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Design, Specification, & Operation of Turbo Generators

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Design , specification and operating

principle of turbo generator

M. G. Morshad , ADGM / Electrical

TPS II ( 7 x 210MW) NLC India Ltd
Turbo Generator
Stator axis
Load angle
Rotor axis

S DC source for
N current

1. It is a synchronous machine
2. It has the capacity to deliver active power with delivering of reactive power (lagging PF) and absorbing of
reactive power (leading PF)
3. Rotor is an electro magnet with S and N pole
4. When it rotates at turbine speed , rotor flux cuts the stator coil and voltage is developed in the stator winding .
5. The flux of the poles is controlled by supplying DC current in the rotor winding – this is know as excitation.
6. When flux density in the pole is increased – it is called over excitation
7. When flux density in the pole decreased – it is called under excitation
8. Over excitation condition ( Lagging PF) - it delivers both active and reactive power
9. Under excitation condition ( Leading PF) - it delivers active power but absorb reactive power
10. Active power is controlled by steam input in Turbine
11. Reactive power is controlled by excitation in Rotor winding ( Field)
Total / Apparent Power (MVA)

The current and voltage delivered by the machine is the total / apparent power of
the machine .
Total / apparent Power (MVA) = √3 x KV x Amps .

Active Power
Total Power
Reactive Power
Active Power (MW)
The power which can be converted to other forms is know as active power.
Active Power (MW) = √3 x KV x Amps x CosΦ.

Electric Lighting Heating

Motor (85%) (15%) (5%)

Active power is controlled by steam input in turbine

Power = Torque x Speed ( Grid Frequency)
Since machine operates at grid frequency, speed is constant
Power is directly proportional to Torque or steam input to turbine
Reactive Power (MVAR )
The power which can not be converted to other forms but remains in the
system in for maintaining voltage of the system.
Reactive Power (MVAR) = √3 x KV x Amps x SinΦ.


Gen Capacitance
Flux in motor

Reactive power is controlled by -

1. Changing DC current in rotor field (excitation current )
2. Tap changing in Generator Transformer)
Power Factor (Cos Φ)

Relation among – Total Power (MVA), Active Power (MW) & Reactive power (MVAR)



PF = Cos Φ = MW / MVA

PF indicates how much of the total power (MVA) is converted to active power (MW)
Generator parameters Values
Stator Current 9500 Amps
Terminal Voltage 15 KV
Total Power (MVA)
Power Factor (Cos Φ) 0.85
Angle Φ 0.55 Deg
Active Power (MW)
Reactive Power (MVAR)
Operating principle
Stator axis  When the machine is
Load angle
connected to Load, stator
Rotor axis current create a opposite
pole in the stator as per
S DC source for
excitation  It creates an attraction force
N current
between stator & rotor
Y causing falling down of rotor
speed and decreasing of load

 To avoid falling down of rotor speed - mechanical torque has to be delivered by the
prime movers.

 This process converts mechanical KE into electrical power by increasing load angle.

 As mechanical power (Pm) = Torque X speed, and electrical power (Pe) = Volt X Current
are equivalent, torque input is directly proportional to load current . Therefore by
increasing or decreasing torque in prime mover, electrical power out put in alternator is
Types of Load
Inductive load :
a) It is due to coil configuration of the Flux

electrical machine V
b) It opposes the applied voltage causing V L EMF
reduction in applied I
c) It lags the current with respect to applied
voltage ( i.e. current passes through the
circuit after development of voltage) I

Capacitive Load :
a) It is due to gap between the coil
b) It absorb the charging current causing
increment in applied voltage V C

c) It leads the current with respect to applied

voltage (i.e. current passes through the
circuit before development of voltage)
Resistive Load
a) It is due to the material composition of the
coil R
b) Current and voltage passes through the coil AC Volt

at the same time

c) There is a I2R loss in the circuit.
Excitation system

Grid voltage = 390KV

GT voltage ratio = 15/400
Actual Terminal voltage = (15/400) X 390 =
Set terminal voltage = 15 KV
Error = 15 – 14.6 = 0.4 KV
Automatic Voltage Regulator (AVR) sense the
error and increase the field current for
exporting reactive power (MVAR) to the grid
Controlled (lagging PF operation).
(AC to DC)
Exc Trans

AVR Grid voltage = 405KV

Electronic / Digital type GT voltage ratio = 15/400
Actual Terminal voltage = (15/400) X 405 =
GT Voltage Set Set terminal voltage = 15 KV
ratio 15/400 Terminal
Voltage Error = 15 – 15.19 = - 0.19 KV
Automatic Voltage Regulator (AVR) sense the
error and decrease the field current for
importing reactive power (MVAR) from the
grid (leading PF operation).
Over Excitation
Stator flux Stator current

Rotor flux or
main flux

1. When inductive load is predominate , reactive power required by the inductive load is supplied by
2. It increases the reactive current in the stator of the machine
3. Reactive current creates higher flux in the stator which suppress the rotor main flux causing
reduction in machine voltage
4. Higher flux in stator increase the stator pole strength causing reduction in load angle.
5. AVR come into action to maintain the machine voltage and load angle by increasing excitation
current and the machine supply the reactive power with operating at lagging PF
6. This situation occurs when grid voltage and frequency is lower than rated .
7. Over excitation increase the excitation current which causes rotor heating .
8. Therefore excitation current can be increased up to the rotor heating limit.
9. Excitation current is reduced by reducing the set terminal voltage.
10. Terminal voltage can not be reduced below 10% of the rated voltage.
Under Excitation
Stator current
Stator flux

Rotor flux or
main flux

1. When capacitive load is predominate , reactive power required by the capacitive load is supplied
by machine.
2. It decrease the reactive current in the stator of the machine
3. Due to decrease in stator flux , rotor main flux gets prominent and increase the machine voltage
4. Due to decrease in stator current , stator pole strength gets reduce causing increase in load angle.
5. AVR come into action to maintain the machine voltage and load angle by decreasing excitation
current and the machine absorb the reactive power with operating at leading PF
6. This situation occurs when grid voltage and frequency is higher than rated .
7. Under excitation decrease the strength stator magnetic pole which causes pole slipping
8. Therefore excitation current can be decrease up to the pole slipping limit.
9. Excitation current is increased by increasing the set terminal voltage.
10. Terminal voltage can not be increased above 10% of the rated voltage.
Capability curve

Operating point at
Load Turbine Out put boundary condition
Angle Limit
current Rotor
line Heating
Max lead Stator Limit
MVAR Limit current line
(Lead) 0 (Lag)
Under Over
excitation excitation
zone zone
1. What is power & Energy
2. The meaning of PF = 0.85 ,
Generator cooling
Generator Losses
(Capacity 210MW / Efficiency 98.61%)

Mechanical Losses in generator

Input Core loss - 310 KW Electrical
(210 / 0.9861) Copper loss - 498 KW output
= 212.96 MW Windage & Stray loss - 522 KW 210 MW
Mechanical Loss - 858KW
Excitation Loss - 756 KW



Core loss Hysteresis and eddy current Operating voltage and frequency
Copper loss I2R Stator and rotor current
Air friction loss in cooling fan mounted
Wind age loss Gas density and speed of the machine
on the rotor shaft
Stray loss Undefined loss Geometry of the machine
Viscosity of the bearing lubricant and
Mechanical loss Friction loss in bearings
speed of the machine
I2R losses in excitation transformer and
Excitation loss Excitation current

Insulation Temperature Temperature

Some Insulation Combinations
Classification for Machines Index

Class O (Obsolete) 90°C Resinous, Cotton, Wood

Class A 105°C Cotton, Vinyl Acetate

Class E 120°C Phenolics, Alkyds, Leatheroid

Class B 130°C Shellac/Bitumen, Silk, Mica, Polyesters

Class F 155°C Epoxy/Polyesters, Silicone, Mica, Glass

Class H 180°C Epoxy/ Polymides/ Silicone/ Mica/ Glass

Class C 220°C Glass/ Silicone/ Mica/ Nomex/ Silicates


Circulating water (CW)

ACW Cooler

Auxiliary Cooling Water (ACW)

DM Water Gas cooler Seal Oil Cooler Brg oil cooler

Cooler Cooler

DM Water Hydrogen Seal Oil Brg. Oil Media

Stator Iron Rotor Seal oil Brg. Metal

Temp Temp temp Temp Effect

Stator copper temperature Excitation


Stator current

Operating MVAR Heat generated by friction due

MW Loading
voltage & loading to speed of the machine
Source of Heat
Design of turbo generator depending upon
cooling method

45 290 412 880 1150 1560 1640
Stator Cooling. I -Indirect gas. F /W - Direct water

Rotor Cooling. R - Direct radial. D - Direct axial

Cooling gas in the casing. A -air. H - hydrogen.

Product name. T - turbo generator

Stage - I generator : THRI (210MW)


Hydrogen Gas dryer
H2 is taken out from

H2 is returned back at
low-pressure area

Silica Gel

Heater OFF

OFF Moisture

Silica Gel

Heater ON

Hydrogen as a cooling media

H2 Pressure (Kg /cm2  Hydrogen is a lighter gas (1/14 times of Air)

 Auto Ignition > 500 Deg
 Explosive limits: 4–76% (vol. % in air)
3.7Ksc  Thermal conductivity : 0.186 W/m-0C
 Low cost as it can be produce from water
 Heat transferring capacity increases with
MW  Loading (MW) of machine decrease with
decrease of pressure

1) Hydrogen pressure has to be maintained within the rated limit (3.5 to 4 Ksc)
2) High pressure - increase the windage loss, cause rupturing of gasket , increase the
seal oil pressure
3) Low pressure – decrease loading of machine, decrease stator cooling water pressure
4) Hydrogen purity must be >97% ( free from moisture) to maintain rotor and stator free
from moisture deposition.
5) Number of cylinders to be charged = (Rated pressure – present pressure )/ 0.2
Monitoring – Gas temperature

Cold gas temp at cooler

outlet (2 point)

Hot gas temp at

Cooling stator winding
water in GAS COOLERS discharge (6 point)
& out

Hot gas temp at

cooler inlet (4
water in GAS COOLERS
& out
Cold and hot gas temperature
1. Depending upon the cooler arrangement (Vertical or horizontal) and circulating path of
gas, temperature sensors are implanted in different location for accurate measuring of
hot and cold gas temperature.
2. Main locations for measuring gas temperature are -
a) Hot gas temperature at stator winding discharge ( Below core temp , Max 65 Deg C)
b) Hot gas temperature before cooler ( Below core temp , Max 65 Deg C)
c) Cold gas temperature after cooler (2 to 3 Deg C above cooling water , Max 44 Deg C)
d) Gas cooler inlet water temp ( Ambient temp)
e) Gas cooler inlet water temp (Inlet Temp + 3 to 4 Deg C)

3) Gas temperature may go high because of the following reasons-

a) High reactive loading (MVAR) of the machine
b) High ambient temperature that increase the cooling water temperature
c) Improper cooling of gas due to blocking of cooling water line (scale formation, air
locking etc.)
Expansion Stage - II generator : THW (210MW)

Tube and ACW IN

shell type
cooler ACW OUT

Stator water
Pump & Motor
Stator water cooling system

ACW tank
(DM water)

ET Vacuum Pump


Flow controlling valve

Stator cooling CW In
water pump Tube &
shell type
Cooler CW out
Stator water flow & pressure
1) Pressure is maintained below the hydrogen pressure so that in case of any puncture
in line, water can not ingress into the winding rather hydrogen starts leaking through
stator water and gets collected at gas trap.
2) To maintain the pressure lower than operating hydrogen pressure, water flow is
adjusted through flow controlling valve.
Stator water conductivity
1) Since water flows directly through the winding, conductivity of the water should be
maintained as low as possible to avoid direct contact of winding through water.
2) It is normally kept between 2.5 and 13.3 μmho/cm.
3) Any physical or chemical contamination may increase the conductivity of water. ET
vacuum pump is kept in service continuously used to remove the contamination
4) Water-policing unit is to be commissioned as and when conductivity will be showing
higher trends.
Stator water inlet and out let temperature
1) Inlet temperature ( Ambient temp)
2) Out let temperature ( Inlet Temp + 8 to 10 Deg C)
3) Effective cooling increase the difference between Out let and inlet temp
4) Low difference means ineffective cooling may causes due to
a) High ambient temp
b) Low water flow
c) Scale formation in the cooling tubes
Monitoring – Core and copper temperature

Copper temperature sensor

2 RTD for each coil
(Total number of coil 6)

Core (Iron) temperature sensor

1 RTD for the core of one coil
Stator copper temperature
1. Stator copper temperature increases proportionally with the square of current.
2. High copper temperature damages the insulation of machine
3. it must be restricted well below the temperature withstanding capacity of the
insulation (Ambient temp 450C + Temperature rise 1350C).
4. Max allowable copper temperature 1200C.
5. Temperature sensors (RTD) are implanted in the winding (two RTD for each six coils), for
continuous monitoring the copper temperature through a 12 points recorder.
6. Copper temperature may rise evenly for all 12 points . Uneven rising of copper
temperature may cause due to blocking of cooling path of particular coil
Stator iron (core) temperature
1. Iron temperature increases due to Hysteresis and eddy current loss which is a function
of frequency
2. Core temperature should be well below the copper temperature (1000C).
3. RTD is implanted uniformly throughout the core. It picks up the core temperature and
records continuously through a 6-point record.
4. It may rise due to any one of the following reasons -
a) Failure of inter lamination insulation that causes development of hot spots.
b) Blocking of ventilation duct for cooling
c) Running of machine at higher voltage when frequency is low (V/f ratio )
d) Running machine in leading PF
e) Core vibration due to looseness
Rotor temperature
1. Because of rotating motion, rotor winding temperature cannot be measured directly
through RTD, it is indirectly measured from rotor current.
2. Rotor temperature = (Rotor current) 2 X (Rotor DC resistance)
3. Normally maximum rotor temperature (110Deg) is limited to well below the
temperature withstanding capacity of rotor insulation (180Deg for class F insulation).
4. Rotor temperature may go high for any one of the following reasons -
a) High lagging reactive loading (MVAR)
b) Occurrence of first earth fault in rotor winding
1. What is grounding
2. What is earthing
Seal Oil System
1. Whenever hydrogen comes in the contact with air, it forms explosive
mixture, therefore it needs proper shaft sealing so that pressurized
hydrogen gas cannot escape out from generator casing.
2. The shaft sealing is done with high-pressure oil and the system, which
supplies the high-pressure oil for that purpose, is known as seal oil system
3. Seal oil pressure and flow are very critical for maintaining the seal
4. Higher than hydrogen pressure - Seal oil flows into the generator causing
oil collection in generator casing
5. Lower than hydrogen pressure - Seal oil flows out from the generator
casing causing seal break and escaping of hydrogen
6. Because of the above two reasons seal oil pressure is maintained slightly
higher than hydrogen pressure so that neither oil ingression nor seal
braking take place during normal operation of generator.
7. Since the basic properties of any kind of oil are temperature dependent -
high seal oil temperature (80 Deg C) leads to rapid liberation of oil vapour
and low viscosity that may cause breaking of oil seals.
Seal oil system
vacuum pump

Seal oil flow

Seal oil tank H2 side seal drain oil

vacuum pump

Airside seal drain oil

Seal Oil
AC Seal oil pumps

Seal Oil

DC Seal oil pumps ACW IN ACW OUT

differential pressure relief valve (DPRV)

DPRV Generator


Oil Flow

Max hydrogen pressure = 4 Ksc Min hydrogen pressure = 3 Ksc

Max ∆P = 1.5 Ksc Min ∆P = 0.85 Ksc
DPRV position = Full open DPRV position = Partly open
Seal oil flow = High Seal oil flow = low
Seal oil pressure = 4+1.5 = 5.5Ksc Seal oil pressure = 3+0.85 = 3.85Ksc
Seal oil temperature before cooler -
1) Seal oil is stored in a tank (Seal oil storage tank) from where it is sucked by pumps and
pushed with high pressure (4 Ksc) for circulation through cooler and seal rings.
2) During traveling from tank to cooler, seal oil looses 8 to 10 Deg C due to natural
process. Seal oil temperature before cooler may go high if -
a) Seal oil tank and pipe lines are not exposed
b) Pump generates more heat due to any mechanical failure
Seal oil temperature after cooler –
1) Optimum seal oil temp after cooler : Ambient temperature + 3 to 4 Deg C
2) It may go high due to ineffectiveness of cooler caused by the following reasons -
a) High ambient temperature
b) Low flow of ACW cooling water
c) Scale formation in cooler line
Air & H2 sides seal oil drain temperature -
1. Optimum drain temperature : Temperature after cooler + 25 to 30 Dec .C
2. Airside drain oil temperature should be slightly higher (2 to 3 Deg C) than Hydrogen
side drain oil temperature. It is because of partial carried away of H2 side seal oil heat
by Hydrogen due to direct contact.
3. Drained oil temperature may go high due to the following reasons -
a) Low oil flow to seals due to chocking of line
b) High seal oil temp after cooler due to ineffectiveness of cooler
c) High active or reactive load on he machine
Speed, shaft diameter and type of bearing used


Max speed limit

20000 RPM

Sleeve brg

Ball brg

Roller brg.
1200 RPM

950 RPM

Shaft ID
10 mm 300 mm
End shields
Babbit metal
Rotor shaft

Oil film

1) In sleeve bearing oil film instead of rolling element (ball / roller), is used between
rolling parts (rotor) and stationary parts (journal fixed at end shields).
2) To avoid accidental direct contact between rotor and journal that may damage the
bearing race - a thin layer of low melting point (100 Deg Centigrade) BABBIT metal is
provided over the inner race of the journal.
3) Normally bearing metal temperature should be around 10 Deg. C higher than bearing
drain oil temperature.
4) Friction caused by direct contact between rotor and journal, generates sufficient heat
to melt down BABBIT metal instantly and thereby damaging of inner race is avoided.
5) Babbit metal temperature may go high if -
a) Bearing oil temperature is high
b) Direct contact between rotor and journal.
1.What is efficiency
2.What is performance
Synchronization of generator with
GRID is an independent system of
variable voltage and frequency

GEN is an independent system of
control able voltage and frequency


1200 1200

R’ R‘ Y' B'

One cycle of sinusoidal voltage /

Rotation of
current wave induced in R phase
generator poles at
due to one rotation of generator
50 cycle / seconds

Correct teeth angle


B Incorrect teeth angle

Mechanical Electrical

The direction of rotation of driving (B) and driven (A) wheel must
Phase sequence
be opposite

The speed of both the wheel must be equal so that relative speed
between two wheels becomes zero.

The momentum (mass X velocity) of the driving wheel B must be

equal to the momentum of the driven wheel A for making wheel B Voltage
capable to transfer power.

The teeth of driven wheel (A) must fall within the teeth angle of
Phase angle
driving wheel (B).
Connecting generator in right phase sequence -
The out put RYB phases of generator are kept permanently connected to RYB phases of
bus through generator breaker. Therefore phase sequence of generator and grid is
maintained permanently.

Matching generator frequency with grid-

To match the frequency of generator with grid, the generator has to be run at a
particular speed, which can be calculated by the following formula
Speed of the generator (RPM) = 60 X Present frequency of the grid

Matching generator voltage with grid-

After achieving required speed of the generator, field breaker is to be closed in manual
mode of excitation for developing voltage in the generator.


48 49 50 51 52 Hz

Matching phase angle between generator and grid.
The frequency of grid varies with time but the frequency of machine remains constant at
a particular speed. Therefore with respect to grid voltage wave, machine voltage wave
moves in forward or reverse direction depending upon the relative speed of machine -
fast or slow.

SYNCHROSCOPE provided at control desk indicates the relative speed of machine with
respect to grid by rotating needle in FAST direction if the relative speed is higher and in
SLOW direction if the relative speed is lower.
-10 0 +10

0 Fixed sinusoidal voltage wave of BUS

-10 +10

Slow Fast

Moving voltage wave of MACHINE


Energy conservation and energy
Calculation of generation
Location of energy meters


Generator load
Load curve
Rated MW

Average MW

24 Hours Hours
1) Gross generation (MU) = Area covered by load curve = (Final reading - initial reading) X MF
2) Average load (MW)= Area covered by ABEF = (Total generation in MU / Running hours)
3) Load factor (%) = (Area covered by ACDF / ABEF = (Average MW / Rated MW ) x100
4) Unit Auxiliary Consumption (MU) = Consumption (UAT A + UAT B + Excitation Transformer )
5) % Unit Auxiliary Consumption = UAC (MU) / Gross Generation (MU)
6) Gross Generation for 210MW, 8 Hrs = 210 x 1000 x 8 /1000000 = 1.68 MU
Plant Load Factor (PLF)and availability factor
Generator Protection



Generator and it Turbine Boiler

auxiliaries system system


This class of protection is intended to trip the generator instantly whenever faults occur
in generator, generator transformer, UAT's, excitation system & generator breakers.

Generator side - Generator Transformer side -

1. Generator over voltage (59G) 1. Generator transformer over flux (61GT2)
2. Generator differential (87G) 2. Generator transformer overall differential (87GX)
3. Generator inter turn differential (87G1) 3. Generator transformer restricted earth fault (64RGT)
4. Stage II generator negative sequence (46G2) 4. Generator transformer pressure relief
5. Stage II generator back up impedance (21G2) 5. Generator transformer OLTC Buchholz
6. Generator thermal overload (51G) 6. Generator transformer Buchholz
7. Generator stator winding 100% earth fault (64G)
Generator breaker side -
8. Generator stator winding 95% earth fault (64G1)
1. Generator breaker stuck up (50 LBB)
9. Generator stator winding stand by earth fault (51NG)
2. Transfer bus bar protection (96)
Excitation side -
1. Rotor second earth fault
2. Loss of excitation (40G)
3. Rotor over voltage (+ve or -ve)
4. Thyristors bridge failure
5. Excitation transformer over current (Instantaneous)
6. Excitation transformer over current (Delayed)
Unit Auxiliary Transformer (UAT) side -
1. UAT (A / B) - LV side restricted earth fault (64RX1/ X2)
2. UAT (A / B) - differential (87X1/ X2)
3. UAT (A / B) - over current (50NX1/X2)
4. UAT (A / B) - HV side stand by earth fault (51X1/X2)
This class of protection is intended to trip the generator through reverse power protection
whenever fault occurs in prime movers or generator auxiliary.
1. GT winding / oil temperature very high
2. UAT - A/B winding / oil temperature very high
3. Excitation transformer temperature very high
4. Excitation system regulation supply failure
5. Excitation system manual channel supply failure
6. Turbine trips due to fault or manual trips
7. Boiler trips due to fault or manual trips

This class of protection is intended to trip the generator without tripping of prime movers
whenever fault occurs in the grid of switchyard zone.
1. Generator back up impedance / stage I (21G2)
2. Bus bar protection (96BB)
3. Generator pole slip (78G)
4. GT stand by earth fault (51NGT)
5. Generator over voltage (51GT)
6. Generator - ve sequence / stage I (46 G1)
7. Under frequency (81G)
Basic principle of protection scheme


PT RELAY Breaker
Coil A

DC Supply Control
Generator protection logic

Turbine trip
Auto / MAN FB

32G 86T
Turbine GRP DC
Class -B 86G2 C&I Supply

Turbine trip

Class - A
1) Trip FB
2) Bus change over
86U 3) Trip GB
4) Initiate 50LBB

1) Trip GB
86G1 2) Initiate 50LBB
Class - C 3) Limit excitation to O/C
Principle of differential protection

CT 1
CT 2
S1 S2 S1 S2


Negative sequence protection


= + + IR0, IY0, IB0

Unbalance Positive sequence Negative sequence Zero sequence
current vector current current current

CT / Core 9
5000 / 5A

Negative sequence
Back up impedance protection

CT / Core 9 CT / Core 1
5000/5A 5000/5A

21G1 21G2 VT -3 200VA



Z1 /

Z2 /

MHO relay continuously measure the impedance Z = √(R2 – X2) of the system
Stator earth fault





64 G1
0 to 95%

0.5 Ohm NGT

250/1A Open delta

51 NG
By E/F

Injection 64 G
Transformer (0 to 100%)
GT Restricted and stand by earth fault

15.75 / 400KV CT core 4

500 / 4A



64 RGT

51NGT Stand by E/F

E/F Current
Rotor earth fault
Field BUS 64F1

+ -
Side Side
earth rings

1st +
Generator breaker struck up protection (50LBB)

GEN Isolator
GT Breaker

Master trip relay

contact at GRP
50 LBB Timer

Switchyard DC Bus
220V supply
Feeder I Feeder II Feeder III

i1 i2 i3
Bus Bar Protection



i4 i5

Gross calorific value (GCV) and Net calorific
value (NCV)
Machine capacity in MVA
MVA = √3 x Rated voltage X Rated current

Rated terminal voltage

V = 4.44 X f X φ X Z X Kd X Kp
f = Frequency
φ = Flux Intensity of electromagnet directly proportional to excitation current.
Z = Number of conductor per phase in stator winding.
Kp & Kd = Design value depends on winding configuration]
Since higher voltage increases the insulation level and decreases the size of conductor,
standard machine voltage - 10.5 KV, 15.75KV and 21KV is selected for different MVA rating
considering the cost factor.

Rated current in Amps

A = MVA / (√3 x KV)

Rated power factor (PF)

The power factor (PF) of any generator is defined to determine the field current rating. The
field current of any generator decreases with the increase of PF. For example - an alternator
designed to operate at 0.9 PF at rated load will take more field current when it is operated
at 0.8 PF at rated load.
PF is decided on the basis of stability of the system , length of transmission system and
distance of load centre form the generator . Modern generator is manufactured with 0.85
Lag PF
Standard PF and terminal voltages for various capacity


62.5 10.5 3.43 0.8 50

125 10.5 6.87 0.8 100

156.25 10.5 8.59 0.8 125

247.05 15.75 9.05 0.85 210

294.11 15.75 10.78 0.85 250

555.55 21 15.27 0.9 500

888.88 26 19.73 0.9 800

Speed, pole and frequency
Frequency (Hz) = [Numbers of pole X Speed (RPM)] / 120

Depending upon the types of prime movers - the size, capacity, & speed of any
alternator is decided.

Prime movers Alternator Speed Max. Capacity

Diesel engine Diesel generator 750 to 1500 RPM 20MW

Hydro turbine Hydro generator 750 to 1500 RPM 500 MW

Gas turbine Turbo generator 1500 to 3000 RPM 1000 MW

Steam turbine Turbo generator 3000 RPM 1000 MW

Lagging MVAR capacity at full load (Rotor heating limit)
MVAR (Lag) = MVA x Sin [Cos -1 (PF)] = (MW/PF) x Sin [Cos -1 (PF)].
If rated PF of 210MW machine is 0.85 lag, then lagging MVAR capacity of the machine at
full load = (210/0.85) x Sin [Cos -1 (0.85)] = 130.14 MVAR

Leading MVAR capacity at full load (Line charging capacity) –

MVAR (Lead) = MVA x Sin [Cos -1 (PF)] = (MW/PF) x Sin [Cos -1 (PF)].
If a 210MW machine is possible to operate safely at 0.95 lead PF without pole slipping -
then leading MVAR capacity of the machine at full load = (210/0.85) x Sin [Cos -1 (0.95)] =
77.12 MVAR

Efficiency -
During the process of energy conversion machine cannot convert entire mechanical
input power to electrical output but some part of the power is converted to heat, which
is known as loss.
Efficiency defines the losses in the machine and is calculated by the formula % Efficiency
= [(Input power - output power) x 100] / Input power.
Normal design efficiency : 98% . It gets reduced due to - 1) Higher Short-Circuit Ratio ,
2) Higher GD2.
Operating efficiency gets reduced by 2 to 3% at 50% loading.
Short circuit current ratio (SCR)

Field current (If) required for developing rated voltage on open circuit
Field current (If) required for circulating rated current on short circuit

SCR decides the following parameters of any generator

a) Maximum field current on short circuit of stator
b) Voltage regulation
c) Stability limit
d) Size, cost and efficiency
1) Wide variation of field current for small 1) Low variation of field current for small
changes in terminal voltage (Poor voltage changes in terminal voltage (good voltage
regulation) regulation)
2) Low stability limit 2) High stability limit
3) Low short circuit current 3) High short circuit current
4) Higher field current capacity 4) Lower field current capacity
4) Low air gap, smaller size of machine, 5) High air gap, larger size of machine,
higher efficiency, lower cost lower efficiency, higher cost

Type of machine Value

Synchronous condenser 0.4
Turbo generator 0.5 to 0.8
Hydro generator 1 to 1.4
Negative sequence current capability
The power losses due to negative phase sequence stator current caused by
1) single phase loads,
2) unbalanced type line faults and
3) open conductors,

It appear primarily at the surface of the rotor.

The negative phase sequence stator current generates double frequency currents in the
surface of the rotor.

This current flows axially over the length of the rotor and causes sufficient rotor heating.

The standards require that the machine shall be capable of withstanding, without injury,
unbalanced short circuits at its terminals of 30-seconds duration or less

It is measured by I22t =K
Type of synchronous machine Permissible I22t =K
Salient pole generator 40
Synchronous condenser 30
Cylindrical rotor generator - Indirectly cooled 30
Cylindrical rotor generator - Directly cooled 8 - 10
Type of cooling
Depending upon the MVA rating of the machine following types of cooling systems are
designed -

Turbo Cooling # Max Rotor Stator

generator type Media capacity cooling cooling

TARI Air 150 MW Radial Indirect

THRI H2 250 MW Radial Indirect

THDD H2 ****** Direct H2 Direct H2

THDF H2 & water 500MW Direct H2 Direct water

THWW Water ******* Direct water Direct water

Type of excitation
Depending upon the excitation power requirement and characteristic - following types
of excitation system are provided for various capacity of generator

Pilot Low capacity, slow response, high maintenance, low

exciter reliability, mainly provided with TG manufactured in '60 &70

Static High capacity, very fast response, low maintenance, high

exciter reliability, mainly provided with TG manufactured in '80

Brush less Large capacity, very fast response, maintenance free, high
exciter reliability, mainly provided with large TG manufactured in '90
Full load torque
The torque (twisting force) delivered by the prime mover to maintain rated speed of the
generator at rated speed is the full load torque.
Full Load Torque = (974 x rated KW / Rated RPM) Kg-m = (974 x 210000 / 3000) Kg-m
= 68180 Kg-m = 68180 / 1000 = 68.18 Ton -m

Ratio of short circuit torque to full load torque

The ratio of short circuit torque to rated torque is estimated by the following formula -

Te (Short circuit) (Excitation voltage in PU before short circuit) 2

= = (1.1) 2 / 0.2 = 6
Te (Rated) Sub transient reactance (X"d)

In a large turbo generator -

Maximum possible excitation voltage = 110% or 1.1PU
Rated sub transient reactance = 0.2 PU
It is seen from above that maximum value of torque after sudden 3 phase short circuit, is
several times greater than its rated torque. In view of this the shaft and machine
foundation must be suitably designed to withstand jerks caused by such large magnitude
of sudden short circuit torque.
critical speed
Centrifugal force

mW2 (D+E) Rotational speed

of shaft W RPM

Deflection (D+E)

Counter force KD

If the mass center of m is displaced by E from the center of rotation then centrifugal
force exerted on the mass will be mW2E, where W is the angular velocity.
This will cause a deflection D of the shaft, increasing the centrifugal force to mW2 (D+E).
The deflection is restricted by elastic shaft which develops a counter force equal to KD .
For equilibrium KD = mW2 (D+E). Or D = mW2E / (K - mW2)
At any angular speed W = √ (K/m) , when the defection is maximum , this peed is called
critical speed.
Turbo generators is designed to have critical speed much below its synchronous speed
normally about 0.2 of syn speed.
When the machine is started considerable vibration are experienced near the critical
speed, which are avoided by quick starting through the region of critical speed.
Inertia constant
This effect called fly wheel effect is expressed in terms of inertia constant H given by

Energy stored in joule (1/2) J w2

H= = Sec
Machine VA rating VA

Inertia constant (H) in

Type of machines
MW-s / MVA

Synchronous condensers 1.0 to 1.25

Hydro generator 2.0 to 4.0
Turbo generator 4.0 to 9.0

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