Shobihatul Fitroh Noviyanti
Shobihatul Fitroh Noviyanti
Shobihatul Fitroh Noviyanti
e-ISSN: 2775-2933
Volume _ 4 , Issue . 2 , 20 23 , pp. 297-306
How to Cite Hasanah, M. (2021) . The Effect of Two Stay Two Stray Cooperative Learning Model on
Mathematics Communication Ability . Chalim Journal of Teaching and Learning, Volume 1 (1), 1-5.
The main factor that determines most success in education is the teacher. Teachers must
have the competency, academic qualification, certificate educators, physical and mental health, as
well as the ability to reach the objective (Teacher Law Number 14 of 2005). Activities that
develop teacher professionalism become important to increase the quality of education. As
environmental educators school, always demand creative and developing methods of learning to
develop advanced competence. An instructor who can considered worthy as a teacher or
professional if specified criteria in Constitution Number 14 of 2005 concerning Teachers and
instructors has informed about definition or standard for experienced teachers. According to
regulations, Paragraph 1 Article 10 explains that professional teachers have four abilities. To fulfil
teacher requirements, they are considered worthy teaching, that is, competent pedagogical,
professional capacity, competent personality, and social abilities. Besides that condition, I have
become a teacher, too, as arranged in Law No. 14 of 2003 concerning the National Education
System (Indonesian Law No. 20, 2003) and Law No. 14 of 2005 concerning Teachers and
Regulations Government No. 19 of 2005 concerning National Education Standards later
changed to Regulation Government No. 32 of 2013 concerning National Education Standards.
From several regulations, an educator or teachers in educational institutions should have their
existing competencies and qualifications determined. Quality graduates have arranged in
Ministerial regulations number 23 and 24 concerning standard competence graduate For unit
Shobihatul Fitroh Noviyanti * 1 , Turik Hamidah * 2 , Bakhruddin Fanani 3 , Juri Wahananto4
education basic and intermediate states that Standard Competence Graduate of For unit
education elementary and middle used as guidelines evaluation in determining graduation
participant students ( Ministerial Regulation, 2022). The quality of a graduate is the size and
quality of applied graduates in a way relatively based on the needs of the customer. Quality
graduate of studies This covers both academic and non-academic aspects. Aspect academic
graduate of related with value in the form number For measure level completeness Study in a way
cognitive. Usually, mark all-over-eye lessons outlined in each semester in book report results
learning, both in nature theory and practice. Non-academic aspects usually make quality aspects
effective, such as craft, behaviour, achievement, student, etc. (Ahmad Widodo, 2016).
Quality graduates, in a way, academic is quality achievement high yield in the ability test
academic form mark test general, Exam School (US) and National Examination (UN).
Temporarily, the Department of National Education (Depdiknas) said that a quality academic
graduate is an achievement graduate in the ability test academic in a matter This National
Examination (UN). With this, the government give standardization competence to graduates with
certain criteria (Widodo, 2016). Competence next regarding readiness and ability students
continue to level more schools tall or enter the world of work in accordance with abilities and
expertise (Rochaty, 2018). Thus, quality graduate covers a number of things _ crucial with
education and energy education, so competence from educators and personnel education is very
important For always being developed.
However, facts in the field show that the results of the study from Leonard revealed that
there are more than 60 teachers in DKI Jakarta and found that almost 75% of teachers need to
prepare the learning process with Good. Teachers usually prepare classes with a focus on the
material lesson rather than the goal of learning. Another fact is that teachers tend to use
monotonous methods in teaching, which means they do not use objective learning as a base For
making teaching materials, learning strategies, and tools for evaluation and assessment. This also
shows that teachers tend not to use objective learning as a basis For awakening Spirit students To
study in class. With various problems in activity development, competent educators are still very
much needed. This government has published regulations related to the sustainable development
of professionalism that have been stated in Minister of Religion Regulation No. 38 of 2018.
School Brawijaya Smart School High School (SMA) is one of the prestigious educational
institutions in Malang City. BSS High School below under the auspices of Brawijaya University,
which is known as one of the best universities in Malang City; apart from many of the
achievements achieved by SMA, BSS also makes the school image great achievements achieved by
BSS High School is naturally Not free from role educators and personnel education. The
researcher is interested in a study related to how the implementation of development programs
and ongoing professional activities are carried out at SMA BSS Malang.
In writing the article, the researcher used a literature study and research methods field,
where the data was obtained with the method of observation, interviews and documentation, as
well as a study or study to a number of relevant literature with the topic study. Collection of
existing literature data studied in the article This was obtained from a number of national
journals, journal international, and relevant books with topic article scientific author, as well
supported with results study related fields study. Apart from that, the author also added
references from a number of books and other relevant records with topic articles from scientific
Results of interviews with the Mother's Public Relations department (Annisa, 2023) and
the Mother's Curriculum Department (Nur, 2023) also said the same thing. Apart from that, the
stages presented by several informants This is also visible in the results observation author, which
was carried out on March 20 2023; the researcher conducted research at BSS High School, then
met with the deputy head of public relations, who was the liaison between the researcher and the
school, after a long chat he asked about several things. The researcher asked for permission to see
one example of an activity report; in the report book, it is clearly written about the stages in the
development process; the stages include planning and preparing activity proposals, which also
include the formation of committees, implementation of activities, and reporting. Apart from
several stages that need to be considered in the educator development process, some methods are
used. As stated by Mrs Annisa's Public Relations department (Annisa, 2023) regarding educator
development methods as follows:
"… method most frequent development used and common here is with workshops and
MGMP, sometimes also available a number of tendik who follows training …"
The same thing was also expressed by the head of the curriculum, Mrs. (2023) and the
school principal, Mr Nandung ( Nandung, 2023), which reveals that in the development process,
educators go through a number of methods, among others, MGMP and training. The results of
the interview are also visible in several documents obtained by researchers; these documents are
one of the workshop activities carried out at SMA Brawijaya Smart School in the development
activities of educators and education staff as follows:
The documents above are several development activities for educators, and education
personnel carried out through workshops and MGMPs held at SMA Brawijaya Smart School. On
March 16 2023, researchers also had the opportunity to observe one of the development activities
carried out through the workshop method. The results of his observations were that on March 16,
223, at 09.45, the researcher conducted research at BSS High School; on that day, the researcher
made an appointment with one of the informants; after interviewing with the informant,, the
informant then invited the researcher to look at the development activities that were taking place
at that time. The researcher saw that the condition of the room was very conducive, the material
provided was very interesting, and the teachers who took part in the activity looked enthusiastic.
Apart from the results of observations carried out by researchers directly at the school, the
researchers also carried out observations through the media and the SMA Laboratory website, as
explained below:
The document above is an example of evidence that the activities for developing educators
and education staff at BSS High School are true. Thus, the process of developing educators and
educational staff carried out at BSS High School goes through several stages, namely planning
activities, preparing proposals for development activities, implementing actions, and reporting.
Apart from that, the development methods used are workshop activities, training outside of
school and Subject Teacher Conferences (MGMP).
The development activities of educators and education personnel certainly must be
connected to the impact of the development activities themselves. As happened at SMA Brawijaya
Smart School, educator development activities affect the good quality of its graduates. This is as
expressed by the school principal, Mr Nandung ( Nandung, 2023), as follows:
"… Certain impact Sis , because implementation teacher and employee development held
in frame For increase competence and professionalism of teachers and staff the so can do
his main duties with OK , if the teacher competent , teaching is also sure maximum , so
Can create participant good education too ..."
The public relations department also expressed the same thing. Public Relations Ms
Annisa (Annisa, 2023) SMA BSS stated that the impact of the development of educators and
educational staff is as follows:
"… from activity development educators and personnel education Certain impact on BSS
High School graduates themselves Sis , because No close possibility development carried
out is For support success and success participant educate …"
Deputy Head of Curriculum Mrs Nur ( Nur, 2023) also stated the same thing, that the
development of educators and education personnel has an impact on students with the following
"…students can more smart, competent and have Power good competition _ that's one
of them because of the teachers competent Sis , because the teachers are professional, so
development educators and education This very impact for graduate of or participant
educate …"
Based on the statements expressed by the school principal, public relations department,
and head of curriculum, it can be concluded that the development activities of educators and
education personnel have an impact on students as well as graduates of SMA Brawijaya Smart
School. This can also be seen in the following observation results:
“…on March 29 2023 researcher saw one of the WhatsApp stories of the BSS High School teacher who
uploaded a picture story saying Happy for 28 BSS High School students who were accepted into
prestigious PTNs in Indonesia, then researcher do Cross-check the BSS SMA Instagram which uploaded
it the same photo with the words congratulations and success . Upload the as appears in the document
following This …"
Figure 3 Announcement BSS High School students who were accepted SNBP route
Apart from the announcement documents for students who were received through the
SNBP route, the researcher also made observations on March 27 2023, at BSS High School.
There were also photo documents of award trophies held by BSS High School as proof that these
students are also competent and have high competitiveness. Good, as in the following document:
From the document above, it can be seen that many trophies obtained by students are
naturally not free from role educators and personnel education at BSS High School. So,
development educators and personnel education own role important in quality graduates and
competencies participants educated at SMA BSS smart school
Activity development educator No free from a process, in the process Alone there is a
number of stages and methods used _ in development . Based on results research at SMA
Brawijaya Smart School is in the development process educators and personnel education there is
four stages , including is : do planning development , preparing activity proposals ,
implementation activities and reporting . Planning development is activity initial work done in the
development and planning process become reason main activity development That Alone . As
expressed by Nuryasin who expressed _ that in something activity whatever form it takes ,
planning is very factor _ important and strategic as guide direction for implementation something
activity in frame reach aim / objective / target desired ( Nuryasin , 2019) . Same opinion _
expressed by Nurmasari that Planning and development career , is a planning process _ enable
employees _ For identify targets career and the paths leading to it to target / goal ( Nurmasari ,
2015 ) . HR planning is matter the earliest that must be done by party organization or company in
frame form More HR management good ( Ritta, 2019) . With thereby can withdrawn conclusion
that planning is important thing _ in stages of the development process .
Preparation of activity proposals done after stage planning development , the preparation
of proposals at SMA Brawijaya Smart School was carried out on a number of basics , among
others are : first , a proposal is made from SMA BSS addressed to directors of Brawijaya
University as application implementation development , second , preparation of development
programs done on base instruction or suggestions from supervisor school . Implementation
development educators and personnel education is core activities of activity development ,
implementation development customized with the activity proposals that have been made
submitted . Implementation development educators and personnel education is also carried out
through a number of method , method selected and adjusted with theme raised development . _
Stages final in the development process is reporting results activities , reporting the done on each
activity development educators and personnel education . Reporting done in form report
proposed activities _ to head school nor supervisor recommended school _ activity development
the .
Apart from stages in the development process educators , there are also method
development . In terms of This at SMA Brawijaya Smart School uses a number of methods
include _ are workshops, MGMP and training . Development methods with workshops become
the most frequent method used in two educational institutions that , because opinion from a
number of workshop informants became very method _ general . Besides that in I Wayan
Sudanta disclose that Workshops are available increase teacher's abilities in set Criteria Minimum
teacher completeness (I Wayan, 2015). From another journal , it is revealed that with training
workshop method assistant through workshops can beneficial for assistants _ eye practicum ,
improvement competence about knowledge (Sri, 2022). As well as with Andi's opinion is
expressed that there is effectiveness of the research workshop method action class For increase
teacher competency (Andi, 2019). Based on description above _ can concluded that with
workshop activities used in development has in accordance with grand theory including off the job
training , and methods this too has been supported by several other journals that state that there is
effectiveness in workshop method .
Subject Teacher Deliberation (MGMP) is a forum or receptacle professional eye teacher
lessons in a district / city / sub - district / studio / cluster area school , the room its scope
includes eye teachers lessons , both those with civil servant status and Private . Principle it works
is reflection activities " from , by, and for teachers" from all school . On the basis of this , then
MGMP is organization non-structural in nature independent , grounded kinship , and not have
connection hierarchical with other institutions (Ahmad, 2004) MGMP aims for : First , Building
ability academic as well as increase appropriate teacher competency eye lesson or grove eye lesson
, respectively. Second , increase the sense of togetherness and responsibility answer as educator
For create culture superior learning _ in produce quality output ( graduates ) . Third , grow
Master's passion within prepare , implement and evaluate activity programs Study Teaching
(KBM). Fourth , reduce gap competence between so that can support business improvement and
equality quality .
Fifth , identify problems faced by teachers in carry out task daily and exchange _ thought
For look for alternative the solution . Sixth , help the Teacher in effort fulfil related needs _ task
professional as educator . Seventh , help Teachers obtain various information education , both
related _ policy education nor technical learning . Eighth , help Teachers to cooperate in increase
quality activity learning , both structured _ or not _ structured . Ninth , expand insight and
mutual swap exchange information and experience between teachers to be permanent follow
developments that occur related with education and learning . Tenth , improve Spirit For spur
yourself and reach out performance best in education and learning ( Ministry of Religion of the
Republic of Indonesia, 2007).
Research result effectiveness of MGMP on development teacher abilities and
skills reached 70% of respondents answer Enough effective and the rest state No effective (
Lisa'diyah , 2022). MGMP also has it significant influence _ in development teachers' abilities and
skills in the learning process for example discuss fill curriculum , create planning learning ,
preparing learning programs and others. Next method is a study lesson. The " Lesson Study"
activity emphasizes the assessment process learning in a way collaborative and sustainable based
principles collegiality and mutual learning For build learning community ” with stages activity plan, do,
see and reflect ( Eny, 2015). Because it is an activity process This carried out by a group of aware
teachers to importance effort enhancement competence they in the learning process teaching and
accompanied by the UM lecturers involved in the program . Activity Lesson Study This felt
benefits for the teachers involved in the program . Teacher becomes more open , believe myself ,
I want to accept other people's opinions , more creative For implementing innovative learning
models _ so that classroom learning _ become more quality . In other words, lesson study can help
increase competence teacher professionalism .
Implementation of lesson study can be done increase fourth competence educator that is :
competence personality , competence social , professional competence , and competence good
pedagogy turn possible repair quality learning in a way Keep going continuously ( I rfan, 2018).
Use of learning models PBL via Lesson Study activities can help educator For develop device
learning and giving more learning _ good ( Rahayu , 2012). Lesson study activities can be done
increase performance team lecturer in do preparation , implementation and reflection lectures .
Through Lesson Study activities generated device learning effective and efficient _ For used in
learning . With thereby can concluded that in method development educators and personnel
education the aligned with theory from Hani Handoko . Innovation The lesson study method
used by SMA Laboratory is also supported and appropriate with some journal as described above
Result of development educators and personnel education can felt by all parties , esp party
students and graduates from school the . For print good and competent graduates _ so needed
educators and personnel capable professional education deliver participant educate towards
success . Results of research conducted at SMA Brawijaya Smart School and SMA Laboratory
UM, in matter This impact to enhancement quality good graduates and achievements _ proud
student . _ As stated by Yean Chris Tien , in frame repair quality graduates of educational
institutions , one possible activities _ done is with do development educators and personnel
education , educators and personnel education given knowledge as much as possible so
knowledge it also arrived to participant educate with OK , so with thereby will created quality
good graduates (Yean, 2015) .
Another opinion was expressed Muzakar that ability educators and personnel education
very influence participant educate , so For create participant superior education _ needed move it
development professionalism educators and personnel education ( Muzakar , 2014). Then Flora
pointed out that For create management enhancement quality good graduate _ so required
management management and development educators and personnel good education , because _
management and development educators and personnel education is Foundation main in an
educational institution For enhancement quality graduates (Flora, 2018). Development educators
and personnel education besides impact on quality graduates also have an impact on achievement
Revelation reveals that in formation performance students , educators and staff education
own role active in it , so competence educators and personnel education very need For always
being upgraded (Revelation, 2018). Other opinions also stated matter similar that participant
educate own very close relationship with educators and personnel education , so whatever is done
participant educate naturally No free from pera educators and personnel education ( Dwi , 2021).
With thereby can withdrawn conclusion that For create quality graduate of as well as print
participant achievements Good education is needed _ attention special For educators and
personnel education , because competence and professionalism very influential to participant
educate , so activity development education and energy education become matter important For
done in educational institutions . This is also appropriate with deep grand theory study this is in
chapter two and supporting from journal other .
Activity development educator No free from a process, in the process Alone there are a
number of stages and methods used in Development. Based on the results of research at SMA
Brawijaya Smart School, which is in the development process of educators and personnel
education, there are four stages, including planning Development, preparing activity
proposals, implementation activities and reporting. Planning development is the initial work
done in the Development, and the planning process becomes the reason for the main activity
development Alone. As expressed by Nuryasin, in some activities, whatever form they take,
planning is very important and strategic as a guide for the implementation of an activity frame
to reach the aim/objective/target desired (Nuryasin, 2019). The same opinion expressed by
Nurmasari is that the Planning and development career is a planning process that enables
employees To identify a target career and the paths leading to its target/goal (Nurmasari,
2015). HR planning is the earliest matter that a party organization or company must do in
frame form. More HR management is good (Ritta, 2019). Thus, planning is an important thing
in the stages of the development process.
Preparation of activity proposals done after stage planning development; the preparation
of proposals at SMA Brawijaya Smart School was carried out on a number of basics, among
others: first, a proposal is made from SMA BSS addressed to directors of Brawijaya
University as application implementation development, second, preparation of development
programs done on base instruction or suggestions from supervisor school. Implementation
development educators and personnel education are core activities of activity development,
implementation development customized with the activity proposals that have been
submitted. Implementation development educators and personnel education is also carried out
through a number of methods, methods selected and adjusted with theme-raised Development
Stages final in the development process is reporting results activities, reporting the done on
each activity development educators and personnel education. Reporting done in form report
proposed activities to head school, nor supervisor recommended school activity development
Apart from stages in the development process of educators, there are also methods of
Development. In terms of This SM, A Brawijaya Smart School uses a number of methods,
including workshops, MGMP and training. Development methods with workshops became
the most frequently used method in the two educational institutions because opinions from a
number of workshop informants became very general. Besides that, I Wayan Sudanta
disclosed that workshops are available to increase Teachers' abilities in setting criteria for
minimum teacher completeness (I Wayan, 2015). Another journal, it is revealed that training
workshop method assistants through workshops can beneficial for assistants eye practicum
improves competence in knowledge (Sri, 2022). As well as with Andi's opinion, it is
expressed that the research workshop method action class is effective in increasing teacher
competency (Andi, 2019). Based on the description above, workshop activities used in
Development are in accordance with grand theory, including off-the-job training and
methods. This, too, has been supported by several other journals that state that the workshop
method is effective.
Subject Teacher Deliberation (MGMP) is a forum or receptacle for professional eye
teacher lessons in a district/city / sub-district / studio/cluster area school; the room's scope
includes eye teachers lessons, both those with civil servant status and Private. The principle it
works is reflection activities" from, by, and for teachers" from all schools. On the basis of
this, MGMP is an organization that is non-structural in nature, independent, grounded in
kinship, and does not have a connection with other institutions (Ahmad, 2004). MGMP aims
first to build ability as well as increase appropriate teacher competency in eye lessons or
grove eye lessons, respectively. Second, increase the sense of togetherness and responsibility
answer as educators To create a culture of superior learning to produce quality output
(graduates). Third, grew my Master's passion by preparing, implementing and evaluating
activity programs in Study Teaching (KBM). Fourth, reduce the gap in competence so that it
can support business improvement and equality quality.
Fifth, identify problems faced by teachers in carrying out tasks daily and exchange
thoughts. Look for alternative solutions. Sixth, help the Teacher in an effort to fulfil related
needs and tasks professionally as an educator. Seventh, help Teachers obtain various
information education, both related to policy education and technical learning. Eighth, help
Teachers to cooperate in increasing quality activity learning, both structured and not
structured. Ninth, expand insight and mutual swap exchange of information and experience
between teachers to follow developments that occur related to education and learning
permanently. Tenth, improve your Spirit To spur yourself and reach performance in education
and learning (Ministry of Religion of the Republic of Indonesia, 2007).
Research Results Effectiveness of MGMP on the Development of Teacher Abilities
and skills reached 70% of respondents answered Enough effective, and the rest stated No
effective (Lisa'diyah, 2022). MGMP also has a significant influence on the Development of
teachers' abilities and skills in the learning process, for example, discussing fill curriculum,
creating planning learning, preparing learning programs and others. The next method is a
study lesson. The "Lesson Study" activity emphasizes the assessment process of learning in a
way that is collaborative and sustainable based on principles of collegiality and mutual
learning. To build a learning community" with stages of activity plan, do, see and reflect
( Eny, 2015). Because it is an activity process, this is carried out by a group of teachers aware
of the importance of effort enhancement competence in the learning process teaching and
accompanied by the UM lecturers involved in the program. Activity Lesson Study This felt
beneficial for the teachers involved in the program. The Teacher becomes more open, believes
in myself, wants to accept other people's opinions, and is more creative. For implementing
innovative learning models so that classroom learning becomes more quality. In other
words, lesson study can help increase competence and professionalism.
Implementation of lesson study can increase the fourth competence of educators, that is,
competence personality, competence social, professional competence, and competence good
pedagogy turn possibly repair quality learning in a way that keeps going continuously ( I ran,
2018). The use of learning models PBL via lesson study activities can help educators develop
device learning and give students more good ( Rahayu, 2012). Lesson study activities can be
done to increase the performance of team lecturers in preparation, implementation and
reflection lectures. Through lesson study, activities generated device learning that was
effective and efficient For use in learning. It can concluded that in method development,
educators and personnel education are aligned with the theory from Hani Handoko.
Innovation The lesson study method used by SMA Laboratory is also supported and
appropriate with some journals as described above.
The result of the Development of educators and personnel education can be felt by all
parties, especially party students and graduates from school. For print good and competent
graduates, educators and personnel capable of professional education deliver participant
education towards success. Results of research conducted at SMA Brawijaya Smart School
and SMA Laboratory UM, in matter This impact to enhancement quality good graduates and
achievements proud student. As stated by Yean Chris Tien, in frame repair quality graduates
of educational institutions, one possible activity done is with do development educators and
personnel education, educators and personnel education given knowledge as much as possible
so knowledge it also arrived to participant educate with OK, so with thereby will create
quality good graduates (Yean, 2015).
Muzakar expressed another opinion that the ability of educators and personnel
education influence participant education, so To create participant superior education he
needs to move the Development of professional educators and personnel education (Muzakar,
2014). Then Flora pointed out that To create management enhancement quality good
graduates so requires management management and development educators and personnel
good education because management and development educators and personnel education is
the Foundation of an educational institution For enhancement quality graduates (Flora, 2018).
Development educators and personnel education, besides the impact on quality graduates, also
have an impact on the achievement of student
Revelation reveals that in formation performance, the role of students, educators, and
staff education is active, so competent educators and personnel education need to be upgraded
(Revelation, 2018). Other opinions also stated that participants have their own very close
relationship with educators and personnel education, so whatever is done, participants are
educated naturally, Not free from pera educators and personnel education (Dwi, 2021). With
thereby can withdraw the conclusion that To create quality graduate as well as print
participant achievements, Good education is needed attention special For educators and
personnel education because competence and professionalism are very influential in
participant education, so activity development education and energy education become matter
important For done in educational institutions. This is also appropriate for deep grand theory
study. This is in chapter two and supported by the journal.
Development educators become important. Untuk is implemented by each educational
institution as follows: For enhancement of teacher competence, because in the matter this teacher
has intimate relationship _ with participant education, quality educator referred to a quality
graduate of That Alone. In the implementation process, development educators at SMA Brawijaya
Smart School implemented it through many stages, including planning, preparing activity
proposals, implementation, and reporting. Method development is carried out through a number
of activities, among them workshops, subject-teacher conferences (MGMP), and training. A
number of impact development educators at BSS High School can appear from the success of
educational institutions in delivering participant education and winning various competitions
success. This is also seen in many graduates accepted at State Universities (PTN) or prestigious
private sector (PTS) in Indonesia.
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