Enantioselective Formal (4 + 3) Annulations To Access Benzodiazepinones and Benzoxazepinones Via NHC/Ir/Urea Catalysis
Enantioselective Formal (4 + 3) Annulations To Access Benzodiazepinones and Benzoxazepinones Via NHC/Ir/Urea Catalysis
Enantioselective Formal (4 + 3) Annulations To Access Benzodiazepinones and Benzoxazepinones Via NHC/Ir/Urea Catalysis
org/acscatalysis Letter
construction of a plentiful family of enantioenriched hetero- resulted in a slightly diminished yield (entry 6 vs 4). A survey
cycles.15 However, the development of efficient methodologies of triazolium precatalysts 4 showed no improvement in either
for the construction of seven-membered chiral skeletons is still yield or selectivity (entries 7 and 8). Subsequently, a brief
rather limited.16 Herein, we further advance the NHC/TM examination of the organic solvents was carried out (entries 9−
dual catalysis by demonstrating, for the first time, the NHC/ 11), and dichloromethane (DCM) was found to afford the
Ir/urea cocatalyzed highly enantioselective formal [4 + 3] desired product 3a with improved yield (80%) and
annulation reaction of anthranilaldehydes and salicylaldehydes enantioselectivity (97% ee) (entry 11). The control reactions
with vinyl aziridines, rapidly assembling enantioenriched carried out without urea A under the optimized reaction
seven-membered heterocycles (Scheme 1c). conditions further demonstrate its cocatalytic effect (entry 12).
The reaction of anthranilaldehyde 1a with vinyl aziridine 2 Under the optimized reaction conditions, the generality of
was initially treated with [Ir(COD)Cl]2] (2 mol %),15g,16b,17 the asymmetric formal [4 + 3] annulation for various
an achiral triazolium catalyst 4a, oxidant quinone (DQ),18 and substituted anthranilaldehydes was explored (Scheme 2).
a range of chiral ligands (L1-L3) in THF at 25 °C (entries 1−
3, Table 1). The use of the phosphine-olefin ligand19 L3 Scheme 2. Substrate Scopea
smoothly with vinyl aziridine 2 to afford the desired product 6a Scheme 4. Synthetic Utilitya
in 87% yield and with 98% ee (Scheme 3). The generality of
Reactions were performed by using [Ir(COD)Cl]2 (2 mol %), L3 (8
mol %), 4b (10 mol %), A (10 mol %), 5 (0.1 mmol), 2 (0.15 mmol),
DQ (0.11 mmol), and Cs2CO3 (0.02 mmol) in CHCl3 (2.0 mL) at 25
°C. Yields of isolated products. The ee values were determined by
Reagents and Conditions: (a) Pd(OAc)2, PhI, NEt3, CH3CN, 80 °C,
24 h. (b) Pd/C, H2 (1 atm), MeOH/DCM, 25 °C, 24 h. (c)
BH3•Me2S, THF, 80 °C, 36 h. (d) Red-Al, toluene, 25 °C, 12 h. (e)
1H-imidazole-5-carboxaldehyde, Na(OAc)3BH, HOAc, DCE, 25 °C,
this procedure for various salicylaldehydes was then explored. 48 h. (f) SmI2, THF, 25 °C, 4 h. (g) Pd/C, H2 (1 atm), MeOH/
The introduction of a methyl group and the variation of DCM, 25 °C, 24 h. (h) Grubbs II, methyl acrylate, DCM, 50 °C, 24 h.
substitution pattern were tolerated, and the products 6b−6e
were obtained in good yields and enantiomeric excesses. The The NHC/Ir/urea-catalyzed formal [4 + 3] annulation is
alternation of electron density of benzene ring by introducing readily scaled up. The reaction of salicylaldehyde 5a and vinyl
an electronically rich or deficient substituent exerted a aziridine 2 performed on one millimole-scale under standard
considerable effect on the reaction efficiency and stereo- conditions gave the benzoxazepinone 6a in 73% yield and with
selectivity, as indicated by the cases generating 6f−6m (78− 98% ee (Scheme 4b). The benzoxazepinone 6a can be
91% yields, 91−99% ee). Besides, both 4,5-(methylenebisoxy)- converted into various chiral molecules by easily operational
salicylaldehyde and 3-hydroxy-2-naphthaldehyde also delivered reaction conditions as shown in Scheme 4b. For example, the
good results (6n and 6o). exposure of 6a to SmI2 removed the N-Ts protecting group to
Further transformations successfully exemplified the syn- afford 13 in 83% yield and with 97% ee. Hydrogenation of the
thetic utility of the benzodiazepinones and benzoxazepinones C−C double bond in 6a catalyzed by Pd/C led to an alkyl-
obtained from this reaction (Scheme 4). The asymmetric substituted product 14. In addition, the vinyl moiety of 6a
formal [4 + 3] annulation reaction established was ultimately underwent cross-metathesis with methyl acrylate in the
applied to the asymmetric synthesis of a selective inhibitor of presence of the Grubbs II catalyst to generate 15 in 53%
mitochondrial F1F0 ATP hydrolase24 (Scheme 4a). Under the yield and with maintained ee values.
optimized reaction conditions, the annulation of anthranilalde- A preliminary mechanistic study was carried out to shed
hyde 1a and vinyl aziridine 2a gave 7 in 63% yield and with light on the reaction pathway and active catalytic species
97% ee. A Heck coupling reaction of 7 and iodobenzene (Table 2). In monitoring the reaction of salicylaldehyde 5a
provided the desired product 8 in 95% yield. Subsequent with vinyl aziridine 2 under the standard reaction conditions
hydrogenation of 8 over Pd/C, and followed by a reduction shown in Scheme 3, the rapid formation of O-allylation
process with borane-dimethyl sulfide, furnished 10 in decent product 16 accompanied by the disappearance of the starting
results (82% yield, 96% ee). A subsequent deprotection of the materials was observed in a few minutes, and the aldehyde 16
N-Ms group of 10 was accomplished with Red-Al in toluene, was then smoothly transformed to product 6a in the following
leading to a free amine 11 in 80% yield. Finally, a reductive 3 h. Accordingly, we speculated that the formal [4 + 3]
amination with the imidazolyl aldehyde24 afforded the selective annulation reaction might proceed through a relay catalytic
inhibitor of mitochondrial F1F0 ATP hydrolase 12 in 57% yield pathway. Thus, we carried out some control experiments to
and with 97% ee. investigate the stereocontrol elements in the iridium catalyzed
14390 https://doi.org/10.1021/acscatal.1c04541
ACS Catal. 2021, 11, 14388−14394
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performed the oxidation annulation of the chiral aldehyde
intermediate 16 with 94% ee under the catalysis of NHC 4b
(Table 2b), and the 1,4-benzoxazepinone 6a was obtained in AUTHOR INFORMATION
70% yield and 98% ee. The enhancement in enantioselectivity Corresponding Authors
(from 94% ee to 98% ee) can be explained by the kinetic Liu-Zhu Gong − Hefei National Laboratory for Physical
resolution process30 that exists in the chiral NHC-mediated Sciences at the Microscale and Department of Chemistry,
oxidative lactamization event (see Table S3 in SI). The similar University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei
results obtained from the one-pot reaction and the stepwise 230026, China; Center for Excellence in Molecular Synthesis
addition (6a in Scheme 3 vs Table 2b) lead to a conclusion of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Hefei 230026, China;
that the reaction proceeds through a relay catalytic pathway. orcid.org/0000-0001-6099-827X; Email: gonglz@
On the basis of the experimental results, a plausible catalytic ustc.edu.cn
cycle for the formal [4 + 3] annulation reaction is described in Jin Song − Institutes of Physical Science and Information
Figure 1. Initially, vinyl aziridine 2 coordinates with [Ir(I)]* Technology, Anhui University, Hefei 230601, China;
complex and undergoes oxidative addition to furnish the (η3- orcid.org/0000-0003-0449-1727; Email: jill@
allyl)iridium(III) species I. The asymmetric allylic ether- ahu.edu.cn
14391 https://doi.org/10.1021/acscatal.1c04541
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