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JUNE, 2018

First and for most our deepest gratitude goes to our lord for his support throughout our life.

Secondly ,we are grateful to our advisor Firew Zewde For his dedicated interest, support and
unreserved guidance throughout this work.

Thirdly, we like to thank the staffs of Ethio telecom Yirgalem branch that helped us by giving
information to conduct t

his study.

Last but not least ,we like to thank our families and intimate friends who support and motivate
with ideally ,monetary and morally to conduct this study.

The overall objective of the study was to evaluate recruitment and selection practice of
Ethiopia telecom. In this paper, what is to be under taken is that we used two sources of data,
the primary and secondary data .the primary data was collected through using questionnaire
from staff employee of Ethiopia telecom .Secondary data was collected published and
unpublished material like book magazine and internet .systematic random sampling technique
were used In determining the sampling technique in which 22 employees were selected
randomly from total population of 22 and a descriptive research method was used to analyze
the recruitment and selection of Ethiopia telecom. after data were collected and analyzed
conclusion of the study of the problem to put the practice of recruitment and selection in the
different organization, finally ,possible recommendation is given to for the concerned body to
solve the problem concerned with recruitment .
Table of Content
Content Page
Abstract …………………………………………………………………………….
CHAPTER ONE ……………………………………………………………………1.
1, INTRODUCTION.............................................................................................................1.
1.1 Background Of The Study ……………………………………………………....1
1.2 Back Ground Of The Organization ……………………………………………....2
1.3 Statement Of The Problem …………………………………………………..…..3
1.4 Research question.......................................................................................................................3
1.5. Objective Of The Study ……………………………………………………………….3
1.5.1 General Objective ……………………………………………………………….3
1.5.2 Specific Objective ……………………………………………………………….4
1. 6. Significance of the study………………………………………………………………..4
1.7. Scope Of The Study ………….……………………………………………………..4
1.8. Limitation…………………………………………………………………………........ ...4
1.9.organization of the study……………………………………………………...................5
REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE……………………………………………………………......6.
2.1. Introduction…………………………………………………………………… ..........6
2.1.1. The Job Specification…………………………………………………....................6
2.2. Recruitment ………………………………………………………………........6
2.2.1. The Concept of Recruitment ………………………………………………........6
2.2.2. Source of Recruitment ………………………………………………………........7
2.3. Methods of Recruitment ………………………………………………………........8.
2.3.1. Internal Recruitment ……………………………………………………….........8
2.3.2. External Recruitment ………………………………………………………..9
2.4. External Factors affecting recruitment ………………………………………..10.
2.5. Consequences of Ineffective recruitment………………………………………...10
2.6. Assessment Of Recruitment Process ………………………………………....10
2.7. Selection ………………………………………………………………………....11
2.7.1. The Selection Process…………………………………………………………...12
2.7.2.Environmental Circumstances Influencing ……………………………….....12
3.1.Describtion of population……………………………………………………..…..16
3.2.Source of data……………………………………………………………………..16
3.3.Sample size determlnation…………………………………………………………16
3,4.Sampling technique…………………………………………………………………16
3.5.Data Collection Method……………………………………………………………………………………......17
3.6.Data Analysis Method……………………………………………………………………………………….……..17
4.1 Demographic Characteristics Of Respondents …………………………................18..
4.1.1 Sex Of Respondents……………………………………………..................................18
4.1.2. Educational profile and service of employees……………………………….……………….……..20.
4.1.3. Recruitment of employees…………………………………………………………………………..………...21
4.1.4 Methods of recruitment………………………………………………………………………………………....22
4.1,5 Eternal recruitment…………………………………………………………………………………………….....23.
4.1.6 Problem that arises at the time of recruitment…………………………………………..………......24
4.2 Employees’ selection...........................................................................................................24
4.2.1 Interview and the extent of exam and interview related to job……………………….……....25.
5.1 summary of finding ……………………………………………………..........32
5.2 conclusions ……………………………………………………….…….........32.
5.3 Recommendation …………………………………………………………..….........33
Appendix I ………………………………………………………………………........36
List of table page
Table 4.1 gender of respondents…………………………………………………………………………..…......18
Table 4.2 age distribution and year of service of respondents…………………………………......19.
Table4.3 educational profile of respondents………………………………………………………....….20
Table 4.4 year of service…………………………………………………………………………………………….....20
Table 4.5 type of recruitment reach to the desired candidate…………………………………….....21
Table 4.6 method of vacancy……………………………………………...............................................22.
Table 4.7 internal recruitment ………………………………………………...........................................23.
Table 4.8 method of selection……………………………………………….............................................24
Table 4.9 type of interview used in selection process………………………..................................25
Table 4.10 the extent to which interview and exam related to the job &background and
reference checks…………………………………………………………………………………………………….............26
Table 4.11 the degree of clarity of information, the attractiveness of effective candidate & the
possibility of problem and challenges that face during
Table 4.12 performance of recruiter……………………………………………………………………………........29
Table 4.13 type of employment test the is applicable in the organization ………………………….....30



Human resources are the most important asset of the organization. The success and failure of an
organization is largely positive and creative contribution from people, the organization cannot be
progress and prosper .in order to achieve the goal and perform activities of the organization we
need to recruit people with requisite skin, qualification and experience (Wilkinson and T.
Redman, 2008)

According to Wendess L. French, (2007) is the process of attracting applicants for the position
needed? The employment process can be seen as the most widely used activity in any business
organization .in order for it to attract, select and maintain and efficient and effective work force.

Each organization requires human resources with necessary qualification, skills, abilities,
knowledge, work effectively and efficiently. Assigning the right person in the right position at
the right time is the most critical issue to organization.

The activity of work performed can be only as right as the capability of the people performing it.
The two initial stages in staffing and process of an organization are recruitment and selection.

Recruitment is the process of finding people and encouraging them to apply for work with the
organization on the other hand, selection is the process of choosing among those who do apply.
The study would focus on the assessment of recruitment and which retails picking out the beat
person from the labor market who till add to the performance level of the corporation the study
was also have to try to identify the activities performed with the practice of recruitment and
selection the challenges traced while carrying out each activity and assessment that consistency
of the practice with the environment and its recruitment (noe, Hollenbeck, 2008).

The introduction of telecommunication services Ethiopian dates, back to 1894.it is the oldest
public telecommunication operator in Africa.

The company was placed under the government control at the beginning of the twenties century
and was later brought to operate under auspices the ministry of post and communication, in
1952, telecommunication (to days ministry of infrastructure).It is currently deemed by the
regulation that Ethio telecom is sole operator of any telecommunication related service including
the provision of internet and public phone.

Today the backbone network is on constituted from a variety of microwave satellite and fiber
optic links. International access is provided by the PANAFIEL terrestrial micro wave network
connecting Ethiopian to other Southern and Eastern Africa countries via links to some
neighboring countries (pamphlet of the corporations). Now days, the corporation has changed its
name to Ethio telecom.

Hence,Yirgalem telecommunication is one of the branch of Ethiopian telecommunication located

at 327 km South of the capital city of Addis Ababa, in Southern region in SidamaZone.It
provides different service including home phone, publish one, street phone, internet service e.t.c
{Yirgalem telecom 2018}.

The main aim of this study to evaluate /assess the recruitment and selection practice of Yirgalem
town telecommunication center. Finally after all the researcher was provide conclusion and
recommdation depends on collected data or information.

The recruitment and selection was one and major activity of human resource management which
involves recruitment and selecting of available need and potential human resource based on the
organization need and requirements .but, in some organization the right person was may not to
hire at the right place because of different problems that arises at the time of recruitments and
selection. For instance ,wrong place of announcement, when the vacancy is on internet all people
cannot see and the shortage of vacancy time duration. In order to minimize such and related
problems the organization was treat employees equally and properly because, the effectiveness
of an organization depends on the effectiveness of its employees. Therefore, this current study
investigates the problems that make the proper recruitment and selection process not to prevail.
In general the effectiveness of organization depends on its employee. Thus the purpose of the
study was to analyze and examine how recruitments and selection practice is applied and
expressly stating hidden problems.

1.4. Research Questions

The basic research questions are as the following:-

1. What are the major problems of recruitment and selection?

2. What are the major methods through which the company obtains effective candidates?

3. What are the different activities to carry out in recruitment and selection practice?

1.5. Objective of the study

1.5.1 General Objective

The general objective of the research is to evaluate the recruitment and selection of employees in
Ethio Tel in Yirgalem branch.
1.5.2 Specific Objective

 To identify the major problems that were may face in different activities of
recruitment and selection.

 To identify the different activities to carry out in recruitment and selection practice.

 To identify the extent to which the methods of recruitment and selection were to
apply in the company

1.6. Significance of the study

The study was aims try to evaluate recruitment and selection practice in case of Ethio telecom
Yirgalem Branch. The study was significant for the following reasons.

 First it ensures proper assessment of employees in their performance.

 Secondly, it enables the employees to fulfill their qualification through understanding
the process and procedures.
 The third one is, it serves as a starting point for researcher, the last one was aims to use
as a source of valuable information on various levels of managements and employer in
the organization.

1.7. Scope Of The Study

Due to financial constraints, the study will focus on only in Ethio-Telecom in Yirgalem
branch.Ethio-Telecom has many branches in many town and cities of the country, but for the
sake of its manageability this study would be delimited to Yirgalem town.


The researcher was may face in different limitation at the time of doing the study such as time
limitation since the researcher was on academic process the researcher may face lack of enough
time, Experience limitation since it was for the first time to conduct a research the researcher was
limited to experience and Financial limitation related to cost of the research process.
1.9. Organization of the study

This study consists five chapters .the first chapters deal with introduction of the study which
includes background of the study, background of the corporation ,statement of the problem,
research objective, scope and significance of the study. The second chapter is concerned with
review of literature. The third chapter focuses on research methodology and design, the fourth
and the fifth chapter focuses on data analysis and discussion and summary finding conclusions
and recommendation respectively.

2. Review of Related Literature

2.1. Introduction

Most managers are now accustomed to planning to the future: this planning should also extend to
their recruitment activates, as with every other factors of production given to them. They must
anticipate their man power needs and head, under no circumstances.

2.1.1. The Job Specification

A recruitment activity is an opportunity to look again at the primary objective of the job. The
details of the tasks which make up the job should be studied, and the purpose of the job itself
should be challenge.

The job must be studied in attempt to specify the skill, knowledge and experience required to
perform it. Evidence prove that the resulting job specification is fundamental to successful
employee selection and that many selection failures can be traced to a weakness in the ordinal
job study. Despite this body of evidence, even today, surprisingly few job are formalized in to
written specification. (Wendell French, 2007).

2.2. Recruitment

2.2.1. The Concept of Recruitment

Recruitment is considered as an important aspect of human resource management process. It is

the process of attracting potential employee, who can fulfill requirements deceived by a
specification job which is vacant.

There is no universal accepted definition for recruitment. Below is some of the definition given
by different authors.

“Recruitment is the process of generating a pool of qualified candidates for particular job.
(Gomez .M, 1995)
“Recruitment the process of finding individuals to carry out the tasks. That need to be done with
in an organization (lindo Monud,2001).

“Recruiting is the set of creativities on organization uses to attract for candidates who have the
abilities and attitudes needed to help the organization achieve its objectives”
(Ivancevich&Glueck, 1989).

Recruitment is not a simple task and like most of human resource functions. It is affected by
both in internal and external environmental factors. These factors could facilitate or limit the
recruitment process in attracting large number of qualified candidates.

Among factors influencing effective recruitment are the following:-

Internal Factors

Working condition, promotional opportunity, salary Levels type and extent of benefit, other
personal policies and practices, Image of the organization.

External Factor

Personnel policies and practices of other organization regarding working condition, salary
benefit, promotional opportunities, Career opportunities in other organizations, Government
regulation (Gary.Dezel, 1994).

2.2.2. Source of Recruitment

In considering possible source of recruitment employee, it is easy to assume that these are
inevitable by external even when it is possible and feasible to fill job vacancies from within the
organization the transfers and promotion which this usually involve will more often not produce
a vacancy attend to a chain reaction, necessitating external recruitment, (shown. T &Altered.Y,

There are two (2) Source of recruitment

Vacant positions in organizations could be filled by those existing employee through transfer,
promotion and recall from lay off. Nerveless the possibility of filling vacancies internally should
always be given very careful consideration for the following reasons:

The cost and the time that external recruitment, selection and induction recruitment or fill
vacancies may be used as means of cared development, widening opportunities and stimulating
motivation among existing employees (shown. T, and A, fered,Y, 2000). External

External source provide alloy pool candidates. It is often by organizations that are growing
rapidly or have large demand for technological skilled managerial employee. When the
organization has to use external sources there are two main means of conducting the research for
employee; Through employment consultancies and agencies, By contacting the public directly
through advertisements in newspaper, journals, and posters on radio television and on the
internet (shown T and Alferd Y, 2000).

Most organization combine the use of external source organizations that operate in rapidly
changing environment & competitive conditions may need it place a heavier emphasis on
externally source as well as developing internal source.

2.3. Methods of Recruitment

There are two (2) methods of recruitment:- internal and external recruitment

2.3.1. Internal Recruitment

Search for suitable candidates to fill confirmed vacancy should begin within the organization.
This practice is found for moral, assures employees of varies for promotion; and insults that
existing to lent is not over looked (Lean C. Megginson, 1981). There are several methods of
internal recruitment the most common are:-

1. Job Posing and Bidding

Job posting and bidding is system in which the employees provides notices of job opening and
employ respond by applying for specific opening this method gives each employee an
opportunity to move to abettor Job within the organization. (mathias and Jackson; 1997).
2. Skill inventories

A skill inventory is a method used in order to identify employees with the attributes needed for
particular job. It is a systematic record of listing employee’s education, career and development
interests special skill.

3. Promotion and Transfer

Many organizations choose to fill vacancies through promotions or transfer from within
whenever possible. The person performance on job may not be a good predictor of performance
on another because different skills may be required on the new job (Mathis and Jokson, 1997).

4. Employee Referrals

Same organizations encourage then employee to their potential applicant to open position. This
method of recruitment for potential employees can also result in higher quality candidates
( ivancivich and Glue; 1982).

2.3.2. External Recruitment

External recruitment involves obtaining application from individual external to the organization.
External recruiting involves many methods the most common of which are the following.

 Advertisement

Advertisement is one of the external recruiting methods in a daily newspaper, local radio
stations, in trade journals and in the magazines of professional associations usually attract
applicant in great number but of highly variable quality.

 Employee Agencies

There could be public or private employment agencies have information on job seekers in terms
of qualification skill, interest.

Public employments agencies are located in almost every major city but private employment
agencies tend to specialize in specific occupations and skill.
 School Recruiting

It involves recruitment for educational institutional that offer opportunities to recruit many
companies send representative to interview senior in high schools and colleges. This technique
enables the company point an attractive pictures of its employment opportunities, and to do
advance screening candidates (Edwin B.Flipo, 1980).

 College Recruiting

At college or university level, the recruitment of graduating student is a large scale operation for
many organizations. College recruiting can be expensive; therefore, an organization should
determine if position is trying to fill really require persons with college degrees (Mathis
&Jakson; 1997),

2.4. External Factors affecting recruitment

External influences are also important should be considered as likely it effects are ability it
recruit new staff (lindo M, 2001) identifies the following general areas for affecting recruitment,
there are:- Economic ,Demographic and Social factor .

2.5. Consequences of Ineffective recruitment

Procedure a wrong selection decision can prove to be very costly to the organization such as
areas as: - Increased work coeds, Foiling standard of work Where absenteeism

2.6. Assessment of Recruitment Process

Evaluating the success of recruiting effort is important task because that is the only way to find
out whether the efforts are cost effective interims of time and money spent. (Mathis and Jackson,
1997) identified the following general area for evaluating recruiting.

1. Quantity of applicant because the goal of good recruiting program is to generate a large
pool of applicants from which to choose quantity in a natural place to begin Assessment.
2. Equal employment opportunity (EEO) goals met:- the recruiting program is the key
activity used to meet goals for hiring protected class individuals. This is especially
relevant when accompany is engaged in affirmative action to meet such goals

3. Quality of applicant:- in addition to quality, there is issue of whether the qualifications of

the applicant pool sufficient to fill the job openings.

4. Cost per applicant hired:- cost varies depending on the position being turn over fined
knowing how much it cost its fill an empty position put turnover and salary in
perspective. The greatest single expense in requiring is the cost of having

5. Time required to fill opening:- the length of time it takes to fill openings is another means
of recruiting effort

Job Description and Job Specification

Job description is useful to both the resistors and the applicant.

It is the way of finding a template of model for identifying those candidates who are most likely
to be successful in the job.

According to (Linda, mound 2001) such attributes includes: Education, Skills, Experience and

2.7. Selection

Selection:- is the process of choosing individuals who have relevant qualification, it fill job in an
organization (Gomez M; 1995)

Selection is the process by which an organization chooses from a list of applicants, who best
meet the selection criteria for position available, considering environmental consideration
(Invoncevich&Gluek 1989) employees selection is important the following reasons:-

Employees who do not have the right abilities have on impact on the success and image of the
organization, There is a very high cost associated with recruitment and hiring process especially
when hiring people for high level positions, there are legal implications associated with
effectiveness of the selection procedure.

2.7.1. The Selection Process

Most organization take certain common steps to process applicants for job variation on this
basic process depend on organizational sizes nature of the jobs to be selected, number of people
to be selected and pressure of outside forces such as EEO consideration.

According to Mathis and Jackson, 1997 the basic selection process involves the following

 Applicant Forms

It provides basic employment information to be used at a large stage of the selection process and
to screen out unqualified applicants. If widely used a properly prepared it serves four purposes

It’s a record of the applicants desire to obtain apposition, it provides the interviewer with profile
of the applicant that can be used in the interview, its a basic employee record for applicants who
hired and it can be used for research on the effectiveness of the selection places

 Primary Screening

The selection process often begins with initials screening of applicant to eliminate those who
obviously do not meet the positions requirements by asking straight forward questions.

The major objective of this step is its find out whether applicants are fit for the required job or

 Employment Test, on employment test is a mechanism that attempts to measure certain

characteristics at individuals such as manual qualifications and potential for success.

(Mathis and Jackson 1997) identified some of the employment tests used by the organizations
includes the following:
Personality tests:- measures the basic aspect of an individual’s personality such as intervention,
stability & motivation

Aptitude tests:- tests that measure general ability to learn or acquire as kills

Mental Ability Tests:- Measure reasoning capabilities same of the abilities include
spatial orientation, comprehension and retention span and general and conceptual reasoning.

Interest test:- These are design to determines how to a person’s interests compare with
the interest of successful people who do the same type of job.

4, Interviews

Interview is a formal conversation conduced to assess the suitability of candidate for particular

According to (weather and Davis; 1996) the interviewer seeks answer the following two
questions, Can the applicant do the job? And how does the applicant compare with other who are
being considered for the job?

Interview is the most common selection techniques. They can be used to evaluate candidate
acceptability for all type of employment in an organization.

A selection interview also designed to assets job related knowledge, skills, and abilities clarify
information from others.

Types of Interview

According to Mathis and Jackson 1997 identified six types of selection interview as:-

Structured interview:- interviewee that uses let of standard questions asked of all job

Situational interview: - as structured interview composed of question about how applicant

might handle specific job situations.
Behavioral description interview: - interview in which applicants give specific examples of
how the have performed or handled a problem in the past

Nor directive interview: - interview that use general questions from which other questions are

Stress interview:- interview designed to create an anxiety and put pressure on applications to see
now the person responses.

Panel interview:- interview in which several interviews interview the candidate or the same time

The following variations are possible in the patterns interview

Single one to one interview, series of one to one interviews at the end of which interviews
compare view and discuss final conclusions, broad or panel interview with a group of interviews,
combination of one to one brood interview

5, Reference Checks and recommendation

Reference checks involve communication with pervious employers, and other who can provide
information about the applicant the checks serve for two purposes:-

1) They verify or contradict what the applicant has told the organization

2) They produce supplement information that can be useful in hiring process

6, Physical Examinations

Many jobs require un usual to tolerance of un pleasant working conditions physical examination
reveals whether or not candidate possess these qualities (Leon C. Magginson 1981).

Physical exams serve several purposes like

It is important to prevent the hiring decision of conditions with serious communicable and It also
permit employers; screen out applications whose health problem may result in high rate of
7, Hiring /Selection/ Decision

If the above steps are successful accomplished, the best qualified individual can be identified
this decision is made by the hurling department as per the qualification set up for the job to be
filled. The hiring decision makes the finalization of the basic parts of the section process.

2.7.2.Environmental Circumstances Influencing

{Ivancevich and glue 1989} identified the following factors that affect the selection process

The internal environment, nature of the labor market, union requirement, government
requirement and location of the organization.


The research was aims to undertake on the title of “the assessment of recruitment and selection in
the case of Ethiopia telecom inYirgalem Branch”. This was to carry out by using descriptive
method. Descriptive method is a method of data analysis describes about the existing situations
or describe about something.

3.1.Describtion of population

The population of the study includes 22 employees of the works process team. As the population
size is small, the researcher was use census survey sampling techniques. Because, all the
population are accessible to collect the appropriate data.

3.2. Source Of Data

In the study to evaluate our research,the researcher would be used both primary and secondary
source of data. Primary source of data would be collected directly through questionnaires and
secondary source of data would be obtained from documents such as:-reports, broachers,
magazines and the internet .Secondary sources would be used to collect more about the
background as well as the history of achievement in past year.

3.3. Sample Size Determination

The researcher was used census survey to collect data from employee. There are small number of
the ethio telecom employee i .e 22 employees in the ethio telecom. To increase the accuracy of
the research, the researcher was used this type of method.

3.4. Sampling Techniques

the researcher was use census sampling technique in this researcher random sampling technique
was employed to assess the assessment of recruitment and selection
3.5 Data Collection Methods

The primary source of data was collect through questionnaires’ method of data collection ,the
questionnaires’ collected data from the employees. Secondary source data was to collect from
internet, book, document and different related researches.

The researcher was use descriptive method of data analysis to analyze the data. Because
descriptive method of data analysis describes about the existing situations. After getting data
from different sources, the researcher was analyze the data by using percentages, tabulation and

3.6. Scope of The Study

Due to financial constraints the study was focus only in Ethio telecom Yirgalem Branch.Ethio
telecom has many braches in many towns and cities of the country, but for the sake of its
manageability this study was delimited to Yirgalem city.


This section is concerned with analysis and interpretation of data that we gather the data mainly
analyzed and interpreted in the form of table computation and summary format.
The 22 questionnaire were distributed for employees and managers of ethio telecom. All
questionnaire distributed were responding in appropriate manners. So, data analysis and
interpretation were depending on respondents of 22 backgrounds.


The blow table deals with the demographic information of the respondents like sex and age of
respondent .Age is demographic variables that indicate the proportion of people by dividing in to
different section as youth, adult, old. . And the following table presents the responses of each
respondent for each question.


Table4. 1 Gender of Respondents

Sex No of respondents Percentage


Male 14 64

Female 8 36

Total 22 100

Source: - questionnaire(2010)

As indicated in the table4.1, 14(64%) of the respondents are participated in the questionnaire
are male and the remaining 8(36%) of the respondents are female.so the gathered data points out
that there is less involvement of women in the corporation. It requires great efforts from the
company human resource department by providing different training development program for
current female employees and attract new female applicants.

Table 4.2 Age distribution of respondents?

No Item NO of respondents Percentage (%)

1 Age

18-25 3 14

26-35 8 36

36-50 9 41

51-60 2 9

Total 22 100


41% of the respondents, as indicated in item 1, .show between the age ranges of 36-50 years old,
36% of respondent between the age range of 26-35 years old, 14% of the respondents between
the age range of 18-25 years old, only 9% of the respondents between the age range of 51-60
years old.so the majority of respondents are above the age of 36-50 years old. This implies that
the company employees categorized in necessary age group and the company gets benefit for a
long period of time from actual and potential skill and knowledge of employee’s through settling
basic human resource development program.

4.1.2 Educational profile and service of respondents

Education level and service of the employee of the respondent is another demographic factor that
can be significantly assessed recruitment and selection. Based on that we asked the employee
about it, for determining education level of employee and how many years they serve in the
organization. The analysis and interpretation of the respondent are.

Table 4.3, Educational profile of respondents

No Item No of percentage (%)

1 Educational level

High school graduates - -

Diploma 7 32

First degree 11 50

Master degree and above 4 18

Total 22 100

When we see the educational profile 50% of the respondents are first degree holders, 32% of the
respondents are diploma holders, 18% of the respondents are master degree and no percent of
involvement is for the respondents of high school graduates or below. Therefore, the above
figure shows that the majority of employees are first degree holders. Hence, they need further
education to improve their skill and knowledge

Table 4.4 year of service of respondents

2 Years of service

1-5 8 36

6-10 5 23

11-15 3 14

Above15 6 27

Total 22 100

As shown in item 2, 36% of the respondents years of services from 1-5, 27% of respondents year
of service above 15, 23% of the respondents year of service from 6-10.so as we refer from the
above table, Ethiotel of Yirgalem employees are not well experienced, it is because clear that
experience is acquired through long practice of work.

1.1.3 Recruitment of employees

Now we are asked questions that are related to attracting potential employee, who can
fulfill requirements a specification job which is vacant. The following table shows
recruitment and related questions. Have different type of recruitment such as;
Internal recruitment it is type recruiter of peoples within the organization, whereas
external recruitment is the process of finding of peoples that are out of the organization.

Table 4.5 type of recruitment reached to desired candidates

Item Respondents

1 Which type of recruitment reach the

desired candidate?

External 7 30

Internal 15 70

Source .questionnaire (2010)

In item 1, table 4.4, 70% of respondent replied that internal recruitment methods reach to the
desired candidates. The remaining 30% of the respondents came from external recruitment

4.1.4, Methods of Recruitments

The organization used different methods of fill vacancy position such as through advertisement
by radio, newspaper, internet, college recruitment (At college or university level, the recruitment
of graduating student is a large scale operation for many organizations) and employee reference

Table 4. 6 methods to fill vacancy position

No Item No of respondent Percentage


1 How do you fill vacant

position in your

A, Advertisement 12 54

B, College recruitment 3 14

C, Internet 5 23

D, Employee 2 9

Other - -

Total 22 100

Source: -questionnaire (2010)

As the table above shows, the companies usually use advertisement methods for vacancy
announcement. Because 54% of respondents replied that the corporation use advertisement, 14%
the respondents in the study replied college recruitment is one of the methods which is
undertaken to acquire fresh degree and diploma graduates, 23% of the respondents implies that
the corporation use internet methods And 9% of the respondents replied employee reference. As
observed from the data, the corporation uses advertisement as a major recruitment method.

4.1.5, internal recruitment

Vacant positions in organizations could be filled by those existing employee through transfer,
promotion and demotion. Transfer is shift employees from one position to another especially, the
same position; promotion is transfer of employees from lower position to high position. And
demotion is the opposite of promotion.

Table 4. 7, internal recruitment

No Item No of respondents percentage(%)

1 Which type of internal

recruitment often used
by the corporation?

Transfer 6 27

Promotion 13 59

Demotion 3 14

Total 22 100

Source: questionnaire (2010)

59% of the respondents, as indicated in the above table, replied the corporation mainly used
promotion, 27% of the respondents replied that transfer was often used. The remaining 14% of
respondents replied that demotions were used to sum up the figure points that promotion is
highly applied.

4.1.6, Problem that arise at the time of recruitment

Some of the respondents in the sample size replied as there is a problem in the recruitment
practice of the corporation. These are: - Place of announcement not visible for all, At the time of
internal recruitment not all employees are e-mail accessories, Too many applicants for single
position, When the vacancy is in the internet all peoples not seen, select employees who have
high GPA and Because of the region is very wide it is difficult for those who are far from the
main office.
4.2 Employees’ selection

There are various techniques used by the organization to select employee among them
employment test and interview are very commonly used as show in the table below.

Table4.8. Methods of selection

No Item No of respondents (%)

1 How do you select candidates?

By employment test only 3 14

By interview only 7 32

Both employment test and 10 44


Other 2 10

Total 22 100

Source: - questionnaire (2010)

44% of the respondents as shown in the table 4.7, replied that both employment test and
interview were used when they selected and employed, 32% of the respondents replied that they
were selected by interview only, 14% of the respondents replied that they were selected and
employed by employment test only, and the remaining 10% of the respondents replied that other
techniques were used.

4.2.1, Interview and the extent of exam and interview related to the job
The company have different alternative interview types for instance, structured, means asked the
formal question, unstructured means asking the general question that arise from other question,
semi structured the question that consist the above two methods of interview,
behavioral(interview in which applicants give specific examples of how the have performed or
handled a problem in the past),stress and panel are interview designed to create an anxiety and
put pressure on applications to see now the person responses and in which several interviews
interview the candidate or the same time . And in the next table we will see extent of exam and
interview related to the job.

Table 4.9 Type of interview used in selection

No Item No of respondents (%)

1 From the interview type which

one way applied in your
selection time?

Structured 6 28

Unstructured 7 32

Semi structured 4 19

Behavioral 3 14

Stress 1 2

Panel 2 9

Total 22 100

Source: questionnaire (2010)

32% of the respondents as indicated in the table4.8, replied as the interview type that are applied
at selection time is unstructured, 28% of the respondents replied as the interview type that are
applied at selection time was structured, 19% of the respondents also replied as semi structured
methods, 14%, a behavioral and the remaining 9% and 2% of respondents replied as panel and
stress respectively.

Table 4.10: The extent to which interview and exam related to job and background

No Item No of (%)

1 To what extent the interview and

exam related with the job?

High 9 40

Medium 11 48

Low 2 12

Total 22 100

2 Which of the following method

do you apply choose candidates

Work experiences 6 30

Educational achievement 7 32

Selection tests 4 20

Application letter 2 8

Other 3 10

Total 22 100

3 Do you have the knowledge that

background and reference
checks carried out during or after

Yes 9 40

No 13 60
Total 22 100

Source: questionnaire (2010)

48% of respondents, as indicated in item 1, table4. 9 replied that the relation between interview
and exam are medium, 40% of the respondents replied that the relation are high and only 12% of
the respondents replied that the relation are low. From interview and exam with the job are

As shown in item 2, table 4. 9, 32% of respondents, applied education achievement, 30% of the
respondents applied by work experience, 20%, of respondents implies are through selection test,
10% of respondents applied by others and the remaining 8% of the respondents applied by
application letter.

According to their response 60% of the respondents, as indicated in item 3 tables 4. 9, replied
that no back ground and checks are carried out in the corporation and reaming 40% of them
replied that background and reference checks are carried out in the corporation.

Table 4.11: the degree of clarity of information, the attractiveness effective candidates and the
possibility of the problem and challenges that faces during selection

No Item No of (%)

1 How do you rate the clarity of

information required regarding
the selection criteria?

Very clear 9 40

Clear 7 36

Fair 4 20

Vague 2 4
very vague - -

Total 22 100

2 Do you think your organization

able to attract effective and
effectiveness candidates?

Yes 18 84%

No 4 16%

Total 22 100

3 Have you faced problem and

challenges during selection of
new employees?

Yes 15 68

No 7 32

Total 22 100

Source: questionnaire (2010)

Based on above table 4.10, item 1, we have observed that the respondents respond for very
clear ,clear, fair, vague and very vague; 40%,36%,20%,4% and 0% of clarity of information
respectively. So, the clarity of information generally can be ranked as very clear in the
Table 4.10, item 2, the respondents were asked to replay saying yes or no. 18 respondents (84%)
are given the answer there is effect and efficient attract of candidates in the corporation and
only 4 respondents(16%) say that there is no attractive ,effective and efficient candidates. As
observed from the data the organization able to attract effective and efficient candidates.

In the item 3, 68% respondents are there is a problem and challenges during selection of new
employees. And the remaining 32% are say that no problem in the time of selection. To sum up
there is face problem and challenged in the organization during selection such as too many
applicants for single position and the same effort and results of employees.

Table 4.12 performance of recruiter

No. Item Respondent Percentage

1, How do you see the

recruiter performance
in the selection?

Excellent 2 8

Very good 10 44

Good 6 28

Poor 4 20

Very poor - -

Total 22 100

Source: questionnaire (2010)

As the table 4.11, implies, the recruiter has a very good evaluating performance. Because other
than other performances, has given a percentage of 44. This shows that the organization is being
evaluated properly. If however, the recruiter is incapable of judging the performances of the
organization, undoubtedly the organization may be in failure.
4, 2,2 Employment test

Is a process test or a mechanism that the organization used to identify the characteristics and
potential of candidate persons to success Can test though writing mental ability test it’s a test that
used to know logical and conceptual reasoning of a persons and job proficiency test a test that
highly related to the task or the job.

Table4. 13: type of employment test that is applicable in the organization

No. Item Respondent %

1 Which type of
employment test is
applicable in your

Written test 7 36

Mental ability test 3 12

Job proficiency test 9 40

Other 3 12

Total 22 100

Source: own survey

40% of the respondents said that the job proficiency method of employment test is more
applicable. Following job proficiency test, written test comes next having 36 % where as both
mental ability test and other testing methods have equal chance being applied each having 12%.

5 Summary of finding, conclusion and recommendation

5.1 summary of finding

Majority of the staff is young ranging between 25-50 combinations and mature enough
36% of the respondents years of services from 1-5; years’ work experience so most of the
employees are not well experienced
52% of the respondents are first degree holders, as shown in the analysis part
84% of the respondents said that the corporation is able to attract effective and efficient
candidate through good image
Almost 54% of the respondents replied that the company uses advertisement method for
vacancy announcement
The majority of the respondents replied that the corporation mainly uses promotion as
internal recruitment type which constitutes 57%
According to the response of the respondents 44% of them and employed both through
employment test and interview.
The major types of interview during selection time structured and unstructured interview
which constitute 26% and 28% respectively.
Finally, most of the respondent replied that the relationship between interview and exam
are medium and also 48% of the respondent replied that no background and reference
check are carried out in the corporation.

5.2 Conclusion

The study carried out to see the recruitment and selection practice employed by Ethiotel on
Yirgalem town.

Data obtained from different source has been analyzed using statistical method such as
tabulation and percentage. The following conclusion has been reached based on the response and
analysis of data gathered.

Ethiotel has a good image in attracting efficient and effective candidate also it has some
problems in attracting efficient and effective candidates, the corporation has different
problems with regard to vacancy announcement like using only government magazine,
favoring for grade which score higher rank during staying in the college, lack of use of
proper advertisement channels that could reach to all possible eligible applicants of
Ethiotel, the recruitment practice of the corporation has some problems including:.
 Place of announcement not visible for all
 At the time of internal recruitment not all employees are e-mail accessories
 Too many applicants for single position
 When the vacancy is in the internet all peoples not seen.
 Because of the region is very wide it is difficult for those who are far from the main
 Sometimes it uses governmental magazines to announce vacant positions.

The Ethiotel does carry less background or employees which checks while selecting the
applicants or employees which have its corporation has a problem of selecting employees
who have high CGPA for fresh graduate students.

5.3 Recommendation

Based on the above conclusion, the following recommendations were made to overcome the
problems of recruitment selection process of Ethio tel.

 The Ethiotel should use other method of vacancy announcement such as daily newspaper,
local radio station, conference rather than using only governmental magazine so as to get
different kinds of effective and efficient candidate.
 The corporation should use proper advertisement channel that could reach to all possible
eligible applicants and the vacancy board like publishing monthly newspaper, establish
their own television program (TV).
 The corporation should not rely on selecting employees who have high GPA while
choosing candidates and it should make or it carry out background and reference check
during and after selection process.
 The corporation should also allow enough time for the applicants. That means the period
of time after the vacancy announcement is made should not be less than two or three
weeks. Since the new applicants may come from distant areas, they should get enough
time for making ready themselves for joining the corporation.
 As it has been stated above in methods of vacancy announcements, internet or online way
of vacancy announcement is included, but it is used for only those who are in the city and
nearby areas. As result the corporation should minimally reduce announcements that are
posted on internet.
 As we have seen from the respondents of the questionnaire, females have less
involvement. So, they should be encouraged. Firstly one way of encouraging females is
making them responsible to announce vacant positions. Secondly, assigning females in a
position to which a recruiter is placed and inviting the female employees at the time of
 The vacancy must be posted at visible place for all work seekers by adding different tools
like electronics’ billboard in different place that have been most people found.

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Appendix I

Questionnaire to be filled by (Ethiotel) South regionYirgalemTown, the purpose of this

questionnaire is to collect data from your office on recruitment on a selection practice, so you are
kindly requested to fill the needed information. The researches for senior essay intended to fill
partial requirement, for BA degree in management, your responses will only be used to fulfill the
research objectives and kept confidentially
Thank you for your corporation in advance!!!
General directions
 Please put (√ ) in the box provided

 For question that required opinion, please give your short, precise and honest answer.
Part one: - profile of respondent
1. Sex; male □ female □

18-25 □ 26-35 □ 36-50 □ 51-60 □

2. Educational level

High school or below □ Diploma □

First degree □ Master degree and above □

3. How long have you worked in the organization (in years)?

1-5 □ 6-10 □ 11-15 □ above 15 □
Part two: - general information about recruitment
1). How do you fill vacant position in your organizations?
College recruitment □ internet □ Advertisement □
Employee references □
2), which type of recruitment reach to desired candidates?
External □ internal □
3) Which type of internal recruitment often used by ETHIO TEL?
Transfer □ Promotion □ demotion □
Part three: - general information about selection
4) Which of the following selection methods do you apply to choose candidates?
Work experience □ selection test □ Educational
achievement □
5) How do you see the recruiter’s performance on selection?
Excellent □ very good □ good □ poor □ very poor □
6) How do you select candidates?
By employment test only □ by employment test and interview □ by interview only □
7) Which of the following employment test is applicable in your organization?
Written test □ mental ability test □ job proficiency test □
8) Do you have the knowledge that background and reference checks are carried out during
or after selection?
Yes o No □
9) What extent the interview and exam are related with the job
High □ Medium □ Low □
10) Do you think your organization is able attract effective and efficient candidates?
Yes □ No □
11) Have you faced problems and challenges during selection of new employee in
Yes □ No □
12) How do you rate the clarity of information required employee regarding the selection
Very clear □ Clear □ Fair □ vague □ Very vague □
13) From the interview types which one was applied during your selection time?
Structured □ unstructured □ semi structured □ behavioral □ stress □
panel □
If you personally think there is a problem in the corporation recruitment and selection activity of
employee try to mention it in short?
Thank you again!!!

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