Liechtenstein Method
Liechtenstein Method
Liechtenstein Method
where |φαν α⟩ ≡ |φαν ⟩|α⟩ with a spatial function |φαν ⟩ and a spin function |α⟩. In the notes we consider
non-Bloch functions, but the generalization of the description to the Bloch function is straightforward.
Then, a density operator is given by
n̂ = fν |ϕν ⟩⟨ϕν |,
∑ ( )( )
= fν |φαν α⟩ + |φβν β⟩ ⟨φαν α| + ⟨φβν β| , (2)
where fν is a step function. With the definition of density operator n̂, a non-collinear electron density
in real space is given by
nσσ′ = ⟨rσ|n̂|rσ ′ ⟩,
∑ ′
= fν φσν φσν ,∗ , (3)
where σ, σ ′ = α or β, and |r⟩ is a position eigenvector. The up- and down-spin densities n′↑ , n′↓ at each
point are defined by diagonalizing a matrix consisting of a non-collinear electron densities as follows:
( )
n′↑ 0
= U n U †,
0 n′↓
( )
nαα nαβ
= U U †. (4)
nβα nββ
Based on the spinor wave function Eq. (1), the non-collinear electron density Eq. (3), and the up- and
down-spin densities, the total energy non-collinear functional [1, 2] could be written by
∑ ∑ ∑∫ 1
∫ ∫
n′ (r)n′ (r′ )
Etot = fν ⟨φσν |T̂ |φσν ⟩ + wσσ′ nσ′ σ + drdr′ + Exc {nσσ′ } , (5)
σ=α,β ν σσ ′
2 |r − r′ |
where the first term is the kinetic energy, the second the electron-core Coulomb energy, the third
term the electron-electron Coulomb energy, and the fourth term the exchange-correlation energy,
respectively. Also the total electron density n′ at each point is the sum of up- and down-spin densities
n′↑ , n′↓ . Alternatively, the total energy Etot can be expressed in terms of the Kohn-Sham eigenenergies
εν as follows:
∫ ∫
Etot = Eband − n′ vH dr − Tr(vxc n)dr + Exc , (6)
where vxc is a non-collinear exchange-correlation potential which will be discussed later on. Consid-
ering an orthogonality relation among spinor wave functions, let us introduce a functional F :
F = Etot + ϵνν ′ (δνν ′ − ⟨ϕν |ϕν ′ ⟩) . (7)
νν ′
The variation of F with respect to the spatial wave function φ is found as:
δF ∑ ′ ∑ ′ ′ ∑
= T̂ φσν + wσσ′ φσν + vH φσν + vxc φν −
σσ σ
ϵνν ′ φσν′ (8)
δ(φν σ′ σ′ ν′
vH = dr, (9)
|r − r′ |
σσ ′ δExc
vxc = . (10)
δnσ′ σ
By setting the variation of F with respect to the spatial wave function φ to zero, and considering
a unitary transformation of φσν so that ϵνν ′ can be diagonalized, we can obtain the non-collinear
Kohn-Sham equation as follows:
=0 ( )( ) ( )
δ(φα ∗ αα w
T̂ + wαα + vH + vxc αβ φαν φαν
ν) αβ + vxc
⇒ = εν . (11)
βα ββ φβν φβν
δF wβα + vxc T̂ + wββ + vH + vxc
We see that the off-diagonal potentials produce explicitly a direct interaction between α and β
spin components in this α-β coupled equation. The off-diagonal potentials consist of the exchange-
correlation potential vxc and the other contributions w such as spin-orbit interactions.
The U -matrix in Eq. (4) which relates the non-collinear electron densities to the up- and down-spin
densities is expressed by a rotation operator D [3]:
( )
−iσ̂ · hϕ
D ≡ exp (12)
with Pauli matrices
( ) ( ) ( )
0 1 0 −i 1 0
σ1 = , σ2 = , σ3 = , (13)
1 0 i 0 0 −1
where h is a unit vector along certain direction, and ϕ a rotational angle around h. Then, consider
the following two-step rotation of a unit vector (1,0) along the z-axis:
( )
• First, rotate θ on the y-axis → exp −i σ22 θ
( )
• Second, rotate ϕ on the z-axis → exp −i σ32ϕ
The unit vector (1,0) along the z-axis is then transformed as follows:
( ) ( ) ( )( )
1 σ3 ϕ σ2 θ 1
⇒ exp −i exp −i , (14)
0 2 2 0
( ) ( ) ( )( )
σ3 ϕ σ2 θ exp(−i ϕ2 ) 0 cos( 2θ ) − sin( 2θ )
exp −i exp −i =
2 2 0 exp(i ϕ2 ) sin( 2θ ) cos( 2θ )
( )
exp(−i ϕ2 ) cos( 2θ ) − exp(−i ϕ2 ) sin( 2θ )
= . (15)
exp(i ϕ2 ) sin( 2θ ) exp(i ϕ2 ) cos( 2θ )
Thus, if the direction of the spin is specified by the Euler angle (θ, ϕ), the U -matrix in Eq. (4) is given
by the conjugate transposed matrix of Eq. (15).
( )
exp(i ϕ2 ) cos( 2θ ) exp(−i ϕ2 ) sin( 2θ )
U = (16)
− exp(i ϕ2 ) sin( 2θ ) exp(−i ϕ2 ) cos( 2θ )
The meaning of Eq. (4) becomes more clear when it is written in a matrix form as follows:
{ ( ) }
∑ φαν ( )
Un U = U fν φα,∗
ν φβ,∗
ν U† (17)
ν φβν
We see that the U -matrix diagonalizes the total (average) non-collinear spin matrix rather than the
non-collinear spin matrix of each state ν. Since the exchange-correlation term is approximated by
the local density approximation (LDA) or generalized gradient approximation (GGA), once the non-
collinear spin matrix n is diagonalized, the diagonal up- and down-densities are used to evaluate the
exchange-correlation potentials v̄xc within LDA or GGA:
( )
vxc 0
v̄xc = ↓
0 vxc
1 ↑ ↓ 1 ↑ ↓
= (vxc + vxc )σ0 + (vxc − vxc )σ3 ,
2 2
= vxc σ0 + ∆vxc σ3 . (18)
Then, the potential v̄xc is transformed to the non-collinear exchange-correlation potential vxc as follows:
vxc = U † v̄xc U,
= vxc σ0 + ∆vxc U † σ3 U,
= vxc σ0 + ∆vxc σ̄3 ,
( )
0 + ∆v cos(θ)
vxc ∆vxc exp(−iϕ) sin(θ)
= 0 − ∆v cos(θ)
∆vxc exp(iϕ) sin(θ) vxc xc
= vxc σ0 + ∆vxc e · σ̂. (19)
( )
cos(θ) exp(−iϕ) sin(θ)
σ̄3 = , (20)
exp(iϕ) sin(θ) − cos(θ)
σ̂ = (σ1 , σ2 , σ3 ). (22)
The Euler angle (θ, ϕ) and the up- and down-spin densities (n′↑ , n′↓ ) are determined from the non-
collinear electron densities so that the following relation can be satisfied:
( )
n′↑ 0
U nU † = . (23)
0 n′↓
0 0
veff = vH + vxc , (29)
( )
wαα wαβ
W = , (30)
wβα wββ
ˆ is an operator for a certain perturbation. We extend
where Ĝ(0) is the non-perturbed Greenian, and ∆
the Dyson equation to the KS equation of Eq. (11) in the NC-DFT, and therefore Ĝ(0) is expressed
by a 2 × 2 matrix as
(0) (0)
Ĝαα (Z) Ĝαβ (Z)
Ĝ(0) (Z) ≡ (0) (0) , (35)
Ĝβα (Z) Ĝββ (Z)
where each element Ĝσσ′ is defined by
( )2 ∂ Ĝ(0) (Z)
Ĝ(0) (Z) =− . (39)
In addition to Eq. (39), by noting the following formula:
( ) ( )
ˆ Ĝ(0) (Z) = Tr Ĝ(0) (Z)Ĝ(0) (Z)∆
Tr Ĝ(0) (Z)∆ ˆ , (40)
the second order term in Eq. (38) is simplified as follows:
∫EF ( )
− Im (E − EF ) Tr Ĝ(0) (Z)∆ ˆ Ĝ(0) (Z)∆ˆ Ĝ(0) (Z) dE,
∫ EF ( )
1 d
= Im (E − EF ) Tr Ĝ(0) (Z)∆ ˆ Ĝ(0) (Z)∆ˆ dE,
2π dZ
∫ EF ( )
= − Im ˆ Ĝ(0) (Z)∆
Tr Ĝ(0) (Z)∆ ˆ dE. (43)
Thus, the change ∆Eband in Eband under the perturbation is given by
( )
∆Eband = Eband − EF Nele − Eele − EF Nele ,
∫ EF ( ) ∫ EF ( )
1 ˆ dE − 1 Im
= − Im Tr Ĝ(0) (Z)∆ ˆ dE + · · · , (44)
ˆ Ĝ(0) (Z)∆
Tr Ĝ(0) (Z)∆
π 2π
Now we consider that the perturbation ∆ ˆ locally acts on atomic sites. Letting ∆
ˆ i and ∆
ˆ j be the
perturbation on an atomic sites i and j, respectively. Then, using Eq. (44) we define an interaction
energy Vij between two atomic sites i and j by
(ij) (i) (j)
Vij = ∆Eband − ∆Eband − ∆Eband ,
∫ EF ( )
= − Im ˆ i Ĝ(0) (Z)∆
Tr Ĝ(0) (Z)∆ ˆ j dE (45)
(ij) ˆi + ∆
ˆ j ) for two atomic sites in Eq. (44).
where ∆Eele is evaluated by applying the perturbation (∆
The Liechtenstein formula [4, 5] is based on the local force theorem, and takes account of the change
in the band energy, corresponding to the sum of the KS eigenvalues for the occupied states.
( )
(0) (0)
∆ei = ei − ei = eix , eiy , eiz − eiz . (47)
By considering Eq. (21) and cos(θ) = 1 − θ2 /2! + · · ·, for a small spin rotation ∆ei is approximated by
∆ei ≃ ei − ei = (eix , eiy , 0) . (48)
ˆ i can be rewritten as
With ∆ei given by Eq. (48) the perturbation ∆
( )
ˆ i = ∆v̂ (i) 0 eix − ieiy
∆ xc . (49)
eix + ieiy 0
Similary, by considering a small spin rotation ∆ej = (ejx , ejy , ejz ) = (−eix , −eiy , 0) at an atomic site
j towards the opposite direction compared to the case of the atomic site i, we have the perturbation
ˆ j as
( )
ˆj = (j) 0 −eix + ieiy
∆ ∆v̂xc . (50)
−eix − ieiy 0
By inserting Eqs. (49) and (50) into Tr() of Eq. (45) and considering that Eq. (35) is diagonal for the
ground state with a collinear magnetic structure, we have
( (0)
) ( )
(0) ˆ (0) ˆ Ĝαα 0 (i) 0 eix − ieiy
Ĝ ∆i Ĝ ∆j = (0) ∆v̂xc
0 Ĝββ eix + ieiy 0
( (0)
) ( )
Ĝαα 0 0 −eix + ieiy
× (0)
∆v̂xc ,
0 Ĝββ −eix − ieiy 0
( (0)
0 Ĝαα (eix − ieiy ) (i)
= (0) ∆v̂xc
Ĝββ (eix + ieiy ) 0
( (0)
0 Ĝαα (−eix + ieiy )
× (0)
∆v̂xc ,
Ĝββ (−eix − ieiy ) 0
(0) (i) (0) (j)
Ĝαα ∆v̂xc Ĝββ ∆v̂xc 0
= (0) (i) (0) (j)
(−e2 − e2 ).
ix iy (51)
0 Ĝββ ∆v̂xc Ĝαα ∆v̂xc
Further, by inserting Eq. (51) into Eq. (45), and noting the following relations:
−e2ix − e2iy = (−e2ix − e2iy + e2iz − e2ix − e2iy − e2iz ),
= (ei · ej − 1) , (52)
( )
Tr (ABCD) = Tr (ABCD)† (53)
we obtain
∫ EF ( )
1 (0) (0)
Vij = − Im (i)
Tr Ĝ↑ (Z)∆v̂xc (j)
Ĝ↓ (Z)∆v̂xc dE × (ei · ej − 1) , (54)
(0) (0) (0) (0)
where Ĝ↑ ≡ Ĝαα and Ĝ↓ ≡ Ĝββ . Since the term arising from −1 in Eq. (54) is a constant term, we
define the exchange coupling parameter Jij by
∫ EF ( )
1 (0)
(i) (j) (0)
Jij = Im Tr Ĝ↑ (Z)∆v̂xc Ĝ↓ (Z)∆v̂xc dE. (55)
The Jij evaluated by Eq. (55) can be used in the Heisenberg and Ising models.
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