Ups Ups
Ups Ups
Ups Ups
Power Cuts.
Poor Power Quality
Line Interactive
Online UPS
Online UPS
Rectifies AC power to DC for charging the battery
and simultaneously converts back the battery DC
to AC power for the load.
Filters out line noise and other anomalies,
System remains in the same operating mode.
Less efficient due to the double conversion.
Costs more being more complex.
Higher running costs and higher operating
Known as True or Double conversion online UPS.
Online UPS : Operating Modes
There are three operating modes : normal mode,
stored energy mode, and bypass mode.
During Normal Mode of operation, the power to the
load is continuously supplied via the rectifier and
In fact, a double conversion (i.e. AC/DC and then
DC/AC) takes place, which allows very good line
In the absence of AC supply, the inverter and battery
maintain continuity of power to the load, known as
Stored-Energy Mode of operation.
Online UPS : Operating Modes
When the AC input voltage is outside the preset
tolerance (Brown-out), this Stored-Energy Mode of
Operation maintain continuity of power to the load.
The duration of this mode is the duration of the
preset UPS backup time or until the AC line returns
within the preset tolerance.
When the AC line returns, a phase-locked loop
(PLL) makes the load voltage in phase with the input
voltage and after that the UPS system returns to the
normal operating mode.
Online UPS : Operating Modes
The UPS operates in Bypass Mode of Operation
in case of an internal malfunction such as over-
This mode is also used for fault clearing.
In some cases, there can be a maintenance bypass
as well.
A manual switch usually operates this mode.
Online UPS
Very wide tolerance to the input voltage
Very precise regulation of output voltage.
No transfer time during the transition from
normal to stored energy mode.
Additional possibility to regulate or change the
output frequency also.
Online UPS
Low input power factor.
High THD at the input.
Low efficiency.
Needs an extra power factor correction (PFC)
High initial cost.
Because of low input power factor, the on-line
UPS cannot efficiently utilize the utility
network and local installation.
Online UPS
It is the most preferred topology in
performance, power conditioning, and load
They have a broad range of applications from a
few kVA to several MVA.
Large diversity of topologies to solve different
specific problems and particular application.
There are two major topologies: with a low-
frequency transformer isolation and with a high
frequency transformer isolation.
Online UPS Topology
with Low frequency transformer Isolation
Online UPS Topology
with Low frequency transformer Isolation
This topology uses a large isolation transformer
(>20 kVA) at the output, which operates at low
frequency (< 2 kHz).
Therefore, this topology is used only in high-
power ratings.
Apart from the large size transformer, the
drawback of this topology is high acoustic noise
from the transformer and filter inductor.
This topology also has a poor transient response to
the changes in the load and input voltage.
By increasing the switching frequency of the
inverter above 20 kHz, these problems can be
solved, except for the size of the transformer.
A topology employing a high frequency
transformer link can significantly reduce the
weight and the size of the transformer.
The use of high-frequency pulse width modulation
(PWM) techniques can additionally reduce the
size of the output filter.
Therefore, another topology with high frequency
isolation as shown in next slide can be adopted.
Online UPS Topology
with High frequency transformer Isolation
Offline UPS
Offline UPS
Simple design.
Low cost.
Small size.
No isolation of the load from the AC line.
No output voltage regulation.
Long switching time.
Poor performance with nonlinear loads.
Offline UPS with Isolation
Power Static
Supply Load
Line Interactive UPS
Simple design,
High reliability,
Comparatively low cost,
Good harmonic suppression for the input
Efficiency is higher than that of the
double-conversion UPS.
Line Interactive UPS
Lack of effective isolation of the load from the
AC line.
However, use of a transformer in the output can
eliminate this; but, it will add to the cost, size,
and weight of the UPS system.
Output voltage conditioning is not good because
the inverter is not connected in series with the
Line Interactive UPS
Since the AC line supplies the load directly
during the normal mode of operation, there is no
possibility for regulation of the output frequency.
It is a line interactive UPS topology with active
series–parallel power conditioning capability.
The sinusoidal output voltage regulation
capability results in low input current and
output voltage THD, in both modes.
The series converter (mains side) can be
operated as a current source and the parallel
converter (Load side) as voltage source.
Delta Conversion UPS
Alternatively, the parallel converter can be
operated as a current source and the series
converter as a voltage source under standby mode.
Increased overall efficiency.
Input power factor control.
Close to unity power factor.
Line current distortion near 1% in many instances.
Rotary UPS
Rotary UPS
Voltage Load voltage Line voltage Line voltage distortion Line voltage
waveform waveform is not distortion is is corrected to a large distortion is
distortion distorted by line corrected by the extent by the passed on to the
voltage distortion parallel converter at synchronous motor load
the load point (short circuit ring) at
the load point
Voltage Load does not see Load does not see Line voltage unbalance Line voltage
unbalance the input voltage the input voltage is corrected to a large unbalance is
unbalance unbalance extent by the passed on to the
synchronous motor (low load
negative sequence
impedance) at the load.
Practical Voltage Cost Efficienc Inverter
Power Conditioning per VA y always
Range operating
Offline 0 - 0.5 Low Low Very High No