Eee 4232
Eee 4232
Eee 4232
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Table of Contents
Lab-0: Overview of VLSI-II Laboratory .......................................................................................................... 1
Lab-3: Modeling Sequential Systems and Finite State Machine Using Verilog HDL ................................... 49
Lab-6: Physical Design Using Encounter Digital Implementation System (Part 1) ..................................... 77
Lab-7A: Physical Design Using Encounter Digital Implementation System (Part 2) ................................. 100
Lab-7B: Static Timing Analysis Using Encounter Digital Implementation System .................................... 114
Lab-8: Physical Verification and Power Analysis Using Encounter Digital Implementation System ........ 124
To design very large-scale integrated circuits some frontend and backend processes needed to
be acomplished. The processes can be represented as a flow chart to show the life cycle of a chip
which is called Application Specific Integrated Circuits (ASIC) design flow. A typical ASIC design
flow is shown below.
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System Specification
Design functionality, performance factors (speed, power, latency, throughput, dimension,
data size), cost, I/O requirements etc are clearly stated at this stage.
Architectural Design
Determines required different architecture blocks to implement the design to maximize the
performance factors. It also determines the algorithm for optimized connection of the
blocks and formal verification is performed.
Design Implementation
The system can be designed in two ways: analog design and digital design. In the analog
design process, circuit blocks are designed at the transistor level. On the other hand, the
synthesizable RTL description of the device is programmed using Hardware Description
Language (HDL) in the digital design process. HDL Programming can be easily implemented
for any modern complex device as it gives the advantage of simulating and verifying the
design output and functionality efficiently.
Logic Synthesis
The process of translating the RTL into a gate-level netlist is called Synthesis. In this process,
the design is optimized, and technology mapping or library binding is done. The gate-level
netlist must undergo formal verification to prove that RTL and netlist are equivalent.
Physical Design
Physical Design is the process of transforming a circuit description into a physical layout that
describes the position of cells and routes for the interconnections between them. The
physical design consists of the following steps.
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Verification and Signoff
Verification would either be just before the tapeout stage of the chip or the stage where
design is again taken back through the same flow for optimization. The following
verifications are usually performed in this stage.
▪ Design Rule Check (DRC): It checks design rules such as shapes/size/spacing and
many other complex rules of each metal layer.
▪ Layout vs Schematic (LVS): It checks whether the design layout is equivalent to its
▪ Antenna Rule Check (ARC): Checks for a large area of metals that might affect the
manufacturing process.
▪ Electrical Rule Check (ERC): The methodology used to check the robustness of a
design both at schematic and layout levels against various electronic design rules.
After all verifications, post-processing is applied where the physical layout data is translated
into an industry-standard format called GDSII. The GDSII file is sent to the semiconductor
foundry to convert it into mask data which is called tapeout. GDS II is a database file format
that is the industry standard for data exchange of integrated circuit or IC layout artwork. It
is a binary file format representing planar geometric shapes, text labels, and other
information about the layout in hierarchical form. It is also referred as Graphic Design
The mask of physical design is sent to factories called fabs(clean room). Several masks are
used in turn, each one reproducing a layer of the completed design Masks are used to create
a specific pattern of each material in a sequential manner and create a complex pattern of
several layers Introduction
For fabricating an IC in the clean room following steps are performed.
▪ Wafer Preparation
▪ Oxidation
▪ Lithography (Photoresist & Masking)
▪ Etching
▪ Dopant Incorporation (Diffusion & Ion Implantation)
▪ Crystal Epitaxial Growth
▪ Deposition
▪ Isolation
▪ Cleaning
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EDA Files
Liberty Timing File (.lib file)
ASCII representation of the timing and power parameters associated with any cell in particular
semiconductor technology. Types of lib file Fast lib, Slow lib, and Typical lib. Basic differences
among those libraries are Nominal voltage Nominal temperature cell leakage Power Capacitance,
Fall power, Rise power, and Timing.
Cap table
Cap table contains information of parasitic Resistance and Capacitance which is used to model
the interconnect of a design.
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Probable List of Lab Tasks
The following processes of VLSI ASIC design flow will be covered in the upcoming classes.
Backend Process
▪ Physical Design
▪ Static Timing Analysis
▪ Physical Verification and Power Analysis
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Lab-1: Introduction to Verilog HDL Programming
The main objectives of this lab are:
A system or chip can be designed in two ways: analog design and digital design. In the analog
design process, circuit blocks are designed at the transistor level. Nowadays high performing
chips are designed with more smarter functions and that has increased the density of the
transistor in a chip. In VLSI (Very Large-Scale Integration) technology chips are designed with
more than 100,000 transistors. So it is not easy to design and verify such a complex system in an
analog process. In the digital design process, according to the functionality of a chip, a
synthesizable RTL description of the system is modeled using the Hardware Description Language
(HDL). HDL gives the advantage of simulating and verifying the design output and functionality
easily before they were fabricated on chips. For a long time, programming languages such as
FORTRAN, Pascal, and C were used to describe sequential computer programs after that
Hardware Description Languages (HDLs) came into existence to model the concurrency processes
found in hardware elements. Some common HDLs are Verilog, System Verilog, VHDL, VerilogA.
Verilog Module
Modules are the building blocks of the Verilog design. Modules can be embedded within other
modules, and a higher level module can communicate with its lower-level modules using their
input and output ports. A module should be enclosed within a module and endmodule keywords.
The following figure shows the structure of any Verilog module.
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Port Types
Port provides the interface by which a module can communicate with the internal and external
environment. Based on the direction of the signal Verilog language allows three types of ports.
Ports can be declared as follows.
1. Nets
• Represents structural connections between components.
• Declared as ‘wire’.
• By default, one bit.
• All port declaration are implicitly declared as wire in Verilog
2. Registers
• Represents the variables used to store data.
• Declared as ‘reg’.
• Stores/holds the last assigned value until it is changed.
• Must use register data type if a signal is assigned in procedural
In Verilog, “parameter” is used to declare constants and does not belong to any other data type such as register
or net data types. A constant expression refers to a constant number or previously defined parameter. We cannot
modify parameter values at runtime, but we can modify a parameter value using the “defparam” statement. In
modern RTL design, “localparam” is used to declare constants.
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1. Input
• Internal input ports must always be net (wire) type.
• External input ports can be connected to reg or net type.
2. Output
• Internal output ports can be either reg or net type.
• External outputs must be net type.
3. Inouts
• Internally and externally inout ports must be net type.
• They are, ground, etc.
4. Width Matching
It is legal to connect internal and external items of different sizes when inter-module port
connections. However, a warning is typically issued that the width does not match.
5. Unconnected Ports
Verilog allows ports to remain unconnected. For example, a full adder module has three
inputs (A, B, C) and two outputs (sum, carry). So, if we don’t want to use any of the inputs
or outputs during the submodule call, we simply ignore that by keeping the place blank.
Example if a module is full_add(A, B, C, SUM, Carry) during the submodule call if we want
to ignore the C input can write as full_add a1(x,y, ,z,l)
Literals are used for representing constant numbers. The syntax for a constant is shown below.
* The number of binary *Indicates if the number is *Radix of the number. Number
bits the number is signed. *Binary: b or B according to
comprised of. *Either s or S. *Octal: o or O base.
*Default is 32 bit *Not case sensitive. *Hexadecimal: h or H
*Default is unsigned *Decimal: d or D
*Not case sensitive.
*Default is decimal.
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Example 01
The following example demonstrates the Verilog syntax for different literals and data types.
1 parameter a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h; // declaration of multiple variables of parameter type
2 reg [7:0]i; // reg type variable declaration which can store up to 8-bit
3 reg[7:0]j; // reg type variable declaration which can store up to 8-bit
4 a=549; // decimal number 549, no size specified
5 b=4’bx; //4-bit unknow value xxxx
6 c=8’hfx; // 8-bit number equivalent to 8b1111_xxx
7 d=‘h8FF; // hex number, no size specified
8 e=5’d3; // 5-bit decimal number 00011
9 f=8’b00001011; //8-bit binary number 00001011
10 g=8’b0000_1011; // “_” is a separator used to improve the readability of 8-bit number 00001011
11 h=8’b1011; //8-bit binary number 00001011
12 i=4’sb1011; // 4-bit positive signed number 00001011
13 j= - 4’sb1011; //initializes with 1011 then for negative sign 2s complement is performed which
is 0101 then 4 zeros are padded for signed value 00000101
Verilog Operators
To represent the functionality of a digital system different operators such as logical, bitwise, etc.
operators must be used. In the following table, different Verilog operators are shown.
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Example 02
The following example demonstrates the basic logical syntax of basic logical operation used in
digital system representation. We can represent the logical expressions in two ways called Gate
Instantiations and Continuous Assignment.
N.B: RTL is a combination of Data Flow and Behavior Modeling styles. The logic synthesis tool
can generate a gate-level netlist from RTL.
This method provides mechanisms for modeling MOS transistors using Verilog. This
modeling style is used in very specific cases, for designing leaf cells in a hierarchical design.
Switch-level modeling is not detailed enough to catch many of the problems.
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Example 03
The following example demonstrates the Verilog HDL code of an CMOS inverter using the switch
level abstraction.
CMOS Inverter
1 module inv_cmos(in,Y);
2 input in;
3 output Y;
4 supply1 vdd;
5 supply0 gnd;
6 pmos p1(Y,vdd,in);
7 nmos n1(Y,gnd,in);
8 endmodule
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Example 04
The following example demonstrates the Verilog HDL code of a two to one multiplexer module
using the gate level abstraction.
1 /*
2 Steps for Gate Level Modeling
3 I. Develop the Boolean function of output
4 II.Draw the logic diagram.
5 III.Connect the gates with nets(wires).
6 */
7 module mux_2to1(s,Io,I1,Y);
8 input s,Io,I1;
9 output Y;
10 wire w1,w2,w3;
11 not (w1,s);
12 and (w2,Io,w1);
13 and (w3,s,I1);
14 or (Y,w2,w3);
15 endmodule
Example 05
The following example demonstrates the Verilog HDL code of a two to one multiplexer module
using the data flow modeling.
1 /*
2 Steps for Data Flow Modeling
3 I.Obtain the relation between output and input.
4 II.Impalement the logical relation using “assign” statement.
5 */
6 module mux_2to1(s,Io,I1,Y);
7 input s,Io,I1;
8 output Y;
9 wire w1,w2,w3;
10 assign w1=~s;
11 assign w2=Io & w1;
12 assign w3=s & I1;
13 assign Y=w2 | w3;
14 endmodule
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4. Behavioral modeling
In this method, a system is designed and implemented in terms of a design algorithm
based on the behavior of the design and its performance. Verilog behavioral code
must be inside procedural statements/blocks only. It is the highest level of
abstraction. It is also known as black-box modeling.
Procedural Block
There are two types of procedural blocks in Verilog called “Initial” and “always” blocks.
Procedural blocks are evaluated in the order in which they appear in the code that’s why it is also
known as sequential statements. Procedural statements assign values to reg, integer, real or time
variables. Procedural blocks cannot assign values to nets.
a) “initial” Block
• Statements inside the initial block are executed only once.
• Executes at time zero.
• Used in Test bench
b) “always” Block
• Sensitivity list or list of signals that directly affect the output result must be
defined in always block.
• Whenever the value of a signal in the sensitivity list changes then the statements
inside the always block is executed.
always @ (sensitivity_list)
[procedural assignment statement]
[if-else statement]
[case statement]
[while, repeat and for loops]
[task and function calls]
Example 06
The following example demonstrates the Verilog HDL code of a two to one multiplexer module
using the behavioral modeling style. The always procedural block is used here to set the output
of multiplexer(y) whenever any of the inputs (Io and I1) or selection input (s) changes.
1 /*
2 Steps for Behavioral Modeling
3 I.Develop a behavioral algorithm (like ‘C’ programming).
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4 II.According to the algorithm insert the behavioral statements inside the appropriate procedural
5 block
6 */
7 module mux_2to1(s,Io,I1,Y);
8 input s,Io,I1;
9 output reg Y;
10 always@ (s,Io,I1) //if we use always @* The * operator will automatically identify all sensitive variables.
11 begin
12 if(s==0)
13 Y=Io;
14 else
15 Y=I1;
16 end
17 endmodule
Hierarchical Modeling
A Hierarchical methodology is used to design simple components to construct more complex
components There are two design approaches when writing code in a hierarchical style called
Top-Down and Bottom-Up methodology.Typically, designers use these two approaches side-by-
side to construct complex circuits.
1. Top-Down Methodology
In a top-down design methodology, we define the top-level block and identify the sub-
blocks necessary to build the top-level block. We further subdivide the sub-blocks until
we come to leaf cells, which are the cells that cannot further be divided.
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2. Bottom-Up Methodology
In a bottom-up design methodology, we first identify the building blocks that are available
to us. We build bigger cells, using these building blocks. These cells are then used for
higher-level blocks until we build the top-level block in the design.
Example 07
The following example demonstrates the Verilog HDL code of a full adder following the
Hierarchical Modeling style. In the design, the half adder is constructed from the predefined logic
gates and then the half adder instance is used twice to design the full adder. This creates two
instances in the same module.
1 module Full_Adder(A,B,Cin,sum,carry); // Top module
2 input A,B,Cin;
3 output sum,carry;
4 wire s1,c1,c2;
5 Half_Adder sm1(s1,c1,A,B);
6 Half_Adder sm2(sum,c2,s1,Cin);
7 or o1(carry,c1,c2);
8 endmodule
10 module Half_Adder(s,c,x,y); // macro cell
11 input x,y;
12 output s,c;
13 xor s1(s,x,y); // predefined primitive or leaf cells
14 and c1(c,x,y);
15 endmodule
N.B. One module can be instantiated to another module without maintaining the I/O sequence
using the Namely Wise Instantiation method (.currentmodule_variable(submodule_variable)).
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Blocking and Non-Blocking Assignment
Blocking (=) and non-blocking (<=) assignments are provided to control the execution order
within an always block. All the previous examples of combinational circuits used blocking
assignments. But if the subsequent assignments depend on the results of preceding assignments
non-blocking assignments needed to be used. The following examples demonstrates the use of
blocking and non blocking assignments.
Example 08
In the following example, we have tried to design a shift register module named shift_reg using
the blocking assignment.
1 module shift_reg(clock,W,Q);
2 input clock,W;
3 output reg[3:0]Q;
4 always@(posedge clock)
5 begin
6 Q[3]=w;
7 Q[2]=Q[3];
8 Q[1]=Q[2];
9 Q[0]=Q[1];
10 end
11 endmodule
Now let us try to realize the output of Example 07 for that let us consider Initially Q=0000 and
W=1. Now for the first two positive edges of the clock, the output will be following.
//After the first positive edge of the clock
//After the second positive edge of the clock
Now from the output, we can notice that the output is always the same. For a shift registrar, we
know that the output will propagate bit-wise sensing each clock trigger but in the design of
Example 08 that is absent due to the use of blocking assignment as the variable update is
executed in the order they are coded. It should be noted that the blocking assignment blocks the
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execution of the next statement till the current statement is executed. So, it can be said that
blocking assignment is useful for combinational circuits.
Example 09
In the following example, we have modified the shift_reg module of Example 08 by replacing
the blocking assignment with “non-blocking”.
1 module shift_reg(clock,W,Q);
2 input clock,W;
3 output reg[3:0]Q;
4 always@(posedge clock)
5 begin
6 Q[3]<=w;
7 Q[2]<=Q[3];
8 Q[1]<=Q[2];
9 Q[0]<=Q[1];
10 end
11 endmodule
Now let us try to realize the output of Example 08 for that let us consider Initially Q=0000 and
W=1. Now for the first two positive edges of the clock, the output will be following.
//After the first positive edge of the clock
//After the second positive edge of the clock
Now from the output, we can notice that the output is propagating bit-wise by sensing each clock
trigger after using the blocking assignment as the variable update process is executed in parallel.
In this code execution of the next statement is not blocked due to the execution of the current
statement. This method is useful for modeling sequential circuits and generating concurrent
There are three types of assignments in Verilog, continuous (assign), blocking (=), and non
blocking (<=).
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Example 10
The following example demonstrates the Verilog HDL code of a D Latch
1 module D_FF(clock,D,Q);
2 input clock,D;
3 output reg Q;
4 always@(*)
5 if(clock)
6 Q<=D;
7 endmodule
Example 11
The following example demonstrates the Verilog HDL code of a D flip-flop. A D flip-flop is a 1-bit
data storage device that saves one-bit data depending on its input D and clock pulse. When a
clock edge is triggered, whatever input is present in D goes to the output Q.
1 module D_FF(clock,D,Q);
2 input clock,D;
3 output reg Q;
4 always@(posedge clock)
5 Q<=D;
6 endmodule
Example 12
The following example demonstrates the Verilog HDL code of a 4 to 2 priority encoder with a
valid bit. In the example, the casex statement is used. In Verilog, there are three types of
variations in case. The case, casex and casez all do bit-wise comparisons between the
selecting case expression and individual case item statements. In the case statement, the values
x or z in an alternative are checked for an exact match with the same values in the controlling
expression. On the other hand, casex ignores any bit position containing an ‘x’ or ‘z’. The
casez statement only ignores bit positions with a ‘z’.
1 module p_encoder_4to2(D,Y,V);
2 input [3:0]D; //declaring variable for input
3 output reg [1:0]Y; //declaring variable for output
4 output reg V; //declaring the variable for valid bit
5 always@ *
6 begin
7 casex(D)
8 4'b0001:
9 begin
10 Y=2'b00; V=1;
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11 end
12 4'b001x:
13 begin
14 Y=2'b01; V=1;
15 end
16 4'b01xx:
17 begin
18 Y=2'b10; V=1;
19 end
20 4'b1xxx:
21 begin
22 Y=2'b11; V=1;
23 end
24 default:
25 begin
26 Y=2'bx; V=0;
27 end
28 endcase
29 end
30 endmodule
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Simulating Verilog HDL
1. Find the following icon on your PC and double-click on the icon to run the software.
(Search: ModelSim - Intel FPGA Starter Edition Model Technology ModelSim - Intel FPGA
Edition vsim 2020.1 (Quartus Prime 20.1))
3. Execute File → New → Project. The Create Project window will appear.
4. In the Create Project window change the Project Location to your directory (e.g.
D:/150205022/Lab-1/Full_Adder) and give a name in the Project Name field. After that
click on the OK button.
[Project name must be same as the top module]
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5. The Add items to the Project window will appear. Select the Crete New File button.
6. In the Create Project File window fill up the File Name field which must be identical to
the project name and top module name. Also, select Verilog from the Add file as type
dropdown menu. And ten click OK button.
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7. The Add items to the Project window will appear again. Click on the Close button.
8. Now the ModelSim window will look like the following figure.
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9. Now to open the editor window execute File → Open…
10. From the appeared file browser select your Verilog file(.v format)
11. In the editor window write the Verilog module of your design. And save using the shortcut
executing Ctrl+S every time.
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12. Now click on the Compile All icon for compiling the design.
[alternatively, execute Compile → Compile All ]
13. After successful compilation you will get the following message will appear in the
Transcript window.
15. The Start Simulation window will appear. From the Design tab, execute work → <click
on your project module name> and click on the OK button.
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16. The following message will appear in the transcript if everything is done correctly.
17. The input and output variables defined in the Verilog will appear in the Objects window.
18. Now go to the Wave window and select all the input and output variables of the Objects
window and by right-clicking on your mouse execute Add Wave to place them in the
Wave window.
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19. All the input and output variables will be placed on the wave window and the wave
window will look like the following.
20. Now apply clock to each input variable. Right-clicking any input variable and from the
popped-up menu execute Modify → Clock.
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21. The Define Clock window will appear. Set parameters as per your requirement keep in
mind all the units are in picoseconds by default.
22. After defining all the input clocks, to evaluate the outputs write run 100 ps on the
Transcript of ModelSim. Then the simulation will be performed for 100 ps.
Alternatively, we can run the wave output using the Run icon by typing the Run length
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23. The wave window will look like the following figure after simulation.
If you need to change the clock pulse you must reset all the clocks before changing clocks
otherwise the inputs and outputs will change after the previous run time which is not a
convenient way to represent the inputs and outputs. The command “restart” is used in the
transcript for resetting all the clock. Alternatively, restart can be performed by executing
Simulate → Restart
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II. After changing the Radix, change the Format type similarly by selecting all input
and output variables on the wave by right-clicking on the mouse and then
executing Format → Literal.
III. Now on the wave, binary values will be displayed which can be easily analyzed.
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To view output for all the input combinations the run length should be equal to the maximum
As all the units are in milliseconds, for easy visualization we can change the time units of the wave
grid by executing Wave → Wave Preferences → Grid & Timeline → Time units → ms.
Now the ModelSim wave window will look like the following figure.
Similarly, for femtoseconds, nanoseconds, and microseconds, we can use fs, ns, and ms
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Post Lab Tasks
1. Test the functionality of each example (4-13) using the ModelSim wave.
2. Design three input NOR gate using the switch level abstraction.
3. Design a 4-bit Carry Look Ahead adder using the concept of hierarchical modeling.
4. Design a BCD adder using the behavioural modeling technique.
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Lab-2: Introduction to Functional Verification
Using Verilog Testbench.
The main objectives of this lab are:
The test bench is an automated way of verifying and validating a digital design. A test bench is a
procedural block that executes only once. Particularly the “initial” procedural block is used for
the test bench. Only for repeated clock generation, the “always” procedural block is used. Test
bench generates clock, reset, and the required test vectors for a given design under test (DUT)
and hence by monitoring the output functionality of the design is verified. During synthesizing a
design, a test bench is not required it is required during simulation only.
Design Under Test Monitor
Rules of Testbench
I. Define timescale using the command “ `timescale <unit>/<precision> “.
II. Instantiate the top module in the test bench module.
III. Declare the input and output of design as “reg” and “wire” type respectively in the test
bench module.
IV. Specify the test vectors for different delays using the command “#<time_delaye>”.
V. Use “$display()” or “$monitor()” commands to show outputs for the given test vectors
in the transcript.
VI. The “initial” procedural block must be declared at least once.
VII. Terminate testbench using the command “$finish”.
VIII. Monitor the outputs for functional verification using the transcript and wave.
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Example 01
The following example demonstrates the Verilog HDL code of a half adder.
1 module HA(A,B,S,C);
2 input A,B;
3 output S,C;
4 assign S=A^B;
5 assign C=A&B;
6 endmodule
The following Verilog HDL code demonstrates the Testbench Module of the half adder of
Example 01 for random test inputs.
1 `timescale 1ns/1ps
2 module HA_TB;
3 reg a,b;
4 wire s,c;
5 HA Ha_dut(a,b,s,c);
6 initial
7 begin
8 #0 a=0; b=0;
9 #5 a=0; b=1;
10 #5 a=1; b=0;
11 #5 a=1; b=1;
12 #5 $finish;
13 end
14 endmodule
The previous Testbench Module of half adder can only generate test vectors for a certain interval
but not periodic. The following Testbench Module of half adder. The forever loop-like procedural
block “always” is used to generate periodic inputs.
1 `timescale 1ns/1ps
2 module HA_TB;
3 reg a,b;
4 wire s,c;
5 HA Ha_dut(a,b,s,c);
6 initial
7 begin
8 a=0; b=0;
9 end
11 always
12 #10 a=~a; // for time period 20 unit
13 always
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14 #5 b=~b; // for time period 10 unit
15 initial
16 #20 $finish;
17 end
18 endmodule
Example 02
The following example demonstrates the Verilog HDL code of a full adder.
The following Verilog HDL code demonstrates the Testbench Module of the full adder of Example
02 for random test inputs.
1 `timescale 1ns/100ps
2 module Full_Adder_TB;
3 reg a,b,c;
4 wire sum, carry;
5 Full_Adder FA_DUT(sum,carry,a,b,c);
6 initial
7 begin
8 $monitor($time, " a=%b, b=%b, c=%b, sum=%b, carry=%b", a ,b, c, sum, carry);
9 #0 a=0; b=0; c=1;
10 #5 b=1;
11 #5 a=0; b=1; c=1;
12 #5 $finish;
13 end
14 endmodule
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Example 03
The following example demonstrates the Verilog HDL code of a 2 to 4 decoder.
1 module decoder_2to4(s,e,y);
2 input [1:0] s;
3 input e;
4 output reg [3:0]y;
5 integer k;
6 always@ (s,e)
7 begin
8 for (k=0;k<=3;k=k+1)
9 begin
10 if ((s==k) && (e==1))
11 y[k]=1;
12 else
13 y[k]=0;
14 end
15 end
16 endmodule
The following Verilog HDL code demonstrates the Testbench Module of the 2 to 4 decoder of
Example 03.
1 `timescale 1ns/1ps
2 module decoder_2to4_TB;
3 reg [1:0]s; reg e;
4 wire [3:0]y;
5 decoder_2to4 dut(s,e,y);
6 initial
7 begin
8 $monitor($time, " e=%b, s=%b, y=%b", e ,s, y);
9 e=0;
10 #5 e=1; s=2'b00;
11 #5 s=2'b01;
12 #5 s=2'b10;
13 #5 s=2'b11;
14 #5 s=2'b00;
15 #5 s=2'b01;
16 #5 s=2'b10;
17 #5 s=2'b11;
18 #5 $finish;
19 end
20 endmodule
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The following Verilog HDL code demonstrates another Testbench Module to verify the 2 to 4
decoder of Example 03 which is efficient than the previous one.
1 `timescale 1ns/1ps
2 module decoder_2to4_TB;
3 reg [1:0]s; reg e;
4 wire [3:0]y;
5 integer i,j;
6 decoder_2to4 dut2(s,e,y);
7 initial
8 begin
9 e=0;
10 $monitor($time, "e=%b, s=%b, y=%b", e ,s, y);
11 for (j=1;j<=2;j=j+1)
12 begin
13 for (i=2'b00;i<=2'b11;i=i+1)
14 begin
15 #5 e=1; s=i;
16 end
17 end
18 #5 $finish;
19 end
20 endmodule
Example 04
The following example demonstrates the Verilog HDL code of a 2-bit magnitude comparator. The
module has 2 inputs A and B each are 2-bit numbers
A>B outputs G=1, E=0 ,S=0
A=B outputs G=0, E=1, S=0
A<B outputs G=0, E=0, S=1
Page 36 of 133
1 module mag_comp_2bit(A,B,G,E,S);
2 input [1:0]A,B; // declaring 2-bit input variables A and B
3 output reg G,E,S;
4 always@* // * symbol means the sensitivity list will be detected automatically
5 begin
6 if (A>B)
7 begin
8 G=1'b1;
9 E=1'b0;
10 S=1'b0;
11 end
12 else if (A==B)
13 begin
14 G=1'b0;
15 E=1'b1;
16 S=1'b0;
17 end
18 else
19 begin
20 G=1'b0;
21 E=1'b0;
22 S=1'b1;
23 end
24 end
25 endmodule
The following Verilog HDL code demonstrates another Testbench module to verify the 2-bit
magnitude comparator of Example 04.
1 `timescale 1ns/1ps
2 module mag_comp_2bit_TB;
3 reg [1:0]A,B;
4 wire G,E,S;
5 integer i,j;
6 mag_comp_2bit dut(A,B,G,E,S);
7 initial
8 begin
9 $monitor($time, " A=%b, B=%b, G=%b, E=%b, S=%b", A, B, G ,E, S);
10 for (j=2'b00;j<=2'b11;j=j+1)
11 begin
12 A=j;
13 for (i=2'b00;i<=2'b11;i=i+1)
14 begin
15 #5 B=i;
16 end
17 end
Page 37 of 133
18 #0 $finish;
19 end
20 endmodule
Example 05
The following example demonstrates the Verilog HDL code of delayed gates
1 `timescale 1ns/1ps
2 module delay_gate(a,b,c,f,out);
3 input a,b,c;
4 output out,f;
5 and #(5) U1(f,a,b);
6 or #(4) U2(out,f,c);
7 endmodule
The following Verilog HDL code demonstrates another Testbench module to verify the logic
arrangement shown in Example 05.
1 `timescale 1ns/1ps
2 module delay_gate_TB;
3 reg a,b,c;
4 wire out,f;
5 delay_gate dut(a,b,c,f,out);
6 initial
7 begin
8 a=1'b0; b=1'b0; c=1'b0;
9 #10 a=1'b1; b=1'b1; c=1'b1;
10 #10 a=1'b1; b=1'b0; c=1'b0;
11 #20 $finish;
12 end
13 endmodule
Page 38 of 133
Simulating Testbench
24. Find the following icon on your PC and double-click on the icon to run the software.
(ModelSim - Intel FPGA Starter Edition Model Technology ModelSim - Intel FPGA Edition
vsim 2020.1 (Quartus Prime 20.1))
26. Execute File → New → Project. The Create Project window will appear.
27. In the Create Project window change the Project Location to your directory (e.g.
D:/150205022/Lab-1/Full_Adder) and give a name in the Project Name field. After that
click on the OK button.
[Project name must be same as the top module]
Page 39 of 133
28. The Add items to the Project window will appear. Select the Crete New File button.
29. In the Create Project File window fill up the File Name field which must be identical to
the project name and top module name. Also, select Verilog from the Add file as type
dropdown menu. And then click the OK button.
Page 40 of 133
30. The Add items to the Project window will appear again. Click on the Close button.
31. Now the ModelSim window will look like the following figure.
Page 41 of 133
32. Now to open the editor window execute File → Open…
33. From the appeared file browser select your Verilog file (.v format)
34. In the editor window write the Verilog module of your design. And save using the shortcut
executing Ctrl+S every time.
Page 42 of 133
35. Now click on the Compile All icon for compiling the design.
[alternatively, execute Compile → Compile All ]
36. After successful compilation you will get the following message will appear in the
Transcript window.
37. Now, to write the test bench code create a new Verilog file at first click on the project
window then execute Project→ Add to Project → New File...
38. Now in the Create Project File window, fill up the File Name field which will be our test
bench module name. Also, select Verilog from the Add file as type dropdown menu. And
then click the OK button.
Page 43 of 133
39. Now there will be two files under the project.
40. Open the testbench file following step 10 and write the testbench code in the editor.
41. Now click on the Compile All icon for compiling the design.
[alternatively, execute Compile → Compile All ]
Page 44 of 133
43. The Start Simulation window will appear. From the Design tab execute work → <click
on your test bench module> and click on the OK button.
44. The following message will appear in the transcript if everything is done correctly.
45. Graphically the functionality of the design can be checked from the wave window of the
ModelSim Simulator. Execute view → wave if it doesn’t appear automatically. Now go to
the Wave window and select all the input and output variables of the Objects window
and by right-clicking on your mouse execute Add Wave to place them in the Wave
Page 45 of 133
46. All the input and output variables will be placed on the wave window and the wave
window will look like the following figure.
47. Now to evaluate the outputs write run 15 ns on the Transcript of ModelSim. Alternatively,
we can run the wave output using the Run icon by typing the Run length.
48. The Finish Vsim window will appear. Click No otherwise the ModelsSim will be closed
Page 46 of 133
49. Now for the given test vectors the functionality of the design can be verified from the
wave output generated by the ModelSim simulator.
50. Functionality of the design can also be verified from the transcript generated by the
ModelSim simulator. Execute view → Transcript if it doesn’t appear automatically.
Page 47 of 133
Post Lab Tasks
1. Write a testbench program to test a full adder circuit with the signal shown below.
2. Differentiate between -
a. $finish and $stop command.
b. $monitor and $display command.
3. Is it possible to check the functionality of a sequential circuit from the transcript only?
4. Can we use the “always” procedural block in the Testbench module?
5. Is it possible to generate periodic stimuli in the testbench? If possible, generate the signals
of task-1 for two periods.
Page 48 of 133
Lab-3: Modeling Sequential Systems and Finite
State Machine Using Verilog HDL
The main objectives of this lab are:
A digital system can be either in the form of combinational logic or sequential logic. In
combinational logic, the output of a circuit depends only on the presently applied inputs. On the
other hand, the output of a sequential circuit depends on the applied input and the present
states. Most practical digital systems are sequential. To design a digital system, the behavioral
abstraction is used as a reference to create and refine a synthesizable register transfer level (RTL)
abstraction that captures the desired functionality required by the design specification.
Example 01
Flip-flops are the building blocks of sequential circuits. In the following example, the Verilog HDL
code of a positive edge-triggered T flip-flop with reset is demonstrated.
1 module T_FF(T,clk,reset,Q);
2 input T,clk,reset;
3 output reg Q;
4 always@(posedge clk)
5 begin
6 if(reset==0)
7 begin
8 if (T)
9 Q<=~Q;
10 else
11 Q<=Q;
12 end
13 else
14 Q<=0;
15 end
16 endmodule
Page 49 of 133
Testbench Module of Example 01
The following Verilog HDL code demonstrates the Testbench Module of the T flip-flop of Example
1 `timescale 1ns/1ps
2 module T_FF_TB;
3 reg T,clk,reset;
4 wire Q;
5 T_FF dut(T,clk,reset,Q);
6 initial
7 begin
8 T=0; clk=0; reset=1;
9 end
10 always
11 #2 clk=~clk;
12 initial
13 begin
14 #6 reset=0; T=1;
15 #4 reset=1; T=1;
16 #4 reset=1; T=0;
17 #2 reset=0; T=0;
18 #2 $finish;
19 end
20 endmodule
Example 02
The following example demonstrates the Verilog HDL code of a positive edge-triggered JK flip-
flop with clear.
1 module JK_FF(clk,J,K,Q,clear);
2 input clk,J,K,clear;
3 output reg Q;
4 always@ (posedge clk)
5 begin
6 if(clear==0)
7 begin
8 if (J==0 && K==0)
9 Q<=Q;
10 else if (J==0 && K==1)
11 Q<=0;
12 else if (J==1 && K==0)
13 Q<=1;
14 else
Page 50 of 133
15 Q<=~Q;
16 end
17 else
18 Q=0;
19 end
20 endmodule
The following Verilog HDL code demonstrates the Testbench Module of the JK flip-flop of
Example 02.
1 `timescale 1ns/1ps
2 module JK_FF_TB;
3 reg clk,J,K,clear;
4 wire Q;
5 JK_FF JK_dut(clk,J,K,Q,clear);
6 initial
7 begin
8 clk=0; J=0; K=1;clear=0;
9 end
10 always
11 #2 clk=~clk;
12 initial
13 begin
14 #2 clear=1; J=1; K=0;
15 #4 clear=0; J=0; K=1;
16 #4 J=1;
17 #4 J=0;
18 #4 $finish;
19 End
20 endmodule
Page 51 of 133
Example 03
In this example a 4-bit ripple carry counter will be designed using the submodule of a T flip-flop
and each T filp-flop is designed using leaf module of D flip-flop. The block representation of the
ripple carry counter is shown below.
The following example demonstrates the Verilog HDL code of a 4-bit asynchronous ripple-carry
country as shown in the following block diagram.
1 module rc_counter(q,clock,reset);
2 output [3:0] q;
3 input clock,reset;
4 t_ff tff0 (q[0], clock, reset);
5 t_ff tff1 (q[1], q[0], reset);
6 t_ff tff2 (q[2], q[1], reset);
7 t_ff tff3 (q[3], q[2], reset);
8 endmodule
10 module t_ff (q,clk,r);//T-Flip-Flop
11 output q;
12 input clk,r;
13 wire d;
14 d_ff dff1(q,d,clk,r);
15 not n1(d,q);
16 endmodule
18 module d_ff (q,d,clk,r);//D-Flip-Flop
19 output reg q;
20 input d,clk,r;
21 always @(posedge r or negedge clk)
22 begin
23 if (r)
24 q<=1'b0;
Page 52 of 133
25 else
26 q<=d;
27 end
28 endmodule
The following Verilog HDL code demonstrates the Testbench Module of the 4-bit asynchronous
ripple-carry counter of Example 03.
1 `timescale 1ns/1ps
2 module rc_counter_TB;
3 reg clk, res;
4 wire [3:0]q;
5 rc_counter rc_counter_dut(q,clk,res);
6 initial
7 begin
8 clk=0;
9 end
10 always
11 #5 clk=~clk;
12 initial
13 begin
14 $monitor($time, " clk=%b, res=%b, q=%b", clk, res, q);
15 res=1;
16 #15 res=0;
17 #180 res=1;
18 #10 res=0;
19 #20 $stop;
20 end
21 endmodule
Example 04
The following example demonstrates the Verilog HDL code of a simple 8-bit accumulator. The
module is designed in such a way that when reset=0 the output is set to 0 and when reset=1 the
output adds the input.
1 module accu(in, acc, clk, reset);
2 input [7:0] in;
3 input clk, reset;
4 output reg [7:0]acc;
5 always @(posedge clk)
6 begin
7 if (reset)
Page 53 of 133
8 acc<=0;
9 else
10 acc<=acc+in;
11 end
12 endmodule
The following Verilog HDL code demonstrates the Testbench Module of the accumulator of
Example 04.
1 `timescale 1ns/1ps
2 module accu_TB;
3 reg [7:0] in;
4 reg clk,reset;
5 wire [7:0] out;
6 accu dut(in, out, clk, reset);
7 initial
8 clk = 1'b0;
9 always
10 #5 clk = ~clk;
11 initial
12 begin
13 #0 reset<=1; in<=1;
14 #5 reset<=0;
15 #50 $finish;
16 end
17 endmodule
Example 05
In this example, a 4-bit Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU) shown in the following figure will be designed
using Verilog HDL. The top module of the ALU is alu_4bit and it is designed using three sub-
modules: logical_unit, arithmetic_unit, and control_unit. In the design, the two 4-bit inputs A
and B are fed to the inputs of arithmetic_unit and logical_unit modules to perform two different
arithmetic operations and two different logical operations according to the function table given
below. Thus the arithmetic_unit and logical_unit generates four outputs y1,y2,y3, and y4 which
are fed to the inputs of control_unit module which generates the 8-bit output Y from the
y1,y2,y3 and y4 depending on its 2-bit Opcode input. The output Y is also sensitive to the positive
edge of the clk input.
Page 54 of 133
The function table of the ALU is given below.
Function Table
The following Verilog HDL code demonstrates the ALU mentioned in Example 05.
1 module alu_4bit(A,B,Y,clk,Opcode);
2 input [3:0]A,B;
3 input [1:0]Opcode;
4 input clk;
5 output [7:0]Y;
6 wire [7:0]y1,y2,y3,y4;
7 arithmetic_unit sm1(A,B,y1,y2);
8 logical_unit sm2(A,B,y3,y4);
9 control_unit sm3(y1,y2,y3,y4,clk,Opcode,Y);
10 endmodule
12 module arithmetic_unit(x,y,y1,y2);
13 input [3:0]x,y;
14 output reg[7:0]y1,y2;
Page 55 of 133
15 always@(x,y)
16 begin
17 y1<=x+y;
18 y2<=x-y;
19 end
20 endmodule
22 module logical_unit(x,y,y3,y4);
23 input [3:0]x,y;
24 output [7:0]y3,y4;
25 assign y3=x&y;
26 assign y4=x^y;
27 endmodule
29 module control_unit(y1,y2,y3,y4,clk,Opcode,Y);
30 input [7:0]y1,y2,y3,y4;
31 input [1:0]Opcode;
32 input clk;
33 output reg[7:0]Y;
34 always@(posedge clk)
35 begin
36 if(Opcode ==2'b00)
37 Y<=y1;
38 else if(Opcode ==2'b01)
39 Y<=y2;
40 else if(Opcode ==2'b10)
41 Y<=y3;
42 else if(Opcode ==2'b11)
43 Y<=y4;
44 else
45 Y<=0;
46 end
47 endmodule
The following Verilog HDL code demonstrates the Testbench Module of the 4-bit ALU of Example
1 `timescale 1ns/1ps
2 module alu_4bit_TB;
3 reg [3:0]A,B;
4 reg [1:0]Opcode;
5 reg clk;
6 wire [7:0]Y;
7 alu_4bit dut(A,B,Y,clk,Opcode);
8 initial
Page 56 of 133
9 begin
10 clk = 1'b0; Opcode=2'b00; A=4'b0100; B=4'b1100;
11 end
12 always
13 #2.5 clk = ~clk;
14 initial
14 begin
16 #5 Opcode<=2'b01; A=4'b1000; B=4'b0111;
17 #5 Opcode<=2'b10; A=4'b1111; B=4'b1011;
18 #5 Opcode<=2'b11; A=4'b1001; B=4'b1010;
19 #5 $finish;
20 end
21 endmodule
Page 57 of 133
Example 06
In this example, the Verilog HDL code of a Mealy machine is demonstrated that generates output
‘1’ when sequence 101 is detected in a bitstream.
1 module seq_101(i,clk,out);
2 input i,clk;
3 output reg out;
4 localparam S0=2'b00, S1=2'b01, S2=2'b10;
5 reg [1:0]state;
6 always@ (posedge clk)
7 begin
8 case (state)
9 S0: begin
10 out<=i?0:0;
11 state<=i?S1:S0;
12 end
13 S1: begin
14 out<=i?0:0;
15 state<=i?S1:S2;
16 end
17 S2: begin
18 out<=i?1:0;
19 state<=i?S0:S0;
20 end
21 default:
22 begin
23 out<=0;
24 state<=S0;
25 end
26 endcase
27 end
28 endmodule
Page 58 of 133
Testbench Module of Example 06
The following Verilog HDL code demonstrates the Testbench Module of the sequence detector
of Example 06 where 0101001010-bit stream is generated.
1 `timescale 1ns/1ps
2 module seq_TB;
3 reg i,clk;
4 wire out;
5 seq dut(i,out,clk);
6 initial
7 clk=0;
8 always
9 #2 clk=~clk;
10 initial
11 begin
12 #0 i=0;
13 #5 i=1; #4 i=0; #4 i=1; #4 i=0;
14 #4 i=0; #4 i=1; #4 i=0; #4 i=1;
15 #4 i=0;
16 #4 $finish;
17 end
18 endmodule
Page 59 of 133
Post Lab Tasks
1. Design a negative edge triggered D flip flop with reset and verify its functionality using
2. In Example 5 how many 1s will be generated at the output if the input bitstream is
01010100? Verify your answer using testbench.
3. Write a Verilog program to implement the digital system represented by the following
state transition diagram of a Mealy machine. Assume that system has input and output
variables in and Y. The system functions when the positive edge of the clock is detected.
4. Design a Mealy machine to detect the 010 sequences hence verifying its functionality
using testbench.
5. The state transition diagram of a two-bit counter is shown below. Assuming that each
state changes when a positive edge clock is detected. Design and verify the system using
Verilog HDL.
Page 60 of 133
Lab-4: Introduction to Unix Shell
The main objectives of this lab are:
Electronic Device Automation (EDA) tools are required to run for a long time which consumes a
huge amount of memory (RAM), runs in multiple threads/processes and are multiuser programs.
For that, Unix or Linux is the ideal choice to run (EDA) tools.
In the upcoming lab classes, we will use different cadence tools preinstalled on the Linux server.
For that, we have to login into your student account from the Windows operating system based
computer allocated for the student use.
Start XLaunch
Login to server
Page 61 of 133
The detailed instructions are given below
1. Find the Desktop shortcut icon for XLaunch. Double-click on it. Click Next, Next, Next,
Finish (in that order) in the windows that pop up one after another.
After it starts, you will see the Xming icon at the bottom right corner of your Desktop
2. Find the icon for Putty. Double click on it to open it. ‘Putty Configuration’ window will
3. Select VLSI_LAB under the ‘Saved Sessions’ category. Click Load and then click Open.
Page 62 of 133
4. Now you will see a Terminal window which prompts you for login.
5. Log in to your workstation using user ID and password. Your user name and your
password will be your student ID. When you are typing your password, the command
window will not display the characters you type in, so make sure you are typing the right
password. After logging in to your account, Terminal window should look like the
7. Then type source cshrc_q and press the ‘Enter’ key. The following message will be
displayed in the Terminal window: Welcome to Cadence tools Suite That means you can
use Cadence tools now.
8. Finally Type nautilus and press the ‘Enter’ key to enter the GUI of your account. The GUI
window will look like the following snapshot.
Page 63 of 133
9. The GUI of your account will look like the following window
Terminal in Unix
1. Right-click on the blank space of your Linux desktop a window will pop up and then select
Open_Terminal .
Page 64 of 133
Lab Task
The following flow chart summarizes the tasks to be performed in Lab-04.
Log in to Server in the GUI mode
Go to direct_1
test-1.txt test-2.txt
Name: echo “Hello VLSI Enthusiasts”
Student ID:
Go back to the main directory where direct_1 and direct_2 directories are created
Page 65 of 133
Directory Management in Unix
Command Description Syntax
pwd print name of current/working directory. pwd
ls lists directory contents. ls
ls -ltr lists directory contents by arranging them ls -ltr
according to time by using the -ltr switch.
tree Show the file hierarchy inside a directory tree
mkdir make directories. mkdir
cd Change directory. cd <directory_path>
cd ~/ Goes to the home directory cd ~/
cd ~ cd ~
cd .. Goes to the previous directory. cd ..
cd ../ cd ../
cd ../../ Goes two directories back. cd ../../
Page 66 of 133
Files and directory manipulation in Unix
Command Description Syntax
cp Copies files and directories. cp <source_file> <destination_file>
rm Remove files. rm <directory_name>
rmdir Removes empty directories. rmdir <directory_name>
rm -rf Removes directories containing files by rm -rf <directory_name>
force recursive using force recursive
mv Moves one or more files and directories to mv<source_file> <destination_dir>
a given location (if the location is not
defined. it renames files on the current
Shortcut Keys
Command/Key Description
Up/Down Arrow keys Scrolls through command history.
Tab key Used to complete the command you are typing.
Ctrl + Shift + C Copies the highlighted command to the clipboard.
Shift + Insert Pastes the contents of the clipboard.
Ctrl + L Clears the terminal
Bash Script
Bash scripts are typically used for handling directories and files, not for coding. But it can
be useful for scripting with various arithmetic use cases and scenarios. Bash only supports integer
arithmetic, so if we need to perform calculations with floating-point numbers, have to use
separate utility in bash. There are several ways and syntax of performing arithmetic operations,
using conditions and loops in bash. The below code is just a simple demonstration of arithmetic
operations, if..else.. statement, for loop and array declaration in bash. A bash script can be
Page 67 of 133
written using the vim editor and it should be saved with the extension .sh . The commands inside
the script can be executed by sourcing the script.
1 a=10
2 read -p "enter b:" b #Stores user’s input in b variable by prompting in display using -p
3 sum=$(($a+$b))
4 sub=$(($a-$b))
5 mult=$(($a*$b))
6 div=$(($a/$b))
7 echo "sum=$sum
8 $a-$b=$sub
9 $a*$b=$mult
10 $a/$b= $div"
#Using if..else.. statement to find whether a is even or odd
11 if [ $(($a%2)) == "0" ]
12 then
13 echo "$a is even"
14 else
15 echo "$a is odd"
16 fi
19 for((i=0;i < $elements;i++)) #Using for loop to display all the elements present in array c
20 do
21 echo "${c[i]}"
22 done
Page 68 of 133
Lab-5: Synthesis using Genus Synthesis Solution
The main objectives of this lab are:
● Familiarization with synthesis flow.
● Setting up synthesis constraints.
● Generating optimized gate-level netlist and Standard Design Constraints.
Synthesis is a process of transforming RTL (a description of a circuit expressed in a language such
as Verilog or VHDL written in behavioral modeling or data flow modeling) to technology-
dependent or independent gate-level netlist including nets, sequential and combinational cells,
and their connectivity. The main goal of synthesis are obtaining a gate-level netlist, logic
optimization, inserting a clock-gating cell for power reduction, inserting DFT (Design for
Testability) cell, and maintaining the logical equivalence between RTL and gate-level netlist. The
best output of place and route depend on the synthesis.
▪ Translation: Converts RTL into basic Boolean equation form which is technology-
independent representation.
▪ Optimization: Performs two types of optimizations.
o Logic optimization
▪ Detecting identical cell
Page 69 of 133
▪ Optimize multiplexer
▪ Remove unused cell and net
▪ Reduced word size of the cell
o Design optimization
▪ Reduced WNS (Worst Negative Slack) and TNS (Total Negative Slack)
▪ Power and area optimization
▪ Attempting to meet DRV (Design Rule Violation: Max Fanout, Max
Transition, Max Capacitance)
▪ Mapping: Technology-independent Boolean logic equations are mapped to technology-
dependent library logic gates based on design constraints, and available gates in the
technology library.
▪ Input Files
Technology-Related Files
I. Technology file containing names, physical and electrical characteristics of metal
layers, and design rules ( .lef )
II. Timing and functionality information of the standard cell ( .lib )
▪ Output Files
I. Post-synthesized and optimized gate-level netlist ( .v )
II. Standard Design Constraints ( .sdc )
Page 70 of 133
Lab Task
In this lab, we will perform synthesis on the RTL of a 4-bit ALU designed and verified in Lab-3
(Example 5).
1. Log in to the server in the GUI mode and source the Cadence license file.
[Xlaunch (enable SSH)→putty (load server IP) → login → csh→ source ~/cshrc_q→ nautilus]
2. In the GUI mode of your account open a terminal by executing right click on mouse →
open terminal.
4. Check whether the directory is created or not using the following command
6. Copy the necessary files from the root into the lab_5 directory by executing the
following command.
Page 71 of 133
8. Make sure the following directories and the files are present in the synthesis_lab
directory using the command tree.
10. Make sure the following commands are present inside the synthesis_cmd.tcl file.
Commands Description
1 set_db init_lib_search_path EDI_files/libs/ Sets the value of a specific attribute. Here we are
setting directory name where all the timing libraries
are located.
2 set_db library slow.lib Sets which timing library will be used while mapping
4 set_db hdl_search_path input_files Sets the directory name where RTL is located
Page 72 of 133
9 write_hdl > alu_4bit_elaborated.v Creates a structural netlist using generic/mapped logic
10 create_clock -name clk -period 10 [get_ports clk] Creates a clock named “clk” having 10ns period in a
specific port “clk”
11 set_clock_uncertainty -setup 0.5 [get_clocks clk] Sets uncertainty value for the clocks while calculating
12 set_clock_uncertainty -hold 0.5 [get_clocks clk] Sets uncertainty value for the clocks while calculating
13 set_max_transition 2 [get_ports clk] Sets maximum allowable transition time for changing
logic state to 2ns for data path
14 set_clock_transition -min -fall 0.5 [get_clocks clk] Sets minimum allowable clock transition time to 0.5ns
for switching logic state from high to low for clock
15 set_clock_transition -min -rise 0.5 [get_clocks clk] Sets minimum allowable clock transition time to 0.5ns
for switching logic state from low to high for clock
16 set_clock_transition -max -fall 0.5 [get_clocks clk] Sets maximum allowable clock transition time to 0.5ns
for switching logic state from high to low for clock
17 set_clock_transition -max -rise 0.5 [get_clocks clk] Sets maximum allowable clock transition time to 0.5ns
for switching logic state from low to high for clock
19 set DRIVING_CELL BUFX8 Defines driving cell name which will drive the input
ports of the design
21 set_driving_cell -lib_cell $DRIVING_CELL -pin Sets driving cell properties for all the input ports
$DRIVE_PIN [all_inputs]
23 set_load 0.5 [all_outputs] Sets load capacitance of the output ports of the design
25 set_input_delay -max 0.5 [all_inputs] Synthesis tool assumes the data is launched by a
positive edge triggered flop from the external logic
Page 73 of 133
(and the maximum input delay for the setup analysis is
26 set_output_delay -max 0.5 [all_outputs] Synthesis tool assumes the data is captured by a
positive edge triggered flop in the external logic (and
the maximum output delay for the setup analysis is
29 write_hdl > alu_4bit_generic.v Creates a structural netlist using generic logic after
generic synthesis
31 write_hdl > alu_4bit_post_synthesis.v Creates a structural netlist using mapped logic after
34 write -mapped > alu_4bit_mapped.v Writes mapped netlist for post-synthesis flow
11. After checking the synthesis_cmd.tcl close the Vim editor by executing Esc → :q
12. Now make sure you are in the synthesis_lab directory. And launch the Genus tool using
the command genus.
[150205105@aust synthesis_lab]$ genus
13. If the Genus tool is successfully launched, the following text will be shown in the terminal.
Page 74 of 133
14. Now source the synthesis_cmd.tcl file to perform the synthesis of the RTL present in the
input_files directory.
15. After successfully execution of synthesis_cmd.tcl file, the Genus tool will show that the
SDC file export is finished.
16. Now to show the synthesized output execute the command gui_show.
genus@design:alu_4bit> gui_show
17. The GUI window of the genus synthesis output will be opened. If you click and zoom into
each block of the circuit, you will be able to view the gate interconnections inside the
Page 75 of 133
18. Close the GUI window and exit the Genus tool using the exit command
genus@design:alu_4bit> exit
19. Now you will be in the synthesis_lab directory. Check the files inside the directory using
the ls -ltr command and make sure alu_4bit.sdc and alu_4bit _mapped.v files are present
in the directory which will be used for place and route in the upcoming labs.
Page 76 of 133
Lab-6: Physical Design Using Encounter Digital
Implementation System (Part 1)
The main objectives of this lab are:
● Familiarization with Physical Design flow.
● Familiarization with MMMC(Multi-Mode Multi-Corner).
● Familiarization with chip Floorplan.
Back-end Design or Physical Design involves the placement of standard cell, macro, and making
physical connections between pins using metal layers(routing) to meet the design power,
performance, and area (PPA) goals. Physical Design flow uses the technical libraries that are
provided by the fabrication houses. These technology files provide information regarding the
type of Silicon wafer used, the standard cells used, and the layout rules. Physical design is
followed by verification after all verifications post-processing is applied where the data is
translated into an industry-standard format called GDSII.
Page 77 of 133
Physical Design is the process of transforming a circuit description into a physical layout that
describes the position of cells and routes for the interconnections between them. In this stage,
standard cells are placed on a defined floorplan, and route the wire to connect the standard cells.
That is why we call this automatic Place and Route (PnR). Goals for each stage of PnR are given
▪ Floorplan
I. Define the width and height of the core and die. (core defines the area where core
Logic cells are placed).
II. Define locations of preplaced cells (blocks or macros, placed based on
III. Surround pre-placed cells with Decoupling capacitors.
▪ Power Plan
I. Power grid network is created to distribute power to each part of the design equally.
II. To connect the power network to every instance by considering IR drops and EM
III. Reduce dynamic and static power dissipation.
▪ Placement
I. Minimizes congestion and makes the design routable
II. Timing, power, and area optimization
III. Reduces cell density, pin density, and congestion hot-spots
IV. Minimal DRV violations
▪ Routing
I. Minimizes total interconnect/wire length
II. Minimizes critical path delay
III. Completes the connection without increasing total area and minimizes the
number of layer changes
IV. Reduces cross-talk noise
V. Meeting Setup and hold timing margin
Page 78 of 133
Input and Output files of Physical Design
▪ Input Files
Technology-Related Files
i) Library Exchange Format file (.lef): Contains technology information and an
abstract view of standard cells
ii) Liberty Timing file (.lib): ASCII representation of timing, power parameter, and
functionality information associated with cells of a particular technology node
▪ Output Files
i) Post APR Netlist (APR refers to Automatic Place and Route)
ii) DEF (Design Exchange Format)
In this lab, our main task is to understand and initialize the MMMC (multi-mode multi-corner)
and design an efficient floorplan for our synthesized RTL of lab-6. We will perform the rest of the
steps and physical verification in the next lab.
Page 79 of 133
Lab Task
Launching Encounter Tool
1. Log in to the server in the GUI mode and source the Cadence license file.
[Xlaunch (enable SSH)→putty (load server IP) → login → csh→ source ~/cshrc_q→ nautilus]
2. In the GUI mode of your account open a terminal by executing right-click on mouse →
open terminal.
3. First check you are at the home using the command pwd
[150205105@aust ~]$ pwd
4. Check whether the directory is created or not using the following command
6. Copy the directory pnr_lab from the root into the lab_6 directory
8. Copy the synthesized netlist alu_4bit_mapped.v and post-synthesis sdc file alu_4bit.sdc
that you created in lab 5 using the following commands.
Page 80 of 133
9. Make sure the following directories and the files are present in the pnr_lab directory
using the command tree.
10. Now make sure you are in the pnr_lab directory. And launch the Encounter tool using the
command encounter.
11. If the encounter tool is successfully launched, the following text will be shown in the
terminal and the black GUI window of the encounter will appear on your screen.
Page 81 of 133
The following Encounter GUI window will appear.
12. Now from the Encounter GUI window, launch the Design Import window by executing
File → Import Design
Page 82 of 133
13. In the Design import window, select the Verilog option under the Netlist section and then
click on the three dots (…) button for importing the synthesized netlist file to the
14. Now the Netlist File window will appear, click on the double arrow button ( >> ).
Page 83 of 133
15. In the newly appeared Netlist Files window, select the synthesized netlist file
alu_4bit_mapped.v from the input_files directory. Then click on the Close button.
16. If the netlist importing is successful, you will be in the Design Import window again. Now
to define the Top Cell name select the By User option and provide the cell name alu_4bit
in the blank field as shown in the following figure.
Page 84 of 133
17. For adding lef files to the database, select the LEF Files option under the Technology/Physical
Libraries section of the Design Import window. Click on the three dots (…) button beside
the LEF Files option. Then on the appeared LEF Files window click on the arrow ( >> ) button.
18. In the LEF Files window find and select the lef file gsclib045.lef from the EDI_file/lef
directory and then click on the Close button.
Page 85 of 133
19. Now, on the Power section of the Design Import window, write Power Nets name as VDD
and Ground Nets name as VSS as shown in the below figure. After that click on the Create
Analysis Configuration option for creating the MMMC file.
20. The following blank MMMC Browser window will appear. We will set MMMC objects and
will create appropriate analysis views for our physical design.
Page 86 of 133
Library Sets
We will create two Library Sets using slow and fast timing library files as shown in Table 1.
Name Timing library file Directory
max_timing EDI_files/libs/slow.lib
min_timing EDI_files/libs/fast.lib
21. To create a library sets, double click on the Library Sets option of the MMMC Browser to
launch the Add Library Set window.
22. In the Add Library Set window, write max_timing in the name field and click on the Add
23. The Timing Library Files window will appear. Click on the double arrow (>>) button and
select the slow.lib from the EDI_files/libs directory. Then click on the Close button.
Page 87 of 133
24. Now in the Add Library Set window select the OK button. A library set will be created
named max_timing which contains EDI_files/libs/slow.lib
25. Follow steps 21-24 to create the min_timing library set by selecting the fast.lib.
26. After successfully creating two libraries the MMMC browser will look like the below
Page 88 of 133
RC Corners
Now, we will create an RC Corner using the Cap Table file as shown in Table 2.
27. To create an RC corner, double click on the RC Corners option of the MMMC Browser to
launch the Add RC Corner window.
28. In the Add RC Corner window, write rc_typical in the Name field and 25 in the
Temperature field and select the Cap Table from the location EDI_files/others/capTable.
After that click on the OK button. If the capTable file is not found in the mentioned
location select the File of type as All Files(*) from the Cap Table window.
Page 89 of 133
29. After successfully creating the RC Corner the MMMC browser will look like the below
Delay Corners
Now, we will create two different Delay Corners using the max_timing and min_timing library
sets and the rc_typical RC Corner as shown in Table-3.
30. To create a delay corner, double click on the Delay Corners option of the MMMC Browser
to launch the Add Delay Corner window.
Page 90 of 133
31. In the Add Delay Corner window, write max_delay in the name field, select the type
Single Bc/Wc, choose rc_typical from the RC Corner option, and max_timing from the
Library Set option. Then, click on the OK button.
32. Follow steps 27-28 and create the min_delay delay corner by selecting the min_timing
from Library Set and rc_typical from RC Corner.
33. After successfully creating all two delay corners, the MMMC Browser will look like the
below figure.
Page 91 of 133
Constraint Mode
In this part, a constraint mode will be created from the post synthesis constraint file(SDC file)
using the Constraint Mode option as shown in Table-4.
Name SDC constraint files
fuctional_sdc Input_files/alu_4bit.sdc
34. Double click on the Constraint Modes option of the MMMC Browser to open Add
Constraint Mode window.
35. In the Add Constraint Mode window, write fuctional_sdc on the name field and click on
the Add button.
Page 92 of 133
36. Now the SDC Constraints Files window will appear. Click on the double arrow button ( >>)
37. Select the alu_4bit.sdc from the input_files directory. After that click on the Close
Page 93 of 133
39. After successfully creating the constraint mode, a constraint mode named functional_sdc
is created in the MMMC Browser.
Analysis Views
We will create two different Analysis Views using the previously created max_delay and
min_delay delay corners and constraint mode fuctional_sdc as shown in Table-5.
40. To create an analysis view double, click on the Analysis Views option of the MMMC
Browser to launch the Add Analysis View window.
Page 94 of 133
41. In the Add Analysis View window write func_slow in the name field, select
functional_sdc from the Constraint Mode option, max_delay from the Delay Corner
option, and after that press Ok.
42. Follow steps 35-36 and create the func_fast analysis view by selecting the functional_sdc
from the Constraint Mode option and max_delay from the Delay Corner option.
43. To specify the setup analysis view, double click on the Setup Analysis View option on the
MMMC Browser to launch the Add Setup Analysis.
44. In the Add Setup Analysis View window select the func_slow from the Analysis View
and press Ok.
Page 95 of 133
45. Following steps 38-39 and specify the Hold Analysis View option by selecting the
func_fast Analysis View.
46. After adding all analysis views, make sure your MMMC Browser looks like the below
figure, and then click on the Save&Close button.
47. The Save MMMC Browser View Definition File window will appear. To save all the steps
of the MMMC browser provide a file name and click on the Save button.[ Here, we used
the name Default.view]
Page 96 of 133
48. Now, make sure your final Design Import window looks like the following figure and then
click on the OK button.
49. An Encounter window will appear on your screen. The window has multiple rows like the
following figure which ensure that the database has been created perfectly and ready for
Page 97 of 133
50. For floorplanning, execute Floorplan → Specify Floorplan.
51. Now in the Specify Floorplan window, set Core Utilization 0.4 and select the option Core
to IO Boundary from the Core Margin By section and put 10 to all the four blank spaces
(Core to Left, Core to Top, Core to Right, Core to Bottom). No need to change the rest of
the value.
Page 98 of 133
52. After successfully specifying all the values, the following floorplan will appear on the
encounter window.
53. Now save the design as an encounter database file using the following command in the
encounter terminal.
encounter 1> saveDesign floorplan.enc
Page 99 of 133
Lab-7A: Physical Design Using Encounter Digital
Implementation System (Part 2)
The main objectives of this lab are:
● Familiarization with power mesh creation.
● Familiarization with standard cell placement techniques.
Lab Task
In the last lab, we prepared the design import settings and created a floorplan for our design. In
this lab, we will perform the rest of the stages of PnR for completing our physical design
1. Log in to the server in GUI mode and source the Cadence license file.
[Xlaunch (enable SSH)→putty (load server IP) → login → csh→ source ~/cshrc_q→ nautilus]
2. In the GUI mode of your account open a terminal by executing right-click on mouse →
open terminal.
3. First check you are at the home using the command pwd
[150205105@aust ~]$ pwd
5. Go to the directory pnr_lab where you have done lab_6 experiment and saved your
design up to the floorplan
[150205105@aust lab_6]$ cd pnr_lab
6. Make sure that the floorplan.enc encounter database are present in the pnr_lab
directory using the command ls -ltr
[150205105@aust pnr_lab]$ ls -ltr
7. Now make sure you are in the pnr_lab directory. And launch the Encounter tool using
the command encounter.
[150205105@aust pnr_lab]$ encounter
9. Now from the encounter terminal, open floorplan.enc database using the following
encounter 1> source floorplan.enc
After restoring floorplan.enc database to the encounter tool, now the next step is power mesh
creation where we will add Ring, Stripes, and SRoute to the design.
10. Now to add ring to the design, select Add Ring option by executing Power → Power
Planning → Add Ring.
11. In the appeared Add Ring window, select the Basic tab and click on the three dots (…)
button beside the Net(s) field.
13. After that in the Basic tab of Add Rings window, check that the Around core boundary
(under the Core ring(s) contouring option) is selected. Then under the Ring Configuration
section, put all the values on the blank field as same as the below figure. Make sure that
the Layer on the Top and Bottom must be Metal3 H and the Layer on the Left and Right
must be Metal4 V.
15. To add stripes to the design, select Add Stripes option by executing Power → Power
Planning → Add Stripe.
17. From the appeared Net Selection window, select both VDD and VSS and then click on Add
button. After that click on the OK button.
19. Now click on the OK button of the Add Stripes window. You will see the stripes as well as
the ring on the design like the following figure.
20. Now to deliver the power supply to the core circuit we need to perform SRoute (special
route). Select the Special Route option by executing Route → Special Route.
21. In the appeared SRoute windows, select the Basic tab and click on the three dots (…)
button for selecting the power nets name that you created on Import Design browser.
22. From the appeared Net Selection window, select both VDD and VSS and then click on Add
button. After that press the OK button.
24. Now under the Via Generation tab of the SRoute window, choose Top Stack Via: Metal2
and Bottom Stack Via: Metal1 options. Make sure that your Via Generation tab will look
like the below figure.
26. This ends our power planning stage. Now save the post your post SRoute design using the
following command.
28. The steps for assigning pins to the left side are given below,
a) At first select A[] and B[] pins the from Pin Group.
b) Next select Spread and Spread type: Along Entire Edge from the Location section.
c) Then select Side/Edge: Left from Pin Attribute section.
d) Also select Layer: M3 from Pin Attribute. [select M4 for top and bottom pins]
e) After that, check the Assign Fixed Status option.
f) Finally press the Apply button.
30. After adding all the pins click on the OK button of the Pin Editor window. Now the design
will look like the below figure on your encounter window.
31. Now save the design using the following command. This is the end of the pre-placement
encounter 3> saveDesign pin_placement.enc
After placement, click on the black screen of the encounter window and press the F key
on your keyboard. It will clearly show the design with placed instances and the global
routing between.
33. Now save the design to a different database name where all the instances are placed and
connected with each other by global routing by the following command.
Static Timing Analysis (STA) is a method of validating the timing performance of an ASIC design
by checking all possible paths for timing violations. STA breaks the design down into timing paths,
calculates the signal propagation delay along each path, and checks for violations of timing
constraints inside the design and at the input/output interface.
When performing timing analysis, STA first breaks down the design into timing paths. Each timing
path consists of the following elements:
While performing STA, there are several types of violations that needs to be analyzed and must
solved while debugging the violation paths. We are checking timing violations like setup and hold
violations, and DRV (Design Rule Violations) like maximum transition, capacitance and fanout
Setup: A setup constraint specifies how much time is necessary for data to be available at the
input of a sequential device before the clock edge that captures the data in the device.
Hold: A hold constraint specifies how much time is necessary for data to be stable at the output
of a sequential device after the clock edge that captures the data in the device.
For this example, assume that the flip-flops are defined in the logic library to have a minimum
setup time of 1.0 time units and a minimum hold time of 0.0 time units. The clock period is
defined in the tool to be 10 time units.
Lab Task
So far, we haven’t done any sort of timing analysis or optimization. In this part, we will try to
understand the pre-CTS timing reports and will try to optimize the violations that occurred during
the pre-CTS stage. Then we will create CTS and will route the design. After that, we will analyze
the post rout or post-CTS timing reports and will try to optimize the violations that occurred
during the post-CTS stage.
1. Now from the encounter terminal, restore the placement.enc database using the
following command.
2. To check the summary of existing setup and DRV violations in the placement stage (also
known as the pre-CTS stage), use the following command
A summary of timing violations will appear on the encounter terminal like the below
3. After checking summary reports from the encounter terminal, we need to check the
detailed reports of existing violations. A directory named timingReports will be created
and detailed violation reports will be generated inside that directory every time when we
use timeDesign command on the encounter. Check your pnr_lab directory whether
timingReports directory and violations reports are created or not like the below table.
├── alu_4bit_preCTS_all.tarpt
├── alu_4bit _preCTS.cap
├── alu_4bit_preCTS_default.tarpt
├── alu_4bit _preCTS.fanout
├── alu_4bit _preCTS.length
4. In the report of step 2 if there is any negative value in max_tran and max_cap, it indicates
that there is a violation in the design which must be optimized. From the report of step 2,
we can say, there are no violations in the design. If we get any violations on the design,
we have to use the following command for optimization.
Another optimized summary report will be generated on the encounter terminal where
we can check how many violations still remain after optimization.
6. At first, we have to mention the clock name and its port name using the following
Encounter 5> create_ccopt_clock_tree -name clk -source clk
7. Now enter the following command which will give instructions to the tool to build a clock
encounter 6> ccopt_design -cts
8. To check the clock tree from the encounter, use the following command
encounter 7> ctd_win
A Clock Tree Debugger window will appear which shows the clock created by the
command used in step 11
9. After successfully building the clock tree, save the design to a different database name
using the following command.
10. As a pre-CTS optimization is done in the placement stage and after that, we built the clock
tree again in the CTS stage, we need to perform detail routing again. To perform again
detail routing, use the following command again to the encounter terminal.
encounter 9> routeDesign
11. To check whether the detailed routing has been done or not, you can check the wiring
status of the signal routing by selecting a wire and then pressing Q. If the Wire status is
either Routed or fixed, detail routing is done successfully. If all the task has been
performed successfully, your encounter window will be like the following window.
12. After routing save the design using the following command.
14. To check the summary report of hold violation from the post-route stage, use the
following command.
15. After using the above commands, a summary report will be shown on the encounter
terminal and detailed reports of violations will be generated inside the timingReports
├── alu_4bit_postRoute_all.tarpt
├── alu_4bit _postRoute.cap
├── alu_4bit_postRoute_default.tarpt
├── alu_4bit _postRoute.fanout
├── alu_4bit _postRoute.length
├── alu_4bit_postRoute_reg2reg.tarpt
├── alu_4bit _postRoute.SI_Glitches.rpt
├── alu_4bit_postRoute.summary
└── alu_4bit _postRoute.tran
0 directories, 9 files
16. To clean the existing setup and DRV violations at the post route stage, use the following
18. After optimization, save the design using the following command.
This section will perform physical verifications to check whether the design layout is equivalent
to its schematic and checks the layout against process manufacturing guidelines provided by the
semiconductor fabrication labs to ensure it can be manufactured correctly. Some common
verification techniques are listed below. This lab will check the DRC, LVS, and ARC under Physical
Verification Steps.
Power Analysis
The power supply (VDD and VSS) in a chip is uniformly distributed through the metal rails and stripes
which is called Power Delivery Network (PDN) or power grid. Each metal layer used in PDN has finite
resistivity. When current flow through the power delivery network, a part of the applied voltage will be
dropped in PDN as per Ohm’s law. The amount of voltage drop will be V = I.R, which is called the IR drop.
We will check in this lab whether special nets are shorted or not, and whether power vias are created
properly, which will connect all the special nets.
Electromigration is the movement of atoms based on the flow of current through a material. If the current
density is high enough, the heat dissipated within the material will repeatedly break atoms from the
structure and move them. This will create both ‘vacancies’ and ‘deposits’. The vacancies can grow and
eventually break circuit connections resulting in open-circuits, while the deposits can grow and eventually
close circuit connections resulting in short-circuit. In this lab, we will check the signal net’s AC current limit
Lab Task
1. Log in to the server in the GUI mode and source the Cadence license file.
[Xlaunch (enable SSH)→putty (load server IP) → login → csh→ source ~/cshrc_q→ nautilus]
2. Open a terminal and make sure you are at the home directory of your account using the
command pwd.
4. Make sure that the placement.enc database is present in the pnr_lab directory. Then
launch the Encounter tool from the same directory using the command encounter
7. Then the Add Filler window will appear. Select all the filler cells from the Cell Lists of the
Select Filler Cells window and give the Prefix FILLER as shown in the following figure. Then
click OK.
8. After adding filler cells, we have to re-route the modified design using the following
After adding metal filler, the design will be like the following figure.
10. Now, to check the placement density and number of placed cells use the following
If the design has a DRC violation, you can see the DRC markers (white cross) from the
encounter window. To check all the DRC violations, click on the Violation Browser icon
marked on below the figure.
13. To solve power net (VDD) and ground net (VSS) related violations, use the following
commands on the encounter terminal.
15. Now clear all DRC markers from the encounter and Violation Browser window and again
check the DRC, using the following commands.
16. To check all violations related to the connectivity of the design, use the following
encounter 10> verify_connectivity
17. To check geometry violations from the encounter, write the following command on the
encounter terminal.
18. To check ARC (Antenna Rule Check) using encounter, write the following command on
the encounter terminal.
Power Analysis
19. To check whether the Power/Ground net is short or not use the following command on
the encounter terminal. The command checks short between
a. PG and PG nets
b. PG and signal nets
c. PG and other special net
20. To check all the single power via are generated correctly to connect each of the PG net
encounter 14> verify_power_via
23. Now if you optimized all the violations save the final design using the following command
on the encounter terminal.
Prepared by:
I. Adnan Amin Siddiquee
Department of EEE,
Ahsanullah University of Science and Technology,
Dhaka, Bangladesh