Web Technology IMP Questions
Web Technology IMP Questions
Web Technology IMP Questions
d) Create an application that reads Book. XML file into simple XML object.
Display attributes and elements (Hint : use simple-XML-load-file())
ii) array-values ( )
iii) range ( )
f) What is Sticky form? Explain with example.
g) Explain prepare and excecute functions with suitable example.
h) Write a PHP program to calculate area of triangle with base = 3, height = 4.
i) What is multidimensional array? How to access elements from
multidimensional array?
j) Write characteristics of an interface.
k) What is sticky form? Explain.
l) What are transactions? State the methods provided by PEAR DB for
dealing with it.
m) What are the advantages of AJAX?
n) Explain the processing of result set in database specific method.
o) Write a PHP script to display the empbyee whose salary is greater than
or equal to average salary. Consider the following tables
dept (deptno, deptname, location)
emp (empno, empname, after, phno, sal, teptno)
p) Write a PHP script to create session.
q) Differentiate between GET and POST method.
r) Define the terms :
i) Constructor
ii) Abstract class
iii) Inheritance
iv) Destructor
s) Write a PHP script to illustrate the concept of interface.
t) Write a PHP script to define a class Employee with emp-code, emp-
name and emp-designation as data members.