Midterm Reviewer
Midterm Reviewer
Midterm Reviewer
SOCRATES Self-knowledge/knowing
“An unexamined life is not worth living”
ST. AUGUSTINE “Love and justice as the foundation of the individual self”
Only in God can man attain true and eternal happiness.
JOHN LOCKE The self is like an empty space where every day experiences
Contribute to the pile of knowledge that is put forth on that empty space.
MAURICE MERLEAU-PONTY “We are our bodies.”The physical body is what makes up the subjective
Self as Product of Modern Society “The only world we can be certain of is the one we
3 Interrelated Forces: experience.”
1. Urbanization * We have beliefs that cannot be proven to be
2. Money true, but are, nonetheless, necessary to sustain life.
3. Configuration of one’s social network They are convictions that satisfy the need for
People moving from country to city living. POST-MODERN VIEW OF THE SELF
Division of labor as a result of The post-modern person is a hybrid with not one
industrialization. core, permanent self, but many selves
The consumption of products produces an
individuating and trivializing effect. SELF AS AN ARTISTIC CREATION
We perform and create self out of things. Imagination is a means of accessing truth.
Artistic creation becomes the paradigm
MONEY mode in which people can come to self-
Effects of Money: definition
1. Increases individual freedom
2. It makes us experience our possessions less SELF CREATION AND COLLECTIVE IDENTITY
in terms of their intrinsic qualities Collective identity refers to a person’s sense
3. Discourages intimate ties with people of belonging to a group.
4. Decreases moral constraints and increases The identity of the group or the “collective”,
anomie becomes a part of the person’s individual
Web of group affiliation have changed
* Primary Group – based on ties of affection and MEAD’S SOCIOLOGICAL VIEW OF THE SELF
personal loyalty
* Secondary Group – goal and utilitarian George Herbert Mead – is a social philosopher who
oriented, with a narrow range of activities discussed the connection between the self, the
Effects on the Individual: mind, and society. He believed that society has an
1. Unique personality effect on the self and mind, and the self and the
2. Anomie – confusion and meaninglessness mind have an effect on society.
3. Role conflict Mead - considered to be the father of
4. Blasé attitude – boredom and lack of symbolic interactionism.
The "Self"
Mead believed that the "self" is an entity that helps
individuals grow and develop to be socially
productive citizens.
According to Mead, the "self" only exists in humans
SELF A NECESSARY FICTION and not animals because it has to be developed
(Friedrich Nietzsche) through social activity and social relationships.
the "self" is a social process. group is engaged, does he develop a complete
Child Development
Mead believed that there are two stages to the
development of the self in children, the play stage
Mead saw that society was a very crucial
and the game stage.
component of the mind.
1. Play Stage - In this stage, children take on
He believed that individuals carry society
the roles of others as well as the attitudes
around with them in their minds, and this
of particular individuals. However, this
regulates how they behave
"self" is limited because children are only
The regulation, or habits and common
able to take on roles of others; they cannot
responses of society, are learned through
yet view their own "selves."
2. Game Stage - This is a very important stage "The whole community acts toward the
for the development of the self because it individual under certain circumstances in an
makes the individual take on the roles of identical way... there is an identical response
everyone. By doing this, it teaches the on the part of the whole community under
individual to function in an organized group these conditions. We call that the formation of
and to determine what their role, or the institution."
contribution to the group, will be as they
are given this time to figure out what role Four ideas about how the self develops:
suits them best. As well, organization and
1. The Self Develops Solely Through Social
personality emerge while at this stage.
Operant conditioning
- learning from the consequences of behavior.
-Proposed by B.F Skinner
C. Humanistic Perspective
Humanistic psychology is a psychological
perspective that emphasizes the study of the whole
person (know as holism)
The third group who arrived in the Philippines were
the Malays, who arrived by boat known as
BALANGAY. Physically the Malays were of medium
height, with fair complexion, flat nose and straight