Gen 002 p1 Reviewer
Gen 002 p1 Reviewer
Gen 002 p1 Reviewer
- the goal of philosophy was to "Know - develop by allowing individuals to
thyself. Knowing others is wisdom. Knowing understand and adhere to the rules of the
the self is enlightenment. activity. Self is developed by understanding
that there are rules in which one must abide
Plato by in order to win the game or be successful
- is a dualist; there is both immaterial mind at an activity.
(soul) and material body, and it is the soul
that knows the forms. Plato believed the Mead
soul exists before birth and after death. - develops William James' distinction
- Thus he believed that the soul or mind between the "I" and the "me." The "me" is
attains knowledge of the forms, as opposed the accumulated understanding of "the
to the senses. Needless to say, we should generalized other" i.e. how one thinks one's
care about our soul rather than our body. group perceives oneself etc. The "I" is the
The soul (mind) itself is divided into 3 parts: individual's impulses. The "I" is self as
reason; appetite (physical urges), and will subject, the "me" is self as object. The " is
(emotion, passion, spirit.) The will is the the knower, the "me" is the known. For
source of love, anger, indignation, ambition, Mead the thinking process is the
aggression, etc. internalized dialogue between the "I" and
the "me".
St. Augustine
- in his Confessions takes this idea and George Herbert Mead
expands it into an entire genre that critically - For Mead, mind arises out of the social act
inquires what it means to be a person. This of communication Mead's concept of the
identity is achieved through a two-fold social act is relevant, not only to his theory
process of self-presentation, which of mind, but to all facets of his social
self-realization. Only in the presence of the philosophy.
Omnipotent and the Omniscient can the self
attain happiness completeness. Irving Goffman
- Goffman was the 73rd president of the
Descartes - thought that the self is a American Sociological Association His
thinking thing distinct from the body. His first best-known contribution to social theory is
famous principle was" Cogito ergo sum", this study of symbolic interaction.
which means "I think, therefore I am."
Although the mind and body are physically Charles Horton Contey
together as whole, the mind and body are - Introduced a social psychological concept
mentally independent and serve their own known as "Looking glass Self.
function. - The concept of no-glass self describes the
1. Language development of one's self and one's identity
- develops self by allowing individuals to through one interpersonal interaction within
respond to each other through symbols, the context of society.
gestures, words, and sounds.
- is the study of what makes us human.
2. Play Anthropologists
- develops self by allowing individuals to - take a broad approach to understanding
take on different roles, pretend, and express the many different aspects of the human
expectations of others. Play develops one's experience, which we call holism.
self-consciousness through role-playing. - Anthropologists study the concept of
culture and its relationship to human life in
different times and places.
Cultural anthropology An Agentic Perspective Human Agency
- brings us into contact with different ways entails:
of life and challenges our awareness of just
how arbitrary our own understanding of the INTENTIONALITY
world is as we learn how other people have - which enables us to behave purposefully
developed satisfying but different ways of FORETHOUGHT
living. - permit us to anticipate outcomes
The Self embedded in Culture - defined human agency as "the human
- Theorists of culture and personality school capability to exert influence over one's
argued that socialization creates personality functioning and the course of events by
patterns. one's actions.