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Fumonisins B1, B2, and B3 in Corn

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49.5.01 (g) Methanol–H2O solution.—3 + 1 (v/v).

AOAC Official Method 995.15 (h) Sodium hydroxide.—1M. Dissolve 40.0 g NaOH in 1 L H2O.
Fumonisins B1, B2, and B3 in Corn (i) Disodium tetraborate solution.—0.1M. Dissolve 3.8 g
Liquid Chromatographic Method Na2B4O7×10H2O in 100 mL H2O.
First Action 1995 (j) LC mobile phase.—Methanol–0.1M NaH2PO4 (77 + 23, v/v),
Final Action 1999
adjusted to apparent pH 3.3 with H3PO4, (b). Filter mobile phase
through membrane filter and pump at 1 mL/min flow rate. LC
mobile phase composition may have to be adjusted to conform with
(Applicable for determination of fumonisins in corn at ³1 mg/g.) individual LC column characteristics.
(k) o-Phthaldialdehyde (OPA) reagent.—Dissolve 40 mg OPA in
Caution: Fumonisins are hepatotoxic and carcinogenic to rats;
effects on humans are not fully known. Wear 1 mL methanol, (a), and dilute with 5 mL 0.1M Na2B4O7, (i), add
protective gloves to avoid skin contact with corn 50 mL 2-mercaptoethanol, (c), and mix. Store OPA reagent at room
extracts. Wash any laboratory spillages with a 5% temperature in capped amber or aluminum foil-covered vial up to
aqueous solution of commercial sodium hypochlorite 1 week.
followed by H2O. (l) Fumonisin standards.—Available from PROMEC (Medical
Research Council, PO Box 19070, Tygerberg 7505, South Africa;
See Table 995.15 for re sults of the interlaboratory study www.mrc.ac.za/promecsales/).
supporting acceptance of the method. (m) Fumonisin standard solutions.—Prepare stock solution of
individual fumonisin B1, fumonisin B2, and fumonisin B3 at
A. Principle
concentrations of 250 mg/mL in acetonitrile–H2O solution, (d).
Fumonisins are extracted from corn with methanol–H2O solution. Transfer 100 mL aliquots of each stock solution to clean glass vial
Filtered extract is purified on strong anion exchange solid-phase
and add 200 mL acetonitrile–H2O solution, (d), to yield standard
ex trac tion car tridge and fumonisins are eluted with ace tic
working solution containing the 3 fumonisin analogues at individual
acid-methanol solution. Residue is dissolved in methanol and
concentra tions of 50 mg/mL. Fumonisins stock and working
o-phthaldialdehyde (OPA)/2-mercaptoethanol is added to form
standard solutions are stable up to 6 months at 4°C.
fluorescent fumonisin derivatives, determined by reversed-phase
liquid chromatography with fluorescence detection. D. Extraction and Cleanup

B. Apparatus Grind corn laboratory sample to yield material of such size that
ca 90% is retained between 500–250 mm mesh screens. Weigh 50 g
(a) Liquid chromatograph.—LC pump delivering 1 mL/min
test portion into 250 mL plastic centrifuge bottle. Add 100 mL
constant flow rate, with injection system calibrated to deliver 10 mL.
methanol–H2O solution, C(g), and homogenize 3 min at 60% full
(b) LC column.—(1) 150 ´ 4.6 mm id, C18 reversed-phase,
speed setting. Alternatively, blender may also be used at the same
stainless steel, packed with 5 mm octadecyl silica (ODS) material, speed settings, but period of 5 min should be allowed for complete
and (2) suitable corresponding reversed-phase guard column extraction.
containing similar packing material. Maintain LC column oven at Centrifuge mixture 10 min at 500 ´ g and filter supernate through
ambient temperature (ca 23°C). fluted filter paper. Filtrate should have apparent pH ca 5.8. If
(c) Fluorescence detector.—Variable wavelength; set at 335 nm necessary, adjust pH to 5.8–6.5 with 1M NaOH (only 2–3 drops
(excitation) and 440 nm (emission). should be required).
(d) Tissue homogenizer. Fit SPE cartridge to SPE manifold. Condition cartridge by washing
(e) Solid-phase extraction (SPE) cartridges.—10 mL capacity; successively with 5 mL methanol, C(a), followed by 5 mL
containing 500 mg silica-based strong anion exchange (SAX) methanol–H2O solution, C(g). Apply 10 mL filtered extract to
sorbent (Varian Bond Elut ® cartridge is suitable). Evaluate cartridge, while maintaining flow rate £2 mL/min. Wash cartridge with
performance of individual batches of sorbent using certified or 5 mL methanol–H2O solution followed by 3 mL methanol. Do not let
in-house reference materials. cartridge dry. Elute fumonisins with 10 mL acetic acid–methanol
(f) SPE manifold. solution, C(e), at flow rate £1 mL/min. (Note: It is critical that flow rate
(g) Solvent evaporator.—To hold 4 mL capacity glass vials; does not exceed 1 mL/min.) Collect eluate in 20 mL glass collection
operating at 60°C. vial.
(h) Membrane filter.—Porosity 0.45 mm. Sequentially transfer aliquot of eluate to 4 mL glass vial, while
C. Reagents evaporating solvent to dryness under stream of nitrogen at ca 60°C.
Rinse collection vial with 1 mL methanol and add rinsing solvent to
(All re agents must be an a lyt i cal grade, un less oth er wise
4 mL vial, washing sides of vial to concentrate residue at its base.
Evaporate additional methanol to dryness to ensure that all acetic
(a) Methanol.
acid has evaporated. Dried residues may be retained up to 1 week at
(b) Phosphoric acid.—Concentration >85%.
4°C prior to LC analysis.
(c) 2-Mercaptoethanol.
(d) Acetonitrile–H2O solution.—1+1 (v/v). E. Derivatization and LC Analysis
(e) Acetic acid–methanol solution (1 + 99).—Use glacial acetic (a) Prep a ra tion of stan dard de riv a tive.—Trans fer 25 mL
acid when preparing solution. fumonisin standard working solution, C(m), to base of small test
(f) Sodium dihydrogen phosphate solution.—0.1M. Dissolve tube. Add 225 mL OPA reagent, C(k), mix, and inject 10 mL into LC
15.6 g NaH2PO4×2H2O in 1 L H2O. system within 1 min after addition of OPA reagent.


Table 995.15. Interlaboratory study results for determination of fumonisins in corn by liquid chromatographic method
Fumonisin Amount added, Recovery,
sr sR RSDr, % RSDR, % a b
analogue ng/g Mean, ng/g % r R HorRat
B1 500 405 81.1 28.8 56.2 7.1 13.9 80.6 157.4 0.79
1000 813 81.3 47.4 127.4 5.8 15.7 132.7 356.7 0.99
2000 1621 81.1 124.7 261.1 7.7 16.1 349.2 731.1 1.12
4000 3245 81.1 199.7 494.1 6.2 15.2 559.2 1383.5 1.18
8000 6732 84.2 736.6 1099.7 10.9 16.3 2062.5 3079.2 1.98
NB1 4246 — 561.7 944.1 13.2 22.2 1572.8 2643.5 1.74
B2 200 152 75.9 12.7 24.7 8.4 16.3 35.6 69.2 0.77
400 313 78.3 26.6 49.4 8.5 15.8 74.5 138.3 0.84
800 618 77.3 73.4 119.7 11.9 19.3 205.5 335.2 1.13
1600 1294 80.9 93.1 222.3 7.2 17.2 260.7 622.4 1.13
3200 2619 81.9 318.4 467.7 12.2 17.9 891.5 1309.6 1.30
NB2 1234 — 215.4 329.4 17.5 26.7 603.1 922.3 1.73
B3 100 76 75.8 7.7 14.9 10.1 19.6 21.6 41.7 0.87
200 161 80.7 27.7 35.3 17.2 21.9 77.6 98.8 1.08
400 319 79.7 48.9 71.4 15.4 22.4 136.9 199.9 1.23
800 656 82.0 52.7 138.8 8.0 21.2 147.6 388.6 1.29
1600 1389 86.8 198.3 270.9 14.3 19.5 554.4 758.5 1.32
NB3 373 — 63.2 92.7 16.9 24.9 177.0 259.6 1.35
r = 2.8 ´ sr.
R = 2.8 ´ sR.
NB1 = Corn naturally contaminated with fumonisin B1 at a mean concentration of 4246 ng/g.
NB2 = Corn naturally contaminated with fumonisin B2 at a mean concentration of 1234 ng/g.
NB3 = Corn naturally contaminated with fumonisin B3 at a mean concentration of 373 ng/g.

(Note: It is critical to adhere to reproducible times between where Pu = individual fumonisin peak area of test solution; Pf =
addition of OPA reagent and injection into LC system. Fluorescence individual fumonisin peak area of standard solution; S = amount of
of OPA–fumonisin begins to decrease after 2 min.) in di vid ual fumonisin stan dard in jected into LC system (50
(b) Detector and recorder response.—Adjust sensitivity settings ng/fumonisin analogue) [based on concentration in fumonisin
of fluorescence detector so fumonisin B1 standard–OPA derivative standard working solution, C(m)].
yields at least 80% recorder response. Calculate concentration of fumonisin present in corn C (ng/g), as
(c) Corn extracts.—Redissolve residue from D in 200 mL methanol. follows:
Transfer 25 mL solution to base of small test tube and add 225 mL OPA
reagent. Mix and inject 10 mL solution into LC system within 1 min of
adding OPA reagent. All fumonisin peaks should be on scale. Peak F ´ Vt ´ D
C (ng/g) =
identity should be confirmed by comparison of retention times in Vi ´ W
extracts with those observed for individual fumonisin standard.
If fumonisin chromatographic peaks exceed those of fumonisin
standard solution, make additional dilutions of extracts with where Vt = total volume of derivatized solution, 250 mL; D = any
methanol and repeat derivatization with OPA reagent. dilution factor which may have been used; Vi = injection volume,
F. Calculations
10 mL; W = test portion equivalent weight, 0.625 g.
Calculate fumonisin present in aliquot injected (F; ng) into LC Reference: J. AOAC Int. 79, 688(1996).
system using peak areas for each fumonisin analogue, as follows:
CAS-116355-83-0 (Fumonisin B1)
Pu CAS-116355-84-1 (Fumonisin B2)
F (ng) = ´S
Pf CAS-136379-59-4 (Fumonisin B3)


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