使用 Python 的语音助手调查
使用 Python 的语音助手调查
使用 Python 的语音助手调查
org © 2022 IJCRT | Volume 10, Issue 11 November 2022 | ISSN: 2320-2882
presentation for voice assistant. It’s Office for Windows in 1997 and in 2003 it
designed to work more efficiently and was discontinued.
improve the way of interaction with
In 2011 Apple introduced Siri. Voice
queries, control based on gesture, focus-
tracking and natural language user interface
for answering the questions, making
3. Literature Survey recommendations and perform operations
Voice Assistant has the long history. It has by passing on the requests to as set of
been in the phase of evolution since 1880. internet services were used in Siri. With it’s
continuous use, it adapts to users' individual
In 1880 Alexander Graham Bell language usages, searches and preferences,
implemented further operations over returning individualized results.
Edison’s phonograph, which his Volta
Graphophone Company patented in 1886. In 2012, Google launched Google.
Instead of foil graphophone was used, which Google Now proactively delivered
allowed for longer recordings and higher- information to users to predict information
quality playback. Edison also developed a they might need in the form of informational
wax version of the phonograph and both cards which was based on the users’ search
devices were used primarily for dictating habits and other factors. For Android and
letters and other documents. iOS, Goggle Now was a feature of Google
search embedded in Google app.
In 1961 IBM introduced the IBM Functionality of Google Now is being used in
Shoebox, it’s the first digital speech the Google app and it’s discovery tab today
recognition tool. It recognized 16 words and also wherein it’s branding is no longer used.
digits 0 to 9. It was able perform
mathematical functions and perform speech In 2013, at annua BUILD developer
recognition. conference, Cortana was introduced by
Microsoft. Cortana is a virtual assistant
In 1972 Carnegie Mellon completed which uses the Bing search engine to
the Harpy Program. It could able to perform tasks such as setting reminders
understand about 1000 words. Harpy and answering questions for the user.
processed speech that followed pre- Depending upon the software programs and
programmed vocabulary, pronunciation and region in which its used, Cortana is currently
grammar structures. available in English, Chinese, French,
German or Italian, Portuguese, Spanish and
In 1990 Dragon launched Dragon Japanese language editions.
Dictate, the first speech recognition module
In 2014, Alexa and Amazon Echo, was
for consumers for $6,ooo (Indian currency= introduced by Amazon which was available
496.27 in current date). to prime members only. Amazon Alexa is
In 1996 Microsoft introduces Clippy. a virtual assistant technology also known as
Microsoft Clippy, it’s also known as Clippit Alexa, it’s largely based on a Polish speech
synthesizer named Ivona. It’s capabilities
and officially recognized as Office Assistant,
consists of voice interaction, music
it was an intelligent user interface for
playback, playing audiobooks, setting
Microsoft Office. It assisted the users in a alarms , streaming podcasts, providing
number of interactive ways by appearing as weather forecast, traffic news, sports news,
a visualized character on the Office making to-do lists and other real-time
applications and offering help related to information, such as news. Using itself as a
various operations of the Office Software. It home automation, it can control numerous
was made available in the Microsoft smart devices.
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www.ijcrt.org © 2022 IJCRT | Volume 10, Issue 11 November 2022 | ISSN: 2320-2882
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