All the question contains 10 marks each
1. List down various types of estimates
2. What is meant by specification, explain about general specification of first class building?
3. Briefly describe about Detailed specification of earth work excavation?
4. Give the detailed specification of plastering of wall
5. Write short notes on analysis of rates and data book
6. Give the detailed specification of plastering of wall with CM 1:3 mix.
7. Give the detailed specification of brick work
8. What is the deference between preliminary estimate and detailed estimate ?
9. Write short notes on importance of specification
10. Work out the specification for the following items
a. Earth work for road in embankment
b. Painting of three coats
1. Work out unit rate for the following work 10 marks
4. Work out unit rate for RR masonry for foundation in cement & motor 1:6
For 1 cum, rubble 1m3@ 600/ m3, river sand 0.3 m3@1200/ m3, cement 72 kg@ 5000/ton,
mason 0.7/ m3@ 450/person, man 0.35 m3 250/no. 10 marks
5. Work out unit rate for PCC 1:4:8 using broken stone.
For 1 cum, broken stone 1m3@ 1100/ m3, river sand 0.48 m3@1200/ m3, cement 172 kg@
5000/ton, mason 0.7/ m3@ 450/person, man 0.35 m3 250/no. 10 marks
1. Estimate the quantities of the items of the following items of a residential building
a. Earth work excavation in foundation
b. First class brick work in foundation
c. Lime concrete in foundation
d. Brick work in super structure
e. Dam proof course
f. Plastering in walls 20 marks
2. Work out the quantites of steel in a RCC roof slab shown in figure . Also prepare bar bending
schedule 20 marks
3. Prepare the detailed estimate of RCC beam of 8m clear span and 75x40 cm in section from
the given figure. Also prepare a schedule of rates 20 marks
4. Estimate the quantities of the items of the following items of a residential building
a. Earth work excavation in foundation
b. First class brick work in foundation
c. Lime concrete in foundation
d. Brick work in super structure
e. Dam proof course
f. Plastering in walls 20 marks
5. Calculate the quantities of following items of work for a single span RCC slab culvert as
shown in figure 20 marks
6. Prepare the detailed estimate of RCC column with foundation footing from the given figure.
Also prepare bar bending schedule 20 marks
7. Prepare the detailed estimate of RCC retaining wallof 30m span from the given figure. Also
prepare bar bending schedule 20 marks
8. Prepare the detailed estimate of septic tank with soak pit from the given figure
20 marks
1. Analyse the building frame shown in figure using substitute frame method.
2. Solve the problem using cantilever method .Eachb column has the column area as indicated.
3. Differentiate between cantilever method and portal method for lateral load analysis.
4. What are the assumptions of cantilever method
5. Explain approximate methos for analysis of multi story frames.
6. What are the assumptions in cantilever method of analysis?
7. Analyse the frame shown in figure using cantilever method. Cross-sectional area of members are
shown in figure.
8. What are the assumptions in portal method of analysis?
1. Define and explain with examples kinematic indeterminacy of structures.
2. Explain external redundancy and internal redundancy with suitable example.
3. Define the flexibility influence coefficient and stiffness influence coefficients with suitable
4. Find the external and internal indeterminacies of the following structures.
5. State and prove the relation between force transformation matrix and displacement
transformation matrix.
6. Explain the formulae to find out the kinematic indeterminacy of pin-jointed and rigidjointed
7. What is the relationship between stiffness and flexibility matrix
8. Compare nodal degrees of freedom and joint degrees of freedom.
9. Define stiffness influence coefficients. Illustrate with suitable examples
10. Explain the general procedure followed in displacement method of analysis
11. Define equilibrium and compatibility.
12. Define kinematic indeterminacy. Compute the kinematic indeterminacy of a rigid jointed frame
of column height ‘h’ and beam span ‘l’ with one end fixed and other end hinged, if only the beam
axial deformations are neglected.
1. Derive the element flexibility matrix for a cantilever beam of span L . The free end is subjected to
a downward vertical load V and an anticlockwise moment M.
2. Develop the flexibility matrix for the structure shown in figure 1 with reference to the given
3. Develop the force transformation matrix for the co-ordinates shown in figure
4. Find the deflection and rotation at the free end of the cantilever shown by flexibility approach
5. Analyse the frame using flexibility method and draw the BMD
6.Analyse the continuous beam using flexibility method and draw the BMD
7. Analyse the continuous beam using flexibility method and draw the BMD and SFD
8.Find the deflection and rotation at the free end of the beam shown by flexibility approach
9. Explain the load transformation matrix approach in flexibility method
11. Analyse the plane frame shown in figure 2 by flexibility matrix method and draw the SFD
and BMD. The bottom support is fixed and top is made roller.
b) Analyse the frame using stiffness method and draw the BMD
2. Analyse the continuous beam using stiffness method and draw the BMD and SFD
3. Analyse the continuous beam using stiffness method and draw the BMD and SFD
4. Analyse the frame using stiffness method and draw the BMD
5. a. Discuss the advantages of stiffness method over flexibility method.
b. Show that the flexibility and stiffness matrices are inverse to one another
6. Analyse the pin jointed frame by stiffness method. Take AE/L constant for all the members.
7. Generate the stiffness matrix for the structure with the given co-ordinates and properties.
10.Derive the stiffness matrix for the structure with coordinates as shown in figure.
11.Analyse the rigid frame loaded as shown in Fig.3. using stiffness method.
E = 200 × 106 kN / m2; I = 500 × 10-6 m4
12.Explain how the effect of calibration error or temperature changes is considered in the
analysis of trusses by matrix displacement method
13. Find the forces in the members of the truss loaded as shown in Fig.4. using stiffness
method. Take axial rigidity AE = unity for all members.
3. Analyse the frame using direct stiffness method and draw the BMD
4. Analyse the frame using direct stiffness method and draw the BMD
9. Describe the stiffness matrix of elements in global coordinates from element coordinates
10. Explain the rotation of axes in 2 Dimensions
4. A rigid uniform beam as shown in figure has a total mass m and length l. It is hinged at one
end and restrained by a viscous damper of damping coefficient
'c'' at the other end. A spring of constant k is connected to the beam at a distance ''a'' from the
hinged end. If the bar moves in the vertical plane, formulate the equation of motion and
derive an expression for the critical damping coefficient.
2. The population figures of a town during the four decades i.e. 1960, 1970, 1980 and 1990are
25,000, 30,500, 35,500 and42, 000 respectively. Predict its population in the year 2000 and
Compare the results through Arithmetical progression. Geometrical
progression,Incremental increase method and Decreasing Rate method. (KTU Dec2018,
June 2019)
3. Define Design period. What are the factors governing the design period?
4. In two periods each of 20 years a city has grown from 50000 to 110000 and 160000 find
the population expected in the next 20 years and also the saturation population.
5. Determine the daily water demand of the city in 2031, if the per capita water demand is
135 Lpcd and the city population records is as given below.
6. What do you understand by the term ‘Design Period’? (KTU May 2019)
Module 2
1. What are the requirements of potable water for domestic use?
2. Discuss the various Physical, characteristics of water. (KTU Dec2018)
3. Discuss the various Chemical characteristics of water.
4. What are the factors be considered for locating a pumping station?
5. Draw a neat sketch of canal intake and explain the working principle. State its merit and
6. a) What factors are required to be considered in the selection of the type of pump? (10
7. Discuss the situations under which the following types of may be used. A) Reciprocating
pumps b.centrifugal pumps c.Air lift pumps. (10 marks)
8. Prepare a standard chart giving the drinking water quality standards for any 10
parameters as per BIS. (KTU May 2019)
Module 3
1. a) Explain the treatment processes carried out for the removal of impurities in water? (10
b) Sketch the layout plan of water treatment plan. (10 marks) (KTU June 2019)
2. Water has to be purified for a town whose daily demand is 9 x 106 litres/day. Design a
suitable sedimentation tank of the water works fitted with sludge remover. Assume the
velocity of flow, in the sedimentation tank as 22cm/min and the detention period as 8 hrs.
(KTU Dec2018)
3. What should be the size of a rectangular sedimentation tank to treat 1.0 MLD with 2 hours
detention and overflow rate less than 40,000 litres per day per sq.m. of the surface areas?
4. The following data are corresponding to a clariflocculator find the volume of a flocculation
and its diameter Detention time: 30 min, Depth: 3 m, Outer diameter of the inlet shaft = 0.9
m, water to be treated: 10 ML/d (KTU Dec2018)
5. Derive stokes law
6. Find the settling velocity of a particle of 0.06mm diameter, having a specific gravity of
2.65 in water at a temperature of 20 oC .Take kinematic viscosity as 1.007*10-6 m2/sec.
7. Design a continuous flow rectangular sedimentation tank for a population of 20,000
persons with an average per capita demand of 120 litres per day. Assume detention period of
6 hours.
8. Design a clariflocculator for treating 3 MLD of water. Make suitable assumptions. Prepare
a neat sketch.(KTU May 2019)
Module 4
1. Distinguish between the slow sand filter and rapid sand gravity sand filter (KTU Dec2018)
2. With the help of the diagram, explain the process of Rapid sand filter.
3. Design a rapid sand filter for a town having a population of 80,000 with an average rate of
demand180lpcd. Assume suitable data
4. Explain the various filter troubles (KTU June2019)
5. Design a slow sand filter for atown of population60000,p provided water supply at the rate
of 160 lpcd. Take rate of filtration as 2.5l/min, L/B ratio as2, maximum demand as 1.8 times
avg. demand.
6. Explain pressure filter (KTU Dec2018)
7. With a neat sketch, explain the working of a slow sand filter.(KTU May2019)
Module 5
1. What is disinfection? List the commonly used disinfectants (KTU Dec2018)
2. Discuss the use of chlorine as disinfecting agent. What are the different types of
chlorination? (KTU May2019)
3. Mention the type of aerators used in the water treatment
4. Explain lime-soda process and zeolite process (KTU Dec2018)
5. Explain electrodialysis
6. What is adsorption? What are the factors affecting adsorption
7. Give an account on Ion Exchange Process. Explain its advantages also. (10 marks) (KTU
8. How can you remove permanent hardness by Lime Soda Process?(10 marks) (KTU
Module 6
1. What are the components of a water supply system? Explain (KTU Dec2018)
2. What is different system of distribution networks? Explain (KTU May2019)
3. What are various methods of water distribution
4. What are the different method of analyzing a given distribution system? Explain Hardy
Cross method of pipe network analysis. (KTU Dec2018, June 2019)
5. Mention any three pipe appurtenances with neat sketches.
6. What are the different types of Distribution reservoirs
7. Explain the equivalent pipe method with neat sketch. (5marks ) (KTU Dec2018, may
8. Explain the theory of chlorination. (6marks ) (KTU Dec2018, may 2019)
1a. What special methods would you adopt to make track alignment if heavy gradient
are unavoidable in a particular region? (Nov, 2011) (10)
1b. Draw the cross section of a double line broad gauge track in cutting on a straight track.
2a. List the requirements of an ideal permanent way. (Nov, 2014), (Dec, 2015)(10)
3a. Briefly discuss various types of sleepers used in railways. (Nov, 2014)(10)
5a. Write any two track modernisation techniques used in present days. (ANNA, 2014)(10)
7. Explain the term ballast less track and its advantages (KTU, DEC 2017)
1a. What are the different types of fish plates in use? Illustrate with sketches. (Nov, 2011)(10)
1b. Write down the appropriate formula for the speed in curves for broad gauge in terms
of radius of curve, with or without transition curve.(Nov, 2011)(10)
2. A 9o degree branch curve diverges out from a 8o main curve in opposite direction in a
M.G. yard layout. If the speed restriction is 25kmph on main line and permissible cant
deficiency in 5.1 cm. What would be the speed limit on branch line? (Nov, 2011)(20)
3. Explain the necessity of widening of gauge on curves. If wheel base of a vehicle moving on
a broad gauge track is 1.5 m and depth of flange below top of rail is 3.2 cm. Determine
extra width required to be provided on gauge, if curve is 5o. (Nov, 2011)(20)
4. Derive the expression for super elevation for a railway track.(Nov, 2014)(20)
5a. A 6o curve branches off a 3o main curve on a broad gauge track. If the speed on the main
line is 60 kmph, find the restricted speed on the branch line.(Nov, 2014)(10)
5b. What is meant by coning of wheels, tilting of rails and adzing of sleepers? (Nov, 2014)(10)
6b. What are the functions of ballast in a railway track? (KU, 2013)(10)
1a. Draw a neat diagram of a simple left hand turnout and show its component parts.
(Nov, 2011)(10)
1b. Find out crossing angle of 1 in 8.5 number of crossings using right hand method and
centre line method. (Nov, 2011)(10)
3. Determine the required elements for laying the 1 in 12 turnout when it springs from the
heel of switch a an angle of 1o8'0” from a broad gauge track and ends at theoretical nose of
crossing keeping the curve tangential to the tongue rail. Assume the heel divergence as
13.33 cm. (Nov, 2011)(20)
4. What is meant by a level crossing? Discuss in detail how the level crossings are classified in
India. (Nov,2011)(20)
5a. Describe with sketches the layout of a wayside station on a double line. (Nov, 2011)(10)
7a. Explain the methods of controlling train movements? Discuss any two in detaiL
(Nov, 2014)(10)
7b. What are Marshalling yards? Explain the different types of Marshalling yards with sketches.
(Nov, 2014)(10)
8a. Write short notes on scissors cross over and three throws. (Dec, 2015)(10)
8b. How are railway signals classified according to their location? (Dec, 2015)(5)
8c. Explain basic principles of interlocking of points and signals. (Dec, 2015)(5)
2a. Explain the factors contributing to the development of creep. Also mention the method
of measurement and correction of creep. (Dec, 2015, Dec 2016)(10)
3a. Define wheel gauge. What are the different wheel gauges used in India? (JNTU, 2015)(10)
5a. Write shortly the „track renewal‟ with its types in track maintenance. (ANNA, 2014)(10)
1. Describe various methods of tunnelling in hard works and mention the advantages and
disadvantages of each of them. (Nov, 2011)(20)
2. Draw typical cross sections of tunnels and mention their applications. (Nov, 2014)(20)
3a. List the methods of tunnelling in soft soil. Discuss any two in detail. (Nov, 2014)(10)
4. Explain the vertical shaft and pilot tunnel systems of tunnelling. Sketch and explain various
shapes of tunnels. (Dec, 2016)(20)
5a. Explain the need for tunnel ventilation. Discuss the basic principles involved. (Dec,2016)(10)
5b. Mention the objects of tunnel lining. List the materials used for lining. (VTU, 2009)(10)
6. Explain with neat sketches the Needle Beam method of tunnel construction. (VTU, 2009)(20)
7a. With a neat sketch explain fore poling method of tunnelling in soft soils. (VTU, 2010)(10)
1b. What are the different types of docks? List functions of each.(Nov, 2011)
2a. Distinguish between a) Transit shed and ware house (Dec, 2015) b) Light house and
beacon. (Nov, 2011)(10)
7. State the types of dredging devices commonly used in harbour engineering practice. Explain
with a neat sketch the operation of a Dripper dredge. (Nov, 2011)(20)
8b. Write short notes on a) Stevenson's formula on entrance width b) Dolfins c) Wharf. (Nov,
9a. What is meant by a floating deck? Explain its working. (Nov, 2014)(10)
9b. Explain any 4: a) Wave parameters b) Littoral drift c) Fenders d) Floating dry dock e)
Beacons and buoys. (Dec, 2015)(10)
1 A) Enumerate the geotechnical problems due to soil –water environment KU, Dec 2016 7
B) How are waste classified? Write short note on geotechnical 8
charecterisation of waste
2 A) Explain the different remedial measures for waste dump KU, Dec 2016 8
B) Briefly explain physical and chemical characterization of waste 7
3 A) Write note on Waste disposal on Land KU, Dec 2016 8
B) What are the different types of waste and explain how they can be 7
4 A) What is a waste dump?. Write the different methods of remediation KU, Dec 2013 10
B) What are the changes occurring in a waste dump? Suggest 5
remedial measure for the same
5 A) Explain the soil-water-environmental interaction on geotechnical KTU, Dec 8
problems 2018
B) What are the geotechnical properties of solid waste 7
6 A) With neat sketch, write multiphase behavior of soil KTU, Dec 3
B) Explain the environmental impacts of waste dumping 5
C) List out and explain various waste management strategies 7
1 A) Draw a typical cross section of a landfill and explain the KU, Dec 2013 5
functions of each
B) Explain different types of liners with figures 5
C) Explain the criteria for selection of soil for clay liner 5
2 A) What is difference between barrier and a liner? Explain KU, May 2016 10
different types of barrier material with their functional
B) Write short note on selection of clay for compacted clay liner 5
3 A)Explain with figure the different combinations of GCL, KU, May 2016 5
geomembrane and CCL
B) Explain the different methods for determining the 5
permeability of liners in the field
C) What are the different classification of waste? 5
4 A)What are the major components of a land fill? Explain the KTU, Dec 2018 10
function of each component
B)How will you evaluate the capacity of a landfill? 5
5 A)What are the basic functions of cover system? KTU,Dec 2018 8
B)Explain with neat sketches the classification of landfill liners 7
based on type of material
1 A) Explain the process governing the transport of contaminant KU, May 2016 8
in saturated soil.
B) Compute the total dissolved contaminant transport due to 12
advection and diffusion through a liner of thickness one meter
with a coefficient of permeability 1x10-7cm/sec and effective
diffusion coefficient 1x10-8cm/sec for total dissolved solids.
Porosity of clay is 0.35. Total dissolved solids in leachate
above liner is 2500mg/liter and below the liner is negligible.
Leachate head above liner is 15cm
2 A)Write in detail the different methods of remediation of soil KU, Dec 2016 10
B) How will you plan an investigation on a contaminated 10
3 Explain the different methods of containment transport in MG, May 2016 20
saturates soil media
4 A) Explain the different methods of soil remediation KU, May 2016 10
specifying the advantages and disadvantages
B)Write short notes on
1)Soil washing 10
2)Bio-remediation of soil
5 A) Name the law governing the transport of contaminant in KU, May 2016 6
saturated soil. Explain the different pathways of contaminant
B) Explain how the geotechnical imvestigation of 6
contaminated site is done
C) Explain the methods of phyto remediation and electro- 8
kinetic remediation
6 A)Write in detail the approach for planning and implementing a KTU, Dec 2018 6
successful remediation process
B)Write briefly about bioremediation 6
C)List out different sampling techniques for contaminated soil 8
7 A)What are the advantages and disadvantages of ex-situ and in- KTU, Dec 2018 7
situ remediation techniques?
B)Explain method of in-situ thermal desorption 7
C)Write down difference between thermal desorption and
vitrification 6
1 A) Explain how Atterberg and shear strength of soil varies due KU, May 2016 10
to soil contamination
B) Explain the effect of exchangable ions on the Atterberg 10
limits of soil with montomorillonite and illite mineral
2 Explain the effect of change in environment on swelling and KU, May 2016 20
consistency of soil
3 A) Explain any two engineering properties of soil due to KU, May 2016 10
change in environment.
B) Explain the variation in liquid limits with changes in pore 10
4 Describe the effects of pollutants in soil on KTU, Dec 20
A)Index properties 2018
B)Volume change behavior
C)Shear strength
Environmental Impact Assesment
Module 1
Module 2
Module 3
Module 4
Module 6
1. Discuss about the socio economic impacts associated with an airport project
2. Explain any case study of EIA in detail
3. Explain standards of noise quality in detail
4. What is environment management plan
5. discuss on water quality paramenters and standards