Substations Slides
Substations Slides
Substations Slides
1. We will measure the earthing resistance by Megger and three point method.
2. We will learn how to do an earthing system using Etap program.
3. We will learn about the ring main unit and its importance in electrical power system.
4. We will discuss the types of switches used in electrical power system and substations.
5. We will discuss the overhead transmission lines, underground cables and difference between
6. We will learn about busbars in power system, its importance, its different schemes and how to
select them.
7. We will understand the lightning arrester and wave trap which are used in substations.
8. We will discuss the air and gas insulated substations.
9. We will discuss how to design an electrical substation and single line diagram of 66/11 kV
What is Electrical Substation?
▪ Primary Substations receive power from EHV lines at 400KV, 220KV, 132KV and
transform the voltage to 66KV, 33KV or 22KV (22KV is uncommon) to suit the local
requirements in respect of both load and distance of ultimate consumers. These are
also referred to ‘EHV’ Substations.
▪ Secondary Substations receive power at 66/33KV which is stepped down usually to
▪ Distribution Substations receive power at 11KV, 6.6 KV and step down to a volt
suitable for LV distribution purposes, normally at 415 volts.
Substation parts and equipment
1-Outdoor Equipment:
▪ Incoming Lines and Outgoing Lines.
▪ Bus Bars.
▪ Transformers.
▪ Bus post insulator & string insulators.
▪ Circuit-beakers, isolators, Earthing switches, surge arresters, CTs, VTs.
▪ Station Earthing system.
▪ Overhead earthwire shielding against lightening strokes.
▪ Galvanised steel structures for towers and equipment supports.
Substation parts and equipment
▪ This is because high voltages improve efficiency by reducing heat loss in the power
lines. But high voltages are too dangerous for use in the home, so step-down
transformers are used locally to reduce the voltage to safe levels.
▪ As Apparent Power Generated “S”= 3 *V * I*CosPhi.
▪ at Constant Power : As V increases , Current Decreases which decreases Losses In
Power System.
▪ Losses are Directly with (I^2 * R) so Losses decreased and Also Heat Decreased.
Lightening Arrestor
▪ It is Used to transfer voltages or currents in the power lines to values which are
convenient for the operation of measuring instruments and relay.
▪ Protection devices as relay operates at low voltage 110v and current nearly 5 A.
▪ Line voltage is very high example 220KV , 66KV,11KV,…. , the current is in range of
hundreds or thousands of amps , so we need devices to step down voltage and current.
▪ We Use current Transformers and Voltage transformers to decrease V and I.
Current Transformers
Voltage Transformer
Capacitor Voltage Transformer (CVT)
▪ Circuit Breaker is used to Break the Circuit if any Fault occurs in any of the instruments.
▪ Relays Detect abnormal conditions and initiate corrective action as quickly as possible to
protect power system.
▪ Relays are considered the Brain and Circuit Breakers are the Muscles.
▪ Relays feels the faulty conditions and send signal to Circuit Breaker to operate.
Pick Up Current:
It is the minimum current in the Relay coil at
which Relay starts to operate.
If the current through the Relay coil is less than the pick-up
value then Relay won't operate.
if the current through the Relay coil is more than the Pick-
up current, Relay will operate.
Types of Relays according to Function
▪ Electromechanical
It consists of Moving Mechanical parts.
▪ Static or electronic
It consists of Electronic components as BJT, Mosfet, Diodes,….
▪ Digital or microprocessor
Device may include additional features not available with electromechanical or
electronic relays, it composed of Logic Gates.
Types of Relays according to Time characteristics
▪ Instantaneous Relay
Relay operates as soon as operating value is met
▪ Inverse time Relay
Time is Inversely Proportional to Current ,
as Current increases, time of relay decreases.
▪ IDMT Relay(Inverse definite minimum time relay)
inverse characteristic of current vs Time,
up to certain increased value of current
after which the time is definite.
▪ Busbars are used in electrical panel boards to connect the incoming feeders to the outgoing
feeders in distribution systems.
▪ Also it is used to connect high voltage and low voltage equipment.
▪ Busbars are easy to install, don’t need trays and they are cost effective especially when the
ratings and distances increase.
Selection Of Busbars In Substations
▪ Calculate the busbar rating for an Air CB of 2500 A, assuming required IP54 and an ambient temperature of 40 C°.
if we assume 50x10 then required number of busbar per phase=2500/1080=2.3 which means 3 busbar required.
If we assume 80x10 then required number per phase=2500/1590=1.57 which means two busbars per phase.
▪ The conductor is the type of metal which allows the electrical current to flow through it.
▪ There are two main types of electrical conductor:
▪ UGC or underground cables.
▪ Overhead transmission lines.
Construction Of Underground Cables
1. Dry paper wounded around the conductor but it has low dielectric strength due to voids so it
absorbs humidity.
2. Paper oil, where the paper is immersed in oil to fill voids and increases its dielectric strength up to
10 times of dry paper.
3. PVC, poly venyl chloride, max temperature of 70 c°.
4. XLPE, cross linked poly ethylene, up to 90 c°, both of PVC and XLPE used in LV cables.
▪ Public safety: Any unfavorable weather conditions like lightning, storm,etc may result
in overhead lines getting short circuited or towers falling.
▪ Radio interference: overhead lines interfere with communication lines.
▪ Lesser fault occurrence as they are buried in underground.
Disadvantages of cables compared to overhead transmission
▪ It is a general term covering primary switching and interrupting devices together with its
control and regulating equipment.
▪ Power switchgears include circuit breakers, disconnecting switches, CT, VT and relays.
Circuit breakers
▪ Electrical power networks are protected and controlled by circuit breaker inside electrical
grid substation.
▪ In substations the protection relay scheme can be complex, protecting equipment and
busses from overload or ground/earth fault.
▪ Circuit breakers can be divided to low (up to 2 Kv), medium (up to 72 Kv) and high
voltage (more than 123 Kv) types.
▪ Types of circuit breakers according to interrupting medium as MCCB or molded case
circuit breaker, miniature circuit breaker or MCB, Air circuit breaker, vaccum circuit
breaker, oil circuit breaker and SF6 circuit breaker.
Miniature And Molded Case CBS
▪ MCB has current rating less than 100 A, trip settings can
not be adjusted.
▪ MCCB has rating less than 1000 A, trip settings can be
adjusted easily.
▪ Both of them are used in low voltage only.
Large Oil Circuit breakers
▪ Advantages
1. Efficient in arc interruption.
▪ Disadvantages
1. Fire hazards due to oil.
2. Requirement of large amounts of oil.
3. Periodic replacement of oil.
▪ It has large oil type and minimum oil type.
Vacuum Circuit breakers
▪ These breakers use vacuum as the interrupting medium due to its high
dielectric and diffusive properties.
▪ Small contact travel and less weight of moving parts.
▪ Very long life time.
▪ Silent operation.
▪ No explosion hazard.
▪ High speed of dielectric strength recovery.
▪ Usable at any voltage up to 230 kV.
▪ Problem is that uneconomical above 36 kV and can not be repaired.
Air Blast Circuit breakers
▪ Air blast flows at very high speed and pressure which in arc
▪ Its disadvantage is high noise.
SF6 Circuit breakers
▪ Circuit Breaker can be used repeatedly after fault clearing but fuse can be used only
▪ Circuit breaker works on electromechanical principles but fuse works on thermal
▪ Circuit breaker is expensive but fuse is cheap.
▪ Circuit breaker is quick to reset but fuse needs to be replaced manually.
▪ Circuit breakers are used in protection of plants, electrical machines, transformers and
▪ Fuses are used in medium voltage applications as overhead line protection, substations,
heavy industry and low HP motors.
▪ They are used for isolation, load interruption and transferring service between different
sources of supply.
▪ Example: isolating switches, load break switches and ATS or automatic transfer switch.
Isolating Switch
▪ This type of switch is primarily used for emergency and stand by power generation
systems rated at 600 V or lower.
Bus Bar Schemes
1- Single Bus
2- Main Bus and Transfer Bus
3- Double Bus Double Breaker
4- Double Bus Single Breaker
5- Ring Bus
6- Breaker and Half
Single Bus
▪ This configuration utilizes two buses and two breakers per circuit.
▪ Both buses are normally energized and any circuit can be removed for
maintenance without an outage on the corresponding circuit.
▪ In case of Failure of one of the two buses, all of the circuits
can be fed from the remaining bus and isolating the failed bus.
▪ Greatest Service Reliability but Highest Cost.
▪ This scheme is typically found in EHV transmission substations
or generating stations and Heavily loaded area.
Double Bus Single Breaker
• A tie breaker connects both main buses and is normally closed, allowing for
more flexibility in operation.
• A fault on one bus requires isolation of the bus while the circuits are fed from
the opposite bus.
▪ This configuration uses two main buses, both of which are normally
energized with three breakers connected between the buses.
▪ The breaker and half configuration is very flexible, Highest reliability, and more
economical in comparison to the Double Bus Double Breaker scheme.
Types of Substations according to Configuration
General Requirements:
1-Installation and Equipment must withstand electrical , mechanical and climatic
influences at site.
Design Should include :
1- Purpose of the installation.
2-Customer requirements such as Power Quality, Reliability and availability.
3-Ability to withstand transient conditions such as Switching actions,……
4-Safety of Substation personnel and the public
5-Ease of extension and maintenance.
Steps of Design
1-Collecting Data:
▪ Making Assumptions based on existing consumption.
▪ Assess Possible Growth of Loads (Load Forecasting)
▪ Identify List of connected loads and requirements.
▪ Identify Load Factor and diversity factor.
▪ Provide additional capacity for future load growth but investment cost will increase.
Steps of Design
7- Substation Layout
Make sure of the Presence of
▪ Earth Clearance: Clearance between live parts and earthed structures.
▪ Phase Clearance : Clearance between different phases.
▪ Isolating Clearance: Clearance between Isolator contacts.
▪ Consider that you would like to choose a transformer to supply power to a factory
which requires maximum of 270 kVA of power at 400 V on the LV side and no
expansion is considered for near future.
▪ The power will be provided by connecting the factory to 33 kV MV voltage level.
Choose the transformer.
Selected transformer size for the factory:
▪ 400 kVA, 33 kV/400 V
Single Line Diagram Of Substation 66/11 KV
Substation Feed From A Distribution Point
Capacitor Bank
▪ In power system, the power that we are consuming is a combination of two types of
powers, one is Active power (P) and the other one is Reactive power (Q).
▪ For example, for running an induction motor we need both active as well as reactive
▪ The active power is responsible for the rotation of the motor, and the reactive
power is responsible for the magnetization of the field inside the motor for
electromagnetic conversion.
▪ When the reactive power demand increases beyond the desired value,
▪ The voltage drops at the load, this will cause the motor to withdraw more current to
produce same torque, so more current means more voltage drop as V=I*Z.
▪ If this voltage drops below a certain specified level then there is chance of power
failure and it may lead to black out or voltage collapse.
▪ We supply that extra Reactive power to the load by the help of capacitor bank, this
reduces the load on the generating station.
▪ The main purpose of providing capacitor bank in case of power system is to supply
reactive power to the system and are installed at the receiver end.
▪ The capacitor banks are called Static VAR Compensator.
Ring Main Unit
▪ It is considered as standard piece of switchgear in
distribution system.
▪ Busbars in are connected together to form a ring in order
to increase reliability and flexibility of power system.
▪ Ring main units come in standard ratings of 11/22/33 kV,
630/1250 A, 21 kA/3 sec