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Europäisches Patentamt

(19) European Patent Office *EP001242484B1*

Office européen des brevets (11) EP 1 242 484 B1

(45) Date of publication and mention (51) Int Cl.7: C08F 210/16, F02K 9/34
of the grant of the patent:
03.03.2004 Bulletin 2004/10 (86) International application number:
(21) Application number: 00988300.0
(87) International publication number:
(22) Date of filing: 21.12.2000 WO 2001/046279 (28.06.2001 Gazette 2001/26)



(84) Designated Contracting States: (72) Inventor: GUILLOT, David, G.

FR Tremonton, UT 84337 (US)

(30) Priority: 23.12.1999 US 171619 P (74) Representative: Maureau, Philippe

(43) Date of publication of application: 12, rue Boileau,
25.09.2002 Bulletin 2002/39 BP 6153
69466 Lyon Cedex 06 (FR)
Edina, Minnesota 55436 (US) (56) References cited:
FR-A- 2 554 114 US-A- 5 352 312
US-A- 5 767 221
EP 1 242 484 B1

Note: Within nine months from the publication of the mention of the grant of the European patent, any person may give
notice to the European Patent Office of opposition to the European patent granted. Notice of opposition shall be filed in
a written reasoned statement. It shall not be deemed to have been filed until the opposition fee has been paid. (Art.
99(1) European Patent Convention).

Printed by Jouve, 75001 PARIS (FR)

EP 1 242 484 B1



5 [0001] The U.S. Government has a paid-up license in this invention and the right in limited circumstances to require
the patent owner to license others on reasonable terms as provided by the terms of F04611-97-C-0053 to the Air Force
Rocket Laboratory.


1. Field of the Invention

[0002] This invention is directed to a process for making elastomer-based insulation for rocket motors, and in par-
ticular to a process in which fragile carbon fibers are mixed with and preferably homogeneously dispersed in EPDM
15 without requiring the use of a volatile solvent for dissolution of EPDM during fiber incorporation. The insulation of this
invention is especially useful for placement in the nozzle or case, including between a solid propellant grain and a
rocket motor case for protecting the case from high temperatures experienced during burning of solid propellant grains.

2. Description of the Related Art

[0003] Solid rocket motors typically include an outer case or shell housing a solid propellant grain. The rocket motor
case is conventionally manufactured from a rigid, yet durable, material such as steel or filament-wound composite.
The propellant is housed within the case and is formulated from a composition designed to undergo combustion and
thereby produce the requisite thrust for attaining rocket motor propulsion.
25 [0004] During operation, a heat insulating layer (insulation) protects the rocket motor case from heat and particles
streams generated by the combusting propellant. Typically, the insulation is bonded to the inner surface of the case
and is generally fabricated from a composition capable of withstanding the high temperature gases produced when
the propellant grain burns. A liner layer (liner) functions to bond the propellant grain to the insulating layer and to any
non-insulated portions of the case, as well as to inhibit interfacial burning. Liner compositions are generally known to
30 those skilled in the art. An exemplary liner composition and process of applying the same to a case is disclosed in U.
S. Patent No. 5,767,221.
[0005] The combustion of solid rocket propellant generates extreme conditions within the case of the rocket motor.
For example, temperatures inside the rocket motor case typically reach 2760°C (5,000°F), and interior pressures may
exceed 1,500 psi. These factors combine to create a high degree of turbulence within the rocket motor case. In addition,
35 particles are typically entrained in the gases produced during the propellant combustion. Under the turbulent environ-
ment, these entrained particles can erode the rocket motor insulation. If the insulating layer and liner are pierced during
rocket motor operation, the casing it susceptible to melting or degradation, which can result in failure of the rocket
motor. Thus, it is crucial that insulation compositions withstand the extreme conditions experienced during propellant
combustion and protect the case from the burning propellant. It is also crucial that insulation compositions possess
40 acceptable shelf life characteristics such that it remains sufficiently pliable, without becoming fully cured, until used in
application to the rocket motor casing. This requirement is essential because the production of a given lot of insulation
may have to wait in storage for a number of months prior to use. Typically, the insulation may be stored in large rolls
in an uncured, or at most a partially cured, state until ready for use. A number of curing agents are well known and are
conventionally employed but still must be compatible with the overall EPDM formulation to permit satisfactory shelf
45 life. This in turn requires a balancing of curing agent activity.
[0006] In the past, attempts at producing insulating materials that would protect the rocket motor case focused on
filled and unfilled rubbers and plastics such as, phenolic resins, epoxy resins, high temperature melamine-formaldehyde
coatings, ceramics, polyester resins, and the like. These plastics, however, crack and/or blister as a result of the rapid
temperature and pressure fluctuations experienced during combustion.
50 [0007] Elastomeric compositions have also been used as rocket motor insulation materials in a large number of
rocket motors. The elastomeric compositions have been selected because their mechanical, thermal, and ablative
properties are particularly suited for rocket motor applications. However, the ablative properties of elastomers are often
inadequate for rocket motor operation. For example, insulation, whether thermosetting or thermoplastic, are charac-
terized by relatively high erosion rates unless reinforced with a suitable filler. The criticality of avoiding such high erosion
55 rates is demonstrated by the severity and magnitude of the risk of failure due to erosion. Most insulation is of necessity
"man-rated" in the sense that a catastrophic failure can result in the loss of human life -- whether the rocket motor is
used as a booster for launch of the space shuttle or is carried tactically underneath the wing of an attack aircraft. The
monetary cost of failure in satellite launches is well-publicized and can run into the hundreds of millions of dollars.

EP 1 242 484 B1

[0008] In order to improve the ablative properties of elastomeric compositions, it has been proposed to reinforce the
elastomeric compositions with fillers, such as organic-based fibers or carbon fibers. For instance, an exemplary carbon
fiber-filled rocket motor insulation composed of solid NORDEL 1040 as the primary terpolymer is commonly known in
the industry as the STW4-2868 thermal insulation and has the following composition:
(carbon fiber; parts by weight)

10 Ingredient Function Parts by Weight

NORDEL 1040 Primary EPDM terpolymer base 80
Neoprene FB Secondary polymer base 20
Zinc oxide Activator 5
Sulfur Curative I
HAF carbon black Pigment 1
MBT Accelerator 1

20 AGERITE Resin D Antioxidant 2

AGERITE HPS Antioxidant I
Tellurac Accelerator 0.50
Sulfads Accelerator 0.75
VCM carbon fibers Filler 41
Total Parts by Weight 153.25

[0009] Although organic-based fibers can be dispersed within the EPDM without too much difficulty, the homogene-
30 ous dispersion of carbon fibers in an elastomeric composition presents a difficult processing problem. The mixing
process is complicated by the fragility of the carbon fibers. Mixing of carbon fibers into a solid elastomer under high
shear physically deteriorates the carbon fibers into smaller particles or shreds, thereby negating the advantageous
physical attributes that the carbon fibers would otherwise have contributed to the insulation.
[0010] Conventionally, the problem of carbon fiber fragility has been addressed by dissolving the elastomer into
35 solution with an appropriate organic solvent to lower the viscosity of the elastomer or elastomer mixture. Suitable
solvents include, by way of example, hydrocarbons such as hexanes, heptanes, and/or cyclohexane. The frangible
graphitized carbon fibers can then be mixed with the solution in, for example, a sigma-blade mixer without significant
breakage of or damage to the carbon fibers. The material is then sheeted out and the solvent allowed to evaporate at
ambient atmosphere or in an oven.
40 [0011] The use of solvent in this processing technique presents several drawbacks. For example, solvent processing
techniques, such as those conventionally used to disperse carbon fibers in EPDM (ethylene propylene diene monomer)
rubber, are relatively expensive. Material costs are increased by the use of solvents, as are processing costs, since
additional workers and equipment are required to handle and process the solvents. Further, considerable costs and
worker safety issues are associated with the disposal of hazardous volatile organic solvents.
45 [0012] Thus, although it has been long recognized that carbon fiber-filled EPDM is an excellent candidate for such
rocket motor insulation, a need persists in the art for a low cost and non-hazardous solvent-free synthesis route that
produces EPDM insulation having carbon fibers homogeneously dispersed therein, but without being subject to sig-
nificant breakage or damage.


[0013] It is, therefore, an object of this invention to fulfill the long-felt need in the art outlined above by providing a
method of manufacturing EPDM rocket motor insulation in which carbon fibers are dispersed and immobilized in the
EPDM polymeric matrix, but are not excessively fractured or fragmentized, i.e., broken into smaller fragments, when
55 encountering degrees of shear necessary to homogeneously or otherwise distribute or disperse the carbon fibers in
the EPDM polymeric matrix.
[0014] The above and other objects are attained by a substantially solvent-free process in which the insulation is

EP 1 242 484 B1

manufactured via distributive/reduced shear mixing to distribute the fragile carbon fibers into a rubber matrix without
excessive damage.
[0015] In accordance with one embodiment of this substantially solvent-free process, the elastomer composition
comprises carbon fibers and EPDM terpolymer, at least 50 wt% of which is introduced as an ingredient into the mixing
5 apparatus as liquid EPDM terpolymer having sufficiently low molecular weight and high diene content to permit dis-
persion of the carbon fibers in the EPDM without substantial fragmentation of the fibers. As referred to herein, liquid
EPDM means EPDM terpolymer that is flowable at room temperature. Suitable mixing apparatuses for this embodiment
include sigma-blade and vertical-blade mixers. Certain kneaders, such as discussed below in connection with the
second embodiment, capable of superimposing a rotational and axial mixing motion to the carbon fibers can also be
10 used.
[0016] In accordance with another embodiment of the invention, the elastomer composition is prepared, optionally
under substantially solvent-free conditions with little or no liquid EPDM terpolymer, by use of a kneader capable of
rotating a screw having a discontinuous screw-thread about the screw axis while superimposing an axial reciprocating
stroke to the screw. This kneader imparts low shear distributive mixing of the carbon fibers in the EPDM terpolymer.
15 The kneader used in this embodiment is especially suitable where little or no liquid EPDM ingredient and no volatile
solvent are included in the formulation.
[0017] As referred to herein, carbon fibers are fibers having been subject to at least substantial graphitization or
carbonization, and preferably have about 98 wt% or more carbon content.
[0018] Other objects, aspects and advantages of the invention will be more apparent to those skilled in the art upon
20 reading the detailed description and appended claims which, when read in conjunction with the accompanying draw-
ings, explain the principles of this invention.


25 [0019] The accompanying drawings serve to elucidate the principles of this invention. In such drawings:

FIG. 1 is a schematic cross-sectional view of a rocket motor assembly in which the insulation is provided;

FIG. 2 is a schematic cross-sectional view of a kneading apparatus suited for use with this invention;
FIG. 3 is a cross-sectional view taken along sectional line III-III in FIG. 2;

FIG. 4 is a schematic view of an axial segment of a discontinuous screw barrel of the kneading apparatus of FIG.
2, with the axial segment section being projected onto a flat plane for explanatory purposes;
FIG. 5 is the schematic view of FIG. 4, with kneading pins of the kneading apparatus being superimposed onto
the illustrated axial segment;

FIG. 6 is the schematic view of FIG. 5, showing the paths of relative movement of selected ones of the kneading
40 pins relative to the discontinuous screw barrel, and in particular relative to the screw flights of the barrel; and

FIG. 7 is a schematic cross-sectional view of a char motor used in testing examples discussed hereinbelow.


[0020] The present insulation compositions 10, when in a cured state, are especially suited for disposal on the interior
surface of the rocket motor case 12, as shown in FIG. 1. Typically, a liner 14 is interposed between the insulation 10
and propellant 16. The insulation 10 and the liner 14 serve to protect the case 12 from the extreme conditions produced
by the propellant 16 as it undergoes combustion reactions and is exhausted through nozzle assembly 20. Methods for
50 loading a rocket motor case 12 with the insulation 10, the liner 14, and the propellant 16 are known to those skilled in
the art, and can be readily adapted within the skill of the art without undue experimentation to incorporate the insulation
composition of this invention.
[0021] Unlike conventional techniques that make use of solvent within a mixing apparatus to achieve adequate dis-
tribution of carbon fibers in solid EPDM ingredients without significant fiber fragmentation, it is an object of this invention
55 to achieve distribution of carbon fibers in an EPDM matrix under solvent-free conditions, or at least substantially solvent-
free conditions. As referred to herein, substantially solvent-free means that the process is performed with a sufficiently
small amount of volatile solvent that, even if the volatile solvent is not removed during manufacture of the insulation,
the volatile solvent will not be present in a sufficient amount to violate applicable environmental or safety regulations

EP 1 242 484 B1

during manufacture, rocket motor storage, or rocket motor operation due to volatilizing of the solvent. Generally, the
term substantially solvent-free preferably means not more than about 5 wt% of volatile solvent based on the dry ingre-
dients of the insulation. Preferably, the process is conducted completely free of volatile solvent.
[0022] In accordance with a first embodiment of this invention, this and other objects are achieved by using liquid
5 EPDM as a significant portion of the EPDM ingredients introduced into the mixing apparatus. The amount of liquid
EPDM ingredient used to ensure adequate distribution of the fibers, without accompanying excessive fragmentation
of the fibers, depends upon the mixing apparatus used. Generally, where a conventional mixer known in the insulation
industry, such as a sigma-blade mixer, is used to disperse the carbon fibers within the EPDM matrix, the insulation
composition preferably contains at least about 50% by weight, and more preferably at least about 90% by weight liquid
10 EPDM as an ingredient, based on the total weight of the EPDM (i.e., both the solid and liquid EPDM ingredients).
Where a vertical blade mixer is used to disperse the carbon fibers within the EPDM matrix, the insulation composition
preferably contains slightly more liquid EPDM, such as at least about 90% by weight, and more preferably at least
about 95% by weight liquid EPDM as an ingredient, based on the total weight of the EPDM (i.e., both the solid and
liquid EPDM ingredients). Where a kneader such as the one illustrated in FIGS. 2-6 is used, even less of the liquid
15 EPDM (or even no liquid EPDM, as detailed in the second embodiment below) is required to obtain homogeneous
dispersion of the fibers without excessive fragmentation, i.e., all of the EPDM can be in a solid state when introduced
into the kneader.
[0023] Generally, the EPDM, i.e., both the solid and liquid ingredients, comprises from about 35 wt% to about 90
wt%, and still more preferably from about 45 wt% to about 75 wt% of the total weight of the rocket motor insulation.
20 The EPDM terpolymer can be formed from 1,4-hexadiene, dicyclopentadiene, and/or an alkylidene norbomene, such
as ethylidene norbomene (ENB), as the diene component. Suitable commercially available liquid EPDM terpolymers
are TRILENE 67A and TRILENE 77, available through Uniroyal Chemical. It is noted, however, that a portion or all of
the liquid EPDM can be substituted for another liquid polymer ingredient, such as liquid polyurethanes, so long as the
substituted liquid polymer ingredient obtains the same distributive function with regard to the carbon fibers without
25 excessive fragmentation. Suitable solid EPDM terpolymers having a 1,4-hexadiene component for use in this invention
include NORDEL 1040, NORDEL 2522, and NORDEL 2722E, made by DuPont. Suitable solid EPDM terpolymers
having an ENB diene component for use in this invention include, without limitation, and as stated above, KELTAN
4506, KELTAN 1446A, KELTAN 2308, each of which is available from DSM of the Netherlands, and NORDEL IP 4520
and NORDEL IP 4640, both of which are and continue to be available from DuPont Dow Elastomers.
30 [0024] The curing package can include sulfur curing agents and/or peroxide curing agents for crosslinking and/or
chain extending polymers or polymer precursors (e.g., prepolymers). A suitable insoluble sulfur curing agent is AKROS-
PERSE IS-70 from Akro Chem, and CRYSTEX OT-20 available through Charles H. Haynes, Inc. Other forms of ele-
mental sulfur can also be used. Suitable peroxide curing agents include dicumyl peroxide, 2,5-dimethyl-2,5-bis-(t-
butylperoxy)hexane, 2,5-dimethyl-2,5-bis-(benzoylperoxy)hexane, 2,5-dimethyl-2,5-di(t-butylperoxy)-3-hexane, n-
35 butyl-4,4-bis-(t-butylperoxyl)valerate, 4,4'-methyl-bis-(cyclohexylamine)carbomate, 1,1-bis-(t-butylperoxy)-3,3,5-tri-
methylcyclohexane, α,α'-bis-(t-butylperoxy)-diisopropylbenzene, 2,5-dimethyl-2,5-bis-(t-butylperoxy)hexyne-3, and t-
butyl perbenzoate. A commercially available peroxide is available under the trade name Di-Cup 40KE, which comprises
about 40% dicumyl peroxide on a clay carrier. (The clay carrier is available from Burgess Pigment Company.) Another
suitable curing agent (besides sulfur and peroxide curing agents) is bromomethyl alkylated phenolic resin, available
40 as SP-1056 from Schenectady Int'l, Inc. of Schenectady, N.Y.
[0025] In typical formulations, the curing agent comprises from about 0.5 phr to about 8 phr, more preferably about
2 phr to about 5 phr. As referred to herein and generally accepted in the art, "phr" means parts by weight per one
hundred parts by weight polymer.
[0026] The curing package preferably also includes at least one phosphate cure accelerator. In the case of a sulfur
45 curing agent, the accelerator can be, by way of example, RHENOCURE AP-5, RHENOCURE AP-7, RHENOCURE
AP-3, RHENOCURE ZADT/G, and RHENOCURE S/G, which are available from Rhein Chemie and Accelerator VS,
available from Akro Chem. Additional cure accelerators that may be used in combination with the phosphate cure
accelerator include butyl zimate; benzothiazyl disulfide (commercially known as ALTAX); dithiocarbamate- containing
blends (such as AKROFORM DELTA P.M. from AkroChem); and sulfides such as dipentmethylenethiuram hexasulfide
50 (such as SULFAD from R.T. Vanderbilt). While the use of Accelerator VS was initially unacceptable in some formulations
because of the foul odor problem it generated, it has also been now found that such formulations can be prepared with
no significant odor if about 1.0 phr magnesium oxide is added thereto.
[0027] Suitable cure activators for the curing package include metal oxides, such as zinc oxide (e.g., TZFD-88p from
Rhein Chemie Corp. of Trenton, N.J), magnesium oxide (e.g., Elastomag 170, from Morton Chemical Co.), and stearic
55 acid (including palmitic acid), which is available from Harwick Standard Distribution Corp. of Akron, Ohio.
[0028] The carbon fibers are fibers having been subject to at least partial graphitization or carbonization, and pref-
erably have about 98 wt% or more carbon content. The carbon fibers should have lengths suitable for distribution in
mixing equipment. Generally, the carbon fibers are preferably non-continuous, and not less than about 1/16 of an inch

EP 1 242 484 B1

in length and not more than about 6 inches in length, although these ranges are not exhaustive as to the scope of the
invention. Carbon fibers are supplied commercially by several companies, including FORTAFIL fibers (e.g., FORTAFIL
140 and FORTAFIL 144) from Akzo Nobel of Knoxville, Tennessee, carbon fibers available from Amoco of Charleston,
S. Carolina; and PANEX 33 (ϖ" x 8" or ϖ" x 15"), supplied by Zoltec of St. Louis, Missouri. Generally, the carbon fibers
5 are present in an amount of from about 2 wt% to about 50 wt%, more preferably from about 10 wt% to about 30 wt%,
based on the total weight of the insulation. The amount of carbon fibers will generally vary depending on the presence
of other ingredients, such as char forming agents, especially phosphate fire retardants, which supplement the carbon
fibers by imparting desired physical properties to the insulation.
[0029] The carbon fibers can be used alone or in combination with other materials affecting the ablative and me-
10 chanical properties of the insulation. By way of example, suitable materials include polybenzoxazole fibers, polyben-
zimidazole fibers, aramid fibers, iron oxide, milled glass, silica, ceramic clay, and the like. Suitable silica particles include
HiSil 233 available from PPG Industries, Inc. of Lake Charles, Louisiana and hydophobized silica particles available
from Cabot Corporation as CAB-O-SIL® TS-610, CAB-O-SIL® TG-308F, CAB-O-SIL® TG-720, CAB-O-SIL® TS-500,
CAB-Q-SIL® TS-530, and CAB-O-SIL® TG-810G; Degussa as AEROSIL R972, AEROSIL R974, AEROSIL R812,
R711, and AEROSIL R104; and Tulco Inc. as TULLANOX 500.
[0030] Suitable additives that may be added as required or desired include one or more of the following, in various
combinations: antioxidants, flame retardants, tackifiers, plasticizers, processing aids, carbon black, pigments, and
bonding agents.
20 [0031] Representative antioxidants for improving the longevity of the cured elastomer include, by way of example,
diphenylamine reacted with acetone, available as BLE®-25 Liquid from Uniroyal Chemical; a mixture of mono-, di-,
and tri-styrenated phenols, available as AGERITE SPAR from B.F. Goodrich Chemical Co. Other suitable antioxidants
include polymerized 1,2-dihydro-2,2,4-trimethylquinoline (AGERITE RESIN D) and mixed octylated diphenylamines
(AGERITE STATLITES), each of which is available from R.T. Vanderbilt Co.
25 [0032] Fillers that function as flame retardants, or char forming additives, can be used, if desired, in lesser amounts
than most other additives, which makes it easier to formulate the insulation with good mechanical properties. Both
inorganic and organic flame retardants are expected to be useful in the present invention. Examples of organic flame
retardants include: chlorinated hydrocarbon, available as DECHLORANE®, in combination with antimony oxide (op-
tionally with diisodecyl phthalate (DIDP)) or hydrated alumina (such as Hydral 710 aluminum trihydrate); melamine
30 cyanurate; phosphate and phosphate derivatives, available as PHOSCHEK P/30® (ammonium polyphosphate) pro-
duced by Monsanto Chemical, which can be used alone or in combination with pentaerythritol; DECHLORANE PLUS
25 from Occidental Chemical Corporation of Niagara Falls, N.Y.; and silcone resin, such as DC4-7051 available through
Dow Corning. An example of an inorganic flame retardant is zinc borate, such as FIREBRAKE® ZB from U.S. Borax.
[0033] Examples of suitable tackifiers are WINGTACK 95 and AKROCHEM P-133. Other ingredients, such as pig-
35 ments and extruder processing aids (e.g., ARMEEN 18-D) well known in the art and/or suitable for use in rocket motor
thermal insulation applications and extruder techniques, are intended to be included within the scope of the present
invention. A suitable modifying elastomer is chlorosulfonated polyethylene, such as HYPALON-20 available from Du-
Pont Dow Elastomers. Nonvolatile plasticizers such as hydrocarbon oil, can also be used.
[0034] The casting of the inventive insulation into a case and curing of the inventive insulation may be performed in
40 accordance with techniques known in the art. As referred to herein and in the appended claims, the inventive compo-
sition can be, inter alia, either applied by casting into a rocket motor case then cured, or cured, optionally cut into
appropriate geometry and size, the subsequently applied into the rocket motor case.
[0035] Referring now more particularly to FIGS. 2-6, the kneader in accordance with a preferred embodiment of this
invention is a Buss Kneader® available through Buss Compounding Systems, AG, a plant engineering group of Georg
45 Fischer Plant Engineering. A representative Buss Kneader® brand kneader is model MDK/E-46. This kneader is com-
mercially available, and is currently believed to have been used in the past in various other industries, including the
following: construction; electrical and electronic component parts; automotive parts; chemicals; house appliances; food-
stuffs, packaging, and consumer goods. Another similar kneader is available from B&P Process Equipment & Systems.
[0036] The Buss Kneader® brand kneader has a housing module (or barrel) 20 defining a chamber 22. A plurality
50 of additional modules (not shown) having respective chambers can be united together to provide an extended chamber.
The housing module 20 can be equipped with a jacket or internal fluid passages for heating. In order to allow for ease
in maintenance and operation, the housing module 20 can be a split-barrel arrangement to allow opening of the barrel
20 along its length, thereby facilitating access to the chamber 22.
[0037] In the illustrated embodiment, a single rotatable screw 24 is received in the chamber 22. Generally, the screw
55 24 is from about 30 mm to about 200 mm in diameter, and has a length-to-diameter (L:D) ratio of from about 8:1 to
about 20:1, although this invention is not so limited, given the flexibility of uniting a desired number of modules 20.
[0038] As shown in FIGS. 2-6, the periphery of the screw 24 has a plurality of screw flights 30. The screw flights 30
each have a rhombic configuration in the illustrate embodiment, although the present invention is not thereby limited

EP 1 242 484 B1

in scope. As best shown in FIG. 4, the screw flights 30 are arranged relative to each other to provide a plurality of
screw flight columns 32. For each of these screw flight columns 32, the respective screw flights 30 thereof are aligned
along the longitudinal axis of the screw 24, yet spaced from each other by an axial distance. In a preferred embodiment,
the screw 24 has three screw flight columns 32a, 32b, and 32c. The circumferential centers C of the screw flights 30
5 of screw flight column 32a are positioned about the circumference at intervals of 120° from the circumferential centers
of the screw flights 30 of screw flight columns 32b and 32c. Defined between each of the adjacent columns 32a, 32b,
and 32c are gaps 34a, 34b, and 34c. Whereas the screw of a conventional single-screw extruder has a continuous
spiral or helical screw face extending along its length, the screw 24 of the illustrated embodiment has a discontinuous
screw face, with the spiral or helical path of the screw face being interpreted by the gaps 34.
10 [0039] The housing module 20 has kneading pins (also referred to as kneading teeth) 40, which in the illustrated
embodiment have diamond-shaped cross sections. Each of the kneading pins 20 extends from an inner peripheral
thereof along a respective radial direction of the housing module 20. As shown in FIG. 4, the kneading pins 20 collec-
tively define three kneading pin columns 42a, 42b, and 42c, each spaced 120° from each other about the circumference
of the screw 24 and dimensioned so as to be receivable in the gaps 34. The kneading teeth can be hollow and connected
15 to a supply means for permitting the injection of fluid constituents through the kneading teeth and directly into the melt.
[0040] During operation, the screw 24 is rotated about its longitudinal axis while an axial stroke is superimposed on
the screw 24 to oscillate the screw 24 back and forth in the axial direction. A gear box (not shown), also available with
the Buss Kneader® brand kneader through Georg Fischer Plant Engineering, preferably ensures that each revolution
of the screw 24 is accompanied by one full forward and backwards stroke of the screw 24. At the same time, the
20 housing module 20 and kneading pins 40 remain stationary relative to the rotating/oscillating screw 24.
[0041] The rotating/oscillating movement of the screw 24 causes the kneading pins 40 to traverse across the faces
of respective kneading flights 30, thus generating a shear which cleans the faces of the kneading flights 30 and effects
dispersion and distributive mixing. This relative movement between the kneading flights and the kneading pins 40 is
explained below in more detail with reference to FIG. 6, which shows selected pins 40a and 40c and their respective
25 paths of movement relative to the screw 24. As shown in FIG. 6, the kneading pins 40 moves across the faces of the
kneading flights 30 and across the gaps 34, thereby cleaning the faces of the kneading flights 30 and causing dispersion
and distributive mixing to take place.
[0042] As mentioned above, a Buss Kneader® model MDK/E-46 brand kneader having a 46 mm single screw with
a process L/D ratio of 11:1 can be used. This model kneader can be used in combination with a Reliance 40 HP 1750
30 rpm DC Motor and Flex Pak 3000 controller.
[0043] Vertical feeds can be provided at different axial locations along the length of the housing module 20. Preferably,
the inlet feeders are jacketed vertical screw feeders. Generally, the polymeric ingredients and carbon fiber are intro-
duced into the most upstream feed, fire retardants and other additives are added further downstream (along the axial
direction of the housing module 20), and the curing package is introduced at the most downstream feed port. In this
35 manner, insulation composition may be continuously produced. The temperature of the chamber is generally set in the
range of from about 66°C (150°F) to 93°C (200°F) during operation.
[0044] An advantage of using the kneader of this second embodiment is that the insulation composition discharged
from the kneader can be introduced directly into an extruder for extrusion of the EPDM material. A suitable extruder
for use with the kneader of this second embodiment is a discharge extruder GS70. The ability to extrude in this em-
40 bodiment provides improvements over conventional techniques, in which the insulation composition is calendered into
sheets then cut.


45 [0045] The following examples illustrate embodiments which have been made in accordance with the present inven-
tion. Also set forth are comparative examples prepared for comparison purposes. The inventive embodiments are not
exhaustive or exclusive, but merely representative of the many types of embodiments which may be prepared according
to this invention.













(all units in parts by weight)
Ingredient 1 2 3 4 5 6 A B
Trilene 67 [liquid EPDM] 100 100 100 100 100 100 40
DSM Keltan [solid EPDM] 50
NORDEL 1040 80
[solid EPDM]
Neoprene FB 20
Hypalon 20 10

EP 1 242 484 B1
Panex 33x8 [1/4" fibers] 26
Fortafil 144 38.5 45 40.5 30 25.7 26.85

[carbon fibers]
VCM [carbon fibers] 41
Akrochem P-133 5
Agerite Stalite S 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1
Agerite Resin D 2
HiSil 233 [fire retardant filler/char forming agent] 5 5 5 5 5 5 3
FireBrake ZB [fire retardant filler/char forming agent] 19.5
Hydral 710 19.5
Trihydrate [filler]
Carbon black I










TABLE 1 (continued)
(all units in parts by weight)
Ingredient 1 2 3 4 5 6 A B
DC4-7051 [fire retardant/char forming agent] 5 8.5 5 5 5
Ferric oxide 1.13
Antimony oxide 18
(4% DIDP) [fire retardant/filler]
Dechlorane Plus 25 [fire retardant filler/char forming agent] 45
Pentacrythritol PE 200 [fire retardant filler/char forming agent] 8.5
Phos-Check P/40 30

EP 1 242 484 B1
[fire retardant filler/char forming agent]
Melamine 25 25 25
cyanurate [fire retardant filler/char forming agent]

Zinc oxide 5 5
Kadox 920C zinc 5 4 4 4 4 5
oxide [activator]
Altax [accelerator] 1.1 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.2
Accelerator VS 2.7
Akroform Delta 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.25
P.M. [accelerator]
Sulfads 0.82 0.82 0.82 0.82 0.82 0.75
Butyl zimate 0.5
Rhenocure AP-5 3.5










TABLE 1 (continued)
(all units in parts by weight)
Ingredient 1 2 3 4 5 6 A B
Crystex OT-20 1.05 1.22 1.22 1.22 1.22 1.22
SP-1056 [curative] 1.1
Captax I
Tellurac 0.5
Sulfur [curative] 1

EP 1 242 484 B1
Total Parts by 172.8 192.3 223.9 202.3 149.8 171.2 178.95 153.25
EP 1 242 484 B1

Examples 1 and 6:

[0046] All solid ingredients, with the exception of the TRILENE 67, were blended in a V-shell blender at ambient
temperature over several hours. The TRILENE 67 was separately introduced into a Brabender mixer equipped with a
5 sigma blade operating at 10 rpm and set to 60°C (140°F). The TRILENE 67 was mixed in the Brabender mixer for a
sufficient amount of time to warm the TRILENE 67 to 60°C. Next, the blended material from the V-shell blender was
introduced into the Brabender mixer and allowed to mix with the TRILENE 67 until the fibers were uniformly dispersed
in the TRILENE 67. The formulation was then dumped from the Brabender mixer to a mill for shaping into sheets before
cooling. Each sheet was about 1.27 cm (0.5 inch) in thickness.
Examples 2 through 5

[0047] All solid ingredients, with the exception of the TRILENE 67 and the carbon fibers, were blended in a V-shell
blender at ambient temperature over several hours. The TRILENE 67 was separately introduced into a Brabender
15 mixer equipped with a sigma blade operating at 50 rpm and set to 77°C (170°F). The TRILENE 67 was mixed in the
Brabender mixer for a sufficient amount of time to warm the TRILENE 67 to 77°C. Next, the blended material from the
V-shell blender was introduced into the Brabender mixer and allowed to mix with the TRILENE 67. The speed of the
Brabender mixer was then slowed to 20 rpm, and the fibers were introduced into the Brabender mixer and mixed until
the fibers were uniformly dispersed in the TRILENE 67. The formulation was then dumped from the Brabender mixer
20 to a mill for shaping into sheets before cooling. Each sheet was about 1.27 cm (0.5 inch) in thickness.

Comparative Examples A and B

[0048] Comparative Example A was prepared by mixing all of the ingredients, with the exception of the carbon fiber,
25 in a laboratory mixer. The carbon fiber was incorporated into this mixture in a twin screw extruder (containing counter-
rotating screws) by adding the mixed polymeric material and the carbon fibers in a single port of the twin screw extruder.
Comparative Example B was made by solvent processing with a hydrocarbon solvent.

EXAMPLE Comparative
1 2 3 4 5 6 A B
Average Ablation 3.29 3.98 4.89 3.96 4.05 3.31 3.37 3.45
35 Rate for Lower
Section (mm/s)
Average Ablation 12.34 9.36 12.63 9.97 12.97 11.80 16.96 12.76
Rate for Middle
Section (mm/s)
Average Ablation 23.44 14.12 12.72 12.79 20.45 17.94 35.23 18.13
Rate for Upper
Section (mm/s)

45 [0049] From Table II, it is seen that the inventive examples containing liquid EPDM as their exclusive EPDM ingredient
(i.e., no solid EPDM) exhibited comparative, and in some instances improved ablative properties to Comparative Ex-
ample A (containing less than half liquid EPDM based on the total weight of EPDM ingredients) and Comparative
Example B (containing no liquid EPDM).
[0050] Examples 7 to 9 were prepared in accordance with a second embodiment of this invention, by kneading the
50 insulation in a Buss Kneader®. The ingredients of the insulation compositions of examples 7-9 are set forth below in
Table III. The ablative properties of examples 7-9, a comparison of these properties to that of inventive example 4, are
set forth below in Table IV.


EP 1 242 484 B1

(all units in parts by weight)

Ingredient 7 8 9
DSM Keltan 1446A 100 100 100
[solid EPDM]
10 Fortafil 243 [carbon fibers] 40.52 44.45 55.55
Cure/Filler 14.86 14.88 14.88
Fire Retardant 47.02 62.72 51.62
Total Parts by 202.40 222.05 222.05


7 8 9 4
Average Ablation 3.68 2.85 3.44 3.35
Rate for Lower
Section (mm/s)
Average Ablation 9.41 8.97 9.79 9.40
Rate for Middle
Section (mm/s)
Average Ablation 15.42 14.75 13.61 11.64
Rate for Upper
Section (mm/s)

[0051] As shown by Table IV, the insulation prepared in a Buss Kneader® without any liquid EPDM exhibited com-
35 parable erosion resistance to Example 4, which was prepared in a sigma mixer with liquid EPDM.
[0052] The tests were performed in a char motor, such as the one illustrated in FIG. 7. Char motors are constructed
to evaluate the ablative properties of solid rocket motor case insulation materials. A char motor includes a propellant
beaker 70 to provide the combustion gases, evaluation chambers to hold the test materials, and a constricting nozzle
to produce the required pressure. The evaluation chamber is divided into three sections. The first one is a "low velocity"
40 cylindrical region 72 about eight inches long and eight inches in diameter (approximately the same diameter as the
propellant beaker). A short conical transition chamber 74 constricts the gas flow into a diameter of about 2 inches and
vents the propellant gases into a 22 inch long conical test chamber. This test chamber is divided into the "mid-velocity"
region 76 and "high-velocity" region 78.
[0053] Samples of insulation material to be evaluated are molded, cured, and bonded with epoxy into each of the
45 test chambers. Prior to assembly, the cured length is determined and the thickness of each evaluation material is
measured at selected intervals, nominally one inch apart. Each sample is also weighed. The samples are then assem-
bled into the low-velocity section, the mid-velocity section, and the high-velocity section. After firing, the motor is dis-
assembled, each sample is measured again. The ablation rate is determined by subtracting the post-fired thickness
of the insulation of virgin insulation (i.e., after the char had been removed) at a given point from the pre-fired thickness
50 and dividing the result by the burn time of the motor. For these tests, more than one section of material was measured,
and the average of all of the sections are reported above.
[0054] The char motors were fired with RSRM TP-H1148 (polybutadieneacrylic acid acrylonitrile (PBAN-based)) pro-
pellant. For examples 1-3 and comparative example A set forth in Tables I and II, the motor was fired for 12.10 seconds
at an average pressure of 880 psi. For examples 4-6 set forth in Tables I and II, the motor was fired for 11.56 seconds
55 at an average pressure of 825 psi. Comparative example B was fired for 11.89 seconds at an average pressure of 885
psi. For examples 7-9 and 4 set forth in Tables III and IV, the motor was fired for 12.46 seconds at an average pressure
of 916.07 psi.
[0055] The foregoing detailed description of the invention has been provided for the purpose of explaining the prin-

EP 1 242 484 B1

ciples of the invention and its practical application, thereby enabling others skilled in the art to understand the invention
for various embodiments and with various modifications as are suited to the particular use contemplated. This descrip-
tion is not intended to be exhaustive or to limit the invention to the precise embodiments disclosed. Modifications and
equivalents will be apparent to practitioners skilled in this art and are encompassed within the spirit and scope of the
5 appended claims.


10 1. A method of insulating a case of a rocket motor loaded with a solid propellant, said method comprising:

preparing insulation from a composition comprising a crosslinkable liquid polymer and carbon fibers, the com-
position including the crosslinkable liquid polymer in a sufficient concentration to permit the carbon fibers to
be dispersed into the composition by mixing under substantially solvent-free conditions; and
15 curing the composition to form the insulation and insulating the case of the rocket motor with the insulation.

2. A method of insulating a case of a rocket motor loaded with a solid propellant, said method comprising:

preparing insulation from a composition comprising a crosslinkable EPDM terpolymer and carbon fibers, the
20 crosslinkable EPDM terpolymer comprising a crosslinkable liquid EPDM terpolymer in a sufficient concentra-
tion to permit the carbon fibers to be dispersed into the composition by mixing under substantially solvent-free
conditions; and
curing the composition to form the insulation and insulating the case of the rocket motor with the insulation.

25 3. The method of claim 2, wherein said insulating comprises applying the insulation to an interior surface of the case
and interposing the insulation between the interior surface and the solid propellant.

4. The method of claim 3, wherein 100 weight percent of the crosslinkable EPDM terpolymer in the composition
consists of the crosslinkable liquid EPDM terpolymer.
5. The method of claim 3, wherein at least about 95 weight percent of the crosslinkable EPDM terpolymer in the
composition consists of the crosslinkable liquid EPDM terpolymer.

6. The method of claim 3, wherein at least about 90 weight percent of the crosslinkable EPDM terpolymer in the
35 composition consists of the crosslinkable liquid EPDM terpolymer.

7. The method of claim 3, wherein said preparing of the insulation comprises mixing the composition in a vertical-
blade mixer or sigma-blade mixer.

40 8. The method of claim 3, wherein at least about 50 weight percent of the crosslinkable EPDM terpolymer in the
composition consists of the crosslinkable liquid EPDM terpolymer, and further wherein said preparing of the insu-
lation comprises mixing the composition in a sigma-blade mixer.

9. The method of claim 2, wherein the composition comprises dry ingredients, and wherein said preparing of the
45 insulation comprises mixing the composition under conditions in which the composition comprises not more than
about 5 weight percent of volatile solvent based on the dry ingredients in the composition.

10. The method of claim 2, wherein said preparing of the insulation comprises mixing the composition in the absence
of any volatile solvent.
11. A method of insulating a case of a rocket motor loaded with a solid propellant, said method comprising:

providing a kneader comprising at least one housing module provided with a chamber, a plurality of kneader
pins extending radially into the chamber from the housing module, and a screw which is.rotatable about a
55 longitudinal axis thereof and movable along the longitudinal axis in a reciprocating motion, the screw having
a peripheral surface including a plurality of screw flights arranged to collectively define a discontinuous screw
thread extending along the longitudinal axis of the screw;
preparing insulation from a composition comprising at least one crosslinkable polymer and carbon fibers, said

EP 1 242 484 B1

preparing of the insulation comprising introducing the composition into the kneader, and rotating the screw
along the longitudinal axis thereof while superimposing the longitudinal reciprocating motion to the screw; and
curing the composition to form the insulation and insulating the case of the rocket motor with the insulation.

5 12. A method of insulating a case of a rocket motor loaded with a solid propellant, said method comprising:

providing a kneader comprising at least one housing module provided with a chamber, a plurality of kneader
pins extending radially into the chamber from the housing module, and a screw which is rotatable about a
longitudinal axis thereof and movable along the longitudinal axis in a reciprocating motion, the screw having
10 a peripheral surface including a plurality of screw flights arranged to collectively define a discontinuous screw
thread extending along the longitudinal axis of the screw;
preparing insulation from a composition comprising at least one crosslinkable EPDM terpolymer and carbon
fibers, said preparing of the insulation comprising introducing the composition into the kneader, and rotating
the screw along the longitudinal axis thereof while superimposing the longitudinal reciprocating motion to the
15 screw; and
curing the composition to form the insulation and insulating the case of the rocket motor with the insulation.

13. The method of claim 12, wherein said preparing of the insulation comprises mixing the composition in the kneader
under substantially solvent-free conditions.
14. The method of claim 12, wherein said insulating of the case comprises applying the insulation to an interior surface
of the case and interposing the insulation between the interior surface and the solid propellant.

15. The method of claim 12, wherein 100 weight percent of the crosslinkable EPDM terpolymer consists of crosslinkable
25 liquid EPDM terpolymer.

16. The method of claim 12, wherein at least about 90 weight percent of the crosslinkable EPDM terpolymer consists
of crosslinkable liquid EPDM terpolymer.

30 17. The method of claim 12, wherein at least about 50 weight percent of the crosslinkable EPDM terpolymer consists
of crosslinkable liquid EPDM terpolymer.

18. The method of claim 12, wherein the composition is free of liquid EPDM.

35 19. The method of claim 12, wherein the composition comprises dry ingredients, and wherein said preparing of the
insulation comprises mixing the composition under conditions in which the composition comprises not more than
about 5 weight percent of volatile solvent based on dry ingredients in the composition.

20. The method of claim 12, wherein said preparing of the insulation comprises mixing the composition in the kneader
40 in the absence of any volatile solvent.


45 1. Verfahren zur Isolierung eines Gehäuses eines Raketenmotors, der mit einem festen Treibstoff beschickt wird,
wobei dieses Verfahren Folgendes umfasst:

- Herstellung des Isoliermaterials aus einem Gemisch, das ein vernetzbares, flüssiges Polymer und Kohlen-
stofffasern umfasst, wobei das Gemisch das vernetzbare, flüssige Polymer in einer so ausreichenden Kon-
50 zentration enthält, dass die Kohlenstofffasern in dem Gemisch fein verteilt werden können, indem sie unter
im Wesentlichen lösungsmittelfreien Bedingungen verrührt werden; und
- Aushärtung des Gemischs, um das Isoliermaterial zu bilden, sowie Isolierung des Gehäuses des Raketen-
motors mit dem Isoliermaterial.

55 2. Verfahren zur Isolierung eines Gehäuses eines Raketenmotors, der mit einem festen Treibstoff beschickt wird,
wobei dieses Verfahren Folgendes umfasst:

- Herstellung des Isoliermaterials aus einem Gemisch, das ein vernetzbares Terpolymer aus EPDM (Ethylen-

EP 1 242 484 B1

Propylen-Dien-Monomeren) und Kohlenstofffasern umfasst, wobei das vernetzbare EPDM-Terpolymer ein

vernetzbares, flüssiges EPDM-Terpolymer in einer so ausreichenden Konzentration enthält, dass die Kohlen-
stofffasern in dem Gemisch fein verteilt werden können, indem sie unter im Wesentlichen lösungsmittelfreien
Bedingungen verrührt werden; und
5 - Aushärtung des Gemischs, um das Isoliermaterial zu bilden, sowie Isolierung des Gehäuses des Raketen-
motors mit dem Isoliermaterial.

3. Verfahren nach Anspruch 2, worin dieser Isolierungsvorgang das Aufbringen des Isoliermaterials auf einer Innen-
oberfläche des Gehäuses und das Einfügen des Isoliermaterials zwischen der Innenoberfläche und dem festen
10 Treibstoff umfasst.

4. Verfahren nach Anspruch 3, worin 100 Gewichtsprozent des vernetzbaren EPDM-Terpolymers in dem Gemisch
aus dem vernetzbaren, flüssigen EPDM-Terpolymer bestehen.

15 5. Verfahren nach Anspruch 3, worin wenigstens etwa 95 Gewichtsprozent des vernetzbaren EPDM-Terpolymers in
dem Gemisch aus dem vernetzbaren, flüssigen EPDM-Terpolymer bestehen.

6. Verfahren nach Anspruch 3, worin wenigstens etwa 90 Gewichtsprozent des vernetzbaren EPDM-Terpolymers in
dem Gemisch aus dem vernetzbaren, flüssigen EPDM-Terpolymer bestehen.
7. Verfahren nach Anspruch 3, worin diese Herstellung des Isoliermaterials das Verrühren des Gemischs in einem
Rührwerk mit einem senkrechten Knetarm oder in einem Rührwerk mit einem Z-förmigen Knetarm umfasst.

8. Verfahren nach Anspruch 3, worin wenigstens 50 Gewichtsprozent des vernetzbaren EPDM-Terpolymers in dem
25 Gemisch aus dem vernetzbaren, flüssigen EPDM-Terpolymer bestehen und worin weiterhin diese Herstellung des
Isoliermaterials das Verrühren des Gemischs in einem Rührwerk mit einem Z-förmigen Knetarm umfasst.

9. Verfahren nach Anspruch 2, worin das Gemisch trockene Zusatzstoffe umfasst und worin diese Herstellung des
Isoliermaterials das Verrühren des Gemischs unter Bedingungen umfasst, unter denen das Gemisch nicht mehr
30 als etwa 5 Gewichtsprozent des flüchtigen Lösemittels basierend auf den trockenen Zusatzstoffen in dem Gemisch

10. Verfahren nach Anspruch 2, worin diese Herstellung des Isoliermaterials das Verrühren des Gemischs in Abwe-
senheit eines jeglichen flüssigen Lösemittels umfasst.
11. Verfahren zur Isolierung eines Gehäuses eines Raketenmotors, der mit einem festen Treibstoff beschickt wird,
wobei dieses Verfahren Folgendes umfasst:

- Bereitstellung eines Knetwerks, das wenigstens ein Gehäusemodul, welches mit einer Kammer versehen ist,
40 eine Vielzahl von Knetstiften, die von dem Gehäusemodul radial in die Kammer hineinragen, und eine Schnek-
ke umfasst, die um eine Längsachse von ihr drehbar und entlang der Längsachse in einer Hin- und Herbe-
wegung verschiebbar ist, wobei die Schnecke eine periphere Oberfläche mit einer Vielzahl von Schnecken-
wendeln aufweist, die so angeordnet sind, dass sie zusammen ein diskontinuierliches Schneckengewinde
bilden, das entlang der Längsachse der Schnecke verläuft;
45 - Herstellung des Isoliermaterials aus einem Gemisch, das wenigstens ein vernetzbares Polymer und Kohlen-
stofffasern umfasst, wobei diese Herstellung des Isoliermaterials die Einführung des Gemischs in das Knet-
werk und die Rotation der Schnecke entlang ihrer Längsachse umfasst, während die in Längsrichtung verlau-
fende Hin- und Herbewegung bezüglich der Schnecke überlagert wird; und
- Aushärtung des Gemischs, um das Isoliermaterial zu bilden, sowie Isolierung des Gehäuses des Raketen-
50 motors mit dem Isoliermaterial.

12. Verfahren zur Isolierung eines Gehäuses eines Raketenmotors, der mit einem festen Treibstoff beschickt wird,
wobei dieses Verfahren Folgendes umfasst:

55 - Bereitstellung eines Knetwerks, das wenigstens ein Gehäusemodul, welches mit einer Kammer versehen ist,
eine Vielzahl von Knetstiften, die von dem Gehäusemodul radial in die Kammer hineinragen, und eine Schnek-
ke umfasst, die um eine Längsachse von ihr drehbar und entlang der Längsachse in einer Hin- und Herbe-
wegung verschiebbar ist, wobei die Schnecke eine periphere Oberfläche mit einer Vielzahl von Schnecken-

EP 1 242 484 B1

wendeln aufweist, die so angeordnet sind, dass sie zusammen ein diskontinuierliches Schneckengewinde
bilden, das entlang der Längsachse der Schnecke verläuft;
- Herstellung des Isoliermaterials aus einem Gemisch, das wenigstens ein vernetzbares EPDM-Terpolymer und
Kohlenstofffasern umfasst, wobei diese Herstellung des Isoliermaterials die Einführung des Gemischs in das
5 Knetwerk und die Rotation der Schnecke entlang ihrer Längsachse umfasst, während die in Längsrichtung
verlaufende Hin- und Herbewegung bezüglich der Schnecke überlagert wird; und
- Aushärtung des Gemischs, um das Isoliermaterial zu bilden, sowie Isolierung des Gehäuses des Raketen-
motors mit dem Isoliermaterial.

10 13. Verfahren nach Anspruch 12, worin diese Herstellung des Isoliermaterials das Verrühren des Gemischs in dem
Knetwerk unter im Wesentlichen lösemittelfreien Bedingungen umfasst.

14. Verfahren nach Anspruch 12, worin diese Isolierung des Gehäuses das Aufbringen des Isoliermaterials auf einer
Innenoberfläche des Gehäuses und das Einfügen des Isoliermaterials zwischen der Innenoberfläche und dem
15 festen Treibstoff umfasst.

15. Verfahren nach Anspruch 12, worin 100 Gewichtsprozent des vernetzbaren EPDM-Terpolymers aus einem ver-
netzbaren, flüssigen EPDM-Terpolymer bestehen.

20 16. Verfahren nach Anspruch 12, worin wenigstens etwa 90 Gewichtsprozent des vernetzbaren EPDM-Terpolymers
aus einem vernetzbaren, flüssigen EPDM-Terpolymer bestehen.

17. Verfahren nach Anspruch 12, worin wenigstens etwa 50 Gewichtsprozent des vernetzbaren EPDM-Terpolymers
aus einem vernetzbaren, flüssigen EPDM-Terpolymer bestehen.
18. Verfahren nach Anspruch 12, worin das Gemisch frei von flüssigen EPDM ist.

19. Verfahren nach Anspruch 12, worin das Gemisch trockene Zusatzstoffe umfasst und worin diese Herstellung des
Isoliermaterials das Verrühren des Gemischs unter Bedingungen umfasst, unter denen das Gemisch nicht mehr
30 als etwa 5 Gewichtsprozent des flüchtigen Lösemittels basierend auf den trockenen Zusatzstoffen in dem Gemisch

20. Verfahren nach Anspruch 12, worin diese Herstellung des Isoliermaterials das Verrühren des Gemischs in dem
Knetwerk in Abwesenheit eines jeglichen flüssigen Lösemittels umfasst.


1. Procédé d'isolation d'un carter de moteur de fusée chargé d'un combustible solide, ledit procédé comprenant :
- la préparation d'un isolant à partir d'une composition comprenant un polymère liquide réticulable et des fibres
de carbone, la composition comprenant le polymère liquide réticulable selon une concentration suffisante pour
permettre aux fibres de carbone de se disperser dans la composition par mélange sous des conditions sen-
siblement exemptes de solvant ; et
45 - le durcissement de la composition pour former l'isolant et l'isolation du carter de moteur de fusée à l'aide de
cet isolant.

2. Procédé d'isolation d'un carter de moteur de fusée chargé d'un combustible solide, ledit procédé comprenant :

50 - la préparation d'un isolant à partir d'une composition comprenant un terpolymère EPDM réticulable et des
fibres de carbone, le terpolymère EPDM réticulable comprenant le terpolymère EPDM réticulable liquide selon
une concentration suffisante pour permettre aux fibres de carbone de se disperser dans la composition par
mélange sous des conditions sensiblement exemptes de solvant ; et
- le durcissement de la composition pour former l'isolant et l'isolation du carter de moteur de fusée à l'aide de
55 cet isolant.

3. Procédé selon la revendication 2, selon lequel ladite isolation comprend l'application de l'isolant sur une surface
intérieure du boîtier et l'interposition de l'isolant entre la surface intérieure et le combustible solide.

EP 1 242 484 B1

4. Procédé selon la revendication 3, selon lequel 100% en poids de terpolymère EPDM réticulable dans la compo-
sition consistent en un terpolymère EPDM réticulable liquide.

5. Procédé selon la revendication 3, selon lequel au moins environ 95% en poids de terpolymère EPDM réticulable
5 dans la composition consistent en un terpolymère EPDM réticulable liquide.

6. Procédé selon la revendication 3, selon lequel au moins environ 90% en poids de terpolymère EPDM réticulable
dans la composition consistent en un terpolymère EPDM réticulable liquide.

10 7. Procédé selon la revendication 3, selon lequel ladite préparation de l'isolant comprend le mélange de la compo-
sition dans un mélangeur à lame verticale ou dans un mélangeur à lame sigma.

8. Procédé selon la revendication 3, selon lequel au moins environ 50% en poids du terpolymère EPDM réticulable
de la composition consiste en un terpolymère EPDM réticulable liquide, et selon lequel ladite préparation de l'isolant
15 comprend, de plus, le mélange de la composition dans un mélangeur à lame sigma.

9. Procédé selon la revendication 2, selon lequel la composition comprend des ingrédients secs et selon lequel ladite
préparation de l'isolant comprend le mélange de la composition dans des conditions où la composition ne comprend
pas plus d'environ 5% en poids de solvant volatile sur la base des ingrédients secs de la composition.
10. Procédé selon la revendication 2, selon lequel ladite préparation de l'isolant comprend le mélange de la compo-
sition en l'absence de tout solvant volatile.

11. Procédé d'isolation d'un carter de moteur de fusée chargé d'un combustible solide, ledit procédé comprenant :
- la prévision d'un malaxeur comprenant au moins un module d'enveloppe muni d'une chambre, une pluralité
de broches de malaxeur s'étendant radialement dans la chambre à partir du module d'enveloppe et une vis
pouvant tourner autour de son axe longitudinal et mobile le long de l'axe longitudinal selon un déplacement
alterné, la vis présentant une surface de périphérie comprenant une pluralité de ** prévus pour définir collec-
30 tivement un filet discontinu de vis s'étendant le long de l'axe longitudinal de la vis ;
- la préparation d'un isolant à partir d'une composition comprenant au moins un polymère réticulable et des
fibres de carbone, ladite préparation de l'isolant comprenant l'introduction de la composition dans le malaxeur
et la mise en rotation de la vis le long de son axe longitudinal tout en superposant le déplacement longitudinal
alterné de la vis ; et
35 - le durcissement de la composition afin de former l'isolant et l'isolation du carter du moteur de fusée à l'aide
de l'isolant.

12. Procédé d'isolation d'un carter de moteur de fusée chargé d'un combustible solide, ledit procédé comprenant :

40 - la prévision d'un malaxeur comprenant au moins un module d'enveloppe muni d'une chambre, une pluralité
de broches de malaxeur s'étendant radialement dans la chambre à partir du module d'enveloppe et une vis
pouvant tourner autour de son axe longitudinal et mobile le long de l'axe longitudinal selon un déplacement
alterné, la vis présentant une surface de périphérie comprenant une pluralité de ** prévus pour définir collec-
tivement un filet discontinu de vis s'étendant le long de l'axe longitudinal de la vis ;
45 - la préparation d'un isolant à partir d'une composition comprenant au moins un terpolymère EPDM réticulable
et des fibres de carbone, ladite préparation de l'isolant comprenant l'introduction de la composition dans le
malaxeur et la mise en rotation de la vis le long de son axe longitudinal tout en superposant le déplacement
longitudinal alterné de la vis ; et
- le durcissement de la composition afin de former l'isolant et l'isolation du carter du moteur de fusée à l'aide
50 de l'isolant.

13. Procédé selon la revendication 12, selon lequel ladite préparation de l'isolant comprend le mélange de la compo-
sition dans le malaxeur dans des conditions sensiblement exemptes de solvant.

55 14. Procédé selon la revendication 12, selon lequel ladite isolation du carter comprend l'application de l'isolant sur
une surface intérieure du carter et l'interposition de l'isolant entre la surface intérieure et le combustible solide.

15. Procédé selon la revendication 12, selon lequel 100% du terpolymère EPDM réticulable consistent en un terpo-

EP 1 242 484 B1

lymère EPDM réticulable liquide.

16. Procédé selon la revendication 12, selon lequel au moins environ 90% du terpolymère EPDM réticulable consistent
en un terpolymère EPDM réticulable liquide.
17. Procédé selon la revendication 12, selon lequel au moins environ 50% du terpolymère EPDM réticulable consistent
en un terpolymère EPDM réticulable liquide.

18. Procédé selon la revendication 12, selon lequel la composition est exempte de EPDM liquide.
19. Procédé selon la revendication 12, selon lequel la composition comprend des ingrédients secs, et selon lequel
ladite préparation de l'isolant comprend le mélange de la composition dans des conditions pour lesquelles la com-
position ne comprend pas plus d'environ 5% en poids de solvant volatile sur la base des ingrédients secs de la
20. Procédé selon la revendication 12, selon lequel ladite préparation de l'isolant comprend le mélange de la compo-
sition dans le malaxeur en l'absence de tout solvant volatile.









EP 1 242 484 B1

EP 1 242 484 B1

EP 1 242 484 B1

EP 1 242 484 B1

EP 1 242 484 B1


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