I was there for attached at Sofiya Alemayehu Flour Factory for a period of one month, the major
activities Preparing various document, communicating customer, Agent activation, fill out the
income and expense form.
When I am here I got the chance to see what the procurement division process or activity and the
impression detail on local transfer and the highlight of organizational activity.
Commercial bank of Ethiopia is one of the most popular commercial banks which are found in
almost overall the countries of the region. And it consists of vast employees when considering
with private banks which are now present in the country.
Commercial bank of Ethiopia kelecha branch is the title of my organization which I have worked
on it. Conducting of this practical attachment has a great value for commercial bank of Ethiopia
kelecha branch in its development and enhancement of quality banking service.
The objectives of this practical attachment are to provide detailed guide to use the most recent
technology in banking system and speedy banking service for its customer
For starters, the help that I have been offered since day one from every one that had to do with
anything I intended to involve in was extra ordinary. I would like to thank the personnel that
made it easy for me. They all were very open to supply any resources I needed. Everybody was
keen to let me know everything they know. I deeply appreciate the help I have been offered from
CBE----------------commercial bank of Ethiopia
ATM---------------automatic teller machine
ID------------------Identification card
IT------------------Information technology
BODS-----------------Board of directors
CATS-----------------Customer account transaction process
VP---------------------vice president
CPC-------------------central processing center
ATS-------------------Automated transfer system
Summary .......................................................................................................................................... I
Acknowledgement .......................................................................................................................... II
ACRONYUMS ............................................................................................................................. III
CHAPTER ONE ............................................................................................................................. 1
1. ORGANIZATION REPORT .................................................................................................. 1
1.1 Background of the organization ............................................................................................ 1
1.2 Cardinal Issues (mission, values, vision and objectives) ...................................................... 1
1.2.1 Mission ............................................................................................................................... 1
1.2.2 Values ................................................................................................................................. 2
1.2.3 Vision ................................................................................................................................. 2
1.2.4 Objectives ........................................................................................................................... 3
1.3 Organizational structure ........................................................................................................ 3
ORGANAZATION STRUCTUR ................................................................................................... 4
How the organization is organized to achieve objectives and mission? ......................................... 5
1.4 The extent to which the organization is realizing its vision, mission and performance of the
organization ................................................................................................................................. 5
1.5 Strength, Weakness, Opportunity and Threat (SWOT) analysis of the organization ........... 6
1.5.1 Strength; ............................................................................................................................. 6
1.5.2 Weakness:........................................................................................................................... 6
1.5.3 Opportunity ........................................................................................................................ 7
1.5.4 Threats ................................................................................................................................ 7
1.6 Problems affect the organization at the current time............................................................. 7
1.7 Suggested solution and measures to be taken to solve and minimize the problems ............. 8
CHAPTER TWO ...................................................................................................................................9
2. ACTIVITY REPORT .............................................................................................................. 9
2.1 Background of Foreign Transaction ...................................................................................... 9
2.2 Objectives and responsibilities as well as activities of Foreign Transaction ........................ 9
2.2.1 Objectives ........................................................................................................................... 9
2.2.2Responsibility .................................................................................................................... 10
2.2.3 Activities of foreign transaction ....................................................................................... 10
2.3 Activities and Major Responsibilities of Me as a member department .............................. 10
2.4 Performance Evaluation of My Activities ........................................................................... 11
2.5 Problems encountered on the job and remedial measures ................................................... 11
Remedial solution I have taken ..................................................................................................... 12
2.6 Problems of division or department and suggested solutions ............................................. 12
CHAPTERT THREE ................................................................................................................. 13
3. ATTACHMENT EVALUATION ........................................................................................ 13
3.1 Rationales of Practical Attachment ..................................................................................... 13
3.2 Significance of Practical Attachment .................................................................................. 13
3.3 Relevance of organization with my study ........................................................................... 14
3.4 Applicability of the theories and others in real world or practical work ............................. 14
3.5 Major problems faced me during the attachment ................................................................ 15
Suggested solution and way forward for summer attachment .................................................. 15
CHAPTER FOUR ............................................................................................................................ 16
4. CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION .................................................................... 16
4.1 Conclusion .......................................................................................................................... 16
4.2 Recommendation ................................................................................................................. 17
5. REFERENCE. ....................................................................................................................... 19
1.1 Background of the organization
Among banks in Ethiopia CBE is the bank that has the great market share with 1 branch. From
its establishment in 1942 up to now CBE plays great role in the economic development and
progress of the country. It is pioneer to introduce modern banking to the country. CBE is the
leading African bank with assets of 300 Billion birr as ion April 30th 2016.It is the first bank in
Ethiopia to introduce the service like Automated Teller Motion (ATM)western union and money
transfer to the customer.
CBE Hangatu branch which I was conducted is also one branch that is involving so many
activities for so many customers especially for kelecha community , all commercial bank
customers and for the others banks. CBE at Lugo branch has, 27workers among them, 14males
and 13females
Generally, among from the government and private institution I conducted my summery
attachment on CBE kelecha branch
1.2 Cardinal Issues (mission, values, vision and objectives)
1.2.1 Mission
To provide highly quality demanded driven competence based education through training,
research and consulting services in business and related discipline. Also they are committed to
best realize stock holders needs through enhanced financial
intermediation globally and supporting national development priority by deploying highly
motivated, skilled and discipline employees as well as state of the art technology. They strongly
believe that winning the public confidence is the basis of their success.
Also CBE’s mission is to contribute and improve the life quality of the CBE’s employees
through a strong dynamic and dependable union capable of assuming the rights and privileges of
the members to the best interest of the bank.
1.2.2 Values
Corporate citizenship
Customer satisfaction
Quality service
Public confidence
Integrity Integrity
We are committed to the highest ideals of honor integrity.
We are committed to act in an honest and trust worthy manner.
We are committed to firmly adhere to ethical principal and standards.
1.2.3 Vision
To become a world-class commercial bank by the year of 2025.
1.2.4 Objectives
Protect the interest of the bank against any harmful cause, internal and external.
Protect the employees against unfair exploitation of labor and improper utilization of effort
and skills.
Support the members during the time of financial distress and unlawful eviction or
dismissal from job.
Promote the meet customer satisfaction via employee’s satisfaction.
Raise awareness on right and duties of employees in line with existing national laws,
international labor conventions and human resource principles.
Promote to establish and enhance network communication with local and international
unions and federations.
Create and promote partnership linkage with similar unions operating in the banking and
insurance industry and others
Branch controller
Senior branch controller
Foreign transaction
activity by comparing the recorded transaction on the system. A/senior customer service reports
his or her activity to the customer service manager. Customer service manager reports to branch
manager. Branch controller passes all tickets to senior branch controller after ensured the balance
on physical counted tickets and on system became equal. Then senior branch controllers again
check and report to branch manager. So finally all activity in bank is controlled by the manager
of the bank.
1.4 The extent to which the organization is realizing its vision, mission and
performance of the organization
To realize the vision, mission and objective of the organization all departments should have to
obey their responsibility which given to them identically. They should have to take care on the
activity given to them. All employers should have to be honesty to join their mission and
objectives. The department controllers as well as manager have to be control the daily activities
of every worker continuously. Additionally the organization should have to be;
Deliver of efficient service as per the standard set.
Appropriate utilization of human resource and material resources and the like are those
realize the vision, mission and objective of the organization.
They can change direction quickly if they find that their market is not working well
They have low overheads, so they can offer good value to customers
1.5.2 Weakness
Their company has little market presence or reputation
They have small staff with the shallow skills base in many areas
Their cash flow will be unreliable in the early stages in most case of town area
1.5.3 Opportunity;
Their business sector is expanding with many future opportunities for success
1.5.4 Threats
Development in technology may change this market beyond their ability to adopt
Small change in the focus of a large competitor might wipe out any market position they
The human resource problem which are not enough to serve the customers as they want
Some employers are not well trained as expected for the organization to work effectively
for the case of low level of education such as diploma program
Economically there is also problem with the increment of exchange rate of dollar to birr
which decrease the buying value of birr
1.7 Suggested solution and measures to be taken to solve and minimize the
Plant the satellite as the whole for the bank to avoid the problem of network
Use the offsite ATM service for the customers who need it to minimize the problem faced
the organization with the human resource
To minimize the problem of human resource the organization found the training center for
new employees. Depending on this the org. do these;
Educate the new employees about the organization activities before start job
Review new human resource strategy to improve the department in the organization
2.1 Background of Foreign Transaction
Foreign transaction is one of the departments of the organization in CBE at kelecha branch. This
transaction is always worked only on foreign remittance transaction. Related to this department
there are money sender institution in the world which used to money transaction from country to
country. Western Union, Money Gram, Xpress Money, Atlantic International (Bole) and
Dihabshil are some of these agents. These institutions are different from banks, that banks
transfer money only in domestic country. But these institution transfer money everywhere from
country to country in the world. These institutions convert all currencies to USD and send to the
beneficiaries or receivers in the country. So this department receive those money from these
institution after converted to USD and serve the customer in domestic currency(birr).There are
accounts of which this department received from Head Office of these institution differently.
These are of western union (ETB12551), of money Gramm (ETB12552),of bole(ETB12560) and
etc. as branch. Before making payment to customer the departments send to head office and
receive answer to pay. After all the payment is made by the department and the process is proved
by the Head Office.
2.2 Objectives and responsibilities as well as activities of Foreign Transaction
2.2.1 Objectives
Foreign transaction is as one of the departments of the organization to win their vision and to be
the good competitor with others it has objectives. Also to serve the
customers on time as their need to make CBE to be the world class as general and the most
service giver particularly in the country or particular place.
This department also has the responsibility to fulfill the role given to it as branch. Some of the
responsibilities are; Serve customer due respect of law and the love sprit of customer, respect and
present on time of work and report all files as time listed are some of the responsibilities of the
2.2.3 Activities of foreign transaction
o Serve customer in money received as remittance by converting to birr
Check the name, date and signature of the customer to be filled properly
From the first day that I have started practical work on foreign transaction department;
I could understand how transaction is made
As one employer I can serve the customers related with the division foreign transaction
To ask necessary data I could communicate with my manager from time to time etc.
Some of them bring incorrect account which the system is not read
I have told to branch manager to find solution how customers fill all criteria
3.1 Rationales of Practical Attachment
Rationales of the practical attachment are the practical reason to decide how to act on the
attachments some of the following listed is reason of practical attachment.
It is for the case that the apprentice to realize the theory in class to real world through
It is for that the apprentice should compare and contrast the economic thought with
practical work
It is that how the problem is identified and the solution is found
It is for that the apprentice to make strong the relation he/she has with others on work etc.
Help for students how to identify and find solution for problem
3.3 Relevance of organization with my study
From starting date of my practical attachment as the general with the branch and particularly
with the department there is good connection with my study in foreign remittance transaction.
Theoretically since I have studied about foreign transaction in class and in my practical study
how to make transaction of that remittance this organization is relevant with my practical study.
In other way as general as organization there is also good connection with my study that for that
foreign transaction is the department of the organization and my study is related with it that has
relation with International trade department again the organization and my study has good
3.4 Applicability of the theories and others in real world or practical work
In my practical study in CBE in kelecha branch there are many points that I have learned in class
and the same with my work in practical study.
International Economics course says that USD is as the international unit of currency which
every countries currency converted to other currency. Also in my practical work the money
sends from other countries as the remittance is after converted to dollar.
In Microeconomics the course shows about cost advantage. It says that when there are many
competitors in the market to gain more profit it needs more cost. In production company to get
more profit than the other it needs additional demand for worker which increases the wage of
In export-import course I have learned how foreign transaction would be conducted.
In International Economics also again there is the point talk about the effect of exchange
rate between two countries. As it show if the dollar to birr exchange rate become increase the birr
depreciate against dollar. However it shows that the depreciation of birr is good to increase the
export and decrease import which is advantage for the country.
o The problems related to this is how to start to write the report whether as whole or as branch
o To keep the secret of the organization the manager didn’t give me response about the problems
currently faced the organization
o The main problems faced me on this practical attachment are the problem of lack of the seat
and user which affect me to not work as expected
By using my friend’s user and seat I have cover the problem and work the work with them
4.1 Conclusion
From its establishment CBE at kelecha branch has been the known bank in Ethiopia. It has
strong corresponding relationship with other branches. CBE this branch was introduced Western
Union money transfer services in .Currently it is working with many money transfer agents like
Money Gram xpress Money, Bole International, Dihabshil and others.
As branch CBE in Lugo branch has about nine (8) departments. They have their own objective
and responsibility as well as activities in the organization. Branch Controller, Customer Service
Provider, Accountant, Manager and others are department or division of the organization. All
departments work identically for one goal to realize their vision of 2025.
Currently as the branch the organization has some problems. Human resource problem, Network
problem, light problem are some of the problems faced the organization. To solve these problems
using the generator when the light is lost, plant a satellite to recover the problem of network and
build the employer training center are some of the remedial solutions.
Foreign Transaction is one of the departments of the organization in CBE of kelecha branch. It
works on the foreign money transfer sent as remittance through money transfer agents such as
Western Union, Money Gram, Bole and others. I am one of the workers of the organization on
this department. I have the objective and responsibilities to serve the customers properly within
the working time. However
there are some problems faced me on my activities in this department. Lack of seat, lack of
user/access/ and lack of pre training on the system before this attachment are some of the
problems affect me on the work. Using the others employer seats, user and working with them
are remedial solution I have taken.
The practical attachment is done by apprentice for the case of that the apprentice should compare
and contrast the theories and in class with the real world. It is also significant to realize the
economic thought of the world through practical work. The economic thought such as cost
advantage, size advantage and technology as well as in class in International Economics course
about exchange rate effect, about dollar as the international exchange currency are which are
realized in practical work in CBE kelecha branch.
4.2 Recommendation
While l doing my practical attachment, l observe some issue in lens of my eyes. Therefore ,l
would like to suggest on some issue that l observed during accomplished my practical attachment
in Adama CBE of kelecha branch.
As international trade student on this practical works there are some pointes needed to
recommend. Even if the increment of dollar to birr exchange rate is advantage for Ethiopia that
National Bank will sell at the future by increasing the price of dollar the National Bank should
have to revalue birr against the dollar. The buying power of birr is more decreasing as the dollar-
birr exchange rates is become increasing. Because the dollar-birr exchange rate is continuously
increasing from time to time.
To more compete with others banks the size advantage may causes the problem of management.
As the company opens the branches at many different places it also
increase the cost of labor and other materials. But the quality of service is greater than the size.
So to minimize cost and maximize profit the company should have to decrease the size.
Still now there are many account holders in and above 1 branches CBE .Since banks are giving
the saving service the organization should have to encourage and teach the society about saving.
Also there are only town and city peoples that use the banks. So CBE should have to start giving
service in country side through wireless networks like e video.
Related with the branch in kelecha branch there is the problem with electric power which affects
the quality of service giving for the customers. Instead of using a generator when the light is lost
the government as the general and the company in particular should have to solve this problem.
Finally in case of this practical attachment it is good and will be continue by this condition.
Because it encourage the apprentice to compare theory and practice in real world. But if it is
possible the university should prepare a pre training service to reduce the problem of using
materials at the practical work such as us
The annual report of the company by the March 2024