Science MS - 2019
Science MS - 2019
Science MS - 2019
Analysis of Pupil
Published by:
Research Development and Consultancy Division (RDCD)
Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations
Pragati House, 3rd Floor
47-48, Nehru Place
New Delhi-110019
This document of the Analysis of Pupils’ Performance at the ISC Year 12 and ICSE Year 10
Examination is one of its kind. It has grown and evolved over the years to provide feedback to
schools in terms of the strengths and weaknesses of the candidates in handling the examinations.
We commend the work of Mrs. Shilpi Gupta (Deputy Head) of the Research Development and
Consultancy Division (RDCD) of the Council and her team, who have painstakingly prepared this
analysis. We are grateful to the examiners who have contributed through their comments on the
performance of the candidates under examination as well as for their suggestions to teachers and
students for the effective transaction of the syllabus.
We hope the schools will find this document useful. We invite comments from schools on its
utility and quality.
Gerry Arathoon
October 2019 Chief Executive & Secretary
The Council has been involved in the preparation of the ICSE and ISC Analysis of Pupil Performance
documents since the year 1994. Over these years, these documents have facilitated the teaching-learning
process by providing subject/ paper wise feedback to teachers regarding performance of students at the
ICSE and ISC Examinations. With the aim of ensuring wider accessibility to all stakeholders, from the year
2014, the ICSE and the ISC documents have been made available on the Council’s website
The documents include a detailed qualitative analysis of the performance of students in different subjects
which comprises of examiners’ comments on common errors made by candidates, topics found difficult or
confusing, marking scheme for each question and suggestions for teachers/ candidates.
In addition to a detailed qualitative analysis, the Analysis of Pupil Performance documents for the Examination
Year 2019 also have a component of a detailed quantitative analysis. For each subject dealt with in the
document, both at the ICSE and the ISC levels, a detailed statistical analysis has been done, which has been
presented in a simple user-friendly manner.
It is hoped that this document will not only enable teachers to understand how their students have performed
with respect to other students who appeared for the ICSE/ISC Year 2019 Examinations, but also provide
information on how they have performed within the Region or State, their performance as compared to other
Regions or States, etc. It will also help develop a better understanding of the assessment/ evaluation process.
This will help teachers in guiding their students more effectively and comprehensively so that students prepare
for the ICSE/ ISC Examinations, with a better understanding of what is required from them.
The Analysis of Pupil Performance document for ICSE for the Examination Year 2019 covers the following
subjects: English (English Language, Literature in English), Hindi, History, Civics and Geography (History
and Civics, Geography), Mathematics, Science (Physics, Chemistry, Biology), Commercial Studies,
Economics, Computer Applications, Economic Applications, Commercial Applications.
Subjects covered in the ISC Analysis of Pupil Performance document for the Year 2019 include English
(English Language and Literature in English), Hindi, Elective English, Physics (Theory), Chemistry (Theory),
Biology (Theory), Mathematics, Computer Science, History, Political Science, Geography, Sociology,
Psychology, Economics, Commerce, Accounts and Business Studies.
I would like to acknowledge the contribution of all the ICSE and the ISC examiners who have been an integral
part of this exercise, whose valuable inputs have helped put this document together.
I would also like to thank the RDCD team of Dr. M.K. Gandhi, Dr. Manika Sharma, Mrs. Roshni George and
Mrs. Mansi Guleria who have done a commendable job in preparing this document.
Shilpi Gupta
October 2019 Deputy Head - RDCD
Page No.
Physics (Paper-1) 10
Chemistry (Paper-2) 33
Biology (Paper–3) 54
This document aims to provide a comprehensive picture of the performance of candidates in the
subject. It comprises of two sections, which provide Quantitative and Qualitative analysis results in
terms of performance of candidates in the subject for the ICSE Year 2019 Examination. The details
of the Quantitative and the Qualitative analysis are given below.
Quantitative Analysis
This section provides a detailed statistical analysis of the following:
The data has been presented in the form of means, frequencies and bar graphs.
Each of the comparison tables shows N (Number of candidates), Mean Marks obtained, Standard
Errors and t-values with the level of significance. For t-test, mean values compared with their
standard errors indicate whether an observed difference is likely to be a true difference or whether it
has occurred by chance. The t-test has been applied using a confidence level of 95%, which means
that if a difference is marked as ‘statistically significant’ (with * mark, refer to t-value column of the
table), the probability of the difference occurring by chance is less than 5%. In other words, we are
95% confident that the difference between the two values is true.
t-test has been used to observe significant differences in the performance of boys and girls, gender
wise differences within regions (North, East, South and West), gender wise differences within marks
ranges (Top and bottom ranges) and gender wise differences within grades awarded (Grade 1 and
Grade 9) at the ICSE Year 2019 Examination.
The analysed data has been depicted in a simple and user-friendly manner.
Qualitative Analysis
The purpose of the qualitative analysis is to provide insights into how candidates have performed in
individual questions set in the question paper. This section is based on inputs provided by examiners
from examination centres across the country. It comprises of question wise feedback on the
performance of candidates in the form of Comments of Examiners on the common errors made by
candidates along with Suggestions for Teachers to rectify/ reduce these errors. The Marking Scheme
for each question has also been provided to help teachers understand the criteria used for marking.
Topics in the question paper that were generally found to be difficult or confusing by candidates,
have also been listed down, along with general suggestions for candidates on how to prepare for the
examination/ perform better in the examination.
Total Number of
Candidates: 1,75,719
Mean Marks: 67.5 Mean Marks: 65.8
Number of Number of
Candidates: 79,593 Candidates: 96,126
Girls performed
significantly better than
East North
Mean Marks: 65.1 Mean Marks: 62.8
Number of Number of
Candidates: 54,384 Candidates: 62,813
Number of Number of
Candidates: 36,939 Candidates: 21,216
80.6 81.0
76.3 74.7
71.0 68.9
64.0 65.5 64.7
61 - 80 70.5
Marks Range (81-100)
41 - 60 51.1
21 - 40 35.8
Marks Range (0-20)
0 - 20 18.8
Question 1
(a) The diagram below shows a claw hammer used to remove a nail: [2]
Claw hammer
Question 1
(a) (i) Class I lever
(ii) Crow bar / pliers / any other correct example/diagram with name (only scissors not
accepted) , explanation to imply M A > 1.
(b) E 1 /E 2 = 1/2 m 1 v 1 2 /1/2m 2 v 2 2 = (m 1 /m 2 ) × (v 1 /v 2 )2
125/9 = (5/1) x (v 1 /v 2 )2
Question 2
(a) An electromagnetic radiation is used for photography in fog. [2]
(i) Identify the radiation.
(ii) Why is this radiation mentioned by you, ideal for this purpose?
(b) (i) What is the relation between the refractive index of water with respect to air ( a µ w ) [2]
and the refractive index of air with respect to water ( w µ a ).
(ii) If the refractive index of water with respect to air ( a µ w ) is .
Calculate the refractive index of air with respect to water ( w µ a ).
(c) The specific heat capacity of a substance A is 3,800 Jkg-1K-1 and that of a substance B [2]
is 400 Jkg-1K-1. Which of the two substances is a good conductor of heat? Give a reason
for your answer.
(d) A man playing a flute is able to produce notes of different frequencies. If he closes the [2]
holes near his mouth, will the pitch of the note produced, increase or decrease? Give a
(e) The diagram below shows a light source P embedded in a rectangular glass block ABCD [2]
of critical angle 42o. Complete the path of the ray PQ till it emerges out of the block.
[Write necessary angles.]
Question 3
(a) (i) If the lens is placed in water instead of air, how does its focal length change? [2]
(b) Two waves of the same pitch have amplitudes in the ratio 1:3. [2]
What will be the ratio of their:
(ii) frequencies?
(c) How does an increase in the temperature affect the specific resistance of a: [2]
(i) Metal and
(ii) Semiconductor?
(e) Is it possible for a hydrogen ( 11H) nucleus to emit an alpha particle? [2]
Give a reason for your answer.
Comments of Examiners
(a) (i) Many candidates could not comprehend the Suggestions for teachers
question correctly. Some candidates answered
that focal length changes, but they could not - Demonstrate an increase in the focal
give the correct reason. Several candidates length of a convex lens when it is
could not write about the effect on the focal placed in water.
length of the lens due to change in the - Devise an activity to show the
refractive index of the outside medium. relation between radius of curvature
(ii) While many candidates answered it correctly, and the focal length of a lens clearly.
quite a few could not comprehend it. They - Teach students the relation between
the intensity of a wave and its
wrote convex lens as a thicker lens and concave
amplitude or frequency clearly. Give
lens as a thinner lens. Some candidates wrote enough practise on related
thicker lens has greater focal length. numerical.
(b) Most of the candidates answered it correctly but - Instruct students that a fraction
some of the candidates made following errors in cannot be accepted in place of a ratio.
both the sub parts (i) and (ii). Stress upon expressing final answer
• expressed the same ratio. in the asked form in the question like
• expressed the answer in the fractional form. in ratio or in decimal form up to
• wrote reverse ratio. required decimal places or
significant figures etc.
(c) (i) Most of the candidates wrote the effect of an - Explain the difference between a
increase in the temperature on the specific semiconductor and a metal and effect
resistance of a metal, increases which was a of temperature on the specific
correct answer. But following answers were resistance of metals and
also observed that is the specific resistance of a semiconductors.
metal does not change or decreases. - Stress upon writing the key words
while defining the scientific
(ii) Most of the candidates answered it correctly
terms/key words.
but some candidates wrote that with the - Discuss the characteristics of sound
increase in temperature, the specific resistance with a number of examples.
of a semiconductor increases or remains the - Discuss the terms nucleus, its
same. structure, atomic number, mass-
(d) (i) In the definition of resonant vibrations number, radioactivity, changes
within the nucleus in detail giving
following glitches were observed
ample number of examples.
• keyword such as increase in amplitude
was missing.
• natural frequency matching with forced
vibration was written instead of frequency of
forced vibration.
(ii) Many candidates wrote it correctly as Quality but quite a number of candidates also wrote as
loudness, pitch, frequency.
(e) Most of the candidates wrote first part correctly as ‘No’ barring some of them who wrote
‘Yes’. But they found it difficult to give reason for the same. Various reasons were observed
Question 3
(a) (i) The focal length of the lens will increase in water
(Focal length of the lens depends on the refractive index of the material of lens relative
to its surrounding medium)
(ii) thinner
(b) (i) I 1 /I 2 = (a 1 /a 2 )2 = (1/3)2 = 1/9 ∴ I 1 : I2 = 1 : 9
(ii) 1:1 (because pitch is same)
(c) (i) Increases
(ii) Decreases
(d) (i) Vibrations of greater amplitude when frequency of forced vibration is equal to the
frequency of free vibration.
(ii) Quality / Timbre
(e) No.
The nucleus does not contain two protons and two neutrons
Question 4
(a) Calculate the effective resistance across AB: [2]
5Ω 4Ω
(b) (i) State whether the specific heat capacity of a substance remains the same when [2]
its state changes from solid to liquid.
(ii) Give one example to support your answer.
Soft Soft
iron iron
(d) (i) Why is a nuclear fusion reaction called a thermo nuclear reaction? [2]
(ii) Complete the reaction:
He 2 + 2H 1 4
He 2 + ……………. + Energy
(e) State two ways to increase the speed of rotation of a D.C. motor. [2]
Comments of Examiners
(a) Majority of the candidates answered this subpart Suggestions for teachers
correctly. However, some candidates were confused
in understanding the series and parallel combination - Give sufficient practice of numerical
of resistors. Some made calculation errors. Some of problems based on series and parallel
combination of resistors.
them wrote an incorrect expression at stage
1 - Explain the meaning of specific heat
1(instead of 𝑅𝑅 as L.H.S they wrote R) hence, in the capacity of a substance in detail
last step mathematical result was incorrect. Some giving some examples.
candidates left the final answer in improper fraction. - Discuss the values of specific heat
capacity of water and specific heat
(b) (i) Most of the candidates answered it correctly but capacity of ice and explain why these
some of them made the following errors: values are different.
• wrote specific heat capacity remains the - Clarify to the students the difference
same. between a coil and number of turns
of coil.
• got confused with latent heat and specific - Revise conceptual questions based
heat capacity. on electromagnetic induction in the
• got confused between specific heat capacity class through oral questioning and
and specific resistance. regular written tests.
(ii) Some of them wrote example of water and ice - Familiarize students with the
but they did not mention the values. Those who technical terms and insist on its use
said specific heat capacity remains the same on in the answers.
changing the state of a substance, validated the
Question 5
(a) A body of mass 10 kg is kept at a height of 5 m. It is allowed to fall and reach the [3]
(i) What is the total mechanical energy possessed by the body at the height of 2 m
assuming it is a frictionless medium?
(ii) What is the kinetic energy possessed by the body just before hitting the ground?
Take g = 10 m / s2.
(ii) Which of the following options is correct to keep the ruler in equilibrium when
40 gf wt is shifted to 0 cm mark?
(i) Copy the diagram and mark the direction of tension on each strand of the string.
Comments of Examiners
(a) (i) A large number of candidates answered
correctly. However, in some scripts the
following mistakes were observed:
Suggestions for teachers
• For calculation of potential energy height - Give adequate practice of numerical
problems based on the principle of
was taken as 2 m in place of 5 m.
conservation of energy.
• Did not mention about the use of principle - Teach students conversion of units.
of conservation of energy. - Stress upon the concept of clockwise
• Calculated kinetic energy and potential and anticlockwise moment.
energy separately but for finding velocity - Instruct students to read the question
they took the distance travelled to be 2 m carefully and answer as per the
in place of 3 m. They added this to get the requirement of the question.
total mechanical energy which was asked - Explain in detail about the pulley
in the second part and therefore, even the system. Also, discuss diagram-based
second answer went incorrect. questions on Pulley system.
(ii) Some candidates made mistakes due to - Drill students in drawing labelled
improper conversion of units. i.e. mass was diagrams of pulley systems.
taken in gram in place of kg. - Discuss the procedure to obtain the
Some adopted the longer way by calculating the relation between the tension in the
velocity at the bottom and then calculating the strand and Load as well as Effort for
different pulley systems.
kinetic energy.
Some candidates calculated 200 J in subpart (i),
by applying the principle of conservation of
energy, and stated the same answer in subpart
Some candidates substituted 5 metre in place of velocity and calculated kinetic energy
using 2 𝑚𝑚𝑣𝑣 2 .
(b) (i) Many candidates used 100 cm in place of 50 cm for the calculation of the torque on the other
side. Some candidates got confused between the unit of mass and weight that is g and gf.
(ii) Some candidates wrote that F is shifted towards 100 cm. They failed to understand that since
the forces are same, the moment can be equalised by adjusting their torque arms.
(c) (i) Most of them marked arrows correctly but some of them marked the arrows in two different
directions on the two strands.
(ii) Majority of the candidates answered correctly. Some of them derived and obtained the
(iii) Most of them answered it as E = T but some of them due to lack of clarity answered it as
E = 2T. Some even answered using inequality.
(iv) Many candidates answered correctly as 2 but some of them wrote it as 2𝑥𝑥. Some wrote in
terms of L. The concept that the velocity ratio depends upon the number of strands supporting
the load was missing.
Question 6
(a) How does the angle of deviation formed by a prism change with the increase in the [3]
angle of incidence?
Draw a graph showing the variation in the angle of deviation with the angle of
incidence at a prism surface.
(b) A virtual, diminished image is formed when an object is placed between the optical [3]
centre and the principal focus of a lens.
(i) Name the type of lens which forms the above image.
(ii) Draw a ray diagram to show the formation of the image with the above stated
(c) An object is placed at a distance 24 cm in front of a convex lens of focal length 8 cm. [4]
(i) What is the nature of the image so formed?
Comments of Examiners
(a) (i) Most candidates answered this subpart Suggestions for teachers
correctly. However, a few made following
errors: - Allow students to have first-hand
• gave incorrect relation between the angle experience of verifying the variation
of incidence and the angle of deviation. in the angle of deviation with the
angle of incidence at a prism surface
• drew diagram of prism instead of graph.
• incorrect graph showing the variation in - Clarify students that while drawing
the angle of deviation with the angle of the graph, label the axes correctly.
incidence - Advise students to read the question
• incorrect labelling on the graph. prudently taking note of all the
(b) Many candidates named the type of lens correctly information given in the question.
as a concave lens. Some candidates were tricked by - Instruct students to practice the ray
diagrams keeping in mind that arrow
the words ‘object between the optical centre and
should be marked before and after
the principal focus of a lens as well as virtual refraction and virtual image should
image’ and they did not pay attention to the be shown by a dotted line. Apparent
characteristic that image is virtual and diminished. intersection of the rays should be
Those who identified the lens correctly drew shown by dotted lines.
correct ray diagram but those who identified the - Explain the sign convention properly
lens incorrectly, draw incorrect ray diagram. Some to the students. Give adequate
candidates did not draw arrows on the rays in the practice of the lens related problems.
diagram. - Instruct students to express the final
answer in decimal form or in ratio
(c) (i) Many candidates identified the nature of image form but not to leave it as a fraction.
correctly but some of the candidates wrote as
real and virtual or real and erect or real and
(ii) Several candidates applied mirror formula in
finding the distance of the image from the lens. Many candidates were not clear about the
sign convention. In the final answer unit was also missing.
(iii) Many candidates got this part incorrect because their previous answer was incorrect. Some
candidates made calculation errors. Several candidates expressed answer in fraction.
(ii) Correct ray diagram with one ray passing through optical centre which goes undeviated
Another ray parallel to the principal axis undergoing refraction and appears to pass
through the principal focus.
(Dotted line for virtual image and extended refracted rays & arrows marked on the
Question 7
(a) It is observed that during march-past we hear a base drum distinctly from a distance [3]
compared to the side drums.
(i) Name the characteristic of sound associated with the above observation.
(ii) Give a reason for the above observation.
(b) A pendulum has a frequency of 4 vibrations per second. An observer starts the [3]
pendulum and fires a gun simultaneously. He hears the echo from the cliff after 6
(iii) If the length of D is made equal to C then what difference will you notice in
the oscillations of D?
(iv) What is the name of the phenomenon when the length of D is made equal to
Comments of Examiner
(a) (i) Some candidates answered it correctly as
loudness but majority of them wrote pitch or
quality. It seems candidates were unaware Suggestions for teachers
about base drums and side drums. - Explain characteristics of sound
(ii) Very few could relate the answer to the surface comprehensively relating them with
areas of the two drums and therefore the examples from daily life.
difference in the loudness, but majority of the - Clarify the basic mathematics
candidates wrote vague answers. required to solve the numerical
(b) Many candidates attempted it correctly but, in problems related to reflection of
sound waves.
some scripts, following errors were noticed:
• could not calculate the time taken from the - Give enough practice in numerical of
number of oscillations of the pendulum. different types to the students.
𝑑𝑑 2𝑑𝑑
• formula applied 𝑣𝑣 = 𝑡𝑡 𝑖𝑖n place of 𝑣𝑣 = 𝑡𝑡 . - Stress upon the importance of unit.
• did not write the unit. - Demonstrate to the students about
• velocity of sound was substituted as 320 m s-1 the free vibrations, forced vibrations
instead of 340 m s-1. and resonance for better
understanding of the concept.
(c) (i) Many candidates could identify it as free
oscillations but some of them wrote it forced
(ii) Several candidates answered it correctly as
forced oscillation but some of them wrote it resonance. But for others conceptual
understanding was missing between free and forced oscillations.
Question 7
(a) (i) Loudness
(ii) Base drum has greater surface area compared to the side drums.
Loudness is increased with the increase in surface area of vibration.
(b) ∵ 4 vibrations in 1s
6 3
∴ 6 vibrations =? ∴t = 4 = 2 = 1.5 𝑠𝑠
2𝑑𝑑 2𝑑𝑑
𝑉𝑉 = ∴ 340 =
𝑡𝑡 1.5
340 × 1.5
∴ 𝑑𝑑 = = 255 𝑚𝑚
Question 8
(a) (i) Write one advantage of connecting electrical appliances in parallel [3]
(ii) What characteristics should a fuse wire have?
(iii) Which wire in a power circuit is connected to the metallic body of the
(b) The diagram below shows a dual control switch circuit connected to a bulb. [3]
(i) Copy the diagram and complete it so that the bulb is switched ON.
(ii) Out of A & B which one is the live wire, and which one is the neutral
The diagram above shows a circuit with the key k open. Calculate:
(ii) the current drawn from the cell when the key k is open.
(iv) the current drawn from the cell when the key k is closed.
Comments of Examiners
(a) (i) Many candidates wrote one advantage of
connecting electrical appliances in parallel Suggestions for teachers
combination correctly. However, some - Explain clearly to the students about
candidates supplied vague answers like the advantages of connecting the
• advantages of series combination. appliances in parallel combination
• current received is 220 volts. - Interpret the difference between
• work on the same current in place of current and voltage clearly to the
voltage. students.
• wrote about advantages of ring system of - Teach clearly to the students:
wiring. • The characteristics of a fuse
• same thickness of wire can be used.
• working of dual control switches
• monthly Power bill is reduced. with the diagrams.
(ii) A large number of candidates wrote • the connections of live, neutral
characteristics of a fuse wire correctly but and earth wire to the appliance.
some of the candidates wrote only one point. - Point out the difference between the
Some candidates answered high melting point open circuit and the open key with
reference to the different circuit
and low resistivity. Some even expressed
about good conductance or low specific heat - Give ample practice to the students
capacity which was irrelevant. to solve the numerical problems
(iii) Many candidates answered correctly as Earth based on the topic electricity.
wire. It was also observed that some of the
candidates had written about neutral and live
wire and their combinations. Quite a few
candidates had answered as fuse wire.
(b) (i) Several candidates copied the diagram of dual control switch circuit connected to a bulb
correctly and also completed the circuit correctly but many of them kept the circuit incomplete
or completed it incorrectly.
Question 8
(a) (i) Each appliance will be working at the same potential; each appliance can operate
(ii) high resistivity and low melting point.
(iii) earth wire.
(b) (i)
∴ R = 2.5 + 0.5 = 3 Ω
(iv) 𝐼𝐼 = = 1.1 𝐴𝐴
Question 9
(a) (i) Define Calorimetry. [3]
(iii) Why is a Calorimeter made up of thin sheets of the above material answered in
(c) 104 g of water at 30°C is taken in a calorimeter made of copper of mass 42 g. When [4]
a certain mass of ice at 0°C is added to it, the final steady temperature of the mixture
after the ice has melted, was found to be 10°C. Find the mass of ice added. [Specific
heat capacity of water = 4.2 Jg-1°C-1; Specific latent heat of fusion of ice = 336 Jg-1;
Specific heat capacity of copper = 0.4 Jg-1°C-1]
Temperature (co)
Time (s)
(c) By principle of mixtures
m (336 + 4.2 × 10) = 104 × 4.2 × (30 – 10) + 42 × 0.4 × (30 – 10)
Question 10
(a) Draw a neat labeled diagram of an A.C. generator. [3]
(ii) Rewrite and complete the following nuclear reaction by filling in the atomic
number of Ba and mass number of Kr:
92𝑈𝑈 + 10𝑛𝑛 �⎯⎯⎯⎯� 144
........𝐵𝐵𝐵𝐵 + ....... 1
(c) The diagram below shows a magnetic needle kept just below the conductor AB which [4]
is kept in North South direction.
(iii) What will be the change in the deflection if the magnetic needle is taken just
above the conductor AB?
Comments of Examiners
(a) Some candidates drew correct diagram of an A.C.
generator but in many scripts the following
anomalies were noticed: Suggestions for teacher
• drew battery in place of load. - Train students to differentiate
• in place of slip ring they showed split rings. between AC generator and DC
• drew transformer diagram. motor.
• drew slip rings correctly but labelled them as - Explain principle of conservation of
split ring. atomic number and mass number
involved in balancing the nuclear
• drew DC motor diagram. equations clearly to the students.
(b) (i) Many candidates defined nuclear fission - Give intensive practice in balancing
correctly but the common errors observed in the nuclear equations.
many scripts were - Demonstrate Oe7rsted’s experiment
on the magnetic effect of electric
• related it to the size of the nucleus
current in the laboratory to make
instead of the mass of the nucleus students clear about the effect of the
• splitting of an atom instead of nucleus. magnetic field on the magnetic
• defined nuclear fusion. needle.
- Discuss application-based questions
(ii) A large number of candidates wrote atomic
on the magnetic effect of the current
number and mass number correctly. By and with the students frequently.
large, it was observed that majority of them
found the atomic number correctly, but while
finding the mass number, did not take into
consideration mass of three neutrons.
(c) (i) Majority of the candidates could not apply right hand thumb rule correctly and instead of
writing towards east, various incorrect answers for example, North-South, South-East, West,
North, clockwise etc. were observed.
(ii) Many candidates identified it as magnetic effect of current but quite a number of candidates
• that current is flowing through the conductor.
• about electromagnetic induction.
• about Lorentz Force.
• about electric field instead of magnetic field.
(iii)This part of the question was dependent on the first part, therefore, the candidates who wrote
opposite or reversed or towards west were benefited. But several candidates wrote other
answers which were incorrect.
(iv) Almost all the candidates had given correct example which means that they had identified
the magnetic effect of current but failed to apply it in the given situation.
(b) (i) Combination of two or more lighter nuclei to form heavier nucleus.
235 144 89
(ii) 92𝑈𝑈 + 10𝑛𝑛 �⎯⎯⎯� 56𝐵𝐵𝐵𝐵 + 36𝐾𝐾𝐾𝐾 + 3 10𝑛𝑛 + 𝐸𝐸𝐸𝐸𝐸𝐸𝐸𝐸𝐸𝐸𝐸𝐸
Question 1
(a) Choose the correct answer from the options given below: [5]
(i) An electrolyte which completely dissociates into ions is:
A. Alcohol
B. Carbonic acid
C. Sucrose
D. Sodium hydroxide
(ii) The most electronegative element from the following elements is:
A. Magnesium
B. Chlorine
C. Aluminium
D. Sulphur
(iii) The reason for using Aluminium in the alloy duralumin is:
A. Aluminium is brittle.
B. Aluminium gives strength.
C. Aluminium brings lightness.
D. Aluminium lowers melting point.
(iv) The drying agent used to dry HCl gas is:
A. Conc. H 2 SO 4
B. ZnO
C. Al 2 O 3
D. CaO
(v) A hydrocarbon which is a greenhouse gas is:
A. Acetylene
B. Ethylene
C. Ethane
D. Methane
(ii) When sodium chloride is heated with concentrated sulphuric acid below
200oC, one of the products formed is ____________. (sodium hydrogen
sulphate / sodium sulphate / chlorine)
(iii) Ammonia reacts with excess chlorine to form ____________. (nitrogen /
nitrogen trichloride / ammonium chloride)
(iv) Substitution reactions are characteristic reactions of ____________.
(alkynes / alkenes / alkanes)
(f) (i) Give the IUPAC name of the following organic compounds: [5]
(g) Give the appropriate term defined by the statements given below: [5]
(i) The formula that represents the simplest ratio of the various elements
present in one molecule of the compound.
(ii) The substance that releases hydronium ion as the only positive ion when
dissolved in water.
(iii) The tendency of an atom to attract electrons towards itself when combined
in a covalent compound.
(iv) The process by which certain ores, specially carbonates, are converted to
oxides in the absence of air.
(v) The covalent bond in which the electrons are shared equally between the
combining atoms.
(h) Arrange the following according to the instructions given in brackets: [5]
(i) K, Pb, Ca, Zn. (In the increasing order of the reactivity)
(ii) Mg2+, Cu2+, Na1+, H1+ (In the order of preferential discharge at the
(iii) Li, K, Na, H (In the decreasing order of their ionization potential)
Question 1
(a) (i) D or Sodium Hydroxide or NaOH
(ii) B or Chlorine or Cl 2
(iii) C or Aluminium brings lightness
(iv) A or Concentrated H 2 SO 4
(v) D or Methane or CH 4
(b) (i) Dehydration
(ii) Sodium hydrogen sulphate or NaHSO 4
(iii) Nitrogen trichloride or NCl 3
(iv) Alkanes
(v) Sodium
(c) (i) CuO + H 2 Cu + H 2 O
(ii) 2NaOH + H 2 SO 4 Na 2 SO 4 + 2H 2 O
(iii) ZnS + H 2 SO 4 ZnSO 4 + H 2 S ↑
(iv) FeSO 4 + 2NH 4 OH (NH 4 ) 2 SO 4 + Fe (OH) 2
(v) H 2 C = CH 2 + Cl 2 H 2 C – CH 2
| |
Cl Cl
C 2 H 4 + Cl 2 C 2 H 4 Cl 2
2. Ethanal
(iii) Ethane
Question 2
(a) Draw the electron dot structure of: [3]
(b) The pH values of three solutions A, B and C are given in the table. Answer the [3]
following questions:
Solution pH value
A 12
B 2
C 7
(i) Which solution will have no effect on litmus solution?
(ii) Which solution will liberate CO 2 when reacted with sodium carbonate?
(c) Study the extract of the Periodic Table given below and answer the questions [4]
that follow. Give the alphabet corresponding to the element in question.
DO NOT repeat an element.
(ii) The ion of which element will migrate towards the cathode during
Question 2
(a) (i)
(b) (i) C / pH 7
(ii) B / pH 2
(iii) A / pH 12
(ii) A
(iii) E
(iv) F
Question 3
(a) Name the particles present in: [3]
(i) Manganese dioxide and copper (II) oxide. (using concentrated HCl)
(ii) Ferrous sulphate solution and ferric sulphate solution. (using sodium hydroxide
(iii) Dilute hydrochloric acid and dilute sulphuric acid. (using lead nitrate solution)
(c) Choose the method of preparation of the following salts, from the methods given in [4]
the list:
Question 3
(a) (i) Only ions
(ii) Only molecules
(iii) Both molecules and ions
(b) (i) On adding concentrated hydrochloric acid if a greenish yellow gas is evolved it is
Manganese dioxide.
If no gas is evolved it is CuO.
(ii) On adding sodium hydroxide solution if a dirty green precipitate is formed it is ferrous
sulphate solution.
If a reddish-brown precipitate is formed, it is Ferric sulphate solution.
(iii) On adding lead nitrate solution, if white precipitate is formed which dissolves on
heating, then it is dilute HCl.
If white precipitate formed does not dissolve on heating, it is dilute H 2 SO 4 .
(c) (i) B or Precipitation
(ii) D or Substitution
(iii) A or Neutralization
(iv) C or Direct combination
(ii) C + conc. H 2 SO 4
(b) Write a balanced chemical equation for the preparation of: [3]
(iii) The compound that reacts with acetic acid to form ethyl ethanoate.
Question 4
(a) (i) S + 6HNO 3 H 2 SO 4 + 6NO 2 + 2H 2 O
(ii) C + 2H 2 SO 4 CO 2 + 2SO 2 + 2H 2 O
(iii) 3Cu + 8HNO 3 3Cu (NO 3 ) 2 + 2NO + 4H 2 O
(i) Bauxite
(ii) Cryolite
(b) Answer the following questions based on the extraction of aluminium from [3]
alumina by Hall-Heroult’s Process.:
(i) What is the function of cryolite used along with alumina as the electrolyte?
(c) Match the alloys given in column I to the uses given in column II: [4]
Comments of Examiners
(a) In writing the chemical formula of bauxite, many Suggestions for teachers
candidates either wrote incorrect number of water - Give regular practice through class
molecules or did not write them at all. tests, games, quizzes to ensure that
In subparts(ii) and (iii), some candidates wrote students learn the details.
incorrect formulae. - Teach students metallurgy in detail.
(b) Most candidates answered this question correctly. - Frequently revise names of common
(c) Some candidates mismatched Column I and ores of aluminium, iron and zinc.
Column II, as they were not sure of the uses of - Discuss the questions based on the
alloys. extraction of aluminium from
alumina by Hall-Heroult’s process in
Question 6
(a) Identify the substances underlined: [3]
(ii) The organic compound which when solidified, forms an ice like mass.
(b) Copper sulphate solution reacts with sodium hydroxide solution to form a [3]
precipitate of copper hydroxide according to the equation:
(c) Find the empirical formula and the molecular formula of an organic [4]
compound from the data given below:
C = 75.92%, H = 6.32% and N = 17.76%
The vapour density of the compound is 39.5.
[C = 12, H = 1, N = 14]
Question 6
(a) (i) Platinum or Pt.
(ii) Acetic acid or ethanoic acid or CH 3 COOH
(iii) HNO 3 or nitric acid.
(b) (i) RMW of NaOH = 40, Cu(OH) 2 = 98
∴ 2 x 40 g precipitate = 98 g
∴ 200 g precipitate = 80
= 245 g
Molecular formula = C 5 H 5 N
Question 7
(a) Name the gas evolved in each of the following cases: [3]
(b) Study the flow chart given and give balanced equations to represent the reactions [3]
A, B and C:
Mg 3 N 2 NH 3 NH 4 Cl
(c) Copy and complete the following table which refers to the industrial method for [4]
the preparation of ammonia and sulphuric acid:
Catalytic equation
Name of the compound Name of the process
(with the catalyst)
Question 7
(a) (i) Oxygen gas or O 2
(ii) Ethane gas or C 2 H 6
(iii) Nitrogen or N 2
Question 1
(a) Name the following: [5]
(i) The layer of the eyeball that provides nourishment to the eye.
(iii) The structure which connects the placenta and the foetus.
(iv) A pair of corresponding chromosomes of the same shape and size and derived one
from each parent.
(v) The compound formed when haemoglobin combines with carbon dioxide in blood.
(b) Correct and rewrite the statements by changing the biological term that is underlined for [5]
each statement:
(i) The theory of Inheritance of Acquired Characters was proposed by Watson and
(ii) The protective sac which develops around the developing embryo is called the
(iii) Maintaining balance of the body and coordinating muscular activities is carried out
by the cerebrum.
(v) The part of the eye which can be donated from a clinically dead person is the Retina.
(iii) Root hairs become flaccid and droop when excess fertilizers are added to the moist
soil around them.
(d) Match the items given in Column A with the most appropriate ones in Column B and [5]
REWRITE the correct matching pairs:
Column A Column B
(i) Cranial nerves – Testosterone
(ii) Leydig cells – Natural reflex
(iii) Acetylcholine – 12 pairs
(iv) Spinal nerves – Prolactin
(v) Sneezing – Neurotransmitter
– 18 pairs
– 31 pairs
– Conditioned reflex
(e) Choose the correct answer from the four options given below: [5]
(i) While recording the pulse rate, where exactly does a doctor press on our wrist?
A. Nerve
B. Vein
C. Artery
D. Capillary
(iv) On which day of the menstrual cycle does ovulation take place?
A. 5th day
B. 28th day
C. 14th day
D. 1st day
(v) Which one of the following does not affect the rate of transpiration?
A. Light
B. Humidity
C. Wind
D. Age of the plant
(f) Identify the ODD term in each set and name the CATEGORY to which the remaining [5]
three belong:
Example: glucose, starch, cellulose, calcium
Odd term: calcium
Category: others are different types of carbohydrates.
(i) Addison’s disease, Cushing’s Syndrome, Acromegaly, Leukemia.
(ii) Insulin, Adrenaline, Pepsin, Thyroxine.
(iii) Axon, Dendron, Photon, Cyton.
(iv) Chicken pox, Colour blindness, Haemophilia, Albinism.
(v) Polythene bag, Crop residue, Animal waste, Decaying vegetable.
(g) Expand the following biological abbreviations: [5]
(i) ABA
(ii) IAA
(iii) ATP
(iv) DNA
(v) TSH
Comments of Examiners
(a) (i) Most candidates named the layer of the eyeball Suggestions for teachers
that provides nourishment to the eye correctly. - Advise students to read the
However, some candidates could not spell it instructions given for each question
correctly. carefully.
(ii) Majority of the candidates performed well barring - Explain the parts and functions of eye
some who were not sure and wrote CO 2 . and brain using charts, models and
(iii) Many candidates attempted this sub-part of the interactive boards.
question well. However, some spelt it as ‘Amblical - Clarify the difference between
cord’. carboxyhaemoglobin and
(iv) Most candidates answered it correctly. However, carbaminohaemoglobin, Endosmosis
some wrote Homozygous instead of Homologous. and Exosmosis.
(v) Incorrect answer was written by most candidates. - Emphasise on the discoveries made
They wrote carboxyhaemoglobin instead of by Watson and Crick, Mendel,
carbaminohaemoglobin. Lamarck and Darwin.
(b) (i) Most candidates wrote Mendel and Darwin - Acquaint students with the hormones
instead of Lamarck. secreted by endocrine glands and the
(ii) This was a well attempted question. disorders caused due to their Hypo
(iii) Most candidates answered this sub-part of the and Hyper secretions.
question correctly. However, in several scripts
spelling errors were noticed.
(iv) Answered correctly by most candidates.
Question 1
(a) (i) Choroid
(ii) Chlorofluorocarbon (CFC) or carbon tetrachloride
(iii) Umbilical cord
(iv) Homologous chromosomes
(v) Carbaminohaemoglobin/HbCO 2
(b) (i) Jean-Baptiste Lamarck
(ii) Amnion
(iii) Cerebellum
(iv) Nephrons/ Uriniferous tubules
(v) Cornea
(c) (i) Illiteracy, children are a gift of God, sign of prosperity, due to high infant mortality, more
helping hands for family income, do not accept family planning methods, desire for a
male child, lack of recreation.
(ii) Easily combines with haemoglobin to form carboxyhaemoglobin which cuts off supply
of oxygen to tissues.
(iii) Formation of hypertonic solution which results in plasmolysis / exosmosis.
(iv) Pollutes soil, damages vegetation, buildings, statues, monuments, kills fish and aquatic
(v) All organisms depend directly or indirectly on green plants for food, beginning of all
food chains, provides oxygen for respiration. (Any alternate correct answer)
(d) (i) Cranial nerves – 12 pairs
(ii) Leydig cells – Testosterone
(iii) Acetylcholine – Neuro transmitter
(iv) Spinal nerves – 31 pairs
(v) Sneezing – Natural reflex
(e) (i) C. Artery
(ii) D. Either X or Y chromosome
(iii) A. Capillary
(iv) C. 14th day
(v) D. Age of the plant
Question 2
(a) Given below is an experimental setup to demonstrate a particular tropic movement in [5]
germinating seeds. Study the diagram and answer the questions that follow:
Perforated trough
Moist sawdust
Germinating seed
(i) Testis
(ii) Incus
(iii) Thylakoids
Comments of Examiners
(a) (i) Most of the candidates labelled the parts 1 and 2 Suggestions for teachers
correctly. However, some candidates labelled the
- Give a simplified explanation of
parts as, root and shoot, respectively.
Tropic movements in plants.
(ii) The tropic movement shown by part 1 was
- Explain the difference between
named correctly by most candidates.
Tropic movement and stimulus,
(iii) Most candidates wrote the tropic movements
Positive and negative tropic
instead of the stimuli.
(iv) Most of the candidates answered this subpart
- Give suitable examples for tropic
correctly. However, some candidates wrote the
example of Nastic movements which was
- Emphasise on the importance of
prepositions while teaching the exact
(v) Majority of the candidates answered correctly. A
few were unable to give a clear differentiation location of organs and structures.
between the ‘Positive’ and ‘Negative’ tropic - Clarify to the students the difference
movements in plants. between
• radicle and root, plumule and
(b) In sub-parts(ii)-(iv), most of the candidates wrote the shoot.
exact location of the asked questions. However, in • corpus callosum and corpus
sub-parts (i), and (v), many candidates could not give luteum.
the exact location. They wrote vague answers such
as, outside the abdomen in subpart (i) and in the
brain, in the cerebrum in subpart (v)
Question 3
(a) The diagram given below represents an experiment to prove the importance of a factor [5]
in photosynthesis. Answer the questions that follow:
Black Paper
(ii) What will you observe in the experimental leaf after the starch test?
(v) Draw a neat, labelled diagram of an experimental setup to show that oxygen is
released during photosynthesis.
(ii) Cytokinins
(iii) Tears
Comments of Examiners
(a)(i) Most candidates did not name the factor studied in
the asked experiment. They wrote the process
instead of the factor.
Suggestions for teachers
(ii) Many candidates could not give a clear explanation - While teaching starch test in
of the starch test. They did not specify the colour Photosynthesis emphasise on the
change in the covered and uncovered parts of the colour change in the parts of the
experimental leaf. experimental leaf.
(iii) Majority of the candidates explained the process of - Advise students to practice the
chemical equation for
(iv) Most candidates wrote the correct equation. A few
- Guide students that any factor tested
balanced it by taking 6H 2 O instead of 12H 2 O.
for an experiment needs to be proved
(v) Most candidates drew an incorrect diagram using a at the end. Hence, using a mouse and
mouse and bell jar instead of taking a hydrilla plant plant under a bell jar cannot prove
submerged in water. the release of O2 during
(b) (i) Few candidates stated the main function of Medulla photosynthesis since oxygen cannot
Oblongata correctly. Majority of them confused it be tested. Instruct students to setup
the experiment using twigs of
with the function of cerebellum.
hydrilla to prove the release of
(ii) Most candidates answered correctly.
(iii) This was correctly answered by most candidates.
- Clarify the difference between the
(iv) Most candidates wrote incomplete answers. They factor and the process studied in an
did not specify oxygenated blood. experiment.
(v) Majority of the candidates wrote the correct - Ensure that students are clear about
answer. A few wrote the function of testis instead the main functions of the structures
of seminal vesicles. asked in the question paper.
Oxygen gas
Bubbles of oxygen
Hydrilla plant
(b) (i) Regulates activities of internal organs like breathing, heartbeat, peristalsis.
(ii) Stimulates cell division, plant growth, prevents ageing,expansion of cotyledons in
seeds,breaks seed dormancy, promotes synthesis of chloroplasts, delays senescence.
(iii) Lubricates surface of eye, washes away dust, kill germs, keeps surface of eye moist,
lysozyme kills bacteria.
(iv) Supplies oxygenated blood to the walls of the heart.
(v) Activates sperms, forms a medium for transportation of sperms.
Anterior lobe
Posterior lobe
Comments of Examiners
(a) (i) Most candidates identified the system correctly.
‘Urinogenital system’ was written as an incorrect
answer by a few candidates. Suggestions for teachers
(ii) Most candidates labelled part 2 and 4 and - Familiarise students with the parts and
mentioned the function of part 5 correctly. functions of the Urinary system.
However, a few did not study the diagram - Encourage students to draw neat,
carefully and labelled part 4 as urethra. labelled and accurate diagrams
(iii) This part of the question was answered correctly showing all parts clearly.
by most candidates. - Explain the location of the Pituitary
(iv) Majority of the candidates wrote the name of the gland with the help of a
fluid that accumulates in part 3 correctly. suitable/interactive board.
However, some candidates could not mention the - Interpret the differences between the
main nitrogenous waste present in urine. two types of Diabetes with respect to
(v) The longitudinal section of part 1 was drawn hormones and symptoms. Also clarify
correctly by most candidates. However, a few the keywords mellitus and insipidus.
candidates could not show a clear differentiation - Explain to the students the difference
between renal cortex and medulla. between an organ and an organ
(b) (i) Most candidates identified the endocrine gland system.
correctly. However, a large number of candidates - Give a list of organic and inorganic
could not give the exact location of the gland. constituents of urine.
(ii) Most candidates answered this subpart correctly. - Give a comparison of the four
(iii) This subpart was attempted well by most endocrine glands, their secretion,
candidates. disorders caused due to hyposecretion
(iv) Majority of the candidates explained the term and hypersecretion.
‘Hormone’ correctly but were unable to give the
role of Tropic hormones in the human body.
(v) Many candidates wrote incorrect answers as they
were uncertain of the hormones secreted by the
two lobes of the Pituitary gland.
Bell Jar
Water Drops
Rubber sheet
(iii) Mention two external factors which can accelerate the above process.
(b) Given below are two stages in the evolution of man. [5]
Study them and answer the questions that follow:
(i) Identify Australopithecus and Neanderthal man from the above pictures.
Comments of Examiners
(a) (i) Most candidates answered correctly. However, a Suggestions for teachers
few wrote Photosynthesis instead of Transpiration.
(ii) Few candidates could attempt this subpart - Train students in conceptual
correctly. Most of them wrote that transpiration learning. Advise students to take
occurs in soil, which is incorrect. practical work seriously, to
(iii) Though most candidates wrote the external factors, understand the difference between
they failed to mention their intensity which will Transpiration and Photosynthesis.
accelerate the process. Insist on drawing complete
(iv) Majority of the candidates listed the two diagrams.
adaptations in plants correctly. - Clarify the importance of epidermal
(v) Few candidates drew a neat, labelled diagram of a cells surrounding guard cells.
stomatal apparatus. Most candidates did not draw - Instruct students to express the
epidermal cells surrounding the guard cells. acceleration of physiological
processes in plants using adverbs
(b)(i) Most candidates identified the pictures correctly.
such as “more or less”.
(ii) Most candidates wrote the two characteristic
- Advise students to comprehend what
features each for the two stages correctly.
is asked in the question before
(iii) Many candidates were unsure of the name of the
scientist who proposed Natural Selection. They
- Explain the difference between a
wrote Lamarck instead of Darwin.
duct and a tubule.
(iv) Most candidates could not write the common name
- Teach Human Evolution giving basic
or scientific name of the organism.
characteristics of each stage.
(v) Most candidates wrote the two examples of
Illustrate each stage using pictorial
Vestigial organs in humans correctly.
representation of models of
evolution of man exhibiting the
characteristic feature of the various
stages of human evolution.
- Spell out Lamarck’s and Darwin’s
contribution towards study of
evolution clearly.
- Explain the meaning of vestigial
organ clearly with many examples
pertaining to human beings.
(i) What is the phenotype and genotype of the F 1 generation if a homozygous tall plant
is crossed with a homozygous dwarf plant?
(ii) Draw a Punnett square board to show the gametes and offspring when both the
parents are heterozygous for tallness.
(iii) What is the phenotypic ratio and genotypic ratio of the above cross in (ii)?
(b) Given below is a diagram representing a stage during the mitotic cell division. Study [5]
the diagram and answer the following questions:
(iii) Draw a neat, labelled diagram of the stage which follows the one shown in the
(iv) How many chromosomes will each daughter cell have after the completion of the
above division?
T t
(ii) T TT Tt
t Tt tt
Genotypic ratio – 1 : 2 : 1
(iv) Out of a pair of contrasting characters, the one that is expressed is dominant
and the one that is not expressed is recessive.
(v) It is breeding plants taking two pairs of contrasting characters.
Nuclear Membrane
(iv) 4
(v) Adenine, Thymine, Cytosine, Guanine.
Question 7
(a) (i) Brain - Outer, grey matter has cytons and inner white matter has axons.
Spinal Cord - Outer, white matter has axons and inner grey matter has cytons.
(ii) Dynamic - semi-circular canals/ducts/tubes
Static - utriculus, sacculus, utricle, saccule, vestibule
(iii) Bright light - Pupils constrict, Rhodopsin is bleached.
Dim light - Pupils dilate, Rhodopsin is regenerated.
Note: For questions having more than one correct answer/solution, alternate correct
answers/solutions, apart from those given in the marking scheme, have also been accepted.