Sumitpapaerijeerv2n1 5
Sumitpapaerijeerv2n1 5
Sumitpapaerijeerv2n1 5
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All content following this page was uploaded by Sumit Kale on 21 June 2015.
This paper reports comparator design for low power & high speed. The
present Design is specially design for high resolution Sigma Delta Analog to
Digital Converters (SDADCs). Design is based on two stage CMOS OP-AMP
technique. Simulation results have been obtained by 0.5 micron technology,
considering ±2.5 supply voltage & 2.5 V Input range. Design has been carried
out in Tanner tool using HP 0.5 micron technology. Simulation results are
verified using S-Edit and W-Edit. We have achieved the propagation delay
(speed) of 3.6 nano sec. with low power consumption about 0.31 mW. Finally,
compare the proposed results with earlier work done [5], [10] and get
improvement in presented results.
Comparator is an important device widely used in Analog to Digital Converter
(ADC). Among the many architectures of ADC, Sigma delta, designs are used in a
large class of applications ranging from low frequency [1] and audio [2] to down
converted intermediate frequency and digital video [3]. Their property to Trade speed
for accuracy makes them more attractive in the context of present CMOS technology
evolution [4]. Low power and high speed ADCs are the main building blocks in the
front-end of a radio-frequency receiver in most of the modern telecommunication
systems [5]. The ever-growing application of portable devices makes the power
consumption a very critical constraint for circuit designers. Comparators are used in
30 S. Kale and R.S. Gamad
ADCs, data transmission, switching power regulators, and many other applications.
The comparator design plays an important role in high speed ADCs.
Power consumption & speed is key metrics in comparator design [6]. For all high-
speed ADCs, regardless of the architecture, one of the critical performance limiting
building blocks is the comparator, which in large measure determines the overall
performance of data converters, including the maximum sampling rate, bit resolution,
and total power consumption[7]. In a SDADCs, internal comparators are main
building blocks for amplify small voltages into logic levels and the results are stored
in the latch which will be used for conversion. This comparator gives high speed &
low power consumption for using in SDADCs design. Comparators can be divided
into open-loop and regenerative comparators. The open loop comparators are
basically op-amps without compensation. Regenerative comparators use positive
feedback. Similar to sense amplifier or flip-flops, to accomplish the comparison of the
magnitude between two signals. A third type of comparator emerges that is a
combination of the open-loop and regenerative comparators. This combination results
in comparators that are extremely fast [8]. This Design proposed the high speed &
low power consumption comparators referred as an open loop comparators.
Comparator Design
A comparator acts as the quantizer in the ADCs. Since the comparator is of 1-bit it
has only two levels either a ‘1’ or a ‘0’. A ‘1’ implies that VDD = + 2.5V and a ‘0’
implies that VSS = - 2.5V. If the input of the comparator is greater than the reference
voltage ( Vref ) it has to give an output of ‘1’ and if the comparator input is less than
reference voltage then the output of the comparator should be ‘0’. A simple
comparator performs the required function efficiently. Given a reference level, a
comparator gives an output of VDD when the signal is greater than the reference level
and an output of VSS when signal is less than reference level. In this design the Vref =
0V. The operational amplifier can be used as a comparator. In this comparator design
we have used the two stage CMOS OPAMP design technique for achieving high
speed & low power consumption. Eliminated the compensation capacitor which will
be used for designing a high gain two stage CMOS OPAMP topology and reduced the
power consumption & increase speed in the presented design. Compensation
capacitor is used in two stage CMOS OPAMP for providing stability in the design,
compromise with stability to obtain the high performance as low power consumption
with high speed. Present CMOS comparator design is shown in Fig.1. This
comparator consists by using current mirrors, current sinks, active load & constant
current source. Transistor W/L ratios are as selected which gives accurate & optimum
results. Parasitic effects which influences in the comparators performance is
minimized in this design. This help to get the desired output for a high speed & low
power consumption. Present Design has used ± 2.5 Volts power supply for simulation
& designing. The comparator circuit as shown in Fig.1 has been simulated using
TSPICE with HP 0.5 technology.
Design of a CMOS Comparator for Low Power and High Speed 31
Table 1: Comparison of the design parameters of present comparator design with the
earlier designs.
Performance parameters Earlier work by [5] Earlier work by [10] Present work
Power supply 5V 5V 2.5 V
Speed - 17.3 nsec 3.6 nsec
Power consumptions 1.8 mW 0.8 mW 0.31 mW
Input range 2V 2-3 V 2.5 V
This paper has presented the CMOS comparator design and its simulation results of
high speed, low power consumption. Design has used the two stage CMOS OPAMP
design technique generally it referred as an open loop comparators where we
eliminate the compensation to achieved better performance. This comparator is
designed for used in high resolution sigma delta ADCs. Simulation results is obtained
by cosidering ± 2.5 V power supply. Here we achieved the high speed of 3.6 nano sec
and power consumption of 0.31 mW as compare to earlier reported work [5,10],
comparison shown in Table 1.
This work has been carried out in SMDP VLSI laboratory of the Electronics and
Instrumentation Engineering Department of Shri G S Institute of Technology and
Science, Indore, India. This SMDP VLSI project is funded by Ministry of Information
and Communication Technology, Government of India. Authors are thankful to the
Ministry for facilities provided under this project.
[1] Y. Perelman, R. Ginosar, 2001, “A low light level sensor for medical
diagnostic applications”, IEEE, JSSC, Vol.36, No.10, Oct. 2001.
[2] L. Coban, P. E. Allen, “A 1.5 V, 1.0 mV Audio ∆∑ modulator with 98 db
dynamic range”, Digest of technical papers, ISSCC 1999.
[3] L. Breems, E. J. Vander Swam and J. H. Huijsi, 2000, “A 1.8 mW CMOS ∑∆
modulator with integrated Mixer for A/D conversion of IF signals”, IEEE
Journal of solid state circuits, Vol.35, April 2000.
[4] K.Vleugels, S. Rabii and B. A. Wooky, 2001, “ A 2.5 V Broad band multi bit
∑∆ modulator with 95 db dynamic range”, Digest of Technical Papers,
[5] B. Razavi and B. A. Wooley, “ Design Techniques for High-speed, High-
Resolution Comparators”, IEEE Journal of solid state circuits, Vol. 27, No. 12,
Dec. 1992.
34 S. Kale and R.S. Gamad