Enrollment System
Enrollment System
Enrollment System
4 Introduction 9 Significance of the Study
The advent of computer technology has opened a new chapter in technological advances which makes computers become
part of everyday life. Computers make all lives easier so that all can live good lives. Computers are everywhere at work, at
school, and at home. The educational system has taken advantage of the technology in teaching and learning, processing
data, recordkeeping, and in their enrollment system. Enrollment systems are used in recording a student’s information.
A well-built one will reduce the load on the people thatnormally have to-do all the work. Enrollment system is useful
especially when theschool retrieves thei mportant information from the student. In the enrollment system, the school
can trace what are the standings of the students. The manual enrollment system in a school can led to inaccurate evaluation
of student performance, loss of student records, inaccurate reports, and slow enrollment processing. Students will be
confused on what they should do and how they will do to be able to enroll. It is extremely useful in the school in a way of
making the processes of enrolling much easy.
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The system design project, Computerized Enrollment System that will provide the needed and storing information in a
faster, more convenient way by storing file of the student enrollees in a computerized system that will lessen the effort of
faculty staff in storing files of each student every now and then. This will also serve as information especially for the
irregular students, transferee. This information here can be viewed in just a second without worrying that a single file is
lost. The idea behind a computerized enrollment system is not a new concept.
As student enrollees increase every year, enrollment procedure become harder to deal. This will only serve to increase the
problem facing enrollment that provides more easy way in enrolling. This will also be a big help to all the enrollment staff
especially under the management information system because they are the one who are entitled to touch and read the
information from here. It will help our institution to have another system that will upgrade the enrollment processes so as
to meet the quality that our institutions are trying to meet.
This study aims to design and develop the “Computerized Enrollment System for West Central Elementary
Specifically, the study aimed to:
1. To determine the current set-up of computerized enrollment system of West Central Elementary School
at Sanchez Mira along with the areas of:
a. Organizational structure;
b. Processes; and
c. Master Data
2. Identify the issues and difficulties encountered in the computerized enrollment system of
West Central Elementary School at Sanchez Mira along with the areas of:
a. Organizational structure
b. Processes
c. Master data
3. Identify the solutions to the issues and difficulties encountered in the computerized
enrollment system of West Central Elementary School at Sanchez Mira.
The system will provide efficient and accurate records of all the students enrolled in
the school.
• Parents
The development of the system allows the researchers to analyze a certain system that
enables them to gain more knowledge and how to make a valuable and accurate
solution to the problems encountered by the organization.
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This can help teachers to lessen their work and help them also to have a fast way of
enrolling students as well as securing student information.
• Researches
The development of the system allows the researchers to analyze a certain system
that enables them to gain more knowledge and how to make a valuable and accurate
solution to the problems encountered by the organization.
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Definition of TERMS
Early Registration– Findings of this study may encourage researchers to
conduct similar studies to improve the result of this study. the result of
this study would serve as baseline data for future researchers for more
insensitive research.
Definition of TERMS
Enrollment form- this is the form where you fill up some data to enroll a
Definition of TERMS
Grade Level -identify the grade level of the student
Picture box – Control that it used to insert an image to the form.
Records – To write down so that it can be used or seen again in the Future.