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Class-Wide Function-Related WHAT WORKS


May 2023

Intervention Brief | Social, Emotional, and WWC 2023-005

Behavioral Interventions U.S. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION

A Publication of the National Center for Education Evaluation at IES

Educators can employ a variety of classroom management

strategies in their efforts to foster a classroom environment Goal: CW-FIT aims to help teachers create a positive
in which all students can learn. Class-Wide Function-Related learning environment by decreasing disruptive behavior
Intervention Teams (CW-FIT) is one such strategy. As part and improving social skills and prosocial behaviors
of CW-FIT, teachers establish classroom rules, provide among students.
instruction on target skills, place students into teams, and Target population: CW-FIT can be used with students
then reward teams for demonstrating target skills, all with in prekindergarten through grade 12 and is often used
the aim of improving student behavior and creating a positive with students or classrooms that are demonstrating high
learning environment. CW-FIT seeks to reinforce appropriate levels of disruptive behaviors.
behaviors, minimize social attention to inappropriate
behaviors, and provide self-management tools to individual
students who need extra support.
The What Works Clearinghouse (WWC) reviews existing research on educational interventions to identify evidence-based
programs and practices. This WWC intervention report summarizes the available evidence on the effects of CW-FIT on
student and teacher outcomes.

Did CW-FIT improve student and teacher outcomes?

Eight studies of CW-FIT meet WWC standards and contribute to the effectiveness ratings in this report. Findings from the
eight studies are summarized in Table 1. The table includes rows for each outcome domain—a group of related outcome
measures—that was studied in the research. The effects of CW-FIT on other student and teacher outcomes are unknown.
Table 1 indicates whether the evidence satisfies the WWC’s requirements for strong, moderate, or promising tiers of evidence.
Based on the eight studies, there is strong evidence that CW-FIT positively impacted student behavior and promising evidence
that CW-FIT positively impacted teacher practice.
The WWC effectiveness rating also indicates whether CW-FIT resulted in improved outcomes by (1) comparing students and
teachers who participated in the program to students and teachers who did not participate in the program and (2) comparing
student and teacher outcomes during periods of program participation to periods when they were not participating in the
program. More information about these ratings is provided on the next page. Findings and conclusions could change as new
research becomes available.
Table 1. Summary of findings on CW-FIT from eight studies that meet WWC standards
Outcome domain Effectiveness rating Improvement index Evidence tier Summary
Student behavior Positive effects 669 students TIER The research provides strong evidence that CW-FIT
1 improved student behavior. This assessment is
based on six studies that meet WWC standards and
include students in kindergarten through grade 10.
Teacher practice Positive effects 321 teachers TIER The research provides promising evidence that
3 CW-FIT improved teacher practice related to
improving student behavior. This assessment is
based on five studies that meet WWC standards and
include teachers in prekindergarten through grade 7.


Race: Native Hawaiian or
Pacific Islander 1% Other/unknown Free & Reduced-Price Lunch: 67%
759 students in Missouri, Tennessee, Utah, and
other unknown states 37% 18% 45% Special Education: 22%
White Black Female: 26%
Hispanic/Latino: 14%


The WWC conducted a systematic review of interventions designed to improve teacher practice and selected and prioritized studies
for review using the version 4.1 Systematic Review Protocol for Social, Emotional, and Behavioral Interventions. The WWC evaluated
the quality and results of the selected studies using the criteria outlined in the version 4.1 Procedures and Standards Handbooks and
the accompanying Study Review Protocol.
The WWC considers each study’s research design, whether findings were statistically significant and positive, and the number of studies
contributing to this report. The WWC synthesizes evidence across studies—using a weighted average—to determine the effectiveness
rating for each outcome domain. The WWC defines outcome domains in the Study Review Protocol to group related outcome measures.

Effectiveness rating Description of the evidence

Positive (or negative) effects The evidence base primarily includes the strongest research designs, and the average effect
across all high-quality research is statistically significant and positive (or negative).
Potentially positive (or negative) effects The evidence base primarily includes research with some limitations, and the average effect
across all high-quality research is statistically significant and positive (or negative).
Uncertain effects The average effect across all high-quality research is not statistically significant, so the WWC
does not classify it as a positive or a negative effect.

The WWC considers the effectiveness rating, the sample size, and the number of educational sites (states, districts, local education
agencies, schools, postsecondary campuses) across studies to determine the evidence tier for each outcome domain. When the
effectiveness rating is uncertain, potentially negative, or negative effects, there is no evidence tier.

Evidence tier Criteria based on evidence synthesis

Strong evidence TIER • Receives an effectiveness rating of positive effects, and
of effectiveness 1 • Includes at least 350 students in at least two educational sites

Moderate evidence TIER • Receives an effectiveness rating of potentially positive effects, and
of effectiveness 2 • Includes at least 350 students in at least two educational sites

Promising evidence TIER • Receives an effectiveness rating of potentially positive effects or positive effects
of effectiveness 3 • Includes fewer than 350 students or two educational sites

How was CW-FIT implemented?

This section provides details of how school districts and schools implemented CW-FIT in the eight studies that contribute
to this intervention report. This information can help educators identify the requirements for implementing CW-FIT and
determine whether implementing this program would be feasible in their districts or schools.
CW-FIT was implemented in general education and self-
contained classrooms to encourage students to demonstrate Comparison condition: In the two group design studies
appropriate behavioral skills and create a positive learning that contribute to this intervention report, students in
environment. Teachers identified target skills to focus on the comparison group did not participate in CW-FIT and
during CW-FIT sessions, including following directions, received business-as-usual instruction.
ignoring inappropriate peer behavior, showing respect, and There is no comparison group in single-case design studies.
getting the teacher’s attention appropriately. Using short, In the six single-case design studies that contribute to this
scripted lessons, teachers defined each skill, explained why report, teachers instructed class as they normally would
the skills are important, and allowed students to practice the and enforced existing classroom rules during the baseline
skills. Teachers then divided their students into teams and and reversal-withdrawal phases.
reviewed the skills. Teachers monitored student behavior and
scored the teams based on how well they displayed the target
skills. At the end of the session, winning teams received
a reward.

Teachers can implement CW-FIT during whole-class instruction or while students are working independently or in small
groups. In all eight studies, CW-FIT was implemented with the whole class. The developer recommends that teachers
implement 30-to 60-minute CW-FIT sessions three to four times per week during periods when students typically
demonstrate disruptive behaviors. This frequency of sessions should be maintained over time, although teachers can
decrease their monitoring of target behaviors and provide fewer opportunities for rewards as student behavior improves.
In six studies, teachers implemented CW-FIT during varied class periods, and in two studies, teachers implemented CW-FIT
during the period where students tended to be most disruptive. Teachers implemented the intervention once per day in six
studies and three to five times a week in the other two studies. Table 2 summarizes the components and implementation of
CW-FIT in more detail, and the appendix provides additional information about study-specific implementation in the single-
case design studies.
WWC standards assess the quality of the research, not the quality of the implementation. Studies that meet WWC standards
vary in quality of implementation. However, a study must describe the relevant components of the program and how each
was implemented with adequate detail to be included in an intervention report.

Table 2. Implementation of components of CW-FIT

Component Description of the component How it was implemented
Teaching Teachers decide which behavioral skills to teach, typically In seven studies, teachers taught two to four of the behavioral
behavioral skills selecting skills from a list suggested by the CW-FIT developer, skills suggested by the developer. In one study, teachers taught
including getting the teacher’s attention appropriately, following skills from a list they developed using student input.
directions, ignoring inappropriate peer behavior, and showing In five studies, the target skills were consistent across all
respect. Teachers may choose to solicit student input on the CW-FIT sessions. In three studies, teachers added skills based
selection of skills and decide whether the target skills will remain on student behavior challenges during sessions.
consistent or vary based on student behavior concerns.
During the first 3 to 5 days of CW-FIT implementation, teachers
introduce students to the behavioral skills that will be monitored
during the implementation period using a 10- to 15-minute semi-
scripted lesson for each skill. When introducing students to the
target skills, teachers define the skill, discuss the rationale for
learning the skill, and ask students to practice the skill. The skills
for CW-FIT are also displayed on posters that include pictures as
visual reminders for the students. Teachers review each target
skill before beginning each CW-FIT session.
CW-FIT game Teachers divide their class into teams, usually based on seating In seven studies, teachers formed teams of two to six students. In
sessions arrangements. Teachers then explain that teams work together to one study, teachers did not divide classes into teams and instead
earn points and rewards for demonstrating the CW-FIT target skills. assessed individual students’ demonstration of target skills.
Before each session, teachers decide how frequently to monitor In five studies, teachers set a point goal that was constant
behavior and award points, based on factors such as grade throughout CW-FIT sessions. In two studies, the point goal was
level, level of familiarity with the rules, and current levels of determined as a proportion of time intervals during the game
engagement. Teachers also decide how many points are needed session. In one study, teachers did not award points or establish
for teams to earn rewards and announce the point goal before point goals.
starting the session. In seven studies, all teams that met the established point goal
During each session, teachers monitor student behavior at received a reward of their choosing, and in one study, teachers
regular time intervals and award points if all members of a team did not provide rewards. In four studies, students provided input
are displaying the target skills. Teachers may also award bonus on the list of rewards.
points at their discretion. Teachers record team point totals on
a chart that is visible to all students. At the end of the session,
teachers announce which team or teams won and provide
rewards. Teachers use student input to create a list of rewards
available to winning teams, often including a combination
of small prizes, such as snacks, school supplies, free time,
extra recess time, and activities such as short in-class games.
Students choose their reward from the list.
Teacher praise In addition to awarding points, teachers praise students for In three studies, teachers were instructed to use skill-specific
displaying the target skills. When giving praise, teachers praise statements when teams displayed the target skills.
describe how the students demonstrated the skill to reinforce The other five studies do not describe whether teachers were
appropriate behaviors. Teachers may also give behavior-specific, instructed to use skill-specific praise statements.
constructive feedback to students and teams who are not
displaying the target skills.

Component Description of the component How it was implemented
Additional Teachers can provide additional supports for students who are In two studies, after implementing initial CW-FIT sessions,
targeted having significant challenges demonstrating the target skills. teachers provided additional, targeted supports for students who
supports for Teachers select students who need additional support based on continued to demonstrate significant disruptive behaviors. In six
students their behavior in initial CW-FIT game sessions and choose from studies, teachers did not provide additional, targeted supports.
two types of supports based on student behavior. For students who
demonstrate attention-seeking behaviors, teachers show students
how to monitor and track their own behavior using an individual
version of the class point chart on their desks. For students who
demonstrate avoidant behaviors (for example, putting their head
down, leaving the room, or creating confrontations to avoid tasks),
teachers show students how to ask for extra assistance from the
teacher by holding up a help card. When introducing these supports,
teachers select a peer to join a small-group lesson with the focal
student or students to review appropriate behaviors, describe the
supports, and practice using them. While implementing sessions,
teachers praise students for appropriate use of the supports.
Training and Teachers can receive training from another staff member or from In all eight studies, teachers received training from the study authors.
support for a CW-FIT researcher or developer. Training content covers how In four studies, the study authors were also CW-FIT developers.
teachers to teach behavioral skills using lesson scripts from the CW-FIT In five studies, teachers received 90 minutes to 2 hours of training,
developer, monitor student behavior and award points, provide and in two studies teachers received 45 to 60 minutes of training.
skill-specific praise, and provide rewards. Training may also include In one study, teachers received 10 minutes of training, which
reviewing resources from the CW-FIT developer website, which involved reviewing lesson scripts for teaching the target skills.
include instructional videos of teachers implementing CW-FIT and
written guides that describe the components of the intervention and In five studies, teachers received ongoing coaching support,
how to implement them. Teachers can access additional materials sometimes in more than one way. In two of these studies, teachers
from the developer website, including posters depicting the target received additional coaching and modeling from the study authors
skills, lesson scripts, class point charts, and individual point charts during the sessions in which the teachers taught the target skills.
and help cards for providing targeted supports. In four of these studies, the study authors or CW-FIT coaches
conducted classroom observations and provided feedback to
Teachers often receive ongoing coaching support from staff teachers while teachers led CW-FIT sessions. Three studies do
members in their school or district when they start implementing not describe coaching support for teachers.
CW-FIT, including coaching and modeling during the introductory
sessions and classroom observations. Teachers might also need In the two studies in which teachers provided additional, targeted
additional training when introducing additional, targeted supports supports to students, teachers received additional training from the
to individual students. study authors or a CW-FIT coach on implementing these supports.

Notes: The descriptive information for this intervention comes from the developer website, https://cwfit.ku.edu/; the eight studies that meet WWC standards and have an effect
size or design-comparable effect size; and from correspondence with the developers. Information about implementation in the additional six single-case design studies for which
the WWC was unable to calculate a design-comparable effect size is provided in Appendix Table 2.

How much does CW-FIT cost?

This section provides educators with an overview of the resources needed to implement CW-FIT. Table 3 describes the major
resources needed for implementation and approximate costs, based on information available as of December 2022.

Table 3. Resources needed to implement CW-FIT

Resource Description Funding source
Teacher training CW-FIT training materials for teachers are available for free on In all eight studies, teachers were trained using materials
the developer’s website. available for free on the CW-FIT developer’s website or provided
by the study authors.
Coach training Districts can purchase training packages for coaches from the In four studies, the study authors provided additional coaching to
developer, starting at $6,000 to train two district coaches who, teachers. Two studies do not describe how training for coaches
together, can support up to 20 teachers. was funded. In two studies, no additional coaching for teachers
was provided.
Facilities and CW-FIT is implemented in a classroom setting. CW-FIT training School districts or schools provided the necessary facilities and
technology may be delivered in school facilities or online. Internet access technology.
and computers are required for online trainings.
Other materials Implementation materials, such as posters depicting the target The studies do not describe how timers for teachers or rewards
skills, class point charts, and individual point charts and help for students were funded.
cards, are available for free on the developer’s website.
Teachers need a timer to facilitate CW-FIT sessions. Teachers or
schools also provide rewards to winning teams, which often include
a combination of small prizes such as snacks, school supplies, free
time, extra recess time, and activities such as short in-class games.

For more information about CW-FIT
The University of Kansas
Juniper Gardens Children’s Project
444 Minnesota Ave #300
Kansas City, KS 66101
Email: cwfitku@ku.edu Web: https://cwfit.ku.edu/
Phone: (913) 897-8508
To request access to free training and implementation materials: https://cwfit.ku.edu/request-access/

Read the full intervention report to learn more about CW-FIT, how it was implemented in the studies that meet
standards, and what the studies found. Visit the WWC website for summaries of evidence on other interventions
and to learn more about the research the WWC has reviewed.

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