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Jurnal Pendidikan Indonesia (Japendi) Vol. 3 No.

2 Februari 2022
p-ISSN : 2745-7141 e-ISSN : 2746-1920 Pendidikan



Dhea Saragih1, Anissa Marpaung2, Dame Setia Lamtiur Purba3, Pebri Leonardo4
University of HKBP Nommensen Pematangsiantar1,2,3,4
Email : dheaasaragih@gmail.com1, anisamarpaung2016@gmail.com2,
damesetia123@gmail.com3, bagariang2802@gmail.com4

*Correspondence : dheaasaragih@gmail.com
Received: 01-01-2022 Background : The implementation of this research was
Revised: 14-12-2022 motivated by the results of researchers‟ observations on
Accepted: 20-1-2022 students who still had many difficulties in listening.
Students still have difficulties to listen in English due to the
Keywords: dictation; position of Indonesian students as foreign learners.
listening skill; senior high Objective : The objective of this research is to know the
school; strategy; student influence of dictation strategy in teaching listening for
Senior High School students and to find out the
advantagesof dictation strategy in teaching listening.
Methods : The research method used in this research is
survey method. The population of this research was the
students of SMA Swasta Assisi. Therefore, the sample was
the XI Social 1 students of SMA Swasta Assisi.
Results : The results of this research were described
through surveys distributed by researchers to students. The
survey was filled by students based on their perceptions of
dictation. The results of this research stated that dictation
could affect the ability to hear students.
Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0
Conslusion : Based on the research conducted by the
(CC BY-SA 4.0)
researchers, we conclude that dictation was truly affected
students‟ listening skills based on their perceptions and

In studying English as a foreign language, students sometimes have difficulties,
especially in terms of listening. This is because English is a language that is still
foreign, especially in Indonesia. Therefore, there is a need for learning strategies that
can be applied by teachers when teaching English, in this context is teaching the
listening skill, so that the students can improve their abilities to listen and to understand
words or sentences in English.
In the teaching activity, the teacher must be able to convey the content of material
properly. Therefore, a teaching strategy is very necessary to support the achievement of
successful teaching by a teacher. Strategy is a plan, method, technique or series of
activities designed by teachers and learners to achieves particular educational goals in
efficiently and effectively (Nasution, 2019). In the teaching and learning process,

Dhea Saragih, Anissa Marpaung, Dame Setia Lamtiur Purba, Pebri Leonardo

educators must be able to act as communicators and managers who are responsible for
carrying out adequate learning processes (T Ababio, 2013).
(Hardan, 2013) stated that learning strategies are used by students to adequate
their needs when following the learning process, especially learning languages. In
addition, Putri (2021) defines learning strategies as “specific actions taken by the
learner to make learning easier, faster, more enjoyable, more self-directed, more
effective, and more transferable to new situations”. Besides that, according to Chuin &
Kaur (2015), learning strategy is something that can stimulate students to learn by using
their abilities.
Based on the definitions of the strategy above, the researchers can conclude that
strategy is a teaching plan that is carefully prepared by a teacher and then applied it in
teaching activity. In teaching English, there are four skills that must be mastered by
students, including listening, reading, speaking and writing. In this research, researchers
will discuss about listening skill. According to Emmert (cited in Flowerdew and Miller,
2005), “listening is the process of receiving, constructing meaning from and responding
to spoken and/or non verbal message”.
Hwaider (2017) states „listening is an activity to understand and interpret speech
of a language‟. It means that listening is an activity that is done to understand a
language that we listen to. Listening is a skill that needed students‟ abilities to recognize
what they are listen to, including the pronounciation, grammar, vocabulary, and the
meaning (Hamouda, 2013).
Based on the definition above, researchers can conclude that listening is a process
of receiving messages, which will be processed as a language that can be understood.
To teach listening skill for Senior High School students, there are several strategies that
can be applied according to (Nor, 2014), including dictation, question and answer
section, listening to radio, watching television, etc. Another learning strategies that can
be used to teach listening are dictation, whispering, and tic tac toe (Andyani, 2012).
But in this research, the researchers only focus on dictation strategy. According to
(Nation & Newton, 2009) “dictation is a strategy or technique where the learners
receive some spoken input, hold it into their minds and write it down”. In addition,
(Putri, 2021) also stated that “event dictation is as a traditional teaching methods and its
more testing rather than teaching, but it remains the value of teaching technique”. It
means that even dictation is traditional, its not really it is. Instead of just simply sit and
listen to the material explanation, the students can focus on form phrase, the level of the
clause construction by holding them in shortterm memory and repetition.
Dictation can make students comfortable when learning, and motivates them to be
directly involved in the teaching and learning process (Agustiani & Yulia, 2018).
(Nurdianingsih & Rahmawati, 2018) also states „dictation technique can overcome
students‟ boredom, due to its function as an enjoyable technique that can help students
in learning‟. Dictation is an activity that can be used to improve students‟ listening
skills, not only to understand what they listen to, but also to understand the spelling and
the punctuation and to understand the meaning of the sentence they listen to (Mentari,
2018). In addition, Aini (2015) argues that dictation is one of the easy and suitable
technologies to be applied to teach students at all levels. Dictation in listening class is
fun and enjoyable. The teacher may dictate a sentence to the students, then they need to
listen and memorise the sentence effectively so that they can transfer it to their friends.
It is repeated until the whole the passage has dictated.

162 Jurnal Pendidikan Indonesia(Japendi), Vol. 3 No. 2 Februari 2022

The Influence of Dictation Strategy in Improving Listening Skill of Senior High School

Based on the statements above, we can conclude that dictation is a good method,
which can be used by the teacher to teach listening skill to the students‟ in an enjoyable
atmosphere, so that the students‟ more interested in the learning process. Through
dictation, the students‟ abilities in listen will increase.

Research Method
The research method used in this research is survey method. (Sugiyono, 2018) stated
that survey is a method for obtaining data from a certain area by circulating survey tools
such as questionnaires, structured interviews, and so on.
In survey research, information was collected from respondents by using a
questionnaire. Generally, the definition of surveys is limited to research whose data is
collected from the sample to the population to represent the entire population. Thus,
survey is a research that takes samples from one population and uses a questionnaire as
a basic data collection tool.
Survey can be used for descriptive intentions. The type of this research is
descriptive research with a quantitative approach. (Sugiyono, 2018) stated that
quantitative descriptive is a research method by providing descriptions and explanations
of the independent variables so that their influence to the dependent variable can be
Quantitative approach is a research that describes or explains a problem whose
results can be generalized. “Thus it is not too concerned with data depth or analysis. The
researchers makes the same systematic question for students as respondents. All of the
students‟ answers obtained will be analyze by the researchers. The question is about the
influence of dictation in improving students‟ listening comprehension.
The subject of this research were the students of class XI Social 1 of SMA Swasta
Assisi, in the academic year 2021/2022. There are 28 students in the class, consisting of
15 male students, and 13 female students. To measure the influence of dictation strategy
in improving students‟ listening skill, the researchers used questionnaire in the form of
Likert scale model. Likert scale is used to measure a person‟s attitude about an object.
The indicators of the attitude variable on an object are the starting point in making
questions that must be filled by respondents. “Any questions or statements are
associated with the answers in the form of support or statements of attitudes expressed
with : totally agree (TA), agree (A), neutral (N), disagree (D), and totally disagree
(TD)” (Kriyantono, 2008).

Findings and Discussion

In this findings and discussion, the researchers presented the results of the data
collected from the survey‟s questionnaire. These survey were distributed directly to the
students of XI Social 1, when they finished the all the lessons schedule and filled these
survey accompanied by the researchers.There are 20 statements in the questionnaire,
which will be divided into three parts of the findings and discussion section. In the
questionnaire, there are 5 options that the students can choose based on their experience
in their studying processes.

1. Students’ Initial Perception about Listening, Dictation, and English

In this findings, it shows about the students‟ first perception of listening,
dictation, and English lesson. The following table is the results of the data

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Dhea Saragih, Anissa Marpaung, Dame Setia Lamtiur Purba, Pebri Leonardo

Table 1.
Students’ Initial Perception about Listening, Dictation,
and English
No. Statements TA A N D TD
9 13 6
1 Text in English is easy to learn - -
32,14% 46,43% 21,43%
My teacher often dictates us 15 6 6 1
2 -
when learning English 53,57% 21,43% 21,43% 3,57%
When the teacher dictates the
15 5 5 3
3 material to us, the learning -
53,57% 17,86% 17,86% 10,71%
atmosphere becomes fun
I like teacher when dictating 14 6 6 2
4 -
English text in class 50% 21,43% 21,43% 7,14%
I have learned English since 16 8 3 1
5 -
elementary school 57,14% 28,57% 10,71% 3,57%
Average 49,28% 27,14% 18,57% 4,28% 0,71%
The first statement is related to the students‟ experiences in learning
English text. From the results, most of the students (78%) agreed that English
text is easy to learn. There are few students (21%) that still had doubt about
English text is easy to learn. There are no one that disagree with the statement. It
means that the students are already understand about English text and they can
learn English text easily.
The second statement is related to the students‟ experiences in learning
English with dictation technique. About 54,57% of students chose totally agree,
and 21,43% chose agree. From these percentages, it can be concluded that the
students agreed that dictation technique is one of the learning techniques that
used by their teacher in the learning process. If the teacher applies dictation
technique during the learning process, it can improve the students‟ listening skill
in English. Whereas, there are about 21,43% of students who chose neutral,
means that sometimes the teacher used dictation technique based on their
opinions and experiences. And last there are only 1 student (3,57%) who totally
disagree with the statement, means that the teacher based on his/her experience
never use dictation. But, over all, the major students agree that dictation has been
used by the teacher often in the learning processes.
The third statement is asking about the students‟ opinions about the
learning atmosphere when the teacher uses dictation. About 53,57% of students
totally agree, and 17,86 students agree that the learning atmosphere becomes fun
when the teacher uses dictation. And there are only 17,86% of students still doubt
about this statement, whereas there are only 10,71% of students did not think that
the dictation influences the learning atmosphere. It means that dictation technique
is one of techniques that can make students learn in a comfortable situation and

164 Jurnal Pendidikan Indonesia(Japendi), Vol. 3 No. 2 Februari 2022

The Influence of Dictation Strategy in Improving Listening Skill of Senior High School

they can enjoy the learning process.

The fourth statement is asking about the students‟ perceptions about their
teacher when uses dictation in the learning process. Most of the students (50%)
totally agree with this statement, and 21,43% of students agree with this
statement. Meanwhile several students still had doubt or neutral in this statement
(21,43%), and few students disagree with this statement (7,14%). It means that,
the students like their teacher for using dictation. This can be applied, for
example when the teacher dictated a narrative text to the students, so that the
students interested in listening the dictation about the narrative text.
The fifth statement is asking about the students‟ experiences in learning
English since they entered elementary school level. From the result, it shows that
the students mostly chose totally agree (57,14%), and agree (28,57%).
Meanwhile, few students chose neutral (10,71%), and only one chose disagree
(3,57%). It can concluded that the students have learned English and have
learned to listen to English since the elementary level. It is very necessary for the
students to learn English as soon as possible, so that they can learn from the basic
level until the mastered level.
From the table above, it shows that the average of students who chose
totally agree were 49,28% ; then 27,14% chose agree ; 18,57% chose neutral ;
4,28% chose disagree ; and 0,71% chose totally disagree.
Based on the results, the researchers found that the students initial
perception about listening, dictation, and English are in the positive side. Most of
them chose totally agree and agree with the statements. It means that most of the
students responded well, and they felt that English, listening skill, and dictation
technique were three things related to each other. In fact, with this dictation
technique, the students become interested to learn English and they can enjoy the
learning process to improve their listening skills. Dictation has several
advantages including making the students more active, then can provide an
interesting way to learn English texts.

2. The Relation Between Dictation Technique and Listening Skill

In this findings, it shows about students‟ opinions and perception about the
dictation technique and the relation to English listening skill. The following table
is the results of the data collected.

Table 2.
The Relation Between Dictation Technique and Listening
No. Statements TA A N D TD
I get to know the pronunciation
of words in English by listening 14 9 2 2 1
to words dictated by the teacher 50% 32,14% 7,14% 7,14% 3,57%
when learning in class

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Dhea Saragih, Anissa Marpaung, Dame Setia Lamtiur Purba, Pebri Leonardo

No. Statements TA A N D TD
I learned how to pronounce the
12 10 3 3
2 right English text by hearing -
42,86% 35,71% 10,71% 10,71%
the text dictated by the teacher
I am able to distinguish words
in English well when listening 11 7 10
3 - -
to the teacher when dictating a 39,29% 25% 35,71%
The technique of dictating by
an English teacher makes it 12 7 9
4 - -
easier for me to listen the 42,86% 25% 32,14%
words in English well
I often listen to English text 13 5 9 1
5 -
through audio in various media 46,43% 17,86% 32,14% 3,57%
Listening to text in English
11 8 3 4 2
6 makes me often spend time to
39,29% 28,57% 10,71% 14,29 7,14%
hear vocabulary repeatedly
The pronunciation in English
that I listened to from the radio,
film, dialogue that dictated 12 4 8 4
7 -
directly by native speakers, 42,86% 14,29% 28,57% 14,29
helped me master the
vocabulary correctly
Dictation Technique is one of
the good techniques used to 11 11 6
8 - -
help students hear vocabulary 39,29% 39,29% 21,43%
in English
Using dictation technique in
listening English text
11 9 8
9 sharpening my abilities in - -
39,29% 32,14% 28,57%
understanding English‟s
vocabularies well
Using dictation techniques help 16 8 2 2
10 -
me learn English well 57,14% 28,57% 7,14% 7,14%
Average 44% 28% 21% 5% 2%

The first statement is asking about the students‟ experiences in learning

pronunciation with the help of dictation by the teacher. Most of the students
chose totally agree (50%), and then they chose agree (32,14%). And rest of them
chose neutral (7,14%), disagree (7,14%), totally disagree (3,57%). It means that
the students were influenced by the dictation technique in learning English
words‟ pronunciation. With the help of dictation, for example when the teacher
says several words in English, the students will listen to the teacher, then they
will be able to pronounce the words based on what they heard. There were about
82% of students agreed with this statement, it means that dictation is strongly
affects the students learning process in understanding and listening English

166 Jurnal Pendidikan Indonesia(Japendi), Vol. 3 No. 2 Februari 2022

The Influence of Dictation Strategy in Improving Listening Skill of Senior High School

words‟ pronunciation.

The second statement is asking about the students‟ experiences in

pronuncing English text by following the teachers‟ dictation. From the results,
the students are mostly totally agree with the statement (42,86%), then agree
(35,71%). Meanwhile 10,71% of students are neutral, and 10,71% of students are
disagree. It means that the dictation from the teacher effect on students‟
knowledge of how to pronounce the correct word in English.
The third statement is asking about students‟ abilities to distinguish words
in English. From the result, the students chose totally agree (39,29%) and agree
(25%). Meanwhile, there are several students who chose neutral (35,71%). It
means that about 64,29% of students have the abilities to distinguish words in
English, meanwhile 35,71% still had doubt when distinguish words in English.
The fourth statement is asking about students‟ experiences in improving
their listening skill influenced by the dictation technique. From the result, it
shows that 67,86% of students got the good impact from dictation so that they
became easier to listen words in English. Meanwhile, 32,14% of students are
sometimes can understand the words in English, and sometimes can not
understand the words in English.
The fifth statement is asking about students‟ experiences in listening
English texts from audio in media, such as youtube, radio, etc. There are about
64,29% of students often listen to English texts from media. Meanwhile, 32,14%
of students rarely listen to English text, and there is 1 student (3,57%) who never
listen to English text from media. It means that most of the students still have
interests in listening English text by using media, which can help them to
improve their listening skill.
The sixth statement is asking about students‟ activities in daily life related
to spending their time in listening vocabularies. There are about 67,86% of
students often to listen to English text so that they spend their time in improving
their vocabularies. Meanwhile, 10,71% of students rarely listen to English text,
and 21,43% of students never listen to English text to spend their time in
improving their vocabularies. It means that the students are still interested in
listening English text to spend their time to listen to many vocabularies
The seventh statement is asking about students‟ experiences in listening the
native speaker. About 57,15% of the students got the positive impacts from
listening the native speakers‟ dictation from media in improving their
vocabularies. Meanwhile, about 28,57% of students seldomly get positive
impacts from listening to native speakers‟ dictation, and about 14,29% of
students are not getting the positive impacts from listening the native speakers‟
The eighth statement is asking about students‟ opinions toward the

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Dhea Saragih, Anissa Marpaung, Dame Setia Lamtiur Purba, Pebri Leonardo

dictation technique. Most of the students (78,58%) agreed that dictation

technique is one of the good technique that help students to improve their
vocabulary. Meanwhile, 21,43% of students feel that dictation is one of the
techniques that can be used to teach vocabulary.
The ninth statement is asking about students‟ opinions toward the influence
of dictation in improving students understanding. About 71,43% of students
agreed that dictation can help them to sharpening their abilities in understanding
English‟s vocabularies, whereas 28,57% of students think that dictation may help
them in improving their understanding. It means that dictation is a good media
that can help the students improve their abilities in understanding English words
The tenth statement is asking about the students‟ perceptions about
dictation and their learning process. Most of the students (85,71%) agreed that
dictation help them to learn English. Meanwhile, about 7,14% of students still
had doubt about this, and about 7,14% of students disagree with this. It can be
concluded that dictation technique can be called as the good technique that can
motivate the students in learning English.
From table 4.2 above, it shows that the average of students who chose
totally agree were 44% ; then 28% chose agree ; 21% chose neutral ; 5% chose
disagree ; and 2% chose totally disagree. It means that most of the students (72%)
think that dictation has a relation to listening skill and dictation can help them in
improving their listening skill, meanwhile 21% of students think that dictation
may have relation with listening skill. And 7% of students think that dictation has
no relation with listening skill.

3. The Implementation of Dictation in Improving Listening Skill

In this findings, it shows about the implementation of dictation in
improving the students‟ listening skill. The following table is the results from the
data collected.

Table 3.
The Implementation of Dictation in Improving
Listening Skill
No. Statements TA A N D TD
Repetition of dipictan texts in English
by native speakers from audio helps 16 8 1 3
1 -
me know the pronunciation of English 57,14% 28,57% 3,57% 10,71%
in detail
I often listen to English audio dictated 13 12 2 1
2 -
directly by native speakers 46,43% 42,86% 7,14% 3,57%
The dictation technique makes me 13 10 3 2
3 -
more remembering words in English 46,43% 35,71% 10,71% 7,14%

168 Jurnal Pendidikan Indonesia(Japendi), Vol. 3 No. 2 Februari 2022

The Influence of Dictation Strategy in Improving Listening Skill of Senior High School

No. Statements TA A N D TD
With the help of dictation technique in
14 9 3 2
4 hearing English text, my vocabulary is -
50% 32,14% 10,71% 7,14%
Listening to English using dictation
12 12 3 1
5 technique is the right and good media -
42,86% 42,86% 10,71% 3,57%
to improve my English listening skill
Average 48,57% 36,43% 8,57% 6,43% -

The first statement is asking about the students‟ perceptions of the repetition
of dictation by native speakers help them to comprehend pronunciation in
English. There are about 85,71% of students agreed that the repetition of dictation
by native speakers in reading the text while the students listen to it, help them to
comprehend the English words pronunciation. Whereas, only 1 student (3,57%)
had doubt, and 10,71% of students disagree that the repetition help them to
comprehend the English words.
The second statement is asking about the students‟ experiences to listen to
English audio dictated directly by native speakers. Most of the students (89,29%)
often listen to English audio dictated directly by native speakers. And only 7,14%
of students rarely listen to English audio dictated by native speakers. Meanwhile,
there was only 1 student (3,57%) who never listen to English audio dictated
directly by native speakers.
The third statement is asking about the students‟ experiences from the
dictation to help them remember words in English. Most of the students (82,14%)
felt that dictation help them to remember the words. Meanwhile, 10,71% of
students sometimes felt that dictation help them to remember words, and 7,14%
of students disagree that dictation help them to remember the words. Broadly
speaking, dictation technique help students to remember words in English.
The fourth statement is asking about the students‟ experiences in improving
their vocabularies from the implementation of dictation technique. Most of the
students (82,14%) agreed that this dictation help them to improve their
vocabularies, meanwhile 10,71% of students still had doubt, and 7,14% of
students disagree that dictation influenced their vocabularies‟ improvement.
The fifth statement is asking about the students‟ final perception about the
influence of dictation in improving their listening skill. 85,72% of students agreed
that dictation can be used to improve their listening skill in reality. Meanwhile
about 10,71% of students feel that dictation may or may not has impact to their
listening skill, and only 1 student (3,57%) feel that dictation can not improve
his/her listening skill. It can be concluded that in fact, the dictation technique is a
technique that has positive impacts on improving students‟ listening skills
From table 4.3 above, it shows that 48,57% of students chose totally agree,

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Dhea Saragih, Anissa Marpaung, Dame Setia Lamtiur Purba, Pebri Leonardo

36,43% of students chose agree, 8,57% of students chose neutral, and 6,43% of
students chose disagree. It can be concluded that 85% of students agreed that the
implementation of dictation technique can improve their listening skills.
Based on the results of the surveys above, the researchers found that dictation
technique can be used to improve students‟ listening skill, due to the interesting
manner to teach listening skill and the suitability to apply it in the classroom. The
results of the surveys prove that the theories in the background are valid. Dictation is
an activity that can be used to improve students‟ listening skills, not only to
understand what they listen to, but also to understand the spelling and the
punctuation and to understand the meaning of the sentence they listen to (Mentari,
2018). The researchers found from the results of the survey that the students are able
to deal with vocabulary problem and also deal with their difficulties in listening
English text with the help of dictation applied by their teacher, and also by the help
of the native speakers in applying dictation in various media. In addition, the
researchers found that dictation technique based on the students‟ perception
according to their real experiences during the learning processes has large role in
improving the students‟ listening skills.

Based on the results of the research conducted by researchers, researchers can
conclude that dictation is very useful for teaching listening to Senior High School
students. Dictation can improve students‟ listening ability, enhance students confidence
and motivation, and enable students to understand English pronunciation in detail.
Therefore, the researchers suggest all the teacher to teach listening by using dictation, in
order to help the teachers create an enjoyable and comfortable listening situation, so that
the students‟ interests in learning listening increasing. With the help of dictation, both of
the teacher and students will get advantages and positive impacts.

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The Influence of Dictation Strategy in Improving Listening Skill of Senior High School


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