Edq Nat Grade 6 & Filipino
Edq Nat Grade 6 & Filipino
Edq Nat Grade 6 & Filipino
1. In which of the following activities do A.) Gives the boys and girls equal
you perform best? Select only one. opportunities to participate.
B.) Gives the boys more opportunities to
A.) Singing participate.
B.) Drawing C.) Gives the girls more opportunities to
C.) Writing Stories, poems, etc. participate.
D.) Solving puzzles and math problems
E.) Plating ball games and other sports 7. Which does your teacher do to find out
F.) Dancing if you have learned the lesson she/he has
G.) Acting in Dramas taught?
H.) Social Activities like Glee Club
I.) Taking Care of Plants A.) Answers a written test
J.) Playing Chess, Damath and other indoor B.) Does seatwork exercises not from the
games textbook
C.) Does the exercises from the textbook or
2. Which educational facilities do you workbook
have at home? D.) Does not give test