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Impact of RM To IM

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Impact of rapid manufacturing on design for

manufacture for injection moulding

S Mansour* and R Hague

Rapid Manufacturing Research Group, The Wolfson School of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering,
Loughborough University, Leicestershire, UK

Abstract: Rapid manufacturing (RM) employs similar technologies and processes to rapid
prototyping (RP), hence resulting in a tool-less manufacturing process. This is achieved by
assuming that RP machines have been converted to proper manufacturing machines. The current
approaches to the design process, product development cycle and manufacturing considerations at
the design stage within a concurrent engineering environment are closely examined. An attempt is
then made to investigate the e€ ect of the RM processes on the design process and product
development cycle. This is further expanded to consider the impact of RM on rules and guidelines
that have been established for design for manufacturing (DFM). This paper is limited to a
comparison of RM with regards to injection moulding as RM is most likely to compete with this
process in the ®rst instance. This is the ®rst research work to investigate the impact of RM on the
design process.

Keywords: rapid prototyping, rapid manufacturing, design for X , design for manufacturing, injection

1 INTRODUCTION producing parts of complex geometry and could result

in reducing the lead time and, ultimately, the overall
Rapid prototyping (RP) is the collective name of a set of manufacturing costs. Rapid manufacturing o€ ers the
di€ erent technologies and processes used to manufacture potential to change the paradigm of manufacturing,
models directly from a three-dimensional computer service and distribution with opportunities for producing
aided design (CAD) model by constructively building highly complex, custom-made products at low cost in or
them in layers. Other associated names are solid freeform outside the conventional factory, possibly by distributor,
fabrication (SFF) and layered manufacturing. Rapid retailer or customer. Rapid manufacturing will a€ ect
prototyping technologies have gained diversity, com- manufacturers and customers alike. For manufacturers,
plexity, sophistication and popularity since their intro- costs will be dramatically reduced as no tooling is
duction in the late 1980s. The main feature of all RP required, and for customers, a€ ordable, complex, indivi-
processes is the ability to create parts of any geometry dualized products will be cost e€ ectively made that can
and complexity automatically without any tooling or be con®gured to personal use, thus giving the potential
skilled craftsman. This is usually achieved without the for much greater product satisfaction [1].
need for any, or with the need for very little, machine Another important feature is the potential to build
set-up. parts of single or multiple materials, or for materials to
Rapid manufacturing (RM) is evolving from RP be varied in a controlled manner at any point within a
technologies that produce parts directly from a three- part [2±4]. However, it should be emphasized that work
dimensional CAD model without the use of tools. By has taken place at a research level and that no commer-
far the most important feature of RM is the tool-less cial machines are yet available. It is considered likely that
manufacturing of parts. This is very important for commercial RM machines will be available within 5±10
years, with multimaterial systems likely in 10±15 years
[5]. Rapid manufacturing will have a major impact on
The MS was received on 7 June 2002 and was accepted after revision for the manufacturing industry and can almost be termed
publication on 24 October 2002. the next industrial revolution [6].
*Corresponding author: Rapid Manufacturing Research Group, The
Wolfson School of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, Lough- A product development process is the sequence of
borough University, Loughborough, Leicestershire LE11 3TU, UK. steps or activities that an enterprise employs to conceive,
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Mech. Engrs Vol. 217 Part B: J. Engineering Manufacture

design and commercialize a product [7]. Many of these However, there are a few that have become more popular
steps and activities are intellectual and organizational with users and that are potentially more suited to higher-
rather than physical. Some organizations, depending volume manufacturing, and, for clarity, these are brie¯y
on their size and nature, de®ne and follow a precise described below.
and detailed development cycle, while others may not
even be able to describe their processes. Furthermore,
every organization employs a process that is at least 3.1 Stereolithography
slightly di€ erent from that of every other organization.
In fact, the same enterprise may follow a di€ erent cycle The stereolithography (SL) process, predominantly of
for each of several di€ erent types of product. Some of 3D Systems Inc. [21], is a process for fabricating a solid
these steps are related to design, prototyping and testing, plastic part out of photosensitive liquid using a directed
while others consider manufacturing, assembly, service- focused laser beam (usually a UV laser) to cure the
ability and sustainability. There are other steps such as liquid into a solid part. The part is built by the repeated
marketing, procurement, commercialization, etc. scanning of successive layers, one on top of the other,
An EPSRC-funded research project [8] is currently that are derived from the native CAD ®le via the STL
being undertaken by the authors at the University of ®le format. The sliced layers are successively scanned
Loughborough and is investigating the impacts on the until the part is complete. As the part is essentially built
design process and product development cycle of the up from a liquid, there is a need for support structures
advent of RM. to connect the part to the build platform and to support
overhanging or island features that are produced during
the build. There are a few other brands, mainly in
2 LIMITATIONS AND OBJECTIVES Japan, that are based on very similar principles [22].

Current RP machines cannot be considered as full RM

3.2 Fused deposition modelling
machines as the produced parts have certain inherent
drawbacks and limitations. Poor surface ®nish (the Fused deposition modelling (FDM) is a solid-based RP
stair stepping e€ ect due to the nature of the layered system in which a ®lament of wax or polymer is extruded
manufacturing process), lack of dimensional accuracy onto the existing part surface from a work head to com-
and close tolerances have long been considered the plete each new layer. The work head is controlled in the
Achilles heels with regard to RP processes [9±14]. Also, X±Y plane for each layer and then moves up a distance
the range of materials available to these processes at equal to one layer in the Z direction. The starting
present is limited and expensive in comparison with material is solid ®lament with a typical diameter of
existing manufacturing materials such as polypropylene, 1.25 mm fed from a spool into the work head which
glass-®lled nylon and ABS [15]. Another constraint is the heats the material to 0.5 8C above its melting point.
build time, especially for large parts, which is very slow The molten material is solidi®ed and cold welded to the
compared with injection moulding for mass production cooler part surface in 0.1 s. The part is fabricated from
purposes [16]. the base up using a layer-by-layer approach. Materials
Therefore, for this paper it is assumed that the that can be used by this process include investment cast-
above-mentioned problems such as build time, material ing wax and several polymers, such as ABS, polyamide,
properties, accuracy and surface ®nish have been polyethylene and polypropylene; however, the ABS
resolved, and that RP machines have been successfully material is by far the most common.
converted to full functional RM systems. The aim of
this paper is ®rstly to investigate the product develop-
ment cycle and its di€ erent building blocks, as described 3.3 Selective laser sintering
by various researchers, and then to investigate the impact
of RM on the design for manufacturing approach for Selective laser sintering (SLS), or laser sintering (LS) as it
injection moulding. is now increasingly being called, works in a similar way
to stereolithography but uses a powder rather than a
liquid photopolymer as its build medium. Developed at
3 RAPID PROTOTYPING the University of Texas (Austin), it uses a moving laser
beam to sinter heat-fusible powders in areas that
It is not the aim of this paper to describe various RP pro- correspond to sliced CAD data (via an STL ®le) one
cesses, as they are well documented elsewhere [17±19]. layer at a time to build the solid part. After completion
Su ce to say that more than 920 patents on these of each layer, loose powders are spread across the surface
technologies have been awarded in the United States using a roller. The powders are preheated to just below
alone [20]. There are many processes that never gained their melting point in order to facilitate bonding. Current
any popularity among users and gradually disappeared. materials being used in SLS include polyvinyl chloride,
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Manufacture B08202 # IMechE 2003

polycarbonate, polyester, polyurethane, ABS, nylon and 5. Evaluation. This involves a thorough analysis of the
investment casting wax. Also, ceramic and powder design. It usually involves detailed calculation, often
metals can be used. SLS has also been adopted to computer calculation, of the performance of the
produce parts for downstream rapid tooling, namely design by using an analytical model. Many cases
tool inserts for injection moulding. involve extensive testing of an experimental model
or a full-sized prototype.
6. Communication of design. This includes engineering
3.4 Three-dimensional printing drawings, information concerning quality assurance,
bills of materials and instructions concerning opera-
Three-dimensional printing (3DP) was developed at the tion and maintenance.
Massachusetts Institute of Technology. This process
uses an ink-jet printing head to eject a bonding material
onto successive layers of powders. The powdered
material could be any material, including plastics, 5 PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT CYCLE
ceramic, metal or cermets, among others.
With the advent of various design, manufacturing
and engineering analysis packages, the evolution of
3.5 Jetting new products has become more comprehensive and
integrated to include process planning, manufacturing,
Jetting usually describes the use of ink-jet type processes distribution, ®eld performance monitoring and even
to fabricate solid objects. Commercial systems exist that recycling. Figure 1 shows various steps and the data
jet relatively low melting point wax-type materials to ¯ow between them in a product development cycle
build up the three-dimensional objects. In recent years, [24].
there have been developments in jetting that include This diagram clearly indicates the importance of
the deposition of photosensitive materials that are manufacturing and assembly within product develop-
similar to stereolithography parts in appearance. ment. One important factor is the realization that over
70 per cent of the ®nal product costs are determined at
the design stage [25]. Also, the removal of the traditional
4 DESIGN PROCESS `over the wall’ approach between design and manu-
facturing engineers and the emergence of concurrent or
The design process may simply be described as an imagi- simultaneous engineering has resulted in attention
native integration of scienti®c related information, being paid to every detail of manufacturing, assembly,
engineering technology and marketing for developing a serviceability and recycling at the design stage.
pro®table product. There is no single universally
acclaimed sequence of steps that leads to a workable
design. Di€ erent writers and designers have outlined 6 DESIGN FOR X
the design process in as few as ®ve steps or as many as
25. For example, Vidosic [23] describes it in eight steps,
Concurrent engineering is an ideal environment for
while Dieter [24] describes it in six steps which are as
product development. Its objectives include improving
quality, reducing costs, reducing cycle times, increasing
1. Need recognition. Prior to ®nding the solution to the ¯exibility and raising productivity and e ciency. The
problem, the designer must clearly understand and means of achieving these objectives are through coopera-
identify the needs of the user. This involves identi®ca- tive teamwork between multiple disciplinary functions to
tion of customer’s needs and their highlighting and consider all the interacting issues in marketing, design,
analysis. production and retirement.
2. Problem de®nition. This requires the designer or Design for X (DFX) is the breeding ground and one of
others involved to develop a concise problem state- the most e€ ective approaches to implementing concur-
ment, identify requirements and limitations associated rent engineering. DFX could take various forms, such
with the problem and obtain information. as design for manufacturability, design for inspect-
3. Information gathering. This involves collecting ability, design for the environment, design for service-
information from sources such as handbooks, jour- ability, design for recyclability, design for reliability,
nals, standards, technical experts, the information etc. The phrase `design for X ’ was ®rst coined in the
superhighway and so on. early 1990s [26, 27] and has been devised as an umbrella
4. Conceptualization. Creativity is a critical ingredient term, with DFX used as an umbrella acronym. Only one
in ®nding a solution to most engineering problems. of these parameters, namely design for manufacturing
Group brainstorming is one of the most popular (DFM), which later will be investigated with respect to
ways to generate imaginative solutions. RM, will be brie¯y discussed here.
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Mech. Engrs Vol. 217 Part B: J. Engineering Manufacture

6.1 Design for manufacturing 4. Minimizing weld lines. When di€ erent ¯ow fronts
(resulting from obstruction within the mould or
Design for manufacturing (DFM) is a philosophy or various gates) meet, weld or fusion lines are created.
mind-set in which manufacturing input is used at the These are a source of weakness within the part and
earliest stages of design in order to design parts and should be minimized during design.
products that can be produced more easily and more 5. Minimizing sink marks. These are formed when a thin
economically. Design for manufacturing is any aspect section becomes solid sooner than a developed thicker
of the design process in which the issues involved in section. Sink marks could be made less apparent by
manufacturing the designed object are considered adequate consideration during design.
explicitly with a view to in¯uencing the design. The 6. Draft angles. These are important for ease of removal
results of implementing DFM have often been quite of parts from moulds. The inclusion of draft angles
remarkable. For example, a production cost reduction at the design stage is very important, but often
of up to 50 per cent has been widely reported, and it omitted.
has been implemented in a wide range of complex 7. Minimizing re-entrant features. An easy-to-
goods, including aircraft, cars and computers [28]. This manufacture part must be easily ejected from the
has made DFM an imperative for many marketing/ die. Designing undercuts requires side cores. This in
assembly companies in the manufacturing industry. turn will require moving parts in the dies which
Some basic design principles for e cient manufac- adds to tooling costs considerably. Some parts
turing are: containing features such as blind holes and gullies
1. Develop a modular design. Design parts as a self- are simply impossible to manufacture without using
contained component with standard interface to very complex and expensive tooling arrangements.
other components. 8. Parting line. The direction of mould closure and
2. Use standard components. parting line is also crucial in tooling and injected
3. Design parts to be multifunctional. parts. Much consideration and deliberation are
4. Design parts for multiuse (a mounting plate can be needed for their selection.
used to mount a variety of components). 9. Ejection pin marks and gate marks. These could have
5. Design for ease of manufacture and fabrication. an adverse aesthetic e€ ect on the injection-moulded
part. However, with adequate consideration their
The ®rst four rules are widely adopted (whenever pos- impact could be minimized.
sible) and common among various manufacturing
processes. However, the last rule is more comprehensive
and could di€ er according to the manufacturing pro- 7 IMPACT OF RAPID MANUFACTURING
cesses adopted. These guidelines are well documented
elsewhere [25, 29±31].
7.1 Rapid manufacturing and the product development
6.1.1 DFM guidelines for injection moulding
By considering the steps involved in Fig. 1, it is immedi-
As the range of products being produced by RP and RM
ately obvious that RM could have a great impact on
is quite comparable with that of the injection moulding
some of the steps indicated in this diagram.
of plastics, the rules associated with this process are
discussed here. An introduction to injection moulding 7.1.1 Generation of detailed drawings
and the range of products produced by this process is
given elsewhere [32, 33]. This stage of the product development cycle could be
Only a few of the guidelines are given here: easily removed as the RM processes will utilize three-
dimensional CAD data directly to produce the parts
1. Wall thickness consideration. Components with thin
without requirements for any drawings or dimensions.
walls solidify faster than components with thicker
The removal of this step will require some cultural
walls, hence reducing warpage, twisting and, above
changes within the company as drawing-less manufac-
all, production costs.
turing is something that is not common practice and
2. Uniform wall thickness. A non-uniform wall thick-
will require some cultural change.
ness will cause compression and expansion of
molecules, resulting in compressive and tensile 7.1.2 Building prototypes
stresses. The stress in turn will result in cracks, crazing
or fractures of moulded parts. Prototyping has traditionally been a well-established
3. Avoiding sharp corners. These will produce tensile, area within manufacturing companies employing highly
compressive and shear stresses in moulded parts, skilled machinists and ®ne craftsmen. By the introduc-
resulting in stress concentration points which will tion of RP processes into some companies, di€ erent
lead to part failure. groups of highly trained and specialized personnel have
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Fig. 1 Various steps in the product development cycle [23]

been involved in this aspect of the product development need to create and test numerical control (NC) or com-
cycle. puter numerical control (CNC) programs, either for
Prototypes are traditionally expensive to produce tool production [milling, drilling, electrical discharge
owing to the lack of available tooling. Rapid prototyping machining (EDM), etc.] purposes or product manufac-
has had a dramatic e€ ect on the production of prototype turing purposes. Selecting correct tools, designing and
components, but has been unable to make technical producing jigs and ®xtures, monitoring tool life, etc., is
prototypes in the end-use material. These technical also a time consuming task.
prototypes are therefore often produced by so-called Also, initial capital investment needed for purchasing
`soft’ or `rapid tooling’ methods. However, as the pro- CNC machine tools and computer aided manufacturing
cesses and materials of RM improve, it will be possible (CAM) packages to develop NC programs will be
to produce prototype parts on the same machines that avoided by the implementation of RM. Although
will be used for the production of the ®nal products, currently the cost of investing in RM processes is high,
thus obviating the need for any prototype tooling. with advances in the technologies and a larger market
This implies that the skilled and specialized group of to sustain the production, the costs will decrease, and
people currently employed in the production of technical hence signi®cant savings in machine investment will be
prototypes may well need to be directed to other areas of achieved.
product development.

7.1.3 Numerical control programming and tooling design 7.2 Rapid manufacturing and design for X

This is a time-consuming, labour-exhaustive and lengthy After a brief introduction to RM processes and high-
process within the product development chain, and RM lighting of the importance of design for manufacturing,
will have an important impact on it. There will be no it seems appropriate to investigate the impact of RM
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on these aspects of the product development cycle. An Incorporating such features in conventional injection
attempt will be made to establish which of the already moulding are not impossible but often require expensive
mentioned rules and guidelines will be removed or tooling, extensive tool set-ups, testing runs, prototyping,
what new ones will be introduced by the implementation etc. This inevitably leads to undesirable lead times
of the RM processes. and costs. Figure 2a, shows a part containing a simple
internal undercut being produced by a set of injection
7.2.1 Impact of RM on DFM guidelines for injection moulding tools containing a split core and forming
moulding pin. Also, Fig. 2b shows the formation of an external
undercut with the help of a side core. It should be
As mentioned previously, in a manufacturing environ- noted that creating simple parts by injection moulding,
ment, RM processes will, in the ®rst instance, be consid- such as those shown in Fig. 2, requires tooling arrange-
ered as an alternative to injection moulding. Rapid ments that are complex and expensive. Also, any
manufacturing, unlike injection moulding, is a tool-less simple modi®cation in design requires a new set of
process that does not involve any melting and sub- tooling.
sequent solidi®cation of materials within the con®nes However, as RM is a tool-less process, the complexity
of a tool. Therefore, problems of constant wall thickness of the part is not important, and any complex shapes or
(to aid the ¯ow of material), avoidance of sharp corners features produced by the CAD model can be directly
and minimization of weld lines, sink marks, ejection pins, translated into the ®nal product. This is unheard of for
gate marks and draft angles will no longer need to be any conventional manufacturing process.
considered. In conventional manufacturing processes, such as
However, the signi®cant impact of RM is on the guide- injection moulding, the selection of the right location
lines associated with minimizing complex geometries and for the split line, in particular for asymmetrical and
features such as undercuts, blind holes, screws, etc. complex shaped components, is quite di cult and is

Fig. 2 Complex tooling for simple features [26]: (a) part with internal feature; (b) part with external feature
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Fig. 3 Fuel injection system front plate [courtesy of Delphi Automotive (UK)]: (a) sectional view of CAD
model for die-cast part; (b) sectional view of CAD model for SLA part

largely dependent on the experience of the tool designer. the same part but after redesign and modelling for
However, adopting RM processes and not using any RM. It is clear that blind holes (1, 3, 4 and 6) have
tooling, designers will be entirely freed from this task. been incorporated in the part. This has been achieved
Figure 3a shows a sectional view of a CAD model of during the production of the component by the RM
the front plate of an injection fuel system that is currently process, and would be impossible by conventional manu-
being aluminium die cast, with internal channels 1 to 6 facturing techniques without the need for subsequent
being subsequently machined and some being capped machining and capping. In addition, the holes have
(1, 3, 4 and 6). The required machining and consequent been produced with a non-straight aspect which would
capping result in increased production times and costs not have been possible with conventional drilling.
and also the possibility of fuel leakage during the service Although this is a relatively simple example, it clearly
life of the part. This component has been re-evaluated demonstrates the ability of RM to produce complex
for production by injection moulding and, concurrently, parts with otherwise impossible-to-create internal geo-
a feasibility study of its manufacture by a plastic RM metries, and also demonstrates how subsequent machin-
technique has also been considered. Figure 3b shows a ing and assembly issues can be removed. This would
cross-section through the redesigned part, representing ultimately result in a reduced production time and cost
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