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Instantaneous Voltage Drop Compensation for UPS System Connected in Parallel with

Batteries and Ultracapacitors

Yoon-Ho Kim, Soo-Hong Kim, Sung-Chan Rho, Hyun-Wook Moon Kee-Hwan Kim
Chung-Ang University Semyung University, Department of Electronic
Department of Electrical Engineering Engineering, 21 Sinwol-Dong, JeCheon City,
221 HukSuk-Dong, DongJak-Ku, Seoul, 156-756 ChungCheongBuk-Do, 390-711
Email: yhkimgcau.ac.kr Email: khkimgsemyung.ac.kr

Abstract- This paper proposed an UPS system which is . The efficiency and reliability are low.
connected in parallel with batteries and ultracapacitors to
compensate an instantaneous voltage drop. The topology of the
main circuit uses six active switching devices to decrease size
The cost ishigh.
The circuit construction iS complex.
and cost of systems. And the proposed UPS system is In this paper, we propose the system connected in parallel
implemented for 3 [kVA] class. The experimental results shows with batteries and ultracapacitors the proposed system uses
that the proposed UPS system consist of batteries and minimum devices of active switch for instantaneous voltage
ultracapacitors, can compensate a fast instantaneous voltage drop compensation. The selected UPS operation method is
drop and it has high power factor and low distortion in output on-line method. The proposed system compensate an
voltage and input current. instantaneous voltage drop with ultracapacitors connected in
parallel with the DC power(the battery). Ultracapacitors take
I. INTRODUCTION charge of an instantaneous peak power, therefore it can
extend the battery life cycle because reducing stress is
The UPS(uninterruptible power supply)system is usually imposed on the batteries. The output characteristics of the
used to offer energy back-up for various types of electronic proposed UPS system are analyzed with experimental results.
loads. However, when it is used for a DC power supply
system, the size of redundancy step produces complexity and
cost increase while the efficiency decreases. A main purpose I. UPS SYSTEM
of UPS systems is that it provides uninterruptible, reliable
and high quality of power to the non-linear loads. The UPS A. UPS systems with the conventional on-line method
systems have been used in computer systems, emergency Figure 1 shows UPS system with the conventional on-line
equipments, communication equipments, on-line control g
systems, database storages, and medical equipments etc. Out
of the type of UPS systems, the on-line UPS is used widely
meto In n atte, th c ial sue supleshe
power to the battery and DC link. The inverters always
since it has advantages in efficiency, power control and operate from this power. If the inverter malfunction occur
protecting load. It consists of rectifier, battery, inverter and then the inverter operation stops and the power is supplied
bypass switch. The rectifier continuously supplies the power from a commercial source to the load by a static switch.
to the DC link. The battery is to be rated to supply power
during back-up times, and it can not be of use at AC By-passLin
lines[1-2]. The inverter is to be rated at 00% of the load - Emergency- StaticSwitch
power because it has to supply power during back-up times
and the conventional operation mode. This is always
AC Rectifier Inverter Isolaton

"turn-on" state, and the change to the time does not occur S Charging ------Utility Prare
from general operation mode to energy storage mode. A
static switch offers redundancy for the source terminal in Battery
case of UPS malfunction and overload [3-4]. The Fig. 1. The UPS system with the conventional on-line method
advantages/disadv antages of on-line UPS systems are:
[Advantages] The efficiency of the online system is lower than that of the
. A conversion time is fast
off-line method since the inverter always operates. However,
.The output voltage is independent to the input voltage, the conversion time is short about 4ms. It can supply
.The output frequency is not dependent on the input regulated output voltage regardless of the input change.
frequency. Generally, the most the UPS above medium power UPS
.When the input voltage has a fault, it can interrupt the adopts this method.
[Disadvantages] B. The proposed UPS system and operation modes
For the power efficiency improvement of the UPS system,
the reactive power is compensated by the switching circuit of Table 2. System operation modes
the rectifier, and the system is built with the modular type for input PFC inverter Mode
the convenience of assembly and maintenance. In addition Polarity
a Ls: Energy charge 1 ON
ultracapacitors connected in parallel with batteries mode 2 OFF
compensate an instantaneous voltage drop. To increase the b Ls:Energy 3 ON
power efficiency the converter with IGBT structure is applied. discharge mode 4 OFF
To compensate the reactive power the transformer leakage
c Ls: Energy charge 5 O
reactance is used. This in turn improves the reliability and the mode 6 OFF
simplifies the circuit. The technical characteristics of the d Ls: Energy 7 ON
proposed system are: discharge mode 8 OFF
High efficiency techniques using 3-arms IGBT and multi
switching method
Active power filter charger, and boost converter switching Figure 3 to figure 6 show positive half-period operation modes of
the table 2.
High speed response with input voltage detection
High speed response techniques of the current limits to the
non-linear loads
Less than 10% of an input harmonics
Figure 2 shows the main circuit of the proposed system.
The circuit consists of input terminal transformer (Ls ), 'r 'I 3, S
, oj ;1 41power factor
rectifier (Q1, Q4), inverter (Q2, Q3, Q5, Q6), battery, ultracapacitors, contr

output terminal transformer (Lo ) and by-pass switch. Table 1 Fig. 3. Mode 1 (Ls: energy discharge, Inverter: turn-off mode)
shows the specification of the proposed system. Table 2
presents the operation modes ofthe proposed system. The operation a) Mode 1: mode 1 consists of an energy storage mode of
modes is divided into, energy charge/discharge mode in the source the source transformer and a turn-on mode of the output
transformer (L ) and a turn-on/off mode of the inverter. And the terminal inverter. In case of the energy storage mode of the
transformer Ls, the switch Q4 and the diode of switch Q5
PFC and the inverter have independent switching algorithm, conduct. Therefore, the energy flows with sequence of power
respectively. terminal-*Ls-*>Q4-*>Q5. Thus, a commercial power supplies
the energy to the transformer. In case of a turn-on mode ofthe
inverter, the switch Q3, Q5 are turned-on, a stored energy in
ultracapacitors flows with sequence ultracapacitors-*Q3-*
Lo-*load-*Q5. Thus, it compensat-es an instantaneous
voltage drop by transferring the energy in ultracapacitors to
QT Q2 X T2 the load.
Natte i Q6~, .4< OFF | a

Fig. 2. The main circuit of the proposed system V C

Table 1. The specification ofthe proposed system I J ON as Q6 i
Power 3 [kVA] L . I_ Power factor
Output voltage 220 []-2s1 Inveder
|Voltage stability Withinl1.5001 Fig. 4. Mode 2(Ls: energy charge, Inverter: turn-offmode)
Output voltagedistortion lnWithin30
Reactive power compensation Exist b) Mode 2: mode 2 consists of a continuous energy storage
|Efficiency |Above 9000| mode of a source transformer Ls and a turn-off mode of the
|Overload endurance |11000 - 10 min | output side inverter. In case ofthe energy storage mode ofthe
|_________|____ 150%-~10 sec transformer Ls, the switch Q4 and the diode of switch Q5
|Power failure compensation |Within5Ssec | conduct. The energy flows with sequence power terminal
l I I y~~~~~~~~~-Ls->Q4->Q5. Thus, a commercial power continuously
stores the energy in to a transformer. In case of a turn-off C. Ultracapacitors
mode of the inverter, diodes of the switch Q5, Q6 turn-on, the Figure 7 shows the electrical equivalent model of the
stored energy in the output side transformer Lo is discharged ultraca-pacitors. Ultracapacitors can be represented as an equivalent
to the load with sequence of the power flow: model using general capacitors. Figure 7 shows a model of the
Lo-*load-*Q5--*>Q6--*>Lo. ultracapacitor and it consists of four ideal components. Rs is an
-_ __. n equivalent series resistance (ESR), it causes losses to the
1 1L charge/discharge of capacitors. The capacitors do self-discharge by
01 _1 ON 02: OFF 033j ON a parallel resistor Rp . It is related with a leakage current resistor. L
is determined by physical structure of capacitors, and its value is
vr. cd V.
Cd t _ C1....................[1always small. However, in special operation such as high frequency
switching ,it can not be ignored.
Q4 OFF Q j
i . a00 4 FF Rp
[F ON 06 OFF
Power factor
control Rs L
- - - - - Inverter
Fig. 5. Mode 3 (Ls: energy discharge, Inverter: turn-on mode) c

c) Mode 3: mode 3 consists of an energy discharge mode of Fig. 7. Electrical equivalent model of an ultracapacitor
the source transformer Ls and a turn-on mode of the output
terminal inverter. In case of energy discharge mode of the Rp is always greater than Rs in real capacitors. Therefore,
transformer Ls, diodes of the switch QJ, and Q5 are it can be omitted in high power applications. In case of figure
turned-on. Therefore, the energy flows by 7, an impedance of a circuit model is,
Ls-*>QJ-*ultr-acapacitors-> Q5-*power terminal ->Ls. The Z = R + i(2fL -1 / 24C) .
transformer Ls discharges the stored energy and charges the where 2JL- 1/ 2zfC = 0, f = / 2(LC)I/2 The
energy at ultracapacitors. In case of the turn-on mode of the impedance has a pure resistance component. The real
inverter, the switch QJ and the diode of switch Q3 conduct frequency is given by the resonance frequency of capacitors. Thus,
and energy flows by power terminal-*Lo- QJ->Q3- Lo the circuit impedance is simply the resistance at self-resonance.
->load->power terminal. This mode charges the energy to However, ultracapacitors have a non-ideal behavior by a
the output side transformer Lo and supplies the power to the capacitance and electrical resistance that represents electrical
load. response like the characteristic of a transmission line using porous
materials. Therefore, to represent electric response of real
ultracapacitors, it needs a more detailed equivalent circuit as shown
in figure 8.
j O 02 OFFQ3 i OFF L Ri R2 Rn

TI Rp a Ci C2 Cn
1t; FF | s |D 0 -ONi

Fig. 8. The equivalent circuit ofthe real ofthe ultracapacitor

Power factor
Inverter The DC charge/discharge time is related a fundamental
Fig. 6. Mode 2 (Ls: energy discharge, Inverter: turn-off mode) characteristic specific frequency ( fAc ) of capacitors;

d) Mode 4: mode 4 consists of a continuous energy 'disch I4fac As a result, it uses with a back-up time from
discharge mode of source transformer Ls and a turn-off mode several seconds to several tens of seconds. When ultracapacitors is
of output side inverter. In case of energy discharge mode of a tested, a simple RC circuit included in a circuit model has little
transformer Ls, diodes of the switch QJ and Q5 are turn-on. influence.
Therefore, the energy flows by Ls-> QJlultracapacitors-> Q = CV, E 1/ 2CV 2, VO - V =UiR + (Q0 - Q/C) . where Qis
Q5-*power terminal -Ls. So, a transformer Ls continuously volume of charged electric charges in capacitors, V is a capacitor
discharges the stored energy and charges the energy at voltage, Eis astored energy incapacitors, Vo and Qo are thevoltage
ultracapacitors. In case of the turn-off mode of the inverter, and volume of charged electric charge at t=O, respectively[5].
the switch Q5 and the diode of the switch Q6 are turned-on,
and the stored energy in the output side transformer Lo is
discharged to the load by the sequence of the power flow: III. EXPERIMENT RESULTS
In this paper, we accomplished the experiment using 3[kVA]
class UPS, the implemented system parameters are shown in table 3......................II...................
The ultracapacitor used in the experiment are NESSCAP (2.7[V,
100[F]). Figure 9 shows the system main circuit used in the
Table 3. Experiment system parameters
Parameter Value
Power 3 [KVA] -
Input voltage 220 [Vrms] |.
Output voltage 220 [Vrms] Fig. 11. Output waveforms ofsystem at a power failure
SwItching frequency
Switchngfrequency .5 [kHz]
15 [kHz]
(a) Inverter output voltage (Vpeak OOV/div)
(b) Source voltage (V_rms 200V/div) (c) Voltage of untrlcapac -itors (50V/div)
Power factor 0.98-1 1I-m vQ 2:36:51
Transformer(Ls, Lo) Primary; 90 [mH] (200turn)
S| e c o n d a r y ; 4455 [mU]
| [mE] | |- ------------------ <------ ----- --f<|-------------------- X ----|~~~----------- ---
Turn-ratio; 2:1
Inverter switch IGBT; FMG2G100US60
(Fa ir ch ilId - 600 [V], ------
100 [A])
Bypass SCR MCC 95 module
Micro processor 8OC196
Fig. 12. Source voltage(V) and currento) waveforms at steady-state(full-load)
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1 T
E~~~~~~~~~D 1:_t~7

lli I--- ---

Fig. 9. The main circuit used in the experiment Fig. 13. Source current and output voltage waveforms at trient-state (bypass
Figure 10 shows the normnal input/output voltage of a UPS system
and the output voltage of the ultracapacitors. Figure 11 shows the IV CONCLUSION
system output waveformn when the power failure occurs. The output In this paper the UPS system connected in parallel with
voltage decreases during a power failure, but it satisfies within ultracapacitors and the DC power (battery) is proposed to
± 500. Figure 12 shows source voltage! current waveformns when a compensate an instantaneous voltage drop. The battery has a
UPS is steady-state at a full-load. The source voltage and current are disadvantage of a short life-cycle due to a deterioration
in phase, and power factor is within O.98A1. Figure 13 shows the phenomenon caused by a repeated utilization. In the other
non-linear load characteristic of a tranition state during a by-pass hand, in case of ultracapacitors, the available energy storage
mode. The inputsystem~ ~ ~and ~
current output~ voltage
~ ~are ~unstable
~ ~~~omae than that of the battery. However, they can
in a is smaller totptheasystemwwithhbatteryaionly.oAndrit hasbeshown
tranient state, but they become stable state. at repeated operation by the frequent
stoag syistpaem canhe imProvysed bynete charge/discharge.
uing cobiatione In oft
addition, their ability to supplysinc
an instantaneous peak power
and ah D poe(batteryulrcpctrsoupliest
' ~~~~~ultracapacitors
during a short time is 10-100 times than that of the battery.
UPSis teay-tatata ullloa.heoureoltgendcupeakar
Fig.. The powdanaer.
cir d iThe U fsing miimumycl
experimental t
resutvltas er tof atacdtiersiortciong
asnum instantaneous
in has, ad owe fatoriswitin .9~1.Figre 3 how th ~~~~voltage devices,nostcompensation
cansdsiz ar capability
reduted.uizand n.I
is excellenteffcincei
the when
Fig.li 10. wha actefistic of tatnni
Outpu syte aprtion improvenabypas ultracapacitors
a d, bythse powe are utilized with a battery
flraaacitorscotro val. beeeg trg in parallel
(paknVdiv(b)pu Sourcgevlage (Vrstable/div)
Tnvere outputvoltaen
(a)e ssalrta ha fh atr.Hwee,tea eue
~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~a Voltaged ofraio ubycaaitr (50feqethagedscare.)
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