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Application of Geonatural Spoils in Sub Base For Road Construction

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Indian Geotechnical Conference – 2010, GEOtrendz

December 16–18, 2010

IGS Mumbai Chapter & IIT Bombay

Application of Geonatural Spoils in Sub Base for Road Construction

Maity, J. Chattopadhyay, B.C. Mukherjee, S.P.1

Lecturer Geotechnical Advisor & Professor Professor
e-mail: joymaity1975@yahoo.co.in e-mail: ccbikash@yahoo.com e-mail: sibapmukh@yahoo.co.in

Dept. of Civil Engineering, Meghnad Saha Institute of Technology, Kolkata

Dept. of Civil Engineering, Jadavpur University, Kolkata

Large quantities of jute spoils are generated in jute mills where they are treated as waste materials. These spoils
can be used as additive materials suitably with sand by providing better interlocking between the jute spoil and
the sand. With this in view a suitable experimental programme was undertaken to examine the improvement of
CBR of sand with addition of jute spoil fiber. The paper highlights improvement of CBR with use of jute spoil fiber
for fine brown sand and silver sand.


In flexible pavement, subgrades support the subbase which Fiber inclusion causes signiûcant modiûcation and
is conventionally constructed with brickbats. However due improvement in the engineering behavior of soils. The main
to paucity of good clays to make brick, to stop encroachment advantages of randomly distributed discrete fibres are the
in agricultural lands which is itself shrinking due to simplicity in mixing, maintenance of strength isotropy and
industrialization, from the brick manufacturer and also to absence of potential planes of weakness which may develop
lessen use of dear energy for firing bricks, use of brick bats parallel to the oriented reinforcement. Use of randomly
in construction of road subbase is being discouraged. distributed fibre reinforced soils can be advantageously
Therefore sand is gradually being using as alternate utilized as a ground improvement technique in the case of
material for construction of subbase. embankments, subgrades and in similar other problems.
However, to place sand in subbase with proper density Different materials for fibre being used for study are glass
and maintaining the compacted state of such sand on time fibre (Pazare et.al 2002), Nylon fibre (Jain et al, 2003),
scale is quite complicated problem in practice. The sand synthetic fibre like polypropylene fibres (Consoli
must retain the required placement density and offer same et.al,1998), Polyester fibre (Kaniraj et.al,2001), fragmented
high CBR value achieved at the time of its initial placement rubber shredded tyre (Lindh & Mattsson 2004, Akram et
to maintain the stability of the road itself. In this regard al. 2004) etc.
preliminary research of using fibre reinforced sand shows However, above inclusions are generally expensive and
possibility to improve the compactibility of the sand, to non-biodegradable resulting higher costs with doubtful
develop high CBR value and to sustain the compactness. environmental effects. This problem can be solved by using
Extensive research is needed to study the behaviour of fibre locally available natural fibers. Natural fibres like jute, coir,
reinforced soil to seek their applicability in practice as cost sisal, palm fibre etc. are mostly available in third world
effective, eco-friendly technology. countries at a low cost and their supply is ensured from
Geotextiles made from natural fibres like jute or coir agriculture products.
are being employed as economic and eco-friendly solution Gray and Ohashi (1983) conducted a series of direct
(Chattopadhyay et.al, 1997,1998, 2003, 2004, 2007, shear tests on dry sand reinforced with different synthetic,
2008,2009). In the proposed study, an attempt has been natural and metallic ûbers to evaluate the effect of parameters,
made to carryout experiments on composite sand-jute such as ûber orientation, ûber content, and ûber area ratios,
system to examine its compactive characteristics in respect and ûber stiffness on contribution to shear strength. Based
of the sand alone. on the test results, they concluded that an increase in shear
strength is where empirical coefficient is introduced to take
618 Application of Geonatural Spoils in Sub Base for Road Construction

into account the effect of ûber orientation. For randomly To investigate the compactibility and strength
oriented ûbers directly proportional to the ûber area ratios, characteristics of sand and fiber material the following
and shear strength envelopes for ûber-reinforced sand clearly series of standard proctor compaction tests and CBR tests
showed the existence of a threshold conûning stress below were conducted as per codal provision.
which the ûbers tries to slip or pull out. Maher and Gray Series A
(1990) conducted triaxial compression tests on sand
Fine brown sand with Jute fibers 0.5%, 1%, 1.5% and 2%
reinforced with discrete, randomly distributed ûbers and by dry weight of sand of length10mm, 20mm and 30mm.
observed the inûuence of various ûber properties, soil
properties and other test variables on soil behavior. They Series B
reported that the strength of reinforced sand increases with Silver sand with Jute fibers 0.5%, 1%, 1.5% and 2% by
increase in aspect ratio, fiber content, and soil fiber surface dry weight of sand of length10mm, 20mm and 30mm.
friction. The summary of the physical properties of sands and
In order to study the influence of natural fibers on the fibers are listed in Table 1 and Table 2 respectively.
CBR value of the silty soil, Shetty and Rao (1987) performed Table 1: Summary of Physical Properties of Sands
series of laboratory CBR tests. The results of these tests shows Properties Fine Silver
that coir fibers reinforced silty sand (SM) with the addition Brown Sand
of coir fibers ( 10% by volume) resulted in increase in CBR Sand
value by 26% and 22% under soaked and unsoaked conditions Specific gravity 2.632 2.542
respectively. Guha (1995) reveal that coir fibre differs from Coefficient of uniformity Cu) 2.09 2.47
jute fibres in an aspect other than durability, jute fibres exhibit Coefficient of curvature (Cc) 0.99 1.22
Mean grain size (D50) 0.3 0.17
moderately high modulus as well as high tenacity and very Percent finer than 75µ sieve 2.6 10.18
low elongation at break whereas coir fibres behave exactly Classification (IS) SP SM
in the opposite manner, namely moderately low modulus, low Maximum dry density (gm/cc) 1.623 1.588
tenacity and very high elongation at break. This difference Optimum moisture content (%) 15.3 15.5
persists irrespective of the length of coir fibre. California bearing ratio (%) 8.4 7.0
In our present investigation, natural jute spoil fibers Table 2: Summary of Physical Properties of Fiber (after
collected from local jute-mill and locally available fine brown National Jute Board)
sand and silver sand were utilized. Results of the Tests Jute Spoil
experimental study made with various length and proportion Density 1.47
of jute spoils fiber mixed with different types of sand are Diameter (mm) 0.03-0.14
reported in this paper. Fineness (denier) 20
Tenacity (gm/denier) 4.2
3. MATERIALS AND TEST PROGRAMME Elongation at break (%) 1.2
Locally available fine brown sand & silver sand were used Moisture content % at 65% RH 13
in this experiment. Jute fibers cut into small pieces (Fig.1)
of length 30mm, 20mm and 10mm were used as natural
addition material. Fibers were randomly mixed in sand to Standard Proctor Compaction Test
form homogeneous mixture. Uniform distribution of the jute The variation in MDD vs %fiber content curve are plotted
spoil fiber and sand was achieved with a consistent mixing for brown fine sand and silver sand mixed with varying
procedure. If fibers are mixed in dry sand, segregation of fiber length of jute spoil fiber are shown in fig. 2, the result
were noted. To eliminate this problem, the fiber was first show that as the fiber content increases, the maximum dry
wetted with required quantity of water, then mix to sand. Fine sand + jute fibre 2cmlenght Fine sand + jute fibre 1cm lenght
Silver sand + jute fibre 2cm lenght Silver sand + jute fibre 1cm lenght
Maximum Dry density (gm/cc)






Maximum Dry density Vs fiber content
0.0% 0.5% 1.0% 1.5% 2.0% 2.5%
Fiber content(%)

Fig. 2: Maximum Dry Density vs % Fibre Content Curve for

Fig. 1: Jute Spoils Fiber Cut into Pieces of Definite Length Different Sands Mixed with Jute Spoils Fiber
J. Maity, B.C. Chattopadhyay and S.P. Mukherjee 619

density decreases in the range of 0.68% to 3.16% and 0.31%

to 1.7% for fine sand and silver sand respectively with CBR vs length of jute spoil for Fine sand
inclusion of fiber of length 20mm. For the addition of 10mm 10.5

jute spoil fiber in fine sand and silver sand, MDD decreases 9.5

in the range of 3.6% to 6.9% and 1.9% to 3.15% 8.5

respectively. 7.5
7 Fine sand + 0.5% jute fiber Fine sand + 0.5% jute fiber
6.5 Fine sand + 0.5% jute fiber Fine sand + 0.5% jute fiber
The variation in OMC vs %fiber content curve are 6
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
Length of Jute fiber
plotted for brown fine sand and silver sand mixed with
Fig. 5: CBR vs Length of Jute Fiber Plot for Fine Brown Sand
varying length of jute spoil fiber are shown in fig. 3, the Mixed with Varying Length Jute Spoils Fiber
result show that as the fiber content increases, the OMC
increases in the range of 5.23% to 17.65% and 4.5% to 9% 11
CBR vs length of jute spoil for silver sand

for fine sand and silver sand respectively with the inclusion 10.5

fiber of length 20mm. For the addition of 10mm jute spoil 9.5

fiber in fine sand and silver sand, OMC increases in the 8.5

range of 1.3% to 15.6% and 1.9% to 7% respectively. 7.5

Silver sand + 0.5% jute fiber Silver sand + 1.0% jute fiber
6.5 Silver sand + 1.5% jute fiber Silver sand +2% jute fiber
Fine sand + jute fibre 2cmlenght Fine sand + jute fibre 1cm lenght 6
Silver sand + jute fibre 2cm lenght Silver sand + jute fibre 1cm lenght 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
18.5 Length of Jute fiber

Fig. 6: CBR vs Length of Jute Fiber Plot for Silver Sand
Optimum moisture


17 Mixed with Varying Length Jute Spoils Fiber


16 From the CBR curves, it can be observed that the CBR


Optimum moisture content Vs fiber content
values increase both with the increase in fiber content and
0.0% 0.5% 1.0% 1.5%
Fiber content(%)
2.0% 2.5%
fiber length up to a maximum limit, after that it decreases.
Fig. 3: Optimum Moisture Content vs % Fibre Content Curve This increase is more predominant for silver sand.
for Different Sands Mixed with Jute Spoils Fiber Fig.7 shows that for fine sand, as the percentage of
The variation in OMC vs %fiber content curve are jute spoil fiber and length of fiber increases, CBR value
plotted for brown fine sand and silver sand mixed with increases to maximum 23.8% for 1.5% inclusion of 20mm
varying length of jute spoil fiber are shown in fig. 3, the length fiber.
result show that as the fiber content increases, the OMC For silver sand, Fig.8 shows that as the percentage of
increases in the range of 5.23% to 17.65% and 4.5% to 9% jute spoil fiber and length of fiber increases, CBR value
for fine sand and silver sand respectively with the inclusion increases to maximum 48.5% for 1.5% inclusion of 20mm
fiber of length 20mm. For the addition of 10mm jute spoil length fiber.
fiber in fine sand and silver sand, OMC increases in the Percentage increase in CBR for Fine brown sand

range of 1.3% to 15.6% and 1.9% to 7% respectively. 25

The decrease in density is most likely a result of the
fiber having less specific weight in comparison with the 10
% increase
in CBR
sand grains. The increase in moisture content is most likely 5

the result of the fibers having a greater water absorption 0

capacity than the surrounding sand. % fi 1.00
1.50 20

10 m
ten 2.00 in m
t gth
r Len
California Bearing Ratio Test Fibe

The variation in CBR vs % jute fiber content for brown Fig. 7: Percentage of CBR Increase with Respect of Length of
fine sand and silver sand are shown in fig. 4 and variation Jute Fiber and % of Fiber Content for Fine Sand
in CBR vs Length of jute fiber for brown fine sand and Percentage increase in CBR for Sliver sand

silver sand are shown in fig. 5 and fig. 6 respectively. 50

11 CBR vs % jute spoil 35
10.5 30
10 25
% increase
9.5 20 in CBR
9 15

7.5 0.50
Fine sand& jute spoil 2cm length silver sand jute spoil 2cm length 30
7 % fi 1.00
ber 20
con 1.50
Fine sand& jute spoil 1cm length silver sand jute spoil 1cm length
6.5 ten 2.00 10 m m
Fine sand& jute spoil 3cm length silver sand jute spoil 3cm length t th in
6 r Leng
0.0% 0.5% 1.0% 1.5% 2.0% 2.5%
% Jute spoil

Fig. 4: CBR vs % Jute Fiber Content Curve for Different Fig. 8: Percentage of CBR Increase with Respect of Length of
Sands Mixed with Varying Length Jute Spoils Fiber Jute Fiber and % of Fiber Content for Silver Sand
620 Application of Geonatural Spoils in Sub Base for Road Construction

5. CONCLUSIONS Consoli N.C., Prietto P.D.M. and Ulbrich L.A. (1998):

From the experimental investigation reported above, Influence of Fiber and Cement Addition on Behavior
following conclusion may be drawn. of Sandy Soil, Journal of Geotechnical and
1. Value of MDD decreases and value of OMC Geoenvironmental Engineering, Vol-124, no.12, pp.
increases with the increase in jute fibers content 1211-1214.
for both sand. But as the length of fiber increases Gray, D. H. and Ohashi, H. (1983). “Mechanics of fiber
MDD increases and again decreases for both fine reinforcement in sand”. Journal of Geotechnical and
brown sand and silver sand. Geo-environmental Engineering, ASCE, vol. 109, no.
2. There is a considerable increase in the CBR value 3, pp. 335-353.
for both fine sand and silver sand when mixing Guha, A (1995) “Characteristic physical properties of coir
with randomly distributed discrete jute spoil fiber. fibres and their compatability with jute” M.Tech Thesis,
3. CBR value is maximum when jute fiber of length IIT, Delhi.
20mm are added 1.5% of the dry weight of sand Jain, P.K., Jain, R. and Kumar, R. (2003) “Behaviour of
for both Fine brown sand and Silver sand. expansive black cotton soil mixed with nylon fibre”,
4. For both Fine brown sand and Silver sand, Proc. Indian Geotechnical Conference, Roorkee, Vol-
optimum percentage inclusion is 1.5% by dry 1, pp. 389-392.
weight of sand and optimum length of fiber Kaniraj, S. R. and Havanagi, V. G. (2001) “Behavior of
inclusion is 20mm. cement-stabilization fiber-reinforced fly ash-soil
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT mixtures. Journal of Geo-technical and Geo-
environmental Engineering, vol. 127, no. 7, pp. 574-
The writers are thankful to authorities of National Jute 584.
Board, Kolkata, for providing the Jute spoil fiber material.
Lindh and Mattsson, Nina (2004) “Composite soil made
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