Furazolidone and Nitrofurazone Dengan HPLC
Furazolidone and Nitrofurazone Dengan HPLC
Furazolidone and Nitrofurazone Dengan HPLC
1, 1979)
The feed sample is extracted with acetone or connected to Spectroflow Model SF770 monitor
dimethylformamide-acetone ( l + l ) and the (Schoeffel Instruments Corp., Westwood, NJ
© Association of Official Analytical Chemists, Inc.
CIERI: J. ASSOC. OFF. ANAL. CHEM. (VOL. 62, NO. 1, 1979) 169
1.04 104 1.27 127 other compounds often present in feeds are not
1.08 108 0.894 .89.4
detected; peaks from inert constituents are also
1.22 122 120
1.07 107 1.19 119 considerably less than at lower wavelengths.
Av. 1.10 110 1.14 114 Samples were spiked to contain 0.5-50 ppm
Std dev. 0.0802 8.02 0.167 16.7 of either furazolidone or nitrofurazone. The 2
2.0 ppm Added compounds were not determined simultaneously
because feed generally contains only one nitro-
1.83 91.5 2.23 111
2.11 3.07 153
furan. Even if both compounds were present, it
1.93 96.5 2.11 106 may still be advisable to perform separate de-
1.29 64.5 1.43 71.5 terminations; simultaneous analysis of the 2
Av. 1.79 89.5 2.21 110 nitrofurans by this method is feasible only when
Std dev. 0.353 17.5 0.673 33.4 nearly equal quantities are present. Recoveries
5.0 ppm Added of the compounds from spiked samples ranged
from 42.8 to 155% and standard deviations
5.38 108 3.61 72.2
4.60 92.0 4.87 97.4 ranged from 8.02 to 38.7%; see Table 1. The
5.03 101 6.34 127 accuracy of the results apparently is not
5.92 118 6.83 137
affected by the level of nitrofurans in the feed,
Av. 5.23 105 5.41 108 as indicated by the fact that, even at the 25
Std dev. 0.558 11.0 1.46 29.4
and the 50 ppm levels, the standard deviation
10.0 ppm Added is high. Two commercial samples containing
4.87 48.7 5.75 57.5 furazolidone were also examined with approxi-
13.2 132 8.13 81.3 mately the same degree of accuracy; the results
7.62 76.2 9.00 90.0 are given in Table 2. This method is thus con-
12.0 120 7.12 71.2
siderably more sensitive and specific but not
Av. 9.42 94.2 7.50
Std dev. 3.87 38.7 1.40
more accurate than the published methods ( 1 -
3 ) ; the published methods should be used for
25.0 ppm Added samples containing high levels of nitrofurans.
20.1 80.4 26.6 106 The Associate Referee recommends that study
16.4 65.6 21.9 87.6
83.2 27.7
be continued to improve the accuracy of the re-
20.8 111
32.6 130 35.5 142 sults and that, once an accurate method is de-
Av. 22.5 89.8 27.9 112 veloped, it be subjected to collaborative study.
Std dev. 7.02 27.9 5.64 22.6
50.0 ppm Added
(1) Official Methods of Analysis (1975) 12th Ed.,
49.2 98.4 21.4 42.8 AOAC, Washington, DC, seca 42.068-42.069
37.1 74.2 49.3 98.6 (2) Moore, H. P., & Guertal, C. R. (1960) J.
71.3 143 59.5 119 Assoc. Off. Anal. Chem. 43, 308-309
62.8 126 37.5 75.0 (3) Cieri, U. R. (1978) / . Assoc. Off. Anal. Chem.
61, 92-95
Av. 55.1 110 41.9 83.8
Std dev. 15.1 30.3 16.4 32.7
Received July 11, 1978. Accepted September 27, 1978.