Story lvl3 Answers
Story lvl3 Answers
Story lvl3 Answers
S t o ry
Revision Sheets
First Term
ees svoi n 8
sion Sheet S t o ry Revision Sheet S t o ry
to be back at home
to be back at school
Different groups of people trade different things
to be back at camp 16. true
and ideas to benefit from each other.
23. How could people travel in past times? Dogs and wolves were the first animals to live
28. true
close to people.
by walking
by driving
by flying
It was much easier to travel by water because
29. false
there were no roads.
24. What were the canoes made from?
field leaves
forest trees Steam trains could make traveling much
30. true
land rags funnier.
Revision Sheet S t o ry Revision Sheet S t o ry
Down to the Sea with Mr. Magee Answer with true or false.
33. What did the whale do to the boat? Mr. Magee was so thrilled with the sight of the
38. false
It placed his blowhole under the boat and started to blow.
It threw the boat by its tail.
It started to munch the boat.
Mr. Magee and Dee ate the food they had
39. false
when they were hung on the tree.
34. After the final blast blew, the boat ____________________.
was broken
was up in the sky
40. Dee and Magee’s decision finally succeeded. true
sank into the sea
Revision Sheet S t o ry Revision Sheet S t o ry