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Blaze 2 - Grammar Book

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Blaze 2 Grammar
Blaze 2 Grammar is designed for learners at CEFR A2
level. It systematically presents, provides practice of
and revises English grammar structures.

Virginia Evans - Jenny Dooley

Key features:
• clear, simple presentation of grammar structures
• comprehensive theory boxes with examples
• variety of graded exercises
• speaking and writing activities at the end of each unit
• games
• lively illustrations
• regular revision units
• regular Exploring Grammar sections

• Student’s book
• Grammar Key

ISBN 978-1-4715-4214-5
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Virginia Evans – Jenny Dooley

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Published by Express Publishing

Liberty House, Greenham Business Park, Newbury,

Berkshire RG19 6HW, United Kingdom
Tel.: (0044) 1635 817 363
Fax: (0044) 1635 817 463
email: inquiries@expresspublishing.co.uk

© Virginia Evans – Jenny Dooley, 2015

Design and Illustration © Express Publishing, 2015

Colour Illustrations: Stone

First published 2015

Second impression 2017

Made in EU

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced,

stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form, or by any
means, electronic, photocopying, or otherwise, without the prior
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This book is not meant to be changed in any way.

ISBN 978-1-4715-4214-5
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Unit 1 The verbs to be, have got, can, Pronouns – Possessives,
there is/there are – Prepositions of place – Demonstratives –
The imperative, Question words .................................................. p. 4
Unit 2 Present simple, Adverbs of frequency, Present continuous,
Stative verbs, Present simple vs Present continuous .................. p. 12
Unit 3 Adjectives/Order of adjectives ...................................................... p. 24
Exploring Grammar (Units 1-3) ................................................................ p. 26
Revision (Units 1-3) .................................................................................. p. 27
Unit 4 Adverbs, Comparisons .................................................................. p. 28
Unit 5 The indefinite article a/an, The definite article the ........................ p. 34
Exploring Grammar (Units 4-5) ................................................................ p. 38
Revision (Units 1-5) .................................................................................. p. 39
Unit 6 Past simple (regular & irregular verbs), used to, Past continuous,
Past continuous vs Past simple .................................................... p. 40
Exploring Grammar (Unit 6) .................................................................... p. 50
Revision (Units 1-6) .................................................................................. p. 51
Unit 7 be going to .................................................................................... p. 52
Unit 8 Future simple ................................................................................ p. 56
Unit 9 Future simple vs be going to ........................................................ p. 58
Unit 10 Conditionals – Types 0,1 & 2 ........................................................ p. 60
Exploring Grammar (Units 7-10) .............................................................. p. 64
Revision (Units 1-10) ................................................................................ p. 65
Unit 11 Present perfect, Past simple vs Present perfect .......................... p. 66
Unit 12 Past perfect .................................................................................. p. 72
Exploring Grammar (Units 11-12) ............................................................ p. 74
Revision (Units 1-12) ................................................................................ p. 75
Unit 13 The infinitive – too/enough, -ing form .......................................... p. 76
Unit 14 Modal verbs .................................................................................. p. 80
Unit 15 Reflexive/Emphatic pronouns – one/ones .................................... p. 86
Exploring Grammar (Units 13-15) ............................................................ p. 87
Revision (Units 1-15) ................................................................................ p. 88
Unit 16 both – neither/either ...................................................................... p. 89
Unit 17 Relative pronouns/adverbs, Relative clauses .............................. p. 90
Unit 18 The passive .................................................................................. p. 96
Exploring Grammar (Units 16-18) ............................................................ p. 98
Revision (Units 1-18) ................................................................................ p. 99
Unit 19 Countable/Uncountable nouns, Quantifiers, some/any/no/every
& compounds ................................................................................ p. 100
Unit 20 Question tags ................................................................................ p. 106
Unit 21 Reported speech .......................................................................... p. 108
Unit 22 Questions with Yes/No answers, Subject/Object questions ........ p. 110
Unit 23 Linking words, very – too – quite – rather .................................... p. 112
Exploring Grammar (Units 19-23) ............................................................ p. 116
Revision (Units 1-23) ................................................................................ p. 117
Progress Checks ...................................................................................... p. 119
Irregular verbs .......................................................................................... p. 136

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1 The verbs to be, have got, can

The verb to be

AFFIRMATIVE I’m, He/She/It’s, We/You/They’re

NEGATIVE I’m not, He/She/It isn’t, We/You/They aren’t
INTERROGATIVE Am I?, Is he/she/it?, Are we/you/they?
SHORT Yes, I am., Yes, he/she/it is., Yes, we/you/they are.
ANSWERS No, I’m not., No, he/she/it isn’t., No, we/you they aren’t.

In short answers we do not repeat the whole question. We use Yes or No, the subject pronoun and the verb form
am (‘m not)/is (isn’t)/are (aren’t). Are you a dentist? No, I’m not.

The verb have got

We use the verb have got:
a) to show that something belongs to someone. She’s got a laptop.
b) to describe people, animals and things. He’s got short dark hair.
c) to talk about relationships. I’ve got a twin brother.
d) with the following expressions: I’ve got a headache, I’ve got a temperature, I’ve got a cough, I’ve got a
toothache, I’ve got a cold, I’ve got a problem.

AFFIRMATIVE I/We/You/They’ve got. He/She/It’s got.

NEGATIVE I/We/You/They haven’t got. He/She/It hasn’t got.
INTERROGATIVE Have I/we/you/they got? Has he/she/it got?
SHORT Yes, I/we/you/they have. Yes, he/she/it has.
ANSWERS No, I/we/you/they haven’t. No, he/she/it hasn’t.

In short answers we use Yes or No, the subject pronoun and the verb form have (haven’t)/ has (hasn’t). We do
not use got. Have you got a radio? Yes, I have. (NOT: Yes, I have got.)

We use got in the present tense and not so often in the past tense. She had a bike when she was younger.
(NOT: She had got ... – it is less common)

The verb can

AFFIRMATIVE I/You/He/She/It/We/You/They can walk.
NEGATIVE I/You/He/She/It/We/You/They can’t walk.
INTERROGATIVE Can I/you/he/she/it/we/you/they walk?
SHORT Yes, I/you/he/she/it/we/you/they can.
ANSWERS No, I/you/he/she/it/we/you/they can’t.

• The verb can is the same in all persons and is always followed by a verb.
• We use the verb can to show ability. I can sing. I can’t play the guitar.

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1 Circle the correct form of the verb have got, 3 Fill in is, are, has got, have got, can or can’t to
can or be. find out a few things about Richard and his
1 Is / Are Julie and Anne your sisters?
2 Jim hasn’t / haven’t got a car. 1 Richard is nineteen years old.
3 Can / Can’t Henry play basketball? 2 He ____________________ blond hair and blue eyes.
4 My brother has / have got a stomach ache. 3 He ____________________ polite and hard-working.
5 Kelly can’t / can help us tomorrow. She’s free 4 Richard ____________________ a sister and a brother.
all day. 5 They _________________ very close. His sister’s name
6 Have / Has Sarah got a pet cat? is Serena and his brother’s name is Scott.
7 Laura aren’t / isn’t from England. She’s from 6 Serena ____________________ play the guitar but Scott
Canada. ____________________ play any musical instruments.

8 I can’t / can call Fred. My mobile phone isn’t 7 Richard and his brother and sister
working. ___________________ students at Deansfield College.

9 Eric hasn’t / haven’t got any chores to do this 8 They ____________________ any classes together.
evening. They study different subjects.
10 The girls isn’t / aren’t at school today. It’s
Saturday. 4 Read Andy’s personal profile and fill in: am, is,
are, have got, has got, can or can’t.
2 Complete the exchanges using am/’m, ’m not, Hi! My name 1) is Andy and I 2) ____________ seventeen years
is/’s, isn’t, are, aren’t, can, can’t, have (got), old. I 3) ______________ brown hair and brown eyes. I live in
haven’t (got), has (got), hasn’t (got).
Bristol with my parents. My parents 4) _____________ both
1 A: Can you drive a car? dentists and they 5) ______________ an office at home.
B: No, I can’t, but I can ride a bike. I 6) ______________ one brother and he 7) ______________
2 A: ___________ she ___________ a fever? at university now. He 8) ______________ nineteen
B: No, she ___________ . But she ___________ a sore years old and he studies in Leeds. I love football
throat. and I 9) ______________ play very well. I
3 A: ___________ Pedro and Maria from Italy? 10) ______________ the number nine shirt and
B: Yes, they ___________ but they ___________ speak score lots of goals, but I 11) ______________ play
Italian and English. in goal. My team 12) ______________ lots of
4 A: ___________ you make me a salad? medals and trophies, and our coach
B: No, I ___________ . We ___________ any lettuce or 13) ______________ really fantastic! We train very
tomatoes. hard and 14) ______________ a great team!
5 A: ___________ Miguel from Italy?
B: No, he ___________ . He ___________ from Mexico.
6 A: ___________ Kim in Year 9? Speaking & Writing
B: No, she ___________ . She ___________ in Year 8. Use the words in the list to write true
7 A: ___________ you ___________ a cousin? sentences about yourself. Tell the class. Then,
B: Yes, I ___________ . She ___________ 13 years old. write a short personal profile like in Ex. 4.
8 A: ___________ Angela ___________ a laptop?
• long hair • blue eyes • short • 18 years old
B: Yes, she ___________ . It ___________ an expensive
• Science student • one sister • a dog
• a tablet computer • a bike • play the guitar
9 A: ___________ you ride a horse?
• ride a motorbike • dance • only child
B: No, I ___________ , but I___________ ride a motorbike.
• play tennis
10 A: ___________ you OK?
B: No, I ____________ . I ______________ ill. I __________________ I haven’t got long hair.
a cold.
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1 Pronouns – Possessives

Subject/Object pronouns SUBJECT OBJECT

We use personal subject pronouns before verbs: PRONOUNS PRONOUNS
• instead of nouns. This garden is beautiful. It has got a lot of I me
flowers. (It = the garden) you you
• instead of names. Tony is from France. He is French. he him
she her
We use object pronouns after: it it
• verbs. I play tennis. I like it very much. we us
• prepositions. Look at us! Play with me. you you
they them

Possessive adjectives – Possessive pronouns POSSESSIVE POSSESSIVE

• Possessive adjectives show: ADJECTIVES PRONOUNS
a) that something belongs to someone.This is my book. my mine
b) the relationship between two or more people. They are our friends. your yours
• Possessive adjectives are always followed by nouns. This is her bike. his his
• Possessive pronouns show that something belongs to someone. her hers
Compare: That is their ball. (possessive adjective) its —
That ball is theirs. (possessive pronoun) our ours
• Possessive pronouns are not followed by nouns. your yours
their theirs
a) There is no possessive pronoun for the personal pronoun it. its = possessive adjective
b) We use the patterns a friend of mine/yours/his to mean one of a Look at the giraffe. Its neck is long.
number of friends. it’s = ‘it is’ or ‘it has’
Martha is a friend of mine. (NOT: a friend of me) I don’t like homework! It’s boring!
Are Tim and George friends of yours? (NOT: friends of you) (it is)
Sarah plays volleyball with a friend of hers. (NOT: a friend of her) My new house is fantastic! It’s got
a playroom! (it has)

Possessive case
To show possession: Other possessive forms
• we add ‘s after names and singular nouns. Mary’s hair is long. The 1 We use of to talk about things and
girl’s clothes are dirty. parts of things. The leg of the table is
• we add ‘ to plural nouns ending in -s. The boys’ bikes are red. broken. (NOT: the table’s leg because
• we add ‘s to an irregular plural noun. These are the children’s toys. the ‘table’ is a thing)
• when the same thing belongs to two or more people, we add ‘s 2 We add ‘s to refer to a place (shop,
to the last noun. This is Tina and Tom’s room. (Tina and Tom share business, house, etc) Jon is at Maria’s.
the same room) (= Maria’s house) Cathy is at the
• when two or more things belong to two or more people and we butcher’s. (= the shop)
want to show that each person has his/her own thing, we add ‘s 3 We add ‘s to refer to time. My house
to each noun. Those are Luke’s and Bob’s mobile phones. (Luke is five minutes’ walk from the school.
has got a mobile phone and Bob has got a mobile phone, too.) It’s three hours’ drive to the beach.

Note: We can use the possessive case without a noun after it.
These gloves aren’t yours. They’re Tina’s. (= Tina’s gloves)

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5 Fill in the gaps with: I, us, they, me, she, him. 9 Fill in the gaps with: I, me, mine, my, you,
your, her, she, we, us, our, they, their.
1 Look at him! He can run really fast!
2 Our neighbours aren’t home. ________ are on
3 Excuse ________ , how can ________ get to the train Hi bloggers!
station? 1) My name is Samantha.
4 We always take our football with ________ when 2) _______________ am sixteen years old.
Here is a picture of 3) _______________
we go to the park.
with two classmates of 4) ___________________ . 5) ___________________
5 Mandy is a dancer. ________ can dance really
names are Jenny and Andrea. 6) ___________________ are my best
friends. 7) _______________ go to the same school. Jenny is from
6 Fill in the gaps with its or it’s. Manchester. That’s 8) _______________ on the right. 9) _______________
is really funny and always makes 10) _______________ laugh!
1 I love this film! It’s so exciting! Andrea is from Dublin, but 11) _______________ lives here in London
2 This is a great aquarium. ________ tanks are now. 12) _______________ are also in the same volleyball team, but
huge! 13) _______________ favourite thing to do is dance! What about
3 “Is this your coat?” “No, ________ Helen’s.” 14) _______________ ? Tell 15) _______________ about 16) _______________
4 What a nice cat! ________ fur is so soft. friends.
5 This model plane can fly. ________ got a motor
inside. 10 Choose the correct item, as in the example.
1 That is my _______ watch.
7 Fill in the appropriate possessive
A mothers’ B mothers C mother’s
adjectives/pronouns, as in the example.
2 “Whose bikes are these?” “They’re _______ .”
1 A: Who’s that man with your cousin? A Richard’s and Victor’s
B: That’s Gavin. He’s his best friend. (he) B Richard and Victor’s
2 A: Can you pass me ___________ (I) keys C Richard’s and Victor
please? 3 “Is this your cup of coffee?” “No, it’s _______ . “
B: Of course. Here you are. A Anna’s B Anna C Annas’
3 A: Do you know where Fred is? 4 The _______ books are on the table.
B: Yes, he’s with ___________ (we) in the garden. A girls B girl C girls’
4 A: Is that ___________ (you) phone, Mark? 5 Is there a _______ in your neighbourhood?
B: Yes. It’s new. A chemists’ B chemist’s C chemists

5 A: Is this ___________ (you) purse, Miss? 6 Martin works for a _______ charity.
B: No, it isn’t ___________ . (I) A childrens’ B children C children’s

Rewrite the phrases, as in the example.
In pairs, ask and answer questions about your
1 It’s a flight of four hours to Athens. best friend and tell the class.
It’s four hours’ flight to Athens.
• name • age • country • hobbies
2 The concert this year is for a good cause.
________________________________________________________________ . A: What’s your best friend’s name?
3 It’s a walk of ten minutes to the bus stop. B: My best friend’s name is …
________________________________________________________________ .
4 The specials today look really delicious! Writing
________________________________________________________________ . Now using your answers from the speaking
5 It’s a train ride of two hours to Birmingham. activity post your comment to Samantha’s blog.
________________________________________________________________ .
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there is/there are – Prepositions of place –

1 Demonstratives – The imperative

there is/there are


Yes, there is.
AFFIRMATIVE There is/There’s a table. There are two tables. Is there ...?
No, there isn’t.
NEGATIVE There isn’t a table. There aren’t two tables. Yes, there are.
Are there ...?
INTERROGATIVE Is there a table? Are there two tables? No, There aren’t.

• We use there’s to list things in the singular. There’s a table, a chair and a sofa in the living room. (NOT: There
are a table, a chair and a sofa in the living room.)
• We use there are to list things in the plural. There are, does not have a short form. There are two chairs, a desk
and a mirror in the bedroom. (NOT: There’re two chairs ...)
• We use there is/are to introduce something new and to say that something exists in a particular place. There
is a new cinema in the area.
• In short answers we use Yes, there is/are or No, there isn’t/aren’t. We do not repeat the question. Is there a
desk in the bedroom? Yes, there is. (NOT: Yes, there is a desk in the bedroom.)
• We use it +be to give more details about something or someone that has already been mentioned. There is
some cake on the table. It’s for you.
• We use it + be to talk about distance (It’s 10 Km.) temperature (It’s cold today.) time (It’s quarter to five.) weather
(It’s windy today.) and, also, in expressions like (It’s nice to meet you.).

Prepositions of place
We use prepositions of place to say where somebody or something is. These include: on, under, in front of, behind,
beside/by/next to, near, at, in, between, (a)round, among, opposite, above, below, on top of and against.
We use at:
• in the expressions: at school/university/college, at work, at home, at the top of ..., at the bottom of ..., at the station,
at the airport, at Mary’s (house), at a party/concert/football match, at the bus stop, at the door, at one’s desk
• with addresses when we mention the house number: at 6 Oxford Street BUT in Oxford Street
We use in:
• in the expressions: in the middle, in the air, in the sky, in bed, in hospital, in prison, in a newspaper/magazine/book,
in a street, in the world, in a photograph/picture, in a car, in a taxi
• with the names of cities, countries and continents. in London, in England, in Africa
We use on:
• in the expressions: on the left/right, on the first/second, etc. floor, on a bus/train/plane/ship, on a horse/bicycle/
motorbike, on a chair BUT in an armchair
this/these – that/those
this/these that/those
• We use this/these for people, animals and things • We use that/those for people, animals and things
near us. This is a bag. far from us. That is a plane.
• We use this/these to introduce people.This is my • We use that for something that has finished or is in
uncle, Jim, and these are my cousins, Kat and Anna. the past. That movie we saw yesterday was great.
• We use this to introduce oneself on the phone. Hello, • We use that when speaking on the phone to ask
this is Mark Jones. Can I speak to Lucy, please? who the other person is. Hello. This is Jane Philips.
Who’s that, please?
• We use this/these and that/those in wh-questions.
We answer these questions with it or they. What’s
this/that? It’s a poster. (NOT: This/That is a poster.)
What are these/those? They are posters. (NOT:
These/Those are posters.)

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The imperative

• We form the imperative with the base form of the • make a request. (To sound polite, we add the word
verb without the subject. Open your books, please at the beginning or the end of the sentence.)
please! Give me a pen, please! or Please give me a pen!
• We form the negative imperative with do not/don’t • We use let’s + the base form of the verb to make
+ the base form of the verb. Don’t eat in class! suggestions. I’m hungry. Let’s get something to
We use the imperative to: eat!
• give orders. Don’t close the window! Go out! • Let’s + the base form of the verb refers to the first
• offer something. Have some coffee! person plural. I’m free tonight. Let’s go out!
• give instructions. Mix the sugar with the eggs! Note: We usually use an exclamation mark (!) at the end
of an imperative sentence.

11 Fill in: there is/there isn’t/Is there or there are. 14 Fill in: there or it.
1 There are 15 students in my class at school. 1 There is a letter on the table. _________________ is
2 ____________________ a bookcase in your bedroom? for you.
3 If you’re thirsty, ____________________ some orange 2 _________________ is a lady at the door for you.
juice in the fridge. 3 “How far is the train station from here?”
4 I’m afraid ____________________ a supermarket “_________________ is 5 km.”
nearby. It’s far from here! 4 _________________ is a CD on your desk. _________________
5 ____________________ lots of people at the is from Darren.
department store today. 5 Look at the time! _________________ is half past nine!
6 _________________ is a new pizzeria in the area. Let’s
go on Saturday!
7 “_________________ is sunny and hot today!” “Why
12 Complete the phrases with at, on or in. don’t we go to the beach?”
1 What time do you have to be at the airport? 8 _________________ is a new department store in the
2 Let’s go shopping ________ London today. city centre. _________________ is huge!
3 I’m sure my keys are ________ the chair in the
living room. 15 Complete with this, that, these or those.
4 Jenny is ________ work at the moment. 1 Hello. This is Jack Harris. Who’s that,
5 The café is ________ the 2nd floor. please?
6 I love the dress you’re wearing ________ this 2 Who’s _________ boy over there? Is he Martin’s
photograph. cousin?
3 _________ concert we went to last Saturday was
13 Underline the correct item.
4 “Hi, James. _________ is Harry, he’s our new
1 It’s warm today. Goes/Let’s go cycling. neighbour.”
2 Don’t eat/Eat any more sweets. They’re bad 5 _________ jeans are too small. I need a bigger
for you. size.
3 Forget/Don’t forget to sign up for the 6 Look at _________ birds in the sky! They are
competition. beautiful!
4 I’m hungry. Let’s make/Make a sandwich. 7 _________ girls over there are my sisters.
5 Take/Don’t take this umbrella. It’s raining. 8 Look at _________ bags here. Which one do you
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1 Question words
We use question words to ask about somebody or something.

• how long/how tall (size)

• who/whose (people)
“How tall are you?” “I’m 1.65m.”
“Who did you ask for help?” “My brother.”
“How long is an elephant’s trunk?” “About
“Whose is this coat? “It’s Jill’s.” (possession)
two metres.”

• which/what (things) • how much (quantity)

Which is used to ask about a limited choice of things. “How much money have you got?”
“Which bag does Mary like – the red or the black one?” (You “Very little.”
have to choose between these two bags, so the choice is
• how many (number)
“How many shirts did you buy?” “Three.”
What is more general. It is usually used to ask about an
unlimited choice of things.
“What films do you like?” (There are many kinds of films • how (manner)
such as westerns, comedies, adventure films, so the choice “How does Sam get to work?” “By train.”
is unlimited.)

• why (reason)
• where (places) “Why was he late?” (The answers usually
“Where did John go?” “To the supermarket.” begin with because.) “Because he
• when/how long (ago)/how often/what time (time) • how old (age)
“When did Peter go to the USA?” “In 1998.” “How old is your sister?” “Twenty-two.”
“How long have they known each other?” “Ten years.” • how far (distance)
“How often does Paula travel abroad?” “Twice a month.” “How far is it to the cinema?” “About five
“What time is it?” “It’s 7 o’clock.” minutes’ walk.”

16 Choose the correct item.

1 A: Whose/Who’s your favourite athlete? 7 A: Why/When does the film start?

B: Usain Bolt. B: In forty minutes.
2 A: How/What long does it take to get to 8 A: Whose/Who’s coat is that?
London? B: It’s Paul’s.
B: Three hours.
9 A: Which/What phone is yours?
3 A: What/Why are you upset? B: The black one.
B: I can’t find my mobile phone.
10 A: How long/How far is the train station from
4 A: Who/What is your favourite book? her house?
B: ‘The Hobbit’. B: About 10 minutes’ walk.
5 A: Where/Why does your brother work? 11 A: Who/What is that woman?
B: At the newsagent’s. B: That’s Sue.
6 A: How often/How far do you go to the gym? 12 A: How/Why are you smiling?
B: Twice a week. B: Because I passed my driving test.

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17 Complete the sentences with: what, where, 19 Write the questions to
which, when, who, why. which the words in
bold are the answer.
1 A: Who is he?
B: He is my father.
This is Carla Layton. She is
2 A: ________________ does he want?
from Bromley in Kent. She is
B: He wants to speak to Mrs Clarke.
17 years old and her
3 A: ________________ are you going? birthday is on May 22nd.
B: To the supermarket. She lives with her parents. She has got 2 pets; a cat
and a dog. She is a student. She is studying computer
4 A: ________________ are you going on holiday? science. Her favourite singer is Taylor Swift and her
B: Next week. favourite song is Bad Blood.
5 A: ________________ bicycle is yours?
B: The one with the red seat. 1 Who is this?
2 _______________________________________________________________ ?
6 A: ________________ is he leaving?
3 _______________________________________________________________ ?
B Because he has to do his homework.
4 _______________________________________________________________ ?
7 A: ________________ can I get you? 5 _______________________________________________________________ ?
B: A glass of water please. 6 _______________________________________________________________ ?
7 _______________________________________________________________ ?
8 A: ________________ jacket
do you like? The green
8 _______________________________________________________________ ?
one or the black one?
B: The black one.
20 Choose the correct item.
1 Sarah _____ from France. She’s from Italy.
18 Complete the sentences with: many, much, A isn’t B is C has
far, often, long or old.
2 _____ chocolate.
It’s bad for your teeth.
1 A: How old are you? A Don’t eat B Not eat C Eat not
B: I’m 13.
3 The Petersons _____ a very big house. It’s quite
2 A: How ________________ is it from here to the small.
stadium? A have got B hasn’t got
B: About 15 miles. C haven’t got
3 A: How ________________ books are you buying? 4 Your dog is so cute! What’s _____ name?
B: Only three. A it’s B its C it

4 A: How ________________ do you go to the cinema? 5 _____ parents

are both doctors.
B: Once a week. A Karen and Steve
B Karen’s and Steve’s
5 A: How ________________ sugar do you need? C Karen and Steve’s
B: Half a kilo.
6 _____ some
tea bags in the cupboard if you want
6 A: How ____________________ is the concert? to make a cup of tea.
B: Two hours. A There are B There is C There aren’t
7 A: How __________________ money have you got? 7 “Where is the bank?” “It’s _____ 10 Carlton Street.”
B: Ten euros. A in B at C on
8 A: How ________________ brothers have you got? 8 “_____ mobile phone is this?” “It’s Julie’s.”
B: Two. A Which B Who’s C Whose
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2 Present simple
Long form Short form
You ] eat
You ] do not eat I
You ] don’t eat Do [ Ιyou
Yes, I/you/we/they do.

] ] ] [
No, I/you/we/they don’t.
He He He he eat?
She eats She does not eat She doesn’t eat Does she eat?
Yes, he/she/it does.
It It It it eat?

] ] ] [
No, he/she/it doesn’t.
We We We we eat?
You eat You do not eat You don’t eat Do you eat?
They They They they eat?

Form Spelling Rules

• We form the affirmative in the present simple • Most verbs take -s in the third person singular. I speak –
with the subject (noun or personal pronoun) he speaks, I eat – he eats
and the base form of the verb. • Verbs ending in -ss, -sh, -ch, -x or -o take -es. I pass - he
I talk, you teach, they cry passes, I wash - he washes, I teach - he teaches, I fix - he
• We form the third person singular by adding -s, fixes, I do – he does
-es, or -ies to the verb. • Verbs ending in a consonant + y drop the -y and take -ies.
he talks, he stays, he teaches, he cries I fly – he flies
• We form the third person singular in the • Verbs ending in a vowel + y take -s only.
interrogative with does + subject + the base I buy – he buys
form of the verb. We form all the other persons
with do + subject + the base form of the verb.
Does he play golf? Do you play golf?
• We form the third person singular in the -s/-es in the third person singular is pronounced:
negative with subject + does not/doesn’t + the • \s\ with verbs ending in \f\, \k\, \p\ or \t\ sounds.
base form of the verb (without -s). cough – coughs
He doesn’t walk to work. • \Iz\ with verbs ending in \s\, \S\, \tS\, \dZ\ or \z\
We form all the other persons in the negative sounds. touch – touches
with do + subject + the base form of the verb. • \z\ with verbs ending in all other sounds.
They don’t walk to work. read – reads

1 Write the third person singular of the verbs 2 Write the third person singular of the verbs in
below. the correct box. Then, read the verbs out loud.
1 allow allows • speak • catch • begin • dream • stay
2 guess ___________________ • kiss • brush • kick • open • jump• drink
3 reach ___________________
4 laugh ___________________ speaks, ________________________________________________________
5 try ___________________ ____________________________________________________________________
6 close ___________________
7 say ___________________ catches, ______________________________________________________
8 listen ___________________ ____________________________________________________________________

9 do ___________________
10 mix begins, _________________________________________________________

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Present simple/Adverbs of frequency 2

We use the present simple for:
• daily routines. I get up at 8 o’clock every day. • sports commentaries. Beckham kicks the ball
• repeated actions. She goes shopping twice a and passes it to Ronaldo.
week. • reviews and narrations. Michael B. Jordan
• habits. He usually goes to the cinema on successfully plays the role of the Human Torch in
Saturdays. Fantastic Four.
• permanent states. He lives in New York.
Time words/phrases used with present simple:
• general truths or laws of nature. The sun rises in
usually, every hour/day/week/ month/summer/year
the east.
etc., usually, always, every morning/evening/
• timetables or programmes. The film ends at
afternoon/night, in the morning/ evening/
midnight. The train leaves at 7:00 pm.
afternoon, at night, at noon, on Mondays/ Tuesdays,
at the weekend, etc.

• We often use adverbs of frequency with the present simple. Adverbs of frequency tell us how often
something happens. These are:
always (100%), usually (75%), often (50%), sometimes (25%), seldom/rarely (10%), never (0%).
• Adverbs of frequency come before the main verb (drink, visit, eat, etc.), but after auxiliary verbs (have, do,
be) and after modal verbs (can, will, must, etc.)
Helen always starts work at 9 o’clock. Peter is seldom late for school. Jim doesn’t usually sleep early. Mary
can never park her car properly. Do you often have lunch at the school canteen?

3 Underline the correct item. 5 Make sentences using the adverbs of

1 Daniel finish/finishes work at 5 o’clock every frequency from the key as in the example.
2 The programme starts/start at 7:30.
always ***** sometimes **
3 Amy doesn’t/don’t have a bicycle.
4 In the UK, people drives/drive on the left. usually **** rarely/seldom *
5 Do/Does your brother play football? often *** never 0
6 Ben works/work for a big company.
7 I go/goes to the gym every Wednesday.
1 James/watch/TV/at the weekend (0)
8 The train leave/leaves at 4:15pm.
James never watches TV at the weekend.
2 My mum/have/porridge/for breakfast. (***)
4 Put the verb in brackets into the present
________________________________________________________________ .
3 I/go to bed/at 10 o’clock/at night. (*****)
1 Janet enjoys (enjoy) going to the cinema on ________________________________________________________________ .
Friday evenings. 4 Shelley/be/at home/on Saturdays. (*)
2 Mr Wilson is a famous scientist who ________________________________________________________________ .
____________________ (give) lectures every Tuesday. 5 I/ride my bike/in the park/in the afternoon. (**)
3 They ________________________ (start) work at 7 ________________________________________________________________ .
o’clock. 6 Do/you/get the bus/to work? (****)
4 _____________________________________ (he/usually/ride) his ________________________________________________________________ .
motorbike to college? 7 Keiran/have/a yoga class/on Wednesdays. (0)
5 I ________________________ (not/catch) the 8.30 train to ________________________________________________________________ .
work every morning. 8 Do/you/go swimming/at the weekends? (****)
6 Messi kicks the ball and ________________________ ________________________________________________________________ .
(pass) it to Suárez.
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6 Write what Jenny does on Fridays. 8 a) Put the verb in brackets into
the present simple.

Jane Hall 1) lives (live) in a big city in

Jenny 1) wakes up at 7 o’clock on Fridays. First, she
England. She 2) _______________ (love) the
shops and the theatres, but she
3) _______________ (not/like) the traffic and
2) _________________________ jogging , then she 3) __________________________
the noise. Jane 4) _______________ (work) in
an office in the city centre. She
breakfast. After that she 4) __________________________ to school. 5) _______________ (wake up) at 7am every
day and 6) _______________ (have) breakfast.
Then, she 7) _______________ (get) dressed
. She 5) __________________________ lunch at 2 o’ clock.
and 8) _______________ (walk) to work. Her
office is always busy. She 9) _______________
In the afternoon, she 6) __________________________ her homework (write) reports and 10) _______________
(attend) meetings. In the evening, she
11) _______________ (not/go) home after
and then she 7) ______________________________ computer games.
work. She usually 12) _______________ (meet)
She sometimes 8 __________________________ a cup of tea at 5 o’clock. her friends for dinner.

In the evening, 9) she __________________________ TV or

b) Ask and answer, as in the

10) ___________________________ shopping with her mum. She
1 Where/Jane/live?
A: Where does Jane live?
B: She lives in a big city in
11) ___________________________ dinner at 9 o’clock and at 11
2 Jane/like/life in the city?
A: ________________________________________
o’ clock she 12) __________________________ to bed.
B: ________________________________________

7 In pairs, use the prompts to ask and answer questions 3 Where/Jane/work?

about yourselves. Give as much information as possible. A: ________________________________________
1 like/rock music? B: ________________________________________
A: Do you like rock music? ________________________________________
B: Yes, I do./No, I don’t. I like pop. 4 What/Jane/do/in the evening?
2 you/go shopping/Saturdays? A: ________________________________________
3 your mother/eat/lots/sweets? ________________________________________
4 your father/play/piano? B: ________________________________________
5 your family/wake up/early/morning? ________________________________________
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9 Put the verbs in brackets into the present 11 What do you sometimes/never/usually/rarely/
simple. seldom do? Make sentences.
1 A: Ben sings (sing) well. S1: I sometimes go for ice cream after class.
B: I agree. But he _____________________________________ S2: I sometimes drink milk in the morning.
(not/dance) very well. S3: I sometimes meet my friends after school.
2 A: What _______ Helen __________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________
(usually/do) on Sundays? _______________________________________________________________________
B: She ______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________
(meet) her friends. _______________________________________________________________________
3 A: _____________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________
(Frank/know) how to ride a bicycle? _______________________________________________________________________
B: No, he ________________________ . He is only four. _______________________________________________________________________
4 A: _____________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________
(Sue and Nick/work) long hours? _______________________________________________________________________
B: Not really. They ____________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________
_________________ (always/leave) at 5 o’clock. _______________________________________________________________________
5 A: _____________________________________________________________
(the train/always/arrive) in York at 7 am?
B: No, it _____________ . It ________________ (be/often) Game
late. Divide the class into two teams and choose a
6 A: What _________________________________ (Mark/do)? leader. The leader thinks of a sentence e.g. “I
B: He is a racing driver. He _______________________ read a comic.” He/She says: “I do that in the
___________________________________ (drive) fast cars. evening.” The teams in turn try to guess what
7 A: Janice _________________________ (seldom/sleep) the leader does by asking him/her questions.
late on Sunday morning. Each team can ask five questions.
B: I know. She __________________________________________ Team A S1: Do you watch TV?
(usually/get up) early for a run in the park. Leader: No, I don’t.
Team B S1: Do you listen to music? etc
10 Complete the dialogue with the present
simple of the verb in brackets. Speaking
Imagine you are a newspaper reporter
A: What time 1) do you go (you/go) to college interviewing a famous pop star. In pairs, ask
every morning? and answer questions about:
B: At 9 o’clock. I 2) _______________ (get up) at 7.30
every day. I 3) ______________ (have) some breakfast • time/get up
and a shower and then I 4)_______________ (leave) • morning/afternoon/evening activities
the house at 8.30. • free time activities
A: How 5) _______________ (you/travel) to college? In your answers remember to use adverbs of
B: Sometimes my dad 6) ______________ (give) me a frequency.
lift, but I usually 7)_______________ (ride) my bike.
A: What 8) _______________ (you/do) in the evenings?
B: I always 9) ___________ (do) my homework Writing
assignments. Then, I usually 10) _____________ Use the answers from the speaking activity
(play) computer games or my friend Ryan to write a short paragraph about the famous
11) _____________-___ (come over) and we often pop star’s daily routine.
12) _______________(listen) to music.

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2 Present continuous
We form the present continuous with the verb to be and the main verb + -ing. In short answers we use Yes or
No, the subject pronoun and the verb to be in the correct form. We do not repeat the -ing form.

Long form Short form Long form Short form
you ] am working
are working
you ] ’m working
’re working
you ] am not working
are not working
you ] ’m not working
aren’t working
] is working
] ’s working
] is not working
] isn’t working

] are working
] ’re working
] are not working
they ] aren’t working


Time words/phrases used
Am I working ... ? Yes, I am. No, I’m not.
with present continuous:
Are you working ... ? Yes, you are. No, you aren’t.

[ ]
now, at the moment, at
he Yes, he is. No, he isn’t.
present, these days,
Is she working ... ? Yes, she is. No, she isn’t.
tomorrow, always, tonight,
it Yes, it is. No, it isn’t.

[ ]
still, etc.
we Yes, we are. No, we aren’t.
Are you working ... ? Yes, you are. No, you aren’t.
they Yes, they are. No, they aren’t.

Spelling rules

• Most verbs add -ing after the base form of the • Verbs ending in a stressed vowel + a consonant,
main verb. double the consonant and add -ing.
read – reading, catch – catching, play – playing run – running, cut – cutting, swim – swimming,
• Verbs ending in -e drop the -e and add -ing. begin – beginning
take – taking, dance – dancing BUT see – seeing • Some verbs ending in -l, double the -l and add -ing.
• Verbs ending in -ie, drop the -ie and take -y + -ing. travel – travelling BUT feel – feeling
lie – lying, die – dying


We use the present continuous:

• for actions happening now, at the moment of • for fixed arrangements in the near future. I’m flying
speaking. Tom’s doing his homework now. to Paris tomorrow morning.
• for temporary actions or actions happening • with always to express our annoyance for actions
around the time of speaking. Peter is staying with happening too often. He’s always telling lies!
some friends these days.

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12 Write the -ing form of the verbs below and 14 Look at the pictures and find the differences.
then put them in the chart.
• sleep • walk • sit • play • tie • make • do
• quarrel • run • relax • travel • live • swim
• die • have • look • feel

+ -ing -e + -ing Ann & Claire

sleeping ________________________________________ ___________________________
_______________________________________________________ ___________________________
_______________________________________________________ ___________________________

double Tony
-ie + -ying double ‘l’ + -ing
consonant + -ing
___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________
___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________ Bill & Steve
___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________

13 Look at the pictures and correct the
Ann & Claire
1 2 Pat


Bill & Steve

Jimmy is riding a bike. Samantha is reading
a book.
Jimmy isn’t riding a bike. ______________________________________ In picture A, Tony is riding his bike.
He’s eating an ice cream. ______________________________________ In picture B, Tony is playing with a ball.
______________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________
3 4
Shawn is playing football. The children are eating
______________________________________ pizza.
______________________________________ ______________________________________
______________________________________ ______________________________________

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15 Fill in the correct verb from the list in the 17 Read Maria’s agenda. Ask and answer
present continuous. Which sentences refer to questions, as in the example.
actions happening now (N), temporary
actions (T), fixed future arrangements (F) and Monday Saturday
to actions happening too often (O).
9:00 am have meeting at see dentist
• sleep • have • lose • work • fall • get the office
• rain • stay
12:00 pm have lunch with
1 We are having a picnic on Saturday. F
2 Please be quiet, the baby _______________ . _______ 3:00 pm go to library
3 I __________________________ abroad until June. _______
4 He _______________ always _________________ his 7:00 pm attend seminar
keys. _______
5 I _______________________ with my aunt this 8:00 pm meet Peter at
week. _______ chess club
6 Georgia _______________________ married next
week. _______
1 have/meeting/at the office/Saturday/9:00 am?
7 You ___________________ always ___________________
A: Is Maria having a meeting at the office on
asleep in front of the TV. _______
Saturday at 9:00 am?
8 It _________________________ outside! Take an
B: No, she isn’t. She’s having a meeting at
umbrella. _______
the office on Monday at 9:00 am.
2 see/dentist/Monday/9:00 am?
16 Answer the questions about yourself. 3 have/lunch/with Sarah/Monday/12:00 pm?
4 go/to library/Saturday/3:00 pm?
1 Are/you/draw/a picture? 5 attend/seminar/Monday/7:00 pm?
A: Are you drawing a picture? 6 meet/Peter/at chess club/Saturday/8:00 pm?
B: No, I am not. I am doing my homework.
2 Is/your friend/study/at present?
18 Write sentences for each person, as in the
A: ___________________________________________________________ ?
B: ____________________________________________________________ .
3 Are/you/learn/a musical instrument/these Kate – nurse David – fireman
A: ___________________________________________________________ ?
B: ____________________________________________________________ .
4 Is/your father/work/now?
A: ___________________________________________________________ ?
B: ____________________________________________________________ .
5 Are/you/go/on holiday/this year?
John – chef Sarah & Jack –
A: ___________________________________________________________ ?
English teachers
B: ____________________________________________________________ .
6 Is/your best friend/have/a party/on Saturday?
A: ___________________________________________________________ ?
B: ____________________________________________________________ .
7 Are/you/listen/to music/at the moment?
A: ___________________________________________________________ ?
B: ____________________________________________________________ . 1 Kate is a nurse. She looks after people who
are ill. She is reading a book now.
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19 Look at the pictures and write 20 Put the verbs in brackets into the present
sentences, as in the examples. continuous.

1 A: What does Bob do?

B: He’s a doctor.
A: What does a doctor
Hi James,
Greetings from London! This is a wonderful place.
B: He treats sick people.
Right now Betty and I 1) are sitting (sit) at a café
A: Is he treating sick people
in Trafalgar Square. We 2) ___________________ (drink)
Bob coffee. Betty 3) ____________________ (not/write)
B: No, he isn’t. He’s jogging in
emails, she 4) ____________________ (read) a magazine.
the park.
Some children 5) ____________________ (feed) the
pigeons. A lot of tourists 6) ____________________ (take)
Lucy Mark photographs. They 7) ____________________(walk) slowly
and 8) ____________________ (look) at the great
buildings. All of us 9) _______________________ (wear)
hats and gloves because it’s very cold. Fortunately, it
10) __________________________________ (not/rain). We
11) ____________________ (come) back on Tuesday.
12) ____________________ (you/have) a nice time in
See you soon!
2 secretary/work in 3 vet/treat Love, Tom
office/dive animals/fish

Stan and Luke Kevin Game

One student thinks of an activity and acts it
out (without saying a word). The other
students guess what he/she is doing, but
they may only guess in question form. The
first student to guess correctly wins and
takes over.

S1: Are you walking?

Leader: No, I’m not. etc
4 engineers/design 5 chef/prepare
machines/ski meals/ride horse
Mary Each student finds a picture in a magazine.
Then, in pairs, student A describes his/her
picture and student B draws what he/she
hears. Student B can ask questions for more
details. Students switch places.

Write a short text describing the picture from
6 artist/paint pictures/play tennis the speaking activity.
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2 Stative verbs

Stative verbs describe states rather than actions. Stative verbs do not usually have continuous tenses.
Do you want a cup of tea? (NOT: Are you wanting a cup of tea?)
I love her. (NOT: I am loving her.)
I have a car. (NOT: I am having a car.)

Stative verbs include:

• verbs of senses: hear, see, smell, taste, feel. Your perfume smells nice.
• verbs of perception: understand, believe, think (= believe), imagine, know, mean, realise, suppose,
recognise, seem, forget, remember, etc. I don’t believe in ghosts.
• verbs expressing likes/dislikes: like, dislike, love, hate, prefer, enjoy, etc.
Cathy likes romantic films.
• some other verbs: have (= possess), belong to, depend, own, contain, consist, want, need, appear, etc.
Do you need a new telephone?

We often use verbs of the senses with ‘can’: Can you hear the noise?

Some stative verbs have continuous tenses, but there is a difference in meaning.
Study the following examples:


I think she’s Spanish. (= believe) I’m thinking about moving house. (= am considering)

This coffee tastes awful! (= has an awful flavour) I’m tasting my coffee. (= am testing the flavour of )

I can see the balloon in the sky. (= perceive with

I’m seeing Tom for dinner tonight. (= am meeting)
my eyes)
Fred is looking at the cat in the tree. (= is directing his eyes
Fred looks nice. (= appears)
at the cat to see what it is like)
These roses smell great. (= have a pleasant smell) The dog is smelling the food in its dish. (= is sniffing)

This metal box feels smooth and cold.

The doctor is feeling his head. (= is touching)
(= has a smooth and cold texture)
She is being very childish. (= behaviour – temporary
She is very childish. (= permanent state)

They have a lovely house. (= possess) They are having breakfast. (= are eating – idiom)

Note: Some idioms with have include:

breakfast/lunch/dinner, etc.
have a bath/shower/swim/party, etc.
a(n) accident/experience/dream, etc.
a baby

21 Find the stative verbs and correct the mistakes, where necessary.
1 The cake is tasting delicious. tastes 6 I can’t hear you very well. ________________
2 I don’t know his name. ________________ 7 I am thinking you are wrong. ________________
3 Sharon loves pop music. ________________ 8 She has a cat. ________________
4 Do you understanding me? ________________ 9 Do you need anything? ________________
5 I don’t believe a word she says. ________________ 10 This book is belonging to Melanie. ________________

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Present simple vs Present continuous 2

The present simple is used for: The present continuous is used for:
• permanent states. • temporary situations.
Jane works as a secretary. Steve is working very hard these days.
• repeated actions, daily routines or habits. • actions happening at the time of speaking.
Jonathan often buys her flowers. She’s having a piano lesson now.
• programmes and timetables. • fixed arrangements in the near future.
The film starts at 7:00 pm. They’re going to the cinema tonight.
• general truths or laws of nature. • with always expressing our annoyance at actions happening
Water freezes at 0°C. too often. You’re always taking my toys without asking!

22 Underline the correct form of the verb. 24 Put the verbs in brackets into the present
simple or present continuous.
1 Hugh travels/is travelling all over the world
this month. 1 They are relaxing right now. (relax)
2 Are you seeing/Do you see Bob tonight? 2 Rick usually _______________________________ souvenirs
3 Peter and Susan are flying/fly to Madrid on when he goes on holiday. (buy)
Tuesday. 3 We _______________________________ Jim at 2 o’clock at
4 John always gets/is getting up late on the mall. (meet)
Sunday. 4 Our plane _______________________________ at 8 pm.
5 What do you think/are you thinking about? (arrive)
6 Sarah has/is having a cup of coffee every 5 You _______________________________ the computer! Let
morning. me have a turn! (always/use)
6 I _______________________________ basketball because I
23 Complete the exchanges with the present have a terrible headache. (not/play)
simple or the present continuous. 7 ______________ tigers _______________ in the jungle? (live)
1 A: Where’s Tommy? 8 Kim ______________________ hard these days. (study)
B: In the garden. He is playing (play) with Joey. 9 Janet _______________________________ as a nurse. (work)
10 My best friend _______________________________ to
2 A: What time ____________________________________________
England next winter. (move)
(your plane/depart) tomorrow morning?
B: At 7 o’clock. We ___________________________________
25 Underline the correct time expressions.
(fly) straight to Rome.
1 Tony and Tina are going to a rock concert
3 A: What __________________________ (you/do), Mike?
tonight/every Tuesday.
B: I _______________________________________ (talk) on the
2 Louise takes karate lessons at the
telephone, mum.
moment/on Wednesdays.
4 A: How often ____________________________________________ 3 Does Bob usually/right now visit his
(you/clean) your room? grandparents at the weekend?
B: Twice a week. 4 Sometimes/At the moment he is sending an
5 A: Sophia and Georgia _____________________________ email to a friend of his.
(work) hard these days! 5 Beth goes jogging twice a week/these days.
B: I know. They __________________________ (want) to 6 Is she always/every day complaining about
pass all their exams. everything?
7 Paul at present/never tells lies.
6 A: You ________________________________ (look) terrible!
8 He is not working at the moment/on
What’s the matter?
B: I _________________ (have) an awful headache.
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26 Use the prompts to ask and answer, as in the 27 Choose the correct item.
1 Steve ___________ a shower at the moment.
1 A is having B has
C doesn’t have

2 Ann is studying hard for her exams ___________ .

• John & Paula
A usually B always
• walk the dogs
C these days
• twice a day
3 My sister and I ___________ traditional food when
2 we’re on holiday.
A am tasting B are tasting
C taste
• Tom
• deliver pizzas 4 ___________ to
go Spain this year?
• three times a week A Do you want
B Are you wanting
3 C Want you
5 How ___________ do you go to the theatre?
A rarely B often C usually
• Damon & Steve
• ride bikes 6 My brother ___________ joining us for lunch today.
• at weekends A doesn’t B aren’t C isn’t

7 She ___________ French lessons twice a week.

A takes B take C is taking

8 We usually ___________ shopping at weekends.

• Paul A go B goes C are going
• buy a newspaper
• every morning 9 The play ___________ at 7 o’clock.
A is starting B start C starts
5 10 Louise and Alex sometimes ___________ to work.
A are driving B is driving C drive

• Jerry
• do his homework 28 Use the phrases to make sentences about
• every afternoon yourself.

• always • never • right now • at the moment

• these days • in October • today
• every Sunday • in the evenings
• Tony
I always walk to work.
• water the plants
________________________________________________________________ .
• every afternoon
________________________________________________________________ .
________________________________________________________________ .
A: What are John and Paula doing?
________________________________________________________________ .
B: They’re walking the dogs.
________________________________________________________________ .
A: How often do they walk the dogs?
B: Twice a day.
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29 Look at picture 1. In pairs ask and answer questions 1-6. 31 Complete the second sentence,
Then ask and answer questions about pictures 2-4. using the words in brackets in
the correct form. Use up to five
words to complete each
1 2 sentence.
1 Stanley (never/drink) tea or
Stanley never drinks tea or
2 She (work/office) at the
She ______________________________________
3 1 A: Where are they? at the moment.
B: In the street. 3 (they/come) to the cinema
2 A: What are they wearing? with us?
B: __________________________________ . ___________________________________ to the

3 A: What are they doing? cinema with us?

B: __________________________________ . 4 George (usually/do/
4 A: Do they enjoy it? homework) after school!
4 B: __________________________________ . George _________________________________
5 A: Do you like shopping? after school!
B: __________________________________ . 5 Martin (not/talk) on the phone
6 A: Who do you usually go right now.
with? Martin _________________________ on the
B: __________________________________ . phone right now.

30 Complete the email with the verbs in brackets in the Write two sentences describing
present simple or present continuous. a classmate on a piece of paper.
Put all the pieces of paper into a
pile. Each student picks a piece
of paper and tries to guess the
Hi Kyle, name of the classmate.
How 1) are (be) you? I’m glad it’s the weekend, aren’t you? I always He is wearing a red shirt. He has short
2) _____________________ (enjoy) weekends. I usually 3) _____________________ (go) 5
black hair.
shopping with my friends or 4) _____________________ (help) my mum with
the chores on Saturday mornings. Then, in the evenings, I
5) _____________________ (watch) a film with my family or 6) _____________________
(surf) the Net. On Sundays, I usually 7) _____________________ (get up) early What do you usually do at the
weekends? What are you doing
because I 8) _____________________ (have) football practice, but this weekend
this weekend?
is different. I 9) _____________________ (play) in a football tournament. The
game 10) _____________________ (start) at 11 am and I 11) _____________________
(really/look) forward to it. Afterwards, my parents 12) _____________________ Writing
(take) me for a meal to celebrate, even if we 13) _____________________ Write an email to your English
(not/win). 14) _____________________ (you/do) anything special this speaking friend. Use your
weekend? Write back and tell me. answers from the speaking
Andrew activity and Ex. 30 as a model.
BLAZE 2 INT Gram Unit 3.qxp_BLAZE 2 INT Gram Unit 3.qxp 25/8/17 6:51 PM Page 24

3 Adjectives/Order of adjectives
• Adjectives describe nouns (a big house). They have the same form in the singular and plural.
a small car – small cars
• Adjectives go before nouns (a tall girl). They can also be used alone after the verb to be, and after verbs such
as: look, smell, sound, feel, taste, etc. Ricky is tall. It tastes nice.
• There are two kinds of adjectives: opinion adjectives (beautiful, bad, etc.), which show what a person thinks
of somebody or something, fact adjectives (long, strong, old, etc.), which give us factual information about
age, size, colour, etc.

Order of adjectives
• Opinion adjectives go before fact adjectives. a beautiful young woman
• When there are two or more fact adjectives in a sentence, they usually go in the following order:


a small new square green French woollen rug

• We do not usually have a long list of adjectives before a single noun. We use one, two or three adjectives at
the most to describe a noun.
an expensive Venetian crystal vase

1 Put the adjectives in the correct order. 2 Fill in the correct adjective from the list. Then
write whether they are opinion (O) or fact (F)
1 2 adjectives.

• old • woollen • beautiful • expensive

• delicious

1 The holiday in Rome was very expensive for

big/glass/green/vase straw/African/round/hat
us. F
a big green glass vase ______________________________________
2 You should sell your _________________ car before it
breaks down. ______
3 4 3 My mum baked a _________________ cake for my
birthday. ______
4 I think Denise has such a _________________ face
that she could be a model. ______
5 These _________________ socks are very warm. ______
silk/nice/Italian/tie new/leather/blue/sofa
______________________________________ ______________________________________
______________________________________ ______________________________________
3 Write the sentences in the plural.
5 6
1 That is a lovely necklace in the wardrobe.
Those are lovely necklaces in the wardrobe.
2 I bought a pretty silk skirt yesterday.
I bought some ___________________________ yesterday.
3 There’s a small plastic chair in the garden.
blue/comfortable/leather/ rubber/yellow/cute/duck
There are ___________________________ in the garden.
4 Do you want a tasty meat pie for lunch?
_______________________________________ _______________________________________
Do you want ___________________________ for lunch?
_______________________________________ _______________________________________

BLAZE 2 INT Gram Unit 3.qxp_BLAZE 2 INT Gram Unit 3.qxp 8/10/15 5:17 PM Page 25

4 Put the adjectives in the correct order. 6 Put the adjectives in the correct order.

1 John is driving a new, fast car. (fast, new)

2 He bought a(n) ____________________________________________
To: National Express Coaches
carpet. (Persian, expensive)
Subject: Lost bag
3 She is wearing ____________________________________________
dress. (satin, red, new) Dear Sir/Madam,
4 He offered her a(n) ______________________________________ I came back on one of your coaches from Manchester
ring. (gold, expensive) to London and I think I left one of my bags in the
5 She is a ______________________________________ girl. (tall, overhead space above my seat. It’s a 1) long,
beautiful) rectangular, red (red/rectangular/long) bag with
6 Can you please give me that _______________________ 2) __________________________ (white/circular/small) dots. It
_________________________________________ blanket? (green, has also got a 3) __________________________ (gold/shiny) zip.
woollen) Inside is a 4) __________________________ (square/beautiful/
7 He’s got a(n) _______________________________________________ wooden) box with my jewellery and a pair of
clock. (wooden, lovely, old) 5) __________________________ (leather/black/new) shoes. If
8 I love my ___________________________________________________ you find my bag, please contact me on 03062319877.
jeans (denim, new). They’re so fashionable. Yours faithfully,
Julie Martin
5 Which adjective best completes each
exchange? Game
• red • rubber • porcelain • yellow • small Play in teams. A student from Team A calls
out a noun. Team B has to write three
• silk • antique • short
different types of adjectives to describe that
1 A: I need some rubber gloves to do the noun (i.e. size, age, shape, colour, origin,
washing up. material) on the board. Team A has to make a
B: They are in the cupboard under the sink. correct sentence using the adjectives.
2 A: Those shoes are too __________________ . They’re Team A S1: dog
the wrong size. Team B S1: brown, big, German
B: I’ll get you another pair. Team A S2: a big brown German dog
3 A: I love this beautiful __________________ dress in
the window.
B: Yes, it’s lovely. Use the prompts to talk about a place in your
city. Describe what you like and what you
4 A: Look at this shiny __________________ sports car don’t like.
parked outside!
B: It’s my neighbour’s. • clean/dirty • big/small • noisy/quiet • new/old
• good/bad • bright/dark • expensive/cheap
5 A: How much is this __________________ vase? • modern/old-fashioned • beautiful/ugly
B: It’s £50. • exciting/boring • colourful/plain
6 A: Those trousers are too __________________ . The Grande Hotel in Paris is beautiful.
B: I know. I need to buy a new pair.
7 A: This room is very bright, isn’t it? Writing
B: Yes, the warm __________________ curtains make Use your answers in the speaking activity
you feel happy! and the prompts to write a short paragraph
8 A: This is an expensive shop. about the place you visited.
B: I know, but they only sell __________________ The Grande Hotel in Paris is beautiful. It has expensive
products. modern furniture and new colourful rugs.
BLAZE 2 INT Gram explor 1-3.qxp_BLAZE 2 INT Gram explor 1-3.qxp 8/10/15 4:53 PM Page 26

Exploring Grammar (Units 1-3)

What's your dream job? Can you imagine working Jenny enjoys looking after them. At the moment,
with your favourite animal? Jenny Bloom does just she is writing a book about her experiences with
that. She works with her favourite animal every them, and next month she is giving a talk in a local
day, and it isn’t just any animal, but the Giant school about protecting pandas in the wild.
Panda. Jenny believes that one day the pandas that she
Jenny is a panda caretaker at the Giant Panda looks after can live in
Protection and Research Centre in Sichuan, China. the wild where
There are four caretakers at the centre but Jenny is they belong,
responsible for the animals. In the mornings she but she knows
feeds, studies, plays and takes photographs of the centre has
them. Jenny knows all the pandas at the centre but a lot of work to
she says her favourite is Tuan Tuan, because he is do before that
usually so friendly. He has got a very unique can happen!
character. Tuan Tuan is sometimes quiet,
but he is very curious about everything.
He always plays lots of games.
Jenny lives at the centre so she can
spend as much time as possible with the
pandas. They need a lot of attention, but

The verbs to be & have got b) Find two adverbs of frequency.

Where do we use them in a
1 a) Read the text and underline all the short and long forms
sentence: before or after the main
of the verb to be. How do we form the affirmative/negative/
verb/the verb to be?
interrogative of the verb to be?
c) What is a stative verb?
b) Find an example of have got in the text. What is the Highlight all the stative verbs in
negative and interrogative form? How do we form the short the text. Give three examples.
answers of the verb have got? Which is the word we do not
Question words
3 Find an example of a question
Present simple & Present continuous, word in the text. Which question
Adverbs of frequency, Stative verbs words do we use to ask about:
2 a) Read the article and circle the verbs in the present people? reason? manner? place?
simple and present continuous: How do we form the
negative and interrogative of these tenses? Look at the can
highlighted verbs in the text. Match them to the uses. 4 Read the text again and find an
example of the verb can. How
• repeated action • permanent state • routine
do we form the affirmative,
• action happening now • fixed arrangement in the near future negative, interrogative of this
example? When do we use the
verb can?
BLAZE 2 INT Gram explor 1-3.qxp_BLAZE 2 INT Gram explor 1-3.qxp 8/10/15 4:53 PM Page 27

Revision (Units 1-3)

Circle the correct item.
1 _____ she from Canada? 12 Paolo _____ his new neighbourhood. There are so
A Is B Can C Has many things one can do there.
A loves B love C is loving
2 He can ride a bike, but he _____ ride a horse.
A isn’t B can’t C can not 13 Look at my _____ shoes!
A leather, modern, red
3 These are my friends from the USA. B modern, red, leather
_____ names are Ben and Mark. C red, modern, leather
A Them B Theirs C Their
14 This is Jane; she’s a friend of _____ .
4 “_____ car is this?” A me B my C mine
“It’s Mark’s.”
A What B Whose C Which 15 _____ you
usually play football on Sundays?
A Do B Are C Have
5 _____ a
lot of shops in this area.
A They are B These are C There are 16 Simon _____ the doctor later.
A is seeing B sees C see
6 The bank is _____ to the supermarket.
A beside B next C near 17 Messi shoots and _____ !
A score B scores
7 “Have you got a tablet?” C is scoring
“Yes, I _____ .”
A have B has C have got 18 “_____ do you play tennis?”
“Twice a week.”
8 The flowers _____ very nice. A How often B How long C How far
A smell B are smelling C smells
19 I need a _____ dress for the wedding.
9 She _____ a glass of fresh milk every morning. A black, silk, new
A is drinking B drinks C drink B new, black, silk
C silk, new, black
10 We _____ football in half an hour.
A are playing B plays C play 20 _____ leave
your luggage here. It isn’t safe.
A Not B Don’t C Let’s
11 It is my cousin’s birthday and she _____ a party
A have B is having C has
( Marks: –––
20 )


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