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Navy Rates

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Navy Enlisted Ratings

Designation Title

ABCM Master Chief Aviation Boatswain's Mate (E-9 only)

ABE Aviation Boatswain's Mate Launch & Recovery Equipment
ABF Aviation Boatswain's Mate Fuels
ABH Aviation Boatswain's Mate Aircraft Handling
ABM Aviation Boatswain's Mate (1944-1948)
ABU Aviation Boatswain's Mate Utility
AC Air Controlman (1948-1977)
AC Air Traffic Controller (1977- )
ACM Aviation Carpenter's Mate (1921-1940) (to AM)
ACT Aircontrolman Tower
ACW Aircontrolman Early Warning
AD Aviation Machinist's Mate (1948- )
ADE Aviation Machinist's Mate Engine Mechanic
ADF Aviation Machinist's Mate Flight Engineer
ADG Aviation Machinist's Mate Carburetor Mechanic
ADJ Aviation Machinist's Mate Jet Engine Mechanic
ADP Aviation Machinist's Mate Propeller Mechanic
ADR Aviation Machinist's Mate Reciprocating Engine Mechanic
AE Aviation Electrician's Mate (1948- )
AEM Aviation Electrician's Mate (1942-1948)
AETM Aviation Electronic Technician's Mate (1945-1948)
AF Photographer's Mate (1948-1950) (to PH)
AFCM Master Chief Aircraft Maintenanceman (E-9 only) (1963- )
Aerog Aerographer (1923-1942)
AerM Aerographer's Mate (1942-1948)
AG Aerographer's Mate (1948- )
AK Aviation Storekeeper (1948-2003) (to SK)
AL Aviation Electronicsman (1948-1959) (to AT)
AM Aviation Metalsmith (1921-1948)
AM Aviation Structural Mechanic (E-8 only)
AME Aviation Structural Mechanic Safety Equipment
AMH Aviation Structural Mechanic Hydraulic Mechanic (1948-2001)(to AM)
AMM Aviation Machinist's Mate (1921-1948) (to AD)
AMMC Aviation Machinist's Mate Carburetor Mechanic
AMMF Aviation Machinist's Mate Flight Engineer
AMMH Aviation Machinist's Mate Hydraulic Mechanic
AMMI Aviation Machinist's Mate Instrument Mechanic
AMMP Aviation Machinist's Mate Propeller Mechanic
AMMT Aviation Machinist's Mate Gas Turbine Mechanic
AMS Aviation Structural Mechanic Structures (1948-2001)(to AM)
AO Aviation Ordnanceman (1948- )
AOMB Aviation Bombsight Mechanic (1943-1944)
U.S. Navy Enlisted Ratings
AOF Ordnanceman Fire Control
AOM Aviation Ordnanceman (1921-1948)
AOMB Aviation Bombsight and Fire Control Mechanic (1944- )
AOMT Aviation Ordnanceman Turrets
AOT Aviation Ordnanceman Turrets
AOU Aviation Ordnanceman Utility
AP Aviation Pilot (1924-1933) (1942-1948)
AP First Class Aviation Pilot (1927-1933)
APA Aviation Pilot Airship AR Quartermaster (Aviation) (1917-1921)
APH Aviation Photographers Mate (1948-52)
AQ Aviation Fire Control Technician (1954-1991) (to AT)
AQB Aviation Fire Control Technician Bomb Director
AQF Aviation Fire Control Technician Fire Contro
AR Aviation Rigger (1921-1927)
AR Airship Rigger (1943-1948) (to AM)
ARM Aviation Radioman (1942-1948) (to AL)
AS Support Equipment Technician (1966- )
ASE Aviation Support Equipment Technician Electrical
ASH Aviation Support Equipment Technician Hydraulics and Structure
ASM Aviation Support Equipment Technician Mechanical
ART Aviation Radio Technician (1942-1945)
AT Aviation Electronics Technician (1948- )
ATA Aviation Electronics Technician Aircraft Equipment
ATG Aviation Electronics Technician Ground Equipment
ATN Aviation Electronics Technician Radio & Radio Navigation Equipment
ATO Aviation Electronics Technician Ordnance
ATR Aviation Electronics Technician Radar and Radar Navigation Equipment
ATW Aviation Electronics Technician Airborne CIC Equipment
AVCM Master Chief Avionics Technician (E-9 only)
AW Aviation Antisubmarine Warfare Operator (1968-1993)
AW Aviation Warfare Systems Operator (1993 -2008)
AW Master Chief Naval Aircrewman (2008- ) (E-9 only)
AWF Naval Aircrewman Mechanical
AWO Naval Aircrewman Operator
AWR Naval Aircrewman Tactical Helicopter
AWS Naval Aircrewman Helicopter
AWV Naval Aircrewman Avionics
AX Aviation Antisubmarine Warfare Technician (1962-1991) (to AT)
AZ Aviation Maintenance Administrationman (1964- )

B Boilermaker
BM Boatswain's Mate (1893- )
BMA Boatswain's Mate Master-at-Arms
BMB Boatswain's Mate Seabee
BMG Boatswain's Mate Shipboard
U.S. Navy Enlisted Ratings
BMK Boatswain's Mate Canvasman
BMR Boatswain's Mate Rigger
BMS Boatswain's Mate Stevedore
BMSTR Bandmaster
BR Boilermaker (1956-1971)
BT Boilerman (to WT Watertender)
BT Boiler Tender
BT Boiler Technician (1976-1996) (to MM)
BTG Shipboard Boilerman
BTR Boiler Repairman
BU Builder (1948- )
BUG Bugler (1871-1948)
BUGMSTR Buglemaster (1927-1948)
BUH Builder Heavy
BUL Builder Light
BUR Builder Concrete

CAP Chief Aviation Pilot (1924-1933)

CE Construction Electrician's Mate (1948-1958)
CE Construction Electrician (1958- )
CEG Construction Electrician General
CEL Construction Electrician Communications Lineman
CEP Construction Electrician Power Lineman
CES Construction Electrician Shop
CET Construction Electrician Telephone
CEW Construction Electrician Wiring
CM Carpenter's Mate (1885-1948) (to DC)
CM Construction Mechanic (1958- )
CMA Carpenter's Mate Aviation
CMA Construction Mechanic Automotive
CMC Command Master Chief (E-9 only)
CMCBB Carpenter's Mate Construction Battalion Builder
CMCBD Carpenter's Mate Construction Battalion Draftsman
CMCBE Carpenter's Mate Construction Battalion Excavation Foreman
CMCBS Carpenter's Mate Construction Battalion Surveyor
CMD Construction Mechanic Diesel Engine
CMDCM Command Master Chief Petty Officer
CMG Construction Mechanic Gasoline Engine
CMH Construction Mechanic Construction
CMPx Mate Painter
CMPx Carpenter's Mate Patternmaker
CMPx Carpenter's Mate Plumber Fitter
CMSRB Carpenter's Mate Ship Repair Boatbuilders Wood
CMSRC Carpenter's Mate Ship Repair Carpenters
CMSRJ Carpenter's Mate Ship Repair Joiners
U.S. Navy Enlisted Ratings
CMSRK Carpenter's Mate Ship Repair Caulkers Boats
CMSRN Carpenter's Mate Ship Repair Cement Workers
CMSRS Carpenter's Mate Ship Repair Shipwrights
CNOCM CNO Directed Command Master Chief
CS Commissary Steward (1902-1948)
CS Commissaryman (1948-1974) (to MS)
CS Culinary Specialist (2004- )
CSB Commissaryman Butcher
CSG Commissaryman Ship's Cooks
CSR Commissaryman Bakers
CSS Culinary Specialist Submarine (2017- )
CT Communication Technician (1948-1976)
CT Cryptologic Technician (1976- )
CTA Communications Technician Administration (1948-1976)
CTA Cryptologic Technician Administration (1976-2008) (to YN)
CTI Communications Technician Interpretive (1948-1976)
CTI Cryptologic Technician Interpretive (1976- )
CTM Communications Technician Maintenance (1948-1976)
CTM Cryptologic Technician Maintenance (1976- )
CTN Cryptologic Technician Networks (2004- )
CTO Communications Technician Communications (1948-1976)
CTO Cryptologic Technician Communications (1976-2006) (to IT)
CTR Communications Technician Collection (1948-1976)
CTR Cryptologic Technician Collection (1976- )
CTS Communications Technician Special Devices Operator (1948-?)
CTT Communications Technician Technical (1948-1976)
CTT Cryptologic Technician Technical (1976- )
CTY Communications Technician Clerk (1948-1976) (to CTA)
CU Constructionman (E-8, E-9 only) (from BUC, EAC, SWC)
CYN Communications Yeoman (1964-c1974) (E-4 only)

DC Damage Controlman (1948-1972) (to HT) (19??- )

DCG Damage Controlman Shipboard
DCP Damage Controlman Painter
DCW Damage Controlman Carpenter
DK Disbursing Clerk (1948-2005) (to PS)
DM Illustrator Draftsman (1961-2006) (to MC)
DME Draftsman Electrical
DMI Draftsman Illustrator
DML Draftsman Lithographic
DMM Draftsman Mechanical
DMS Draftsman Structural
DMT Draftsman Topographic
DP Data Processing Technician (1967-1998) (to RM)
DS Data Systems Technician (1961-1998) (to ET or FC)
U.S. Navy Enlisted Ratings
DT Dental Technician (1948-2005) (to HM)
DTG Dental Technician General
DTP Dental Technician Prosthetic
DTR Dental Technician Repair

EA Engineering Aide (1961- )

EAD Engineering Aids Draftsman
EAS Engineering Aids Surveyor
EM Electrician Mate (1921- )
EMCBC Electrician's Mate Construction Battalion Communication
EMCBD Electrician's Mate Construction Battalion Draftsman
EMCBG Electrician's Mate Construction Battalion General
EMCBL Electrician's Mate Construction Battalion Line and Station
EMN Electricians Mate, Nuclear Power
EMP Electrician's Mate Power and Light
EMS Electrician's Mate Shop
EMSRG Electrician's Mate Ship Repair General Electrician
EMSRS Electrician's Mate Ship Repair Shop Electrician
EMSRT Electrician's Mate Ship Repair Interior Communications Repairman
EN Engineman (1948- )
ENA Engineman Aviation
END Engineman Diesel
ENG Engineman Gasoline
EO Equipment Operator (1958- )
EOD Explosive Ordnance Disposal Technician (2006- )
EOH Equipment Operator Hauling
EON Equipment Operator Construction Equipment
EQCM Master Chief Equipmentman (E-9 only)
ET Electronics Technician (1948- )
ETN Electronics Technician Communications
ETN Electronics Technician Navigation (Ballistic Missile Submarine (to 1980)
ETN Electronics Technician Nuclear Power
ETR Electronics Technician Submarine Communications
ETR Electronics Technician Radar
ETS Electronics Technician Sonar
ETV Electronics Technician Submarine Navigation
EW Electronic Warfare Technician (1971-2003) (to CTT)

FC Fire Controlman (1921-1955)

FC Fire Controlman Surface (1985 - )
FCA Fire Controlman Aegis (2017- )
FCO Fire Controlman Operator
FCR Fire Controlman Range Finder
FCS Fire Controlman Surface (to 1948)
FCS Fire Controlman Submarine (from 1948)
U.S. Navy Enlisted Ratings
FCU Fire Controlman Underwater Weapons
FLTCM Fleet Master Chief Petty Officer
FORCM Force Master Chief Petty Officer
FP Pipefitter (1948-1958) (to SF)
FPB Pipefitter Coppersmith
FPG Pipefitter Shipboard
FPP Pipefitter Plumber
FPS Pipefitter Steamfitter
FT Fire Control Technician (1955-1985) (split to FC FT)
FT Fire Control Technician Submarine (1985- )
FTA Fire Control Technician Automatic Directors
FTB Fire Control Technician Ballistic Missile Fire Control
FTG Fire Control Technician Gun Fire Control
FTM Fire Control Technician Surface Missile Fire Control
FTU Fire Control Technician Underwater

GF Aviation Guided Missleman (1953-1960)

GM Gunner's Mate (1885- ) (E-7 to E-9 only)
GMA Gunner's Mate Aviation (to 1926)
GMA Gunner's Mate Armorers (1948-?)
GMCB Gunner's Mate Construction Battalion
GMCBG Gunner's Mate Construction Battalion Armorer
GMCBP Gunner's Mate Construction Battalion Powderman
GMG Gunner's Mate Guns ( -present)
GMM Gunner's Mate Mounts (to 1957)
GMM Gunner's Mate Missiles (1957-present)
GMT Gunner's Mate Torpedo (to 1921)
GMT Gunner's Mate (Turrets) (1922-1952)
GMT Gunner's Mate Technician (1962-1986)
GS Guided Missileman (1953-1961) (to MT)
GS Gas Turbine System Technician (1978- )
GSE Gas Turbine System Technician Electrical
GSM Gas Turbine System Technician Mechanical
GMSRP Gunner's Mate Ship Repair Powderman

HM Hospital Corpsman (1948- )

HT Hull Technician (1972- )

IC Interior Communications Electrician (1948- )

IM Instrumentman (1961-1999) (to IC, EM, ET or AT)
IMI Instrumentman Instrument Repair
IMO Instrumentman Office Machine Repairman
IMW Instrumentman Watch and Clock Repairman
IS Intelligence Specialist (1975- )
IT Information Systems Technician (1999- )
U.S. Navy Enlisted Ratings
ITS Information Systems Technician Submarines (2011- )

JO Journalist (1948-2006) (to MC)

LI Lithographer (1948-2006) (to MC)

LIP Lithographer Pressman
LIT Lithographer Cameraman and Platemaker
LN Legalman (1973- )
LS Logistics Specialist (2009- )
LSS Logistics Specialist Submarine (2017- )

M Metalsmith
MA Master-at-Arms
MA Machine Accountant (1948-1967) (to DP)
MC Mass Communications Specialist (2006- )
MCPON Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy
ME Metalsmith MSRB Metalsmith Ship Repair Blacksmith
MEB Metalsmith Blacksmith
MEG Metalsmith Shipboard
MES Metalsmith Sheet Metal Worker
MEW Metalsmith Welder
ML Molder (1917-1929) (1943-??)
MldrA Molder Aviation
MLSRC Molder Ship Repair Cupola Tenders
MLSRF Molder Ship Repair Foundryman
MLSRM Molder Ship Repair Molder
MM Machinist's Mate (1893- )
MMA Machinist's Mate Aviation
MMA Machinists Mate Non-Nuclear, Submarine Auxiliary
MMA Machinist's Mate (Aviation) (1917-1921)
MMAGE Machinist's Mate Aviation Bombing
MMAH Machinist's Mate Aviation Hydrogen
MMAP Machinist's Mate Aviation Photographic
MMCBE Machinist's Mate Construction Battalion Equipment Operator
MME Machinist's Mate Engineman
MMG Machinist's Mate Industrial Gas Generating
MML Machinist's Mate General
MMMB Machinist's Mate Motor Boat
MMO Machinist's Mate Optician
MMN Machinists Mate, Nuclear Power
MMR Machinist's Mate Refrigeration Mechanic
MMS Machinist's Mate Shop Mechanic
MMSRE Machinist's Mate Ship Repair Engine Operator
MMSRI Machinist's Mate Ship Repair Instrument Maker
MMSRO Machinist's Mate Ship Repair Outside Machinist
U.S. Navy Enlisted Ratings
MMSRS Machinist's Mate Ship Repair Inside Machinist
MMW Machinist's Mate Watchmaker
MMW Machinists Mate, Non-Nuclear, Submarine Weapons
MN Mineman (1943-1947) (1948- )
MoMM Motor Machinist's Mate
MoMMSRD Motor Machinist's Mate Ship Repair Diesel Engine Mechanic
MoMMSRG Motor Machinist's Mate Ship Repair Gasoline Engine Mechanic
MR Machinery Repairman (1948- )
MS Mess Management Specialist (1974-2004) (to CS)
MSRC Metalsmith Ship Repair Coppersmith
MSRF Metalsmith Ship Repair Forgers Anglesmiths
MSRS Metalsmith Ship Repair Sheet Metal Workers
MT Missile Technician (1961- )
MU Musician (1948- )

NC Navy Counselor
NC(CRF) Navy Counselor (Career Recruiter Force)
NC(FC) Navy Counselor (Fleet Counselor)
NCC Navy Counselor Career
NCR Navy Counselor Recruiter
ND Navy Diver (2006- )
NW Nuclear Weaponsman (to GMT, WT)

OM Opticalman (1948-2004)
OS Operations Specialists (1972- )
OT Ocean Systems Technician (E-9 only) (1970-??) to ?
OTA Ocean Systems Technician Analyst
OTM Ocean Systems Technician Maintainer

PC Postal Clerk (1959-2010) (to LS) P Photographer (1921-1942)

PH Photographer's Mate (1950-2006) (to MC)
PHG Photographer's Mate Cameraman
PHL Photographer's Mate Laboratory Technician
PHM Photographer's Mate Microfilm Photographer
PhM Pharmacist's Mate (to HM) (1916-1948)
PhoM Photographer's Mate (1942-1948)
PI Printer (see LI)
PICM Master Chief Precision Instrumentman (E-9 only)
PM Patternmaker ( -2007)
PMSRP Patternmaker Ship Repair Patternmaker
PN Personnelman ( -2005) (to PS)
PNA Personnelman Records Clerk
PNI Personnelman Classification Interviewer
PNR Personnelman Recruiter
PNS Personnelman Personal Supervisor Women's Reserve
U.S. Navy Enlisted Ratings
PNT Personnelman Training Assistant
PNW Personnelman Chaplain's Assistant
PR Parachute Rigger (1942-1965)
PR Aircrew Survival Equipmentman (1965- )
PS Personnel Specialist (2005- )
PT Photo Intelligenceman (1957-1975) (to IS)

QM Quartermaster
QMD Quartermaster Dirigible
QML Quartermaster Listening
QMN Quartermaster Navigation
QMP Quartermaster Pigeon
QMQ Quartermaster Quartermaster
QMS Quartermaster Signal

RD Radarman (1943-1972) (to OS)

RM Radioman (1921-1999) (to IT)
RMN Radioman Radioman
RMT Radioman Telegrapher
RP Religious Program Specialist (1979- )
RT Radio Technician (to ET)
RTSR Radio Technician Ship Repair

SA Special Artificer ( -1948)

SAD Special Artificer Special Devices
SADMG Special Artificer Special Devices Machine Gun Trainer
SAI Special Artificer Instrument
SAITR Special Artificer Typewriter and Office Equipment
SAIWR Special Artificer Watch Repairman
SAO Special Artificer Optical
SB Special Warfare Boat Operator (2006- )
SC Ship's Cook (1893-1948) (to CS)
SCB Ship's Cook Butcher St Steward
SD Steward (1943-1975) (to MS)
SDG Steward Cook
SDS Steward Stateroom
SF Shipfitter (1901-1948) (to ME, FP) (1958-?)
SFA Shipfitter Aviation
SFCBB Shipfitter Construction Battalion Blacksmith
SFCBM Shipfitter Construction Battalion Mechanical Draftsman
SFCBP Shipfitter Construction Battalion Pipefitter and Plumber
SFCBR Shipfitter Construction Battalion Rigger
SFCBS Shipfitter Construction Battalion Steelworker
SFCBW Shipfitter Construction Battalion Welder
SFM Shipfitter Metalsmith
U.S. Navy Enlisted Ratings
SFP Shipfitter Pipefitter ( -1948) (to FP)
SFSRP Shipfitter Ship Repair Pipefitter and Plumber
SFSRR Shipfitter Ship Repair Riveters
SFSRS Shipfitter Ship Repair Shipfitter
SFSRW Shipfitter Ship Repair Welder
SH Ship's Serviceman (1943- )
SK Storekeeper (1916- 2009) (to LS or LSS)
SK(CBS) Storekeeper (Construction Battalion) (Stevedore)
SKD Disbursing Storekeeper ( -1948) (to DK)
SKE Storekeeper Engineer
SKG Storekeeper General
SKT Storekeeper Technical
SKV Aviation Storekeeper (1943-1948) (to AK)
SM Signalman (1921-1948 (to QM) (1956-2003) (to QM)
SO Special Warfare Operator (2006- )
SOG Sonarman Sonar
SOH Sonarman Harbor Defense
SoM Soundman
SOMH Sonarman Harbor Defense
SPCM Master Chief Steam Propulsionman (E-9 only)
SSMB Ship's Service Man Barber
SSMC Ship's Service Man Cobbler
SSML Ship's Service Man Laundryman
SSMT Ship's Service Man Tailor
ST Sonar Technician (1964- )
STG Sonar Technician Surface
STS Sonar Technician Submarine
StM Steward's Mate
SV Surveyor (1948-1959) (to EA)
SW Steelworker (1948- )
SWE Steelworker Erector
SWF Steelworker Fabricator
SWR Steelworker Construction Rigger
SWS Steelworker Structural T Telegrapher (1926-1948) (to TE)

TC Turret Captain (1903-1948) (to GM)

TD Tradevman (Training Devicesman) (1948-1984)
TDI Tradevman Instructor Non-Aviation
TDR Tradevman Repairman Non-Aviation
TDU Tradevman Instructor Aviation
TDV Tradevman Repairman Aviation
TE (1948-1962) (to RM or YN)
TEL Teleman Communications Clerk
TEM Teleman Mailman
TEP Teleman Registered Publications Clerk
U.S. Navy Enlisted Ratings
TEQ Teleman Cryptographer
TET Teleman Teletypist
TM Torpedoman (1921-1942)
TM Torpedoman's Mate (1942-2007) (to MM or GM)
TME Torpedoman's Mate Electrical
TMO Torpedoman's Mate Operator
TMS Torpedoman's Mate Special Torpedoes
TMT Torpedoman's Mate Technician
TMV Torpedoman's Mate Aviation

UT Utilitiesman (1948- )
UTA Utilitiesman Air Conditioning
UTB Utilitiesman Boilerman
UTP Utilitiesman Plumber
UTW Utilitiesman Water and Sanitation

WT Watertender (1884-1948) to BT
WT Weapons Technician (1986-1995)
WTCB Water Tender Construction Battalion

Y Yeoman
YN Yeoman
YNS Yeoman Stenographer
YNS Yeoman Submarine (2017- )
YNT Yeoman Typist


E-1 (Seaman Recruit)

Fireman recruit
Airman recruit
Constructionman recruit

E-2 (Seaman Apprentice)

Fireman apprentice
Airman apprentice
Constructionman recruit

E-3 (Seaman)

E-4 Petty Officer Third Class

U.S. Navy Enlisted Ratings
E-5 Petty Office Second Class

E-6 Petty Officer First Class

E-7 Chief Petty Officer

E-8 Senior Chief Petty Officer

E-8 Command Senior Chief Petty Officer

E-9 Master Chief Petty Officer

E-9 Command Master Chief Petty Officer
E-9 Fleet/force master chief petty officer

Note 1: "Cryptologic Technician" currently consists of five branches:

CTI (Cryptologic Technician - Interpretive); CTM (Cryptologic Technician - Maintenance);
CTN (Cryptologic Technician - Networks); CTR (Cryptologic Technician - Collection); and
CTT (Cryptologic Technician - Technical).

Note 2: Gunner's Mate" is used at pay grade E-7 and above. Leading to GM: GMG
(Gunner's Mate - Guns) and GMM (Gunner's Mate - Missiles)

Note 3: The Dental Technician (DT) rating was merged into the Hospital Corpsman (HM)
rating 30 Aug 2005

Note 4: Formerly known as RM (Radioman). DP (Data Processing Technician) merged into

the RM (Radioman) field in 1997. The CTO (Cryptologic Technician - Communications)
rating was merged into the IT rating on 1 Mar 2006

Note 5: Illustrator Draftsman (DM), Journalist (JO), Lithographer (LI) and Photographer
(PH) merged into MC rating on 1 July 2006

Note 6: Disbursing Clerk (DK) and Personnelman (PN) merged into PS 1 Oct 2005

Note 7: "Sonar Technician" has two branches: STG - Surface, and STS - Submarine

Administration, Deck, Medical, Technical, and

Weapons Specialties
U.S. Navy Enlisted Ratings

BM - Boatswain's CS - Culinary CT - Cryptologic ET - Electronics

Mate Specialist Technician Technician
(Note 1)

FC - Fire FT - Fire Control GM - Gunner's HM - Hospital Corpsman

Controlman Technician Mate (Note 3)
(Note 2)

IS - Intelligence IT - Information LN - Legalman MA - Master-at-Arms

Specialist Systems
(Note 4)
U.S. Navy Enlisted Ratings
MC - Mass MN - Mineman MT - Missile MU - Musician
Communication Technician
(Note 5)

NC - Navy OS - Operations PS - Personnel Specialist

Counselor Specialist (Note 6)

QM - RP - Religious SH - Ship's
Quartermaster Programs Serviceman

ST - Sonar TM - YN - Yeoman
Technician Torpedoman's
(Note 7) Mate

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