CPPP Award of Contract Publishing User Guide-Ver-v1.09.04
CPPP Award of Contract Publishing User Guide-Ver-v1.09.04
CPPP Award of Contract Publishing User Guide-Ver-v1.09.04
User Guide
(Award of Contract)
Version: v1.09.04
Dated: 25th July 2016
National Informatics Centre Central Public Procurement Portal
All information in this guide is based on the latest product information available at
the time of printing. NIC has carefully reviewed the accuracy of this guide, but
cannot be held responsible for any omissions or errors that may appear.
NIC reserves the right to revise this publication and make changes in its content
without notifying any person of such revision.
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owned by National Informatics Centre, India.
Table of Contents
1 AWARD OF CONTRACT....................................................................................4
1 Award of Contract
After the selection of a bidder by the competent authority, the successful bidder will
be formally notified of the award by order prior to expiration of validity period. The
letter called “Award of Contract” (AOC) will state the contract price that the TIA will
have to pay to the bidder towards the execution/completion of the tender, subject to
furnishing a performance security within the stipulated date.
1. Select the ‘Award of Contract’ tab on the left panel of the dashboard
System displays the bid list to update the selected bidder details for award of
System adds the bidder details and lists it in the bids list.
8. Select the bidder with the lowest rank who has been shortlisted for award of
System displays the next screen to add contract value and upload AOC
System updates the award of the contract details, sends a confirmation mail
and displays a link to print the Award of Contract.
1. Select the ‘Award of Contract’ tab on the left panel of the dashboard screen.
Enter the
tender details
Enter the
contract value
and currency Enter the No.
of bids
System updates the award of the details, sends a confirmation mail and display a link to print
***This concludes the AOC for ePublishing and AOC for Rate Contract user guide***