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ISSN: 2224-0616
Int. J. Agril. Res. Innov. Tech. 11(1): 109-116, June 2021 Available online at https://ijarit.webs.com
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3329/ijarit.v11i1.54473 https://www.banglajol.info/index.php/IJARIT
Environmental Health Department, Health Polytechnic Ministry of Health Padang, Sumatera Barat, Indonesia.
*Corresponding author’s email: welpiero1@gmail.com (Darwel)
Cite this article as: Darwel, Selvia, R., Fadillah, F, Mahaza and Zicof, E. 2021. Effectiveness of local
microorganisms (LMO) coconut pulp on composting time. Int. J. Agril. Res. Innov. Tech. 11(1): 109-116.
Based on data from the Ministry of Environment is a will and a little creativity; one example is by
and Forestry, Indonesia produced up to 65 processing waste into compost. Compost
million tons of waste in 2016, and increased by 1 produced from organic waste can be used to
million tons from the previous year. The type of fertilize plants because compost has been proven
waste dominantly organic waste, which reaches to help improve soil fertility and increase crop
around 60 percent and plastic waste that reaches production. Not only that, in addition to its own
15 percent of total waste, especially in urban use, the compost produced can be sold because
areas (Kurnia, 2019). the demand on the market is quite high
Garbage is still a problem that worries the (Suwahyono, 2015).
community and is one of the causes of Composting is the process of weathering organic
environmental damage (Hamidah, 2018). materials biologically by microbes (Purwendro
Garbage piles can produce a dangerous liquid and Nurhidayat, 2011). The success of making
called leachate (Badan Pusat Statistik, 2018). compost can be judged by the length of time of
Garbage is still a classic problem for every composting, the faster the compost is producing
country, including Indonesia. Along with the higher the success rate. In fact, compost can
population growth and technological form naturally, but it will take quite a long time,
development, the type and volume of waste has which is 2-3 months. In fact, some reach 6-12
also increases. Waste that is not managed months, depending on the organic material used.
properly often pollutes the environment. Therefore, various treatments need to be applied
However, the resulting waste can still be to speed up the composting time (Suwahyono,
processed into something useful as long as there 2015).
International Journal of Agricultural Research Innovation & Technology An open access article under
Darwel et al. (2021) Effectiveness of local microorganisms (LMO) coconut pulp on composting time
Int. J. Agril. Res. Innov. Tech. 11(1): 109-116, June 2021 110
Darwel et al. (2021) Effectiveness of local microorganisms (LMO) coconut pulp on composting time
Observation results of physical properties during composting
This is a graph of change in average temperature during composting.
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Darwel et al. (2021) Effectiveness of local microorganisms (LMO) coconut pulp on composting time
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Darwel et al. (2021) Effectiveness of local microorganisms (LMO) coconut pulp on composting time
Based on table 4, the fastest time of composting days), and the longest time is in treatment 1
with MOL of Coconut Pulp is found in treatment (50,000 ppm), with an average of 21 days.
3 (200,000 ppm), with an average of 18.2 (18
Int. J. Agril. Res. Innov. Tech. 11(1): 109-116, June 2021 113
Darwel et al. (2021) Effectiveness of local microorganisms (LMO) coconut pulp on composting time
Table 5. ANOVA test results of composting time using LMO of coconut pulp concentration of 50,000
ppm, 100,000 ppm, 200,000 ppm.
Variable N Mean SD Std Minimum Maximum p Value
LMO Coconut Pulp 5 21.00 0.0001 0.0001 21 21 0.0001
50.000 ppm
LMO Coconut Pulp 5 18.60 0.548 0.245 18 19
100.000 ppm
LMO Coconut Pulp 5 18.20 0.447 0.200 18 19
200.000 ppm
Total 15 19.27 1.335 0.345 18 24
Table 5 shows that the ANOVA test p value is using MOL coconut pulp concentration of 50,000
0.0001 (p <0.05) therefore H0 is rejected, there ppm, 100,000 ppm, and 200,000 ppm.
is a significant difference in composting time
Table 6. LSD test results of composting time using LMO coconut pulp concentration of 50,000 ppm,
100,000 ppm, and 200,000 ppm.
Duration of Combined Composting Time
(I) Compost (J) Compost Mean Std. Error Sig.
Difference (I-J)
Compost with 50,000 Compost with 100,000 2.400* 0.258 0.0001
ppm Coconut Pulp LMO ppm Coconut pulp LMO
Compost with 200,000 2.800* 0.258 0.0001
ppm Coconut Pulp LMO
Compost with 100,000 Compost with 50,000 ppm -2.400* 0.258 0.0001
ppm Coconut pulp LMO Coconut Pulp LMO
Compost with 200,000 0.400 0.258 0.1470
ppm Coconut Pulp LMO
Compost with 200,000 Compost with 50,000 ppm -2.800* 0.258 0.0001
ppm Coconut Pulp LMO Coconut Pulp LMO
Compost with 100,000 -0.400 0.258 0.1470
ppm Coconut pulp LMO
*The mean difference is significant at the 0.05 level.
The most significant difference is between conditions. This is because the production of
compost with MOL Coconut pulp 50,000 ppm ammonia from nitrogen-containing compounds
and compost with MOL Coconut pulp 200,000 derived from vegetables (Yulianto et al., 2009).
Discussion The highest humidity occurs in composting with
Temperature MOL of Coconut Pulp 50,000 ppm which reaches
66.20%. Humidity greater than 60% will decrease
From the research conducted, the temperature oxygen supply and nutrients are leached,
during composting is less than 40ºC, this shows consequently microbial activity will also decrease.
that the bacteria that work during composting are Decreased microbial activity will cause the
mesophilic bacteria. The temperature increased composting process to run slower. However, this
faster in treatment 3 (200,000 ppm) which on can be overcome by reversing the compost pile,
the 3rd day the temperature obtained was 34.12 ° so that air can supply oxygen for the composting
C which was higher than treatment 1 (50,000 process and reduce the moisture of the material
ppm) and treatment 2 (100,000 ppm) which only (Yulianto et al., 2009). In the following days,
has an average temperature of 31.78ºC and from 66.20% to 63.40% on the 12th day, and from
33.22ºC. According to Yulianto et al. (2009), the 63.40% to 55.80% on the 15th day, and likewise in
higher the temperature, the more oxygen the following days the humidity drops until the
consumption will be and the faster the compost has matured.
decomposition process will be.
Composting time
The duration of composting in this study was
Based on Figure 2. The pH during composting influenced by the addition of MOL of Coconut
has increased from acidic to neutral or basic Pulp, in which each treatment was given different
Int. J. Agril. Res. Innov. Tech. 11(1): 109-116, June 2021 114
Darwel et al. (2021) Effectiveness of local microorganisms (LMO) coconut pulp on composting time
concentrations of 50,000 ppm for treatment 1, can be an alternative for solving problems
and 100,000 ppm for treatment 2, and 200,000 garbage with the composting method. In
ppm for treatment 3. Each treatment consisted of addition, the community can do composting
5 composters. The amount of MOL used is 200 using this MOL by utilizing organic materials in
ml in 5 kg of waste, which is given at the the surrounding environment to reduce waste.
beginning of composting. After the composting
process was observed every 3 days to measure the Conclusions and Suggestions
temperature, humidity, pH and physical form of The average time to compile with MOL Coconut
the compost, it was found that the fastest pulp concentration of 50,000 ppm is 21 days with
compost was 200,000 ppm MOL compost, which a standard deviation of 0,0001. The average
was 18 days, while the longest was 50,000 ppm length of composting time with MOL of Coconut
that was 21 days. Pulp concentration of 100,000 ppm is 18.60 (19
The criteria for future compost in this study are days) with a standard deviation of 0.548.
based on SNI 19-7030-2004 where the mature Meanwhile, the average length of composting
compost does not exceed 30ºC, the humidity time with MOL Coconut Pulp concentration of
does not exceed 50%, the minimum pH is 6.80 200,000 ppm was 18.20 (18 days) with a
and the maximum is 7.49, the color is blackish standard deviation of 0.447. Based on the
brown or blackish, and texture and smell like soil ANOVA test, the p value was 0.0001 (p <0.05)
(Standar Nasional Indonesia, 2004). which means that H0 was rejected, there was a
significant difference in composting time using
Composting with MOL Coconut pulp is effective MOL coconut pulp concentration of 50,000 ppm,
in accelerating the composting process, which in 100,000 ppm, and 200,000 ppm. The most
this study; the higher the concentration given, the significant difference is between compost with
faster the composting process occurs. This is MOL Coconut pulp 50,000 ppm and compost
because the content of cellulotic bacteria found in with MOL Coconut pulp 200,000 ppm.
coconut dregs can produce cellulase enzymes,
which are one of the hydrolytic enzymes that are Other researchers should try other organic
important in the degradation of organic waste materials with MOL of Coconut Pulp in the
(Pamungkas et al., 2018). composting process. To avoid high humidity
when composting, it is recommended that before
In fact, compost form naturally, but it will take composting the organic material is dry. Take
quite a long time, which is 2-3 months. In fact, measurements of the quality of compost
some have reached 6-12 months (Suwahyono, produced, especially C/N compost. For people
2015) .However, using this Coconut Pulp MOL, who want to process organic waste into compost
composting can be shortened, which in this study in a fast time, they can use bioactivators whose
the fastest time obtained was 18 days on ingredients are easily obtained, one of which is
composting with a concentration of 200,000 this Coconut Pulp MOL.
ppm of Coconut Pulp. However, composting with
coconut pulp MOL runs longer when compared Acknowledgements
with research conducted by Royaeni et al. (2014), This study was conducted without any funding,
that composting with MOL of Stale Rice and and the authors have no competing interests.
Tapai Cassava runs faster, namely 13 days and 10
days. However, even so the quality of compost References
produced from composting with MOL Coconut
Pulp is very good and in accordance with SNI 19- Badan Pusat Statistik. 2018. Statistik Lingkungan
7030-2004, in terms of temperature, humidity, Hidup Indonesia 2018 (Pengelolaan Sampah
pH, odor, color, odor and texture (Standar di Indonesia). In: Subdirektorat Statistik
Nasional Indonesia, 2004). Lingkungan Hidup, ed. Badan Pusat
Statistik; 2018: 7.
Judging from the results of the study, the https://www.bps.go.id/publication/2018/12/07/
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faster, which make 200 grams of coconut pulp as Kelapa Menjadi Pupuk Organik Cair
a source of microorganisms dissolved in 1 liter of Menggunakan Mikroorganisme Aspergillus
coconut water added with sugar as energy for niger, Pseudomonas putida dan
bacterial growth and propagation, then Bioaktivator EM4. Chemical Engineering
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Of the various waste problems that occur, both in
Technology Surabaya. 114p.
the household, public places such as markets that http://repository.its.ac.id/44185/1/2313100011_
produce a lot of vegetable waste, and the 2313100025-Undergraduate_Theses.pdf
furniture industry that produces sawdust, and
other places, it is hoped that MOL Coconut Pulp
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