CC01 Group 4
CC01 Group 4
CC01 Group 4
Our country is on the path of development, which means science and technology play
an essential role in human life. The application of science and technology is increasing labor
productivity and replacing workers' employment most effectively, ensuring their safety during
work. Mechanical systems are a great replacement for human power in automating production
and increasing labor productivity. Combined with controlling them, we will contribute to the
modernization of automation that Vietnam is implementing.
Transmission system project is a subject that helps us majoring in Mechatronics and
Mechanical Engineering gain basic knowledge about the design of mechanical transmission
systems. Therefore, we can have a perspective on the manufactured system, controlling
automatic systems of factories, plants, or workshops. Within the scope of the project,
knowledge from basic subjects such as Kinematics and Dynamics of Machines, Machine
Elements, Mechanical Engineering Drawing... can be applied to help students have an
overview of a transmission system. During the project implementation, ability in AutoCad,
SolidWork is improved significantly. From here, combined with specialized knowledge, we
can access practical systems and gain a more general view to prepare for your next project
and graduation thesis.
I sincerely thank Assoc. Prof. Dr. Le Thanh Long for dedicatedly guiding us to
complete the transmission system project. We would also like to express my sincere gratitude
to the teachers instructing me this semester because the project review sessions have helped
me gain more knowledge and experience when making drawings.
This is the first mechanical system project, so lack of calculation and choosing details
cannot be avoided. We hopefully receive further guidance from teachers so that our group can
consolidate our knowledge and gain valuable experiences for our future career.
TABLE OF CONTENTS.........................................................................................................ii
LIST OF FIGURES.................................................................................................................iv
LIST OF TABLES....................................................................................................................v
1.1. Motor selection....................................................................................................................
1.2. Parameters of transmission system......................................................................................
1.3. Summary for motor selection and transmission ratio distribution.......................................
CHAPTER 2. DESIGN AND SELECT FOR V-BELT DRIVERS......................................6
2.1. Type of belt and pulleys’s diameter.....................................................................................
2.2. Parameters of V-belt drivers................................................................................................
2.3. Checking for stress condition.............................................................................................11
2.4. Service life of belt..............................................................................................................11
2.5. Summary for V - belt drivers.............................................................................................12
CHAPTER 3. DESIGN AND SELECT FOR GEAR DRIVERS.......................................13
3.1. Material selection...............................................................................................................13
3.2. Number of circle to the inflection of the fatigue curve......................................................13
3.3. Determine allowable contact stress....................................................................................13
3.4. Determine allowable bending stress..................................................................................14
3.5. Parameters of gear drivers.................................................................................................15
3.6. Checking for stress condition.............................................................................................20
3.7. Summary for gear drivers..................................................................................................21
CHAPTER 4. DESIGN AND SELECT FOR SHAFT........................................................24
4.1. Material and allowable stress selection..............................................................................24
4.2. Parameters of shaft.............................................................................................................24
4.3. Checking for strength of shaft and key..............................................................................32
4.4. Summary for shaft design..................................................................................................33
5.1. Bearing...............................................................................................................................35
5.2. Coupling.............................................................................................................................37
Figure 2-1: Select the belt type (belt cross-section) according to the power and.......................6
Figure 2-2: Pulley parameters...................................................................................................10
Figure 3-1: Forces acting on gear mesh....................................................................................18
Figure 4-1: Preliminary length of shaft I..................................................................................25
Figure 4-2: Preliminary length of shaft II.................................................................................26
Figure 4-3: Shaft I design.........................................................................................................28
Figure 4-4: Shaft II design........................................................................................................31
Figure 8-1: Extrusion machine..................................................................................................45
Figure 8-2: Holton Crest Continuous Rotary Extrusion Machine............................................46
Figure 8-3: Single screw extruder.............................................................................................46
Figure 8-4: Structural parameters of Screw blade diameter and pitch......................................47
PII 8.1846
P I= = =8.5230(kW )
ηgear × ηrolling 0.97 × 0.99
Working power of motor:
PI 8.5230
Pmotor = = =9.0622(kW )( satisfied )
ηbelt ×ηrolling 0.95 ×0.99
1.2.2. Rotational speed on each shaft
Rotational speed of motor:
n motor=1460 (rpm)
Rotational speed of shaft I:
nmotor 1460
nI= = =570.0930 (rpm)
ubelt 2.561
( 1.6 )
Rotational speed of shaft II:
n I 570.087
n II = = =180.9819(rpm)
u gear 3.15
Rotational speed of spiral screw:
n spiral screw=nII =180.9819(rpm)
1.2.3. Torque on each shaft
Torque of motor:
P motor 9.0621
T motor=9550 × =9550 × =59.2765(Nm)
nmotor 1460
( 1.7 )
Torque of shaft I:
PI 8.5203
T I =9550 × =9550 × =142.7739 (Nm)
nI 570.087
Torque of shaft II:
PII 8.1846
T II =9550 × =9550 × =431.8831 (Nm)
n II 180.98
Torque of spiral screw:
Pspiral screw 7.8605
T spiral screw =9550 × =9550× =414.7806(Nm)
n spiral screw 180.98
1.3. Summary for motor selection and transmission ratio distribution
Table 1-3: Transmission ratio calculation and distribution
Motor I II Working
u 2.56 3.15 1
In which:
Shaft Motor: connecting the motor to the V-belt drive.
Shaft I: connecting the V-belt drive to the 1-stage helical spur gear reducer.
Shaft II: connecting the 1-stage helical spur gear reducer to the couplings.
Shaft Working: connecting the couplings to the spiral screw.
Figure 2-1: Select the belt type (belt cross-section) according to the power and
number of revolutions
Table 2-4: Cross section of V-belt, diameter of pulleys ISO 1081 - 95
bp bo h yo A Belt length Torque
Type d1
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (m m )
2 (mm) T 1 (N.m) min
Z 8.5 10 6 2.1 47 400 ÷ 2500 < 25 64 (50)
A 11 13 8 2.8 81 560 ÷ 4000 11 ÷ 70 90 (75)
B 14 17 10.5 4.0 138 800 ÷ 6300 40 ÷ 190 125 (125)
C 19 22 13.5 4.8 230 1800 ÷ 10600 110 ÷ 550 200 (200)
D 27 32 19 6.9 476 3150 ÷ 15000 450 ÷ 2000 315 (355)
E 32 38 23.5 8.3 692 4500 ÷ 18000 1100 ÷ 4500 500 (500)
SPZ 8.5 10 8 2 56 630 ÷ 3550 < 500 63
Narrow 11 13 10 2.8 93 800 ÷ 4500 90 ÷ 400 90
SPB 14 17 13 3.5 159 1250 ÷ 8000 300 ÷ 2000 140
SPC 19 22 18 4.8 278 2000 ÷ 8000 2000 224
Following the graph above and Table 2-1, with the given data n=1460 rpm, P=11 kW ,
we choose belt type B with
b o=17 mm , b p =14 mm , h=10.5 mm , y o=4 mm , A=138 mm , d min =125 mm .
π (d 1 +d 2 ) (d 2−d 1)
L=2 a+ +
2 4a
( 2.7 )
π × ( 160+ 400 ) ( 400−160 )
¿ 2 ×480 + + =1869.6459 (mm)
2 4 ×480
So the standard value of L is 1800 mm
2.2.6. Number of turns
Check for number of turns:
v 12.2313 −1 −1
i= = =6.7951 s <10 s (satisfied )
L 1800
( 2.8 )
Recalculate center distance a:
k + √ k 2−8 ∆2
( 2.9 )
In which: k and ∆ can be determined by these formula:
d 1+ d 2 160+400
k =L−π × =1800−π × =920.3541(mm)
2 2
( 2.10 )
d 2−d 1 400−160
∆= = =120(mm)
2 2
( 2.11 )
920.3541+ √ 920.35412−8 ×120 2
a= =443.9593 mm
The value of a is still within the acceptable range:
1120 ≥ a ≥ 318.5
2.2.7. Contact angle
Calculation for contact angle:
d 2−d 1 400−160
α 1=180−57× =180−57 × =149.1864 °> 120°
a 443.9593
( 2.12 )
α 1=2,6010 rad
⟹ Satisfy the condition
2.2.8. Calculate factors of belt drives
Contact angle correction factor:
( ) ( )=0.9205
−α 1 −149.1864 °
C α =1.24 × 1−e 110 =1.24 × 1−e 110
( 2.13 )
Velocity correction factor:
C v =1−0.05× ( 0.01 × v 2−1 )=1−0.05 × ( 0.01 ×12.2313 2−1 )=0.9752
( 2.14 )
Belt length correction factor and allowable effective power:
C L= 6
√ √L 6 1800
( 2.15 )
O 10 2.5 12 8 63…71 10 80…100 10.1 112…160
≥180 10.3
125… 13.
A 12.5 3.3 15 10 90…112 13.1
13.3 180…400
≥450 13.5
УA 16 3 15 10 90…112 12.8 - - >112
- -
12. 16.
УБ 21 4 19
140…180 16.4 - - >180
- -
УB 24 5 26 17 224…315 22 - - >315
- -
H−h0 d
- Circumferential force:
1000 × P1 1000 × 9.0602
F t= = =740.9021(N )
v1 12.2313
( 2.19 )
- Circumferential force on each belt:
F t 740.9021
= =185.2255( N )
z 4
- Shaft load:
( 2.20 )
- Centrifugal tension:
Table 2-8: Linear mass density of belt
Belt cross section symbol O A B Б УO УА УБ УB
q m , kg/m 0.061 0.105 0.178 0.300 0.069 0.118 0.196 0.363
According to Table 2-5:
Base on the type B belt drive, we have q m = 0.178 kg/m
2 2
F v =q m × v =0.178× 12.2313 =26.6295 (N)
( 2.21 )
in which q m is the length density of belt (kg/m)
2.2.12. Friction coefficient
According to Table 2-4:
F 0= × f ' α + F v =662.4(N )
2 e −1 1
( 2.22 )
→ f ' =0.5125
Ft 740.9021
F 1=F o+ =662.4 + =1032.8511(N )
2 2
( 2.24 )
The force on the loose (slack) side:
Ft 740.9021
F 2= f ' α + F v = 0.5125× 2.6010 +26.6295=291.9489(N )
e −1 1
e −1
( 2.25 )
2.3. Checking for stress condition
Maximum belt stress in belt drive:
F0 Ft 2 −6 2× y 0
σ max= + + ρ m v × 10 + ×E
A 2A d1
( 2.26 )
662.4 740.9021 2 −6 2× 4
⇒σ max= + +1100× 12.2313 × 10 + ×100
4 ×138 2 × 4 ×138 160
( )
( )
× 107
σ max 7.0357
Lh = = =1465.4274 (hours )
2× 3600 ×i 2 ×3600 ×6.7951
( 2.27 )
In which:
- Fatigue strength of belt σ r=9 MPa (V-belt)
- Exponent of fatigue curve m = 8 (V-belt)
( 3.1 )
Driven gear:
2.4 2.4 6
N HO =30 HB 2 =30 × 350 =38272299.9055≈ 38.2723 × 10
N FO =N FO =5 ×10
1 2
( 3.5 )
N HE 1=N FE =60 ×1 ×570.0930 ×33600=1149307500.4088 ≈ 114.9308×10
N H E =N FE =60× c × n2 × Lh
2 2
N H E =N FE =60× 1× 180.9819× 33600=364859523.9393 ≈ 364.8595 ×10
2 2
6 N HO
( 3.6 )
Because N HE > N HO, so N HO=N HE. Thus K HL1=K HL2=1
3.3.5. Allowable contact stress
For driving gear:
0.9 × σ OHlim 1 × K HL 0.9 ×1135 ×1
[ σ H ]= 1
= 1
=851.25 ( MPa )
( 3.7 )
For driven gear:
0.9 × σ OHlim 2 × K HL 0.9 ×770 × 1
[ σ H ]=2
(3.8 )
Checking with the condition: [σ ¿¿ H ]min ≤ [σ ¿¿ H ]≤1.25 [σ ¿¿ H ]min ¿ ¿ ¿ (satisfied)
3.4. Determine allowable bending stress
3.4.1. Contact endurance limit
For driving gear:
√ N FO
( 3.10 )
Because N FE> N FO , so N FO=N FE. Thus K FL =K FL =1 1 2
a w ≥ 430 × ( u+1 ) ×
3 T 1 K Hβ
ψ ba [σ ¿¿ H ] u
¿ ( 3.13 )
a w ≥ 430 × ( 3.15+1 ) × 3
√ 142.7739× 1.03
025 ×748.8413 2 ×3.15
⇒ aw ≥ 123.6902(mm)
According to the standard series we choose a w =125 mm
3.5.3. Module of gear drives
The module m can be calculated according to the center distance a w:
m=( 0,0125 ÷ 0,025 ) × aw = ( 0,0125÷ 0,025 ) ×125=1.5625 ÷ 3.1250
( 3.14 )
We choose a w =3.
3.5.4. Number of teeth
In case helical gear, we have the following condition:
8 ° ≤ β ≤20 °
So that:
mn z 1 ( u+1 )
cos 8o ≥ ≥ cos 20 °
2 aw
( 3.14 )
o o
2 aw cos 8 2 aw cos 20
≥ z1 ≥
m ( u+1 ) m ( u+1 )
o o
2× 125× cos 8 2 ×125 ×cos 20
≥ z1 ≥
3 × ( 3.15+1 ) 3 × ( 3.15+1 )
19.8849 ≥ z 1 ≥18.8693
We choose z 1=19.
Calculation for number of teeth of driven gear:
z 2=z 1 × ugear =19× 3.15=59.85
( 3.15 )
We choose z 1=60
3.5.5. Geomketry parameters of gear drive
Helix angle:
(z ¿ ¿1+ z 2 ) 3(19+ 60)
β=arccos m =arccos =18.5584 ° ¿ ( 3.16 )
2 aw 2 ×125
Pitch circle diameter of the driving gear:
z1 m 19× 3
d 1= = =60.1266 (mm)
cos β cos 18.5584 °
( 3.17 )
Pitch circle diameter of the driven gear:
z2 m 60 ×3
d 2= = =189.8734 (mm)
cos β cos 18.5584 °
Rolling circle diameter:
d w =d 1=60.1266(mm)
d w =d 2=189.8734( mm)
( 3.18 )
Outside diameter of driven gear:
d a =d 2+ 2m=189.8734 +2 ×3=195.8734( mm)
(3.19 )
Root diameter of driven gear:
Shaft I
Fa 1
Ft 1 Fr 1
Fr 2
Ft 2
Fa 2
Shaft II
Driven gear
ε α = 1.88−3.2
( 1 1
z1 z2 )]
cos β=1.5720
( 3.25 )
n acc: grade of accuracy
3.6. Checking for stress condition
3.6.1. Contact stress factor
Factor taking into account the shape of the contact surface:
√ 4 cos β
sin 2 α tw √
4 cos 18.5584 °
sin(2 ×21.0035 °)
( 3.26 )
E1 E2
π E 2 ( 1−μ1 ) + E 1 ( 1−μ2 )
2 2
( 3.27 )
( 2.1× 105 )
ZM= =191.6457
π [ 2.1 ×10 ( 1−0.3 ) +2.1 ×10 ( 1−0.3 ) ]
5 2 5 2
In which:
E1 , E2 : modulus of elasticity
μ1 , μ 2: Poisson’s ratio
Factor taking into account the effect of total contact length:
Z ε=
√ √ 1
(3.28 )
Load ratio:
K H =K A × K Hβ × K Hv × K Hα =1 ×1.03 ×1.0371 ×1.13=1.2071
( 3.29 )
σ H=
dw 1 √
Z M Z H Z ε 2 ×10 3 T 1 K H (u ±1)
( 3.30 )
bw u
191.6457 ×2.3804 × 0.7976 2 ×10 ×142,7739 ×1.2071(3.15+1)
σ H=
60.1266 31.25 ×3.15
σ H =729.4645 MPa<[σ ¿¿ H ](satisfied )¿
3.6.3. Bending stress factor
Factor takes into account the form of the tooth and stress concentration:
13.2 27.9 x 2
Y F=3.47 + − +0.092 x
z z
( 3.31 )
Y F =3.47+ =4.1647
Y F =3.47 + =3.6900
Load factor:
K F=K Fv K Fβ K Fα =1.0764 × 1.05× 2.4712=2.7930
( 3.32 )
Factor that takes teeth overlap into account:
1 1
Y ε= = =0.6361
ε α 1.5720
( 3.33 )
Vertical coincidence coefficient:
sin β sin 18.5584 °
ε β ≈ bw =31.25 × =1.0553
πm 3π
(3.34 )
Factor considers the tilt angle of the tooth in helical gearings:
Y β=1−ε β =0.8368
( 3.35 )
Bending stress:
Y F Ft KF Y ε Y β
σ F=
bw m n
(3.36 )
4.1647 × 4749.1100 ×2.7930 × 0.6361× 0.8368
σF = =313.6663 ( MPa ) < [ σ F 1 ]
31.25 ×3
3.6900 × 4749.1100 × 2.7930× 0.6361 ×0.8368
σF = =277.9116 ( MPa ) < [ σ F 2 ]
31.25× 3
3.7. Summary for gear drivers
Table 3-15: Summary for gear design
Parameter Value
Type of gear Helical spur gear
Material 40Cr Steel
Center distance a w, mm 125
Module m, mm 3
Helix angle β , degree 18.5584
Number of teeth:
- Driving gear z 1 19
- Driven gear z 2 60
Pitch circle diameter:
- Driving gear d 1, mm 60.1266
- Driven gear d 2, mm 189.8734
Outside diameter:
- Driving gear d a , mm1 66.1266
- Driven gear d a , mm
Root diameter:
- Driving gear d f , mm1 52.6266
- Driven gear d f , mm
Gear width:
- Driving gear b 1, mm 34.0625
- Driven gear b 2, mm 31.2500
Forces acting:
d ≥10 3
√ 16 T
π [τ ]
( 4.1 )
d 1 ≥10
√3 16 T 1
π [ τ ]1 √
3 16 ×142.7739
π ×25
=30.7534 (mm)
√ √
3 16 T 2 3 431.8831 ×10
d 2 ≥10 =10 =44.4767(mm)
π [ τ ]2 π × 25
In which:
l 1=b 1=ψ ba a w
<10 40 ÷ 65 30 ÷ 55 35 ÷ 50 20 ÷ 40
10 ≤T <20 45 ÷ 70 35 ÷ 60 40 ÷ 55 25 ÷ 45
20 ≤ T < 40 50 ÷ 80 40 ÷ 65 55 ÷ 65 25 ÷ 50
40 ≤ T < 60 55 ÷ 85 45 ÷ 75 50 ÷ 70 25 ÷ 55
60 ≤ T <80 60 ÷ 90 50 ÷ 80 55 ÷ 75 30 ÷ 55
80 ≤ T <100 65 ÷ 100 55 ÷ 90 60 ÷ 80 30 ÷ 60
75 mm 56.25 mm 56.25 mm
A Fv B
Fa 1
FH b
Ft 1
Fr 1
Fa 2
F cp
Coupling or
rotating Coefficient Oil retaining ring Gear Bearing
t d2 d3
d1 r_max d2 d3 d4
(standard) (standard)
I 30 3 37 40 41.6 42 40
II 45 3 53 50 51.6 55 50
Shaft I:
Mayo length of helical spur gear:
l gear =( 1 …1.5 ) d1 =( 1… 1.5 ) ×30=30 … 45 ( mm )
( 4.3 )
Choose l gear =gear width=42.5 (mm)
Mayo length of belt drive:
l belt = (1.2 … 1.5 ) d 1=( 1.2 … 1.5 ) ×35=36 … 45 ( mm )
( 4.4 )
Choose l belt =45(mm)
Shaft II:
∑ F y =R By + F vb + R Ay−F r 1=0
7.09+247.998+ R Ay−684.802=0
R Ay =1923.2417(N )
75 mm 56.25 mm 56.25 mm
FH b
Fa 1
FV b
Ft 1
Fr 1
129.4473 Nm
81.5135 Nm
87.9470 Nm
165.6690 Nm
142.7739 Nm
∅ 30 ∅ 40 ∅ 42 ∅ 40
40 42 40
dC ≥
3 32× 10−3 × M tdC
π ×[σ]
( 4.7 )
dC ≥
32× 10−3 ×243.9080
π × 65
√ 32 ×10−3 × M tdA
3 32 ×10 × 123.6458
dA≥ = =26.8589 ( mm ) (Satisfied )
π ×[σ] π × 65
Equivalent moment at B:
M tdB =√ M 2Bx + M 2By +0.75 ×T 2I
M tdB =√ 87.947 02 +108.397 4 2 +0.75 ×142.77392=186.4751 (Nm)
Shaft diameter at section B have following condition:
√ 32 ×10−3 × M tdB
3 3 32 ×10 × 186.4751
d B≥ = =30.8013(mm)(Satisfied)
π ×[σ] π ×85
4.2.5. Reaction forces acting on shaft II
Moment caused by axial force:
d2 195.8734 ×10
M a 2=F a 2 × =1594.4101 × =156.1513 (Nm)
2 2
The torque acting on the shaft:
T II =431.8831 Nm
The radial force acting on the shaft from the coupling:
F rc=( 0.2 ...0.3 ) × F t=( 0.2...0.3 ) ×6644.3557=( 1328.8711… 1993.3067 ) N
2 ×T II 2 ×431.8831
With: F t= = −3
=6644.3557 ( N )
D0 130 ×10
We choose F rc=1500 N
Equilibrium equations for y-z plane:
−3 −3
∑ M A =Fr 2 ×61.25 × 10 −R Cy × 122.5× 10 −M a2 =0
−3 −3
1823.3488 ×61.25 ×10 −RCy ×122.5 × 10 −156.1513=0
RCy =910.3997 N
∑ F y =R Ay + RCy −F r 2=0
R Ay +910.3997−1823.3488=0
R Ay =912.9491 N
∑ F y =F rc−RCx −R Ax + F t 2=0
1500+2598.9599−R Ax −4749.11=0
R Ax =3.650 .1501 ( N )
4.2.6. Diagram of bending moment and torque diagram of shaft II
According to moment distribution diagram, the most critical position is section B:
M tdB =√ M Bx + M By +0.75 ×T II =√ 135.8922 +66.069 +0.75 × 431.8831 =403.3907 ( Nm)
2 2 2 2 2 2
√ 32 ×10−3 × M tdB
3 3 32 ×10 × 403.3907
d B≥ = =41.8273(mm)
π ×[σ] π × 65
σ−1 τ−1
sσ = ; s τ=
Kσσa Kτ τ a
+ѱ σ σ m +ѱ τ τ m
εσ β ετ β
Shaft I
σ −1=0.4 σ b=331.2( MPa); τ −1=0.25 σ b=172.96(MPa)
M √ Mx+M y
2 2
σ a= = ; σ m=0 ; τ a=τ m =
W W 2W o
3 3
πd πd
W= ; W o=
32 16
4.4. Summary for shaft design
Table 4-19: Strength condition of shaft I
W ( mm ) 1959.5188 5242.7853 6162.7152 5.242.7853
W o (mm ) 4610.2376 11525.9706 13436.2876 11525.9706
σ a ( MPa) 0 26.6247 34.1156 0
τ a=τ m (MPa) 15.4844 6.1936 5.3130 6.1936
sσ 9.3646 7.3084
sτ 2.0818 5.2047 6.0673 5.67
s 4.5493 > 2.5 4.6682 > 2.5 5.2047 > 2.5
Shaft I satisfied the fatigue strength condition
Table 4-20: Strength condition of shaft II
W ( mm ) 10877.9263 14762.2638 10877.9263 7729.3760
W o (mm ) 23149.7726 31096.0912 23149.7726 16675.5519
σ a (MPa) 0 10.2357 12.4105 0
τ a=τ m (MPa) 9.3280 6.9443 9.3280 12.9496
sσ 24.3589 20.0903
sτ 3.4558 4.6420 3.4558 2.4893
Shaft σ τ σ tđ
A 0 0 0
B 82.06 25.9 93.52
C 71.05 25.9 84.03
D 0 48.83 84.58
A 0 0 0
B 72.58 36.51 96.26
C 63.09 30.76 82.58
D 0 43.79 75.85
5.1. Bearing
5.1.1. Reaction force acting on the bearing
Shaft I
F rB=RB =√ R2Bx + R2By = √ 1497.59482 +280.5796 2=1523.6519(N )
(5.1 )
F rD=R D= √ R2Dx + R 2Dy = √ 1875.63772 +3212.14512=3719.6631( N )
Shaft II
F rA=R A =√ R2Ax + R 2Ay=√ 912.94912 +3650.15012=3762.5885( N )
F rC =RC = √ R2Cx + R2Cy =√ 2598.95992 +910.39972=2753.8010(N )
Preliminary choosing the bearing:
Shaft I :308 :C=31.9 kN ; C o=21.7 kN ; α=12 ° ; e A =0.36 ; eB '=0.42
Shaft II : 310 C=48.5 kN ; Co =36.3 k N ; α =12° ; e 'A=0.35; e B '=0.34
5.1.2. Basic dynamic load
Shaft I
S1=S A =e ' FrA =630.37(N ); S 2=S B=e ' FrB=540.61(N)
Because S2 < S1 and F a=132.88> S1 −S 2=89.76
{ F a 1=S1=630.37(N )
Fa 2=S 1+ F a=763.25 (N )
Because F a 1< F a 2 so we calculate the load at B with the formula:
Q=Q r=(XV F r +Y F a )K t K σ
( 5.2 )
Q=Q a=( X F r +Y F a )K t K σ
( 5.3 )
Fa 132.88
Where: V =1 ; K t =1 ; K σ =1.2 and = =0.014
Co 9240
Because =0.2773< e=0.45, we have: X = 1, Y = 0 with bearing at B on the
V (F rB)
shaft I
Q=Q r=( XV F r +Y F a ) K t K σ =( 1× 1× 1287.17+0 ×1056.365 ) ×1 ×1.2
¿ 2784.72 N
Q=Q a=( X F r +Y F a ) K t K σ =( 1× 1287.17+0 ×1056.365 ) ×1 ×1.2=2784.72 N
The life in million revolutions L of the bearing:
60 Lh n 60 × 276.68× 2× 8 ×300
L= 6
= 6
10 10
( 5.4 )
(million revolutions)
With this Lh, we have to change the bearing on the shaft I after 1 year (1 day 2 shifts, 1
shifts 8 hours, 1 year 300 days)
The basic dynamic load:
1 1
m 3
C tt =Q L =2784.72 ×91.26 =12537.6 ( N ) <C=13100 N (satisfied)
Re-calculate the life time with the formula:
Q3 L=C 3
( 5.5 )
L= 104.1 (million revolutions)
10 L
60 n
Lh=5475.1 ( h )
Table 5-22: Parameter of 36205 bearings
{ F a 1=S 1=612.857(N )
Fa 2=S 1+ F a=1225.714 (N )
Because F a 1< F a 2 so we calculate the load at B with the formula:
Q=Q r=(XV F r +Y F a )K t K σ
Q=Q a=( X F r +Y F a )K t K σ
Fa 132.88
Where: V =1 ; K t =1 ; K σ =1.2 and = =0.0056
Co 23700
Because =0.287< e=0.45, base on the Table 9.4 [2], we have: X=1, Y=0 with
V (F rB)
bearing at B on the shaft II
Q=Q r=( XV F r +Y F a ) K t K σ =( 1× 1× 1348.37+0 ×1516.675 ) ×1 ×1.2
¿ 2686.848 N
Q=Q a=( X F r +Y F a ) K t K σ =( 1× 1348.37+0 ×1516.675 ) ×1 ×1.2=2686.848 N
The life in million revolutions L of the bearing:
60 Lh n 60 × 43.92 ×2 ×8 ×300 × 6
L= 6
= 6
=63.24 (million revolutions )
10 10
With this Lh, we have to change the bearing on the shaft I after 5 years (1 day 2 shifts, 1
shifts 8 hours, 1 year 300 days)
The basic dynamic load:
1 1
C tt =Q L m =2686.848 ×68.45 3 =10990.8(N )<C=30600 N (satisfied)
Re-calculate the life time with the formula:
3 3
L= 1477.2 (million revolutions)
10 L
Lh =
60 n
Lh=621544.5 ( h )
Table 5-23: Parameter of 36208 bearings
Number of C o (kN)
d (mm) D (mm) B (mm) r (mm) C (kN)
310 50 110 27 3 48.5 36.3
5.2. Coupling
5.2.1. Initial parameters
Torque acting on shaft II: T =431.8831 Nm
The tangential force acting on the shaft from the chain coupling: F t=1500 N
The rotational speed of the chain coupling: n=180.9819rpm
According to Table 16.6 [2], we have:
Table 5-24: Coupling specification
d1 d2 D dm h
[T] (Nm) n max (rpm) Radial misalignment
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
Q 70000
S= = =31.11÷ 38.89
( 1.2 ÷1.5 ) F t ( 1.2÷ 1.5 ) 1500
(5.7 )
According to table 16.7 [4] with p=38.1 mm and n=101.3395rpm, we choose [ S ] =¿ 8.5
⇒ S ≥ [ S ] so the safety factor of chain coupling is satisfied.
Parameters Calculation
e=( 0 , 8 ÷ 1 ) δ=6.4 ÷ 8 ( mm )
Width, e
Choose e=7 (mm)
Height, h h<58 (mm)
Slope Approximately 20
Based bolt, d 1 M 16
Body-cover-assembly bolt,
Diameters M 10
K 3 ≈ K 2−( 3 ÷ 5 )=38(mm)
Z Z=6
Thickness, S1 S1=¿
The gearbox
K 1 ≈ 3 d 1=51(mm)
body’s bottom Width, K 1, q
q ≥ K 1 +2 δ=67( mm)
Thread d d1 d2 d3 d4 d5 h h1 h2 l≥ f b c x r r1 r2
M8 36 20 8 20 13 18 6 5 18 2 10 1.2 2.5 - 4 4
D (mm) D2 (mm) D3 (mm) D4 (mm) h (mm) Z d4 (mm)
I 90 110 135 85 12 6 M8
II 90 110 135 85 12 6 M8
6.4.4. Access door
We make an access door on top of the housing, on which there is an air vent, to check
the inside the gearbox and for pouring oil. The parameters based on table 18.5 [1]:
Table 6-28: Parameter of access door
A B A1 B1 C C1 K R Screw Quantity
M 27× 2 15 30 15 45 36 32 6 4 10 8 22 6 32 18 36 32
d b m f L c q D S D0
d d1 d2 D D1 L1 l l1 b
M 12 ×1.25 5 6 18 12 30 12 6 3
Machine ES es EI ei
Assembly N max (µm) Smax (µm)
elaments (µm) (µm) (µm) (µm)
Grease seal on
∅45H7/k6 +21 +6.5 0 -6.5 6.5 27.5
shaft I
Grease seal on
∅53H7/k6 +25 +8 0 -8 8 33
shaft II
Spacer on
∅35H8/h11 +33 -40 0 -73 -40 106
shaft I
Spacer on
∅45H8/h11 +39 -50 0 -89 -50 128
shaft II
V-belt drive in
∅30k6 - +15 - +2 - -
shaft I
Coupling in
∅42k6 - +18 - +2 - -
shaft II
Inner ring
Element Assembly ES es EI ei
Outer ring
Element Assembly ES es EI ei
P9 D10
S=0.8 D
( 8.1 )
In which: D is the diameter of blade. So that, S = 168 (mm).
∅ 210
168 168
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