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Acsnano 7b08721

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Cite This: ACS Nano 2018, 12, 1894−1901 www.acsnano.org

Carbon Nanosheets Containing Discrete

Co‑Nx‑By‑C Active Sites for Efficient Oxygen
Electrocatalysis and Rechargeable Zn−Air
Yingying Guo,† Pengfei Yuan,§ Jianan Zhang,*,† Yongfeng Hu,∥ Ibrahim Saana Amiinu,‡ Xin Wang,†
Jigang Zhou,∥ Huicong Xia,† Zhibo Song,† Qun Xu,*,† and Shichun Mu*,‡
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College of Materials Science and Engineering, Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou 450001, People’s Republic of China

State Key Laboratory of Advanced Technology for Materials Synthesis and Processing, Wuhan University of Technology, Wuhan
430070, People’s Republic of China
International Joint Research Laboratory for Quantum Functional Materials of Henan Province, and School of Physics and
Engineering, Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou 450001, People’s Republic of China

Canadian Light Source, 44 Innovation Boulevard, Saskatoon, SK S7N 2 V3, Canada
S Supporting Information

ABSTRACT: Structural and compositional engineering of atomic-

scaled metal−N−C catalysts is important yet challenging in boosting
their performance for the oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) and
oxygen evolution reaction (OER). Here, boron (B)-doped Co−N−C
active sites confined in hierarchical porous carbon sheets (denoted as
Co-N,B-CSs) were obtained by a soft template self-assembly pyrolysis
method. Significantly, the introduced B element gives an electron-
deficient site that can activate the electron transfer around the
Co−N−C sites, strengthen the interaction with oxygenated species,
and thus accelerate reaction kinetics in the 4e− processed ORR and OER. As a result, the catalyst showed Pt-like ORR
performance with a half-wave potential (E1/2) of 0.83 V versus (vs) RHE, a limiting current density of about 5.66 mA cm−2,
and higher durability (almost no decay after 5000 cycles) than Pt/C catalysts. Moreover, a rechargeable Zn−air battery
device comprising this Co-N,B-CSs catalyst shows superior performance with an open-circuit potential of ∼1.4 V, a peak
power density of ∼100.4 mW cm−2, as well as excellent durability (128 cycles for 14 h of operation). DFT calculations
further demonstrated that the coupling of Co-Nx active sites with B atoms prefers to adsorb an O2 molecule in side-on
mode and accelerates ORR kinetics.
KEYWORDS: atomic boron-doped Co−N−C species, oxygen evolution reaction, oxygen reduction reaction, Zn−air batteries,

carbon, and metal−nitrogen-doped carbons (M−N−C).14

M etal−air batteries with promising sustainable energy

conversion are highly dependent on the activity and
stability of the cathodic oxygen reduction reaction
(ORR) and anodic oxygen evolution reaction (OER).1−6
Among them, the M−N−C active site containing materials
are considered to be the most promising alternatives to metal
catalysts for ORR. This is because density functional theory
(DFT) calculations suggest that the possible metal−N4 sites
Platinum (Pt)-based materials have been identified as the
best performing ORR catalysts, whereas Ru- and Ir-based could be as active as Pt for O2 adsorption and subsequent O
catalysts are effective in the OER process.7−10 However, these O bond breaking during the ORR.15,16 In particular, atomically
noble-metal-containing catalysts are plagued by scarcity, high dispersed Co−Nx−C active sites with the critical structure of
price, and limited stability, which inspire researchers to seek nitrogen coordinated with a Co atom located in a 3D
effective, highly active, and durable bifunctional electrocatalysts nanoarchitecture (graphene aerogels,17 carbon nanotubes,18
for ORR and OER.11−13
As reported, a wide range of nonprecious metal electro- Received: December 10, 2017
catalysts show promising activity in ORR/OER, including Accepted: January 23, 2018
earth-abundant transition metals, metal-free heteroatom-doped Published: January 23, 2018

© 2018 American Chemical Society 1894 DOI: 10.1021/acsnano.7b08721

ACS Nano 2018, 12, 1894−1901
ACS Nano Article

Scheme 1. Synthetic procedure of the Co/N−B-doped carbon nanosheet (Co-N,B-CSs).

Figure 1. (a) SEM, (b) TEM, and (c, d) HAADF-STEM images; (e−h) EDS element mapping of C, Co, N, and B for Co-N,B-CSs (scale bar is
300 nm). (i) High-resolution XPS spectrum of N 1s for Co-N,B-CSs. (j) XANES spectra and (k) Fourier transformed EXAFS spectra of the
Co foil and Co-N,B-CSs and Co−N−Carbon. R (Å), distance in angstroms; k, wavenumber.

porous carbon,19,20 g-C3N4,21 etc.) have been considerably with O2 adsorption proposed by Morcos and Yeager to be the
attractive, since they can afford maximum atom utilization rate-determining step.25 Attractively, the electron-deficient B-
efficiency and expose most active sites.22−24 However, to doped sites in carbon are favorable for O2 adsorption because
achieve a breakthrough in promoting efficiency, intensively they can break the electroneutrality of the matrix to create
studied atomically dispersed Co−Nx−C catalysts are frequently charged sites.26−29 Therefore, doping B within Co−N−C
hindered by a low content of active sites and a low surface area catalysts is expected to be a promising strategy to enhance Co-
of the carbon matrix. To this end, the key to promote the based catalysts in both ORR and OER. Here, we put forward
catalytic activity of M−N−C catalysts is properly enhancing the Co−N−C active sites confined in N,B-co-doped carbon
per unit area reactive efficiency of M−N−C active sites for nanosheets (Co-N,B-CSs) via the self-assembly pyrolysis
oxygen reactions. method using a soft template. Thanks to the preferred O2
It is widely accepted that the ORR activity is strongly adsorption on electron-deficient B atom doped Co−N−C sites,
correlated with the adsorption of oxygen and formation of it lowers the oxygen reaction activation barriers on Co−N−C.
superoxide through a one-electron reduction (O 2 + e − Therefore, although possessing a relatively low surface area, Co-
[O2(ads)]−). This generally is viewed as initial ORR steps, N,B-CSs exhibit superior electrocatalytic activity toward both
1895 DOI: 10.1021/acsnano.7b08721
ACS Nano 2018, 12, 1894−1901
ACS Nano Article

ORR and OER under alkaline conditions. Furthermore, a show different oscillation curves were obtained to confirm the
rechargeable Zn−air battery device fabricated with Co-N,B-CSs atomically dipersed B-doped Co−Nx species in Co-N,B-CSs. As
shows a small charge−discharge voltage gap and long-term shown in Figure 1c, a great number of atomic-scaled Co atoms
stability. Undoubtedly, this work will promote development of can be identified by the isolated bright dots and are marked
inexpensive non-noble metal hybrid materials for applications with arrows. As further evidence, the HAADF-STEM image
in ORR/OER electrocatalysis. and STEM mapping display C, Co, N, and B elements in the
entire architecture (Figure 1e−h), which is in agreement with
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION the XPS analysis (Figure S5d). Significantly, Co-N,B-CSs give a
As illustrated in Scheme 1, the preparation of Co-N,B-CSs was lower Co content of 0.52 at. % detected by XPS measurement
performed via a soft template self-assembled pyrolysis method. than most of the reported metal−Nx catalysts. As shown in
A dry gel precursor was first made by mixing boric acid, urea, Figure 1i, the high-resolution N 1s XPS spectrum for Co-N,B-
polyethylene glycol (Mw = 2000, PEG-2000), Co(NO3)2·6H2O CSs shows five features (pyridinic N, N-6; Co−Nx; pyrrolic N,
(as Co source), and water and then drying at 120 °C for 10 h, N-5; graphitic N, N-Q; oxidized N, N-O). The Co−Nx bond
followed by carbonization at 900 °C (see details in the with the binding energy of 398.32 eV, associated with the
Supporting Information). Figure S1 shows the transmission cobalt−nitrogen functional moieties, indicates that there are
electron microscope (TEM) images of the as-obtained sample. abundant Co−Nx active sites in Co-N,B-CSs.31 Additionally,
Interestingly, the high-temperature pyrolysis can guarantee the the high-resolution B 1s XPS spectrum (Figure S5e) shows
formation of two-dimensional (2D) carbon sheets with Co three valence states of boron element, including the B−C bond
nanoparticles (NPs) in the pores. The sample is denoted as (190.27 eV), B−N bond (191.37 eV), and B−O bond (193.2
Co/Co-N,B-CSs. By contrast, the TEM image (Figure S2) of eV), implying replacement of C atoms by B atoms as adjacent
the as-prepared sample without the addition of PEG-2000 atoms to N atoms.26,31 Because N atoms can induce positive
shows an aggregated particle morphology with bulk Co, polarization of C atoms, while low-electronegativity B atoms
demonstrating the structure-induced effect of the surfactant can be positively polarized, the positively polarized N−C and
PEG-2000 on forming a 2D sheet-like structure for Co/Co- C−B bonds favor attraction of O2 molecules during the O2
N,B-CSs during the carbonization. Urea, as is well known, is the reaction process, further enhancing the ORR and OER
precursor of graphitic carbon nitride (g-C3N4) nanosheets, performance of Co-N,B-CSs. Therefore, both the HAADF-
which can be utilized as sacrificial template to generate the 2D STEM and XPS results suggested that the coupled hybrid
nanosheet morphology.30 To confirm this, we have shown the materials, atomic-scaled Co−N−C species uniformly disperse
TEM images of a sample obtained by pyrolysis at 550 °C in an on B,N-co-decorated carbon sheets, were successfully synthe-
Ar atmosphere for 4 h at 2 °C min−1 followed by removing the sized.
Co-containing species, giving a nanosheet structure (Figure Additionally, XANES and EXAFS spectra were performed to
S3). Accordingly, after removing Co NPs by acid treatment, further study the coordination environment of cobalt, as X-ray
Co-N,B-CSs (carbonized at 900 °C) reveals 2D sheets with absorption spectroscopy is sensitive to the electronic structure
crumples, representing an internal porous structure (Figure 1a). and coordination properties of both crystalline and amorphous
The corresponding highly magnified TEM images (Figures 1b forms of species. As the control experiments, a catalyst without
and S4) demonstrate that an individual sheet consists of B doping (noted as Co−N−Carbon) was synthesized. As
numerous macropores with diameter of 30−50 nm created by shown in the SEM and TEM images in Figure S6, Co−N−
the etching of Co NPs in Co/Co-N,B-CSs. Notably, the pore Carbon exhibits a similar porous nanosheet structure to Co-
size of Co-N,B-CSs is larger than that of the Co NPs in Co/Co- N,B-CSs. As shown in Figure 1j, Co K-edge XANES spectra of
N,B-CSs, probably caused by fusion and shrinkage of the Co-N,B-CSs and Co−N−Carbon show different spectral
metallic cobalt. Coinciding with these results, the pore size features (in terms of both edge postion and peak area), with
distribution calculated from the N2 sorption data is in the range the formal Co oxidation state between that of the Co in Co foil
of 16−20 nm, confirming the coexistence of mesopores and and CoO references.32,33 Co in Co-N,B-CSs is more reduced
macropores (Figure S5a, Table S2). The hierarchical porous since its edge jump is at a lower energy compared to Co−N−
structure and the sheet-like morphology deeply play an Carbon. More importantly, the peak area (area after the edge
important role in providing more exposure of active sites and jump) in Co−N−C is much higher. The peak area (after
facilitating mass transport during the catalytic process. normalization, as shown) is directly proportional to the number
Moreover, the structure of Co-N,B-CSs was further analyzed of vacancies in the Co np and nd orbitals.34 Because of the
by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and Raman spectroscopy. As shown electron donor property of boron, there is less density of
in Figure S5b, the XRD pattern shows very broad characteristic unoccupied state in Co-N,B-CSs, compared to Co−N−Carbon.
2θ peaks at 26° and 44°, indicating the disordered structure of On the other hand, EXAFS analysis (R-space results shown in
the carbon sheet.31 Meanwhile, the Raman spectrum of Co- Figure 1k) clearly indicates that there is no Co−Co interaction
N,B-CSs shows that the intensity ratio of two main bands observed in both Co-N,B-CSs and Co−N−Carbon, suggesting
located at 1354 and 1591 cm−1 (ID/IG) is 1.03, further that Co is atomically well dispersed in the carbon network. The
confirming the defective structure of the carbon nanosheets lack of Co−O peak in the R-space result of these two samples,
(Figure S5c). Based on our previous work, the disordered as observed at 1.64 Å in CoO, also confirmed these two
structure is expected to play a vital role in increasing the samples are not cobalt-oxide-like.34 The multiple peaks in the
content of the atomically dispersed Co−Nx species. low R region (0.95 and 1.5 Å) could be attributed to
The high-angle annular dark field scanning transmission interactions between Co and N and C in these samples,
electron microscopy (HAADF-STEM), X-ray photoelectron including the Co−B for the Co-N,B-CSs sample. Taken
spectroscopy (XPS), and Co K-edge X-ray adsorption near- together, the data indicate that the Co is atomically dispersed
edge structure (XANES) and extended X-ray adsorption fine in the N- and B-doped carbon matrix, and it is in the ionic state
structure (EXAFS) spectroscopy Co k-space of Co-N,B-CSs with nitrogen and boron atoms in the configuration. With the
1896 DOI: 10.1021/acsnano.7b08721
ACS Nano 2018, 12, 1894−1901
ACS Nano Article

Figure 2. (a) LSV curves of Co-N,B-CSs, Co/Co-N,B-CSs, Co−N−Carbon, and Pt/C catalysts in O2-saturated 0.1 M KOH solution. (b) Tafel
slopes of Co-N,B-CSs and Pt/C. (c) LSV curves at different rotation rates in rpm. Inset is the corresponding K−L plot with a sweep rate of 5
mV s−1. (d) Chronoamperometric response for Co-N,B-CSs, Co−N−Carbon, and Pt/C electrode at 0.75 V (vs RHE) after the introduction of
9.7 mL of CH3OH into 230.3 mL of 0.1 M KOH solution. (e) ORR polarization LSV and CV curves of Co-N,B-CSs measurement before and
after 5000 potential cycles at the scan rate of 50 mV s−1 with a rotation speed of 1600 rpm. (f) LSV curves of different catalysts for both ORR
and OER in 0.1 M KOH at 1600 rpm and a sweep rate of 5 mV s−1.

advance of the configuration, the B doping coupled with the and 4.00 at 0.20−0.50 V, well consistent with the results
atomic-scaled Co−N−C active sites could modify the obtained from the K−L plots (Figure S10a). Taken together, it
electronic properties, create more active sites, and improve suggests an efficient oxygen reduction activity via a dominant
the electronic conductivity, thus allowing the enhancement of four-electron pathway.
the electrocatalytic activity for ORR and OER (Figure S7).34 An excellent catalytic selectivity for cathode reactions against
The electrocatalytic performances toward ORR for the as- fuel poisoning is important for an efficient ORR electrocatalyst,
prepared materials were first evaluated by rotating disk especially displaying the superior tolerance to methanol
electrode (RDE) techniques in O2 -saturated 0.1 M KOH crossover of Co-N,B-CSs over Pt/C and Co−N−Carbon
solution. Figures 2a and S8,9 show the comparison of linear catalysts. More significantly, Co-N,B-CSs exhibit a slight
scan voltammogram (LSV) and cyclic voltammogram (CV) current decrease retention over 2000 s during continuous
curves, as well as the kinetic current densities for Co-N,B-CSs, operation, whereas Pt/C exhibits a dramatic current loss with
Co/Co−N,B-CSs, Co−N−Carbon, and Pt/C catalyst (details only 64% retention. Moreover, the Co-N,B-CSs catalyst also
are in Table S3). The Co-N,B-CSs exhibit a pronounced Pt/C- reveals excellent long-term stability after 5000 cycles at 0.1 to
like ORR activity with a half-wave potential (E1/2) of 0.83 V −0.8 V with a scan rate of 500 mV s−1 in O2-saturated 0.1 M
and limiting current density (JL) of 5.66 mA cm−2, which KOH solution, more stable than the commercial Pt/C (Figures
outperforms that of Co/Co-N,B-CSs (0.803 V, 4.7 mA cm−2) 2e and S11).
and Co−N−C (0.640 V, 3.13 mA cm−2) catalysts. To further Figure 2f shows excellent ORR and OER bifunctional
gain information on the ORR mechanism, the Tafel slopes were electrocatalytic activities for Co-N,B-CSs, which can be judged
determined by mass transport correction from the mixed by the potential difference between OER and ORR (ΔE = EJ=10
kinetic−diffusion-controlled region. As shown in Figure 2b, the − E1/2; the OER potential is taken at a current density of 10
fast ORR kinetics for Co-N,B-CSs is further confirmed by its mA cm−2, while the ORR potential is taken at half-wave). As a
Tafel slope (64 mV dec−1), close to that of Pt/C catalyst (68 reference, we also used a state-of-the-art OER electrode with
mV dec−1). To quantitatively investigate the ORR activity of RuO2 nanoparticles and found that Co-N,B-CSs possess a
Co-N,B-CSs, a series of LSV curves are presented in Figure 2c lower onset potential than RuO2 and Pt/C, and ΔE is minimal
at different rotating speeds (400−2050 rpm). Likewise, at 0.83 V. This is probably because not only can the N atoms
calculated from the Koutechy−Levich plots (K−L, J−1 vs (such as pyrrole-like, graphitic nitrogen atoms) positively
ω−1/2), the electron transfer number per oxygen molecule (n) polarize the adjacent C atom but also the electronegative B
for Co-N,B-CSs is determined to be ∼4.0. In particular, atom can activate the C atoms and Co−N−C active sites,
calculated from the rotating ring-disk electrode (RRDE) data, providing carbon chemistry between carbon-involving active
the H2O2 yield measured for Co-N,B-CSs (highest yield is sites (Co−N−C, B−C, and N−C) and molecular oxygen.35
2.2%) is much less than that for Pt/C (the highest yield is The superior ORR and OER bifunctional electrocatalytic
5.9%) at all potentials, implying the value of n is between 3.98 activities of Co-N,B-CSs inspired us to construct a rechargeable
1897 DOI: 10.1021/acsnano.7b08721
ACS Nano 2018, 12, 1894−1901
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Figure 3. (a) Schematic representation of the rechargeable Zn−air battery. (b) Polarization and power density curves of the Zn−air batteries
of the Co-N,B-CSs and Pt/C catalysts. (c) Discharge curves of the Zn−air battery with Co-N,B-CSs as catalyst at 10 mA cm−2 current
densities. (d) Charge and discharge polarization curves. The catalyst loading on the air electrode was 0.5 mg cm−2. (e) Performance of the
battery cycling at the current density of 5 mA cm−2. (f) Photograph of a Co-N,B-CSs-based all-solid-state Zn−air microbattery with an open-
circuit voltage of 1.345 V and (g) a lighted green LED (8 mm, ∼3.4 V) powered by three all-solid-state Zn−air batteries interconnected in
series. (h) Galvanostatic cycling profiles of Co-N,B-CSs-based all-solid-state battery at the current density of 2 mA cm−2.

Figure 4. (a, b) Optimized geometry of the corresponding O2 adsorption configuration on the Co-N,B-CSs system. (c) Free-energy paths of
ORR on Co-N3B-CSs and Co-N4-CSs systems during the ORR in alkaline solution at the equilibrium potential of U = 0 and 0.24 V for Co-
N3B-CSs and U = 0 V, 0.48 V for Co-N4-CSs.

Zn−air battery with the same configuration as that of the potential of 0.9 V, with a small voltage gap of 1.35 V and a high
primary counterpart but using 6 M KOH with 0.2 M zinc round-trip efficiency of 58%. After a 128-cycle test (about 14
acetate as the electrolyte (Figure 3a).36,37 Figure 3b shows that h), the Co-N,B-CSs air-cathode shows a slight performance loss
the maximum power density of the Zn−air battery using the with a small increase in the voltage gap by 0.2 V. A lower
Co-N,B-CSs catalyst was determined to be 100.4 mW cm−2, charge−discharge voltage gap is observed for the Zn−air
much higher than that of Pt/C catalysts (66.3 mW cm−2). The battery with the Co-N,B-CSs air-cathode, indicating the robust
battery with the Co-N,B-CSs air-cathode shows voltage rechargeability. The observed performance decay for Co-N,B-
plateaus of ∼1.20 V at a current density of 10 mA cm−2 CSs is most probably due to the inevitable exposure to positive
(Figure 3c). The as-formed Zn−air battery has an open-circuit potential during OER that causes carbon oxidization and the
voltage of 1.43 V with Co-N,B-CSs as the air-cathode (Figure loss of active sites, porosity, which provided fast mass diffusion
S12). Figure 3d shows the discharge and charge polarization pathways, and highly efficient single Co atom dispersion, while
curves for Zn−air batteries with Co-N,B-CSs as the ORR and the inner sheet can supply good electrical conductivity.
OER bifunctional catalyst. A potential challenge to rational design of electrochemical
Motivated by this initial performance, the robustness of the energy devices is the realization of lab-scale performance. To
Co-N,B-CSs cathode was further demonstrated by cycling at a demonstrate this, we have further shown the applicability and
current density of 5 mA cm−2 (Figure 3e). The Zn−air battery promise of Co-N,B-CSs as a Zn−air battery cathode electro-
produces an initial charge potential of 2.25 V and discharge catalyst for portable electronic devices. In this regard, a scalable
1898 DOI: 10.1021/acsnano.7b08721
ACS Nano 2018, 12, 1894−1901
ACS Nano Article

all-solid-state Zn−air battery consisting of a free-standing Co- confirmed that the introduction of B atoms can strengthen the
N,B-CSs air-cathode, zinc foil anode, alkaline poly(vinyl positive polarization of the Co−N−C, N−C, and C−B
alcohol) (PVA) gel electrolyte, and pressed (for strengthening moieties, which favors the capture of oxygen species and thus
conductivity) nickel foam current collector (the catalyst loading accelerates the 4e− process kinetics in ORR and OER. Besides,
on the air electrode was 0.5 mg cm−2) was fabricated via the the porous layered structure can supply a great number of
schematics shown in Figure S13. We also constructed a exposed edge sites. This work highlights that the atomic
discharge Zn−air battery with the same configuration as that of reactive efficiency of M−N−C active sites can be enhanced by
the counterpart. Interestingly, a high open-circuit voltage of decorating the sites with heteroatoms (B, P, S) for oxygen
1.345 V is obtained in Figure 3f, where it only needs three electrocatalysis. The outstanding characteristics of our cost-
batteries in series to power blue light-emitting diodes (LEDs, 8 effective Co-N,B-CSs catalyst make it a promising candidate for
mm, ∼3.4 V) with an open-circuit voltage of 4.058 V (Figure energy conversion and storage devices.
3g). Galvanostatic cycling profiles of a Co-N,B-CSs-based all-
solid-state battery at the current density of 2 mA cm−2 are EXPERIMENTAL METHODS
shown in Figure 3h. Chemicals. Cobalt nitrate hexahydrate (Co(NO3)2·6H2O) was
We propose that the outstanding activity and high stability of obtained from Beijing Chemical Reagent Company (Beijing, China).
the Co-N,B-CSs catalyst depend on the following two aspects: Boric acid (H3BO2) and urea were bought from Xilong Chemical
(1) the high density of isolated atomic-scale Co−N−C boosts Technology Co., Ltd. Polyethylene glycol (PEG) (Mw = 2000) was
electron transfer ability and provides highly active sites for purchased from Beijing Tianjin Kermel Chemical Reagent Co., Ltd.
ORR; (2) the introduction of B atoms into the carbon matrix Sulfuric acid (H2SO4) was obtained from the Tianjin Chemical
Factory. Nafion (5.0 wt %) was purchased from Sigma-Aldrich. Pt
can raise the unbalanced charge distribution and thus positively catalyst (20% Pt supported on Vulcan XC-72 carbon) was obtained
polarize C atoms and Co−N−C sites, which favors the from Johnson Matthey. All chemicals were used as received without
adsorption of oxygen species.38 To demonstrate this, we any further purification Deionized water was used in all experiments.
performed first-principles calculations using DFT methods to Synthesis of Co-N,B-CSs. Co-N,B-CSs were synthesized via a
determine how the addition of B reduces the H2O2 production hydrothermal method. Typically, 5 g of urea (24 mmol), 0.051 g of
and favors the four-electron ORR pathway (Figure 4). As Co(NO3)2·6H2O (0.68 mmol), 0.15 g of boric acid, and 0.5 g of PEG-
shown in Table S5, Co-N3B and Co-N4 moieties at the edge of 2000 were dissolved in 50 mL of water under stirring and dried in an
an armchair graphene nanoribbon exhibit the lowest free oven at 120 °C for 10 h. Then, the temperature was further raised to
energies, indicating their highest structural stability. In this way, 900 °C at a ramp rate of 10 °C min−1 and kept at 900 °C for 6 h under
an Ar atmosphere. For the removal of Co NPs, the as-obtained
we used the Co-N3B- and Co-N4-doped graphene nanoribbon material was immersed in 0.5 M H2SO4 for 24 h. After washing with
as a model reference to represent the difference of Co-N,B-CSs deionized water several times, Co-N,B-CSs were obtained. As the
and Co−N−Carbon catalysts. Considering the four-electron control experiments, the synthesis of Co−N−Carbon and Co-N,B-
paths of ORR and OER on Co-N4-CSs and Co-N3B-CSs in carbon bulk was similar to the above method but without boric acid
alkaline solution, the free energy for each elementary step was and PEG-2000, respectively.
calculated by combining the enthalpy and the harmonic
entropy, which are listed in Tables S5−S7. Figure 4a,b show ASSOCIATED CONTENT
the highest occupied molecular orbital plot of the correspond- *
S Supporting Information
ing O2 adsorption configuration of Co-N,B-CSs. Due to the The Supporting Information is available free of charge on the
higher electronegativity of oxygen, the adsorbed functional ACS Publications website at DOI: 10.1021/acsnano.7b08721.
groups attract electrons from surrounding carbon atoms,
resulting in charge redistribution on those carbon atoms. The Additional experimental details, figures, and tables (PDF)
electron-deficient carbon B-doped sites in carbon can break the
electroneutrality of the matrix to create charged sites, favorable AUTHOR INFORMATION
for O2 adsorption. To this end, we suppose that most Co−N− Corresponding Authors
C active sites are located at the edge. As shown in Figure 4c, the *E-mail: zjn@zzu.edu.cn.
free energy changes of the Co-N3B-CSs catalyst during the *E-mail: qunxu@zzu.edu.cn.
ORR process decrease slightly from 0 to 0.073 eV in the first *E-mail: msc@whut.edu.cn.
step, which is significantly lower than that for Co-N4-CSs ORCID
(−0.014 eV). Given an applied potential of 0.24 V, Co-N,B-CSs Jianan Zhang: 0000-0002-7559-1090
in each step during the ORR process are energetically downhill,
significantly lower than that for Co-N4-CSs (0.48 V), which
Ibrahim Saana Amiinu: 0000-0003-4426-7893
supplies theoretical evidence for highly efficient ORR catalytic Jigang Zhou: 0000-0001-6644-2862
activity of Co-N,B-CSs. Qun Xu: 0000-0002-2264-0266
Shichun Mu: 0000-0003-3902-0976
In summary, the M−N−C active site type of atomically The authors declare no competing financial interest.
dispersed B-doped Co−N−C active sites, evidenced by
have been achieved and boosted bifunctional ORR and OER This work was financially supported by the National Natural
activities, approaching that of Pt/C and RuO2, along with Science Foundation of China (21571157, U1604123, and
significantly enhanced stability. Furthermore, the catalyst 51173170), Outstanding Young Talent Research Fund of
exhibits good performances when equipped in liquid and all- Zhengzhou University (No. 1521320001), The Young Out-
solid rechargeable Zn−air batteries compared with Pt/C. standing Teachers of Univeristy in Henan Province (2016-
Significantly, the control experiments and DFT calculations 130), the Open Project Foundation of Key Laboratory of
1899 DOI: 10.1021/acsnano.7b08721
ACS Nano 2018, 12, 1894−1901
ACS Nano Article

Advanced Energy Materials Chemistry (Ministry of Education) (16) Choi, C. H.; Choi, W. S.; Kasian, O.; Mechler, A. K.; Sougrati,
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