members as per IS:7215

Quality Control: The steel shall comply in all respects with the requirements of
approved drawings and relevant codes and specifications and shall be procured from
approved manufacturers only. It may be noted that quality of raw steel used for
fabrication shall be essence of the contract & shall be strictly conforming to specified
standard. Steel sections to be supplied by the manufacturers shall be tested as per
codal provisions at the manufacturer’s premises before dispatch. The contractor on
receipt of supply in his fabrication shop shall carry out necessary control tests
including ultrasonic testing as per codal requirements and verify them with the list
received from manufacturers. The rejected lot shall not be used and rejected lot shall
be immediately removed from fabrication shop. Only steel passed in all tests shall be
used for fabrication.
a. The contractor shall supply information in the technical package regarding
source / manufacturers from where procurement of steel isproposed.
b. Tests & TestingProcedures
Fabricator agency shall have in house facilities for all testing of weld, as
detailed in this tender document.
c. Visual Examination : The contractor shall conduct visual examination and
measurement of the external dimensions of the weld for all joints. Before
examining the welded joints, areas close to it on both sides of the weld for a
width not less than 20 mm shall be cleaned of slag and other impurities.
Examination shall be done by a magnifying glass which has a magnification
power of ten (10)
Welded joints shall be examined from both sides. The contractor shall examine
the following during the visual checks.
i) Correctness and shape of the weldedjoints
ii) Incomplete penetration of weldmetal.
iii) Influx
iv) Burns
v) Unweldedcraters
vi) Undercuts
vii) Cracks in welded spots and heat affectedzones
viii) Porosity in welds and spot welds
ix) Compression in welded joints as a result of electrode impact while carrying
out contactwelding
x) Displacement of weldedelement
The contractor shall, document all data as per sound practices.

d. Mechanical Test ; The Contractor shall carry out various mechanical tests to
determine weldability, metal alloyability, nature of break, correct size and type
of electrodes, degree of pre-heat and post-heat treatment. The type, scope and
sample of various mechanical tests shall be determined in agreement with the
purchaser. The number of tests conducted shall depend on the result obtained
to satisfy the Engineer-in-charge that the correct type and size of electrode,
degree of pre-heating and post-heating and weldability of metal are
e. Dye Penetration Test : All welds shall be tested by “Dye Penetration test” as per

Erection Of Steel Structures:

i. The Contractor shall erect the structural steel, remove the temporary
construction, and do all the work required to complete the, construction
included in the contract in accordance with the drawings and the specifications
and to the entire satisfaction of theEngineer.
ii. The Contractor shall submit erection plans prepared by the fabricator, showing
a method and procedure of erection, compatible with the details offabrication.

iii. A detailed scheme must be prepared showing stage-wise activities, with

complete drawings and working phasewise instructions. This should be based
on detailed stagewise calculation and take into account specifications and
capacity of erection equipment machinery, tools, tackles to be used and
temporary working loads as per Codalprovisions.

iv. The scheme should be based on site conditions e.g. hydrology, rainfall
intensity, soil and sub-soil conditions, temperature and climatic conditions and
available working space,etc

v. The scheme should indicate precisely the type of temporary fasteners to be

used as also the minimum percentage of permanent fasteners to be fitted
during the stage erection. The working drawings should give clearly the
temporary jigs, fixtures, clamps, spacer supports,etc.

vi. The contractor shall supply and erect all necessary false work and staging and
shall supply all labour, tools, erection plant and other materials necessary to
carry out the work complete in allrespects.

vii. The Contractor shall supply all bolts, nuts, washers, etc. required to complete
erection at site with an allowance for wastage, etc., of 10% or a minimum of five
number of eachitem.

viii. Prior to actual commencement of erection all equipment, machinery, tools,

tackles, ropes, etc. need to be tested to ensure their efficient working. Frequent
visual inspection is essential in vulnerable areas to detect displacements,
distress, drainages,etc.

ix. Deflection and vibratory tests shall be conducted in respect of supporting

structures, launching truss, cranes etc. as also the structure under erection and
unusual observations reviewed, looseness of fittings are to benoted.
x. For welded structures, welders' qualifications and skill are to be checked as per
standard norms. Non-destructive tests of joints as per Engineer in charge’s
directives are to be carriedout.

xi. Safety requirements should conform to IS:7205, IS:7273 and IS:7269 as

applicable and should be a consideration of safety, economy and rapidity.

xii. Erection work should start with complete resources mobilised as per latest
approved drawings and after a thorough survey of foundations and other
related structural work. In case of work of magnitude, maximum
mechanisationis to be adopted.

xiii. The structure should be divided into erectable modules as per the scheme. This
should be pre-assembled in a suitable yard/platform and its matching with
members of the adjacent module checked by trial assembly beforeerection.

xiv. The structure shall be set out to the required lines and levels. The stocks and
masses are to be carefully preserved. The steelwork should be erected,
adjusted and completed in the required position to the specified line and levels
with sufficient drifts and bolts. Packing materials are to be available to maintain
this condition. Organised “Quality Surveillance” checks need to be

xv. Before starting work, the Contractor shall obtain necessary approval of the
Engineer as to the method adopted for erection, the number and character of
tools and plants. The approval of the Engineer shall not relieve the Contractor
of his responsibility for the safety of his method or equipment or from carrying
out the work fully in accordance with the drawings andspecifications.

xvi. During the progress of work, the Contractor shall have a competent Engineer or
foreman in charge of the work, who shall be adequately experienced in steel
erection and acceptable to the Engineer inCharge.

Handling and Storing ofMaterials

a. Suitable area for storage of structures and components shall be located near
the site of work. The access road should be free from water logging during the
working period and the storage area should be on levelled and firmground.

b. The store should be provided with adequate handling equipments e.g. road
mobile crane, gantries, derricks, chain pulley blocks, winch of capacity as
required. Stacking area should be planned and have racks, stands sleeper,
access tracks, etc., and properlylighted.

c. Storage should be planned to suit erection work sequence and avoid damage
or distortion. Excessively rusted, bent of damaged steel shall be rejected.
Methods of storage and handling steel, whether fabricated or not shall be
subject to the approval of the Engineer incharge.

d. Fabricated materials are to be stored with erection marks visible, such as not to
come into contact with earth surface or water and should be accessible to

e. Small fitting hand tools are to be kept in containers in coveredstores.

f. All materials, consumables, including raw steel or fabricated material shall be

stored specification-wise and size-wise above the ground upon platforms, skids
or other supports. It shall be kept free from dirt and other foreign matter and
shall be protected as far as possible from corrosion and distortion. The
electrodes shall be stored specification-wise and shall be kept in dry warm
condition in properly designed racks. The bolts, nuts, washers and other
fasteners shall be stored on racks above the ground with protective oil coating
in gunny bags. The paint shall be stored under cover in air-tightcontainers.

g. IS:7293 and IS:7969 dealing with handling of materials and equipments for safe
working should be followed. Safety nuts and bolts as directed are to be used
while working. The Contractor shall be held responsible for loss or damage to
any material provided by the Department while in his care or for any damage to
such material resulting from hiswork.
Formwork : The formwork shall be properly designed, substantially built and
maintained for all anticipated loads. The Contractor, if required, shall submit
plans for approval to the Engineer in Charge. Approval of the plans, however,
shall not relieve the Contractor of hisresponsibility.
Straightening Bent Material: The straightening of plates, angles and other
shapes shall be done by methods not likely to produce fracture or any injury.
The metal shall not be heated unless permitted by the Engineer for special
cases, when the heating shall not be to a temperature higher than that
producing a dark “cherry red” colour, followed by as slow cooling as possible.
Following the straightening of a bend or buckle the surface shall be carefully
investigated for evidence of fracture. Sharp kinks and bends may be the cause
for rejection ofmaterial.

Assembling Steel:

a. The parts shall be accurately assembled as shown on the drawings and match
marks shall be followed. The material shall be carefully handled so that noparts
will be bent, broken or otherwise damaged. Hammering which will injure or
distort the members shall not be done. Bearing surface or surfaces to be in
permanent contact shall be cleaned, before the members areassembled.
b. The truss spans shall be erected on blocking, so placed as to give the proper
camber. The blocking shall be left in place until the tendon chord splices are
fully riveted and all other truss connections pinned and bolted. Bolts in splices
of butt joints of compression members and bolts in railings shall not be driven
until the span has beenswung.
c. All joint surface for bolted connections including bolts, nuts, washers shall be
free from scale, dirt, burrs, other foreign materials and defects that would
prevent solid seating of parts. The slope of surface of bolted parts in contact
with bolt head and nut shall not exceed 1 in 20, plane normal to bolt axis,
otherwise suitable tapered washer shall beused.
d. All fasteners shall have a washer under nut or bolt head whichever is turned in
Any connection to be bolted shall be secured in close contact with service bolts
or with a sufficient number of permanent bolts before the rivets are driven or
before the connections are finally bolted. Joints shall normally be made by filling
not less than 50 percent of holes with service bolts and barrel drifts in the ratio
4:1. The service bolts are to be fully tightened up as soon as the joint is
assembled. Connections to be made by close tolerance bolts shall be
completed as soon as practicable after assembly.
Transportation &Handling

a. Before the shop assembling is dismantled, all members and sections shall be
appropriately marked with paint or grooved with their identification numbers
as detailed in shopdrawings.
b. The Contractor shall transport the fabricated structural steel materials to work
site, with all necessary field connection materials, in such sequence as will
permit the most efficient and economical performance of the erection work.
As per scheduled programme, the Engineer-in-charge may,at his discretion
prescribe or control the sequence of delivery ofmaterials.
c. Fabricated parts shall be handled in such a way-that no damage is caused to
the components. Measures shall be taken to minimize damage to the
protective treatment on the steelwork. All work shall be protected from
damage in transit. Particular care shall be taken to stiffen free ends, prevent
permanent distortion and adequately protect all machined surfaces. All bolts,
nuts, washers, screws, small plates and articles generally shall be suitably
packed andidentified.

a. Field bolts nuts and washers shall be furnished by the Contractor in excess of
the nominal numbers required. He shall supply the full number of bolts, nuts
and washers and other necessary fittings required completing the work,
together with the additional bolts, nuts and washers totaling to 10% of the
requirement subject to minimum of 10Nos..
b. At the time of assembly, the surfaces in contact shall be free of paint or any
other applied finish, oil, dirt, loose rust, loose scale, burrs and other defects
which would prevent solid seating of the parts or would interfere withthe
development of friction between them.
c. If any other surface condition, including a machined surface, is specified, it
shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to work within the slip factor
specified for the particularcase.
d. Each bolt and nut shall be assembled with washers of appropriate shape,
quality and number in cases where plane parallel surfaces are involved. Such
washers shall be placed under the bolt head or the nut, whichever is to be
rotated during the tightening operation. The rotated nut or bolt head shall be
tightened against a surface normal to the bolt axis, and the appropriate
tapered washer shall be, used when the surfaces are not parallel. The angle
between the bolt axis and the surface under the non-rotating component (i.e.
the bolt head or the nut) shall be 90 + 3 degree. For angles outside these
limits, a tapered washer shall be placed under the non-rotating component.
Tapered washers shall be correctly positioned.
e. No gasket or other flexible material shall be placed between the holes. The
holes in parts to be joined shall be sufficiently well aligned to permit bolts to be
freely placed in position. Driving of bolts is not permitted. The nuts shall be
placed so that the identification marks are clearly visible after tightening. Nut
and bolts shall always be tightened in a staggered pattern and where there
are more than four bolts in any one joint, they shall be tightened from the
centre of the jointoutwards.
f. If, after final tightening, a nut or bolt is slackened off for any reason, the bolt,
nut and washer or washers shall be discarded and not usedagain.
Tightening ofbolts

a. Bolted connection joints with high strength friction grip bolts shall be inspected
for compliance of codalrequirements.
b. The Engineer shall observe the installation and tightening of bolts to ensure
that correct tightening procedure is used and shall determine that all bolts are
tightened. Regardless of tightening method used, tightening of bolts in a joint
should commence at the most rigidly fixed or stiffest point and progress
towards the free edges, both in initial snugging and in finaltightening.
The tightness of bolts in connection shall be checked by inspection wrench,
which can be torque wrench, power wrench or calibrated wrench. Tightness
of 10 per cent bolts, but not less than two bolts, selected at random in each
connection shall be checked by applying inspection torque. If no nut or bolt
head is turned by this application, connection can be accepted as properly
tightened, but if any nut or head has turned all bolts shall be checked and, if
Painting at Site: Surfaces which will be inaccessible after site assembly shall
receive the full specified protective treatment before assembly. Surfaces
which will be in contact after site assembly shall receive a coat of paint (in
addition to any shop primer) and shall be brought together while the paint is
still wet. Damaged or deteriorated paint surfaces shall be first made good with
the same type of coat as the shop coat. Where steel has received a metal
coating in the shop, this coating shall be completed on site so as to be
continuous over any welds, bolts and site rivets. Specified protective final
painting treatment shall be completed after erection.
Rate : The quoted rate shall include following but not limitedto:

a. Preparation and getting approval of complete detailed fabrication

drawings based on the design drawings, required for all permanent
structures including incorporating the connection details of temporary
structure. Preparation of details for alternative sections/ any
modifications in design drawings. Furnishing required numbers of sets
of drawings as an advance (for approval) and final executiondrawings.
b. Procurement of all raw steel materials including plates & other
sections, HS/ HSFG bolts nuts, washer, shear connector , electrodes /
wires /flux including its testing, allowance for all types of wastages,
temporary works, shuttering, staging, temporary bolts etc. and all
incidentals required to complete the job as per drawings and
specifications and as per instructions of Engineer-in-Charge. All rolling
tolerances shall be within the specified limits as per codal provisions.
Any material with weight lesser than the allowable tolerance limit will
not be acceptable. Payment for overweight materials shall be
restricted to the theoretical weight of the material, provided the same
is within permissible tolerancelimit.
c. Complete fabrication and its testing including shopassembling.

d. Loading, transportation and unloading of fabricated parts and field

connection materials etc to site storage yard or erectionsite.
e. Erection and installation in final position including all site splicing,
bolting, etc. including all tools, machinery, equipments required to
complete thejob should be subsequently extended from time to time
depending upon the progress of work. The Bank Guarantee shall be
released to the extent to the fabricated material reaches the work site
and on completion of activity (e) in good condition and certified by
Engineer in charge thiseffect.
All work in general shall be carried out as per CPWD Specifications (Volume 1) 2009 with
up-to-date correction slips.
Whenever flooring is to be done in patterns of tiles and stones, the contractor shall get
samples of each pattern laid and approved by the Engineer-in-charge before final laying of
such flooring.
Different stones / tiles used in pattern flooring shall be measured separately accordingly to
the item and Laying flooring in pattern shall be in the scope of the work. No additional
wastage, if any, shall be accounted for any extra payment.
Samples of flooring stones/ Tile (Kota/ Marble/ Granite/ Ceramic tiles/ Vitrified tiles/Tandoor
Stone etc.) shall be deposited well in advance with the Engineer-in-Charge for approval.
Approved samples should be kept at site with the Engineer-in-Charge and the same shall
not be removed except with the written permission of Engineer-in-Charge. No payment
whatsoever shall be made for these samples.
The Marble/ Kota/ Granite or any other stone shall be fully supported by the details
establishing the quarry and its location.
Full width Marble/ Kota/ Granite stone over kitchen platform shall be provided which shall not
be less than 900mm long except to adjust for closing pieces. The Granite / stone flooring in
treads and risers of staircase shall be in one piece. This all includes in the scope of work.

Vitrified Tile Flooring

The tiles shall be of approved make and shall generally conform to Table 12 of IS15622. of
minimum 10mm thick full body homogeneous vitrified satin finish anti-skid tiles of size
600x600mm or any other size, with water absorption less than 0.5%, modulus of rupture not
less than 40 N/mm2 and conforming to IS:15622, of approved brand & manufacturer, in
approved colour/ shade laid on 20mm thick bed of cement coarse sand mortar 1:3, including
grouting of joints 6mm wide with polymer modified cementitious grout of approved colour
and complete as direction of Engineer-In-charge.
In general homogenous full body Vitrified tiles of specified sizes shall be used & sample of
tiles shall be got approved from the Engineer-in-Charge. Other all tiles which are not
specified shall be rectified and double charge minimum. The Mandatory tests for vitrified tiles
shall be got done as per CPWD Specifications (volume-1)/relevant BIS Code.

Ceramic Tiles Flooring

Rectified satin finish anti-skid Ceramic floor tiles of size 600X600/300x300 mm, 8mm thick
with water absorption less than 6.0%, modulus of rupture not less than 22 N/mm2
conforming to IS: 15622, of approved make, in approved, colour/ shades, laid on 20 mm
thick Cement Mortar 1:4 (1 Cement: 4 Coarse sand), including grouting of joints 6mm thick
with polymer modified cementitious grout of approved colour and complete as direction of
Engineer-In-charge.The tiles shall be procured from the approved manufactures of the
specified shade &colour.
The floor & wall tiles shall be conforming to IS:15622 for floor and wall tiles respectively.
Tiles for dado shall be of specified size as per drawings (GROUP-III) as approved.Tiles for
flooring shall be specified size as per drawings (GROUP-V) as approved.
Test shall be conducted to satisfy the quality of material as per CPWD Specifications.

The scope of work of flooring is inclusive of providing sunken flooring in bathrooms, kitchen
etc. and nothing extra on this account is admissible. The proper gradient shall be given to
flooring for toilets, verandah, kitchen, courtyard, etc. as per the directions of Engineer-in-
PVC Sport Surface Flooring
Prefabricated sport surface 6.5mm point elastic multipurpose PVC sport surface on 40 mm
thick cement concrete floor of cement concrete 1:2:4 ( 1Cement:2 Coarse sand: 4 graded
20mm stone aggregate), shall be protected by a clear layer of pure PVC (Polyvinyl Chloride)
and Top Clean, a factory applied UV cured urethane treatment. Intermediate layers shall be
fortified with a non-woven fiber glass grid for increased dimensional stability. The foam force
reduction layer shall be high-density closed cell PVC foam with honeycomb embossing, and
is applied in one continuous manufacturing process. It must be EN14041 & EN 14904 class
type flooring having total weight 3295g/m2, and class A acoustic value of less than 65 db.
The item shall be executed as per approved samples, manufacturers’ specifications and
directions of Engineer-in-Charge.
Wooden Flooring
Providing and Fixing of 28 mm thick four layers’ wood on 40 mm thick cement concrete floor
of cement concrete 1:2:4 (1Cement:2 Coarse sand: 4 graded 20mm stone aggregate), with
top layer of 3 mm Maple wood and middle layer of spruce wood with 2 mm of underplaying
foam and plastic. Total size of 28mmx 137mm x 2200 mm. It must be EN14904 certified.
The item shall be executed as per approved samples, manufacturers’ specifications and
directions of Engineer-in-Charge
PVC Vinyl Flooring
Providing & Fixing 2 mm thick homogeneous PVC Vinyl flooring (imported) with a single
layer of PVC on 40 mm thick cement concrete floor of cement concrete 1:2:4 ( 1Cement:2
Coarse sand: 4 graded 20mm stone aggregate), total weight is 3000 g/m2, XR PUR
(polyurethane reinforced, Abrasion group T: ≤2.00 mm, residual indentation approx.0,03
mm, castor wheel test qualified, dimensional stability ≤0.40%, static electrical charge < 2kv,
impact sound reduction approximate +4db, good resistance of scratch, slip, chemical and
fire, doesn’t favor in growth of fungi & bacteria. Clean Room class A certified. 100%
recyclable. Low VOC emissions after 28days of installation (lower than ≤10μg/m3). The item
shall be executed as per approved samples, manufacturers’ specifications and directions of
Carpet Flooring
5mm thick Carpet planks to be laid on concrete floor along with self-levelling compound upto
3mm thickness on 40 mm thick cement concrete floor of cement concrete 1:2:4 ( 1Cement:2
Coarse sand: 4 graded 20mm stone aggregate).
5.00mm thick of 100cm x 25cm size Flocked Carpet Planks having a density of more than 70
million fibers of nylon 6.6 per m2 firmly anchored into a waterproofing backing and having
average recycled contents of 58% of total weight. The Flocked Carpet must inhibit the
growth of Bacteria and Fungi. The Flocked Carpet must be ZERO EMISSION Carpet
(Emission below detection limit after 28 days in accordance with ISO 16000-9 requirements.
The product should be permanently anti- static. Flocked carpet planks should be laid with
loose lay adhesive for easy removal and relaying. Carpet should be laid on concrete floor
zero levelled with self-levelling compound up to 3mm thickness of make planks must meet
the following technical specifications:
Total Thickness as per ISO 1765: 5.0mm
Plank Size: 100 CM X 25 CM or as approved by Architect/ Engineer-In-Charge
Dimensional stability as per ISO 2551/ EN 986: <0.1%
Slip Resistance as per UK SRG Pendulum: Dry - very low slip risk, Wet - Low slip risk
Total weight as per ISO 8543: 5.4 kg/M2
Light fastness as per EN ISO 105 B02: > 6
Commercial use as per EN-ISO 10874: Class 33 Heavy
Reaction to fire as per EN 13501-1: Bfl-s1
Laminated Wooden Floor
Providing and laying Laminate wooden flooring (Grade AC4, 8 mm thick Ambience
Premium-AC4), on 40 mm thick cement concrete floor of cement concrete 1:2:4 ( 1Cement:2
Coarse sand: 4 graded 20mm stone aggregate),having a good backing layer made up of
plastic laminate or melamine as specified by the manufacturer and approved by Engineer-in
Engineered Wooden Floor
Engineered wood floor of total thickness 10.5 mm with top layer 3.5 mm thick, 120 mm wide
x minimum 1000 mm long planks, certified meeting E-1 emission norms, moisture content
between 7 and 11%, complete with sound insulation and moisture barrier underlay, on 40
mm thick cement concrete floor of cement concrete 1:2:4 ( 1Cement:2 Coarse sand: 4
graded 20mm stone aggregate), all laid as per manufacturer's specification on levelled and
dried screened Color and surface finish of wood planks are to be as per Engineer's
approvals. Rate is to include also for any necessary cutting, fitting, margin, border, pattern,
waste, overlap, any matching profile at doors and at transition between different types of
floor finish.
Raised Access Flooring System
Raised/false access flooring with system and its components of approved make for different
plenum height with possible height adjustment upto 50 mm, comprising of modular load
bearing floor panels supported on G.I. rectangular stinger frame work and G.I. Pedestal etc.
all complete.
Form modular framework, pedestals shall be made out of GI tube of thickness minimum 2
mm and 25 mm outer diameter, fully welded on to the G.I. Base plate of size 100mm x
100mm x 3mm at the bottom of the pedestal tube, G.I. pedestal head of size
75mmx75mmx3.5 mm welded with GI fully threaded stud 16mm outer diameter with two GI
Check nuts screwed on the stud for level adjustment upto 50mm, locking and stabilizing the
pedestal head in position at the required level. The pedestals shall be fixed to the subfloor
(base) through base plate using epoxy based adhesive of approved make or the machine
screw with rawl plug.
Stringers system in all steel shall be hot dipped galvanized of rectangular size
570x20x30x0.80mm thick having holes at both ends for securing the stringers on to the
pedestal head using fully threaded screws ensuring maximum lateral stability in all
directions, the grid formed by the pedestal and stringer assembly shall receive the floor
panel, this system shall provide adequate solid, rigid support for access floor panel, the
system shall provide a minimum clear uninterrupted clearance between the bottom of the
floor for electrical conduits and wiring etc. all complete as per the architectural drawings, as
specified and as directed by the Engineer-in-charge.
Floor panel shall be of 600x600x32 mm medium grade Filled Steel anti-static high pressure
Lamination of 800H grade (FS800H). Access Floor panel shall be steel welded construction
with an enclosed bottom pan with uniform pattern of 64 hemispherical cones. The top and
bottom plates of Steel Gauges: top 0.6 mm and bottom 0.7mm fused spot welded together
(minimum 64 welds in each dome and 20 welds along each flange). The panel should be
Corroresist epoxy coated for lifetime rust protection and cavity formed by the top and bottom
plate is filled with Pyrogrip non-combustible Portland cementitious core mixed with
lightweight foaming compound. The access floor shall be factory finished with Anti-static
High Pressure laminate with Non Warp technology upto 1mm thickness for superior
adhesion and Surface flatness within 0. 75mm.The panel is to withstand a Concentrated
Load of 363 kgs applied on area 25mm x 25mm without collapse in the centre of the panel
which is placed on four steel blocks. The panel will withstand and Uniformly Distributed Load
(UDL) minimum 1250 kg/sqm and an impact load of 50kg all complete as per the approved
manufacturers specification and as per the direction of Engineer-in-charge. All specification
must be printed on the side of the panel to ensure the quality of the product.
SS Tactile Marker
Providing and laying SS tactile Marker as per NBC 2016 (for vision impaired persons Laid as
per Harmonized Guidelines & Space Standards For Barrier Free Built Environment -2016,
MoUD, GoI) of diameter (25-35) mm x(4-6) mm Thick of grade SS316 laid @ 400 studs per
sqm.for internal spaces and for external purpose item to be in line with DSR Complete as
approved by Architect/ Engineer-in-Charge.
The Studs Are Installation using a template, holes are individually drilled and two-part epoxy
adhesive (as per approved make) is injected into each hole with studs being tapped in with
nylon mallet.

Fabrication/Installation of Counter-Tops
Fabrication of countertops:

Under counter Lavatories: Make cutouts for under-counter lavatories using template or
pattern furnished by lavatory manufacturer. Form cutouts to smooth, even curves with edges
at right angles to top. Ease juncture of cutout edges with tops, and finish edges to match
Counter-Mounted Sinks: Prepare countertops in shop for field cutting openings for counter-
mounted sinks. Mark tops for cutouts and drill holes at corners of cutout locations. Make
corner holes of largest radius practical.
Fittings: Make cutouts for plumbing fittings, undercounted soap dispensers, and similar
All stone countertop aprons shall be adhesively joined to the countertops using epoxy
adhesive. Maximum adhesive joint width shall be limited to (1.5-mm) Prior to cleaning, lightly
abrade stone surfaces to be bonded.
Cleaning: Stone shall be dry and clean from grease, oil, dirt, water, and loose particles.
Precondition stone to be joined with adhesive to a temperature which is within the
temperature range recommended by the adhesive manufacturer for assembling and curing
the adhesive.
Mix adhesive in parts by weight, or parts by volume, in strict accordance with the adhesive
manufacturer’s instructions.
Stone countertops shall be assembled and cured, within the temperature range, and under
the humidity conditions, recommended by the adhesive manufacturer. Apply adhesive, and
brace, or use jigging, to maintain proper alignment of joined stone pieces until adhesive
hardens. Remove adhesive from the stone faces which are to remain exposed in the finished
Assembled countertops shall not be moved until the adhesive has cured to ensure the
absence of joint slippage.
Apply bracing to the assembled countertops to ensure that the assembled countertops are
free of torsional stress during transportation, handling and storage.
Installation of Counter-Tops
Install countertops over plywood/concrete underlayment with full spread of water- cleanable
epoxy adhesive thin set mortar unless otherwise indicated to be mechanically fastened.
Erect countertops level and true with joints, if any, uniform in width and accurately aligned.
Do not install units which are cracked, chipped, discolored.
Make-up plumbing connections located in countertops in accordance with Division 22 work.
Grout joints, except joints shown to receive sealants, full and flush with grouts as specified
herein. Tool joints uniformly, without voids, pinholes, or low spots, and slightly concave.
Remove all grout spillage immediately. Cure grout as recommended by the manufacturer.
Stone in Riser/Treads of Steps, Skirting, Coping and Dado
The section of the specifications covers all types of stonework such as 20-25 mm Tandoor
and 20- 25 mm granite stone in risers, treads of steps, skirting coping and dado.

The stone slabs shall be of size as specified for particular paving work. Thickness of the slab
shall be as shown in the drawings or specified in the description of the item and shall be
uniform in size.
Dressing and finishing of stone slab shall be carried out in the same manner as specified for
flooring work and as per the approved drawings.
Preparation of Surface
In case of risers, skirting or dado, the surfaces shall be hacked and roughed with wire
brushes. The surface shall be cleaned thoroughly, washed with water and kept wet before
skirting/riser/dado is commenced.
In case of treads the surface shall be same as specified in the flooring.
The stone units shall be as per approved samples. The units shall be worked to size
indicated on the drawings and within specified limits of deviations and including any special
shaping before delivery at site. The mortises sink ages or notches should be carefully
formed to ensure
alignmentofadjacentstoneunitsanduniformgapatthejointofadjacentstoneunitsasper approved
drawings. Care should be taken to prevent chipping or other damages to the unit during
cutting, making mortises or notches and other finishing, transportation, storage, handling &

Scaffolding, lifting arrangement, temporary supports etc. shall be properly planned and;
provided as per fixing requirements as well as safety requirements. All the stones shall be
laid wherever required with dowel pins such as incoping.
Using grey cement
The risers of steps and skirting shall be set in grey. Pozzolona Portland cement admixed
with or without pigment to match the shade of the stone, as specified in the description of
item, with the line of the slab at such a distance from the wall that the average width of the
gap shall be 12mm and at no place the width shall be less than 10 mm. If necessary, the
stone slabs shall be held in position by temporary GI hooks fixed into the walls at suitable
intervals. The stone slabs shall be quarried / cut in such a manner to achieve consistent
grain direction or as per the pattern mentioned din the drawings. The skirting or riser face
shall be checked for plane and plumb and corrected. The joints shall thus be left to harden
and then the rear of the skirting or riser slab shall be packed uniformly with cement mortar
1:3 (1 cement:3 coarse sand) or other mix as specified in the description of item. The work
done shall be cured for a minimum period of 7 days. The fixing hooks shall be removed after
the mortar filling the gap has acquired sufficient strength.
The joints shall be as fine as possible, and the joints shall be set in gray cement/white
cement mixed with pigment to match the shade of the slabs for the full depth.
The riser and skirting slab shall be matched with tread and flooring as shown in drawings.
Using Adhesive / Adhesive mortar
The laying procedure is same as above except the tread and risers are fixed in the adhesive
material / mortar. The adhesive mortar bed should be around 3 to 5 mm in depth or as per
the drawing or manufacturer’s specifications. The material should be high performance dry
set adhesive having high tack properties to prevent slippage. It can be single component
Crete filler powder water mix type, or two components type Crete filler powder fixed with
Crete admix\ sufficient to adhere to the quarry stone titles.
For granite stone at coping it shall be fixed in the adhesive material / mortar and this work
shall be coordinated with the waterproofing works. The coping shall be installed on the
concrete parapet wall with the specialized adhesive material / mortar having bonding with
the metal and concrete. The concrete wall shall have the dowel pins drilled & installed prior
to flashing work and necessary provisions shall be made for the projection of the pins above
the flashing to facilitate the holding of the stone. The granite following the required layer of
adhesive material / mortar fixed on the flashing then shall be fixed on the dowel pints to
required slopes.
Mixing, laying & curing of all types of adhesive material / mortar used shall be carried out as
per the manufacture’s standards only.
The joints shall be as fine as possible and shall be set in white cement mixed with pigments
to match the shade of the stone slab for the full depth.
Curing and finishing
The day after the slabs are laid all joints shall be cleaned of the cement groutwith a Wire
brush or trowel to a depth of 5mm and all dust and loose mortar removed and cleaned.
Joints shall be then being grouted with white cement mixed with or without pigment to match
the shade of the topping of the wearing layer of the slabs. The Plaster of Paris slurry above
polythene sheet shall be applied the entire surface of slabs in a thin coat to protect the
surface from abrasive damage.
Backing mortar for stone flooring / veneering shall be of cement and sand mortar in ratio as
All cleaning methods shall be tested on material samples prior to application to the stone
installation to assure there are no adverse effects of the cleaning methods or products to the
stone surface. Granite shall be cleaned after installation and all pointing or caulking is
complete. All dirt, excess mortar, weld splatter, stains and other defacements shall be
The work shall also be suitably protected from damage, mortar dropping and all other
extraneous material and rain during construction. Double scaffolding having two sets of
vertical supports shall be provided wherever necessary shall be sound and strong.

Adequate protection measures shall be taken to ensure that exposed surfaces of the stone
shall be kept free of mortar at all times as elements in mortar may etch the polished surfaces
of some stones.
Prevent staining of stone from grout, sealants, and other sources. Immediately remove such
materials from stone / base of stone without damage to the stone work.
Protect base of walls from rain-splashed mud and mortar splatter by means of coverings
spread on ground and over wall surface.
Granite installation in progress shall be protected with film or fabric tarps secured over the
work as required. After the granite is installed, it shall be the responsibility of the General
Contractor to properly and adequately protect it from damage until all trades are finished and
handing over of the system. This responsibility includes the stone cleaning costs prior to the
required final inspection.
Protect installed products until completion of project.
Impregnator Application:
Allow floor to thoroughly dry for 24 to 72 hours after floor preparation. Using brush, or roller,
applicators apply two thin, even, wet on wet coats of impregnator allowing 5 to 10 minutes
between each coat for proper penetration unless otherwise recommended by the
impregnator manufacturer. 10 to 15 minutes after final coat is placed, but prior to its surface
drying, remove all excess “puddled” impregnator using a white cloth to avoid splotchy/dull
areas. Allow 72 hours for impregnator to cure.
Surface Protection Coating:
Not more than 4 days before occupancy by Owner apply no- rinse stone surface protection
coating to stone using dilution rates as recommended by the surface protection coating
manufacturer. Apply surface protection coating by using either mop and bucket or auto-scrub
brushing techniques in accordance with the surface protection coating manufacturer’s
recommendations. If scrub brushing, thoroughly scrub stone flooring using soft medium
bristle brush heads, instead of nylon pads, to deep clean textured surfaces and grout joints
of polished and honed finished surfaces. Test brushes, to ensure that they will not harm
each of the finishes, and types, of stone flooring prior to cleaning operations. During auto-
scrubbing operations monitor the quality and cleanliness of the brushes, to assure that they
do not become worn or contaminated and scratch the finish of the stone flooring. Do not
rinse with water as rinsing will remove the stone surface protection coating.
Tandoor stone is fine grained naturally riven lime stone and is available in the form of tiles
and slabs. The classification of the Tandoor stone tiles and slab are based upon size as
mentioned below.
The slabs are to be cut into sizes as per requirement of the work. The slab shall be selected
from stone of good quality, hard, sound, dense and homogeneous in texture, free from
cracks, decay, weathering and flaws. These shall be hand or machine cut to the requisite
thickness. The tiles/slabs shall have the top (exposed) face polished before being brought to
Size and Thickness
The size of the Tandoor stone shall be as per Flooring Pattern. The thickness of Tandoor
stone for building floor shall be 20-25mm
In staircase size of the slab should be so selected that there should not be any joint.
Tolerances allowed on size of the Tandoor stone shall be as under: -
Length and width of Stone slab size = (+) /(-) 5 mm
Thickness = (+)/ (-) 2 mm.
Acceptance Criteria
Before starting the work, the contractor shall get the samples of slabs approved by the
Architect/ Engineer-In-Charge of the work. The physical properties of the Tandoor Stones
shall conform to the following standard:

For first 100 Nos Tandoor stone or less minimum one sample of the slab to be randomly
selected and tested for physical properties in accordance with the test methods as detailed
above. Further testing is required @ one sample for every additional 500 Nos or part
thereof. In no case the work of Tandoor stone flooring should commence without getting test
report of the material and passing by the EIC in charge of the work.
Profiled (Mangalore Pattern) shall have thickness 0.5mmThick and Aluminum –Zinc
GALVALUME Coating including all accessories such as Ridges, Corner/Gutter/ Gable
/Eaves Flashings, Aprons, Barge Boards, Valley and Eaves Gutters, Crimp Curve using
plain sheet of same specifications and Profile foam fillers having below properties as per
approved shade by the Architect:

Coating weight Upto AZ-200

Coil Thickness (mm) 0.35 - 1.20
Coil Width (mm) 900 - 1335
Paint System* Top Coat: PVDF with suitable primer
Backer Coat: Polyester with suitable primer
Colour As per Architect approval
Gloss Matt 35%(+/-5%)
Profiles Mangalore Tiled


Scratch Hardness (T/B) 1.5 – 2/1 – 1.5 kg

Salt Spray Test (Specific to Coating Type) 1000 Hrs Pass

Adhesion Test (cross-hatch) 100%

Erichsen Cupping Test As per Standard

Humidity Test 750 – 1000 hrs

T – Bend Test (T = substrate thickness) No Tape Loss

Solvent Rub Test (MEK – Double rub) 100DR


Chemical Resistance As per standard

Max. Operating Temp Upto 140 degree C

Profile Foam Filler Closed cell, cross-

linked PE foam.
Service temperature
-70°C - +70°C.

Accessories Material specification

to match Roof

Insulated Roof Panels

Comprises an insulated core with a steel top sheet and lower sheet.Top sheet -Profiled
(Mangalore Pattern) shall have thickness 0.5mmThick and Aluminum –Zinc GALVALUME
Coating with specification for roof sheets as above. Lower Sheet shall have thickness
0.5mmThick and Aluminum –Zinc GALVALUME Coating with specification for roof sheets as
above. Insulated Core of PUR/PIR, High performance IPN, Mineral wool/PUF Insulation core
and selection of Core Thickness to achieve U-value of 0.372W/m2 degree K.
Fixing: Mechanical fixing is through top of rib to structural supports.
To be integrated with skylights and other roof opening arrangements

PU Foam Sealant
Single-component, self-expanding, ready-to-use polyurethane foam which has a fire rating
of minimum 120 minutes according to EN 1366-4. Stable foam consistency with CFC Free
Propellants, Moisture Cured, Density 20-30kg/ Cum, Sound Insulation of minimum 50-60 DB
Conforming to EN ISO 717-1 or equivalent standard, Insulation factor conforming to DIN
52612 or equivalent standard 30-40wW/m.k, Curing time 90 minute, Shrinkage and post
expansion <2-5%, Hour Fire rated conforming to DIN 4102 equivalent standard Class B3
and temperature resistance shall be -40°C to +90°C ( Cured).
Sealant application is for preventing the passage of smoke and gas. Application areas
include Fire and smoke retardant sealant between walls, floors and ceilings, Installation of
fire proof doors and windows, Sealing of all openings in Slabs. having

Modular Access Panels/ Trap Door in False Ceiling

Modular Access Panels with Powder coated Outer/ Inner Aluminium frame Thickness: 1.5
mm and GI Coated Corner fiitings and 12mm Thick moisture resistant plasterboard
Complete including SS Self tapping screws, Snap Lock (spring catch/catch lock), Hinges
and Sealing strip of required thickness
Modular Access Panels shall be provided to service all MEP equipment requiring access for
servicing maintenance, Repair and replacement to be provided as per manufacturers
requirement and shown in shop / Coordinated drawing prepared by Contractor for approval
by architect prior to installation.
Aluminium U-Baffle 25x100mm
Vertical Linear Baffle Ceiling made out of Aluminum Extrusion in Aluminum alloy grade
6063. The baffle blade shall be in size of 100x25x3600mm in approves shade by architect
with spacing of 100mm. The baffle blade shall be suspended using Slotted U-profile at on-
center spacing in multiples of 25mm. Longer lengths of Baffle to be connected by Baffle
Joiner and the ends to be fixed with End caps.
The U profile to be suspended at every 1200mm on-center using 6mm threaded rod from
the structural soffit using U-profile hanger. U-profile splice to be used to join more than one
U profiles of length 3.75M. 1st U-Grid Channel must be no more than 400mm from the
perimeter. Main Runners: 24mm deep, inverted “Tee” sections, 3m long, with factory
punched flanges to receive torsion spring assembly. Main Tee on centre spacing to match
panel length.
The slot for Baffle Hangers in slot of Baffle section at 1200mm centres. Hangers are inserted
into the slot, then rotated 90° and fixed into position by tightening the grub screw. Baffle to
be lifted into position and hangers engage over lip of U-Grid Channel. Each Hanger to be
secured into position by inserting the Locking Clip. Baffles blades to be connected at ends
with Baffle Joiner, which are inserted into the top and bottom slots of the Baffle closed profile
for alignment only. The bottom Joiner to be located first and fastened on one side only. The
top Joiner to be fitted then and secured with grub screws on one side. Then the two Baffle
sections shall be joined and the top Joiner is screw fastened on the 2nd Baffle profile. End
Caps to be located by pushing the End Cap tongues into Baffle slots. Installation shall be
according to the instructions provided by manufacturer. Continuous Paint Line.
Technical Specifications – U Baffle Ceiling

Material Aluminium Alloy 6063

Thickness 0.6mm or as per manufactures latest catougue
Weight 4.0 to 5.0 Kg/Sqm
Finish Wood or As approved by Architect
Paint Finish Aluminium panels shall be chromicised for maximum bond
between metal and paint enameled twice under high
temperature, Exposed side with a full primer and finish
coat on a Continuous Paint Line.
Panel Size 25mm width x 100mm deep x 0.6mm thick
Module 75mm module c/c
Wood Works Grille
Wood works grille shall be of natural bamboo with 24mm prelude 45 black exposed grid.
The Woodworks (WW) Grille panel of nominal size 35x300x2400mm comprising 8 blades of
35x16x2376mm with on center spacing of 37.5mm fixed through Backer of size
12x22x300mm with on center spacing of 300mm and additional end backers at 150mm from
both the edges. Ledger of 6.5x24x2400mm to be used for covering face of wall angle. WW
Grille should comply with ASTM-E84: Class A and have Relative Humidity of RH70. The
panels are UV coated to Natural or Carbonized shades
The grid should be of approved make Prelude 43 with 24mm wide T - section flanges Black
powder coating having rotary stitching on all T sections i.e. the Main Runner, 1200 mm &
600 mm Cross Tees with a web height of 43mm for the main runner & the Cross Tees and
with a load carrying capacity of 20 Kgs/M2. Black backer clips of spring steel to be used for
fixing panel to suspension system.
To comprise main runner spaced at 1200mm centers securely fixed to the structural soffit
using approved make system 1200mm maximum center. The First/Last approved make
suspension system at the end of each main runner should not be greater than 450mm from
the adjacent wall.
Flush fitting 1200mm long cross tees to be interlocked between main runners at 600mm
center to form 1200 x 600 mm module. Cut cross tees longer than 600mm require
independent support. 600 x 600mm module to be formed by fitting 600mm long flush fitting
cross tees centrally between the 1200 mm cross tees.
Perimeter trim to be approved make wall angles of size 19x19x3000mm, secured to walls at
450 mm maximum centers.
Backer clips are used to fix the panel to suspension with a grid formation of 600mm along
the slat and 2 pieces along each dowel for every individual panel

Accessories supplied by approve make manufacturer consisting of M6 Anchor Fasteners
with hanger hole, pre Straightened Hanger wire of dia – 2.5 mm of 1.80 m length having a
tensile strength of 344-413 MPa, along with Adjustable hook clips of 0.8mm thick,
galvanized spring steel for 2.5 mm wire with a minimum pull strength of 110 kg. The
adjustable clip also consists of a 4 mm aquiline wire to be used with the main runner.
Wood works ceiling with Silhouette
This system consists of Suspended Ceiling System with Woodworks (Micro Look) Edge
Tiles as approved size or shown in drawing with 15 Mm Exposed Grid.
The Tile with perforation pattern with approved laminate and approved shade by architect
finish would have an NRC of 0.5, Humidity Resistance (RH) of 90%, Fire Performance
Class 1 (BS - 476) in module size of 600mm x 600mm x 18mm and density of 830 Kgs/M3.
The tile shall be laid on Silhouette 45 profile grid system with 15mm white flanges
incorporating a 6mm central reveal in white/black colour and with a web height of 45mm
and a load carrying capacity of minimum 18.82 Kgs/M2 & minimum pull out strength of 100
kgs. Silhouette, Main Runners & Cross Tees to have metered ends & “birdsmouth” notches
to provide metered cruciform junctions. The T Sections have a Galvanizing of 90 grams per
M2 and need to be installed with suspension system of approved make.
To comprise main runner spaced at 1200mm centers securely fixed to the structural soffit
using suspension system of approved make at 1200mm maximum center. The First/Last
approved suspension system at the end of each main runner should not be greater than
450mm from the adjacent wall.
Flush fitting 1200mm long cross tees to be interlocked between main runners at 300mm
center to form 1200 x 300 mm module. Cut cross tees longer than 600mm require
independent support.
Perimeter trim to be wall angles of size 3000x19x19mm, secured to walls at 450 mm
maximum centers.
Suspension system shall be fixed with anchor fastener of M10 and hanger wire 2.5mm dia,
Hook Clip with J Wire Assembly.
Wood works ceiling with 24mm prelude and 43mm exposed grid system
The Tile in Plain with approved laminate by Architect would have Humidity Resistance (RH)
of 70% in module size of 600mm x 600mm x 18mm and density of 725 Kgs/M3. The tile
edges should feature the vector edges or the engaging edges and the reverse tegular non
engaging edge to hide the grid, creating a 6mm shadow reveal along with 0.7mm edge
banding on exposed edges. The tile to provide downward mountability without any tools.
The tile shall be laid on Prelude 43 with 24 mm wide T - section flanges colour white having
rotary stitching on all T sections i.e. the Main Runner, 1200 mm & 600 mm Cross Tees with
a web height of 43mm and a load carrying capacity of 17.8 Kgs/M2 pull out strength of
100Kgs. The T Sections have a Galvanizing of 90 grams per M2 and need to be installed
with Suspension system of approved make.
To comprise main runner spaced at 1200mm centers securely fixed to the structural soffit
using approved make suspension system (specifications below) at 1200mm maximum
center. The First/Last approved make suspension system at the end of each main runner
should not be greater than 450mm from the adjacent wall.
Flush fitting 1200mm long cross tees to be interlocked between main runners at 600mm
centre to form 1200 x 600 mm module. Cut cross tees longer than 600mm require
independent support. 600 x 600mm module to be formed by fitting 600mm long flush fitting
cross tees centrally between the 1200 mm cross tees.
Perimeter trim wall angles of size 3000x19x19mm, secured to walls at 450 mm maximum
Vector safety clip should be compulsorily used by fixing it to the tile which prevents
accidental dislocation of tile. Installation should be carried out as per manufactures
recommended procedure

Mineral Fiber Tile with Silhouette
Mineral Fiber Acoustical Suspended Ceiling System with approved pattern tile and finish by
architect with Silhouette 15mm Exposed Grid.
The tiles should have Humidity Resistance (RH) of 95%, NRC 0.9, CAC = 26 dB, Light
Reflectance ≥85%, Thermal Conductivity k = 0.036 w/m K, Colour White, Fire Performance
Euro class A2-S1, d0, & ISO 5 in accordance to ISO 14644-1 (Zone 4 in accordance to NF S
90-351) in module size of 600 x 600 x 15mm with laminated scrim on the face of the tile,
suitable for Green Building application, with Recycled content of 43%.
The tile shall be laid on Silhouette profile grid system with 15mm white flanges incorporating
a 6mm central reveal in white/black colour and with a web height of 38mm and a load
carrying capacity of minimum 9.5 Kgs/M2 (as per standard installation layout mentioned
below) & pull out strength of 100Kgs. Silhouette, Main Runners & Cross Tees to have
metered ends & “birdsmouth” notches to provide metered cruciform junctions. The T
Sections have a Galvanizing of 90 grams per M2.
To comprise main runner spaced at 1200mm centers securely fixed to the structural soffit
using approved suspension system at 1200mm maximum center. The suspension system at
the end of each main runner should not be greater than 450mm from the adjacent wall.
Flush fitting 1200mm long cross tees to be interlocked between main runners at 300mm
center to form 1200 x 300 mm module. Cut cross tees longer than 600mm require
independent support.
Perimeter trim wall angles of size 3000x19x19mm, secured to walls at 450 mm maximum
Installation to be carried out by Trained Installation team & Installation should be carried out
as per manufactures recommended procedure.
Suspension system shall be fixed with anchor fastener of M10 and hanger wire 2.5mm dia,
Hook Clip with J Wire Assembly.

Metal Perforated tile with Silhouette

Post coated GI Microlook Lay-in Micro Perforated metal ceiling consist of
600X600/300x1200mm or as per approved pattern by Architect Lay-in tiles of galvanized
steel in 0.5 mm thickness in Global white color. The perforation shall have Micro Perforation
having hole diameter as 2.5/1.8mm and open area as 16%/20%. The tile shall be powder
coated to White color having powder coat thickness ranging from 60-80 microns. Back side
of the tile will have fleece hot pressed to achieve NRC upto 0.7 and Fire Performance of
Class 0/Class 1 as per BS476 Part 6 & 7
The tile shall be laid on Silhouette profile grid system with 15mm white flanges incorporating
a 6mm central reveal in white/black colour and with a web height of 38mm and a load
carrying capacity of minimum 7.90 Kgs/M2 (as per standard installation layout mentioned
below) & pull out strength of 100Kgs. Silhouette, Main Runners & Cross Tees to have mitred
ends & “birdsmouth” notches to provide mitred cruciform junctions. The T Sections have a
Galvanizing of 90 grams per M2 and need to be installed with approved suspension system.
Flush fitting 1200mm long cross tees to be interlocked between main runners at 300mm
center to form 1200 x 300 mm module. Cut cross tees longer than 600mm require
independent support.
Perimeter trim wall angles of size 3000x19x19mm, secured to walls at 450 mm maximum
Metal Perforated tile with “T” Runner

Post coated GI perforated tile specified materials of size 595x595 mm in true horizontal
level, suspended on inter locking metal grid of hot dipped galvanized steel sections (
galvanized @ 120 grams/ sqm, both side inclusive) consisting of main "T" runner with
suitably spaced joints to get required length and of size 24x38 mm made from 0.30 mm thick
(minimum) sheet, spaced at 1200 mm center to center and cross "T" of size 24x25 mm
made of 0.30 mm thick (minimum) sheet, 1200 mm long spaced between main "T" at 600
mm center to center to form a grid of 1200x600 mm and secondary cross "T" of length 600
mm and size 24x25 mm made of 0.30 mm thick (minimum) sheet to be interlocked at middle
of the 1200x600 mm panel to form grids of 600x600 mm and wall angle of size 24x24x0.3
mm and laying false ceiling tiles of approved texture in the grid including, required
cutting/making, opening for services like diffusers, grills, light fittings, fixtures, smoke
detectors etc. Main "T" runners to be suspended from ceiling using GI slotted cleats of size
27 x 37 x 25 x1.6 mm fixed to ceiling with 12.5 mm dia and 50 mm long dash fasteners, 4
mm GI adjustable rods with galvanized butterfly level clips of size 85 x 30 x 0.8 mm spaced
at 1200 mm center to center along main T, bottom exposed width of 24 mm of all T-sections
shall be pre-painted with polyester paint, all complete for all heights as per specifications,
drawings and as directed by Engineer-in-charge.
GI Metal Ceiling Lay in plain Tegular edge Global white color tiles of size 595x595 mm, and
0.5 mm thick with 8 mm drop; made of G I sheet having galvanizing of 100 gms/sqm (both
sides inclusive) and electro statically polyester powder coated of thickness 60 microns
(minimum), including factory painted after bending.

Axiom Transition Trim with 100mm drop for transition from Acoustical to Acoustical ceiling
using approved Accessories
For Transition from Gypsum to Acoustical and vice versa or Gypsum to Gypsum shall be
done using Axiom bottom trim by engaging the bottom trim into the architectural groove
present in the flange.
Axiom Splice Plate (AX4SPLICEI/AXSPLICEI): Formed to fit into special boss in the Axiom
and locked in place with factory-installed screws. These Steel splice plates (AX4SPLICEI)
are used to align and secure all joints between sections of Axiom trims. Corners are to be
formed by mitering the end of axiom and splice plate (AXSPLICE) to be bent at right angle
for connecting the end pieces.
Axiom Tee-Bar Connection Clip (AXTBCI): Commercial quality G.I formed to fit into special
boss of trim and locked in place by factory-installed screws and attached to (XL-24 / XL-
15/Silhouette/Interlude/ Drywall) suspension system members. T-Bar connection clips are
used to attach the Axiom to the supporting Suspension system members. One clip is
required at each location where the grid system intersects the Axiom trim.
Hanging Grid clips (AXHGCI): Axioms to be hung independently to the structural soffit by
engaging the Hanging Grid Clip into the boss of the Axiom trim channel and securing it to
structural soffit of approved make Suspension system.

Codes and Standards:

The codes and standards generally applicable are:
BS -476-PART IV –Calcium Silicate – Incombustibility
I S -277-1982- For Galvanizing of MS Sheets
The following clauses are intended to amplify the requirements of the reference documents
listed above and the contractor shall comply with these clauses.

Storage and Handling precautions:

Ceiling tiles shall have been supplied in neatly packed cartons.
Not to store the cartons in flat and wet locations.
Handle cartons and individual tiles with care.
Do not drop or stand cartons or tiles or edges or corners.
Open cartons completely and using both hands with protective gloves, remove tiles in pairs
with fair faces together.
Installation Precautions:
The following to be ensured before installation of the ceiling system
The area is dry prior to ceiling installation work.
All wet trades are completed such as plastering, flooring etc.
Air conditioning duct work is completed.
Electrical chasing or drawing lines etc are in place.
No unauthorized weight is put on ceiling. Lighting fixtures to be suspended independently.
Calcium Silicate Tiles should be installed by experienced contractors in compliance with
manufacturers specifications and conditions.
Installations shall be done in areas free from chemical fumes / freezing temperatures and
Calcium Silicate Tiles shall not be used to support any unauthorized loads.
Calcium silicate Tiles shall be mechanically suspended properly and shall not be cemented
nor glued to the surface of any other material.
Cutouts for light and A/C fixtures:
Tendered cost shall include the cost of making cut outs required for fixing light fixtures, air-
conditioning diffusers, and fire detectors, etc. No extra payment shall be made for making
cut outs.
Fire Resistance:
The ceiling tiles should be as per BS: 476 (Part IV) and to be classified in class 1 for spread
of flame as per BS: 476 (Part VII) and class O for propagation as per BS: 476 (Part VI).
Effect of temperature:
The tiles should be suitable for use in high temperature area due to their low heat
conductivity. They can also be subjected to freezing temperatures without risk of damages.

15.0 Toilet Cubicals

Toilet Cubicals shall be provided in all the toilets except attached toilets, Staff Housing,
Faculty Housing type 4,5,6 , Director’s Residence , gate & Married hostel . The section
covers fixing of toilet cubicles of width and depth as per specifications/ site drawings.
Cubicle height to be 1980 mm.
Working Specimen
A working specimen at the actual place of this detail as instructed by PMC, Architect & the
Engineer in Charge shall be treated for architectural finish and the work shall be done up to
the satisfaction of the Architect. The further work shall be carried out strictly as per the
working specimen and terms of finish and Tolerance.

Partition Board
Made from solid grade compact high pressure laminate as per IS:2046 manufactured under
high specific pressure > 5 MPa and temperature >120oC with bunch of Kraft papers
impregnated with thermosetting phenolic resin and decorative papers made of Alpha
cellulose fiber impregnated with thermosetting melamine resin which provide superior
scratch, abrasion, heat, chemical, impact, graffiti & moisture resistance along with anti-
bacterial properties. Panels have a black core that when machined, presents a distinctive
black edge. Panel thickness 12 mm. Design no. as specified by Arch. / Engr. in suede finish.
Size of panels to be as per drawing.

Hardware & Accessories

Rectangular head frame structure made from Stainless steel grade 304. Surface finish to be
brush type. A thin plastic film pasted for surface protection.
Corner joinery section made from Stainless steel grade 304. Surface finish to be brush type.
A thin plastic film pasted for surface protection.
Wall joinery section with hamming profile made from Stainless steel grade 304. Surface
finish to be brush type. A thin plastic film pasted for surface protection.
Adjustable Palm Design Pedestal Footing of base diameter 64 mm made from Stainless
steel grade 316 giving a clearance height of 150 mm. Surface finish to be matt type.
Spring loaded Butt Hinges made from Stainless steel grade 304. Surface finish to be mat
type. Covers to be lacer coated.

Conical shape Coat hook with rubber stopper made from Stainless steel grade 304. Surface
finish to be matt type.
Round Door knob diameter 30 mm with grooves for better hand grip made from Stainless
steel grade 304. Surface finish to be matt type.
Rotating Thumb-turn locking system with privacy indicator made from Stainless steel grade
304. Surface finish to be matt type.
Anti-noise rubber padding of thickness 2 mm and width 10 mm Stainless steel grade 304
Anti-rotation Nylon polyamide grade-6 expandable wall plugs.

16.0 Partition
Modular Aluminum Double Glass Partition
Modular Aluminum Partition System. Double glazed consist of Aluminium section of Width
50X50mm and thickness of 2.0mm and pressure plates as mentioned in drawing. All
sections duly Powder coated/anodized up to 50 microns and required accessories, Glass
packing to adjust the floor level. Partition shall have Double Layer of 6mm toughened glass
& insertion of silicon/Thermoplastic gasket to adhere the glass firm & airtight for Sound
Pre Laminated Partition ( Half/ Full Height as per drawing)
MS Box section of size 50X50mm and thickness of 3.0mm and with 2 coat of primer and
12mm thick Pre laminated particle board on either side of frame using concealed button fix
system, including built-in modular aluminium wall trunking system of approved make and
75mm wide single edge post formed (L Profile) laminated skirting and 75mm wide double
edge post formed (L Profile) laminated coping. All laminates to be of same shade duly
approved by the Architect.

17.0 Laminated Glass

Provide all required laminated glass in accordance with AS 2208, ASTM C1172 and GANA
Glazing Manual
The base material shall be an approved selected quality float glass.
Provide an approved polyvinyl butyral (PVB) interlayer. Submit details including test results
for adhesion, durability and compatibility with the proposed sealants.
Edges of laminated glass are to be protected to prevent de-lamination, contamination or
other defects, caused by moisture, water accumulation, sealant contact or other
external/internal source.
Glass with higher structural or safety requirements should use interlayer with higher
structural capacity as per shop drawing provided by contractor duly designed/ Certified by
façade consultant.
Edge Quality
All laminated glass shall have clean-cut edges, or polished edges where exposed or if
required to eliminate thermal stress breakage risk. Laminated glass to have any non-
encapsulated interlayer protected from elements.
The load bearing edge should be 0. 0mm slip/step/offset. The maximum offset allowed for
other edges shall be1. 0mm.
All glass with exposed edges shall have belt arised edges.
Where edges of laminated glass are exposed or in contact with sealant use glazing
materials or edge protection tape that does not cause deterioration or discoloration of the
interlayer. Product may be accepted is Argo Edge Seal Plus or approved equivalent.
Quality Records
Provide daily records of maximum factory temperature and humidity and weekly records of
water quality used for washing glass. In the event that interlayer supplier application
requirements are not satisfied, batches of non-complying glass shall be rejected.
Submit test results in accordance with an approved test programme to confirm the
compatibility of laminated glass with adjacent glazing materials.

18.0 Void Slab system

Void slab or hollow core slab shall be casted in accordance with the drawing and
manufactures specification but not limited to the same. Installed System shall be cross
checked by Architect to full satisfaction and related corrections to be rectified by contractor
before pouring concrete at site.
Contractor shall strictly adhere all quality control measures as per mentioned by authorized
partner of approved make or mentioned by Engineer-in-Charge.
void formers shall be from recyclable plastic (Polypropylene material) confirming to below
Coefficient of Linear Thermal Expansion: 6 - 17 x 10-5 /°C
Electrical Performances: Arc Resistance - 135 - 180 sec
Volume Resistivity: 16 - 18 x 1015 Ohm.cm
Elongation at Break: 150 - 600%
Toughness (Notched Izod Impact at Room Temperature): 20 - 60 J/m
Density: 0.9 - 0.91 g/cm3

19.0 Polycarbonate sheet for Skylight

Polycarbonate multi-layered system for skylight purpose, a complete assembly of extruded
multilayer UV protected polycarbonate panels. Co-extruded UV protected polycarbonate
panel system of min 18 mm thick panel. The panels should work on angular daylighting
concept for better thermal insulations and diffusion of light with especially designed for
tropical regions with translucent and opaque louvers inside the panels as integrated part.
Panels shall be fixed with all fixing accessories to ensure best performance for wind uplift,
vibration, oil canning and visual appearance. Panels shall be manufactured with vertical
offset standing seam at both sides of the panel. With a width of not less than 1200 mm,
maximum width for bigger spans and minimal junctions for better performance will be
preferred Panels have to be fixed on Purlin with snap on connectors with grip lock locking
mechanism and will be secured on MS structure with 3 numbers self-drilling screws &
trapezoid SS fasteners holding the base of the standing seam offering best stability having a
pull-out load of min. 7000N (7KN) tested as per ISO 6892:1998 and IS 1608: 2005. For best
stability impact strength and live load capabilities, panels shall have minimum seven layers
in truss bridge design. Panels must satisfy Dart drop impact test as per IS 14443-97 shall
show no sign of breakage on Polycarbonate Panel which have been exposed to UV for a
min. of 500 Hours as per ASTM G 155. Panels shall not have Yellowness Index as per
ASTM D 1925 of 15 units when tested on a sample exposed to UV for 500 Hours as per
ASTM G 155. U value shall not be more than 2.0 W/m2K as per EN ISO 10077-2:
2018.Panel shall be with additional End cap/Aluminium U/F profile/ Glazing Bar for ends as
required. Panel shall be fixed over MS structural steel/MS purlin conforming to the detail
technical specifications as per approved architectural drawings.
Trained and factory authorized labour with supervision to complete the entire panel
installation as per drawing & direction of the engineering in charge.

20.0 Tensile Fabric

The Tension Fabric Structure system shall consist of pre-engineered, structural frame
members connected with horizontal purlins and cables to the primary steel structure. The
secondary structural frame members are covered with PVC coated fabric membrane panels
that form the weather tight seal and roof. These PVC coated fabric membrane panels are
connected to the structural framework.
The fabric membrane’s integrated cord edge shall be tensioned both vertically and
horizontally to prevent wear and abrasion. Fabric draped over the roof framework and
secured with ropes or tie off straps is unacceptable. Horizontal and vertical stretch shall be
maintained mechanically with horizontal purlins or spreaders and vertical tension bars that
require no ongoing maintenance. Fabric shall be stretched in such a way so as to create
compression at each horizontal purlin. The fabric membrane panels when installed and
tensioned, shall be wrinkle free, and shall remain so indefinitely in temperatures normal for
the area.
The PVC fabric membrane panels shall be modular in width design yet consist of one
continuous piece from eave to leave. Each modular fabric membrane panel shall be easily
removed or replaced without the need to dismantle the structure. All fabric membrane shall
be a minimum of 0.6 - 0.65 kilograms per square meter. PVC fabric membrane shall be
opaque white. The membrane shall be flame retardant. The system which secures the PVC
coated fabric membrane to the main structural support frame, shall allow for quick inter-
changeability of fabric membrane panels.
No interior or exterior guy ropes or cables shall be used for anchoring the system. To
facilitate the shedding action of rain, maintain the aerodynamic design and improve the
exterior aesthetics, there shall be no exterior purlins, bolts, anchor devices cables or any
other obstructions on any exterior portion of the structure.
All bolts, anchors and washers used shall have a minimum Grade 5 specification and shall
be galvanized or stainless steel.
The manufacturer of the tension fabric structure shall provide standard structural design
drawings and Engineering calculations for submittal to the local permitting authorities upon
contracting. Service shall include all equipment, manpower and supervision necessary to
install the complete structure on customer provided surface and footings.
Warranty-The tension fabric structure manufacturer shall provide a written, pro-rata
Warranty for the fabric membrane material for a period of 10 years. This Warranty will be in
effect from the date of acceptance by the Owner.


The work shall be got executed from the specialized agency as approved by the Engineer in
Total quantity of the water proofing compound required shall be arranged only after obtaining
the prior approval of the make by Engineer-in-charge in writing. Materials shall be kept under
double lock and key and proper account of the water proofing compound used in the work
shall be maintained. It shall be ensured that the consumption of the compound is as per
specified requirements.
The finished surface after water proofing treatment shall have adequate smooth slope as per
the direction of the Engineer-in-charge.
Before commencement of treatment on any surface, it shall be ensured that the outlet drain
pipes / spouts have been fixed and the spout openings have been chased and rounded off
properly for easy flow of water.
Waterproofing System
The Contractor shall execute the waterproofing system for all desired areas and per
Foundations bearing on ground or rock, exposed to earth or water, shall include approved
waterproofing or self-sealing concrete additives conformed to be compatible with all other
concrete mixture additives in addition to being wrapped with a membrane system.
Acceptable waterproofing membrane products (to be used with compatible complete from
single manufacturer as recommend and warranted by the manufacturer). Acceptable
waterproofing or self-sealing concrete additive products (to be used with compatible
complete systems as recommend and warranted by the manufacturer) are: (Optional but in
additional to membrane waterproofing).
Crystalline Waterproofing admix
Hydrophobic pore blocking admix
Crystalline waterproofing admixes in concrete:
The additive shall be able to crystallize upon immediate contact with water/moisture, expand
and form into an impervious gel. The gel shall be able to completely bridge and seal the
cracks, if any, to prevent water from seeping through the fine cracks in the structure.
Hydrophobic pore blocking admix in concrete:
Additive which use a wide range of organic substances (e.g. fatty acids) to block pores
within the concrete, preventing water passage. It uses the free lime to form hydrophobic
insoluble salts which line the walls of capillaries by adsorption. The reduced cohesion forces
between the water and the walls of capillaries discourages the phenomenon of capillary
absorption (suction).
Construction Joints
Acceptable construction joints treatment:
Reinject able Hose Hydro swelling water bar

All construction joints in the Stilt/ water retaining structure/ STP or wherever water can
penetrate through structural members an approved centrally-placed hydro swelling in
nature/ or provision of reinject able hose as per criticality of structure affecting use of
building shall be provided as approved by engineer in charge. Location of all construction
joints shall be submitted to the Engineer-In-charge for approval at least 1 weeks prior to the
commencement of the works on site.
Any additional reinforcement to control shrinkage and crack widths which the Contractor
deems necessary in order to be compatible with the waterproofing system he proposes, shall
be provided at no extra cost and time to the Contract.
The maximum size of slab pours and wall lengths during concreting shall be limited to the
values given in the cast in-situ concrete specification.

Method of Installation
The application procedures shall be consistent with the Manufacturers’ recommendations
and shall be strictly followed unless otherwise modified to suit the site and project
requirements with the approval of the Manufacturer and installation shall be supervised by
frequent visits by the supplier, authorized supervisor by subcontractor and by the Contractor.
The Contractor shall submit the installation procedure, including typical details to illustrate
the intent, at the time of tender. The installation procedure, shop drawings and details shall
be prepared and certified by the approved waterproofing supplier engaged by the

The waterproofing specialist shall give careful consideration at all construction joints in the
concrete elements for differential movement. The Contractor shall demonstrate how the
waterproofing of joints will be affected.
Where the movement of soil substrate is likely to occur, the waterproofing specialist in
association with the Contractor shall take appropriate measures to ensure the integrity of the
waterproofing system is not compromised.
Unless otherwise shown in the drawings, provision shall be made for hydro swelling water
bar or reinject able hose to be placed across all movement and construction joints formed in
the structural elements especially in basement and critical building elements.
Testing of Waterproofing system
Contractor/ Engineer in charge/ waterproofing application agency shall be at the time of
tender shall submit propose testing methodology in following cases: -
Water-tightness test of all below-grade structures, water bodies, landscape and RCC roofs,
sunken areas shall be carried out in full compliance with BS 8007 Section 9, or relevant
Indian and International Standards, all at the Contractor’s expense within the contract period.
Any leaks found shall be rectified in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations,
at the waterproofing specialist expense and re- tested to the Employer’s or Engineer’s- In-
Water-tightness shall be tested on concrete tanks, sunken areas prior to installation of the
waterproofing for detection and sealing of cracks in the concrete prior to installation of the
waterproofing. Additional water testing may be called for at the discretion of the Employer or
Engineer’s Representative at no additional cost.
Water-tightness test shall be carried out for all water tanks by filling with water up to the
design level.
Where required by the Employer or Engineer’s Representative, water testing shall be carried
out to check the performance of horizontal membrane applications. The area to be tested
shall be flooded with at least 25mm of water. Drains shall be plugged and kerbings
(temporary or permanent) shall be formed to retain the water for a period of at least 72 hours
or as recommended by engineer in charge. Any leaks found during this period shall be
repaired in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations and the area shall then be
retested. Before repairing the surfaces, they shall be dry.
Where it is impractical to water test an area because the slope of the substrate would
produce excessive water depths, the membrane shall be tested by allowing water to run
continuously over the area for a period of at least eight (8) hours. During the eight (8) hour
period, the whole area shall be kept completely immersed. Visual inspection shall be done

Where water testing is not possible because of job conditions, location, etc., a thorough
inspection shall be carried out to check all laps, terminations and flashings for any evidence
of 'fish mouths', incomplete adhesion or other conditions that may be detrimental to the
watertight integrity of the membrane.
The Contractor shall allow for the cost of carrying out ponding test on the balancing tank and
backwash tank in this tender. The ponding tests shall be carried out prior to the application
of the waterproofing system and finishes. Fountains, basins, water features, pools, and tanks
shall be filled up with water to the design level and maintain for a minimum duration of 72
hours during the test. All water seepage/leakage noted during and after the tests shall be
rectified at the Contractor’s own cost to the Employer’s or Engineer’s Representative’s
Waterproofing of various elements
Water Proofing for Stilt/ Water Retaining Structures/Grade Slabs/Bridge Deck

Horizontal/Vertical Surfaces
The water proofing compound used in integral crystalline water proofing treatment shall
satisfy all the requirements indicated in IS:2645 and shall be got tested before its use. It
should be as per CPWD Specification.
Total quantity of the water proofing compound required shall be arranged only after obtaining
the prior approval of the Engineer-in-Charge in writing. Materials shall be kept under double
lock and key and proper account of water proofing compound used in the work shall be
maintained. It shall be ensured that the consumption of the compound is as per specified
The contractor shall ensure that the Stilt of the building shall be absolutely water tight and
seepage/leak free. In case any seepage/leakage etc. is noticed the contractor shall make it
water tight & seepage/leak proof at his own cost.
Contractor shall associate himself with anyone of the specialist firms mentioned in approved
list of specialized agencies for the work relating to the Water Proofing Treatment. In case the
contractor intends to get the water proofing work executed
Providing and integral crystalline admixture for water proofing treatment to RCC structures
like basement raft, retaining walls, reservoir, sewage & water treatment plant, tunnels /
subway and bridge deck, Grade slabs etc. at the time of transporting of concrete into the
drum of the ready-mix truck, using integral crystalline admixture @ 0.80% (minimum) to the
weight of cement content per cubic meter of concrete) or higher as recommended by the
manufacturer’s specification in reinforced cement concrete at site of work. The material shall
meet the requirements as specified in ACI-212-3R- 2010 i.e. by reducing permeability of
concrete by more than 90%, compared with control concrete as per DIN 1048 and resistant
to 16 bar hydrostatic pressure. The crystalline admixture shall be capable of self-healing of
cracks up to a width of 0.50mm. The work shall be carried out all complete as per
specification and the direction of the Engineer-in-charge. The product performance shall
carry guarantee for 10 years against any leakage. For grade Slab Integral crystalline
admixture as water proofing treatment to be followed. As per DSR item no. 22.22.
In addition to crystalline water Proofing for Sewage Treatment Plant. Under water tank, Stilt
Floor and other underground structure crystalline water proofing treatment shall be protected
by using kota stone in Horizontal Surface and vertical surface as CPWD Specification, DSR
item No. 22.1.1 and 22.2.1

On Roofs, Mumty and Terraces/ lower terraces

Total quantity of the water proofing compound required shall be arranged only after obtaining
the prior approved of the Engineer-in-Charge in writing. Materials shall be kept under double
lock and key and proper account of the water proofing compound used in the work shall be
maintained. It shall be ensured that the consumption of the compound is as per specified
The finished surface after water proofing treatment for roof slab shall have smooth slope.
Before commencement of treatment on roof surface, it shall be ensured that the outlet drain
pipes/ spouts have been fixed and the spout opening have been eased and rounded off
properly for easy flow of water. All Spouts, Drainage Pipe, cut out in Slab for services shall
be properly closed during water proofing treatment and same shall be tested with flooding for
min. 48 Hours or as directed by Engineer-In-Charge.

Water proofing on roofs, mumty and Terraces/ Intermediate Terraces shall be by following
methods as per the specifications listed below and Testing of treatment as per the
requirements. Application shall be done by manufacturer approved applicator and 10 years’
warranty shall be given by manufacturer for product and manufacturer approved applicator
to give comprehensive warranty for 10 years. Providing and laying Terrace Roof mumty
water proofing treatment on horizontal/ Vertical surface as directed by Engineer-in-Charge
and consisting of:
All surface area should clean up with wire brush & air blower
Thermal insulation of 50mm thick "XPS”, extruded polystyrene. XPS polystyrene should
have minimum thickness of 50mm and shall have closed cell structure so as to ideal for
insulation of roofs. XPS should have compressive strength of 300 KPa (as per EN 826);
Resistance to Fire of "E" Class; Water Absorption of <0.7% (as per EN 12087) ; Thermal
resistance of 1.5 sqm.KW; Thermal Conductivity of 0.029- 0.034 W/m-k (as per EN 12667),
Ft2 oF.hr/Btu R Value 1.46 m2K/W OR 8.31 Ft2 oF.hr/Btu and U Value of 0.68 W/m2K or
0.120 Btu-in/Ft2 oF.hr and should be laid directly over the Clean surface waterproofing layer
as per manufacturer specification.
laying screed to slope M10 Grade with minimum 50mm at rain outlet (for easy flow of
water/rain water). Treated surface shall be kept ponded for continuous period of 7 days to
detect any seepage/ leakage/ dampness if any, the surface then shall be cleaned to
withstand weather and domestic use.
Next layer Shall be Integral cement based water proofing treatment (brick bat coba) as per
CPWD Specification
Top Layer shall be Heat Resistance Tile as per CPWD Specification.

Water proofing of Sunken Portion Area/ Gutter on Terrace

The work shall be executed as per DSR item 22.3 of 4 layer treatment and CPWD
specifications 2009.


Ten years Guarantee bond in prescribed proforma in the bid documentsshall be submitted
by the contractor which shall also be signed by both the specialized agency and the
contractor to meet their liability / liabilities under the guarantee bond. However, the sole
responsibility about efficiency of water proofing treatment shall rest with the building
contractor. (Ten per cent) of the cost of water-proofing work of 70 Lakh (700 lakh x 10% )
shall be retained as Security Deposit in addition to normal security deposit of the whole work
and the amount so deducted would be released after ten years from the date of completion
of the entire work under the agreement, if the performance of the treatment is found
satisfactory. If any defect is noticed during the guarantee period, the contractor shall rectify it
within 15 days of receipt of intimation of defects in the work. If the defects pointed out are not
attended to within the specified period, the same will be got done from another agency at the
risk and cost of contractor.

22.0 Finishing
The work shall be carried out as per CPWD Specifications- 2009 Vol.-I & Vol. II with upto
date correction slips.
Work of painting shall be one of the last items of work and shall not be taken up until all other
internal works except fittings & fixtures have been completed and approved. No work under
this section shall start without approval from PMC and Architect. The contractor shall ensure
that approval has been obtained for all primer, paints, oils, varnishes, texture rendering
materials for each location/area to be finished and in respect to shades brand, product
literature, shade card with range of colours& manufacturer for such finishing materials, well
in advance to commencement of work. All Painting shall be carried out as per CPWD
Specifications- 2009 Vol.-I & Vol. II with up to date correction slips.
Samples Before commencement of work

Before starting work under this section large size samples of all types of coating including
preparation of surface shall be made at the site and approval obtained from the PMC and
Architect before proceeding with the finishing works. Only after specific approval has been
given to the samples, work shall commence. The actual work shall be done as per the
approved samples.
Anti-Corrosive Paint for Structural and Non Structural Steel
Anti-corrosive paint shall be applied on structural/ Non Structural steel members in staircase,
canopy, roof truss (except sloped roof for architectural provision) or elsewhere shown as per
drawing and approved shade by Architect.
The Surface preparation shall be carried out strictly as recommended by the manufacturer.
The surfaces shall be thoroughly cleaned of all rust, mill scale, dust, grease, moisture and
other matter to ensure proper adhesion of the paint coating. Compressed air shall be used
as necessary and as instructed by the PMC.
Directions for Mixing and Application
Clean the existing steel surface by scrubbing so as to remove all the existing loose rust etc.
apply rust remover & rust converting and steel passivating and flash rust preventing
chemical coating Using spray/roller/brush. Rust converter must have the following
1. Appearance – Yellow Liquid
2. Non-Volatile % - 35+/-5
3. Specific Gravity – 1.2 +/- 0.1
4. Conforms to IS 90977
5. Non-alkaline rust converter
6. Free of chlorides so that it does not induce chloride based corrosion.

Apply Epoxy primer + 2 coats of polyurethane protective coating with min DFT of 180 – 200
Apply one primer coat of two pack, anti-corrosive, low VOC, substituted long chain nylon
reticulate based, high build, epoxy coating with the help of brush/roller/spray to protect it
from corrosion and chloride and sulfate attack. Mix both the parts manufacturers’
recommended ratio using a slow speed mechanical stirrer to Primer Should have following
1. Color- Pigmented Viscous Liquid
2. Mixing Ratio- Base (2): Curing Agent (1)
3. Specific Gravity- 1.2±0.1
4. Pot Life- Min 30 mins
5. Solids Content- 95±5%
6. Initial Hardness- 24 Hrs at 25 deg C
7. Full Cure- 7 days at 25 Deg C
8. Chemical Resistance – Resistant to oil, grease, fats, most chemicals, mild acids and
alkalis, fresh and sea water.

Coverage shall be 4.5 to 5 m2/ litre on a fairly smooth surface. After primer application
Providing and applying Two coat of protective two components, acrylic,
polyisocyanatereticulant based, UV resistant anticorrosive coating over the primed steel
surface. Mix parts manufacturers’ using mechanical stirrer to form uniform consistency.
Apply the three coats by brush or spray at 4-6 hours’ interval between each coat to the
satisfaction of the Engineer-In-Charge. Anti-Corrosive Coating must conform to the
1.Base – two components, acrylic, polyisocyanatereticulant based, UV resistant
anticorrosive coating
2. Conformance to ASTM B 117 – No signs of corrosion after 500 hours insalt spray cabinet
3. Pull Off Adhesion (ASTM D 4541) - 3.5 psi
4. Conformance – As per IS 13213-1991
5. Impact Resistance (ASTM G14) – Greater than 1.5 J
Painting shall not be carried out when the temperature falls below 10-degree C or relative
humidity rises above 90% or during rain, for or mist.

Exterior and Interior Texture Paint
Ready to use homogeneous surface texture (Granules/Fine Flakes/ Earthen Finish) for
decorative coating of interior and exterior surfaces as approved by Architect, consist of two
component system made of 92% silica particle coated with fade resistance pigment and
100% acrylic polymer bonding agent. One of the main characteristics of the product is that of
bonding with the surface in such a way as to create a single body. It should anti-algal and
anti – bacterial properties, low order level, and non-inflammable.
The product shall have following salient features:
Breathes out trapped moisture
Flexibility and elasticity
Long shade life for the shades made of inorganic pigments Water Repellent
VOC in Permissible Limit as per GRIHA Compliance
Water resistance, Abrasion resistance, Washable resistance, Alkali resistance, acid
resistance repeated cooling, Impact resistance and warming resistance as per JISA 6909
Adhesion strength, Accelerated weathering, artificial weathering BS:3900: F3
Surface Preparation
The Surface preparation shall be carried out strictly as recommended by the manufacturer.
The surfaces shall be thoroughly cleaned to ensure proper adhesion of the paint coating.
Compressed air shall be used as necessary and as instructed by the PMC.
Primer Coat
Priming on the repaired Surface as specified by manufacturer. coat of primer as specified
manufactures or as described by Engineer-In-Charge.
Directions for Application
Dry material should be mixed with acrylic polymer bonding agent with pigment as per
approved shade. Properly mixed homogeneous material shall be applied on primer applied
surface to achieve 1.2mm thickness or as per satisfaction on Engineer-In-charge. Any
defects shall be rectified by contractor matching the same shade at his own cost. Nothing
extra shall be payable.


The contractor shall submit schematic drawing of water supply and sanitary installation
showing details of layout, including internal water supply and drainage details, showing the
detail of water supply lines including fittings diameter wise and fixtures connecting to soil
waste through traps and connection of W.C. to main shaft pipe for drainage including its
ventilation system for approval of Engineer-in-Charge.
For the work of water supply and sanitary installations, the contractor shall engage the
approved licensed plumbers and submit the name of proposed plumbing agencies with their
credentials for approval of the Engineer-in-Charge.
The work in general shall be carried out as per CPWD Specifications (Volume II) 2009 with
up-to-date correction slips.
The scope of work shall include the cost of cutting holes/cores in walls, floors, RCC slabs
etc. wherever required and making good the same for which nothing extra shall be paid.
The Centrifugally spun cast iron pipe IS: 3989-1984 wherever necessary shall be fixed to
RCC columns, beams etc. with rawl plugs of approved quality
Nothing extra for providing & fixing CP Brass caps /extension pieces wherever required for
CP Brass fittings shall be paid beyond the rates payable for corresponding CP Brass fittings.

a. The Plumbing / Sanitary System shall comprise offollowing:

i. Sanitary pipes, fittings andfixtures.

ii. Internal and external watersupply.
iii. Internal and externaldrainage.
iv. Approval from local authorities, ifany.
v. Balancing, testing &commissioning.

vi. Test reports and completiondrawings.
b. All CPVC/UPVC pipes shall be having thermal stability for hot &cold water supply
including all CPVC/UPVC plain & brass threaded fittings. Also, jointing of pipes &
fittings with one step CPVC solvent cement and testing of joints complete as per
direction ofEngineer-in-Charge.
c. All G.I. pipes shall be complete with G.I. fittings and clamps i/c making good the wall
etc. concealed pipe, i/c painting with anti corrosive bitumastic paint, cutting chases
and making good thewall.
d. All C.I./DI pipes/ Storm pipes/ NP2 RCC pipes shall be complete with fittings. The
laying of pipes shall be laid with allnorms.
e. The provision of floor trap, floor drain, gully trap, manhole, valves etc. as specified in
the tendered drawings and bid document are the minimum quantity. Contractor has
to provide in the building(s) and campus, adequate quantity of these items for
effective operation ofservices.
f. All concealed work shall include cutting chases and making good the wallsetc.
g. All pipes shall be fixed with clamps at maximum 1.00 mspacing.
h. The model/make of Sanitary and CP brass fittings and fixtures mentioned in
schedule of items are indicative and may be modified by Engineer-in-charge with
equivalent models of makes specified in preferred make list formaterials.

Sanitary Pipes andfittings

a) Above ground piping shall be designed on the basis of two pipe system as
recommended in code of practice. Soil and waste shall be Hubless centrifugally cast
(spun) iron pipes epoxy coated inside and outside as per IS:15905 i/c all type of
fittings. Soil pipes shall carry the waste from WC’s and urinals etc. Soil pipes shall be
connected directly to the 1stmanhole outside the building. Waste pipes shall carry the
waste from waste appliances (lavatory basins, kitchen, sinks etc. Waste stacks shall
first connect to gully traps outside the buildings and then shall be connected to
external manholes. Pipes and fittings dia. shall not be less than 100 mm unless
otherwise specified in drawings.
b) All vertical stacks will terminate as vent pipes at parapet level. All vertical stacks shall
be installed in shafts as per approved architectural drawings. These pipes must be
camouflaged aesthetically above terrace level. All shafts shall be provided with
suitable accessible platforms at each floor level. All those shaft openings shall be
casted after pipes are laid wherever required as per firerequirement.
c) The pipes and fittings shall be jointed with SS 304 grade coupling with EPDM rubber
gasket as per requirement and specifications. Provision has to be made for providing
access door fittings for maintenance purpose wherever necessary and required.
d) Wherever possible disposal system shall be directly from sanitary fixtures to pipes in
shaft without any joints in between. Internal buildings sanitary disposal system would
be under the slab by core cutting RCC slab and suspended at bottom. Horizontal
pipes running along ceiling shall be fixed on structural adjustable clamps of approved
design. Horizontal pipes shall be laid to uniform slope and the clamps adjusted to the
proper levels so that the pipes fully rest on them and are properly secured.
Contractor shall provide all nuts, bolts, welding material and paint the clamps with
one coat of red oxide and two or more coats of black enamel paint.
e) Jointing of two or more Hubless Centrifugally cast iron pipes shall be done by
providing and fixing Hubless Centrifugally cast iron fittings like Bend, Door Bend,
Junctions etc. These all includes in the scope of the work
f) Quoted Rates are inclusive of cutting hole in RCC slabs/beams/deck slabs/GI sheets
by diamond core cutting machine and making good the same as per satisfaction of
Engineer-in-Charge for which nothing extra shall be paid. Agency shall provide
suitable size sleeves for fixing of pipes & fixtures.

Porcelain sanitary ware shall be glazed vitreous china of first quality free from warps,
cracks and glazing defects and shall conform to relevant BIS codes. Colour of sanitary
ware, shall be specified or as selected by the Engineer-in-Charge. Nothing extra shall be

payable on this account.
Water SupplyPipes
a. For internal concealed pipe work CPVC pipes i.call fittings, unions, tees, bends etc
shall be used. For external work and exposed on wall, work of water supply pipe line
upto 100mm dia., GI pipes i/c all fittings, unions, air valves, ball valves shall be
provided. For external grid network Ductile Iron Pipes conforming to IS:8329 and
suitable for Push-on-jointing shall be used unless otherwise specified in particular
items. When there is any change in direction (bends, tees) or any change of diameter
(tapers, valves) or any pipe line end restrained joint push-on type shall be provided.
Ductile Iron fittings and specials of Class K-12 suitable for push-
onjointingasperIS:9523shallbeusedasperrequirementunlessotherwise specified in
particular items.
b. Enclosed type water meter (bulk type) conforming to IS: 2373 along with C.I. dirt box
strainer (bulk type) and butterfly valve shall be provided in municipal board supply
line. Water meters shall also be provided in each buildingblocks.
c. In water supply line unions, ball valves, butterfly valves, air valves, ball cock etc would
be provided as per design and direction ofEngineer-in-Charge.
d. Wherever required suitable size chambers shall be made for valves. Nothing extra
shall be payable on anyaccount.

a) All roads will be cement concrete roads, as per MORTH specifications (fifth edition),
laid over sub grade duly prepared with power roller of required thickness as per
design. The edges of roads should be at least 20 cm above the adjoining groundlevel
b) The work shall be carried out using MORTH Specifications for Road and bridge work

c) The Machine mouldedkerb stone shall be provided on as per drawings and

requirements of this item specified in this biddocument.

d) As far as possible cross drainage should be taken under the road and at right angle
to it. NP-3 pipes of dia not less than 300 mm and as per design requirement shall
provided at a interval of not more than 60 meter with a longitudinal slope as per
design slope. At the head of cross drain catch pits of adequate size to collect stones,
soil and rubbish and to prevent scour has to be provided. The floor of the catch pit
should be deeper than the sill of pipe culvert by at least 0.3meter.

e) Control of seepage flow below road: whenever seepage flow is expected /likely to
exists, or seepage zone is at depth less than 0.9 m from sub grade level, longitudinal
perforated pipe drainof adequate diaof PVC in trench filled with filtered material and
geo textile shall be constructed to intercept the seepage flow. Necessary
arrangement to collect the water from perforated pipe drain and diverting by using
pipes of PVC/RCC NP-3 of adequate diashall be made.

25.0 Aluminium doors, windows, ventilators etc. glazing specifications

Extent and Intent: - The work shall be carried out in the factory approved by the Engineer-
in-Charge through an approved Special Agency, who shall furnish all material, labour,
accessories, equipment, tool and plants and incidentals required for providing and installing
anodized/powder coated aluminium doors, windows, claddings, louvers and other items as
called for on the drawings. The drawings and specifications cover the major requirements
only. The supplying of additional fastenings, accessories, fixtures and other items not
mentioned specifically herein, but which are necessary to make a complete installation shall
be a part of this contract.Hinges for open able panel shall be stainless steel friction hinges /
stays selected for specified wind load and dead loads or specifically extruded in-built hinges.

General: - Aluminium doors, windows etc. shall be of sizes, section details as shown on the
Architectural drawings. The details shown on the drawings indicate generally the sizes of the
component parts and general standards. These may be varied slightly to suit the standard
adopted by the manufacturers. Before proceeding with any manufacturing, the contractor
shall prepare and submit complete manufacturing and installation drawings for approval of
the Engineer-in-Charge and no work shall be performed until the approval of these drawings
is obtained.
Shop Drawings: - The contractor shall submit the shop drawings of doors, windows,
louvers, cladding and other aluminium work, based on the architectural drawings to the
Engineer-in-Charge for his approval. The shop drawing shall show full size sections of doors,
windows etc. thickness of metal (i.e. wall thickness) details of construction, sub frame/rough
ground profile, anchoring details hardware as well as connection of windows, doors and
other metal work to adjacent work. Samples of all joints and methods of fastening and joining
shall be submitted to the Engineer-in-Charge for approval well in advance of commencing
the work.
Samples: - Samples of doors, windows louvers etc. shall be fabricated, assembled in the
factory and submitted to Engineer-in-Charge for his approval. They shall be of sizes, types
etc. as decided by Engineer-in-Charge. All samples shall be provided at the cost of the
Sections: - Aluminium doors and windows shall be fabricated from extruded sections of
profiles as detailed on drawings. The sections shall be extruded by the manufacturers
approved by the Engineer-in-Charge. The aluminium extruded sections shall conform to BIS
designation IIE/IIV 9 WP alloy, with chemical composition technical properties, as per IS:
733 and IS: 1285. The permissible tolerance of the extruded sections shall be such as not to
impair the proper and smooth function/ operations and appearance of doors and windows.
Fabrication: - Doors, windows etc. shall be fabricated to sizes at factory and shall be of
section, sizes, combinations and details as shown on the drawings. All doors, windows etc.
shall have mechanical joints. The joints shall be designed to withstand a minimum wind load
of 150 Kg. per Sqm. The design shall also incur that the maximum deflection of any member
shall not exceed 1/175 of the span of the member. All members shall be accurately
machined and fitted to form hairline joints prior to assembly. The joints accessories such as
cleats, brackets etc. shall be of such material as not to cause any bimetallic action. The
design of the joints and accessories shall be such that the accessories are fully concealed.
The fabrication of doors, windows, etc. shall be done in suitable sections to facilitate easy
transportation, handling and installation. Adequate provision shall be made in the door and
window members for anchoring to support and fixing of hardware and other fixture as
approved by the Architect.
Anodizing/ powder coating: -All aluminium sections shall be Powder coated (minimum 50
micron thickness) as per requirement as per IS: 7088 and to required colour as specified in
the item as per IS: 1868 grading as specified in item schedule after cutting the member to
requisite sizes before the final assembly. Powder coating shall be of minimum 50 micron
thickness. Anodizing confirming to specified grade with minimum average thickness of 15
microns when measured as per IS: 612. The anodic coating shall be properly sealed by
steams or in boiling water are cold sealing process as per IS:1868/IS: 6057. Polythene tape
protection shall be applied on the anodised section before they are brought to site. All care
shall be taken to ensure surface protection during transportation, storage at site and
installation. The tape protection shall be removed on installation. The sample will be tested
in the approved laboratory and cost of samples; etc. shall be borne by the contractor.
Protection of finish: - All aluminium members shall be wrapped with approved self-
adhesive non-staining. PVC tapes.
Handling and Stacking: -
Fabricated materials shall be carried in an approved manner to protect the material against
any damage during transportation. The loading and unloading shall be carried out with
utmost care. On receipt of material at site, it shall be carefully examined to detect any
damaged pieces. Arrangements shall be made for expeditious replacement of damaged
pieces/ parts. Materials found to be acceptable on inspections shall be repacked in crates
and stored safely.
In the case of composite windows and doors, the different units are to be assembled first.
The assembled composite units should be checked for line, level and plumb before final
fixing is done. Units may be serial numbered and identified as out how to be assembled in
their final locations if situation so warrants.

The contractor shall be responsible for assembling composite, bedding and filling the grove
with polysulphide sealant inside and outside, at transoms and mullions placing the doors,
windows etc. in their respective openings. After the doors/ windows have been fixed in their
correct assigned position, the open hollow sections abutting masonry concrete shall be fitted
with approved polysulphide sealant densely packed and finished neat.
The contractor shall be responsible for doors, windows, etc. being set straight, plumb, level
and for their satisfactory operation after fixing is complete.

Just prior to installation the doors, windows, etc. shall be uncreated and stacked on edge on
level bearers and supported evenly. The frame shall be fixed into position true to line and
level using adequate number of expansion machine bolts, anchor fasteners, of approved
size and manufacture and in an approved manner. The holes in concrete/masonry members
for housing anchor bolts shall be drilled with an electric drill.

The door/ windows assembled as shown on drawings shall be placed in correct final
position on the opening and marks made on concrete members at jambs, sills and heads
against the holes provided in frames for anchoring. The frame shall then be removed from
the opening and laid aside. Neat holes with parallel sides of appropriate size shall then be
drilled in the concrete members with an electric drill at the marking to house the expansion
blots. The expansion bolts shall then be inserted in the holes, struck with a light hammer till
the nut is forced into the anchor shell. The frame shall then be placed in final position in the
opening and anchored to the support thought cadmium plated machine screws of required
size and anchored to the support through cadmium plated machine screws of required size
threaded to expansion bolts. The frame shall be set in the opening by using wooden wedges
at supports and be plumbed in position. The wedges shall invariably be placed at the
meeting at points of glazing bars and frame.
EPDM Rubber / Neoprene gaskets: The contractor shall provide and install EPDM Rubber
/ Neoprene gaskets of approved size and profile at all locations as shown and as called for
to render the doors, windows etc. absolutely air tight and weather tight. The contractor shall
produce samples of the gaskets for approval and shall procure the same after approval only.
Fittings: Hinges, stays, handles, tower bolts, locks and other fittings shall be of quality and
manufacturer as approved by the Engineer-in-Charge.

Manufacturer’s Attendance: The manufacturer immediately prior to the commencement of

glazing shall adjust and set all windows and doors and accept responsibility for the
satisfactory working of the opening frames.
Poly-sulphide: The gaps between frames and supports and also any gaps in the door and
windows sections shall be raked out as directed and filled with poly-sulphide of approved
colour and make to ensure complete water tightness. The poly-sulphide shall be of such
colour and composition that it would not stain the masonry/concrete work, shall receive paint
without bleeding, will not sag or run and shall not set hard or dry out under any conditions of
weather. The sample of poly-sulphide to be used for this purpose shall be got approved from
the Engineer-in-Charge before its actual use.

Details of Test :
The various tests on aluminium sections shall be conducted in accordance with the relevant IS
The minimum number of tests for anodizing/powder coating and corrosion resistance shall be
as given below: -
Sr. Details No. of Tests
1. Doors, windows and One test for every 1000 kg or part thereof.

The samples of major member of each unit of doors/ windows shall be selected at random
by Engineer-in-Charge as such that all the aluminium section shall be got tested.
Specification of Glass:

5mm thick tinted toughened glass shall be provided in window shutters including all
accessories complete for the required performances, as per the Architectural drawings as
specified and as directed by Architect/the Engineer-in-Charge. Glass Shall confirm to U
value of 5.5 to 5.7 W/m2 degree K and shading coefficient (0.45) etc. The properties of
performance glass shall be approved by the Engineer-in-Charge. However in Non Structural/
Structural Glazing DGU as per approved specifications shall be used.
The scope of work: -
The scope of work of the item shall include the cost of materials, labour required in all the
above operations.
The scope of work include the cost of stainless steel friction hinges / stays selected for
specified wind load and dead loads or specifically extruded in-built hinges, and rest of the

26.0 Structural/Non Structural Glazing : The work in general shall be carried out as per CPWD
Specifications (Volume II) 2009 with up-to-date correction slips and arch drawings.
Aluminum extruded tubular and other aluminum sections as per the architectural drawings
and approved shop drawings, the aluminium quality as per grade 6063 T5 or T6 as per BS
1474, including super durable powder coating of 50-80 microns conforming to AAMA 2604
of required colour and shade as approved by the Engineer-in-Charge. (including cleats,
sleeves, screws etc. necessary for fabrication of extruded aluminium frame work.
Silicone Sealant:
The Contractor shall send a sample of PVDF 3 coats (40 – 45 microns) as per AAMA2605
specification aluminium section & selected glass to the silicon sealant manufacturer and get
his approval. A copy of that certificate to be submitted to Project In-charge. The cost of
samples, carriage of the samples and testing charges, if any shall be borne by the
The Contractor shall submit, for record only, glass manufacturer’s written statement that any
insulated glass, reflective glass and spandrel glass is supported by structural silicone is
suitable for such application.
The colour/ shade of sealant shall be decided by the Project In-chargeand the Contractor to
get approval before procurement.
Specification of Glass:
Providing, assembling and supplying vision glass panels (DGUs) comprising of hermetically-
sealed 6-12- 6 mm insulated glass (double glazed) vision panel units of size and shape as
required and specified, comprising of an outer heat strengthened float glass 6mm thick, of
approved colour and shade with reflective soft coating on surface # 2of as approved colour
and shade by Architect , an inner Heat strengthened clear float glass 6mm thick, spacer
tube 12mm wide, dessicants, including primary seal and secondary seal (structural silicone
sealant) etc. all complete for the required performances, as per the Architectural drawings,
as per the approved shop drawings, as specified and as directed by Architect/the Engineer-
in-Charge. The IGUs shall be assembled inthe factory/ workshop of the glass processor
Colored as approved by Architect tinted float glass 6mm thick substrate with reflective soft
coating on face # 2, + 12mm Air gap + 6mm Heat Strengthened Clear Glass of approved
make having properties as visible Light transmittance (VLT) of 25 to 35 %, Light reflection
internal 10 to 15%, light reflection external 10 to 20 %, shading coefficient (0.25- 0.28) and U
value of 1.5 to 1.7 W/m2 degree K etc. The properties of performance glass shall be decided
by technical sanctioning authority as per the site requirement.
Openable top Hung Panels:
Openable side / top hung vision glass panels (IGUs) including providing and supplying at site
all accessories and hardware’s for the openable panels as specified and of the approved
make such as heavy duty stainless steel friction hinges, min 4 -point cremone locking sets
with stainless steel plates, handles, buffers etc. including necessary stainless steel screws/
fasteners, nuts, bolts, washers etc. all complete as per the Architectural drawings, as per the
approved shop drawings, as specified and as directed by the Engineering-Charge.

Fabrication & Installation
Installation shall be in true line vertically and horizontally.
Work shall be done by competent workmen who are thoroughly skilled in their trade.
Assemblies shall be neat and free of defects that impair strength, function or appearance. The
work shall be accomplished in compliance with the specified criteria without buckling opening
or joints. Under stress on fasteners, sealants and gaskets, opening of welds cracking of glass
leakage noises and other harmful effects.
As far as practicable fitting and assembly of the work, shall be done in the shop.
The Contractor shall conceal all the fasteners where visible in the finished work.
All aluminium components shall fabricate before finishing, cutting of components will not be
As the building is exposed to varying weather actions, all fasteners shall be stainless steel,
self-tapping screws with Aluminum brackets. Steel anchors shall be pre-holed and galvanized.
The bolts shall be steel chromium plated along with nuts and covered with butyl sealing
Where aluminum comes into contact with masonry, brickwork, concrete, plaster or dissimilar
metals, it shall be coated with an approved insulation lacquer, paint or plastic tape to ensure
that electro-chemical corrosion is avoided.
The Contractors shall be responsible for placing in position the Structural Glazing wall frames
for the satisfactory performance and should be totally leak proof for a minimum period of ten
years Sealant and Gasket Application

Sealant and gasket shall be provided wherever shown in the drawings or required for a
permanently weather tight installation. The sealing mechanism for each location and use shall
be as indicated on drawings in those locations where a mechanism is necessary but is not
indicated. It shall be of type recommended by the Contractor and approved by the Project In-
All adjoining surfaces shall be protected to receive sealants against staining by masking and/
or other methods.
Joints and joint surfaces shall be clean, dry and free of any material that may have an adverse
effect on the bonding and/ or seal of the sealant and gasket materials.
Apply sealants and gasket under the conditions recommended by the manufacturer(s) Prime
all surface to receive sealants and gasket unless recommended otherwise use no sealant
that has started to set in its container or a sealant that has exceeded the self-life published
by the manufacturer.
Fill all joints continuously and completely with sealant forming a neat uniform concave bead.
Finish the material flush with adjoining surfaces unless otherwise shown on the drawings. All
sealant surfaces shall be tooled smooth.

All shop and field materials and workmanship shall be subject to inspection prior to
installation and after installation by the Architect at all times, these inspections shall not
relieve the Contractor from the obligation to provide materials conforming to all requirements
of the Contract Document and matching approved samples. The Contractor shall promptly
correct any deficiencies reported and carry out his own control measure to all materials
whether inspected or not at no extra cost to Employer.

The Contractor shall ensure that all actions are taken during installation to prevent the
effects of corrosive substances on the finishes of the external glazing.
The Contractor shall clean both internal and external surfaces to remove corrosive
substances, dust or cement / mortar dropping during the installation as may be directed and
instructed by the PMC.
The internal surfaces of glass and aluminium frame are to be cleaned with compatible
cleaning agents prior to the installation of the internal protective sheeting.
The Contractor shall provide written verification that cleaning agents are compatible with
aluminium, stainless steel, glass coating, granite, glazing materials and sealants. In no case
shall alkaline or abrasive agent be used to clean the surface. Care shall be taken during
cleaning to avoid scratching of the surface by dirt particles.
Prior to snagging inspection the Contractor shall remove the internal protection sheet and
carry out a thorough cleaning of all glass, aluminium
The protective sheeting shall then be removed permanently provided that no other wet
works or services work are required in the immediately vicinity of the external glazing.
The Contractor shall also make good any physical damage to the wall including scratches,
dents, abrasions, pitting, etc. to the satisfaction of the PMC.
Manufacturer’s delivery or job marking on glass shall be either a neutral or slightly acidic
material and in no case shall such material be alkaline. Any staining of glass by alkaline
material will be cause to rejection of the glass.
After the installation of each panel of glass all markings and labels shall be carefully and
completely removed from the panes. Thereafter no markings or labels of any sort shall be
placed on the glass.
Glazed openings shall be identified by suitable warming tapes or flags attached with a non-
staining adhesive or other suitable means to the framing of the opening. Tapes or flags shall
not be in contact with glass.
The Contractor shall carry out regular inspections of the glass to monitor the effectiveness of
the protection and to take all necessary remedial action.
Prior to handing over of each floor to the Architect and PMC, the Contractor shall carry out a
final cleaning of the external glazing.
As soon as it is practicably possible after the issuance of the occupation period for the
building, the Contractor is to carry out a complete cleaning of the external face of the
external glazing.
Cleaning is defined as being free of any substance that cannot be removed by normal
washing with a mild detergent and water.

The Contract Documents define general performance requirements. The Contractor is

entrusted with total responsibility for shop drawings, fabrications, installation, warranties,
certifications and related documentation.
The Contractor shall be entirely responsible for the fabrication and erection of the systems,
and all work shall be performed entirely by his own forces.

Design approved metal framing members to accommodate expansion and contraction of

components without buckling, creating stress on glass, structural components and fasteners,
joint seals or other damaging effects.
The Contractor shall provide to sealant manufacturer samples of all relevant substrates,
including finished aluminium, coated glass, gaskets, setting blocks and brackets.
Sealant manufacturer shall perform tests to verify adhesion, staining and chemical
compatibility. The Contractor shall use sealants and substrates only in combinations for which
favorable addition and compatibility results have been obtained.
Aluminium surfaces in contact with mortar, concrete, plaster, masonry, wet application of the
fire proofing and absorptive materials shall be coated with an anti- galvanic, moisture barrier
Within two weeks of signing this agreement the Contractor shall provide a detailed write up on
the following:

Sample of one typical panel shall be fabricated, assembled and installed for approval. It shall
be of type as per approved drawings. All samples shall be provided at no cost to the Project
In- charge.
Water Tightness
The Contractor shall submit for the consideration and approval of the PMC, Architect & the
Engineer in Charge detailed description of a testing programme, which shall include the
Water penetration (including dynamic test)
Test shall be carried out at a qualified independent test facility proposed by the Contractor
and approved by the PMC. All tests shall be carried out in accordance with the standards or
other equivalent and approved standards.
The Contractor shall submit for the approval of the PMC detailed description of the proposed
test assemblies or mock-ups, testing schedule and record.
All specified tests shall be carried out in the Mock-ups as well as in executed works.
Controlled water penetration shall be defined as any water which appears on the interior side
of the wall construction and which is temporarily contained in the wall drainage system,
eventually to pass out through weep holes. Water that overflows on the interior side will be
considered as uncontrolled water penetration.
No gross leakage shall be observed when subject to test for water penetration as described in
BS 4315 Part-1.

Shop Drawings:
The Contractor shall prepare detailed shop drawings incorporating all allowances for
construction and fabrication tolerances.
The Contractor shall submit detailed shop drawings for the Structural wall system, aluminium
composite panel cladding works to the Project In-charge for review.
The Architect’s review will be conformance to the design concept and for the general
arrangement only. And such review shall not relieve the Contractor of any responsibilities as
stated herein or any other applicable items herein specified.
The Shop drawings shall show joinery techniques, provisions for horizontal and vertical
expansion, glass and metal thickness, framing and anchor member profiles, identification all
materials including metal alloys, glass types, fasteners and glazing materials, all shop and
field sealants by product name. This shall also show relative.
Layout of all adjacent walls, beams, columns and slabs with all dimensions to each other
and grid lines/ dimension position of glass edge relative to metal daylight, anchorage details
to the building structure and coping details at the parapet are also to be submitted. The
drawing shall also indicate all gaskets, weather strips and Aluminium extrusions.

Within two weeks of signing the contract the Contractor to submit samples for review three
(3) sets of labelled samples of each required type and colour of metal finish,on.
300mm long sections of aluminium extrusion shapes. Samples must show extremes of
colour texture variation. Samples will be reviewed by Architect for colour and texture only.
Compliance with other requirements is the responsibility of the Contractor. Colour and
texture range of production material shall match approved samples.
Architect/ Engineer-In-charge reserves the right to require samples which will show the
fabrication techniques and workmanship of the component parts, and the design of
accessories and other exposed auxiliary items, before fabrication of this work proceeds.
Within two weeks of signing this contract submit for review, 3 sets of samples sealant
backers, anchor components, anchor assemblies and epoxies.

Name of work: Development of Permanent Campus of IIM Sirmaur at Dhaula Kuan, District Sirmaur, Himachal
Pradesh. SH: C/o Student Hostel-Type A, B, C, Married Hostel, Connecting Corridor Hostels, Student Mess,
Student Activity Center, Virtual Learning Center, Director Residence, Professor Residence-Type VI,
Associate Professor Residence -Type V & Assistant Professor Residence Type IV Special, Staff Residence
Type-1 to 4 (1, 2, 3 & 4), Community Center, Class Room Complex- 01 & 02, Faculty Building, MDP Class
Room Complex, Library cum Computer Center, Auditorium and Incubation Center, Administrative Block,
Guest House & MDP Accommodation, Meditation Center, ESS-1, 2 & 3, AC Plant Room, Bus Stop & Gate
Way Complex i/c all Internal and External Civil, MEP, Hard Landscape, irrigation work etc.

S. No Material Approved Makes/Brands

Ordinary Portland Cement / ACC Ultratech Vikram
Portland Pozzolona Cement Jaypee Cement Ambuja Cement Shree Cement
2 White Cement Birla Cement J. K White Ultratech
The contractor to install his own computerized batching plant of suitable
capacity and arrange for Transit Mixers, pumps etc. as per approval of
3 Ready Mixed Concrete Engineer-in-Charge.
ACC Ultratech RMC Ready Mix (India)
Reinforcement Steel
(TMT – Fe500/Fe 500D)
Factory made Concrete Cover
block of Required Grade
Expansion Joint System width as
per structural drawing with
Provision of Moisture/ water Barrier Construction
1 Migua VexcoltMegatec
membrane for Specialties
b. External Wall
Expansion Joint System thickness
2 as per structural drawing for Migua VexcoltMegatec
internal wall & ceiling
3 Expansion Joint filler Board Durafill (Armour Board) Paramount Supreme
Integral Waterproofing Crystalline
1 Penetron Xypex Chemical Sunanda Chemicals
2 TPO Synthetic membrane SOPREMA BASF MAPEI
Liquid Applied, Acrylic Elastomeric
Waterproofing Self Adhesive
(HDPE) Membrane
Hydro Swelling water bar for
construction joints
Plasticizer, Super Plasticizer,
Admixtures/ construction chemicals
7 Extruded Polysterene Board STP Supreme Ownes corning
C.S Herculus Z-Tech
8 Expansion Joint – Modular
Vexcolt Fischer
9 Drainboard Soprema Sika BASF
10 PVC Water Stops BASF SOPREMA Oriplast
Single or Two Component root Soprema Fosroc BASF
11 Resistant Polyurethane
12 Floor Hardener (Silica Based) Fosroc Sika BASF
S. No Material Approved Makes/Brands
13 Pond Liner Dupont Supreme Sintec
14 Self-Expanding PU Foam Sealant 3M Hilti BASF
Anti-Corrosive Paint for Structural BASF MAPEI
1 Sunanda Chemical
Steel (Epoxy Primer and PU Paint)
2 Texture Paint Heritage (BackeliteHylam) OKIOS MAS Paints
Silane/ Siloxane (water based
3 Wacker Remmers BASF
breathable coating)
4 Polyester Powder Coating Paints Nerolac Berger Akzonobel
5 Cement Based Wall Putty Birla Wall Care JK White Asian Paints
Low VOC Water Based Acrylic
6 Asian Paints Dulux Berger
Exterior- Modified Water Based
7 Acrylic Emulsion with silicon Asian Paints Dulux Berger
8 Acrylic Distemper Asian Paints Dulux Berger
9 Premium Acrylic Emulsion paints Asian Paints Nerolac Berger
BP White Decoprime WT Akzonobel
10 Cement Primer
(Berger) (Asian) (Dulux)
Berger (Durocem
11 Cement Paint Snowcem Plus Asian
12 Steel /Wood Primer First quality of ICI Nerolac Asian Paints
13 Synthetic Enamel Paint Asian (Apcolite) First quality of ICI
14 Gypsum Plaster Ferrous Crete Elite (90) Ultratech
15 Plaster of Paris Asian Birla Sakarni
Shrinkage Compensating Grout FOSROC MAPEI Sunanda Chemical
Admixture BASF
2 Cementitious Grout SIKKA
3 Rebarring Chemical Hilti 3M India
4 Fire Sealant Hilti 3M India Fischer
5 Pre-Cast GRC Jali Unistone Dalal Tiles Industries Ecovision
6 Welding Electrodes Advani Oerlikon Modi
Saint Gobain USG Boral Lindner
7 False Ceiling – Gypsum
India Gypsum Lafarge
False Ceiling – Metal (Post Coated
8 Armstrong Hunter Douglus USG Boral
Saint Gobain USG Boral Lindner
9 Gypsum Board
Boral Gypsum Lafarge India Gypsum
Armstrong AMF USG Boral
10 False Ceiling – Mineral fiber
Anutone Hunter Douglas
11 False Ceiling – Aluminum Armstrong Durlum Hunter Douglas
12 Wood Works Grille (Backers) Armstrong Durlum Hunter Douglas
13 Aluminum U Baffles Armstrong Durlum Hunter Douglas
14 Curtain Rod/Drapery Rod Vista work Mac Décor Hunter Douglas
Hot Applied Retro reflective
15 Asian Paints PPG-APCO Mark Nerolac
thermoplastic road marking Paint
16 Glow Studs 3M or equivalent
Fosroc Pidilite BASF
17 Polysulphide Sealant

S. No Material Approved Makes/Brands
1 Pre-Laminate MDF Action Tesa Green Merino
2 Plywood Merino Century Greenlam
3 Wood Veneer Merino Century Greenlam
4 Laminate Merino Century Greenlam
5 High Density Laminate Action Tesa Century Merino
1 Flush door shutters Duro Century Merino
Wood Fire Check Door
2 Promat Navair Shakti
(2hr rated)
Insulated Metal Door with PU
3 Promat Navair Shakti
Hardware for Fire Check Door (2hr
4 Dorma Becker Fire Solution Kitch
Glazed Fire Check Door
5 Promat Navair Shakti
(2hr Rated)
Glass for Fire Check Door
6 St Gobain Schott
(2hr Rated)
7 Aluminum Sections Jindal Hindalco Indalco
Stainless Steel Friction Stay (30kg+
8 Dorma Geze EBCO
load capacity)
Stainless Steel Screw for
9 Kundan Puja Atul
Fabrication and fixing of Windows
10 Stainless Steel Hardware Dorma Kitch Dorset
SS Modular Railing Systems
11 Dorma Kitch D-line
including glazing
Dorma Geze Dorset
12 Floor Springs
Multi Walled Polycarbonate roofing Lexan GE Bayer DanPalon
Sheets DPI day lighting system Polygal
Profile Pre coated GALVALUME
2 Tata Durashine JSW INTERARCH
Sheet (Manglore Tile Pattern)
3 Heat Resistant Tiles Swastik Thermax NTC
Structural Steel/RHS/SHS/Tubes,
4 TATA Jindal Apollo
Pipes, Angles & Flats
5 Welding Electrodes Advani Oerlikon Modi
Over Deck Insulation (Extruded Soprema France Owens Corning Dow Corning
Polystyrene) Supreme Isofoam Isover
7 Tensile Membrane Fabric Ferrari Mehler Verseidag
8 Galvanised Strands Usha Martin Bharat Wire Rope Kinlong
Saint Gobain USG Boral Lindner
1 Gypsum Board False Ceiling
India Gypsum Lafarge
Post Coated GI - False Ceiling
2 Amstrong Hunter Douglus USG Boral
Tiles/Planks, Perforated /Solid
Saint Gobain USG Boral Lindner
3 Gypsum Board
Boral Gypsum Knauff India Gypsum
Mineral Fibre - False Ceiling Armstrong AMF USG Boral
Tiles/Planks, Perforated /Solid Anutone Hunter Douglas
Aluminum – False Ceiling
5 Armstrong Durlum Hunter Douglas
Tiles/Planks, Perforated /Solid
S. No Material Approved Makes/Brands
Wood Finish False Ceiling
6 Armstrong Durlum Hunter Douglas
Tiles/Planks, Perforated /Solid
7 Wood Works Grille ( Backers) Armstrong Durlum Hunter Douglas
8 Aluminum U Baffles Armstrong Durlum Hunter Douglas
9 Suspension System/Edge Profiles Armstrong Durlum Hunter Douglas
Armstrong Ramco Promat
10 Calcium silicate board
U.P. Twiga Owens Corning Saint Gobain
11 Glass wool
Dow Corning ISOVER
12 Rock Wool Polybond Rockwool India
13 Access panels Knauff
20 Glass Fibre Acoustical Ceiling Tile Anutone Decosonic Armstrong
1 AAC Block Aerocon Builtech JK
Ultratech Ardex Endura Ecolite
2 AAC Blocks Adhesive
3 HDL Toilet Partition Merino Century Greenlam
Double Glazed Aluminum
4 Dorma Cliq Jeb
Partitioning system
5 Gypsum Board Saint Gobain USG Boral India Gypsum
6 Calcium Silicate Board Hylux Ramco
7 Pre-Cast GRC Jali Unistone JK Cement Ecovision
8 Burnt clay bricks 1st Quality Locally best available as approved
9 Cement based Fly ash bricks 1st Quality Locally best available as approved
10 Acoustic Wooden Perforated Slat Anutone Armstrong Decosonic
1 Mosaic / Chequered Tiles Unistone NITCO Unitile
2 Ceramic tiles / Glazed Tiles Kajaria RAK Orient Bell
Vitrified Tiles (Antiskid / Matt /
3 RAK Kajaria Orient Bell
4 Terrazzo Tiles NTC Unistone Hindustan

5 Cement Concrete/ Designer Tiles Unistone Ultra Eurocon

6 Laminated Wooden Flooring Krono Armstrong Harro

7 Vinyl Flooring Square Foot Armstrong Polyfloor
Modulyss Forbo Square Foot
8 Sport Flooring
Armstrong Polyfloor
Paver Bloc, Kerb Stone, KC Drain,
9 NTC Unitile KK Manholes
Bollard, Grass Paver
Hilti Fisher Bosch
10 Dash / Anchoring Fasteners
Rawl plug Anchor
Composite Marble / Granite /
11 Asian Johnson Kalinga
Engineered Stone
12 Water Based Melamine Polish Asian Pidilite ICI Dulux
13 Fire Retardant Paint Asian Berger Shalimar
14 Adhesive for Woodwork Pidilite Fevicol Vamicol
15 Rolling Shutter Rama/ Prakash
16 Venetian Blinds Mac Décor Vista Hunter Douglas
S. No Material Approved Makes/Brands
Wipro Blowplast Godrej
17 Built in Furniture
Steelcase Featherlite Geeken
18 Building Signage/ Fire Signages Hindustan Signage Signsutra WRS Enterprises

21 Epoxy Self Levelling Flooring BASF Fosroc Soprema

Epoxy Grout/ Polymer Modified Laticrete BASF Saint Gobain- Weber

Cementitious Tiles Grout
1 Anodised Aluminum Hardware Hardima Alualpha LGF Sysmac
(Heavy Duty) EBCO Godrej
2 Aluminum Structural Members – Jindal Indalco Hindalco
Windows, Glazing and Partitions Bhoruka
3 Glazing Structural /Suspended Saint Gobain Pilkington Glaverbal
4 Clear / Float / Frosted Glass / Saint Gobain AIS Pilkington
Mirror MODI Guard Atul
5 Fire Rated Glass Saint Gobin Asahi Pilkington
6 Glass Spider Fittings Dorma Geze ASSA ABLOY
7 Stainless Steel Railing, Dorma D-line Geze
Accessories etc in Grade SS OR Ozone Q-railing
8 Fire rated vision Panels Pilkington SCHOTT FERILITE
Saint Gobain Glaverbel
9 Ceramic panel Cladding Hunter Douglas Neolith Terreal
10 Aluminum Louvers Lindner Chicago Metals Colt
Hunter Douglas Kawneer
11 Aluminum composite Panels Alucobond Alstrong Renobond
12 G. I Steel door frame/Pressed Synergy Navair Shakti
Steel Door frame Thrislington
13 Friction Stay Hinges Dorma LG Sysmac Dorset
14 EPDM Gasket Hanu Anand Osaka / Alps
Anand Reddiplex Enviro Seals
15 UPVC Doors & Windows Fenesta Veka Aluplast
16 Die Cast Patch Fittings Dorma Geze ASSA ABLOY
Silicon Structural Sealant & Dow Corning G.E. Wacker
Weather Sealant
18 PVB Film Dupont Solutia Kuraray
Grab bars and Disabled Dorma Geze ASSA ABLOY
SS Mortise latch & lock with six Dorma Geze ASSA ABLOY
2 levers and pair off SS handles
steel grade – SS304
3 SS Tower bolt Dorma Geze ASSA ABLOY
SS Butt hinges with ball bearing Dorma Geze ASSA ABLOY
grade – SS304
Anodised Aluminum Hardware Hardima EBCO Godrej
(Heavy Duty)
Automation Systems for UCS Window Master Essmann
7 Lever handle in SS 304 finish Kitch Geze ASSA ABLOY
S. No Material Approved Makes/Brands
10 Rolling shutter Rama Prakash
11 Nuts / Bolts & Screws GKW Atul Hilti
Door / Window Fittings Godrej Geze ASSA ABLOY
Door Closer Godrej Geze ASSA ABLOY
Automatic bi-parting sliding door Dorma Geze Hafele
15 Hydraulic Door Closer Dorma Geze ASSA ABLOY
16 Sliding Door Mechanism Dorma Geze ASSA ABLOY
17 Dash & Anchor Fastener Hilti Fischer Bosch
Ball Bearing Hinge & Spring Dorma ASSA ABLOY Geze
1 Sanitary Fixtures KOHLER ROCA (Except Jaquar (Except Essco
Parryware Series). Series).
2 CP Brass Fittings & Accessories KOHLER ROCA (Except Jaquar (Except Essco
Parryware Series). Series).
3 Kitchen Sinks Neelkanth Jayna Nirali

4 Water Cooler Blue Star Usha Voltas

Eureka Forbes
5 Electric Storage Type Geyser Venus AO Smith Racold
6 Hand Drier Euronics Jaquar (Except Utec
Essco Series).
7 RO Purifier Units Kent ION Exchange AO Smith
1 Hubless Centrifugally cast (spun) Neco Kapilansh Hepco
Iron pipes & Fittings
SS 304 grade coupling with
EPDM rubber gasket

2 GI Pipes Jindal Hissar Prakash Surya Tata

3 GI Pipe Fittings Zoloto M DRP New
4 GI clamps with EPDM rubber Intellotech Indotech Hilti
5 Brass Clean Out Plugs Neer Vijay GMGR
6 Stainless Steel Gratings Chilly Camry Kamal
7 uPVC Pipes & Fittings Ashirvad Finolex Astral
1 CPVC Pipes & Fittings Ashirvad /Finolex /Astral
2 GI Pipes Jindal Hissar Prakash Surya Tata
3 GI Pipe Fittings Zoloto M DRP New
4 Water Meter Kranti Toshaniwal Capstan
5 DI Pipes & Fittings Electrosteel Kesoram Tisco

S. No Material Approved Makes/Brands
6 Forged Brass Ball Valves Giacomini Zoloto New
7 CI Butterfly Valves Zolato Audco DRP

8 Pipe Insulation Armaflex K-Flex Thermaflex

9 Motorised Valves Zoloto AIP Honeywell
10 Single Acting Air Release Valve Giacomini Zoloto DRP

11 Central RO Plant Ion Exchange Thermax Pentair

Eureka Forbes
12 Polyethylene Storage Tank Sintex Supreme Sheetal
Heat Pumps AO Smith Cristopia Bluebox
Climaveneta Klima
Hot Water Recirculation & Return Willo Grundfoss KSB
2 Pumps Xyllum
1 HDPE Double Wall Corrugated Finolex Astral Ashrivad
(DWC) Supreme
2 SFRC Manhole Cover & Frame KK Manholes SK Precast Advent concreteovision
3 Foot Rest KJM Deesawala Surya
4 Grease Separator ACO Kessel Klaro
5 RCC Pipes Jain Spun Pipes Dewan Spun Pipes Usha Spun Pipes
KK Concrete Products
1 Water Supply Pumps Willo/ Grundfoss KSB
2 Drainage Pumps Willo Grundfoss KSB
3 Borewell Pumps Willo Grundfoss KSB
Crompton Greaves
4 Hydropneumatic System Willo Grundfoss KSB
5 Water Filters Ion Exchange Thermax Pentair
6 Water Softeners Ion Exchange Thermax Pentair
7 Chemical Dosers (Cholorinators) Asia LMI Toshcon Chloromax
8 Electrical Panels As per Electrical Make
9 GI Pipes Jindal Hissar Prakash Surya Tata
10 GI Fittings Zoloto M DRP New
11 CI Butterfly Valves Zolato Audco DRP

12 CI Dual Plate Check Valves Zolato Audco DRP

S. No Material Approved Makes/Brands
13 CI Strainers Zolato Audco DRP

14 Vibration Eliminators/ Rubber Resistoflex D’wren Kanwal

15 Electric Wires & Cables As per Electrical Make
1 Air Blowers Beta Everest Kulkarni
2 Air Diffusion System Airfin Usha Ruba Rehau
3 Air Vent Valve Oven trop (Germany) CIM Rapid Control
4 Bar Screen KSP AWMS PAMM
5 Centrifuge Apollo United B.A Engineering
6 Chemical Cleaning Pump WILO Grundfos Xylem
7 Chemical Cleaning tank Polycon Sintex Vectus
8 Electrical Panel As per Electrical Make List
9 Flow Meter (Digital) Aster (Totalized) VATS Scientific
10 Flow Rota Meter for Suction UKL Aster Scientific
11 Foot Valve Sant Zoloto Advance
12 G.I. fittings (malleable cast iron) Unik Zoloto New
13 Level Controller Aster Cirrus Engineering Rockwell Automation
14 Level Indicator Aster Cirrus Engineering Rockwell Automation
15 Level Switch Aster Cirrus Engineering Rockwell Automation
16 MBR Permeate Suction Pump WILO Grundfos Xylem
17 Media Cooldeck Usha Ruba MM Aqua
18 Multiport Valve Pharer (U.S.A) ORG Astar
19 PH Meter VATS Hanna Aster
20 PLC / HMI Schneider Allen bradley Mitsubishi
21 Semi Auto Fine Screen Toro KSP AWMS
22 UV Systems Alpha UV Creative UV Pentair
Eureka Forbes
23 VFD Danfoss Allen Bredly Siemens
24 STP Vendors B S Enviro Degrimont Thermax
1 Gas Based Fire Suppression Safegaurd Ceasfire Industries Pyrogaurd Engineers
2 Deluge valve/ Solenoid valve/ Victaulic Smith Copper Anvil
Spray nozzle/Installation Control

S. No Material Approved Makes/Brands
3 Fire Pumps Mather&Platt(WILO) Grundfos Kirloskar
4 Fire Buckets Safegaurd Lifegaurd Minimax
5 Fire Extinguishers Safegaurd Lifegaurd Minimax
6 Fire Hydrant Valves/ Fire RRL Safegaurd Lifegaurd Minimax
Hose Pipes / Fire Hose Reels/ Ceasfire
Fire Man’s Axe/ short branch
pipe/ 2/ 3/4 FB inlet/ draw Out
connection/Hose Box/ Hose reel
drum /Nozzle/ blank Caps &
Chains / Coupling
7 Flow switch Potter Rapid flow Danfoss
Viking Belimo Honeywell
8 Pipe coat material (pipe Pypcoat Makphalt
9 Pipe Hangers/ Clamps/Supports Chilly GMGR CAMRY
10 Mild Steel Pipes Jindal Hissar Prakash Surya Tata
11 Weld Electrodes Advani ESAB L&T
12 Pressure Gauge Fiebig H.GURU HD
13 Push Buttons/ Indicating lamps As per respective
LED electrical make list

14 Single Phase Preventer As per respective

electrical make list
15 Solenoid valve/ Spray nozzle HD Tyco Danfoss
16 Sprinkler Heads (Sidewall/ Grinnel- Tyco Viking HD
Upright/ Pendant)
17 Sprinkler Flexible Drops Victaulic Smith Copper Anvil
18 MS Forged Fittings New DRP VS
19 Pop up Connecting Assembly Rain Bird Dura Lasco
20 Popup Spray Head Rain Bird Toro, USA Nelson,
21 Powder Coating Material pure Jotun Berger GoodlassNerolac
22 RQRC Hydrant Harvel Alprene Rain Bird, USA
23 RQRC Key Harvel Aqua Drip& Drip
24 CI Butterfly Valves/Sluice Valves Zolato Audco DRP

25 CI Dual Plate Check Valves Zolato Audco DRP

26 CI Strainers Zolato Audco DRP

27 Vibration Eliminators/ Rubber Resistoflex D’wren Kanwal

28 Electric Wires & Cables As per Electrical Make List
S. No Material Approved Makes/Brands


1. Water Body Vendors / Fountain Ripples Premium Pools Watcon Water
Engineering Specialist
Jain Irrigation System Premier
2. Irrigation System / Products Stitchwell Irrigation Jain Irrigation
Qualitex Products Systems
Harvell Aqua Tech
3. Landscape Furniture KK Manhole & Gratings JSL Architecture
Co. Pvt. Ltd. Ltd
4. Hdpe Grass Pavers &Hdpe Ovilite Aceturf ZTC International-
Drain Board Landscape Solutions
5. Ornate Pots (Removable Smart Exteriors Yuccabe RaunaqSales(India)

Note: (i) The guarantee/ warrantee of products shall be in the name of IIM Sirmaur and shall be
handed over to them after successful installation, commissioning and completion of
(ii) Batch test certificate of Paints and Primers shall be supplied along with each lot.
(iii) The SE cum PD, Sirmour CPWD, Sirmour reserves the right to add or delete any
materials and brands in the list of preferred materials/ brands.

Item wise Requirement
of Civil Worksto be
complied by Contractor




AS PER ANNEXURE –C1 to C20 (PAGE 1 to 372)



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