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Statoil Innovate: Whats your idea?

An introduction to Innovate.statoil.com & Statoil Subsea Technology Challenges Dag xnevad 10.03.2011

Promote Statoil as a technology driven and innovative company

Get more ideas, better targeted at our needs

Get solutions to specific challenges

Technology areas: Value creation and growth

Exploration Statoils technology strategy outlined through 7 technology areas Describing key challenges and indicating technologies of special interest Reservoir Drilling & well Frontier facilities Processing & refining New energy/renewables Environmental

Challenge: Spotlight on specific needs

How can we make the invisible visible? Exploration for oil and gas is becoming increasingly challenging The toughest challenge is to image below basalt Even advanced sub-salt imaging technologies developed over the last decade do not tackle the problem Innovative approaches are needed!

Current challenge: Sub-basalt exploration Duration: 6 weeks Deadline: 20 February

2011 plan: 4 Challenges from different technology areas

Track record: Successful industry development

8 examples of successful technology development cooperations

LOOP technology development programme Equity/venture investments R&D

Exemplifies Statoils industrial development toolbox

Seed funds, business incubators and science parks Joint ventures with suppliers and partners

Process & benefits: Whats in it for me?

Statoil may contribute with technical expertise, user requirements, project supervision, pilot tests, networks, business/commercial advice, and financial support

Every idea is evaluated by a team of specialists: business developers, IP advisors, technical experts

If the idea is endorsed by the evaluation team a technology development tool best suited for the Creating win-win situations: Statoil gains access to proposal is selected new technology; the idea contributor develops a commercially viable product

A history of global leadership in Subsea Processing

Statoil-operated fields
2007 Tordis Subsea water removal & injection, oil & gas boosting 2009 Tyrihans Subsea raw seawater injection (ready for operation 2011)

1986 Start Poseidon multiphase pump development

1996 Gullfaks First multiphase Pumps (topsides, part of Framo commercialisation)

1997 Lufeng Subsea pumps

2000 Troll Subsea water removal and injection

2005 Troll Pipe separator 2003 Qualifications Norne Technology Subsea water program removal Subsea rol separation ont concept &c er developments w

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10 subsea years Aniversary

Subsea Technology Challenges Architecture & Systems

1 All electrical subsea system. 2 Equipment flexibility for use on different suppliers and fields. 3 Clamp connector that can be closed and seal with angular misalignment. 4 Life time flexibility.

Subsea Technology Challenges Structures & Valves

1. Mud-mat foundation for a Template production manifold that can resist erosion from drilling and environmental loads. Including leveling system for subsea template with mud-mats. Retrofit solution for stop/limit actuator stem leakage on subsea manifold valves. Cost-effective satellite solutions for NCS (Norwegian Continental Shelf). Develop subsea Electric actuators from several suppliers. Development of generic requirements for such. Deep water developments. Valve leakage monitoring.

2. 3. 4.

5. 6.

Subsea Technology Challenges Subsea Separation

1. Compact system for bulk water separation including control system. (Inline separator). Remove water from oil dominated well stream to avoid hydrate formation in production pipe line (given MEG inhibition) to enable long distance transport. Remove liquid from gas dominated well stream to enable tie in to gas export pipe line or avoid hydrate formation in production pipeline. Measurement and control of gas quality for subsea gas scrubber. Online subsea OIW (Oil in Water) monitoring. Subsea fast responding control valve. Pre-conditioning of sea water for injection (sulphate removal, filtering, O2, etc,). On-line monitoring of scale precipitation and deposit. Subsea bulk separation of heavy oil.



4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

10. Subsea electrostatic coalesher.

Subsea Technology Challenges Subsea Separation

11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. Water emulsification of heavy oil preparing for transport. Increase differential pressure on subsea multiphase pumps to ~200 bar. Larger electrical motors for pumping applications, 6 MW. Gas tolerant liquid pumps. Pumps for higher shut-in pressures and deeper waters. More robust down hole pump systems. Small compressor for "small-field application. Large compressor for field installation. Liquid tolerant centrifugal compressor. Qualify operational strategy in order to operate subsea compressor system without recycle functionality.

20. Qualify magnet bearing systems based on compressor/permanent magnet motor configuration. Alternative bearing systems for gas compressor 21. Cooling systems.

Subsea Technology Challenges HV Power Supply

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Deepwater power umbilical. Deepwater HV (High Voltage) connector systems. 3 kV Wet Mate connector system. Adjustable Speed Drive. Switchgear. DC (Direct Current) connector/penetrator systems. AC/DC (Alternating Current/Direct Current) converters. Dynamic DC riser. High pressure penetrators.

10. Local power generation systems.

Subsea Technology Challenges - Production Control System

1 2 3 4 Limitless Control Power and Communication Umbilical tie-in heads. Leakage detection: Cost-efficient leak detector for satellites. Leakage detection: Cost effective retrofit leak detector.

Subsea Technology Challenges - Production Control System

5 Subsea HPU (High Pressure Unit).

6 7

All electric system: Electrical anti-surge valve needs further development and qualification All electric system: The electrical down-hole safety valve needs further development and qualification to meet our needs. All electric system: Electric tree with low power consumption.

Subsea Technology Challenges - Production Control System

9 All electric system: Electric workover control system. Sufficient power to actuators/eSCMs (Subsea Control Module) and electric ROV/AUV (Remote Operated Vehicle). Reliability: High quality controls system products & component. Process control: Control algorithms for compact separation. Integrated Operations: Condition monitoring of instruments and actuators, SCM's (Subsea Control Module) in particular

10 11 12

Subsea Technology Challenges - Production Control System

13 14 15 16 17 18 Liquid fraction measurement in gas for wet gas compression. Online WiO (Water in Oil) measurement for transport quality. Online WiO measurement for fiscal purpose. Online OiW (Oil in Water) measurement for production control. Online WiG (Water in Gas) for hydrate control. Improved online isolation monitoring of umbilical and subsea electrical power distribution for SCM's. Improve quality of LV (Low Voltage) electrical connectors/end terminations. Improve quality of LV electrical jumpers.

19 20

Subsea Technology Challenges

- IMR (Inspection, Maintenance & Repair)

1 2 3

Increase MHS (Module Handling System) capacity to be able to handle larger modules (up to 70T and up to 10m height). Develop method/equipment to enable replacement (recovery) of large process modules (>70T). Rerate/investigate capacity of old ROT (Remote Operated Tools) in Subsea pool to better match capacity in current IMR fleet. Investigate MHS interface possibilities for deepwater ROT / modules (guidewire less operation).

Subsea Technology Challenges - IMR (Inspection, Maintenance & Repair)

5 6 7 8 9

All-electric ROV (Remote Operated Vehicle) - el. Manipulator. 3D visualization capability for manipulator operations. International standard/ recommended practice for equipment intended for underwater lifting. Sonar amplification. All-electric ROV (Remote Operated Vehicle) - el. torque tool.

Subsea Technology Challenges Marine Operations

Vessels suitable for operations in harsh environments/ice covered waters.

Contingency and emergency preparedness for marine operations in harsh environment/ice covered waters. Installation methods/concepts for ultra deep waters. Intervention methods/concepts for ultra deep waters. Large capacity installation equipment for long step-outs (typical reel/carousel capacity).

3 4 5

Subsea Technology Challenges - Diving

1 Re-breather equipment.

Thank you
Statoil Innovate: Whats your idea? Dag xnevad Leading Advisor Subsea Production Systems - Statoil dox@statoil.com, tel: +47 90 19 85 19 www.statoil.com

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