Entreneurship - Edited.go To Market IP
Entreneurship - Edited.go To Market IP
Entreneurship - Edited.go To Market IP
Unit Learning Outcomes (ULO): At the end of the unit, you are expected to
Essential Knowledge
You now have the result of your market research. How did you find the feedback of
the marketplace on your product or service? Maybe, some of you got the acceptance of 80%
and above while others got lower than 50%. The market research says a lot to your next
move as it can make or break your product or service. Also, your market research could
have made you realized the reasons of the marketplace for accepting and rejecting the
product you introduced to them.
Having a high acceptance rate allows your existing product or service to have a better
chance of competing in the marketplace. While having a lower one allows you to enhance
the existing product or service to the taste of your target market. Lower ratings can also
indicate that the product or service is not a need or a want, or even a competitive one from
the currently enjoyed products or services by the market. If you got the lower ratings, you
might try to consider enhancing your offer to the interest of your market or changing the
product idea totally. In any case, let your product or service be evaluated once again by the
marketplace through market research.
Even if you have an acceptance rating of 80% and above, there is still this step that
every product or service must have, and it is the marketing phase. Marketing is defined as
the overall process of planning, pricing, promoting, distributing, and selling of the product or
service in order to determine and satisfy the needs of customers and the company. The
definition of marketing clearly indicates the importance of customers. The data you have
gathered in the market research can be used to discover what the customer likes or makes
them interested in your products or services.
Marketing Strategy
A company’s mission statement defines the reasons for doing the business. In simple
terms, the mission is the purpose of the business. The mission stands as the guiding
principle of the company of what it should do on a day-to-day basis. Think of the mission
statement of the university. The university is living the said mission by providing students
with professors who are well-educated and well-trained individuals. It supports its students
with the best people having state-of-the-art facilities without disregarding the minority.
Also, companies set a vision statement as an indication of what they want for their
business to be or to be known for. Vision is fixed with a timeline to ensure that the business
can progress where they want it to be. It is something that is evaluated from time to time if
progress is really happening.
In setting goals of the product or service, remember the acronym SMART. SMART
stands for Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Timely, and it must be used with
Specific Goals should be clear and specific in nature. Being specific lets, a goal
answers the questions, “What?”, “Why?”, and “How”.
Measurable Goals should be measurable. Measuring the result of the goal helps
technopreneurs decide whether it is effective or not.
Attainable Goals should be attainable and not too far out of reach.
Technopreneurs cannot just write any goal which is impossible to attain.
Realistic Goals should be realistic. The goals set by technopreneurs should
represent things to which they are willing to commit.
Timely Goals should be timely. It must establish a timeframe to complete the
goal. Keep in mind that a goal without a timeframe is just a dream.
Goals are categorized into two; one is financial, and the other is non-financial.
Financial goals include knowing how much money you will earn and how quickly you can
repay debts. On the other hand, non-financial goals focus on personal satisfaction. Goals
can both be into categories like selling products at a lower cost but gives you a good profit.
In such a case, many of the target customers can afford it while you also earn your profit.
Also, goals must be set in short-term, medium-term, and long-term plans for the business.
The said goals must work in parallel because you cannot afford to change directions or goals
after some time. Set goals that fit with what you want your business tomorrow.
Short-term goals are said to be goals that are attainable or achievable after a year of
doing business. According to Cynthia Greene (2011), short-term goals can be stated in
terms of the number of customers, level of sales, level of profits, or other measures of
success. By setting the short-term goal, you can already devise a marketing strategy to
attain it. For example, you established your business somewhere in Davao City, and you
intend to increase the number of customers that you can reach in the city. What can a
possible marketing strategy be used? In general, you can focus on customer-based strategy.
Set short-term goals that may focus on customer-based strategies like promotion and
Medium-term goals focus on what the business can achieve in the next two to five
years. Having set the short-term goals, make sure that it compliments your medium-term
goals. Given that you have increased your reach in Davao City that allowed in the increase
of sales try to consider expanding the business by adding more offerings and even reaching
to customers outside of Davao. Look at your business as to how you want to see it in five
years’ time. Pretty sure you do not want that the business becomes stagnant since people
might end up disinterested over time, and similar business to yours may arise.
After establishing medium-term goals, also consider long-term goals that help you
view the business in 5, 10, 15, or even more than 20 years. Look at how the known
businesses nowadays started and cemented their ways to where they are right now. It is
good to examine year-by-year how are you doing with your goals. By doing such, it helps
you focus on your goals and make necessary changes along the way.
Working on the Marketing Plan, Branding and Positioning
By now, you have set your businesses’ goals and consider marketing strategies to
attain it. The next thing to work on is to develop a marketing plan. Why is it important to
develop a marketing plan? The marketing plan helps you define the market, identifies
customers and competitors, outlines strategy in customer relations, and identifies possible
changes. The marketing plan is similar to that of your business model canvass, but it focuses
on the details of every component you have written in the canvas based on marketing
aspects alone. The marketing plan forms part of the business plan, and it helps you in
seeking financing for your business. Here are some questions that the marketing plan must
be able to answer, as presented by Cynthia Greene (2011):
• What product or service will my business offer?
• Who are my target customers?
• Is there a constant demand in the market on the product or service that I offer?
• Are there other businesses that provide the same product or service as I do?
• Can I dictate the marketplace to demand my product or service?
• In terms of price, quality, and delivery, can my product or service compete
In order to address the questions presented, the marketing plan must include the
information: details of the product or service, target market, product or service competition,
the budget of marketing, details of the business location, pricing strategy, promotional
strategy, and distribution strategy.
It is known that the marketplace offers a lot of different products and services, and
some of it is actually similar to one another. As entrepreneurs in general, our products and
services have to find a way that they can stand out from others to be recognized. It is
important to consider the branding of the business as it helps the business to be identified.
In intellectual property rights protection, it will be discussed that customers have the recall
of the business upon seeing the name, symbol, or anything that represents the product.
Products and services must establish a good name that can be recognized through its
distinguishable marks.
Also, even if businesses are similar to each other, entrepreneurs must be able to
know the product positioning in the market. Positioning creates an image of the product that
customers perceive. Things like price, features, and quality are commonly used to position
in the market. Other also consider having excellent customer service relationship as
customers consider it essential. When positioning the business, we can also stick to the
tagline that we have connected to our company name. Tagline helps people recall your
business too.
Think of Apple products, for example, if you happen to own one, what was the reason
for you to choose an Apple product? We know that Apple products are expensive, and it is
not commonly used by many of us; however, they still got a market. Apple positioned itself,
bearing the quality and creative aspects. Whenever we hear “Apple” in the technology field,
we have a recall in the mind of quality and stylish products. They have been developing
products that are way different from other brands. Most Apple products are thin and
lightweight, too. Have you noticed that?
Marketing Channels
Marketing channels or media channels are business’ vehicles towards the customer.
It is a platform where you can extend your marketing techniques and let customers hear or
have an encounter with your product or service. There are two marketing channels that your
business can utilize. The first one is the traditional media channels, while the second is the
digital media channel. Traditional media channels include the following:
Digital channels, on the other hand, are now commonly used because of the
emergence of the internet connection. Things went easier over the internet because you can
already reach people anytime and anywhere as long as internet connectivity is available.
Digital media channels include:
• Websites – you can already avail of the web hosting to have your own website
published in the internet
• Blogs – similar to that of websites, blogs are found on the internet and are focused
on a particular content; writers of blogs add advertisements to their sites
• Social media – everyone is on social media like Facebook and Instagram; you can
directly create content for your business and promote by paying these social media
• E-mail – if you are connected over the internet, probably you have at least one e-mail
being used; you can promote your business by sending commercials or invitations
over the e-mail
• Video – you are surely annoyed by the moments where you are stopped from
watching a Youtube video just for them to play the ads
• Mobile – nowadays, people are hooked with the latest phones, and its free
applications actually contain ads of different businesses
• Webinars – businesses make use of the online platform like webinars to extend their
reach to customers; other businesses extend by giving free webinars or online
Self-Help: You can also refer to the sources below to help you further
understand the lesson
Let’s Check
Activity 1. Let us try to check your understanding of the discussion on go-to-market strategy.
In the space provided, write the term/s being asked in the following statements.
1. What goals are said to be goals which are attainable or
achievable after a year of doing business?
2. A media channel that uses applications like Instagram and
3. One of the traditional media channels that utilize newspaper,
magazines and journals is called .
4. What goals focus on what the business can achieve in the next
two to five years?
5. A statement that acts as an indication of what entrepreneurs want
for their business to be or to be known for.
6. What does M stands for in the acronym SMART in goals?
7. In terms of the acronym SMART, what does it mean when a goal
is measurable?
a. A team can collect data on the goal.
b. The goal can easily be achieved.
c. The goal will challenge a student.
d. The goal includes a deadline for completion.
Activity 2. In this activity, you will be provided by slogans, taglines, and portions of
company logos by companies that helped them in marketing their businesses. You are
expected to give the company names beside each item.
Let’s Analyze
Activity 1. Group Activity. Based on your product idea, discuss with your group how you will
enter the marketplace with your product. Discuss what the approaches that you will be using
are. You may also refer to your business model canvas.
Activity 2. Research on the different marketing strategies used by known companies and
discuss how they were able to do it. Cite at least two (2) companies as part of your
In a Nutshell
Activity 1. You have now known different approaches in go-to-market strategy. Now, I want
you to share your conclusions or perspectives from our discussion. I will provide you my
perspective, and you continue the remaining.
In this section, the basic concepts and principles in intellectual property protection
and to demonstrate ULOb will be operationally defined to establish a common frame of
reference as to how the texts or words work in your chosen field or career. You will encounter
these terms as we go through the study of the course. Please refer to these definitions in
case you will encounter difficulty in understanding the concepts.
Essential Knowledge
The Philippines established an Intellectual Property Office (IPO) that helps administer
and implement the state policies declared in R.A. 8293, and the said office has the following
functions as stated in the law:
a) Examine applications for grant of letters patent for inventions and register
utility models and industrial designs;
b) Examine applications for the registration of marks, geographic indication,
integrated circuits;
c) Register technology transfer arrangements and settle disputes involving
technology transfer payments covered by the provisions of R.A. 8293 Part II,
Chapter IX on Voluntary Licensing and develop and implement strategies to
promote and facilitate technology transfer;
d) Promote the use of patent information as a tool for technology development;
e) Publish regularly in its own publication the patents, marks, utility models, and
industrial designs, issued and approved, and the technology transfer
arrangements registered;
f) Administratively adjudicate contested proceedings affecting intellectual
property rights, and
g) Coordinate with other government agencies and private-sector efforts to
formulate and implement plans and policies to strengthen the protection of
intellectual property rights in the country.
Self-Help: You can also refer to the sources below to help you further
understand the lesson
*IP Rights Laws and Rules. Intellectual Property Office of the Philippines, Accessed from
Let’s Check
Activity 1. Let us try to check your understanding of the discussion on intellectual property
protection. In the space provided, write the term/s being asked in the following statements.
Activity 2. Using the Philippine Trademark Database with the web address
https://www3.wipo.int/branddb/ph/en/, search for the different trademarks filed under the
name of the University of Mindanao. Present at least three different trademarks and record
their individual details.
Let’s Analyze
Activity 1. Group Activity. Different IP protection rights were presented in the discussion of
ULOb. This time, I want you to discuss with your group the different components of your
product idea, which you think are possible to be protected under R.A. 8293. Explain why
do you consider the following items and cite their qualifications.
Activity 2. Here are some questions to think about, feel free to express your thoughts and
support with facts if necessary.
1. When do you think it is the best time to file for a trademark? Why is it the best time
to do so?
2. Is it necessary to file international IP protection even if you have just started your
product or service? Why or why not?
In a Nutshell
Activity 1. You have now known what intellectual property rights are and how they can be
used for protection. Now, I want you to share your conclusions or perspectives from our
discussion. I will provide you my perspective, and you continue the remaining.
Your Turn