Navy Rates
Navy Rates
Navy Rates
B Boilermaker
BM Boatswain's Mate (1893- )
BMA Boatswain's Mate Master-at-Arms
BMB Boatswain's Mate Seabee
BMG Boatswain's Mate Shipboard
U.S. Navy Enlisted Ratings
BMK Boatswain's Mate Canvasman
BMR Boatswain's Mate Rigger
BMS Boatswain's Mate Stevedore
BMSTR Bandmaster
BR Boilermaker (1956-1971)
BT Boilerman (to WT Watertender)
BT Boiler Tender
BT Boiler Technician (1976-1996) (to MM)
BTG Shipboard Boilerman
BTR Boiler Repairman
BU Builder (1948- )
BUG Bugler (1871-1948)
BUGMSTR Buglemaster (1927-1948)
BUH Builder Heavy
BUL Builder Light
BUR Builder Concrete
M Metalsmith
MA Master-at-Arms
MA Machine Accountant (1948-1967) (to DP)
MC Mass Communications Specialist (2006- )
MCPON Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy
ME Metalsmith MSRB Metalsmith Ship Repair Blacksmith
MEB Metalsmith Blacksmith
MEG Metalsmith Shipboard
MES Metalsmith Sheet Metal Worker
MEW Metalsmith Welder
ML Molder (1917-1929) (1943-??)
MldrA Molder Aviation
MLSRC Molder Ship Repair Cupola Tenders
MLSRF Molder Ship Repair Foundryman
MLSRM Molder Ship Repair Molder
MM Machinist's Mate (1893- )
MMA Machinist's Mate Aviation
MMA Machinists Mate Non-Nuclear, Submarine Auxiliary
MMA Machinist's Mate (Aviation) (1917-1921)
MMAGE Machinist's Mate Aviation Bombing
MMAH Machinist's Mate Aviation Hydrogen
MMAP Machinist's Mate Aviation Photographic
MMCBE Machinist's Mate Construction Battalion Equipment Operator
MME Machinist's Mate Engineman
MMG Machinist's Mate Industrial Gas Generating
MML Machinist's Mate General
MMMB Machinist's Mate Motor Boat
MMO Machinist's Mate Optician
MMN Machinists Mate, Nuclear Power
MMR Machinist's Mate Refrigeration Mechanic
MMS Machinist's Mate Shop Mechanic
MMSRE Machinist's Mate Ship Repair Engine Operator
MMSRI Machinist's Mate Ship Repair Instrument Maker
MMSRO Machinist's Mate Ship Repair Outside Machinist
U.S. Navy Enlisted Ratings
MMSRS Machinist's Mate Ship Repair Inside Machinist
MMW Machinist's Mate Watchmaker
MMW Machinists Mate, Non-Nuclear, Submarine Weapons
MN Mineman (1943-1947) (1948- )
MoMM Motor Machinist's Mate
MoMMSRD Motor Machinist's Mate Ship Repair Diesel Engine Mechanic
MoMMSRG Motor Machinist's Mate Ship Repair Gasoline Engine Mechanic
MR Machinery Repairman (1948- )
MS Mess Management Specialist (1974-2004) (to CS)
MSRC Metalsmith Ship Repair Coppersmith
MSRF Metalsmith Ship Repair Forgers Anglesmiths
MSRS Metalsmith Ship Repair Sheet Metal Workers
MT Missile Technician (1961- )
MU Musician (1948- )
NC Navy Counselor
NC(CRF) Navy Counselor (Career Recruiter Force)
NC(FC) Navy Counselor (Fleet Counselor)
NCC Navy Counselor Career
NCR Navy Counselor Recruiter
ND Navy Diver (2006- )
NW Nuclear Weaponsman (to GMT, WT)
OM Opticalman (1948-2004)
OS Operations Specialists (1972- )
OT Ocean Systems Technician (E-9 only) (1970-??) to ?
OTA Ocean Systems Technician Analyst
OTM Ocean Systems Technician Maintainer
QM Quartermaster
QMD Quartermaster Dirigible
QML Quartermaster Listening
QMN Quartermaster Navigation
QMP Quartermaster Pigeon
QMQ Quartermaster Quartermaster
QMS Quartermaster Signal
UT Utilitiesman (1948- )
UTA Utilitiesman Air Conditioning
UTB Utilitiesman Boilerman
UTP Utilitiesman Plumber
UTW Utilitiesman Water and Sanitation
WT Watertender (1884-1948) to BT
WT Weapons Technician (1986-1995)
WTCB Water Tender Construction Battalion
Y Yeoman
YN Yeoman
YNS Yeoman Stenographer
YNS Yeoman Submarine (2017- )
YNT Yeoman Typist
E-3 (Seaman)
Note 2: Gunner's Mate" is used at pay grade E-7 and above. Leading to GM: GMG
(Gunner's Mate - Guns) and GMM (Gunner's Mate - Missiles)
Note 3: The Dental Technician (DT) rating was merged into the Hospital Corpsman (HM)
rating 30 Aug 2005
Note 5: Illustrator Draftsman (DM), Journalist (JO), Lithographer (LI) and Photographer
(PH) merged into MC rating on 1 July 2006
Note 6: Disbursing Clerk (DK) and Personnelman (PN) merged into PS 1 Oct 2005
Note 7: "Sonar Technician" has two branches: STG - Surface, and STS - Submarine
QM - RP - Religious SH - Ship's
Quartermaster Programs Serviceman
ST - Sonar TM - YN - Yeoman
Technician Torpedoman's
(Note 7) Mate