MW2 Drug Study
MW2 Drug Study
MW2 Drug Study
Generic Name Brand General Mechanism Route of Indications Contraindication Adverse Nursing
Name Classification of Action Dosage Reaction/s Responsibility
Clopidogrel Norplat – Platelet Clopidogrel: 75/75 mg 1 NORPLAT-S Clopidogrel + Aspirin NORPLAT-S is Before
bisulfate + S aggregation Clopidogrel is an TAB OD (Clopidogrel+Aspirin) is combination is generally well - Observe the 10
Aspirin inhibitor inhibitor of indicated for the reduction ofcontraindicated in tolerated. Rights of Drug
platelet thrombotic events in patients: However, Administration
aggregation, that patients with recent Who have following are 1. Right Patient
is, a drug myocardial infarction, recent shown the few adverse 2. Right Medication
that inhibits the stroke, or established hypersensitivity effects reported 3. Right Dosage
ability of platelets peripheral arterial disease. to clopidogrel, during treatment. 4. Right Route
to clump together aspirin or any Gastrointestinal 5. Right Time
as part of NORPLAT-S component of disturbances: 6. Right
a blood clot. (Clopidogrel+Aspirin) the product. Diarrhea, Documentation
It appears to act is used With active abdominal pain, 7. Right Education
by blocking the prophylactically in gastro- indigestion, 8. Right to Refuse
adenosine patients at risk of duodenal nausea, and heart 9. Right Assessment
phosphate (ADP) thromboembolic ulcers. burn. 10. Right Evaluation
receptors, which disorders such as With Dermatological
prevents myocardial hypersensitivity reactions: Rash, During
fibrinogen binding infarction, peripheral to salicylates pruritus. -Verify the patient's
to the receptor. arterial disease, and (bronchospasm, Ephritic ion identification.
This decreases stroke. anaphylactic reactions: Edema, - Inform the patient of
the ability of reactions). urticaria, asthma. his or her ten rights.
platelet adhesion NORPLAT-S With Following adverse - Administer using the
and aggregation. (Clopidogrel+Aspirin) haemorrhagic effects were correct technique
Clopidogrel is a is also indicated for disease. reported rarely: based on the
prodrug and acute coronary With severe Increase bleeding prescribed route.
requires syndrome (unstable hepatic function tendency, -For oral
biotransformation angina/non-Q-wave impairment. gastrointestinal administration, ensure
to MI). Who are bleeding, gastric the patient swallows
produce inhibition pregnant. ulcers, severe the medication
of platelet neutropenia, or completely. For
Who are
aggregation. agranulocytosis, intravenous
thrombocytopenia, administration, follow
Aspirin: thrombotic sterile procedures to
Acetylsalicylic thrombocytopenic prevent infections and
acid inhibits the purpura, use an appropriate
activity of the aplastic anemia, infusion rate.
enzyme membranous -Keep an eye out for
cyclooxygenase nephropathy with negative effects.
and thus ephritic
prostaglandins syndrome, loss of After
and thromboxane taste, acute -Document
formation are arthritis. -Keep track of adverse
decreased. By reactions, tolerance,
blocking and any response.
thromboxane -Observe for any
synthesis, delayed adverse
acetylsalicylic reactions.
acid inhibits rapid -Give instructions for
platelet after administration
aggregation; this -Encourage the patient
action is to report any negative
irreversible. reactions or concerns
Acetylsalicylic about the medicine.
acid may also
inhibit formation
of prostacyclin, a
inhibitor; this
action is