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2000 Seater Auditorium EPC Tender

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: NU/Engg/91/2021-22/EPC/04


Construction of buildings including the Central Library comprising of Basement (-4.5
m + ground floor (+3.6m) + five floors (average 3.8 m), one 500 user capacity Yoga
Center cum Meditation/Multipurpose Hall (Ground floor - with minimum 8.0 m ceiling
height), one 250 user capacity Cafeteria (Ground Floor - with minimum 4.0 m ceiling
height ) and one 2000 Seater capacity Auditorium (G+1 storied - with minimum 16.0 m
ceiling height) - Civil Composite work including all wired and piped services including
internal water supply, sanitary installations, Façade works, Interior works, Electrical
works including Internal Electrical Installations (IEI), Extra Low Voltage (ELV) works,
Firefighting, Fire Alarm System, HVAC, Lifts, Solar water heating system, External
Electrical Installations, Site Development works including roads, pathways, drainage,
Horticulture & Landscaping Works, STPs, other miscellaneous works etc. all complete
on EPC basis for Nalanda University Main Campus at Rajgir, District Nalanda, Bihar.

ESTIMATED COST: Rs. 229.90 crores

EARNEST MONEY: Exempted (As per OM issued by DG, CPWD, New Delhi
DG/CON/Misc./13 dated 23.11.2020 and should sign the
Proforma for EMD Declaration given in the NIT – Form F

TIME ALLOWED: 18 Months (03 months approval time plus 15

months for execution of original work)


1 Index 2
2 Tender Notice 4
3 Part I: General Information 6
4 Checklist for Contractors for submission of bids 7
5 Information & instructions for Bidders for e-Bidding 8
6 Design Consideration and requirements 19
7 CPWD-6 for e-tendering 32
8 Part - II : Technical Bid 40
9 Section-I: Brief Particulars of the work 41
10 Section-II: Information and Instruction for bidders 80
11 Eligibility and Evaluation Criteria 82-90
12 Section-III: Letter of Transmittal 91
13 Forms A to G 92-99
14 Integrity Agreement 100
15 Part – III : Financial Bid 107
16 EPC Bid 108
17 Schedule A-F 111-125
18 Appendix – I : Modification Clause of GCC, 2014 126
19 Appendix – II : Mile Stone Chart 127

20 Appendix – III : Establishing Site Laboratory and Testing of 129

21 Appendix – IV : Requirements of Plant and Equipment at Site 131

22 PART – B: Scope Of Work, User Requirements And 133

Technical Specifications
23 Brief Scope of Work 134-136
24 Minimum Acceptable Specifications 137-150
26 Conditions for Architectural Consultancy 152-175

28 General Conditions for Works 177-186
29 Additional Conditions for Works 187-201
30 Approved Makes for Civil Works 202
32 Part-C1: General Terms & Conditions With Quality Assurance 206-234
33 Part-C2: Internal Electric Installation 235-237
34 Part-C3: Substation & DG Sets 238-245
35 Part-C4: Lifts 246-248
36 Part-C5: Fire Fighting System And Drinking Water Pump sets 249
37 Part-C6: Fire Alarm System With IBMS 250-266
38 Part-C7: Air-Conditioning System, Ventilation, IBMS 267-282
39 Part-C8: Transformer 283-288
Part-C9: Solar Water Heater With Inbuilt Electrical Element As
40 289-294
41 Part-C10: IP Based CCTV 295
42 List of Approved Make for Equipment and Materials– 296
Annexure-I: Guarantee Bond to be executed by the contractor for
44 309
removal of defects after completion in respect of structural work
Annexure-II: Guarantee to be executed by the contractor for removal
45 311
of defects after completion in respect of stone work/ tile work.
Annexure-III: Guarantee to be executed by the contractor for
46 removal of defects after completion in respect of water-proofing 313
Annexure-IV: Guarantee to be executed by the contractor for
47 removal of defects after completion in respect of sanitary installations 314
/ water supply / drainage work and aluminium work
48 Annexure-V: Form of Performance Security/ Bank Guarantee bond 316
49 Annexure-VI: Format of Agreement 318
50 Annexure-VII: Affidavit for Site Visit 320
51 Annexure-VIII: Soil Report & Indicative LOP 321


The Registrar, Nalanda University, Rajgir, District – Nalanda, Bihar on behalf of Nalanda
University invites online composite bids on Engineering Procurement Construction (EPC)
basis from reputed, approved and eligible composite category contractors of CPWD or any
State/Central Govt. Departments/PSUs/Institutions/Autonomous Bodies/other reputed
firms fulfilling the set eligibility criteria, in two bid system (Eligibility Bid & Financial bid) for
the following work. The Contracting Firm/Agency shall be a well-established and reputed
firm specialized in the trade and registered as a legal entity for a minimum period of Seven
years and having experience and capacity in the execution of similar works.

NIT No. : NIT No.: NU/Engg/91/2021-22/EPC/04

Construction of buildings including the Central Library comprising of
Basement (5.1 m + ground floor (3.6m) + six floors (average 3.8 m),
one 500 user capacity Yoga Center cum Meditation/Multipurpose Hall
(Ground floor - with minimum 8.0 m ceiling height), one 250 user
capacity Cafeteria (Ground Floor - with minimum 4.0 m ceiling height )
and one 2000 Seater capacity Auditorium (G+1 storied - with minimum
16.0 m ceiling height) - Civil Composite work including all wired and
piped services including internal water supply, sanitary installations,
Name of Work:
Façade works, Interior works, Electrical works including Internal
Electrical Installations (IEI), Extra Low Voltage (ELV) works,
Firefighting, Fire Alarm System, HVAC, Lifts, Solar water heating
system, External Electrical Installations, Site Development works
including roads, pathways, drainage, Horticulture & Landscaping
Works, STPs, other miscellaneous works etc. all complete on EPC
basis for Nalanda university Main Campus at Rajgir, District Nalanda,
Estimated Cost : Rs. 229.90 crores
Earnest Money : Bid Security Declaration to be submitted as per FORM F
E-tender processing fee : Rs. 15,000/-
Period of Work 18 Months
Completion (3 months for planning & designing and obtaining approvals for
: commencement of work + 15 months for execution of original work
and obtaining approvals from local bodies for declaring the
buildings fit for occupation)
Defect Liability Period : 24 months post successful completion of works

Pre-bid conference shall be held with the intending bidders in the Conference Hall,
Project Office of Nalanda University at Rajgir, District Nalanda, Bihar – 803116 at 03:00 PM
on 03rd November 2021.

Last Time & date of the submission of bids is up to 03:00 PM on 29th November 2021.

Opening of Technical Tenders at 03:30 PM on 29th November 2021.

The bid forms and other details can be seen & downloaded from the website
https://nalandauniv.edu.in/tenders/ and https://nalandauniv.euniwizarde.com/ .





1.1.1. The tenderers should read all the instructions, terms & conditions, contract clauses,
nomenclature of items, specifications etc. contained in the tender documents very
carefully, before quoting the rates. The tenderer should also read the General
Conditions of Contract 2020 for EPC Project (with correction slips up to last date of
submission of tenders) which will be part of the agreement.
1.1.2. The agency shall quote the rate for complete scope of work for construction both in
words and figures in the financial bid.
1.1.3. The contractor shall quote his rates keeping in mind the scope of work, specifications, terms
& conditions, additional conditions and special conditions etc. and nothing shall be payable
extra whatsoever unless otherwise specified.
1.1.4. The shall also furnish Performance Guarantee of 3% of the tendered amount in
addition to the other deposits mentioned elsewhere in this document for proper
performance of the agreement. The Performance Guarantee shall be in the shape
of FDR or Bank guarantee as per Performa given in Annexure-V enclosed. 100%
of the performance guarantee shall be released after completion of work.
1.1.5. In the event of the tender being submitted by a firm, it must be signed separately
by each partner thereof or in the event of the absence of any partner, it must be
signed on his behalf by a person holding a power of attorney authorizing him to do
so. Such power of attorney should be produced with the tender and it must be
disclosed that the firm is duly registered under the Indian partnership act, 1952.
1.1.6. The bidder shall quote their rates considering all prevalent taxes/Cess like GST,
Labour Cess or any other tax on material/work as applicable as per the GoI norms
and nothing extra shall be paid to the contractor on this account. The University
shall deduct from the R/A bills, the TDS as applicable as per the prevailing rates
as prescribed by the Government of India time to time.
1.1.7. The tender, which is not duly signed by authorized signatory or is conditional shall be
treated as non-responsive and shall be summarily rejected.
1.1.8. Online bid documents submitted by intending bidders shall be opened only of those
bidders, whose EMD declaration proforma deposited with any division office of CPWD,
anywhere in India and other documents scanned and uploaded are found in order.
1.1.9. The contractor shall barricade the subject buildings site confirming to CPCB and
NGT guidelines to avoid any pollution at site and the surroundings to the subject
building. The contractor’s rate deemed to be inclusive of the barricading of the site
as per requirement of these bodies of Central Govt. Apart from this the contractor
has to comply with the guidelines issued from time to time by Bihar State Govt. to
ensure pollution control measures at site and surroundings at their own cost.
1.1.10. The University may not allow the labour camps if not feasible, at site and
therefore contractor, in that case, has to make his/their arrangement for the stay /
transportation at his/their own cost. Other facilities arrangement confirming to

GCC-2020 for EPC Project of CPWD contract labour regulations, safety measures
and health measures as per guidelines issued by Govt. from time to time, needs to
be followed by contractor. The EPC Contractor’s rate deems to all-inclusive and
nothing extra shall be paid to the contractor on these accounts.
1.1.11. The arrangement of water suitable to construction works as well as other usage i/c
testing of equipment will be arranged by the contractor at site at his own cost from.
The contractor will obtain necessary permission from E-in-C with test result of water
from source proposed by contractor duly chemical testing report i/c pH value. The
department will get independent physical and chemical testing of such source
at an interval of every four months. The testing charges of the water tests done will
be paid by the department and will be recovered from contractor’s bill. Power
supply required for construction; testing & commissioning shall have to be arranged
by the bidder at his own costs.



1.2.1. The Registrar, Nalanda University, Rajgir, District – Nalanda, Bihar on behalf of
Nalanda University invites online composite bids on Engineering Procurement
Construction (EPC) basis from reputed, approved and eligible composite category
contractors of CPWD or any State/Central Govt.
Departments/PSUs/Institutions/Autonomous Bodies/ other reputed firms fulfilling
the set eligibility criteria , in two bid system (Eligibility Bid & Financial bid) for
following work:

NIT No. : NU/Engg/91/2021-22/EPC/04

Construction of buildings including the Central Library
comprising of Basement (4.5 m + ground floor (3.6m) + six
floors (average 3.8 m), one 500 user capacity Yoga Center
cum Meditation/Multipurpose Hall (Ground floor - with
minimum 8.0 m ceiling height), one 250 user capacity
Cafeteria (Ground Floor - with minimum 4.0 m ceiling height )
and one 2000 Seater capacity Auditorium (G+1 storied - with
Name of Work
minimum 16.0 m ceiling height) - Civil Composite work
including all wired and piped services including internal water
supply, sanitary installations, Façade works, Interior works,
Electrical works including Internal Electrical Installations (IEI),
Extra Low Voltage (ELV) works, Firefighting, Fire Alarm
System, HVAC, Lifts, Solar water heating system, External
Electrical Installations, Site Development works including
roads, pathways, drainage, Horticulture & Landscaping

Works, STPs, other miscellaneous works etc. all complete on
EPC basis for Nalanda university Main Campus at Rajgir,
District Nalanda, Bihar.
Nalanda University Main Campus, Rajgir, District Nalanda,
Location :
Estimated Cost Put to
: Rs. 229.90 crores
Earnest Money : Exempted
E-tender processing
: Rs. 15,000/-
18 Months
(3 months for planning & designing and obtaining approvals for
Period of Work
: commencement of work + 15 months for execution of original
work and obtaining approvals from local bodies for
declaring the buildings fit for occupation)
Pre-bid conference shall be held with the intending bidders in
the Conference Hall, Project Office of Nalanda University at
Pre-bid Conference :
Rajgir, District Nalanda, Bihar – 803116 at 03:00 PM on 03rd
November 2021. Only prospective bidders’ EPC
Contractors’ authorized representative is allowed to
Up to 03:00 PM on 29th November 2021 through online in
Last date & time of https://nalandauniv.euniwizarde.com/
online submission of
technical and financial The tender documents can be viewed and downloaded from
bids Nalanda University website
Time and date of
opening of Technical : 03:30 PM on 29th November 2021
Opening of financial
Shall be intimated to qualified bidders after approval of
bids of technically :
technical bids by the Competent Authority
qualified bidders

1.2.1 Eligibility Criteria
Contractors who fulfill the following requirements shall be eligible to apply. Joint
ventures/Consortium and special purpose vehicles are not accepted. For this
purpose, cost of work shall mean gross value of the completed work. Should have satisfactorily completed the works as mentioned below during the last
Seven years ending previous day of last date of submission of bids.
Three similar works (40%) each costing not less than Rs. 91.96 Crore.
Two similar works (60%) each costing not less than Rs. 137.94 Crore.
One similar work costing (80%) not less than Rs. 183.92 Crore.

Similar work shall mean: -

Construction of RCC framed structure of minimum five storey including all wired
and piped services comprising of Internal Water Supply, Sanitary Installations,
sewerage system, drainage, Internal Electrical Installations, Site Development,
Firefighting, Fire Alarm system, HVAC, Substation Equipment, DG Sets, UPS,
Lifts, External Service Connections, STP, ELV Works, etc. all complete and
executed under one agreement in India. Godowns/Ware houses/factory
sheds/industrial buildings/only Residential Buildings shall not be considered as
eligible similar works, (Mumty and Machine room will not be counted as storey for
this purpose. Stilt/s and basement/s shall be counted as storey/storeys.


(1) Work of basement, specialized E&M services, if executed under a separate contract
may also be considered for the purpose of assessing the technical competence only
without adding its monetary value for determining the eligibility criteria.
(2) One building of the specified number of storied, as mentioned in definition of similar
work constructed in each work of the financial magnitude as specified in para 1.2.2 shall
satisfy the criteria of similar work.
(3) The value of executed works shall be brought to current costing level by enhancing the
actual value of work at simple rate of 7% per annum; calculated from the date of
completion to previous day of last date of submission of tenders. Qualified similar works
may be physically inspected, if required, by a Technical Expert Committee constituted
by the Competent Authority at Nalanda University to ascertain the completion,

performance on quality of works for finalizing the Technical bid and their report will be
final and binding.
(4) In case of works executed in Private Sector, Completion Certificate should be
accompanied with TDS certificates. Should have minimum average annual financial turn over (gross) of Rs. 114.95
Crore on civil/electrical construction works during the last available three
consecutive financial year ending March, 2020. Year in which no turnover is
shown would also be considered for working out the average. (The bidder
should upload financial information about turnover as per Form – ‘A’ only and
should not upload anyother financial sheets like balance sheets etc.) The multiplication factor of 7% per annum simple interest is not applicable on the
Annual Financial Turnover figures. Should not have incurred any loss (profit after tax should be positive) in more than
two years during the last five consecutive years ending 31st March 2020. The
contractor should upload financial information about profit/loss only and should
not upload any other financial sheets like Balance Sheets etc. Should have a minimum solvency of Rs. 91.96 Crore (Scanned copy of original
solvency certificate to be uploaded). Such solvency certificate should not have
been issued by the Bank beyond 6 months from the date of last submission of
1.2.2 The eligibility bid shall be opened first on due date and time as mentioned above.
The time and date for opening of financial of contractors qualifying the eligibility bid
shall be communicated to them at later date.
1.2.3 Online financial bid document submitted by the bidders shall be opened only of those
bidders who on the basis of pre -qualification documents uploaded by them within
the period of bid submission, qualify in accordance with the provision of eligibility bid.
The financial bid shall be opened online at the notified time and date in presence of
qualified bidders or their representative.
1.2.4 Agreement shall be drawn with the successful bidders on prescribed Form GCC-2020
for EPC contracts in CPWD which is available as a Govt. of India Publication and
also available on website www.cpwd.gov.in. Bidders shall quote his rates as per
various terms and conditions of the said form which will form part of the agreement.

A copy of the document is also enclosed with this NIT.
1.2.5 The site for the work is available. The time allowed for carrying out the work will be
18 (Eighteen) Months (15 months for execution of original work plus 03 months
approvals, from the date of start as defined in tender or from the first date of handing
over of the site, whichever is later, in accordance with the phasing, if any, indicated
in the bid documents.
1.2.6 The bidder should have sufficient number of Technical and Administrative Employees
for the proper execution of the contract. The bidder shall have to submit a list of these
employees stating clearly how these would be involved in this work within 15 days of
award of work.
1.2.7 The contractor will take all necessary guards and precautions during the course of
execution to ensure safety and stability of the adjoining building structures. All legal
consequences of any danger/threat to the safety and stability of adjoining structures rest
with the contractor and department stands absolved from all legal liabilities and
consequences thereof if any, initiated by the owner/contractor of these building
1.2.8 After submission of the bid, the contractor can resubmit revised bid any number of times
but before last time and date of submission of bid as notified. Contractor must ensure to
quote his rate in the attached schedules online only. The bids submitted online shall only
be considered for evaluation.
1.2.9 The Original Exempted Earnest Money Declaration proforma duly filled shall be scanned
and uploaded to the e-Tendering website within the period of bid submission.
1.2.10 Online bid documents submitted by intending bidders shall be opened only of those
bidders, whose original EMD Original Exempted Earnest Money Declaration proforma
duly filled ( Form F) and uploaded to the e-Tendering website and other documents
scanned and uploaded are found in order.

1.2.11 The bid submitted shall become invalid, if: The bidder is found ineligible. The bidder does not deposit original EMD declaration form (Form F) with
Nalanda University. The bidder does not upload all the documents (including GST Registration)
as stipulated in the bid document including the copy of receipt for deposition

of Exempted EMD Declaration Performa. (Form F) If any discrepancy is noticed between the documents as uploaded at the time
of submission of bid and hard copies as submitted physically by the lowest
bidder in the office of bid opening authority. If a tenderer quotes nil rates against any item of work of tender, the tender
shall be treated as invalid and will not be considered as lowest tenderer. The contractor whose bid is accepted will be required to furnish performance
guarantee of 3% (Three Percent) of the bid amount in accordance with GoI
OM No. dated within the period specified in Schedule F in the form of Demand
Draft of any scheduled bank/ Pay order of any Scheduled Bank /Fixed
Deposit Receipts or Guarantee Bonds of any Scheduled Bank in accordance
with the prescribed form. In case the contractor fails to deposit the said
performance guarantee within the period as indicated in tender, including the
extended period if any, the contractor will be debarred from tendering in
Nalanda University as per the undertaking submitted by the contractor.
The contractor whose bid is accepted will also be required to furnish either
copy of applicable licenses/ registrations or proof of applying for obtaining
labour licenses, registration with EPFO, ESIC and BOCW Welfare Board
including Provident Fund Code No. If applicable and also ensure the
compliance of aforesaid provisions by the sub- contractors, if any engaged
by the contractor for the said work within the period specified in tender.
1.2.12 The bidder should either himself meet the eligibility conditions for the specialized civil &
E&M works as mentioned in NIT or otherwise he will have to associate an agency
meeting the eligibility requirements for specialized civil & E&M works after award of work
and has to submit details of such agency(s) conforming eligibility conditions as defined
in the bid document for the concerned component of work to the University at least two
month in advance from taking up the specific component. Names of the agency(s) to be
associated shall be approved by the Engineer-in-Charge.
1.2.13 The intending bidder must read the terms and conditions of CPWD-6 carefully. He should
only submit his bid if he considers himself eligible and he is in possession of all the
documents required.
1.2.14 Information and instructions for bidders posted on website shall form part of bid

1.2.15 The bid document consisting of plans, specifications, items to be executed and the set
of terms & conditions of the contract to be complied with and other necessary documents
can be seen from website www.nalandauniv.edu.in/tenders/ or
1.2.16 The bid can only be submitted after uploading the proof of submission of E-Tender
Processing Fee (copy of receipt of documents such as Demand Draft/or Pay Order or
Banker’s cheque or Deposit Receipts of any scheduled bank towards tender processing
fee in favour of Nalanda University payable at Rajgir, Bihar) and other documents as
1.2.17 Those Bidders who are not registered in https://nalandauniv.euniwizarde.com/ website
mentioned above, are required to get registered themselves beforehand. The intending
bidder must have valid Class-III digital signature to submit the bid.
1.2.18 On opening date, the Bidder can login and see the bid opening process. After opening
of bids, he will receive the competitor bid sheets.
1.2.19 Bidder can upload documents in the form of JPG format and PDF format.
1.2.20 Bidder should ensure that the document uploaded is legible and full documents page is
properly scanned.
1.2.21 Certificate of Financial Turnover: At the time of submission of bid, bidder may upload
affidavit/certificate from CA mentioning Financial Turn Over of last 5 years or for the
period as specified in the bid document duly certified by the chartered accountant. There
is no need to upload entire voluminous balance sheet.
1.2.22 The eligibility (Technical) bid shall be opened first on due date and time as mentioned
above. The time and date of opening of financial bid of bidders qualifying the eligibility
(Technical) bid shall be communicated to them at a later date.
1.2.23 Pre-bid conference shall be held with the intending bidders in the Conference Hall,
Project Office of Nalanda University at Rajgir, District Nalanda, Bihar – 803116 at 03:00
PM on 03rd November 2021. After pre-bid conference, modifications if required in the
bidding documents and clarifications to the queries raised by intending bidders will be
issued to all participating bidders by the University by e-mail. Same will also be uploaded
to the website.
1.2.24 All modifications/addendums/corrigendum issued regarding this bidding process, shall
be uploaded on website only and shall not be published in any Newspaper. Therefore,
prospective bidders must see the website regularly for any update.

The department reserves the right to reject any prospective application without
assigning any reason thereof and to restrict the list of qualified bidders to any
number deemed suitable by it, if too many bids are received satisfying the minimum
laid down criteria.
1.2.25 The eligible bidders shall quote plinth area rates only, which shall include all components
of the work. Contractor must ensure to quote rate of each item. The column meant for
quoting rate in figures appears in pink colour and the moment rate is entered, it turns sky
blue. In addition to this, while selecting any of the cells a warning appears that if any cell
is left blank the same shall be treated as “0”. Therefore, if any cell is left blank and no
rate is quoted by the bidder, rate of such item shall be treated as “0” (ZERO).
1.2.26 However, if a tenderer quotes nil rates against each item in item rate tender or does not
quote any percentage above/below on the total amount of the tender or any section/ Sub
head in percentage rate tender, the tender shall be treated as invalid and will not be
considered as lowest tenderer.
1.2.27 If any information furnished by the applicant is found incorrect at a later stage, he shall
be liable to be debarred from tendering/taking up of works in the University. The
University reserves the right to verify the particulars furnished by the applicant
1.2.28 Intending Bidders are advised to inspect and examine the site and its surroundings and
satisfy themselves before submitting their bids as to the nature of the ground and sub-
soil (so far as is practicable), the form and nature of the site, the means of access to the
site, the accommodation they may require and in general shall themselves obtain all
necessary information as to risks, contingencies and other circumstances which may
influence or affect their bid. A bidders shall be deemed to have full knowledge of the site
whether he inspects it or not and no extra charge consequent on any misunderstanding
or otherwise shall be allowed. The bidders shall be responsible for arranging and
maintaining at his own cost all materials, tools & plants, water, electricity access, facilities
for workers and all other services required for executing the work unless otherwise
specifically provided for in the contract documents. Submission of a bid by a bidders
implies that he has read this notice and all other contract documents and has made
himself aware of the scope and specifications of the work to be done and of conditions
and rates at which stores, tools and plant, etc. will be issued to him by the Government
and local conditions and other factors having a bearing on the execution of the work.

1.2.29 After submission of the bid the agency can re-submit revised bid any number of times
but before last time and date of submission of bid as notified.
1.2.30 While submitting the revised bid, agency can revise the rate of one or more item(s)
any number of times (he need not re-enter rate of all the items) but before last time
and date of submission of bid as notified.
1.2.31 Any dispute arising out of this tender including dispute related to encashment of
any Bank Guarantee/ FDR etc., shall be subject to the jurisdiction of courts of Patna
High Court only.

1.2.32 Details of the Bank for submission of Performance Guarantee:

Name of A/c holder : NALANDA UNIVERSITY

NALANDA, City: RAJGIR 803116,
State: BIHAR
Type of Account : Current Account
Branch Code : 2059
IFSC Code : HDFC0002059

1.2.33 List of documents to be filled in by the bidders in various forms as indicated in

Section 3, to be scanned and uploaded within the period of bid submission –
Details of Documents to be submitted
1. Letter of transmittal
Copy of receipt for deposition of original E-Tender Processing Fee (in favour of
Nalanda University, payable at Rajgir, Bihar)

2. Note: EMD is exempted subject to deposition of Earnest Money deposit

declaration Form (Form ‘F’ of this NIT) to be scanned and uploaded at the time
of tendering by the bidders for composite bids .

List of eligible similar nature of works completed during the last seven years from
date of completion to previous day of last date of submission of bid in Form -C. (If
3. private works are shown in support of eligibility, certified copy of the tax deducted
at source certificate (TDS) shall be submitted along with the experience certificate
and the TDS amount shall tally with the actual amount of work done).
Certificate of Financial Turnover from CA in Form –A. Bank Solvency Certificate
in Form-B.
GST Registration Certificate of the State in which the work is to be taken up, if
already obtained by the bidder. If the bidder has not obtained GST registration in
the state in which the work is to be taken up, or as required by GST authorities,
then in such case the bidder shall scan and upload following undertaking along
with other bid documents.
“If work is awarded to me, I/We shall obtain GST registration Certificate of the
state, in which work is to be taken up, within one month from the date of receipt
of award letter, falling which, I/We shall be responsible for any delay in payments
which will be due towards me/us on a/c of the work executed “and/or for any action
taken by Nalanda University or GST department in this regard.
Performance report of works (mentioned in Form-C) in Form-D. Structure and
Organization of the bidder in Form-E.
7. Permanent Account Number (PAN) as issued by the Income Tax Department.
8. Signed copy of Integrity Agreement.
9 Undertaking of Structural/ Services Design as per proforma in para 1.3 below.


The following certificates are to be submitted along with the technical bid of the tender:
(This affidavit/certificate is to be submitted in non-judicial stamp paper of appropriate
value and duly notarized)

It is certified that the structural design & services design and drawings along with
integrated services drawings including safety norms from natural hazards like
seismic, wind, fire etc., shall be prepared by associate agency(s) conforming to

eligibility criteria as defined in the bid document having duly qualified Structural and
service engineer respectively for specialized component (s) including GRIHA
Consultant /Facilitator as per norms prescribed in N.B.C/B.I.S/I.R.C./ GRIHA etc.
Accordingly, I/ we shall get the buildings designed from qualified Structural Engineer,
Services Engineer, Integrated Services Consultant and GRIHA Consultant

It is further certified that the structural and services Consultants hired by us for
carrying out the structural design and services design shall have following
BE/B. Tech. from Any reputed Government Engineering College like IIT/NIT/Govt.
Engineering College.
Under the panel list of CDO/CPWD (mention as the case may be).
The structural consultant will have at least degree of M. Tech (Structure) & M. Tech
(E&M service) or equivalent and has got 15 years or more experience in the field of
structural design and services design of similar nature of works. Documents in
support of the above will be submitted at appropriate time for approval of the
Should have the design experience by serving & designing in CPWD for at least 15
years & should have been retired at least from SE level in CPWD.

The structural designer firm of above should have an experience of structural design
of completed non-residential or residential building of minimum 5 storied building of
minimum plinth area as below:
3 RCC framed structure of having 5000 sqm build up area each.
2 RCC framed structure of having 8000 sqm build up area each.
1 RCC framed structure of having 10000 sqm build up area each.

The GRIHA Consultant and facilitator hired by bidder shall be well qualified having

minimum experience of 07 years in GRIHA consultancy and shall be on the approved
list of the GRIHA authorities.
Signature of the contractor with date
Name in Blocks letters ------------------

1.4.1 The Buildings will be designed and built as per minimum “5 Star GRIHA Rating”.
1.4.2 The Design controls based upon design guidelines/criteria laid down in various BIS
codes have been prepared and is given as under.
1.4.3 Type of Structure –RCC structure / shear wall as per Tenderer’s Own Structural
Designs. The tenderer should invariably adopt the indicative architectural plans,
elevations enclosed to develop detailed architectural drawings to tender with little
changes if necessary, with permission of Engineer in Charge.
1.4.4 Plain and reinforced concrete shall be cast -in-situ / precast concrete. Precast
concrete is allowed if design is based on precast technology.
1.4.5 All concrete to be used /prepared in RCC shall be Design Mix RMC.
1.4.6 Design criteria of RCC structural units shall conform to the Design requirements of
Latest Version of IS:456-2000.
1.4.7 Minimum grade of concrete for In-situ concrete shall be of M-25 Grade as per Latest
version of IS:456-2000.
1.4.8 High yield strength deformed bars or equivalent TMT bars of grade Fe 500 D or Fe
550Dconfirming to IS 1786 (Latest Version), as per approved structural design, shall
only be used in all RCC work.
1.4.9 The permissible stresses for plain and reinforced concrete shall be in accordance
with the requirements of Latest Version of IS: 456-2000.
1.4.10 Components of RCC structure shall be designed for loads in accordance with IS 875
(Parts l to 5) and IS 1893 (Latest Version). (Part 1). In addition, loads that might be
expected during the construction shall also be considered in the design.
1.4.11 Resistance to horizontal loading shall be provided by having moment resisting
frames and/or shear walls.
1.4.12 The structure shall be designed for Fire rating of two hours.
1.4.13 Then considering thermal shrinkage and heat effects, provisions of expansion Joints
as per IS 3414(Latest Version) shall be provided.
1.4.14 Frame members i.e. Beams & columns to be designed for shear and moments as per the
values obtained from model analysis. All other components of the building shall be designed
with approved design programs. Design calculations shall be provided for all the
components of the structure.
1.4.15 Basic load calculations shall be provided for all values of loads applied on all

members in STAAD model / E-tabs model or any other approved design programs.

1.4.16 Water retaining structures shall be designed in accordance with relevant provision of IS:
3370 (Part-I to part-IV, Latest Version). In addition, Earthquake forces as per IS 1893
shall (Latest Version) also be considered.

1.4.17 FOUNDATION Soil Investigation has been done by Nalanda University and its report has been
made part of this bid document. However, this is for reference purpose only.
Further subsurface investigation if required, shall be carried out indicating
vertical sections of the strata, testing of soil samples in a reputed and approved
testing laboratory, preferable IIT/NIT/CSIR Lab for determining shear strength
parameters, bearing capacity of the soil, permeability, index properties, water
table, compressibility characteristics, swelling properties type & classification of
soil and other geophysical information to decide economical & sound
foundation type. Number of Trial Pits and Borings

For a compact building site covering an area of about 2 acre, one bore hole or
trial pit in each corner and 4 in the center part should be tested or as approved
by E-In-C in consultation with contractor structural consultant. SPT or Cone
penetration tests may be performed at every 50 m by dividing the area in a grid
pattern and number of bore holes or trial pits decided by examining the variation
in the penetration value curves. Depth of Exploration:

The bore holes shall be made up to the required depths as per IS : 1892 (latest
version). In weak soils, the exploration should be continued to a depth at which
the loads can be sustained without undesirable settlement and shear failure.
Water level in the bore shall be determined in accordance with, IS : 6935 (latest
version). The cement concrete foundation (plain or reinforced) shall be
designed in accordance with IS 456 (Latest Version). Masonry structures
(foundation & superstructure) shall be designed in accordance with IS 1905
(Latest version). Design Considerations for Spread or Strip foundation shall be
as per I.S. 1080 (Latest version).Pile foundation shall be designed as per IS
2911 (latest version).

Pile foundation

Since adequate load-bearing strata at shallow zone is not available, pile

foundation is to be provided. Choice of piling system shall be made based on the
soil report values, load values of the super-structure. Design Consideration for
Piling system shall be as per relevant provisions in IS 2911(Latest version).
Testing of piles and other requirements shall be as per IS 2911(Latest version)
section-1 Para-4 and IS:14593 (latest revision). The minimum diameter of pile
shall be 450 mm & minimum depth of pile shall be 12.70 meter. Seismic considerations Dynamic analysis shall be performed on latest version of STAAD PRO / E-
tabs. Considering the site being in the border of Seismic Zone III & IV , parameters
conforming to Seismic Zone IV is to be considered for design. Dynamic analysis, if
required, shall be performed by Response Spectrum method using the design
spectrum specified under clause 6.4.2 of IS 1893 (Latest Version). RC building
frame system / wall system shall be designed and detailed to provide ductile
behavior and shall comply with the requirements given in IS 4326 and IS 13920. In
the buildings with Dual frame system, the RC frame as well as the shear walls shall
be designed and detailed to provide ductile behavior and comply with the
requirements given in IS 4326 and IS 13920. Soft storey, if any, in the structure shall be treated as per clause 7.10 of
IS 1893 (latest version). Time period of the structure shall be taken as per clause 7.6 of IS 1893
(latest version). Torsional forces in the structure arising out of mass or stiffness irregularity
shall be dealt as per clause 7.9 of IS 1893 (latest version). For underground structures and foundations at depths of 30 m or below,

the design horizontal acceleration spectrum value shall be taken as half the
value as comes out from clause 6.4.2. of IS 1893 (part-1)2002. For structures
and foundations placed between the ground level and 30m depth, the design
horizontal acceleration spectrum value shall be linearly interpolated between Ah

and 0.5 Ah, where Ah is as specified in clause 6.4.2. of IS 1893 (part-1)2002.
The design acceleration spectrum for vertical motions, when required, may be
taken as two-thirds of the design horizontal acceleration spectrum specified in 6.4.2. To perform well in earthquake, the building shall be of simple & regular
configuration and of adequate lateral strength, stiffness and ductility. The building
shall be considered as irregular, if at least one of the conditions given in Tables 4 &
5, of IS 1893 (part1)2002 is applicable. Vertical cantilever projections like RCC parapets, Tanks, etc. and others
attached to the buildings projecting above the roof, shall be designed and checked for
stability for five times the design horizontal seismic coefficient A as specified in 6.4.2.
of IS 1893 (part1)2002. In the analysis of the building, the weight of these projecting
elements will be lumped with the roof weight. The increased design forces specified
are only for designing the projecting parts and their connections with the main
structures. For the design of the main structure, such increase need not be
considered. Seismic consideration in design of Isolated footings/pile caps The site area being in border of Seismic Zones III & IV, the individual
spread footings/pile caps shall be interconnected with ties. The ties shall be
provided at the foundation level ( pile cap level) and at Plinth level. All ties shall be designed to carry in tension and in compression, an axial
force equal to Ah/4 times the larger of the column or pile cap load where Ah is
as per clause 6.4.2 of IS 1893 (part-1)2002. The ties are to be designed for additional load of filler wall if acting in
addition to otherwise computed forces. Separation Between adjacent buildings:

Two adjacent buildings or two adjacent units of the same building with
separation Gap in between shall be separated by a distance equal to the
amount R times the sum of the calculated storey displacements calculated
as per clause 7.11.1 of IS 1893 (part-1)2002 each of them, to avoid
damaging contact when the two units deflect towards each other. When
floor levels of two similar adjacent units or buildings are at the same
elevation levels, factor R in this requirement may be replaced by R/2.In
addition due allowance for Thermal Expansion shall also be made.

23 Proof checking: The contractor shall develop detailed architectural drawings
and design and submit the complete structural drawings, calculations, soft
copies on CDs and two set hard copies for proof checking. Proof checking will
be got done through any IIT/NIT or any reputed Govt. Engineering College as
approved by the University. After getting the proof checking done by any
Institute as decided by the University the contractor shall submit corrected
and faired structural drawings in two set softcopies on CDs and eight set
hard copies. The consultancy fees for proof checking shall be borne by the

Note :- Whether specifically mentioned or not, all the IS codes referred above are to be
used with latest edition and amendments up to last date of submission of bid. Contractor
shall keep one set of all the relevant BIS codes, NBC 2016 at site for reference of Engineer-


1.5.1 The work shall be executed on EPC basis involving getting all local body clearances,
soil testing, structural design & drawings, all services design & drawings ,integrated
services drawings, all shop drawings, RCP and technical data sheet for specialized
works as required, adopting & documenting all process necessary for obtaining the 5-
Star GRIHA rating, proof checking of structural and E & M services including road
design & drawings, constructions & commissioning of buildings & services and obtaining
completion certificate in accordance with layout plan, architectural, structural and E & M
services drawings, submitting all necessary data to GRIHA authorities and obtaining 5
star GRIHA Rating from the GRIHA authorities. The detailed working architectural
drawings shall be got prepared by the contractor based on indicative layout plan and
architectural plans provided in the bid document. Based upon the Architectural
drawings, the structural design, E & M services design, conduiting & piping route
drawings, layout drawings of All electrical switches, fans & fittings, layout details of
fittings and fixtures in Toilets, required shop and RCP drawings, integrated services
design and drawings in consultation with GRIHA Consultant shall be got prepared by the

1.5.2 Scope of work contained in the paras mentioned below is only indicative and not
exhaustive. In addition, the contractor shall be responsible for executing all items
required for completing the various buildings in all respects to make them

habitable/usable for their intended purpose and ready for occupation complete as per
direction of Engineer-in-charge.

1.5.3 Local Body Approval:-

Agency will get the scheme i/c bulk services (civil & electrical) with one deep tube well approved
from the local bodies wherever required before start of the work and as & if required after
completion of the work also. However, if modification is required in any of the architectural /E&M
services drawing/any other drawing by any of the local bodies, the same shall be carried out by
the contractor at his own cost. The contractor shall obtain all mandatory approval and No Objection Certificate/
Consent for Establishment from local body authorities like AAI, Fire department,
town planning authority, ground water authority, electricity supply authority, pollution
control board, Forest department, Environmental clearance, Lift inspectorate,
Central Electricity Authority, Heritage building committee etc. The contractor has to prepare all the documents as required and submit directly to
the local statutory bodies. The contractor shall at his own cost collect field samples and carry out all necessary
tests required for submission of necessary applications. The contractor has to comply and, if necessary, resubmit applications as required
by the local bodies. If required the contractor has to appoint, at his own cost, consultants for obtaining
local body approval. The statutory payments of fees, for getting all statutory approvals, shall be paid by
the University as per actuals based on receipt/estimate letter from concerned service
department. Three final copies of the documents prepared shall be submitted to Engineer-in-
Charge for record. All the documents created out of the assignment will become the sole property of
the Department. The contractor shall obtain completion and /or occupation certificate after completion of
the project from statutory local bodies before handing over.

1.5.4 Contractor will get the detailed soil investigation done as per relevant IS code, NBC
2016 etc. as applicable through the reputed soil consultant, as approved by E-in-C,

having professional experience of at least 15 years and must have carried out soil
investigation successfully for at least two similar works & one set of test report shall
be deposited with the department. The department may verify the results submitted by
the agency, if need be.
1.5.5 Contractor will get the height clearance from Civil Aviation Department before
approval of drawings for the work and if required after completion of the work also.
1.5.6 Contractor will get the scheme approved from local fire authority before start of work as
well as after completion of the work.
1.5.7 Down take feeder pipe for water supply will not serve more than three floors and
accordingly the diameter of the feeder pipe and the branch pipes (external as well
as internal in building) to individual supply points shall be designed and provided in
such a way so that on opening of all the taps at supply points being fed by the
concerned down-take pipe system, water with full pressure reaches in each tap. For
convenience in maintenance, necessary Gunmetal valves/ butterfly valve of
approved make and required diameter along with union shall also be provided in the
waterline of every type of water at entry toilet.
1.5.8 Tenderer may satisfy himself by conducting pre-soil tests if he so requires. However
an indicative soil investigation report is uploaded for general guidelines of the
Bidders, although this will not have any bearing on the quoted rates by the bidders.
Tenderer will be required to conduct detailed soil investigation including detection of
harmful chemicals for buildings pockets separately at their own cost for carrying out
structural design of building pocket, through soil consultants for advising the type of
cement to be used in foundation to take care from the harmful effect of the chemicals
encountered in the soil in contact with foundation.

1.5.9 Structural Design: Prepare complete structural design, drawings for foundation, superstructure and for
other related structures of various buildings as per provision contained in IS/ relevant
codes under Seismic Zone IV. The contractor shall take all precautions and submit method statement like filling of
sand in pit or any other measures approved by Engineer-in-charge so that vibrations
from Rolling Stock/Railway Track are not transferred to the structures tendered for.
Nothing extra shall be paid to contractor for the execution of related work on this

26 The structural drawings shall be got proof checked from the agency which can be
any NIT /IIT / any Engineering college approved by the University. Similarly, the
E& M services design and drawings including integrated services drawings, road
design shall be got proof checked by the bidder from the institute approved by the
department. The structural drawings and E & M services drawings, with proof vetting
report, shall be issued to university for scrutiny and approval as GFC prior to start of
any execution of work at site by the contractor. If any modification in design/ drawing
is needed as per site conditions, or as desired by proof checking agency, the bidder
shall do/ redo the design without any extra cost. The decision of the Engineer-in-
charge shall be final and binding. No claim whatsoever will be entertained in this
regard. The cost of proof-checking shall be borne by the contractor but agency shall
be approved by E-in-C , Nalanda university. The design basis report shall be
submitted by the agency within 20 days of issuance of Letter of Award/Acceptance,
which shall be approved by the University within 10 working days. Thereafter, the
agency shall submit the structural and E&M services and road design and drawings
within 45 days’ time which shall be approved in another 45 days by the University,
which includes the scrutiny period by the proof checking agency.
1.5.10 Construction includes construction and finishing of the buildings complete as well
as related structure and services as per the technical specifications provided along
with this NIT.
1.5.11 Planning, preparing drawing for internal services and execution of the same i.e.
internal sanitary work, water supply work, drainage system etc. complete for the
building including all pipes, its fittings, testing etc. complete as approved by the
1.5.12 Water supply: Water supply lines will be laid as per scheme prepared, submitted
by the contractor and approved by Engineer-in-charge.
Pipe line will be provided for supply of water through Dual pipe system, i.e. Pipe lines for supply of Municipal / R.O. treated Deep Tube Well water
for kitchen through overhead tank. Pipe lines for supply of water from available source of water/Deep
Tube Well for Bath, W.C through overhead tank. For this, different Tanks of required capacity will be provided at the
terrace. Separate stacks of down take pipe lines from tanks on terrace
to each supply area and from tanks on terrace up to outside plinth

protection of appropriate diameter as per design and approved will be
provided for supply of treated STP water, Municipal/R.O. treated Deep
Tube well water and Raw Tube well water.

1.5.13 Statutory fees / connection charges, if any, is to be paid to the local bodies by the
contractor. The cost of restoration of any services damaged by the agency during
execution shall also be borne by him. The contractor shall carry out a Radar survey
for locating any underground services up to depth of foundation and shift the falling
services, if any from the working area of the tendered buildings at no extra cost to
Nalanda University.
1.5.14 Taking all precautionary measures to safeguard against any accident for the contractor’s
employees, general public, supervisory staff of the University and its by providing
necessary safety equipment e.g. MS sheet barricading etc. and Personal Protection
Equipment e.g. helmets, safety shoes etc. at work site.
1.5.15 The site has to be kept clean of all debris, rubbish and dirt & surplus/waste material
all the time during execution and after completion of works. It also includes
maintenance, cleaning & de-silting the drains, pipe lines laid by the agency for all
services etc. executed by the agency to the entire satisfaction of the Engineer-in-
charge during the maintenance periods. Cleaning and de-silting will also be done by
the agency before handing over the completed institutional campus to Nalanda
University. All machines, equipment and labour for this purpose will be arranged by
1.5.16 The contractor will submit the schedule containing the item, rates (i.e. DSR reference, if
available), and quantities of items, detailed measurements & specifications (four sets)
within three months from the date of start of the work to accord the T.S if required by
1.5.17 Contractor shall procure design mixed concrete from approved external or at site
installed RMC plant of adequate capacity with computer control for weigh batching
and feeding of all concrete materials as per all approved design parameters and
shall ensure that the quality and strength of cement concrete procured from RMC
plant is as per design requirement through a well-defined quality control system,
testing of samples, transportation of concrete(IS 4926:2003) and continuous
analysis of result as per CPWD specification and relevant Indian Standards.
Sufficient number and capacity of TMs shall be deployed by contractor with

concrete pump and placing boom to ensure timely and quality execution of work.
1.5.18 The scope of work includes execution of Electrical & Mechanical works and
preparation of various drawings of internal electrical installations and fittings,
firefighting, lifts and fire alarm, central AC plant etc., as per CPWD specifications
given in the tender document & directions of the University’s Engineering Section.
1.5.19 All labour employed by the firm/ contractor shall be got registered with Bihar
Construction Labour Welfare Board, ESIC and EPF, etc.

1.5.20 Maintenance / defect liability period would be uniformly One (2) year from the date
of taking over the respective buildings complete in all respects & fit for occupation.
However, maintenance of other building activities such as cleaning, sweeping of
pocket & de-silting of sewer lines, S.W. Drain shall be done only once, at the time prior
to handing over the respective pocket. The DLP will be only limited to removal of defects
noticed in the works pertaining to quality of material and /or workmanship for works
carried out by the agency. The terms of Maintenance & liability period for Electrical
subheads is as mentioned in the part -C for E&M works.
1.5.21 Structural defect liability period would be uniformly Ten (10) year from the date of taking
over the respective buildings complete in all respects & fit for occupation for which
guaranty bond for Ten (10) years should be submitted for amount of 1% of the tendered
cost at the time of handing over.
1.5.22 The final plinth level will be decided soon after actual start of work at site. Plinth level
of the building shall be minimum 750 mm above the crown of finished road. Changes
if any, would not affect the agreed rates and no claim on this account shall be
1.5.23 The above scope of work includes within quoted cost, cost of all materials, manpower,
equipment, T&P fixtures, accessories, shuttering, scaffolding, designing, preparation of GFC
( Architectural, civil, structural, E&M works) , shop drawings and technical data sheet for all
relevant works, proof vetting of design of civil, structural and E&M services from approved
reputed institutes , royalties, taxes, GST, watch & ward, site barricading, EPF, ESIC, BOCW
registration, compliances to all EHS norms, obtaining GRIHA 5 star rating, all Pre, During
and Post construction statutory approvals , all COVID protocols of GOI to be complied, all
relevant insurances incl. CAR policy to be obtained , site lab, testing of material as directed
by E-in-C , mock up preparation for internal and external finishes work and all other
essential elements for completion and DLP of works as aforesaid whatsoever as directed
by E-in- C. The approval accorded by Nalanda University before acceptance of tender

is only for tender evaluation. Any changes, modifications, revisions etc. required to be
done by the University, local bodies, proof consultants etc. in accordance with applicable
standards and tender document will have to be done by contractor at contractor’s cost
and nothing extra shall be payable.
1.5.24 The shuttering and scaffolding intended to be used for RCC roof casting in these
buildings viz. Auditorium, Yoga Center, Cafeteria shall be properly designed and
approved for structural integrity, shape, size etc. of members to be used in shuttering
and scaffolding, from reputed and approved Institutes like IIT / NIT etc. and details /
drawings shall be submitted to E - IN -C prior to commencement of any work.
1.5.25 Providing Lift of required capacity as per NBC norms and as specified in the
Architectural drawings including provision of shaft for lift well, machine rooms and
standby Diesel Genset in case of power failure. The scope includes getting the
requisite permission of lift inspector from the concerned authority before
commissioning of the same.
1.5.26 Planning, designing and providing required firefighting system for proposed building
as per NBC norms and chief fire officer’s approval including the provision of required
capacity underground water tank, overhead tank, pumps, hydrant, extinguisher,
sprinklers, provision of refuge area, fire stair case etc. all to the entire satisfaction of
1.5.27 The contractor shall bear the expenditure of service cable for making the electric
connection from office campus to feeder point of service provider as per the
specification of concerned local body.

1.5.28 In case of any discrepancy in the number, quantity and specification of any item in
various parts / sections of bid document, the higher number / quantity as well as
richer specification of an item shall be considered during design and execution of
the work without entertaining any claim from contractor for any extra payment /
1.5.29 Mobilization advance (with interest) will be payable after completion of design or
getting the local body approval whichever is later.
1.5.30 Out of 24 months as stipulated period, the time limit for Planning & Designing, proof
vetting & obtaining statutory approvals shall be maximum 3 months. The remaining
period i.e., 21 months will be for completion of entire work fit for its end use. The details
scope of work for the components may also be seen with in this document.

1.6.1 The bidders can view / download the tender documents, from the
www.nalandauniv.edu.in/tenders or https://nalandauniv.euniwizarde.com/ or
1.6.2 Submission of Bids: The bidders who are desirous of participating in this e-Tender
shall submit their price bids in the standard formats prescribed in the Tender
documents, displayed at www.nalandauniv.edu.in/tenders or
https://nalandauniv.euniwizarde.com/ The bidder should upload the scanned copies of
all the relevant certificates, documents etc., in the https://nalandauniv.euniwizarde.com/
in support of their bids. The bidder shall sign on all the statements, documents,
certificates, uploaded by him, owning responsibility for their correctness / authenticity.
1.6.3 Payment of Bid Security (Earnest Money Deposit):- Exempted.

1.6.4 Processing of Tenders: - The concerned Committee as appointed by the

Competent Authority at Nalanda University will evaluate and process the tenders
as done in the conventional tenders and the decisions will be communicated to
the bidder online. Any correspondences or queries related to this tender shall be
submitted to the University in the email address – phase1.tender@nalandauniv.edu.in
1.6.5 Price Bid opening:-The Price bid will be opened online by the Committee at the
specified date and time and the result will be displayed on the website
www.nalandauniv.edu.in/tenders and https://nalandauniv.euniwizarde.com/ , which
can be seen by all the bidders who participated in the tender.
1.6.6 Payment of performance Guarantee: -The bidder shall submit irrevocable performance
guarantee of 3% (three percent) of the tendered amount in addition to other deposits
mentioned elsewhere in the contract for his proper performance of the contract. This
guarantee shall be in the form of Banker Cheque / pay order / FDR / guarantee bonds of
any scheduled bank in favour of Nalanda University, payable at Rajgir. 100% of the
performance guarantee shall be released after completion of work. However, the
Performance Bank Guarantee will be kept valid time to time by the bidder as per
the direction of Engineer-in-charge.
1.6.7 Participation of Bidders at the time of opening of bids: Bidders have two
options to participate in tendering process at the time of opening of Bids :

31 Bidders can come at the place of opening of bids (electronically) by the
Tender Opening Committee as done in the conventional tender process. Bidders can attend the process online.
1.6.8 Signing of agreement: -After the award of the contract, an agreement will be signed
as done in Conventional Tenders.

Nalanda University

The Registrar, Nalanda University, Rajgir, District – Nalanda, Bihar on behalf of Nalanda
University invites online composite bids on Engineering Procurement Construction (EPC)
basis from reputed, approved and eligible composite category contractors of CPWD or any
State/Central Govt. Departments/PSUs/Institutions/Autonomous Bodies/other reputed firms
fulfilling the set eligibility criteria, in two bid system (Eligibility Bid & Financial bid) for following

NIT NO: NU/Engg/91/2020-21/EPC/04

Name of Work: Construction of buildings including the Central Library
comprising of Basement (5.1 m + ground floor (3.6m) + six floors
(average 3.8 m), one 500 user capacity Yoga Center cum
Meditation/Multipurpose Hall (Ground floor - with minimum 8.0 m
ceiling height), one 250 user capacity Cafeteria (Ground Floor -
with minimum 4.0 m ceiling height ) and one 2000 Seater
capacity Auditorium (G+1 storied - with minimum 16.0 m ceiling
height) - Civil Composite work including all wired and piped
services including internal water supply, sanitary installations,
Façade works, Interior works, Electrical works including Internal
Electrical Installations (IEI), Extra Low Voltage (ELV) works,
Firefighting, Fire Alarm System, HVAC, Lifts, Solar water heating
system, External Electrical Installations, Site Development works
including roads, pathways, drainage, Horticulture & Landscaping
Works, STPs, other miscellaneous works etc. all complete on
EPC basis for Nalanda university Main Campus at Rajgir, District
Nalanda, Bihar.

1.7.1 The work is estimated to cost 229,90,00,000/- (Rupees Two Hundred Twenty-nine
crores ninety lakh only).

1.7.2 Intending bidder is eligible to submit the bid provided he has definite proof from the
appropriate authority, which shall be to the satisfaction of the Competent Authority at
Nalanda University, of having satisfactorily completed similar works of magnitude as

specified below: Contractors who fulfill the following requirements shall be eligible to apply. Should have satisfactorily completed the works as mentioned below during the last
Seven years ending previous day of last date of submission of tenders:

Three similar works each costing not less than Rs. 91.96 Crore.
Two similar works each costing not less than Rs. 137.94 Crore.
One similar work costing not less than Rs. 183.92 Crore.

Similar work shall mean: -

Construction of RCC framed structure of minimum five storey including all wired and piped
services comprising of Internal Water Supply, Sanitary Installations, sewerage system,
drainage, Internal Electrical Installations, Site Development, Firefighting, Fire Alarm system,
HVAC, Substation Equipment, DG Sets, UPS, Lifts, External Service Connections, STP, ELV
Works, etc. all complete and executed under one agreement in India. Godowns/Ware
houses/factory sheds/industrial buildings/only Residential Buildings shall not be considered
as eligible similar works, (Mumty and Machine room will not be counted as storey for this
purpose. Stilt/s and basement/s shall be counted as storey/storeys.

(1) Mumty and machine room will not be counted as storey for this purpose.
(2) For this purpose, each basement, stilt constructed in the building shall be
considered as a storey.
(3) Work of basement, specialized E&M services, if executed under a separate
contract may also be considered for the purpose of assessing the technical
competence only without adding its monetary value for determining the eligibility
(4) One building of the specified number of storeys, as mentioned in definition of
similar work constructed in each work of the financial magnitude as specified
in para shall satisfy the criteria of similar work. The value of executed works shall be brought to current costing level by enhancing
the actual value of work at simple rate of 7% per annum; calculated from the date of
completion to previous day of last date of submission of tenders. Qualified similar
works may be physically inspected, if required, by a Technical Expert Committee

constituted (TEC) by the Competent Authority at Nalanda University to ascertain the
completion, performance on quality of works for finalizing the Technical bid. Decision
of TEC is final and binding. The Bidders should have minimum average annual financial turn over (gross) of
Rs. 114.95 Crore on construction work during the last available three consecutive
financial year ending March, 2020. Year in which no turnover is shown would also
be considered for working out the average. The multiplication factor of 7% per
annum simple interest is not applicable on the Annual Financial Turnover figures. Should not have incurred any loss (profit after tax should be positive) in more than
two years during the last five years ending 31st March, 2020. Should have a minimum solvency of Rs. 91.96 Crore (Scanned copy of original
solvency certificate to be uploaded). The bidder should have sufficient number of Technical and Administrative
Employees for the proper execution of the contract. The bidder shall have to
submit a list of these employees stating clearly how these would be involved in
this work within 15 days of award of work.
1.7.3 Agreement shall be drawn with the successful bidders on prescribed format under
Annexure –VI along with General Conditions of Contract for EPC works CPWD-
2020 as amended up to the last date of submission of bid, which is available as a
Govt. of India Publication and also available on website www.cpwd.gov.in. A copy
of the document has also been uploaded along with this Notice Inviting Tender.
Bidders shall quote his rates as per various terms and conditions of the said
document which will form part of the agreement.
1.7.4 The time allowed for carrying out the work will be 18 Months (3 months for
planning & designing and obtaining approvals for commencement of work + 15
months for execution of original work and obtaining approvals from local bodies
for declaring the buildings fit for occupation) from the date of start as defined in

Schedule ‘F’ or from the first date of handing over of the site, whichever is later, in
accordance with the phasing, if any, indicated in the bid document.
1.7.5 The site for the work is available.
1.7.6 The bid document consisting of scope of work, specifications, plans and the set of
terms & conditions of the contract to be complied with and other necessary documents
can be seen from the websites www.nalandauniv.edu.in/tenders and
https://nalandauniv.euniwizarde.com/ .
1.7.7 After submission of the bid, the contractor can re-submit revised bid any number
of times but till before last time and date of submission of bid as notified.
1.7.8 After submission of the bid, contractor can revise the quoted rates any number of times
but before last time and date of submission of bid as notified.
1.7.9 E-tender processing fee of Rs. 15,000/- in the form of Demand Draft or Pay order
or Banker’s Cheque or Deposit at Call Receipt or Fixed Deposit Receipt (drawn in
favour of Nalanda University payable at Rajgir) shall be scanned and uploaded to
the e-Tendering website within the period of bid submission. The original EMD
should be deposited in the office of the Registrar, Nalanda University within the
period of bid submission.
1.7.10 Earnest Money : Exempted
1.7.11 Bids shall be summarily rejected if the Original e-Tender Processing Fee is
not received within the period of bid submission.

1.7.12 The interested bidders shall upload their e-tenders and also physically submit the hard
copies of the tenders, in the manner as prescribed under Clause at Reception
of Nalanda University’s Rajgir office both within the stipulated time and date as
indicated above on or before the last date of tender submission. The detailed address
is as follows:

The Registrar
Nalanda University, Rajgir,
District Nalanda, Bihar - 803116, India. The physical Tender shall be accompanied with the following documents –

a) Bid Security Declaration document as per FORM ‘F’ and Demand Draft for the e-
Tender Processing Fee shall be placed in a sealed Envelope 1 super scribed as
“Bid Security Declaration and Cost of e-Tender Processing Fee” with name of Work
and due date of opening of the tender also mentioned thereon.

b) Copies of certificates of work experience and other prequalifying documents
including the proposed conceptual design along with the plans, 3-D views,
renderings, etc. as specified in the NIT shall be placed in a sealed Envelope 2A
super scribed as "Eligibility Documents". For walkthrough / presentation, if the
bidder wish to submit may provide with a soft copy in the form of a pen drive/CD
which should be placed in this envelop.

c) All the tender documents (Notice Inviting Tender, Schedule of Quantities, BOQ,
Technical Specifications and Tender drawings) uploaded by the University shall be
duly signed on each page by the authorized signatory of the bidder, stamped and
placed in a sealed Envelope 2B super scribed as “Signed Tender Documents”. The
documents in this envelop 2B is not required to be uploaded in the e-tendering
website https://nalandauniv.euniwizarde.com/. However, a declaration must be
uploaded under the relevant packet stating on oath that the signed tender
documents will be submitted physically on or before the last date and time of
submission of tenders at Nalanda University, Rajgir Office.

d) Both the envelops, Envelop 2A & 2B shall be put in to a large envelop super scribed
as “Envelop 2 Technical Tender”.

e) The Financial Bid as per the prescribed format in the Part -III of the NIT duly filled
in the rates as per the Schedule ‘A’ (page 115 & 116 of the NIT, duly signed by
authorized signatory and stamped shall be placed separately in a sealed ‘Envelope
3 ’. The Envelope 3 shall be super scribed as “Financial Tender” and opened only
after the bidder’s eligibility to participate in the tender is successfully established
and accepted by NU.

f) All the three envelops as mentioned above shall be placed in a large envelop and
super scribe with the name of the work as mentioned in the NIT along with complete
name & address of the bidder. The bidder shall address this envelop to The
Registrar, Nalanda University, Rajgir, Bihar.
1.7.13 Online bid documents submitted by intending bidders shall be opened only of
those bidders, whose original EMD deposited with the Office of the Registrar and
other documents scanned and uploaded and physically submitted, are found in
1.7.14 The technical part of the bid submitted shall be opened at 03.30 PM on 29th
November 2021.
1.7.15 The eligibility (Technical) bid shall be opened first, on due date and time as
mentioned above. The time and date of opening of financial bid of contractors
qualifying the eligibility (Technical) bid shall be communicated to them at a later
1.7.16 Pre-bid conference shall be held with the intending bidders in the Conference Hall,
Project Office of Nalanda University at Rajgir, District Nalanda, Bihar – 803116 at
03.00 PM on 03rd November 2021 to clear doubts of the intending bidders, if any.
Bidders should send by email (along with editable softcopy) all their queries, before
pre-bid conference, latest by closing hours on 03rd November 2021 in the email
address – phase1.tender@nalandauniv.edu.in and hardcopies may be sent to
“The Registrar, Nalanda University, Rajgir, District Nalanda, Bihar-803116”.
After pre-bid conference, modifications if required in the bidding documents and
clarifications to the queries raised by intending bidders will be issued to all
participating bidders by the University by e-mail. The same will also be uploaded
in the website (www.nalandauniv.edu.in/tenders and
https://nalandauniv.euniwizarde.com/ ). If further pre-bid conferences are required
for complete and effective interactions, the date and time of same will be
communicated at the end of 1st pre-bid meeting or later. All
modifications/addendums/corrigendum issued regarding this bidding
process, shall be uploaded on the above-mentioned websites only and shall
not be published in any Newspaper.

1.7.17 The bidders are advised to visit the site before attending the pre-bid meeting to
have more clarity about the site conditions and availability of space for execution
of the work. The Bidders shall submit an affidavit of site visit as per proforma
placed under Annexure-VII.
1.7.18 GST or any other tax applicable in respect of inputs procured by the contractor for
this contract shall be payable by the contractor and the University shall not
entertain any claim whatsoever in respect of the same. However, component of
GST at time of supply of service (as provided in CGST Act 2017) provided by the
contract shall be varied as it may be different from that applicable on the last date
of receipt of tender including extension if any.
1.7.19 The bid submitted shall become invalid if: The bidder is found ineligible. The bidder does not deposit original e-Tender processing fee with the

office of the Registrar. The bidder does not upload all the documents (including PAN/GST
registration) as stipulated in the bid document including the copy of
receipt for deposition of original EMD. If any discrepancy is noticed between the documents as uploaded at
the time of submission of bid and hard copies as submitted physically
by the lowest bidder in the office of bid opening authority. If a tenderer quotes nil rates against any item in tender or does not
quote any percentage above/below on the total amount of the tender or
any section/sub head in percentage rate tender, the tender shall be
treated as invalid and will not be considered as lowest tenderer.

1.7.20 The contractor whose bid is accepted will be required to furnish performance
guarantee of 3% (three Percent) of the tendered amount within the period specified
in schedule F. This guarantee shall be in the form of Deposit at Call receipt of any
scheduled bank or Banker’s cheque of any scheduled bank or Demand Draft of
any scheduled bank or Pay order of any scheduled bank or Fixed Deposit Receipts
or Guarantee Bonds of any Scheduled Bank or the State Bank of India in
accordance with the prescribed form. In case the contractor fails to deposit the
said performance guarantee within the period as indicated in schedule ‘F’ including
the extended period if any, the tender will be rejected and bidder will be
disqualified for 01 year for bidding this tender and /or any tender of
Nalanda University. 100% of the performance guarantee shall be released after
completion of work as certified by E-in-C.
1.7.21 The bidder whose bid is accepted will also be required to furnish either copy of
applicable licenses/registrations or proof of applying for obtaining labour licenses,
registration with EPFO, ESIC and BOCW Welfare Board including Provident Fund
Code No., as and if applicable, and also ensure compliance of aforesaid provisions
by the sub-contractors, if any, engaged by the contractor for the said work .
1.7.22 Bidder will also submit Programme Chart (Time and Progress) on primavera or MS
Project software within the period specified in Schedule F.
1.7.23 The description of the work is as follow:
Construction of one 500 user capacity Yoga Center cum Meditation Hall, one 250
user capacity Cafeteria and one 2000-seater capacity Auditorium including all

Internal Water Supply, Sanitary Installations, Roads, Pathways, Drainage,
sewerage, Internal Electrical Installations, Fire Fighting, air conditioning and
external Electrical installations, site development, Lifts, Road etc. all complete on
EPC basis for Nalanda University Main Campus at Rajgir, District Nalanda, Bihar
as per scope and terms and conditions of this tender.

1.7.24 Intending Bidders are advised to inspect and examine the site and its surroundings
and satisfy themselves before submitting their bids as to the nature of the ground
and sub-soil (so far as is practicable), the form and nature of the site, the means
of access to the site, the accommodation they may require and in general they
shall themselves obtain all necessary information as to risks, contingencies and
other circumstances which may influence or affect their bid. A bidder shall be
deemed to have full knowledge of the site whether he inspects it or not and no
extra charge/claim consequent on any misunderstanding or otherwise shall be
allowed. The bidder shall be responsible for arranging and maintaining and use at
his own cost all new construction materials, tools & plants, water, electricity access,
facilities for workers and all other services required for executing the work unless
otherwise specifically provided for in the contract documents. Submission of a
bid by a bidder implies that he has read this notice and all other contract documents
and has made himself aware of the scope and specifications of the work to be done
and of conditions and rates at which stores, tools and plant, etc. if any, will be issued
to him by the Nalanda University and local conditions and other factors having a
bearing on the execution of the work.
1.7.25 The competent authority at Nalanda University does not bind itself to accept the
lowest or any other bid and reserves to itself the authority to reject any or all the
bids received without assigning any reason thereof. All bids in which any of the
prescribed conditions is not fulfilled or any condition including that of conditional
rebate is put forth by the bidders shall be summarily rejected.
1.7.26 Canvassing whether directly or indirectly, in connection with bidders is strictly
prohibited and the bids submitted by the contractors who resort to canvassing will
be liable to rejection.
1.7.27 The competent authority at Nalanda University reserves to itself the right of
accepting the whole or any part of the bid and the bidders shall be bound to

perform the same at the rate quoted.
1.7.28 The contractor shall not be permitted to bid if his near relative is posted as an
employee in any capacity in the Nalanda University. He shall also intimate the names
of persons who are working with him in any capacity or are subsequently employed
by him and who are near relatives to any employee of the Nalanda University. Any
breach of this condition by the contractor would render his bid liable to be rejected and
shall be treated as concealing of information and appropriate action will be taken for
blacklisting of such contractors.
1.7.29 No employee of Nalanda University employed in the Engineering Section or Administration
is allowed to work as a contractor for a period of one year after his/her retirement or
repatriation from service, without written permission of the Competent Authority at Nalanda
University. This contract is liable to be cancelled if either the contractor or any of his
employees is found any time to be such a person who has not obtained the permission of
the University as aforesaid before submission of the bid or engagement in the contractor’s
1.7.30 The tender for the works shall remain open for acceptance for a period of 120 days
from the date of opening of technical bid. Further : If any tenderer withdraws his tenders or makes any modifications in the terms &
condition of the tender which is not acceptable to the University, after opening of
tender (excluding date of opening of tender) then the University shall without
prejudice to any other right or remedy, be at liberty to debar the said bidder for
01 year from any tender of Nalanda university.
1.7.31 This notice inviting tender shall form a part of the contract document. The
successful bidder/contractor, on acceptance of his bid by the Accepting Authority
shall within 15 days from the stipulated date of start of the work, sign the contract
consisting of – The Notice Inviting Bid, all the documents including additional
conditions, specifications and drawings, if any, forming part of the
bid as uploaded at the time of invitation of bid and the rates quoted
online at the time of submission of bid and acceptance thereof
together with any correspondence leading thereto. CPWD GCC for EPC Works 2020 along with all correction slips
issued by the Department till last date of submission of bids.



Section I


Nalanda University was established in November 2010. It came into existence by an Act of the
Indian Parliament – a testimony to the important status that Nalanda University occupies in the
Indian intellectual landscape. Nalanda University is a standalone international university unlike any
other established in the country. Located in the town of Rajgir, in the northern Indian State of Bihar,
Nalanda University is mandated to be “an international institution for the pursuit of intellectual,
philosophical, historical and spiritual studies”. This new university contains within it a memory of the
ancient Nalanda University and is premised on the shared desire of Member States of the East Asia
Summit countries to re-discover and strengthen “educational co-operation by tapping the East Asia
Regions Centres of excellence in education ... [and] to improve understanding and the appreciation
of one another’s heritage and history.”

The proposed site for the University is located at Rajgir in the Nalanda district of Bihar and fronts the
State Highway 71. The site for the University is on the South West outskirts of Rajgir town at a
distance of 3.5 kilometers from the current urban edge of the town.

This tender document is for construction of the Central Library, one 500 user capacity Yoga Center
cum Meditation Hall, one 250 user capacity Cafeteria and one 2000 seater capacity Auditorium
including all Internal Water Supply, Sanitary Installations, sewerage Roads, Pathways, Drainage,
Internal Electrical Installations, Fire Fighting, Lifts, HVAC and external Electrical installations,
landscape, solar system etc. all complete on EPC basis for Nalanda University Main Campus at
Rajgir, District Nalanda, Bihar.


basis. The execution will be done on the basis of drawings and schedule to be prepared by the
consultant appointed by the Contractor, after due approval of E-in-C. The specialized consultants
appointed by the agency/contractor should give complete details related to planning and design.
The functional units within the scope of work can have competing needs and priorities. Idealized
scenarios and strongly-held individual preferences must be balanced against mandatory
requirements, actual functional needs and taking into consideration local culture and traditions in
the architectural form of the proposed buildings. .The drawings and schemes shall be got approved
from Nalanda University in line with CPWD GCC EPC projects 2020, CPWD Specifications (civil) 2019
Vol I & II,CPWD general specifications Electrical Part I, Part III, Part IV, Part V, Part VI, Part VII,

Part VIII, CPWD Specification ( Horticulture & landscape ) 2020 with correction slips issued up to last date of
submission of Bid, relevant IS codes, National Building Code 2016 and other standard specifications
suitable for such buildings and latest technology will be followed in general except otherwise
mentioned in the bidding document. Samples of the materials of approved make shall be got
approved from the Engineer-in-charge before use in the work.

The scope of work includes Survey, Soil Investigation, preparation of architectural design, structural
design and design of RCC multistoried Building along with all required E&M services i.e. Internal
Electrical work, HVAC, Fire Fighting System, Plumbing & Water Supply, sewerage , Data & IP
based telephony with Display on device and applicable license, EPABX, STP, Electrical Substation
i/c building, DG Set, Lifts, Fire Alarm System, UPS, Solar Water Heating System, Solar PV General
System, Provision for LT panels etc., Compact STP, area development, roads ,horticulture &
landscaping works etc all complete as required for modern buildings on the basis of the functionality
and user requirements. Thereafter construction and commissioning of building(s) complete with
high side electrical installations, DG Sets, Lifts, Fire Alarm System, UPS, Solar Water Heating
System, Provision for LT panels & external street lighting, underground sump & pump room, etc.

Obtaining mandatory approvals from local bodies/ State & Central authorities/ Municipal
Corporation etc. including tree cutting/tree transplantation permissions etc. for the complete work
is in scope of this contract. Approvals as per latest Bihar Building Byelaws with up to date correction
slips, necessary Environmental Clearance from the appropriate authority, NOC from Fire
Department, obtaining Green Building Certificate etc. and any other statutory approval/MCI/
AERB/Central Licensing Approving Authority etc. related to building for office campus, approval
from authorities required for commencing the work, execution of civil work i/c finishing, façade, etc.
& E&M services all complete and handing over the assets. Contractor shall also take all necessary
measures required to be taken to remove any live or dead service lines running through the plot
area without any extra cost. DLP against all defects regarding quality of material /workmanship in
the completed building(s) & all services i/c HVAC & Fire Fighting System, horticulture etc. for a
period of one year from the actual date of completion (called defect liability period) is included in
the scope of work. The scope is inclusive of topographic & contour survey, subsoil investigation and
all ancillary works. The cost of labour, material, tools and plants, shuttering, scaffolding, site
barricading, all taxes/duties, PF/ESI/BOCW, all labour related insurances incl. CAR policy , EHS
norms , watch and ward, working in shifts for timely completion, any work required related to Covid
protocol as per CPWD guidelines and machinery required for execution of the whole project as per

Layout plan & detailed design and drawings to be approved, specifications etc. is within the scope
of this work within the quoted cost and nothing extra will be admissible under any circumstances.

The Nalanda University campus is already registered under GRIHA 5-Star for Large Development
(LD) and the Masterplan of the campus has received the prestigious GRIHA 5-Star rating for LD
Projects. Therefore, the buildings are to be planned, designed and constructed to meet 5 STAR
GRIHA rating. The brief scope of work is as follows:

Buildings: Floor wise distributions of various facilities are only indicative. The plinth area details
included in scope of works are as per architectural drawings with this document:

Minimum Plinth Area to be provided –

Name of Building Minimum Plinth Area

The Central Library 15836 square meter

2000-seater capacity Auditorium 7500 square meter

500 user capacity Yoga Center cum 3235 square meter

Meditation Hall
250 user capacity Cafeteria 1230 square meter

Total Area = 27801 square meter

The Conceptual Design & Line of Plans (indicative floor plans & elevations) for the Central Library
along with the design basis for Architectural, Structural, MEP & Interior Works has been placed
under Annexure-__ of this Tender Document.

For the buildings other than the Central Library as listed above the EPC Contractor has to
provide solutions from concept to construction. However, the broad architectural specifications
for these buildings (other than Central Library) as mentioned above shall be as below which is
indicative and not exhaustive. In case some space inside and outside the building is left out, the
same is included with concept of commensurate specification with approval of Engineer-in -charge:


Misc. Details (Exterior

Glazing/ Handrails)
Internal partitions

Finish/ Structural
Building Name

Skirting/ dado

Wall finish

Door type



Entrance 17, 7.3 6.2.2 6.2.2 5.2 17 7.3 2.3.4

Reception &
17.1, 6.2.3 6.2.3 7.3 17.1 7.3 2.3.4
Entrance Lobby
7.3, 18
500 user
capacity 17.1, 17.1,
6.2.8 6.2.8 17.1 7.3 2.4
Yoga/Meditation 7.3 7.3, 18
Center Combination
17.1, of Dry Stone
Office 7.1 6.2.5 6.2.5 17.1 7.3 13.1.1 Cladding
500 user (12) and
capacity Change rooms & Structural
Yoga Toilet banks for Glazing
10, 11, 17.1,
1 Center male, female 6.2.4 6.2.3 17.1 7.3 13.1.1 system
1.2.1 7.3 (13.3)
cum and differently
Handrails –
Meditation abled 5, 5.1
Hall, 6.2.3, As per
Pantry 6.2.1 17.1 17.1 7.3 3 approved
7.1.1 Architectural
17.1, design
VIP Lounge, 6.2.5 6.2.5 17.1 17.1 7.3 2.4
Store 7.1.1 6.2.1 6.2.1 17.1 17.1 7.3 3
Services 7.1.1 6.2.1 6.2.1 17.1 17.1 7.3 3
Green room 6.2.5 6.2.5 17.1 17.1 7.3 2.4

Control room 7.1.1 6.2.1 6.2.1 17.1 17.1 7.3 3

Emergency Exits
7.1.1 6.2.1 6.2.1 3
250 user 17.1, 17.1, Combination
Entrance 6.2.2 6.2.2
17.1 7.3 2.3.4 of Dry Stone
2 capacity 7.3, 18
Cafeteria Covered seating 14, 8.2, 6.2.5 6.2.5 17.1 17.1 7.3 2.3.4 (12) and

Misc. Details (Exterior

Glazing/ Handrails)
Internal partitions

Finish/ Structural
Building Name

Skirting/ dado

Wall finish

Door type


of 150 pax 7.1 Bamboo
Mat Boards
Semi-covered for wall and
seating of 100 6.2.1 6.2.1 17.1 17.1 7.3 2.3.4 roof (17, 18)
pax Handrails/
ramps – 5,
Toilet banks for 5.1
10, 11,
male, female As per
7.1.1, 6.2.4 6.2.3 16.2.1 17.1 13.1.1 approved
and differently
1.2.1 Architectural
abled design,
Serving counter 6.2.5 6.2.5 17.1 17.1 7.3 2.3.4, 6.2.3,
kitchen 6.2.4 6.2.2 7.3 3
7.1 6.2.2
Store 7.1.1 6.2.1 6.2.1 17.1 17.1 7.3 3

Entrance, 17.2.3 6.2.2 6.2.2 5.2 6.2 7.2 2.3.4

Reception &
7.2 6.2.7 6.2.7 7.2 2.2
Entrance Lobby
2000 user
design require
As per acoustic

As per acoustic

As per acoustic

As per acoustic
design require

design require

design require
Carpet as per


capacity theatre


type auditorium 2.4.1


with 1000 sqm

17.2.2 Combination
stage of Dry Stone
Office 7.1 6.2.2 6.2.2 5.2 6.2 7.2 2.3.4 Cladding
(12) and
Toilet banks for Structural
10, 11,
male, female Glazing
2000- 7.1.1, 6.2.4 6.2.3 7.2 13.1.1 system
and differently
3 seater 1.2.1 (13.3)
abled Handrails –
Auditorium, 6.2.3, 5, 5.1
Pantry 6.2.4 7.2 3 As per
15,7.3, Architectural
VIP Lounge 6.2.5 6.2.5 8.2.2 7.2 2.4
16.3 design
Store 7.1.1 6.2.1 6.2.1 8.2.2 7.2 3
Services 7.1.1 6.2.1 6.2.1 8.2.2 7.2 3
Green room 6.2.5 6.2.5 8.2.2 7.2 2.4
AV Control room 6.2.1 6.2.5 8.2.2 7.2 3
Emergency Exits 7.1.1 6.2.1 3
Substation, AC
6.2.1 6.2.1 6.2.1 8.2.2 7.2
Plant room, any

Misc. Details (Exterior

Glazing/ Handrails)
Internal partitions

Finish/ Structural
Building Name

Skirting/ dado

Wall finish

Door type


other utility
rooms, etc.

1.1. Misc. Stone Work :

1.1.1. Granite stone work in wall lining up to plinth level.

1.2. Marble Work / Granite Work:

1.2.1. 18 mm thick mirror polished Black granite up to 2.0 sqm.in one piece,
in toilet basin deck, kitchen counters etc. including half round edge
moulding in high gloss finish as per Architectural details.

2. WOOD WORK : (height of the doors shall be as approved by E-in-C, as per site
requirement. Door frames shall be fixed with expandable dash fasteners of HILTI or
equivalent make of specified size with necessary plastic sleeves and SS screws
including drilling holes complete as per the instruction of Engineer in charge. Size of
fastener should not be less than 10mm dia x 140mm long)
2.1. Frame :

2.1.1. 2nd class kiln seasoned CP teak wood frame for doors as per size as approved
by E-in-C as per CPWD specifications, all PU polish.

2.1.2. 2nd class kiln seasoned CP teak wood moulded beading to teakwood frames all
PU polish.

2.2. Shutters :

2.2.1. 35 mm thk. factory made wooden flush door shutter - core of block
board const. with factory fixed teak-ply veneering of approved make
and shade on both faces for room doors including all SS fittings and
accessories i/c vision glass panel of approved size, using 6mm clear
glass fitted with teak wood moulding beads

2.2.2 Vision glass panel , of approved size, of 6mm clear glass fitted with teak
wood moulding beads

2.3. Door Fittings :

2.3.1. SS 304 handle , decorative type of approved make shall be provided

in the front door shutter in all rooms.

2.3.2. Stainless steel fittings e.g. mortice latch & lock, Tower bolts , door
stopper etc. with SS 304 grade for room doors, size and design as
approved .

2.3.3. SS hanging floor door stopper for flush doors.

2.3.4. Extruded aluminum tubular type, heavy duty , hydraulic door closer of
approved make , for Glazed Aluminium doors of rear entrance doors

2.4. Sound proof wooden Door for Auditorium/Yoga Hall/Meditation Hall:

2.4.1. Supply, of the Acoustical door shall be provided for Auditorium ,Yoga
etc areas as per approval of E-In-C as per specification given below
Acoustical door shall be of thickness as mentioned in the approved
drawing, having 38 dB acoustic cum fire check door shutters, having
Fire rating 120 Minutes minimum, including door frame of minimum
section 145mm x 75mm teak wood fixed to the door jambs with anchor
fasteners as required, having infill of 47mm thick resin bonded glass
wool of 24kg/cum density coated with FR Acrylic sealant sandwiched
between two 9mm thick calcium silicate boards 100% without asbestos,
Brucite and Meerschaum having a density not more than 1150kg/cum
and thermal conductivity 0.14 W/M*K faced with 8mm thick marine IS
303 grade ply of approved with heat activated intumescent fire seal strip
of size 10mm x 4mm mounted in the grooves having hardwood lipping
of size 15mm x 70mm and fire retardant 1mm thick laminate finish
facing on both sides in desired shade and colour. The work shall be
executed as per drawings, and instructions of engineer in charge.
(Note: Contractor to submit shop drawing & Test certificates from

manufacturer (The Manufacturers should already have a test report with
complete Raven Seals tested from CBRI Roorkee for the total design
including door closers and panic bar) for approval of the Engineer in
charge. The scope to include supply and installation of all required
hardwares as per hardware schedule.

3.1. Two Hr metal Fire resistant door including door frame confirming to BS: 476 part 22
and IS 3614 part II all complete, design and size as per Local fire authority and NBC
norms and recommendations . The fire door should not collapse during the rated
period of fire under the specified fire conditions. Door to have fire rated vision panel
with 6mm thick clear glass as per specifications. The door frames and shutter are
finished with thermo setting acrylic paint for scratch resistance and durability. All
fittings and accessories to be SS and shall also include Panic hardware and incl 2
hr fire rated automatic dual adjustable door closer ,30 minute fire rated smoke seal
( including 2 hr fire resistance stop seal for shaft as per NBC norms) shall be as per
fire norms specifications and as approved by E-in-C. The Panic Hardware shall
have 05 years mechanical warranty.

3.2. 50 mm thick glazed fire resistant door shutters of 120 minutes fire rating
conforming to IS:3614 (Part-II), tested and certified as per laboratory approved by
Engineer-in- charge, to be done by EPC contractor as per CPWD specification
and as per relevant DSR 2018 item(s) as per approval of E-in-C. The fire door
should not collapse during the rated period of fire under the specified fire
conditions. All fittings and accessories to be SS 304 grade and shall incl. Panic
hardware and incl 2 hr fire rated automatic dual adjustable door closer ,30 minute
fire rated smoke seal ( incl 2 hr fire seal in shafts as per NBC norms) shall be as
per fire norms specifications and as approved by E-in-C

4.1. Factory made 1.2mm thk. M. S. sheet steel door with frame of MS tubular
frame , powder coated , for roof mumty room doors & lift machine room doors,

4.2. Factory made, powder coated MS Standard half glazed/ solid door with fittings
and fixtures for Wet riser, telephone, computer cable & fire alarm shaft.

5. Factory made Stainless steel ( SS) RAILING:
Factory made S.S. railing SS grade 304 , satin finish , with side mount round baluster dia
50.8 x 2mm with total height 1100mm with 50x 1.5mm mm dia for top round SS handrail
support with SS Base plate dia 100x6 mm thick with SS cover plate, baluster @ 900mm
C/C and at every corner , the railing to either have 5 nos. of Infill tube dia 16x1.5mm
thick ( SS 304 grade) with SS infill tube holder on baluster complete or infill can be 12
mm thick toughened laminated glass of total height of railing as 1100mm from FFL, as
per architectural approved drawing for stair-cases & parapet incl all handrail
accessories/hardwares complete as directed by E-in-C.

5.1. For Barrier free entrance Ramps Modular Stainless Steel Railing which
incorporated top handrail in A1S1 304 18/8 grade in satin finish of 50.8mm dia x
1.5mm wall thickness connected with modular fitting made of 40mm x 50mm x
3mm underlay welded with T section made of 22mm x 8mm SS flat of 30mm
length screwed and tightened with Allen bolt and Grub screw on the
Pillars/Balusters made of 50.8mm dia x 2mm wall thickness in A1S1 304 18/8
grade in stainless steel on base plate made in stainless steel 304 18/8 grade of
100mm dia x 4mm wall thickness grouted with the help ¾ fasteners, height of the
pillars/balusters from the finished floor level to be maintained at 1100mm including
top handrail and span distance to be kept at 900mm from center to center of the
pillar. In between pillars 5 rows of 16x1.5mm hollow pipe of 1.6mm wall thickness
as intermediaries connected with a pillar/balusters with the help of modular
component made in A1S1 304 18/8 grade of 22mm dia solid rod extruded to fit
16mm pipe of 26mm in length supported by the stud of M6 x 25 mm to fit with
pillars/balusters and the intermediaries tightened by grub screw of 5mm,
incorporated handicap handrail in A1S1 304 18/8 grade in satin finish of 50.8mm
dia x 1.6mm wall thickness connected with modular ‘L’ type fittings attached with
the pillars/balusters, height to be maintained as 800 mm from finished floor level
including handicap handrail and span distance to be kept at 900mm from center
to center of the pillar. All the joints and bends after 20 feet will be welded at site
respectively etc all complete and as per manufactures specification, and approved
Architectural drawing.


6.1. Cement Concrete Flooring & Skirting:

6.1.1. 52 mm thk. Cement conc. flooring with hard-crete conc.

topping in, AHU, electrical room etc.

6.1.2. 18 mm. thk. Cement plaster skirting 150mm ht.

6.2. Stone Flooring:

6.2.1. Kota stone flooring in store, records, lower terraces etc. Granite with 18 mm thk. Polished & flamed (leather finish) granite
slabs combination of approved sizes and shades to be laid over a
floating coat of cement & jointed with cement slurry in entrance hall,
outdoor steps, main staircase etc. & corridor flooring pattern in
combination with double charge vitrified tiles, of size ( minimum
900x900mm ) and color as per approved drawing. Granite wall cladding with 18 mm thk. Polished & flamed (leather finish)
granite slabs combination of approved sizes and shades to be laid over
a floating coat of cement & jointed with cement slurry in lift walls etc. Granite counters with 18 mm thk. Polished & flamed (leather finish)
granite slabs combination of approved sizes and shades to be laid over
a floating coat of cement & jointed with cement slurry in kitchen
counters & toilet wash basin counters etc. including edge moulding of
half round or full round.

6.2.2. 1st quality double charge vitrified tiles , size 300x600mm or as

approved by E-in-C in dado of toilets up to full ceiling height, make and
shade as approved, including grouting the joints with matching polymer
grout with minimum 3 mm spacer

6.2.3. Double charge heavy duty vitrified floor tiles of size 600x600 as min. size
in toilets etc , of shades as approved by E-in C including grouting the
joints with matching polymer grout with minimum 3 mm spacer.

6.2.4. Providing and laying heavy duty full body vitrified floor tiles of minimum
size 900mm x 900mm of as per preferred make list (thickness to be
specified by the manufacturer min 12mm) with water absorptions less
than 0.5% and conforming to IS 4457 : 2007 of approved make in all
colours and shades, laid on 20 mm thick cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement

: 4 coarse sand) including grouting the joints with matching polymer
grout with minimum 3 mm spacer etc., complete for outdoor terrace
garden, central atrium etc.

6.2.5. Providing and laying GVT or super white full body design vitrified floor
tiles of minimum size 800mm x 800mm /1000mm x 1000mm (thickness
to be specified by the manufacturer) with water absorptions less than
0.08% and conforming to IS: 15622 of approved make in all colours
and shades, laid on 20 mm thick cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement : 4
coarse sand) including grouting the joints with matching epoxy grout
with minimum 4mm spacer etc., complete for corridor, office halls &
cubicles etc including granite border skirting, strips etc.

6.2.6. Providing and laying non-skid vitrified floor tiles of minimum size 600mm
x 600mm (thickness to be specified by the manufacturer) with water
absorptions less than 0.08% and conforming to IS: 15622 of approved
make in all colours and shades, laid on 20 mm thick cement mortar 1:4
(1 cement: 4 coarse sand) including grouting the joints with matching
polymer grout etc., complete for all canteen, recreation, conference
etc. including granite border skirting, strips etc.

6.2.7. Providing & laying Laminated HDF plank (1200 x 200mm) flooring,
Class 33 - Heavy Commercials AC-5 grade as per manufacturer's
specification of approved shade and make including 2mm foam
beneath for stage & adjacent steps and all accessories complete for
Yoga room, conference rooms etc.

7.1. Metal False Ceiling: Providing and fixing tiled false ceiling of approved materials
of size 595x595 mm in true horizontal level, suspended on inter locking metal
grid of hot dipped galvanized steel sections ( galvanized @ 120 grams/ sqm,
both side inclusive) consisting of main "T" runner with suitably spaced joints to
get required length and of size 24x38 mm made from 0.30 mm thick (minimum)
sheet, spaced at 1200 center to center and cross "T" of size 24x25 mm made of
0.30 mm thick (minimum) sheet, 1200 mm long spaced between main "T" at 600
mm center to center to form a grid of 1200x600 mm and secondary cross "T" of

length 600 mm and size 24x25 mm made of 0.30 mm thick (minimum) sheet to
be interlocked at middle of the 1200x600 mm panel to form grids of 600x600 mm
and wall angle of size 24x24x0.3 mm and laying false ceiling tiles of approved
texture in the grid including, required cutting/making, opening for services like
diffusers, grills, light fittings, fixtures, smoke detectors etc. Main "T" runners to
be suspended from ceiling using GI slotted cleats of size 27 x 37 x 25 x1.6 mm
fixed to ceiling with 12.5 mm dia and 50 mm long dash fasteners, 4 mm GI
adjustable rods with galvanized butterfly level clips of size 85 x 30 x 0.8 mm
spaced at 1200 mm center to center along main T, bottom exposed width of 24
mm of all T-sections shall be pre-painted with polyester paint, all complete for all
heights as per specifications, drawings and as directed by Engineer-in-charge.
GI Metal Ceiling Lay in plain Regular edge Global white color tiles of size
595x595 mm, and 0.5 mm thick with 8 mm drop; made of G I sheet having
galvanizing of 100 gms/sqm (both sides inclusive) and electro statically
polyester powder coated of thickness 60 microns (minimum), including
factory painted after bending – FOR TOILET.

7.1.1. GI Metal Ceiling Lay in perforated Regular edge global white color tiles of
size 595x595 mm and 0.5 mm thick with 8 mm drop; made of GI sheet
having galvanizing of 100 gms/sqm (both sides inclusive) and 20%
perforation area with 1.8 mm dia holes and having NRC (Noise Reduction
Coefficient) of 0.5, electro statically polyester powder coated of thickness
60 microns (minimum), including factory painted after bending and
perforation, and backed with a black Glass fiber acoustical fleece.

7.2. Peripheral Gypsum Drop False Ceiling :Providing and fixing false ceiling
at all height including providing and fixing of frame work made of special
sections, power pressed from M.S. sheets and galvanized with zinc coating
of 120 gms/sqm (both side inclusive) as per IS : 277 and consisting of angle
cleats of size 25 mm wide x 1.6 mm thick with flanges of 27 mm and 37mm,
at 1200 mm centre to centre, one flange fixed to the ceiling with dash fastener
12.5 mm dia x 50mm long with 6mm dia bolts, other flange of cleat fixed to
the angle hangers of 25x10x0.50 mm of required length with nuts & bolts of
required size and other end of angle hanger fixed with intermediate G.I.
channels 45x15x0.9 mm running at the spacing of 1200 mm centre to centre,

to which the ceiling section 0.5 thick bottom wedge of 80 mm with tapered
flanges of 26 mm each having lips of 10.5 mm, at 450 mm centre to centre, shall
be fixed in a direction perpendicular to G.I. intermediate channel with connecting
clips made out of 2.64 mm dia x 230 mm long G.I. wire at every junction,
including fixing perimeter channels 0.5 mm thick 27 mm high having flanges of
20 mm and 30 mm long, the perimeter of ceiling fixed to wall/partition with the
help of rawl plugs at 450 mm centre, with 25mm long dry wall screws @ 230 mm
interval, including fixing of gypsum board to ceiling section and perimeter
channel with the help of dry wall screws of size 3.5 x 25 mm at 230 mm c/c,
including jointing and finishing to a flush finish of tapered and square edges of

the board with recommended jointing compound , jointing tapes , finishing with
jointing compound in 3 layers covering up to 150 mm on both sides of joint and
two coats of primer suitable for board, all as per manufacturer's specification and
also including the cost of making openings for light fittings, grills, diffusers,
cutouts made with frame of perimeter channels suitably fixed, all complete as
per drawings, specification with 12.5 mm thick tapered edge gypsum fire
resistant board conforming to IS: 2095-Part I for PERIPHERAL DROP.

7.3 Bamboo Mat Board False Ceiling: Providing and fixing at all height false
ceiling of 4mm thick phenol bonded Bamboo Mat board (595x595mm) of
Timpack Greengold / Saru Décor / Kinzok or equivalent makes conforming
to IS:13958-1994 including providing and fixing of frame work made of GI
angle 25x25x0.4 mm thick all around suitably fixed to wall with the help of
dash fastener and hanger frame (600x600 c/c) made GI slotted Tee having
powder coating on bottom side (30x25x0.3 mm thick for main member &
25x25x0.3 mm for cross member) connected to ceiling with 2.64mm GI wire
and anchor fastener at every junction and also including cost of making
openings for light fittings, grills, diffusers, cut outs made with frame of
perimeter channels suitably fixed all complete as per direction of Engineer-
in-charge and as per CPWD – Specifications 2019 Vol. I & II.

8.1. Cement Plaster In Coarse Sand :

The work shall be done in accordance with CPWD specifications 2019 Volume - I &

II with correction slips up to the last date of submission of tender documents.
Wherever directed by the Engineer in Charge, all joints between concrete frames
and masonry in filling shall be expressed by a groove cut in the plaster. Where
grooves are not called for, the joints between concrete members and masonry in
filling shall be covered by plaster mesh strips of approved make shall be used over
junctions of concrete and masonry or two dissimilar materials about 200mm wide
fixed with GI wire nails etc. which shall be in position before plastering. All the
exposed edges to be protected with the concealed PVC corner guard of make at
the time of internal plastering.

8.1.1. Plastering with 1:6 or 1:4 sand-cement mortar: 15mm thk. Internal plaster. ( 1 cement :4 fine sand) 20 mm thk. External plaster. ( in two coats – under layer 12 mm thick cement
plaster 1 cement : 4 coarse sand) finished with top layer of 8 mm thick cement
plaster 1cement:3 find sand) . Water proofing compound of approved make
shall be admix in external plaster in proportion recommended by manufacture
and as directed by E-in-C. 6mm thk. ceiling plaster ( 1 cement : 3 fine sand ).

8.1.2. White cement based putty.

8.1.3. Providing and applying white cement based putty of average thickness 1
mm, of approved brand and manufacturer, over the plastered wall
surface to prepare the surface even and smooth complete.(internal wall &

8.2. Internal Paint:

8.2.1. Applying 2 priming coats on internal walls & ceiling with primer of
approved brand and manufacture, having low VOC (Volatile Organic
Compound) content with water based cement primer on wall surface
having VOC content less than 50 grams/liter.

8.2.2. Painting ceiling & wall with 2 coats of Wall painting with premium acrylic
emulsion paint of interior grade, having VOC (Volatile Organic

Compound) content less than 50 grams/ liter of approved brand and
manufacture, including applying additional coats wherever required to
achieve even shade , make and colour over one coat of int. primer.

8.2.3. Painting wood work ( all teak work to be PU polished ) / steel work with
synthetic enamel paint (where not specified for powder coating) of approved
brand and manufacture of required colour to give an even shade, as
per approved drawings. Two or more coats on new work over an under coat of suitable shade
with ordinary paint of approved brand and manufacture over
appropriate wood/ steel primer excepting over pipes as per approved

8.2.4. PU polish on all teakwood work & teak veneered door shutter.

8.3. Exterior Finish:

8.3.1. Finishing walls with double coats of Premium Acrylic Smooth exterior
paint with Silicone additives over a 2 coats of base coat of acrylic primer
on ext. wall surface of approved shade and make ,as per approved

8.3.2. Painting on all rain water, soil, waste & vent pipes with synthetic enamel
paint over a coat of zinc chromate yellow primer as per approved shade
and make as per approved drawing.

8.3.3. Glass mozaic tiles of Italia / Paladia fitted with tile adhesive on free
standing pillars, water body etc., of approved colour combination as per
approved drawing.


9.1. Plinth Protection:

9.1.1. Making plinth protection with 100mm thk. Interlocking paver blocks
(M40 grade) over 75mm thk. base conc. ( m10 grade) over flat clay brick
soling over rammed earth.

9.2. Toilet Door Frame & Shutter:

9.2.1. In toilets the door frame will be confirming to DSR 2018
Item No. 26.86.1 to 26.86.4 and the corresponding door frame shall be
confirming to DSR 2018 Item No. 26.87.1 and 26.87.2 in ladies and
gents main toilets with approved teak finish.

9.2.2. 50x12mm 2nd class teak wood moulded beading to teakwood frames.

9.2.3. 35 mm thk. factory made flush door shutter - core of block board const. &
1.0mm thick decorative laminate of make and shade as approved on both
faces for room doors including SS 304 grade hardware of approved size
and design.

9.2.4. Glass doors and glass partition in work station /open office area.


10.1. Water Closet:

10.1.1. Providing and fixing white vitreous china floor mounted water closet with
seat and lid, white vitreous low flow flushing cistern for all toilets as
per approved make list and design as approved and with CP fittings
as approved .

10.2. Wash Basin:

10.2.1. White Vitreous China oval shaped granite counter top designer basin
with single with movable long swan neck C.P brass mixer tap with hot
& cold arrangement as per approved make list.


11.1. Beveled edge mirror of superior glass sheet of full length over 6mm thick PVC
board fitted with SS studs as per approved make list.

11.2. CP Health faucet (Water Jet) with each WC as per approved make and design .

11.3. C.P. brass toilet paper holder for attached toilets as per approved make list and

11.4. CP liquid soap container in attached toilets and canteen as per approved make
list and design

11.5. 600 mm long CP brass towel rail in attached toilets as per approved make list.
11.6. 40 mm dia Stainless steel pipes in toilets for disabled persons as per approved

make list and design

11.7. Automatic hand dryer as per approved make and design.

11.8. Fittings:

11.8.1. All bib cocks, pillar cocks/ wall or basin Mixer, stop cocks and valves
shall be of C.P. brass in toilets as per approved make and design and
without sensors . Urinal flush & basin mixer/ pillar cocks of wash basin
shall be fitted with sensors.

11.8.2. P.V.C. connection pipe with C.P brass union.

11.8.3. CP Brass / steel floor trap cover of PTMT.


12.1. Providing and fixing exterior dry stone cladding up to full heights with 30 mm thick gang
saw cut red / white/ yellow/any other color sandstone with machine cut edges of
uniform color and size min 1mx1m or as approved , fixed to structural steel frame work
and/ or with the help of cramps, pins etc. and sealing the joints with approved weather
sealant as per Architectural drawing Dry stone cladding items to be executed as DSR
2018 item no. 8.20, 8.21 and 8.22 and at all heights as per above details as per
approved drawing.
12.2. Providing and fixing structural steel frame (for cladding with 25 mm thick gang saw cut
with machine cut edges sand stone) on walls at all heights using M.S. square/
rectangular tube in the required pattern as per architectural drawing, including cost of
cutting, bending, welding etc. The frame work shall be fixed to the wall with the help of
M.S. brackets/ lugs of angle iron/ flats etc. which shall be welded to the frame and
embedded in brick wall,with cement concrete block 1:2:4 (1 cement :2 coarse sand :4
graded stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size) of size 300x230x300 mm/ fastened with
RCC structure at floor level and in between, including cost of necessary centering and
shuttering and with approved expansion hold fasteners on CC/RCC surface, including
drilling necessary holes. Approved cramps/ pins etc. shall be welded to the frame work
to support stone cladding, the steel work will be given a priming coat of Zinc primer as
approved by Engineer-in-charge and painted with two or more coats of epoxy paint
(Shop drawings shall be submitted by the contractor to the Engineer-in-charge for

approval before execution). The frame work shall be fixed in true horizontal & vertical
lines/planes. Dry stone cladding items to be executed as DSR 2018 item no. 8.20, 8.21
and 8.22 and at all height as per above details as per approved drawing.

12.3. Providing and fixing adjustable stainless steel cramps of approved quality, required
shape and size, adjustable with stainless steel nuts, bolts and washer (total weight not
less than 260 gms), for dry stone cladding fixed on frame work at suitable location,
including making necessary recesses in stone slab, drilling required holes etc.
complete. Dry stone cladding items to be executed as DSR 2018 item no. 8.20, 8.21
and 8.22 and at all height as per above details as per approved drawing

12.4. Providing, fabricating and supplying and fixing panels of aluminum composite panel
cladding in pan shape in metallic colour of approved shades made out of 4mm thick
aluminum composite panel material consisting of 3mm thick FR grade mineral core
sandwiched between two Aluminum sheets (each 0.5mm thick). The aluminum
composite panel cladding sheet shall be coil coated, with Kynar 500 based PVDF /
Lumiflon based fluoropolymer resin coating of approved colour and shade on face # 1
and polymer (Service) coating on face # 2 as specified using stainless steel screws,
nuts, bolts, washers, cleats, weather silicone sealant, backer rods etc. This item of ACP
cladding shall be executed as DSR 2018 item no. 8.32

12.5. The fastening brackets of Aluminum alloy 6005 T5 / MS with Hot Dip Galvanized with
serrations and serrated washers to arrest the wind load movement, fasteners, SS 316
Pins and anchor bolts of approved make in SS 316, Nylon separators to prevent bi-
metallic contacts all complete required to perform as per specification and drawing The
item includes cost of all material & labour component, the cost of all mock ups at site,
cost of all samples of the individual components for testing in an approved laboratory,
field tests on the assembled working curtain wall with aluminum composite panel
cladding, cleaning and protection of the curtain wall with aluminum composite panel
cladding till the handing over of the building for occupation. Base frame work for ACP
cladding is payable under the relevant aluminum items of DSR 2018. The Contractor
shall provide curtain wall with aluminum composite panel cladding, having all the
performance characteristics all complete , as per the Architectural drawings, as per
item description, as specified, as per the approved shop drawings and as directed by
the Engineer-in-Charge. This item of ACP cladding shall be executed as DSR 2018

item no. 8.32.

12.6. Finishing walls with Premium Acrylic Smooth exterior paint with Silicone additives of
required make and shade: Two or more coats applied @ 1.43 ltr/10 sqm over and
including priming coat of exterior primer applied @ 2.20 kg/10 sqm.


13.1. Factory fabricated ( factory as approved by E-in-C) Glazed Aluminum Doors and
Windows. The EPC Contractor shall guarantee about proper design and performance
of aluminium work for a period of 10 years from the date of completion of work.

13.1.1. The aluminum material for the work shall be procured by the EPC Contractor
from the approved manufacturer as per approved make list for materials in this
tender. The EPC Contractor shall procure and submit samples of various
materials to be used in the work for the approval of Engineer-in-Charge and
no work shall commence before such samples are approved. Glazed, 60
micron polyester coating , of approved color and shade, Aluminum double
acting swing doors with glass as per approved thickness and make and
specifications including all hardware & accessories and other fixtures like cleats, SS
screws , nuts , bolts , etc used shall conform to the relevant specifications as approved
by E-in-C. All doors, windows, ventilators and glazing etc. shall be made water
tight with microwave cured EPDM gaskets and weather silicone sealants to
the satisfaction of the Engineer-in-Charge.

13.1.2. Aluminium glazed window with 60 micron polyester coating , of approved

color and shade aluminum glazed window with glass of thickness ,
specification , make as approved for all windows and fixed glazing. The EPC
Contractor shall prepare a finished sample of the aluminium window along with
glazing panel of thickness , toughening, specification and fittings etc. for
approval of workmanship and material. Nothing extra shall be payable on this
account. The factory for fabrication and polyster coating of aluminum
windows/doors/frameworks shall be got approved from Engineer-charge. All
windows, ventilators and glazing etc. shall be made water tight with microwave
cured EPDM gaskets and weather silicone sealants to the satisfaction of the
Engineer-in-Charge. All hardware and other fixtures like cleats, SS screws ,

nuts , bolts , rawl plug, backer rods etc used shall conform to the relevant
specifications as approved by E-in-C. The screws used for fixing fixed
aluminum frames of the aluminum windows to masonry walls / RCC members
and aluminum members to other aluminum members shall be of stainless steel
of approved make and quality and of stainless-steel grade 304. 15.10.2
For the aluminum windows, the gap between the aluminum frames and
the R.C.C / Masonry and also any gaps in the various sections shall be filled
with weather silicone sealant DC 795 of Dow Corning or equivalent in the
required bite size, to ensure water tightness including providing and fixing
backer rod, wherever required. Fixing of glass panes shall be designed in such
a way that replacing damaged / broken glass panes is easily possible without
having to remove or damage any members or interior finishing materials.

13.2. Structural Glazing:

13.2.1. Designing, Supplying , Fabrication ,testing, protection and Erecting in position

semi( grid) unitized system of structural glazing ( with open joints) with DGU
system on façades on elevation sides as approved by E-in-C ,including
Providing and supplying aluminium extruded tubular and other aluminium
sections as per the architectural drawings and approved shop drawings, the
aluminium quality as per grade 6063 T5 or T6 as per BS 1474, including super
durable polyester powder coating of 60-80 microns conforming to AAMA 2604
of required colour and shade as approved by the Engineer-in-Charge.
13.3. Providing, assembling and supplying vision glass panels (IGUs) comprising of
hermetically-sealed 6-12-6 mm insulated glass (double glazed) vision panel units of
size and shape as required and specified, comprising of an outer high performance
heat strengthened float glass 6mm thick, of approved colour and shade with reflective
soft coating on surface # 2 of approved colour and shade, an inner Heat strengthened
clear float glass 6mm thick, spacer tube 12mm wide, desiccants, including primary seal
and secondary seal (structural silicone sealant) etc. all complete for the required
performances, as per the Architectural drawings, as per the approved shop drawings,
as per color and shade of glass as specified and as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge.
The IGUs shall be assembled in the factory/ workshop of the glass processor. Coloured
tinted float glass 6mm thick substrate with reflective soft coating on face # 2, + 12mm

Airgap + 6mm Heat Strengthened clear Glass of approved make having properties as
visible Light transmittance (VLT) of 25 to 35 %, Light reflection internal 10 to 15%, light
reflection external 10 to 20 %, shading coefficient (0.25-0.28) and U value of 3.0 to 3.3
W/m2 degree K etc. with details, specs as per approved drawing . The structural
glazing façade shall also have Openable side / top hung vision glass panels (IGUs)
including providing and supplying at site all accessories and hardwares for the openable
panels as specified and of the approved make such as heavy duty stainless steel friction
hinges, min 4 -point cremone locking sets with stainless steel plates, handles, buffers
etc. including necessary stainless steel screws/ fasteners, nuts, bolts, washers etc. all
complete as per the Architectural drawings, as per the approved shop drawings, as
specified and as directed by the Engineer- in-Charge. The DGU shall also be tested for
air and water leakge from testing house as approved as per CPWD specification . It
shall also include Providing, fabricating and supplying shadow box of required size and
shape, for fixing in the spandrel portion of the structural glazing, in linear as well as
curvilinear portions of the building by providing semi- rigid, inorganic, non-combustible fibre
glass wool insulation 50 mm thick having density 48 Kg/cum, conforming to IS: 8183 and
BS:3958 Part 5. And also including Providing and supplying Spandrel Glass Panels
comprising of 6 mm thick heat strengthened monolithic float glass of approved colour
and shade with reflective soft coating on surface # 2 of approved colour and shade so
as to match the colour and shade of the IGUs in the vision panels etc. ,all complete for
the required performances as specified, as per the Architectural drawings, as per the
approved shop drawings, as specified, and as directed by the Engineer- in- Charge.

EPC Contractor needs to follow below mentioned procedures and submit to

Engineer in charges for approvals before structural glazing/stone/ACP façade

 Preparing shop drawings for all elements of façade.

 Engineering calculations, structural STAAD, FEM analysis for all products

and components duly vetted from reputed engg institute like IIT/NIT

 Installation methodology.

 All material approval plans, design submission plan and all material

 Detailed project schedule

 All process test reports, material test certificates and product guaranties
and warranties.

 Operation and maintenance manuals.

 Design and performance guaranties.

 Thermal performance calculation on overall Facade as per ECBC norms

 Design and supply and installation of Façade Cleaning System


14.1. Design supply & installation of suspended Spider Glazing system designed to
withstand the wind pressure as per IS 875 (Part-III). The Suspended System held
with Spider Fittings of SS-316 Grade Steel of approved manufacturer with glass
panel having 12 mm thick clear toughened glass held together with SS- 316 Grade
Stainless steel Spider & bolt assembly with laminated glass fins 21 mm thick. The
Glass fins and glass panel assembly shall be connected to Slab/ beams by means
of SS- 316 Grade stainless steel brackets & Anchor bolts and at the bottom using
SS channel of 50x25x2mm using fastener & anchor bolts, non-staining weather
sealants of approved make, Teflon/ nylon bushes and separators to prevent bi-
metallic contacts, all complete to perform as per specification and approved
drawings. The complete system to be designed to accommodate thermal expansion
& seismic movements etc. The joints between glass panels (6 to 8 mm) and gaps at
the perimeter & in U channel of the assembly to be filled with non-staining weather
sealant, so as to make the entire system fully water proof & dust proof.

14.2. Providing and fixing 12 mm thick frameless toughened glass door shutter of
approved brand and manufacture, including providing and fixing top & bottom
pivot & spring type fixing arrangement and making necessary holes etc. for fixing
required door fittings, all complete as per approval of E-in-C.


15.1. Providing and fixing 12 mm thick frameless toughened glass door shutter of
approved brand and manufacture, including providing and fixing top & bottom

pivot & spring type fixing arrangement and making necessary holes etc. for fixing
required door fittings, all complete including hardware as per direction of
Engineer-in-charge and as per CPWD specifications.

15.2. Providing and fixing 12 mm thick frameless toughened glass partition of

approved brand fixed with heavy duty SS patch fittings of approved make . The
joints between glass panels (2 to 4 mm) and gaps at the perimeter & in U channel
of the assembly to be filled with non-staining weather sealant, so as to make the
entire system fully water proof & dust proof as per drawing approved by E-in-C

contractor to ensure that design of acoustic features in all the buildings in this tender
conform to acoustic properties as required from functional point of use of these
building with proper acoustic design done by specialist consultant of EPC contractor
and details approved by E-in-C before procuring the material and executing the

16.1. Wooden Slat Wall Paneling:

16.1.1. Providing & fixing of wall panel by G.I. frame work with 600 x 300mm c/c
to be fixed on wall (channel section placed 300 c/c and intermediate
section will be placed 600 c/c), all the framing section materials made of
approved make . There after Acoustical backing by Ploy fiber wool of
thickness 50mm having density of 20 Kgs/M3 tie up by Galvanized wire
mesh and galvanized wire to avoid sagging. On top of GI frame provide
Anutone wooden Slats (128 X 2440 X 16) or equivalent make as approved
, Melamine finish having density 800 kg/M3, nrc 0.75 and Fire class 1 &P
with a special channel section of CC18. This run of wall paneling to be
provided on both side and back wall of the hall partially. Design of wall to
be made for proper sound reproduction.

16.2. Fabric Wall Paneling:

16.2.1. Providing, Fitting and fixing of wall panel up by G.I. frame work with 600 x
300mm c/c to be fixed on wall (channel section placed 300 c/c and
intermediate section will be placed 600 c/c), all the framing materials of
ultra-section made of approved make . Thereafter Acoustical backing by
Ploy fiber wool of thickness 50mm having density of 20 Kgs/M3 tie up with
Galvanized wire mesh and Galvanized wire, to avoid sagging. On top

provide Soak cord Binary (600 X 600/1200 mm of size) having density
400Kg/M3 and fire class 1 & P and NRC up-to 0.95 covered by the thick
fabric, of shade and make as approved to be fixed by H-Spline to maintain
the functional activities & aesthetic decor of the hall. This kinds of
treatment to be provided on both side wall of the Hall. Design of wall to be
made for proper sound reproduction.

16.3. Acoustic False Ceiling: (Note - EPC contractor to ensure that design of
acoustic features in all the buildings in this tender conform to acoustic
properties as required from functional point of use of these building with proper
acoustic design done by specialist consultant of EPC contractor and details
approved by E-in-C before procuring the material and executing the work)

16.3.1. Providing and fixing mineral fiber false ceiling tiles at all heights of size
595X595mm of approved texture, design and pattern. The tiles should
have Humidity Resistance (RH) of 99%, Light Reflectance > 85%, Thermal
Conductivity k = 0.052 - 0.057 w/m K, Fire Performance as per (BS 476 pt
- 6 &7)in true horizontal level suspended on interlocking T-Grid of hot
dipped all round galvanized iron section of 0.33 mm thick (galvanized
@120 gsm ) comprising of main T runners of 15x32 mm of length 3000
mm, cross T of size 15x32mm of length 1200 mm and secondary
intermediate cross T of size 15x32 mm of length 600 mm to form grid
module of size 600x600 mm suspended from ceiling using galvanized mild
steel item (galvanized @80gsm) 50 mm long 8mm outer diameter M-6
dash fasteners, 6 mm diameter fully threaded hanger rod up to 1000 mm
length and L-shape level adjuster of size 85x25x2 mm, spaced at 1200
mm center to center along main ‘T’. The system should rest on periphery
walls /partitions with the help of GI perimeter wall angle of
size24x24X3000 mm made of 0.40 mm thick sheet, to be fixed to the wall
with help of plastic rawl plug at 450 mm center to center & 40 mm long dry
wall S.S. screws. The exposed bottom portion of all T-sections used in
false ceiling support system shall be repainted with polyester baked paint,
for all heights With 16 mm thick beveled regular mineral fiber Antimicrobial
false ceiling tile.


17.1. Roller Blind (Blackout) For Yoga Hall, Multipurpose Hall, Conference, Rooms,


17.1.1. Providing and Installation of roller blind (straight line fabric) has a thickness
of 0.58mm, comprises of Vinyl-coated fiberglass fabric laminated with a
two-ply 100% PVC blackout film and a mesh weight of 671 g/m; openness
factor is opaque; Acoustic Value -NRC .05/SAA .03.It comes with a
TRACKLESS technology which minimizes the fiberglass yarns inherent
tendencies to track when being rolled up in shade. With Trackless
Technology these same fabrics now track less, roll up straighter and
reduce share fabrication time. It comes with 10 years warranty. Fire
classification: NFPA 701-2004 TM # 1 (small scale), NFPA 01 (CLASS A)
IBC SECTION 903.1(CLASS A RATING), BS 5867 2008. Bacterial and
Fungal Resistance: Microban antibacterial additives and meets the
standards of ASTM E 2180,ASTM G21,AATCC30 PART 3,ASTM D 3273,
GREENGUARD MOLD and Bacteria Standard ASTM 6329 , includes
Microban antimicrobial additives; Lead free factor- RoHS/ Directive 2002
/ 95/EC ,CONSUMER Product Safety Commission Section 101,
ANSI/WCMA A100.1-2007 for lead content , and REACH ( EC 1907/2006)
Compliant; Acoustical Performance : NRC (Noise Reduction Coefficient )
and SAA (sound absorption average) tested in accordance with ASTM
C423-09a. Certified to GREENGUARD AND GREENGUARD Gold
Standards for low chemical emissions into indoor air during product
usage. Roll-Up Shades, panel tracks and Screens.

17.1.2. PULLEY SYSTEM: Reducing gear pulley 1:3 for better/ easy lifting.

17.2. Vertical Blinds for General Areas as per Architectural Drawing:

Providing and fixing 100mm vertical blinds 1.20mm to 1.30mm wall

thickness headrail 20mm to 25mm high x 40mm to 50mm wide
extruded high strength aluminum alloy section which is anodized for
smooth and corrosion resistance high. It has an end control unit which
has a sprocket fixed with it which is driven by the tilter chain, made of
4.5mm plastic beads moulded on 2.20mm.Thick Polyester cord which
rotates the lovers by 180 degree. For the tilting operation to be smooth
end, end control unit has a tilt rod fixed to it which is of 5.80mm to 6.00mm

average diameter and made up of extruded aluminum with 3 key ways to
achieve torsional deflection. Runners made up of molded plastic having
anti-friction additive which has gear and warm mechanism to control the
vertical louvers movement. Proper spacing of runner is made up of molded
Derlin / stainless steel having anti friction additive. Louvers to be kept
straight and prevented from swaying by bottom mechanism where the
bottom weight is made up of powder coated galvanized steel sheet 1.7mm
thick for maximum corrosion resistance and bottom chain made up of 2mm
diameter plastic beads moulded on polyester cord available depending
upon the width of the louvers, fabrics 100% polyester, water repellent and
dust guard, FABRICS WEIGHT 300 GSM.

17.2.1. TACTILE STUDS: Providing and fixing coloured, preferably yellow PU

- Tactile Studs (Warning/Positional) with 1 stem having stem dia of 6.0
mm & stem length between 20 - 25 mm, as ground surface indicators
for the visually impaired persons, on the pedestrian pathway as per
manufacturers design / specification and as per harmonized guidelines
complete in all respect and as per direction of Engineer-in-charge.

17.2.2 ATRIUM COVER DOME: Installation of multi-layered Danpolan or

equivalent make polycarbonate sheeting system of DPI Daylight or
equivalent over pre-engineered MS tubular dome structure over central
atrium above roof level. The polycarbonate system will be a complete
assembly of extruded multilayer UV protected polycarbonate panels
incorporated into a complete system. Co-extruded UV protected
polycarbonate panel system of minimum 25 mm thick and minimum
1200 mm wide. Panel body is of a different colour than the angular
louvers, both being translucent. Panel shall have 6-7 layers for required
lux level, all fixing accessories to ensure best performance for wind
uplift, vibration, oil canning and visual appearance. Panels shall be with
grip lock offset vertical standing seam running lengthwise to
accommodate the aluminum connectors/spacer at both sides of the
panel. Panels shall be fixed on Purlin with snap on connectors with grip
lock locking mechanism and will be secured on MS structure (will be
paid Separately) with 3 numbers self-drilling screws & trapezoid SS

fasteners to ensure a pull- out load of min. 21000N (21KN) tested as
per ISO 6892:1998 and IS 1608: 2005. with Snap on aluminum
Connectors. U value shall not be more than 1.80 Watt/m2K as per EN
ISO 1077-2:2018. Panels must satisfy Dart drop impact test as per IS
14443-97 shall show no sign of breakage on Polycarbonate sheets
which have been exposed to UV for a min. of 500 Hours as per ASTM
G 155. Panels shall not have Yellowness Index as per ASTM D 1925
of 15 units when tested on a sample exposed to UV for 500 Hours as
per ASTM G 155. Panel shall be with additional End cap/Aluminum U/F
profile/ Glazing Bar for ends as required. Panel shall be fixed over MS
structural steel/MS purlin (paid separately) conforming to the detail
technical specifications as per approved architectural drawings.
Trained and factory authorized labour with supervision to complete the
entire panel installation as per drawing & direction of the engineering
in charge.

18.1 Internal Partitions/Walling shall be executed with Bamboo Mat Boards 9mm (ISI:
13958 specification) as per CPWD – DSR 2018 item no: 26.6D.4 and CPWD –
Specifications 2019 Vol. 1 & II - Providing and fixing Bamboo Mat board
conforming to IS: 13958 1994 for partition to frame by backing or studding with
screws etc. complete (Frames, backing or studding to be paid separately) with
approved makes of Timpack Greengold / Saru Décor / Kinzok or equivalent.


19.1 Roofing shall be executed with Bamboo Mat Corrugated Sheets (ISI: 15476
specification) as per CPWD – DSR 2018 item no: 26.6A and CPWD – Specifications
2019 Vol. 1 & II. Providing, erecting, laying and fixing in position in 3.5 to 4 mm thick
bamboo mat corrugated sheet (BMCS) as per IS: 15476- 2004 in roofing with self-
drilling screws along with EPDM washers complete or with galvanized iron J or L hooks
8mm dia G.I. plain and bitumen washers etc, all complete as per direction of Engineer-
in-Charge with approved makes of Timpack Greengold / Saru Décor / Kinzok or
19.2 Providing and fixing in position ridges of 3.5 to 4 mm thick bamboo mat ridge cap
(BMRC) as per IS: 15476-2004 in roofing with self-drilling screws along with EPDM

washers complete or with galvanized iron J or L hooks 8mm dia G.I. plain and bitumen
washers etc., all complete as per direction of Engineer-in-Charge with approved
makes of Timpack Greengold / Saru Décor / Kinzok or equivalent.

20. AUDITORIUM CHAIRS (2000 Nos) :

Providing and fixing in position 2000 Nos Auditorium chairs with auto Tip up facility of
coil/spring steel IS : 4454 1981 having central distance ( arm to arm) shall be 20”-22” as
required. The cushioning is done on hot press ply of 12 mm with PU foam of density 50
kg/cum as per JIS K 6401. The hardness of seat foam would be 120 ( + 30/-20) Newton and
back foam hardness would be 80 ( +30/-20) newton, upholstered with fabric as per sample
approved. All metal part is made out of HRCA /CRCA sheet as per IS : 1079 1994 with
powder coating of 50 microns. The PU arms /PPCP arms to be used in chairs . The chairs
stand on floor with support of expansion bolts 100mm of length. The manufacturer shall
have Quality & safety Assurance like ISO-9001:2015,ISO-14001:2015,ISO-
18001:2007,GREENGUARD compliance, BIFMA membership. The sample is to be duly
approved by the E-in-C. Approved Makes: Haworth/Steelcase/Godrej/Fine Grace/HNI

21. Electrical & Mechanical Works:

Brief description of E&M works for “Construction of one 500 user capacity Yoga Center
cum Meditation Hall, one 250 user capacity Cafeteria and one 2000 seater capacity
Auditorium including all Internal Water Supply, Sanitary Installations, Roads,
Pathways, Drainage, Internal Electrical Installations, Fire Fighting, Air Conditioning and
External Electrical installations on EPC basis for Nalanda University Main Campus at
Rajgir, District Nalanda, Bihar.”

The scope of work includes –

(i) Design, Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of the following

Electrical & Mechanical (E&M) Services –

Item Description / Specifications

Wiring in PVC conduit for internal electric installation i.e. light
& fan point, light & power plug, central, LAN & IPABX, wiring
for TV, CCTV with modular switch, socket and accessories,
Fittings, Exhaust fan, Ceiling fan, switch board, SDBs, floor
panel, main panel, rising main for UPS, Essential & Non-
Internal &
essential supply, chemical Earthing, lightening arrestor ,
1. External
conductor, Street LED lights, High Mast compound lighting,
Facade lighting with LED & decorative poles etc. , 25 mm dia
M.S. conduit and G.I. box as per approved drawing shall be
provided for automatic fire alarm system. Planning Designing
and SITC of occupancy sensors is within scope of
the work. Further details are available in Section – C of this
bid document.
Fire Fighting Fire Fighting system with Wet riser & sprinklers for the building
System with as per the requirement of NBC 2016 with amendments,
Wet riser & updated BIS codes, Fire bye-laws of Govt. of Bihar and CPWD
sprinklers specifications and NBC norms. This will also include peripheral
header, electric & diesel fire pump, internal & external fire
hydrants, Portable fire extinguishers etc.
Further details are available in Section – C of this bid
Capacity of HVAC system shall be based on heat load
calculation , room wise , floor wise , building wise of the
Buildings which will be prepared and shared by EPC
contractor with E-in –C for approval, based on which HVAC
system capacity will be finalisied . The temperature has to be
maintained at 22 degree ( +/-) 2 degree centigrade .HVAC
3. HVAC system plant consisting of low and high side equipment i.e. water
cooled screw type chilling machines and heat pumps, cooling
tower, Hot water generator complete with condenser, HRW,
VFD, chilled (primary & secondary), hot water pumps, AHUs /
FCUs, electrical panels, control panels and pipes line, cabling
work. The low and high side of the plant shall be controlled by
BMS System. Stair case pressurization fans, Lift shafts and
lobbies pressurization fans, Toilet Exhaust System, Smoke
Evacuation System, as per NBC guidelines, CPWD
specifications and relevant IS Codes. HVAC System shall be
modular type
Further details are available in Section –C of this bid
All pumps shall be designed to fulfill the requirement of water
for building and firefighting system. Submersible pumps shall
be provided in bore wells, booster pumps for supply of drinking
4. Pumping sets
water. One pump of each type and of same capacity shall be
provided as stand by. Further details are available in
Section –C of this bid document.
Electrical sign Electrical LED signage board and exit signs shall be provided
5. board and for the various services, at various floors and building as per
Exit signs requirement.

(ii) Planning and design, supply and installation of the following E & M services : ( all
E&M services shall be designed keeping in mind use of conforming material and
specifications for civil and E&M work for ensuring obtaining 5 start GRIHA rating)

Item Description / Specifications
SITC of automatic fire alarm system is in the scope of this
work. This includes design of fire alarm system i/c marking of
various fire alarm accessories i.e. location of detectors, MCP,
Automatic fire fault isolator, hooters/speakers, main panel, repeater panel on
alarm system the approved architecture drawings, preparation of inventory
and SOQ as per CPWD specification/NBC/IS codes is under
the scope of this work. Further details are available in
Section –C of
this bid document.
SITC of lifts- Goods lift and passenger lift - is in the scope of
this work. This includes designing of lift for its capacity, speed
of travel etc. and number of lifts . Submission of data sheet
2. Lifts
and catalogue of the various equipment in support of their
design, BOQ, technical specification are in the scope of this
EPC work. Providing lift of required capacity as per NBC
norms and as specified in
the approved Architectural drawings including provision of
shaft lift well, machine rooms. The scope includes getting the
requisite permission of lift inspector from the concerned
before commissioning of the same. Further details are
available in Section –C of this bid document.
SITC of indoor/outdoor type substation equipment is in the scope
of this work with design as approved by E-in-C . This included
planning and design comprising of calculation of electrical load
after getting EI & equipment loads of the building and electrical
load of HVAC system, fire system, pumping system, lift system
or any other electrical installation and then calculating total
Sub-station working capacity of the transformers considering diversity
Work factor of the system as per NBC norms , Planning & making
SLD drawings for the distribution system, sizes of cables as
per loads etc. are in the scope of work. The consultant will
prepare the drawing of Distribution system, SLD and layout of
the equipment. During the approval of design and drawing the
consultant will submit the data sheet and catalogue of the
various equipment in support of their design. Preparation of
inventory, SLD, BOQ, technical specification are in the scope
of this work. Further details are available in Section –C of
this bid document.
SITC of D.G. set are in the scope of this work. The total
electrical load of the buildings in this tender has to be on DG

backup supply. This included planning and design comprising
of making SLD for the distribution system, Calculation of
4. DG Set Work essential load, sizes of cables/bus trucking, layout of the
equipment and sizes of the rooms as per site condition,
submission of data sheet and catalogue of the various
equipment in support of their design, Preparation of SLD,
BOQ, technical specification etc. are in the scope of this work.
Further details are available in Section –C of this bid
SITC of solar hot water system is in the scope of this work.
This includes planning and design comprising of preparation
of BOQ, Preparation of SLD, submission of data sheet and
Solar Hot
5. catalogue of the various equipment in support of their design,
water system
technical specification etc. are in the scope of this work.
Further details are available in Section –C of this bid
6. UPS System As per Section – C

19.2.1 Site Development Works (including survey, investigation, design and


1. Roads: The PQC road shall be constructed as per requirement of office campus
which should be as per the layout plan as far as possible and as per the drawing
submitted by agency and approved by Nalanda University. Length of the road to be
completely developed is approximately 500 meter. The sectional profile of the road
given in the NIT document should be broadly followed but thickness etc. should be
as per the design criteria applicable to rigid pavements. The bidder should plan and
design the section as per site conditions and submit the same for approval before
execution. The minimum width of road shall be as under:-

Item Description / Specifications
6m wide carriage way as per the layout plan drawing by the
1. Main Road consultant appointed by the EPC contractor subject to the
availability of space. Road to have minimum 1.2 mtr wide
footpath on both sides of all roads – Main or peripheral.
Footpath to have M 40 , 60mm thick CC paver block floor over
compacted sand underfloor as required.
5 m wide in between open space car parking as per the layout
2. plan drawing to be submitted by the consultant appointed by
the EPC contractor subject to the availability of space.

Entry & exit gate along with security check posts as approved
by Nalanda University. If approach road leading to main entry
gate of the building (s) over drain, contractor has to take
Entry and Exit required approvals from the Nalanda University to negotiate
Gate this part of access towards main entry and exit gate and
suitably plan and design a RCC structure over the drain to
provide proper access to these gates. This is very much within
the scope of work.
Floor height to be considered as 4.2 mtr. Flooring would Kota
Electrical Stone with provision of M.S. rolling shutter, top hung
Substation ventilation with inbuilt exhaust fan system, ramp for entry &
exit with heavy duty paver tiles , RCC trenching for cable and
covered with heavy duty concrete precast factory make

2. Storm Water Drains, Sewer Line & Water Supply Line & STP: Survey,
investigation, design & construction of water supply system, deep tube well,
underground tank, covered storm water drains, sewer line & rain water
harvesting pits in the external area around the buildings in the campus of the
office including surrounding land and hard space as floor ( interlocking M40
grade paver blocks ) for covered shed car parking. This will also include
connection to the trunk sewer line/STP/nearest drain. The contractor shall
design, SITC & construct Compact STP ( civil and E&M works) of required
capacity and submit the specification, drawings & design for approval of
Engineer-in-charge. As per the layout plan drawing appended with this NIT,
storm water drain, external water supply line and sewerage line required to be
executed. These dimensions are just indicative and the bidder has to provide
these as per design approved by Nalanda University. Storm water drain has to
be connected by the contractor in the storm water drainage system / water
management system of the remaining campus through gravity flow or through
pumping as per the invert levels of drains. The excess and treated water from
STP , also needs to be collected in a sump of required capacity and may be
pumped to the nearest drain . The contractor has also to make an arrangement to
pump the treated water for irrigation system along with horticulture work and also
for make up of water loss in water cooled chiller which may be designed and
installed by the contractor. This all is in the scope of this work of this EPC work.
Exact alignment for these services over the layout plan will be got approved from
Engineer-in- charge before execution.

3. Landscape and Horticulture: Survey, investigation, design & construction of
Landscape works (both hard & soft) in and around the buildings , along roads
& services of this EPC tender buildings is in the scope of this tender including
maintenance and replacement of any dead plant/ tree shrub/grass etc for one
years after the completion of work.

4. Procurement and installation of high class internal and external signage is in

scope of work. Contractor shall submit a plan and signage detail drawing in SS
plate of approved finish to be installed depicting various
rooms/amenities/facilities inside and outside of the building.

5. Other Items which are not mentioned above but are essential considering
functional requirements and according to modern concept of the existing other
campus buildings.

Note: (a) All works has to be executed as per specifications provided in the bid
document, CPWD Specifications Vol-I & Vol-II 2019 for civil works, CPWD
general specification for electrical works Part I, Part III, Part IV, Part V, Part
VI, Part VII, Part VIII, CPWD specification for Horticulture 2020 ,CPWD GCC
EPC project 2020, relevant IS codes and National Building Codes 2016 with
latest amendment issued upto the date of submission of Bid (in case of
difference of specifications ,if any, among these specifications /codes ,
stringent / higher specification of the two shall be followed. In absence of
CPWD Specification, IS Codes, MoRTH Specifications, National Building
Code 2016 Specifications or sound engineering practices and other standard
specifications suitable for modern non-residential buildings and latest
technology shall be adopted as per order of precedence defined in the
contract. The decision of E-in-C shall be final and binding in this matter.

(b) The scope of works & specification are given in general . The EPC work shall
include all the incidental works required to be carried out for complete and
satisfactory execution and occupation of the buildings even if not mentioned
. The work shall be carried out, all in accordance with true intent and meaning

of the specifications and the approved drawings taken together, regardless of
whether the same may or may not be particularly shown on the drawings and/ or
described in the specifications, provided that the same can be reasonably inferred
there from. There may be several incidental works, which may not
mentioned/missed in the tender document/specifications but will be necessary to
complete the item in all respect. All these incidental works/ costs which are not
mentioned, but are necessary to complete the work to enable effective occupation
and use of buildings , shall be deemed to have been included in the overall amount
quoted by the EPC contractor for various components of work. No adjustment of
rates shall be made for any variation in quantum of incidental works due to
variation/change in actual working drawings. Also, no adjustment of rates shall
be made due to any change in incidental works or any other deviation in such
element of work (which is incidental to the items of work and are necessary to
complete such items in all respects) on account of the directions of Engineer-in-
charge. Nothing extra shall be payable on this account.

(c) In case, some of descriptions are missing in the scope of work or

specifications in the bidding documents, same shall be executed as given in
the CPWD Specifications ( Civil and electrical and horticulture ), NBC-2016,
IS Codes or according to sound engineering practices so as to make the
building including related services fully functional. No claim what so ever shall
be entertained at later stage. All cost of providing and making buildings with
services, landscape and horticulture works fully complete in all aspect unless
specifically mentioned in the contract document and making buildings with
services fully functional are included in the cost tendered for this work.

Brief Description of Activities

1. Planning :
1) Survey, investigation (including soil investigation) and other related works &
2) Architectural planning of buildings & services in the campus and obtaining all statutory
/ local body approvals. The agency shall also take permission from Forest /Fire
Department/Environment/Pollution control Board /any other local authority etc. required
to start construction work as per plinth area given above.
3) The structural design of earthquake resistant RCC framed structure buildings &
design of MEP services in the campus and getting approval from Nalanda University
and proof vetting of drawings ( structural and MEP services ) by reputed approved
institute such as NIT/IIT.
4) Design and construction of buildings, services, fittings etc. as per 5 STAR GRIHA
rating including dual plumbing system, energy saving LED lights etc.
5) Building shall be designed for differently-able persons as per the latest norms of
Central Govt.
6) The guidelines & regulation issued by National Disaster Management Authority for
management of building should also be incorporated in the design of building.

2. Execution of Work:
a) After approval from the University and getting approval from local bodies including
necessary modifications as per the requirements, to do execution of works as per
the scope of buildings & services defined in the contract document, CPWD
Specifications ( civil, Electrical and horticulture) , NBC-2016, IS Codes, MoRTH
Specifications and Sound Engineering Practices and handing over the assets.
b) Submission of completion plan of the building & services including getting
approval/clearance from local bodies. Submission of building & services plan &
drawings and other related documents both in hard copy (3 sets) and the soft copy
(in Auto CAD) after completion (i.e. ‘As-built’).
c) Clearance of site and deep cleaning of buildings ( internal and external ) before
Handing over of the facilities/buildings after fulfilling all the obligations under the
d) Obtaining necessary clearances/licenses from different local bodies, statuary
authorities required to make office building fully operational during/after completion of
work including handing over all warranties/guaranties/ manual /maintenance schedule
of installed MEP equipments.
3. Defect Liability Period Of 2 Year:
a) Free defect liability period for buildings, horticulture works and services for one year
after completion of this complete EPC project as certified by E-in-C (not from the
date of actual commissioning of installations).
b) Free maintenance of all horticulture related works under the scope of works for one
year after the completion of work.



1.1. Letter of transmittal and forms for deciding eligibility are given in Section III.

1.2. All information called for in the enclosed forms should be furnished against the
relevant columns in the forms. If for any reason, information is furnished on a
separate sheet, this fact should be mentioned against the relevant column. Even if
no information is to be provided in a column, a “nil” or “no such case” entry should be
made in that column. If any particulars/query is not applicable in case of the bidder,
it should be stated as “not applicable”. The bidders are cautioned that not giving
complete information called for in the application forms or not giving it in clear terms
or making any change in the prescribed forms or deliberately suppressing the
information may result in the bid being summarily disqualified. Bids made by telegram
or telex and those received late will not be entertained.

1.3. The bid should be type written. The bidder should sign each page of application,
forms and documents before scanning & uploading.

1.4. Over writing should be avoided. Corrections if any should be made by neatly crossing
out, initialing, dating and rewriting. Pages of the eligibility criteria document are
numbered. Additional Sheets if any added by the Bidder should also be numbered
by him. They should be submitted as a package with signed letter of transmittal.

1.5. References, information and certificates from the respective clients certifying
suitability, technical knowledge or capability of the bidder should be signed by an
officer not below the rank of Executive Engineer or equivalent.

1.6. The bidder may furnish any additional information which he thinks is necessary to
establish his capabilities to successfully complete the envisaged work. He is,
however, advised not to furnish superfluous information. No information shall be
entertained after uploading of eligibility criteria document unless it is called for by the

1.7. If private works are shown in support of eligibility, certified copy of the tax deducted
at source certificate (TDS) shall be submitted along with the experience certificate
and the TDS amount shall tally with the actual amount of work done.


2.1 In this document the following words and expressions have the meaning hereby
assigned to them:
2.1.1 EMPLOYER: Means the Nalanda University.
2.1.2 User/Client/Owner: Means the Nalanda University.
2.1.3 BIDDER: Means the individual, proprietary firm, firm in partnership, limited
company (private or public) or corporation.
2.1.4 “Year” means “Financial Year” unless stated otherwise.

3.1 If the bidder is an individual, the application shall be signed by him above his full
type written name and current address.
3.2 If the bidder is a proprietary firm, the application shall be signed by the proprietor
above his full type written name and the full name of his firm with its current
3.3 If the bidder is a firm in partnership, the application shall be signed by all the
partners of the firm above their full type written names and current address, or,
alternatively, by a partner holding power of attorney for the firm. In the later case
a certified copy of the power of attorney should accompany the application. In both
cases a certified copy of the partnership deed and current address of all the
partners of the firm should accompany the application.
3.4 If the bidder is a limited company or a corporation, the application shall be signed
by a duly authorized person holding power of attorney for signing the application
accompanied by a copy of the power of attorney. The bidder should also furnish a
copy of the Memorandum of Articles of Association duly attested by a Public


4.1 The employer reserves the right to accept or reject any bid and to annul the process
and reject all bids at any time without assigning any reason or incurring any liability
to the bidders.

5. PARTICULARS PROVISIONAL: The particulars of the work given in Section A are
provisional and indicative. They are liable to change and must be considered only
as advance information to assist the bidders.
6.1 The bidder must visit the site of work, at his own cost, and examine it and its
surroundings to himself collect all information that he considers necessary for
proper assessment of the prospective assignment. All the bidders are required
to submit a duly notarized affidavit (as per Annexure-VII) stating in oath that the
Bidder has visited the site and examined its surroundings and collected all
information that the bidder considers necessary for proper assessment of the
prospective assignment.


7.1 The bidder who fulfils the following requirements shall be eligible to apply. Joint
ventures/ Consortium and Special Purpose Vehicles are not accepted.

Should have satisfactorily completed the works as mentioned below during

the last seven years ending previous day of last date of submission of
Three similar works (40%) each costing not less than Rs.
91.96 Crore. or
Two similar works (60%) each costing not less than Rs.
137.94 Crore. or
One similar work (80%)costing not less than Rs. 183.92 Crore.

Similar work shall mean: -

Construction of RCC framed structure of minimum six storey including all wired and piped
services comprising of Internal Water Supply, Sanitary Installations, sewerage system,
drainage, Internal Electrical Installations, Site Development, Fire Fighting, Fire Alarm system,
HVAC, Lifts, STP, all complete and executed under one agreement in India. Godowns/Ware
houses/factory sheds/industrial buildings/only Residential Buildings shall not be considered
as eligible similar works, (Mumty and Machine room will not be counted as storey for this
purpose. Stilt/s and basement/s shall be counted as storey/storeys.
(1) Mumty and machine room will not be counted as storey for this purpose.
(2) For this purpose, each basement, stilt constructed in the building shall be
considered as a stored.

(3) Work of basement, specialized E&M services, if executed under a separate
contract may also be considered for the purpose of assessing the technical
competence only without adding its monetary value for determining the eligibility
(4) One building of the specified number of stored, as mentioned in definition of
similar work constructed in each work of the financial magnitude as specified
in para 7.1 shall satisfy the criteria of similar work.
The value of executed works shall be brought to current costing level by
enhancing the actual value of work at simple rate of 7% per annum; calculated
from the date of completion to previous day of last date of submission of tenders.
Qualified similar works may, if required, be physically inspected by a Technical
Expert Committee constituted by the Competent Authority at Nalanda University
to ascertain the completion, performance on quality of works for finalizing the
Technical bid. The decision of TEC on quality/performance etc shall be final and

7.2 Should have minimum average annual financial turn over (gross) of Rs. 47.20 Crore
on civil and electrical work during the last available three consecutive financial year
ending March, 2020. Year in which no turnover is shown would also be considered
for working out the average. The multiplication factor of 7% per annum simple interest
is not applicable on the Annual Financial Turnover figures. The tenderer should
upload financial information about turnover only and should not upload any other
financial sheets like balance sheets etc.

7.3 Should not have incurred any loss (profit after tax should be positive) in more than two
years during the last five years ending 31st March, 2020). The tenderer should upload
financial information about profit/loss only and should not upload any other financial
sheets like balance sheets etc.

7.4 Should have a minimum solvency of Rs. 91.96 Crore (Scanned copy of original
solvency certificate to be uploaded).

7.5 The bidder should have sufficient number of Technical and Administrative Employees
for the proper execution of the contract. The bidder shall have to submit a list of these
employees stating clearly how these would be involved in this work within 15 days of
award of work.

7.6 Evaluation of Performance: Evaluation of performance of contractors for eligibility

shall be done by NIT approving authority or a committee constituted by him/her.
All/any one of the eligible similar works executed and submitted by the bidders
and ongoing works as well for the works with estimated cost put to tender more than 30

crores may be got inspected by a committee, if required, which may consist of the client
or any other authority as decided by NIT approving authority. The marks for quality shall
be given based on this inspection, if inspection is carried out.


8.1 The details submitted by the bidders will be evaluated in the following manner:
8.1.1 The initial criteria prescribed in para 7 above in respect of experience of eligible
similar works completed, loss, solvency and financial turn over etc. will first be
scrutinized and the bidder’s eligibility for the work be determined. Evaluation of
performance of Contractors for eligibility shall be done by NIT approving
authority or a committee constituted by him. All the eligible similar works
executed and submitted by the bidders and ongoing works as well for the works
with estimated cost put to tender more than 30 Crores (Thirty crores) may get
inspected by a committee which may consists client or any other authority as
decided by NIT approving authority. The marks for the quality shall be given
based on this inspection, if inspection is carried out.

Scoring method of evaluation as detailed in page 83 of the tender documents.

8.1.2 The bidders qualifying the initial criteria as set out in para 7.0 above will be
evaluated for following criteria by scoring method on the basis of details furnished
by them:
Evaluation Criteria Basis for Evaluation Maximum marks
(a) Financial Strength (Form ‘A’ & ‘B’) Maximum 10 marks
Experience in eligible
(Form ‘C’) and for ongoing works
(b) similar nature of work Maximum 10 marks
(Form C-1)
during last 7 years
Presentation of the project-plan
including all individual building
conceptual detailing plans along with
Presentation the competence of the Bidder, Maximum 40 marks
(c) competence of proposed
architectural, structural and MEP
consultants, proposed materials,
manpower to be deployed
(including technical/supervisory

staff and workers), logistics and
timeframe, conformance of
proposed work methodology with
GRIHA norms towards
achievement of 5 Star ratings, etc.

The Bidder must be ready to give

presentation on the mentioned
work along with conceptual plans
of the buildings, detailed material
palette proposed, detailed
manpower deployment plan with
skill set mentioned against each
activity, plant & machineries to be
deployed and a macro schedule for
completion of the work in
Primavera/MS project
Meeting the requirements of the
Functionality of all employer in terms of functionality
(d) Maximum 10 marks
components of the buildings and functionality of
all services
Performance on works – Maximum 30 marks
(e) Form ‘D’
Time Over Run

Ongoing Total
Performance on works – ted Works
(f) Form ‘D1’ Works Marks
Max. Max.
marks marks

Total = 100 Marks

To become eligible for short listing, the bidder must secure at least 50% (fifty percent)
marks in each (section a, b, c, d, e, f and g) and 60% (sixty percent) marks in aggregate.

The University, however, reserves the right to restrict the list of such qualified contractors to
any number deemed suitable by it.

NOTE: The average value of performance of works for time overrun and quality shall be taken
on the basis of performance report of the eligible similar works.

9 FINANCIAL INFORMATION: Bidder should furnish the following financial information –
9.1 Annual Financial Statement for the last five years (in Form “A”) and solvency
certificate (in Form “B”).


10.1 Bidder should furnish the following financial information –
10.1.1 Annual financial statement for the last Five years in Form ‘A’.
10.1.2 Solvency Certificate in Form B.
10.1.3 List of eligible works of similar nature of works successfully completed
during the last seven years (in form “C”) and ongoing works as well (Form
10.2 Performance report at the works referred (in Form – “D and D 1”)
10.3 Structure & organization information (in Form “E”).
10.4 If required University officials may inspect the eligible works as submitted by the
agency. The agency shall coordinate such inspections and provide all necessary
documents, information as desired by the visiting officer(s).

11.1 Bidder is required to submit the following information in respect of his organization
(in form ‘E”).
11.2 The bidder should have sufficient number and /or exhibit plan to deploy required
number of Technical and Administrative employees for the proper execution of
the contract. The bidder should submit a list of these employees stating clearly how
these and /or new inductions would be involved in this work within 15 days of award
of work.


12.1 Bidders should furnish the list of construction plant and equipment as per CPWD
norms /specification /CPWD GCC including steel shuttering, centering and scaffolding
to be used in carrying out the work. Details of any other plant & equipment
required for the work not included in agreement and available with the bidder may
also be indicated.

13 LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL - The bidder should submit the letter of transmittal

attached with the document.

14 OPENING OF THE FINANCIAL BID - After evaluation of applications, a list of short

listed agencies qualified in technical evaluation will be prepared. Thereafter, the financial
bids of only the qualified and technically acceptable bidders shall be opened at the
notified time, date and place in the presence of the qualified bidders

or their representatives. The validity of the tenders shall be 90 days and shall be
reckoned from the date of opening of the Technical Bid.

15.1 The employer reserves the right, without being liable for any damages or
obligation to inform the bidder, to:
15.1.1 Amend the scope and value of contract to the bidder.

15.1.2 Reject any or all of the applications without assigning any reason.


(QCBS) PROCESS (as per GFR 2017 Rule 192) –

16.1 The quality of proposals received through this tender shall be assessed through
Rule 192). Initially the quality of technical proposals shall be scored as per
criteria mentioned under Para 7 & 8 above. Only those responsive proposals
that have achieved at least minimum specified qualifying score in quality of the
technical proposals shall be considered further.
16.2 Thus the score achieved by the respective technically qualified bidder, after
evaluation of the technical bids based on the criteria stipulated under Para 7 & 8
above, shall be denoted as Tn.
16.3 After opening and scoring the financial proposals of technically qualified
responsive bidders, a final combined score shall be arrived at by giving
predefined relative weight ages for the score of quality of the technical proposal
and the score of financial proposal.
16.4 The Financial Bids of technically qualified bidders will be opened on the
prescribed date in the presence of bidder representatives.
16.5 Financial bids which appear to be either grossly under quoted or over quoted
are liable to be rejected and this will be at the sole discretion of the Owner.
16.6 The bidder with lowest qualifying financial bid (L1) will be awarded 100% score
(amongst the bidders which did not get disqualified on the basis of para 16.5
above). Financial Scores for other than L1 bidders will be evaluated using the
following formula –

Normalized Financial Score of a Bidder (Fn) = {(Quoted Price of

L1 / Quoted Price of the
respective Bidder) X 100}

(Adjusted to two decimal places)
16.7 Only fixed price financial bids indicating total price for all the deliverables and
services specified in this NIT of EPC tender will be considered.
16.8 The bid price will include all taxes and levies including GST and shall be in Indian
Rupees and mentioned separately.
16.9 Any conditional bid would be summarily rejected.
16.10 Errors & Rectification: Arithmetical errors will be rectified on the following basis:
“If there is a discrepancy between the unit price and the total price that is
obtained by multiplying the unit price and quantity, the unit price shall prevail
and the total price shall be corrected.
16.11 The Tender Evaluation Committee appointed by the Competent Authority at
Nalanda University would evaluate the commercial bids in isolation and in
comparison, with other commercial bids to confirm whether all foreseeable &
probable risks have been factored in appropriately at the fair market price. Also
the ability of the bidder to absorb the adverse risk position shall also be
16.12 In case the Tender Evaluation Committee feels that the commercial risks have
not factored in all such costs & risks mitigation plan and necessary contingency,
the commercial bid proposal may be rejected.
16.13 The Proposal Evaluation Committee shall also confirm whether any new
avenues of costs OR revenues should not be mentioned in the Price Bid, which
was not detailed out previously in the Technical Bid.

16.14 Combined and Final Evaluation

The technical and financial scores secured by each bidder will be added using
weight age of 70% and 30% respectively to compute a Composite Bid Score.
The bidder securing the highest Composite Bid Score will be adjudicated as the
most responsive Bidder for award of the Project. The overall score will be
calculated as follows:

Bn = 0.70 * Tn + 0.30 * Fn

Bn = overall score of the Bidder
Tn = Technical score of the Bidder (out of maximum of 100 marks achieved
based on technical bid evaluation criteria under Para 8 above)
Fn = Normalized Financial score of the Bidder (as mentioned in Para
16.6 above)

16.15 In the event the bid composite scores are tied, the bidder securing the highest
technical score will be adjudicated as the Best Value Bidder for award of the


Attributes Evaluation
(i) Financial Strength - marks)
(i) 60% marks for minimum eligibility criteria
(i) Average annual (8
(ii) 100% marks for twice the minimum eligibility criteria or
turnover marks)
(ii) Solvency Certificate (2
(iii) In between (i) & (ii) on pro-rata basis
(i) 60% marks for minimum eligibility criteria
(ii) Experience in similar (10
(ii) 100% marks for twice the minimum eligibility criteria or
class of works Marks) more
(iii) In between (i) & (ii) on pro-rata basis
(iii) Presentation of the (25
Shall be evaluated based on –
Bidder – Marks)
(i) Proposed Conceptual (15 1) Overall Aesthetic Beauty of the buildings to include
Plan, Specifications & Marks) elegance and attractiveness of the buildings
3D views demonstrated through 3D views/Plans/walk through.
2) More preference shall be given to proposals which are
in harmony with the remaining campus architecture
3) Sustainability features - inclusion of technology and
design elements to create the buildings with a lower
carbon footprint conforming to GRIHA 5- Star rating
4) Comfort level - with the right proportions for different
spaces and the amount of people occupying it. The
building (s) should not feel cramped, awkward or too
large for its primary function
5) Overall Space Management – to be dynamic & flexible
in order to deliver a building that will function for
decades to come
6) The building plans should be preferably Vastu compliant
7) Material Selection – Based on climate, durability,
availability, sustainability, maintenance, aesthetic

appeal and performance and GRIHA requirement
along with the specific requirements of the Owner
as stipulated in this EPC NIT.
(ii) Proposed (10 1) Building wise macro schedule for work
Construction Plan & Marks) completion
deployment of 2) Plans for conforming to GRIHA 5-Star rating
resources during execution of works
3) Detailed manpower deployment plan with skill
set mentioned against each activity
4) Detailed plans for deployment of Plant &
Machineries for the construction
5) Detailed construction plans for E & M works
To be evaluated based on the proposal meeting all
(iv) Functionality of all (10
the requirements of the owner in terms of functionality
components marks)
of the buildings and functionality of all the services.
(v) Performance on works (Time Over Run) (15 marks)
Parameter Calculation for Marks
If TOR = 1.00 2.00 3.00 >3.50
(1) Without levy of compensation 15 11.25 7.5 7.5
(2) With levy of compensation 15 3.75 0 -3.75 15
(3) Levy of compensation not
15 7.5 0 0
For the above calculations
Where, AT = Actual Time taken for completion of the work
ST = Stipulated Time in the agreement (+) justified period of extension of time.
Note: Marks for value in between the stages indicated above is to be determined by straight
line variation basis.
(vi) Performance of
Maximum 25 marks
works (Quality) as (25
Completed Works Ongoing Works Total Marks
per Assessment in marks)
Form D1 Max. 15 Marks Max. 10 Marks
Any value addition from the bidder assessed through
(vii) Additional Value Proposal document / methodology of construction
proposed etc.



The Registrar
Nalanda University
Rajgir, Bihar - 803116.

Subject: Submission of EPC bid for the civil composite work of “Construction of one 500 user
capacity Yoga Center cum Meditation Hall, one 250 user capacity Cafeteria and one
2000 seater capacity Auditorium including all Internal Water Supply, Sanitary
Installations, Roads, Pathways, Drainage, sewerage Internal Electrical Installations,
Fire Fighting, HVAC, lifts and External Electrical installations , horticulture works etc. on
EPC basis for Nalanda University Main Campus at Rajgir, District Nalanda, Bihar.
Having examined the details given in the press notice and bid document for the above work, I/we
hereby submit the relevant information.
I/We hereby certify that all the statement made and information supplied in the enclosed forms A
to E and accompanying statement (s) are true and correct.
I/We have furnished all information and details necessary for eligibility and have no further
pertinent information to supply.
I/We submit the requisite certified solvency certificate and authorize the Registrar, Nalanda
University to approach the Bank issuing the solvency certificate to confirm the correctness
thereof. I/We also authorize the Registrar, Nalanda University to approach individuals,
employers, firms and corporation to verify our competence and general reputation.
I/We submit the following certificates in support of our suitability, technical knowledge and
capability for having successfully completed the following works:
Name of work Amount Certificate issued by

It is certified that the information given in the enclosed eligibility bid are correct. It is also
certified that I/We shall be liable to be debarred, disqualified/ cancellation of participation in
any future tender of nalanda university for 01 year in case any information furnished by me/us
found to be incorrect.

Sign & Seal of bidder

Date & Place of submission:

FORM - ‘A’
1. Financial Analysis-Details to be furnished duly supported by figures in balance sheet
/ profit & loss account for the last five years duly certified by the Chartered Accountant,
as submitted by the applicant to the Income Tax Department (Copies to be attached).

Amount in Rs. Lakh

Sl. Financial Years

No. 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20

Gross Annual
turnover on
Construction works
(ii) Profit / Loss

2. Financial arrangements for carrying out the proposed work.

3. Solvency Certificate from Bankers of bidder in the prescribed Form “B”

Signature of bidder (s)

With stamp

Signature of Chartered Accountant with Seal

FORM - ‘B’



The Registrar
Nalanda University
Rajgir, Bihar – 803116.

This is to certify that to the best of our knowledge and information that M/s/Sh
……………………………………… having marginally noted address, a customer of our bank
are/is respectable and can be treated as good for any engagement up to a limit of `……………
(Rupees… ............................................. ).

This certificate is issued without any guarantee or responsibility on the bank or any
of the officers. This certificate is valid for six months from the date of issue of this letter.

(Signature of Branch Manager)

For the Bank


1. Banker’s certificates should be on letter head of the Bank, sealed in cover addressed to
tendering authority.

2. In case of partnership firm, certificate should include names of all partners as recorded
with the Bank.

Sl. No.

Name of Work/Project and Location

Owner or Sponsoring Organization

Cost of Work in Crore Rs.

Date of Commencement of work as

per contract

Stipulated Date of Completion
FORM – ‘C’

Actual Date of Completion

Litigation/ Arbitration pending / in


progress with details (*)

Name and address (Postal address


& e-mail / contact number of the


( * ) Indicate gross amount claimed and amount awarded by the Arbitrator.

Officer of the Client

(with stamp)

Signature of Bidder (s)

Whether the work was done in


Back-to-Back Basis
Sl. No.

Name of Work/Project and Location

Owner or Sponsoring Organization

Cost of Work in Crore Rs.

Date of Commencement of work as per


Stipulated Date of Completion
FORM – ‘C-1’

Up-to-date percentage progress of work

Slow progress if any


Reasons thereof

Name and address (Postal address & e-


mail / contact number of the Officer of the

(with stamp)
Client to whom reference may be made

Signature of Bidder (s)

FORM – ‘D-1’
Name of work:
Date of inspection:
Date of submission of report:
[A] General Observation & Operational Aspects Yes / No
1. Availability of approval from local bodies in case of Construction of Private
2. Availability of approved Structural drawings.
3. Observation on seepage / leakage in the Building
4. Whether Line & level Maintained 5. In case of basement, observation on seepage,
if any
5. Any Structural defects / distress observed, if yes give details
6. Whether safety measures adopted at site as per CPWD Safety Code and or govt.
guidelines are adequate or not.
7. Whether the Welfare facilities provided to labour as per Clause 19 H of GCC for
CPWD Works / and or Govt. guidelines are adequate or not.
8. Whether AHU getting automatically switched off and fire damps closed in case of
fire signal
9. Whether thimbles used for termination of wires in DB’s, EBDs & Panels?
[B] Quality of Works Marks Assessed
1. Quality of plaster / finishing
2. Quality of R C C / C C Work
3. Quality of Flooring
4. Quality of Wood work
5. Quality of Steel Work / Aluminium Work
6. Quality of Plumbing and Sanitary installation
7. Quality of Workmanship
8. Quality of Waterproofing
9. If cladding done, observation of efficiency / quality of cladding Brick work
10. Quality of internal electrification work
11. Quality of DBs, EBDs & Panels?
12. Quality of E&M equipment, panels & feeder pillar
13. Quality of fire alarm system / firefighting system
14. Quality of Air Conditioning work
15. Quality of Sub-station based on complete live diagram, capacitor panel, power
factor, insulating Mat, cleanliness, cable termination, earthing pits, earthing of
transformer / DG sets
16. Any Other aspect (To be elaborated)

Average Marks
(To be awarded out of 100 Marks based on average of marks assessed on each
attribute mentioned at B above).

1. All the above parameters, may be considered for assessing the overall quality
of work executed by the contractor.
2. In case, any attribute is not applicable, the same may not be included in
assessment and mentioned are not applicable (N/A)
3. The Works as assessed above shall be converted on a scale of 15/10 marks for
completed/ ongoing works respectively.
4. In case of eligible completed as well as ongoing works being more than one the
maximum marks assigned for completed works and ongoing works will be
equally distributed among the works.

Dated: Signature & Stamp

(Executive Engineer or Equivalent)

FORM – ‘E’
1. Name & Address of the Bidder :

2. Telephone No./Telex No./Fax No. :

3. Legal status of the bidder (attach copies :

of original document defining the legal
(a) An Individual :

(b) A Propriety Firm :

(c) A Firm in Partnership :

(d) A Limited Company or :

4. Particulars of registration with various :
Government Bodies (attach attested
Organization/Place of Registration Registration No.
5. Names and titles of Directors & Officers :
with designation to be concerned with
this work.
6. Designation of individuals authorized to :
act for the organization.
7. Has the bidder, or any constituent partner :
in case of partnership firm Limited
Company/Joint Venture, ever been
convicted by a court of law? If so, give
8. In which field of Civil Engineering :
Construction, the bidder has
specialization and interest?
9. Any other information considered :
necessary but not included above.

Signature of Bidder (s)

FORM – ‘F’

Proforma for Earnest Money Deposit Declaration

(To be executed on Rs. 100/- non-judicial Stamp Paper)

Whereas, I/we………………… (Name of Agency) ……….……………have

submitted bids for ………….. (Name of Work)

I/We hereby submit following declaration in lieu of submitting Earnest Money Deposit.

(1) If after the opening of tender, I/We withdraw or modify my/our bid during the
period of validity of tender (including extended validity of tender) specified
in the tender documents,
(2) If, after the award of work, I/We fail to sign the contract, or to submit
performance guarantee before the deadline defined in the tender

I/We shall be suspended for one year and shall not be eligible to bid for
Nalanda university tenders from date of issue of suspension order.

Signature of the EPC Contractor(s)

All Bidders

Subject: NIT No: NU/ENGG/91/2020-21/EPC/02

Name of Work: Civil composite work for Construction of one 500 user capacity Yoga
Center cum Meditation Hall, one 250 user capacity Cafeteria and one 2000-
seater capacity Auditorium including all Internal Water Supply, Sanitary
Installations, Roads, Pathways, Drainage, Internal Electrical Installations,
Fire Fighting, sewerage, HVAC, lifts and External Electrical installations ,
horticulture etc. complete on EPC basis for Nalanda University Main
Campus at Rajgir, District Nalanda, Bihar.

Dear Sir,
It is hereby declared that Nalanda University is committed to follow the principle of
transparency, equity and competitiveness in public procurement.

The subject Notice Inviting Tender (NIT) is an invitation to offer made on the condition
that the Bidder will sign the integrity Agreement, which is an integral part of tender/bid
documents, failing which the tenderer/bidder will stand disqualified from the tendering
process and the bid of the bidder would be summarily rejected.

This declaration shall form part and parcel of the Integrity Agreement and signing of
the same shall be deemed as acceptance and signing of the Integrity Agreement on behalf
of the Nalanda University.

Yours faithfully


Nalanda University
Rajgir, Bihar

The Registrar
Nalanda University
Rajgir, Bihar - 803116

Subject: NIT No: NU/ENGG/91/2020-21/EPC/02

Name of Work: Composite civil work for Construction of one 500 user capacity Yoga
Center cum Meditation Hall, one 250 user capacity Cafeteria and one
2000-seater capacity Auditorium including all Internal Water Supply,
Sanitary Installations, Roads, Pathways, Drainage, Internal Electrical
Installations, Fire Fighting, sewerage, lifts, HVAC and External Electrical
installations , horticulture etc all complete on EPC basis for Nalanda
University Main Campus at Rajgir, District Nalanda, Bihar.
Dear Sir,

I/We acknowledge that M/s ________ is committed to follow the principles thereof as
enumerated in the Integrity Agreement enclosed with the tender/bid document.

I/We agree that the Notice Inviting Tender (NIT) is an invitation to offer made on the condition
that I/We will sign the enclosed integrity Agreement, which is an integral part of tender
documents, failing which I/We will stand disqualified from the tendering process. I/We

I/We confirm acceptance and compliance with the Integrity Agreement in letter and spirit and
further agree that execution of the said Integrity Agreement shall be separate and distinct
from the main contract, which will come into existence when tender/bid is finally accepted by
Nalanda University. I/We acknowledge and accept the duration of the Integrity Agreement,
which shall be in the line with Article 1 of the enclosed Integrity Agreement.

I/We acknowledge that in the event of my/our failure to sign and accept the Integrity
Agreement, while submitting the tender/bid, Nalanda University shall have unqualified,
absolute and unfettered right to disqualify the tenderer/bidder and reject the tender/bid in
accordance with terms and conditions of the tender/bid.

Yours faithfully

(Duly Authorized Signatory and stamp of the


(To be signed by the bidder and same signatory competent /authorized to sign the
relevant contract on behalf of the Firm / Company.)


This Integrity Agreement is made at ……………. on this ………..…. day of ……… 20………
Nalanda University represented through the Registrar, Nalanda University (Hereinafter
referred as the ‘Principal/Owner’, which expression shall unless repugnant to the meaning or
context hereof include its successors and permitted assigns)
…………………… ………(Name and Address of the Individual /firms /Company) through
(Hereinafter referred to as the (Details of duly authorized signatory) “Bidder/Contractor” and
which expression shall unless repugnant to the meaning or context hereof include its
successors and permitted assigns)
WHEREAS, the Principal/Owner has floated the Tender (NIT No: NU/ENGG/91/2020-
21/EPC/02) (hereinafter referred to as “Tender/Bid”) and intends to award, under laid down
organizational procedure, contract for “Civil composite work for Construction of one 500 user
capacity Yoga Center cum Meditation Hall, one 250 user capacity Cafeteria and one 2000-
seater capacity Auditorium including all Internal Water Supply, Sanitary Installations, Roads,
Pathways, Drainage, Internal Electrical Installations, Fire Fighting, sewerage, HVAC , Lifts,
External Electrical installations, horticulture etc all complete on EPC basis for Nalanda
University Main Campus at Rajgir, District Nalanda, Bihar.” (hereinafter referred to as the
AND WHEREAS, the Principal/Owner values full compliance with all relevant laws of the land,
rules, regulations, economic use of resources and of fairness/transparency in its relation with
its Bidder(s) and Contractor(s).
AND WHEREAS to meet the purpose aforesaid both the parties have agreed to enter into
this Integrity Agreement (hereinafter referred to as “Integrity Pact” or “Pact”), the terms and
conditions of which shall also be read as integral part and parcel of the Tender/Bid documents
and Contract between the parties.
NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of mutual covenants contained in this Pact, the parties
hereby agree as follows and this Pact witness as under:

Article 1: Commitment of the Principal/Owner

1) The Principal/Owner commits itself to take all measures necessary to prevent
corruption and to observe the following principles:
a) No employee of the Principal/Owner, personally or through any of his/her family
members, will in connection with the Tender, or the execution of the Contract,
demand, take a promise for or accept, for self or third person, any material or
immaterial benefit which the person is not legally entitled to.

b) The Principal/Owner will, during the Tender process, treat all Bidder(s) with equity
and reason. The Principal/Owner will, in particular, before and during the Tender
process, provide to all Bidder(s) the same information and will not provide to any
Bidders(s) confidential/additional information through which the Bidder(s) could
obtain an advantage in relation to the Tender process or the Contract execution.
c) The Principal/Owner shall endeavor to exclude from the Tender process any
person, whose conduct in the past has been of biased nature.

2) If the Principal/Owner obtains information on the conduct of any of its employees

which is a criminal offence under the Indian Penal code (IPC)/Prevention of
Corruption Act,1988 (PC Act) or is in violation of the principles herein mentioned or if
there be a substantive suspicion in this regard, the Principal/Owner will inform the
Chief Vigilance Officer and in addition can also initiate disciplinary actions as per its
internal laid down policies and procedures.

Article 2: Commitment of the Bidder(s)/Contractor(s)

1) It is required that each Bidder/Contractor (including their respective officers, employees
and agents) adhere to the highest ethical standards, and report to the
Government/Department all suspected acts of fraud or corruption or Coercion or
Collusion of which it has knowledge or becomes aware, during the tendering process and
throughout the negotiation or award of a contract.
2) The Bidder(s)/Contractor(s) commits himself to take all measures necessary to
prevent corruption. He commits himself to observe the following principles during his
participation in the Tender process and during the Contract execution:
a. The Bidder(s)/Contractor(s) will not, directly or through any other person or
firm, offer, promise or give to any of the Principal/Owner’s employees involved
in the Tender process or execution of the Contract or to any third person any
material or other benefit which he/she is not legally entitled to, in order to obtain
in exchange any advantage of any kind whatsoever during the Tender process
or during the execution of the Contract.
b. The Bidder(s)/Contractor(s) will not enter with other Bidder(s) into any
undisclosed agreement or understanding, whether formal or informal. This
applies in particular to prices, specifications, certifications, subsidiary
contracts, submission or non-submission of bids or any other actions to restrict
competitiveness or to cartelize in the bidding process.
c. The Bidder(s)/Contractor(s) will not commit any offence under relevant IPC/PC
Act. Further the Bidder(s)/Contract(s) will not use improperly, (for the purpose
of competition or personal gain), or pass on to others, any information or
documents provided by the Principal/Owner as part of the business
relationship, regarding plans, technical proposals and business details
including information contained or transmitted electronically.
d. The Bidder(s)/Contractor(s) of foreign origin shall disclose the names and
addresses of agents/representatives in India, if any. Similarly,
Bidder(s)/Contractor(s) of Indian Nationality shall disclose names and address
of foreign agents/representatives, if any. Either the India agent on behalf of the
foreign principal or the foreign principal directly could bid in a tender but not
both. Further, in cases where an agent participates in a tender on behalf of one
manufacturer, he shall not be allowed to quote on behalf of another
manufacturer along with the first manufacturer in a subsequent/parallel tender
for the same item.

e. The Bidder(s)/Contractor(s) will, when presenting his bid, disclose (with each
tender as per proforma enclosed) any and all payments he has made, is
committed to or intends to make to agents, brokers or any other intermediaries
in connection with the award of the Contract.

3) The Bidder(s)/Contractor(s) will not instigate third persons to commit offences

outlined above or be an accessory to such offences.

4) The Bidder(s)/Contractor(s) will not, directly or through any other person or firm
indulge in fraudulent practice means a willful misrepresentation or omission of
facts or submission of fake/forged documents in order to induce public official
to act in reliance thereof, with the purpose of obtaining unjust advantage by or
causing damage to justified interest of others and/or to influence the
procurement process to detriment of the Government interests.

5) The Bidder(s)/Contractor(s) will not, directly or through any other person or firm use
Coercive Practices (means the act of obtaining something, compelling an action or
influencing a decision through intimidation, threat or the use of force directly or
indirectly, where potential or actual injury may befall upon a person, his/her reputation
or property to influence their participation in the tendering process).

Article 3: Consequences of Breach

Without prejudice to any rights that may be available to the Principal/Owner under law or
the Contract or its established policies and laid down procedures, the Principal/Owner
shall have the following rights in case of breach of this Integrity Pact by the
Bidder(s)/Contractor(s) and the Bidder/Contractor accepts and undertakes to respect and
uphold the Principal/Owner’s absolute right:
1) If the Bidder(s)/Contractor(s), either before award or during execution of Contract has
committed a transgression through a violation of Article 2 above or in any other form,
such as to put his reliability or credibility in question, the Principal/Owner after giving 14
days’ notice to the contractor shall have powers to disqualify the Bidder(s)/Contractor(s)
from the Tender process or terminate/determine the Contract, if already executed or
exclude the Bidder/Contractor from future contract award processes. The imposition and
duration of the exclusion will be determined by the severity of transgression and
determined by the Principal/Owner. Such exclusion may be forever or for a limited period
as decided by the Principal/Owner.

2) Forfeiture of Performance Guarantee and /or Security Deposit: If the Principal/Owner

has disqualified the Bidder(s) from the Tender process prior to the award of the
Contract or terminated/determined the Contract or has accrued the right to
terminate/determine the Contract according to Article 3(1), the Principal/Owner apart
from exercising any legal rights that may have accrued to the Principal/Owner, may
in its considered opinion forfeit the entire amount of , Performance Guarantee and
Security Deposit of the Bidder/Contractor.

3) Criminal Liability: If the Principal/Owner obtains knowledge of conduct of a Bidder or

Contractor, or of an employee or a representative or an associate of a Bidder or
Contractor which constitutes corruption within the meaning of Indian Penal code

(IPC)/Prevention of Corruption Act, or if the Principal/Owner has substantive
suspicion in this regard, the Principal/Owner will inform the same to law enforcing
agencies for further investigation.

Article 4: Previous Transgression

1) The Bidder declares that no previous transgressions occurred in the last 5 years with
any other Company in any country confirming to the anticorruption approach or with
Central Government or State Government or any other Central/State Public Sector
Enterprises in India that could justify his exclusion from the Tender process.

2) If the Bidder makes incorrect statement on this subject, he can be disqualified from
the Tender process or action can be taken for banning of business dealings/holiday
listing of the Bidder/Contractor as deemed fit by the Principal/Owner.

3) If the Bidder/Contractor can prove that he has resorted/recouped the damage caused
by him and has installed a suitable corruption prevention system, the Principal/Owner
may, at its own discretion, revoke the exclusion prematurely.

Article 5: Equal Treatment of all Bidders/Contractors/Subcontractors

1) The Bidder(s)/Contractor(s) undertake(s) to demand from all subcontractors a
commitment in conformity with this Integrity Pact. The Bidder/Contractor shall be
responsible for any violation(s) of the principles laid down in this agreement/Pact by any
of its Sub-contractors/sub-vendors.

2) The Principal/Owner will enter into Pacts on identical terms as this one with all Bidders
and Contractors.

3) The Principal/Owner will disqualify Bidders, who do not submit, the duly signed Pact
between the Principal/Owner and the bidder, along with the Tender or violate its
provisions at any stage of the Tender process, from the Tender process.

Article 6: Duration of the Pact

This Pact begins when both the parties have legally signed it. It expires for the
Contractor/Vendor, 36 months after the completion of work under the contract or till the
continuation of defect liability period, whichever is more and for all other bidders, till the
Contract has been awarded.
If any claim is made/lodged during the time, the same shall be binding and continue to be
valid despite the lapse of this Pacts as specified above, unless it is discharged/determined
by the Competent Authority at Nalanda University.

Article 7: Other provisions

1) This Pact is subject to Indian Law, place of performance and jurisdiction is the
Headquarters of the Principal/Owner, who has floated the Tender.

2) Changes and supplements need to be made in writing. Side agreements have not
been made.

3) If the Contractor is a partnership or a consortium, this Pact must be signed by all the partners
or by one or more partner holding power of attorney signed by all partners and consortium
members. In case of a Company, the Pact must be signed by a representative duly
authorized by board resolution.

4) Should one or several provisions of this Pact turn out to be invalid; the remainder of
this Pact remains valid. In this case, the parties will strive to come to an agreement
to their original intensions.

5) It is agreed term and condition that any dispute or difference arising between the parties
with regard to the terms of this Integrity Agreement/Pact, any action taken by the
Owner/Principal in accordance with this Integrity Agreement/Pact or interpretation
thereof shall not be subject to arbitration.

Article 8: Legal and Prior Rights

All rights and remedies of the parties hereto shall be in addition to all the other legal rights
and remedies belonging to such parties under the Contract and/or law and the same shall be
deemed to be cumulative and not alternative to such legal rights and remedies aforesaid. For
the sake of brevity, both the Parties agree that this Integrity Pact will have precedence over
the Tender/Contract documents with regard any of the provisions covered under this Integrity

IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties have signed and executed this Integrity Pact at the place
and date first above mentioned in the presence of following witnesses:

………………………..…………………….. ………………………..……………………..

(For and on behalf of Bidder/Contractor) (For and on behalf of Principal/Owner)


4. ………………………..……………………..………………………..……………………..
(Signature, name and address)
6. ………………………..……………………..………………………..……………………..
(Signature, name and address)




[A] Tender for the civil composite Work of Construction of one 500 user capacity
Yoga Center cum Meditation Hall, one 250 user capacity Cafeteria and one 2000 seater
capacity Auditorium including all wired and piped services comprising of Internal Water
Supply, Sanitary Installations, Roads, Pathways, Drainage, Internal Electrical Installations,
Extra Low Voltage (ELV) Works, Fire Fighting, Fire Alarm system, sewerage ,HVAC, lifts ,
External Electrical installations, horticulture etc. all complete on EPC basis for Nalanda
University Main Campus at Rajgir, District Nalanda, Bihar.

(a) To be uploaded by 15:00 hours on / / to …*…/…*…/20…*… on

website www.eprocure.gov.in
(b) To be opened in presence of tenderers who may be present at 15:30 hours on
/ / in the Project Office of Nalanda University, at Rajgir, Bihar.


I/We have read and examined the notice inviting bid, schedule – A, B, C, D, E & F,
CPWD Specifications ( civil, Electrical ( all relevant applicable parts) and horticulture)
applicable with all addendum/corrigendum issued time to time up to the last date of
submission of bids, CPWD GCC EPC project 2020, General Rules and Directions, approved
makes list , clauses of contract, Special conditions, & other documents and Rules referred
to in the conditions of contract and all other contents in the EPC bid document for the work.

I/We hereby submit our bid for the execution of the work specified for the Nalanda
University within the time specified in Schedule ‘F’ viz., user requirement and approved
drawings and in accordance in all respect with the specifications, designs, drawing and
instructions in writing referred to in Rule-1 of General Rules and Directions and in Clause 11
of the Conditions of contract of 2020 for EPC Contract with amendments up to the last date
of submission of bids and with such materials as are provided for, by, and in respect of
accordance with, such conditions so far as applicable.

We agree to keep the bid open for 120 ( one hundred twenty) days from the date of
opening of technical bid and not to make any modification in its terms and conditions.

If I/We, fail to furnish the prescribed performance guarantee within prescribed period,
I/We agree that Nalanda University or their successors, in office shall without prejudice to any
other right or remedy, be at liberty to cancel the LOI issued and we will be debarred for participation in
all future tenders of Nalanda university for period of 01 year . Further, if I/We fail to commence work as
specified. I/We agree that Nalanda University or its successors in office shall without
prejudice to any other right or remedy available in law, be at liberty to forfeit the said
performance guarantee absolutely, the said performance guarantee shall be a guarantee to
execute all the works referred to in the EPC bid documents upon the terms and conditions
contained or referred to those in excess of that limit at the rates to be determined in accordance
with the provision contained in clause 12.2 and 12.3 (as modified) of the bid form if any
applicable .

Further, I/We agree that in case of forfeiture of Performance Guarantee as aforesaid,
I/We shall be debarred for participation in the re-bidding process of the work.

I/we undertake and confirm that eligible similar work(s) has/have not been got
executed through another agency on back-to-back basis. Further that, if such a violation
comes to the notice of the University, then I/we shall be debarred for bidding in Nalanda
University in future forever. Also, if such a violation comes to the notice of Nalanda University
before date of start of work, the Engineer-in-charge shall be free to forfeit the entire amount
of Performance Guarantee.

I/We hereby declare that I/We shall treat the bid documents drawings and other
records connected with the work as secret/confidential documents and shall not
communicate information/derived there from to any person other than a person to whom I/We
am/are authorized to communicate the same or use the information in any manner prejudicial
to the safety of the University.

Dated : …………..**……………. …………………..**………………….

(Signature of Contractor)
Witness : …………..**…………….
Address : …………..**…………….
Postal Address : …………..**…………….
Occupation : …………..**…………….


The above tender (as modified by you as provided in the letters mentioned hereunder)
is accepted by me for and on behalf of Nalanda University for a sum of Rs. ……………….…
Rupee ………………………………………* ............................................. ).

The letters referred to below shall form part of this contract agreement –

For & on behalf of Nalanda University


Dated: ……*……..


(Civil & Electrical Works)

(To be submitted online in https://nalandauniv.euniwizarde.com/)


NIT NO: NU/Engg/91/2020-21/EPC/02
Name & Address of the Bidder:
Name of Work: Civil composite work for Construction of buildings including the
Central Library comprising of Basement (-4.5 m + ground floor (+3.6m) + five floors
(average 3.8 m), one 500 user capacity Yoga Center cum Meditation/Multipurpose Hall
(Ground floor - with minimum 8.0 m ceiling height), one 250 user capacity Cafeteria
(Ground Floor - with minimum 4.0 m ceiling height ) and one 2000 Seater capacity
Auditorium (G+1 storied - with minimum 16.0 m ceiling height) - Civil Composite work
including all wired and piped services including internal water supply, sanitary
installations, Façade works, Interior works, Electrical works including Internal
Electrical Installations (IEI), Extra Low Voltage (ELV) works, Firefighting, Fire Alarm
System, HVAC, Lifts, Solar water heating system, External Electrical Installations, Site
Development works including roads, pathways, drainage, Horticulture & Landscaping
Works, STPs, other miscellaneous works etc. all complete on EPC basis for Nalanda
university Main Campus at Rajgir, District Nalanda, Bihar
Quantity Rate in Rate in
Sl. Amount
No Description of Item (Plinth Unit Figures (In words (In (In Rs.)
Area) Rs.) Rs.)
Construction of RCC
framed structure building
as per scope for work and
user requirement, and site
development , all complete
as per design and
direction of the Engineer in
Charge for Nalanda
University including
planning and designing by
incorporating stipulated Square
1. 11,965.00
specifications, all works of Meters
E&M services & Civil
works including any type
of foundation ,in EPC
mode including all
necessary service
drawings etc. and
including all works and as
per stipulations and scope
of work defined in this
tender documents along
with all corrigendum with
respect to this tender
published time to time, if
any. Note: Measurement
shall be done based on
Plinth Area calculated as
per CPWD PAR 2020
Total Amount (In Figures) in Rs. =

(Total Amount in Words in Rs.)

Note :
1. The rates quoted in the tender will cover all provisions of tender documents such as scope of
work, relevant specifications, CPWD Specifications for Civil , electrical ( all applicable parts)
and horticulture, CPWD GCC EPC projects 2020, relevant IS codes , NBC and other terms
& conditions.
2. Cost of Construction in this EPC tender as quoted above is inclusive of all taxes
charges including GST (as applicable), all material, all T& P, all scaffolding,
machineries, construction equipment and materials, all labour, PF/ESI, labour
Insurance including CAR policy, royalty, any other taxes/duties etc. all complete. Rate
shall be quoted by contractor, presuming a plinth area of 11965 Sqm for the Buildings.
The Plinth area to be actually constructed at site can be increased/decreased and the cost
will be accordinglyincreased/decreased considering the Plinth Area Rate per Sqm quoted by
the contractor as above. Plinth Area shall also be calculated as per IS Code 3861 & as per
CPWD Memo No. 29/21/58/WI dated: New Delhi October, 1983 (attached herein below with
the tender) (in case of any discrepancy between CPWD norms (i.e. CPWD Memo and
CPWD PAR 2020 guidelines) and IS code (IS 3861) for plinth area measurement, the lower
area as calculated by above three methods will be considered for plinth area calculation and
subsequent payment).

3. Ramp for various buildings with stainless steel railing for physically challenged persons
as provided at Ground floor, shall not be considered for plinth area calculation for
4. The work will be awarded as a whole and no splitting of work shall be considered. The
lowest tender shall be decided on the basis of overall tendered amount.
Central Public Works Department

Copy of the Memo no. 29/21/58/WI Dated: New Delhi, Oct. 1983
Subject: Rules for working out plinth area from plans

In order to ensure the adoption of a uniform method of working out plinth areas from plans, the following
rules are laid down. These rules are general in nature and should be taken as a guide. They are based on the
fundamental principle that the plinth area of a building should present a true picture of the covered floor
area provided in the plan.
(a) The total plinth area of a building shall be he sum total of the plinth area at every floor including the
basement, if any.
(b) Internal sanitary shafts shall not be included in the plinth area in the case of a residential building at
any floor level.
(c) In case of non-residential building internal shafts for sanitary installations, air-conditioning ducts,
lifts etc. shall be included in the plinth area at all floor levels.
(d) The area of the mumty at terrace level shall not be included in the plinth area. If a Barsati is
provided jointly with mumty then the area of the Barsati excluding mumty at the terrace level shall
be included in the plinth area as shown below in the hatched area.

(e) Towers, turrets domes projecting above the terrace shall not be included in the plinth area at terrace
level, but shall be allowed for separately for costing purposes.


The plinth area of the ground floor shall be calculated at the plinth level excluding the plinth off-sets
provided such plinth off-sets are not more than 2 ¼” . In cases where the building consists of – columns
projecting beyond cladding, the plinth area shall be taken up to the external face of the cladding and shall
not be included the projections of the columns.

In case open verandah with parapets are protected at the ground floor projecting out of the building, the
full area shall be taken up to the outer line of the external verandah lintel and only 50% of area shall be
taken for the unprotected verandah. Open platform without parapets and terraces at ground floor and
porches, shall not be included in the plinth area but shall be allowed for separately for costing purposes.


The plinth area of first and higher floors shall be calculated at the relevant floor levels. Architectural
bonds, cornice etc. shall not be included in the plinth area even though they may occur at the floor level,
vertical sun breakers or box louvers projecting out also shall not be include in plinth area. See illustrative
sketch below
In the case of projecting balconies protected to their full width by the shades full width roof
projectionsor by upper in the case of unprotected balconies equivalent area to the extent of 50% of the
area of the balconies shall be included in the plinth area. See illustrative sketch given below:


(a) Area of galleries i.e. upper floor of seats in an assembly hall, Auditorium, theatres, etc. shall
befully included in the plinth area.
(b) Area of mezzanine floor i.e. an intermediate floor introduced between two main floors, shall
beincluded in the plinth area, if no separate provision is made for the same.
(c) The area of a loft i.e. an intermediate slab just beneath the floor of roof without any direct
staircaseleading to it and used for storage purpose shall not be included in the plinth area.

Chief Engineer
Central P.W.D.


Schedule of material to be : -NIL-
issued to the agency
Tools and Plants to be hired : -NIL-
to the agency.
Extra schedule for specific : -NIL-
requirements/ documents for
the work, if any.
SCHEDULE – ‘E’ CPWD General Conditions of EPC Contract 2020
Reference to General : EPC projects , as amended / modified up to the last
Conditions of Contract date of submission of Bid.
Civil composite work for Construction of one 500 user
capacity Yoga Center cum Meditation Hall, one 250
user capacity Cafeteria and one 2000 seater capacity
Auditorium including all wired and piped services
comprising of Internal Water Supply, Sanitary
Name of work : Installations, Roads, Pathways, Drainage, Internal
Electrical Installations, Extra Low Voltage (ELV)
Works, Fire Fighting, Fire Alarm system, sewerage ,
HVAC, Lifts , External Electrical installations,
horticulture etc. all complete on EPC basis for
Nalanda University Main Campus at Rajgir, District
Nalanda, Bihar.
Estimated cost of work : Rs. 94.39 crores

Earnest Money : Exempted (As per OM issued by DG, CPWD, New

Delhi DG/CON/Misc./13 dated 23.11.2020 and bidder
should sign the Proforma for EMD Declaration given
in the NIT
3% (three percent) of accepted composite tendered
Performance Guarantee : value. 100% of this amount will be released after
completion of total work of this EPC tender as per
completion certified by Engineer – in-charge.

Security Deposit : 2.5% (two & Half percent) of accepted composite

tendered value . The security deposit of 2.5% of
tender value will be released after successful
completion of Defect liability period. To be deducted
from each RA bills.

Tender Accepting Authority : Hon’ble Vice Chancellor, Nalanda University

Officer Inviting Bid : The Registrar, Nalanda University

Engineer-In-Charge : The Engineer Officer appointed by the University

The Nalanda University Engineering Section along
: with its Project Management Consultant (PMC)
appointed by Nalanda University

15% (Provided that no extra overheads and profits

Percentage on cost of
: shall be payable on the part(s) of work assigned to
materials and Labour to cover
other agency(s) by the contractor as per terms of
all overheads and profits
Standard Schedule of Rates
Delhi Schedule of Rates 2018 (Civil works) with
: amendments up to the date of submission of bid.
Civil Works
CPWD Plinth Area Rates 2020 (Civil + Electrical)

Delhi Schedule of Rate 2018-(E&M) with

Electrical work : amendments up to the date of submission of bid

Horticulture Schedule of Rate2018 with

Horticulture work :
amendments, up to the date of submission of bid.
CPWD Form 8 & CPWD GCC 2020 for EPC projects
Standard CPWD Contract : as modified & Corrected up-to the last date of
submission of Bid & CPWD works manual 2019
Clause – 1
(i) Time allowed for
submission of Performance
Guarantee, programme
chart (Time and Progress)
and applicable labour
licenses, registration with
GST, EPFO, ESIC and 15 (Fifteen) days from date of issuance of LOA.
BOCW Welfare Board or
proof of applying thereof
from the date of issue of
letter of acceptance.

(ii) Maximum allowable

extension with late fee @
0.1% per day of
Performance Guarantee : 15(Fifteen) days with late fee @ 0.1% per day of PG
amount beyond the period amount (non-refundable)
provided in (i) above
Clause – 2
(i) Authority for fixing : Hon’ble Vice Chancellor, Nalanda University or
compensation under her/his successor thereof.
clause - 2
Clause – 2A
(i) Whether Clause 2A shall : Yes
be applicable
Clause – 5
Number of days from the date : 15 (Fifteen) days or date of handing over of site
of issue of letter of acceptance whichever is later
for reckoning date of start
Table of Mile stone : As per Mile Stone Table in Appendix-II.

24 months
(3 months for planning & designing and obtaining
statuary and university approvals for commencement
Time allowed for execution
: of work + 21 months for execution of original work
of work
and obtaining approvals from local bodies for
declaring the buildings fit for occupation plus GRIHA-
LD 5 Star Certification.)
Authorities to decide –
Hon’ble Vice Chancellor, Nalanda University or
(i) Extension of Time : her/his successor thereof.

Hon’ble Vice Chancellor, Nalanda University or

(ii) Rescheduling of : her/his successor thereof.
(iii) Shifting of date of start in
Hon’ble Vice Chancellor, Nalanda University or
Case of delay in handing :
her/his successor thereof.
over of site

Schedule of handing over of site

Time period for handing
Part Portion of Site Description over reckoned from date of
issue of letter of intent
Portion without any
Part A The entire site Available

Schedule of issue of Designs

Time period for issue of
Part Portion of Design Description design reckoned from date
of issue of letter of intent
Indicative location
plan & soil report is
attached as
Annexure VIII.
Portion already However Indicative location plan & Soil
Part A
included in NIT consultants to be report Available in NIT.
appointed by the
successful EPC
Contractor for
preparation of Soil
report, survey, LOP
& detailed
Drawings including
elevations, 3D
renderings, walk
through, Model,
etc. fresh for
approval of
Nalanda University.
To be finalized by
Portions of EPC contractor
Architectural Designs through his
and drawings to be appointed
prepared along with Architectural / Within 3 months of award of
Design Brief Report of Structural and E&M work (this is to be done by the
Part – B-1
all architectural, consultants successful EPC bidder
structural and E&M appointed by EPC through his consultant)
related works by EPC contractor i/c
Contractor through his statutory approvals
consultants and Nalanda
University approval
Portions of
Civil/Structural Designs Within 3 months of award of
and drawings to be work (this is to be done by the
Part – B-2 -do-
prepared by EPC successful EPC bidder
bidder through his through his consultant)
Portions of E&M
Within 4 months after award of
Designs and drawings
work (this is to be done by the
Part – B-3 to be prepared by EPC -do-
successful EPC bidder
Bidder through his
through his consultant)

Clause 5.2

Nature of Hindrance Register - Web based. OM No. DG/MAN/394 dated

28/01/2020 shall be followed for documentation of
hindrances available on CPWD website

Schedule of rate of recovery for delay in submission of the modified programme in

terms of delay days:
Contract Value Recovery (Rupees)
More than Rs. 20 Crores Rs. 5,000/- per day

Clause – 6 : Applicable
Clause – 7
Gross payment of Rs 400 lakhs as per the stage
Gross work to be done together : achievement or part payment as decided by
with net payment / adjustment of
advances for material collected, if
any, since the last such payment
for being eligible to interim

Clause – 7A
No Running Account Bill shall be
paid for the work till the applicable
labour licenses, registration with
GST, EPFO, ESIC and BOCW : Yes, Applicable
Welfare Board, whatever
applicable as submitted by the
EPC Bidder to the Engineer-in
In case contractor fails to submit the completion plan
as prescribed in clause 8B, he shall be liable to pay a
Clause – 8B :
sum equivalent to 2.5% value of work subject to
ceiling of Rs. 2,00,000/-.
Clause – 10A
List of testing equipment to be : List attached as Appendix – III
provided by the agency at site lab

Clause – 10B (i) : Applicable

Clause – 10B (ii) The mobilization advance shall be given as
Whether Clause 10B(ii) shall be mentioned below:
applicable (i) 1st installment = 5%*.
(ii) 2nd installment = 5%*.

Note: A separate dedicated Bank Account shall be

opened by the agency in any scheduled Bank before
release of mobilization advance. Mobilization
advance will not be given for any material for which
secured advance is payable, T & P advance will not
be given for tools & plants equipment, owned by the
agency as intimated in the eligibility documents.
Installments of Mobilization advance except the first
installment shall be released only after receiving the
utilization certificate supported by bank statement of
the said account showing the disbursement of
mobilization advance by the agency as per clause
10B(ii) of GCC.

*[of bid value as per award of work].

Clause - 10C
Component of labour expressed as : Not Applicable.
percent of value of work
Clause – 10CA : Applicable
Base Rate without GST per MT of
all materials covered under
Nearest materials (other than
clause 10CA applicable for the
cement, reinforcement bars
Sl. Materials covered month of February 2021 of CPWD
and structural steel) for which
No. under this clause (include cement component used
all India wholesale price index
in RMC brought at site from
shall be followed
outside approved RMC plant if

1. Cement: PPC NIL Rs. 4,325/- per MT

steel TMT bars
2. Fe500D (Primary
NIL Rs. 55,571/- per MT

3. Structural Steel NIL Rs. 53,888/- per MT

Clause – 10CC : Applicable (for Civil Work)

Clause 10CC to be applicable
in contracts with stipulated
period of completion : Applicable (for Civil Work)
exceeding the shown in next
Schedule of component of other materials, Labour, POL etc. for price escalation.
Component of civil (Except
materials covered under
: 40%
clause 10 CA) expressed as
percent of total value of work
Component of labour
expressed as percent of total : 25%
value of work
Component of POL expressed
as percent of total value of : NIL
Note: - Payment under this clause is admissible only when contractor submits proof of having
paid increased wages due to every worker through Bank of ECS or online transfer to his

Clause – 11 Civil work :

Specifications to be followed for • CPWD Specifications 2009 Volume – I & II with
execution of work corrections slips up to last date of submission of bid.

E&M & other work :

1. CPWD General Specification for Electrical Works
Part I Internal – 2013.
: 2. CPWD General Specification for Electrical Works
Part IV Substation -2013.
3. CPWD General Specification for Electrical Works
Part VII DG Sets – 2013.
4. CPWD General Specification for Electrical Works
Part VIII Gas Based Fire Extinguishing System –
5. General Specification for Heating Ventilation &
6. General Specification for Electrical Works (Part
III Lifts & Escalators)-2003.
7. CPWD specification of Horticulture &
Landscaping – 2018.
8. CPWD Specification for firefighting and

All above specifications shall be applicable with

corrections slips up to the last date of submission/
uploading of bid. In items of work where CPWD
specification is not available, standard Engg. practice
or as per manufacturer advise , work will be done with
prior approval of E-In-C
Clause – 12
Type of work : Project and original : Applicable
Clause – 12.1 : Applicable

30% (Thirty percent) applicable for plinth area. Any

additional/ Extra item other than the specified item
will be treated as Extra item and rate will be derived
based on market rate prevailing at the time of
Clause – 12.2 & 12.3 : execution of item. For any change in specification,
any extra/ deduction amount will be paid/deducted as
per the difference in market rates (prevailing at the
time of decision communicated to the contractor) of
the original specified item and the changed/modified

Clause – 12.5 :
(i) Deviation Limit beyond which
clauses 12.2 & 12.3 shall apply
for foundation work(except
: Not applicable
items mentioned in earth work
sub head in DSR and related
(ii) Deviation Limit for items
mentioned in earth work sub : Not applicable
head of DSR and related items.
Clause – 16
Hon’ble Vice Chancellor, Nalanda University on
Competent Authority for deciding :
recommendations of PMC and Engineer-In-Charge
reduced rates.
Defects liability period shall be 12 months after
declaring the original construction work completed by
the Tender Accepting Authority i.e. Hon’ble Vice
Clause – 17 : Chancellor, Nalanda University or his successor. For
structural work, aluminium work, water proofing and
ATT work, defect liability period will be 10 years from
the completion of work.
Suggestive List of machinery, tools & plants to be
Clause – 18 :
deployed by the Bidder at site, As per Appendix-IV

Constitution of Dispute Redressal Committee –

The Competent Authority at Nalanda University
constitutes a committee to redressal of all disputes
arouse out of this Contract. If the matter is not
Clause – 25 : resolved, upon invocation of Clause 25 the Sole
Arbitrator is appointed by the Competent Authority at
Nalanda University.

Place of arbitration: - Headquarters of Nalanda

University at Rajgir, District – Nalanda, Bihar.

Clause – 32

[A] Requirement of Minimum Technical / Architectural Personnel required to be

deployed by the EPC Contractor for planning stage and their recovery rates are as
Rate at
shall be
made from
Minimum the
Sl. Number Experience Contractor in
No. Qualification Discipline of Staff (Years)
the event of
not fulfilling
provision of
Clause 36(i)
Lead 75,000/- per
1. Graduate Architect Architect 1 20 Architect month per
50,000/- per
2. Graduate Architect Architect 2 08 Architect month per
Graduate Project 75,000/- per
3. Engineer Civil 1 20 manager month per
Dy project Rs 60000/
4. Electrical 2 12 manager per month
per person
Graduate Project Rs 40000/
Engineer/Diploma Civil & 05 per person
5. 3+2 engineer
Engineer Electrical or10 per month
Rs 40000/
Graduate Civil & Quality engg
6. 1+1 8 per month
Engineer electrical per person
Rs 40000/
Graduate Safety engg
7. Civil 1 8 per person
per month
Planning Rs 35000/
8. Civil 1 6 engg per month
per person
Rs. 35,000 per
Horticulturist month per
9. B. Sc. Agriculture 1 5 Horticulturist

Note :
1. The specialized technical staff for execution for component such as plumbing, water proofing,
firefighting, HVAC, Acoustic, landscaping, Furniture and furnishing etc. shall be deployed as
per the requirement of work.
2. Assistant Engineers retired from Government services that are holding Diploma will be
treated at par with Graduate Engineers. Diploma holder with minimum 10-years relevant
experience with a reputed construction company can be treated at par with Graduate
Engineers for the purpose of such deployment subject to that such diploma holder should
not exceed 50% of requirement of degree engineers.
3. The above given strength shall be required to be deployed as and when necessity arises at
site or so directed by Engineer-in-charge.
Clause 38 : Applicable as given below
1. Schedule /statement for
determining theoretical quantity Delhi Schedule of Rates 2018 with amendments up
of cement & bitumen based on to the date of submission of bid.
Delhi Schedule of Rates.
2. Variations permissible on theoretical quantities:
a. Cement
Cement for works with estimated
: 3% Plus/Minus
cost put to tender more than Rs. 5
b. Bitumen for all works : 2.5% Plus only and nil on minus side.
c. Steel reinforcement and 2% Plus/minus side sections for each diameter,
structural steel section and category.
3. All other materials : NIL


Rates in figure and words at which recovery shall be
Sl. made from the contractor
Description of item
No. Excess beyond Less use beyond the
permissible variation permissible variation
1. Cement (PPC) NIL Not permitted

Reinforcement bars
2. (TMT) – NIL Not permitted
(a) Primary producer

3. Structural steel NIL Not permitted




The Standard CPWD Contract Form GCC 2020 for EPC Projects modified &
corrected up-to last date of submission of bid shall be applicable and shall be construed
as a part of this Tender & the Contract Agreement.

Time allowed
in Months Percentage amount, of
Description of Milestone (Physical) (from date of accepted tendered
start of amount, to be with-held in
Project) case of non- achievement
of each milestone
a) Submission of details of civil and MEP
services Consultant for
approval, Preparation and submission of
detailed architectural & structural drawings
1. i/c MEP service drawings to Nalanda 1.5 months 0.10%
University for approval/vetting by
External reputed Engineering Institute like
IIT/NIT etc. i/c Submission of final
soil report and completion of new Porta
cabin site office including furniture along
with Porta cabin site lab with all necessary
testing equipment.
b) Submission of architectural & structural
Drawings and service plans( MEP) for
approval of local bodies/ authorities, fire 2 months 0.05%
Department & tree cutting permission incl.
tree transplantation etc.
Submission of Estimate for TS.

c) Submission of results of the design mix

Concrete duly vetted by reputed institute
like IIT/CSIR lab/NIT etc., for approval of the
University ,
Finalization of specialized/ associate
agencies for civil/ electrical/other MEP 2.5 months 0.05%
works who have similar work experience ,
arrangement of temporary
water/electricity connection for construction

d) Getting all local body approval &

approval of RMC manufacturer, Installation
3 months 0.05%
of site laboratory along with equipment,
mobilization of machinery/T&P ,etc.
a) Completion of RCC foundation work
and all RCC works up to Plinth level in
the three Buildings & pile
work in electrical substation &
2. underground sump and pump rooms 6 months 1.00%
b) Submission & approval of MEP
drawings i/c approval from local
bodies/ authorities.
a) Completion of RCC work in
Superstructure in the Three Buildings 9 months
including toilet blocks, including
Completion of masonry work in 50%
area incl. completion of 1 No. Mock up
room/area in all respect.
3. b) 90% supplying of major E&M 11 months 1.00%
equipment like wires, cable, switch &
socket, DB, Rising Mains, Fans,
luminaries, firefighting equipment,
HVAC equipment, pumping sets.
Completion of masonry work and flooring in
4. buildings, finishing work in all buildings 13 months 1.00%
including plumbing & tiling work, E & M
services work incl. Sub Station, Lift, ELV
works , HVAC ,Fire fighting works ,UPS
except final coat of painting in 75% of
the plinth area of the buildings and 50%
completion of all external service
connections, etc. and site development
100% completion of all civil works i/c
internal and external finishing work i/c
flooring, aluminum work, wall partitions,
false ceiling, acoustic treatment, Façade,
water proofing on roof & external stone
cladding and ACP etc. & completion of
5. 16 months 1.00%
Underground Sump & pump house
including waterproofing work & completing
all Internal Electrical Installation & Internal
Fire Fighting System and HVAC work final
coat of finishing, External Services &
External Development work (Civil, Electrical
& Horticulture). Supply & SITC of Lift,
Installation, testing & Commissioning of
complete E&M equipments and accessories
All civil, electrical & mechanical and
Landscaping, horticulture, mural & art work
completed in all aspects in all the buildings
with related services, clearances/approval
6. from local body, service connections (civil & 18 months 0.75%
electrical) ,completion certificates, green
building certificate etc. incl. cleaning of the
site as required to declare buildings and
campus authorized for occupation, all
complete in all respect.
Total %age = 5%

1. Withheld amount will be released if and when subsequent milestone is
achieved within respective time specified. However, in case milestones are
not achieved by the Bidder for the work, the amount shown against
milestone shall be withheld.


Equipment for conducting necessary tests (as per CPWD Specifications 2019 Volume-I
& II ) shall be provided and installed at site in the well-furnished site laboratory by the
EPC agency at his own cost with proper light and ventilation. The following mimimum
laboratory equipment should be in general or as and when required be set up at site
laboratory: -
Equipment Number
100MT compression testing machine, electrical-cum
1. 1
manually operated)
2. Slump cone, steel plate, tamping rod, steel scale, scoop 3
3. Vicat Apparatus with Desk pot 1
4. Megger & earth resistance tester 1
Pumps and pressure gauges for hydraulic testing of
5. 1
6. Weighing scale platform type 100 Kg 1
As per
7. Graduated glass measuring cylinder of various capacity
Sets of sieves of 450mm internal dia for coarse
8. 2 sets
aggregate [100mm, 80mm, 40mm, 20mm, 12.5mm,10mm
Sets of sieves of 200mm internal dia for fine aggregate
9. [4.75mm; 2.36mm; 1.18mm; 600microns; 300 microns & 2 Sets
150 micron, with lid and pan]
Sieve Brushes and sieve shaker capable of 200mm and
10. 300mm dia sieves, manually operated with timing switch 1
11. Cube moulds size 70mmx70mmx70mm 12
12. Cube moulds size 150mmx150mmx150mm 72
13. Ultrasonic Test Equipment (For concrete) 1
Hot air oven temp. Range 50°C to 300°C-sensitivity 1
14. 2
15. Electronic balance 600gx0.1g., 10kg and 50 kg 2
16. Physical balance weight up to 5 kg 2
17. Digital thermometer up to 150oc 3
18. Air Content of concrete testing machine 1
19. Measuring jars 100ml, 20ml, 500ml 5 Nos each size
20. Gauging trowels 100mm & 20mm with wooden 5
21. Spatula 100mm & 20mm with long blade wooden handle 5
22. Vernier calipers 12” & 6” size 3 each
23. Digital PH meter least count 0.01mm 2 each
24. Digital Micrometer least count. 0.01mm 2 each
25. Digital paint thickness meter for steel 500 microns 2
GI tray - 600x450x50mm, 450x300x40mm &
26. 3 Nos each
27. Electric Motor mixer 0.25 cum capacity 1
28. Rebound hammer test digital rebound hammer 2
29. Screw gauge 0.1mm-10mm, least count 0.05 4
30. Water testing kit 1
31. Motorized sieve shaker 1
Pruning Rods 2 Kg weight length 40 cm and ramming
32. 2
face 25 mm2
33. Extra Bottom plates for 15 cm cube mould 12
34. Standard Vibration Table for gauging the Cubes 1
35. Pocket concrete penetrometer 0 to 50kg/sq.cm 3
Concrete temperature measuring thermometer with Brass
36. 2
protection sheath0- 100 degree centigrade
37. Mortar Cube vibrator 1
Dial type spring balance preferable with zero correction
38. 2
knob capacity 100 kgs. Reading to ½ kg.
39. Counter scale capacity 1 kg and 10 kg 2
40. Iron Weight of 5 kg, 2 kg, 1 kg, 500 gm, 20 gm, 100 gm 2 each
41. Brass Weight of 50 gm, 2 gm, 10 gm, 5 gm, 2 gm, 1 gm 2 each
Measuring cylinder TPX or Poly propylene capacity 100
42. 3 each
ml, 500 ml, 250 ml, 100 ml
Pyrex, corning or Borosil beakers with cover capacity 500
43. 3 each
ml, 20 ml, 50 ml
44. Wash Bottles capacity 500 ml 3
Thermometers 1-100 degree centigrade / max. and Min/
45. 3
Dry and wet with table
46. Set of box spanner ratchet 2
47. Hammer 1lb& 2lb 3 each
48. Distance metre (of 100 metre) 5
49. Hacksaw with 6 blades 4
50. Measuring tape (5 metre) 5
51. Depth gauge 2 cm 5
52. Shovels & Spade 4
53. Steel plates 5 mm thick 75x75 cm 4
54. Plastic or G.I. Buckets 15 ltr, 10 ltr, 5 ltr 2 each
55. Wheel Barrow 3
Floor Brushes, hair dusters, scrappers, wire brush, paint
56. 3 each
brushes, shutter steel plat oil, kerosene with stove etc.
Any other equipment for site tests as outlined in BIS As per
codes and as directed by the Engineer-in-charge. requirement
58. Concrete Core cutter Machine 1


Equipment Number
1. Builders hoist 2
2. Excavator cum loader (JCB 3D model or equivalent). 2
3. DG set of minimum capacity 62.5 KVA. 2
4. Mini batching plant (6 cum./hr & 30 CUM /hr.). 2
As per
5. Transit mixers

6. Concrete pump 4
7. Needle Vibrators 15
8. Screed leveler 3
9. Plate Vibrator 3
10. Automatic Ring making machine(Reinforcement) 2
As per
11. Dumper/Tipper
12. Reinforcement bending machine 3
13. Reinforcement cutting machine 3
14. Power driven earth rammer (Soil compactor). 2
15. Total station 1
16. Water tanker (Minimum capacity of 5000 liters) 1
17. Welding machine 400 Ampere 2
18. Screener for coarse sand and fine sand 2

19. Centrifugal mono block water pump minimum capacity 2 HP 2

20. Road roller / Vibratory roller 8 to 10 tonnes 1

21. Drilling machine 1
22. Shuttering with necessary props 6000 sqm
23. Double steel scaffolding and staging materials 6000 sqm
24. Air compressor 1 no
25. Floor grinding/polishing machines 5 Nos
26. Granite cutting machine 2 Nos
27. Ceramic tile cutting machine 2 Nos
28. Granite polishing machine 2 Nos
29. Granite hand polishing machine 2 Nos
30. Mobile tower crane 1 No
31. Desktop Computers (All in one) 2 Nos
32. Laptop/IPAD for recording measurements at site 2 Nos
33. Vacuum dewatering machine for concrete 2
Good quality Camera and handycam for taking photographs
34. and video recording of major activities for record purpose and 1 each
for quality assurance

Any other machinery required for completion of the work as per As per actual
decision of Engineer-in-charge. requirement

1. The above list is only indicative and not exhaustive. The Bidder may be required
to deploy more T&P as per requirement of work.

2. All the above plants & equipment are to be deployed as and when required or
directed by Engineer-in-Charge.

Scope of Work, User

Requirements and

The scope of work has been defined on Part-II, Section – I “Brief Scope of Work” on
Page 39 to 73.

User Requirement & Scope of work

[A] Brief details of the Buildings –
Building Name Details
The Central 1. Refer Concept design note and Design Basis for Architecture,
Library Structure, Interior & MEP Works under Annexure-____.
1. The Building shall be constructed as earthquake resistant
RCC framed structure (Ground Floor) as per the indicative
drawings accommodating various amenities for practicing
Yoga and Meditation/Multipurpose Hall with total plinth area of
approx. 3235 sqm. Having minimum floor height
4.0 mtr. including all essential services such as toilet, fire shaft,
electric shaft and Ramp, machine room etc. and for yoga &
meditation halls minimum floor height 8.0 m.
2. The building shall have the following – (a) Entrance, (b)
Reception & Entrance Lobby, (c) 500 user capacity
500 user capacity
[B] Yoga Center cum
Yoga/Meditation Center, (d) 500 capacity Multipurpose Hall (d)
Meditation Hall Office (e) Change rooms & Toilet banks for male, female and
differently abled, (f) Pantry, (g) VIP Lounge, (h) Store, (i)
Services (j) Green room, (k) Control room (l) Emergency Exits
3. Total plinth area of the building will be approx. 3235
sqm out of which yoga hall of 1650 sqm + meditation cum
multipurpose hall of 850 sqm and other essential services such
as toilet, fire shaft, electric shaft and Ramp etc. having total
area of 735 sqm.
4. Air Conditioned in close area and adequate air circulation
and AHU system in open area.
1. The Buildings shall be constructed as earthquake
resistant RCC & Steel composite structure (Ground Floor), as
per the indicative drawings accommodating various amenities
to be used as cafeteria along with an air-conditioned covered
restaurant of 150 seating capacity and an outdoor semi-
covered seating capacity of 100. Minimum covered plinth area
250 user capacity
[B] shall be of 650 sqm and minimum semi-covered plinth area of
550 sqm. Together with total plinth area of approx. 1200 sqm.
2. The building shall have the following – (a) Entrance, (b)
Covered seating of 150 pax, (c) Semi-covered seating of 100
pax, (d) Toilet banks for male, female and differently abled, (e)
Serving counter, (f) kitchen, (g) Store, etc.
3. The Building shall have minimum floor height of 4.0 mtr.
including all essential services such as kitchen, toilets etc.
4. Air Conditioned in close area and adequate air circulation
and AHU system in open area.
1. The Building shall be constructed as earthquake
resistant RCC structure, G+1 storied as per the indicative
drawings accommodating various amenities to be used as
2000 seater theatre type auditorium of 1300 seating capacity
in the ground floor and 700 seating capacity in a mezzanine
floor, along with other facilities as mentioned below. Minimum
plinth area of the building including utility buildings shall be of
7500 sqm.
2. The building shall have the following key facilities – (a)
Entrance, (b) Reception & Entrance Lobby, (c) 2000 user
2000-seater capacity theater type auditorium with 1000 sqm stage, (d)
Auditorium Office (e) Public Toilet banks for male, female and differently
abled, (f) Pantry, (g) VIP Lounge, (h) Store, (i) Services (j)
Green rooms for male & female, (k) AV Control room (l)
Emergency Exits, (m) Compact Substation & AC Plant room,
3. The Building shall have minimum floor height of 16 mtr.
In the Auditorium, Entrance Lobby & Reception Area – 7.6 m
and all essential services and other areas shall have minimum
floor height of 4.0 m.
4. Air Conditioned in close area and adequate air circulation
and AHU system in open area.

1. Preliminary Architectural drawings of the Central Library along with the Design
Basis are attached with this tender document. This has been approved in-
principle by the Competent Authority at Nalanda University for cost estimate
(preliminary estimate) purpose. The EPC Contractor has to invariably follow the
Concept Design and the parameters considered under the Design Basis for the
Central Library Building and carry out structural, MEP and Interior design
works. Post approval from the University / proof checking consultants GFC
Drawings shall be prepared and works to be executed.
2. For other buildings except the Central Library, the EPC Contractor shall provide
solutions for concept to working to completion & handing over of the Buildings.
The Consultant appointed by the EPC Contractor shall prepare the conceptual
designs & plans and obtain approval from the University. Thereafter detailed
engineering shall be done by the EPC Contractor. These buildings should be
designed in consultation with other specialist consultants for Architectural,
structural, E&M, plumbing, firefighting, HVAC etc. keeping in line with the broad
concepts as per the approved conceptual design & drawings.
3. The buildings should be designed as differently abled persons friendly and shall be
constructed as per the latest norms & guidelines with up-to-date corrigendum issued
by Ministry of Social Welfare, Govt. of India and necessary pre-construction & post
construction audit of the building shall be arranged to be carried out through the
approved agencies of Govt. of India and completion/compliance certificate shall be
obtained from them by the successful bidder.
4. In case hanging type plumbing and sanitary system is adopted; false ceiling of
appropriate water-resistant type shall be provided after the approval of Engineer-in-
charge. The hubless fixture & fittings should be used.
5. IP Telephone, Intercom System including wiring facility for highly complicated
mechanical, electrical and telecommunications systems is to be provided after
approval from the University.
6. HVAC system has to be provided for the office building except staircases, kitchen,
toilets, other service areas & corridors.
7. Internal light fitting and DALI integrated LED Lights of standard specification shall be
provided. Necessary occupancy and lux adjustable system.
8. Internal light fitting and LED Lights of standard specification shall be provided.
9. All plumbing and sanitary lines shall be located in shaft of the building and shall be
covered with wooden doors/aluminium louvers of approved design & make matching
with elevation. The plumbing shall be dual plumbing system with arrangement for
treated STP water to be circulated and distributed through separate pipeline and tank
and pump system to toilets of these buildings. Adequate structural support system
and provision for maintenance of services shall also be provided.
10. Provision shall also be kept for seating arrangement in the waiting areas with required
circulation space, change room, waiting area wash area etc. as per the norms.
11. The external façade of the building should be designed to give a modern look with
state of art technology with interiors and in harmony with the rest of the campus.
12. Sufficient number and appropriate locations of exits are to be provided in the office
campus as per the NBC-2016 guidelines.
13. The appropriate standards pertaining to Acoustic and noise control shall be followed
and maintained so that all spaces should meet the performance standards for indoor
ambient noise level, air borne and impact sound insulation and reverberation time as
per IBC & latest guidelines issued for the Auditorium, Yoga Center and Multipurpose
hall buildings. Accordingly, these parameters are to be properly designed, got
approved and incorporated in the buildings.
14. The ventilating system for the buildings should be inaudible. Associated duct work
should be sound absorbing material. Fan/compressors must be remotely located or
isolated with resilient mounting special grills or diffusers may be needed to assure
silent air delivery and extraction. Dampers for balancing must be located upstream of
grills or diffusers to avoid noise at the point of distributions.
15. Air-conditioning system shall be designed to meet the requirements of the NBC’2016
as well as standard requirements for such buildings. The ACMV system shall meet
the requirements and standards of NBC’2016, BIS, ASHRE, SMACNA, ARI, ASME
and AMCA etc.
16. The plumbing for water distribution from centralized RO plant to all drinking water
outlets shall provide with SS 304 grade & this all including appropriate capacity of that
RO plant (for each building one to be provided separately) is in the scope of this work.
17. The charges for vetting of structural drawings / reports /E&M design /façade design and
any other specialized service design etc. from the reputed institutes like NIT/ IIT shall be
borne by the EPC contractor.
18. For each building one deep tube well plus pumps etc. all complete is within the scope
of this work. Similarly, UG sump for fire (2,00,000 ltr) reserve as required by the fire
department / NBC guidelines as well as daily use (50,000 ltr) sump is within the scope
of this work.
19. Pump room of suitable size not less than 11.25mx6.30m over fire reserve UG Sump
is within the scope of this work where in fire pump and other water supply pumps may
be installed, the suction head for fire pump should be positive to the tune of minimum
1.5 mtr or as required by the manufacturer whichever is more.
20. All the roof and terrace area will be casted in such a way that minimum 2% slope is
available at each point in case of an RCC flat slab itself to drain off rain water as
quickly as possible from such surfaces.


Items of Work Specifications
The civil works shall be done in accordance with CPWD specifications -2019- Vol I &
Vol. II with correction slips upto the last date of submission of tender document and
National Building Code 2016.
FOUNDATION & SUPER As per structural design based on latest IS Codes
STRUCTURE: and approved drawings.
Building shall be earthquake resistant RCC framed
structure with suitable pile foundation system not less
than 15 mtr depth as per the details of soil
investigation report & design. In case pile length
Foundation & Super
1.1 comes lesser than above as per the design necessary
recovery shall be made as per the market rate. Pile
work also to be done for underground sump & pump
room, if required. All parapet walls shall be made
with RCC of minimum height of 1.2 mtr, all as per
client approved drawing.
1.2 Plinth Filling:
a) Sand filling under
With Local coarse sand minimum 150mm thick
100 mm thick lean concrete below footing in M10.
b) Concrete under Minimum 125 mm thick RCC of grade M20 shall be laid
floor/ footings under flooring work in ground floors with 8 mm dia @
300mm c/c both ways or as per design whichever is
SS grade 304, as per client approved drawing &
Railing in Staircase /
1.3 architectural specifications.
All external walls will be full brick thick with common
1.4 Burnt Clay Brick burnt clay bricks (class designation 100) and internal
wall half brick thick may be provided wherever
As per approved architectural drawing
2.1 Door Shutters
As per approved architectural drawing
2.2 Mumty Door:

As per IS: 3564 for door weight up to 80 kg and width

2.3 Hydraulic Door Closer
up to 1000 mm.
Double action hydraulic floor spring of approved brand
conforming to IS: 6315 with double spring mechanism
2.4 Floor Spring
and door weight up to 125 kg along with all fittings to
be provided.
2.5 Plinth Level Minimum 75 cm from the crown of road level in front
of buildings of this EPC tender.
(i) Double glazed unit using high performance glass
i/c hardware of approved make, glazing of
approved thickness and approved colour with
polyester powder coating on aluminium frame for
structural glazing facade. All smoke and water
penetration test to be done as per CPWD specs
Structural glazing façade on structural façade to avoid any leakage or air
,Glazing of windows and leak , all as per client approved drawings
opening (ii) Glazing areas should be sufficient enough as per
ECBC norms for day light during day time. The
properties of glass should meet the ECBC & NBC
2016 requirement.
(iii) Stainless steel (SS-316 grades) Friction stays as
per requirement and as per approved drawing.
18 mm thick window sill with nosing with granite of
3.2 Windows Sill
suitable colour. All edges to be machine moulded.
Specifications for materials of skirting will be same as
for flooring with matching joint pattern and should be
4.1 Skirting of 150 mm height in rooms and minimum 1200 mm
height in Corridors, as per approved drawing. It shall
be finished with edge beading/suitable moulding in
stone .
Kitchen should be designed as industrial kitchen so
that all modern cooking equipment and appliances for
mass cooking can be accommodated.
4.2 Kitchen
Mechanical ventilation system be provided in kitchen
of client approved make & design.

4.3 (a) Dado As per client approved drawing

Fully exposed columns inside the buildings if
proposed shall be fully covered with 18mm thick gang
(b) Fully exposed
saw cut granite/engineered granite wall lining (veneer
columns inside the
work) of suitable colour & textures. In case of circular
column SS sheet of 316 grade may be used to full
As per client approved Drawings
(c) Floors in Halls,
Rooms, Office Floors,
cafeteria, etc.
As approved by the Engineer-In-Charge.
(d) Floors in Kitchen &

All complete as per the approved architectural

drawings and as directed by the Engineering- Charge.

(e) Reception, Lobby,

Entrance Foyer, VIP
Lounge, etc.

As per Architectural designs approved by the

(f) Common circulation University.
area, lift lobby etc.

(g) Open to sky

As per drawing approved by Engineer-In- Charge.
pathway, porches,
plinth protection or
any other
hardscapes etc.
The vertical & horizontal expansion joints shall be kept
keeping in mind the seismic requirement as per the
relevant IS code and CPWD Specifications. It should
be covered by stainless steel grade 316 plate of
5.1 Seismic Joint thickness 1 mm thick in vertical joint with polysulphide
sealant. In Floor joint, tongue and groove plate system
for seismic joint should be provided with min 2mm
thick steel plate. At roof seismic joint treatment should
be as per CPWD specification.
(i) On Roof : Primer + 2 coat of single component UV
resistant flexible acrylic elastomeric coating + coba
Integral cement based water proofing treatment
including preparation of surface as required for
treatment of roofs, balconies, terraces etc will be
provided and laid over roof slab in proper slope of
2 %. The operations will be complete in shape as
defined in DSR Item no. 22.7.1.
(ii) In Sunken part of Bathroom, Kitchen: Water
5.2 Water proofing treatment
proofing treatment to vertical and horizontal
surfaces of depressed portions of W.C., kitchen
with slope of 2 %. Shall be provided as defined in
DSR Item no. 22.3.
(iii) Under raft of basement or lift pit: EPDM
(iv) Lift pit retaining wall/UG water tank: by
providing kota stone water proofing along with

mixing of crystalline material in RCC walls and

base in appropriate quantities.
(v) Terrace (for Grassing & Plantation, on top of
basement slab, planters or any other structure
required in water proofing): Primer + 2 coats of
non-modified, non-bituminous, high solid, liquid
applied, polyurethane costing at 1.5 kg per sqm
dosages for average thickness of 1.5mm without
fiber cloth + M-25 screed concrete as per design.
All the RWP pipes including fittings shall be Hub less
centrifugally cast (spun) iron pipe as per IS: 15905
5.3 Rain Water Pipes
exposed on walls/ in the shafts to be executed as per
CPWD specification 2009.
All as per drawings/design approved by E-in-C .
Necessary drip course shall be provided in Chajja,
Balcony, Projecting Roof, Beams etc.

(a) Plastering on walls


All as per drawings/design approved by E-in-C

(b) Plastering on walls

All complete as per drawing approved by E-in-c

6.2 Internal finishing

All complete as per drawing approved by E-in-c

6.3 External finishing

All complete as per drawing approved by E-in-c

6.4 Primer
All complete as per drawing approved by E-in-c
Painting on wood work &
steel work

CC 1:5:10 (1 Cement: 5 coarse sand: 10 brick
aggregate 40mm nominal size) or any other suitable
7.1 CC in sunken portion
light weight material available in the market

Footpath & Open Paved All complete as per drawing approved by E-in-c
7.2 area

8.0 INTERIOR: As detailed under page 40.


as per Architectural Drawings and as per directions

of the Engineer-
9.1 E.W.C. Pan In-Charge.

as per Architectural Drawings and as per directions

9.2 Flushing system of the Engineer-
as per Architectural Drawings and as per directions
of the Engineer-
9.3 Urinals
as per Architectural Drawings and as per directions
9.4 Health faucet of the Engineer-

as per Architectural Drawings and as per directions

of the Engineer-
9.5 Wash basin In-Charge.

as per Architectural Drawings and as per directions

9.6 Mirror of the Engineer-In-Charge.
All the sanitary pipes including fittings shall be Hub
less centrifugally cast (spun) iron pipe epoxy coated
inside &outside as per IS: 15905 exposed on walls/
9.7 Soil & waste pipes fittings in the shafts to be executed as per CPWD
specification 2019.
Brick masonry with brick of class designation 100 of
size as per design
9.8 House Manhole Requirement approved by E-in-C with SFRC heavy
duty cover and frame.
Pipe between house HDPE pipes of PN-8 shall be provided for smooth
manhole & service /healthy drainage system with proper slope as per
manhole approved design.
Pipe should be jointed with Teflon tape on male
member with at least 6 Nos. round on the whole
9.10 (a) Water supply line
(b) External pipe line up GI pipes as per approved plumbing drawing. Gun
to 50mm metal gate valve with CI wheel of approved quality.
(c) Concealed Internal GI pipes as per approved plumbing drawing. Gun
piping – Exposed on wall metal gate valve with CI wheel of approved quality.
(d) Internal piping & Stainless steel grade 304 as per DSR 18.85 to
fittings– Concealed work 18.102
SS pipes of 304 grade as per approved plumbing
Drinking water (RO) drawings with SS valves and fittings of approved
9.11 supply line quality.
Painting of CI Pipes :
9.12 Exposed on buildings Synthetic enamel paint

All CP fitting shall be single lever (Quarter turn) and

other accessories of the same series/ class as
approved. Wall mixture and basin mixture, shower
rose. Angle valve and other fitting should be in CP
brass of approved quality and of same series, SS
gratings, towel rack, soap tray, mirror above the
9.13 Fittings
basin, 2 nos. corner glass shelf and
6 robe hooks, Exhaust fan are to be provided.
RCC/PVC water storage tank of adequate capacity
(with suitable water proofing treatment) as approved by
9.14 Terrace Tank
GI pipes or Ductile iron pipe of class K9 as per
approved drawings. However for RO drinking water
10.1 Pipe
pipes and fittings of SS grade 304 shall be used.
10.2 Fittings Standard fittings (Heavy class)
10.3 Pig Lead Pig lead of approved quality
C.I. sluice valve (with cap) complete with bolts & nuts,
10.4 Sluice Valve rubber insertion etc.
Chambers for :
10.5 (a) Sluice Valve Brick masonry chambers of appropriate size with C.I.
(b) Fire Hydrant surface box complete as per specification.
CC 1:2:4 (1 Cement : 2 Coarse sand : 4 graded stone
10.6 Thrust Blocks agg. 20 mm nominal size)
10.7 Underground tank Minimum 2,50,000 litre capacity.
Hub less Centrifugally Cast iron pipe as per IS 15905
in vertical stacks, HDPE Pipes for horizontal
discharge of required diameter including testing of
11.1 Pipe joints as per approved design & as per CPWD
Specification 2009.
(a) Rectangular
Clay Brick ( class 100 ) masonry manhole with CI
(i) Inside size 90cm x 80 covers & frame heavy duty as per CPWD
11.2 cm with depth upto 45 specification 2009.Size may change
cm. As per design requirement as approved by E-in-C.

(ii) Inside 120 cm x 90 cm

Clay Brick ( class 100) masonry manhole with CI
with depth 45 cm to 90
covers & frame heavy duty as per CPWD
specification 2009.size may change as per approved
design requirement.
Manholes of required dia. As per depth with brick wall
(with Sewer Bricks) as per CPWD specification and
(b) Circular Manholes as corresponding DSR 2016 items with SFRC frame and
per DSR’2016 item no. covers HD-20. In sub-soil or adverse soil conditions,
19.9 & 19.11 as per site manholes & encasing pipes shall be as per approved
conditions exceeding credible structural design to avoid sinking and
0.90 m depth settlement of lines/manholes. Note: Orange colour
safety foot rest of minimum 16mm thick plastic
encapsulated complete as per IS: 10910.
Waste & waste water from kitchen shall not be
Waste disposal from
11.3 directly discharged in the sewerage system. For
garbage a separate storage bin shall be provided.


1. Separate provision for car parking as defined in the scope of work shall be made as per
Building byelaws and to be provided at site as per drawings approved by E-in-C.
2. Machine moulded M-35 kerb stone shall be provided along the edge of internal road
constructed under this contract as per design and shape and size as approved by E-in-
3. The main road and the peripheral road connecting these buildings to the exiting internal
road network of the campus will be Concrete pavement on top laid over three layers of
WBM as per MORTH specifications (fifth edition) laid over subgrade duly prepared with
power roller of required thickness as per design based on CBR of soil. Agency will
prepare and execute a suitable design of rigid pavement as per site conditions. The
edges of roads should be at least 20 cm above the adjoining ground level after giving
due camber.
Items of Work Specifications
Finished levels of road will be above the formation
1. Internal Roads level. Earthwork has to be compacted accordingly as
per approved longitudinal profiles.
Granular Sub Base as drainage layer minimum 150
2. GSB mm based on CBR value & traffic and based on
designs as per MORTH specification or higher.
As per flexible pavement design and latest MoRTH
3. (a) WBM Grade I specifications approved by the University based on
IRC 75 codes.
As per flexible pavement design and latest MoRTH
(b) WBM Grade II specifications approved by the University based on
IRC 75 codes.
As per flexible pavement design and latest MoRTH
(c) WBM Grade III specifications approved by the University based on
IRC 75 codes.
High grade concrete precast block M-35 Grade as
4. Kerb Stone per drawings approved by CPWD based on IRC
ISI Marked, Heavy duty pavers, shape & pattern, as
Inter-locking pavers in approved, in cement colour (red, green, grey, yellow
5. internal drive ways & car etc.) M-40 Grade ,thickness not less than 60mm laid
parking areas on sand filling as per specification & as a sub base
over 150 mm thick CC 1:3:6
75 mm wide thermo-plastic mark paint for indicating
6. Road painting
Parking spaces.
Stainless steel 316 having graphics & text in screen
print for building name, traffic sign to be in channel
letters, CRCA (Cold Rolled Close Annealed) sheet
7. Signature & Graphics
support structure having aluminium panels, powder
coated with graphic and text for way as per IRC


The Sewerage System should be designed and got approved from E-in-C ,by the consultant
as appointed by the EPCcontractor in accordance with relevant latest building bye laws and
latest CPWD Specifications. Buildings are to be connected with required manholes so that
sewerage of the building should reach up to STP in most efficient manner. The treated water
has to be utilized for toilet flushing water through dual plumbing system and also for irrigation
of lawns and plants through separate pipe network & balance, if any, treated water should be
pumped to the Central Sewer Lines of the remaining Campus. Required U/g and O/H sump
& pump to be provided is in scope of work within rate quoted by the EPC bidder.


The Water Supply Network should be designed and got approved from E-in-C ,by the
consultant as appointed by the contractor in accordance with relevant latest building bye laws
and latest CPWD Specifications. Buildings are to be connected with water supply lines by
Ductile Iron pipe/G.I. pipes of appropriate diameter. So that water is supplied with adequate
pressure at all points in the buildings.


UG and O/H Sump for drinking, Toilet water of STP treated water & other purpose in the
buildings to be constructed along with fire sump as per firefighting requirements in a way so
that water in fire sump is always fresh but the minimum 2,50,000 liter capacity underground
tank to be designed & constructed including firefighting reserve. The agency has to assess
the requirement of water and bore minimum one No. deep tube wells of sufficient discharge
with requisite RO Plant as approved by Engineer in charge for water supply of the buildings,
kitchen, and firefighting & horticulture requirements, all within quoted cost of EPC bidder.


(1) The work shall be carried out as per “Schedule of Rates, Analysis of Rates and
Specifications (Horticulture & Landscaping)-2020”, with up to date correction slips and
as per CPWD Yard stick, NBC 2016, in absence of detail specification the standard
horticulture practices for healthy growth of plants beautification should be followed. All
design, drawing etc. shall be as approved by Engineer-in-charge.
(2) The contractor shall be responsible for arrangement of all necessary tools and plants
required at site of work for which nothing extra shall be paid by the University.
(3) The Scope of work include preparation of landscaping plan including parks, planters
and other details etc. for the horticulture works and execution of the same including
providing unfiltered/recycled water supply lines from the proposed WTP/STP and
installation of additional pumps if required, providing drip irrigation system for trees,
shrubs and hedges, sprinkler system for lawns etc. complete will be responsibility of
agency. Development of parks, providing MS railings (including painting), wicket
gates, water hydrants, etc. shall be completed as per the specification and drawing
approved by the Engineer-in-charge. Contractor has to do horticulture works as per
approved landscaping plan including grassing, grass turfs, plantation of shrubs,
plants, trees etc. This Landscaping and horticulture work is also part of EPC tender
and no extra payment will be made on any account.
(4) Grassing will be done with selection No.1 grass including supplying good earth
including watering and maintenance of the lawn for One year after completion of the
(5) Grass turf will be provided with selection No.1 grass turf with earth 50mm to 60mm
thickness of existing ground prepared with proper level and ramming with required
tools wooden (Dhurmos) and then rolling the surface with light roller making the
surface smooth.
(6) Plantation of tress at site will be done with healthy, well developed (minimum height
as specified below) trees established at the site of following varieties including
watering, removal of unserviceable materials etc. in quantity as per approved
Landscaping drawings including replacement if needed and its maintenance for One
year after successful completion of the work.

Sl. No. Varieties of Trees with their specifications.

1. Alstonia scholaris of height 150-165 cm
2. Cassia fistula (Amaltash) of height 120-135 cm
3. Delonix regia (Gulmohar) of height 150-165 cm
4. Bauhinia Purpurea (Kachnar) of height 150-165 cm
5. Azadirachta Indica (Neem) of height 120-130cm
Mimusops Elengi (Maulsri) of height 180-195 cm, well developed
with thick stem
7. Callistemon Lanceolatus of height 120-135 cm
8. Polyalthia Longifolia (Ashok) of height 150-165 cm
9. Cassia Siamea of height 150-165 cm
10. Plumeria Acutifolia of height 150-165 cm with 3-4 branches
Plumeria Alba of height 165-180 cm with 3-4 branches and thick
12. Lagerstroemia Flosreginae of height 150-165 cm
13. Ficus Infectoria (Pilkhan) of height 150-165 cm
Ficus Benjamina (green) of height 150-165 cm, bushy with healthy
branches and lush green foliage
Ficus Ispatch well branched (bushy) of height 120-135 cm, well
branched, bushy
16. Ficus Starlite of height 75-90cm, well branched
17. Bottle palm of height 150-165 cm
Any other verities or modification of above list as per directions of
the Engineer-In-Charge.

(7) Plantation of Shrubs at site will be done with healthy, well developed shrubs
established at the site of following varieties including watering, removal of
unserviceable materials etc. in quantity as per approved Landscaping drawings.

Sl. No. Varieties of Shrubs with their specifications.

Bougainvillea (named variety) of height 60-75 cm with 8-10
healthy branches
2. Calliandra species of height 105-120 cm, well branched, bushy
3. Cassia Biflora of height 90-105 cm, well branched, bushy
Ficus Panda of height 60-75 cm., well developed, with healthy
foliage, bushy
5. Hamelia patens of height 90-105 cm. bushy
6. Hibiscus Rosasinensis of height 90-105 cm, bushy
7. Nerium Oleander (Kaner) of height 60-75 cm with 5-6 branches
8. Thevetia Nerifolia of height 60-75 cm with 5-6 branches
9. Tecoma Gaudichaudi of height 90-105 cm bushy
10. Lagerstroemia Indica of height 90-105 cm, multi branched
Seaforthia palm of height 105-120 cm with 3-4 suckers and
healthy foliage
Any other verities or modification of above list as directed by the
(8) Plantation of plants at site will be done with healthy, well developed plants established
at the site of following varieties including watering, removal of unserviceable materials
etc. in quantity as per approved Landscaping drawings.

Sl. No. Varieties of Plants with their specifications.

1. Tradiscantia, full of leaves
2. Wadelia Trilobata, branched in poly bags
3. Syngonium Butterfly of height 30-45 cm with healthy leaves
4. Dianella variegated with 3-4 plants in each with ispatch leaves
5. Asparagus Sprengerii of height 30-45cm in p. bags of size 20cm
6. Dracaena (song of India) of height 45-60cm with healthy leaves
7. Iresine Herbstii of height 20-30cm, full of branches well developed
8. Syngonium Ispatch of height 30-45 cm with healthy leaves
9. Chlorophytum (variegated) full of leafy suckers
10. Portulacaria afra (Jade plant) with 5-6 branches
11. Ophiopogon green full of green leaves
12. Ophiopogon Jaburan (variegated) full of variegated leaves
13. Bignonia Venusta (Golden shower) of height 30-45 cm
14. Clerodendron Splendens of height 30-45 cm
15. Quisqualis Indica of height 30-45cm
16. Tecoma grand flora of height 30-45cm
17. Hedge plants
18. Clerodendron Inerme of height 25-32 cm multi branched
19. Putranjiva Roxburghii of height 45-60cm
Any other verities or modification of above list as directed by the

(9) Soil testing for texture, nutrient level, water retaining capacity, PH value and other
essential test for healthy growth of plants shall be conducted at least 5 locations where
horticulture/ Landscaping works are to be done, from Bihar Agricultural University,
Bhagalpur, Bihar. Necessary recommendation for fertilizer requirement and water
consumption requirement shall be made available from the laboratories.
(10) Top good soil from the construction site shall be preserved for horticulture purposes.
The soil not suitable for grasses and growth of trees shall be removed and good quality
soil either from the preserved top soil or brought from outside the campus shall be used
for horticulture purpose. Plinth area rate quoted by EPC bidder is inclusive of this work and
No extra payment shall be made for same. The agency will be responsible for healthy
growth of plants, trees, shrubs and grasses during construction stage and
maintenance up to one year.
(11) Manure and Fertilizers: Cattle manure/ compost shall be well decayed (should be at
least 6 months covered in dump), free from grits and any other unwanted materials. The
contractor shall also provide and spread manure (cow dung manure/compost) for
healthy growth the plants & trees under his maintenance.
Depending upon requirement to maintain the nutrients level of the soil necessary
application of chemical fertilizers (NPK) and other micro nutrients should be done.
(12) Watering should be done in such any way that optimum level of moisture content for
healthy growth of plants and trees is maintained, at no time moisture content should
fall below the wilting point. Inadequate or excessive watering is to be avoided. During
the dry season watering should be carried out at least daily in summer & twice a week
in winter or as per requirement of the tree plant, shrub, water should be sourced from
STP (Sewerage Treatment Plants) in case of emergency water source other than STP
may be used provided that prior approval of the Engineer–in–Charge has been
(13) Weeding and Hoeing: The work includes maintaining areas close to the base of the
trees and shrubs free from weeds within 300mm radius from the stem of the trees /
150mm radius from the stem of the plants. Weeding has to be carried out once in a
month. All weeds are to be disposed of from the site with all leads and lifts.
(14) Pruning and Trimming: All dead or injured twigs, water shoots, unwanted branches
are to be removed. Trees, shrubs and ground cover should be pruned to maintain
natural shape. The hedges and shrubs shall be given special shapes and sizes to give
aesthetic appearance of the greenery at regular intervals.
(15) Pest and Disease control: All trees/plants are to be inspected once in a month to
determine any disease or pest infections. Once the infection is identified adequate
control measures are to be taken.
(16) The trees and shrubs having height less than 3 metre in the median and planters shall
be washed by sprinkler attached with water tankers on weekly basis. The contractor
shall take utmost care of the trees and shrubs so that the casualty is brought to a
minimum. The dead and fallen tree should be removed immediately from the site of
work for smooth traffic movement and it should be brought to the notice of the
University so that further survey and auction of the same can be done.
(17) The University shall not be responsible for any injury partial or permanent or death of
any workers at site due to accident or mal-functioning of the equipment or by
negligence of the staff.
(18) The contractor shall be responsible for removal of garden waste from the site and
disposed of at a designated dumping area or any other composting yard as approved
by the Engineer–in-charge.
(19) The contractor shall have to arrange all required tools & plants & other stock items
like Bamboo, Sutli, and Hessian cloth. Tokri etc. for the proper development &
maintenance of garden feature. Repair cost of tools & plant items shall be borne by
the contractor & nothing shall be paid extra on this account.
(20) The Agency should ensure adequate malies having experience of Horticulture work
are deployed. In case of any deficiency the Engineer-in-Charge can issue the
necessary direction to increase the staff and Agency should abide by order of
(21) The contractor shall maintain the plants, hedges, trees, shrubs and lawns in good and
healthy condition during construction period as well as free maintenance period of one
year. This will include complete maintenance of the entire garden features of the
garden area i.e. lawn, trees, shrubs, hedge, potted plants, flowers beds, creepers etc.
and other garden feature including watering hoeing, making of plants basic manuring,
trimming and cleaning of hedges / plants, Beds, spraying of insecticides, fungicides,
weeding, mowing, and top dressing of lawn with good earth and manure and hedge
clipping and removal of the garden waste, composting of green waste from plants,
trees, lawn mowing, etc. as per direction and satisfaction of the Officer-in-charge.
a. The following activities are covered under this contract :
Item of Work Nos/Qty./Frequency Required
Pruning & trimming of Quarterly / need based as per directions
trees/shrubs creepers etc. of the Engineer-In-Charge
(ii) Hedges Cutting Monthly
Any other item (Horticulture,
Civil, Elect, Un-filtered water On need basis as directed by the
supply) required for proper Engineer-In-Charge
On daily basis in all days except
(iv) Irrigation monsoon days and need based as per
directions of the Engineer-In-Charge.
(a) Trees/palms – once in every three
(a) Manuring months
(b) Fertilization (b) shrubs/grounds covers –monthly
(c) Grass –once every three months.
Lawn Mowing & trimming of
(vi) Monthly or as and when required.
(a) Pest control - Fortnightly
(b) Disease control - Fortnightly
during rainy season and monthly
(vii) Plant Protection
in other seasons
(c) Need basis as directed by the
Monthly or earlier as per the
(viii) Cultivation & Weeding requirement and directions of the
Wherever feasible as per directions of
(ix) Seasonal Flowers
the Engineer-In-charge
Top dressing with soil &/or
(x) Once in 6 months

Repair & replacement of

(xi) As and when required.
plants, leveling etc.

b. Total Mali to be deployed for maintenance work: 2 Nos with 3 helpers and
one supervisor.

c. The following conditions shall be followed:

(i) In case of any causality of shrubs, trees or any other plants has been
found during maintenance the Agency should replace the trees/ shrubs/
other plants of the same height and specification by another at his risk
and cost and nothing extra shall be paid for the same in this regard. In
case of any delay recovery of Rs. 60/- per shrubs, Rs. 250/- per trees
& plants, Rs. 140/- for other foliage/ decorative plants and Rs. 100/- per
Sqm. for lawns per month shall be made. The decision of the Engineer-
In-charge shall be final and binding in this regard.

(ii) In case, if it is observed that the maintenance is not healthy and not to
the required standard, no payment shall be made of the specific area
for the period over which the maintenance has been found to be
neglected. The decision of the Engineer-In-charge shall be final and
binding in this regard.

(iii) The required quantity of insecticides/ pesticides will be arranged by the

agency for proper maintenance (only during the maintenance period) if
(iv) The rejected & substandard material should be removed from the site
of work immediately; the University shall not be responsible for any
damage/ loss of rejected material. If the same will not be removed within
five days after issuing notice in writing by Engineer-in-Charge, then
necessary recovery shall be made @ Rs. 200 per day.



1.1 The bidder should engage a Firm / Consultant (whether titled as an Architectural firm
or Engineering firm) which shall provide comprehensive consultancy services for
detailed architectural, design and drawing of structural analysis, specialized civil work
design and drawing like Façade ,design and detailing including designing and
detailing of all E & M services, their drawings & approval, external development works,
landscaping, etc. Consultant shall prepare and supply all the coordinated good for
construction (GFC) drawings duly proof checked from reputed institute to be
subsequently approved by Engineer-in-Charge. The Consultant (s) shall be
associated till completion of the project and shall obtain all pre construction, during
construction and Post construction all required statutory approvals from the concerned
local body.

1.2 The Firms / Consultants should have completed following Similar Consultancy works
during the last seven years ending previous day of last date of submission of bid:

Three similar Consultancy works of value of each costing not less than Rs.
36.76 Crore as work value and built up area of not less of 5300 sqm.
Two similar Consultancy works of each costing not less than Rs. 56.63 Crore
as work value and built up area not less of 8000 sqm.
One similar Consultancy works of each costing not less than 72.41 Crore as
work value and built up area not less of 10600 sqm.

Where, “Similar work” means:

“Architectural Planning, Designing, Structural analysis & design and
preparation of structural drawings and all services design & drawings related
to Civil, E & M services and Horticulture works.”

1.3 The consultancy works completed up to the previous day of last date of submission
of bids shall be considered.

1.4 The Firms / Consultants should have an average annual Financial Turnover of
minimum Rs. 50 lacs for consultancy fee during immediate last three consecutive
financial years. For this purpose, average of annual financial turnover shall be worked
out for all the three years.

1.5 In case of non-availability of in-house capabilities in consultancy for any component

of Engineering services or structural, the Firms / Consultants will submit intention to
engage/associate sub consultant/firms having domain specific specialization and
submit the MOU/agreement with such specialized firms within fortnight of award of
work. The Principle/Main Consultant shall engage/associate only those sub
consultants/firms for consultancy of domain specific components, which have successfully
provided consultancy work at least in two projects costing overall more than Rs. 56.63
Crores and Built up Area of 8000 sqm.

1.6 The bidder shall within 15 days of award of work, submit details of financial turnover
of minimum three Firms / Consultants in Form “A” of Technical bid; the details of all
Consultancy work of consultancy services of similar nature completed by these firms/
consultants during the last seven years in Form “C” of Technical bid; performance
report of consultancy services in form “D” of Technical bid; Structure and Organization
details in Form “E” of Technical bid. The competent authority at Nalanda University
shall approve one of them considering the submissions mentioned above.

1.7 Associated firms/consultancy desirably may have his own office in Patna for proper
functioning and coordination of work, otherwise they have to set up an office/ Branch
office in Patna for smooth monitoring and execution of consultancy work during the
contract period.

1.8 Consultant shall provide comprehensive consultancy services in Project

Conceptualization covering space utilization, functional relations, preparation of
master plan including obtaining its statutory and local bodies approval, detailed
architectural drawings, detailed structural analysis, design and detailing including
designing and detailing of all services, their drawings & approval, external
development works, landscaping, etc. Consultant shall prepare and supply all the
coordinated “good for construction” drawings duly proof checked and approved. The
Consultant shall confirm to be associated with the project till completion of the project
and obtain completion certificate from the concerned local body

1.9 In case, in house personnel of required experience is not available with the contractors
or with the associated architectural/ Engineering firms for other specialized service
like E &M, the main contractor shall have to enter into agreement with consultant for
design of E&M subheads. Copy of such agreement/ MOU shall be submitted to AE
(Electrical), Nalanda University, who is in-charge of the work as well as to AE (Civil),
Nalanda University. In case of change of associate consultant, the main contractor
has to enter into agreement with the new consultant to be associated by him.
Agreement should be drawn as per Proforma for agreement between associate
service consultant, and main contractor after suitably modifying the proforma for
consultancy work.

1.10 If the performance of the consultant(s) is found to be not satisfactory in terms of quality
and standard or they fail to adhere to the timeline specified in the bid document, the
main contractor will take timely suitable necessary action against the consultant(s) as
per the terms and conditions of agreement between them. However this will not
absolve the main contractor from the levy of liquidated damages due to delay in the
project; and department will be free to take action as per relevant clauses of agreement.
In the case of termination of the contract with the consultant(s) by the main contractor, the
process of selection of new consultants(s) will be same as provided in the bidding
document. All additional cost associated with this will be borne by the contractor. They will
not be eligible for any extra time/ extension of time for delay in this process. Any loss of
time in the process shall be made good within the milestones fixed in the bidding


The Role of the Consultant is to provide consultancy services for “Civil work for
Construction of one 500 user capacity Yoga Center cum Meditation Hall, one
250 user capacity Cafeteria and one 2000 seater capacity Auditorium including
all wired and piped services comprising of Internal Water Supply, Sanitary
Installations, Roads, Pathways, Drainage, Internal Electrical Installations, Extra
Low Voltage (ELV) Works, Fire Fighting, Fire Alarm system, HVAC, sewerage,
lifts External Electrical installations, etc. all complete on EPC basis for Nalanda
University Main Campus at Rajgir, District Nalanda, Bihar.” The scope of
consultancy work will be for complete project as indicated in the Section-I “Brief
Particulars of Work” and also Electrical Substation Building, AC Plant Room etc.
The consultancy services shall also include Electrical Substation, DG Set capable for
full load, Lifts, Fire Alarm System, UPS, Solar Water Heating System, Building
Management System, Provision for LT panels, etc. The consultant shall be involved
for the entire duration of the project till its final commissioning and handing over
including obtaining statutory clearances/certificates for occupying the buildings by the

2.1 The Consultant shall:

a. Prepare a site plan of the entire parcel of land allocated for these three buildings
and surrounding site development, showing all existing building(s)/ barracks, if
any, features, services and facilities available; general layout of all such buildings
and services, giving details of useful areas for rational utilization for construction
activities together with services area and circulation area. The site plan will clearly
indicate the envelope of construction as well as the temporary structures of the
offices of the Contractor (s) including lockable stores;

Note: All surveys and test reports if required to be conducted for the exercise of
due diligence in the fulfilment of the scope of services by the consultant shall
be the responsibility of the EPC Contractor within the quoted cost.
b. Prepare a comprehensive plan of the building premises and the layout of all the
buildings proposed to be covered under as stipulated under the Scope of Work
clearly indicating all entrances and exits, roads, lanes and paths; the layout for all
external services that include water supply, electricity, telephone and other
communication including IT, WIFI relay towers etc.; all waste disposal (solids, liquids,
sewage, rainwater, kitchen waste, other bio-degradable waste, vegetation from site,
paper, electronic items waste incinerator and any other waste not specified here)
including their collection points for management of waste; scheme for retention and
storage of water; and the basic landscape arrangement.

c. Prepare preliminary drawings at all levels, for all buildings proposed to be covered
under this EPC Contract, including details of envelope and covered area/ plinth
area calculations together with all elevations and reasonable number of sections
to comprehend the scheme in total. This preliminary set of drawings shall be
developed as per the University’s requirement (including changes and
modifications suggested to the drawings and details submitted at the Competition
Stage) and after double checking all the requirements of Building Bye-laws, Fire
Bye-laws, GRIHA 5 star compliance and other BIS Codes’ provisions and ensuring
that the scheme is fully compliant thereof.

d. Prepare preliminary planning of all internal and external utility services like water
supply, sewerage including determination of the capacity of the Sewage Treatment
Plant (STP), storm water drainage including scheme for recharge pits and/ or
collection and storage, Electrical System including both the high side and low side
Heating, Ventilation & Air Conditioning systems (HVAC), Acoustical requirements,
Internal Lighting, Mechanical Systems, Elevators /Ramps, External/ Façade/
Street/ Compound Lighting, Landscaping (soft and hard), Signage (External &
Internal), Interior Layouts including identification of user spaces, External
Development plans showing roads, paths, paved areas, drains, culverts,
entrances, exits and modifications to the compound walls, etc. The preliminary
planning will be consistent with the scope and provide the basic specifications and
costs separately for each of the sub-heads.

e. Obtain the approval of the University to (a) to (d) and to any subsequent changes
and deviations sought by the University, and to computations of all designs which
shall be in accordance with current BIS Codes of Practice or other relevant or
acceptable codes when BIS codes are not available and latest Building Bye-laws.
Such detailed computation of all designs shall be made available to the University
in duplicate, after getting the same proof check, for any scrutiny and approval of
the University . The Consultant may employ Sub-Consultants on the project
subject to conditions set forth in clause 1.9 above. The Consultant and his Sub-
Consultants shall certify in writing that the designs are in accordance with the up
to date and relevant BIS Codes of Practice. The overall responsibility for the sub-
consultant's work shall be that of the consultant appointed by EPC contractor.
Following the University's approval, all the buildings including all wired and piped
services and site development works will be demarcated on site. This demarcation
will help in better understanding of the location of the buildings on site, check on
any site constraint, if present, and in the understanding of the scale. The setout
drawings for the same will be provided by the Consultant and the cost of the survey
and setting out shall be borne by the EPC Contractor.

f. Prepare all the required drawings and reports for submission to the various
Municipal Authorities and Statutory Bodies (as may be required), obtain approvals
from all the Municipal Authorities/ Fire Department/ Electrical Department/ any
other Statutory Bodies in accordance with the Local Acts, Laws, Regulations, etc.
Any statutory fees, as per actual payable to the local authorities/statutory bodies
for obtaining such approvals shall be borne by the University. The Consultant will
make any change desired by such authorities and resubmit the drawings and/ or
reports as may be required at no extra cost.

g. Prepare layout plans for the landscape plans for soft and hard landscape integral
with the buildings.

h. Prepare and submit to the University a Detailed Project Report and Design Basis
Reports (DBR) of the Project in the form of a comprehensive report covering all
aspects of the project – including the design philosophy and the design
methodology, listing out relevant codes, related references, sound engineering
practices etc. for Architectural, Structural, Façade, All Wired & Piped services, all
E&M services, site development work , horticulture etc all complete. It will identify
all special requirements pertaining to construction, covering the sub-structure and
super-structure separately. Special equipment required, if any, either for the
execution or for the operation should be highlighted. Items of work/ components
requiring to be sourced from outside the country, if any, shall be separately

i. The consultant/contractor shall have to get the structural analysis/design and

design of E & M services and drawings/ any other design as required by university,
checked from the proof consultant from reputed institute as approved by
university.. The detailed design notes (DPR & DBR) shall be submitted along with
design philosophy and detailed design calculations/computations to the Engineer-
in-Charge in this regard.

j. After obtaining clearance from the proof checking agencies the consultant shall
prepare detailed architectural and structural working drawings or Good For
Construction (GFC) Drawings covering all levels, internal and external as covered
under 2.1 (b) & (c) above; detailed GFC drawings for all utilities and E & M
services, internal and external, as mentioned in clause 2.1 (d) above, including
incorporation of all revisions in the GFC drawings covered under 2.1 (e) & (f) and
including details of specifications of all items of work.

k. All submittals along with drawings under 2.1 (a) to (j) above shall be submitted to
the University in hard copies in 3-sets (drawings in A-0 or A-1 size or combination)
and will also be supplied in soft copy form on a DVD. The drawings shall be
prepared in AutoCAD latest version.

l. The consultant and his sub-consultant shall have constant and regular interaction
with the University’s in-house Engineering team for formulating the design
philosophy and parameters, preparation of cost estimate, designs/ drawings and

m. The consultant shall have to carry out detailed topographical and contour survey
and the radar survey of any U/G existing services obstructing and other constraints
existing in and around the site for proper design of all the services.

n. The Consultant shall have to perform in an efficient, orderly and professional

manner and shall deploy necessary qualified and skilled personnel according to
the requirement of the services. A list of minimum of personnel to be deployed for
the work is indicated in schedule A to F. The consultancy services shall be provided
through a Team Leader supported by experienced professionals. The Consultant
will deploy adequate number of professionals and other staff to deliver the
requisite services as per time schedule. The Consultant shall have to submit an
Organogram giving details of proposed team detailing the roles/work to be
performed by each personnel, their tentative duration, interrelationships of each
personnel etc..

o. The Consultant shall ensure that the nature, position, and appearance of all
controls of piped services and electrical installation satisfy user and aesthetic
requirements, and ensure that adequate coordination drawings are included. He
shall also ensure that the various building/engineering services are designed
without any discrepancies between the structure and finishes, and the
requirements of service installation.

p. The Consultant shall have to co-ordinate with the University and attend meetings
with the University as and when required including meeting with the contractors.

q. The consultant shall obtain pre and post construction fire clearance from CFO for
the construction work after incorporating the modifications in the drawing and
services as suggested by them.

r. The Consultant shall maintain constant, regular and proactive interaction with the
University, and civil/structural / E&M services proof checking consultants for
formulating the design philosophy and parameters, preparation of preliminary
designs/working drawings/ specifications etc.

s. During the construction stage the Consultant shall –

i. Supply to the contractors/ executing agencies such additional drawings,
specifications and details that may be required for proper execution of the
ii. Obtain the University’s approval for any material deviation in design or the
working drawings or costs or schedule and specifications from the approved
iii. The Consultant and the Sub-Consultants shall visit the works during execution
stage at least once in a month to ensure that the works are being executed
as per approved scheme and render appropriate advice and carry out all site
related modifications in the designs and drawings.
iv. The consultant shall have to assist the Engineer-in-charge in preparing
presentations and presentation materials during execution of work.
v. Shall prepare detailed Shop Drawings or scrutinize fabrication drawings
submitted by any agency or vendor and shall certify as fit for construction by
the Consultant after obtaining approval from the Engineer-In-Charge.
vi. Submit to the University a monthly review report on the project, the quality of
execution and its conformity with drawings, details and specification.
vii. Advice the University on changes required to be carried out, if necessitated
due to any technical reasons.

t. Post completion of works the Consultant shall –

i. Prepare a set of Completion Drawings and as-built drawings including
elevations and sections and structural details indicating details of building and
all services and supply 3 sets of the completion drawings to the University,
including one reproducible set using A-0 or A-1 size or combination. These
drawings will also be supplied in soft copy form on a DVD. The drawings shall
be prepared in AutoCAD. These are in addition to the drawings and details
mentioned in clause 2.1 (k) above. The Consultant shall certify all the as-built
drawings submitted by the contractors/ vendors including the compilation of
all user manuals and operation manuals.
ii. Obtain Completion Certificate and Occupancy Certificate and any other
statutory approval (if any and as required), including attending all meetings at
Municipal and Statutory Bodies to be held for the purpose.
3.1 The consultant, as appointed by EPC contractor, shall provide Comprehensive
Consultancy Services in the following areas. The consultant/agency shall appoint
specialized consultants for which in-house arrangement is not available:
3.1.1 All Architectural Services including building plans/ all hard and soft
Landscaping /Signage, AV equipment design.
3.1.2 All Quantity Surveying Services.
3.1.3 All Civil & Structural Engineering Services including getting all proof checking work
done from university approved institute.
3.1.4 All Electrical Engineering Services i/c getting all proof checking work done from
university approved institute.
3.1.5 All Mechanical Engineering Services i/c getting all proof checking work done from
university approved institute.
3.1.6 All Public Health Engineering Services i/c getting all proof checking works done from
approved institutes
3.1.7 All Waste Water treatment and Management System i/c getting all proof
checking works from university approved institute. It includes all hardware’s,
software’s and related systems. All movable system shall be QR based.
3.1.8 Green Building Concept (Norms to be followed as per 5 STAR TERI-GRIHA)
to be certified by Accredited bodies and then obtaining GRIHA 5 star rating
post construction including compilation of all required data.
3.1.9 The buildings should be designed for barrier free and accessibility as per hand
book on “Barrier free and Accessibility” available on CPWD website with
available latest guidelines and space standards for barrier free built
environment for disabled and elderly persons.
3.1.10 Building should be designed based on CPWD guidelines for sustainable
habitat available on CPWD website with available latest guidelines.
3.1.11 The landscape should be designed based on “a hand book of landscape – A
guide” available on CPWD website with available latest guidelines.
3.1.12 The rain water harvesting shall be designed based on “rain water harvesting
and conservation manual” available on CPWD website with available latest
3.1.13 All equipment/fixtures/fittings/furniture for all buildings including rooms, halls,
kitchens, lecture rooms, theatre type auditorium, etc.
3.1.14 All interiors and all acoustical treatments.
3.1.15 All art work and signage.
3.1.16 All water supply & drainage system.
3.1.17 All I.T. Service.
3.1.18 Any other services which are required but not specifically indicated.
3.1.19 The consultant shall provide comprehensive consultancy services broadly
described hereinafter. However, it should be clearly understood that the
description of services is only indicative and the Consultant shall be required to
perform any other services which may be required whether or not expressly
mentioned hereinafter in this contract document of this work up to the entire
project requirement and satisfaction of the University.
3.1.20 The Consultant(s) shall perform all the Architectural, Structural design work,
design of façade work, design of acoustic treatment to buildings, landscaping,
horticultural works and all E & M services by utilizing the effective and widely
accepted engineering concepts/practices and as per the directions of the
Engineer-In-Charge and shall at all times show a high degree of
professionalism in his work.
3.1.21 The Consultant will be fully responsible for the design of all the Civil, Elect. &
structural engineering works including landscaping and horticultural services.
The services to be provided by the Consultant shall include all building &
services for making the proposed buildings fully functional & occupation ready
and shall not be limited what shown in the scope of work.


3.2.1 Carry out topographical and contour survey and the survey of all existing
services if any and other constraints existing in and around the site.
3.2.2 Carry out soil investigation of the site to establish the soil characteristics and
other parameters required for the foundation design of multi-story buildings.
Types of investigation/test and their qualities shall be get approved from
Engineer-in-Charge. Soil investigation agency should be experienced in
carrying out the work of similar magnitude, specialized and should be got
approved from Engineer-in-charge & before appointing by the contractor.
3.2.3 The contractor /consultant shall also get ascertained the liquefaction potential
of soil to required depths using modern methodology e.g. Spectral Analysis
of Surface Waves (SASW) test or any other method and combination of tests
approved by Engineer-in-charge and suggest remedial measures and
account for same while suggesting the foundation system and suggesting
bearing capacity/load carrying capacity.
3.2.4 The soil report shall be got vetted/proof checked from the Institute of repute
as described in the contract document or as approved by Engineer-in-charge.


3.3.1 Submission of the revised Layout Plan to local bodies and incorporating
changes, if any, suggested by them and re-submitting the same.
3.3.2 Obtaining approval of the revised master Plan from local authorities for the
work under this project.


3.4.1 Interact with the University and finalize the functional plan.
3.4.2 Development of the concept design.
3.4.3 Submission of the draft concept design and make presentation of the scheme.
3.4.4 Modifications of the draft concept plans taking into account the comments,
suggestions etc. of the University.
3.4.5 Submission of the final concept design along with models, photographs, 3D-
walk through and as per the requirements & norms etc. The cost of such
models, walk through, photographs, etc. shall be borne by the consultant/EPC
3.4.6 Obtaining approval of the Concept design from the University.
3.5.1 Development of the Submission Plans.
3.5.2 Submission of the design, drawings and related documents to concerned
local authorities
3.5.3 Modifications of the design, drawings etc. taking into account the comments,
suggestions etc. of the local bodies.
3.5.4 Re-submission & obtaining approval of the design, drawings etc. from local
bodies, if required.
3.5.5 Obtaining necessary approval of the project from Local authority.


3.6.1 Architectural Services –
Prepare drawings, schedules and specification of materials and
workmanship, in sufficient detail. The drawings & documents shall include
detailed site plan, detailed drawings for each building including floor plans,
elevations, door & window schedules, finishing schedules, wall profiles,
staircases, ramp and lift details, details of important building parts / areas,
landscape & horticulture details etc. As far as possible standards of quality
performance requirement and descriptive names shall be used rather than
specific products or brand names.
Prepare and issue “Good for construction” drawings. Drawings shall be
adequately detailed and shall contain enough information to enable
construction, full measurement, pricing and production of bill for payment. The
working drawing shall include –
Layout Plan showing:
1) All proposed buildings, green area, location of tank, STP, Sump,
RWH, Elect. Sub-Station etc.
2) Blow up of road junction / parking area and other such area as
3) Coordinated External services

Detailed Drawings:
1) Floor plans, fully coordinated with all services/disciplines
2) Elevations
3) Sections
4) Wall profiles
5) Doors & Window details
6) Stairs/Ramps/Lifts details
7) Details of building parts, areas, critical special treatments.
8) Toilet details.
9) Flooring pattern and details
10) Dado details
11) Roof flow, drainage system including rain water harvesting system
underground tank and overhead water tank.
12) Detailed design and drawings of all types of furniture’s of Yoga &
Meditation Halls, conference rooms, Auditorium Hall, VIP Lounge,
Reception, and Restaurant, all kitchen, pantry, store, cupboard,
counter, shelves etc. as per functional requirement of the area &
the requirement of the University.
13) Detailed drawing of art/mural work.
14) Any other detailed requirement by the engineer in charge.

15) Interior design including design of furniture & furnishing etc. all
16) Landscape including soft & hardscape, waterbodies (if any) &
Horticulture works around the buildings.
17) Drawings of landscape including blow up of critical areas /
landscapes / plant-scapes in detailed coordination with all external
existing services
18) Horticulture details
19) Checking and certifying the Architectural drawings, technical
specifications, services and all other drawings to ensure their
20) Finalizing finishing schedule, elevation treatment, fixtures, colour
scheme of all buildings
21) Integration of design with the existing landscape including water
bodies and suggest modification if any.
22) Any other details required for completion of the buildings/services.
23) Inspect the works and attend meetings during execution to give
clarifications, if any, and to modify the drawings as per the
site/construction requirements.

3.6.2 Civil & Structural Engineering Services –

Design Basis
1) Conduct surveys, tests and other investigations as required to
determine the basis to accomplish safe designs as per latest
specifications & codes.
2) Planning for the structural arrangements with the architectural
3) The Building shall be analyzed as a ‘Space Frame’. The building
shall be modified using structural engineering software package
ETABS/ STRAP/ STAAD or any other standard proven software.
SI units should be followed for entire analysis and design. The
space frame should be analyzed for Dead Loads (DL), Live Loads
(LL), Wind Loads (WL), Earthquake Loads (EQ), and their
combinations as per IS 1893:2016 and other relevant latest IS
codes / NBC. The Building should also be checked for storey drift/
soft storey. All supports (foundations) of Building columns and
shear walls shall be considered as fixed joints for analysis.
Effective length of columns shall be considered as per the
standard codes of practice. This structure should be designed and
detailed as per Indian codes of practice. All disaster management
practices as brought out by National Disaster Management
Authorities and also as specified in NBC shall be followed.
4) As the structures are larger in size and with considerable height,
the lateral loads will be significant. Transfer of lateral loads is very
important & special care must be taken to transfer these loads in
super structure and foundation. Sufficient numbers of shear walls
should be provided for force transfer in lateral direction & to control
the deflection due to lateral loads.
5) As the vertical & lateral loads are quite high, reinforced concrete
Raft foundation/pile foundation/Isolated footing or any suitable
foundation system shall be proposed for the columns and shear
walls in multistoried buildings.
6) Co-ordination & finalization of structural arrangement –
a. Foundation system
b. Beam & Column location
c. Beam & Column size
d. Finalization Slab profiles
e. All other detailing required for the finalization of design
7) Finalization of design basis & structural systems –
a. Proof checking of structural design / drawings and issuing
the “Good for construction” drawings. The consultant shall
also submit the structural design / details (input / output) by
the structural consultant and the proof checking thereof
along with comments etc. of proof checking consultant.
Proof Checking will be got done by reputed
Institutes like IIT Patna/IIT Delhi/IIT Kharagpur/IIEST
Shibpur as decided by the University. The EPC bidder will
pay for such proof vetting charges.
8) Structural Design Development –
a. Design of all the structural and non-structural elements
9) Drawing Stage –
a. Foundation plans & details
b. Column, walls and beam layout plans
c. Floor framing plans, fully coordinated with all disciplines
d. Floor slab structural details
e. Column & beam structural details
f. Staircases, ramps, lifts shafts and machine room details, rain
water harvesting chamber.
g. Requirement of Green Building Concept
h. All other details and sketches required for proper execution
of the works.


3.7.1 General –
The services to be provided by the Consultant shall include (Schedule of
Quantities of various items involved in this work, Design, Drawings, Vetting and
shop drawings):
a) Design of electrical installations including all electrical fittings/fixtures,
water supply pumps, de-watering pumps etc., as necessary.
b) Design of Power Supply & Distribution system of HT and LT including
emergency and backup supply, sub-station, DG set with AMF panel, HT
Panel, LT panel, feeder pillars etc.
c) Building Management system.
d) Telephone system, intercom communications facilities, data
cable/networking system.
e) Lightning protection and Earthing system.
f) External Lighting
g) UPS back up wherever indicated
h) Lifts, Escalators.
i) Firefighting, fire detection and PA system design
j) Solar Hot Water System.
k) Air conditioning / HVAC system, Ventilation, Smoke evacuation system
l) Street light design with control panel
m) Planning of C.C.TV & equipment
n) Water supply submersible & booster pumps, dewatering pumps etc.
o) Proper coordination with civil engineering / mechanical engineering
features /services including office services.
p) Any other services required for the buildings but not specifically indicated.
q) Liaising of other statutory agencies for obtaining the preconstruction and
post construction clearances. The statutory payments to these agencies
however will be paid by the University.

3.7.2 Services – Carry out basic and detailed designs of comprehensive electrical power
distribution scheme, indoor and outdoor lighting, lightning protection and
earthing systems of all the buildings in accordance with the relevant Indian
regulations and Standards. The work shall include, but not limited to the
following services: Design and draw up preliminary schemes on the electrical requirements. Design the distribution systems and prepare single line diagrams with
details of accessories and equipment. Specify the details and capacities of HT panels, Transformers, LT panels,
standby diesel generators and fuel intake, and to specify the type of supply
arrangement for incoming power supply, interlocking arrangement between
HT panel, transformer, L T panel & DG sets. All Panels and feeders with
necessary SACDA/TCIP communicable meters for energy audit purpose. Design the Sub-station comprising of the HT panel room, transformer room,
L T panels room, generator room and to specify the necessary switchgear
and control 'Changeover panels, capacitor banks, bus duct, essential and
non-essential panels as necessary with the appropriate load shedding. Make detailed specifications of all electrical items, essential and non -
essential panels, power control centers, capacitor panels and the
corresponding bill of quantities for the various items. Design and prepare detailed layout drawings for the individual power. Indoor
and outdoor lighting, lighting protection and earthing system as required.

3.7.3 Brief Description of Planning activities for E&M Services:

The verification of design and drawing by an institute of repute as defined in
bidding document is also the scope of work. Electrical & Instrumentation (EI) Work:
a) Design and planning of buildings, services, fittings etc. with most energy
efficient to get 5 STAR GRIHA-LD rating of the installation.
b) Marking of various light, fan, plug points and other electrical EI services on
the architecture drawing, preparation of inventory, their circuits, sub-main,
DBs, SDBs, Panel etc.
c) Design and selection of EI fixtures to get the required illumination, air
changes in toilets, air flow for the specific requirement as per
CPWD/NBC/IS standards.
d) Designing of size and capacity of sub-mains, DBs, Panel, rising mains
according to the electrical load.
e) Marking of various telephone outlets, krones and conduit lay out up to
the EPBAX room.
f) Marking of various internet/LAN outlets, location of switches and
conduit lay out up to the server room.
g) Marking of various Central call bell system outlets, location of central
point and conduit lay out up to the nursing stations.
h) Electrical Sign boards and exit sign boards shall be provided for the
various services at required place.
i) Marking and development of system including various points of CCTV and
conduit lay out up to the Central control unit room.
j) Marking of various points of CCTV and conduit lay out up to the Central control
unit room.
k) During the approval of design and drawing the consultant will submit
the data sheet and catalogue of the various equipment in support of
their design.
l) Preparation of inventory, BOQ, technical specifications. Fire Fighting & Sprinkler System Work:

a) Marking of various firefighting accessories/equipment, i.e., location of
sprinklers, internal & external hydrants on the architecture drawing,
preparation of inventory as per latest CPWD specification/NBC
guidelines/IS codes.
b) Design of plumbing to get the required pressure at various levels, location
of various valves, drain pipes etc. as per specifications.
c) Designing of pump sets for firefighting & sprinkler system and their
jocky pumps and layout in the pump house.
d) Providing fire-fighting portable fire extinguishers as per CPWD/NBC/IS
codes specifications.
e) All the drinking water submersible, booster and dewatering pumps
should be designed.
f) During the approval of design and drawing the consultant will submit
the data sheet and catalogue of the various equipment in support of
their design.
g) Preparation of inventory, BOQ, technical specifications. Fire Alarm System Work:
a) Marking of various fire alarm accessories i.e., location of detectors,
MCP, fault isolator, hooters/speakers, main panel, repeater panel on
the architecture drawings, preparation of inventory as per CPWD
specification/NBC/IS codes.
b) Design of loop circuits and its route marking on the drawing.
c) During the approval of design and drawing the consultant will submit
the data sheet and catalogue of the various equipment in support of
their design.
d) Preparation of inventory, BOQ, technical specification. Sub-station Work:

a) Preparation of electrical load calculation after getting EI & equipment
loads of the building and electrical load of HVAC system, the total
working capacity of the transformers shall be taken considering
diversity factor of the system.
b) Planning & making SLD drawings for the distribution the sizes of cables
as per loads and other sub-station equipment shall be prepared with
c) 33/11 KV 3 phase supply shall be got available near the buildings
premises within the campus and accordingly to HT underground cable
as incomer shall be taken in the scope of work. The ring facilities shall
be developed to ensure feeding from multiple sides. The suitable trench
and route markers, stone size minimum 900 MM (3ft by 2ft) above
finishing surface level or as per the approval of the engineer in-charge.
d) HT Panel shall have minimum 1 incomer and 3 outgoings as per design.
The HT panel shall be extensible for future expansion.
e) The minimum capacity of the transformers shall be defined as per
scope of work.
f) LT Panels shall be designed for non-essential, essential and UPS
g) APFC Panel for each transformer shall be provided to improve power
factor to minimum 0.95 lag.
h) Suitable size of sandwich bus trunking between transformer/DG Sets to
different essential and non-essential panels.
i) Earthing for System and safety of equipment AS per latest CPWD
specifications/IE rules.
j) Providing Safety equipment.
k) Layout of various equipment of Sub-station to accommodate in the
service building.
l) The consultant will prepare the drawing of Distribution, SLD and layout
of the equipment.
m) During the approval of design and drawing the consultant will submit
the data sheet and catalogue of the various equipment in support of
their design.
n) Preparation of inventory, SLD, BOQ, technical specification.
o) Fully Automated and SACDA system (Latest & Advance, Minimum IEC
60850, IET based system) shall be provided by the contractor on open
p) Chemical earthings shall be preferred over pipe and plate earthing.
q) Separate earthing pits for neutral, body, DC system, AC system shall
be preferred.
r) Adequate size of the substation and building earthing’s shall be
provided. DG Set Work:

a) Planning & making SLD drawings for the distribution and load
calculation the size of cables/bus trunking.
b) The capacity of the DGs set shall be designed (both working) to feed
the entire load of the buildings.
c) Essential Panels shall be designed with AMF consisting with bypass
arrangement (in case of AMF failure).
d) Earthing for neutral and safety of equipment as per CPWD/EI rules.
e) The capacity of the inbuilt diesel tank shall be as per manufacturer
f) The exhaust piping of the DG Set shall be extended as per the CPWD
specification and suitable MS structure shall be provided to support the
exhaust pipe.
g) The consultant will prepare the drawing of Distribution, SLD and layout
of the equipment and sizes of the rooms as per site condition.
h) During the approval of design and drawing the consultant will submit
the data sheet and catalogue of the various equipment in support of
their design.
i) Preparation of SLD, BOQ, technical specification. HVAC System Work with IBMS:

a) Preparation of heat load calculation after consultation with the University
to get the equipment load, condition of various rooms and designing
according to the required air changed, temperature, RH etc. and capacity
of the chilling units however some guidelines are given in HVAC package.
b) Isolation of air-conditioned area according to the office requirement and
designing the size of AHU/FCU for the zone.
c) Planning and designing of LV side i.e., ducting, plumbing etc. as per the
structure and with co-ordination to other services.
d) Designing of hot water system during winter season/monsoon season
by providing heat pumps of required capacity.
e) Calculation of CFM and TR capacity of the AHU/FCUs.
f) Designing of chilled water (primary & secondary), condenser water, hot
water and drain system of the AC plant.
g) Designing of LT Panel and control panel and its cabling network
from AC plant to various equipment.
h) IBMS for complete AC plant (Low & High end) i/c control of the
system from AC plant.
i) Designing of mechanical ventilation fan of minimum air changes
as per NBC 2016 per hour in case of fire or during distress call.
However, for normal exhaust it should be as per NBC 2016.
j) Layout of various equipment of HVAC plant and accordingly
designing of plant room in the service building.
k) During the planning and designing of HVAC system, requirement
of the University shall be taken and accordingly the design will be
made and get approved from the University.
l) The consultant will prepare the drawing of plumbing, ducting with
design calculation and suitable sizes as per latest CPWD
specifications & site conditions.
m) During the approval of design and drawing the consultant will submit
the data sheet and catalogue of the various equipment in support of
their design.
n) Preparation of inventory, BOQ, technical specification.
o) Provision for winter cooling shall be provided wherever required when
main chilling unit of the plant will be closed during winter season. Lift Work:

a) 15 passenger lift (G+2) – 2 Nos. and 2 Ton Goods lift ( G+2) – 1
No. with minimum speed of 1.5 mtr./sec.
b) This is minimum requirement however as per the CPWD norms &
functional requirement the size and speed of the lifts shall be
designed & provided in the building as approved by E-in-C.
c) Necessary space shall be provided in the architecture drawing for
these lifts.
d) During the approval of design and drawing the consultant will
submit the data sheet and catalogue of the various equipment in
support of their design.
e) Preparation of BOQ, technical specification. Water Supply, Drainage & Sewage Pump:

a) Consultant has to design the requirement of water for the Institute
and other services and accordingly design the pumps to get the
raw water from ground and to supply to the various services.
b) Pump shall also be provided for the sewerage/dewatering at
basement or any other places like AC plant, pump house etc. The
purified water supply shall be considered for the HVAC system.
c) During the approval of design and drawing the consultant will
submit the data sheet and catalogue of the various equipment in
support of their design.
d) Preparation of BOQ, technical specification.
e) The STP shall be provided matching to the existing facility/system like
DEWAT in the campus.
f) It includes all high side and low side pipes and pumps including storage
system and connection from suitable /nearest Elevated Reservoir
System. Solar Water Heating and RO System:

a) Consultant will design the requirement of hot water and RO in the
buildings and accordingly the solar water heating system shall be
designed on the roof of the building with minimum 1000 LPD.
b) The solar water heating system shall have a backup electric source to
heat up the water in case of cloudy weather including Planning &
making SLD drawings for the distribution and load calculation the size
of cables/bus trunking.
c) The system shall have an insulated storage tank for hot water on the
top up the roof.
d) The consultant will prepare the drawing of water Distribution, and layout
of the equipment as per site condition.
e) During the approval of design and drawing the consultant will submit
the data sheet and catalogue of the various equipment in support of
their design.
f) Preparation of BOQ, technical specification. Signages:
a) Consultant has to design all signage for internal, external and road for
guide maps and information, location identification sign, entry/exit
signs, room nos., room/facility names, statutory signs,
warning/prohibitory sign, way finding signs, doctor directory sign,
evacuation plan, any other information required by the University. Inside
building, the digital signage shall be provided in addition of the signage
b) The firm will submit the 3 sets of documents of above planning and
designing to the University within the stipulated time given in the
agreement for the approval of Competent Authority. The Competent
Authority will examine the documents and if need any correction
/amendment shall be made by the firm again.
c) After the approval of design and drawing the work will be started
accordingly and if during the execution it is found necessary to amend any
parameter, the same shall be made by the firm.
d) The firm will prepare the co-ordination working drawing after getting all
inputs of various services so that the work of any service should not
hamper the progress of work. Before the start of work the firm will submit
the RCP drawings showing all the services and equipment to get a proper
aesthetic look of the buildings.
3.8.1 All the design and drawings should be well coordinated with Architecture,
structure and other services drawings.
3.8.2 All designs shall be as per the latest Indian Standards, Local bye-laws and
Statutory norms/regulation.
3.8.3 Design of Public Health & Engineering services taking into account various
topographical, meteorological, Hydrological etc. reports, identify the source and
quality of water, conduct survey of existing water supply system, Sewerage system,
Drainage system, Fire-fighting system, other site development works etc. for
planning of services. These existing systems are to be augmented if required as per
the design.
3.8.4 The services shall include following major components: Water Supply System including underground water tanks and pumps
& tube well for fulfilling the requirement of the Buildings. Sewerage System including sewerage treatment plant. Drainage System including water harvesting, absorption trenches etc. Fire Fighting & Fire Suppression System with peripheral grid around
each building connected with fire main grid. Dual plumbing system i/c untreated water supply system from STP for
horticultural operations. Soil waste management. Institute/Work Management.

3.9.1 Water Supply System – Calculation of water requirements for the buildings under the scope of
present bidding document. Design and prepare working drawings of internal and external dual
water supply system including Underground tank, Overhead tank,
Water treatment plant, pumping stations, tube well, rising mains,
distribution system and internal plumbing, recycling of treated waste
water etc. Untreated water supply system for horticultural works i/c design of
sprinkler and drip irrigation system. If necessary, the supply to be
augmented. Prepare specifications. Third party approval of detailed drawings and data sheets of suppliers/
manufacturers. Incorporation of suggestion /modification in the
drawings. Water flow SCADA communicable meter, Water SACDA for
centralized monitoring and control, automatic audit of the water and
motorized vales shall be considered & provided by the contractor.
3.9.2 Internal Sanitary Installations – Design and prepare working drawings of internal sanitary installations.
Identify, design and prepare working drawings of especially abled
friendly toilets and sanitary installations. Low flow applicable for
GRIHA rating fixtures shall be considered. Prepare specifications. Third party approval of detailed drawings and data sheets of supplies
/ manufacturers.
3.9.3 Sewerage System – Calculation for quantity of waste water generated from different
sources and design waste water treatment plant. Design and prepare the drawings for pretreatment of waste water from
kitchen and dining halls before connecting to sewage system i/c.
management of solid wastes, oil & grease etc. by suitable treatment
and disposal system. STP and ETPs is to be provided for office campus. ETP to be provided
wherever chemical effluent required to be treated. Most efficient STP
and ETP technology requiring minimum operation and maintenance
cost shall be designed. Obtain approval from statutory and local bodies for waste disposal. Prepare specifications. Check and approve detailed drawings and data sheets of suppliers/
manufacturers. Third party approval of detailed drawings and data sheets of suppliers/
manufacturers and incorporation of suggestion /modification in the
3.9.4 Drainage – Design and prepare working drawings for storm water drainage
including roof drainage, service area drainage and surface drainage. Design and prepare working drawings for rain water harvesting system
i/c. rain water harvesting pits, trenches and perforated absorption
drains. Obtain approval from statutory and local bodies for drainage
connections and rainwater harvesting scheme etc. Prepare specifications. Third party vetting of detailed drawings and data sheets of suppliers/
manufacturers and incorporation of observation in the detail working

3.9.5 Solid Waste Management – Survey, design and prepare the working drawings and system plan for
solid waste collection, treatment and disposal through appropriate
technology. Design and drawings for composting of organic waste for
production of manure/compost for utilization for horticultural use. Design and drawing for utilization for organic waste for other useful
products. Other ways for recycling and disposal of non-organic and organic

3.9.6 Site development Works – Design and prepare working drawings (longitudinal & cross section) for
roads/ footpaths/ parking areas etc. Design and propose working drawing for landscape & horticulture work
for the campus i/c garden light, façade lighting etc. The landscape
should be of both hard & soft type. Design and prepare working drawings of irrigation system for
horticulture including sprinkler and drip irrigation system.


3.10.1 Project Documentation –
a) Prepare and submit required number of copies of monthly progress
accomplishment reports of the project.
b) Ensure the preparation of AS-BUILT drawings and record all approved
deviations and changes in drawings.
3.10.2 Provide any other services not explicitly mentioned but reasonably required for
project development.
3.10.3 Design, calculations and drawings of all services shall be proof checked from IIT
Patna/IIT Delhi/IIT Kharagpur/IIEST Shibpur as decided by the University or as
approved by Engineer-in-charge.


3.11.1 The buildings are to be designed for 5 Star GRIHA-LD ratings.
3.11.2 The consultant has to develop a Green building Design as per 5 STAR GRIHA-LD
evaluation procedure in conjunction with ECBC norms and National Building Code.
All the fittings and fixtures (civil and electrical) to be used in the work shall be 5-Star
GRIHA rated. The Building is targeted for 5-Star from GRIHA secretariat under
‘GRIHA LD’. In order to secure these ratings, a high degree of responsibility and
cooperation is necessary from the contractors. All materials and systems used in the
project are intended to maximize energy efficiency for operation of Project
throughout service life (substantial completion to ultimate disposition – reuse,
recycling, or demolition) with an emphasis on top quality. Materials and systems are
to maximize environmentally-benign construction techniques, including construction
waste recycle, reusable delivery packaging, and reusability of selected materials. All
vendors / contractors must adhere to best practices related to Green Buildings.
3.11.3 Consultant has to obtain GRIHA-LD 5 star rating post construction for these


3.12.1 The building shall be designed for differently abled persons and shall be as per
the latest guidelines of Ministry of Social Welfare, Govt. of India. Necessary pre
&post audit of the building shall be got done by certified agencies.
4.1 All the documents/drawings, designs, reports and any other details envisaged
under this agreement shall be supplied in five copies. All drawings as required for
submission to all the local bodies and other authorities shall be submitted as per
the requirement of local body. All the drawings for the comments, discussion and
approval of employer shall be submitted in triplicate. Six copies of all the final
drawings shall be submitted to the Engineer-in-Charge along with one
reproducible in A-1 or large size along with a soft copy in DVD. If there is any
revision in any drawing/document for any reason, six copies of drawing/document
shall be re-issued along with soft copy in CD without any extra charges. All these
drawings will become the property of the Engineer-in-Charge. The Engineer-in-
Charge may use these drawings in part or full in any other work without any notice
to the consultant and without any financial claim of the consultant.
4.2 The drawings cannot be issued to any other person, firm or authority or used by
the Consultant for any other project. No copies of any drawings or documents
shall be issued to anyone except the Engineer-in-Charge and / or his authorized
4.3 Architectural Design should cover the following general requirements:
4.3.1 To cater for different functional requirements of user with creative indoor
spaces, surroundings, better circulation and flexibility in space planning.
4.3.2 Integrated designs of electrical, mechanical and other services with structural
system and construction methodology with low maintenance.
4.3.3 Climate responsive Architecture with integration of daylight and electric light,
thermal comfort, ventilation and highest performance standards for work
space efficiency.
4.3.4 Use of low embodied energy materials and local/reused materials and
consideration of green building principles.
4.3.5 Water and solid waste management with waste water recycling, water
conservation and rain water harvesting.
4.3.6 Development of surroundings with site terrain consideration, traffic circulation,
indigenous vegetation and plantation.
4.3.7 The building(s) proposed to be developed should be amenable to latest systems
of construction technologies for enabling repeatability and fast track and ease in
construction, keeping in mind a lower embodied energy of material and lower
energy consumption in the proposed complex.
4.3.8 All the spaces in the building provided shall be adequately ventilated for light
and air.
4.3.9 Suitable escapes for fire shall be planned as per the requirement specified in
NBC and other applicable standard codes of practice
4.3.10 The setbacks and height of the building shall conform to all regulatory
authority rules.
4.3.11 Premium quality materials shall be provided for walls, floors, windows, doors
etc. in tune with the industry standards of similar buildings.
4.3.12 Proper care shall be taken to plan movement logistics to avoid crisis – crossing
of traffic.
4.3.13 The façade of the buildings shall be appealing, by judicially mixing the use of
energy efficient glass, cladding materials, wall appropriate to the use of the
building. The ratio of glass to wall shall vary depending the direction and as
required for 5 STAR GRIHA-LD certification.
4.3.14 Space planning for required services shall be given importance.
4.3.15 Service routing and ducts shall be planned for easy access, maintenance and
4.3.16 Green building materials shall be used as far as possible for obtaining 5 STAR
GRIHA-LD rating by the accredited bodies.
4.3.17 Sufficient space for parking of vehicles as per the norms shall be provided.
4.3.18 Vertical circulation shall be well planned to provide quick access to upper
floors by suitable location of stairs and bank of elevators.


5.1 The structural design shall be carried out in terms of latest editions and up-to-date
correction/amendment/errata of BIS Codes (Bureau of Indian Standards), other
relevant seismic/other codes for making Building Earthquake Resistant, sound
engineering practices and as desired by the University. The Contractor will also
arrange proof checking of structural drawings by Reputed Engineering Institutes like
IIT Patna/IIT Delhi/IIT Kharagpur/IIEST Shibpur or as approved by the Engineer-
in-charge for proof checking of structural drawings/proposals prepared by the
structural Engineer. The fee for proof checking shall be borne by the EPC contractor.
The Contractor will liaison and co-ordinate with such Institute approved by Engineer-
in- Charge as and when required and as per the direction of Engineer –in-charge.
Any changes suggested at later stage in architectural/structural drawings shall be
incorporated in the design and required structural drawing shall be proof checked
without any extra cost.
5.2 Submission of all design calculations in hard and soft copies as per the direction
of Engineer –in-charge.
5.3 Any other designing and detailing required for comprehensive planning and
designing of the proposed buildings & campus.
5.4 The required buildings along with internal and external services have to be
planned to achieve minimum cost of operation, minimum maintenance cost and
lowest consumption of energy, water & electricity etc.
5.5 One combined integrated drawing of all services will be prepared. (For internal &
external services separately). For services being laid in false ceiling, an integrated
plan of all services will also be prepared to avoid interference from each other.


6.1 Preparation of Model(s) to scale 1:200 or any other suitable scale decided by
6.2 Preparation of 3D views and blow ups of typical and critical areas and walk
7.1 The agency shall take all necessary statutory approval from all local authorities
including Fire, City Planning, Electrical, Lift Inspector, Environment & Forest
clearances etc. Preparation of all submission drawings (any numbers) / materials
and models as per the required size/scale as required by local bodies.
7.2 The agency shall take all necessary statutory approval of ‘Completion Plan’ from all
local authorities including local municipal authorities, Environmental Clearances, Lift
inspection, NOC of Firefighting equipment etc. for occupation of the buildings after
completion of construction. Consultancy works and preparation of all submission
drawings (any numbers)/ materials and models for these approvals.
7.3 All statutory payments required for these approvals from local authorities shall be
made by the Engineer-in-charge. For saving of time if the payment is required to be
made urgently the contractor should make the payment and the amount will be
reimbursed by the University after production of voucher & receipts.


8.1 Preparation of Data sheet showing Room wise and Building wise finishing,
flooring and Door window, and other high-end Inventory schedule.
8.2 Preparation of Technical Specification for civil works, electrical works, services,
equipment, furniture, furnishing etc. for all items and submit the data sheet.

General and Additional

Conditions for Works
General specifications, for construction

1. Except for the items, for which particular specifications are given or where it is
specifically mentioned otherwise in the description of the items, the work shall generally
be carried out in accordance with the “CPWD Specifications 2019 Vol-I & II and with up
to date corrections slips for Civil work, CPWD specification 2013 Part-I(Internal) Part-II
1995 (External) for electrical works, CPWD General Specification for electrical work
Part-VI Fire Alarm System – 2018, specification for horticulture works with up to date
correction slips (hereinafter to be referred to as CPWD specifications). Wherever
CPWD Specifications are silent, the latest IS Codes/Specifications, National Building
Code 2016, Guidelines or AERB, MoRTH specification or any other specification shall
be followed.
2. The order of precedence in case of any confusion/dispute will be as follows:
(i) GFC drawings as approved by University.
(ii) Description of nomenclature of items in bidding documents
(iii) Description of user requirement and technical specifications.
(iv) Particular specifications and special conditions for civil, electrical and
horticulture works.
(v) CPWD Specifications with up-to-date correction slips for civil, electrical and
horticulture works as applicable.
(vi) Indian Standard Specifications of B.I.S.
(vii) National Building codes 2016
(viii) Manufacturers specifications
(ix) CPWD GCC 2020 for EPC project
(x) Sound engineering practices
3. A reference made to any Indian Standard Specifications in this NIT, shall imply to the
latest version of that standard, including such revisions / amendments as issued by the
Bureau of Indian Standards up to last date of receipt of tenders. The Contractor shall
keep at his own cost all such publications of relevant Indian Standard applicable to the
work at site.
4. The agency shall construct suitable site office, laboratory, mock up for finishing
approval & display room for samples to be used at work.
5. Agency shall make his own arrangement of water, electricity & generator to be used in
work. The University will not provide the above facility.
6. Samples including brand / quality of materials and fittings to be used in the work shall be
got approved from the University, well in advance of actual execution and shall be
preserved till the completion of the work.
7. The cost of work shall be inclusive of pumping out or bailing out water if required for
which no extra payment will be made. This will include water encountered from any
source, such as rains, floods, and sub-soil water table being high due to any other
cause whatsoever.
8. The work shall be executed and measured as per metric dimensions given in the
Schedule of quantities, drawings etc. (F.P.S. units wherever indicated are for guidance
9. The following modifications to the above specifications shall however apply:
(i) All stone aggregates shall be of hard stone variety to be obtained from approved
quarries at Nawada / Sheikhpura of Bihar.
(ii) Sand to be used for cement concrete work, mortar for masonry and plaster work
shall be of standard quality. Sand shall be obtained from approved quarry at
Nadriganj, Nawada District in Bihar and screened as required. The same shall
be clean and consist of hard material.
(iii) Burnt clay brick of size 230 x 110 x 70 mm and Class 100 shall be obtained from
the approved manufacturers in and around Rajgir, District – Nalanda, Bihar.
10. Unless otherwise specified in the schedule of quantities, the rates tendered by the
contractor shall be inclusive of all cost, taxes, Royalty payable, seigniorage charges on
Royalty and shall apply to all leads and lifts and nothing extra shall be payable on this
11. The rates for all items of work shall, unless clearly specified otherwise, include cost of
all labour, material, tools and plants and other inputs involved in the execution of the
item including the fee of consultancy etc.
12. The foundation trenches shall be kept free from water while works below ground level
are in progress.
13. No foreign exchange shall be made available by the University for importing (purchase)
of equipment, plants, machinery, materials of any kind or any other items required to
be carried out during execution of the work. No delay and no claim of any kind shall be
entertained from the Contractor, on account of variation in the foreign exchange rate.
14. All ancillary and incidental facilities required for execution of work like, stores, fabrication
yard, offices for Contractor & Consultants, watch and ward, temporary ramp required to be
made for working at the basement level (if required), temporary structure for plants and
machineries, temporary boundary wall or fencing around the working sites, water storage
tanks, installation and consumption charges of temporary electricity, telephone, water etc.
required for execution of the work, liaison and pursuing for obtaining various No Objection
Certificates, completion certificates from local bodies etc., protection works, testing facilities
/ laboratory at site of work, facilities for all field tests and for taking samples etc. during
execution or any other activity which is necessary (for execution of work and as directed by
Engineer-in-Charge), shall be deemed to be included in rates quoted by the EPC Contractor,
for various items in the schedule of quantities. Nothing extra shall be payable on these
accounts. Before start of the work, the Contractor shall submit to the Engineer-in-Charge,
a site / construction yard layout, specifying areas for construction, site office, positioning of
machinery, material yard, cement & other storage, fabrication yard, site laboratory, water
tank etc. Contractor shall not be permitted for construction of any type of temporary labour
hutment in the working site.
15. For completing the work in time, the Contractor might be required to work in two or more
shifts (including night shifts). No claim whatsoever shall be entertained on this account,
not with-standing the fact that the Contractor may have to pay extra amounts for any
reason, to the labourers and other staff engaged directly or indirectly on the work
according to the provisions of the labour and other statutory bodies regulations and the
agreement entered upon by the Contractor with them. The work in night shift and /or
any holiday shall be done only after due approval of E-in-C and in presence of EPC
contractor technical team.
16. All material shall only be brought at site as per program finalized with the Engineer-in-
Charge. Any pre-delivery of the material not required for immediate consumption shall
not be accepted and thus may not paid for.
17. The cost of flooring is inclusive of providing sunken flooring in bath-rooms, kitchen, etc.
if provided and nothing extra on this account shall be payable.
18. Any legal or financial implications resulting out of carriage of earth from outside or
disposal of earth shall be sole responsibility of the contractor. Nothing extra shall be
paid on this account.
19. The work should be planned in a systematic manner so that chase cuttings in the walls,
ceilings and floors are minimized. Wherever absolutely essential, the chase shall be cut
using chase cutting machines. Chases will not be allowed to be cut using hammer /
chisel. The electrical boxes should be fixed in walls simultaneously while raising the
brick work. The contractor shall ensure proper coordination of various disciplines viz.
sanitary & water supply, electrical, fire-fighting and any other services.
20. All the hidden items such as water supply lines, drainage pipes, conduits, sewers etc.
are to be properly tested as per the design conditions submitted before covering.
21. Quality Assurance:
21.1 The contractor shall ensure quality control measures on different aspects of
construction including materials, workmanship and correct construction
methodologies to be adopted.
21.2 The contractor shall get the source of various raw materials namely aggregate,
cement, sand, steel, water etc. to be used on the work, approved from the
Engineer-in-Charge and trial mixes for controlled concrete shall be done using
the approved materials. The contractor shall stick to the approved source
unless it is absolutely unavoidable. Any change shall be done with the prior
approval of the Engineer-in-Charge for which tests etc. shall be done by the
contractor at his own cost.
21.3 Similarly, the contractor shall submit brand/make of various materials to be used
for the approval of the Engineer-in-Charge along with samples and once approved,
he shall stick to it. Any change will have to be got approved from Engineer-in-
charge in advance.
21.4 The contractor shall submit shop drawings of staging and shuttering
arrangement, stone cladding and other works including mock work as desired
by Engineer-in-Charge for his approval before execution. The contractor shall
also submit bar bending schedule for approval of Engineer-in-Charge before
21.5 The contractor shall depute Quality Manager exclusively for enforcement of
quality control. Such Quality Manager should be a qualified engineer with
minimum Eight years of similar experience. For other staff to be deployed for
quality assurance, the contractor may refer to clause 36(i) under schedule “F”
21.6 THIRD PARTY QUALITY ASSURANCE: In order to achieve a high standard
of quality, it shall be required to go for Third Party Quality Assurance. For this
purpose, a separate agency shall be appointed by the University who will carry
out independent testing of materials and checking and ensuring overall quality
procedures. The contractor shall be required to fully cooperate with agency and
facilitate them in taking samples, transportation and examination of various
activities including documentation at no extra time and cost to the University.
In case of any adverse findings by the agency, the contractor shall do the
needful rectifications at no extra time and cost to the University. The Engineer-
in-charge shall be at liberty for getting quality assurance work done through
agencies like IIT, NIT, Govt. Engineering College or any other agency approved
by competent authority, the fee of third-party quality agency shall be borne by
the University. The successful tenderer shall include the provisions of Quality
Assurance while framing the proposed methodology for tests.
22. Safety Precautions – Contractor shall within two weeks of award of work, submit to the
Engineer-in-Charge for his approval, list of measures for maintaining safety of manpower
deployed for construction and avoidance of accidents. Contractor will be fully responsible
to ensure safety of workers deployed at site.
23. Scaffolding – For facia work, outer finishing and other RCC works etc. double steel
scaffolding having two sets of vertical supports with steel staircase for inspection of
works by Engineer-in-charge or his/her representatives shall be used. The supports
shall be sound and strong, tied together with horizontal piece and also secured
horizontally with the building as per EHS norms, over which scaffolding planks shall
be fixed.
24.1 Samples of all materials required for testing is included in the cost of work.
Similarly, all testing charges in house or through external lab shall be borne by
the EPC contractor.
24.2 If any load testing or special testing is to be done for any sample whose
strength is doubtful, the cost of the same shall also be borne by the contractor.
24.3 In case there is any discrepancy in frequency of testing as given in list of
mandatory tests and that in individual sub-heads of work as per CPWD
Specifications, higher of the two frequencies of testing shall be followed.
24.4 The contractor has to establish field laboratory at site as specified in CPWD
Specifications and as per list under Appendix-III including all necessary
equipment for field tests at his own cost within one month from the award of
25. The contractor should submit for approval of Engineer-in-Charge workshop drawings,
technical submittals and samples of the work to be performed under the specified items
of work before actually commencing the mass execution of the work under the item.
For this they will prepare a sample room / quarters and toilet blocks for each type of
building for approval of Engineer-in-charge of work. Nothing extra shall be payable on
this account.
26. Maintenance of Register of Tests –
26.1 All the registers of tests carried out at construction site or in outside laboratories
shall be maintained by the contractor which shall be issued to the contractor
by Engineer-in-Charge.
26.2 All samples of materials including cement concrete cubes shall be taken jointly
with contractor by the representatives of NU Engineering Section and
Engineers of PMC (MECON Ltd). All the necessary assistance shall be
provided by the contractor. Cost of sampling & testing are to be borne by the
contractor and he shall be responsible for safe custody of samples to be tested
at site/ outside laboratory.
26.3 All the tests in field lab at construction site shall be carried out by the
Engineering staff deployed by the contractor and shall be 100% witnessed by
JE and 50% of tests shall be witnessed by AE –in-Charge.
26.4 At least 10% of the tests are to be witnessed by the E-in- C. Minimum 25% of
all samples should be tested in outside approved laboratory/ Govt. Engineering
26.5 All the entries in the registers will be made by the designated Engineering Staff
of the contractor and same should be regularly reviewed by NU Engineering
Section and Engineers of PMC.
26.6 Contractor shall be responsible for safe custody of all the test registers.
26.7 Submission of copy of all test registers, Material at site register and hindrance
register along with each alternate Running Account Bill and Final Bill shall be
mandatory. These registers should be duly checked by NU Engineering
Section and Engineers of PMC and receipts of registers should also be
acknowledged by the PMC.
26.8 If all the test registers and reports are not submitted along with alternate R/A
Bill & Final Bill, no payment will be released to the contractor.
27. Maintenance of Material at Site (MAS) Register – All the MAS Registers including
cement and Steel Registers which shall be issued to the contractor by Engineer-in-
Charge shall be maintained by Contractor at site and shall be open for inspection by
the University.
28. The contractor shall submit to the Engineer-in-charge on the 7th day of each month, 2
hard copies and one on soft copy (CD) of monthly progress report of work. Such
progress report will include the project progress, summary, work progress (planned vs
actual), CPM chart, status of financial progress and achievement of milestone,
manpower deployment status, inventory of materials and photographs of important
activities. For delay in submission of the report, compensation @ Rs. 2,000/- (Rupees
Two Thousand only) per day of delay subject to maximum of Rs. 20, 000/- for each
report will be recovered from the amount payable to the contractor.
29. Contractor(s) shall pay all fees, taxes and charges which may be levied on account of any
construction activity including transportation of material in executing the contract.
30. The Contractor(s) shall take all precautions to avoid accidents by exhibiting necessary
caution boards day and night, speed limit board, red flags, red lights and providing
barriers and use of PPE gadgets as per EHS plan approved by E-in-C. He shall be
responsible for all damages and accidents caused to existing/new work due to
negligence on his part. No hindrances shall be caused to traffic during the execution of
the work. In case of any accident of labours / contractual staff’s the entire responsibility
will rest on the part of the contractor and any compensation under such circumstances
if becomes payable the same shall be entirely borne by the contractor and department
shall have no role on this account.
31. The contractor(s) shall take instructions from the Engineer-in-Charge regarding
collection and stacking of materials at any place. No excavated earth or building rubbish
shall be stacked on areas where other buildings, roads, services and compound walls
are to be constructed. The stacking shall take place as per stacking plan however, if
any change is required, the same shall be done with the approval of Engineer-in-
32. Contractor(s) shall provide permanent bench marks, flag tops and other reference points
for the proper execution of work and these shall be preserved till the end of the work. All
such reference points shall be in relation to the levels and locations, given in the
Architectural and plumbing drawings.
33. Contractor shall put up the barricading, at his cost, all around the buildings sites through
suitable method for segregating the construction site and also to control the dust pollution
in the campus. Entry to all the construction sites shall be controlled for proper security of
man and materials and to avoid accidents.
34. On completion of work, the Contractor(s) shall submit at his own cost four prints of “AS
BUILT” drawings to the Engineer-in-Charge. These drawings shall have the following
34.1 Run off all piping and their diameters including soil waste pipes and vertical
34.2 Ground and invert levels of all drainage pipes together with locations of all
manholes and connections, up to outfall.
34.3 Run off all water supply line with diameters, locations of control valves,
access panels etc.
35. Water tanks, taps, sanitary, water supply and drainages pipes, fittings and accessories
should conform to the specifications provided in bidding documents, if CPWD
Specifications are not available, NBC – 2016, IS codes shall be followed. The
contractor(s) should engage approved, licensed plumbers for the work and get the
materials (fixtures/fittings) tested, by the municipal Body/Corporation authorities
wherever required at his own cost. The Contractor shall submit for the approval of the
Engineer-in-Charge the name of the plumbing Agency proposed to be engaged by him.
36. The contractor shall give performance test of the entire installation(s) as per the
specifications & codes in the presence of the Engineer-in-charge or his authorized
representative before the work is finally accepted and nothing extra what-so-ever shall
be payable to the contractor for the test.
37. Any cement slurry added over base surface for continuation of concerting for better bond
is deemed to have been built in the items and nothing extra shall be payable and no extra
cement considered in consumption on this account.
38. The Contractor shall bear all incidental charges for cartage, storage and safe custody
of materials issued by department/arranged by the contractor.
The water proofing work shall be carried out by specialized water proofing agencies.
The Contractor shall submit for the approval of the Engineer-in-Charge, the names of
specialized agencies, of repute along with their technical capability proposed to be
engaged by him, who have executed satisfactorily a minimum of three works of value
not less than 40% of corresponding value each or two works of value not less than 60%
each or one work of value not less than 80% of corresponding amount in the last five
years. For calculation purpose only, cost of waterproofing works will be taken as Rs.
1.00 Cr. The water proofing should be full proof & use of crystalline material may also
be done in combination of other water proofing (modern and sound) method to be
doubly sure.
The pile work if provided in the drawings shall be carried out by specialized agency
having experience in pile works. The Contractor shall submit for the approval of the
Engineer-in-Charge, the names of specialized agencies, of repute along with their
technical capability proposed to be engaged by him, who have executed satisfactorily
a minimum of three works of value not less than 40% of corresponding value each or
two works of value not less than 60% each or one work of value not less than 80% of
corresponding amount in the last five years. For calculation purpose only, cost of pile
works will be taken as Rs. 10.00 Cr.
The aluminium/glass work shall be carried out by specialized agency having adequate
workshop with necessary equipment and having the experience in aluminium/glass works.
The Contractor(s) shall submit for the approval of the Engineer-in-Charge, the names of
specialized agencies, of repute along with their technical capability proposed to be engaged
by him, who have executed satisfactorily a minimum of three works of value not less than
40% of corresponding value each or two works of value not less than 60 % each or one
work of value not less than 80% of corresponding amount in the last five years. For
calculation purpose only, cost of aluminium/glass works will be taken as Rs. 3.00 Cr.
The structural glazing work shall be carried out by specialized agency having adequate
workshop with necessary equipment and having the experience in structural glazing
works. The Contractor(s) shall submit for the approval of the Engineer-in-Charge, the
names of specialized agencies, of repute along with their technical capability proposed
to be engaged by him, who have executed satisfactorily a minimum of three works of
value not less than 40% of corresponding value each or two works of value not less
than 60 % each or one work of value not less than 80% of corresponding amount in the
last five years. For calculation purpose only, cost of structural glazing works will be
taken as Rs. 1.25 Cr.
43. The work shall be carried out in accordance with the approved Architectural drawings and
structural drawings, to be prepared and submitted by architectural/structural consultants
engaged by the EPC contractor, duly vetted by the proof checking reputed institute and
approved by the Engineer-in-Charge. Before commencement of any item of work the
contractor shall correlate all the relevant architectural and structural drawings,
nomenclature of items and specifications etc. issued for the work and satisfy himself that the
information available there from is complete and unambiguous. The figure and written
dimension of the drawings shall be superseding the measurement by scale. The
discrepancy, if any, shall be brought to the notice of the Engineer-in-charge before
execution of the work. The contractor alone shall be responsible for any loss or damage
occurring by the commencement of work on the basis of any erroneous and or incomplete
information and no claim whatsoever shall be entertained on this account.
44. Other agencies/sub-contractor will also simultaneously execute and install the works of
& other specialized equipment as indicated in bid document, lifts, fire-fighting etc. of this
work and the contractor shall extend necessary facilities for the same. The contractor
shall leave such recesses, holes, opening etc. as may be required for the electric/ gas
pipe lines and other related works and nothing extra shall be payable on this account.
45. The contractor shall conduct his work, so as not to interfere with or hinder the progress
or completion of the work being performed by other contractor(s) or by the Engineer-in-
Charge and shall as far as possible arrange his work and shall place and dispose of the
materials being used or removed, so as not to interfere with the operations of other
contractor simultaneously working or he shall arrange his work with that of the others
in an acceptable and coordinated manner and shall perform it in proper sequence to
the complete satisfaction of others.
46. PROGRAMME CHART - The contractor shall submit a Time and Progress Chart for each
mile stone. The Engineer-in-Charge may within 15 days thereafter, if required modify, and
communicate the programme approved to the contractor failing which the programme
submitted by the contractor shall be deemed to be approved by the Engineer-in-Charge.
The work programme shall include all details of balance drawings and decisions required
to complete the contract along with material/equipment ordering & delivery plan with
specific dates by which these details are planned by contractor without causing any delay
in execution of the work. The chart shall be prepared in direct relation to the time stated in
the contract documents for completion of items of the works. It shall indicate the forecast of
the dates of commencement and completion of various trades of sections of the work and
may be amended as necessary by agreement between the Engineer-in-Charge and the
Contractor within the limitations of time imposed
in the Contract documents, and further to ensure good progress during the execution of the
work, the contractor shall in all cases in which the time allowed for any work, exceeds one
month (save the special jobs for which a separate programme has been agreed upon)
complete the work as per mile stones given in Schedule ‘F’.
47. In case of non-submission of construction programme by the contractor the program
approved by the Engineer-in-Charge shall be deemed to be final.
48. The approval by the Engineer-in-Charge of such programme shall not relieve the contractor
of any of the obligations under the contract.
49. The contractor shall submit the Time and Progress Chart and progress report using the
mutually agreed software and format as decided by Engineer-in-charge for the work done
during previous month to the Engineer-in-Charge on or before 5th day of each month failing
which a recovery Rs. 5,000/- shall be made on per week or part basis in case of delay in
submission of the monthly progress report.
50. If the work is carried out in more than one shift or during night, no claim on this account
shall be entertained.
51. Existing drains, pipes, cables, over-head wires, sewer lines, water lines and similar
service encountered in the course of the execution of work shall be protected against
the damage by the contractor at his own expense. In case the same are to be removed
and diverted. The same shall be payable to the contractor. The contractor shall work
out the cost and the same shall be approved by Engineer-in-Charge. The contractor
shall not store materials or otherwise occupy any part of the site in a manner likely to
hinder the operation of such services.
52. The contractor shall be responsible for the watch and ward / guard of the buildings’
safety, fittings and fixtures provided by him against pilferage and breakage during the
period of installations and thereafter till the building is physically handed over to the
University. No extra payment shall be made on this account.
53. SAMPLE OF MATERIALS - BIS marked materials except otherwise specified shall be
subjected to quality test at the discretion of the Engineer-in-Charge besides testing of
other materials as per the specifications described for the item/material. Wherever BIS
marked materials are brought to the site of work, the contractor shall, if required, by the
Engineer-in-Charge furnish manufacturer’s test certificate or test certificate from
approved testing laboratory to establish that the material/ procured by the contractor for
incorporation in the work satisfies the provisions of specifications/BIS codes relevant to
the material and / or the work done.

For certain items, if frequency of tests not mentioned in the CPWD Specifications and
then relevant IS code shall be followed and tests shall be carried out as per the
frequency specified therein.
54. The contractor shall render all help and assistance in documenting the total sequence
of this project by way of photography, slides, audio-video recording etc. nothing extra
shall by payable to the contractor on this account. However, cost of photographs, slides,
audio-videography etc. shall be borne by the University.
55. The contractor shall be fully responsible for the safe custody of materials brought by
him/issued to him even though the materials may be under double lock and key system.
56. The contractor shall procure the required materials in advance so that there is sufficient
time for testing of the materials and approval of the same before use in the work. The
contractor shall provide at his own cost suitable weighing and measuring arrangements
at site for checking the weight / dimensions as may be necessary for execution of work.
The sealed samples are to be handed over to the testing lab by contractor in the
presence of PMC representatives.

1. The tenderer shall acquaint himself with the proposed site of work, its approach roads,
working space available etc. before quoting his rates and no claim on this account shall
be entertained by the University.
2. Clear site is available and no demolition of any existing structure is involved. However,
removal of trees/plants and shifting them to a designated placed as per direction of the
Engineer-In-Charge shall be the responsibility of contractor if coming in layout of roads
and buildings.
3. The University does not bind himself to accept the lowest bid as the selection process
is on QCBS mode, and reserves the right to reject any or all of the bids received, without
assigning any reasons and there shall be no claims on this account.
4. The contractor(s) shall get himself acquainted with nature and extent of the work and
satisfy himself about the availability of materials from kiln or approved quarries for
collection and conveyance of materials required for construction.
5. The bidders shall study the Indicative Architectural drawings and soil investigation report
for the site, enclosed along with this tender document and satisfy himself about complete
characteristics of soil and other parameters at site. However, no claim on the alleged
inadequacy or incorrectness of the soil data supplied by the university shall be entertained.
6. The tenderer shall see the approaches to the site. In case any approach from main road
is required at site or existing approach is to be improved and maintained for cartage of
materials by the contractor, the same shall be provided, improved and maintained by
the contractor at his own cost. No payment shall be made on this account.
7. Contractor shall take all precautionary measures to avoid any damage to adjoining property.
All necessary arrangement shall be made at his own cost.
8. The contractor shall take all necessary precautions to prevent any nuisance or
inconvenience to the University or its occupiers of adjacent properties and to prevent
any damage to such properties and any pollution of smoke, streams and water-ways.
The Contractor shall make good at his cost and to the satisfaction of the Engineer-in-
Charge, any damage to roads, paths, cross drainage works or any other University
property whatsoever caused thereon by the contractor. All waste or superfluous
materials shall be carried away by the contractor without any reservation entirely to the
satisfaction of the Engineer-in-Charge.
9. Utmost care shall be taken to keep the noise level to the barest minimum so that no
disturbance as far as possible is caused to the University occupants / users of the
adjacent buildings/properties.
10.1 The contractor shall establish, maintain and assume responsibility for grids,
lines, levels and bench marks. He shall report any errors or inconsistencies
regarding grids, lines, levels, dimensions to the Engineer-in-Charge before
commencing work. Commencement of work shall be regarded as the
contractor’s acceptance of such grids, lines, levels and dimensions and no
claim shall be entertained at a later date for any errors found.
10.2 If at any time, any error in this respect appears during the progress of the work,
the contractor shall, at his own expense rectify such error if so required to the
satisfaction of the Engineer-in-Charge.
10.3 Though the site levels may be indicated in the drawings the contractor shall
ascertain himself and confirm the site levels with respect to GTS bench mark
from the concerned authorities.
10.4 The approval by the Engineer-in-Charge of the setting out by the contractor
shall not relieve the contractor of any of his responsibilities.
10.5 The contractor shall be entirely and exclusively responsible for the horizontal,
vertical and other alignment, the level and correctness of every part of the
work and shall rectify effectively any errors or imperfections therein. Such
rectifications shall be carried out by the contractor at his own cost to the
instructions and satisfaction of the Engineer-in-Charge.
11. The rates quoted by the contractor are deemed to be inclusive of site clearance, setting
out work, profile, establishment of reference bench mark, spot levels, construction of all
safety and protection devices, barriers, earth embankments, preparatory works, all
testing of materials working during monsoon, working at all depths, height and locations
etc. unless specified in the schedule of quantities.
12. Royalty including the seigniorage charges at the prevailing rates wherever payable shall
have to be paid by the contractor on the boulders, metal, shingle, sand and bajri etc. or
any other material collected by him for the work direct to revenue authorities and nothing
extra shall be paid by the University for the same.
13. The contractor shall provide at his own cost suitable weighing, surveying and leveling
and measuring arrangements as may be necessary at site for checking. All such
equipment shall be got calibrated in advance from laboratory, approved by the
Engineer-in-Charge. Nothing extra shall be payable on this account.
14. The contractor shall get the water tested with regard to its suitability and conforming to
the relevant IS Code. The contractor shall obtain written approval from the Engineer-in-
Charge before he proceeds by using the same for execution of work. The water testing
charges shall be borne by the contractor.
15. Other agencies/sub-contractor under the EPC Contractor will also simultaneously
execute and install the works of sub-station / generating sets, air-conditioning, lifts, etc.
for the work and the contractor shall afford necessary facilities for the same. The
contractor shall leave such recesses, holes, openings, trenches etc. as may be required
for such related works for which inserts, sleeves, brackets, conduits, base plates,
clamps etc. shall be supplied free of cost by the Contractor unless otherwise specifically
mentioned and the contractor shall fix the same at time of casting of concrete, stone
work and brick work, if required, and nothing extra shall be payable on this account.
16. All materials obtained from Govt. Stores or otherwise shall be got checked by the
Engineer-in-Charge or his any authorized supervisory staff on receipt of the same at
site before use.
17. All material shall only be brought at site as per programme finalized with the Engineer-
in-Charge. Any delivery of the material not required for immediate consumption shall
may not be accepted.
18. The Architectural drawings given in the tender other than those indicated in
nomenclature of items are only indicative of the nature of the work and materials/fixings
involved unless and otherwise specifically mentioned. However, the work shall be
executed in accordance with the drawings prepared by the consultant and duly
approved by the Engineer-in-Charge.
19. All materials and fittings brought by the contractor to the site for use shall conform to the
samples approved by the Engineer-in-Charge which shall be preserved till the completion
of the work. If a particular brand of material is specified in the item of work in Schedule of
Quantity, the same shall be used after getting the same approved from Engineer-in-Charge.
Wherever brand / quality of material is not specified in the item of work, the contractor shall
submit the samples as per approved list of brand names given in the tender document /
particular specifications for approval of technical sanctioning authority. For all other items,
materials and fittings of ISI Marked shall be used with the approval of Engineer-in-Charge.
Wherever ISI Marked material / fittings are not available, the contractor shall submit
samples of materials / fittings manufactured by firms of repute conforming to relevant
specifications or IS codes and use the same only after getting the approval. To avoid delay,
contractor should submit samples as stated above well in advance so as to give timely
orders for procurement. If any material, even though approved by Engineer-in-Charge is
found defective or not conforming to specifications shall be replaced / removed by the
contractor at his own risk & cost.
20. The contractor shall ensure quality construction in a planned and time bound manner. Any
sub-standard material / work beyond set-out tolerance limit shall be summarily rejected by
the Engineer-in-Charge & contractor shall be bound to replace / remove such sub-standard
/ defective work immediately.
21. The day-to-day receipt and issue accounts of different grade/brand of cement shall be
maintained separately in the standard Performa by the PMC and which shall be duly
signed by the contractor or his authorized representative & the PMC representative.
22. Cement bags shall be stored in two separate godowns, one for tested cement and the
other for fresh cement (under testing) to be constructed by the contractor at his own
cost as per sketches given in C.P.W.D Specifications – 2009 Vol. I to II with up-to-date
correction slips having weatherproof roofs and walls. The size of the cement go down
is indicated in the sketch for guidance. The actual size of godown shall be as per site
requirements and nothing extra shall be paid for the same. The decisions of the
Engineer-in-Charge regarding the capacity needed will be final. The account of daily
receipt and issue of cement shall be maintained in a register in the prescribed proforma
and signed daily by the contractor or his authorized agent and the PMC representative
in token its correctness.
23. For construction works which are likely to generate malba / rubbish the contractor shall
dispose malba, rubbish & other unserviceable materials and wastes at his own cost to
the notified / specified Municipal dumping ground only and under no circumstances
these shall be stacked / dumped even temporarily, outside the construction premises.
24. In the event of any restrictions being imposed by the Security agency, the University,
Traffic or any other authority having jurisdiction in the area on the working or movement
of labour /material, the contractor shall strictly follow such restrictions and nothing extra
shall be payable to the contractor on this account. The loss of time on this account, if
any, shall have to be make up by generating additional resources etc.
25. The proposed building work is a prestigious project and quality of work is of paramount
importance. Contractor shall have to engage well experienced skilled labour and deploy
modern T&P and other equipment to execute the work. Many items like stone masonry
& stone cladding work, stone flooring & other specialized flooring work, wood work,
precast RCC coffers, polysulphide / silicon sealant, etc. will specifically require
engagement of skilled workers having experience particularly in execution of such
26. No payment shall be made for any damage caused by rain, flood or any other natural
calamity, whatsoever during the execution of the work. The contractor shall be fully
responsible for any damage to the University property and work for which the payment
has been advanced to him under the contract and he shall make good the same at his
own risk and cost. The contractor shall be fully responsible for safety and security of his
material, T&P, Machinery brought to the site by him.


The contractor shall strictly adhere to the following conditions as part of his contractual
obligations –
(i) The contractor shall ensure that adequate measures are taken for the
prevention of erosion of the top soil during the construction phase. The
contractor shall implement the Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plan
(ESCP) provided to him by the Engineer in Charge as part of the larger
Construction Management Plan (CMP). The contractor shall obtain the
Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plan (ESCP) Guidelines from the
Engineer in Charge and then prepare working plan for the following month
activities as a CAD drawing showing the construction management, staging
& ESCP. At no time soil should be allowed to erode away from the site and
sediments should be trapped where necessary.
(ii) The contractor shall ensure that all the top soil excavated during construction
works is neatly stacked and is not mixed with other excavated earth. The
contractors shall take the clearance of the Engineer in Charge before any
excavation. Top soil should be stripped to a depth of 20 cm (centimeters) from
the areas to be disturbed, for example proposed area for buildings, roads,
paved areas, external services and area required for construction activities
etc. It shall be stockpiled to a maximum height of 40 cm in designated areas,
covered or stabilized with temporary seeding for erosion prevention and shall
be reapplied to site during plantation, landscaping etc. of the proposed
vegetation. Top soil shall be separated from subsoil, debris and stones larger
than 50 mm (millimeter) diameter. The stored top soil may be used as finished
grade for planting areas.
(iii) The Contractor should follow the construction plan as proposed by the
Architect / Engineer in Charge to minimize the site disturbance such as soil
pollution due to spilling. Use staging and spill prevention and control plan to
restrict the spilling of the contaminating material on site. Protect top soil from
erosion by collection storage and reapplication of top soil, constructing
sediment basin, contour trenching, mulching etc.
(iv) No excavated earth shall be removed from the campus unless suggested
otherwise by Engineer in Charge. All subsoil shall be reused in
backfilling/landscape, etc. as per the instructions of the Engineer in Charge.
The surplus excavated earth shall be disposed of by the contractor at his own
cost from the campus after approval from E-in-
(v) The cost of disposal of surplus earth is inclusive in the cost of item no.2 of
schedule of quantities.
(vi) The contractor shall not change the natural gradient of the ground unless
specifically instructed by the Engineer in Charge. This shall cover all-natural
features like water bodies, drainage gullies, slopes, mounds, depressions,
etc. Existing drainage patterns through or into any preservation area shall not
be modified unless specifically directed by the Engineer-in-charge.
(vii) The contractor shall not carry out any work which results in the blockage of
natural drainage.
(viii) The contractor shall ensure that existing grades of soil shall be maintained
around existing vegetation and lowering or raising the levels around the
vegetation is not allowed unless specifically directed by the Engineer-in-
(ix) Contractor shall reduce pollution and land development impacts from
automobiles use during construction.
(x) Overloading of trucks is unlawful and creates the erosion and sedimentation
problems, especially when loose materials like stone dust, excavated earth,
sand etc. are moved. Proper covering must take place. No overloading shall
be permitted.
(xi) The dismantle material/building rubbish received from
dismantling/demolishing shall be dumped to the dumping ground in properly
covered truck with precaution. Agency shall submit the hard copy of
photograph showing the properly covered truck disposing the dismantles
material/building rubbish. Failure of which shall be sternly dealt and a penalty
@ Rs.500/- per trip of truck shall be levied and the decision of Engineer-in-
Charge shall be final & binding.
(xii) Agency/contractor shall not dump the construction material on the road and
shall keep the construction material on the physically demarcated space by
the Engineer-in-Charge.
(xiii) All the building material responsible for pollution shall be brought at site from
sources covered by tarpaulin and shall take all precautionary measure to
ensure that no dust particles are permitted to pollute the air quality, failure of
which Agency shall be liable to pay damages as decided by Engineer-in-
Charge. The decision of Engineer-in-Charge shall be final & binding.
(xiv) There shall be no burning of leaves, plastic etc. at construction site.


specify and limit construction activity in preplanned/ designated areas and shall
start construction work after securing the approval for the same from the
Engineer in Charge. This shall include areas of construction, storage of
materials, and material and personnel movement.


(i) The contractor shall ensure that no trees, existing or otherwise, shall be harmed
and damage to roots should be prevented during trenching, placing backfill,
driving or parking heavy equipment, dumping of trash, oil, paint, and other
materials detrimental to plant health. These activities should be restricted to the
areas outside of the canopy of the tree, or, from a safe distance from the
tree/plant by means of barricading. Trees will not be used for support; their
trunks shall not be damaged by cutting and carving or by nailing posters,
advertisements or other material. Lighting of fires or carrying out heat or gas
emitting construction activity within the ground, covered by canopy of the tree
is not to be permitted.
(ii) The contractor shall take steps to protect trees or saplings identified for
preservation within the construction site using tree guards of approved
(iii) Contractor should limit all construction activity within the specified area as
per the Construction Management Plan (CMP) approved by Engineer in
(iv) The contractor shall avoid cut and fill in the root zones, through delineating
and fencing the drip line (the spread limit of a canopy projected on the
ground) of all the trees or group of trees. Separate the zones of movement
of heavy equipment, parking, or excessive foot traffic from the fenced plant
protection zones.
(v) The contractor shall ensure that maintenance activities during construction
period shall be performed as needed to ensure that the vegetation remains
D. Contractor shall be required to develop and implement a waste management plan,
quantifying material diversion goals. He shall establish goals for diversion from
disposal in landfills and incinerators and adopt a construction waste management
plan to achieve these goals. A project-wide policy of nothing leaves the Site, should
be followed, in such a case when strictly followed, care would automatically be
taken in ordering and timing of materials such that excess does not become waste.
The Contractor ingenuity is especially called towards meeting this prerequisite/
credit (5 STAR GRIHA-LD). Consider recycling cardboard, metal, brick, acoustical
tile, concrete, plastic, clean wood, glass, gypsum wallboard, carpet and insulation.
Designate a specific area(s) on the construction site for segregated or commingled
collection of recyclable material, and track recycling efforts throughout the
construction process. Identify construction haulers and recyclers to handle the
designated materials. The diversion may include donation of materials to
charitable organizations and salvage of materials on-site.
E. Contractor shall collect all construction waste generated on site. Segregate
these wastes based on their utility and examine means of sending such waste
to manufacturing units which use them as raw material or other site which
require it for specific purpose. Typical construction debris could be broken
bricks, steel bars, broken tiles, spilled concrete and mortar etc.
F. The contractor shall provide potable water for all workers.
G. The contractor shall provide the minimum level of sanitation and safety facilities
for the workers at their camp/labour site. The contractor shall ensure cleanliness
of workplace with regard to the disposal of waste and effluent; provide clean
drinking water and latrines and urinals as per applicable standard. Adequate toilet
facilities shall be provided for the workman within easy access of their place of
work. The total no. to be provided shall not be less than 1 per 30 employees in any
one shift. Toilet facilities shall be provided from the start of building operations,
connection to a sewer shall be made as soon as practicable. Every toilet shall be
so constructed that the occupant is sheltered from view and protected from the
weather and falling objects. Toilet facilities shall be maintained in a sanitary
condition. A sufficient quantity of disinfectant shall be provided. Natural or artificial
illumination shall be provided.
H. The contractor shall ensure that air pollution due to dust/generators is kept to
a minimum, preventing any adverse effects on the workers and other people in
and around the site. The contractor shall ensure proper screening, covering
stockpiles, covering brick and loads of dusty materials, wheel-washing facility,
gravel pit, and water spraying. Contractor shall ensure the following activities
to prevent air pollution during construction:
(i) Clear vegetation only from areas where work will start right away
(ii) Vegetate / mulch areas where vehicles do not ply.
(iii) Apply gravel / landscaping rock to the areas where mulching / paving is
(iv) Identify roads on-site that would be used for vehicular traffic. Upgrade
vehicular roads (if these are unpaved) by increasing the surface
strength by improving particle size, shape and mineral types that make
up the surface & base. Add surface gravel to reduce source of dust
emission. Limit amount of fine particles (smaller than 0.075mm) to 10 -
(v) Water spray, through a simple hose for small projects, to keep dust under
control. Fine mists should be used to control fine particulate. However, this
should be done with care so as not to waste water. Heavy watering can
also create mud, which when tracked onto paved public roadways, must be
promptly removed. Also, there must be an adequate supply of clean water
nearby to ensure that spray nozzles don’t get plugged.
(vi) Water spraying shall be done on:
a. Any dusty materials before transferring, loading and unloading
b. Area where any demolition work is being carried out
c. Any un-paved main haul road
d. Areas where excavation or earth moving activities are to be
carried out
e. Existing campus internal roads which are being used by the
Contractor for hauling of materials/movement of construction
(vii) The contractor shall ensure that the speed of vehicles within the site is
limited to 20 km/hr.
(viii) All material storages should be adequately covered and contained so
that they are not exposed to situations where winds on site could lead
to dust / particulate emissions.
(ix) Spills of dirt or dusty materials will be cleaned up promptly so the spilled
material does not become a source of fugitive dust and also to prevent
of seepage of pollutant laden water into the ground aquifers. When
cleaning up the spill, ensure that the clean-up process does not
generate additional dust. Similarly, spilled concrete slurries or liquid
wastes should be contained / leaned up immediately before they can
infiltrate into the soil / ground or runoff in nearby areas
(x) Provide barricading as per direction of Engineer-in-charge, along the
site boundary, next to a road, around batching plant or other public area.
(xi) Provide dust screens or netting to scaffold along the perimeter of the
(xii) Cover stockpiles of dusty material with impervious sheeting
(xiii) Cover dusty load on vehicles by impervious sheeting before they leave
the site
I. Contractor shall be required to provide an easily accessible area that serves the
entire building and is dedicated to the separation, collection and storage of
materials for recycling including (at a minimum) paper, corrugated cardboard,
glass, plastics, and metals. He shall coordinate the size and functionality of the
recycling areas with the anticipated collections services for glass, plastic, office
paper, newspaper, cardboard, and organic wastes to maximize the effectiveness
of the dedicated areas. Consider employing cardboard balers, aluminium can
crushers, recycling chutes, and collection bins at individual workstations to further
enhance the recycling program.
J. The contractor shall ensure that no construction leachate (e.g., cement slurry etc.),
is allowed to percolate into the ground. Adequate precautions are to be taken to
safeguard against this including, reduction of wasteful curing processes, collection,
basic filtering and reuse. The contractor shall follow requisite measures for
collecting drainage water run-off from construction areas and material storage sites
and diverting water flow away from such polluted areas. Temporary drainage
channels, perimeter dike/swale, etc. shall be constructed to carry the pollutant-
laden water directly to the treatment device or facility (in-campus existing sewer
K. Staging (dividing a construction area into two or more areas to minimize the
area of soil that will be exposed at any given time) should be done to separate
undisturbed land from land disturbed by construction activity and material
28. The contractor shall comply with the safety procedures, norms and guidelines (as
applicable) as outlined in the document Part 7 Constructional practices and safety, 2005,
National Building code of India, Bureau of Indian Standards. A copy of all pertinent
regulations and notices concerning accidents, injury and first-aid shall be prominently
exhibited at the work site. Depending upon the scope & nature of work, a person qualified
in first-aid shall be available at work site to render and direct first-aid to causalities. A
telephone may be provided to first-aid assistant with telephone numbers of the office
displayed. Complete reports of all accidents and action taken thereon shall be forwarded to
the competent authorities.
29. The contractor shall ensure the following activities for construction workers safety,
among other measures:
(i) Guarding all parts of dangerous machinery.
(ii) Precautionary signs for working on machinery
(iii) Maintaining hoists and lifts, lifting machines, chains, ropes, and other
lifting tackles in good condition.
(iv) Durable and reusable formwork systems to replace timber formwork and
ensure that formwork where used is properly maintained.
(v) Ensuring that walking surfaces or boards at height are of sound
construction and are provided with safety rails or belts.
(vi) Provide protective equipment; helmets etc.
(vii) Provide measures to prevent fires. Fire extinguishers and buckets of
sand to be provided in the fire-prone area and elsewhere.
(viii) Provide sufficient and suitable light for working during night time.
30. The storage of material shall be as per standard good practices as specified in Part 7,
Section 2. Storage, stacking and Handling practices, NBC 2016 and shall be to the
satisfaction of the Engineer in Charge to ensure minimum wastage and to prevent any
misuse, damage, inconvenience or accident. Watch and ward of the Contractors
materials shall be his own responsibility. There should be a proper planning of the layout
for stacking and storage of different materials, components and equipment with proper
access and proper maneuverability of the vehicles carrying the materials. While
planning the layout, the requirements of various materials, components and equipment
at different stages of construction shall be considered.
31. The contractor shall provide for adequate number of garbage bins around the construction
site and the workers facilities and will be responsible for the proper utilization of these bins
for any solid waste generated during the construction. The contractor shall ensure that the
site and the workers facilities are kept litter free. Separate bins should be provided for
plastic, glass, metal, biological and paper waste and labelled in both Hindi and English with
suitable symbols.
32. The contractor shall prepare and submit spill prevention and control plans before the
start of construction, clearly stating measures to stop the source of the spill, to contain
the spill, to dispose the contaminated material and hazardous wastes, and stating
designation of personnel trained to prevent and control spills. Hazardous wastes
include pesticides, paints, cleaners, and petroleum products.
33. Contractor shall collect & submit the relevant material certificates for materials with high
recycled (both post-industrial and post-consumer) content, including materials like RMC
mix with fly-ash, glass with recycled content, calcium silicate boards etc.
34. Contractor shall collect the relevant material certificates for rapidly renewable materials
such as bamboo, wool, cotton insulation, agrifiber, linoleum, wheat board, strawboard
and cork etc.
35. Where possible, the contractor shall select materials/vendors, harvested and
manufactured regionally, within an 800-km radius of the project site.
36. Contractor shall adopt an IAQ (Indoor Air Quality) management plan to protect the
HVAC system during construction, control pollutant sources, and interrupt pathways for
contamination. He shall sequence installation of materials to avoid contamination of
absorptive materials such as insulation, carpeting, ceiling tile, and gypsum wallboard.
He shall also protect stored on-site or installed absorptive materials from moisture
37. The contractor shall ensure that a flush out of all internal spaces is conducted prior to
handover. This shall comprise an opening of all doors and windows for 14 days to vent
out any toxic fumes due to paints, varnishes, polishes, etc.
38. Contractor shall make efforts to reduce the quantity of indoor air contaminants that are
odorous or potentially irritating harmful to the comfort and well-being of installer and
building occupants. Contractor shall ensure that the VOC (Volatile Organic
Compounds) content of paints, coatings and primers used must not exceed the VOC
content limits mentioned below:
1) Non-flat - 150 g/L
2) Flat (Mat) - 50 g/L
3) Anti-corrosive/ anti rust - 250 g/L

Coatings / Clear wood finishes

1) Varnish - 350 g/L
2) Lacquer - 550 g/L
3) Floor coatings - 100 g/L
4) Stains - 250 g/L

1) Waterproofing sealer - 250 g/L
2) Sanding sealer - 275 g/L
3) Other sealers - 200 g/L

The VOC (Volatile Organic Compounds) content of adhesives and sealants

used must be less than VOC content limits mentioned:
Architectural Applications VOC Limit (g/l less water)

o Indoor Carpet adhesives - 50 g/L

o Carpet Pad Adhesives - 50 g/L
o Wood Flooring Adhesive - 100 g/L
o Rubber Floor Adhesives - 60 g/L
o Sub Floor Adhesives - 50 g/L
o Ceramic Tile Adhesives - 65 g/L
o VCT and Asphalt Tile adhesives - 50 g/L
o Dry Wall and Panel Adhesives - 50 g/L
o Structural Glazing Adhesives - 100 g/L
o Multipurpose Construction Adhesives - 70 g/L

Substrate Specific Application VOC Limit (g/l less water)

o Metal to Metal - 30 g/L

o Plastic Foams - 50 g/L
o Porous material (except wood) - 50 g/L
o Wood - 30 g/L
o Fiber Glass - 80 g/L

39. Wherever required, Contractor shall meet and carry out documentation of all activities
on site, supplementation of information, and submittals in accordance with 5 STAR
GRIHA-LD program standards and guidelines. Towards meeting the aforementioned
building environmental rating standard(s) expert assistance shall be provided to him up
on request.
40. Water Use during Construction - Contractor should spray curing water on concrete
structure and shall not allow free flow of water. Concrete structures should be kept
covered with thick cloth/gunny bags and water should be sprayed on them. Contractor
shall do water ponding on all sunken slabs using cement and sand mortar.
41. The Contractor shall remove from site all rubbish and debris generated by the Works
and keep Works clean and tidy throughout the Contract Period. All the serviceable and
non-serviceable (malba) material shall be segregated and stored separately. The malba
obtained during construction shall be collected in well-formed heaps at properly
selected places, keeping in a view safe condition for workmen in the area. Materials
which are likely to cause dust nuisance or undue environmental pollution in any other
way, shall be removed from the site at the earliest and till then they shall be suitable
covered. Glass & steel should be dumped or buried separately to prevent injury. The
work of removal of debris should be carried out during day. In case of poor visibility
artificial light may be provided.
42. The contractor shall provide O & M Manuals wherever applicable.
43. The contractor shall make himself conversant with the Site Waste Management
Program Manual and actively contribute to its compilation by estimating the nature and
volume of waste generated by the process/installation in question.
44.1 Contractor will produce wherever feasible certificate regarding distance of the
source of the relevant material.
44.2 Unless otherwise stated cement used at site for reinforced concrete, precast
members, mortar, plaster, building blocks, etc. shall be PPC (Portland Pozzolana
Cement). The PPC must meet the requirements of IS 1489 (Part I) as regards to fly
ash content in cement. The contractor shall obtain from the PPC manufacturer the
certificate regarding fly ash content in the PPC in each batch of consignment.
44.3 The contractor has to comply as per MoEF issued notification 8.0.763(E) dated
14th Sept.1999 & latest notification of Jan. 2016 containing directive for greater
fly ash utilization.
44.4 The contractor shall ensure that all paints, polishes, adhesives and sealants used
both internally and externally, on any surface, shall be Low VOC products. The
contractor shall get prior approval from the Engineer in Charge before the
application of any such material.
44.5 All plumbing and sanitary fixtures installed shall be as per the direction of the Engineer
in Charge and shall adhere to the minimum LPM (liters per minute) and LPF (liters
per flush) mentioned. The contractor shall employ 100% zero ODP (ozone depletion
potential) insulation; HCFC (hydro-chlorofluorocarbon)/ and CFC
(chlorofluorocarbon) for HVAC and refrigeration equipment and/halon-free fire
suppression and fire extinguishing systems.
45.1 The contractor shall ensure that the water and electricity is not wasted during
construction. The Engineer in Charge can bring to the attention any such wastage
and the contractor will have to ensure that such bad practices are corrected.
45.2 The contractor shall install necessary meters and measuring devices to record
the consumption of water, electricity and diesel on a monthly basis for the entire
tenure of the project.
45.3 The contractor shall ensure that all run-off water from the site, during construction
is collected and reused to the maximum.
45.4 The contractor shall use treated recycled water of appropriate quality standards
for construction, if available.
45.5 No lights shall be turned on during the period between 6:00 AM to 6:00 PM,
without the permission of the Engineer in Charge.
46.1 Contractor shall ensure that wastage of construction material is within 3%.
46.2 All construction debris generated during construction shall be carefully
segregated and stored in a demarcated waste yard. Clear, identifiable areas shall
be provided for each waste type. Employ measures to segregate the waste on
site into inert, chemical, or hazardous wastes.
46.3 All construction debris shall be used for road preparation, back filling, etc, as per
the instructions of the Engineer in Charge, with necessary activities of sorting,
crushing, etc.
46.4 No construction debris shall be taken away from the site, without the prior
approval of the Engineer in Charge.
46.5 The contractor shall recycle the unused chemical/hazardous wastes such as oil,
paint, batteries, and asbestos.
46.6 If and when construction debris is taken out of the site, after prior permissions
from the Engineer in Charge, then the contractor shall ensure the safe disposal of
all wastes and will only dispose of any such construction waste in approved
dumping sites.
47.1 The contractor shall, during the entire tenure of the construction phase, submit
the following records to the Engineer in Charge on a monthly basis:
47.1.1 Water consumption in liters
47.1.2 Electricity consumption in kwh units
47.1.3 Diesel consumption in liters
47.1.4 Quantum of waste (volumetric/weight basis) generated at site and the
aggregated waste types divided into inert, chemical and hazardous
47.1.5 Digital photo documentation to demonstrate compliance of safety
guidelines as specified here and in the Appendix on Safety Conditions.
47.2 The contractor shall submit a document after construction of the buildings, a brief
description along with photographic records to show that other areas have not
been disturbed during construction. The document should also include brief
explanation and photographic records to show erosion and sedimentation control
measures adopted. (Document CAD drawing showing site plan details of existing
vegetation, existing buildings, existing slopes and site drainage pattern, staging
and spill prevention measures, erosion and sedimentation control measures and
measures adopted for top soil preservation during construction.
47.3 The contractor shall submit to the Engineer in Charge after construction of the
buildings, a detailed as built quantification of the following:
(i) Total materials used
(ii) Total top soil stacked and total reused
(iii) Total earth excavated
(iv) Total waste generated
(v) Total waste reused
(vi) Total water used
(vii) Total electricity, and
(viii) Total diesel consumed
47.4 The contractor shall submit to the Engineer in Charge, before the start of construction,
a site plan along with a narrative to demarcate areas on site from which top soil has
to be gathered, designate area where it will be stored, measures adopted for top soil
preservation and indicate areas where it will be reapplied after construction is
47.5 The contractor shall submit to the Engineer in Charge, a detailed narrative (not
more than 250 words) on provision for safe drinking water and sanitation facility
for construction workers and site personnel.
47.6 Provide supporting document from the manufacturer of the cement specifying the
flyash content in PPC used in reinforced concrete.
47.7 The contractor shall submit the following information to the Engineer-in-charge at
the end of construction, for all material brought to site for construction purposes,
including manufacturer’s certifications, verifying information, and test data, where
Specifications sections require data relating to environmental issues including but
not limited to:
47.7.1 Source of products: Supplier details and location of the supplier.
47.7.2 Project Recyclability: Submit information to assist Owner and
Contractor in recycling materials involved in shipping, handling, and
delivery, and for temporary materials necessary for installation of
47.7.3 Recycled Content: Submit information regarding product post-industrial
recycled and post-consumer recycled content, Use the Recycled Content
Certification Form, to be provided by the Commissioning Authority
appointed for the Project.
47.7.4 Product Recyclability: Submit information regarding product and
products component’s recyclability including potential sources
accepting recyclable materials where ever applicable.
47.8 Provide final certification of well-managed forest of origin to provide final
documentation of certified sustainably harvested status: Acceptable wood,
certified sustainably harvested, certifications shall include:
47.8.1 Clean tech: Provide pollution clearance certificates from all
manufacturers of materials
47.8.2 Indoor Air quality and Environmental Issues: Submit emission test data,
sourced from the manufacturers, produced by acceptable testing
laboratory listed in Quality Assurance Article for materials as required in
each specific Specification section.
47.8.3 Certifications from manufacturers of Low VOC paints, adhesives,
sealant and polishes used at this particular project site.
47.8.4 Certification from manufacturers of composite wood products/ agro-fibre
products on the absence of added urea formaldehyde resin in the products
supplied to them to this particular site.
47.8.5 Submit environmental and pollution clearance certificates for all diesel
generators installed as part of this project. Provide total support to
Engineer in Charge and Green Building Consultants appointed by the
Engineer in charge in completing all Green Building Rating related
formalities, including signing of forms, providing signed letters in the
contractor’s letterhead whenever required.
Brands names of materials (Refer materials, whichever are applicable for the scope of work) as
approved by the Engineer-in-Charge are listed below. However, approved equivalent material of
any other specialized firms may be used, in case it is established that the brands specified below
are not available in the market but only after approval of the alternate brand by the Engineer-in-
Charge. (See also condition of contract)

Sl. No. Materials Approved make











Electrical Works

1.1 The work shall be executed on EPC (Engineering, Procurement & Commissioning) basis from
conception to commissioning of E&M Services.
1.2 Scope of work covers planning, designing, supply, installation, testing and commissioning
of all E & M services required to be provided in the said scheme. The work shall be
executed as per scope & specifications of E & M works given hereafter and given in
respective head / part of the scheme sub-head. If any services required to make the
building/ scheme habitable, is not specifically mentioned in the scope of services, the
same is deemed to be included within the scope of this tender and nothing extra shall be
paid on this account.
1.3 Successful agency is to associate with an experienced firm/sub-consultant for Electrical
& Mechanical construction works under Part C2 to C10 of this NIT, having successfully
completed similar consultancy/ planning, design, drawing, estimation work of following
One work of not less than 8000 sqm builtup area.
Two works each of not less than 6000 sqm builtup area.
Three works each of not less than 4000 sqm builtup area
Similar work shall mean “planning, design, drawings, Estimation of EI work, LAN,
Substation, DG set, Lift, Fire Fighting, Fire alarm system & HVAC work . The
firm/consultant should have experience certificate of any four out of the following eight
services :
a) Internal Electrical Installations
b) Sub-station and DG set
c) Firefighting and automatic fire alarm system
d) HVAC air conditioning system
e) Lifts
g) PROVISSION of Audio Video system
h) IBMS System
NOTE: If one sub-contractor and sub-consultants does not have the requisite experience
for all the services then individual sub-contractor and sub-consultants for specialized
services may be associated having requisite experience for two building of minimum 8000

1.4 The bidder/Agency should submit experience certificate of above mentioned

firm/consultant with technical bid documents.
1.5 The successful bidder/Agency will submit the MOU/agreement to engage/associate
domain specific specialized firm/consultant within fortnight of award of work. Consultant
shall prepare and supply all the coordinated good for construction drawings duly proof
checked to be subsequently approved by engineer in charge. The Consultant shall be
associated till completion of the project and obtain completion certificate from the
concerned local body.
1.6 The scope of works also covers the preparation of layout plans, drawings for E & M
schemes, Inventories of Fittings, Fixtures, Equipment etc. and approval of the same from
the respective local bodies / EI, CEA, CFO etc. and Engineer-in-Charge, before the
commencement of work.
1.7 LT supply required for Installation, Testing & Commissioning shall have to be arranged by
the tenderer at his own costs. Water required for testing of equipment is also in scope of
1.8 The contractor must study specifications and conditions carefully. The work shall be
executed in close coordination with the progress of building work.
1.9 Engagement of agencies for execution of E & M works shall fully comply with amendment
in CPWD works manual -2014; OM 363 dated 25/01/2018 for various E&M works.
1.10 Specialized Works - Contractor shall also be eligible to carry out himself any or all these
works without associating specialized agency provided:
1.10.1 He fulfill eligible criteria respectively for these work(s)
1.10.2 He directly procures the equipment of the approved make from manufacturer
and gets it installed from authorized agency as per criteria mentioned in the
1.11 Eligible criteria of each such agency to be associated specialized agencies shall give
required affidavit to confirm their association.
1.12 The Tender Accepting Authority may approve change of sub agency in case it is required
during the currency of the contract.
1.13 List of Acceptable Makes of major items is attached herewith.
1.14 Only material bearing ISI/BIS certifications mark shall be used in the work. Where material
bearing ISI/BIS certifications marks are not available, material conforming to relevant
BIS/ISI shall be used with prior approval of Engineer-in-charge.
1.15 If the specifications of any item are not available then the decision of the Engineer-in-
charge regarding quality shall be final & binding on the contractor.
1.16 All materials to be used at site shall be got approved from Engineer-in- Charge (Electrical)
before using at site.
1.17 All equipment shall be delivered with (i) manufacturer’s test certificate, (ii) manufacturer’s
technical catalogues, and installation / instruction (O&M) manuals.
1.18 All the LED fittings shall be supplied with LM 79 and LM 80 test report from NABL
accredited laboratory. All LEDs should Digital addressable Lighting Interface (DALI) with
key pads, DBs, KXN & DALI Cables, integrated, dimmable, lux adjustable system,
dimmable sensor based.
1.19 Code & Standards –
Reference shall be made to the following codes & Standards in general:
1.19.1 CPWD General Specifications for Electrical Works Part I Internal – 2013,
1.19.2 CPWD General Specifications for Electrical Works Part II External –1994,
1.19.3 CPWD General Specifications for Electrical Works Part III (Lift & Escalator) –
1.19.4 CPWD General Specifications for Electrical Works Part IV Sub-Station–2013,
1.19.5 CPWD General Specifications for Electrical Works Part- V Wet Riser & Sprinkler
System– 2006
1.19.6 CPWD General Specifications for Electrical Works Part VI Fire Alarm System –
1.19.7 CPWD General Specifications for Electrical Works Part VII DG Sets- 2013,
1.19.8 CPWD General Specifications for Electrical Works Part VIII Gas Based Fire
Extinguishing System – 2013,
1.19.9 CPWD General Specifications for Heating, Ventilation & Air-Conditioning –2017
1.19.10 National Building Code of India- 2016
1.19.11 National Electrical Code of India -1985
1.19.12 Energy Conservation Building Code of India -2017
1.19.13 Relevant BIS Codes for equipment &installation
1.19.14 Various by-laws and norms of local bodies.

2.0 Climatic Conditions

2.1 All electrical equipment, accessories and fittings employed in electrical installation
shall be specified, designed and derated for continuous and trouble free operation in
the climatic conditions of the equipment location which are summarized as follows:
2.1.1 Maximum ambient air temperature: 47 º C
2.1.2 Minimum ambient air temperature: 13º C
2.1.3 Maximum relative humidity: 88 % RH
2.1.4 Indoor air temperature (not air-conditioned): 34ºC
2.1.5 Indian Metrological data for past 100 years + 20% of safety whichever will
be more stringent.

4.0 The brief Scope of various E&M services are as under: -

4.1 Light Fittings, Emergency/UPS &Power wiring:
4.1.1 Illumination, ceiling fan as per Architectural Drawings subject to compliance to the
CPWD Specification & NBC2016.
4.1.2 Only LED Light fittings (model & make approved by NU) to be provided. Switching
of Light fittings to be managed with IP based Occupancy Sensors, Day Light
Sensors along with load controllers for energy savings. All office, Common area,
Corridor, & facade lights including new and innovating technology related
specifications published by CPWD on 19.08.2019/latest, will be connected through
BMS system except inside Guest rooms. Master/override control to be provided
for complete lightings for all area except guest rooms. Suitable rating energy
saving switch shall be fixed in all guest rooms to control lights & power. Building
facade lighting should be done with LED luminaries and as directed by Engineer
in charge.
4.1.3 Compound Lighting to be provided with modern stylish LED lighting placed on MS
Poles (Colored PU paint) at suitable height & spacing along the Road and
Boundary Wall. All external Lights will be RF controller and automation based
4.1.4 In office workstations 1 set (2 nos 6A socket & one no 15A socket with 2 nos 15A
switch) switch & socket & 1 no LAN socket shall be considered and 2 sets of above
sockets socket for each officers work station. Additional no of 15amp Power Plug,
5amp light plug outlet, CAT 6A/above cable-based LAN point outlet, Telephone
outlet and cable TV outlet to be provided as per good engineering practice.
4.1.5 In all guest rooms decorative type LED wall bracket, basin light, foot light, LED
batten light to be fixed as per interior design requirement. Two sets (One set -2
nos 6A switch & socket with 1 no LAN socket) socket outlet & 1 no 6/16A switch
socket & 1 no telephone outlet shall be installed in guest bed room. In guest living
room 1 nos IP based TV socket & 4 nos 6 A sockets shall be installed as per
interior layout.
4.1.6 Other’s area- 6/16 A switch& sockets or industrial sockets to be installed as per
requirement or as directed by engineer in-charge.
4.1.7 IP based TV outlet to be provided as per good engineering practice.
4.1.8 DG power backup to be provided for all the lighting loads, & computer sockets of
office building, essential power points and AHU loads including HVAC system and

4.2 UPS WITH COMMUNICATION CARD - Centralized UPS system for halls, rooms,
corridors, common area inside buildings and office spaces to be considered The, UPS
will be connected with IBMS system, Light/ Extra Low Voltage Systems, IT Racks,
CCTV systems and all essential IT systems. Number of UPS (1+1, each full ratings
and same size of another UPS for redundancy, + Battery Bank= 1+1, all with parallel

4.3 Air Conditioning System: All office area of the building excluding toilet, lift lobby is
to be provided with Central Air- conditioning system. Separate AHU/FCU shall be
considered on the basis of utilization of the area. Chilled water from Central AC Plant
shall be fed to each of the AHUs& FCUs. Precession Air conditioning system shall be
preferred in the data/IT/ELV rooms.

4.4 Configuration of AC plant will be 2W+1S. It shall be water cooled type Screw AC
System with COMMUNICABLE VFD OR Radiant Cooling System. The systems
should be efficient and latest wrt BEE, Energy Conservation Building Code (Latest)
with better IPLV. For detail, the CPWD specification to be followed. The AC system
should be IBMS integrated system and supplier will be bound to integrate with the
central control center (for entire campus) being developed by another agency. This
includes all indoor & outdoor units, connecting pipes (all kind to make system
functional), wires, cables and panels.
4.5 Firefighting & Fire Alarm System: Firefighting sprinkler system, Gas based fire
suppression system, intelligent fire detection system, PA system, portable fire
extinguisher, smoke management systems, lift lobby / lift well / stairs case
pressurization system and other fire safety provisions to be made, as per NBC 2016,
amended up to date and as per local-by-laws.

4.6 Network: One no network socket to be provided for each work stations & for each
guest of guest room. Two numbers network socket for each officer’s cabin & work
station. IP based telephone system shall be installed for each officer’s cabin,
workstations, guest rooms & as requirement for site. All active & passive components
supply installation testing & commissioning is in the contactor scope.

4.7 CCTV: IP based CCTV should cover all common passage area, inside lift, all entry
points and as per requirement NVR & hard disk size should be selected for minimum
60 days video backup. The IP BASED CCTV will required to be integrated with exiting
VMS including necessary manageable switches/routers.

4.8 Planning for Solar Panel (only planning, and architectural provision)

4.9 Planning for minimum 70KWp Roof Top based Solar Photo Voltaic Power Generation
Units to be designed.

4.10 Planning for Sound & Conference system (only planning, and architectural,
conduiting, better Cabling System & structural provision)

4.11 Planning for Projector, LED display board & audio system should be provided for
conference room with sufficient numbers power sockets, IP based LAN, telephone
outlet, communication cable, individual gooseneck microphone points etc. as
required. Conference room should be designed for audio & video conferencing
system. The points and wiring provision for Audio & projector system shall be installed
in auditorium.

4.12 Lift: The Lifts are to be provided, as per the Architectural Drg. The speed of lift should
be 1.50 mtr. / Sec.

4.13 Access Control System: Access control to be installed as per requirement in office
area and RFID based door lock system for all guest room with energy saving switch.
Sufficient no of RFID cards (Master & individual) /access control cards, card encoder,
decoder shall be provided & installed as required.

4.14 IBMS (Integrated Building Management System): Integrated Building management

shall cover all lighting, AC, Fire Pump, Fire alarm panel, Water pump, Sub-station, DG
sets, UPS, Lift shall be connected with centralized Building Management system.
5. Layout Plans /Drawings
5.1 The layout plans / drawings / other documents pertaining to E&M services and
information in the following format shall have to be submitted for evaluation &
approval, within time frame given in mile stone or within this document.
E&M Work including
Sl. Information to be furnished by the
Building Management
No. successful bidder
Layout Drawings, Inventory of Light / Fans
Internal & External
1. Points, Power points, Fans & Fixtures
Electrical Installations
Capacity calculations, Complete design
details, schematic drawings, equipment
specification of HT Panels, Transformers, MV
Panels, Engine, Alternator, Enclosure,
Exhaust Gas Pipe Line, etc.
Substation Equipment, The substation should have SCADA center
SCADA SYSTEM & DG Set and this need to be further integrated with
existing control center. The substation
SCADA includes display unit size minimum 65
inch, control and monitoring through SCADA,
and provision for RF communication for
central control center of the SCADA.
Detailed drawing complete with Nos. &
3. Lift capacity of passenger lifts i/c speed proposed
to be installed.
Detailed Layout drawing, Inventory of Nos. &
size of risers / down comer / sprinkler heads,
Firefighting and sprinkler Fire Fighting Pumps etc. Schematic diagram
system of Pumps, Pipelines, Hydrants, Sprinklers
etc., wiring Diagram of MV Panels with
Detailed Layout drawing, Inventory of
detectors, MCB, Sounders, Talk Back
5. Fire Alarm System System, and Control Panels of total area to be
protected by Intelligent Addressable Fire
Alarm system.
Heat Load Calculation, Complete design of
Package Equipment, Fans, Plumbing, Ducting
6. Air-conditioning with IBMS and other associated works.
All valves and diverters should be motorized
and SCADA/IBMS Compatible to ensure
automatic operation, and remote control with
Complete calculations, design capacity
Design Provision for Solar
details, wiring schematic drawings, plumbing
7. PV System & SITC of Solar
circuit, equipment specifications of Solar PV
Heating System
system and Solar heating system.
Complete design details, schematic drawings,
8. Audio Video System
Reinforcement, Stage Equipment specification of Audio Video
9. Lighting, Power CCTV & System, Sound Reinforcement, Stage
Mechanical Car parking etc. Lighting, Power Curtain, CCTV, etc.

5.2 The above schemes of all the E&M works shall have to meet all the requirements of
local bodies / CEA/ NBC norms as applicable & also meet the technical specifications
of various relevant CPWD specifications for electrical & mechanical services.

5.3 All the above schemes shall be got approved from respective local bodies / CFO etc.
as applicable before commencement of execution of work at site. During execution, if
the local bodies etc. require a modification, the same shall be executed without any
extra cost. Finally, after execution, obtaining approvals / NOCs / clearances from local
bodies etc. shall be the responsibility of successful bidder for which nothing extra is
payable, in case any modification/Extra work is required. All statutory fees / charges
required for obtaining clearances from CEA / Local Bodies shall be paid by the


6.0 All routine tests shall be conducted before dispatch of equipment. No equipment shall
be dispatched from the manufacture’s premises without such tests being conducted
and test result recorded. These test certificates shall be given along with the supply
of equipment. The Engineer In-charge shall, if he so desires inspect and witness the
pre-delivery tests. For this purpose, the contractor shall give 15 days‟ advance notice.
Agency shall arrange for inspection by the department. Department shall bear
expenses for inspection as far as traveling, boarding and / lodging is concerned.
However, waiver if any, for inspection shall be at the discretion of the Engineer-in-
Charge without any cost implication but full ROUTINE TEST & TYPE TEST
Certificates shall have to be submitted for equipment.
6.1 Prior to dispatch, all equipment shall be adequately protected & insured for the whole
period of transit, storage and erection against corrosion and incidental damages etc.
from the effect of vermin, sunlight, rain, heat and humid climate.
7.0 The contractor shall include storage cum erection insurance including third party
insurance right from the storage to commissioning of various equipment with
beneficiary as Engineer In-charge. All insurance which the contractor is required to
enter into under the contract shall be affected with any authorized general insurance
company and the contractor shall produce the policies of insurance.


8.0 If the contractor fails to effect and keep in force the insurance referred to in the preceding
sub- clause the department may effect and keep in force any such insurance and pay
such premium as may be necessary for that purpose and from time to time deduct the
amount, so paid by the department, from any money due or which may become due
to tenderer and recover the same as from the contractor’s bill.


9.0 All parts of the equipment shall be of such design, size and material so as to function
satisfactorily under all rated conditions of operation. All components of the equipment
shall have adequate factor of safety. The work of fabrication and assembly shall
conform to sound engineering practice and on the basis of “Fail Safe Design”. The
mechanical parts subject to wear and tear shall be easily replaceable type. The
construction of the equipment shall be such as to facilitate easy operation, inspection,
maintenance and repairs. All connections and contacts shall be designed to minimize
risk of accidental short circuits caused by animals, birds and vermin etc. All identical
items and their component parts should be completely, interchangeable including
spare parts.


10.0 The installation shall be subject to necessary inspection during every stage of
erection, by the Engineer In-charge or his authorized representative. The successful
tenderer shall provide all facilities and assistance for the purpose.
10.1 The completed installation shall be inspected and tested by the Engineer-in-Charge
in the manner as will be laid down by him, in consultation with the contractor.
10.2 All instruments and facilities necessary for the tests shall be provided by the
10.3 All major items shall be inspected by the Engineer-in-charge or his authorized
representative before dispatch from manufacturer’s workshop.
10.4 Materials and Quality Assurance for E&M Services
10.5 General guidelines for Quality Assurance
10.6 Quality to be ensured at the execution stage and works to be executed as per contract
conditions and CPWD General Specification for Electrical Works.
10.7 All the materials, equipment and work shall conform to the Agreement.
10.8 Makes of all the material and equipment etc. shall be strictly as per agreement and as
approved by the University.
10.9 The model numbers of various equipment and work approved by Engineer-in-charge
shall be checked for their conformity to the agreement.
10.10 The technical data sheet and manufacturing drawing for all equipment and materials
as per contract specifications shall be prepared by the respective manufacturer’s and
will be submitted by contractor dully signed before placing the order or manufacturing
the material. The engineer-in-charge shall approve as per contract conditions.
10.11 Generally total quantity of any item in the contract shall be supplied in not more than
four lots. However, engineer-in-charge can decide number of lots in which quantities
to be supplied as per site requirements.
10.12 The materials shall be tested from 3rd party laboratories. The laboratories shall
preferably be Government Labs/ Government Autonomous bodies or as approved by
competent authority.
10.13 The testing at manufacturer’ works shall be clearly specified in the tender documents.
10.14 For the tests to be conducted at manufacture’s works, the tests shall be conducted in
the presence of engineer-in-charge or his authorized representative. The dispatch
note shall be issued only after satisfactory completion of the test.
10.15 The layout/ working drawings/ shop drawings etc., shall be prepared in AutoCAD or
equivalent software by the contractor for all the services as defined in CPWD
Specifications along with automation requirement and agreement conditions. The
engineer-in-charge shall approve all the drawings before start of execution of work.
All the drawings of various equipment and works approved by Engineer –in-charge
shall be checked for their conformity to the agreement.
10.16 The QA guidelines for various packages are as detailed below. The delivery challans
of the materials may be checked for ascertaining the genuineness of the material.
10.17 The QA plan/ testing etc. for the other works, if required, shall be decided by Engineer-
in-charge to ensure quality of materials, equipment and work etc. as per Agreement.

10.18 Testing plan in respective para, may be para 3, with policy is for guidance, and can
be suitably amended by NIT approving authority.


11.0 Internal Electrical Installations
11.0.1 The detailed instructions on safety procedures given in BIS code no.
5216:1982 “Code of safety Procedures and Practices in Electrical works”
shall be strictly followed. Safety procedures given in Chapter 10 of CPWD
General Specifications for Electrical works Part-1(Internal) 2013 shall be
followed. Safety recommendation as per IE rules 1956 as per Appendix “C”
of CPWD General Specifications for Electrical works Part-1(Internal) 2013.
11.0.2 The materials shall be tested from 3rd Party laboratories are conduit, wires,
cables etc.
11.0.3 Provisions and fixing of check-nuts for conduit work as per CPWD
11.0.4 No. of wires in one conduit shall be ensure as per CPWD specifications.
11.0.5 Colour coding of wires to be ensure.
11.0.6 Legs and thimbles at cable/ wire ends in switch boxes as per CPWD
11.0.7 Labeling of switch boxes shall be ensured.
11.0.8 Termination of earth terminals in earth pits, switch box, DBs and
accessories to be ensured.
11.0.9 Earth chamber to be constructed and proper marking to be done.
11.0.10 Comprehensive schematic diagram is prepared starting from the main board
up to the final DBs. All such boards are duly marked and numbered. The pre
commissioning testing of the installation shall be carried out such as
Insulation resistance test. Polarity test of switch. Earth continuity test. Earth
electrode resistance test.
11.0.11 All the tests at site shall be carried out for the completed installations, in the
presence of and to the satisfaction of the Engineer in Charge by the
contractor. All the test results shall be recorded and submitted to the
11.0.12 On completion of an electrical installation (or an extension to an installation),
a certificate shall be furnished by the electrical contractor, countersigned by
the certified supervisor under whose direct supervision the installation was
carried out. This certificate shall be in the prescribed form as given in
Appendix “E” of CPWD General Specifications for Electrical works Part-
1(Internal) in addition to the test certificate required by the local electric
supply authorities.

11.1 Sub-Station (Indoor Type) with SCADA System:

11.1.1 H.T. Panel - HT panel shall be inspected and tested at manufacturer’s works
as per relevant BIS especially for insulation, operating mechanism,
interlocking and contact resistance. CT ratio and accuracy class shall be
checked as per agreement and IS 2705-1992. All system with SCADA. The
valid Type test report shall be submitted by the contractor before its
11.1.2 Pre Commissioning tests –
a) Relay calibration and setting tests by both secondary injection method
and primary injection methods.
b) Operation checks and lubrication of all moving parts. Interlock function
checks. Continuity checks of wiring, fuses etc. as required. Insulation
test. Trip test and protection gear tests.
c) Complete panel shall be tested with meggar of voltage for which the
panel is rated for insulation between poles and poles to earth. For of
CTs and PTs secondary side insulation shall also be tested using
meggar of voltage for which it is rated. Any other test as may be
required by the License/ inspector shall be conducted. Where specified,
the entire switch board shall withstand high voltage test after
11.1.3 Transformer - Pre-dispatch tests at manufacturer’s works-The inspecting
officers shall ensure all requisite accessories as per agreement have been
provided on the transformers. Rating and diagram plate at appropriate
location shall be ensured. Transformers shall be inspected and tested at
manufacturer’s works for all routine and other tests prescribed by, with
particular attention to losses meeting ECBC norms given in CPWD
Specifications. Type test certificate for exact same design for impulse
withstand and short circuit withstand. Temperature rise test of one
transformer of each design and capacity shall be done. Copies of the
certificate for pressure test, test for bushings shall be supplied to the
Tests at site: - All relevant pre commissioning checks and tests shall be
done before energization. The following tests are to be particularly done
before cable jointing or connecting the bus bar trunking:
Insulation test between HV to earth and HV to MV. Insulation test
between MV to earth. All tests are to be recorded and report should
be submitted to the University. MV Panel (Total type tested panel,
TTA). All SCADA compatible system and further implantation of the
Automation System.

Drawings Stage: - Type test certificates to be submitted at the stage of

drawing submission/ technical submittal for following: -
Verification of degree of protection. Verification of Temperature rise
limits. Verification of short circuit strength.

Test at Manufacturer’s Works: All routine tests shall be carried out and test
certificates produced to the department. The following tests in particular
shall be carried out:
Checking of bus bar & it supports for material, dimension and
spacing, enclosure size of bus bar chamber etc. w.r.t. the report of
independent lab for successful fault withstand test for the specified
capacity and time in contract. Metal sheet thickness. Ratings of
switchgear and accessories. Compartmentalization of panel.
Proper earth connection facility as per specifications. Bus bar
rating, colour coding and material quality. Insulators and insulating/
shroud sheets of proper quality. Insulation test. Earth test. High
Voltage test. Test for proper operation of interlocking as per design.
Trip/ operation test of switchgear by secondary injection.
Dimensional checking as per approved GA drawing. Phase to
Phase & Phase to Earth clearances between links & the nuts &
bolts on the links. Visual inspection of paint quality & shade.

Tests at site: -

a) All wiring checks and connections. Relay adjustments/setting.

Operation checks and lubrication of all moving parts.

b) Interlock function checks. Continuity checks of wiring, fuses etc. as

required. Insulation tests:

c) when measured with 500V meggar insulation resistance shall not be

less than 100M Ohms.

Bus Trunking (Sandwich): -

Drawings Stage: -

Type test certificates to be submitted at the stage of drawing submission/

technical submittal for following: -

Degree of protection. Temperature rise limits. Short circuit withstand

capacity. Dielectric Strength. Test at manufacturer’s works: -

All routine tests shall be carried out and test certificates produced to the
department. The following tests in particular shall be carried out:

Checking of bus bar & its supports for material, dimension and spacing,
enclosure size of bus bar chamber etc. w.r.t. the report of independent lab
for successful fault withstand test for the specified capacity and time in
contract. Metal sheet thickness. Ratings of switchgear and accessories.
Proper earth connection facility as per specifications. Bus bar rating, colour
coding and material quality. Insulators and insulating sheets of proper
quality. Insulation test. Earth test. High Voltage test. Dimensional checking
as per approved GA drawing.

Pre-Commissioning Tests:

Verification of insulation resistance. Inspection of assemblies, interlocks,

locks etc. Check on wiring if provided, Dielectric test.

Earthing: -
Earthing materials w.r.t. weight and size shall be checked at site.
Termination of earth terminals in earth pits, switch box, DBs and accessories
to be ensured. Earth chamber to be constructed and proper marking to be
done. Earth electrode resistance to be tested and recorded. Earth continuity.

Cabling: -

Cable to be tested from 3rd party lab for meeting the relevant BIS and
CPWD Specifications. The cable drums shall be stored properly to avoid
damages. The cable route drawing shall be approved by Engineer-in-
charge. Laying of cable including bends as per CPWD Specifications and
necessary protection shall be provided as per agreement. The cable shall
be tested for continuity and insulation resistance before laying as well as
before covering. Extra loop cable shall be provided on each terminal end of
the cable and joints. Suitable protection shall be provided for road crossing
and cable entry to the building. Route marker shall be installed. Lugs and
thimbles at cable/ wire ends in panels as per CPWD Specifications. Cables
shall be tested after laying as per CPWD Specifications. Cables laid on
cable trays to be provided with suitable marker tags for cable identification.
Cable Tray:-

Material to be tested in 3rd party laboratories. Visual inspection for

dimensions & perforation area shall be done. Fastener & rods of adequate
size and strength. Factory fabricated bends, reducer, tee/cross junctions
shall be provided.

Cable tray shall be earthed at both ends. Proper painting to be ensured. Pre
commissioning test such as phase sequence test, polarity test, Hi-pot test
and earth resistance test. Setting of relays, timers, meters, interlocking
(mechanical & electrical) etc., selection of tap of CTs in HT & LT Panels as
required. The line diagram including schematic scheme and operation logics
will be made and displayed in Sub- Station as well as control room. Shock
treatment chart & safety equipment, insulating mats, etc. to be appropriately

Chilling unit (Chiller): -

In case the chiller model is approved after the award of work, the chiller
model selection sheet shall be got verified. One chilling unit of each capacity
shall be tested for its capacity as well as IKW/TR at full load and IPLV etc.
At contracted parameters at AHRI certified testbed.
The highest rating and energy efficient chillers as per ECBC and others
norms for Rajgir area shall be considered. Preferably, the magnetic
(brushless) and radiant type chillers will be preferred.
AHUs & FCUs: - It shall be tested at manufacturer’s works as per CPWD
General Specification for Electrical Works along with SCADA system. The
factory test of fans w.r.t. Db level, static pressure, CFM and leaving velocity
shall be done at manufacturer’s works. The capacity test of one AHU in lot
of 8units irrespective of capacity shall be done. Engineer in charge shall
choose the capacity of AHUs to be tested.MS Pipes shall be tested in
respect of thickness and weight at site with respect to relevant BIS
standards. Pressure testing of pipes for 1.5 times of working pressure as
per CPWD Specifications. Ducting material shall be tested at 3rd Party
Laboratories as per relevant BIS. Leakage test in the duct shall be done as
per relevant standards. Thermal insulation materials shall be got tested at
3rd Party Laboratories as per specifications mentioned in tender particularly
for density and Kvalue. Inspection and testing of LT Panel shall be done as
per given in Substation section. Inspection and testing of Bus Trunking shall
be done as per given in Substation section. Cables shall be tested as per
given in Substation section. Earthing shall be tested as per given in
Substation section .Pre commissioning test such as insulation, earth
continuity, Valve adjustments etc. shall be done. Post Commissioning tests
such as air outlet velocity at grills, capacity test of all the major equipment
such as chilling units, cooling towers, AHUs etc. During main season shall
be done. Testing of inside condition at various locations achieved as defined
in design conditions. Display of schematic with operation logic in AC plant
room as well as control room. The pre-insulated pipes and ducts will be

Fire Fighting: -

Pipes shall be tested for thickness and weight as per Specifications and
tender conditions. Pressure testing of the pipes shall be done as per
relevant CPWD General Specification for Electrical Works after installation,
welding etc. before commissioning of the system at 1.5 times the working
pressure. Cable, LT Panel & Earthing shall be tested as given in Substation
section. The auto operation of all pumps shall be tested as per the designed
sequence and at required pressure drop. Fire conditions to be simulated
and temperature of actuation of sprinkler to recorded. Checks for required
Audio video signal as per agreement. The line diagram including schematic
and operation logics will be made and displayed in Fire pump room as well
as control room.
In addition to above, Adequate fire extinguishers (ABC & others) shall be

Fire Alarms: -

Wires as per Section on EI. Pre commissioning tests:-

Insulation tests. Fire Alarm Activation and Zone identification on Fire Alarm
panel and PC at Fire control room. On activation, PA system to be tested
for annunciation at all Zones and individual zone as defined. Testing of talk
back system for operation and clear communication with fire control rooms.

DG Sets: -

Load testing of DG Set at factory and site shall be done as per relevant
CPWD General Specification for Electrical Works. AMF and/or
synchronizing, as the case may be, panel shall be inspected and tested at
manufacturer’s works as per MV Panel given in the Sub-Station section.
Workmanship of Pipe insulation, length and height of exhaust pipe and
silencer type and its certificate as per agreement. This fuel storage tank
provision for the functioning of the all DG set for the marked/designed
location minimum 24 hours at full load.


Controller simulation test at manufacturers works. General inspection as per

CPWD Specifications. Post installation testing as per CPWD Specifications.

Street/ Compound Lighting with RF system: -

Proper alignment of poles to be ensured. Cables to be laid as per CPWD


Makes and models of poles/ luminary shall confirm to technical

specifications etc. as per agreement. Photometry test of each type of
luminary shall be conducted at manufacturer’s works. Cables, Feeder Pillar
&Earthing shall be done as per sub-station section. Display of Schematic in
control room as well as feeder pillars includes operations and logics etc.
Poles shall be tested at manufacturer’s works for the following tests: -

a) Tensile test,
b) Deflection test,
c) Permanent set test,
d) Drop test.
e) Visual inspection for dimensional check &finish.


The testing plan for quality control for major E&M services is attached as
Annexure-A. These plans are to be read along with following guiding notes:

The material to be supplied against the contract shall be not older more than
6 months from date of receipt at site. To procure the genuine material from
suppliers/ authorized dealer etc shall be the responsibility of contractor who
shall preserve copies of invoice/ excise gate pass/ proof of dispatch and the
same shall be made available for specially to engineer-in-charge for
examination/ scrutiny/ verification as deemed fit by him. As per guideline
only routine test as prescribed in IS/ CPWD specifications shall be carried
at manufacture works/ third party labs. Type test/ special test/ optional test
shall be carried out only if stipulated in Bid Document/Contract. All items to
be used and workmanship shall be thoroughly checked physically and for
their performance as per agreement. As per guideline only routine test as
prescribed in IS/ CPWD specifications shall be carried at manufacture
works/ third party labs. Type test/ special test/ optional test shall be carried
out, wherever stipulated in Bid Document/Contract. All items to be used and
workmanship shall be thoroughly checked physically and for their
performance as per agreement.

%Age of Total %Age of This
Work Work Value
Value Job Value
1. IEI
(i) Installation of Light & Power
Conduit & modular boxes, DBs
(ii) Drawing wire, Fixing switch &
sockets, MCBs
(iii) Supplying of Light Fittings
(iv) Supply of ring mains
(v) Complete of all above installation
2. Sub station
(i) Supply of Equipment (DG,
Transformer, Panels, Busduct,
(ii) Installation, testing commissioning
of above items
3. Airconditioning System
(i) Supply of Chiller unit
(ii) Supply of AHU/FCUs, Refrigerant
pipe, Pumps, insulation, Valve etc.
(iii) Installation of above items
%Age of Total %Age of This
Work Work Value
Value Job Value
4. Lift
(i) Supply of Lifts
(ii) After installation of lift
5. Fire Fighting system
(i) Supply of Fire pumps, Pump panel,
Valves, Pipe etc.
(ii) Installation of above items
6. Fire alarm & CCTV
(i) Supply of Detectors, alarm panels,
CCTV, DVR, Rack etc.
(ii) Installation of above items
7. Network
(i) Supply and laying of network
(ii) Supply of network switch, Racks,
IP phones, IPBX.
(iii) Installation of above items
8. BMS & Access control system
(i) Supply of active components.
(ii) Installation of system
(iii) Integration of all systems
9. Solar Panel
(i) Supply of panels, inverter, GI
support structures etc.
(ii) Installation of above item.
Annexure-A (for details – please refer to the CPWD QAP guidelines)

agreement or lot size whichever

Location of

Total Qty (each type) reqd. in


Whether Manufacturer's test

Whether Proof of Dispatch
Standard Applicable/ Test

At manufacturer works
Required to be Done

certificates required
Material / Process

At third Party Lab

Stage /Sl. no

Sample Size
is less
CPWD specs. part
IV/QA Plan:
Construction, Ratings
LT Panels of SWG, air gaps
1. Any Y Y 100% Y N
with ACB between phases,
phase to body, IP
rating, Short Circuit
ratings etc.

CPWD specs. part Up to 2 Y Y 0 N N

IV/QA Plan:
LT Panels Construction, Ratings
with incomer of SWG, air gaps >2 and
2. Y Y 1 Y N
of more than between phases, < 10
200A phase to body, IP
rating, Short Circuit
ratings etc. >10 Y Y 2 Y N

up to Y Y N N
Rising Main 500 mtr
CPWD specs part fittings
3. and Bus
IV/QA Plan 10%
Trunking Length
> 500 Y Y Y N
up to
2500 Y N N N N
Rigid MS 1 piece
4. IS 9537 Pt I &2
Conduit of 1 mtr
Y Y for N Y
agreement or lot size whichever
Location of

Total Qty (each type) reqd. in


Whether Manufacturer's test

Whether Proof of Dispatch
Standard Applicable/ Test

At manufacturer works
Required to be Done

certificates required
Material / Process

At third Party Lab

Stage /Sl. no

Sample Size
is less
CPWD specs. part
IV/QA Plan:
LT Panels Ratings of SWG, air
1 Any Y Y 100% Y N
with ACB gaps between
phases , phase to
body ,IP rating, Short
Circuit ratings etc.
CPWD specs. Part
IV/QA Plan: Up to 2 Y Y 0 N N
Ratings of SWG, air
2. LT Panels >2 and
gaps between Y Y 1 Y N
phases , phase to < 10
body ,IP rating, Short
Circuit ratings etc. >10 Y Y 2 Y N

Whether in up to
conformity with 100
3. Poles
tender specs >100 Y Y 2% Y N

up to
2500 Y N N N N
4. LT Cable IS 1554 Part 1 1 piece
Y Y every N Y
IS 14930, Check for up to Y N N N N
DWC/ 500 mtr
thickness, material,
5. Corrugated
Mechanical Strength One
HDPE pipe Length
and smoothness piece for
> 500 Y Y N Y
mtr 500 mtr
agreement or lot size whichever
Location of

Total Qty (each type) reqd. in


Whether Manufacturer's test

Whether Proof of Dispatch
Standard Applicable/ Test

At manufacturer works
Required to be Done

certificates required
Material / Process

At third Party Lab

Stage /Sl. no

Sample Size
is less
Whether in
6. Fittings conformity with >100 Y Y NA N N
tender specs
CPWD specs part
IV/QA Plan: CT ratio
1. HT Panel and accuracy Class Any Y Y 1 Y N
should be invariably
HT Panel:
Check CT ratio and
metering and
2. accuracy Class, Any Y Y 1 Y N
Relays and Meters
CPWD specs. part
IV/QA Plan:
LT Panels Ratings of SWG, air
3. Any Y Y 1 Y N
with ACB gaps between
phases, phase to
body, IP rating, Short

Up to 2 Y Y 0 N N
CPWD specs. part
IV/QA Plan:
LT Panels Construction,
with incomer Ratings of SWG, air >2 and
4. Y Y 1 Y N
of more than gaps between < 10
200 A phases , phase to
body ,IP rating, Short
Circuit ratings etc. >10 Y Y 2 Y N
agreement or lot size whichever
Location of

Total Qty (each type) reqd. in


Whether Manufacturer's test

Whether Proof of Dispatch
Standard Applicable/ Test

At manufacturer works
Required to be Done

certificates required
Material / Process

At third Party Lab

Stage /Sl. no

Sample Size
is less
CPWD specs part
IV/QA Plan: Check
for type of capacitors
Capacitor used, operation of
5. Any Y Y 1 Y N
Panel relay, settings.
Change the load and
its type and check
up to Y Y N N
Rising Main 500 mtr
CPWD specs part fittings
6. and Bus
IV/QA Plan 10%
Trunking Length
> 500 Y Y Y N

CPWD Specs. Part
up to Y Y N N N
I/II: Check for
500 mtr
perforation area,
7. Cable Tray
thickness and One
Material Composition piece for
> 500 Y Y N Y
500 Mtr

up to Y N N N N
IS 14930 , Check for
DWC/ 500 mtr
thickness, material,
8. Corrugated
Mechanical Strength
HDPE Pipe One
and smoothness Length
piece for
> 500 Y Y N Y
500 Mtr
agreement or lot size whichever
Location of

Total Qty (each type) reqd. in


Whether Manufacturer's test

Whether Proof of Dispatch
Standard Applicable/ Test

At manufacturer works
Required to be Done

certificates required
Material / Process

At third Party Lab

Stage /Sl. no

Sample Size
is less
CPWD Specs. Part
IV/QA Plan: Physical
verification of
accessories as per
agreement and Routine
tests as per IS:2026/IS
11171:1985 (whichever
applicable), with
particular attention to
losses meeting ECBC
norms / as per
agreement, Type test
certificate for exact
9. Transformer same design for
Any Y Y 100% Y N
impulse withstand and
short circuit withstand
shall be made available
by Manufacturer,
Temperature rise test
of one transformer of
each design shall be
done. Copies of the
certificate for pressure
test, test for bushings
shall be supplied to the

Load testing as per

10. DG set Any Y Y 100% Y N
CPWD specs

Load testing and

operation logic as
per CPWD specs ,
11. UPS Any Y Y 100% Y N
Check for input and
output power quality
as per agreement

Up to
12. HT Cable IS 1554 Part II Y Y 1 N N
500 mtr.
agreement or lot size whichever
Location of

Total Qty (each type) reqd. in


Whether Manufacturer's test

Whether Proof of Dispatch
Standard Applicable/ Test

At manufacturer works
Required to be Done

certificates required
Material / Process

At third Party Lab

Stage /Sl. no

Sample Size
is less
1 Piece
>500 for
mtr. every
500 mt
up to
2500 Y N N N N
13. LT Cable IS 1554 Part I 1 piece
>2500 for
mtr every
2500 mt
CPWD specs part
1. Chiller Code/Agreement/QA Any Y Y 1 Y* N
Plan: COP, Capacity,
CPWD specs part
Package AC
2 Code/Agreement/QA Any Y Y 1 Y* N
Plan: COP, Capacity,
Up to 50 Y Y NA N N
As per tender specs.
3. Split/WT AC
And BEE ratings. 1 for
>50 Y Y Y* N
every 50

4. Pumps As per tender specs. Y Y 100% N N

To be tested for 1 for

5. MS Pipes thickness and weight Any Y Y every N N
as per applicable IS 100 mtr

Insulation / To be tested for up to

6. Acoustics Density and K value 1000 Sq Y Y NA N N
material as per tender specs. mtr
agreement or lot size whichever
Location of

Total Qty (each type) reqd. in


Whether Manufacturer's test

Whether Proof of Dispatch
Standard Applicable/ Test

At manufacturer works
Required to be Done

certificates required
Material / Process

At third Party Lab

Stage /Sl. no

Sample Size
is less
>1000 for
sqm every

CPWD specs. part up to 20

VI/QA Plan: Fans to fans
Fans for
7. be tested for
AHU 1 for
Ventilation and >20
Pressurization Y Y every 20 Y N

CPWD specs. part Up to 20

VI/QA Plan: To be Y Y NA N N
tested for capacity in
assembled condition,
8. AHU's Fabrication, Cooling
coil and filters
material & 1 for
workmanship to be >20 Y Y every 20 Y N
inspected critically. AHUs

up to
1000 N N NA N N
Ducting 1
9. As per relevant BIS
material Sample
> 1000 for
Sqm every

Flow and controls as

10. Valves up to 20 Y N NA N N
per data sheet
agreement or lot size whichever
Location of

Total Qty (each type) reqd. in


Whether Manufacturer's test

Whether Proof of Dispatch
Standard Applicable/ Test

At manufacturer works
Required to be Done

certificates required
Material / Process

At third Party Lab

Stage /Sl. no

Sample Size
is less
1 for
> 20 Y Y N Y
every 20

CPWD specs. part

IV/QA Plan:
LT Panels Ratings of SWG, air
11. Any Y Y 1 Y N
with ACB gaps between
phases , phase to
body ,IP rating, Short
Circuit ratings etc.

Up to 2 Y Y 0 N N
CPWD specs. part
IV/QA Plan:
LT Panels Construction, >2 and
Y Y 1 Y N
with incomer Ratings of SWG, air < 10
of more than gaps between
200 A phases, phase to
body, IP rating, Short
Circuit ratings etc. > 10 Y Y 2 Y N

CPWD Specs. Part
up to Y Y N N N
I/II: Check for
500 mtr
perforation area,
13. Cable Tray 1 piece
thickness and > 500 for
Material Composition mtr every
500 mtr
Y = Yes N = No/Not Applicable
Y* = Tested for its capacity at AHRI certified test bed (either at manufacturer’s work or at IIIrd
Party Lab)

1. Pumps As per tender specs. Y Y 100% N N
agreement or lot size whichever
Location of

Total Qty (each type) reqd. in


Whether Manufacturer's test

Whether Proof of Dispatch
Standard Applicable/ Test

At manufacturer works
Required to be Done

certificates required
Material / Process

At third Party Lab

Stage /Sl. no

Sample Size
is less
To be tested for 1 for
2. MS Pipes thickness and weight Any Y Y every N N
as per applicable IS 100 mtr

up to 20 Y N NA N N
Flow and controls as
3. Valves
per data sheet
1 for
> 20 Y Y N Y
every 20

CPWD specs. part

IV/QA Plan:
LT Panels Ratings of SWG, air
4. Any Y Y 1 Y N
with ACB gaps between
phases , phase to
body ,IP rating, Short
Circuit ratings etc.

CPWD specs. part Up to 2 Y Y 0 N N

IV/QA Plan:
LT Panels Construction,
with incomer Ratings of SWG, air > 2 and
5. Y Y 1 Y N
of more than gaps between < 10
200 A phases , phase to
body ,IP rating, Short
Circuit ratings etc. > 10 Y Y 2 Y N

CPWD Specs. Part

I/II: Check for
6. Cable Tray up to Y Y N N N
perforation area,
500 mtr
Stage /Sl. no

Material / Process

Standard Applicable/ Test

Required to be Done

Y = ‘Yes’
thickness and
Material Composition

Total Qty (each type) reqd. in

agreement or lot size whichever
> 500

is less

Whether Proof of Dispatch



Whether Manufacturer's test


certificates required
N = ‘No/Not Applicable’

Sample Size

500 Mtr
piece for

At manufacturer works

At third Party Lab

Location of

The installations shall be completed in all respects and put in to operation even where
certain details are not specifically mentioned in these specifications and the same is
deemed to be included within the scope of this tender.
Contractor shall periodically submit completion drawings for all the E&M services as and
when work in all respects is completed in a particular area. These drawings shall be
submitted in the form of four sets of CD‟s / Pen Drive and four in hard copy (300 x 450 mm)
each containing complete set of drawings on approved scale indicating the work as -
installed. These drawings shall clearly indicate following:
(1) Location and details of equipment and other particulars.
(2) Complete wiring diagram, as installed and scheduled showing all connections in the
complete electrical system.
(3) Single line diagram, power schematic, control schematic with detailed bill of
materials, showing makes, types and description of all components and accessories.
(4) Successful contractor shall also furnish the Manufacturer’s instructions on
Installation, Operation & Maintenance for all the capital items.
All equipment shall be guaranteed for a period of 24 months from the date of acceptance
and taking over of the installation by the department. The equipment or component or any
part thereof so found defective during the guarantee period shall be repaired or replaced
free of cost to the satisfaction of the Engineer in-charge. In case it is felt by the department
that undue delay is being caused by the contractor in doing this, the same will be got done
by the department at the risk and cost of the contractor. The decision of Engineer-in-charge
in this regard shall be final.
All E&M services such as Internal Electrical installations, Substation, DG Set, Air-
conditioning Plant, lifts, firefighting system & Addressable fire alarm system shall be
declared as completed only after successful commissioning and completion of trial run of 1
month. However, maintenance of these installations during the warranty period of 12
months shall be carried out by the agency. During trial run of 1 month, cost of all consumable
items shall also be borne by the main contractor, including POL & Electricity.
All electrical & mechanical fittings / fixtures / appliances, to be provided for the work, should
have latest minimum 5 star rating (of BEE), as available in market. Since, the proposed
construction is for 5 star GRIHA LD rating, all fittings and fixtures shall be provided which
suits to the GRIHA rating.

OEM Qualification Criteria

1. The OEM should have office in Patna/Bihar.
The OEM of the equipment’s quoted for should be profitable in the last 3
consecutive financial Years.
The OEM of the equipment’s quoted for should have a minimum of 10 custom paid
3. spare depots in India (one of which must be in Kolkata) to support failure of
The OEM should support next business day delivery against defective spares in
major locations in India. OEM should have 24x7x365 support in India
5. The OEM should support registered office in India at least from last 10 Years.
The Network Solution i.e. Core and Access Switches should be from single OEM.
This is done to have better integration between all products. The OEM must be in
latest report of the Gartner’s leader’s quadrant for Wired and Wireless LAN.
Documentary evidence for the same should be provided.
The IP EPABX solution should be from single OEM. The OEM must be in latest
7. report of the Gartner’s leaders quadrant for Unified Communication. Documentary
evidence for the same should be provided.
The Physical Security Solutions i.e., Video Surveillance Software, IP Cameras
8. should be from single OEM. This is done to have better integration between all
9. The OEM shall have certification ISO 9001:2000 & ISO 14001.
OEM should have at least one reference in India of Integrated physical security
10. system with video surveillance system having minimum deployment of 200
cameras for Campus Surveillance.
The work will be carried out in recessed Steel conduit wiring system with FRLS copper
cables in accordance of CPWD General Specifications for Electrical Works Part-I (Internal)-
2013 and Part-II (External)-1994 with amendments up to the date of opening of tenders and
the governing specifications, which are mandatory including makes for some of the important
materials to be used in the work. In case of ambiguity between the two, the governing
specifications shall prevail.

FRLS PVC insulated Copper conductor wires in steel conduits will be used for points,
circuit & sub-main wiring.

All internal electrification work will be carried out as per CPWD Specifications, NBC
2016, NEC 2011, IE Rules 1956, IS Codes etc. as amended up to the date of tender. In case
for any part of the work specification is not available in the aforesaid mentioned documents
then part of the work will be carried out in accordance with sound engineering practice and
as per directions of Engineer-in-charge.

The Electrical & Mechanical services, Fans, Fittings, Fixtures in non-residential

buildings is to be designed & provided as per CPWD General Specifications for Electrical
Works Part-I (Internal)-2013 and Part-II (External)-1994, NBC 2016, NEC 2011, relevant IS


Lighting of Non-residential Areas, Common Areas, Utility Rooms & Basements shall
be done with energy efficient LED 328enture328iz having Luminous efficacy not be less than
100 lumen / watt. The requirements of illumination level, as per NBC 2016 is asunder:

Type of Lamps
Area/Space illumination level in Type of Fixtures
Square modular Type
Office Rooms 300 – 500 – 750 LED Luminaires (system efficacy not
less than 125 lm/watt)

Square modular
type(system efficacy
Conference Rooms 500-750 LED Luminaires
not less than 125

Surface mounted
Staircases & fixture (system
50 – 100 – 150 LED Luminaires
Corridors efficacy not less than
100 lm/watt)
Type of Lamps
Area/Space illumination level in Type of Fixtures
Surface mounted /
Recessed LED fixture
Lift Lobbies 150 – 200 – 300 LED Luminaires down lighter (system
efficacy not less than
100 lm/watt)

Service Areas / Utility

Surface mounted
Areas Such as
fixture (system
Electrical Room, 100 – 150 – 200 LED Luminaires
efficacy not less than
Pump Room, Plant,
100 lm/watt)

Surface mounted
Parking areas (if any) 20 – 30 – 50 LED Luminaires

External / Landscape Lighting

Security Lights, Road Lighting, Parking and Area lighting shall be provided as per
codal provisions & functional requirements. Pathways, Garden, Water Bodies & Landscape
lighting shall be designed keeping in mind architectural features / Aesthetic considerations.
As a general practice, following type of fixtures / poles shall be used:

Average illumination level Type of Lamps/ Fixtures

in Lux preferred

Boundary Wall, Road, LED Lamps Street light

30 – 50 – 100
Parking Areas fixtures Mounted on poles.

Bollards with LEDs / Other

Pathways, Garden, Water
Aesthetical Consideration Luminaires, as per
Bodies & Landscape lighting
aesthetical Consideration

IP based Telephone outlet point wiring for all hostel rooms & offices shall be terminated
in suitable size of G.I. Junction box , Rack, switches etc. as required , conduit for telephone
wiring may be provided through branching by providing suitable size of G.I. box along with
suitable tag block at each floor. The inter connections of all junction boxes fixed at all floors
shall be done properly making proper distribution system with the prior approval of Engineer-
in-charge. Providing incoming television / telephone cables from the site boundary of each
building is not covered in the scope of this tender. However, pipes for laying of these cables
shall be provided by the tenderer as per direction of Engineer-in-Charge.

Note: Providing incoming television / telephone / internet cables from the site boundary
is not covered in the scope of this tender.
Energy efficient Ceiling fans, Exhaust fans and other fixture of suitable wattage, call
bell in these buildings shall also be provided by the contractor as per direction of Engineer-
in-charge. Lightning arresters as per IS; 2309 -1989 as amended upto date

.RFID Card based door lock system to be provided in hostel & guest house building.
Meter Boards & Main Distribution Boards as per local supply company specification /
requirement shall also be provided by the contractor. Separate shaft for each blocks shall be
provided for laying of Electrical, mechanical & fire services. HDPE / DWC pipes for taking
L.T. cables along with brick masonry chambers of suitable size shall be provided by the
contractor wherever required. Laying of HDPE / DWC / SW /Hume pipes for road crossing or
in pucca portion & CC path etc. for electric / telephone / street lighting cables complete with
adequate number of cable chambers shall be provided by the contractor. Contractor has to
provide race way & necessary wiring as per the furniture layout plan along with necessary
screed concrete before laying the flooring.

Note: Number& size of pipes to be used shall be got approved from Engineer-in-

After completing the work, necessary test results as envisaged in CPWD General
Specifications Part-I (Internal)-2005 & Indian Electricity Rules 1956, shall be recorded and
submitted to the department. The results shall be within the permissible limits. Test report
forms duly signed by authorized person for obtaining electric connections (energy meters)
from Power Distribution Company by the contractor shall be given to the allottees. PART –
1. Design Philosophy
The electrical system networks shall be designed to:
(1) Comply with applicable codes and standards.
(2) Maximize energy efficiency &responsiveness.
(3) Maximize life cost effectiveness.
(4) Ensure flexibility for future expandability.
(5) Ensure system durability and reliability.
(6) Ensure redundancy of critical components.
(7) Ensure ease of maintenance and bypass arrangement for urgency case.
(8) Basis of Load Estimation

The preliminary demand load to be estimated on the basis of actual loads of Electrical
& Mechanical Services, ECBC 2017/latest. The diversity factor to be, as per the National
Electric Code 2005. The electric substation should be designed as per suitable capacity one
working and one standby transformer.
2. Electric Supply and operational concept:-
The power supply company shall provide a single/multiple HT net metering connection
at the entrance of the site with bulk HT metering. From the meter room, the HT cable shall
be taken to the Substation, thereafter power shall be fed to main substation, which will act as
a Step-down Transformer 11/0.433 KV for further feeding to the buildingloads.LT supply from
the substation shall be fed to the Main LT cum DG Panel, proposed to be kept in the Utility
Services Building, with the help of 1.1 KV LT Sandwitch type Compact Bus Trunking. In case
of power failure DG sets will run as per load requirement basis. DG Panel should be suitable
for DG power synchronization at any instant.LT supply from the DG Sets shall be fed to the
Main LT Cum DG Panel. The changeover between the normal supply (from transformers) &
DG Set supply shall take place at the Main LT Cum DG Panel through Load Management
System. Further distribution shall be made to LT Panels, utilities with the help of 1.1 KV LT
XLPE Insulated, PVC sheathed aluminium conductor armoured cables, to be laid inground.
Power distribution shall be made in the inside the Building at various floors with the
help of suitable capacity prefabricated Sandwiched type bus Trunking suitable for use on 3
Phase, 4 Wire, 415 Volts,50Hz AC supply with metal clad enclosures made of 1.6 mm thick
steel sheet duly powder coated with 4 Nos. Aluminium bus bars, necessary joints, elbow
joints and, expansion joints(tinned copper flexible connection at expansion joints and at both
ends of the bus Trunking shall be provided), fire barriers at regular interval of 3 Meter,
Continuous earthing with two Nos. copper strip of suitable size(one each side) including GI.
Clamping brackets, suspenders, angle iron brackets, steel fasteners, connecting to
earthing system. Separate Rising Mains to be used for Normal, DG Set & UPS supply at
suitable locations. Power from the Main LT Cum DG Panel shall be fed to all the other loads
i.e., Plumbing Panel, Fire Pump Panel, Elevators Panel &Common Area lighting by 1.1KV LT
XLPE Insulated PVC Sheathed aluminium conductor armoured cables to be laid in trenches
/ over GI cable trays.

3. SCADA communicable Energy Metering

Utility power Supply Company shall meter power at incoming at HT and charge the
builder/ developer for bulk power. Digital multifunction meters shall also be installed at various
main panels such as plumbing panel, fire pump panel, lifts panel, chillers panel, ventilation
fans panel, AHU Panels, common area lighting, power panels, all lighting& power DBs
feeders to monitor, voltage, current & KWH Consumptions .Panels & Boards: All LT
distribution panel shall confirm to IEC 60439 (TTA) comprise the following:

Main LT cum DG Panel Board: It receives LT power from transformers secondary side
& from DG Sets & supplies power to building /utilities.

4. Power Factor Control

Automatically controlled power factor capacitors shall be installed for each transformer
LT feeder at the Main LT Cum DG Panel to maintain Power factor above 0.95 (as per ECBC
2007 – para8.2.3). Capacitor banks shall automatically be brought in and out of the circuit in
steps, according to load & PF variation with the help of an APFC Relay, soft switching.

5. Codes: The capacitors shall generally conform to IS: 13341-1992, IS: 13340-1993 and
IEC:831.1 and 831.2.

6. Construction:
The panel shall be indoor type, free standing, and floor mounting with IP 54 degree of
protection. It shall be completely made of 2mm thick CRCA sheet steel. The enclosure shall
have sturdy support structure with angle supports as necessary and shall be finished with
powder coating in the approved colour shades after 7 tank treatment process of sheets.
Suitable provisions shall be made in the panel for proper heat dissipation. Air aspiration
louvers for heat dissipation shall be provided as necessary. The front portion shall house the
switchgear and the rear portion shall house capacitors and series reactors. The enclosure is
to be suitable sized to accommodate all the components, providing necessary air clearance
between live and non-live parts, providing necessary working clearance.

7. System Configuration & Features:

The capacitors units shall be indoor type-air cooled with low viscosity impregnated
paper dielectric hermitically sealed. The impregnation used shall be non-inflammable, non-
oxidizing, lower freezing points type synthetic compound. Each individual cell shall be
provided with pressure sensitive dis-connector/ devices. .Main connections from the active
elements shall be brought out through porcelain bushings. Care shall be taken to solder the
bushing to the cover to ensure perfect hermetic sealing. Capacitor unit shall be provided with
externally mounted discharge resistor to reduce the residual voltage to less than 50 volts
within few seconds of switching off. Individual units shall be provided with semiconductor
fuse/adequate capacity of MCCBs, thyristor switches (capacitor duty), bus bars and terminal
chambers to make bank of required KVAR. Terminal chamber shall be suitable for Top Entry
Bus Trunking/Cable System. To earth terminals shall be provided to teach capacitor bank
.Capacitor voltage must be rated @ 550 V for system voltage at 433Volt.APFCpanel shall be
capable to keep the PF of the system within range of 0.99 Lead to 0.95 Lag.

The capacitor shall be of low loss having power loss << 0.2W/KVAR excluding the loss
in discharge resistor.

8. Detuned filter:
The aluminum conductor used shall have vacuum impregnated insulation capable of
withstanding temperature exceeding 180oC. Tolerance of inductance should not be more
than 5%.
9. System Controller:
Control Module technology should be advanced with digital signal processor (DSP). It
should have clear backlit LCD graphic display wherein each phase data can be seen
separately i.e. Power factor of all the 3 phases can be viewed at the same time. In order to
have complete system and network control, it should have 7 input channels, 4 voltage (for
star Connection) 3 main network current. It should be capable of doing fast Fourier
Transformation and calculating Power Factor and harmonics on all phases. It should give
true RMS measurement (taking into account upto 31st Harmonic). It should have dual P.F
control setting for Reactive Power Compensation of Utility supply and DG supply. The System
Controller should have Data Logging facility with Real Time Clock to record all the important
power quality and electrical parameters for checking system performance. The system
controller should be capable of measuring and displaying following parameters for each
(1) Currents
(2) Voltages
(3) Power Factor
(4) Active Power
(5) Reactive Power
(6) Apparent power
(7) THD-I (%)
(8) THD-V (%)
(9) Individual Current and Voltage Harmonics up to 31st
(10) Current & Voltage Waveforms
(11) Bar Chart for various parameters & harmonies
10. Earthing (Grounding):
(1) The earthing shall be based on the Indian TN System.
(2) The design of the system shall be as per the CPWD General Specification for
Electrical Works Part-I Internal -2013 and specification for Indian Standard
Specifications Code of Practice IS 3043: 1987 with latest amendments.
(3) Hot dip galvanized iron i.e. GI strips / tapes shall be used for earthing.
(4) Earth pits shall be either, GI pipe or GI plate electrode. Alternatively, chemical earthing
pits may be employed, if preferred by the client.
(5) Adequate number of earth pits need to provide to limit the earth resistance to less
than one ohm & to meet the statutory requirements:
(6) For each generator & transformer, total four earth pits (2 nos. for body earthing & 2
nos. for neutral earthing).

(7) The body earthing for transformers, generators, HT & LT Panels shall be connected
to a common/mesh earth bus. DC earthing will be separately provided by the

(8) All the cable trays shall have 2 nos. of GI Earth tapes of required size, throughout the
entire length.
(9) All electrical equipment, panels, DB’s & Fixtures & noncurrent carrying metallic parts
shall be effectively earthed with GI tapes / wires as required.
(10) Single earth wire / tape shall be used for 1 phase & double earth wire / tape shall be
used for 3 phase equipment earthing respectively.

11. Lightning Protection System

(1) The structures shall be protected against lightning in accordance with the requirement
of IS 2309: 1989 with latest amendments. The risk factor requires provision of lightning
protection and in addition considered necessary for the safety of tall buildings and
human life.
(2) The lightning protection system shall comprise of a grid of horizontal air terminations
and vertical finials provided at the terrace of each high rise tower at the highest point
and that of the low rise buildings which are not within the protective angles of the high
rise terminations.
(3) The horizontal & vertical air terminations shall be connected through a series of down
earth conductors running along the sides of the building with earth tapes to the Pipe
type earth electrodes / earth stations. Earth test points shall be provided.
(4) The lightning protection system shall be based on use of hot dip galvanized iron i.e.
GI strip conductors and GI earth stations.

12. Energy Conservation Measures

(1) The equipment, fixtures & systems which are having better energy efficiency to be
(2) Use of transformers with NO LOAD & ON LOAD watt losses as per ECBC.
(3) Using energy efficient light fixtures with good photometric properties.
(4) As far as using LED lights in all places including Internal & external applications.
(5) Use of Light / movement sensors for switching on / off light fixtures in Administrative
Block, Academic & Faculty Building, Library, Seminar & Conference, Institutional
Hostel – I, Institutional Hostel – II Putting external lighting control on time switch / timer
control / Light Sensors.
(6) Using time switch control / timer control for basements lighting.
13. Solar Water Heating
(1) Using high efficiency motors EF1 for pumps & ventilation fans.
(2) Capacitors should have a long life in excess of 150,000 hours with low
losses in the range of 0.2 watt /KVAR.
(3) Electrical Safety Features
(4) Following electrical safety features shall be built in while designing:
(5) For Neutral isolation, 4 Pole switches should be provided in the incomer
of all the panels & boards.
(6) All final MCB distribution boards should have 30mA sensitivity ELCB‟s in
the incomer along with MCB.
(7) Outgoing MCB’s should not be of less than 10KA fault withstand capacity in the final
(8) All panels & boards shall be designed as per the expected short circuit level at that
(9) For the protection of equipment & feeders, switchgear shall be provided with required
O/C, S/C & E/F releases. Selection of switchgear rating shall be made on the basis
of load current &fault withstand capacity.
(10) Neutral bus bar to be sized as per CPWD General Specifications for Electrical Works
Part I Internal –2013,
(11) Lighting & Power rising mains shall be with 100% sized neutral.
(12) All electrical equipment & not current carrying metallic parts shall be effectively
(13) Separate SCADA Compatible (remote operation & control) feeders from the Main LT
Panel shall be provided for (as per NBC2016):
(a) Fire fighting pumps
(b) Lifts
(c) Plumbing pumps
(d) Alternate / Standby feeders shall be provided for following, as per
(e) Lifts
(f) Staircases & corridors lighting shall be on separate circuits & shall be
operable from ground floor and shall be MCB DB controllable.
(g) DG Set & UPS backup shall be available to staircases & corridor lighting.
(h) Escape route lighting shall essentially be laid out covering following areas:
(i) All staircases
(j) Near staircase
(k) Corridors
(l) Near Exit doors
(m) Change of direction in escape route
(n) Near fire alarm call points
(o) Near fire hose cabinets
(p) For fire detection system, fire survival cable to be laid.
(q) Manual CO2 gas flooding shall be provided in the HT Panel & Main LT
(r) Harmonics Mitigation
(14) With the increased use of HF electronic ballasts with the light fixtures, VFD’s with
motors, dimmers for lighting controls, computers & UPS system for office
automation, the electrical systems are encountering harmonics, hence wherever
required, the Harmonic Filters to be provided in the substation. The design of the
same is to be got approved from the Engineer-in-Charge.
(15) It shall have a dual 5% impedance DC link reactor (harmonic filters) on the positive
and negative rails of the DC bus to minimize power line harmonics and to protect
from power line transients. The chokes shall be non-saturating. Swinging chokes
that do not provide full harmonic filtering throughout the entire load range are not
(16) IEEE519, 1992 recommendations shall be used for the basis of calculation of total
harmonic distortion (THD) at the point of common coupling (PCC). On request VFD
manufacturer shall provide THD figures for the total connected load. The contractor
shall provide details of supply transformer rating, impedance, short circuit current,
short circuit impedance etc. to allow this calculation to be made.
14. Surge Protection Device
(1) Critical and expensive electronic equipment should be protected from Surge by SPD. The
selection of surge protective devices typically depends on the location of the device.
Equipment Selection
(2) The standard equipment selections shall be as follows:


11KV HT Switchgear Vacuum circuit Breakers.
Cast Resin Type Dry Transformer with on load tap
11KV/433V Transformers
ACBS & MCCBs for isolation & protection with
415V MV Switchgear
inbuilt releases for O/C, E/F & S/C
For management of the outgoing feeders in case of
Load Management System DG Set Operation and Transformer operation
1.1KV grade XLPE insulated, PVC Sheathed,
armored, aluminum/copper conductor outside
LT Cables
buildings and copper/aluminum conductor inside
DB‟s with MCB provided as incomer & MCB‟s for
Final Distribution Boards outgoing circuits. MCB‟s of not less than 10KA fault
withstand capacity.
1.1KV grade FRLS PVC insulated unsheathed
Internal Wiring
stranded copper conductor wires as per IS: 694.
Suitable size of perforated with powder coating
M.S. cable trays / Hot Dipped Galvanized Iron
cable tray (Galvanization thickness not less than 50
Cable tray microns) with perforation not more than 17.5%, in
convenient sections, joined with connectors,
suspended from the ceiling with M.S. / GI
suspenders including bolts & nuts.

15. DG Set:
a. DG Sets Installation –
DG sets outdoor type with radiator cooled, as per CPWD General Specifications for
Electrical Works Part VII DG Set – 2013. Two nos. of suitable capacity for
synchronization considered for power backup. DG Set shall be within an acoustic
hood as per CPCB norms and both has to be electronically synchronized. Each DG
Set shall be provided with its own day oil tank suitable for at least 10 hrs. operations.

b. DG Set Flue Stack –

(1) As per CPCB norms, flue pipes of DG Sets need to be taken above the roof top
of the building, as per CPWD General Specifications for Electrical Works Part VII
DG Set – 2013,
(2) The flues shall be adequately thermally insulated and properly cladded so as to
prevent heat transfer to the supporting walls and adjacent areas.
(3) DG exhaust shaft shall be required for the purpose of installing flue pipes for taking
them above rooftop.

c. Standby Power Generation –

(1) The capacity of DG set should be worked out with following considerations-
Total connected Electrical Loads as per clause 5 of Part-I. Power Factor –0.80
(2) Provision for Future expansion / addition – 20% of the connected load
(3) The diversity factor to be, as per the National Electric Code 2005.
(4) Loading factor, asper requirement.
(5) The number of DG Set shall be two or more with aggregate capacity, more than
that worked out under para (i) above, suitable for parallel operation.
(6) DG Set Start / Stop & change over shall be fully automatic through
PLC’s/Controller. DG sets shall start automatically within 10-30 seconds in the
event of a power failure and shall transfer power to emergency / critical loads
automatically. DG Sets operation through PLC shall in corporate:
(a) Auto Start / Stop of DG Sets i.e. auto mains failure.
(b) Auto synchronization of DG Sets.
(c) Auto load management i.e. auto load sharing.
(7) UPS: Uninterrupted Power Supply Unit is proposed to provide continuous, no
break power to life safety circuits as per NBC 2016 and Local-Bye-Laws, other
sensitive equipment. At least 30 Minutes backup with the help of maintenance
free batteries shall be provided. The number of units shall be N+1. The capacity
of the UPS should be suitable for Life Safety Circuits & other essential loads, as
(a) Life Safety circuit shall be:
(b) 100% lighting in stair cases
(c) 100% Exit signage’s

Part lighting in:

(a) Lift lobbies & Escape corridors.
(b) Lift machine room
(c) Electrical Rooms of each floor
(d) Meter rooms
(e) Electrical shafts of each floor
(f) LT Panel Room
(g) Pump room, Fire pump room
(h) AHU Rooms
(i) Fire control room
(j) Security room
(k) BMS Room
(l) Fire & Smoke detection system
(m) Security system,
(n) CCTV etc.
(o) BMS System
(p) Computer / LAN system
(q) EPABX /IPBAX Machines
(r) Audio Video Equipment
1. General

1.1. The Lifts shall be provided as per the Architectural Drawings.

1.2. Provision of lifts in the building will be kept as per NBC 2016 as amended up to the
date considering no of floors, height of the building and speed of elevators. At least
one lift is made barrier free, serving on every floor, as per CPWD Handbook on
Barrier Free and Accessibility, 2014.
1.3. Detail of lift, and their speeds etc. as per NBC 2016 shall be submitted to Engineer-
in- charge for approval before commencement of work.
1.4. Provision for control buttons in brail for blind peoples as per norms, door size
suitable for wheel chairs
1.5. Work of supplying and installation of lifts will be carried out by the contractor as per
provisions contained in General Specifications for Electrical Works (Part –III Lifts&
Escalators)-2003 and local bylaws as amended up to date.
1.6. Scope of work of the successful tenderer shall be inclusive of the following and shall
be done by the contractor at no extra cost.
1.7. Providing, Installation, Testing and Commissioning & putting into operation of lifts in
various with all control equipment & accessories for the required nos. of
landings/openings and speed of lifts in accordance with NBC 2016 as amended up
to the date.
1.8. All electrical works including interconnections from TP& N Switch (including TP&N
Switch) and loop earthing from the earth bar provided in the machine room.
1.9. Provision of adequate lighting in the machine rooms, lift shafts and all endings.
Provision of proper ventilation in machine rooms, lift wells and water proof lift pits
including lighting.
1.10. Provision of hoisting beam or hook above the lift well and trapdoor Architrave work
at lift entrance
1.11. Temporary barricades with caution boards at each landing to prevent accident
during execution of work
1.12. Electric supply to individual lift shall be given by two independent feeders (one
working & other stand by) from main electrical panel through change over switch in
the machine room / ground floor panel room.
1.13. Contractor shall furnish the following drawings and data to the Engineer-in-charge
in triplicate, for approval.
1.14. General arrangement drawing.
1.15. Detail of foundations for equipment, load data of various assembled equipment.
Data will include breaking load on guides, reactions on buffers, reaction on support
in machine room, lift well etc. Dimensions for every unit and group of units for
erection purpose, as required. The correction/changes, if any, intimated by the
Engineer-in- charge shall be incorporated and three sets of such corrected drawing
shall be furnished to the Engineer- in-charge within 15 days from the date of
approval of drawings. The work shall be executed in accordance with the approved
2. Inspection and testing at site:
2.1. The lift installation shall be subject to necessary inspection during every stage of
erection, by the Engineer-in-charge or his authorized representative. The tenderer
shall provide all facilities and assistance for the purpose.
2.2. On completion of the installation, all adjustments as necessary shall be made for
the satisfactory performance of the lifts. The completed installation shall be
inspected and tested by the Engineer-in-charge in the manner as will be laid down
by him, in consultation with the contractor. All tests necessary for satisfying the
reliable performance of the safeties, smooth running of the cars under normal and
over load conditions, level doors operation, uniformity in rope tension, functioning
of individual units like controller, and general performance of the lift installation as
a whole shall be conducted. All instruments and facilities necessary for the tests
shall be provided by the contractor. After Satisfactory final inspection contractor,
shall demonstrate the trouble-free running, maintenance of lifts till department takes
over the lifts.

3. Technical Specification
3.1. The lift shall work on micro-processor based control system with self-diagnostic
features, site programming to suit the changing need of the user. The lift shall be
silent in operation & shall have smooth and controlled acceleration and de-
acceleration with entire accuracy of +5mm.


3.2.1. Type of lift: Passenger Rated Speed & Rated load shall be as per approval
of Engineer – In – Charge. Type of operation: Automatic group supervisory
control with/without attendant Type of control – A.C. drive variable voltage
variable Frequency with Microprocessor based group control system
3.2.2. Type car doors: Centre opening stainless steel sliding door in the moon
rock finish.
3.2.3. Door Operation: Automatic power operated Construction design &
Stainless body with moon rock / Honey Comb finish finishing of car body.
3.2.4. Landing doors: Centre opening sliding power operated stainless steel
doors in moon rock / honeycomb finish & shall have a fire resistance of not
less than one hour.
3.2.5. The car shall be complete with PVC flooring & toe guard of adequate depth
cabin fan light fittings with lamps and false ceiling. Stainless steel hand rails
shall also be provided on 3sides.
3.2.6. Disabled friendly lift in each lobby shall be suitable for handicapped
persons. Type of signal system: All signal & operating fixtures shall be
provided with stainless steel faceplates.
3.2.7. Call registration indication in buttons of operating panel.
3.2.8. Digital car position indicator in car.
3.2.9. Digital car position indicator with up & down direction on all floors
separately for each lift.
3.2.10. Luminous hall call buttons on all floors.
3.2.11. Maintenance free re-chargeable battery operated alarm bell & emergency
3.2.12. Fire man’s switch at ground floor for each group of passenger lift.
3.2.13. Over load warning with visual indication, OVER LOADED and audio beep
of overloading
3.2.14. Voice announcement system having standard features.
3.2.15. Intercom system in each lift for communication between the passengers in
the elevator & fire control room & machine room (press & speak type) with
rechargeable maintenance free battery backup.
3.2.16. Elevator should be equipped with manual as well as Automatic Rescue
Devices. Infrared beam type door safety device shall be provided for full
height of door Pressurization of lift shaft shall be provided if required as per
approved scheme by Local Fire Service. PART- C5
Fire Protection System including Sprinkler System wherever required shall be designed and
provided as per CPWD General Specifications for Wet riser & Sprinkler System (Part-V) 2006
as amended up to date and CPWD General Specifications of Electrical Works Part-I 2013 as
amended up to date, relevant IE rules 1956, NBC 2016, IS standard & Local Bye Laws. NOC
for the scheme has to be obtained from Local Fire Service.

Scope of work shall be asunder:

1. To get the firefighting scheme proposal as per NBC 2016, CPWD General
Specifications for Wet riser & Sprinkler System (Part-V) 2006 and approved first from
Local Fire Service before taking up execution of work.
2. Gaseous Total Flooding Systems are to be used for suppression of Class A and Class
B type of fires. These are useful in specific hazards or equipment and in occupancies
where an electrically non-conductive medium is essential or where cleanup of other
fire suppression agents/ material/ media is not possible. Thus, in building construction
industry, such Gaseous Total Flooding Systems applications, due to the high cost of
such system, are being provided at present for protection of high value electronic
equipment, rare books etc., where water based firefighting systems cannot be
provided. It shall be provided as per CPWD General Specifications for PART-VIII Gas
Based Fire Extinguishing System, 2013, wherever required. To execute the work as
per approval of Local Fire Service.
3. Agency shall arrange for obtaining clearance certificate from Local Fire Service for the
installations of Fire Fighting system. Statutory fees / Payments required to be
deposited for processing the case, shall be borne by the department.
4. Components like landing valve, hose coupling, branch pipes, Fire Brigade Inlet
Connection (FBIC) etc. should be made of Gunmetal.
5. The contractor has to provide the necessary fire hydrant along the roads as per
requirement of the fire fighting in accordance with NBC, 2016.
6. The agency shall be getting the fire clearance certificate from the local body after
completion of the mandatory firefighting works; this is in the scope of successful

DRINKING WATER PUMPSETS: Drinking water pumping system shall be designed as per
the Water Supply Scheme. The booster pumps wherever provided, should be with one no
additional pump as standby. Scope of work includes supplying installation, testing &
commissioning of Booster Pumps / Submersible pumps, associated Plumbing, Control
Panels, and Cabling etc. PART- C6
1. The work shall consist of supplying, installation, testing & commissioning of Automatic
Intelligent Addressable Fire alarm system. It shall be as per NBC 2016 and Local bylaws
and as per approval of Local Fire Service. The work shall also include planning,
designing, preparing drawings and getting the drawings approved from the Engineer-in-
Charge and its subsequent execution. Scope work also includes integration of Automatic
Intelligent Addressable Fire alarm system provided among various buildings, as per NBC
2016,& as per CPWD General Specification of Electrical Works Part – VI, Fire detection
and alarm system 2018, requirements to the main control room, located at the one of the
main gate.
2. References for installation:
a) Indian Standard IS / NBC and Fire Bye Laws issued by local Fire Authorities
b) British Standard Institute / European Standards / all applicable codes and standards
including BS EN 54 / NFPA- 72 National Fire Protection Association
c) All major components of fire alarm system shall be product of a single manufacturer
as per the list of approved make and shall conform to the requirement of EN54 / VDS
/ UL / IS approved and designed according to DIN VDE-14675 and VDE- 0833 Fire

4.1 An Addressable Fire Alarm System (AFAS) shall be provided to effect total control
over the life safety services required in the building. The AFAS shall be of the
digital, distributed processing, real time, multi-tasking, multi-user and multi-location
4.2 The AFAS provided shall be able to tie-up the following:
4.2.1 Mechanical, Electrical & Low Voltage
4.2.2 Services into an integrated system.
4.2.3 Public address system.
4.2.4 Lifts
4.2.5 Firefighting system
4.2.6 Mechanical Ventilation system / Pressurization System / Smoke Management
4.3 The system shall be provided with Addressable fire alarm initiating, annunciating
and control devices. The addressable and intelligent system shall be such that
smoke sensors detectors, thermal sensors, manual call points, etc., can be
identified with point address. The system shall be capable of:
4.4 Setting smoke sensor sensitivity remotely (from the Fire Work Station) to either
high sensitivity manually or on a pre-programmed sequence e.g.
occupied/unoccupied period. The FAS shall be able to recognize normal and alarm
conditions, below normal sensor values that reveal trouble condition, and above
normal values that indicate either a pre-alarm condition or the need of
4.5 Read-out or address an actual space temperature at thermal detector points. The
operator shall also be able to adjust alarm and pre-alarm thresholds and other
parameters for the smoke sensors. Provide a maintenance/pre-alert alarm
capability at smoke sensors to prevent the detectors from indicating a false alarm
due to dust, direct.
4.6 Provide alarm verification of individual smoke sensors. Systems that perform alarm
verification on a zone basis shall not be acceptable. Alarm verification shall be
printed on the printer at the Control Station’s printer to enhance system
maintenance and identify possible problem areas.
4.7 Provide local numeric point address and LED display of device and current
condition of the point.
4.8 Local annunciation shall not interfere with annunciation from the Fire Control
4.9 Provide outputs that are addressable, i.e. outputs shall have point address. The
operator shall be able to command such points manually or assign the points to
Logical Point Groups (Software Zones) for pre-programmed operation.
4.10 In the event of a fire alarm, but not in a fault condition, the following action shall be
performed automatically.
4.11 The System Alarm LED on the main fire alarm control panel shall flash.
4.12 A local piezo-electric sounder in the control panel shall be sounded.
4.13 The LCD display on the main fire alarm control panel shall indicate all information
associated with Fire Alarm condition including the type of alarm point and its
location within the premises.
4.14 Printing and history storage equipment shall log the information associated with
the Fire Alarm Control Panel condition, along with the time and date of occurrence.
4.15 All system output programs assigned via control-by-event programs that are to be
activated by a particular point in alarm shall be executed, and the associated
system outputs (alarm notification appliances and/or relays) shall be activated.
4.16 The audio portion of the system shall direct the proper signal (tone or voice) to the
appropriate speaker circuit.
4.17 All lifts initiated through the systems will automatically be returned to Ground Floor.
4.18 Pre-recorded alarm messages shall be played through interface with Public
Address system.


4.1 The distributed Intelligent Fire Alarm Control Panel (FACP) shall function as fully
stand-alone panel as well as providing a communication interface to the central
station. FACP shall has its own microprocessor, software and memory and should
be listed under UL864. In the event of failure of the central or communication
breakdown between the central station and the FACP, the FACP shall
automatically operate on stand-alone mode without sacrificing any functions.
4.2 The memory data for panel configuration and operation shall reside in non-volatile
memory (EEPROM). Removal of the board shall not cause loss of memory. If such
removal can cause loss of memory, then the card containing the memory shall
have battery back-up for upto 100 hours on the board itself.
4.3 FACPs shall supervise detection circuits and shall generate an alarm in case of
abnormal condition. FACPs shall provide general purpose inputs for monitoring
such functions as low battery or
4.4 Ac power failure .FACP s shall provide tamper protection and commendable
outputs ,which can operate relays or logic level devices. Output commands shall
take any of, but not limited to, maintained command, Momentary Command, Alarm
Follow, or Alarm latch as required. Any relay in the FACP which is intended to be
removable shall be supervised against removal.
4.5 Smoke detectors shall be powered using the FACP-based smoke detection
circuits. FACPs shall provide for resetting smoke detectors, fault-isolation and
sensor loop operation. It shall be possible to mix different fire devices within the
same FACP to optimize field wiring.
4.6 FACPs shall provide indication for communication with the central console and
alarm/trouble conditions in each sensor loops.
4.7 FACPs shall provide monitoring and control of one floor or area or for multiple
floors or areas.
4.8 FACPs shall meet the following requirements to assure the integrity and reliability
of the system:
4.9 The FACP shall be UL or FM listed independently as a fire alarm control panel.
4.10 FACP electronics shall be contained in an enclosure made of minimum 16 gauge
steel. Access to FACP switches and electronics shall be by key-lock.
4.11 Usage of no other tools should be required. Visual indicators of FSP status for
each zone shall be visible without opening the key-locked cover.
4.12 All hardware and software to allow the FACP configuration and operation to be
changed shall be provided. Memory data shall be contained in non-volatile memory
4.13 Alarm verification with field-adjustable time from 0 to 60 seconds for individual
smoke detector shall be provided. During the alarm verification, the panel shall
retard the alarm until the end of the period. If the alarm is only a transient smoke
alarm, the panel shall automatically reset the alarm. Only a verified alarm shall
initiate the alarm sequence for the software zone (Logical Point Group) or point.
Final time setting shall be as per approval of the fire authorities. When alarm
verification is being performed on a smoke detector, the action shall be printed on
the listed printer(s).
4.14 Digital numeric display at the FACP shall be provided to indicate point in alarm or
trouble. In such systems, means for manually scanning the points in trouble shall
be provided and a trouble and alarm LED shall be used to indicate that there are
points in alarm/trouble. The alarm/trouble LED shall only extinguish when all
alarm/troubles are cleared from the loop.
4.15 It shall be possible to command test, reset and alarm silence from both the FACP
and the central console.
4.16 FACP switches shall allow authorized personnel to accomplish the following,
independent of the central console:
4.16.1 Initiate a general alarm condition.
4.16.2 Silence the local audible alarm.
4.16.3 It shall be possible to acknowledge (Silence the local FACP audible without
silencing the alarm indicating devices (hooters).
4.16.4 Reset all zones (Logical Point Group) / points, after all initiating devices have
returned to normal. Perform a complete operational test of the
microprocessor and memory with a visual indication with each board.
4.16.5 Test all panel LEDs for proper operation without causing a change in the
condition of any zone
4.16.6 (Logical Point Group)
4.16.7 Walk Test
4.16.8 Software zones/loops shall be circuited and protected by Fault Isolation
Modules such that in the event of a zone/loop short-circuit, not more than
twenty (20) devices shall be left non- functional. Intelligent Smoke and
thermal sensors shall be located as shown and shall report sensed levels in
analog form.
4.16.9 Monitor modules shall be provided to monitor and address contact-type input
devices. The monitor module shall be supervised by FACP.
4.17 The FACP shall process the true continuous analog signal from the sensors.
System using step setting to represent analog signal will not be accepted. The
FACP shall be able to set dual alarms threshold for occupied and unoccupied
periods. During unoccupied period, the alarm threshold shall automatically be
lowered to facilitate quicker response. In addition, the FACP shall further process
all analog values for pre-alarm limits to prompt the operator for early maintenance.
If a sensor value increases to an above normal level or a pre-alarm limit for an
extended duration, the FACP shall communicate a maintenance pre-alarm.
4.18 Any time sensor value transitions beyond the secondary and higher limit value, an
alarm initiation and report shall be issued .Limits and sensor values shall be
displayed, modifiable, and reported in decimal values. The FACP shall have Drift
Compensation facility to compensate for environment. The FACP shall have the
ability to recalibrate Pre-alarm and Alarm limits if required, after comparing each
sensor’s operating characteristics with the set sensitivity. This should be carried
out at least once in every 24 hours. FACP should annunciate trouble conditions
when sensor(s) is beyond compensation range (excessively dirty sensor).
4.19 The FACP should be UL listed or FM approved to provide the sensitivity
measurement and documentation required by NFPA72E.
4.20 FACP shall be backed up with it’s built in UPS power and shall also be connected
to central DG Power available in the building.
4.21 FACP shall be provided with following features : Charger Rate Control Control-by-
Time Non-Alarm Module Reporting Day/Night Sensitivity Periodic Detector Test
Device Blink Control Remote Page Drift Compensation Trouble Reminder NFPA
72 Sensitivity Test Verification Counters System Status Reports Walk Test
4.22 Security Monitor Points Maintenance Alert Alarm Verification System
Configuration Report r inter Interface System Point Report Event Historical log
Programmable Automatic Time and Manual Signal Silence.
4.23 Programmable Manual Signal Control-By-Event with Boolean Logic Silence Inhibit
Timer and Timer Control
4.24 FACP shall have real-time clock to prevent loss of time and date in case of failure
of power supplies.
4.25 The display on FACP shall provide indication for AC Power, System Alarm, System
Trouble/Security Alarm, Display Trouble and Signal Silence.
4.26 Minimum two different password levels will be provided to prevent unauthorized
System control or programming.
4.27 Operator control switches for Signal Silence, lamp Test, Reset, System Test and
Acknowledge shall be provided.
4.28 The FACP should truly field programmable. This would mean that in the event of
change of any logic, detector / zone sequence alteration, the operator can initiate
these by use of the alpha-numeric keys on the FACP panel to reconfigure the
above parameters. Panels, which require external programming devices to
perform the above function, will not be acceptable.
4.29 The FACP should have a degraded mode of operation. In the event of the CPU
failure the field devices (detectors & modules) should report the condition on a
simple digital communication mode to ensure reliability even during failure.
4.30 Power supply unit of FACP shall have following characters:
4.31 The main power supply shall be 230 VAC±10%, 50 Hz±1% and shall in turn provide
all necessary power of the FACP.
4.32 It shall provide a battery charger for 24 hours for standby power using dual-rate
charging technique for fast battery recharge.
4.33 It shall provide a very low frequency sweep earth fault detect circuit, capable of
detecting earth faults on sensitive addressable modules.
4.34 It shall be power-limiting using Positive Temperature Coefficient (PTC) resistor.
4.35 It shall provide indication for battery voltage and charging current.
4.36 For ease of service, all wiring terminal blocks shall be plug-in type and shall have
sufficient capacity for 18 to 12 AWG wire termination. Fixed terminal blocks shall
not be acceptable.


5.1.1 Compatibility: All automatic fire detectors shall be inter changeable without
requiring different mounting bases or alterations in the signal panel.
5.1.2 Response Spectrum: Combustion gas detectors shall respond to both visible
and invisible aerosols; size and colour of the aerosols shall not have a decisive
influence on the response of the detector. Sensitivity: On average 30 mgs of
burned material per cu.m. (as measured in a 1 cu.m. chamber) shall release an
alarm sensitivity which shall be adjustable according to the use of the space.
5.1.3 Power Consumption: Each detector shall use the minimum of power, for
economic circuits, so that it shall have capacity to connect at least 99 detectors,
50 modules and 20 fault isolator modules in one loop.
5.1.4 Built-in-response indicator: Each detector shall incorporate indicator “LED” at
the detector which shall blink during normal condition and light up on actuation
of the detector to locate the detector which is operated. The detector shall not
be affected by the failure of the response indicator lamp.
5.1.5 Maintenance: All detectors shall be fitted either with plug-in system or bayonet
type connections only, from the maintenance and compatibility point of view.
5.1.6 Construction: The detector shall be vibration and shock proof. When
disassembling for cleaning purposes, its components must not be damaged by
static overvoltage.
5.1.7 Atmospheric and Thermal Disturbance: The detector shall so designed, as
to be practically immune to environmental criteria such as air currents, humidity,
temperature fluctuations, pressure and shall not trigger false alarm, due to the
above conditions.
5.1.8 Continuous Operation: An alarm release shall not affect a detector’s
functioning. After resetting the alarm, the detector shall resume operation
without any readjustment.
5.1.9 Adaptability to ambient conditions: Detectors shall be designed for
adaptability to humid locations.

No performance deterioration shall be acceptable.


6.1 Smoke detectors shall be intelligent and addressable devices, and shall connect with
two wires to one of the Fire Alarm Control Panel loops. Minimum to 100 intelligent
detectors should connect to one loop. The detectors shall use the photoelectric (light-
scattering) principal to measure smoke density and shall, on command from the
control panel, send data to the panel representing the analogue value for smoke
density. The detectors shall be ceiling mounted type and shall include a twist-lock
6.2 The detectors shall provide Remote a test means whereby they will simulate an
alarm condition and report that condition to the control panel. Such a test may be
activated remotely on command from the control panel.
6.3 The detectors shall provide address-setting means on the detector head using rotary
decimal switches. Systems which use binary jumpers or DIP switches to set the
detector address shall not be acceptable. The detectors shall also store an internal
identifying code, which the control panel shall use to identify the type of detector.
Detectors providing address setting through hand held programmers shall also be
6.4 The detectors shall provide dual alarm and power LEDs. Both LEDs shall flash under
normal conditions, indicating that the detector is operational and in regular
communication with the control panel. Both LEDs may be placed into steady
illumination by the control panel, indicating that an alarm condition has been
detected. An output connection shall also be provided in the base to connect an
external remote alarm LED.
6.5 The detector sensitivity shall be set through the Fire Alarm Control Panel, and shall
be adjustable in the field through the field programming of the system. Sensitivity
may be automatically adjusted by the panel on a time-of-day basis. It shall have self
diagnostic capabilities & Automatic Rate compensated sensitivity.
6.6 Using software in the FACP, the detectors shall compensate for dust accumulation
and other slow environmental changes which may affect their performance. The
detectors shall be listed by UL as meeting the calibrated sensitivity test requirements
of NFPA Standard 72. & FM approved. The area covered by each smoke detector
shall be as per IS-2189.


7.1 The multi-sensor or multi-tech smoke detector which will have both photoelectric as
well as thermal detection elements shall have inbuilt microprocessor, and shall be
capable of taking an independent alarm decision. The scattering of smoke particles
shall activate the photo sensor. Each intelligent addressable smoke detector’s
sensitivity shall be capable of being programmed electronically from Control Panel
without any extra tools as: most sensitive, more sensitive, normal, less sensitive or
least sensitive.
7.2 In addition to the five sensitivity levels the detector shall provide a pre alarm
sensitivity setting, which shall be settable in 5% increments of the detector’s alarm
sensitivity value. The detector should continue to give TRUE alarms even if the loop
controller on the main panel fails. Alarm condition shall be based upon the combined
input from the photoelectric and thermal detection elements.
7.3 Each detector shall be capable of transmitting pre-alarm and alarm signals in addition
to the normal, trouble and need cleaning information. It shall be possible to program
control panel activity to each level. Each smoke detector may be individually
programmed to operate at any one of five (5) sensitivity settings.
7.4 Each detector microprocessor shall contain an environmental compensation
algorithm that identifies and sets ambient “environmental thresholds approximately
six times an hour.. The microprocessor shall monitor the environmental
compensation value and alert the system operator when the detector approaches
75% and 100% of the allowable environmental compensation value.


8.1 Thermal detectors shall be intelligent and addressable devices, and shall connect
with two wires to one of the Fire Alarm Control Panel loops. Minimum 99 intelligent
thermal detectors may connect to one loop.
8.2 The detectors shall use an electronic detector to measure thermal conditions caused
by a fire and shall, on command from the control panel, send data to the panel
representing the analog level of such thermal measurements. The detectors shall be
ceiling-mounted type and shall include a twist-lock base.
8.3 The detectors shall provide a test means whereby they will simulate an alarm
condition and report that condition to the control panel. Such a test may be initiated
remotely on command from the control panel.
8.4 The detectors shall provide address-setting means on the detector head using rotary
decimal switches. Systems which use binary jumpers or DIP switches to set the
address shall not be acceptable. Detectors providing address setting through hand
held programmers shall also be accepted.
8.5 The detectors shall provide dual alarm and power LEDs. Both LEDs shall flash under
normal conditions. In certain applications, LEDs may be selected to be polled without
flashing through system programming. Both LEDs may be placed into steady
illumination by the control panel, indicating that an alarm condition has been
8.6 An output connection shall be provided in the base to connect an external remote
alarm LED.

9.1 Addressable manual stations shall be provided to connect to the Fire Alarm Control
Panel loops. Minimum 99 addressable manual stations may be connected to one
loop. The manual stations shall on command from the Control Panel send data to the
panel representing the state of the manual station.
9.2 Press/break stations with resettable capability are also acceptable.
9.3 Manual stations shall be constructed of high impact LEXAN sheet with clearly visible
operating instructions provided on the cover. The word FIRE shall appear on the front
of the stations in raised letters.
9.4 Stations shall be suitable for surface mounting as shown on the plans, or semi-flush
mounting, and shall be installed not less than 42 inches, nor more than 48 inches
above the finished floor unless otherwise specified by applicable building codes.

10.1 The monitor module shall provide address-setting and shall also store an internal
identifying code which the Fire Alarm Control Panel shall use to identify the type of
device. Modules using binary jumpers are not acceptable. An LED shall be provided
which shall flash under normal conditions, indicating that the monitor module is
operational and in regular communication with the
control panel.

11.1 The control module shall provide address-setting and shall also store an internal
identifying code which the control panel shall use to identify the type of device.
Modules which use binary jumpers are not acceptable. An LED shall be provided
which shall flash under normal conditions, indicating that the control module is
operational and is in regular communication with the control panel.

12.1 All field hooters should preferably be addressable and software configurable. All
hooters should be able to provide at least a minimum of 3 different tones, which
should be user configurable. The minimum decibel level of each hooter should be
74 to 84 db. All hooters should be UL/F Misted. IP BASED TELEPHONE
12.2 The contractor shall provide firefighter’s telephone handsets for use with the
firefighter’s telephone jack stations. The telephone handsets shall be red in color
and have a 5 ft (1.5m) coiled cord. TELEPHONE JACKS
12.3 The contractor shall provide stainless steel firefighter’s telephone jack stations at the
locations shown on the drawings. The jack station shall be clearly identified with the
words “FIRE FIGHTER’S TELEPHONE” for use with portable fire fighter telephone
handsets. CABLES
12.4 All PVC insulated FR twin twisted copper conductor stranded cables shall be 650
volts grade and shall generally conform to IS and meet the signal cabling
requirement of the system manufacturer.


13.1 The FACP shall contain all equipment required for audio, communication, signaling
and supervisory functions. This shall include speaker zone indication, digital voice
units, and microphone.
13.2 Function: The EVAC system equipment shall perform following functions:
13.2.1 Operate as a supervised dual channel emergency voice communication
13.2.2 Operate as a two-way emergency communication system control center.
13.2.3 Supervise condition of every connection circuit.
13.2.4 Audibly and visually annunciate any trouble condition of tone generators
and digital voice units required for normal operation of the system.
13.2.5 Provide all-call activities through activation of a single control switch.
Provide selectable zone calling.
13.2.6 Provide automatic, digitally-recorded voice messages or field-
programmed through the microphone.
13.2.7 The system shall be modular in construction and shall be capable of
being field programmable without requiring the return of any components
to the manufacturer.
13.2.8 The system and associated equipment shall be protected against
unusually high voltage surges or line transients.


14.1 Each device shall be assigned a unique address via easily understood decade (01
to 99) switch. Address selection via binary switches is not acceptable. Devices
which take their address from their position on the circuit are unacceptable.
14.2 Devices shall receive power and communication from the same pair of conductors.
14.3 SENSORS -
14.3.1 All fire sensors shall mount on a common base to facilitate the changing
of sensor type if building conditions change. The base shall be
incompatible with conventional detectors to preclude the mounting of a
non-intelligent device.
14.3.2 Each sensor shall contain an LED which shall blink each time the sensor
is scanned by the FACP. If the FACP determines that the sensor is in
alarm, the FACP shall command the sensor LED to get latched on.
14.3.3 Each sensor shall be capable of being tested for alarm via command
from the FACP.
14.3.4 Each sensor shall respond to FACP scan for information with its type
identification to preclude inadvertent substitution of another sensor type.
The FACP shall continue operation with the detector installed but shall
initiate a mismatch (trouble) condition until the proper detector is
14.3.5 Each sensor shall respond to FACP scan for information with an analog
representation of measured fire related phenomenon (smoke density,
particles of combustion, temperature). Systems which only monitor the
presence of conventional detector in an addressable base shall not be
14.3.6 Photoelectric smoke sensors shall contain an optical sensing chamber
with nominal sensitivity of 2.3% foot obstruction.
14.3.7 Ionization smoke sensors shall contain a unipolar dual chamber with
nominal sensitivity of 2.3% Foot obscuration.
14.4.1 The input device shall provide an addressable input for N.O. or N.C.
contact devices such as manual stations etc.
14.4.2 The input device shall provide a supervised initiating circuit. An open-
circuit fault shall annunciate at the FACP (subsequent alarms shall be
14.4.3 The device shall contain an LED which will blink upon being scanned by
the FACP. Upon determination of an alarm condition, the LED shall be
latched on.


15.1 The alarms shall be displayed at the FACP on an LCD display. The display shall
indicate the device in alarm by ID number, the appropriate alarm state, and the
current time and date. It shall also display a point description of minimum 32
characters and, the respective analog value. The display shall also contain a
minimum 40 characters alarm message. It shall be possible to see the number of
acknowledged alarms, number of current fire alarms, number of trouble conditions
and number of other miscellaneous alarms in the system. The FACP printer shall
print out same information displayed on the LCD display. The LCD display and
printer shall be powered directly from the panel.


At any given time, operator shall have the following manual capabilities at FACP by
means of switches located behind a key-locked cover:
16.1 Initiate an alarm summary display on the FACP LCD display. This display shall
step through all currently active alarms in the system.
16.2 Initiate a summary printout of all currently active alarms on the FACP printer.
16.3 Initiate an “all-point summary” printout on the FACP printer recording the status of
each system point (initiating circuits, indicating circuits etc.)
16.4 At any time, the operator shall have following manual capabilities at the FACP
under password control; Operator privileges and ID numbers of upto four digits
shall assignable by the main operator or designated alternate. Actions taken by
operators shall automatically be printed on the FACP printer with operator initials,
time and date.
16.5 Commands output points to different mode. Such commands shall be printed with
selected descriptors ON/OFF/AUTO, OPEN/CLOSE, DAY/NIGHT etc. In addition,
command shall be used to ISOLATE or DISCONNECT points. When isolated,
alarms and troubles shall be received but not acted upon.
16.6 Modify system parameters. Alphanumeric key pad shall be provided for operators
to modify the following parameters:
16.6.1 Change sensor alarm and pre-alarm threshold
16.6.2 Update date and time
16.6.3 Change point descriptors
16.6.4 Change action message
16.6.5 Disable venture
16.6.6 Change sensor verification time
16.6.7 Change password
16.6.8 Activate/deactivate indicating output control point
16.6.9 Control-by-event programs on line
16.6.10 Select a system status report for printing on the printer from the control
station. The following real
16.6.11 time reports shall be provided:
16.6.12 All point log.
16.6.13 Alarm summary
16.6.14 Trouble summary
16.6.15 Status summary
16.6.16 Sensitivity log
16.6.17 Disabled points log.
16.6.18 Isolated points log
16.6.19 Disconnected points log
16.6.20 Logical group points log
16.6.21 The sensitivity log shall print the analog value of each addressable analog
16.6.22 Select printing of a trend sensitivity log which when enabled, shall print
minimum last 24 analog values for every addressable analog sensor taken
at predetermined intervals. Systems which limit the number of addressable
analog sensors which can be trended are not acceptable.
16.6.23 Select a sequence of programmed commands which can be automatically
executed, in sequence, via a single command.
16.7 Perform a walk-test function such that an operation can be periodically checked
out for all initiating devices on a zone. In walk test mode, all initiators on the
selected zone shall automatically be isolated. As each device is placed into an
alarm or trouble condition, the FACP shall print the condition and automatically
reset the device. No audible signals shall be initiated from the zone to prevent
disruption of building occupants. If a zone is inadvertently left in the walk-test
mode, it shall automatically reset to normal after a five-minute idle time is

17.1 In the normal supervisory condition, only the “POWER” ON, and “RUN” conditions,
shall be illuminated. The LCD display shall display “System Normal” and the
current time and date.
17.2 The LCD display shall indicate the loss of power condition and the printer shall
record the same. Following restoration of normal AC power, the trouble indicators
shall be automatically reset and the printer shall record the return to normal
17.3 The LCD display shall indicate the loop in trouble and the printer shall record same.
17.4 The LCD display shall indicate trouble and the printer shall record same.
17.5 Operation of a momentary “Silence” switch shall silence the audible trouble signal
but the visual “Trouble” LEDs shall remain ON until the malfunction has been
corrected and the system has reset. The FACP printer shall record this action.

18.1 The LCD display and printer programming shall be accomplished on site by means
of lap-top personal computer which shall plug into the FACP. Modules requiring
off-site programming are not acceptable. LCD shall initiate test of all addressable
sensors in the system.
18.2 Programming functions shall include alarm/trouble type assignment, point
descriptor assignment, alarm message assignment etc. Data file for the LCD
display and a printer shall be stored in EEPROM.

Fault-isolation of fire zones (Logical Point Group) / circuit modules shall be provided to
enable part of a fault-tolerant loop to continue operating when a short occurs in the


20.1 The status of each detector shall be monitored by the FAS.
20.2 Using the FAS, the operator shall be able to adjust the sensitivity of any
20.3 Using the FAS, the operator shall be able to define the entire database for
the file system. Fire system which are not field programmable shall not be
20.4 The FAS operator shall be able to acknowledge alarms or trouble messages
at the FAS.
20.5 It shall be necessary for all alarm or trouble conditions to be acknowledge at
the fire system central panel.
20.6 FAS software shall be upload/download type as well as with graphic facilities.
20.7 The contractor shall list out the graphic facilities being provided by him.
20.8 All devices & detectors shall be visible on building plans superimposed in
FAS software.


Upon activation of fire alarm devices:
21.1 FACP will display the exact address & alarm in the panel.
21.2 The Central Control Station shall switch OFF the AHUs of the affected floor
fire damper and toilet exhaust fans while the AHUs on the other floors shall
remain operational so as to keep the area under positive pressure.
21.3 Staircase pressurization fans shall be operated through the fire alarm system.
21.4 Appropriate fire messages shall start to broadcast automatically (synthesized
voice) after time delay.
21.5 Activate the fire alarm signaling devices.
21.6 Capture the lifts and return them to the ground floor.
21.7 The lifts and escalators alarms (provided by lift and escalator contractor) shall
be tied to the Fire Alarm System.
21.8 The Fire Alarm System shall function as follows:
21.8.1 In the event of a fire, a signal will be provided by the Fire Alarm System to
return all lifts to ground floor.
21.8.2 Should an emergency alarm originate from an individual lift, an audible
alarm shall sound at both Fire Control Stations, and print out at the printers.
21.8.3 When an alarm is detected all including annunciating devices on the floor
one above and one below shall sound.
21.8.4 Stairwell pressurization fans shall be started.
21.8.5 The air handling unit for the floor shall best opted.
21.8.6 The air handling unit on the floor above and the floor below shall be started
unless those floors are also in alarm.
21.8.7 Smoke extraction from Exhibition Hall.
21.8.8 If the alarm has not been acknowledge at the central panel within one
minute, all audible annunciating devices on the floor above and the floor
below shall sound. It the alarm has not been acknowledged at the central
panel within three minutes, all audible annunciating devices on the building
shall sound.
21.8.9 It shall be possible to accomplish the following, independent of the central
21.8.10 Initiate a general alarm condition.
21.8.11 Silence the local audible.
21.8.12 Silence the alarm signals. It shall be possible to acknowledge (silence) the
local FACP audible without silencing the alarm indicating devices
21.8.13 Reset all zones, after all initiating devices have returned to normal.
21.8.14 Perform a complete operational test of the microprocessor and memory
with a visual indication of satisfactory communication with each board.
21.8.15 Test all panel LEDs for proper operation without causing a change in the
condition of any zone.
21.8.16 Print reports of all points based on Historical data.
21.8.17 Read the status of each point based on LCD display and print the status
21.8.18 Change passwords.
21.8.19 Disable points/zones.
21.8.20 Change sensitivity of sensors.
21.8.21 Perform a walk test and generate walk test report.


Firefighter telephone system shall be as follows:
22.1 Firefighter telephone communication system shall have with complete,
common talk, closed circuits. The system shall include, but not be limited to,
a master control station mounted in the fire alarm control panel, a power
supply and standby battery system, and remote telephone stations.
22.2 Master control station which shall provide power, supervision, and control for
wiring, components, and circuits. The act of lifting any remote telephone hand
set from its cradle shall cause both a visual and audible signal to annunciate
at the master control station. Removing the hand set at the master control
station and depressing a button at the remote telephone hand set shall cause
the automatic silencing of the audible signal. Communication between the
master control station hand set and any/or all remote handsets shall require
the depressing of a push-to-talk switch located on any/all remote handsets.
During the time that the master control hand set is removed from its cradle it
shall be possible to communicate between five remote hand sets and the
master control station. Handsets shall be able to monitor any conversation in
progress and join the conversation by pressing the push-to-talk button. It shall
not be possible to communicate between two or more remote handsets with
the master control station hand set in its cradle. The master control station
hand set shall be red in color and equipped with a 5-foot long strain-relieved
coiled cord. Wiring connections shall be made to terminal strips. The master
control station shall monitor wire and connections for any opens, shorts, or
grounds which would render the system inoperable or unintelligible. The
master control station shall be equipped with a silencing switch and ring-back
feature such that any audible trouble signal can be silenced and shall be so
indicated by the lighting of an amber LED. Once any trouble condition has
been corrected, the amber LED shall be extinguished and the silencing switch
shall sound again until the switch is restored to its original position. The master
control station shall be equipped with a separate, LED annunciated switch for
each telephone circuit. In addition, LEDs shall provide for the annunciation of
operating and supervisory power. The loss of operating or supervisory power
shall cause an audible and visual indication at the master control station and
shall also cause the fire alarm trouble signal to sound on the FACP. Switches,
LEDs, and controls shall be fully labelled.
22.3 Each station shall be equipped with a hinged door that is magnetically locked.
Each hand set shall be permanently wired in place with a coiled cord. Each
hand set shall be red high-impact cycolac and shall be equipped with a push-
to-talk switch which, when operated, shall signal the master control station and
a switch-equipped, storage cradle.
22.4 Provide operating and supervising power from the same supply circuit(s)
utilized for the fire alarm control panel. The emergency telephone circuit
control panel shall include visual indication of active and trouble status for
each telephone circuit in the system.
22.5 The telephone circuit control panel shall include switches to manually activate
or deactivate each telephone circuit in the system.

23.1 All speakers shall operate on 70 VRMS or with field selectable output taps
from 0.5 to 2.0 Watts .Speakers in corridors and public spaces shall produce
a nominal sound output of 84 dBA at 10 feet (3m).
23.2 Frequency response shall be a minimum of 400 HZ to 4000 HZ.
23.3 The back of each speaker shall be sealed to protect the speaker cone from
damage and dust.
23.4 System paging from emergency telephone circuits shall be supported.
23.5 The audio message generator shall have the following indicators and controls
to allow for proper operator understanding and control:
23.5.1 LED Indicators
23.5.2 Lamp Test
23.5.3 Trouble
23.5.4 Off-Line Trouble
23.5.5 Microphone Trouble
23.5.6 Phone Trouble
23.5.7 Busy/Wait
23.5.8 Page Inhibited
23.5.9 Pre/Post Announcement Tone
23.5.10 Controls with associated LED Indicators:
23.5.11 Speaker Switches/Indicators

23.6 The speaker circuit control switches/indicators shall include visual indication
of active and trouble status for each speaker circuit in the system.
23.7 The speaker circuit control panel shall include switches to manually activate
or deactivate each speaker circuit in the system.

24 Intelligent Emergency Escape Lighting & Exit Signage System

24.1 General - The emergency lighting system & Exit signage shall be designed in
accordance with the NBC 2016 & Local Fire Norms and will be a fully
addressable, self-test system using self-contained luminaires and comply with
the requirements of BS5266 and all other related standards. All luminaires and
exit signs shall incorporate an LED light source and Lithium Polymer battery
technology to improve operational efficiency, reduce costs and protect the
environment. Luminaires incorporating fluorescent lamp technology, nickel
cadmium or nickel metal hydride batteries will not be accepted.

24.2 The system shall be designed to meet the requirements of BS5266 pt1 and
a certificate of compliance shall be issued on completion.

24.3 System Requirements –

24.3.1 Each lighting final sub-circuit shall be individually monitored by use of a
DIN rail mounted phase monitor. The phase monitor shall be
microprocessor controlled and detect the presence or absence of the
mains supply in accordance with the parameters laid down in BS EN
60598- 2-22.
24.3.2 The Emergency Lighting Control Panel shall be capable of supporting up
to two circuits of emergency lighting luminaires. Each of these circuits shall
be capable of supporting up to 127 devices.
24.3.3 Where more than 254 luminaires are required it shall be possible to install
a second Emergency Lighting Control Panel and interface them via a
graphics package and an IEEE802.3 Ethernet network. It shall be possible
to connect up to 15 panels onto a single network.
24.3.4 The user interface shall consist of a keypad with a 2line by 40character
LCD display. It shall be possible to connect up to eight user interfaces onto
each ELCP.

24.4 Luminaires –
24.4.1 Each luminaire shall be self-contained and consist of a single LED light
source – with a specially designed lens to provide optimum light
distribution, electronics and battery, all contained within a single plug-in
24.4.2 Each luminaire shall be of the self-contained type and be connected via a
2 core data communication cable to a control panel. The power to charge
the batteries in each self- contained luminaire shall also be delivered
through this cable. Luminaires requiring a local 230V ac mains supply to
charge the batteries shall not be permitted.
24.4.3 Each luminaire shall be microprocessor controlled and allocated an
individual address within the system. This address will be programmed into
the microprocessor of the luminaire using a hand-held programming tool.
Setting address by use of switches shall not be permitted. Each luminaire
and exit sign shall be capable of a minimum of 3hrs continuous operation
in an active mode. Each luminaire shall be fitted with a bi-colour
Red/Green LED to indicate its status.
24.4.4 Each luminaire shall be site programmable for operation in a maintained
or non-maintained mode and shall provide a minimum of 3 hours
continuous operation in the event of a mains power supply failure.
24.4.5 When a luminaire is operating in the maintained mode, it shall be possible
to set the light output to seven different levels of brightness. Should the
main supply fail, the luminaire shall automatically switch to maximum
24.4.6 To assist in servicing and maintenance, each luminaire shall plug-in to a
common base. This base shall be free of any electronic components,
addressing devices or batteries.
24.4.7 To avoid entropized removal it shall be possible to lock the luminaire into
the base with removal only possible by use of a special tool.

24.5 Battery Technology –

24.5.1 The standby batteries incorporated into each luminaire shall be Polymer
Lithium Ion technology and incorporate over voltage, over current and
deep discharge protection circuitry. Additional protection shall also be
provided in case of a short circuit across the battery terminals.
24.5.2 End of Life Disposal - Luminaires shall be WEEE and RoHS compliant
and suitable for recycling. Luminaires shall not contain any heavy metals
which require special handling for disposal, such as mercury, lead or
24.5.3 Range of Luminaires - A range of products shall be available covering all
types of emergency lighting application. All of the luminaires shall use
LED technology. The range shall include the following:
a) LED Down-light with specially designed lens for corridor area
applications. Both surface and semi-flush mounting models shall
be available.
b) LED Down-light with specially designed lens for open area
applications. Both surface and semi-flush mounting models shall
be available.
c) A weatherproof housing shall be used for outdoor installations.
d) LED “swing frame” exit signs which allows the same sign to be
either ceiling or wall mounted. These signs shall enture the same
“plug-in” base as the luminaires. Two blade sizes shall be available
for 20M and 40M viewing distances.
e) LED recessed mounting exit signs.
f) All of the above luminaires and exit signs shall be soft addressable
via a handheld programming tool.

24.6 Emergency Lighting Control Panel (ELCP) –

24.6.1 The ELCP shall consist of a sheet steel enclosure with a white powder
coat finish and contain an internal termination board for all incoming and
outgoing cables. The panel shall be designed for surface mounting
24.6.2 The panel shall derive its power from an externally mounted 220V/35V
a.c. transformer. The transformer shall have a protection rating of IP44.
24.6.3 The ELCP shall not incorporate any user controls. User controls shall be
provided via a separate combined keypad and display unit. The panel
shall support up to two circuits of addressable luminaires, exit signs and
Input/output modules. Each circuit shall be able to support 127
24.6.4 The ELCP shall have a transactions log of the last 512 events.
Subsequent events should overwrite the log on a FIFO principle. The data
shall be held in non-volatile memory. The ELCP shall have a reports log
of at least the last 12 months activity. Subsequent activity should
overwrite the log on a FIFO principle. The data shall be held in non-volatile
memory. Serial Outputs
24.6.5 The ELCP shall include a minimum of two RS232 serial data ports, with
an expansion card for an additionaltwoRS232/485ports.The ELCP shall
include an RS485 port for communication with up to eight combined
keypad and display units. One serial port shall be dedicated for uploading
and downloading the programmed data to and from a PC, or to provide
data to a network interface module.

25 Panel Networking - The ELCP shall include a serial output which will allow up to 15
panels to be connected via an existing or dedicated TCPIP Ethernet network to a
graphical interface.
26 Power Supply - Each ELCP shall be supplied via an external 220V/35Va.c.
transformer. Each ELCP shall contain 1x 7Ah Sealed Lead Acid batteries to support
panel and keypad operation during a mains failure condition.
27 User Interface - The user interface shall consist of an illuminated alpha-numeric
membrane keypad, with a group of “soft keys” to be used in conjunction with a graphic
based 128x64 pixel backlit LCD display in a surface mounting enclosure measuring
147W x 144H x 29D.It shall be possible to connect up to eight user interfaces on an
RS485 bus to the ELCP.
28 The LCD shall be menu driven and incorporate the following capabilities:
28.1 Output Relay Card - It shall be possible to connect up to four 8way relay cards on
a single RS485 Port. These relays shall be used for interfacing to other systems
within the building.
28.2 Panel Programming Software - The Control Panel shall be fully site configurable
and programmable using a PC-based programme and allow the data to be
backed-up to a disc for archiving purposes. This programme shall also include the
facility to produce reports of all the system programming in a printable format.
28.3 Monitoring of General Lighting Mains Supplies - Each lighting final sub-circuit shall
be monitored at the lighting distribution board by a DIN rail mounting phase
monitor. The phase monitor shall be microprocessor controlled and detect the
presence or absence of the mains supply in accordance with the parameters laid
down in BS EN 60598-2-22. And incorporate a voltage free change of state relay.

28.4 Each phase monitor shall be connected via an addressable input module to the
ELCP to signal the presence or absence of its monitored supply. PART- C7 AIR-CONDITIONING SYSTEM, VENTILATION,

Section-I (Air-Conditioning System, Ventilation System)

1 General
The work shall got executed as per CPWD GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS for HEATING,
VENTILATION & AIR-CONDITIONING WORKS 2017, General Specification of
Electrical Works (Part – I) Internal 2013, General Specification of Electrical Works (Part
– II) Internal 1994 General Specification of Electrical Works (Part – IV) Substation 2013
and additional specifications given hereto. The minimum IOs list as per CPWD and as
per the design requirement or fully automated system will be applicable.

2 Introduction
2.1 Areas to be Air Conditioned are as per Clause 5 of Part-I or relevant. Successful
tenderer is to calculate the heating / cooling load calculations for the areas to be
air-conditioned and package type air-conditioning system to be designed
2.2 It is proposed to provide Water Cooled Screw Central Air conditioning system.
2.3 It shall have mod bus communication card to replicate all chiller parameter over
BMS terminal. Up and down swing flaps and tropical rotary compressor indoor unit
with wide angle louvers.
2.4 Automatic air flow adjustment.
2.5 Sleep timer, coil dry and auto-changeover
2.6 Anti-corrosion treatment for ODU and heat exchanger fins
2.7 Power air flow dual flaps and dry function
2.8 Power coated outdoor unit
2.9 Wireless remote controller, economy mode and quiet operation Suitable Cooling
Heating Capacity
2.10 Toilets to be provided with separate supply air and exhaust air, ducted ventilation
in Administrative Block, Academic & Faculty Building, Library Building, Seminar &
Conference building. Pressurization & Smoke management system to be provided
in the buildings including basement, fire escape staircase & fire escape route,
basements etc. as per NBC2016.

3 Basis of Design for Rajgir

Ambient Summer Conditions: DBT 1100F /Actual
(as per ISHRAE-2007, Handbook WBT 750F /Actual
Table-1) RH 70% /Actual
Ambient Monsoon Conditions: DBT 950F /Actual
(as per ISHRAE-2007, Handbook WBT 830F /Actual
Table-1) RH 60% /Actual
Ambient Monsoon Conditions: DBT 450F /Actual
WBT 410F /Actual
(as per ISHRAE-2007, Handbook RH 70% /Actual
Latitude and longitude of Rajgir 25.0173° N, 85.4162° E
Daily Range 250F
Indoor Temperature & RH (As per NBC 2016, Part-8, Section-3)
As per Interior layout and As per
Equipment Load As per actual
Lighting Load As per system design
Fresh Air As per NBC 2016, Part-8, Section-3

3.2 U values and other coefficient for calculating the cooling loads to be based on
latest ASHRAE handbook.
3.3 AHU Design: Maximum face velocity across filters, maximum face velocity across
cooling, maximum fan outlet velocity shall be as per CPWD General
Specifications for Ventilation & Air-Conditioning – 2017. Maximum fan motor
speed should be 1450 RPM.
3.4 Design Parameters for Chillers, Duct, Plumbing etc. shall be as per CPWD
General Specifications for Heating, Ventilation & Air-Conditioning – 2017

3.5 Codes and Standards

a) CPWD General Specifications for Electrical Works Part I Internal – 2013,
b) CPWD General Specifications for Electrical Works Part II External –1994,
c) CPWD General Specifications for Electrical Works Part IV Sub Station–
d) CPWD General Specifications for Heating, Ventilation & Air-Conditioning
e) NBC - National Building Code
f) ISHRAE - Indian Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air
Conditioning Engineers
g) ASHRAE- American Society of Heating, Refrigeration and Air-
Conditioning Engineers
h) ARI - Air-conditioning and Refrigeration Institute
i) NFPA - National Fire Protection Association
j) UL - Under writers Laboratories
k) AMCA - Air Movement and Control Association

3.6 SYSTEM -
1) Conditioned air from the AHUs will be taken through the 180 GSM or
above G.S.S. ducting and will be supplied to conditioned areas through
false ceiling mounted diffusers/ grills. Return air will be collected through
similar diffusers/ grills mounted on false ceiling and will be taken to AHUs
for reconditioning. The total length of supply air ducting will be thermally
insulated except initial section. The initial section of all the supply air ducts
will be provided with acoustic lining on inside to prevent transmission of
noise to air-conditioned area.
2) The AC ducting system will be provided with a Variable Air Volume system
for single occupancy areas / room. This system is a very important energy
saving tool. The AHUs are equipped with Variable Frequency Drives. This
makes the system capable of reducing the Load on the AHUs if the
occupancy is low and also empowers the occupants to change the
temperature in their rooms as desired.
3) Each AHU room shall have fresh air intake system with fresh air damper.
4) For fire safety, smoke cum fire dampers with electric actuators interlocked
with blowers will be provided in the initial sections of both supply air duct
and return air path in each floor mounted AHU room. The AHU motor will
be interlocked with the central fire alarm system of building, such that in
case of detection of smoke or fire by fire alarm system, the AHU shall
automatically shut off.
5) All AHU rooms have been acoustically treated by providing 50 mm thick
insulation covered with 0.8 mm thick perforated aluminium sheet to
prevent transmission of noise to adjoining air- conditioned areas. The Air-
conditioning plant shall consist of Energy Efficient Water Cooled VFD
Screw Chiller with primary variable (Evaporator) of suitable Capacity 3
Nos. (2 working + 1 stand by) to be installed in the plant room. The
proposed chiller is with mono/Twin Screw compressors. The minimum
COP and minimum IPLV at ARI conditions should compliance with Super
ECBC – 2017 code. Two Nos. Primary Pump with VFD (1 working +1
stand by), 2 Nos. Secondary Pumps with VFD (1 working + 1 stand by)
and 2 Nos. condensers with VFD (1 working + 1 stand by) are placed in
AC plant room.
6) Pressurized expansion tank with air separator shall be placed in the plant
room. 3 Nos. Induced draft cooling tower (2 working + 1 standby) are
proposed to cool the condenser water. Individual floor mounted AHU in
each AHU rooms shall be provided to meet the Air-conditioning
requirements of the relevant areas.
7) Hot water Generator shall be reverse cycle (water source type, if client
permit then air source may also be designed) based with `410/ 134A
refrigerant. Minimum nominal COP shall be 4.0. Make of reverse cycle hot
water generator shall be that of chilling machine.

4 ROOF INSULATION: All exposed roofs of the areas to be air-conditioned shall be

thermally insulated to achieve U value = 0.45 W / m 2K (minimum).

5 PERFORMANCE GUARANTEE: The contractor shall guarantee that the air

conditioning plant shall maintain the designed inside Temperature within +2° F
tolerance and shall not exceed the specified limit at any point in the given area. The
contractor shall guarantee that the capacity of various components as well as the whole
system shall not be less than the specified capacity, as per system design.

6 NOISE LEVEL: All refrigeration and air conditioning equipment and materials, (like
motors, compressors, pumps, etc.) shall be selected, designed and installed in such a
manner that the inside noise criterion for all conditioned spaces shall be in the range
of NC-30 to NC-35.Thus the noise level in conditioned occupied spaced due to all
refrigeration and air conditioning equipment shall not exceed 52 DB at 150 Hz when
measured at any point in the occupied spaces less than 1.5 meter from any supply air
grills or 60 cm from any return air grille. The outdoor noise criterion for cooling towers,
at a distance of 50 meters from the fan shall be NC-45. Therefore, noise level in open
areas 50 meters away from towers in any direction shall not exceed 60 DB.
7 SHOP DRAWINGS: The contractor shall prepare and supply the following drawings (4
sets) to the University within 15 days from the date of award of work –

a. Duct Layout for all floors

b. Piping layout for all floors
c. Plant Room Equipment Layout
d. Foundation drawing for all equipment in the plantroom Fixing details for
cooling tower
e. Single Line diagram for chilled water circulation system
f. Single Line diagram for electrical distribution system
g. Fabrication Drawings for all electrical panels
h. Control wiring details

The contractor shall re-submit 4 sets of all the drawings to the CPWD within 05 days
from date of receiving comments if any from the CPWD after incorporating the


9 The CPWD’s authorized representative shall have full power to inspect drawings of
any portion of the work, examine the materials and workmanship of the contractor’s
works or at any other place from which the material or equipment is obtained.
Acceptance of any material or equipment shall in no way relieve the contractor of his
responsibility for meeting the requirement of the specifications, but shall have to be
replaced at its own cost by the contractor in case the equipment or work is found
defective or of inferior quality.

10 Routine / Type tests for the various items of equipment shall be performed at the
contractor’s works and tests certificates furnished. The contractor shall permit the
departments authorized representative to be present during any or all of these tests.
After notification to the department that the installation has been completed, the
contractor shall make under the direction of and in the presence of CPWD such tests
and inspection as have been specified or as the CPWD shall consider necessary to
determine whether or not, the full intent of requirements of the plans and specifications
have been fulfilled. In case the work does not meet the full intent of specifications, it
shall be rectified by the contractor at no extra cost and the contractor shall bear all
expenses for any further tests considered necessary.

11 All tools, instruments, plants and labour /operating personnel for the test shall be
provided by the contractor at his own cost.

12 WATER CHILLING UNITS - The scope of this section comprises the supply erection,
testing and commissioning of the water chilling units conforming to these specifications
and in accordance with the requirements of system design. Only chillers units operating
on `134a refrigerant & having full load IKW/ TR of less than or equal to 0.70 shall be
The chiller shall be selected at the following conditions.

a. Chilled Water Leaving Temperature : 6.70C

b. Chilled Water Entering Temperature : 12.20C
c. Evaporator Fouling factor : 0.0001 hr sqmt °C temp diff /Kcal
d. Chilled Water Circulation Rate : suitable LPM (as per design)
e. Maximum Pressure Drop in Evaporator : 5 mtr of Water.
f. Condenser Water Leaving Temperature : 36.40C
g. Condenser Water Entering Temperature : 32.20C
h. Condenser Fouling factor : 0.0002 hr sqmt 0C temp diff /Kcal
i. Condenser Water Circulation Rate : suitable LPM (as per design)
j. Maximum Pressure Drop in Condenser : 7 mtr of Water.
k. Suitable for Refrigerant : R-134a

14 Motor shall be suitable for 415 Volts ± 10%, 50Hz AC supply. Control wiring between
various components of chiller package and control panel board of the chiller unit shall
be provided. The machine should be complete with factory wired, machines mounted
microprocessor based control panel with necessary interlocking & safeties as per
specifications i/c 4 point testing of one chiller, BMS card etc. as required. Automatic
Plant Manager is included.

15 The minimum IKW/TR should not be more than 0.65 and as per ECBC Code 2017.
Compressor with VFD shall not exceed IPLV 0.40 at ARI conditions, should be
complied by the Chiller manufacturer.

16 COMPRESSOR: Each unit shall consist of evaporator, condenser, Mono/Twin Screw

compressor, semi- hermetic/Hermetic type motor lubrication system, R-134a
Refrigerant, full view control center, and all interconnecting unit piping and Wiring. The
chiller will be painted prior to shipment. Performance will be certified in accordance
with ARI Standard 550/590. Only chillers that are listed in the ARI Certification Program
for Centrifugal Chillers are acceptable. The magnetic type brushless chillers and/OR
radiant chillers will be preferred.

17 Capacity control will be achieved by use of pre-rotation vanes to provide fully

modulating control from maximum to minimum load. The unit will be capable of
operating with lower temperature cooling tower water during part-load operation in
accordance with ARI Standard 550/590. Pre-rotation vane position will be automatically
controlled by an external electric actuator to maintain constant leaving chilled water

18 MOTOR DRIVELINE: The compressor motor will be semi-hermetic/Hermetic type

operating with VFD. The Semi-hermetic/Hermetic type motor shall include
arrangement to prevent overheating. Motor drive shaft will be directly connected to the
compressor shaft with a flexible disc coupling. Coupling will have all metal construction
with no wearing parts to assure long life, and no lubrication requirements to provide
low maintenance.
19 EVAPORATOR: Evaporator will be of the shell-and-tube, flooded type with 2 Pass
designed for 150 psig working pressure on the refrigerant side. Shell will be fabricated
from rolled carbon steel plate with fusion welded seams; have carbon steel tube sheets,
drilled and reamed to accommodate the tubes; and intermediate tube supports spaced
no more than four feet apart. The refrigerant side will be designed & tested in
accordance with ASME Or other applicable Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code. Tubes
shall be high-efficiency, internally and externally enhanced type having plain copper
lands at all intermediate tube supports to provide maximum tube wall thickness at the
support area.

20 Each tube will be roller expanded into the tube sheets providing a leak-proof seal, and
be individually replaceable. Water velocity through the tubes will not exceed 3 m/s.
Two liquid level sight glasses will be located on the side of the shell to aid in determining
proper refrigerant charge. Aluminum mesh eliminators will be located above the tube
bundle to prevent liquid refrigerant carryover to the compressor. The evaporator will
have a refrigerant relief device sized to meet the requirements of ASHRAE 15 Safety
Code for Mechanical Refrigeration.

21 CONDENSER: Condenser will be of the shell-and-tube type, 2 Pass and designed for
150 psig working pressure on the refrigerant side. Shell will be fabricated from rolled
carbon steel plate with fusion welded seams; have carbon steel tube sheets, drilled
and reamed to accommodate the tubes; and intermediate tube supports spaced no
more than four feet apart. The refrigerant side will be designed & tested in accordance
with ASME or other applicable Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code. Tubes shall be high-
efficiency, internally and externally enhanced type having plain copper lands at all
intermediate tube supports to provide maximum tube wall thickness at the support
area. Each tube will be roller expanded into the tube sheets providing a leak-proof seal,
and be individually replaceable. Water velocity through the tubes will not exceed 3 m/s.

22 REFRIGERANT FLOW CONTROL: Refrigerant flow to the evaporator will be

controlled by a slide valve /variable orifice for improving unloading capabilities.

23 MICROPROCESSOR CONTROL CENTER: General: The chiller shall be controlled

by a stand-alone microprocessor based control center. The chiller control panel shall
provide control of chiller operation and monitoring of chiller sensors, actuators, relays
and switches.

24 ISOLATION MOUNTING: Included with the unit are four vibration isolation mounts,
consisting of 1” thick neoprene isolation pads, for field mounting. The pads are to be
mounted under the steel mounting pads on the tube sheets. It shall be suitable for
basement/ground floor installation.

25 WATER CIRCULATING EQUIPMENTS: The various items of the water circulating

system shall be complete in all respects and comply with the specification given below.
The total sound intensity with all fans in operation shall not practically exceed 60 DB
at a distance of 50meters.

26 PUMP SETS: Various pumps shall be of type and capacity, as per system design.
27 VARIABLE SPEED PUMPING SYSTEM: Variable speed pump should provide stable
and predictable flow rate over a wide variation of head pressure. The control system
shall include as a minimum, the programmable logic pump controller, adjustable
frequency drive(s) and remote sensor/ transmitters as indicated on the drawings.
Provide additional items as specified or as required to properly execute the sequence
of operation.

28 Pump Logic Controller: The Technologic pump logic controller assembly shall be
listed by and bear the label of underwriters Laboratory, Inc. (UL). The controller shall
meet part 15 of FCC regulations pertaining to class – A computing devices. The
controller shall be specifically designed for variable speed pumping application. The
controller shall function to a proven program that safeguard against damaging
hydraulic conditions including Motor overload, Pump flow surges, Hunting, End of
Curve. The pump logic controller shall be capable of receiving up to 7 remote process
variable signals. It will then select the analogue signal that has deviated the greatest
amount from its set point. This selected signal will be used as the commend feedback
input for a hydraulic stabilizing function to minimize hunting. Each input signal shall be
capable of maintaining a different set point value. Controller shall be capable of
controlling up to two pumps in parallel.

29 PUMPS SUITABLE FOR VARIABLE SPEED: Pumps shall be single stage, end
suction design with a foot mounted volute to allow servicing of the impeller and bearing
assembly without disturbing piping connections. Pump volute shall be class 30 cast
iron with integrally cast pedestal support feet. The impeller shall be cast bronze
enclosed type, dynamically balanced keyed to the shaft and secured by a locking cap
screw. The liquid cavity shall be sealed off at the pump shaft by an internally flushed
mechanical seal with ceramic seal seat and carbon seal ring, suitable for continuous
operation at 225o F.A. replaceable bronze shaft sleeve shall completely cover the
wetted area under the seal.

Pump shall be rated for minimum of 175 psi working pressure. Volute shall have gauge
tapings at the suction and discharge nozzles and vent and drain tappings at the top
and bottom. Base plate shall be structural steel or fabricated steel channel with fully
enclosed sides and ends, and securely welded cross members. Grouting area shall be
fully opened. A flexible type, centre drop-put design coupler, capable of absorbing
tensional vibration shall be employed between the pump and motor. Coupler shall be
shielded by a coupler guard securely fastened to the base. Motor shall be energy
efficient, totally enclosed fan cooled, class „F‟ insulation and suitable for operation on
AFD (only for secondary side). Motor shall be specially designed for quite operation
and its speed shall not exceed 1450 RPM. The motor rating shall be such as to ensure
non-overloading of the motor throughout its capacity range. Motor shall be suitable for
415 ± 10% volts, 3 phase, 50 cycles AC power supply.

30 COOLING TOWER (INDUCED DRAFT) – The cooling towers shall have capacity as
specified and shall be induce draft type to meet the specified conditions of service. The
cooling tower & basin shall be of F.R.P. The spray system shall consist of G.I. pipe
main and branch headers with brass nozzles. The cooling tower shall be complete with
suction screen float valve, make up, overflow and drain connections as well as required
hardware and material for assembly. Fiber-reinforced plastic cooling towers shall be
suitable for outdoor use. Tower shall be vertical, induced draft, up flow draw through
type, fiber-reinforced plastic construction, in round/ square shape, complete with fan,
motor, surface and spray sections, eliminators, automatic controls and sound
attenuation equipment, if required. Side casing shall be made out of FRP in a number
of equal segments with both side smooth surfaces for minimum resistance to air flow.
It shall have sufficient structural strength to adequately with stand high wind velocities
and vibrations. The casing shall be installed in the Fiberglass reinforced basin. The
tower supporting structure shall be made out of hot dipped galvanized steel frame. Air
intake shall be all along the base circumference of cylindrical FRP casing so that tower
can be installed quite independent of prevailing wind direction. A hot dip galvanized
expanded metal mesh screen shall protect the air intake. Sufficient clearance between
casing and water basin shall be provided to enable service personnel to enter the tower
comfortably and carry on periodic cleaning and inspection. Cold water basins shall be
deep fiber glass reinforced sump on which cooling tower super structure shall be
supported. Suction tank with easily removable double brass strainer shall be provided.

31 Basin fittings shall include the following:

a. Bottom Outlet.
b. Screened suction assembly bolted to the casing.
c. Drain bolted to underside of suction side sheet.
d. Overflow bolted to inside of casing side sheet.
e. Built in bleed off attached to inlet header discharging through PVC tube into
overflow pipe.
f. Ball types automatic make up water valve.
g. Quick fill connected to inside of casing side sheet.

32 Hot water distribution shall be by sprinkler system consisting of PVC sprinkler pipes
screwed into a rotating head and mounted on top of the vertical pipe installed centrally
in the tower. Sprinkler head shall be made out of aluminum and fitted with ball bearings
to take thrust and radial loads. Fillings shall be made of corrosion proof and fire safe
rigid PVC film in honey comb design and arranged circular form to facilitate easy
replacement. They shall be arranged in such a manner to ensure negligible resistance
to air flow and to eliminate back water spots and prevent fouling through scales that
may form. The crossing of air and water streams in close proximity shall create a
diffused turbulence, which is essential for evaporation and heat transfer. In order to
reduce carry over losses through entrapment of moisture drops in air streams, multiple
rotary drift eliminators shall be installed. It shall also be designed to allow air flow
without appreciable resistance.

33 Fan shall be of the propeller type, cast aluminum, low weight rotor fitted with multiple
aero foil blades. The entire fan assembly shall be statically and dynamically balanced.
Fan shall be directly driven by a 415 ± 10% volts, 3 phase, 50 cycles A/C supply
electrically motor. Fan motor shall be totally enclosed fan cooled weather proof
construction, designed and selected to operate in humid air stream. Fan shall be
protected by a fan guard and shall be easily accessible for inspection and maintenance.
A service ladder shall also be provided for greater convenience.
34 The structure of the cooling towers shall be designed for wind and other loads as per
IS: 875.

35 AIR HANDLING UNITS (AHUs) – The scope of this section comprises the supply,
erection, testing and commissioning of double skin construction, air handling units as
per CPWD General Specifications for Heating, Ventilation & Air-Conditioning 2017
amended upto date. The air handling units shall be double skin construction, draw-thru
type comprising of various sections such as mixing box, (wherever the return air and
fresh air are ducted), pre-filter section, coil section and fan section as per system

36 CASING - Double skinned panels to be fabricated with anodized extruded aluminum

section framework bolted together with sandwich panel having 0.8 mm pre-painted
outer skin and 0.8 mm plain GI inner skin with thermal break profile 23 mm thick
injected PU foam insulation having density of 38 kg/ m3 material to be sandwiched
between two skins. The entire frame shall be mounted on a M.S. channel base of 100
mm height. The panels shall be sealed to the framework by heavy duty O ring gaskets
held captive in the framed extrusion. All panels shall be detachable or hinged. Hinges
shall be made of die cast aluminum/ engg. Nylon plastic with stainless steel pivots,
handles shall be made of hard nylon and be operational from both inside and outside
of the unit. Units supplied with various sections shall be suitable for onsite assembly
with continuous foam gasket. All fixing and gaskets shall be concealed. Units shall
have hinged quick opening access doors in the fan and filter section. Access doors
shall also be double skin type. Condensate drain pan shall be fabricated from 18 gauge
stainless steel sheet. It shall be isolated from bottom floor panel through PU foam

37 MOTOR AND DRIVE – Supply air & return air fan motors shall be highly efficient and
shall be 415±10% volts, 50 cycles, three phase, totally enclosed fan-cooled class F,
with IP-55 protection. Motors shall be especially designed for quiet operation and motor
speed shall not exceed 1440 rpm with VFD driver. Drive to fan shall be provided
through V belt-drive arrangement. Belts shall be of the oil-resistant type.

38 FAN AND MOTORS – Fans shall be backward curve DIDW centrifugal. Fan casing
shall be made of galvanized steel sheet. Fan wheels shall be made of galvanized steel.
Fan shaft shall be grounded C40 carbon steel and supported in self-aligning Plummer
block operating at less than 75% of first critical speed, grease lubricated bearings. Fan
wheels and pulleys shall be individually tested and precision balanced dynamically.
Motors shall be mounted inside the AHU casing on slide rails for easy belt tensioning,
and be totally enclosed, fan cooled, to be class „F’ insulation. Motors shall drive heavy
duty flat belt (for energy efficiency), constant pitch, drive selected at 110% of motor
horsepower. Both fan and motors assemblies shall be mounted on a deep section
aluminum alloy base frame. Isolation shall be provided from the unit casing by
combination spring and rubber anti- vibration mounts and flame retardant, waterproof
neoprene impregnated flexible connection on the fan discharge.

39 COOLING COILS: As per CPWD General Specifications for Heating, Ventilation & Air-
Conditioning works 2017 amended up to date.
40 FILTERS: Each unit shall be provided with a factory assembled filter section containing
washable synthetic type air filters having anodized aluminum frame. The media shall
be supported with HDP mesh on one side and aluminum mesh on other side. Filter
banks shall be easily accessible and designed for easy withdrawal and renewal of filter
cells. Filter framework shall be fully sealed and constructed from aluminum alloy. Filter
banks face velocities shall not exceed 170 mtr/ minute efficiency of pre-filters (EU-4)
should be 90% down to 10 micron. Rest of the features shall be as per CPWD General
Specifications for Heating, Ventilation & Air-Conditioning works 2017 amended up to
date. Each air handling unit shall be provided with manual air vent at high point in the
cooling coil and drain plug in the bottom of the coil. In addition, the following
accessories shall be required at air handling units, their detailed specifications are
given in individual sections, and quantities separately identified in Schedule of

41 Insulated butterfly valves, ‘Y’ strainer, union and condensate drain piping up to sump
or floor drain in air handling unit room, as described in section “Piping” (Priced
separately). Thermometers in the thermometer wells and pressure gauge (with cocks)
within gauge ports in chilled water/hot water supply and return lines.

42 ISOLATORS: Vibration isolators (Cushi-foot mount type) shall be provided with all air
handling units.

43 FRESH AIR ARRANGEMENT: Fresh air louvers with bird screen, volume control
dampers with modulating motors & actuators shall be provided in the clear openings in
masonry walls for fresh air supply to AHU room. The actuators are activated through
Co2 sensor mounted AHU room. Fresh air dampers shall be of the interlocking,
opposed-blade louver type. Blades shall be made of extruded aluminum.

44 TESTING - The air-handling unit shall be tested to measure air quantity and coil
performance by measuring temperature difference, water pressure drop across coil
and then calculating the capacity by using the above measurements.

Before painting the air-handling units, these shall be inspected by the authorized
representative/s of the University.


covers complete variable frequency drives (VFDs) designated on the drawing
schedules to be variable speed. All standard and optional features shall be included
within the VFD. The frequency converter shall not be a general purpose product, but a
dedicated HVAC engineered design. The VFD shall be tested to UL 508C. The
appropriate UL label shall be applied. VFD shall be manufactured in ISO 9000, 2000
certified facilities.

46 The VFD shall be CE marked and conform to the European Union Electro Magnetic
Compatibility directive. The VFD shall be UL listed for a short circuit current rating of
100 kA and labeled with this rating. The frequency converter shall be supported locally
by the manufacturer who will provide full technical support, spares holding and
troubleshooting capability from their own local facility. A training course shall be
provided by the manufacturer to the Engineer-in-charge / contractor / maintenance

47.1 The VFD shall convert incoming fixed frequency three- phase AC power into
an adjustable frequency and voltage for controlling the speed of three-phase
AC motors. The motor current shall closely approximate a sine wave. Motor
voltage shall be varied with frequency to maintain desired motor
magnetization current suitable for the driven load and to eliminate the need
for motor de-rating when properly sized, the VFD shall allow the motor to
produce full rated power at rated motor voltage, current, and speed without
using the motor’s service factor. VFDs utilizing sine weighted / coded
modulation (with or without 3rd harmonic injection) must provide data verifying
that the motors will not draw more than full load current during full load and
full speed operation.
47.2 The VFD shall include an input full-wave bridge rectifier and maintain a
fundamental (displacement) power factor near unity regardless of speed or
load. The VFD shall have a dual 5% impedance DC link reactor (harmonic
filters) on the positive and negative rails of the DC bus to minimize power line
harmonics and protect the VFD from power line transients. The chokes shall
be non-saturating. Swinging chokes that do not provide full harmonic filtering
throughout the entire load range are no acceptable. VFDs with saturating
(non-linear) DC link reactors shall require an additional 3% AC line reactor to
provide acceptable harmonic performance at full load, where harmonic
performance is most critical.
47.3 IEEE519, 1992 recommendations shall be used for the basis of calculation of
total harmonic distortion (THD) at the point of common coupling (PCC). On
request VFD manufacturer shall provide THD figures for the total connected
load. The contractor shall provide details of supply transformer rating,
impedance, short circuit current, short circuit impedance etc. to allow this
calculation to be made. All VFDs upto 90 KW shall contain integral EMC Filters
to attenuate Radio Frequency Interference conducted to the AC power line.
The VFDs shall comply with the emission and immunity requirements of IEC
61800-3: 2004, Category C1 with 50m motor cable (unrestricted distribution).
The suppliers of VFDs shall include additional EMC filters if required to meet
compliance to this requirement. The VFD’s full load output current rating shall
meet or exceed the normal rated currents of standard IEC induction motors.
The VFD shall be able to provide full rated output current continuously, 110%
of rated current for 60 seconds and 120% of rated torque for up to 0.5 second
while starting. The VFD shall provide full motor torque at any selected
frequency from 20 Hz to base speed while providing a variable torque V/Hz
output at reduced speed. This is to allow driving direct drive fans without high
speed de-rating or low speed excessive magnetization, as would occur if a
constant torque V/Hz curve was used at reduced speeds. Breakaway current
of 160% shall be available. A programmable automatic energy optimization
selection feature shall be provided as standard in the VFD. This feature shall
automatically and continuously monitor the motor’s speed and load to adjust
the applied voltage to maximize energy savings. The VFD must be able to
produce full torque at low speed to operate direct driven
fans. Output power circuit switching shall be able to be accomplished without
interlocks or damage to the VFD.
47.4 An Automatic Motor Adaptation algorithm shall measure motor stator
resistance and reactance to optimize performance and efficiency. It shall not
be necessary to run the motor or de-couple the motor from the load to perform
the test. Galvanic isolation shall be provided between the VFD’s power
circuitry and control circuitry to ensure operator safety and to protect
connected electronic control equipment from damage caused by voltage
spikes, current surges, and ground loop currents. VFDs not including either
galvanic or optical isolation on both analog I/O and discrete digital I/O shall
include additional isolation modules. VFD shall minimize the audible motor
noise through the use of an adjustable carrier frequency. The carrier
frequency shall be automatically adjusted to optimize motor and VFD
operation while reducing motor noise. VFDs with fixed carrier frequency are
not acceptable. The VFD shall allow up to at least 100 meters of SWA (Single
Wire Armour) cable to be used between the FC and the motor and allow the
use of MICS (Mineral Insulated Copper Sheath) cable in the motor circuit for
fire locations.

48.1 A minimum of Class 20 I2t electronic motor overload protection for single
motor applications shall be provided. Overload protection shall automatically
compensate for changes in motor speed. Protection against input transients,
loss of AC line phase, output short circuit, output ground fault, over voltage,
under voltage, VFD over temperature and Protect VFD from input phase loss.
48.2 The VFD should be able to protect itself from damage and indicate the phase
loss condition. During an input phase loss condition, the VFD shall be able to
be programmed to either trip off while displaying an alarm, issue a warning
while running at reduced output capacity, or issue a warning while running at
full commanded speed. This function is independent of which input power
phase is lost. Protect from under voltage. The VFD shall provide full rated
output with an input voltage as low as 90% of the nominal. The VFD will
continue to operate with reduced output, without faulting, with an input voltage
as low as 70% of the nominal voltage.
48.3 VFD shall include current sensors on all three output phases to accurately
measure motor current, protect the VFD from output short circuits, output
ground faults, and act as a motor overload. If an output phase loss is detected,
the VFD will trip off and identify which of the output phases is low or lost. If
the temperature of the VFD’s heat sink rises to 80°C, the VFD shall
automatically reduce its carrier frequency to reduce the heat sink temperature.
It shall also be possible to program the VFD so that it reduces its output
current limit value if the VFD’s temperature becomes too high.
48.4 In order to ensure operation during periods of overload, it must be possible to
program the VFD to automatically reduce its output current to a programmed
value during periods of excessive load. This allows the VFD to continue to run
the load without tripping.
48.5 The VFD shall have temperature controlled cooling fan(s) for quiet operation,
minimized losses, and increased fan life. At low loads or low ambient
temperatures, the fan(s) may be off even when the VFD is running. The VFD
shall store in memory the last 10 alarms. A description of the alarm, and the
date and time of the alarm shall be recorded.
48.6 When used with a pumping system, the VFD shall be able to detect no-flow
situations, dry pump conditions, and operation off the end of the pump curve.
It shall be programmable to take appropriate protective action when one of
the above situations is detected.

49.1 Ambient temperature at full speed, full load operation with continuous drive
rated output current:
(a) 10°C to 45°C for ratings up to 90 kW without de-rating
(b) 10°C to 40°C for ratings 110 kW and higher without de-rating
Relative Humidity: 0 to 95%, non-condensing. Elevation: Up to
3,300 feet without de-rating.
(c) AC line voltage variation: + 10% of nominal with full output.
(d) VFDs upto 90 KW rating Enclosure protection: IP 55, integral, with
Mains Disconnect with no additional cabinets.
(e) Side Clearances: No side clearance shall be required for cooling.
All power and control wiring shall be done from the bottom.
(f) All VFDs shall be plenum rated.

50.1 The ventilation fans, blowers and air washer shall be complete in all respects
with AMCA certification and shall generally comply with the specifications
given below. Except following specifications rest of the specification shall be
as per specifications mentioned in CPWD specifications for HVAC – 2017
amended up to date. Axial flow fans: The Axial Fan Blades shall be of Cast
Aluminium of aerofoil design for high efficiency and high static pressure. The
blades shall be joined together on cast aluminium hub. The mounting ring
shall be of CRCA / sheet steel with steel brackets to connect the frame, with
the Fan/Motor assembly. Rubber mounts shall be provided between the
mounting frame and the mounting brackets. The fan assembly shall be
statically and dynamically balanced. The fan motor shall be totally enclosed
Fan cooled type. It shall have painted G.I. wire mesh on both sides.

50.2 Centrifugal blowers: The centrifugal blowers shall be double/single inlet,

double/single width, non-overloading type, of suitable construction. The
blower performance must be rated in accordance with approved test codes
and procedures. The centrifugal fans should conform to IS-4894-1987
(Revised to Date). The blower housing comprising of scroll & side plates shall
be accurately cut be of heavy gauge all welded sectional construction and
reinforced with angle bracings. Outlets shall be flanged to assure proper duct
connections. Inlet cones shall be spun enture type, or curved vane type, to
ensure smooth air entry. The base frame shall be of angle iron in
bolted/welded construction. Impeller shall be fabricated from sheet steel with
backward curved, properly designed. Blades, with heavy C.I. Hub and shall
be both dynamically and statically balanced, to a close tolerance for quiet and
vibration free performance. Shaft shall be of hot rolled steel or forged steel,
sized adequately, but in no case of less than 40 mm diameter and shall be
accurately ground and polished to a close tolerance. Bearings shall be self-
aligning, heavy duty ball or tapered roller type with integral dust and grease
seals. After assembly, the complete fan shall be painted with rust proof primer
and two coats of synthetic enamel paint. Fan having wheel diameter of 1220
or more, shall be supplied with split, bolted housing for convenience of
handling and installation. Blower drive assembly: Drive assembly for each
blower shall consist of blower pulley, motor pulley, a set of V belts, belt guards,
and belt tension adjusting device. Pulleys shall be selected to provide the
required speed. They shall be multi-groove type, with section and grooves
selected to transmit 33% more load than the required power and shall be
statically balanced. The belt guards shall be of M.S. Sheet with angle iron
reinforcements and expanded metal screen.

50.3 Motors and starters: The motor for each blower shall be squirrel cage
induction type and conform to specifications as given under section on control
panel, motors and switchgear. The motor HP shall be at least 20% more than
the limit load of fan and of minimum rating as given under „Schedule of
Equipment. The Motors shall be as per IS-325-1996 (Revised to date) with F-
Class of Insulation. The air velocity should not exceed 10.16 M/s (2000 FPM)
at blower outlet and 5.08 M/S (1000 FPM) at blower Inlet.


General Specifications for Heating, Ventilation & Air-Conditioning – 2017 amended up to


52.1 Following areas shall be mechanically ventilated & exhausted.
52.2 The ventilation rates for mechanical ventilation of various areas are generally as
under. However, the same is to be rechecked w.r.t. NBC 2016 and Local bylaws.


Pump Room 12 Air changes per hour
STP Room 20 Air changes per hour
LT Panel Room 12 Air changes per hour
HVAC Plant room 12 Air changes per hour
Toilets 12 Air changes per hour
Kitchen ACPH as per kitchen consultant,
Fresh air through air washer and
exhaust through air Scrubber
Cafeteria Considered 15 Air changes per hour

52.3 Fresh air & Exhaust air fans & duct work shall be employed for ventilating the
respective areas.
52.4 AMCA certified double inlet, double width, class-I Forward Curved Blades
Centrifugal Supply/ Exhaust air Single Skin ventilation machine for basement
ventilation consisting of fans, high efficiency (efficiency-1) TEFC squirrel cage 3
phase 50 Hz, 415 Volt, Class H insulated with IP 54 protection fan motor, V- belt
Drive package consisting of Motor Pulley, fan Pulley, V- belt, belt Guard and other
accessories required at site, vibration isolators, floor mounted enclosures made
of minimum 18 gauge GI sheet with is foundation etc. as required. The fan
impeller shall be mounted on MS shaft, the assembly shall be statically and
dynamically balanced. The Impeller assembly supported on housing with heavy
duty ball bearings. Fan housing and motor shall be mounted on common base
with anti-vibration mounting. Fan pulley dia. shall be less than ½ of fan dia. and
fan rpm shall be less than 1000 rpm. Fan motor and cabinet shall be suitable for
smoke exhaust application having thermal rating of 2500C for 2 hrs. as per EN-
12101-3-2002. The out let velocity shall not exceed 12mtr/sec. TP/6P isolator of
suitable capacity with its enclosure shall be provided. AMCA certified Supply /
Exhaust Air Tube Axial Flow Fan with Powder coated MS casing and alluminium
alloy impeller with high efficiency aero-foil sections blades, impeller directly driven
by high efficiency (efficiency-1) TEFC squirrel cage 3 phase 50 Hz, 415 Volt,
Class H insulated with IP 54 protection fan motor for pressurization & other smoke
management requirements etc. as required. The assembly shall be statically and
dynamically balanced. The casing shall be of minimum 18 gauge GI sheet. Motor
mounting plate shall be minimum 15mm thick. Fan motor and casing shall be
suitable for smoke exhaust application having thermal rating of 2500 C for 2 hrs.
as per EN-12101-3-2002. The Fan rpm shall not exceed 2900
RPMforUPTO4900CMHfancapacity, 1450 RPM for 5000 to 19500 CMH fan
capacity and 100 RPM for 20000 CMH and above fan capacity. The out let
velocity shall not exceed 12mtr/sec. DP/TP/6P isolator of suitable capacity with
its enclosure shall be provided.
Section-II (Integrated Building Management and Control System)

1. General –
Work under this section includes the Design, supply, installation, testing and
commissioning of an integrated building management system in Academic & Faculty
Building, Library, and Seminar & Conference. The work under this system shall consist
of furnishing all materials, labour, equipment, electronic components and other
appliances necessary to make the system totally functional and operative including
interfacing and integration with control panels of various services being executed by
other agencies.

2. System Design Philosophy –

The BMS system is intended to monitor and/or control the operation of major equipment
and systems pertaining to:
a. HVAC system (monitor and control)
b. Ventilation /exhaust systems of basement, Pressurizations system, smoke extraction
system of Corridors etc. (monitoring and control)
c. Electrical system such as Sub Station etc.(monitoring)
d. Utilities like DG sets, its fuel storage & cooling system(monitoring)
e. Lifts, etc.(monitoring)
f. Firefighting system(monitoring)
g. Solar Panel, Solar Water Heating (monitoring /controlling)

Specifications for Heating, Ventilation & Air-Conditioning – 2017
b. Pipes – Two wire Pre-Insulated pipes will be acceptable.
c. Thermal Image sensing camera (2nos) with readable software shall be provided by the
contractor or leak detection in addition of two wire system.
d. Air Ionizer Plasma Air System UL & NABL certified shall be supplied. PART- C8 TRANSFORMER
1. SCOPE – This Technical specification covers the detailed requirements of design,
manufacture, testing at the manufacturer's works and delivery up to the workshop of the
manufacturer of 11kV Sub-Station. The cast resin dry type transformers shall comply
with ECBC Norms. Complete with all the accessories and fittings for efficient and
trouble-free operation.

2. CODES & STANDARDS - Transformers, their accessories and fittings shall conform to
latest editions of IS-2026 (Part I to IV) and IS-11171 or equivalent international
standards IEC. In case of any conflict, the requirements of this specification shall be
binding. The equipment covered by this specification shall, unless otherwise stated to
be designed, constructed and tested in accordance with the latest revisions of relevant
Indian standards / IEC publications.

IS 1271 Classification of Insulating Materials.

IS 2026 Power transformers (part I - IV)
IS 2099 Bushing for alternating voltages above 1000 V
IS 2705 Current transformers
IS 3202 Code of practice for climate proofing
IS 3639 Power transformer fittings and accessories
IS 4257 Porcelain bushings for transformers
IS 11171 Dry type Transformer
IS 8478 Application guide for tap-changers
Code of practice for selection, installation and
IS 10028
maintenance of transformers

3. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS – Following are to be furnished by the Tenderer along

with the tender / offer
(a) Make / type and catalogue number (Doc, to be provided) considered and the
overall dimensions wherever it is relevant are to be furnished A brief description
of the system along with relevant control schematics Filled up copies of
Guaranteed Technical Particulars (GTP) as enclosed.
(b) Spares (Qty. and Unit rate) for two years normal trouble free operations. Along
with Tender, the Tenderer shall indicate the performance guarantee period and
the technical particulars for various equipment / materials.


(a) All transformers shall be of the latest design only.
(b) The type of cooling shall be Natural Air cooled (AN) and the corresponding
ratings for each transformer shall be as indicated in the specific requirements.
(c) Each transformer shall be suitable for operation at full rated power on all tapings
without exceeding the applicable temperature rise.
(d) It shall be possible to operate the transformer satisfactorily, with the loading
guide specified in IS-6600. There shall be no limitations imposed by bushings,
tap changers, auxiliary equipment to meet this requirement.
(e) The transformers shall be designed to be capable of with-standing, without
injury, the thermal and mechanical effects of short-circuits between phases or
between phase and earth at the terminals of any winding with full voltage applied
across the other winding for periods given in relevant standards. There shall be
no limitations imposed by any part/component of the transformer/off load tap
links to meet the short circuit level Specified.
(f) Each transformer shall be designed for minimum no-load and load losses within
the economic limit and shall be able to have minimum loss at the rated load
(g) All electrical connections and contacts shall be of ample cross sections for
carrying the rated current without excessive heating.
(h) The transformer shall be capable of continuous operation at full load rating under
the following conditions:
(i) Voltage variation = + 5%
(ii) Frequency variation = + 5%
(iii) Combined voltage and frequency variation (Absolute sum) = +5%

5.1 Core - The core shall be built up with high-grade non-ageing low-loss and high
permeability cold rolled grain oriented silicon steel laminations with double sided
insulation. After being sheared the laminations shall be treated to remove all burrs
and shall be re-annealed to remove all stresses. The material shall conform to the
latest edition of relevant Indian Standard.
The core shall be rigidly clamped and bolted to ensure adequate mechanical
strength and to prevent vibration/noise during operation. The bolts used in the
assembly of the core shall be so constructed that eddy current flow is minimum.
The core shall be provided with lugs suitable for lifting the complete core and coil
assembly of the transformers.
Following points shall be taken care by the transformer manufacturer
1) Core shall be purchased Directly from Manufacturer or from their
accredited Marketing organization of Repute & not through any agent.
Bidder has to submit proper documents in support of this along with the
2) Transformer manufacturer should have in-house core cutting facilities for
proper control & monitoring of quality & to avoid mixing of Prime core with
Second grade /defective core materials. Transformer Manufacturer
should have in house slitting Machine so as; core is cut to width & stacked
with minimum air gap thus ensuring Burr level less than 10Microns.
3) The insulation structure for the core to bolts and core to clamp plates shall
be such as to withstand a voltage of 2000V for one minute.
4) The core of the transformers shall be coated with resin coat not less than
1 mm thick for protection against corrosion.
5) All iron parts of the transformer except the core shall be hot dip
5.2.1 LV windings:
a) The LV winding is produced using copper conductor in order to cancel
out axial stress during short circuit; this foil will be insulated between
each layer using a heat-reactivated class F pre impregnated epoxy
resin film.
b) The ends of the winding are protected & insulated using a class F
insulating material.
c) The whole winding assembly shall be polymerized throughout by being
autoclaved for 2 hours at 130°C, which will ensure:
 High level of resistance to abnormal environments
 Excellent dielectric withstand
 Very good resistance to radial stress in the instance of a
bolted short circuit. 5.2.2 HV windings

5.2.2 HV Windings:
a) They will be separated from the LV windings to give an air gap between
the MV and LV circuits in order to avoid depositing of dust on the
spacers placed in the radical electrical field and to make maintenance
b) These will be made of copper wire or foil (according to the
manufacturer's preference) with class F insulation.
c) The HV windings will be vacuum cast in a class F fireproof epoxy resin
casting system composed of:
(i) an epoxy resin
(ii) an anhydride hardener with a flexibility additive
(iii) a flame-retardant filler.
d) The casting system will be of class F. The interior and exterior of the
windings will be reinforced with a combination of glass fibre to provide
thermal shock withstand.

The H.V terminals of transformer shall be suitable for connections to XLPE cable & the
L.V terminals of the transformer shall be suitable for connections to L.T bus duct.


Off circuit tapings are provided on HV windings. Tap changing is done by means off
circuit links. Use of tap changing links eliminates any moving parts as against a
manually operated tap changer.

8. Tapings: Tapping will be provided for voltage adjustment on the HV winding with
adjustment of high voltage of +5% to –7.5% in steps of 2.5%.

9. SAFETY INTERLOCK - A safety interlock shall be provided to ensure that the enclosure
door can be opened only when transformer is de-energized.

10. GUARANTEE ON LOSSES - The no load losses in KW at rated voltage and rated
frequency and load losses (Total losses – no load losses) in kilowatts at rated output,
rated voltage and rated frequency shall be guaranteed under penalty for each
transformer. For the purpose of penalty computations, the test figures of the no load
and the load losses will be compared with the corresponding guaranteed values /

11. FITTING & ACCESSORIES - The transformers in addition to any other

fittings/accessories recommended by manufacturer shall be provided with the following:
a. Rating plates bearing the data as per Clause No.12.
b. A diagram plate showing the internal connections and also the vector
relationship of the windings in addition to the plan view of the transformer
giving the correct physical relationship of transformer.
c. Suitable HV & LV terminals as per details mentioned in technical specification
d. Winding temperature indicator (RTD – PT – 100)
e. Bi-directional rollers.
f. Inspection Cover
g. Jacking lugs
h. Eye bolts and lugs in all parts for ease of handling.
i. Temperature sensors and relay suitable for giving alarm and trip commands.
These alarm and trip signals will be used as digital input signal to the RTU.
Over temperature alarm and trip signals shall be provided for HV & LV
windings independently.

12. RATING PLATES – Each transformer shall be provided with rating plate as per clause
15 of IS – 2026 (Part – I) of weather proof material fitted in visible position showing the
appropriate items as given below:
a. Type of Transformer
b. No. of Year of Manufacture
c. Manufacturer’s name
d. Manufacturer’s serial number
e. Year of Manufacture
f. No. of phases
g. Rated power
h. Rated Frequency
i. Rated Voltage
j. Rated Current
k. Impedance Voltage at rated current.
l. Type of Cooling
m. Connection diagram
n. Insulation Level
o. Total weight & dimensions
p. Temperature class of insulation.
q. Type of Tap changer
r. No. of steps on Tap changer/ link

13. PAINTING - All steel surfaces shall be thoroughly cleaned by sand blasting or chemical
agents as required to produce a smooth surface free of scale, grease and rust. The
external surface, after cleaning, shall be given a cost of high quality red oxide or yellow
quoted primer, followed by filler coats.
For dry type Transformer, the supplier shall co-operate with supplier of low voltage side
bus duct and high voltage side cable Supplier so as to ensure proper co-ordination of
all related aspects


The transformers shall be tested at manufacturer’s works in presence of Engineer in
Charge’s authorized representative(s) as per latest edition of IS – 2026 / Part I & III or
equivalent International standard.


Transformer shall comply with requirements of following tests/reports as per Govt.
/NABL (National Accreditation Board for Laboratories) approved shall be carried out
during the inspection. The following shall constitute the Factory Acceptance Test:
a. Measurement of winding resistance.
b. Measurement of voltage ratio and check of voltage vector relationship.
c. Measurement of impedance voltage (principal tapping), short circuit
impedance and load losses.
d. Measurement of no load losses and current.
e. Measurement of insulation resistance.
f. Separate source voltage withstand test.
g. Induced over voltage withstand test.
h. Vector Group.
i. When transformers are equipped with a protection enclosure, they will be
tested in their enclosure.


The following shall constitute Site Acceptance test:
a. Measurement of winding resistance.
b. Measurement of voltage ratio and check of voltage vector relationship.
c. Measurement of no load losses and current.
d. Separate source voltage withstand test.
e. Induced over voltages withstand test.
f. Measurement of insulation resistance.
g. Magnetic balance.
The Engineer in Charge or his representatives reserves the right to having other
reasonable tests carried out at his own expense either before dispatch or at site to
ensure that the transformer complies with the requirement of the specification.


The manufacturer should produce along with their offer the copies of Test
Certificates on the following TYPE TESTS, which were already carried out at CPRI
(a) or at any other reputed testing house for similar or higher rating of Transformer.
(a) Dynamic Short Circuit Test.
(b) Lightning Impulse Test
(c) Temperature Rise Test.
(d) Noise Level Measurement

Cast Resin Dry type transformer,
1. Type
indoor, ANAN
2. Rating ( KVA ) Designed KVA
3. No load voltage ratio 11 / 0.433 kV
4. Frequency 50 Hz ± 3%
5. Vector group Dyn 11
6. Insulation Class (Min) Suitable for class-F
5% on principal tap at rated kVA,
7. Impedance Voltage
8. No. of Phases 3
9. Fault Level at HV side 20 kA for 3s
10. Insulation level
(i) Impulse withstand Voltage -
HV 75 kvp
LV -
(ii) Power Frequency withstand
HV 28 kVrms
LV 3 kVrms
11. System Ground Effectively earthed
Type of Tap Changer for giving Manual Off ckt. tap links at HV
voltage variation to HV side
13. Tapping range +5% to – 7.5% in steps of 2.5%
Temperature rise winding over
14. 90oC
ambient temperature
15. Class of Insulation Class F
16. Enclosure IP 00 (Without Enclosure )
17. Method of Cooling ANAN
No load losses at rated voltage &
18. 2.4 KW
frequency (IS Tol.)
19. HV
Busbar Trunking
2 Numbers Earthing Terminals,
Rating and Diagram Plate, Bi-
20. Fittings for Dry type
Directional Rollers, Lifting Lugs,
Winding Temp Scanner.
21. Paint Enamel-RAL 7032

IS: 12834:1989 (reaffirmed Solar Photovoltaic Energy Systems –

2000) Terminology
Crystalline silicon terrestrial photovoltaic
IEC : 61215 Ed 2 or latest (PV) modules– Design qualification and
type approval
Photovoltaic (PV) module safety
qualification - Part 1: Requirements for
IEC: 61730 Pt 1 & 2
construction Part 2: Requirements for
Salt mist corrosion testing of photovoltaic
IEC: 61701
(PV) modules
Photovoltaic Devices- Part-I: Measurement
IEC:60904-1(2006) of Photovoltaic current-Voltage
Basic environmental testing procedure for
IS: 9000
Electronic and electrical items.
IEC:60068 Environmental testing
Safety Guidelines for grid connected
IEC 61723 Ed1.0 photovoltaic systems mounted on the

Note: Latest version of the specification shall be referred to.

2. SYSTEM DESCRIPTION - Solar Photovoltaic (SPV) grid connected system shall

consist of mainly the following:
a) Module mounting structure (GI make with PU paint)
b) Junction boxes GI make with PU paint.
c) Power conditioning unit (PCU)
d) Metering& data logger.
e) Cable and other accessories



3.1 BASIS OF DESIGN: Solar Hot Water System shall be designed to cater the hot
water requirement for Bath Rooms & Kitchen in the Hostel Buildings.

3.2 DESIGN CRITERIA - System to be designed at the Environmental Conditions

3.3 All equipment, especially electrical components & pumps shall be guaranteed
to perform satisfactorily under ambient conditions and under worst conditions
without undue deterioration.

3.4 System voltage shall be 415V + 10%, 3 phase A.C. or 240V single phase.


4.1 The heat collection efficiency of the collectors being of prime importance; hence
following shall be considered while designing the system. Construction of the
collector shall be preferably marine grade aluminum for tray and copper risers
for capillaries to facilitate high transmittance.

4.2 High absorber surfaces with absorptivity more than 94% shall be selected.

4.3 Insulation with high heat retention to the extent of at least and better material
like poly derivatives shall be used.

It is perceived to have a Storage tank with copper coil inside the tank. The tank shall also be
provided with solar pump so that effective exchange of heat can take place. This would
facilitate, Effective energy storage, Availability of energy in the non-sunny hours, less heat
loss, More Heat Transfer. In the storage tank, the cold water enters into the tank through a
Copper coil which will be immersed in the solar thermic fluid. The cold water shall exchange
heat from the hot solar thermal fluid and leave the hot water storage tank. The solar thermic
fluid is also continuously entering and leaving the hot water storage tank with the help of solar
pump from collector panels after exchanging the heat with the cold water running in the coil.
The Capacity of the solar pump and the rate of flow of cold water shall be so equally balanced
so as to achieve maximum heat transfer.

Primary solar thermic fluid circulating pumps shall be of suitable rating as per the system
requirement. The parameters are subject to required flow rate of thermic fluid, required Heat
Exchange ratios and correct time spacing & operations. Thus, the system shall be integrated
and configured to work on its own.


The workmanship shall be superior & conform to the specifications, and subject to approval
of the Engineer –in-Charge. All materials and/or Workmanship which in the opinion of the
Engineer-in-charge is defective or unsuitable shall be removed immediately from the site and
shall be substituted with proper materials and/or workmanship forthwith.

All materials shall be best of their kind and shall conform to the latest Indian Standards. All
materials shall be of approved quality as per samples and approved by the Engineer –in-
charge. As and when required by the Engineer-in-charge, the contractor shall arrange to test
the materials and / or portions of works at his own cost to prove their soundness and
efficiency. If after tests any materials, work or portions or work are found defective or unsound
by the Engineer-in-charge, the contractor shall remove the defective material from the site,
and re- execute the works at his own cost to the satisfaction of the Engineer-in-charge. To
prove that the materials used are as specified the contractor shall furnish the original
vouchers on demand.

Casing shall be of folded Aluminium tray and Marine grade Aluminium H3004 Temper H32,
thickness of 0.7 mm. Drain/ Vent holes shall be formed recess one in each corner 15 mm in
from each edge and dia of hole shall be 4 mm.Glass shall be of one sheet of low iron,
tempered glass and max iron content shall be 0.4 %. Minimum solar radiation transmittance
shall be 94% as per ANS 1297-1-1975, BS 6206 A and JIS R3206 standards. Insulation:

Back insulation shall be of Glass wool with minimum 55 mm thickness and 10 Kg/ m3 density.
Edge insulation shall be polyester with 13 mm thickness and 23 Kg/ m3 density. Thermal
conductivity of insulation of minimum 0.59 W/m degree C @ 23degree C

Glass to tray seal: Glass to tray seal shall be of closed cell PVC foam tape with Acrylic
adhesive on both sides.

Glazing angle: Glazing angle shall be of Aluminium Extrusion Alloy 6060 Temper T5. Weather

Proofing: Weather proofing shall be done through silicon sealant in folded corners and
Collector connections shall be done through Moulded Polypropylene.

Absorber: Absorber shall be Flat Plate tube type and fin material shall be Aluminum alloy
5005 temper H34 or approved equivalent. Absorber plate surface finish shall be black
polyester powder coat, non-selective surface.

Tube Array: Header to riser joints shall be silver solder, Header and riser material shall be
copper tube.

Collector Corner Block: Collector corner block shall be of Black Polypropylene.

Collector: Collectors maximum working pressure shall be at least 1450 kPa and flow rate
shall be approximately 1.25 LPM. Suitable No. of collectors shall be installed based on heat
required (which is mentioned in schedule of quantities.

Pre-Heater storage tank shall be of MS construction. The tank shell shall be of minimum 6mm
thick and front and back plate shall be at least 10 mm thick. The tank shall be provided with
minimum 12.7 mm dia and 0.91 mm thick copper coil inside the tank. The tank shall be
provided with the following connections:
a) Hot Water Outlet
b) Cold water Inlet
c) Solar Flow Inlet
d) Solar Flow Return.
e) Temperature Gauage
f) Solar Probe
g) Spare.
The tank shall be insulated with 50mm thick fiberglass insulation of density not less than
48kg/cum. The tank shall be mounted on MS base frame. The tank shall have working
pressure of at least 400kPA.

All valves (gate, globe, check, safety) shall be of gun metal suitable for the particular service
as specified. All valves shall be of the particular duty and design as specified. Valves shall
either be of screwed type or flanged type, as specified, with suitable flanges and non-
corrosive bolts and gaskets. Tail pieces as required shall be supplied along with valves. Gate,
globe and check valves shall conform to Indian Standard IS: 776 and non- return valves and
swing check type reflux to IS: 5312.

Sluice valves, where specified shall be flanged sluice valves of cast iron body. The spindle,
valve seat and wedge nuts shall be gunmetal. They shall generally have non-rising spindle
and shall be of the particular duty and design as specified. The valves shall be supplied with
suitable flanges, non-corrosive bolts and asbestos fiber gaskets. Sluice valves shall conform
to Indian standard IS: 780 andIS:2906.

Ball valves with floats to be fixed in storage tanks shall consist of cast brass lever arm having
copper balls (26 SWG) screwed to the arm integrally. The copper ball shall have bronze
welded seams. The closing/opening mechanism incorporating the piston and cylinder shall
be non- corrosive metal and include washers. The size and construction of ball valves and
float shall be suitable for desired working pressure operating the supply system. Where called
for brass valves shall be supplied with brass hexagonal back nuts to secure them to the tanks
and a socket to connect to supply pipe.

Globe valves on Hot-water line shall be union bonnet with stem/disc and body seat ring of
SS. Suitable for temperature up to 80° C. All valves shall be suitable for the working pressure

The pressure gauge shall be constructed of die cast aluminium and stove enameled. It shall
be weather proof with an IP 55 enclosure. It shall be a stainless steel Bourden tube type
pressure gauge with a scale range from 0 to 16 Kg / cm square and shall be constructed as
per IS:3524. Each pressure gauge shall have a siphon tube connection. The shut off
arrangement shall be by Ball Valve.

Temperature gauges shall be constructed of die cast aluminium and stove enameled. It shall
be suitable for the working temperature.

Thermometers on Hot Water lines shall be with long stem. Thermometer socket shall be
extended up to insulation thickness so that the thermometer shall be removable without
damaging the insulation.


Work under this section shall be executed without any additional cost. The rates quoted in
this tender shall be inclusive of the works given in this section.

Tenderer shall provide all tools, equipment, metering and testing devices required for the

On award of work, Tenderer shall submit a detailed proposal giving methods of testing and
gauging the performance of the equipment to be supplied and installed under this contract.
All tests shall be made in the presence of the Engineer –in-charge. At least five working days
notice in writing shall be given to the inspecting parties before performing any test.

Three copies of all test results shall be submitted to the Engineer in A4 size sheet paper
within two weeks after completion of the tests.


(i) Solar water heating System

(ii) Check all the collector/ absorbers
(iii) Check all the piping under hydro test.
(iv) Check the Heat Store cylinders, it is correctly fixed.
(v) Check primary and secondary pumps are properly aligned.
(vi) Check rotation of each motor after decoupling and correct the same if required.
(vii) Check Control panel and its termination and wiring and earthing is complete in
all respect.
(viii) Check interconnection with hot and cold water supply systems.


Following commissioning and inspection of the entire installation, and prior to issue of
the Completion Certificate, the Tenderer shall carry out final acceptance tests in
accordance with a programme to be agreed with the Engineer –in-charge.

Should the results of the acceptance tests show that plant, systems and/or equipment
fail to perform to the efficiencies or other performance figures as given in this
Specification, the Tenderer shall adjust, modify and if necessary replace the
equipment without further payment in order that the required performance is obtained.

Where acceptance tests are required by the relevant Authorities having jurisdiction,
these tests shall be carried out by the Tenderer prior to the issue of Completion
Certificate to the acceptance of the Authorities.


Any item of plant or system or component which fails to comply with the requirements
of this Specification in any respect whatsoever at any stage of manufacture, test, and
erection or on completion at site may be rejected by the in whole or in part as he
considers necessary/appropriate. Adjustment and/or modification work as required by
the Engineer-in- charge so as to comply with the Authority's requirements and the
intent of the Specification shall be carried out by the Tenderer at his own expense and
to the satisfaction of the Engineer- in-charge.

After works have been accepted, the Tenderer may be required to carry out assist in
carrying out additional performance tests as reasonably required by the Engineer-in-


All testing and commissioning shall be done by the Tenderer to the entire satisfaction
of the Engineer-in-charge and all testing and commissioning documents shall be
handed over to the Engineer-in-charge. The Tenderer shall also hand over all
maintenance and operation manuals, all certificates and all other documentation as
per the terms of the contract to the Engineer-in- charge. PART- C10 IP BASED CCTV
Close Circuit TV (CCTV):
Scope of work involves suitable nos of Day / Night cameras including its support around the
boundary wall at suitable intervals and all the main gates with suitable mounting arrangement
in a Vandal Proof Housing. Laying, terminating & connecting copper cables with redundancy
between cameras & control room. Establishing control rooms for configuration, operation,
monitoring & maintenance with one high resolution 65'' LED display along with one

Installation, configuration & customization of Network Video Recorder (NVR) will support up
to 32 channels at a time from the Main Control Room. Installation & commissioning NVR with
60 days storage capacity for cameras, MANAGEABLE Switches, Signal / Power cables,
Centralized UPS of suitable capacity to power the entire CCTV System, poles for camera,
Power to camera and weather proof enclosure and Surge & lightening protection for each
camera etc. Cameras should be of outdoor/indoor application, Day Night mode /IR Range 50
Meter IR Distance or more, Mim Illumination Colour - 0.2 Lux, B/W - 0.002 Lux, Resolution
1280 x 1024 pixels: 1.3MP @ 30fsp PAL compatible.

NVR should be of suitable nos of video channels, having storage capacity for 60 days, Full
DNA support, sophisticated failover and mirroring strategies amongst multiple NVRs for
increased resilience and redundancy, Policy based management options for automatic
deletion or protection of old footage, Recording Hard Drive 3.5in SATA Seagate SV35 Series
optimized for 24x7 Complete system is to be designed as per above requirements and an
scheme along with layout and inventory is to be submitted to the Engineer-in-Charge for
approval, before taking up the installation work. APPROVED MAKE
Description of item Acceptable Makes
SH : Electrical Works
1. Steel conduit pipe & accessories AKG/ BEC/ RMCON/ NIC with ISI marked
2 PVC conduit pipe & accessories Precission / AKG/ BEC/ Avon Plast
PVC insulated copper wire( FRLS Type Finolex/ Polycab/ Rajanigandha / Havells/
with ISI marked ) KEI /Mescab /RR Kabel/ L&T
Modular Switches & Sockets, Fan Legrand - ARTEOR / Schneider-Opale /
3. Regulator, RJ-45(cat-6)/ RJ-11 outlets Panasonic –Vision/ MK-Element/North
including modular boxes & plates West-Stylust
4. Telephone DP boxes Krone / D-Link / ITL
MCBs / RCCB / RCBO/MCB DBs, Legrand DX3 /Seimens Betaguard/L&T
5. Industrial Sockets and accessories. Exora
/Schneider Acti9 / Hager-H3 / ABB-S200M
Sensors for lighting Havells/Crompton/ Philips/
Honeywell/Legrand / Schneider
7. Rising main / Bus Trunking Schneider / Siemens/ Legrand / L&T
8. LED Luminaires Philips / Wipro/Trilux /Halonex/Osram /LT
SH :Fitting and fixtures
BLDC Ceiling Fan ( 5 Star rated ) Crompton /
9 Orient/Havells/Polycab/Atomberg
10 Exhaust fan Havells/ Crompton/ Orient /Usha
Lamps OSRAM / Philips / Wipro / Crompton/
12 Street light fittings Philips / Wipro/Trilux /K-Lite/NERI
SH: Substation Equipment.
13 33/11 KV HT Panel/VCB panel ABB/Schneider/Crompton/L&T
Transformer Kirloskar / Raychem / Voltamp-Vadodara/
Energypac/ Pristine/ABB
ACB Legrand(DMX3)/Siemens(3WL)/ L&T(U-
power)/Schneider(Easypact HVS)
Panel Board Mounting switches / MCCBs / Siemens / ABB / GE / Schneider / L&T
SDFU/ Contactor / Single Phase Preventer /Legrand Siemens / ABB / GE / Schneider /
/ Timer L&T for LT Panel TTA SI of ABB
SI of ABB//Legrand AC Power, Masstech
Electrical MV panel & APFC Panel (TTA as Switchgear Pvt. Ltd, Technomac,
per IEC 60439) OPG,Pristine,Roy Co Engineering, Tricolite,
Adleck, Associated Switchgears & Projects
Description of item Acceptable Makes
Ltd.(The manufacturers must have CPRI
test certificate of appropriate rating not older
than 5 years from the date of call of tender.)
18 Meters/ Electrical Measuring Instruments AE / L&T / Conzerv / Trinity / Rishav
19 Multifunction meter Conzerv / Secure / Trinity / L&T
20 CTs ( LT) Kappa / AE / L&T / Pragati
Indication lamps / push buttons / selector L&T / Siemens/Schneider/ AE/ Kaycee /
21 switch IMP
Dowells / Wago/ Gripwel / Johnsons /
22 Cable lugs / Glands Comet/ Smi
Chloride Power/Emerson /Amara Raja
23 Battery Charger Panel /Chhabi Electricals
1.1 KV / 11 KV Cable UG Cable / Control Polycab / Havells / CCI / Finolex/ Universal
24 /Gloster/ KEI / Crystal
Cable (ISI marked)
25 11 KV Joints / End termination Xicon (CCI) / M-Seal / Raychem
26 Battery Exide / Amara raja / Panasonic / Global &
27 Power Capacitors EPCOS / Siemens / L & T / GE /
Duraline / Rex Polyextrusion / Plato / Tijaria
28 HDPE Pipe / Tirupati Plastomatics / AJAPLAS
29 Cable Tray Patny Systems / IndmarkFormtech / UCIC /
Kanade Anand / VATCO/RM Con
30 UPS APC / Emerson Liebert / Numeric Power /
Uniline Energy
31 Insulating Mat /Vardhman/Zenith/Kiran/Raychem/Elstomer
SH : Telephone and LAN
32 PIJF underground telephone cable Polycab/Delton / Finolex / KEC/ Paramount
Optical Fiber Cable Finolex / KEC/ Paramount / Birla Ericsson /
Aksh Optifibre
LAN / Data/ Voice Networking components D-Link / Digilink / Molex / Ponduit
/Systimax / Tyco / HP /CISCO

SH :Firefighting installations
Kirloskar of Class PN 1.6 / Audco/Leader/
35 Sluice valve / non return valve
36 Gun Metal Valve (ISI marked) Kirloskar / Sant/Leader
37 Butterfly Valve Kirloskar /Audco/Leader/ Advance
Danfoss / Honeywell / Indfos / Fiebig /
38 Pressure Switch
Fire fighting equipments such as single
Newage/ Minimax / Ceasefire /
39 headed/double headed hydrant valves,
Fitting, Nozzles, Fire Brigade Inlet/ Outlet
Description of item Acceptable Makes
Connection, Siamese Connections, Landing
Valve, Branch pipe etc.
Dunlop / Newage/ Minimax /
40 Hose reel (ISI marked)
Dunlop / Newage/ Minimax / Ceasefire /
41 RRL Hose pipe (ISI marked)
Dunlop / Newage/ Minimax / Ceasefire /
42 First aid hose reel drum
Ceasefire / Safex / Minimax / Fire
43 Portable Fire extinguishers
44 Cushy foot / Anti vibration pads Dunlop / Resistoflex / GERB
45 MS Pipe ‘C’ class Tata/Zindal (Hisar)/
SH : DG set
Cumins/ Caterpilar/ Perkins/ Mitsubishi/
46 Diesel Engine Kirloskar
47 Alternator Somer/NGEF/Crompton
SH : Fire Detection and Alarm System
Analog Addressable fire alarm system Notifier (Honeywell) / Edwards ( United
48 (Panel / Sounder / Manual Call box & Technologies ) /Cerberus (SIEMENS) /
accessories ) BOSCH
UL approved Fire alarm detector (smoke /
49 heat / optical / multi-function etc.) System Sensor/Apollo/ Edwards / Notifier
SH : Air-conditioning, Ventilation
51 Daikin / Blue Star / Toshiba/ Mitshubishi/ O-
Split type Air conditioner (5 star marked)
General/Voltas / LG/ Carrier / Hitachi
52 Daikin / Blue Star / Toshiba/Mitshubishi/O-
Ductable Split A.C. General/ Voltas / LG/ Carrier / Hitachi
53 VRF / VRV system Hitachi / Daikin / LG/ Mitsubishi/ O-General
Carrier / York / Trane / Daikin / Blue Star/
54 Chilling Machine System Air / Flaktwood / Zeco Aircon /
55 Air Handling Units Fan Coil unit Voltas/Daikin /Carryaire
56 Centrifugal/Axial/In-line fans Nicotra / Kruger / Greenheck / System Air
Grundfos / Wilo / ITT / Armstrong / Mather &
57 Chilled Water / Condenser Water Pump Set Plate / Kirlosakar / Beacon
58 Cooling Tower Paharpur / Mihir / Bell/Advance
59 Hot Water Generator/ Pan type Humidifier Rapid Cool / Emerald / KEPL/Daikin
Zeco / Ambassador / System Air/Roots
60 Air Washer Cooling
61 Dry Scrubber Trion / Honeywell / Waves Aircon / Espair
62 G.I. Sheet TATA / SAIL / Jindal hissar
63 Pre-Fabricated Duct (With GI sheets of Zeco/Rollastar/Ductofab
above makes)
Description of item Acceptable Makes
64 PUF Pipe Support Malanpur / Lloyd / Best Puf/Beardsel
Allen Bradley/ Danfoss / ABB / Honeywell /
65 Variable Frequency Drive Siemens
66 Control Valve (PID) / 3 way valve with Danfoss / Honeywell / Johnsons Control /
proportionate thermostat Belimo /Flocon
67 Danfoss / Honeywell / Johnsons Control /
CO2 Sensor Belimo
68 Danfoss / Honeywell / Johnsons Control /
Modulating Motor Belimo
69 Room thermostat / Humidistat Danfoss / Honeywell / Johnsons Control /
Butterfly Valve / Balancing Valve / Non
70 Return Valve / Ball valve with & without Audco / Advance / Belimo / Kirloskar/Zoloto
71 Pot / Y Strainer Emerald / Rapid Cool / Sant
72 Motorized Butterfly valve Honeywell / Advance / Danfoss/ Belimo
73 Thermometer / Pressure Gauge Fiebig / Taylor / H-Guru/ Emerald
74 Auto air vent with stop valve Rapid Cool / Anergy / Honeywell /
Titus / Trox / System Air /Carryaire / Conair
75 Grille / Diffuser / Mapro / Airmaster/Daynacraft
Titus / Trox / System Air /Carryaire / Conair
76 Motorized Fire Damper / Mapro / Airmaster/Daynacraft
Volume Control Damper, Fresh/ Exhaust air Titus / Trox / System Air /Carryaire / Conair
77 / Mapro / Airmaster
78 Actuator for fire damper Siemens/ Honeywell / Belimo /System air
79 VAV Box Honeywell / Trox / Belimo / Ruskin Titus
80 Air curtain Dynamic Engineers/
Beacon/Magneto/Hygiene Air Products UP-
81 Fibre Glass insulation
Twiga / Owens Corning / Llyod
Vibration isolator / Rubbed pad/Duct
82 Dunlop / Emerald / Resistoflex
support Arrangement
83 Pre-filter Anfilco / Thermodyne / Purolator / Spectrum
84 Pressurized Expansion Tank / Air separator Anergy / Emerald / Rapid cool / KEPL
85 Motor for AHU Siemens / ABB / Crompton / Bharat Bijlee
86 BMS Operator Work Station HP/ Dell/ Lenovo/Acer
BMS Controller and Power Supply / Siemens /Honeywell EBI / Sauter / TAC
Software (Schneider) / ALC
88 BMS Controller Housing Enclotek / Rittal / Siemens
Lucent / AT&T / AMP / Fusion Polymer / D-
89 LAN Cable
link / Belkin/legrand
90 Personal Computer Dell / IBM / HP / Compaq
91 Laser jet Printer HP / Canon / HCL
S.H: Miscellaneous Items
92 MS / GI Pipe ( ISI marked ) SAIL/ Jindal ( Hisar)/ Tata
94 Rails ,Steel channels, angles TATA / SAIL / JINDAL
Description of item Acceptable Makes
96 Aluminium Sheet Hindalco / Balco / Nalco
97 Paint ICI / Asian / Berger / Nerolac
H Sarker / Kalpana / Venus / Audco /
98 CI Valves
Leader/Kitz/Zoloto / Kirloskar / Audco/ L&T
99 G M Valves / Sant
Kirloskar/Mather & Platt/ KSB/ Best &
100 Pump
Crompton / Beacon Weir / Jyoti
102 CPVC PIPE Finolex / Varun / Trubore / Ashirvad
103 Water Cooler Voltas / Blue Star / Usha Sriram
104 Water Purifier Eureka Fobes / Kent / Kenstar / Whirlpool
105 CCTV Sony/ Bosch/Honeywell/PELCO/TYCO
106 Desktop Document Camera Lumen/ Elmo/Wolfvision
107 Camera, Joystick Controller Sony/ Panasonic/ Bosch/Honeywell
108 LED TV/Display Samsung/ Panasonic/ Sharp/ Sony
109 Video Conferencing Units Polycom/Sony/Cisco –Tandberg
Lucent / AT&T / AMP / Fusion Polymer / D-
110 LAN Cable
link / Belkin/legrand
111 Personal Computer Dell / IBM / HP / Compaq
112 Laser jet Printer HP / Canon / HCL
113 RFID Door Lock Godrej/Samsung
114 Any other item To be decided by Engineer-In-Charge

All running / intermediate & final payments shall be made to the agency in accordance
with the following schedule:

1. Unless explicitly stated otherwise in the Tender Documents, the Contract shall
be for the whole Works, based on the milestones and payment shall be as
accepted in the Contract.

2. The design notes, calculations, specifications, dimensioned drawings and

milestone schedules prepared by the tenderer in respect of his technically
acceptable proposal shall be for limited purpose of tender evaluation and for
enabling its technical acceptability, price and construction time to be prima facie

3. Irrespective of the estimated quantities and /or dimensioned details for various
items of work as furnished in the design notes, calculations, specifications or
outline /dimensioned drawings accompanying the tender for the work, the
successful tenderer shall carry out all changes, modifications or alterations that
may, during the scrutiny of the detailed designs and working drawings, or during
construction be considered necessary in the opinion of the Engineer for
compliance with the Employer’s Requirements.

4. All duties, taxes, fees, octroi and other levies, payable by the Contractor under
the Contract shall be included in the total Contract Price submitted by the
Tenderer. The evaluation of the Tender by the Employer shall be made on the
basis of quoted price only.

5. The Payment shall be in accordance with the provisions of Clauses of the

schedule of payment.

All running / intermediate & final payments shall be made to the EPC Contractor in
accordance with the following schedule
Percentage of Total Quoted Amount

Sl No ACTIVITY Breakup of % of
% of Item against
Sub-Head against
Contract Value
Contract Value
Planning, Designing and obtaining
statutory approvals from local
Submission and approval of site survey report
including topographical survey, site plan,
A 0.10%
conceptual drawings, 3-D views/walkthrough,
Building Model with cover, SS stand and
lighting complete of suitable scale etc.
B Soil Investigation report 0.15%
Submission of Detailed Project Report (DPR)
C 0.25%
and Design Basis for all Civil & MEP works
D Approval of Architectural Drawings 0.20%
Approval from following local bodies / proof
(i) Fire Safety Department 0.15%
(ii) Approval of building plans including any 0.20%
other relevant statutory approval including
Green Building certification
(iii) Approval of Structural Drawings 0.15%
F Approval of all Civil works Drawings 0.15%
G Approval of all E & M Services Drawings 0.10%
Approval of landscaped drawings(Internal and
H 0.10%
Submission & approval of macro & micro level
I work completion schedule in primavera/MS 0.15%
Project software
Submission & approval of detailed Quality
J Assurance Plan for Civil and MEP (services) 0.10%
Submission of Good for Construction
Drawings for Execution of Works -
(i) all Architectural Drawings 0.30%
(ii) all Structural Drawings 0.30%
(iii) all E & M Services Drawings 0.30%
(iv) all landscape/horticulture work drawings
including softscaping / hardscaping and 0.30%
irrigation works
2 Pile work
A RCC work complete for Pile work Including any 3.50%
pumping out water
B Earthwork in excavation 8.00% 1.00%
PCC below raft/pile cap foundation and water
C 1.00%
D RCC work for pile cap, tie beam ,raft 2.50%
3 Foundation Work
RCC work complete including reinforcement,
A shuttering, etc. for Columns, tie beams, 3.75%
retaining wall (if any), Lift well, shear wall ,
Fire Tank, UG Tank and misc. structures
including water proofing works
B Brick work 1.00%
Sleeves for Plumbing/Sewerage
C 1.00%
Connections/HVAC along with chambers
E Filling below the floors 0.50%
F RCC work for Plinth Beams & Grade Slab 3.75%
4 Level G (Ground Floor) Works
A RCC work complete i/c Reinforcement, 2.50%
shuttering, staging for Columns, beams, slabs,
staircase, shear walls, lift walls, water proofing
works etc.
B Masonry works, Brick work, partition walls 1.50%
C Stone work. 1.50%
D Water supply work, plumbing works, sanitary 0.75%
works,Toilet cubicle, Counters, partition
wall/dado works and other associated misc.
E Wood work, door and windows , Fire check 0.75%
doors i/c hardware fitting , fire resistant glass on
fire check doors, Steel work, painting /polishing
works, railings and other associated misc. ,
works complete.
Plastering, painting, Flooring, other interior
F 2.00%
finishing work and other associated misc. works
Storage units, fittings, complete.
G 0.50%

H Sanitary fittings complete. 0.50%

5 Level G+1
A RCC work complete i/c Reinforcement, 2.00%
shuttering, staging for Columns, beams, slabs,
staircase, shear walls, lift walls, water proofing
works etc.
B Masonry works, Brick work, partition walls 1.00%
C Stone work 1.00%
D Water supply work, plumbing works, sanitary 0.50%
works, Toilet cubicle, Counters, partition
wall/dado works and other associated misc.
E Wood work, door and windows , Fire check 0.50%
doors i/c hardware fitting , fire resistant glass on
fire check doors , Steel work, painting /polishing
works, railings and other associated misc. ,
works complete
Plastering, painting, Flooring, other interior
F 1.00%
finishing work and other associated misc.
works Complete.
Storage units, fittings, complete.
G 0.50%

H Sanitary fittings complete 0.50%

5 Terrace Level
RCC complete for Terrace level Column,
A beam, slab, roof covering, Mumty, Lift Machine 1.00%
Room, any structural steel work and all
related structure complete. 2.00%
B Brick /AAC/Masonry work 0.25%
Water supply work including RCC/PVC
C 0.50%
overhead tank on Terrace level complete
E Water Proofing and levelling complete 0.25%
External Dry stone cladding, Structural
Glazing, Texture Paint & GRC/WPC Jali
A External Dry stone cladding i/c frame works 3.25%
B Structural Glazing with hermetically sealed high 3.75%
performance double glass units ,Entrance
structural canopy, Glass partitions
C GRC/Stone/WPC Jali/ aluminium louvers i/c 1.00%
D Texture Paint 1.00%
7 Other Works
A Internal and External Signages and Logos, 0.20%
motorized roller blinds
Plinth protection of buildings, Landscape,
B horticulture works and all related works 0.90%
Rainwater drainage from roof to ground and
C 0.20%
Rainwater harvesting structure ( RWH) .
PQC Road work from buildings entrance to 8.00%
other existing roads as per approved plans
D 2.25%
including approach up to the Buildings, and
Roads around the building, Entrance/wicket
gate with security railing as boundary wall
around the buildings .
E Covered pathways , Accessible measures as 1.25%
per GOI guidelines etc complete
External Water supply line , drainage with all
F 1.25%
roof and road side drainage connected with
RWH structure , Sewer line up to STP
Carpeting, Acoustics in Seminar Hall,
G 1.50%
conference hall etc of auditorium
and other relevant buildings
H Final Finishing work and any other remaining 0.45%
works to complete the building for handing over
to client.
Handing over of the building/premises after
completion of entire work with the
satisfaction of client department/Engineer-
in-charge. 3.00%
A Obtaining Final approval/NOC from various 1.50%
local bodies and other miscellaneous approvals
required for handing over of buildings to client
Commissioning of buildings including all civil
B 1.50%
work services including deep cleaning and
minor woks required during handing over and
occupation of building by client .
Total % of CIVIL Works cost components = 60.00% 60.00%
Note : Payment of any part work of the above components may be made on Pro-rata basis for
the work done of construction components of the above mentioned respective percentages
of Floor area and floor level as decided by Engineer-in-charge.
8 Internal Electrical Installation
Supplying and laying of conduits and boxes of
A 1.00%
all floors 12.50%
B Supplying and drawing of wires for all floors 1.50%
Supply of DBs ,MCBs, switches ,rising
C 1.50%
mains along with accessories
Supply of electrical indoor light fittings, fans,
D Exhaust /fresh air fans , sensors, lighting 2.50%
controls, raceways etc. 12.50%
Supply street light poles, bollard, landscape
E 2.50%
lighting, cabling, panels etc.
Supply of contour LED light fittings, Façade
F 1.50%
lighting, cabling, panel etc.
G Installation of above equipments 1.00%
Testing, commissioning of all equipments
H 1.00%
including earthing & handing over to the
department for beneficial use.
9 Sub-Station
A Supply of sub station equipment ie HT Panel, 0.75%
transformers etc. i/c inspection at factory
Supply of LT panels and sub LT panels, APFC
B 0.75%
panels etc. 3.00%
Supply other related works like cabling, bus
C 0.50%
duct etc.
D Installation of above equipments 0.50%
E Testing and commissioning including earthing 0.50%
of all above equipment
10 Fire Alarm System

A Supplying and laying fire survival cable/wire i/c 0.25%

conduits/cable tray etc.
Supply of detectors, MCBs, speakers and
B 0.25%
other accessories etc. 1.00%
Supply of main Fire alarm panel, repeater
C 0.15%
panel, PA system with accessories etc.
D Installation of above equipment 0.15%
Testing, commissioning, trial run and handing
E over to the client/E-in-C for beneficial 0.20%
use including fire inspection.
Supply of CCTV cameras, server/NVR and
A 0.125%
other allied accessories
B Supply of boom barrier 0.50% 0.125%
C Supply of flap barrier 0.070%
D Installation of above equipment 0.08%
E Testing and commissioning of all equipment 0.10%
12 Building Management System
A Supplying of materials 0.50% 0.30%
B Installation of equipment, wiring, testing and 0.20%
commissioning of all equipment
13 HVAC including Ventilation
Supplying of chillers, chiller pant optimizer,
A pumps with VFD panel, hot water 2.0%
generator , expansion tank, air separator
Auto tube cleaning system, radiant cooling
Panels i.e all high side equipment i/c inspection
at factory
B Piping works and valves 12.50% 1.25%
C Supplying of cooling towers, pumps etc. 2.00%
D Supplying of AHUs, FCUs 1.00%
Supplying of electrical panels, cabling, cable
E 1.00%
tray, earthing, VFD etc.
Factory Fabrication and installation of
F 1.50%
ducts, grills, duct insulation , dampers etc
G Supply of ventilation and pressuring fan 1.50%
H Installation of above equipments 1.75%
I Testing and commissioning of all equipment 0.50%
J On completion of major one seasonal test 0.50%
14 Firefighting System
Supplying and laying of pipe, fittings and
A 0.25%
valves, seismic bracing
B Supplying Fire pumps, diesel engine etc. 0.25%
C Supplying Fire curtain pumps, engine etc 1.50% 0.25%
D Supply of cables, panels and fire extinguishers, 0.25%
Exit sign board, electrical signages
E Installation of above equipments 0.25%
Testing, commissioning of all above
F equipments , trial run and handing 0.25%
over to the client/E-in-C for beneficial
use including fire inspection.
14 Lift
A Supply of all Lift materials i/c inspection at 1.50%
factory 2.00%
B Installation of Lift 0.25%
C Testing and commissioning of all Lifts 0.25%
15 DG set
A Supply of DG Set i/c inspection at factory 1.00%
B Supply of DG Set Panel 0.25%
Supply other related works like factory
C 2.00% 0.25%
fabricated MS Structure for exhaust piping,
earthing etc.
D Installation of equipments 0.25%
On commissioning and completion of
E successful running in period & taking over of 0.25%
the DG set by the client.
16 UPS

A Supply of UPS & Batteries 0.25% 0.10%

B Installation of UPS i/c batteries 0.10%
C Testing & Commissioning of all equipments 0.05%
17 Access Control
A Supply of Access Control System 0.15%
B Installation of Access Control System 0.10%
C Testing & Commissioning of all equipments 0.05%
18 Local Area Network ( LAN)
A Supply of LAN equipments 0.40%
B Installation of LAN & Next Gen Firewall 0.40%
C Testing & Commissioning of all equipments 0.20%
19 Water Supply Pumping System
A Supply of Water Supply pumping System i/c 0.15%
panel , water softening plant and other 0.20%
associated works etc complete
Installation, Testing & Commissioning of Water
B 0.05%
Supply equipments
20 SITC of Solar water heating system i/c all 0.25% 0.25%
associated frame and other works
Handing over of the building/premises after
completion of entire E & M services work
with the satisfaction of client
department/Engineer- 2.50%
A Obtaining Final approval of all local bodies 1.50%
Commissioning of buildings including all MEP
B 1.0%
works comprising of all wired & piped services.
Total MEP Works = 40.00%
Total CIVIL + MEP Works = 100.00%
( NOTE: For above all E&M services
pro- rata payment will be made for
supply/ execution in parts)

(a) For above all Civil and Electrical works prorata payment will be made as
assessed during execution by Engineer in Charge and will be final.
(b) The payment stages is tentative and it can be rescheduled depending upon
work exigency/requirement, as recommended by concerned Engineer for Civil
& E/M services work in consultation with Engineer-in-Charge and agency.
(All are to be executed on Rs. 100/- non-judicial stamp paper
and duly notarized)

The agreement made this.................... day of ................. Two Thousand ..............
between....................................S/o ...............................................(hereinafter called the
GUARANTOR on the one part) and the NALANDA UNIVERSITY (hereinafter called the University on
the other part)

WHEREAS THIS agreement is supplementary to a contract (Hereinafter called the Contract)

dated ...................... and made between the GUARANTOR ON THE ONE PART AND the
Government on the other part whereby the contractor inter alia undertook to render the
building and structures in the said contract completely structurally defect proof.

AND WHEREAS THE GUARANTOR agreed to give a guarantee to the affect that the said
work will remain structurally defect proof, for Ten years to be reckoned from the date after the
expiry of maintenance period prescribed in the contract.

NOW THE GUARANTOR hereby guarantee that work executed by him will render the
structures completely defect proof and the minimum life of such defect liability shall be Ten
years to be reckoned from the date after the expiry of maintenance period prescribed in the

The decision of the Engineer-in-Charge with regard to nature and cause of defect shall
be final.

During this period of guarantee, the guarantor shall make good all defects and in case
of any defect being found render the building structurally proof to the satisfaction of the
Engineer-in-Charge calling upon him to rectify the defects failing which the work shall be got
done by the University by some other contractor at the Guarantor’s cost and risk. The
decision of the Engineer-in-Charge as to the cost payable by the Guarantor shall be final and

That if the guarantor fails to execute the rectification of defect or commits breach there
under, then the guarantor will indemnify the principal and his successor against all loss,
damage, cost expense or otherwise which may be incurred by him by reason of any default
on the part of the GUARANTOR in performance and observance of this supplementary
agreement. As to the amount of loss and/or damage and or cost incurred by the University,
the decision of the Engineer-in-Charge will be final and binding on both the parties.
IN WITHNESS WHEREOF these presents have been executed by the obligator
.......................and ........................................ by .................................. for and on behalf of the
NALANDA UNIVERSITY on the day, month and year first above written.

SIGNED, sealed and delivered by OBLIGATOR in the presence of :-

1. ................................................ 2. ...........................................
.....................in the presence of:-
1. ............................................... 2. ..........................................

The agreement made this.................... day of ................. Two Thousand

..............between .............................................................................(hereinafter called
the GUARANTOR on the one part) and the Nalanda University (hereinafter called the
University on the other part).

WHEREAS THIS agreement is supplementary to a contract (Hereinafter called the

Contract) dated ...................... and made between the GUARANTOR ON THE ONE PART
AND the University on the other part whereby the contractor inter alias undertook to render
the work in the said contract structurally stable, workmanship, finishing and use of sound

AND WHEREAS THE GUARANTOR agreed to give a guarantee to the affect that the
said work will remain structurally stable and guaranteed against faulty workmanship, finishing
and materials.

NOW THE GUARANTOR hereby guarantee that work executed by him will remain
structurally stable after the expiry of maintenance period prescribed in the contract for the
minimum life of five years to be reckoned from the date after the expiry of maintenance period
prescribed in the contract.

The decision of the Engineer-in-Charge with regard to nature and cause of defect shall
be final.

During this period of guarantee, the guarantor shall make good all defects to the
satisfaction of the Engineer-in-Charge calling upon him to rectify the defects failing which the
work shall be got done by the University by some other contractor at the Guarantor’s cost
and risk. The decision of the Engineer-in-Charge as to the cost payable by the Guarantor
shall be final and binding.

That if the guarantor fails to make good all the defects, commits breach there under,
then the guarantor will indemnify the principal and his successor against all loss, damage,
cost expense or otherwise which may be incurred by him by reason of any default on the part
of the GUARANTOR in performance and observance of this supplementary agreement. As
to the amount of loss and/or damage and or cost incurred by the University, the decision of
the Engineer-in-Charge will be final and binding on both the parties.

IN WITHNESS WHEREOF these presents have been executed by the

obligator.......................and ........................................ by ................................. for and on
behalf of the Nalanda University on the day, month and year first above written.

SIGNED, sealed and delivered by OBLIGATOR in the presence of :-

1. ................................................ 2. ...........................................


the presence of :-

1. ............................................... 2. ..........................................

The agreement made this.................... day of ................. Two Thousand

..............between .............................................................................(hereinafter called
the GUARANTOR on the one part) and the Nalanda University (hereinafter called the
University on the other part).
WHEREAS THIS agreement is supplementary to a contract (Hereinafter called the
Contract) dated ...................... and made between the GUARANTOR ON THE ONE PART
AND the University on the other part whereby the contractor inter alia undertook to render
the building and structures in the said contract completely water and leak-proof.
AND WHEREAS THE GUARANTOR agreed to give a guarantee to the affect that the
said work will remain water and leak proof, for Ten years from the date of giving water
proofing treatment.
NOW THE GUARANTOR hereby guarantee that work executed by him will render the
structures completely leak proof and the minimum life of such water proofing treatment shall
be Ten years to be reckoned from the date after the expiry of maintenance period prescribed
in the contract.
The decision of the Engineer-in-Charge with regard to nature and cause of defect shall
be final.
During this period of guarantee, the guarantor shall make good all defects and in case
of any defect being found render the building water proof to the satisfaction of the Engineer-
in-Charge calling upon him to rectify the defects failing which the work shall be got done by
the Department by some other contractor at the Guarantor’s cost and risk. The decision of
the Engineer-in-Charge as to the cost payable by the Guarantor shall be final and binding.
That if the guarantor fails to execute the water proofing or commits breach there under,
then the guarantor will indemnify the principal and his successor against all loss, damage,
cost expense or otherwise which may be incurred by him by reason of any default on the part
of the GUARANTOR in performance and observance of this supplementary agreement. As
to the amount of loss and/or damage and or cost incurred by the Government, the decision
of the Engineer-in-Charge will be final and binding on both the parties.

IN WITHNESS WHEREOF these presents have been executed by the

obligator.......................and ........................................ by ................................. for and on
behalf of the NALANDA UNIVERSITY on the day, month and year first above written.

SIGNED, sealed and delivered by OBLIGATOR in the presence of :-

1. ................................................ 2. ...........................................
SIGNED FOR AND BEHALF OF THE UNIVERSITY BY .........................in the
presence of :-
1. ............................................... 2. ..........................................

The agreement made this.................... day of ................. Two Thousand

..............between .............................................................................(hereinafter called
the GUARANTOR on the one part) and the Nalanda University (hereinafter called the
University on the other part).

WHEREAS THIS agreement is supplementary to a contract (Hereinafter called the

Contract) dated ................................... and made between the GUARANTOR ON THE

ONE PART AND the University on the other part, whereby the contractor inter alia,
undertook to render the work in the said contract structurally stable, leak proof and sound
material, workmanship, anodizing, colouring, sealing etc.

AND WHEREAS THE GUARANTOR agreed to give a guarantee to the affect that the
said work will remain structurally stable, leak proof and guaranteed against faulty material
and workmanship, defective anodizing / Powder coat colouring and finishing for ............ years
from the date of completion of work.

NOW THE GUARANTOR hereby guarantee that work executed by him will be free
from any leakage, seepage, cracks in pipes and guaranteed against faulty material and
workmanship, defective galvanizing for five years to be reckoned from the date after the
expiry of maintenance period prescribed in the contract.

The decision of the Engineer-in-Charge with regard to nature and cause of defect shall
be final.

During this period of guarantee, the guarantor shall make good all defects and in case
of any defect to satisfaction of Engineer-in-Charge at his cost and shall commence the work
for such rectification within seven days from the date of issue of the notice from the Engineer-
in-Charge calling upon him to rectify the defects failing which the work shall be got done by
the Department by some other contractor at the guarantor’s cost and risk. The decision of
the Engineer-in-Charge as to the cost payable by the Guarantor shall be final and binding.

That if the guarantor fails to make good all defects or commits breach there under,
then the guarantor will indemnify the principal and his successor against all loss, damage,
cost expense or otherwise which may be incurred by him by reason of any default on the part
of the GUARANTOR in performance and observance of this supplementary agreement. As
to the amount of loss and/or damage and or cost incurred by the Government, the decision
of the Engineer-in-Charge will be final and binding on both the parties.

IN WITHNESS WHEREOF these presents have been executed by the

....................................................... and ................................................. by
........................................... for

and on behalf of the UNIVERSITY on the day, month and year first above written.

SIGNED, sealed and delivered by OBLIGATOR in the presence of :-

1. .................................................... 2. ............................................


the presence of :-

1. ................................................... 2. ............................................

1. Whereas the Registrar, Nalanda University, on behalf of Nalanda University

(hereinafter called “The Owner”) has entered into an agreement bearing number
……………….. with ........................ (name and address of the contractor) (hereinafter called
“the contractor”) for the execution of the work… .................................................. (name of the
work)………………………………………….. The Owner has further agreed to accept an
irrevocable Bank Guarantee for Rs…………………….(Rupees…...................... only) valid up
to……………..(date)… .................. as Performance Guarantee/Security Deposit/ Mobilization
Advance (Strikeout whichever is not applicable) from the said Contractor for compliance of
his obligations in accordance with the terms and conditions of the agreement.
2. We,………..(indicate the name of the bank)… ........................ (hereinafter referred to
as “the Bank”), hereby undertake to pay to the Owner an amount not exceeding
Rs…………………………. (Rupees….......................... only) on demand by the Owner within
10 days of the demand.
3. We,……….….. (indicate the name of the bank)……………………, do here by
undertake to pay the amount due and payable under this guarantee without any demur,
merely on a demand from the Owner stating that the amount claimed is required to meet the
recoveries due or likely to be due from the said Contractor. Any such demand made on the
Bank shall be conclusive as regards the amount due and payable by the Bank under this
Guarantee. However, our liability under this guarantee shall be restricted to an amount not
exceeding Rs…………….. (Rupees… ................... only).
4. We,…………… (indicate the name of the bank)… .................... , further undertake to
pay the Owner any money so demanded notwithstanding any dispute or disputes raised by
the contractor in any suit or proceeding pending before any Court or Tribunal, our liability
under this Bank guarantee being absolute and unequivocal. The payment so made by us
under this Bank Guarantee shall be a valid discharge of our liability for payment there under
and the Contractor shall have no claim against us for making such payment.
5. We,………………. (indicate the name of the bank)……………………, further agree
that the Owner shall have the fullest liberty without our consent and without affecting in any
manner our obligation here under to vary any of the terms and conditions of the said
agreement of to extend time of performance by the said Contractor from time to time or to
postpone for any time of from time to time any of the powers exercisable by the Owner against
the said contractor and to forbear or enforce any of the terms and conditions relating to the
said agreement and we shall ne be relieved from our liability by reason of any such variation
or extension being granted to the said Contractor of for any forbearance, cat of omission on
the part of the Owner or any indulgence by the Owner to the said Contractor or by any such
matter or thing whatsoever which under the lay relating to sureties would, but for this
provision, have effect of so relieving us.
6. We,……………………… (indicate the name of the bank)……………………, Further
agree that the Owner at its option shall be entitled to enforce this Guarantee against the Bank
as a principal debtor at the first instance without proceeding against the Contractor and
notwithstanding any security or other guarantee the Owner may have in relation to the
Contractor’s liabilities.
7. This guarantee will not be discharged due to the change in the constitution of the Bank
or the Contractor.
8. We,…………. (indicate the name of the bank)……………………, undertake not to
revoke this guarantee except with the consent of the Owner in writing.
9. This Bank Guarantee shall be valid up to .................................................... unless
extender on demand by the Owner. Notwithstanding anything mentioned above, our liability
against this guarantee is restricted to Rs………………………
(Rupees… ...................................... only) and unless a claim in writing is lodged with us within
the date of expiry or extender date of expiry of this guarantee, all our liabilities under this
guarantee shall stand discharged.

Date: ……………………………………


1. Signature………………………………..
Name and Address

Authorized Signatory



Staff Code No:

Bank Seal:
2. Signature……………………………………
Name and Address

This agreement is executed at (place of execution) on the

day of , 20

, which expression shall mean and include its successors

and assigns (name and address of the Owner) (“Owner”) of the FIRST PART

(name and address of the successful bidder) (“Contractor”) of the SECOND PART

The Owner and the Contractor shall be individually referred to as the “Party” and collectively
referred to as the “Parties”

Whereas the Owner is desirous of “Construction of one 500 user capacity Yoga Center
cum Meditation Hall, one 250 user capacity Cafeteria and one 2000 seater capacity
Auditorium including all wired and piped services comprising of Internal Water Supply,
Sanitary Installations, Roads, Pathways, Drainage, Internal Electrical Installations,
Extra Low Voltage (ELV) Works, Fire Fighting, Fire Alarm system, Air Conditioning,
External Electrical installations, etc. all complete on EPC basis for Nalanda University
Main Campus at Rajgir, District Nalanda, Bihar” and had invited tenders by issuing Notice
Inviting Tender (“Tender”) for selection of a contractor for constructing the said campus. The
Contractor has submitted its tender pursuant to the issuing of the Tender by the Owner.
WHEREAS the details of the work proposed to be executed by the Contractor is more
particularly specified in the Tender for Construction of one 500 user capacity Yoga Center
cum Meditation Hall, one 250 user capacity Cafeteria and one 2000 seater capacity
Auditorium including all wired and piped services comprising of Internal Water Supply,
Sanitary Installations, Roads, Pathways, Drainage, Internal Electrical Installations, Extra Low
Voltage (ELV) Works, Fire Fighting, Fire Alarm system, Air Conditioning, External Electrical
installations, etc. all complete on EPC basis for Nalanda University Main Campus at Rajgir,
District Nalanda, Bihar ( name and identification number of Contract) ( “Works”) and the
Owner has accepted the Tender submitted by the Contractor for the execution and completion
of the Works and the remedying of any defects therein, at a contract
price of
Rs..................................................................................................................... ........................
....................... (Rupees (in words))

WHEREAS the Owner is now desirous of laying down the terms and conditions governing
the execution of the Works and has therefore, requested the Contractor to execute the
present Agreement.


1. In this Agreement, words and expressions shall carry the same meanings as are ascribed
to them in the Conditions of Contract as more particularly mentioned in the Tender. The
Parties agree that the Tender shall form an integral part of this Agreement and shall be read
and construed accordingly.

2. In consideration of the payments to be made by the Owner to the Contractor as the

consideration for execution of the Works (“Consideration”), the Contractor hereby covenants
with the Owner to execute and complete the Works and remedy the defects therein in
conformity in all aspects with the provisions of the Tender and this Agreement.

3. The Owner hereby covenants to pay the Contractor in consideration of the execution and
completion of the Works and in the remedying the defects wherein the Contract Price or such
other sum as may become payable under the provisions of the Tender and this Agreement
at the times and in the manner prescribed under the Tender.

4. The following documents shall be deemed to form and be read and construed as part of
this Agreement:
i) Letter of Acceptance;
ii) Notice to proceed with the Works;
iii) Contractor’s Tender;
iv) Contract Data;
v) Conditions of Contract as per CPWD GCC 2020 for EPC Works
(including Special Conditions of Contract);
vi) Specifications;
vii) Drawings;
viii) Bill of Quantities; and
ix) Any other documents listed in the Contract Data as forming part of the

In witness whereof the Parties have caused this Agreement to be executed on the day
and year first written above.
The Common Seal of

was hereunto affixed in the presence of:

Signed Sealed and Delivered by the said

Binding Signature of Owner

Binding Signature of Contractor

in the presence of


 The affidavit shall be executed on appropriate non-judicial stamp paper of minimum

value as applicable in the State of Bihar and notarized by a Notary Public;

 Scanned copy of the affidavit shall be uploaded at the time of submission of the tender
in soft copy.


I, , aged years, son/daughter of , presently residing at

and authorized by _ (name of bidder) (“Bidder”) to
solemn this affidavit on behalf of the Bidder, solemnly affirm on oath as hereunder:

The Bidder confirms that the Bidder has duly undertaken the visit of the proposed project site
of Nalanda University, located at Rajgir, Bihar.

The Bidder has inspected and examined its surroundings and has satisfied itself about the
site conditions and site logistics. The Bidder confirms that it is aware of the ground conditions
and nature of the site, means of access to the site and the accommodation area required for
establishing the labour camp. The Bidder agrees and confirms it shall be solely responsible
for arranging and maintaining the afore-mentioned at its own cost including all materials, tools
& plants, water, electricity, access, facilities for workers and all other services required for
executing the Work unless otherwise specifically provided for in the contract documents.

The Bidder confirms and agrees that the submission of the tender implies that the requisite
site visit has already been undertaken and that the Bidder has acquainted itself with the local
conditions and other factors having a bearing on the execution of the Work.



I, , aged years, son/daughter of , presently residing at

and authorized by Bidder verify that the information mentioned above is true
and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief.


(As Enclosed Separately)

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