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CH7 HWPacket

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Ch 7: Right Triangles and Trigonometry

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7.1 Apply the

Pythagorean Theorem 21

7.2 The Converse of the

Pythagorean Theorem 13

7.3 Use Similar Right

Triangles 22

7.4 Special Right

Triangles 22

7.1-7.4 Review
Worksheet 28

7.5-7.6 Trig Equations


7.5-7.6 Review
Worksheet 13

7.7 Solving Right


Ch 7 Test Review 37

Learning Targets:

Find side lengths in right triangles

Use the Pythagorean Theorem converse to determine if a triangle is a right triangle

Use properties of the altitude of a right triangle

Use the relationships among the sides in special right triangles

Use the tangent, sine, and cosine ratios to find indirect measurement

Use inverse tangent, sine, and cosine ratios.

Syllabus: Ch 7 Right Triangles

Block Date In Class At Home

B 1/22 7.1 Apply Pythagorean Theorem 7.1 and 7.2 Practice Problems
A 1/23 7.2 Use the Converse of the Pythagoran Theorem
A 1/27 7.3 Use Similar Right Triangles 7.3 Practice Problems
B 1/28
A 1/29 7.4 Special Right Triangles 7.4 Practice Problems
B 1/30
A 2/2 Review 7.1-7.4 Review Worksheet
B 2/3
A 2/4 Quiz 7.1-7.4 Khan Academy
B 2/5
A 2/6 7.5-7-.6 Apply the Tangent, Sine, and Cosine Ratios 7.5-7.6 Practice Problems
B 2/9
A 2/10 7.5-7.6 Review Trig Functions Trig Review Worksheet
B 2/11
A 2/12 7.7 Solve Right Triangles 7.7 Practice Problems
B 2/13
A 2/17 Review Ch 7 Review Worksheet
B 2/18
A 2/19 Test Ch 7 Khan Academy
B 2/20
***Syllabus subject to change due to weather, pep rallies, illness, etc

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Math Make Up Room is open Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday mornings and Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday afternoons.
PRACTICE: 7.1 Apply the Pythagorean Theorem
Find the length of the hypotenuse in the given triangles. Write your answer in simplest radical form.

Find the length of the missing leg in the given triangles. Write your answer in simplest radical form.

The given lengths are two sides of a right triangle. All three side lengths of the triangle are integers and
together form a Pythagorean triple. Find the length of the third side and tell whether it is a leg or the

10. 40 and 41 11. 12 and 35

Use ΔABC to determine if the equation is true or false.

14. c2  a2 = b2_____________
15. b2  c2 = a2_____________
16. c2 = a2  b2_____________
17. c2 = b2 + a2_____________

Find the area of the figure. Round decimal answers to the nearest tenth.
18. 19.

20. An 80 foot ladder is rested against a wall. It reaches a window that is 35 feet high. How far from the
building is the bottom of the ladder.

21. A balloon is tied to stake in the ground. The rope is 10 feet long. As the wind picks up you notice that the
balloon drifts 6 feet away from the stake. How far above the ground is the balloon now?

PRACTICE: 7.2 The Converse of the Pythagorean Theorem
Prove whether the triangle is a right triangle. 13
1. 2. 3.

Decide whether the numbers can represent the side lengths of a triangle. If they can, classify the triangle as
acute, right, or obtuse.

4. 6, 8, 10 5. 5, 7, 9 6. 8, 9, 10

7. 10, 12, 30 8. 9. 18, 34, 45

Graph points A, B, and C. Connect the points to form ABC. Decide whether ABC is acute, right, or obtuse.
(Use the distance formula)
10. A(1, 5),B(1, 1), C(6, 1) 11. A(2, 1), B(2, 1), C(0, 5)

In Exercises 12 and 13, use the diagram and the following information.
Maps The distances between three towns are given in the diagram.

12. Is the triangle (∆ABC) formed by the three towns a right triangle?

13. Town B is directly west of town C. Is town A directly north of town C?

PRACTICE 7.3: Use Similar Right Triangles
Solve the proportion by solving for the variable.
1. 2. 3. 22

Find the value(s) of ALL the variable(s).

4. 5.

6. 7.

DIRECTIONS: Find the geometric mean of the two numbers.

8. 2 and 18 9. 4 and 25 10. 6 and 20 11. 12 and 16

12. 6 is the geometric mean of 9 and what number? 13. 32 is the geometric mean of 128 and what number?


DIRECTIONS: Simplify by rationalizing the denominator.

15. 16.

17. 18 and 80 are two side lengths of a right triangle. All three side lengths of the triangle are integers and together form a
Pythagorean Triple. Find the length of the third side and tell whether it is a leg or a hypotenuse.

18. Determine whether the side lengths 6, 11, and 12 can represent the side lengths of a triangle. If they can, classify the triangle as
acute, right, or obtuse.

19. Find the area of an isosceles triangle that has legs that measure 25 feet and a base that measures 14 feet.

Tell whether the triangle is a right triangle. If so, find the length of the altitude to the hypotenuse. Round decimal answers to the
nearest tenth.

20. 21.

22. You are designing a door stop that you want to be 2 inches tall.
Other information is given in the diagram. How long is the base
length b in inches?

PRACTICE 7.4 Special Right Triangles
Directions : Use the pattern triangles to find the missing sides.

Find the value of each variable. Write your answers in simplest radical form.

13. 14. 15.

Classify: The side lengths of a triangle are given. Determine whether it is a 45° - 45° - 90° triangle, a 30° - 60° - 90°
triangle, or neither.

16. 17. 18.

Complete the table.

19. 20.

21. The perimeter of a square is 48 meters. Find the length of a diagonal.

22. The altitude of an equilateral triangle is 18 inches. Find the length of a side.

PRACTICE Review 7.1-7.4
Solve for the variable. 28

1.) 2.)


4.) 5.)


7.) 8.)


10.) 11.)



Simplify each radical or radical expression:

13. 14. 15.

16. 17. 18.

Find the length of each missing side in simplest radical form:

19. 20. 21.

Tell whether each triangle is right, acute, obtuse or cannot be formed.

22. 8, 15, 17 23. 13, 26, 12 24.

25. A triangle has one side length of 12 and another of length 19. Describe the possible lengths of the third

26. Is it possible to construct a triangle with the sides 10, 3, and 6? Explain or show why or why not?

27. Pythagorean Triples: 16 and 20 are two sides of a right triangle. All three sides are a Pythagorean Triple.
Find the length of the third side and tell whether it is a leg or the hypotenuse.

28. Area: Find the area of an isosceles triangle that has legs of 30in. and a base of 48in.

PRACTICE 7.5-7.6 Trigonometric Ratios
1. Find the unknown side length. Then find the following. Write your answer as a fraction in simplest form.

a. sin A = b. sin B = c. cos A =

d. tan B = e. cos B = f. tan A =

Find the value of each variable. Round decimals to the nearest hundredth.

2.) 3.) 4.)

5.) 6.) 7.)

8.) 9.) 10.)

11.) Staircase A staircase has an angle of elevation of 28° and covers a total distance of 17 feet. To the
nearest foot, what is the vertical height h covered by the staircase?

12. Find the area of the triangle. Round to the nearest tenth.

Find the perimeter of the triangle. Round to the nearest tenth.

13. 14.

15.) Highway You are traveling along a stretch of highway that has a slight grade with an angle of inclination
of 5°. After traveling for 4 miles, what is the vertical v and horizontal h change in feet? (1 mi = 5280 ft) Round
your answer to the nearest foot.

16.) Flagpole To calculate the height h of a flagpole, you move 22 feet from the base and record the angle of
elevation to the top to be 65°. Find the flagpole’s height to the nearest foot. Draw a picture.

17.) Water Slide The angle of elevation from the base to the top of a water slide is about 28°. The horizontal
length of the slide is about 45 feet. Find the height h of the slide.

PRACTICE 7.5-7.6 Review Trig

Find the value of variable (s) to the nearest tenth.

1. 2. 3.

x = _______ x = _______ x = _______

4. 5. 6.

x = ______ v = ______ w = ______ x =______ y =_______

7. 8. Find ZY.

x = ______

Find the area and perimeter of the triangle. Round the the nearest tenth.

9. 10.

x = ______
y = ______ missing sides lengths:
Area = ______ Area = ______
Perimeter= ______ Perimeter= ______

11. Error Analysis: Describe the error in the statement of the tangent ratio. Correct the statement, if possible.
Otherwise, write not possible.
Word Problems:
12. A surveyor is standing 118 feet from the base of the
Washington Monument. The surveyor measures the angle
between the ground and the top of the monument to be 78o.
Find the height, h, of the Washington Monument to the
nearest foot.

13. You want to hang a banner that is 29 feet tall from the third floor of your school. You need to know how tall the wall
is, but there is a large bush in your way.

Part1: You throw a 38 foot rope out of the window to your friend.
She extends it to the end and measures the angle elevation to be
70 degrees. How high is the window?

Part 2: The bush is 6 feet tall. Will your banner fit above the bush?

Part 3: WHAT IF? Suppose you need to find how far from the school your friend needs to stand. Which trigonometric
ratio should you use? Given the angle of elevation is 70o and the length of the rope is 38 ft.

7.7 Practice Problems: Solve Right Triangles

Let ∠A be an acute angle in a right triangle. Approximate the measure of ∠A to the nearest tenth of a

1.) sin A = 0.36 2.) tan A = 0.8 3.) sin A = 0.27

4.) cos A = 0.35 5.) tan A = 0.42 6.) cos A = 0.11

Solve the right triangle. Round decimal answers to the nearest hundredth.

7.) 8.) 9.)

m P= NP = UT =
QR = m N= m U=
PQ = m P= m S=

10.) 11.) 12.)

m V= m T= UM =
MD = AT = m U=
DV = RT = m E=

13.) Ramps - The Uniform Federal Accessibility Standards specify that the ramp angle used for a wheelchair
ramp must be less than or equal to 4.78°. The length of one ramp is 16 feet. The vertical rise is 14 inches.
Estimate the ramp’s horizontal distance and its ramp angle. Does this ramp meet the Uniform Federal
Accessibility Standards?

14.) Hot Air Balloon - You are in a hot air balloon that is 600 feet above the ground where you can see two

a. If the angle of depression from your line of sight to the person B is 30°, how far is the person from the
point on the ground below the hot air balloon?

b. If the angle of depression from your line of sight to the person C is 20°, how far is the person from the
point on the ground below the hot air balloon?

c. How far apart are the two people?

Practice Problems: Review Ch 7

Find the unknown side length x. 37

1.) 2.)

3.) The following are 2 sides of a triangle, and all three will form a Pythagorean Triple. Find the missing side and state if
it is a leg or hypotenuse. 72 and 75

Decide whether the numbers can represent the side lengths of a triangle. If they can, classify the triangle as acute,
right, or obtuse.

4.) 6, 8, 9 5.) 4, 2, 5

6.) 10, , 7.) 10, 12, 30

Find the value of each missing variable. Write your answers in simplest radical form. State the geometric mean, if

8.) 9.) 10.)

11. Describe the possible side lengths of the third side of a triangle that has side lengths of 34 and 6.

12.) Find the area. 13.) What is the area of a right triangle with a leg
length of 30 meters and a hypotenuse of 34 meters?

Find the value of each missing variable. Write your answers in simplest radical form.

14.) 15.) 16.)

17.) 18.) 19.)

20.) 21.) 22.)

Find the value of each missing variable.
23.) 24.) 25.)

26.) 27.)

28.)Find the area to the nearest tenth. 29.)Find the perimeter to the nearest tenth.

Find the measure of angle A.

30.) 31.)

Solve the right triangles. Round to the nearest tenth.

32.) 33.)

34.) From a spot 40 feet from the base of a tree, the angle of elevation to the top of the tree is 28. Find the height of
the tree.

35.) A person standing at the top of a 100-foot tall building sights a friend on the ground. The angle of depression is 52 .
How far is the friend from the base of the building?

36.) A 12-ft. ladder is placed 5 feet from a house and is propped against the house. Find the angle of elevation the
ladder makes with the ground.

37.) A staircase has an angle of elevation of 28° and covers a total of 17 feet. To the nearest foot, what is the vertical
height h covered by the staircase?


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