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Ela - 2

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Name: Brooke Spear Dates: 2/26-2/29 Class Period or Subject:

Topic: ELA Grade Level: 1st Co-op initials with date:

Monday 2/26
PA Anchor/Standard or CC.1.1.1.D Know and apply grade-level phonics and word
Eligible Content analysis skills in decoding words.
• Identify common consonant diagraphs, final-e, and common
vowel teams.
• Decode one- and two-syllable words with common patterns.
• Read grade-level words with inflectional endings.
• Read grade appropriate irregularly spelled words.
Lesson Objectives Obj 1: After teacher lead analysis, students will be able to write
words that have the /ch/ and spell it using both ‘ch’ and ‘tch’,by
writing the correct word on their white boards that finished the
sentence stated by the teacher, getting at least 4 out of 6 correct.

Obj 2: After explicit instruction. TSWBAT add -ed and -ing to a

one-syllable, noun with short vowels and vowel patterns, by
completing 7 out of 11 correct on the activity sheet assigned.

Obj.3 After teacher instruction and modeling. TSWBAT

complete a statement and question with the correct punctuation,
by getting 5 out of 8 on their activity sheet.

Sequence of activities Sound Riddles:

• Introduce the sound /ch/ to the students. (on the carpet)
• Tell them you have some riddles and each of the answers
to the riddles has the ch sound.
• Write each answer on the board.
• Ask them the pattern they see with these words.
• Ask them to spell the sound /ch/
• Introduce to them the ‘itch’ spelling of the sound /ch/.
• Have the students notice where the ‘ch’ in a word is and
where the ‘tch’ in a word is.
• Explain to the students that ‘ch’ can start at the beginning
of a word and at the end of a word is used mostly after
vowel patterns. Ex: smooth, march, beach, chin.
It also comes after consonant clusters like in the word,
lunch, punch or pinch.
• Then have them notice where ‘tch’ is frequently seen.
This consonant pattern is usually found after a short
vowel sound. Ex: itch, batch, scratch.
• Once students do activity sheet 6.1 but have the students
do it on their white boards.
• Write all the words on the board.
• Read a sentence out loud at least three times and the
students will have to pick one of the words that makes
the sentence complete. They will write this word on the
white board.
• They will hold their white boards up once they have
chosen the answer.
• You will then read the sentence with the correct word.
• Then cross that word off the board and continuing the
process until all the words are done.

Root Words/ Adding -ed and -ing:

• Write the word ‘dip’ on the board. (at their desk)
• Have the students go through a list and analysis this
word. – one vowel (short or long sound)
-one syllable
- one consonant after the vowel sound.
Do this with -ed as well, to make the word dipped.

• Ask the student if I wanted to add -ing to this word to

make it ‘dripping’ what do I have to do?
• Give them the word ‘pop’.
• Have them analyze the word and show you how to turn it
into the word ‘popping’.
• Review the steps with them.
• Have the students turn ‘pop’ into ‘popping’
• Ask the students was I the root word/ base word in the
word ‘sipping’ and ‘popped’.
• Now write the word ‘shout’.
• Attack/ analyze this word together as a class.
• Ask: What is our vowel sound? (no)
Is it one syllable?
Because there is no short vowel sound, we DO NOT
doubt the single consonant.
• Ask them to change the word from ‘shout’ to ‘shouted’
and ‘shouting’.
• Give the students Activity Sheet 5.2 to do independently.
• Once they are finished have them get their Kate’s Book
Readers and reread chapter In the Cave.

• Have students gather at the carpet with their readers.
• Review Chapter In the Cave. Note what happened and
what we may learn about the this The Coin Shop chapter.
• Read the chapter. Have the students read in small groups.

Small Groups:
- Xavier, Nalah, Mia, Carson

- Henry, Gianni, Stella

- Tatum, Carina, Averee

- *Ja’Kari, Breandan, Nolan with Mrs. Spear

- Jaymis, TJ, Rosie

• Once students are finished reading, regroup and talk

about the things they learned.
*When students finished early, give have them look for
their sheet of paper and finish the other half of the double
consonant work sheet.
Assign Homework:
• Give the students homework sheet.
• Read the direction at the top and explain what they are
supposed to do.

Spelling Words:
• Pass out their spelling words.
• Review each of the words by analyzing them/attacking
• Go over sounds, consonant digraphs, vowel sounds, and
vowel patterns.

Differentiation Students will be given small groups to read in. (process).

Struggling students will be given less nouns to conjugate.

(content and product).
Assessment Activity sheets for Obj 2&3.
White board assessment for obj.1.
Tuesday 2/27
PA Anchor/Standard or CC.1.1.1.E Read with accuracy and fluency to support
Eligible Content comprehension.
• Read on-level text with purpose and understanding.
• Read on-level text orally with accuracy, appropriate rate, and
expression on successive readings.
• Use context to confirm or self correct word recognition and
understanding, rereading as necessary.
Lesson Objectives Obj 1: After reading the story as a whole class, TSWBAT
analyze the events of a text by complete comprehension
questions with a partner with 100% accuracy.

Obj 2: After whole group review, TSWBAT distinguish between

a statement and a question by completing sheet 5.3.

Obj 3: After explicit instruction, TSWBAT, identify various

spellings of the sound /g/ by participating in class discussion and
an informal white board assessment.
Sequence of activities Segmenting and Blending Two-Syllable Words:
• Ask students what is in every syllable.
• Give the student the word rainbow.
• Point out that this word is a compound word.
• Say the first syllable, pause, then the second syllable.
• Have everyone segment the first syllable with you. Use
your fingers to tap out the sounds.
• Tap out the second syllable.
• Then blend it all together. Give them two more words.
(silver and mail box.)
• Have the student identify the sounds and put the sound
lines. Then have them find the vowels sounds, put the
break where the syllable. Then have them segment and
blend it all together.

Spelling for /g/:

• Have students say the sound /g/.
• Say a couple of riddles for the words, “gift”, “egg” and
“giggle” and “hugging”.
• Ask them to show you how to spell the sound /g/.
• Tell them that there are two different ways. There is ‘g’
and ‘gg’.
• Look at the words on the board.
• Have the students notice the sound and its spelling.

• Have students gather at the carpet with their readers.
• Review Chapter In the Cave. Note what happened and
what we may learn about the this The Coin Shop chapter.
• Read the chapter.
• Have students get with a partner to complete Activity
page 6.2.
Gianni and Henry
Mia and Xavier
Carina and Nolan
TJ and Jaymis
Carson and Rosie
Tatum and Ja’Kari
Breandan and Nalah
Stella and Averee

Statement and Question Review:

• Then work on Activity Sheet 5.3 as a whole group.
• Review the important question works. 5W and 1H, and
• Start on page 26. Read example one and two together.
• Ask them what the correct punctuation is and why. *look
out for key question words.
• Then have them complete the rest on their own then
review their answers.

Differentiation Students will learn a variety of question words.

Students will be with their peers.
Assessment Activity Sheet 6.2.
Activity sheet 5.3.
Informal class conversation and whiteboard
Wednesday 2/28
PA Anchor/Standard or CC.1.2.1.A Identify the main idea and retell key details of text.
Eligible Content CC.1.2.1.B Ask and answer questions about key details in a text.
CC.1.2.1.E Use various text features and search tools to locate
key facts or information in a text.
CC.1.1.1.D Know and apply grade-level phonics and word
analysis skills in decoding words.
• Identify common consonant diagraphs, final-e, and common
vowel teams
Lesson Objectives Obj. 1: After tricky word review, TSWBAT identify their tricky
words with automaticity, by holding up the correct word as
quick as they can.

Obj 2: After the whole group reads a story, TSWBAT display

their comprehension of the story by completing the activity
sheet with a partner, with 100% accuracy.

Obj. 3: After explicit instruction, TSWBAT identify the various

spellings for the /j/ sound and distinguish them, by a group
review game and using their personal white boards.
Sequence of activities Tricky Word Review:
• Have students make trick word card out of index cards.
• Review each one as we got through them.
• Then have them place them face up one their desk.
• The teacher will shout out as tricky word and the student
to hold up the correct one the fastest wins.
• Have students keep the index cards for studying
Introduce /j/ Spelling:
• Write the word jump and jar on the board.
• Tell students to read the word out loud.
• Ask them, “what sound do these words have in common?
• Have the students say the /j/ sound several times.
• Ask them how did we spell that sound in these words?
• Tell the students that /j/ is a tricky sound.
• Ask them is there another way to spell the sound /j/. Tell
them to respond with a thumbs up for yes and a thumbs
down for no.
• Write ‘g’ and ‘ge’ on the board. Then under them write
the word gem and large.
• Ask the students what sound do these words have in
• Have the students copy one word on their personal
• Then have them circle the /j/ sounds. Do this with a
couple of words.
• Have students notice the patterns,
- ‘j’ is most found at the beginning.
- ‘g’ is most found at the beginning as well.
- ‘ge’ is most found at the end of words after r-controlled
vowel sounds or consonant clusters.
• Introduce this chapter. Have a student read out the title.
Tell them that this title is an express meaning you cannot
know what will happen in the future.
• Have students repeat some tricky words. Write these
tricky words on the board.
• Read “You Never Can Tell” with the students using the
choral reading method.
*note: words with /ch/
Statements and questions
Who is speaking
What does Doba mean when she says, “you can
never know”.
• Have students get with partners to answer question sheet
Gianni and Jaymis
Xavier and Henry
Averee and Tatum
Stella and Mia
TJ and Rosie
Breandan and Ja’Kari *with teacher
Nolan and Carina
Nalah and Carson

When students are done they should hand in their sheets and
review their spelling words with their partner.
Spelling Tree for /j/:
If time permits make a spelling tree with the students.
Explain the structure of the tree.
Give each student a leaf and see if they can properly place the
Differentiation There will be various tricky words to review.
Students will show their ability to identify more than one
spelling for /j/ in more than one away.
Assessment Informally tallying who can identify their words and how fast.
The student will hand in their worksheet.
Teacher will keep note of who can identify and distinguish /j/
spellings based on informal personal white board assessments.
Thursday 2/29 *co-op is leading
PA Anchor/Standard or
Eligible Content
Lesson Objectives
Sequence of activities
Friday 3/1 (Dr. Seuss Day)
PA Anchor/Standard or
Eligible Content
Lesson Objectives
Sequence of activities

Modification/Accommodation (Generalized across the week):

End of the week self-evaluation:

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