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Install Shift Kit

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FORM # 9500606-03

Installation Instructions
Chrysler TorqueFlite
Shift Improver Kit
Part No. 10225
1971-1977 A-727 (V-8)
1971-1977 A-904 (V-8)
(A-998 & A-999)
© 1998, 2005, 2010 by B&M Racing & Performance Products
This B&M Chrysler TorqueFlite Shift worsen the condition. However on a
Improver Kit has been designed to properly operating transmission in
work on all 1971 thru 1977 A-727 (V- average condition, the Shift Improver
8) 1971-1977 A-904 (V-8) (A-998 & A- Kit will provide the kind of transmis-
999) transmissions. sion performance you're looking for.
WARNING: Incorrect checkball place- When installing your Shift Improver
ment can result in serious transmis- Kit there are several other B&M prod-
sion damage. Be sure to follow the ucts you may wish to consider:
instructions carefully. Transmission Oil Cooler We feel
We recommend that you read through that it is very important that every
the instructions completely before vehicle used in a heavy duty applica-
beginning the installation, so you can tion (racing, towing, RV, etc.) should
familiarize yourself with the have an oil cooler. Heat is the major
installation procedure and tools cause of transmission failures, and an
required. Check the tool list at the oil cooler is an inexpensive safeguard
end of these instructions for the tools against overheating and failure. B&M
required to install your B&M Chrysler offers a wide range of transmission
TorqueFlite Shift Improver Kit. coolers to suit every need, which are
Installation of the B&M Chrysler available at your B&M dealer.
TorqueFlite Shift Improver Kit can Trick Shift Performance ATF Trick
be accomplished by anyone with mini- Shift performance automatic trans-
mum mechanical experience. It is mission fluid is the industry’s leading
however, important to closely follow performance ATF. A specially
the instructions. blended oil with foam inhibitors, ex-
NOTE: The B&M Chrysler treme pressure agents and shift im-
TorqueFlite Shift Improver Kit is provers, this fluid assures protection
not a cure-all for an ailing transmis- while delivering the fastest possible
sion. If your transmission is slipping shifts. You literally “Pour in perfor-
or in poor general shape, the installa- mance.”
tion of this Shift Improver Kit may
B&M RACING CHATSWORTH, CA www.bmracing.com

This kit can be installed in a few hours

by carefully following directions. Read
all instructions first to familiarize
yourself with the parts and procedures.
Work slowly and do not force any
parts. Transmission components and
valves are precision fit parts. Burrs and
dirt are the number one enemies of an
automatic transmission. Cleanliness
is very important, so a clean work area
or bench is necessary. We suggest a
clean work bench top from which oil
can easily be cleaned or a large piece
of cardboard.

This kit contains all parts necessary to

obtain two levels of performance
depending on intended use: Figure 1

Heavy Duty: Towing, campers, motor Shift Linkage Rod

homes, police, taxi, on and off-road Note: Floor shift style
desert vehicles and 4-wheelers. Throttle shown. Column shift lever
pressure rod comes from front of
Street/Strip: Dual purpose transmission.
performance vehicles. Street and strip
high performance cars. Throttle
pressure lever
Automatic transmissions operate at
temperatures between 150° F and 250°
F. It is suggested that the vehicle be Band adjusting
allowed to cool for a few hours to avoid screw and lock
burns from hot oil and parts. The vehicle nut
should be off the ground for ease of
installation. Jack stands, wheel ramps, Shift lever
or a hoist will work fine. Make sure
vehicle is firmly supported! Try to
raise it 1-2 feet so you have plenty of
room to work easily. Also, have a small
box or pan handy to put bolts in so they
won’t be lost, and a drain pan to catch Remove these levers
oil. in order to remove
valve body
STEP 1. Drain oil pan. Some model
Torqueflites have drain plugs. If yours
has a drain plug, remove it and allow
the fluid to drain, then install drain plug Figure 2
back into pan. If you do not have a drain drain. If the pan sticks to the old gasket, pry it down slightly with a screwdriver
plug, you should consider installing a before removing the last two bolts to break the seal. After the last bolt is removed
B&M pan Drain Plug Kit, #80250, at the pan can be lowered and set aside.
this time. To drain oil, remove each pan
bolt one at a time, working toward the STEP 2. The valve body will now be exposed. (See Fig. 1) It is held in place by
front of the transmission. Remove the ten ¼-20 bolts. Before the valve body can be removed you must disconnect shift
last two bolts slowly and the pan will tilt and throttle linkage. (See Fig. 2) Throttle linkage is located on the left (driver) side
down to allow the last of the fluid to of the case just above the valve body. The lever is attached to the throttle shaft
B&M RACING CHATSWORTH, CA www.bmracing.com
and held in place with a pinch bolt. Use a 7/16" wrench or
socket and loosen the bolt but do not remove it. Use
screwdriver to pry the lever up and off the shaft. Place
transmission shift lever in low gear and shifter should also be
in low gear. Loosen the pinch bolt and pry the selector lever
off the larger manual lever shaft. Let the two levers hang free.

STEP 3. Remove the valve body by removing the ten bolts

with a 7/16" wrench or socket. There is a spring between the
valve body and the case so remove the last bolt slowly. This
will also reduce the amount of oil splatter as the valve body
is removed. Pull valve body down and forward to disengage
park rod from back of case. It may be necessary to rotate
driveshaft slightly to disengage the rod. There will be a spring
(1-2 accumulator spring) between the valve body and case
(See Fig. 3), remove and discard it. Place valve body in oil pan
and set them on work bench.
Figure 4
STEP 4. Adjust front band. Loosen locknut. (See Fig. 2)
Tighten band adjusting screw to 72-in. lbs. (snug). Then back CAUTION: Hold your hand against the retainer while
off adjusting screw two full turns. Hold band adjusting screw removing the screw (See Fig. 4) so the large pressure
regulator spring does not fly out. Remove the retainer and
and tighten ¾” jam nut securely.
adjustment plate, pressure regulator spring and converter
1-2 accumulator. valve spring and set them aside. Remove the regulator valve
Remove spring and converter valve and lay them next to their respective
springs. Large cage models: Be careful that the throttle
pressure valves do not fall out when working on the valve

STEP 6. Set the valve body on the bench with the filter side
up and the selector lever assembly in the top left corner.
The valve body consists of: (1) thick casting containing the
valve bores and will be referred to as the casting; (2) a thin
stamped steel plate with numerous different shaped holes
called a separator plate, and; (3) a thin aluminum casting
that looks like a maze called a transfer plate.

Park rod attached

to valve body
selector lever.

Figure 3
STEP 5. Your work bench should be clean as stressed
in the beginning of these instructions. Place the valve
body on the bench with the filter side up. Remove the three
filter screws and remove the filter. Set the screws aside in
a small tray so they won’t be lost. As you disassemble the
valve body, when removing a valve and a spring, keep them

Now remove the pressure regulator spring retainer located

next to the selector lever. (See Fig. 4) Remove three
shorts screws to remove retainer. Late model valve bodies
with large cage will require removal of one long valve body
screw. (See Fig. 5) Figure 5
B&M RACING CHATSWORTH, CA www.bmracing.com
Large steel ball on a stiff spring underneath at
location 7 on early models. Remove the ball and
Valve body screws spring and discard.

Five ¼” diameter steel check balls in locations 1

thru 5 and one 11/32" diameter steel check ball in
location 6. (See Fig. 7) Remove these and place
them in the tray.


Heavy Duty: Go to Step 9

Street/Strip: Remove five short screws and

remove the governor plug and plate. (See Fig 8)
Do not rotate the selector lever as you will
disengage the detent ball allowing it to fly out of
position. Remove the shuttle valve throttle plug.
Remove and discard the shuttle valve throttle
Valve body plug spring.
Transfer Plate Install the shuttle valve throttle plug rod supplied with the kit
into the valve bore. Install the shuttle valve throttle plug into
its bore. The plug must be flush or slightly below the surface
of the casting to prevent leaks. Grind the rod down slightly
Figure 6
if necessary to provide clearance. Install the governor plug
end plate. You should be able to hold the plate flat against
STEP 7. Valve Body Disassembly: (See Fig. 6) Remove
the casting with thumb pressure only. If you cannot hold the
the valve body screws from transfer plate. There will be
plate flat against the slight spring tension of the shift valves,
fourteen of them, with either Phillips or slot heads. Hold the
the rod is too long. Install five short screws finger tight only.
casting and transfer plate together with one hand while
removing the last screw so you won’t lose any internal parts.
Carefully lift the transfer plate assembly off the casting to
expose the oil passages. Turn the transfer plate assembly
over so the separator plate is facing up and set it to your
right. Inspect your casting for the following: (See Fig. 7)
1/4” steel check LOCATIONS:
#1 #2


“A” #6 NOT FOUND IN STEP 9. Remove three long screws and remove the limit
'71-'77 MODELS valve end plate and small casting (See Fig. 9). Hold your
spring and 11/32” steel hand on the end plate while removing the last screw so the
check ball check ball three small springs underneath do not fly out and get lost.
Install the ¼” steel ball supplied with the kit into the 1-2 shift
Figure 7 control valve bore inside the 1-2 shift control valve spring.
B&M RACING CHATSWORTH, CA www.bmracing.com
Install the limit valve end plate and casting. The assembly stiffener plate is positioned. (See Fig. 11) Remove the
must sit flat against the valve body casting with thumb retaining screws and lift the separator plate off. If there is a
pressure only. Grind the valve slightly, if necessary, to check ball or screen type filter in your transfer plate, discard
provide clearance. Install three long screws finger tight only. it.
Wash the transfer plate in solvent or brake cleaner to
remove any dirt. Lay the transfer plate down on the bench
with the passages facing up. Lay B&M separator plate in
position on top of the transfer plate and align the screw
holes. Install stiffener plate and retaining screws and tighten
screws finger tight.

STEP 10. Install pressure regulator valve into its bore. (See
Fig. 10) Install converter valve into its bore. Both valves
should move freely and easily. Remove any burrs that may
cause stickiness or binding. Set casting aside.
STEP 12. Lay casting in front of you and install steel Check
balls as follows: (See Fig. 7)

All Models:
Install one 11/32" diameter check ball in location 6.

Heavy Duty: Five ¼” steel balls in locations 1 thru 5

Street/Strip: Four ¼” steel balls in locations 1,2,3, & 5.

Align transfer plate assembly over casting and hold the two
halves together with your hand. Install fourteen screws in
place finger tight. (Note: Three long screws are for the filter.)
Install pressure regulator spring and converter valve spring
in place. (See Fig. 10) Insert pressure regulator adjusting
plate into place in retaining cage. Adjusting plate is a close
fit when properly installed inside the retainer. Engage
pressure regulator spring with adjusting plate and engage
converter valve spring with prong in retainer. Hold retainer
against valve body, align screw holes and install three short
screws finger tight. (See Fig. 4)

STEP 11. Place transfer plate and separator plate

assembly in front of you. The thin metal separator plate will
be held on with four or five short screws. Note how your

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STEP 13. Tighten fourteen screws attaching transfer plate
to casting on the bottom of the valve body to 35in. lbs.
Tighten all end plate screws to 35in. lbs. Adjust pressure
regulator spring retainer from side to side until the distance
from the manual valve to the adjusting screw is 1-7/8". Use
the gauge supplied to check this measurement. (See Fig.
12) Tighten three short retaining screws to 35in. lbs. At this
point all screws should be tight.NOTE: Adjustments are the
same for large cage models.

STEP 18. Check shifter adjustment. Place shifter in park

position. Loosen the pinch bolt on the shifter rod (which is
located on the end of the rod away from transmission) and
let the rod seek its own position. Tighten the pinch bolt and
check the feel of the shifter. The detent position should be
close enoughto the gate stops in neutral and drive so that
the shift selector lever will not remain out of the detent
position when placed against gate and released.

STEP 19. Throttle pressure adjustment: Make sure

carburetor is off fast idle cam so throttle is in normal idle
STEP 14. Pressure regulator adjustment: Use the gauge
position. (Hot idle position) Have someone push the throttle
to adjust the distance from the casting face to the inside
lever on the transmission all the way forward. Adjust the
edge of the pressure regulator spring adjusting plate. (See
throttle pressure rod so there is no backlash between the
Fig. 12) Use a 3/16" Allen wrench to adjust the plate to
operating stud on the carburetor and the back of the slot on
dimensions shown:
the throttle pressure linkage.
Heavy Duty: 1-1/4"
STEP 20. Lower the vehicle but keep the rear wheels off
Dimension “A”
the ground if possible. Pour four quarts of B&M Trick Shift
Street/Strip: 1-3/16"
or Type “F” fluid into the transmission. Trick Shift is superior
in lubrication, heat capacity and friction material performance.
Inspect your oil filter. If it has varnish on it, or the transmission
We recommend Ford fluid over Dexron or Type “A”. Start the
has more than 20,000 miles, we recommend you replace
engine and allow it to idle in neutral. Check the fluid level and
your filter. Use B&M Filter #10288.
fill to the “add” mark. Shift the transmission through all three
gears several times. Check the oil level and make sure it is
STEP 15. Guide the valve body up into the transmission.
at least at the “add” mark.
Insert the park rod into the hole in the rear of the case first
and rotate the drive shaft until the rod engages the pawl.
STEP 21. Drive the vehicle for one or two miles to
(See Fig. 13) Align valve body with case and install valve
thoroughly warm the fluid. Minor adjustments in shift
body against case. (Be careful not to damage neutral safety
points can be made at this time. Shortening the rod will
switch. A small screwdriver can be used to retract the
lower shift points, lengthening the rod will raise shift
switch out of the way during installation.)
points. Note: All vehicles must have throttle pressure
linkage regardless of intended use. Running this
STEP 16. Install shift lever over manual lever shaft and
transmission without throttle pressure linkage will
tighten pinch bolt. Install throttle pressure lever over throttle
damage it. Check fluid level with engine running and
pressure shaft and tighten pinch bolt securely.
shifter in neutral and make sure the level is between the
“add” and “full” marks. Do not overfill!! This will cause
STEP 17. Clean oil pan and install in place with new
gasket supplied with kit. Install pan bolts and tighten to foaming and overheating.
150-in. lbs. Check your drain plug if you have one and
make sure it is tight!

B&M RACING CHATSWORTH, CA www.bmracing.com

1 Speed Handle or Rachet - 3/8" Drive 1 3/16" Allen Wrench
1 1/2" Socket - 3/8" drive 1 6" Flat Blade Screwdriver
1 7/16" Socket - 3/8" drive 1 Small Flat Blade Screwdriver
1 3/8" 12-point Socket - 3/8" drive 1 Phillips Blade Screwdriver
1 3/4" Wrench 1 Torque Wrench 0-250 in. lbs
1 1/4" Drill Motor
Slips : Low fluid level Late Shifts : Throttle pressure linkage misadjusted

Overheating : High fluid level Leaks : Clean transmission first and observe, check pan
gasket and bolt torque
Foaming oil at dipstick
or breather : Clogged or blocked cooler Will not up shift : Throttle pressure linkage too high, Shift
valves burred and sticking, loose bolts
Erratic Shifting : Throttle pressure link sloppy, loose or
misadjusted, shifter misadjusted, low fluid level, high fluid Soft shifts under power : Throttle pessure linkage too
level, valve body bolts or end plate screws loose high, flow fluid level (starvation), high fluid level (foaming),
Pressure regulator valve stuck
Early Shifts : Throttle pressure linkage misadjusted
Engine revs on 2-3 shift : Check band adjustment

PARTS LIST: A-904 gasket, adjustment gauge, separator plate, A-727 gasket, 1/4" steel ball, throttle plug blocker rod

B&M RACING CHATSWORTH, CA www.bmracing.com


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