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The Properties of the DTFT 69

8. Multiplication: This is a dual of the convolution property.

! π
△ 1
F [x1 (n)·x2 (n)] = F [x1 (n)] ⃝ F[x2 (n)] =
∗ X1 (ejθ )X2 (ej(ω−θ) )dθ
2π −π
This convolution-like operation is called a periodic convolution and
hence denoted by ⃝ ∗ . It is discussed (in its discrete form) in
Chapter 5.
9. Energy: The energy of the sequence x(n) can be written as

" !π
Ex = |x(n)| = 2
|X(ejω )|2 dω (3.13)


|X(ejω )|2
= dω (for real sequences using even symmetry)

This is also known as Parseval’s theorem. From (3.13) the energy den-
sity spectrum of x(n) is defined as
|X(ejω )|2 △
Φx (ω) = (3.14)
Then the energy of x(n) in the [ω1 , ω2 ] band is given by
Φx (ω)dω, 0 ≤ ω1 < ω 2 ≤ π

In the next several examples we will verify some of these properties

using finite-duration sequences. We will follow our numerical procedure
to compute discrete-time Fourier transforms in each case. Although this
does not analytically prove the validity of each property, it provides us
with an experimental tool in practice.

! EXAMPLE 3.7 In this example we will verify the linearity property (3.5) using real-valued finite-
duration sequences. Let x1 (n) and x2 (n) be two random sequences uniformly
distributed between [0, 1] over 0 ≤ n ≤ 10. Then we can use our numerical
discrete-time Fourier transform procedure as follows.

MATLAB script:

>> x1 = rand(1,11); x2 = rand(1,11); n = 0:10;

>> alpha = 2; beta = 3; k = 0:500; w = (pi/500)*k;
>> X1 = x1 * (exp(-j*pi/500)).^(n’*k); % DTFT of x1
>> X2 = x2 * (exp(-j*pi/500)).^(n’*k); % DTFT of x2
>> x = alpha*x1 + beta*x2; % Linear combination of x1 & x2

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>> X = x * (exp(-j*pi/500)).^(n’*k); % DTFT of x

>> % verification
>> X_check = alpha*X1 + beta*X2; % Linear Combination of X1 & X2
>> error = max(abs(X-X_check)) % Difference
error =

Since the maximum absolute error between the two Fourier transform arrays
is less than 10−14 , the two arrays are identical within the limited numerical
precision of MATLAB. !

! EXAMPLE 3.8 Let x(n) be a random sequence uniformly distributed between [0, 1] over 0 ≤
n ≤ 10 and let y(n) = x(n − 2). Then we can verify the sample shift property
(3.6) as follows.

>> x = rand(1,11); n = 0:10;

>> k = 0:500; w = (pi/500)*k;
>> X = x * (exp(-j*pi/500)).^(n’*k); % DTFT of x
>> % signal shifted by two samples
>> y = x; m = n+2;
>> Y = y * (exp(-j*pi/500)).^(m’*k); % DTFT of y
>> % verification
>> Y_check = (exp(-j*2).^w).*X; % multiplication by exp(-j2w)
>> error = max(abs(Y-Y_check)) % Difference
error =
5.7737e-015 !

! EXAMPLE 3.9 To verify the frequency shift property (3.7), we will use the graphical approach.
x(n) = cos(πn/2), 0 ≤ n ≤ 100 and y(n) = ejπn/4 x(n)
Then using MATLAB,

>> n = 0:100; x = cos(pi*n/2);

>> k = -100:100; w = (pi/100)*k; % frequency between -pi and +pi
>> X = x * (exp(-j*pi/100)).^(n’*k); % DTFT of x
>> y = exp(j*pi*n/4).*x; % signal multiplied by exp(j*pi*n/4)
>> Y = y * (exp(-j*pi/100)).^(n’*k); % DTFT of y
% Graphical verification
>> subplot(2,2,1); plot(w/pi,abs(X)); grid; axis([-1,1,0,60])
>> xlabel(’frequency in pi units’); ylabel(’|X|’)
>> title(’Magnitude of X’)
>> subplot(2,2,2); plot(w/pi,angle(X)/pi); grid; axis([-1,1,-1,1])
>> xlabel(’frequency in pi units’); ylabel(’radiands/pi’)
>> title(’Angle of X’)
>> subplot(2,2,3); plot(w/pi,abs(Y)); grid; axis([-1,1,0,60])

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The Properties of the DTFT 71

Magnitude of X Angle of X
60 1





0 −1
−1 −0.5 0 0.5 1 −1 −0.5 0 0.5 1
frequency in π units frequency in π units
Magnitude of Y Angle of Y
60 1




0 −1
−1 −0.5 0 0.5 1 −1 −0.5 0 0.5 1
frequency in π units frequency in π units

FIGURE 3.5 Plots in Example 3.9

>> xlabel(’frequency in pi units’); ylabel(’|Y|’)

>> title(’Magnitude of Y’)
>> subplot(2,2,4); plot(w/pi,angle(Y)/pi); grid; axis([-1,1,-1,1])
>> xlabel(’frequency in pi units’); ylabel(’radians/pi’)
>> title(’Angle of Y’)

From the plots in Figure 3.5, we observe that X(ejω ) is indeed shifted by π/4
in both magnitude and angle. !

! EXAMPLE 3.10 To verify the conjugation property (3.8), let x(n) be a complex-valued random
sequence over −5 ≤ n ≤ 10 with real and imaginary parts uniformly distributed
between [0, 1]. The MATLAB verification is as follows.

>> n = -5:10; x = rand(1,length(n)) + j*rand(1,length(n));

>> k = -100:100; w = (pi/100)*k; % frequency between -pi and +pi
>> X = x * (exp(-j*pi/100)).^(n’*k); % DTFT of x
% conjugation property
>> y = conj(x); % signal conjugation
>> Y = y * (exp(-j*pi/100)).^(n’*k); % DTFT of y
% verification

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>> Y_check = conj(fliplr(X)); % conj(X(-w))

>> error = max(abs(Y-Y_check)) % Difference
error =

! EXAMPLE 3.11 To verify the folding property (3.9), let x(n) be a random sequence over −5 ≤
n ≤ 10 uniformly distributed between [0, 1]. The MATLAB verification is as

>> n = -5:10; x = rand(1,length(n));

>> k = -100:100; w = (pi/100)*k; % frequency between -pi and +pi
>> X = x * (exp(-j*pi/100)).^(n’*k); % DTFT of x
% folding property
>> y = fliplr(x); m = -fliplr(n); % signal folding
>> Y = y * (exp(-j*pi/100)).^(m’*k); % DTFT of y
% verification
>> Y_check = fliplr(X); % X(-w)
>> error = max(abs(Y-Y_check)) % Difference
error =
0 !

! EXAMPLE 3.12 In this problem we verify the symmetry property (3.10) of real signals. Let
x(n) = sin(πn/2), −5 ≤ n ≤ 10
Then using the evenodd function developed in Chapter 2, we can compute
the even and odd parts of x(n) and then evaluate their discrete-time Fourier
transforms. We will provide the numerical as well as graphical verification.
MATLAB script:

>> n = -5:10; x = sin(pi*n/2);

>> k = -100:100; w = (pi/100)*k; % frequency between -pi and +pi
>> X = x * (exp(-j*pi/100)).^(n’*k); % DTFT of x
% signal decomposition
>> [xe,xo,m] = evenodd(x,n); % even and odd parts
>> XE = xe * (exp(-j*pi/100)).^(m’*k); % DTFT of xe
>> XO = xo * (exp(-j*pi/100)).^(m’*k); % DTFT of xo
% verification
>> XR = real(X); % real part of X
>> error1 = max(abs(XE-XR)) % Difference
error1 =
>> XI = imag(X); % imag part of X

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The Properties of the DTFT 73

Real part of X Imaginary part of X

2 10

1 5


0 0

–1 –5

–2 –10
–1 –0.5 0 0.5 1 –1 –0.5 0 0.5 1
frequency in π units frequency in π units
Transform of even part Transform of odd part
2 10

1 5


0 0

–1 –5

–2 –10
–1 –0.5 0 0.5 1 –1 –0.5 0 0.5 1
frequency in π units frequency in π units

FIGURE 3.6 Plots in Example 3.12

>> error2 = max(abs(XO-j*XI)) % Difference

error2 =
% graphical verification
>> subplot(2,2,1); plot(w/pi,XR); grid; axis([-1,1,-2,2])
>> xlabel(’frequency in pi units’); ylabel(’Re(X)’);
>> title(’Real part of X’)
>> subplot(2,2,2); plot(w/pi,XI); grid; axis([-1,1,-10,10])
>> xlabel(’frequency in pi units’); ylabel(’Im(X)’);
>> title(’Imaginary part of X’)
>> subplot(2,2,3); plot(w/pi,real(XE)); grid; axis([-1,1,-2,2])
>> xlabel(’frequency in pi units’); ylabel(’XE’);
>> title(’Transform of even part’)
>> subplot(2,2,4); plot(w/pi,imag(XO)); grid; axis([-1,1,-10,10])
>> xlabel(’frequency in pi units’); ylabel(’XO’);
>> title(’Transform of odd part’)

From the plots in Figure 3.6 we observe that the real part of X(ejω ) [or the
imaginary part of X(ejω )] is equal to the discrete-time Fourier transform of
xe (n) [or xo (n)]. !

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