1. DMA interface unit eliminates the need to use CPU registers to transfer data from
A) I/O units to memory
B) Memory address register to Memory buffer register
C) Memory buffer register to Memory address register
D) Memory to I/O units
4. In which types of distribute database system that each site may run different database
system but the data access is managed through a single conceptual schema.
A) Federated database
B) Multidatabase
C) Homogeneous database
D) Standalone Database
8. What will be the output of the following program? #include using namespace std; void
sayHello(); { cout << "Hello World" } int main() { sayHello(); return 0; }
A) compile timer error
B) Hello World
C) sayeHello
D) Hello
9. ___ is a header file used in C++ that handles input and output functions.
A) conio.h
B) stdio.h
C) string.h
D) iostream.h
10. Which one of the following facilitates transfer of bulk data from hard disk to main
memory with highest throughput?
A) Interrupt driven I/O transfer
B) Polling based I/O transfer
C) DMA based I/O transfer
D) Programmed I/O transfer
11. Which one of the following is at most one variable on the right side of the production,
must be the left-most symbol.
A) Right-linear grammar
B) Left-linear grammar.
C) regular languages
D) Context free language
12. Suppose you are a software engineer and focusing on producing a model of the system,
which is correct, complete, consistent, and verifiable is called_________________.
A) Design model
B) Analysis Model
C) Testing model
D) Requirement gathering
13. Which requirement elicitation techniques are used to gather the requirements using a
scenario-based technique in the UML which identifies the actors in an interaction and which
describe the interaction itself?
A) Scenarios
B) Documents
C) Ethnography
D) Use case
14. A mechanism used for a subclass to implement a super class method based on its
requirement is?
A) Overriding
B) Overloading
C) Polymorphism
D) Encapsulation
15. It holds all of the information needed to create users, groups, computers within active
A) Schema
B) Forest
C) Tree
D) Domain
16. One of the following searching strategy is not grouped under informed/heuristic search to
solve problems.
A) Greedy search
B) Iterative Deeping search
C) Constraint satisfaction search
D) Iterative improvement search
17. Which one of the command that used to activate the changes in active directory?
A) gpupdate
B) dcpromo
C) gpchange
D) change
18. Which one of the following is true about a standard Turing machine is capable of
accepting some of the languages and grammars respectively?
A) recursively enumerable language, unrestricted grammars
B) Context sensitive language, Context free grammars
C) Context free language, regular grammars
D) Pushdown automata, regular expression
19. Which of the following is the task of Unsupervised learning technique of artificial
A) Classification
B) Regression
C) Clustering
D) Take action based of reward & punishment
21. Which UMl diagram describes the interactions among classes in terms of an exchange of
messages over time?
A) Use case diagram
B) Sequence diagram
C) Class diagram
D) Deployment diagram
25. Which one of the following is more related with data hiding?
A) Polymorphism
B) Inheritance
C) Encapsulation
D) overloading
26. which of the following correct recurrence with time complexity of worst case of bubble
sort Algorithm?
A) Recurrence is T(n) = T (n(n-2)) + O(n) and time complexity is O(n^2)
B) Recurrence is T(n) = T(n-1) + O(n) and time complexity is O(n)
C) Recurrence is T(n) = 2T(n/2) + O(n) and time complexity is O(nLogn)
D) Recurrence is T(n) = T(n/10) + T(9n/10) + O(n) and time complexity is O(nLogn)
27. Which of the following is true in the case of the software design process?
A) Analysis occurs at the start of product design with a product idea
B) Analysis occurs at the end of engineering design with the SRS
C) Product design resolution produces the design document
D) Engineering design resolution produces the SRS
28. Which of the following statement is correct about the global variable?
A) Global variables can only declare inside the “.h” file.
B) A varibale does not have global scope
C) A variable defined outside the function or block is known as a global variable.
D) variable defined inside the function or block is known as a global variable.
29. The ability to use the same name for two or more methods in a class is?
A) Overriding
B) Overloading
C) Polymorphism
D) Encapsulation
30. Which types of tasks is performed by intelligent system without intelligence
A) Use natural language fluently
B) Calculate something
C) Store and retrieve information from memory
D) None
31. Which ARIES recovery phase reads the log from the last recorded checkpoint to identify
any dirty pages and active transactions at the time of the crash?
A) Redo phase
B) Undo phase
C) Analysis phase
D) Dirty page
32. In process instruction cycle the step during which the operations specified by the
instruction are executed is known as ________________.
A) Fetch Cycle
B) Indirect Cycle
C) Execute Cycle
D) Interrupt Cycle
33. Which one of the following data base design modelling is important to represent the
conceptual view of the database?
A) ER diagram model
B) Hierarchical model
C) Network model
D) Relational data model
34. A process is waiting for the resource held by the second process, which is waiting for the
resource held by the third process and so on, till the last process is waiting for a resource held
by the first process. This chain of deadlock characterization is:
A) Circular wait
B) Hold and wait
C) Mutual exclusion
D) No pre-emption
35. A hierarchical structure made up of multiple domains that trust each other is called?
A) Forest
B) Schema
C) Site
D) Organizational Unit
36. Which one of the following from short hands is represents zero or one of zero or one of
the regular expression?
A) r + =rr*
B) r* = r+ | ε
C) r? =r|ε
D) r*=r*r*
38. Which one of the following is the class of decision problems that have polynomial-time
deterministic algorithms?
A) class NP
B) class P
C) Non polynomial-time
D) Nondeterministic algorithms
39. Which one of the following is the functions of modern operating system connection with
process management?
A) Managing process and threads
B) Managing memory partition
C) Allocation & de-allocation of devices to processes
D) Managing files and directories
40. The values appearing in given attributes of any tuple in the referencing relation must
likewise occur in specified attributes of at least one tuple in the referenced relation, according
to _____________________ integrity constraint.
A) Referential
B) Primary
C) Referencing
D) Specific
41. If you want to search the key element in ‘n’ number of array elements by using a binary
search algorithm and the searched key element is greater than mid element, then what is the
position of top and bottom element?
A) Top is n-1 and bottom is mid-1
B) Top is n-1 and bottom is mid + 1
C) Top is n+1 and bottom is mid +1
D) Top is n+1 and bottom is mid -1
42. What is time complexity of fun ()? int fun(int n) { int count = 0; for (int i = n; i > 0; i /=
2) for (int j = 0; j < i; j++) count += 1; return count;}
A) O(n2)
B) O(n*log(n))
C) O(n)
D) O(n*log(n*Log(n)))
43. A user logs on to her account and is able to makes changes to her desktop, like adding a
background and screen saver. However, when user logs off and logs back on, the desktop
changes to its original configuration. What type of user profile does this user have?
A) Roaming profile
B) Local profile
C) Mandatory profile
D) Managing profile
45. Which one of the following is not true about a regular expression?
A) ø denotes language ø
B) ε denotes language {ε}
C) a denotes language {a}, for all a Σ.
D) ab denotes language {acb}, for all a,c Σ.
46. You tried to reset a password, but received a message that your password does not meet
the password complexity requirements. What might be the problem?
A) The maximum password age is set to 1
B) The user password is not complex enough
C) The minimum password length is less than 6 characters
D) Password never expires
47. Let us suppose that in a distributed database, during a transaction T1, one of the sites, say
S1, is failed. When recovers, the site S1 has to check its log file (log based recovery) to decide
the next move on the transaction T1. If the log contains a record, what the site S1 has to do?
A) Need not do anything
B) Perform Undo
C) Perform Redo
D) Abort the transaction
48. Which of the following algorithms is used to find the minimum number of coins needed
to make change for a given amount?
A) Greedy algorithm
B) Depth First Search
C) Dijkstra’s shortest path algorithm
D) Breadth First Search
49. Which one of the following is defining software and hardware architecture, components,
modules, interfaces, and data to enable a system to satisfy a set of well-specified operational
A) System analysis
B) Implementation
C) System design
D) Requirement Elicitation
50. Consider the following C++ programing function void fun (int x) { node *temp=new
node; temp->data=x; temp->next=NULL; if(head==NULL) head = temp; else { node *temp2
= head; while(temp2->next!=NULL) { temp2 = temp2->next; } temp2->next= temp; } } After
we call the above c++ programs how many linked list nodes is/are modified?
A) One node modifies
B) Two node modifies
C) Three node modifies
D) Four node modifies
51. Which unit of CPU perform arithmetic operations such as addition, subtraction,
multiplication, division over data received from memory and compare numbers (greater than,
equal to, or less than)?
B) Control Unit
C) ALU and Control Unit
D) Input/Output Unit
52. All of the following are the main goals of normalization EXCEPT
A) Minimize data redundancy.
B) Simplify the enforcement of referential integrity.
C) Maximize storage space.
D) make it easier to maintain data
54. Which of the following is/ are true about queue type data structure after adding
additional element on queue?
A) Front and rear pointer increment by one
B) Rear pointer increment by one and front pointer is not
C) Front pointer increment by one and rear is not
D) All
55. If transaction had not committed at failure time, recovery manager has to perform ___ to
A) Redo operation
B) Undo operation
C) The change should be saved
D) Non-recoverable
56. Which of the following is/are true about stack type of data structure?
A) It is a liner types of data structure in which insertion and deletion performed in both
B) It is a non-liner types of data structure in which insertion and deletion performed in
both ends
C) It is a primitive types of data structure in which follows last-in first-out operation
D) It is a non-primitive types of data structure in which follows last-in first-out operation
58. Which one uses unlimited memory as an infinite tape which can be read/written and
moved to left or right?
A) Pushdown Automata
B) Finite Automata
C) Turing Machines
D) Linear bound automata.
59. of the following can be defined as data structures that allow storing a group of data of the
same datatype.
A) Array
B) Structure
C) String
D) Union
61. Unlike RDMS, the object oriented model uses _____________to represent real world
A) Object
B) Class
C) Table
D) Constructor
63. The process of translating a task into a series of commands that the computer will use to
perform that task is __________.
A) Programming
B) Project design
C) Installation
D) System analysis
65. Which one of the following enables a parent class reference to refer to a child class
A) Overriding
B) Overloading
C) Encapsulation
D) Polymorphism
66. Which one of the following is used to create new classes from existing ones?
A) Inheritance
B) Encapsulation
C) Polymorphism
D) Overriding
67. Which of the following algorithms is NOT a divide & conquer algorithm by nature?
A) Euclidean algorithm to compute the greatest common divisor
B) Heap Sort
C) Cooley-Tukey fast Fourier transform
D) Quick Sort
68. Which components of intelligence is defined as a set of processes that enables the agent
to provide basis for judgement, making decisions, and prediction.
A) Perception
B) Problem solving
C) Reasoning
D) Learning
69. Which of one of the following is not correct about knowledge engineering
A) It is the process extracting knowledge from human knowledge engineer
B) It is the process of choosing and problem solving strategies
C) It is the process of choose knowledge representation formalism
D) Its ultimate goal is design and develop knowledge base
70. If the minimum password Age on a Windows system is set to zero, what does that mean?
A) The user can use a blank password
B) Password complexity requirement is enabled
C) The password never expires
D) The account is unlock manually by the administrator