Saes P 123
Saes P 123
Saes P 123
1 Scope ................................................................ 2
2 Conflicts and Deviations ................................... 2
3 References........................................................ 2
4 Definitions ......................................................... 4
5 Lighting Requirements ...................................... 5
6 Illuminance Levels .......................................... 14
Revision Summary................................................. 18
1 Scope
1.1 This SAES covers the minimum mandatory requirements for lighting installations.
Except where specifically mentioned, this SAES does not apply to residential and
security lighting.
1.2 Requirements for residential lighting are found in the IES Lighting Handbook.
1.4.1 For high structures and stacks, special obstruction luminaires and
warning luminaires shall be provided in accordance with SAES-B-063.
1.4.2 Piers, offshore platforms and similar structures extending into navigable
waters must be furnished with obstruction lighting as required by
Any conflicts between this document and other applicable Mandatory Saudi Aramco
Engineering Requirements (MSAERs) shall be addressed to the EK&RD Manager.
Any deviation from the requirements herein shall follow internal company procedure
3 References
All referenced specifications, standards, codes, drawings, and similar material are
considered part of this engineering standard to the extent specified, applying the latest
version, unless otherwise stated.
4 Definitions
Luminaire: Apparatus which distributes, filters or transforms the light emitted from
one or more lamps and which includes all the parts necessary for fixing and protecting
the lamps and, where necessary, circuit auxiliaries together with the means for
connecting them to the electric supply. The words “luminaire” and “lamp system” are
often assumed to be synonymous. For the purposes of this standard, the word
“luminaire” is restricted to apparatus used for distributing light in general lighting,
while “lamp system” implies use of lamps in other than general lighting applications.
LED Reported Lifetime: Length of time expressed in hours during which 70% of the
measured initial luminous flux value is maintained, as a function of ambient temperature,
while not exceeding the reported lifetime as per LM-80.
Lumen Maintenance: Value of the luminous flux at a given time in the life of a
luminaire divided by the initial value of the luminous flux of the luminaire and expressed
as a percentage “x” of the initial luminous flux value. The lumen maintenance of a
luminaire is the effect of decrease of lumen output which is sometimes referred to as
depreciation or lumen loss factor.
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Luminaire Efficacy: Quotient of the luminaire luminous output divided by the power
consumed by the luminaire. The efficacy is expressed in lm/W.
5 Lighting Requirements
5.1 General
5.1.7 Lighting system power supplies consisting of 230 volt, two wires,
400 volt, two-wire shall be acceptable. The choice of voltage and
distribution system for lighting installations shall depend on the area to
be supplied and the required lighting load.
5.1.10 Photocell switches shall be of the twist-lock type and shall incorporate
an inherent time delay to prevent spurious operations. Photocell switches
shall be suitable for continuous operation in an ambient temperature
specified in SAES-P-100.
5.1.11 Where floodlights are installed on steel towers, the towers shall be
equipped with steel service platforms located 1.5 m below the luminaires.
5.1.12 Poles for area lighting and street lighting shall meet the following
5.2.2 LED luminaires shall be used for indoor and outdoor area illumination.
5.2.5 Luminaires shall be suitable for the environment where they are
installed. Luminaires installed outdoor shall be approved as weather
proof and dust tight.
Commentary Note 5.2.9:
5.2.6 Luminaires and control switches shall be marked (tagged) with circuit
number and panel board number.
5.3.1 LED reported lifetime shall not be less than 50,000 hours associated
with the following conditions:
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25,000 hours luminaire lifetime is acceptable for luminaire rated less than
or equal to 15 W.
5.3.4 Reflectors, optics, or filters shall be provided to control the glare and
harmful light spectrum to safe level. Guidelines and limits of IEC 62471
and /or the IES handbook shall be applied.
● The LED circuitry shall prevent flicker perceptible to the unaided eye
over the voltage range specified as per IEC 61000-3-3 or IEEE 1453.
● All LED components shall be designed to tolerate between -10°C and
+50°C ambient temperature at 85% Relative Humidity (RH) during
5.4.5 Area lighting of remote and unmanned on shore oil and water wells is at
the option of the operating proponent.
5.4.7 In plant areas photocell control of area and street lighting shall be through
a lighting contactor with a hand-off-automatic switch and provisions for
remote operation. Outside plant fence and street lighting can be grouped
and controlled by photocells.
5.6.4 Normal and emergency task lighting of at least 200 lux (20 fc) shall be
provided for the following:
A. In plant areas to illuminate equipment required for use in
emergencies, such as: emergency telephones, shutdown and
emergency isolation stations, fire water pump areas, central foam
concentrate mixing areas, fire control panels, Breathing Apparatus
& Fire Extinguisher Station, and stand-by generators.
B. In evacuation assembly areas and in offshore platform escape
capsule areas and boat landings.
5.6.6 Emergency egress lighting shall be provided for the floors of requiring
means of egress, as per SAES-M-100 and this Section:
1. Control Rooms
2. Process Areas
3. Switchgear Rooms
4. In-Plant Buildings
5. Offshore Platforms
The egress paths which will require emergency lighting will be designated
by the respective proponent for the facility based on the main emergency
routes for the facility to the emergency assembly or evacuation points,
which is documented in the facility Emergency Response Plan (ERP).
5.6.7 The floors of means of egress shall be illuminated at all points including
angles and intersections of designated corridors and passageways,
stairways, landings of stairs, and exit doors. Emergency lighting shall
provide initial illumination that is no less than a maintained maximum of
10 lux (1 fc) and a minimum at any point of 1 lux (0.1 fc) measured
along the path of egress at floor level. A maximum to minimum
illuminance uniformity ratio of 40:1 shall not be exceeded.
5.7.2 Lighting for control rooms shall be designed for maximum flexibility to
permit flicker-free variation of illumination levels above each group of
operator workstations. Luminaires shall be installed to minimize
reflections and glare at operating screens.
LED 80 70
6 Illuminance Levels
The average maintained (in service) illuminance levels in Table 4 shall be used with
uniformity factors specified in the IES lighting handbook. The initial field measurement
after installation shall be no less than the specified illuminance divided by the light loss
factor (LLF) from Table 1 and other factors utilized in the design. For locations not
specified in Table 4, IES lighting handbook shall be used.
Area Lighting
General Area 10 (1) Ground H
Under Pipe-ways, Trestles, & Walkways 30 (3) Ground H
Piers 200 (20) Ground H
Street Lighting (See Residential)
Regular 500 (50) (760) H
CAD Work Station 500 (50) Task -
Conference Room 500 (50) (760) H
Elevators 200 (20) Floor H
Corridors 75 (7.5) Floor H
Stairways 75 (7.5) Floor H
Washrooms 150 (15) (900) H
Control Rooms
General 500 (50) Floor H
Instrument Panels 500 (50) (1700) V [2]
Electrical Rooms
Vertical Face of Switchgear 300 (30) (1700) V
Battery Room 300 (30) Floor H
Platform, Stairs (draft fans level) 200 (20) Floor H
Burner Platform 150 (15) Floor H
Control Area 300 (30) (760) H
Vertical Instrument and Control Panels 300 (30) (1700) V
Control Desk 500 (50) (760) H
Gauges (by supplementary lighting) 300 (30) Task -
Garage (non-residential)
Traffic Area 200 (20) Floor H
Loading Racks
General Area 50 (5) Floor H
Tank Truck (Loading Point) 100 (10) Task H
General Area (Interior) 200 (20) (900) H
Repairs & Service Area 750 (75) Task -
Storage (parts) 300 (30) Floor H
Qualitative, Quantitative and Physical 500 (50) (900) H
Tests, Glassware, Washrooms 300 (30) (900) H
Fume Hoods 300 (30) Task -
Stock Rooms 150 (15) Floor H
Turbo Generators
Turbine Floor 300 (30) Floor H
Condenser, Pump, Aux. Floor 200 (20) Floor H
Gauges (by supplementary lighting) 300 (30) Task -
Bulk Storage (outdoor) 10 (1) Ground H
Bulk Storage (indoor) 100 (10) Floor H
Small Bin Storage 100 (10) (760) V
Small Parts Storage 200 (20) (760) V
Counter Tops 300 (30) (1200) H
Change House
Locker Room, Shower 100 (10) Floor H
Lavatory (Hammam) 200 (20) Floor H
Classrooms 750 (75) (760) H
Manual Training 1000 (100) (900) H
Library 750 (75) (760) H
Corridors 200 (20) Floor H
Sidewalks (Roadside)
Residential (Camps and Community 10 (1) Ground H
Centers) 10 (1) 1800 V [3]
Revision Summary
29 December 2021 Editorial revision to:
- Change the revision cycle from three years(19 March 2022) to five years (19 March
- check the SAEP-301 compliance
19 March 2019 Major revision. The new revision incorporates various major comments generated during
the workshop attended by standard stakeholders such as CSD, Power Systems
Engineering Department, FPD, SAPMT, and five lighting manufacturers.
3 September 2014 Major revision after conducting the value engineering session and incorporate comments
received on Light Emitting Diode (LED) requirements in the standard.