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This chapter described the techniques and methods that used to accomplish the

purpose and the aims of this research that includes research design, population,

sampling technique, sample size, unit of analysis, data collection procedure,

instrument and validity of instrument.


Research designs are used to guide in the choices of methods and procedures

for gathering and interpreting data. The researcher used quantitative research as a

method to describe the relationship between variables.

Correlational research describe the linear relationship two or more variables

without any hint of attributing the effect of one variable of another. Data were

gathered from multiple variables using correlational statistical techniques. In this

study correlational analysis was used to determine the relationship between e-service

quality among studies. This study is conducted to examine the relationship between

Shopee e-service quality among student.


Population can be refers as a set of entities or people to which findings are to

be generalized (Salkind, 2014). According to MCMC (2014) in their Internet User

Survey where UiTM Puncak Alam Campus practically have most of the Internet

users reside in Selangor according to its statistic of Percentage distribution of user by

usual state of residence. The population for this study is adolescent students in the

Puncak Alam age ranging from 18 to 24. According to MCMC (2014) the mode age

group falls to the cohort of 20-24 which covered almost a quarter (24.2%) of user

base. The distribution of user by broad generational band in the Malaysian

Communications and Multimedia Commission Internet User Survey 2014 statistic

show a Percentage of 15.5% for Pre-teens and Teens up to 19 years old and 77.2%

user are among adults age from 20-49 years old.


This section describes the type of sampling procedure that used in this study.

Convenience sampling used in this study because the respondents are easy to sample.

Convenience sampling is a non-probability sampling and it is the best option for the

current study.


The size of the sample is determined by the size of the population. The

sample size should be able to represent or be generalizing in this study According to

Tabachnick and Fidell (2001) they already create calculation of sample size that

n>50+8(6) where n for sample and m is the number of independent variable. Since the

independent variable in this study is six, therefore the number of sample size is

n>50+8(3) = 98 and the total of sample size that predictor variable is 98.

Unit of analysis is the most basic element of a scientific research project and

may be different from the units of observation (Lewis-Beck, Bryman & Futing Liao,

2004). The unit of analysis for this study is the internet usage among student at UiTM

Puncak Alam Campus, Selangor.


For the purpose of this research, data will be obtained through questionnaires.

The questionnaires were be personally sent with a cover letter. The cover letter

highlights the purpose of the study, the objective of the study and the assurance of

confidentiality of information was be given by the respondents. The processes were

conducted for two weeks and the average time taken for respondent to answer the

questionnaire is around 10-15 minutes.


In this research the measuring instrument that was be used is questionnaire

where by the respondents respond the questionnaire given to them. This

questionnaire is divided into 3 sections whereby each question was be formulated

according to the research objective and research question set in research. For the first

Section A, it is focusing on demographic information which consists of age and

gender. For the Section B, it is focusing on the e-service quality on Shopee e-

commerce platform among student. In the Section C, it is focusing on customer


Meanwhile for Section B and Section C the assessment is measure through

five Linkert Scale which are: 1- Strongly Disagree, 2- Disagree, 3- Neutral, 4- Agree,
5- Strongly Agree. The respondents are asked to circle their agreement for each

question. The data obtain will be analyzed by using SPSS

Variables No. of Sources


Compulsive Internet Use

 Online Shopping Security

Tandon, U., Kiran, R., & Sah, A.
 Website Design
 Assurance

 Product Variety

 Payment Method

 Price of Product

Psychological Well-Being Tandon, U., Kiran, R., & Sah, A.


Table 3.1 Variable and Source


Validity instrument is to ensure that the questionnaire is relevant to the

respondents before the researcher distribute it. The questionnaire will be validated by

appointing lecturer from University Technology MARA in the Faculty of Business

Management in order to identify any errors or mistakes and to assist in developing the

best instrument for this study.


The data collected in the study is analyzed using the Statistical Package for

Social Science (SPSS). The data analysis included frequencies, mean, mode and

median. In addition, the data collected will be supported with illustration of graphs

and tables. The correlation also is used to analyze the relationships of variables.

Research Concept/ Measurement Scale Statistic

Objective Construct

To determine The highest RQ1: What are the Interval Standard

the highest score of The highest score of

score of service quality service quality

service quality towards towards customer

element customer satisfaction?

towards satisfaction



To determine The RQ2: Is there any Interval Pearson

the relationship relationship relationship between Correlational

between between service quality and

service quality service quality customer

elements and customer satisfaction

towards satisfaction



Table 3.2 Data Analysis

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