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2017 To 2022 QP - ICSE

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Analysis of Pupil


Research Development and Consultancy Division

Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations

New Delhi
Year 2017

Published by:
Research Development and Consultancy Division (RDCD)
Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations
Plot No. 35-36, Sector VI
Pushp Vihar, Saket
New Delhi-110017

Tel: (011) 29564831/33/37

E-mail: council@cisce.org

© Copyright, Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations

All rights reserved. The copyright to this publication and any part thereof solely vests in the Council for
the Indian School Certificate Examinations. This publication and no part thereof may be reproduced,
transmitted, distributed or stored in any manner whatsoever, without the prior written approval of the
Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations.

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This document of the Analysis of Pupils’ Performance at the ISC Year 12 and ICSE Year 10
Examination is one of its kind. It has grown and evolved over the years to provide feedback to
schools in terms of the strengths and weaknesses of the candidates in handling the examinations.

We commend the work of Mrs. Shilpi Gupta (Deputy Head) and the Research Development and
Consultancy Division (RDCD) of the Council who have painstakingly prepared this analysis. We
are grateful to the examiners who have contributed through their comments on the performance of
the candidates under examination as well as for their suggestions to teachers and students for the
effective transaction of the syllabus.

We hope the schools will find this document useful. We invite comments from schools on its
utility and quality.

Gerry Arathoon
November 2017 Chief Executive & Secretary

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The Council has been involved in the preparation of the ICSE and ISC Analysis of Pupil Performance
documents since the year 1994. Over these years, these documents have facilitated the teaching-learning
process by providing subject/ paper wise feedback to teachers regarding performance of students at the ICSE
and ISC Examinations. With the aim of ensuring wider accessibility to all stakeholders, from the year 2014,
the ICSE and the ISC documents have been made available on the Council’s website www.cisce.org.

The document includes a detailed qualitative analysis of the performance of students in different subjects
which comprises of examiners’ comments on common errors made by candidates, topics found difficult or
confusing, marking scheme for each answer and suggestions for teachers/ candidates.

In addition to a detailed qualitative analysis, the Analysis of Pupil Performance documents for the Examination
Year 2017 have a new component of a detailed quantitative analysis. For each subject dealt with in the
document, both at the ICSE and the ISC levels, a detailed statistical analysis has been done, which has been
presented in a simple user-friendly manner.

It is hoped that this document will not only enable teachers to understand how their students have performed
with respect to other students who appeared for the ICSE/ISC Year 2017 Examinations, how they have
performed within the Region or State, their performance as compared to other Regions or States, etc., it will
also help develop a better understanding of the assessment/ evaluation process. This will help them in guiding
their students more effectively and comprehensively so that students prepare for the ICSE/ ISC Examinations,
with a better understanding of what is required from them.

The Analysis of Pupil Performance document for ICSE for the Examination Year 2017 covers the following
subjects: English (English Language, Literature in English), Hindi, History, Civics and Geography (History
& Civics, Geography), Mathematics, Science (Physics, Chemistry, Biology), Commercial Studies,
Economics, Computer Applications, Economics Applications, Commercial Applications.
Subjects covered in the ISC Analysis of Pupil Performance document for the Year 2017 include English
(English Language and Literature in English), Hindi, Elective English, Physics (Theory and Practical),
Chemistry (Theory and Practical), Biology (Theory and Practical), Mathematics, Computer Science, History,
Political Science, Geography, Sociology, Psychology, Economics, Commerce, Accounts and Business

I would like to acknowledge the contribution of all the ICSE and the ISC examiners who have been an integral
part of this exercise, whose valuable inputs have helped put this document together.

I would also like to thank the RDCD team of Dr. Manika Sharma, Dr. M.K. Gandhi, Ms. Mansi Guleria and
Mrs. Roshni George, who have done a commendable job in preparing this document. The statistical data
pertaining to the ICSE and the ISC Year 2017 Examinations has been provided by the IT section of the Council
for which I would like to thank Col. R. Sreejeth (Deputy Secretary - IT), Mr. M.R. Felix, Education
Officer (IT) – ICSE and Mr. Samir Kumar, Education Officer (IT) - ISC.

Shilpi Gupta
November 2017 Deputy Head - RDCD

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Page No.






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This document aims to provide a comprehensive picture of the performance of candidates in the
subject. It comprises of two sections, which provide Quantitative and Qualitative analysis results in
terms of performance of candidates in the subject for the ICSE Year 2017 Examination. The details
of the Quantitative and the Qualitative analysis are given below.

Quantitative Analysis
This section provides a detailed statistical analysis of the following:

 Overall Performance of candidates in the subject (Statistics at a Glance)

 State wise Performance of Candidates
 Gender wise comparison of Overall Performance
 Region wise comparison of Performance
 Comparison of Region wise performance on the basis of Gender
 Comparison of performance in different Mark Ranges and comparison on the basis of Gender for
the top and bottom ranges
 Comparison of performance in different Grade categories and comparison on the basis of Gender
for the top and bottom grades

The data has been presented in the form of means, frequencies and bar graphs.

Understanding the tables

Each of the comparison tables shows N (Number of candidates), Mean Marks obtained, Standard
Errors and t-values with the level of significance. For t-test, mean values compared with their
standard errors indicate whether an observed difference is likely to be a true difference or whether it
has occurred by chance. The t-test has been applied using a confidence level of 95%, which means
that if a difference is marked as ‘statistically significant’ (with * mark, refer to t-value column of the
table), the probability of the difference occurring by chance is less than 5%. In other words, we are
95% confident that the difference between the two values is true.

t-test has been used to observe significant differences in the performance of boys and girls, gender
wise differences within regions (North, East, South and West), gender wise differences within marks
ranges (Top and bottom ranges) and gender wise differences within grades awarded (Grade 1 and
Grade 9) at the ICSE Year 2017 Examination.

The analysed data has been depicted in a simple and user-friendly manner.

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Given below is an example showing the comparison tables used in this section and the manner in
which they should be interpreted.

The table shows comparison

between the performances of boys
and girls in a particular subject.
Comparison on the basis of Gender
The t-value of 11.91 is significant at
Gender N Mean SE t-value 0.05 level (mentioned below the
Girls 2,538 66.1 0.29 table) with a mean of girls as 66.1
Boys 1,051 60.1 0.42 and that of boys as 60.1. It means
*Significant at 0.05 level
that there is significant difference
between the performance of boys
and girls in the subject. The
probability of this difference
occurring by chance is less than 5%.
The mean value of girls is higher
than that of boys. It can be
interpreted that girls are performing
significantly better than boys.

The results have also been depicted

pictographically. In this case, the girls
performed significantly better than the
boys. This is depicted by the girl with a

Qualitative Analysis
The purpose of the qualitative analysis is to provide insights into how candidates have performed in
individual questions set in the question paper. This section is based on inputs provided by examiners
from examination centres across the country. It comprises of question wise feedback on the
performance of candidates in the form of Comments of Examiners on the common errors made by
candidates along with Suggestions for Teachers to rectify/ reduce these errors. The Marking Scheme
for each question has also been provided to help teachers understand the criteria used for marking.
Topics in the question paper that were generally found to be difficult or confusing by candidates,
have also been listed down, along with general suggestions for candidates on how to prepare for the
examination/ perform better in the examination.

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Total Number of
Candidates: 1,04,483

Mean Marks: Highest Marks: 100

82.4 Lowest Marks: 00

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Rajasthan 81.3
Maharashtra 87.7
Gujarat 82.0
Goa 91.9
Tamil Nadu 86.3
Telangana 80.7
Kerala 86.8
Karnataka 84.9
Andhra Pradesh 80.4
Uttarakhand 82.6
Uttar Pradesh 80.6
Punjab 81.7
Madhya Pradesh 76.8
Himachal Pradesh 79.3
Haryana 86.2
New Delhi 91.8
Chandigarh 86.8
Chattisgarh 76.7
West Bengal 82.0
Tripura 82.4
Sikkim 77.3
Orissa 82.8
Meghalaya 80.4
Jharkhand 81.1
Bihar 83.7
Assam 84.7
Arunachal Pradesh 77.9
Foreign 85.1

The States/UTs of Goa, New Delhi and Maharashtra secured highest

mean marks. Mean marks secured by candidates studying in schools
abroad were 85.1.

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Mean Marks: 82.7 Mean Marks: 82.2

Number of Number of
Candidates: 44,210 Candidates: 60,273

Comparison on the basis of Gender

Gender N Mean SE t-value
Girls 44,210 82.7 0.06
Boys 60,273 82.2 0.06
*Significant at 0.05 level

Girls performed
significantly better than

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East North
Mean Marks: 82.0 Mean Marks: 80.8

Number of Number of
Candidates: 34,543 Candidates: 40,991

Highest Marks: 100 Highest Marks: 100

Lowest Marks: 00 Lowest Marks: 07

Mean Marks: 84.5 REGION Mean Marks: 86.8

Number of Number of
Candidates: 21,077 Candidates: 7,622

Highest Marks: 100 Highest Marks: 100

Mean Marks: 85.1
Lowest Marks: 31 Lowest Marks: 29
Number of
Candidates: 250
South West
Highest Marks: 100
Lowest Marks: 35


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Mean Marks obtained by Boys and Girls-Region wise


82.1 82.0
80.9 80.7

North East South West Foreign

Comparison on the basis of Gender within Region

Region Gender N Mean SE t-value
Girls 16,914 80.9 0.10
North (N) Boys 24,077 80.7 0.10
Girls 14,049 82.1 0.12
East (E) Boys 20,494 82.0 0.11
Girls 10,235 85.1 0.11
South (S) Boys 10,842 83.9 0.12
Girls 2,901 87.1 0.23
West (W) Boys 4,721 86.6 0.19
Girls 111 84.6 1.42
Foreign (F) Boys 139 85.6 1.27
*Significant at 0.05 level

The performance of girls was

significantly better than that of boys in REGION (S)

Southern region only, whereas no

significant difference was observed
between the average performance of
girls and boys in other regions.

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Comparison on the basis of gender in top and bottom mark ranges

Marks Range Gender N Mean SE t-value
Girls 26,978 91.9 0.03
Top Range (81-100) Boys 36,311 92.5 0.03
Girls 0 0 0
Bottom Range (0-20) Boys 3 2.3 1.91
*Significant at 0.05 level

Boys Girls All Candidates

Marks Range (81-100) 92.5

81 - 100 91.9
Performance of boys was 92.2

significantly better than the

performance of girls. 61 - 80 71.4

Marks Range (81-100) 54.5

41 - 60 55.1

21 - 40 35.8

0 - 20

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Comparison on the basis of gender in Grade 1 and Grade 9

Grades Gender N Mean SE t-value

Girls 16,711 95.6 0.02
Grade 1 Boys 24,065 95.8 0.02
Girls 0 0 0
Grade 9 Boys 3 2.3 1.91
*Significant at 0.05 level

Boys Girls All Candidates

1 95.6
In Grade 1, average performance 95.7

of boys was significantly better 2

than the performance of girls.
3 75.6
4 66.9
Grade 1 66.8
5 57.4
6 48.4
7 40.8
8 27.0

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SECTION A (40 Marks)

Attempt all questions

Question 1
(a) What is inheritance? [2]

(b) Name the operators listed below: [2]

(i) <
(ii) ++
(iii) &&
(iv) ?:

(c) State the number of bytes occupied by char and int data types. [2]

(d) Write one difference between / and % operator. [2]

(e) String x[] = {"SAMSUNG", "NOKIA", "SONY", "MICROMAX", [2]

Give the output of the following statements:
(i) System.out.println(x[1]);
(ii) System.out.println(x[3].length ( ));


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Comments of Examiners
(a) In many cases, candidates were unable to Suggestions for teachers
include important keywords like ‘super class’,
‘sub class’, ‘base class’ or ‘derived class’ etc., − Important concepts such as
while explaining the term ‘inheritance’. A few inheritance should be explained with
candidates just mentioned ‘sharing properties’ real life/ real world examples to
make the concept more clear.
or wrote examples without any explanation.
− All types of operators should be
(b) Most candidates answered correctly. However,
taught with their proper name and
some candidates confused relational operator their uses.
with logical operator. − Instruct the candidates to read the
(c) Majority of candidates did not read the question carefully. Data types should
question properly and wrote the size of data be explained with their use and
types in terms of bits instead of bytes. correct memory size.
(d) Most candidates answered this question − Teach the differences between the
correctly. However, some were unaware about operators with examples.
the purpose of %(modulus) operator and wrote − Subscript and subscripted variables
that it is a percentage symbol. must be explained thoroughly with

Question 1
(a) Inheritance allows a class to use the properties and methods of another class. In other words,
the derived class inherits the states and behaviors from the base class. The derived class is also
called subclass and the base class is also known as super-class OR Inheritance is the process by
which one object acquires the properties of another object.
(b) (i) relational operator
(ii) unary increment operator
(iii) logical operator
(iv) ternary or conditional operator
(c) char – 2 bytes , int – 4 bytes
(d) / – It is a division operator. It gives the quotient.
% – It is a modulus operator. It gives the remainder.


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Question 2
(a) Name the following: [2]

(i) A keyword used to call a package in the program.

(ii) Any one reference data type.

(b) What are the two ways of invoking functions? [2]

(c) State the data type and value of res after the following is executed: [2]

char ch='t';

res= Character.toUpperCase(ch);

(d) Give the output of the following program segment and also mention the number of [2]
times the loop is executed:
int a,b;
for (a = 6, b = 4; a <= 24; a = a + 6)
if (a%b ==0)

(e) Write the output: [2]

char ch = 'F';
int m = ch;
System.out.println(m + " " + ch);


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Comments of Examiners
(a) Most candidates answered the first part of the
Suggestions for teachers
question correctly. Some candidates wrote the first
character of the keyword import in uppercase. − Reason out the purpose of keywords
Many candidates wrote examples of primitive data and case sensitivity of the language.
type instead of reference data type. − Topic Function must be given more
(b) Most candidates answered correctly. However, a importance to make the students
understand the topic.
few candidates were not aware of ‘pass by value’
− Return data type of every library
and ‘pass by reference’ concepts.
function should be taught clearly.
(c) Many candidates identified the data type but while
More practice questions should be
writing the answer committed errors. They wrote given to the students.
the term character/ Character instead of char. − Explain the use of break statement
(d) Most candidates gave the output of the given with examples. More effort should
program segment correctly and mentioned the be taken to make the students learn
number of times the loop is executed correctly. the ASCII values.
Some candidates however, were not clear about the − Explain the different types of type
concept of loop and use of break within the loop. conversion with examples.
(e) A few candidates answered as m+5 F. ASCII codes
were not known by the candidates. The type
conversion from char to int was also not clear to the

Question 2
(a) (i) import
(ii) class / array / String/ interface
(b) (i) Call by value OR Pass by value
(ii) Call by reference OR Pass by reference
(c) char & T
(d) Output: 12,
Loop is executed two times.
(e) 75 F


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Question 3
(a) Write a Java expression for the following: [2]
ax5 + bx3+c
(b) What is the value of x1 if x=5? [2]
x1= ++x – x++ + --x
(c) Why is an object called an instance of a class? [2]

(d) Convert following do-while loop into for loop. [2]

int i = 1;
int d=5;
do {
i++ ; } while ( i<=5);
(e) Differentiate between constructor and function. [2]
(f) Write the output for the following: [2]
String s="Today is Test" ;
System.out.println(s.substring(0,7) + " " +"Holiday");
(g) What are the values stored in variables r 1 and r 2 : [2]
(i) double r 1 = Math.abs(Math.min(-2.83, -5.83));
(ii) double r 2 = Math.sqrt(Math.floor(16.3));
(h) Give the output of the following code: [2]
String A ="26", B="100";
String D=A+B+"200";
int x= Integer.parseInt(A);
int y = Integer.parseInt(B);
int d = x+y;
System.out.println("Result 1 = "+D);
System.out.println("Result 2 = " +d);
(i) Analyze the given program segment and answer the following questions: [2]
for(int i=3;i<=4;i++ ) {
for(int j=2;j<i;j++ ) {
System.out.print("" ); }
System.out.println("WIN" ); }
(i) How many times does the inner loop execute?
(ii) Write the output of the program segment.
(j) What is the difference between the Scanner class functions next() and nextLine()? [2]


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Comments of Examiners
(a) This question was correctly Suggestions for teachers
answered by most candidates. Some − The difference between an arithmetic
candidates wrote syntax of Math. pow() as expression and expression used in the
Math.pow(ax, 5) instead of computer should be clarified. Lot of
a*Math.pow(x,5). practice on similar type of questions
should be given in the class room.
(b) Many candidates answered this question − Difference between postfix and prefix
correctly. Some candidates wrote the correct notations should be taught clearly
answer without showing the working. Some with examples. Give practice of
candidates did not have any idea of post and calculations involving postfix and
pre-increment or decrement operators, change prefix operators.
of self -value was not very clear, as a result they − While explaining any topic, elaborate
miscalculated the value of ‘x’ as 6 or 5. on it with the help of examples and
(c) Only few candidates gave the correct answer. reasoning.
The concept of object and class was not clear to − More practice should be given in
many candidates. In some cases, the reason was conversion from one loop structure to
not clear and vague answers were given.
− Explain the use of constructor in the
(d) Although some candidates attempted this part context of creation and initialization
well, there were candidates who were confused of an object. Also the topic functions
with the multiple initialization in the question must be taught in detail.
and wrote improper for loop. − Familiarize students with all the
(e) Although many candidates differentiated different Mathematical functions
between constructor and function correctly, given in the syllabus and make
there were some who were unable to write the students try these functions on the
correct answer. computer.
(f) A few candidates wrote the correct answer. The − Explain the String concatenation ‘+’
concept of string and usage of string functions operator and stress upon the context
were not clear to many candidates. in which it is used. Give practice
(g) Many candidates answered this question questions on how to convert a
numeric string into a numeric value
correctly. Some candidates were not able to
using methods of wrapper class.
identify the return type of Math function and
− Practice should be given in using
wrote the wrong answer as 4 instead of 4.0. nested loops. Show the dry run /
(h) Several candidates were not aware of string working of the program before
concatenation using ‘+’ operator and wrote students try these types of programs
incorrect answers such as 326. on the computer.
(i) Only few candidates wrote the correct answer. − Scanner class concept must be
The concept of nested loop was not clear to explained with advantages and
many candidates. In some cases, horizontal examples. Using Scanner class
output was given instead of vertical. functions for input will help the
(j) Some candidates got confused with the Scanner students, answer such questions
class functions read() and readLine()with print() correctly.
,println() and gave vague answers .


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Question 3
(a) a* Math.pow(x,5) +b*Math.pow( x,3)+c [OR]
(b) x1 = 6
(c) An object is based on the blueprint as specified by the class or the copy of the class, every
object of a class reserves the memory of the same capacity of that of a class.
(d) for (int i =1 ,d=5; i<=5 ; i++)
d= d*2;
(e) Constructor:
It is a function which is having same name as class name.
It has no return type, not even void data type.
It is invoked automatically as soon as the object of the class is created.
It has two types: default and parameterised.
It creates instance of class.
It is always defined by any name except keyword.
It has void or a valid return data type.
It must be called by using object of the class or directly.
It has two types: call by value and call by reference
It contains one or more executable statements.
(f) 0
Today i Holiday [OR] Today Holiday
(g) (i) 5.83

(ii) 4.0
(h) Result 1= 26100200

Result 2=126
(i) (i) 3
(ii) WIN
(j) next() – accept a string without any space/Accepts a word / terminates the input of characters
when a space is met
nextLine() – accepts a string with the space / accepts a sentence .

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SECTION B (60 Marks)
Attempt any four questions from this Section

Question 4
Define a class Electric Bill with the following specifications: [15]
class : ElectricBill
Instance variables / data member:
String n – to store the name of the customer
int units – to store the number of units consumed
double bill – to store the amount to be paid
Member methods:
void accept( ) – to accept the name of the customer and number of units consumed
void calculate( ) – to calculate the bill as per the following tariff:
Number of units Rate per unit
First 100 units Rs.2.00
Next 200 units Rs.3.00
Above 300 units Rs.5.00
A surcharge of 2.5% charged if the number of units consumed is above 300 units.
void print ( ) - To print the details as follows:
Name of the customer: ………………………
Number of units consumed: ………………………
Bill amount: ………………………
Write a main method to create an object of the class and call the above member methods.


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Comments of Examiners
Numerous types of errors were committed in this Suggestions for teachers
question by many candidates, namely: − Teach students to write programs
(i) Used a different class name other than the one involving multiple functions.
given in the question. − Explain the purpose of instance
(ii) A single function was used instead of the ones variable and difference between
asked for in the question. instance variable and local variable.
(iii) Instance variables were not declared in the − Instruct the students to use the class
proper place. name, etc., as given in the question.
(iv) Calculation of bill amount for units above 300 − Slab rate calculation should be
was incorrect. explained properly and enough
(v) Surcharge calculation was not done properly. practice should be given.
(vi) Syntax errors in the object creation and function − How to create an object and invoke
the function using the object needs
call statement.
to be explained thoroughly and
practiced properly.

Question 4
import java.util.*;
public class ElectricBill {
int units;
String n;
double bill;
Scanner ob = new Scanner (System.in);
void accept() {
System.out.println("Enter Name of the customer");
System.out.println("Enter Number of units consumed");
units=ob.nextInt(); }
void calculate() {


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if (units<=100) STEPS
bill=units*2; class name
else Declaration of variables
if (units >100 && units <=300) void accept()
Two inputs
void calculate()
Calculation of bill amount ( 3 conditions
bill=100*2+200*3+(units-300)*5; With 3 calculations)
if (units>300) Calculation of surcharge with condition
bill=bill+2.5/100*bill; } void print()
void print() { Three Outputs
System.out.println("Name of the Object creation
customer:"+n); Variable description /Mnemonic codes
System.out.println("Number of Units consumed :"+units);
System.out.println("Bill Amount :"+bill); }
public static void main(String args[]) {
ElectricBill obj=new ElectricBill();
obj.print(); } }

Question 5 [15]
Write a program to accept a number and check and display whether it is a spy number or not. (A
number is spy if the sum of its digits equals the product of its digits.)
Example: consider the number 1124, Sum of the digits = 1 + 1 + 2 + 4 = 8
Product of the digits = 1 × 1 × 2 × 4 = 8


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Comments of Examiners
Many candidates answered this question correctly.
Suggestions for teachers
Common errors observed were:
(i) Used the value given as example in the − Instruct the students to read the
question instead of accepting the value from question carefully.
the user. − Adequate practice should be
(ii) Variable used to store sum and product were given to students on the program
not initialized or both were initialized to 0. using extraction of digits.
(iii) Assignment operator (=) was used to compare − Differences between the commonly
used operators (= & ==) should be
two integer values instead of comparison made clear in the class room.
(iv) Confusion in use of division and modulus

Question 5
public class SpyNumber STEPS
{ Input
void print (int n) Declaration of variables
Initialization of variables s=0 & p=1
Extraction of digit
int i, s=0, p = 1,d; Updation
while (n>0) Sum
{ Product
d=n%10; Check
n=n/10; Output
Variable description
if (s==p)
System.out.println( "It is a spy number");
System.out.println( " It is not a spy number");

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Question 6
Using switch statement, write a menu driven program for the following:
(i) To find and display the sum of the series given below:
𝑆𝑆 = 𝑥𝑥1 − 𝑥𝑥 2 + 𝑥𝑥 3 − 𝑥𝑥 4 + 𝑥𝑥 5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. − 𝑥𝑥 20
(where x = 2)
(ii) To display the following series:
1 11 111 1111 11111
For an incorrect option, an appropriate error message should be displayed.

Comments of Examiners
A number of candidates misunderstood the question
and wrote two separate programs. Some of the Suggestions for teachers
commonly made mistakes were: − Sufficient practice must be given on
(i) Value of variable ‘x’ was accepted instead of writing menu – driven programs.
assigning. − Teach students when double data
(ii) Printed the second series directly using print type should be used and how to
initialize it with default values.
() statement.
− Importance of break and default
(iii) In some cases, break statement was missing statements in switch structure
and the first letter of default statement was in should be explained clearly.
capital letter.

Question 6
import java.util.*;
class series {
public static void main(String arg[]) {


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System.out.println("1.series_1 2.series_2 ");

Scanner sc=new Display of menu
Scanner(System.in); Choice input and switch(choice)
System.out.println("enter your Case 1 : Declaration and Initialisation of
choice"); variables sum and x
int choice=sc.nextInt(); for loop
if else and sum calculation
Displaying sum
switch(choice) {
Case 2 : Declaration and initialization of variable s
case 1: double sum=0.0; for loop
int x=2; Calculation of s
Display of s
for (int i=1;i<=20;i++)
{ Variable description
if (i%2==0)
sum =sum-Math.pow(x,i);
sum =sum+Math.pow(x,i);
System.out.println("sum is ="+sum);
case 2 : int s=0;
for(int i=1 ;i<=5 ;i++)
s=s*10+1 ;
System.out.print(s +" " );
default :System.out.println("invalid choice");


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Question 7
Write a program to input integer elements into an array of size 20 and perform the following
(i) Display largest number from the array.
(ii) Display smallest number from the array.
(iii) Display sum of all the elements of the array.

Comments of Examiners
Most candidates answered correctly. However, few
general mistakes were observed: Suggestions for teachers
− Array creation with different data
(i) Syntax error in declaring or creating an array.
types should be practiced.
(ii) Array elements were not accepted from the user
− Inputting and storing elements in an
but assigned. array should be practiced on
(iii) Initialization of the variables max, min, and sum computer.
were not done properly. Some candidates − Importance of initialization of
initialized the variables within the loop. variables appropriately should be
(iv) loop was not formed correctly. taught clearly.
(for i=0;i<=20;i++) − Concept of array index to be
taught clearly.


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Question 7
import java.util.*;
class array
public static void main(String arg[])
Scanner sc =new Scanner(System.in);
System.out.println("enter numbers");
int a[ ]=new int [20]; STEPS
for(int i=0;i<20;i++)
Creating an array
a[i]=sc.nextInt(); Loop for input
} Taking input of array elements
int max=a[0]; Initialization of max and min
int min=a[0]; for loop
int sum= 0; if condition and updating the value
for(int i=0;i<20;i++) of max variable
{ If condition and updating the value
if( a[i]>max) of min variable
max = a[i]; calculating sum of array elements
if(a[i]<min) Display
min=a[i]; Variable description
sum=sum+ a[i];
System.out.println("largest number is"+ max);
System.out.println("smallest number is"+min);
System.out.println("sum is "+ sum);


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Question 8 [15]
Design a class to overload a function check( ) as follows:
(i) void check (String str , char ch ) - to find and print the frequency of a character in a string.
Input: Output:
str = "success" number of s present is =3
ch = 's'
(ii) void check(String s1) - to display only vowels from string s1, after converting it to lower
s1 ="computer" Output: o u e

Comments of Examiners
Common mistakes observed were: Suggestions for teachers
(i) Few candidates used separate programs or two Programs using function overloading
functions with different names. should be practiced more. Avoid using
(ii) Functions were called without passing required only main functions for all programs.
arguments and accepted values as inputs inside the Programs on multiple functions of
function body. all types to be revised on a
(iii) Counter variable was not declared and initialized as consistent basis.
0. In some cases, counter was not incremented. − Passing arguments through function
(iv) Conversion of string into lowercase was not done. must be worked out while teaching.
(v) Single quotes were missing in character literals − String functions and their uses need
a,e,i,o,u . to be taught thoroughly.
(vi)String function charAt() was used without a String − More practice should be given on
object. string related functions.


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Question 8
class overload
public static void check(String s ,char ch)
int c=0;
for(int i=0;i<s.length();i++)
System.out.println("number of "+ ch+ " present is="+c);
public static void check(String s1)
s1=s1.toLowerCase(); STEPS
void check (string S, char ch)
for(int i=0;i<s1.length();i++) Initialization and incrementation of
{ counter c
char ch = s1.charAt(i); loop
if (ch=='a'||ch=='e'||ch=='i'||ch=='o'||ch=='u') Check
System.out.print(ch+" "); Output
} void check (String s1)
} Convert to lower case
public static void main(String arg[]) Loop
{ Extraction
check("success", 's'); Check
check("computer"); display ch
} Variable description


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Question 9 [15]
Write a program to input forty words in an array. Arrange these words in descending order of
alphabets, using selection sort technique. Print the sorted array.

Comments of Examiners
Common mistakes observed were:
(i) Integer array was declared instead of String array. Suggestions for teachers
(ii) Most candidates made Syntax error in declaration of − Revise iteration before teaching
an array. arrays.
(iii) Declaration of temporary variable as an integer type − Explain the importance of the
instead of String type. loop variable to the array as its
(iv) Some candidates gave incorrect limits for inner and subscript.
outer loops. − Basic technique such as searching
(v) compareTo() method was not used. and sorting should be taught with
(v) Used other methods of sorting instead of Selection different data types.
− Use of compareTo() method should
be explained with examples.
(vi) Array elements were sorted in ascending order in
− Difference between bubble sort and
place of descending order. Selection should be explained
(vi) Printing of sorted elements was not done. thoroughly.

Question 9
public class Selection
String m[]=new String[40];
Selection(String z[])


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} Array declaration
void sort() Input
{ Dec variation
int i, p, j; String s,t; Loop
for (i=0;i<40;i++) Assign m[i] & i
{ Inner loop
s=m[i]; Check
p=i; Assign
for (j=i+1;j<40;j++) Swap
{ Output
if (m[j].compareTo(s)>0) Variable description
for (i=0;i<40;i++)


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Topics found • Data types and their sizes
difficult/ • Calculation of bill amount and surcharge
confusing by • Output of program code using nested loop
candidates • Invoking functions with object
• Sorting strings
• Classification of operators
• Objects and instance of a class
• Concatenation of strings and spaces using ‘+’ operator
• Sorting techniques
• Usage of library function, substring () and Math.min()
• Output of program code using nested loop
• Index of an array
• print()/println()
• next()/nextLine()
• Converting numeric string into an integer value.

Suggestions • Utilize the reading time to clearly understand the nature of the
for question.
candidates • All definitions should be understood and learnt.
• Try to understand the question asked.
• Learn the correct use of all statements so that syntax errors can be
• Each concept should be understood instead of rote learning.
• Practice questions based on output finding programs.
• Do not study definition of terms and their related examples as
separate from problem solving techniques.
• Concepts should be applied in the program for better
• Apply simple logic in a program to get the desired output.
• Do not memorize the program, try to understand the logic.
• Use Mnemonic variables and comments to explain the programs.
• Apart from text book learning, look up other reliable resources to
gather comprehensive knowledge of the subject.


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