Week 12 Introduction To Cancer
Week 12 Introduction To Cancer
Week 12 Introduction To Cancer
What is Cancer?
A definition Cancer is " a general term for a large group of diseases which all display uncontrolled growth and spread of abnormal cells. The process of cell division, by which tissues normally grow and renew themselves, gets out of control. These cancer cells multiply in an uncoordinated way, usually to form a tumour. Cells from the original, or primary, cancer site may infiltrate surrounding tissue to cause damage. They may also travel by means of the bloodstream or lymph system to form secondary cancers elsewhere in the body. (The Cancer Word Book, C.C.V., 2001)
US Mortality, 2003
No. of deaths % of all deaths
Cause of Death
1. 2. 3. 4.
6. 7.
74,219 65,163
3.0 2.7
Alzheimer disease
42,453 34,069
1.7 1.4
10. Septicemia
Source: US Mortality Public Use Data Tape 2003, National Center for Health Statistics, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2006.
Trends in the Number of Cancer Deaths Among Men and Women, US, 1930-2003
Number of Cancer Deaths Women
2001 2002 2003
265,000 2000
0 1930
Source: US Mortality Public Use Data Tape, 2003, National Center for Health Statistics, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2006.
The basic unit of structure & function in all living things is the cell. Most cells have the ability to reproduce Control mechanisms govern cell replication The normal healthy cell perfectly copies itself over and over.
Cell Biology
Conditional Renewal Cells which have the ability to regenerate or reproduce but only do so under special circumstances Eg. Osteocytes of bone, parenchymal cells of the liver Continuous Renewal Cells which regenerate frequently & have a life span measured in hours or days Eg. White blood cells, epithelial cells Essentially non- renewing Cells which live for the entire life of the organism Eg. Nerve cell bodies, myocardial muscle cells
Benign & malignant tumours are named according to tissue of origin Tumours are classified according to their behaviour & their cell type Malignant tumours are divided into 3 subgroups: Carcinomas Sarcomas Leukaemias & lymphomas
Frequently present Frequent Moderate to marked Infiltrative & expansive
Metastases Recurrence Vascularity Mode of growth
Rarely Rare Slight Expansive
Cell characteristics
Process in which cancer develops Transformation of normal cells to cancer cells involves the steps of: Initiation Promotion Progression Carcinogens
Normal cell gene Function to tightly regulate & control normal cell proliferation & differentiation Can be damaged by a virus, mutation/ carcinogen etc to become an oncogene
Genes that may cause cancer if mutated/ regulatory mechanism damaged Mutated forms of protoncogenes (normal genes) Regulation of these genes usually well controlled by the body
Tumor suppressor genes normal - inhibit cell proliferation and growth therefore, if inactivated, cancer may develop
Risk factors
Chemical Carcinogens Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (smoke, exhaust fumes, products of combustion) Aromatic amines & azo dyes (coal tar, insecticides, food dyes) Alkylating agents (mustard gas, cyclophosphamide) Nitrosamines (nicotine, food additives) Industrial compounds, asbestos Radiation Carcinogens Ionizing radiation Atomic bomb detonation Ultraviolet radiation
Risk factors
Viruses Herpes Simplex type II Epstein Barr Human Papilloma Virus Genetic Factors Downs Syndrome Familial Cancers Genetic Factors Deficient immune system (HIV, organ transplant)
Colo-rectal Skin
Invasion/ direct spread Lymphatic dissemination Gravitational dissemination Blood stream dissemination Vascularisation Cell detachment Aggregation Arrest Establishment Proliferation
Anterior view: Az = azygos vein, EDV = epidural venous plexus, DCV = deep cervical vein, IVV = intervertebral vein, LBCV = left brachiocephalic vein, LPV = longitudinal prevertebral vein, RSICV = right superior intercostal vein, VV = vertebral vein, ICV = intercostal vein. Asterisk indicates esophageal veins, dotted line indicates peripheral branches of deep cervical vein in back neck.
Ibukuro, K. et al. Am. J. Roentgenol. 2001;176:1059-1065
Metastatic spread
Is not just a random process Main sites of metastases are to: liver lung bone lymph nodes Undifferentiated tumors more likely to metastasize than well differentiated tumor
Lung Cancer
Prostate Cancer Leukemia
Cervical Cancer
Manifestations of Cancer
Tumour involvement Invasion Infiltration Compression Metastases Systemic effects Associated with treatment Related to chronic / debilitating disease
Principles of Treatment
The goals in the treatment of cancer are: Cure Control Palliation
Treatment decision
Age Size and site of tumour Staging Aggressiveness of the cancer Prognosis Quality of life Predictability of spread Expected cure rate Risks associated with treatment Host resistance Patients wishes
Oldest form of cancer treatment Diagnosis & staging Cure Palliation Reconstruction Prevention
Pre operative care Education Post operative care Assessment Preventing post operative complications Rehabilitation
Use of chemicals to treat cancer Target rapidly dividing cells Over 50 chemotherapeutic agents in use Cure Control Palliation
Use of high energy x-rays to treat cancer 60% of cancer patients will receive radiotherapy Alters the biological material in the atom of the cell Cure Control Palliation
Use of agents from biological sources to affect the bodys biological responses Manipulate the immune system Cytokines Interferon Antibodies Growth factors
Risk Factors
Familial adeno polyposis (FAP) genetic disorder causing cancer in 100% pts by age 50 Accounts for 1 % of colorectal cancer Hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer genetic disorder causing cancer in 70% pts by age 65 accounts for 4% of colorectal cancer Inflammatory bowel disease ulcerative colitis Diet
an inherited disorder characterized by the development of myriad polyps in the colon, beginning in late adolescence or early adulthood. Untreated, the condition nearly always leads to colon cancer
Risk factors
Diet- attributed to 50% of colorectal cancer Strong correlation between diet and colorectal cancer Incidence greatest in industrialised western countries diet high in refined carbohydates diet high in saturated fats diet high in animal fats - red meat diet low in fibre diet low in vegetables esp green leafy vegetables diet high in alcohol/low in folate
Clinical course
Most colorectal cancers develop from a benign precursor lesion or adenoma (polyp) Dysplastic changes occur in the original lesion/polyp - becomes malignant, grow and invade into surrounding tissue Eventual penetration through the bowel wall & local spread into surrounding tissues/organs/lymph nodes Spread widely through the lymphatic system and blood stream Most common sites of spread are to the liver followed by peritoneal cavity, lung, adrenals, ovaries & bone
"Adeno-" is a prefix that means "gland" Carcinoma is a malignant tumor that starts in epithelial tissue. "adenocarcinoma," which means a malignant tumor in epithelial tissue, specifically in a gland. Cancer that begins in the cells that line the alveoli and make substances such as mucus.
ECOG PERFORMANCE STATUS* Grade 0 1 ECOG Fully active, able to carry on all pre-disease performance without restriction Restricted in physically strenuous activity but ambulatory and able to carry out work of a light or sedentary nature, e.g., light house work, office work Ambulatory and capable of all self-care but unable to carry out any work activities. Up and about more than 50% of waking hours Capable of only limited self-care, confined to bed or chair more than 50% of waking hours Completely disabled. Cannot carry on any self-care. Totally confined to bed or chair Dead
2 3 4 5
Staging (TNM)
Tumour size (T): Tx: Primary tumour not able to be assessed T0: No evidence of primary tumour, ie. cancer cells seen on sputum sampling or bronchial washing only Tis: Carcinoma in situ T1: Tumour 3 cm or less, surrounded by pleura, without evidence of invasion more proximal than the lobar bronchus. T2: Tumour with any of the following features: >3cm in greatest dimension Invades visceral pleura Associated with atelectasis or obstructive pneumonitis, extending to the hilar region but not involving the entire lung.
Staging (TNM)
Tumour size (T): T3: Tumour of any size, directly invading the chest wall, diaphragm, mediastinal pleura or parietal pericardium; or tumour in the main bronchus; or in the main bronchus, less than 2cm distal to the carina, but without involvement of the carina; or with associated atelectasis or obstructive pneumonitis of the entire lung T4: Tumour of any size, invading the mediastinum, heart, great vessels, trachea, oesophagus, vertebral body, carina; or with separate tumour nodules in one lobe, or with malignant pleural effusion
Staging (TNM)
Regional lymph nodes (N): NX: Regional lymph nodes not able to be assessed N0: No regional lymph node metastasis N1: Metastasis in ipsilateral peribronchial and/or ipsilateral hilar lymph nodes and intrapulmonary nodes, including involvement by direct extension N2: Metastasis in ipsilateral mediastinal and/or subcarinal lymph nodes N3: Metastasis in contralateral mediastinal, contralateral hilar, ipsilateral or contralateral scalene, or supraclavicular lymph nodes
Staging (TNM)
Distant Metastasis (M) MX: Distant metastasis not able to be assessed M0: No distant metastasis M1: Distant metastasis, including separate tumour nodule(s) in a different lobe (ipsi- or contralateral).
Non-small cell lung cancers are grouped into stages as follows: Stage 0: TIS N0 M0 Stage Ia: T1 N0 M0 Stage Ib: T2 N0 M0 Stage IIa: T1 N1 M0 Stage IIb: T2 N1 M0, T3 N0 M0 Stage IIIa: T1 N2 M0, T2 N2 M0, T3 N1 M0, T3 N2 M0 Stage IIIb: any T N3 MO, T4 any N M0 Stage IV: any T any N M1
Clinical course
NSCLC Usually arise in the periphery of the lung Often remain localised or have minimal spread to surrounding lymph nodes Spread via blood stream to the brain, bone, liver & kidney Spread directly to chest wall SCLC Usually arise in the central region of the lung Very aggressive & patients often have widespread disease at diagnosis often bilateral chest wall involvement Spread via blood stream & lymphatics to lymph nodes, liver, adrenal glands, bones & CNS
Clinical manifestations
Specific: Cough Shortness of breath Haemoptysis Recurrent pneumonia Non specific: Anorexia Malaise Weight loss Metastatic Symptoms Spinal Cord Compression Cerebral symptoms Bone pain SVC obstruction