Lecture 1
Lecture 1
Lecture 1
• Relay or relay unit in which there is no armature or other moving element, the
designed response being developed by electronic, solid-state, magnetic, or other
components without mechanical motion.
• The static relay has the quick response, long life, shockproof, fewer problems of maintenance, high reliability and
a high degree of accuracy.
• Quick reset action, a high reset value and the absence of overshoot can be easily achieved because of the
absence of thermal storage.
• Static relays are quite suitable for earthquakes prone areas, ships, vehicles, airplanes, etc., This is because of
high resistance to shock variation.
• A static protection control and monitoring system can perform several functions such as protection, monitoring,
data acquisition measurement, memory, indication, etc.,
Limitations of Static Relay
• Some components are sensitive to electrostatic discharges. Even small charges can damage the components, and
therefore precautions are necessary for the manufacturing of static relays to avoid components failures due to
electrostatic discharges.
• The reliability of the system depends on a large number of small components and their electrical components so
• Static relays are costlier, for simple and single function than their equivalent electromechanical counterparts. But
• Static relays are not very robust in construction and easily affected by surrounding interference.
Numerical Relays
• It involves analog to digital (A/D) conversion of analog voltage and currents obtained
from secondary of CTs and VTs.
• These current and voltage samples are fed to the microprocessor or Digital Signal
Processors (DSPs) where the protection algorithms or programs process the signals and
decide whether a fault exists in the apparatus under consideration or not.
relaying logic.
Memory is any physical device capable of storing information t like RAM
Registers are temporary storage locations inside the CPU that hold data and addresses.
(ALU) - Arithmetic logic unit
Based on Function:
Overcurrent relay:
• A relay that operates or picks up when its current exceeds a
predetermined value.
• Over-current protection protects electrical power systems against
excessive currents which are caused by short circuits, ground faults,
• Over-current relays can be used to protect practically any power
system elements, i.e. transmission lines, transformers, generators, or
Differential relay:
• A relay that, by its design or application is intended to respond to the
difference between incoming and outgoing electrical quantities
associated with protective apparatus.
• The differential relay compares the difference in the current from two
CTs around a protective area or equipment .
Directional relay :
• A relay that responds to the relative
phase position of a current with respect
to another current or voltage reference .
• Consider, for example, the high-voltage
transmission lines in Figure. The relays at
the ends of these lines could use
directional relays since fault currents on
these lines can be supplied from
generators at both ends of the system.
• Knowing the direction of current flow
helps in designing a protective scheme
that is selective and less likely to act
Busbar Arrangements
• Single bus bar Arrangement
• Double Busbar Arrangement
• Double bus Double breaker Arrangement
Single Bus System
Single Bus System is simplest and cheapest one. In this
scheme all the feeders and transformer bay are
connected to only one single bus as showed
2. In double bus bar system two identical bus bars are used in
such a way that any outgoing or incoming feeder can be
taken from any of the bus.